Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, December 13, 1851, Image 3

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    Political and General News.
The ?moths= Fired upon by s British
On leaving!the harbor of San Juan, the Prome
theus was fired Nina by the English brig-of-war
Express, under the following civerucastances, as re
lated by the Captain:
SAN Jira,t, Friday. Nov. 21, 1831.
To the Editors of the V. y. _
GHNTLK3II6:I:—In order to correct any' misstate
ments that may be made of the. circumstance of the
English brig-of-war Eipress, firing fut i the Prome -
'Owes, I beg of you to give the following statement
,an insertion in your paper:
At 2 F. M. I proceeded to get my *hip under
weigh to proceed to eel, having but j-ist received
the last of our passengers from the Paeafie steam
er, 'numbering Midi about 500. At this moment
the-city authorities of Gre,ytown, constituted aa,they
stated, by the authority of the Mosquito King. tame
cn board the ship with a police force and served a
rcoceu of attechment on the ship and Myself for
the amount of 0123, claimed by the autherifiel fur
present and arrearage port dues charged' the Ship,
which we supposed to be illegally demanded, and
bad consequently refused to pay them, as I did in
the present tinstaace.
The port dues are made sip from the weight of an
chorage in the "harbor, Captain of the Puree tees
and pilotage..
I hove up my anchor and dropped down 'the Har
bor with the current, having along aide one of the
Riversteaniere, receiving from her the baggage of
the passengers. The Etigflsh brig-of-war laying a
short distance from us, immediately got under way,,
made sail for us, and when 'within a quarter of a
mile from us fired a round shot over our forecastle,
not clearing the wheel hokse over 10 feet. in a few
moments another shdt was fired, which passed over
the stern se near that the rove oF:the ball was dis
tinctly felt by several passengers. I sent a bunt on
board the brig to enquirt the cause of tile firing in•
to us.
The Captain stated atilt it was to protect the nu . -
thorities of Greytow.ti in their demands; and if we
did not immediatel y anchor he would fire a bomb
shell into es, and ordered his guns l t uaded with grape
_and canister shot; at the same time our small steam
er left us, and I proceeded under steam back to our
. anchorage, and anchored. The brig stood up pie
harbor, and anchorid veiy near us; r eeot a b nit on
ba'aad of us, with Orders that our fires shauld be put
oat, and that an officer would be sent to see that
the fires were extitiguished. The shore tinthorit les
then came ou board, and, under the CirCOmstancee
of the case, the amount demanded was Raid under
pru:evt, and we were permitted to proceed to sea by
11ie Captain of the brig. I
Respcttfully, your co edient servant,
Captain - of the Steamship Prometheus.,
rs of the lorntons 1
There list been very extensively published an ic •
(duo of a state of affairs in the Territory of Utah,
which, for mbral turpitude, has not, perhaps, been I
exceeded by any-in this country of ulidch there is a
mild. This acclonnt has attracted tile attentibn of ,
the lion. J. M. *tibiae!, who is the delegate to.
Congress tram Juan, and he says that the statement
(professedly 'inade , by a Judicis.l, officer, and bear
ing date on the 30th of September last,) is ersen•
'tally incorrect:
"When I left the Utiih, nineteen days after the ,
date of the letter to 'which you: gate publication,
peace and quiet prevailed eyerywhere, and unbro
ken karma, and good feeling between the, officers
of the government and the people of Ms ierritoty .
The pacific characteref our people, and the fratere i
nal relations which , theirt ate towards each oth
et, had indeed, as yet, left the courts without an en- i
lay for their docketi; but GoYernor Young had ,
cheerfully acceded to the request of the 'judges hod
secretary to affir his name to a petition to Congrese,
of it Neil I am; the hearer, pra) lug fur an augmeuta-.
f the salaries of the territorial officers on sc- ,
count of the expense of living under our . Ca; ifurnia
pric es." •,!
York papers publish a letter from! Captain Water :
wan of the ship Challenge, dateir San Francisco,
Oct. N. in which be says:
!•1 am Just now under great excitement, as there
SP! t mob looking for me and the mate, on account of
etories told by the crew of our having murdered ten
men on the. passage. The truth is this—when in
the neighborhood of Rio, about fifty of the crew fell
upon the mate, with the intention of killing him, and
'fief warder me, by their own confession. I was on
the poop taking the sun, near noon. the mate
,ward by the galley; they had stabbed him, and beat
him shockingly, before I could get to him. 'I found
a marlineppke cloye by him, and with it ,knocked
down three of them, restued the mate, and quelled
the mutiny. I had to flog eight and so it ended.—
Off Cape Horn,:ihree men fell from the . mizen top
rail y ar d—one was drowned, and two of them kill
ed. After a few weeks, five men died of Dysentery,
and one of convulsions, (a b iy from Bridgeport.)—
They have spread repoits Were that I I trew Diem
overboard and killed them.-
,ACCIDF.NT.—A most affll 4 link CSPU-
City occurred in this village on 111. ay evening
last. The facts, as we understand them, are)sub
stantially these:—A company of young men were
amusing themselves with fire-arms at the grocery
of L.'ll. Melvin. During the brief absence of Mr.
Melvin in an adjoining room, James Walker went
to a desk and took out a revolter, and Without be
ing aware that it -was loaded, began playing with
it. At this time, we believe, George Gale took
hold of the barrel, probably to ward, it oft when the
pistol was discharged, the ball penetrating the head
of young Gale just above the eye, and coming ; out
at the top of th.:: 110111; He walked a few paces and
fell insensible. Ile was conveyed to the house of
his father on Clinton-st., and medical assistance
immediately called; but it was quite evident front
the first thitt the wound was mortal. He ciintinti-•
ell in a stee of !insensibility until his deatb,l which
look place on Tuesday night. It is supposid that
I potlion of the skull bone war forced into the
It is proper to-state that no blame cart be attach.
ed to any one. But the warning it . givps to the
surrtrors, and utliers, in regard to .the use of fire
arms, we hope argil have a salutary effect. est
field Transcript.
.whieh the human Auntly is
r .It has aln•ady receised the amcohation and liberil patron
ise of very many prounneca members of thrMedical Faculty in
" •
I'n States. willing to abide the truth, and haring due re
tr.! for the wellfare os their patients, aid is in every war SW
t, the confidence of the afflicted as A SCCCESSFUL, NAVE.
CHEAT. REMEDY. Of this. additional proof will be band
, z the pamphlet. to which the attente of Ladles and
i• respectfully ins Itrd.
This medicine has nes er been introduced by empty pulp and
mis•epresentations. nor Is it inunded that its preseht popularity
!'a,l be sustained by any medium but it, merits and the apron,-
Al, , Jr or the public. The CATIIOLICVN is not a ..cure all."
1 . ncied expressly for those complaints incidental to there.
female whether Married or Sitar 101.811tri CTSII.
o ^1 he Womb; Fu nit Atari, or 'l4 leirairsklaria•
tor •1, t'srravrioil or ins Won,: lacing Elsentarts
"'•ct rktOd11111; PAI NFU.. SIL PPPPP sea Vatllll. LAI IMIVIOTILL ,
ill , .11 their aecomparn tug refer, Cancer curia
: 11, matter how severe, or gins tool standing.
Patzipti'.ets can he had gratis at our Store,
f CARTER k BROTHER. tale, Druggists,
Wholesaleßetail Agents.
• (,ntral*Nroadway, New York. Baal
•)(111 11B14: SA I..T.just recessed and Co by
Noe SI • l-51 . W. F. Iturscamecarr.
3 /lid Joan McFarland & (Vs doe rfaletataa. ilr mid ill the
• tox at manufacturer'. prices.
RAISINS. Currant., Clyne. Mace. laimptis, Clove% Mum
p, mud. Feeder, Prude. Mustard. Chamdale. Cocas. Illalres
Inta. anda fr.r &sea of thaw iatedlible Few Parade's. COW
. Y bitud and fur role ay •. RINI/ERN WIRT.
aL, i•
• Corner cf +lnland titale xt
THE undersigned,%ins be
nne agent' for this Ite.ble
'Mien*, would respectfully
trite the attention of the af-
Ictrd to the gratifying suety,"
tat has attended its usle where
,er introduced. and Its happy
laptation to the cure of the
icressing diseases for which
t is offered.
rush oneire greatest used'.
•&w: ic
al see of the Age , and
deal tie o become identified
ith the health and happiness
This declaration I. based up
.' the fact that n will cute
tore than nine tenths of a class
' very prevalent diseases,
town as
he skill and exertions or the
countries, to a degree beyond
sex ay:rt . olio mew stelastuse! •fittumruver muocces.
rriszcane t ra. g b,;„ il.kilds, boot. Mosistiettess. Tickling lathe Thud. Spin lag Maud. thee ult Ihrialifhing. Rehreltitielln .
I elpient. Continued. and Tu tdar etwitmaption. la Teaks. Stares-to.. &whom peattlbos/y aoapted tussah cited tan *Wet&
sr•OLS or
r2lit,4 11•41.•• 1 SiiMPToiiet.
ANclrieN - r
1 I c„u g h, t edu in the breart, side, bead, Lack. Mow. aud 'lnd a. lit*
. • CO OtrieliTlOlNi I t
llwanatioa. tiorrueso, and ticklitatin the tbroni. fever. dillies+
. In Blue Wrappers. ) awl quiet bambini. ispeeterat tau telikelt.ihrit, ea fralog.
' MCOND 111TA•11 1 .
