Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, December 13, 1851, Image 1

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♦. P. DITULIN &op., Pcopristors.
(Erie Illrel,lq Nom.
B. F. SLOAN, Ilditor.
City suhirerthers by the carrier. at lri.ol.
15) mail, or of the office, in advance, IJO
x,71 f not paid In aihrance, or within three months from the tune,
ef selecribitig. Iwo dollars will be charged.
1,7A1l conununieatious sisal be post paid.
Cards not exceeding 4 ;Ines, one Year: 83,01
. ..' One square I , .. i. 10.00 -
do. do. six mOnt.hs,o,oo
de do. three month., 4."
Cents Ti mn s,eni advertisements, 30 per square, of aft n lines oil
lepe, for the filvt insertion: '23 cents for each sub•equent insertion.
Tbr Yearly advertisers have the privilege of changing it pleasure,
but at no time are allowed to occupy more than two squares, smite ;
be limited to thrir.iseneediete Mawr.
Advertisements Prot !lir lag other directions. a ill be inserted till
orbid..and charged accordingly. • .
Watetinpaker and Renairer. Dealer in Watcher, Clocks. Jewelry.
blusleal Instruments, Looking Glarrea and other Fancy Good..
etorr• one door nest of the Reed Douse, 17
Drat In Dry C00(9 , . Groceries. !lard%fare. Crockery, ke. No
Perry Block, &ate street, F.rie, Pa.
A. M Jli DS.O,N.
ATT.' TAT AT Lsw.—Offiee on Park Row, between Brown's new
Hptel and the Reed Howe, up etairr.
Dr aI.IMS in Dry Goods, Groceries. Liquors of all hoods. Crockery'
Nadi, oue door south- of Pan jib Jackson's store, French
Street, Erie. Pa.
J CI) rrov
Agent or.l. AmlrePffiniliach—Depoi of lore ten MrSIC and mu
Weal 111Ierehandize, wholesale and retail, No. It So. Sth St
ati. Chestnut strcei. Phdadetphta.
Panatelas and Staacor—nlbee corner or State and Eleventh
Poems; Residence on Eighth Street, beincen •French and
Holland, Eric, Pa.
T. W.
Outs, in CrtxTrie.. Novisaotio, Wines, Liquors, Candies, Fruit,
ite.. tone Dogr below Loomis& Co's State street, Erie.
Desk,* in 13o1.1; Rulvcr, Batik Notes, Prafte, Certificates of De
nosit.Sr.c. Sieht Exchange on the principal cities constantly
tot vile. Office in Beau)fs Block. Public Square. F.rie.
Sr linens ASD Pnelartv—Oifice, corner of French ■nd Fifth
streets. over 7.61105 es koch's stare. Residence on Fourth aucet.
one door east of Vie old Apothecary. Hall.
R. 'l'. S1'1:111RE'17 & SUNS.
HA, constantly* on hand'a fall supply of Groceries, Lignore, ship
Chandlery. Prot isions,Petiute. lac .Lc and sells Wholesale
or Retail at cheap as the cheope,t... No. Ils,Cheapside Erie.
WM. S. LANE. •
Attorney and Counsellor at taw.
nevollitionary. army and Navy Pem , ionr. Bounty' ,Lands and
'claims for eltra-pa v. and all Later buaines entruated,kalane shall
'reCelVe prompt and lattlthe MIPII6OII.
JOffiee ID ‘Vrtahri, Block on state street, over J. H. Hemmen
ka re. Erie et. W.
• _________ _ ...__________
Mints's* Ls ..nd Rea a a Dealer., in Dr) Goud,,Grocertes,llar, ware,
I.ttpex. , , Flour. Fi.h." Salt &e., No. I, Wright's Block cor
ner of Fith and Slate Streets. ' ,
Ek;okeeller and Stationer. and Mannfactufer of Blank Books ai
%Vritnitt I tik.eartier of the Diamond and Stull wort. _
BPD - tat and general Agency and Couuniasion bilainete, Frank
lin. l'a.
DZATIR in F.nalisli, German and American Hardware and Cutlery
Alan, Saila. Amite, Vienwlron and Steel N 0.3 Reed House
Erie. Pa.
W. J. F. ULMJLE & Cu
trensurens, Carriage and Wagon Builders. Stile Street. Le
tts eeu seventh ir. Eighth. Erie. '
Orrtrn. erne Door w•ei ore. B. Wright's store. up 'lst:tire.
. ..
