title Mphll (Monier. We tabs it for muted that every bed, has nod the Manage of Presides' Fillinine. and hence. as a natural semesnce. we Infer that the said naciatekle elites hero each and severally arrived at satisfactory conclusion" le regard to it. What we 'may haft to so say, therefore, will not be-for the pawpaw of prejsdicing. tie mind of our radii* eitheree to its merits ap a State paper, or for or lagainst the measures it advocates. We simply terse to it as one of the leading events of the day which com- Imeads a pairing notice from every poi, jewelling. As a mere partfai a Editor, by which we mean one t hat deems his duty fulfilled when he praises every thing of his own acct. end condemns every thing of the opposi tion, oar task iwooW be an easy one we have loag since 'red at the conclusion that t-- at political Editor serves p i. pony bra who dale justly ith all— who ces i r sores Where Celmetto Is weeded; and praises where praise is dal i Hence. when' wey that whatever ether merits Mr. Falsettos's Message y possess, it eau ley an very ex ta 1 died chains to originality of sale. force of argument. or 1 vigor of statement. we Use* ear opinion will not be pot ' down to the account of political opposition. Upon this point, Greeley of the reibiese, who ere presume no one lwill accuse of sympathizing with us pollittealle. "hits the 'nail on the hind" when he says therprevailing dotal of 1 the message I. "its almost not-reeognitiol of priseiples. All is totstlihand, snperfscial; make-sli'll, aid mash W tonlOorWeie, timid, irresolute. Evan with regard to oar Foreign ilteletions, to which - se large a share is very pro ! party desioisit. while its statements of feet. show a cm- • mendable alacrity and assiduity in the fulfillment of nor obligatietur to Foreign Powers. the reader is often be ged with regard lo the principles which- have guided i Presidential Course. /Fire deaunciatioe of Filbostatont is pretty well expressed; the -shale for the United States of having led, sot followed, other Nations in establishing and eafereier the dectrises of neutrality and non-inter. voodoo is jest and happy; and for-once the clear enun ciation of a vital prisciplo is very nearly achieved in the paragraph beginning. 'Friendly relations with all, but entangling %Maces with lone.' Thai is altogether the most compactly and forcibly expressed of any portion of the docueneut.• Ws are an permitted to know precisely what the President propene to do in case *the strong arm of a forage power is seabed to stifle public sentiment and repress the spirit of Freedom in any country,' but the drift of the paragraph is good." Most heartily de we cower with the President in his recommendation of "Naval Reform." There can be no doubt of the "Necessity of reorganizing our Nairal estab lishment, appointing and fixing the somber of °Mears in each grade, providing some Mode of prossotion• to the ! higher grades Vibe. rang,Wing reference to meat and fit. Thrasher sent VI Spain. capacity rather than itosieeity sir s chas of Inlay awe Ma We have heretofore noticed the arrest. tioris e bment serrice, and retiring-from the, e ff ective list upon reduced awl conviction, without 4ial as it were, of this 4,entloinan I pay those who Bay be incompetent to the performance of hy the authorities of Cuba:. We have sow to add that h , Active serviav, Th 41110241 very position assumed and his been sentenced to eighty-ears-146.4in the galley',; a argued by a pamphlet on "Naval Reform" printed and in persuance of this sentence has been sent to Spain.— circulated in this city east a year since; and we are Mr. Thresher is an American citizen, and in an appeal nappy' that the subject has found at advocate in the Es— te our Government to interpose its strong and,(bught to locative. • be.) willing arm, dated Nov. 21st. says: "1 solemnly af. thi the Tariff. that hobby of liable, of our opponents, fina that I never had any conneCtlon with the parties who the President evidently desires to arse two masters—the invaded this Island, and that the only ground for hatred Agricultural add Commercial interests of the country. to me. os the part of the government and Spanish . pot- which are odpecto, and the ataaaractortog. The first. hie tion of the population here, are; that lam an American; reason teaches him is antercatatie to protection; witiht. that I refused to abjure my nationality one year slue., the latter. his party feelings impels him to hug to his bo where required by this government to do so, or to abandon coin with a fraternoi embrace. He doss it, however• the busioema was then engaged in; that I succored, so very gingerly. No coy maiden confer's. her love with far as I Ina abbe ' t h ose 4my °DierMente countrymen half the blushes our "silver gray" Executive manifest, j who were captives here; and that.'in the court. I had en in his recommendations for increased protect ... Ho JJ independent spirit (they call it audacity) to rely upon my dose it too as though he expected it would not be heeded. insestierm and my rights - as ad Americancitizen . Hay " and we it will set in fact. we deaht very mach ,lag been dallied -justice, I now ask-at the hands of the sw .. swanky Mr. Fillmore himself desires it. Why should . Americas government , and the American people , u' a ' het Does he sot tell as io DO many words that the moan- i liberty of which lam so isiquitously deprived.. All-the try is eminietly prosperous—that our exports save la i:wren of the Spanish Gotle3g ••• before mete" my e° ' creased..—that our treasury is full to overflowing : and that ly hopes are in the syriipathies of my countrymen. and we are, as a nation, on the high-road to grossness and , the prompt action of oar national geleransent." • power! Why.then should the Executive wish to spat Thus it will be seen that Isteceissit Mr. T. wee as Amer- eu this—to launch opt open the fall tide ocrapotimem is ices el time, and refused to ahjure his country—become order to gratify the a mok ' totem " of a mere moiety of -he was not so cowardly and•pusillanimoas as the repro. the • J' People? imitative of his gaverussieni in Cnba, bet had a heart to h . P.,44,,,e4. 4 , 1 ..6.,.. 