CONFIRMED I I OpoUreemem.apalaw•die cage. riolentkeer, night. morning. and
'ColistacrirzOsir. • •. ) tail-day streets. hectic Gush in the face. bud cheeks., burning
I bent in tbrlottw. of the hands and soles of the *et, sgprehrra-
In Pink Wrappers. ) Usa easy, jiIaINIS.IIIIIII alesakball oath Ilea/,
• 7111ERCULSOR , 1 Ria+rt. dituiliPtivd f. rem. cough. add morning •VL mt.. great
owl ; iterenoins . e Mt), fecom ut Gllniug ISt., alight .leltrum.
in Yellow Wrappers. 1
and aliening of the curt itiliwg.
appiAiee In Taw Labs al Naftali, Syrians& is a new Era, in Mc Heine. from its novelty
! . i
and direct opposition to the old - r
. ...
Whil e i i . mete ... prepared in this masuee, (Each Smut mentalities a dlercernt pi e,iaratiun.) ix raring tiii illtraif shies which
characterize itbastwartssa. hag eatablished the lrarase truth of the C irahtlity of bvery Stage or Pdhaulo 6ry Consuann lon.
a_ r PllTesicipid A rpatiVE. of IT, twehuee it is based upon correct Shyest. kisteal and Pathological prlveipirs. The Pati.fic
.. iv e... 4 . a. because it is awayow. maw, a n d heraso.e they anew hoot sod exterlei e., that am prepalation will ...t ewe libel three
stages of Coasuptiga. The saferittg., a and dwetouraired levilinbl abtla so if it. because its pri Mr wilts bold out a gasoh
ol+. 14ops, and when be oast .Ihtifoits Syriaiews, Nakanos are itaalized.
'' I •
and dues Use First 13.1115. hi. expectoratilx...fiffoult and tomtit. becomes tree and easy Ills Cowell saw, ells sell, the .oteue.a, tick
ling it his th rout. maaataton. pail in his hreast,side. head, loick.johits. and iinitmOreremoved. •
and tumi Se seeem4 bottle.ila lee leave. him. kin di.turtedsionbers become meet and remelting. hi. nkaht 'treaty voligh his Ca
pectoration. copious aud bloody.a.tumes a healthy apperiraneet and at length dmappeers. Isis bowels boeSsue regular, his appeit pc
returns. the thigh lu his check disopprars, the burning heat in!the patina, ut his hands. aad soles of his fell, are felt no logger. hits
cough now comes, .1h reamers sad is ran. _
and area the thirdbott'e. his Diarrholradually ceases. his welik bowels become smog. big cough anal oilier had an /I moms dhoti,
pea-. feetne digestion becomes strong a d viltOrOillri. his gtomae Wrocover. its proper luxe. and creates new. r . eJt. and tuna ightug blood
hi. streugth rewrite, hi. wasted body i
,clouted u i:li Mesh. 111. Litt: IS z.,11• ED: and be Is
Fick bottle of 31stfairs Sycisemo bag the symptoms of thestie Fur which it m intended primed in hoot tif ihe wrapper. VrliC WI
every Invalid know in; his own ityinptorna. can Judge ratline!' .t:r Witten BO r'l-LE HE a Eui'iu Esaa er...civieullY HO in 1 .-
Ike ean occur in oder tug ITTIIE PROPER id Elf WIN 'LTA!
0 - . 7, See Pamphlet it possession of the Editor of this Paper. ',containing It.. Noittairs Pa th ology of Contrownion. Lectures on the
Structure and uses of the Human Lungs, cud certitiilates of CURES. e ta Prepared only by lir. halt:111. I it% eilwr and
Proprietor. 13Price. 111 per Bottle.
, , •
DR)W.W. LI.VDOP, 175, Cheintut Strert, - oppotrite tie State Muse, Phila. :knot/or the Proprietor.
Itentoced from :161Soutli Fifth Street. - 1)31
Clear the track for
6 ,!
SMITH, No, 3, Cheapside!! ' f;
Whas on hand the Largest stock of Good., In his line. eel r.
T V offered In Ona market. which were purchased gar IC ASII a
the Eastern cities, or manufactured by Ititswelt ; by u hick be as ,
euabled to sell them ro low that people do ray they mint bare gpi
by the Custom Manse without paying drily. Well, what it itity -
were smuggled, ao that the peophi can buy
Illeastald /ilk Sato for 111,1101 ,
TfulTalo Polies for at 30. Mezwitt-Ilais 106 30 eents, am! al.
other goal at like low priceg. FOr coot of which, all I mem" - [
ed can call and examine for throw', ea. '
t -- 11t.ii•t forget the place, Siatitbes rheati That Store. No. R.
Cite imble. -
Ene No...tater P. 1if.31. ' L ill
' T chi. of fi ce oninediatel3, Two Tot of ILIA on Subscription
Erie. Ilse. 6.'
V - Aie-U1;14
BY virtue of an order of the lir .ban.ltromiof the county Of
Erie a ill be sold at public V time On theforennies. on Tues.
day P.a./Mb day pf January nett commeneink at one o'clock P.
M. Atl the right title, and titter of John Tnekey. Thomas
Tile, ey. Edward Tuckey,3Phillpfl'iickey,.asi tgiarlotte Toe ke) ,
in nor children and hen , of Thotnar Titekey, we. of the ion is
ship lit Girard in rant county. deceased. of in chit to the hillost .
ma piece and par-cl of land mutate lit the Mirruship of (Wand
aforesaid, mend tlesrilied and hounded as foliates. to Wit: bounded
north by land of !Maul Sa)re. on the cart by kit nd of. Alien Rob
inson gr. Osborn. on the south by land. of --I.- Itstorn. and on
the west hy Muds of Barker and Sayne. ('.attaining Oman
thirty ihreeactco of lawl, having thereon a lits dlail !louse, barn
Pte.. and aboUt I eliti..ratilf sexes improved
TERMS OF 411.. E --Oar-smith on the codlinnation of iale,
atilt the balance n five equal annual Ind:it:aegis thrirafter a lilt
interest annually o the vrholesuin unpaid art h eat t ittrtallactit.,
wearer' by). at, Rona and Mon gate .spot ilv• e-i-a.'s•
. T.liiill R l', (S./anima..
Girard. Occemberf, Isal. an
, 4k
Just r, ived at Warren's Hat - it Store,
nIREI tom rite hummer. ri Inca.. an .t I min nasortinent
1... f of la . Pun, consisting. In part pf fir.t i toll' Swans
Dos it, two Nlartau, Siberian Squirrel. Fitelilklatt n. lint. Roy
k;ratiiii, R. k *run. Russia flair, 111. 1 11.ytts Pure White
ilkiiiin. Blue. lack French, and 111-.ek En tslir do., nista Mar
ini, Assails down T. ttttttt mg. C - c.hincle 1V .1. Tn. OKI. c 11,1.1
Furs are att ha... 14 and new.amt warranted mt. e and perfect. and
all aho Wish a good set of Puts f.r the e unit upper mil 1...)
them of Warren at -i hargaits. Also. a marortipictit of Gem.
Fur litoves and !fluffier,. buck Gloves and Mittenr., bloat nostri
lo Robes of the best quality, wool robes of 'lnd nt. rich a ill
not become liar I when vim. H. incinhrt a Col • alt to (mining
on, and now is the tame to repa:e hr I. Et rte e bas taught
...all that comfort and health is worth newt. ban! Id. A tea
m <a
?no of nte iron of those very line e i :ail Plush l'aps
left—now is the sieve you want thein.-1 give y. t fair a analog—
come before they are all game. Remember the plate, Warren's
Hat and Fur Wore, No.l, Wright'. Block. 1 I .
November St. 1141, mow._ I
AT On!' K.—The notes dud.. &ecotne Of time: 1..0r Ana of
Laird it Rust, are mim mot hold, Alt pertomn al mtOom int ittrot
*river indented to time wt.mi lion. either 11 ncdtt or book smeetttuim.
wee requested to call nod mate .moumedistie settleuteo4o, oh le. u
the 11141LIC well be left 'with the prOpet omeer toreolt two. •
Er'e. Nov. 29. 1"431.' Wll.0 1 111 LAIRD.
CANE'uI the Carus of the ruheetiher, i Hanks/creek towns h ip,
rouse thoe durlos the summer. a dart redSearlima Heifer. Do
artthetal mark,. The owner o renoevied to come, rove proper
ty. pay charge, mad take it away
Ilarborereck. Nor. '2ll. 1F.311.—'30'41
To Loom for a term o , oar*.
fr HE 'oboe r iber ogee. to loa.e for ten yr, r rever..l building
..4. Lot.. sitUaleal on Elude meet. betwee n e h and slh street.. iii
the city of Erie. Thom lots • ire tr a desire, lituation it:or alma,.
ror.ecoton will be gnat ismuecilutely
Nov. O. ISIS
, .
Wateltes !La Jewelrt. '
JV ST REA.',£.IIIED by F.zpress. Kane packas of la - latches and
rich Jewelry at STOCKTON'. who. tha i ful for the very
tl .
liberal trade he baa had. Ilesirm to a) to his fries': sul the pub
lic. that be is making very (mutual e provisio a for the weals of
the ec,ualuutaily during the approael int tiOnida ii. He elfin" in
visit New York hes lkw days. and-upon his urn. promises so
exhlt'st the largest. hest. and cheatest.suxk f trteh Jelsekr,
Watches, Silver ware, Cloeks., ex.. ever o in Eric. lie
a ould say to all, don't pun hate mini demur', . Why sot...elect
your beautiful Christmas gifts from a full st k? His word is
pledged-4r) it. A good assortment [tow on Isithd very low. at
111 E arrival of this patriot in this country is lately to be atten
dm' with great enthusiasm and 'joyful smells...L. :rni the port
of the American people. and.why not' Is lute been aI fe devoted
to his country. to iheus e of 11l ertyi.-to the elevation of his
i 1,..
countrytuen--Athenefore cannot bur be dear to the Aeriean
people. alive m all that to ils to elevate, to improve and to better. '
But the 'meet of Komi, cannot be hailed with greeter joy than •
eau the arrival In this City of [Singer' s Patent. altaiahl needle.'
perpendicular action 'clewing lillochi ie. This machine Is des- ,
tined to work miracles and • woe a great revolution in the cloth- ;
Mg business. This machine is the mint hangman% sail useful in
.... ,
of the age. It has been need a sufficient etigth of time ...el 'EAGLE' L1NE.414,
to be thoroughly tested mon a great variety o( work s and In all • „Ai,. 1 y .