. ,
'Orrilir. with Duet. N. 111 stmt. Seventh neiir rtapsaqmg meet. Rep
shtetiee, on Oalwafrab. one door both of Seventh rt.
ttinnt.Esste and Retail dealer in Groceries; Provisions. Winer 4
Liquors. Friuli. kc.. to Corner of French and Fifth Streets. .
opposite the Fanners' Hotel. Erie.
Wiu and Retail Dealer in Family Groeeries,Croekery
Lliarpware. Iron. Natil., &c., Cheap fug. Ezig, r,„
The highest„ price paid For Couauy Proilnee• .ct
Usit,n,.. - r T 1 I Lot , and Habit 311akerbop.1.40 ; 1! Poor People'a
Row.(up-,airs. pre! A. kJ.$ . Ws ter? Uri* yelaore ) State
Street. Enc. Pa.
J. W. WET,S4 RE,
1 In Walker's 011Iee..ou t 4eitntti threat. Erie. Pa •
‘ber, and Retail Dealer in Dry Haab. Croeerie.,
:lan ware, Carpeting. Hardware. Iron. Steel. Nails.
. Empire Stores dune Street. bur doom, below
tel. Erse. Pa.
lees. Bellow a. Axle Arm., Springs. and a general
I Saddle and Carriage.Triinniunp.
Law end Justice of the -Peace. an Agent for
tie Mutual I.ife Insurpnce Company e 3 doors
) 1 ights store. Erie. Pa.
ATToRwr, AT Law. Girard. Erie County. Pa. Collections and
otb4 business attended w with promptness and disomeh.
Forwarding is Commission Iderehant, wa the Public Dock, easing
:hate street.
Coal. Salt. Plaster and White Fish. constantly kr sale.
Wnot.rhata *no RRTAU. DsAttu In Foreign and Domestic. Dry
ready woe Clothing. Boom and IShoest air-. No. 4
%Prtght•s Block. State {MK. Erse.
Banker and Eiehanre Broker. Dealer IA Bills of Ezebance
Brans. certificate" of l&vonite. Gold and silver coin. &e.. nre
UQre.iWtlliaaw• Block, corner of Stitte-rn.. and Public Snare
Armasirrs Lsw—Otrice up stairs In Tammuz) , Hall building
uorthoruse Prothonotary's office, Erie.
- •
ATTORACT Mt° COCRAILLIA/11 AT Law--0A toover C. B. Wriirbes
store. euunnee one door west of stale street, on the Diamond.
likrAuut in Thy Goods, Dry Groceries, Crockery, Hardware. ave..
Me. 111. Ctiespside, Erie.
Disraxa in Dry Goods, Groarries.Dardware. ns Wtrg Lime.
Nails, ice.. 121, Cheapride. Erie. Pa. ~
Csatwr Mann Upholster, and Undertaker, COM( Of Mate and
Srventh streets. Enc.
CENRAL Forwarding. Produce and Commison illerehantastealers
in coarse and fine salt, Coal, plaster, Shingle', ke. Public dock,
west side of the bridge, Erie.
Porwanties. Comm aatots and Produce MereYanb;Bee•
nod Ware-house east of the Public Bridge., Ede.
Elestats in Watches, Jewelry. Germaa Ilihrer..Plaied and
Britannia Ware entlery, 'Military and Fancy Goodjt. Mate wee%
nearly opposite the Eagle Howl. Erie.
C. Leonia. T. M. Aram
Wrimassta and Retail dealers in DrupOdedielle t raints,Ods,
1 &emirs, Glass; Re ,No. 6. Reed House. Erse.
FAIIIIONADILX Merchant Taikii. on ale pubic paste, a few door,
went of State street. &Ir. _L_
Waous•u •an Inman, Dealer in Greece**. PfoYUbn.
Chandlery. Stone-ware, be. dee., No. 3, Barash Block. Erie. '
0.. D. spArkiittb,
Dealer in low, Medical. scowl Miscellaneous Books stationary
Ink. dr.e. Owe st. four doors below the Public square.
S. LilatitSON.
PisynctAN AND !cc aasow—Oaßce at his residence oa Eleiresith street.
opposite the Methodist Church, Erie.
Wilot.t••t3 •ND RILT•//. dealers ILI DifUrl. Medic HMI. Die ell/S.
11 ;roterirs. kc. No. S. Reed House. Erie.
Resident Dentist; °likened dwelling is the
Beebe Block. on the Rem side of the Ifeblic
Square. Erie. Teeth iniewed on Geld nate,
"'" • from one to an entire sett. Wiens teeth Med
"Rh Pure Gold. and *stored to health aid madam Teeth
ciearied with instruments and Deptifiet PO go 10 leave 1 4 111 "
penile id cleanser. AU work "rumen&
p oWDY.R.—iimi keys Dille. Deer and Stuetiely Powder. Jos
t received and fin rale by the Leg at kw *walla,.
