Political and General News. .1 The ?moths= Fired upon by s British Isa-of-War. On leaving!the harbor of San Juan, the Prome theus was fired Nina by the English brig-of-war Express, under the following civerucastances, as re lated by the Captain: STRAIISIIIP PILOMETIBUI, SAN Jira,t, Friday. Nov. 21, 1831. To the Editors of the V. y. _ GHNTLK3II6:I:—In order to correct any' misstate ments that may be made of the. circumstance of the English brig-of-war Eipress, firing fut i the Prome - 'Owes, I beg of you to give the following statement ,an insertion in your paper: At 2 F. M. I proceeded to get my *hip under weigh to proceed to eel, having but j-ist received the last of our passengers from the Paeafie steam er, 'numbering Midi about 500. At this moment the-city authorities of Gre,ytown, constituted aa,they stated, by the authority of the Mosquito King. tame cn board the ship with a police force and served a rcoceu of attechment on the ship and Myself for the amount of 0123, claimed by the autherifiel fur present and arrearage port dues charged' the Ship, which we supposed to be illegally demanded, and bad consequently refused to pay them, as I did in the present tinstaace. The port dues are made sip from the weight of an chorage in the "harbor, Captain of the Puree tees and pilotage.. I hove up my anchor and dropped down 'the Har bor with the current, having along aide one of the Riversteaniere, receiving from her the baggage of the passengers. The Etigflsh brig-of-war laying a short distance from us, immediately got under way,, made sail for us, and when 'within a quarter of a mile from us fired a round shot over our forecastle, not clearing the wheel hokse over 10 feet. in a few moments another shdt was fired, which passed over the stern se near that the rove oF:the ball was dis tinctly felt by several passengers. I sent a bunt on board the brig to enquirt the cause of tile firing in• to us. The Captain stated atilt it was to protect the nu . - thorities of Greytow.ti in their demands; and if we did not immediatel y anchor he would fire a bomb shell into es, and ordered his guns l t uaded with grape _and canister shot; at the same time our small steam er left us, and I proceeded under steam back to our . anchorage, and anchored. The brig stood up pie harbor, and anchorid veiy near us; r eeot a b nit on ba'aad of us, with Orders that our fires shauld be put oat, and that an officer would be sent to see that the fires were extitiguished. The shore tinthorit les then came ou board, and, under the CirCOmstancee of the case, the amount demanded was Raid under pru:evt, and we were permitted to proceed to sea by 11ie Captain of the brig. I Respcttfully, your co edient servant, HENRY CHURCHILL, Captain - of the Steamship Prometheus., . rs of the lorntons 1 There list been very extensively published an ic • ' (duo of a state of affairs in the Territory of Utah, which, for mbral turpitude, has not, perhaps, been I exceeded by any-in this country of ulidch there is a mild. This acclonnt has attracted tile attentibn of , the lion. J. M. *tibiae!, who is the delegate to. Congress tram Juan, and he says that the statement (professedly 'inade , by a Judicis.l, officer, and bear ing date on the 30th of September last,) is ersen• 'tally incorrect: "When I left the Utiih, nineteen days after the , date of the letter to 'which you: gate publication, peace and quiet prevailed eyerywhere, and unbro ken karma, and good feeling between the, officers of the government and the people of Ms ierritoty . The pacific characteref our people, and the fratere i nal relations which , theirt ate towards each oth et, had indeed, as yet, left the courts without an en- i lay for their docketi; but GoYernor Young had , cheerfully acceded to the request of the 'judges hod secretary to affir his name to a petition to Congrese, of it Neil I am; the hearer, pra) lug fur an augmeuta-. f the salaries of the territorial officers on sc- , count of the expense of living under our . Ca; ifurnia pric es." •,! MORE A WHIT TRH SHIP "CHA LLIVIOR."