. _
eases ii fully approved. It rortnies in the most perfect and sat. . ..-
Isfsewry manner. the work of the following oecupations. viz:— , ow Vol k and Liverpool rackets.
Tailor., boot. shoe and gaiter manufacturer, banters and 'midi
;makers. shi rt makers, Corset laaliPfll. Cprrine truant/es, cap um , prit,„4- ~.7 .: ‘,
.w ... i : h u . ot g iti . rid Mr their friend. In Great Britain or
make the necesvary a rnitacniefils
ken and bat binders, dress makers...toekiciel e manufheturem . -"'''''.' a ' "Y .." " I , • . .
with ti . saltier , . aha hate In connettion a tili our of the
glove makers,. costumers. ea met tag tnanufachu fr. trust. maker ; .„,_ L ._
also be ahme m i ke " tutu nos - beat Britain. a ten* complete and extrusive a re
whip makers and upholsters AIM may
. oolu Mr the • eouamodation ofpersonsemigratlngto Amer.
used in making sails and awnings , beds and
_matrasses. horse g rit
. iti p t2o:ol , the et ,. a ..,,,,, ion of ,
tv engagements the subset,-
collar s. oiled ekifiliug. racking bottoms. and Map aurichan bin•l• ! prop d
be as e rvirn areal haring the Sole Agency 'or Passengers
ing• and iddreit fan any other purpose where stitehit aby ban , ezt _ . ,
.... _
1 /1
has been rent 11 wed . Thus =Cal ;le. a Inch is about twelve ire es 01 we den, • • ew "IP'. e°'"Pw""°-• the
square, and weighs as pounds. is compact. ornamental an Rms. 0 AGILE.' LINE OF NEW YORK ki LAVZHPO.II..
durab:e in all its parte, not liable to get out of order, and breast- packets. wiling Twice a month r , OO , fie. Port. tbrombom the
ty adyitsted and operated. It will perform the labor of frown five yelir. In all eases a hen those sent for do not came bra ord, the
to ten persons, depending to the kind of work sad skilled' the 0P - money is ill be refunded.. without deduction.
eratur. The best kind of Tailor's curtain work eau be esectited
with 11 in detest manner: and In making caps, and most other lIIILIdI ♦AT SIGN?.
articles to, which it m adapted. itii work is far OUPIIIII* 10 that For sate in .rims to snit, which a ill le cashed tw any of the
done by hand. The Machine will ie constantly on Exhibition Books. and in the prine Wel Towns throughout England, Ireland.
and Ibr sale at No.l. Continent ial Exchasi. French street. where Scotland awl Wales.. BA RN FA'. IttrAßEil k CO.. Idenkeri,
all persons intereswd are invited to call. t,4 may be assured of London. and . J.lllEat't . ell ENRV. Merchant. Liserpool.
receiving abundant evidence and perfect tdar demonstration of ' • PPLY TO 011 • A MIR I Pa! 1111/1 ram..
the great utility and value o( 1 , this tor thin. Those wishing: , SMITH JACK sOle, Agent. Frie. Pa.
to purchase clothing. are hereby twit that I can sell them Or to JOHN MeMICJI AEI., 31101 d Slip, Cor. piffintli
u-st N. T.
ri i
cheaper clothing , made in the most dun ie, manner, and with i REFERENCES.
New R.F. lord. Eve . ('bier Engi
five times as much stitching on as that tun ugactured all by hand. i tem s. P . B. & H. pi ,
A garment , which. in the ordinary way it Ould take a workman ". " Vork C it y. ,
afl day to stiick,can , by the help of the chine, be stitehed In _ neer D. fr. 11. C. 4.19. Howes
. . 1. W . Whitlock Ir. do . dale. Penn.
half an hour. and done in a matinee Par superior to that dime b y ,- .. .. , . Co. -
hood. Therefore, by the aid of ibis machine I am enabled to: rhenium It Lollar, du. James Archibald Ems. Eaci
*. Lewis*. Prier , • do . I neer 11. & 11... C. Co. Car
make letter work , and at the same time cheaper work than those .
Hon Allen M
. Pkernian. New- I boudoir. Penn.
alto manufacture clothing m the ordinary way. To berovo,
I Mess A r iba s. if n i. y ll e . i k ty. A N ..C' y l . .ayrion.
Veered, give us a call. a brit the most skeptical can be c uredof Ids - burgh . N. 1
skepticism, and the unbeliever's doubts can to the Aar winds.; "'l'd A. rkailh . l:l°l-Peeret4 " I
and all sent on their way reJoieing that clothing ean he nsanufne-: twy4hel. and Iludsou Cana: 1 lion J. ti lost, regulators,. Pa.
toyed an cheap, no durable and so beautiful. a. east -he ,lone by if 111
Atiuger's Patent Sea ing %Outline. MOO k 4 KOCH.
N o.i. Commercial Exchange. F ieh ;a. tree!.
Erie. Nov. .9. Isil —if29
Groceries and Pare Wines and
!O. T. e, bolt PEOPLEN" ROW. STAITEt iI , I47I4
THE subscriber Is now reeeiriitg his Yell and Wiener supply
of Groceries. Wines and I.iquors. mtiis, Fmk. Le. elders.
haring been purchasedat ordered perces. ecinsequeot upon the
pressure in the money market, he Is enabled to sell at tales Mat
Astonish the Natives and Defy Competition.
He therefore takes pleasure in calling the attention of ti lethereas
eating and drinkin: public to tin enumeration of a port of the
many things be bas in more Lr them. helium sure ftpha re
but to EXAMINE QUALITY AND PEICEd to be sathrNed that
of will be to their interest to parchme of him. His stock consists
in part of
P Leo. N. 0. and Cuba smear. Old Java. and all other Cbffies.
hirer's/41. crushed. pasta's d Black ai. Green teas, all kinds.
- and Coffee sugar'. Tobacco. Illaoklng and chewing
klolasics, all qualifies ilk kinds. plug and [epic. all km*.
No. 7, Starch.
Black and lielbw Soda: Poor
Domenic and Pacanarigits. -
Lemons, ja tines . Curn a... Pepper. OM*.
Nutmeg. Maze. latifyo, Glutei. Casa. Ground CeStee.
Felipe? sance. Olive. Casio, a , d 1441ccin Oily; Herring codfish:
idaakarat. Batmen'. Whitefish !and trout; Fancy and
4.:common bar Boars. Scoter le. London Pont,,
Glass-ware. Racking in and Saw
Ware of every dekr 'Non ;
aor unfi
t Bow.
la the line of Wines and 1.111110 f• Pie stock etabranes Pale sod
Dark Brandies, Lt. Crosa and Jaime la lam. Belwidam sad floe
Apple Gra. &tack lileaitegahela Whiskey; Old Port aail Nair
via Mae. &Wry. Malay. fed Pert . Murat sad
Willett Also. Brandy Peached and Cheryl.. teeerhertiZii
enaidevary shine ere :a hid liar.- T. W. 11 1 1(101M.
Erie, Par. 21; MI. se
been appointed agent for tat) of the larmeat Asa%
I /L. AhtlitaklelOriCa 111 the won't. I lIJ t e floe do Tattooed :NY of
new and heatatiful rqk. , uldeh Min rual•le we to holdall any
quantity of the ala.oe articles Watt: trade of Witt .ee liou at New
Yolk prices. II C A UWLI•I4.
Erie. No v . FL
GleAll 1%1 & Fgt. KIEV. Would respectfully infants their
friends au I the public getterally that they have retard the
'hap lately occupied by John Go:tiding ia Reed's Mock. oppose
the lkutue.l Ilkalta State Stret. w here they will hr Mord as all
times ready to execute all orders entrusted to tlwiu w ith neatness
and dis;saith. The merits td Graham as a Cutter is tots well
known to require any mafioso' this time.and t ,ey would ouly'say
tam he will super 'mewl this branch of the husittess. Ferrier
although coml./ATM's el) a stranger 14 14 eil killOWl6 b all 11 bu hat e
employed 1118141 u be a diet rate 14 tick man. With these qualitien
-111010 they hope 10 civil entire sal:sfactiUn 10 dame a hu may fa
tor them islUh their work; they will 1.. Y particular attention in
the eutti iig and mak lig oral! styles ut !toy 0 garments. (a Idatieli
heretofore too notch neglected by the 'chic in this Pity.) as they
at ill be the receipt of the malady fasblous from the Enid. they
at t l ie (ma'aml np keep pace with Pa eVy new utak , of improve
ment as they pane out. Naval and Military garments made to
r Cuttint done with care Oar otheni to make np. and dune
11.411 Procinied. at the twin
Ehr. No‘ (4.3).3 I. 16,131
That Ball is still Rolling.
rates of Ho. Wu. New Vork, nod plulgdel ph•a until the wholins
up of it.. foil hal., the crea tr•pt Snrirly of the riellent stylt4. and
all kin/. of Dew end Domestic Goods ihat were ever exhibited
at on; ',tore to any eft): and the totems, lbfelhih, Are too low to
menturn. Many of than will he roll at one half whit it eo..t to
wake them. go itarit for the ••great regulator." the Vexeipolion i
Bank. lloweser n • P in ill wind thin hiring nobody rood—Mal a
the ninnufnetorere low la the ranoers grAn. •Now is the Ouse to
to lay tip moth (coda.
iICK . 911111 EN
C 11 - A TIME.
zia dr ui t KEW ItsirTe. TO NEW ToRE
and the Erie Railroad. eonneciing with arid elanii.steaniers
Lake Erie. t'ic Wirhig in, Cievelaiiii,C Annaba.' and Cincinnati.