Erse, July 111. - IL T. Ihrwairr 1101111.
• -
011 BAGS Pair) Balt, on Mod and lb, nit al
potful twit 311i5tclipng.
'Ti. said that a poet most soar to Meson :I -
On • fiery-winged horse that is christened Pcgaahn.
Drink draugbu long and deep from the famed :Helicall.
' And climb up • mountain—l think 'us Parnassus.
All this may he true, I'm sure 1 can't te11... i
If it is, 1 'do wish 11l the world could but know
If it did. there are people, 1 wait of. right well,:
Would cease to be dubbed by the queer name of
I've been called a poet—l am not, I know, 7
For the nearest I get to the skies o'er olat head' ..*,
Is when, everzmornlng , I soberly go :,
Vp a long light of maim to be Maki*/ the beds. •:,
• As to clunbipg Parnassus. the nearest I come iI F -
To that, Is in pining the steeps of Mount A#Y. ;
My own lofty breeze shaken. BowerskrelMd hire.
fic l i
A Spot that might suit either poet or pug.
' The fount that 1 drink ihxo springs op thlt earth.
Not Ileitcoa waters yet pure fresh and (rm.{ l, -
An:lama they add to both vousfixt and m rtii.i;
As we whirl up that "iron bound bucket" ilk glee,
IThe boom that I ride trudges kindly alon •
i Wherever 1 bid him, upon Mk own feet , :
He has never a wing; but his muscles are mtg.
And instead of Pegasus, we call.him "old
"Fis said there's nine Muses—not one do ltivir.
Though laometitnes have read alt their na lir a bOott.
(I wisp to the kitchen with me they'd all .
I'll rich them for nothing to wash and to! .),'
But 1 am not a poet, of that there's no '
Though l liVe in the world full of haiku' and beauty;
And it lieveris fairer within or without.
Than when here below I've been doing my tey.
. - •
• No; I ant not a poet—yet I have my nine r
That Inspire the each day, as still earthward I ream;
A husband; eight children, and the holies shrine
That ever was knelt at—the alike ofllome.
H. B. H•VrirfACX
It is a well-kuown fact that, like Hareem .Mraschid, of
oriental memory. Joseph 11., of Austria. wail addicted to
midnight and incognito wanderings threu2ii the capital;
which, though they occasionally led to -res Its not only
disagreeable, but even dangerous, at otherlimes amply
repaid his risk an d fatigue by their originality, and thb
insight Which they afforded him into popular feeling. and
that species of national under-current Of thought and
motive from which kings and kaisers are' necessarily shot
out in their gilded saloons and crowded'brite-rooms. JO
seph, however, unlike his eastern protoiype, eachewed
all companionship in these nocturnal pilgrimages; suf
fered no grandvesir to follow upon his footsteps, or to
share his perils; but conveniently, disguised and fitly
armed, sallied forth alone, and trostbd to the ittfiliellee - of
his star, or that of his name, should the declaration be-
come necessary, to liberate him from any untoward sit
nation in which he might chance to involve himself.
Many were the unpalatable, if not useless faets with
, hich he was thus-made acquainted; and more than
\ce. during his strolls through-the suburbs. 'he found
self compelled to-ransom hii person by the saminder
- purse. his watch , his mantle, and even his arms.
\light-fingertid gentry whom he encountered upon
bat these little adventure,, perilous as they were
"meat, so far from abating his passion for this
pastime; only inveated it with an additional
ontrasted most invitingly With the duly mo-
of restraint and etiquette.
!plainer', we will relate at least one of his
fns told to ourselves.
and stormy night when, at the close
for it was the eve of a grand festi
a heavy cloak which had enfficed;
ivy of the remote corner in which
If during the ceremony, to can:
`to pious crowd about him, the
, therital Church of St. Ste
m space heroin, beanitig
of the building against
I, be suffered all the
attempted to pursue
‘taken , themselves to
each in his own
might from the
'Tree gnats that
uwal corners of
hat deeper
Might grasp,
It was on a da
of a midnight mass i
val.) closely folded in
coupled with the obecu I, ‘
he bad ensconced. hi... I
dal his identity from t
Emperor lisued from the' 6 I
phen, into the gloom of the o
within the stilt deeper shadow
the stone work of the sacred edi
congregation to disperse before
hirway; but they had no sooner r
their 'separate habitatioks. hurryin
direction. to escape as quickly as the
heavy rain which was falling. and Olt
swept howling and hissing round the se b.