—The lea • York papers publish a letter from! Captain Water : wan of the ship Challenge, dateir San Francisco, Oct. N. in which be says: !•1 am Just now under great excitement, as there SP! t mob looking for me and the mate, on account of etories told by the crew of our having murdered ten men on the. passage. The truth is this—when in the neighborhood of Rio, about fifty of the crew fell upon the mate, with the intention of killing him, and 'fief warder me, by their own confession. I was on the poop taking the sun, near noon. the mate ,ward by the galley; they had stabbed him, and beat him shockingly, before I could get to him. 'I found a marlineppke cloye by him, and with it ,knocked down three of them, restued the mate, and quelled the mutiny. I had to flog eight and so it ended.— Off Cape Horn,:ihree men fell from the . mizen top rail y ar d—one was drowned, and two of them kill ed. After a few weeks, five men died of Dysentery, and one of convulsions, (a b iy from Bridgeport.)— They have spread repoits Were that I I trew Diem overboard and killed them.- DISTRESSING ,ACCIDF.NT.—A most affll 4 link CSPU- City occurred in this village on 111. ay evening last. The facts, as we understand them, are)sub stantially these:—A company of young men were amusing themselves with fire-arms at the grocery of L.'ll. Melvin. During the brief absence of Mr. Melvin in an adjoining room, James Walker went to a desk and took out a revolter, and Without be ing aware that it -was loaded, began playing with it. At this time, we believe, George Gale took hold of the barrel, probably to ward, it oft when the pistol was discharged, the ball penetrating the head of young Gale just above the eye, and coming ; out at the top of th.:: 110111; He walked a few paces and fell insensible. Ile was conveyed to the house of his father on Clinton-st., and medical assistance immediately called; but it was quite evident front the first thitt the wound was mortal. He ciintinti-• ell in a stee of !insensibility until his deatb,l which look place on Tuesday night. It is supposid that I potlion of the skull bone war forced into the brain. It is proper to-state that no blame cart be attach. ed to any one. But the warning it . givps to the surrtrors, and utliers, in regard to .the use of fire arms, we hope argil have a salutary effect. est field Transcript. MARCHISVS UTERINE CATROLIC .whieh the human Auntly is r .It has aln•ady receised the amcohation and liberil patron ise of very many prounneca members of thrMedical Faculty in " • I'n States. willing to abide the truth, and haring due re tr.! for the wellfare os their patients, aid is in every war SW t, the confidence of the afflicted as A SCCCESSFUL, NAVE. CHEAT. REMEDY. Of this. additional proof will be band , z the pamphlet. to which the attente of Ladles and i• respectfully ins Itrd. This medicine has nes er been introduced by empty pulp and mis•epresentations. nor Is it inunded that its preseht popularity !'a,l be sustained by any medium but it, merits and the apron,- Al, , Jr or the public. The CATIIOLICVN is not a ..cure all." 1 . ncied expressly for those complaints incidental to there. female whether Married or Sitar 101.811tri CTSII. o ^1 he Womb; Fu nit Atari, or 'l4 leirairsklaria• tor •1, t'srravrioil or ins Won,: lacing Elsentarts "'•ct rktOd11111; PAI NFU.. SIL PPPPP sea Vatllll. LAI IMIVIOTILL , ill , .11 their aecomparn tug refer, Cancer curia : 11, matter how severe, or gins tool standing. _ Patzipti'.ets can he had gratis at our Store, f CARTER k BROTHER. tale, Druggists, Wholesaleßetail Agents. • (,ntral DepOt.al*Nroadway, New York. Baal •)(111 11B14: SA I..T.just recessed and Co by Noe SI • l-51 . W. F. Iturscamecarr. 