Cleveland and Pittponirali and Saininvky and Cincinnati It ail
rondo. rind steamers ou the Oliin and Nostraiptit tivemund the
Ohio. Indianian,' Pennsylvania canals
hi. Morning Express Train at S A.. M.
' ttd.Mornutt Mall 'Frain at 10 A. 11.
MI. Accommodation (+tins-) 'at I :NIP.
4th. E ri,iujt E.l ,l rTT.Tram at 3 r. M.
itts. Exprelm. Cattle Freight at 1 A M.
sth Wry Freight at 4 4$ A. AI.
fare from Punktrk to New York, 8 4 sn.
N. 3 o'clock P. AI .Train a ill trace nu Sundays and
LO4 at itatarda)a.
Second Claim l'neeeneem taken on the .%eeonitnoeLtilon Train
at tierlack. P. W. Farr throttoto to New Voek. fi-.
l'ompan3 It prepare) t 9 iraorport Lite Stock anil Freight
oral' Linda toatwl (sow New Yprk.
Particular attention mut if mock. The gunge of ihi. Road
heillig II fret wide given this ram areal advantage Over ollitiher
RWomb. in the inn* protat ion of ,quek
Ell ER BQ II I Eli . A epee l.
Dunkirk. November P. 1,11
BOXN ET. Cap. Satin aad Taatte Ribi o w, a large nnortinetst
11 hr.t anoottuteni of Dreca - Buttcons aid ther TH11%61%111[0 In
1 the en,' can be Awn.' at I
A Pact that I wiab to have Zaoara•
STOCKTON bas removed 10 his new suoire. (on ••Pask Row."
two goors east of Brown's corset.) which IS bow being lOW
ith as choice a selected stock of
Clocks, Watches. Jewelry, Silver Ware.
Silver rimed and German Silver Ware. Faney Goelo, Illeoical
Instrunienv. Lamm. Looking Glasses, &e.. he.r. can be bind
•rotor New York. (no m Wake on thio point.) Ladle. and Gen
tlemen. I have. indeed. a beautiful araortment, Who of you at ill
not call and pee them? No hate 'hi. week w enumerate What
I. not on I k e ••Sou Door.•• may be found In the second and titled
3.IIP.PAIItIKC done in the best ;winner. Pattie%lar asses
'inn II in he given to Knicks 4 an rsperienceil workman.
Al the sign nl" the Plataiwitti Much. • STOCKTON.
Met Peps 11n. IkM. - IP.
Patil - and NulOil and Slastiek Varnish. by
Erie. Nos. I. CARTER ar. BROTHER.
ArEW dotes Jars a Nice Plekles..olao Pordiaes *or sale 1.7
Nov. IP. w. r. RIN"ENNECNT.
ft MILS. duperflas Flour Or sal4 by
1 I. /- Soy. S. F. RI XD ERN FXNT
000~ 1 ahmilie :I •
AK. 1111..1.ERV1 erki,rawd Ifacninits Cberse....abp hems
. Eterle'linairy elikass.lbriale I}(1 qmintit% 0. pound bY
/NOV. le. W. F. 11.rIDERNUJUT.
HAvc • pe••••• amono••• of Wooden Warr. Meta of ell
I descrimior. Yastkee Motions.. ell of irbseb would be too terti
an se essumenta. bat every tbitsy la Ott. hoe Will sell cheaper
ANNsoy snie tade eiqr • W. F. MI DLLS OMIT.
Moo. IL Corner of Aft Skase or.
Ito Time Arts.
Rllol7ll' fßmcn Dian kinds. also coins* lu eabehbr
• f. I. Llt
from and Menay *emitted t. area
Britain and Ireland.
Notice to all.
*mons the ti ant-roes discoveries Science has inade In this
geearionti fitiiit i• iI • hto of lift —inert:lye its
*brut. in ierru proleeid i'w term of it u in existence. none can
'awl of wire rowl grator;to taookour, than thhi eontritrition
of eCconistry to the Healing Art. A casi,ttial ails canoed Uwe
out this broad eountcg. h rs proven 1#) 4141 4 doul.t that no min;
eine ot combination of tor.' elnes yet known, eon no aunt' Mu"
trot n•ta e•ere the at:piece's , cittiesie. of minion airy dioesre which
have hmlwen u.tres from oitt.tubbit ilions i nads and tbousands,et
erY ^nr, IntreJ there lanais abundra sit irea son
. ta benere a rein •
edy Its at length been found which ean be relied es to cure ;the
Mr' danjetont adretions of the tunes. pur spoor here will not
penult us to publish any propartion of the tureseiketed by ils
• • ,
bid o c w;'11.1 present the fulkiwing opinion, of eat local men. and
refer Wilier Saintly to therireulat which the Agents below ha
wed. u . lll always be plead d lo nirnish free. wherein are fall par-
Ptilars, and in•liaputabk• alio of these (acts
rowl the Professor of Amherst College, • t.._
• s.ri Sept. 13. 1 0 31.
•!inuate t!. Ayer- Sir 1 hare used t C Pre - roast: in
my o vti carrot deep-,rated Bronchitis, d sins .iisfied from its Park a ow. a few doors 'West ofth
cheialeal coostitution. dust it is an admirable curnoosin.l for 'the . EMID 801:111‘
rener Of laryngial and bronchial didictilties. limy opinion as to cmEgocutt is blame to invite all who a ..11 oAoita r.o.
its anterior character. cat be of au) service. 3 tau ale, at Weill* to 0 TYPE LIE ENESSLS. Who are at all particular wha indor
use it as you think .taper pictures they have. to his new ttruouns *inch torte beet malt rt-
EDWARD IlltrellCOCE. L. 1.• 9, prowl) Nw the Aft. I.lsillT is the great agent of the ni.t. and
Prom the widely eeleh tedl It Ibis been the eunstaut study of al. north y of t since
fame sinc
PROFESSOR BILLIMAN. M. I .. L L 1111 the Art was disco, erect. tomtit 1 . 33 deal emigre' it ' Pie sunnuer
.......„. --- 1 -• 1P P- best adapted to produce the must 14 „ cable r As. rime result
FCSSOR OF CIIF.NIISTRY. 1101 GRA LOoix,„ of "life stud); awl of ihousands of egperimerits. that Mew is not
Ste . 'VALK coLiros, mi.ranr it ode Talk I.ll' rum I a reef Petah e permanent lialierf In the U 0 Les Where the NC'
ate. rem. two stir aTirtc.i sectrnts or , tares arc made by a . COWeean wisadshw .1 r st:lso i says he can
- I produce superior 'whirrs by owl" .`w i n do w joys co frs Ignorance
A triltatCA ASD LONOTEI. I , of the Art. Ilse subscriber therefore begs leace to say that bx his
"I deem the C ;Saar Prcfrot %Lon mho i raLle composition Dom soperior 1.1611 T. and with an apparatus • criti sit thine.' atIY oth
. ' calm 444 e lc " anicl " in il• Martin Medic.. aid a very' efirc• er In this city. he Is enabled to prodiece tdelisres which cannot le
rtk remedy for • ettl ,, of 41 •M•c• it is intended to cure:" ' , ! 'smelled in dun , port of the eolitirry.rind offers to evert! any thing
Mr, Haven. el .Nov. 11.101111.'1 R Inch can he produced Its ;Wier Its W. in Erie. or forfeit °rollou
t! %OUR PA rPISDN. Prreident of theft C, Reinip: wafes he dry.' dutlars. lie has also a sideinlid camel,. Working Camera,
Ini.xi-etl the l'asaltT PErTaltal, with wonderful success, to ore a int wi t is hbe takes children of any age: Let it betitstiartly un
an he lla taxation oftheln nes, know.' los pictures a ill nut fade if Pron , r l ) t , rl4.
From one of the first Phesicians in thine. ! N. 0.-Ttic - "mem iinpruxessickits",inay !e seen :a the alio, c
PAIN.. Me.. April O. WM. roan.. I D'. If Sill:R.llA h
Dr. I, C. Ater. Lowell-4er Pie: lam now outudautly inlitor Erie. t i er% 10 . i'3l• 3 ....,‘ IS
your s• P. crall ti. its my practice. and ' , frier it moor her 01111.11 V NATILDS I / 1 11111 wows.
na.-fle.fw fur palmat env ea:4OA ots. Prom observation utast n t
,h. • r .‘l,l no .v 'writ ins in, rail stork of heavy and slorlf Hardware
t '" w}.7po e f a ii ."4 ls . t u l o a g ,„ l" . e t r at r h ilic av V i t l it '" ,,, ill d t el a ure nc e r w r s C o . bei cuilthr ni . e .' 4 7 1 . """ '1
consisting in port ' of iron. greet. and hails - Of nil sires, Anvils,
I lisrariarst
. y recommend ita row in cot. s of einunimption. dud VicSund i's Bellows. spting., Axle arias. brass Nth and sand
band.. irrikaldc carting s of all deo' rY pt iOnr. crowbars, dirt picks,
erider-at much the best rented) known nu that disease. 1 mattocks • ro ith hoes , ea.'. kig. t race. halter. and tack challis. Split".