4 . " %s at o n o tareare. f ee t fo r the unf o rtun a t e victims of the Lopes expedition. most of rivers aid harbors are. as the question now be is condemned ouheaill to the horrors of the Spanish shade. „dope will tilionkt bat we cm , the ear to sot galleys. And the sows of thip satrap upon as Americas far distant when the Satiate! Goveruneast wampum* cities*, let it be remembered, is received and transmit- itself from all each log-raise soltemes. by establishing led ell over the land side by side with the glowing accosted" port donee for harbor insprovssuent purposes. , n on the • of the reception and welconie of Rossetti in New York. men vibe use harbors and navigable rivers wiloW. py lon Nay more, at the very moment the President dispatches ~ improving 'them, just as thniti dO for whose benefits rob. his 8011. and private Secretary , to tender is the ttuagari a. 7 lie mad ar coustrated. llohors would then he intros. anifogitive from as Austrian gibbet, a welcome to oar l ed whore cominerce reclaim them. For instance. km , skeins is the name of the Republic. a citizen of that Re- tong would i t: r taheoulder a proper emote wftrotetre duty. public is clanking his chains in • Saanish prison ship. to make all the necessary insproweenents at Buffalo. Erie. 'and, that ship receding farther and farther from our Cleveland. jadweadvie. aid' Chicago? Why. set over °wee ' The coincidence is mortifying. Y Ve hey° a wet- dye or six yikvie. tot as commerce amass. se dose the . rose for the victims of Austrian tyranny—we have.. e:_hips a whereas , mment to sapped isetease; who snider the syste m to place at their disposal—but when the personal liberty asp „ riat from t h e pehhe treasury. the west bids of one of our citizens is at stake, we most caosolt, al; the fair to sev en he teeempthh„,4 for t h , t donee with ,punctilio of Diplomacy, and wait the slow movements of o„ appg prisuols toes to delay lag before soother is ministers and courts. Out upon all such encases. la °bodied. an ihence, as a reek,' tbiag. i s eie h,,,o 7 'language of a cotempontry. "it will hardly satisfy the squandered. ' I AlateriCall, who, hitherto reckoning confidently on goy. There are nay other parts in the message we would ecumenist protection, now finds his error, to puzzle his I like to anode ( . but time and room y or bi I . • W e. hew . breia t erith forme and difficulties in the way of accomplish ever. caunot acs without bearieg tostionsay to the not. log the end. His clath is that Mr. Thrasher ought to ise a t conserve . e tone of the document on .tit, ayaoey have been released. ' If negotiation failed, force should toretioaa. j ilt - mow , "mg.', with 0,- opinions Mr. i haxe,been resorted to. No means ought, be-will insist. Fillmore used to promulgate when he was simply the to have beenneglectsid to preserve the national honor in. sortiocof the i firm of -F illotoro. n a p* mom, to Bet tact; and we-were diagrieed :3 having • citizen subjected . fate; hot the they ore none the lees acceptable tin dud"' tea partial. a shawl, trial at all; and are now doubly die. , oecou - itt. , - raced. in seeing him tome away to lark out his long - -- - --- -- - 1 sortie among th• wretched chain-gang of a Spanish , 1 Oar Foreign Polley. Pull , " I , - The ;aerie, of this Goverorneot. since the advent of 1 , —, vrhire Y er in . ha. been so ' citererdly. so timid, and • ' .1 . of a Vetern 'Miter. withal, sot ling to the "crowned beads" of,Oirepothins , H.p. Joss Rivezi died at Reading:on the 45th inst.. tas to have d wit down upon us the contempt of the is the 73.1 rear of his age! The d;etased was the Lb- I world.- We nbe kicked and cuffed by every foreign 'br of that influential I)einderstic paper ...The Reading I official whet ay take plea-ure in doing it. and we tamely Alder" for more than half a centre, a journal that ac- I sehmit. We an launch forth our proclamations against ignited each an unbounded influence among the people of ••Fdltiusteris ," among our own citizens, whether it be that'great old Couny. that the . whip terined ***lite directed agai t Cola or Mexico , but when teethed or i 1 Jerks Comfy Bible," and which in fact hod in troth ' Spain. or A rig. or Auntie, fire into our merchantmen. was a Pelitisel bible. geoteloillfi and etorligating all the or imprison islir citisensosed without half • uisl coediting truth of the'Repablie.estreed. Mr. Rivet* represented them by tlftieli to be shot or the gather. we have not a Herbs County for two terms in Convrasii and was al , Word to say.a a word! What did ear government good a oPedimes of a s Penwrylvasie Dermas Democrat. do ' wlea Au stri a ~' imprisoned Mr. Brace? Nothing!— ascould be and within the borders 'of ; the State . He What when d Spanish stammer fired into the Falconf-- was a Democrat in thew days when it was clangorous for Nothieg. agape! Aad . Sew. what will be done in the any public t ._ one to declare his love and 'Backmost to that ewe of the Riitish manj,ef.war firing into the California party, and when pirsoual instills and abase and elleiell steamer Pro these, and columnist her to pay port.doty persecatiens was dealt oat to men who dared to oppose to the Mop to King? In 14 end, nothing! although the mosnres of the thee fediral Administration. Ile the %Viable et; Republic informs ea. that a squadron lived long enough to see the great party that he for so has been o end to the Mosquito, toast, to look after many years sustained. predowlinstit In neatly every State American in Is. and secure our 'mercantile. uterine i i the Una. Pose* to his airline! : from similar tanks in funnel and that application has . been made tol i the British Governmeut for explanation and disseetrpt of the extraordinary act of the f:tpress. This. remark/ the Hew York Tiiees, is all very well, and gees as far towards amending the evil as the present scheme of policy in regard to foreign intervention will jos&y.— Rut it will not suffice. An effeeteal remedy, not a pall's- ties. is required. The cease of disorder ate be removed. 