3 /lid Joan McFarland & (Vs doe rfaletataa. ilr mid ill the • tox at manufacturer'. prices. Sqn RAISINS. Currant., Clyne. Mace. laimptis, Clove% Mum p, mud. Feeder, Prude. Mustard. Chamdale. Cocas. Illalres Inta. anda fr.r &sea of thaw iatedlible Few Parade's. COW . Y bitud and fur role ay •. RINI/ERN WIRT. aL, i• • Corner cf +lnland titale xt THE undersigned,%ins be nne agent' for this Ite.ble 'Mien*, would respectfully trite the attention of the af- Ictrd to the gratifying suety," tat has attended its usle where ,er introduced. and Its happy laptation to the cure of the icressing diseases for which t is offered. This CATHOLICON is in rush oneire greatest used'. •&w: ic al see of the Age , and deal tie o become identified ith the health and happiness FEMALIEd. This declaration I. based up .' the fact that n will cute tore than nine tenths of a class ' very prevalent diseases, town as PLAINTU: he skill and exertions or the countries, to a degree beyond . THE GREAT SECRET 4 ' LAST DISCOVERED FOR THE CURE OF ONSUM PTI'ON!! • • • sex ay:rt . olio mew stelastuse! •fittumruver muocces. NUTT' L.L'S SY-RIA (;;UM. rriszcane t ra. g b,;„ il.kilds, boot. Mosistiettess. Tickling lathe Thud. Spin lag Maud. thee ult Ihrialifhing. Rehreltitielln . I elpient. Continued. and Tu tdar etwitmaption. la Teaks. Stares-to.. &whom peattlbos/y aoapted tussah cited tan *Wet& sr•OLS or CONSUMPTION: r2lit,4 11•41.•• 1 SiiMPToiiet. ANclrieN - r 1 I c„u g h, t edu in the breart, side, bead, Lack. Mow. aud 'lnd a. lit* . • CO OtrieliTlOlNi I t llwanatioa. tiorrueso, and ticklitatin the tbroni. fever. dillies+ . In Blue Wrappers. ) awl quiet bambini. ispeeterat tau telikelt.ihrit, ea fralog. , SY gPTONIS.• ' MCOND 111TA•11 1 . . , CONFIRMED I I OpoUreemem.apalaw•die cage. riolentkeer, night. morning. and 'ColistacrirzOsir. • •. ) tail-day streets. hectic Gush in the face. bud cheeks., burning I bent in tbrlottw. of the hands and soles of the *et, sgprehrra- In Pink Wrappers. ) Usa easy, jiIaINIS.IIIIIII alesakball oath Ilea/, - TIIIMID OTOOIII SY 11 P TOllB. I • 7111ERCULSOR , 1 Ria+rt. dituiliPtivd f. rem. cough. add morning •VL mt.. great , CIONIIIIEPTZONs , J owl ; iterenoins . e Mt), fecom ut Gllniug ISt., alight .leltrum. in Yellow Wrappers. 1 and aliening of the curt itiliwg. .1, TO TUE AFFLICTED. IT The ar appiAiee In Taw Labs al Naftali, Syrians& is a new Era, in Mc Heine. from its novelty ! . i and direct opposition to the old - r . ... AMR= ABB IBM NICUITINT•O3II2I BOTT7.11111131111317; Whil e i i . mete ... prepared in this masuee, (Each Smut mentalities a dlercernt pi e,iaratiun.) ix raring tiii illtraif shies which characterize itbastwartssa. hag eatablished the lrarase truth of the C irahtlity of bvery Stage or Pdhaulo 6ry Consuann lon. a_ r PllTesicipid A rpatiVE. of IT, twehuee it is based upon correct Shyest. kisteal and Pathological prlveipirs. The Pati.fic .. iv e... 4 . a. because it is awayow. maw, a n d heraso.e they anew hoot sod exterlei e., that am prepalation will ...t ewe libel three stages of Coasuptiga. The saferittg., a mpppi.td. and dwetouraired levilinbl abtla so if it. because its pri Mr wilts bold out a gasoh ol+. 14ops, and when be oast .Ihtifoits Syriaiews, Nakanos are itaalized. '' I • IF HE IS IX, THE FIRST ST-IGE OP CO.VSUMPTIOX and dues Use First 13.1115. hi. expectoratilx...fiffoult and tomtit. becomes tree and easy Ills Cowell saw, ells sell, the .oteue.a, tick ling it his th rout. maaataton. pail in his hreast,side. head, loick.johits. and iinitmOreremoved. • IF HE liS IN-THE SECOND tiTAGE and tumi Se seeem4 bottle.ila lee leave. him. kin di.turtedsionbers become meet and remelting. hi. nkaht 'treaty voligh his Ca pectoration. copious aud bloody.a.tumes a healthy apperiraneet and at length dmappeers. Isis bowels boeSsue regular, his appeit pc returns. the thigh lu his check disopprars, the burning heat in!the patina, ut his hands. aad soles of his