Respectfully your... I. S. CUSILMAN, M. n. •h
hook '
pig lead, hooks and memo. s pod errs. Wan blurt". Late
Pn• P uld b y J. C. J "'''. i'• . 44 . 1 C•cm; ,4 Lamar'. Mom. :meg... and iatelic*, hr....kettles , poach ales kettles and saucepans.
Pohl in Erse tii J 11. Parton gr. Co.; in North East by !tit:. min, crosscut. circular, rip: hand. Pastel, back , rf.1.1 tenon Fan ••
I. 4 A i ie n r al ..1. 0 -; tat mudl'i J. A W hit e ; 410 'by 9lrtiggish. yr' Wood saws 'nod harness Marton /Mil Simmons' Wool axes and
3 of adzes. S /ruinous'. Culling'. Wi eel's and Young's e hol'Itio! axe.
— I -- ....initiates' hand axes and hatchet. ; !lariat's:Ow...eye hammier" ,
vigor.. augur bins.,mteu*Lon'o files atnd rasps ; bene li, match. rah
bit and cornier Mahe,. plows. doable and sine! , plans hitt.; saw
plane. augur and c h isel handles. I. x els. trx rquarmspolte oriatrca.
hollow augurs. snoops, Illurs.we• graining and (inner chiral...and
miner. bed screws and easier., mahogany and' block walnut
Knobs. rand. Isprire.,and chain tolls. w clic and east Ism..
brads. finishing bails, seer w-, leeks. latches. pocket and 'able
I` hurry, sensors and she'trs. mincitst km% es.iniudera. brag; brit
tania, iron and Japan candlesticks ier..e.c.
ra.,,,rue Jul e , R "'Pert REED.
ff. •
rrosh aroc•ri•s. ,
WA: are now riveiriny our Pall and Winter stock of Groce
ries. cunsisi Ina of Loaf. Lnuip. Pulverised and aluseava,
tin Stic-a. Rum. Gin. Wine. awl Ilraudy..Groen. Weak and lallle"
rial Tea; Tot s. r Paley. I 111. Peper Sauer. soup. Candler. and
r`o Innit, , )tae Ike . Whuarlish. aml I. 4vs Owslutt , Rio and St.
Ihrtanun Coffee, imitation's, Nutmeg. &Cloves. Icaohner with all
tons 01 Cult ily Er cries usually kept in a Grocery gore. which
wlt wet. yell as cheap as the ebeinest fur newly pay. All knit w I
',miner taken in tifehanle be 030 5 "
*rim. Nov. I. Is 41.-13 A & .1. S. WALTEITAS.
R. , N 7. K.--(741d, eisvel and Mot .1 II toner. ny • 7 1 ,
Erie. Nov.!.Ir.ARTER & IletTll CR.
_ 1.....__
D A 1.1.1•7114 and Pallet I: ul res. Glass Blialst andlttra. ny
J. Era.. Nov. I. • vARTER. fr. a uTuv.a.
Mi II JILL In I.IR Ji". superiu - rFrene' h. A 7
Elle, Not , ,. I. VA IT LA & 13101 V ER •
'rims OItAN %M.
;C 'II hiaierialo - lifonochret ie Pain
11T tine. by CARTER & 'MIER..
113.0T1 L E.t.--Culored Pain! cr. a Lea ri ariorttuinnt by t
1 Erik`, Nov.. 1. CARTER. k
Erie and Wattabargh Plank Road.
()TOT Is hereby riven to tlig subseriliera to the Vaintal
etuek to the rile and Wattsbarsh ?lank Roast Gompany.
that no iltetaltneol nfTen prr emit. n the original 'sulauriptkus
onotreel to be poi d the Treasurer in. Erie 011 or l•forte the
h .1a) Of I h•rentleer nett. The alteutiao of all eonr, 11/.4, is
re-pre troll . , rererred to the prow t•ione of the act of A roetobly reg
ortatroe Turnpike and !look loads,
sr. e oil If any elbeholder. n briber:in orikinel sulwertl Or •
a...more; after IN cult driy.s. not Lee at aforesai d of Ito. hor. t pll.4
Ware appointed fur th e ji meld of any ilitstaltDelit pr Tor Mill
nf , tlye .toek, Iteglect to my both proportion *tithe
p nee apPoosteu. fur the space of thirty days after the luneinp
pointed fur the pay meld thereof. any such stockholder shall. in
addition io the tn.ta Into. raged for, pay at th e - ew e o f owl! ,
venison per mouth. kir every delay of such paj went. out st the
rause dationta penalty Leconte equal to the rum before
pelt in start or on account of smelt share the same stay be tor
feur.l brand to the rani commit). awl Way be sold by Owls,' fur
sues' pr,ere Le may be oistaltsed therefor; o on default of payout. I
of :Inv holders; of such instalments as afbresaid. the OE+l
sdcut anfl Managers may. at their election, cause stilt lie
broughs in the same mountersr detupdflike a t omit are no re
rosaftjakltc...WOrtLkall.' • I al-
Efie. Mavemterti. !Mi. It
54 trilni GOOlo4.—aum reeeiving at No. 2, ?erry
a tanser..l arsons/milt of FALL and WINTER , talents.
which added to our runner Nock. it essab'e us to give barrio,.
to all nleis may favor use' stla a Call.
Nov Et. P-11. A BI:Cli LE at
A WOrt I.) — wiT it OCR CL' STOM E RS.
r r t t ider,.igne.l, thankful for the patronage catendcd to them
nars i t h rtig nutnt•er of )cars. beg leave to announce. for the til
ed' t e interests.d , that they nAI be under reties rd Old gm-
Lions toae witty at will come fornard and adjust their *repasts.
by the firth of Januar, nett Those who prefer -preamble/any"
alt. r that Mole. 'tippet not collo plain44{ l pnyose eo-te for collect/oh
Remember. prommes weer paw slats. Permute hlrelog
claims ilea lust the Mtn. ti. LoLotte Or T.. 11 Au.tiss. wr
pre.cvst them for jut% went. G. IMt/N:IS
Erie, Not en 0144 ik. te.ll.
-- - - s vina• 33
, 011 P i allr.
W C lul , e in.lfgos out n PAR Milt STOVE with Folding Door.
nod 'owed+, the ore of I 'mot or Wood. It+ huratinr apnmar
earn !tad 'Fbreelil fight have 'tiro% n the obi .13 he of clore rhOrtn
onto iutil !dark°. fr. u bile the awl! aisruart rof
.fart ureennarit. to
1 .
supply I tietrety go to be the moot reouttruierd Mug of the Itlnd
est.! las te4l: awl costlier, it to tbcsort&k9nee of the ',abbe In a
mood 5r.. 4 Mgr lima. I , ban VI ill eWt the wenn nriteut return for
loci a ure4c.l. tiE/%3ILTT k CO.
• Nye. Norettd er 0,1.1. r 1
AT ?VAR/MIPS 11.4 T A.‘ll 1112 STOLL', YO. I,
TUFT received a fresh r‘ipply of Ituff.ilo Rubel. Crum the Ather
a/ :can Etir Company, tittrurpapectl in quality or beattl.l% 1 /41C It
will be arid at ilieloweid rarb prices. ranging from S 1 up td the
, tery beat No I. web/ding the Latta No. I.leultan,Tatuted w Role
(half Roil. nisi article r. the he'd of the bonito be Remit in
tb corn ye cou. and being cured by the linlinnr. render* the pelt NA
and dura le. aud w 111 001 bivouac bard and ,itiff idler heing Pet.
'fbc ieddic are invited to call and minute. he beautiful moon
mem of Hobe..
*no. Hato °revery variety which a ill he void from SI apt° the
Double 14tra-flue 161ole.kait. Caps of rico wile ant quaitil
Silk Mind) Fur II p. Mohair Si. Sreint Y Aliiilll7 l Chc.3ll,
ellerner. Cheapest. ' Call awl unea nv se dour Lek Cads !
Erie, Siam:Myr IS. J 11. IS . as Ex.
, • leargairts 1 11111tedeside and litatail.
fall and Iriatei Goods selb*g at int-radio Gar prices.
al No. I, Ree 4 Rwrite.
HA viSLI tabrtiadandar of the pricware in the money uiar
ket.?Giefiher n pile the consetweeit anxiety of eittderatera to
do pore ufiniereluindi.e. and hallos bonen quoin ham of roods at
front raw half hr tiro Minn the tionteaketwera peace I era) baldly
that 1 aIT re I many articles nt lower {attr . than-were paid In
New link , lour seeks ago. Some way he lacredetiouri--to Ouch
"and the 4A - v1 of nelnkinit, I "%wild ray walk in and see knower
whin. T he proof. are -witeked up" on the counter. thick end
Wale. There you it di And De lAine. from at temp, upwards:
Aipaceariaw low ar MX cents per yard; fall toes th at all A ell
PfOIIOIIIIC cheap enough; aiIIIWIS. (mu die 11111
e principal illO in
the rune Water of almost infinite t nrtety of desire and quality,
the low price of which brings theta a 'Min the reach of any otter
runes ~.tended talk Velvet. for Cloaks and Mantillas, of rati
ons 'Mho. Drew Good. to General kr both Ladies and Gentle
men are there in rich protionoe.
CARYL - 1 rt. too. that draw prance earn from the lip. of, old
niaids—in awl n rwck ro complete nod we Cheap as to dirinnie
en Irish the* reopeetr. ani and another, in the city. Call wand,
therefor-. inn a tot a ant goods. and you rhall have diem ideate..
that a ill endure you to come again. J. D. CLAIRE.