1 Until by force or by purchase. we have cleared our Amer., scan waters of foreign intrusion. it Is filily to cpagratulate illirsthei On ,the adjustment of North-eastern or North. western botatfariee. The boundary of our jurisdiction oe the high ass is law in sight of the shore. While it is so, we may reckon en continual newton; insults alter. slung with excuses; and the uatioual honor put to the blush as often br the apologies , as by the offenses. The continuance of British cruisers in the gulfs and waters washing our southern east should not be permit • ted. They should lot he permitted toatretch themselves sere-s the only highway we have from the Atlantic to the Pacific side of the country. and play ilia obsolete part of mistress of the seas. An American fleet cruising io the North Sea. with occasional exesusioas into the Theo/ere or Tweed, would probably add Buts to ills peace of mad of Brother Roll; sod should it proceed to enforce a Dan. jab toll at Elsioeur, by throwing two or three twenty panders iota* British merchantman. of course we elioold ,Ma ell England abort ear earl. Aod what mason is !there that our suaceptibilitin should be he.. seine me i peeling such punctilios, than their*? It is a poor fee- Wes to plead their territorial posseerione is a salve fatter periled dignity. Whatever British rights wily be, the America, right to as eniaterrupted pathway saws the , mean, sad sheet thatstais-Aesultie water*. ISholefeasible. an d should be maintained at all hazards, Net excepting the bezeilis - o( war. i . El ERIE, PA SATURDAY MORNING. DECEMBER IX 1851 Congreas, The senate has been and is yet engaged in discuyeing the Kossuth resolutions, and in bilking about the corn promise...two subjects. of all others, that wine 'Mould be the,lact to be introduced there. The latter the people hate decided. is their pripiary capacity, to be a final set tlement of the questions involved. So let them be.— The former. our simple understanding teaches us. is for eign to the duties of that body. Kossuth - comes, among uses as exile, and is receiving a welcome from the peo ple.' That is right. but let die Senate mined ita l wn bu siness. In the llinum, not much has been accomplisheit except the arrangement of the committees, end the other duties iacideitt to the opening of a new C o ngress. We pre. earns the llollithiya will be 'over bactre the members will go 6 work. • Arrival of Kossuth. The Hungarian leader, Kossuth% and his snile. arrived In New York on the sth. in the Ilusuleoldi; and ever sines ear eastern ezehenges have been filled with the detail* of hie reception and movement*, and with high Fraught eulogise of his •ppearance, oratory. patriotism. etc., etc.. which, if we attempted to copy, or even give a sTnopsia of. would fill our paper to the exclusion of every thing else. The people. the newvpapers, sod we almeet said Con gress too. appear to have gone Kossuth mud. . They, will Mom apace, however. we think. There is always calm after a storm, and Kossuth himself is taking the proper coarse to alliy the excitement. The telegraph tells us that President Fillmore's see and private Sense tary, sailed upon Kossuth at the Irving House. and said that his father. the President. would. hapless'd to see and welcome him at the seat of Government. and that he desired to know alien it - was his intention to be in. Washington. Kossuth replied that his movements were somewhat uncertain, and that'll was somewhat doubtful whether be should go to , Washington, at all—the action of the Senate was far fromlbeing agreeable, and eircum etaadss would govern his future action with regard to his visiting Washington and other places. We du waken:nit what others may think, but it strikes us as in a very bad taste for a person in Kossath's situation falling back ou° his dignity, and rejecting the invitation of the Chief Hag istrate. because As did not like the action of Congress, IT Wait i Paorsurr.—lt will bo recollected that Mr. ideredith, when Secretary of the Treasury in 1849, nru pbasyed that iosteid of the tardy yielding enough to !nest the - expenses of Government. we should be compelled to make a new loan of about 16 millions of dollars. But what are the fact.--instead of as increased debt, the lia bilities of she United States has. daring the last fiscal year, (ending June 3064 and since, been gradually re. qaced by mean enu.tois of dollars. The process of re. t iduetien was by the purchase et U. S. Itellrititl at a low Irate. during mensentary depressions of the stock market. Some U. S. fines have in this way been bought by the Secretary of the Treasury, very recently, Is thil+elphis. Mr. Meredith orolY "mimed his figure" by aboati9d tions, that's all: Comfortable, Wel it? • •17 GIVATOLLT DJll.—Judge Buicklead, the EJitor • o if the West Chaste/ ReptAtiedui. sad late Aeseciate, Jodie of Chester meaty. the, asedoody antidote to hie re limey to private We: "Oar Machinery of repstarp a y. transmit works admirably tad . eariethly. Oa Boa , day swelling. the Wile, Or this. weal 1, bed a aides of the Coati of Cocteau uses of Chester Cleat); yea terday monis( he awoke a privets ciliate. without haw lag av chugs of fmibepe—ezdrofd. it awf be putt we thick joke ea mach of oweelf as aver." En - Th. Ifusiroirpi hoe odopted• Rotolo - 'ion. to altitio try th e Utiles so It io; sad by tb. Coastita tura witturot smooths's!. • . The bulblsat's Lange. LOCAL AND GENERAL ITEMS. tr We are reurested by Se Treseerer or lb* Erie re seal, lienevolest itreiety. to acknowledge the Nesip4 $lO from tleir Esfiekerbeeker Cifibs oho. liberal dumdum Gem sequel riflemen. emounting te $3 .111)—ie e t $33 i ET The lira of.- osi Sew Ter, letters was Wedd ed-ter last week. but uwe fumed In edvaneel or ear i.e. al fiay, an amsennt of the sewage. itarrired•w late. Tug add and bowie* at tie present writing; tout how bag it will remain se as with. er qeestietu . . LT Mr. llasbans win deliver • Lecture o 1 Frederick f Sammy at die Uoisersailid Client!' te•timeov (Sab bath) orealog. at 6i o'clock. CFPneencsessio.—Tke Editslsere. Wombs*" sod We. teased Plank roads. an progressing as fast as the weather will permit. Tke bad roads of dm lest few weeks have rendered the smooth plank favorites, ewes with tyre loudest & few months ago spiast ••motinpe. Les." II? Our market bus been pretty well supplied w i t h Itisoo lately. The snow is the country beck of us his res o m d blowou t Me sped. sad the blights lithe Ott appear to kayo taker It. advadtsge of it. • Gast TO C•LlToopuO.—llleseri. A. 11. Hitchcock sad R 8. Helmer. of (hie city. left 'loot wick tor the laud of gold. Success getteadlthem both. Irr A'wew Poet etrit; r s - has bees establislwd le all•Keia. at Sterrett's Mills. aid A.). Sterrett appointed Post Mos tor. It is called Sterrett aria. As the "truth" is very mach needed ia that aeighborlsood, we hops 'lack" will speak a good word for the °bracer among his atopiaint- Wheel . • ET J. C. Spencer, Esq. W now in New York for .fie purpose of rrceivisgthe Locomotive EltlX, destined for the Erie and NoVtlkEsst road. Just u soon u the road la fluiehed from Dunkirk to the Line, it will be brought op, sadist:ached upon its destined track. "Leer some." IT ituroaszo.