fell, are felt no logger. hits cough now comes, .1h reamers sad is ran. _ IF HE IS IN TIIE TIIIRD STAGE,. , and area the thirdbott'e. his Diarrholradually ceases. his welik bowels become smog. big cough anal oilier had an /I moms dhoti, pea-. feetne digestion becomes strong a d viltOrOillri. his gtomae Wrocover. its proper luxe. and creates new. r . eJt. and tuna ightug blood hi. streugth rewrite, hi. wasted body i ,clouted u i:li Mesh. 111. Litt: IS z.,11• ED: and be Is RESTORED I I'O HEALTH. • Fick bottle of 31stfairs Sycisemo bag the symptoms of thestie Fur which it m intended primed in hoot tif ihe wrapper. VrliC WI every Invalid know in; his own ityinptorna. can Judge ratline!' .t:r Witten BO r'l-LE HE a Eui'iu Esaa er...civieullY HO in 1 .- Ike ean occur in oder tug ITTIIE PROPER id Elf WIN 'LTA! 0 - . 7, See Pamphlet it possession of the Editor of this Paper. ',containing It.. Noittairs Pa th ology of Contrownion. Lectures on the Structure and uses of the Human Lungs, cud certitiilates of CURES. e ta Prepared only by lir. halt:111. I it% eilwr and Proprietor. 13Price. 111 per Bottle. , , • DR)W.W. LI.VDOP, 175, Cheintut Strert, - oppotrite tie State Muse, Phila. :knot/or the Proprietor. Itentoced from :161Soutli Fifth Street. - 1)31 . HATS, CAPS-AND FM FOR THE MILLIOE I, Clear the track for 6 ,! SMITH, No, 3, Cheapside!! ' f; Whas on hand the Largest stock of Good., In his line. eel r. T V offered In Ona market. which were purchased gar IC ASII a the Eastern cities, or manufactured by Ititswelt ; by u hick be as , euabled to sell them ro low that people do ray they mint bare gpi by the Custom Manse without paying drily. Well, what it itity - were smuggled, ao that the peophi can buy Illeastald /ilk Sato for 111,1101 , TfulTalo Polies for at 30. Mezwitt-Ilais 106 30 eents, am! al. other goal at like low priceg. FOr coot of which, all I mem" - [ ed can call and examine for throw', ea. ' t -- 11t.ii•t forget the place, Siatitbes rheati That Store. No. R. Cite imble. - Ene No...tater P. 1if.31. ' L ill ' T chi. of fi ce oninediatel3, Two Tot of ILIA on Subscription Erie. Ilse. 6.' V - Aie-U1;14 BY virtue of an order of the lir .ban.ltromiof the county Of Erie a ill be sold at public V time On theforennies. on Tues. day P.a./Mb day pf January nett commeneink at one o'clock P. i M. Atl the right title, and titter of John Tnekey. Thomas Tile, ey. Edward Tuckey,3Phillpfl'iickey,.asi tgiarlotte Toe ke) , in nor children and hen , of Thotnar Titekey, we. of the ion is ship lit Girard in rant county. deceased. of in chit to the hillost . ma piece and par-cl of land mutate lit the Mirruship of (Wand aforesaid, mend tlesrilied and hounded as foliates. to Wit: bounded north by land of !Maul Sa)re. on the cart by kit nd of. Alien Rob inson gr. Osborn. on the south by land. of --I.- Itstorn. and on the west hy Muds of Barker and Sayne. ('.attaining Oman thirty ihreeactco of lawl, having thereon a lits dlail !louse, barn Pte.. and aboUt I eliti..ratilf sexes improved TERMS OF 411.. E --Oar-smith on the codlinnation of iale, atilt the balance n five equal annual Ind:it:aegis thrirafter a lilt interest annually o the vrholesuin unpaid art h eat t ittrtallactit., wearer' by). at, Rona and Mon gate .spot ilv• e-i-a.'s• ALKIANDER . T.liiill R l', (S./anima.. Girard. Occemberf, Isal. an , 4k Just r, ived at Warren's Hat - it Store, nIREI tom rite hummer. ri Inca.. an .t I min nasortinent 1... f of la . Pun, consisting. In part pf fir.t i toll' Swans Dos it, two Nlartau, Siberian Squirrel. Fitelilklatt n. lint. Roy ali k;ratiiii, R. k *run. Russia flair, 111. 