Norember 13, 117,5 t.
c. 511:g0T. Supt
wit ressheek, Me ease 4. Tett/ Blindeese cured /by Peerafeems.
IAT Y. Wylie she atienikm of the hales& embitbe laUk groper-
I al*. to the ee iiiewe of Win.ilatt.ofthieeity. The ease
shay be *ere by as person who usay be rkesesehl in rehnieso. to
III! facts here set . . R. M. KIK*.
••I had been adlicied for several year. in ith a ioreniva of posh
eyeir. which continued to increase until September. 183111. the, 111
Mown:llion at that Oar haslet involved the whole lining niem
brain. of loth ey es, and ended in the deposite of thick Olin which
a holly destroyed my eight. I bad an operation rename/41, and
the thickness removed. a !deb soon returned and let mein as had
a condition ar helbre. At this stage of the complaint I tnadesp
plication to several of the most eminent medical men. who In
formed me thin •my r)er a mild never get wen.' At ibis time I
Could not diatinguirll an. object By the advice of some frflnde
I enentsieneed the use of the Petroleum. both internally and local
ly. under a Inch ',trete. hare improt ed daily until the present
time, and I have recovered my sight entirely. Itly general health
a as Very much improved by dog Petroleum. and I attribute' the
re/rotation of my stet, to its lure, I re/I.feet No. IW, Second a .
in tinselly. and will, be happy w tire au) inibmintiou In relation
tomy Case. WILLIAM HAW."
AMCNITI, eon bite couvrr.-3. 11. Dutton k General Agents
Cart,: & Crothar. Erie; James A. White, Girard: W. 11. Town
send, Springtleld: R, Poiler. West Springnrid. Jowl Clarke Al
bion; tl. AL Gerroh; Meehan): I'. li. Chen's.
Judson. Wetrrlordi ilohn {Veleirr, Fairview. and by the proorte
tUr• de M. Kikß. ,
3m21-11t • Canal Basin. Eleventh L. riusburilit.
BCTCII Kling SAWS and knives at
Erie, belt. la, RUFUS itr.F.D.S
01 a private (mi l k. fora Gentleman. his Wife and ehilill—or
1 oriole bate ‘looa)retkol to like pun of n fursoietedilibiesp
Refer so Mr. varier impliev.t. undo' the Seed
&if. NOV. *IL •
. _
Warm and amnia.
mot is want of the shore named amid/vein rtnd a owl an
I 'sonnies( at W.Y. 111110EIN &MIMI
----'--- , rrilEunderslyned . iivingreinerverl his Talon ng Establishment '
11111MIIIIIILATE THAN 1111111/1111! 7, ! ' I 1 sortie moms illmetty over A. &J. R. Walters' Grocery save.
LATEST arrival of Oree-eries. dal" dram. ?few York I have , lately occupied by Thompson and Grim. awl opposite Brown's
jest received arid nave now ogee Eir immeetion the InT2M lintel. would infirm hes Meads end the friendly public 'friendly
smelt afire, and dry fitassitGroeerree. Writes and Liquors. Kai". ' Etat bean' lives in accordance with the Divine command. rrily
Glass. Wooden and Willow Ware. Dye Nu& Ac.. reef bromilii the sweat of bis Wrier." and respectfally solicits a contintsaaee of
to ibis auutet.;which I kvitl seri at vermiestic or retail far below .he rationale's) liberally encoded heretofore. Having Jute.-
Amer Weer. end I want it perfectly known by all. that I ant not , ceived the Pithead Winter Fashions. he I. prepared to eat alsd.
to be undenl i by aey'housc In ibis c dv. reit and remains, ht- , make any and every tanned in hisihie in a style not to bean ,
fore Purehesit elstwbcre. W. P. lelernieltereXerr. ' Pawed keret elsewhere Also. Naval aad Military deiddety
Erie fee. U. VW. IS Owner of Mb et teat.- t. I made to order. •
TY Outing done promptly, cad with eare. ex meets to mei
Erie. Oct. U. fist.- IS.
- 60611 andlilfivr Lest b
Ens, sky. 1
liirsl Oysters! Oyst sal 1
TRLwisrTLer irEl ban. dating the winter, a easataatettpeßy
or Tivati llettlosse oysiers.lkw sale by the =a. Penam is
was' Will Wrote(give him emit. ft. R. CLAIRE.
Cult, Nov. ti —MI Rio 4 tinmeii Block
For Car (arc • r
P 11-11 -
L trig
' ?pram IliftloammlnaiNtions, Carts. 'Zplista.
H A e ri zeisare.vonlieszterr
Buse SU:A Item.
I Imre semeclossel Ow pee luster rider efesamouedleu t elm, sad
mitimse ship ullissoulteSpi appilie me is lbe lawns Of ftitgicolleck.
lE ne "min,. Y. 11, posik littreiguillr isiorimiu Oust lam
pampered to miry sm. ruedieine le sill Horses elthesed e .WSys
v is.. RS subonm. Cues Wisileallm. Split's!. &C.. bisisifti to me e t
, woatyviTli. &be ihm *lam plot en) Pt Piled a ass aver faik4
Iv ,fikes a ewe Julie lIENIV err.
i ‘repri-y Mr. ( 410 .. 11.
--n- 1,4.
MS lFitstiri:?isumi_sad lst.s...iir;
t 4
I A Nil all Ibis is dome beeanse Ihr n crr trying to rowi.t the cu.
tons to obtain their itidowildence: nut us;:a I ' , vow -tn.
' pleiard while When' are chipletto...d, Imi [hr Only vv 2) ec khow
to Plotr all it to
And elawitee ht. line alklwril st-Iceir .Itocl of
WWI be will nuke up q nniee on,thr shorten notice did in the
most faahlosiante oWe. (kinkiness leaving their woman tor
any garment can denrod on howler it n hen proutned, awl if rut
,auntie! Lbw will not be naked to tuke it away.
Ready Mado:Clothing.
We hair ou 14ttel and corneae to make It bery mtorrior lot or
Ready Made dithi:thro. ahich ae eat. reetaateetol W thowe le
%stet. uthl %%oath; Curate our filch& sett the testate to and
'amine riiees and Maio.; JO to thou. not juAteep tie LI
Wing aknog muse me to Judge for }ou, awl we Itoost )011 will be
that t. c, have the
Snit Goods in to City!
l'his ler toast 'of and 1% tic couspOiscoos Also, a niee let or
AVlottradd ?Rock dhirte. Drawers and trwlerslsirts„:!easpets lc
titoeks and Miami Cravats, which we bought very low, and
sr4l is cheap as the cheapest.
We would mutts our [batiks to the Public Oar past Caroni. and
be pie sped Is groan our nld res.oraers Doctor maul lieu WWI Os
cap wake eotereasleht to flee to a call al P. e4 . lloaue.
I JOHN !11.1Vent.i.,. M
Practical, Tailor.
N I.IV “ 1 /01): 4 .—JUM receiteat E the hen .toff It. the Sennett
:a general als•arttuent or,l)ry thrOd..groeeele.. erork
ery. Wird.. ere, 11100ir nod 0hne.t..14 , bleb rill behold
che: p kir crab or produ:c. per.
tk t. 31. rrr CAI
, A VIPS' tiflOVEl.rt —A new an play of Awes' Asovels at the
• ehrap Fiore. to the deuttett Inark. a11:24 17.1 - 1* & (V.
Oct It. 11.31.
pit I Tel.—A iood laruntacut wept (41 and be. rate cheap at
tam Is. Itsll. PEN :1 ETT
11101 11 41 , C 4 - 7—A larar aourtutiodo l uwbrHb. ill rums and
twice*. at ; OEN I:TT ar.
ii ;VP EE I new tiuf Cadre — awl gii4ea lima. a
ruperkur article as Yl SEN N rrr & co.
GARI'ENTERS AN JOIN Litry rl . O l Ili& —A very worn! its.
'metal. kw rale u.llCh below airy Iref.rr orrered ru lhis Hare.
Orr is.—Sl • G. SEI.OgN dr. 011 X.
treat etidoiss Dinnahing and Oinal (g and amid
fug up of Oinks:
-PAND Fit()M tUNDER!!!i
Ready al I 14" , Pit lit Eire (lotion(
i . Res 111 )11.1`.1% . 10 I Neil stilt' pla,ner• and pretty
ht •eh ,
ntl ot the Rag Viirreney n(lnat,, an I • ells arrial/y ettdati at
that. t hey do .ay. Any thing tor a ISriok t rand—the fallentuoadatt
must by opesarlf, and that at ante. /tient. ham talon parte
tut- , lain. to tette. Cloths. esnatilens 'rritunattir.
And C. GOD , of WI , kIWrIPti.MI.. of OP
hest. anon... Math% e and a :Iwo, It ler —goods that ta•lnot rail
to Idea... a eortret taste and con , •odad Cie or,ortti. - 1. or rink'
11. e., of sound discrieninattne )nthrhient. Wbese• the nee tit
croaking till our gootta—tin y aillWrhkkxthanaites_Onlyeall
and am and feel Moan. and ran .hall I.e eonsirsetat brived a ea
it, that aorooda ean i t Iltrund in IIiM or may other city or loan
will Gammen:l sheusselsys so y nit
owes ne7;ol=43r.ftellit trvnihrsetlerisoim. -Ona
and .te. awl you will believe, , JAIYIR Kw it
Erie. Oet. 11.-21 N 0.7. Iteed
I el.otee Int. at ...Anted price*. at
Crle. Oct. 'LI. SENN ETT & CO.
fas: il:A11.--Krupt:riniartiekt tot' Grcror and Black Tear,
far sate at the cheap move. err:sN ITT & CO.