--:rOur old friend. Capt. W. W. Dob. bins. rearmed from CaWont; last weak. after a ;wipers in that land of '•flora. gamblers and gold." as amps 0130 Calk it. of ov e r two years._ lie looks well. talks well. and is ao well Pleased with the Country. that he purposes returning about the latorisnuary. WYPIROMUTE.D.-..W. are pleased to learn that Lieut. N. 8. Thompson. bf the U. B. 11. Marine. attached to the Cutter Polk, on the Pacific coast, has been promoted to a Nocella' Lieutenant•. Lieut. T. is a son of Judge Thompson. of this city, and his promotion will be bailed with pleasure by his numerous acquaintencse here. At last accouuts he was acting master of the Polk. 17rtsavasts ARTIST*. USION..—We hove received a circular from this institatiou announcing that their draw jag will positively take piece on the first of January. All therefore, who wish to have a chance iaithe scheme. and at the lame time contribute their mite toward the pro motion of the Arts in the west, had better coil on the Honorary Secretary. B. Great. Esq.. in this city, and subscribe. Bat a few days - remaia before the Books will be closed. • • 1:7 Opposition is the life of trade. At thei present writing wee haves but tire Book stone in the city; but the prospect is that we l will have half-a-dosen or se be fore this time next year. Orr young friends). B. Gun nison & Co. have their room almost ready and will open in a few days no entire new stock. A gentleman from Cleveland was here Jast week looking fora moat to open out in.but was nasseceesful. Tim large publishing House of Derby & Co.. of Buffalo. will seen open a Branch of their establishment here; . and we have ¬ion ourselves to'try our luck in the same line. If we de, we intend to learn this community how to -advertise. Altogether, we think Erie is destined to be n literary city. IIT . The Shreiner Keystone cams in yesterday mor. nil& frost Beffide. with the schooners 'Citizen and quehanua in tow. loaded with railroad iron. This le ths mot mmuseur so mine ow ins sum Wm, 49.0.9 saw. m.., Ir.rTas STt►itt:n Mtcetto►u.—The service performed by this meanies, is this noticed in the Anneal Report of the Secretary of the Navy: The blamer. Madras Commander Bolles, has ems tinned to cruise on the upper lakes..fertbe protection sod assistance of oat trading vessels in those waters. and has on several occasions famished important assistance to die civil Akers is arresting and bringing to justice combine- Poem of persons charged with offences against di. laws of the [hailed States. CTRL are requested to state that iieriitt.tter. Wu.- Lisa and hie pupils, will give a concert at the Universa list Chinch. on the evening of Theredey. the 18th knot.. is aid if the foods of the Eris Tem& Benevolent Soci ety. Pried of n 614681.8 hie adults 45 canto—Children half pride. To swell the pnseeeds se mooch as possible. soiree tickets win be gives out. reline dietribeted en the day of the concert. The hinevoiem will therefore bur in Wad the time - arid place.: 17DnowsTitA person, acting as Conk of yhe 'learner Detroft. was drciwaed in oar harbor on Wed nosilsq evening. Ile ennui of the boat at the 'public deckle company with anoth er , sad pored behind minor the Mare-homes for some porpoise. and. it being very dark, mimed his footing antral' in. _Coroner Dann held an. inquest on the lady the same evening and returned a .verdict accordingly., What's in ithe Windt Thursday's . Cozens contains two urticks on railroad ' matters that. if they do act istesish as, it is eety because we were prepared sotnewhet, by out door movements, for thorn! Otte is a communieatime denying the binding force of the Owego Law of list session, so far as it relates to the North East and Erie Company. The other is an Editorial commencing arm*, the onslaught of Walker a. Co. spoil the Franklin Canal Company's road to the Ohio line, to ancient times, when men went to war. they used a shield;. and if we judke correctly of the articles in question. the Editorial is but the shield of the communi cation. Thus, if there can. - a realist created against the western road, and the e of the people drawn to it, it will be much easier to alcomplish arty ulterior design against the validity of the Gauge Law that a portion of the management of the Eastern road may eatartain. Tot instance. the el sties of two New York Director; has boldly been advocated in • oat i streets by them heretofore loudest in sumaieing the position of Erie on this tree. Ikon. when it most be apparent to every body that slob election would be Awl)? fatal. WeD may we Mk, 1 "What's in the 'Wind?" low ear Advice to the people is to ouch the Cagan& road. and let the Western take cars of itself. Nulkody divittee the binding force of the Gauge Law on theN Western road; besides part of it is sow in working order. and 4ra are running over it daily. It c wet be stole, spirited away. or taken from es. It meat come here, aid that, too. With the Obis gauge. These agitators, the Ginetta add lite correspondent. together' with all and singular of its dvisers. - amid to tell us that the western read was the Wile theciegki which New York was trying to reach to the West with an unbroken gauge. to the maoitest iejery of our town and State. Bat it now appears that the danger 1..4111 in some loop hots through. the Eastern road—at I'M,. Mr thinks "Publico;" and we t hink he is right. So we spy to all, ignorant as we are of what is mutiny in the w,ind, watch the Eani—ibe Bon rises there, and we would pot be surprisad to wake ap some fine morning arid and an effort making to have the four feet ten inch track adapted en the Eastern road ia. stead of the one now laid down. If there is nothing of this kind in :he wind, why this effort is the quarter in dicated to secure the eh:Natio of two New York Directors? —why this manifesto of "Publico." from the same point of the compass. to weaken the confides*" of the people in the binding (ores of the Law? Why this Editorial 'braid directed spinet the :western read, when that road is dein nothing twittery to the Cheg•Law-- o e th e eon . Wary its Directors have acknowledged its binding force. "Oh, bet." oafs these cavilsm. "the stout of the western reed Is am owned ens4g us—its direction imepaved from mar heads into 1414 qlovefaed." Pray. , toil no, crutir leen. Where thipeWck firths Foitern Mid ist..erlsets is that owsedl—into whose heads have yes Mee trying to glee its digestion? AWNS, those %nem. and then tell se what difference it wakes to us where the stock of the woolen read is owned-4n whose beads Its direction roots. if die emir is intsratibly &red aceardiag tolur wishes! 