the streets, than be dresq his brohd•Aappe
upon his brow, and accurlng his mantle by a
set forth in hi* tom. •
On the occasion in question. he bent his ste • to the
'Leopoldstadt, whjeli„ although at that period a v- y im
portant adjunct of the city. had not attained to the i • per
tance which it ifterwardi aeqeireei, The houses re
more thinly tethered. and the open iipaus more lone .
dark, and dangerous. More than once, however. tft .
imperial wanderer had secceeded in exploring its mum
see without molestation..and the violence of the weather
on this particnbil night gave him additional coofidemee.
Nevertheless, he wu not fated to end that coalideni:e well
placed: for when about midway between the fortifications
and the suburb. he was attlcked by four rattiest. to
ahem, after a brief resistance. he,was compelled to deli
ver over, not only all thei valiiablee in his possession, and
the cloak which bad hitherto sheltered him from the
storm, bat even the vest;of black velvet that be wore be
neath it. •
of hit.
to the
for the .
zest. ;which
uotoos ors
This much .
adventures as it
to this nnregal plight.shivering under the cold blase
of wind, and becoming rapidly wet to the skin, be pum
as his way more hurriedly in order to steers a shelter,
h wever bumble. But all was pitch - darkness as he
reached the straggling *eat: every doer was inhospita
bly barred; while not a Wound broke upon his ear, ex;
cept the doll moan of the river as it sowed between its
invisible banks. The descendant of the Orsini begin
to wish hinutelrisafely housed in his palace; but he had
wandered fir. and regrets were sling. For an in
tent he stood still. delibi.rating in his owa mind "how be
should act, and that Wlllsiteet sufficed to decide him. H e
had, at lertigth. detected the bright glum of a lamp.
through tholepins,* of a shutter. which had apparently
been defectitrely closed. and he uo hexer bar
,aced u to
the next sup to be taken: The hoses from raence the
friendly light bad massed was large. gleomi, ancient
in its structure for the woighbqrhood in which it steed.
and was moreover, totally isolated, being eurreneded on
insides by a high wall. Only broken is one direetion by
a pair of tall. wrought-iron gates, through Which tbe Em
peror bad been trashed io detect de wholesome gleam.
By another chance. emrany forestal.. the gates had been
carelessly fastened as the winds,, and a very slight de
gree of exertion sufficed to fling one of them back upon
its binges, and to afford isir•La to the imperial intruder
into a vastpeved specs; as oilOst and gloomy as the street
from which he had just; escaped.
Nothisl daunted. hotrovori by the sepulchral ammo
of ibis place of mammary mkt*, the' Emperor hastily
mounted balf:a-dozen Amu, steps. which led le a cover
ed door -rub - Wien he otiad hints& is a alight degree
sheltered front "the poking of the Pita's.' storot.' and
his nest discovery beimi a large iron knocker. be applied
it oil vigorously to the aid oak of which the deer was
composed. that be beard the tendon mane reverberate
for several 'mods along. thi interior pampa of the
.11Ir ramie= s. asps
dwelling. Nevertheless.: not a mind bespoke the exis
tence of any one within; and again and again did the
firmly hammer rend upon the oaken panels with Cie
same want of success. Jeseph 11. began'to lose at Dace
his patience end his temper; *ado. if to irritate him still
farther. the wind soddenly treereirround. and drove the
rain Into the deepest recesses of the partialshelter he had
gained. Unfortunately. kaisers become wet thrWagh as
soon as the meanest of their subject.; and when the exas
perated Emperor seized the knocker fur the last time; he
presented a pitiable spectacle. Oa this occasion he was.
however. spared the necessity of putting forth his strength.
for he bad scarcely Clutched it ere the4oor opened.
smoothly and noiselessly. as though It fell back upon vel
vet. and a young man of apparently six or seven-sod
twenty years pt age. holding in has it lamp which
burnt with extraordinary steadiness and brilliincy, stood
before bins.
"Who are you? and what do you seek at airuntimely
an hoar?" he asked firmly; but courteously. .-
"I am one of the Einperor's officers. and I have been
robbed. I seek 'hither."
"Ills imperial and Loyal majesty would scarcely care
to own you is each a rim. my friend." said the young
RI (Ile
MS. as his eyes wan red with a smite of doubt over
the dripping stranger. "Flow can you convince sue that
yea are not yourself a iobbirrli,
••if look so little like one of Juseph's puede." was
the retort. ••sorely I bear no more resemblance to 'knight
of the road: a coat and cloak many mien well make
you auspicioui, but. as yew see. I am without either."