BR 1T24111 F 24 —1104'4; IC, Mae. Familia., all other kinds
of armoires Ibr rale e ap ar the thrower' Ity
Erie, Ikl. 33. SENS ETT & Co.
Pin•. Cord owl Tawas or , Canal. (Vora. Roll.. Palo
and Rack Raftwo. RITUaI REF:IO.
117 it rri.ifißiiSe.:o. iii.Tert4it kinaii, - at :1o:1 Kerrl Howie.
1 V Erie, IR:3.UL : K 1 'MS kKID.
lADIKer Kid.Ciishinere. 11.. -le. iilit and Omen Glove.. !hie
.. it m lit...lion ntid Wilt Pie Nk Closer, Gent.' Kid, (Nish=
inere„..t/ilt,ll.i-le pruhßerliti Glove.. Children. eniihmere find
1 6 1.1 e do— fur sa Se by 8 JACKSON.
r t .EN ; : i eitlß)s . Caps. Wormed Pludt, 011 Cloth.
;1 Capp. Rins h and Read) Ilati; Also. a good atsortuteloi of
Indies Muffs Ibr sale very cheap by. ; e , JACKSON.
Caved and 74(oner Saved hr call tug so Smith Jaekvutes
and lo his Itenp 11:1,1”t K %Uri VOIITIPPSOOLP.both
Men'. and P Pit,. (1w Jet r....1.1111C10 in the eity. A good
mesa of rate:. ride' apd ebiid rem; A hldcr OtincAnt'
Ern. Nov. • B‘IITII JACKEV.LS'ef.I
' l l' l ll t: ti4;l a•oiniit rill o 1 .nitie•• Slit pa. JlCany
B.lnklltS, 'alklng Shuee.lttl a rantetv of cheap racier
for.ta!e chem. liy P. J.kei:PON.
A 8 r ROW'NgLit. - •
I)NTIPT, fro th long eat rience. , I ',related to exerude
tat work in a ~ a pertor le. 'Teeth filled by hint nre wa -
ranted to tenon 'low 111 lII' , II I pre, ve.,t the pengrem conker%
Wlnlio nod part erns of A nine ' on enameled Gold Plate.
Onto preventing the .11.110tural not • -ranee a hieh auld ha. In She
month Prtmeulnrlttle, non trod t• Iteration,. for have lip nnd
artificial palate. 11r. N. winne* n di- telly utuleralood tiuttbc
it prinintienil) - lornirit in Erin. an I hot front ntrkt attrntioii
to buainrsit, to awns awl rrecire f Patronage. Office
ooh Ik. Rn4-ell, Ao 3.lhighen Erie.
ttet. ls.-13
Suet Opened at No. 1 Wrlikten Block, Corner
of State and ram Streets.
vVIIEHFthe subseriher is now rticeiv one n :arse and II ss•
lee led siock of raps and Fur.: 7o which be iu 'tes
the attention of the people tit Lrie and its vicinity. lie Gat
himself that from tios lose practical espertenee in Mannfacturin
goods tit tits low, and law satiseriut Pc liaise. for oh:alining the ve
ry goods direct from the inporteVoi and 'daunt:it-torero, there
by on% stag the Jol.bec's pont.. that - lot can sell as cheap, If not
Cheaper titan any (other establishinelif. iu sr CAM, rellstl.llV/111111.
Ilnring detetusi nod so wake ital. C 1137111.1 nvidenceo he has urken
greatisains Its theselechon ot lots gopols to wake hii.a.surtment
complete:composing emery
and of the very beet Materials and Workmanship! ' Airriong him
good. may be wind an aponninent orrery One duidee clam Mole
skin Mats. Lure fine and fine.estris MOleskia Hata. A beaatl
fni Hat designed exprers'y rot Yowl Men. rashintiab'e
in all the ea•ler111 !hie& Also. Jean, Loa, Mongar au. Lao .tl-.
W. and Utn Gyld re.
With over Forty dilierent Roles of d'olpa. The original plticrn
of Warreu'a whuer Meth Cap, now ro 1134 innablc ihroophoutilie
country. Alro,Silk Plu..h, new style*, Fine Freurk 'qua& very
cheap A great variety of !law and Caps for children. Togeth
er with an nasorinsrat of Trunk•. ladles Fora and Dotal° Rule•.,
all of whirl' will be euhf very Melly fur Cash. All goods war
ranted an represented. or shoe money refundell
Erie. Oct. JoHlt ti WAIIIIII.
30()0 P r i le it V ' t Vi le . n Nock .
- - -4-:-. - -
%AM(' %N.—All intl.. ;nut .ixes I'M., at me towe.t rates. at
la the cheap .iorc in the Yes. twit flock. I II
RE %DV MA D E ctorratel 4. 41well seteetal mock a iifoea:
dY blidetiothi ng, can be Ibuthl : at the .hoer of
k:rie. Oet. U. • . BENNETT k CO.
DO°TP & 9HttF2S, to great variety. at the new ewe in the
aiCaltlll Mock.!l
AGI MD nrsoirtsuenl Of Carpet Dayand KatchtdA. on hand at
thestorrof ' NETT a IV.
CI RC t" 1. Alt ziAvVd. frao4 assatiment of Tire7slar Paws &Tr
sale thrush. with or without Mandrills. Also. Muhl' and
roloinoss Mill lOM's. Cross Cut, nand and vro.t P. a. as rates
which earshot fail to please. SKNNETT &
R VVINS an 4 Mow galders, br
li Etie, Ploy. CARTER -_BROTHER.
rt) le. and Qualities tor rale
:LAMA Ckill Gala Mid.. Alpargna. Plain.
&ripe, DIP* Piliks.auil Florence Sills of all color . a. at
Er le. ocelsber I .
LANZA, Plain sad Irvin-dal
- -
I • cheap hy
1: el
TIT ANTI:II—All Mud• of Grain. nutter Dud l'heere. Pork. tio-
vet. Timothy and rex'seeds, jr *Melt the hi.thest mar
ket priee will be paid by JOHN C. DEESE.
J ,m' til
fhib t iinettn - i;
Pt. JAt 1010,111
CARTER & VR0111124
'Biggar 113101.11•ALD .
ll' IVO. 7. /70/e/VELL BLOCK. KR/E. {.4.
Till K settwcrabe• having leased the Wore No 7. Boitnell Block
lorrueror we . by Laster.Seunett & Cheater is ill.f.tit •
ing direct from hew York. • large and well aeleticd Wok of
I iroeefley. to whk it I.t. noel cordially invites themtleFtion Of
trade in this sad Lee adynlninv counties. kle natters mien' nun
Mull has eil..rirror eln me Gr. , cry business. and hiraseinerlot A.
^tittles. for oLueltelto!Ltnon. d.reet from the Imported' and nive•
whetter( fo, ti.. - .b) ler% net the Jobbers' profits, that tar dell a,
the blerchantotavoring hew with their patraienge. Ono,'
Alo Ogg a cm. /is Pare/rased War .1 ffew•-319PC
.tml as cheat, es Can be bought In New 'fork. with the addition
°festoone auces.'.ert in gvutil act s to this e ay. gem/ dew.,
tinned to make hit
is tirtuess eneiv o ly wholbesdor will '
coulee hi/emelt' rusellieetr) I.', Z.(' kPrt . .lri't C3ll.ol , tainfli
Hi *0 doing Ile n 111 t,c happy at all Lutes to exittlat his goods to
those who may Or:or him with a tall. In addttion o okrooek
.d Grocer ie., he has added a choice stock of
Wines and Imported and Domestic I
to an ettaruhurtlon of tallith he would nonce {any lasi
Glyn et I lotel keepers and others in the trade. 'flu
cote.pri.e a i °thou ol liesotock. viz
. .
Neve Orlean*. Punt,ltleo k Cuba Sager, towed!'
Granulated. tVbite and Vetore• de, pone •'
vailo. kl'oil•a Mota.per. rt. IP
hi . Syr Orebt.l. or Wad
Gob:wieder and Bliek Teas. e earl. half-chests
Ohl J. aio and Lagnirn Co-ec t 11 iigiula man',
haceo.thiferesi Miranda; Anil mu'. 100.. e ehervaig
aloe too.. and numarted mire ap. gowning i Slack,
Sainte lkont.itie and in • rd likvana Seirtrs; Rai'
hall and oolitic, DOSPV: UrlllniO. rig,. Pimento Pr
Or ro. Nut mega. led • . pure I; 'ogee; Pepper pastor,
Imo: 11•1111ellifl. l'aviii. tid Coffee to Ili. and I.llh,
.11", to ts hole. half. nal quarter kers„ Shot. Lend, Nu
keen , : Nu. I rale 1 - :rcelalur. and Fancy Soap; Leh
arta Whale Oit • ;term. Limieed and 'thee do.: Ma
I. d. d. in n 1 tle. hoof and quarter ht•la., Codflah.
I V lll te end , : and Oil.; several etudes Brandt
Mo•ainiuth a %t Maker lid rort.Madeara. Claret an
Wiwi: I • 'don and Philatirtphiturorter; together lb i ,
and at, of iitod. Lept iu the Grocery line, and no
firth hat. to the inopection of which hr would rea
the dilutive ot purehaaera before buy ing drew herr
articlila I attention paid to filling order., and al
toed as reply...moot or the money refunded.
Erie. !reps 10.—tti. I. -?f.