14 eosishision. we say to the people. Now Yo l rk CSOSOrgel to thewriet over so tialwoken g._p Crawl Bail° end Ddskirk. Wes, the Sent, East fed Ede road lets her—therefore watch the East! Diner to Judge Aar* At a nreeting of the Erie Bar. heitter Tuesdaj me in. tba tith ok.. at which Her. Jens Cassano' prodded. a toreintier wee romtimerily adopted wader ire Iv holy Crroco a priblie Orem: ite the !messier of the termiaation of hi. delimits Presider* Jades of the 6th' had.! district. Mears. wit Babbitt ud Tb.mp soa were selected es a emetnittee to eeWmpord with Jodie Church ea the *object. The omnatittie addrearid him by sitter and received a reply accepting the proffer ed invitation. - In pursuance of these arrangements the members of the Oar to the number of about tweuty.live. together a ith Judges Miles sad Sterrett, end Exwjudges Brewley and Viticest. assembled at the Reed House on Thursday eve ning. the 26th. The company eat down to dinner at 81 o'clock. I'. M. After the cloth was removed. Ilea. 11. Sill arose and delivered i very feeling and eloquent speech expreiwive of the sentiments of the Bar. Ile com mented folly upon the relative duties and oLligations of Judge and Attorney. and dealt at some length upon the j influence and reaponsibilnies of the legalpforession. U. expressed to Judge Church the satisfaction given both to the public and to the Bar by his prompt. faithful and int pattial discharge of the onerous duties which had de volved open him for the last nine years, and concluded by wishing him health; long life, sad prosperity. Judge Church, in reply, delivered a very neat. forcibte and eloqueutaddrees. of whicliewe regret we are unable to gins even an outline. He said diet the remarks of the speaker. and the many associations called up by what had been said. bad almost deprived him of ability to put into words as he w'i'shed. the thoughts suggested by the Oeelliiioll. He, proceeded to express some candid and clear views of the relative duties bf Judge and Attorney. and spans the importance oft the legal profession to anxie ty. He concluded by thanking the members of the Bar fur the assistance rendered to him In the discharge of his datise. and for the courtesy and kindness manifested towards his. while upon the Bench. Speeches were made, during the evening, by Hen. John Galbraith, Hon. James Thompson, J. li. Walker Esq., G. Cutler, Esq., Cul. J. R. Snowden. and others. sketches of whose remarks. except thane of Col. S. we have not been able to tabloid. - , Cul. J. R. Seowden. of Pittsburg, in reply to a geaer. al call upon him. made an appropriate and eloquent speech. Aiming other observations, he said, it gave him great pleasure to meet the bar of. Erie County on as oe eastou like the present. These re-anions were always delightful and. he might add, instructive. .To him this meeting was peculiarly agreeable, as be recognised, a - - round the festire board. several ireademen with whom he had bees personally associated from the period of his youth to the present hoer. The distinguished and learn ed gentleman. Hon. John Galbraith.' who occupies the seat ea thevight• (di the honorable guest of the evening. be was proud to eall his early and fast friend. He never could forget the eniforin kindness of that gentleman to ward, hum, nor cease to keep I. remembrance his con stancy, his integrity, his public and private worth, char acterieties which have endeared him to his fellow-citizens and placed him in the elevated position he now occupies. Mr. S. said he trusted he was not :reading on doubtful er, forbidden ground. He rejoiced to notice the fact that every where in this broad Cennotrirealth. with its pope , latiou of nearly two soda half millioas,Of people. the ju dicial power is placed is the hands of able and honest men bed that too when their selection has been made by the people themschies. • The defeated as-well as the elected 1 , latent. (so far as caniiiridsia his obeirvation. lied he had be said. a tolerably extensive knowledge on that subject,) fp'tle 11 of integrity. • tj The result is aiseueaced in with alacrity sod cheerful ' I nese. Ther y power to make this lawe. and the power to administer them, pane from one man to another in this happy land of oar own. without the slightest shock to the ' land. or ripple upon the surface of the water: The trans ition is se quiet, that were it jot that we occasionally no tice the departed °Said either at the festive board or by address in open cuart. the change would only be noticed by'thosa whoittend the cowls, and see a new face on the bench. A venerable sad highly respectable gentleman, (Judge Vines) one of the indomitable piOneere of this near johns( eeeety, bee said ibis eveisini. that he "bed oat lived the Coassitsties."s lie has it is ties, eatlivid the Constitetias of 1790. bet-b• has witimeeeed the peaceable adoption of thsii - Comititotins of len. eat in113341. - the im pottant alteration which gives to the people the election of theii judges. Neither the present nor (stare geseratione. ' would bogie just cense of complaint, Chet the sovereign power of the state hod assumed. and ozonised their un doubted right., Where the people,make the laws. end - the lora govern —there litres liberty: audit Matters not who administer" those laws unless the administrator" are devoid of knowl edge or virtue, in whieh cases, hoWeeer, enrconstitotion and laws furnish an efficient and prompt remedy. t The success of the ,principles is now revolutionizing Europe. They most venteally prevail everywhere , be canoe they art limed se truth and jenies. Berme taking his at. Mr. S. desired to say a word or two in relation to • Dilemma 'who sat near him. (Mr. lielsbitt.) He had k a that geetleman for many yew a past is private life. • the bar and in the legislative balk of the State. He d 'red to bear !his bumble testimony to his worth, end *eel loess. in integrity and talent, mid be begged to propose. the health ,elsd happiness of Elijah Babbitt. Esq. Mr. Babbitt is reply to 'this 'allusion. made some ra marke.in his usual ibis and felicitous style. and coedit - tied by proposing a sentiment. I "The Legislature of Peonsylvania." , , ILT "Moser MARTS TES MARK roo."