1 11.ytts Pure White ilkiiiin. Blue. lack French, and 111-.ek En tslir do., nista Mar ini, Assails down T. ttttttt mg. C - c.hincle 1V .1. Tn. OKI. c 11,1.1 Furs are att ha... 14 and new.amt warranted mt. e and perfect. and all aho Wish a good set of Puts f.r the e unit upper mil 1...) them of Warren at -i hargaits. Also. a marortipictit of Gem. Fur litoves and !fluffier,. buck Gloves and Mittenr., bloat nostri -1 lo Robes of the best quality, wool robes of 'lnd nt. rich a ill not become liar I when vim. H. incinhrt a Col • alt to (mining on, and now is the tame to repa:e hr I. Et rte e bas taught ...all that comfort and health is worth newt. ban! Id. A tea m . Smith./ J. I',. 'll:lndian. Withal J. 11. ESIMRSOM. i J. 11. ' Maley @hertualt. Gm, J. D. Clark. James U. Thmllp N. W. • ?Mall JACK* , J. 11. WILLIAM R. J. SIRI.P.V. Prerrftry, WA LI. Al Ct: SIIER NI 111, Aget.i • LP - 7'llw ir Idler d the eoespasly. is now at stir fOrcier . % Office. Ei ii. Nei _ • .:.Lags. FIrC lot. Atm, Globrs, Chimneys, just . 4 leeher.p at net. 1. P. 31. __ I Mantilla. lilsek ri.lk : also. a drew rartety on. of latest styles just (revis ed by —lu ARRIWKE DlNekil.i - `l(llll.—The voloart. , ership bereft. iss eau i vubsenbers, sin the Alereant be lasi re 4 this day by lama romeist The bu. Weis • afttie obi .4aud b r. LUC lam 113351. l shii \v,\\ \ Eiir, Noir .St J PSI . . II Ai veto. I . - - TALL AND if 7' . atlas - _ its RS I. S. %V.IRR n nuld say to the Ladies that IV[ mal mum...cc heretoßwe extended to her. she' paged a ith the late.t New York and rhiladel, ... ihshions of Pall and Winter Nannette. a high tt time hippy to sell at the very lowest pekn ller .took eon.ists of orer forty different kind Rooneo,. at prior,. that cannot help hut snit the lira Ribbon.. and Flowers, and in het a general assorturen nerr. Stria or• tdinehed and ',reseed in the latest styles. A cnontry 'Produce taken in pnynnent. tit. - Couttly Ilillinerii supplied n lib goods at the k km priers.: Etic. Oct. 11 1.i.31. : I I 2 7, I I 2f kr/pi. (.:041/141. IL eh/. 14.1. half 111.1. Or .j• Iy. c)er, t w, thin. N _Tpy, W. F. RIN DER __ _ _ 4 _ . . - Boy a Ing . . nnz. T”.. Saris). on hand and for sale cheap ier No; . ill. W. F. 11141142 reeecived Iry KR.POTIO last illi•pnlth, W 1 fain India Kidder Shear. 14 " itiwitreg. 34 •• Ladle,. Jenny toad Boots. • 4.1 Calf Rooter., Gent'' , water prnerralt pooh. .% 100 on hand Ibr rile the lours" T r ilee Sri . French Kid PUN'. K l.lTt , e p an. do. uhle Sole din, ilislit,llkaoreo Gallery. do. Lava log .. with a I children.. Gaiter. timer, Soya kip Boots and lilenintia. Erie. Navel:the, 21. ' C. M. TIB BAIA. 1 'agars Sugars!! Tons of different goal aka of Sugar now WO Ao Nets. pe• pound. nt reta LI and prices Mill 1 ckam Nov. 11.-3 L Iti W. F RIFDV flair of rail for pair by Me bag or pound eini 11r he beat. i t and ace. Eric Nor V.-31. W. F RiNt)ll' Tea! Tea l I 5 rhextp. ef Old it Yoga, Drum. resat. 2 Dlt Skis Tea now emu and meth,/ flow eat. 73 eta. at N0v.112,41. 4P W. F. R I N!tElt M01.A9112 4 . pow selling as Kladerneehricas pingislion Erie Way. it, Pst tQ Tobacco 11 JOII2I Anlcrron & Co , Liebentbal k ro., C. 1 , 00 CMevint and ¬ int Tohneeo, by the portud or p l y allireouli4 , 'Tobacco (ran tot eta. hree elsollane. Per Eric nov.lll. lASI. 96 W. F. IR N Deal sa a lir 11001[11. ac gioa 16. tiber 16.'1;1111'41014M lb either Ego T ran I..tw Books. mid oft bin* or itt" Or MOM • awl lint York Wm. RELIA ie Sot eusbct 9. M=l=l =3l ~ enwhed. ko. Murex. ; uld Ryana nd caddie, *Kluged To and papers, and Yellow ny. la whole ';per. Cantle '.'ronad rep: pen.: POW of &Merrill Elf/least keret. No. [liming awl Num. GIN. tans..simet cu.:metaled ttlatly invite =I = EZZI public Li' g Arm Mot by ir. Moat- MEI all Goods esti*. this , I the moo t° ehiablish by Maytag ,-. re 'ES .lied Vogue aoskisig ised asd • IhrOS, imeapseist order. *.4 thwit fa ted. Tier zo t Rickety ' meaty. COI - 1 We have TOMO NOV Jll5ll SA) 10 rn CT m of doing it word. 'VII. Lie/ their lib now pop. Zia 110 he or 2E3 I kind* of Olt MIN EMI Isle b here. PACIIT. II II tamer 1.,. Le mont of AN le .r l or lz r i Ow. =x;:i CM & lbws pool to TIII. 'a , Sr. goes Pee. Oro Porserd by COWL MEI