New Shop! New l'inin blew Goods
frill: nu lerpigne.l tal.e this otriltoti of thanking li
I twit tbrna..,r !Thera' patron age. awl alma to infOe
the) have wised a partnership under the nommen( yet
kohl, .mad will eau or. the
iss4ll its branches. at their new then in the new 11l li.twodoora
ut i zur the Reed Ileum. under 11. P. Stockton', Je ry Mere.
u . e thee will he hyttn to wail upon nil ri ho may favor thew
Iglk a call with the aril tabors. They have jolt r eieeds ds
r t frown New York. au entire :few Stock. among' ith gitINNI
*lid: Douhle and Sinkle Barrel Fowling Pieces) IP gh le
.*n quail' ot) of Ride Ilarrete. which they are ant liallitrWithe
nit nod Warrant. Revolvers, risiolc, Fercumion 1. mi. Powder.
Slipi.lAmd, Flanks., the nuce.4 in town, Shot Pouches Gaunt gyn.
in:fact ere, thing nrece•nry to the full equipment Of rportiosa.
"0”.1 14 T 1 1 , re4 to order. and duue when grant ined.lG hang 'WWI
aunt nottimon Rigeo, niamitheitired to order and 1 Irritated to
%IWO front ante to One leintlrpd rode. tin hand. At rye slack of
1:#11 !Arks. all Kind.. :%la in spri ng..
w Tumbler,. flx•ke forged
i 4.
!tit Vim.. dog :twiner, Bullet Mould,. Ice.. ke..ii sh or t '
thing ocee...eq to 1a.11.1 a goo. I:hi:hare kept Mr 1 aeebtllol6-
, kittoet of the trnde to thi. sad the adjoining eounti and will he
sold at uhnlerate ur mail, a little cheaper than icy too le
brought elnewhere iti thi A City . Please give urn ealli before par
ehdring. The) are nlm Pre to do all kindi Jobbi
oared ng. he
thiir line. 'wit in. tilt tie and Kit ing Pair, repairing Its el all
kinds. f.arinalting. fitting and 'titian., keys. pair' g analwalhomi
ale:. n hie', itei le dune on PhOrt noose. and charge. reasonable.
I _frie.nteltoher 11.1,31.--lit DERBY & MORTFDRID.
. EUR I.
w. Munro roond ft 1 Pound
Wit v. twit I. ROSIINZWEIII & Co. are iellll
in their line cheaper than any flody. Jew
side of Ncw York. Cull at
No. 4. W right's Dia • 1
mil :tam ine their great USsOrtiliChi of
Coats, Panti and Ire '
of thefine.t materials. of the Lest fa. and ,I ,
puts nas soldor workmanship. a Inch as M
l O
• 7 meat sn riteapthat a nowt will make more
i l.
Mutt guill2 Oit 11011 i. iii short their article,
th.qt hereafter therrea nl,e on ext. of, for seedy Coil .
or dttapistated Yams. But ttwir stock of *tidy NI
is not the therm!, t lid .cement held out to' at. "fat'
d;uey Public. — to elle them a call. for their - stock(
Cf.OTlfSfr, C.IB,SI.VeRES 4. vim
is daturpthomed for variety. rambled' and. above all.
awl a; they have In their employ
Oaa of the Best Cutters in T • ,
They will be ready at all times to make GarmealS
warrant theta alien done. The) have Goods ihnut
bees to the coarsest. so that eery one can he au
hut,' a large assortment of .
'web a. Shirt. frour the norpt Quality to the Coa •
$h I rf, et°, e....rico.rtearts, under lW
tor.. paean*. together with et fr) thing In out liWe
gene:Jl a+rorta:crt of
Ladies rashianable Qoods
foie the Pal and Winn.r trade. We have s nettlie
lime to e i44.**11 le my kV nr ol'qual it) , but wit
Ladles to e.,llnod examine rut' thesurclve..
WO If the price. don't -Int.we'll endeavor w.malvel
a;ttdt ti. •1.11 and are d.•trnpine.l not to Le ut3deniold.
Wog fr.cainrn. No.d, Wrtglifl
Fate. r‘
- - 'ON Till: ,CASII SYSTEM.;
- !laving Tried it; We *id it Works
pp KLIEVING the Cash tlysieni ihe only true oylo.
LP boitiomtbe tindersaznnd 1.114 adopted it, sea!
i, eve vet% lb r laintsettinmet ensnilinenl, ne '
Into to porch:lw Ins
at ciarreatat km ralee.eonsenitently /
nirtneh hi. etirioniere nend the public
priers. All n, vi an lof nit% thine in!
Sully Invited to clamant. haselegnot
Clothing! • Clothe and \
rOn.reling of Illork, Rice Illaik, trown, Greet
elottio, nail Cluisinieree or % ati.)1111 patterns. /
!ilk. Satin, Worsted StWollen Vi
All of whieli were purehniieil in Neu. York.
now tnrcreJ 4r cheap, at least, no at an) ()Wei
Hr does nizt Jrem it iitvevitary to tell those w
a series of year'' , patronized, iiitn that he cunt
• •
Garment" as eon be found in this market: bud
'he has no henitatien in saying that if they will
They will tfol go away dinnatintled with either
. o.ooliit.llror'kutanship o
enstom work always don rea.ronahle prie
ARO rutting i‘arrauteil. it proper!) wade up,
^old lhmp Lace net Iweowe new" et the dd
iwribcr. JA
Erie. 14.1 e. 911. I 4.11
. E R I f; c' 0v LT N .
VAL ziravicAvrasi a.
VII IS COUipany continue.' to impure buildinen,
fornitoreAke. against loop by Ilre, and think
the iatrre.t td - lbe Citelortas of Erie eatml• to in..
twin), ne they are nequivnted with the omeep. in
foreign notupatti 1 that they know little atotit.
' Di Itt:47l'o Rs.
r. ‘ll. tihkilik, Wm. F
J.II. Weisman>. Smith./
J. I',. 'll:lndian. Withal
J. 11. ESIMRSOM. i J. 11. '
Maley @hertualt. Gm,
J. D. Clark. James U. Thmllp N. W.
• ?Mall JACK* ,
R. J. SIRI.P.V. Prerrftry,
WA LI. Al Ct: SIIER NI 111, Aget.i
• LP - 7'llw ir Idler d the eoespasly. is now at stir
fOrcier . % Office. Ei ii. Nei
• .:.Lags.
FIrC lot. Atm, Globrs, Chimneys, just
. 4 leeher.p at
net. 1. P. 31.
I Mantilla. lilsek : also. a drew rartety
on. of latest styles just (revis ed by
DlNekil.i - `l(llll.—The voloart. , ership bereft.
iss eau i vubsenbers, sin the Alereant be lasi
re 4 this day by lama romeist The bu. Weis •
afttie obi .4aud b r. LUC lam 113351.
l shii
\v,\\ \
Eiir, Noir .St J PSI . .
veto. I
- - TALL AND if 7' . atlas - _
its RS I. S. %V.IRR n nuld say to the Ladies that
IV[ mal heretoßwe extended to her. she'
paged a ith the late.t New York and rhiladel,
... ihshions of Pall and Winter Nannette. a high tt
time hippy to sell at the very lowest pekn
ller .took eon.ists of orer forty different kind
Rooneo,. at prior,. that cannot help hut snit the lira
Ribbon.. and Flowers, and in het a general assorturen
Stria or• tdinehed and ',reseed in the latest styles. A
cnontry 'Produce taken in pnynnent.
tit. - Couttly Ilillinerii supplied n lib goods at the k
km priers.:
Etic. Oct. 11 1.i.31. : I
I 2 7, I I 2f kr/pi. (.:041/141.
IL eh/. 14.1. half 111.1. Or .j• Iy. c)er, t w, thin.
_Tpy, W. F. RIN DER
__ _ _
_ .
. -
Boy a Ing . .
nnz. T”.. Saris). on hand and for sale cheap ier
No; . ill. W. F. 11141142
reeecived Iry KR.POTIO last illi•pnlth,
W 1 fain India Kidder Shear.
14 " itiwitreg.
34 •• Ladle,. Jenny toad Boots. •
4.1 Calf Rooter.,
Gent'' , water prnerralt pooh.
.% 100 on hand Ibr rile the lours"
T r ilee Sri .
French Kid PUN'. K l.lTt , e p an. do. uhle Sole
din, ilislit,llkaoreo Gallery. do. Lava log .. with a I
children.. Gaiter. timer, Soya kip Boots and lilenintia.
Erie. Navel:the, 21. ' C. M. TIB BAIA.
'agars Sugars!!
Tons of different goal aka of Sugar now WO
Ao Nets. pe• pound. nt reta LI and prices Mill 1
ckam Nov. 11.-3 L Iti W. F RIFDV
flair of rail for pair by Me bag or pound
eini 11r he beat. i t and ace.
Eric Nor V.-31. W. F RiNt)ll'
Tea! Tea l I
5 rhextp. ef Old it Yoga, Drum. resat.
2 Dlt
Skis Tea now emu and meth,/ flow eat.
73 eta. at N0v.112,41. 4P W. F. R I N!tElt
M01.A9112 4 . pow selling as Kladerneehricas
Erie Way. it, Pst tQ
Tobacco 11
JOII2I Anlcrron & Co , Liebentbal k ro., C. 1 , 00
CMevint and &not int Tohneeo, by the portud or p l y
allireouli4 , 'Tobacco (ran tot eta. hree elsollane. Per
Eric nov.lll. lASI. 96 W. F. IR N Deal
sa a lir 11001[11.
ac gioa 16.
tiber 16.'1;1111'41014M lb either Ego
ran Books. mid oft bin* or itt" Or MOM •
awl lint York Wm. RELIA
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