—A young man. Jobs Shier. an omnibus driver si Camden N. J.. was married a short time cute. A few days ago the bride tame into possoonion of woo, dories the Weime r part of theltoney-moon. It appears that this sum. which had bees willod to the lady by he parents. was is litiga tion at the time of marriage. with a fair prospect of being secured by the appeals( party. . As "mousy mates the m a re go." Mr. Shins cal now itrive."taadans." rr A furious war is wag*: at present between ths friends of Jeitesto• and Cooper. i The Daily Netts is of epinie• that this light bids fair to "defeat the whit party for t • osatury to onto." This would be • smut gratify aasouseemist to sta, if it wore um tee urea that a similar salt as ••tisfsat the" 0 1 4 saara tia "party for a sestary to toms" is house nada.; IX A ?tears.—A young girt his bass arrested is Lao• eaeieg.charied with eaesiog the death of the child of Wet soa.H. Miller. by making it 'we lem phis tad needles. so ai'te make it fretful that alto might be relieved of awe ins it. ET FamTaaa•l. ricicli.l7ll4.--TOMP Detroit the "meet furious Seward imps is ►he WNt. Miss Ink Ord. de headed ••Prendcat filionorenad Ariz corlinel i and du fill elettioas." ii kaisers: ••la the early ages time was a Jed oar atruales for independence. there was a Lleaodie Antall- A belt • ten ui t y ago the dem:monk party its Aaron R o m A few years eines the whig rty elevated to pow er • Jobe Tyler. and. mere y. • Millard Fillmore has become the Presideny but stiAig with treachery the the very Soon who have Mood ham Is the pissed. of fame.' R iMEMEI .—Pb. congressional 'ork Commercial says if sanguine men, the soon be broke op, and its ruing." Why, the are the Union polity LETTER FROM JEW YORK. c o r m tpc. • eor the Coe observer. sw Yeas, December 2, - 1551. Ma. Emmet—TM ether, the past day or Wes has twee angolficeet with ,a. Italy mist show tie porer oily. sad as fit the cool lase • g air, that mutes Ono feel as win :lemma no Int eel is said exhibit Itself whim:the , cook is desading it pi its caticl where(cas yoo find Its pararell Sack sprightly weather ekes/ everphing eke attire of aeon" We-bld two arrivals fromo• is sa Sounds?. 1 1 Itchiest is some three and a-half mil •us in gold dust.' and informing us that two cud a-half mi lons mere are I on their way hither to seek • resting place 'n this dine- tion. Now, this intelligence, thoargyls it d • s not touch to individually, fee we havwro hie l a that easy • the dust I is intended for our special use. (at least we we been furnished with no such aesarsiea.) law a sort senti mental claim iron our admiration; because it ear hes ' vs, the commuotty. and so "us," the snit-fancy that • • share, hypotlimieeily, in the advantages. Business therefore iii"the most mitring Mindition end every man looks pleased and satisfied. Talking of -California. the Nice:sopa route and the Panama. are running a bitter lilt against each other, in theirrivalrr. The latter happens toevew the most loud- ' ly just now, fur several cards have been published re• costly by the passengers by the former line denouncing it as vile and tedioue.sed its 'uneaten as everythinedis honoreble. The California,,. when they land here first. look miserable eaough. They ate perfect "seare-enows. 1 all rage and tatting. And as soon .se they "down with the dust." and convert it into broad cloth. panel 'leather. and the "clemency." they look like cat-birds in season. The brokers swindle Me" we are sorry to say, shame fully. however. "Raiiness" are kept by souse - worthless "brokers." who get a eeturuiesieo for. heisting in these "pigeons" to be plucked. The result is that, between, false weights' and other contriyencos. our Celifornians leave the shops robed of ten ler fifteen per cent of their hard earnings. It is a shame: That Panoraina of the Crystal Palsies, has at length been thrown operi to the public. -We had private view 1 of it. In advance; en Saturday. it is certainly a splendid thing, and regereems the World's Fair, in all Its depart menu'. foreign and domestic. inside as well as eatside- I The painting is very long, very wide, and a rare piece of ! artistic perfection. The American goods are charming- ; ly displayed in it and el;cit I rounds of applause.— 1 The bird's-eye view of London is a very interesting part! of it, and so is the winding op with that of the yacht America. Si: artists were sent to Loudon to take this picture on the spot. and they say it has cost $30,000. It will be along year way soon: It behings to the enter prisiug P. T. Barnum. The Swedish Nigh tingale. lanai Lind. will be here about the. 30th of' December, rd remain a couple of weeks. She bee been giving ilway a good deal of money, it seems, to the poor, in Booted. Miss Hayes, the "Swan of Erie" is ill, we hear. The dispute between her and Mr. Seale, of London.'who engaged her. is now before our,COerte. Dr...lay. Mr. /I.'s -- agent, has gone to Eu- • rope, but the $30.000 attached to the spit rimaini be hind. Somebody has boon swinol;d pretty severely in this matter. Who it is. we presume. the suit will show. Oor City Council gavi. on Saturday. their grand din ner to Capt. Sand aid the other officers of the V. 8. frigate. fgt. Lawrence that conveyed the America') goods to the World's Fair. As the officers only did their duty ,andited nothing else to do, this compliment may seem superfluous, bat we spend money liberally here. aud the official functionary is often most esteemed who most con tributes to scatter in this way the public money amongst the crowd. It is a way we have—perhaps it might be improved. Seale little feeling is evinced here, in regard to the divot* betWeeseXosenth and 9selksiericao Comet -at Marseilles. The Consul said , ll,4lekkler at that place bad disgraced the-U. S. flag. itdaplied. and very tart ly.. Some of our journal treat Kossath with very little respect and endeavor to show that he is not a repablicant others eulogise him almost to idolatry. As "the middle o• the road is the best side of the way." according to Ilibernieu'autherity. the truth, we suppose. lies some where between the two. • Kossuth will be hers on Wednesday. He is to land at night. and be escorted by s grand torch-light proces sion. No wore to-day. r SCRIBO. Mr. Etirrea:—.We are kill in . a stets or great excite ment occasioned by the events of Saturday. when Kos suth wir received with civic ceremonies. andbythe fact of his continued preeeece is oar midst. New York nev er witnessed each a aces._ before ea was promoted last Saturday. The reception of La -Fayette. in 1811. was realty nothing to it, is comparrison. It was* complete and perfect holiday with all ranks and chose,. The pa pers will, no doubt, give yea the fill details. bat it will not be amiss in as to add that sanguine as we were in re gard to the &denuding occurrences of the day. the rerddy far, very fer.earpeaed all oar °errand's's*. Themteald not have been less than 100.000 people on thistreste which the procession was to pass; and when Kossituh, himself appeared in a baroncho drawn by sii handsome horses. the demonstrations of the popular admiration were perfectly bewildering. Every corridor. roof. balco ny. post and tree. was occupied by a dense multitude.— The ladies waved handkirchiefir—the - gentlemen threw - up their hats—the boys screamed ••hgaa"—the artillery was booming over the eity 7 -the music of a hundred mil itary bands lir as filling the delighted air with enchanting melodi—ia Short, such a picture of boandlase enthusiasm as it was, is a thing too rare ever to Welfare an ordina ry memory. The most carious transparencies were ex hibited in every quarter. Broadway was full of them..as well as of Hungarian flags, while Hungarian hats, Hun• prises. Hungarian teaches. Hungarian badges, arc.. meet the eye at every turn in all directing's. Two of the Park gates had been beautifully fitted op by the city authorities. with wreathe sod • festoons of red. white and green. thrown around a lofty arch sod marked with appropriate inscriptioas. The Astor House and the Irving threw up some saperb banners. BarDilileil Mu scum was metsfully decorated. sod had suspended at the West. v. large !Acme. represeutiag Yawed' a hie Generale, ender which the great waggon parani• . whde its purport was explained to him. Next d was one also but of a figarative character, that aura ed great at. tendon. It fact :hey arrested the vision ' every block. Besides all this, Jim, grasd turn out of the Military, for upwards of ten Mainland of our vela teen were on duty, was cue of onexampled splendor. _ - dozen of Daguerroty piets made a desperate effort to catch hie feature while he wan at Stereo Island. He positively refused all; but ens very dexterously obtained • hasty picture as bests:. ed Maui is his carriage. and such boasts as he makes of is his advertisement! ' Our Coroner has resigned his emu. 11 0 e is charged by • Committee of the totincil with enorm se peculatin. Continued ill health (he has been stricken with paraly sis) is given as a reason for his resignation? , . The notor:ons Lola hlontz, Countess of' Landstelt. is here; bat it is not known when she will diner in public there is se'mash public theliog *phut her on account of her bed repotatioo. She can get rooms la no bolo!. and has to live in the Theatre. Onstares P. Brooke. the rest LigSoh trarifiae. ar rived in the America. Ile is a w'eadorfel Amer—wiles mkt. Shaw. the actor arrested fir Mdateal trimmest of a child , eel,. 9 years aid. has rile away. The Beak forgers a With bank Wet for ti 444 r. Yoder. lb* Editii y embraced is Bre HI was nuns* "Berme lird chain. . 'resident Filmoresi t Washiness K hi o ; Indelicately.. It • h ever; we Anted mist. bat straiten. a f Erie sad Ma. Earroat—Evai °flange on the above inlereaw, and that the 1 he t fraoght with result' traitesis. f the provisions of that unflinching inter pecople hays 'a right tol • the di 4.4yiresi.,:tntipiodanie:rd,ests,:::::Toil4.4n en a .ta grr aite.nau i deace. :: irs ea ti44:: of running the Ohio par been sod are awing ovary jo ( aftom p h ,... , commencement of the work. Let thri snanoesivering th as been going on lately la the city succeed? and wba tresi of:the prospect of a am. niction with "nodal is. (fan the tonbltrr and Erie be built if Boehm and ew" rk can rush the trade sad travel past Erie on •ii iform angst It pumas. These thiap are t olovi as for either roof or arp. mut. It is now app rent, a d has been for lone voile train the boasting, of he Dirirkers and Buffideewso. list there is a certain indite ce holding out socourago. nOuts from our own tamp to the enemy, that they way shortly come In and take us. Of late, numerous intiolt• lions and indications have taken place that leave so rocs far doubt that an effort . is at this moment making is ac ccimptioh the uniform' gauge If this is denied, let ma refer to one or two i ev den from the numy that millu be cited, ha proof of in elle tion. tat. The honorable nd hb rat proposition of the Shet• ridan Railroad Com ny to onset on 'the wide pegs, wus } rejected by the ' and 'artila East Lewd, and tha t tisk, after the stipalati as b been agreed open by mai toil committees and writior !11. Two or more o the D rectors , whose integrity up oat this question is mre th suspected, base recently been active in urging stockh dery to elect tiiie residua, of New York Directo in th new hoard , and that too se 74gice ilf two who Scams; to be sound, ea As gazer i i question. The hoar coast of screw. The two New %letters with the two here ho era in favor of the Gino gauge would give a majorii against the sic fcet•trach Aft least the balance of power wont I be in the hands of ode individual who would be easy to twarinic that ;be uniform gauge would be forfthe interest of the ton n. MARRIED. • .. lOn the 4th inst.. ip i thiaty. ky Aim. Wm. , TOl4. Mr`( Gatverrn [lcarus, Jr, of borcieek, and Mae Mier LIPIAMI. of Erie. ' I _ ' On the 30th tali., in Millereek. by Rev. 31: Koehler; Mr. FAILDKRICA MIN limo and Mess TIMAXIII• MI'SG;1111 oflhe former place. DIRD. Departed this life, on the t sth inst . io this ei ty. Rica- ARID 0. HIJLASIer. E q . egad .59 years. At Harborcreek.qu the niuruiog of the 3d just., Mrs. q....0r A. FLowen. kt the 63d year of ber i age. ----' _ --, ACADENT. , P E Winter Term the Erie Aeademy commences on Nate k HE day, Ike. to und the chameof FAY E DE4LIN. A 8.. rlonciPnli and Talc he of La aces, itasheccuil ,es, Natural Bei. @mete nd PeettiCal Surteying. i . . 0./HEN DRI N. Teacher oldie English lwparunent. , • , Miss 8. A. EIBBE, freceptress, and Tea ter of F•ench Astronomy and Botaoy 'elan per Vearter, Primary Branches'. !API ' Higher English *ranches, , 113' •-. La ntrutPirs• I • a 00 The regular lbw& for admission is at the beginning r nuddlrid the Terse. No one soli be admitted for lest than f a quoin- G. A.1.Y0 . Presidest. MCIMAT Wiset.Lem.Eleeretaty. Erie. Dee. 13, '311.--34/. VI CSICLE BOUNDd i tLidow opening. a y choice lot or Via .l.V.l. line and Guitar Swings. Italian. 'hiller. and Lorlith Pump. the beet in town, lbr sale at LOOKIS k Co's. Erie, Dee. 13'3141. O Welg '" A largewNertmetti or Day and $1 Hoor 67,1117- Alarms. Tudor and'Other styl • clocks, for almost nothing. just received at Erie. Dec. 3141 LOOM IS k Cu". l l g 13w LI G HT B . -13010 " a' ' 'amPalene standltie end stespeed li. Lamp. and Hall I te'rms; afro. Wick.. Gihtim Chira niee.4la . note receiving liee. 13 1 31-31. Loogin ass.... FLAV O RING Extra oi s ail lin premed kind.. surbsYstitiii, Lemon. Bitter AI • nds, go., else, row water and hue obis oil; by Dec. 11141 1 CARTER k. BI i ;THEY. DICTETICTI. arms. Vennicilla. Temoca. Saco, Pearl Bei • ley. Oat N 1 I. Auto Root. Rice, he.. ike ,by I Erie, Dec.l E 131.31. ' CARTER*. SNOT" el. Nrw Your. Dec. 9 , , Sono of Tiroaporadeo. . ~ , FIE u • reigned committee. aPPoullea 0 S the Efie Daaien T . W t t een ' le°r7lloyf T empera nce, the f°4•l.n.ttlashrs this Temperance in paZet tl %lar. tha ' Grand Ihirtaialt of the rearm) trawl' Non, orrenthrtaate• la bold their quarterly !heeling in this city on the 4th Wedart•- • yof January neat., ' ileteral thatingthehed advocates of Temperance from nuladel ' phis. and the eastern Oita of the State. will be In attendance. hom who= addresees way be 6:peeled. Al.ll. BARR. I t J. D. CI.ARK. 1 . - Cogitate& . Jutilli L I,W, I a J. B. 8.1•11111, 1 Erie. Dee. 10. 1.A31.—e0w31; • . Pittsburg! and s*. a Bail Read Company. rrtHE Stockholders, ofthe Plthurgh and Erie ita , l Road Coe, Play. baring thiledito elect at the annual meet, rte. on itir rite Monday in December, public notice is nereby given that an err lion will be held at the Nike of said company. in the city of Erie. on the h kb day arOcceasber font, at lo'clock P. . for the lion of thirteen Director. of ;Fuld comps oy i agreeable w die 1m• view's. of the Act of I neorporatinut. Office P. At E.. R. R. Co. / D. Mr JILL ASTER. Sec fah December, Pell. dee. 13 IS3I-3t 31 ire about a week. He en Sunday.' with the our Chief Magistrate. id it his rooms, rit the he will be escorted to lir Thursday the greed u Council comes off. , superb. The 'dinner sseeeed.'aud tieheb for 'mend quite a premium T° TAVERN KEEPERd.—I have a full awortund at all kinds or Liquors on hand and will w4l (MA al la N ems. Call and wt. t W. r. Nov,llll. \ Conn.r of kih and Aare a._ looking petleinsn. sod the likeness gives of f the "upper tee" here beta 'al • 'r or th ••Sperit." was affecti ot . way restorday by, a unap t _ of a liarnouit pia sod his glib l ib re son ;et . rerine s o in) nth t 'irks Color not Firodent atle nly nbu t net. Ene orth ei t ii i H s • knows that the gawps* mused ilroul Involves moans' eau!' o tbo pending struggle will !to ear t• wa and county, most me- i Gam irrity an expect the m ie the antage !lilies =la ;• this q ISon. projes York I have a i d nal $ 3d. Directors of t e Erie and North East road, who 4 e in favor of the p p la . have openly sifted thr,r lief that there is in schief . • foot. 14th. A commenic tion • -Hosed to emanate direct', from the office of th tcom• any, appears in the Ga:e.is of this week. combat, ng th positions taken by Mr. Ll nr in his able lette cud vidently intended to pare the way for the mod tatek haling of (rpm. And that usost sagacious journ I, to c , ver the attack of !linear:is. dpodeut. ruanoevers 0 get , p a skirmish with the west on road, on the gr nd the the ruajoritv of Ids 'loci is Meld by non.reeident • and *et *.Publico" in his comms• n4cation impliedly edemas dual the mock of the Erie and North East company itranestly held by fsreigners sad 'reerour citizeue to buy it hack! : Frilo e - --it I.' .e.,,_' , y,r! o in this e,,e' are e ton. • ileorttp r ~, the sacrifice al • 1 tnir -;::.,- • - kif i 1 .tsickirt.'44lo4 bly or th. peo. r i eoft "T ' 1611• • • idt obe mitmnder. in to tins fritter. r 11l jog away of 00g ' -- cooperatewatt thp pirecters who are firm and determined in support of rho law, or shall we supinely allow them to be a elled 0t I to Make room for taco Nese Yorkers? ERIE, 1 , i J 1 , 76 T RECMVED. el the Olookotore of the aubece.ber. on de ." 1 " 20,1 . a supply _Of & • • and ilireellanewn mA Anomie and other hoots a .priAve to the Hoy et•IT. • gm. Dee. 13.1144. ' 0 STAFFORD. Obri -.• • is Cknailig:t , BEAUTIFUL Odor and , oey 608[1. Amin' ly painted sea landscaped—paver, lewg• d sod ebony—%e" tunable for • Ladies' Toiler. or Rs ChM • pkeseo at Erie. Doc. 13 IEIII-St. 1 - CAIRTF.R & BROTHER'S -------- -_ _ ___.--- CAME to the farm of Me siiboeriber In Green. Tort nil, fl. *heat the middle of November. a red yearliog me. a -tar to the beiley--oo tab ial markt. Th , property, pa ehar,ma. 10 , 1 &tar EISEN digat GRAN AN 101 1 a:prayed inlrrdvareo Bleached illi a inter Strained Lie - Oil mud Bliritivig fluid Ibr'Ple J.A.BVAT O3I k Co• HARRisoNs COLUMBIAN INK—ax of thir v.1E441 1041 0 Jun received by - J. 2000 "h" -- 1 ' 1' --- e. y BAZISY aelehmied i ~ w i lt 0,1 to . k e .,embm ..C 3 .• lag eurael4 Ste the ndkerellief. Pomaded. Bean od.t t io' '6"111 Cream. Van tY egilPo. TOcah Puce, and A mandlne WWl' ad bandm all Manly perfumed and Wan Wiled bV Roe. Dee. 131E 1 61-11- i ' J.ll. ItI • ItTne___ . :____. -. .'" Ca' ALARGE sooortnient of Plano. and Iblekxpatio. just M M WM. WILLING'S Music MO re. Me. dee. IS. IRS,t o by lt AN BEN it Eil.—A small NA of Cranberries oti bad t 0..., td GRAYS:II.—A poot - ierph, c yc h ofr e Graph oo mate by Pra. is. rot- D. Y. CIA ired flu otlytt. i t e g es so w eal higteet price will he Mb, srbidi thtt. fit OM miefitli to ••a a trebtiag hini to shy la. our own gore,, puts. scßitio. f!!!1 F . Law are adhered is with . firm deteroonietmo the and demand from Moss !kite?, ell will be weh; wa t t broad gang ?of the great his result ~ tild be ises‘- of our no li - harber, for. r shipping, it requiree as ate and rapid growth gem d wealth. st tar statuitom dist, ibut.on. J. H. BUILT oN &Co .0.