As he spoke. the Emperor looked toll into the oyes of
the young man; and haviog advanced a pace ktwolo
wird him.. the glare of the lamp fell upon his features. ,
4o an imetant the door flew back. and Lb:. head of his
~new host was reverently bent.
"I recognize your msjetty," he said, humbly, bet out
servilely; ••outer without lesn yoO pusses lot through
out your empire subjects more devoted thou me sod
And snatching up& msetle of dark velvet which was
Hang down upon a carved chest is the spaeioas ball. be
adjusted it respectfully upon the shoelders of the shiver
ing Emperor. He then rapidly closed the door, and with
a gesture which might have made the most finished
courtier turn pale with env/, prepared to lead the way
for his imperial guest.
Wet add weary as be was, however. Joseph IL used
about hies with astonishment. The walls of the magni
ficent ball in which be stood were of white` marble,
psueled with_ black; the first deCorated - with the meet
Cooly pictures, aad the last throwing into broader relief
the most esqnisite prodectiene of the sculptor's shiest;
the floor was overlaid with rieb Persian carpets. and the
domed roof was studded with silver, stars. Bewildered by
aq unexpected a display of splendor. he 'mowed slowly.
but when he reached the threshold of the first apartment.
he began to, believe himself the sport of, dream. Velvet
hangiozs: With their rich crimson folds held back by
band* and fringes of gold; sofas and divans embroidered
with flowers so vividly so to appear strews' bet surly
from the choicest parterres of Eden; mirfors which sup
ported the ceiling and rillectedthe feet; wettish of geld
and silver inlaid with jewels; toys from foreign lands.
alike without names or use, bat all either graceful err
gorgeous. a bright fire et cedar,aad sandal-weed bluing
spoil a hearth of red-Egyptian ntlihje, bulls which sru
placed elms Sr maripioteirie. severed wisrenM oiled
wine. and gullets of IBehetnia• glasst — iiid a chair of in
laid ivory and ebony, with cushions of satin-damask as
white as the breast of the aigret-berou--eseh was the
spectacle which presented itself in one of the suburbs
of his capital, to the astaSsished and benighted Emperor.
In his first surprise. thle imperill visitor bad not re.
marked the disappearance of his host; but ere long he
discovered that he was alone, and throwing himself upon
the snowy chair (decidedly little suited to bear le drip
ping a burden.) he stretched his aching legs closer to the
genial aid perfumed heat of the vast chimney; and pour
ing into one of the Bahamian goblets, which resembled
a large ruby. veined with gold; a stream of amber-color
ed tokeyer, bright aid rich as though it had bees just
crushed from the prim:ions grape that yields it. he emp
tied it at a draught.
When he aria raised his head to look around him. he
found his host at his side; nor did the costly gamiest,
with which hi was sow lades, cad which he respectful
ly assisted hie royal guest. astonish the monarch lees
than all the ether wonders by which he was surrounded.
His .acknowledgiaeats for this well-timed attention
were brief, bat sincere; and when he had possesaioa of a
seen. I chair, which WAS wheeled firw ird for his secom.
mudation. he prepared to inquire into the mysteries about
him. • •
"Your im»riel maj•tty std b s exhuittA." said the
firm but sweet voice of his 'entertainer. as he was about
to speak: "permit me to offer to yea a few.drope of • pre
cious elixir which will at'oace restore your rtrenvh."
and taking from the table a coriosely.twisted phial. cov
ered all over with strange mystical characters, ha drop.
pod into atoll-stalked Venice glass a email quantity\ of
Its contents. which he himself swallowed: and tiles.
nosing the ghtse with !slayer. which he fispg into the
Vase of the fire. whence it streamed upward tike a pm
` of liqu:d topaz. be soca mere let felt a similar gess
(ln° the goblet. sad reverently bending kis knee, pre.
it to the Emperor upon ■ small salver of dialed
lily .1,
4 ,8 Y :-Stephen, our patios! my good friend." smiled
Joseph I . as he returned the glass. r your elixir is as
agreeable your welcome. Like the man 'in the Thee
sand-and-0 Nights. I feel inclined to pinch arfeelf.
is order to Om nails whether I be rainy awake. Who
aro you, and wh t is the meaning of ail thief"
••Toier imperi majesty shell, Cr. long. know all."
was the reply: "be sines I may never again have the
honor to receive yon eneath my lamp!' roof. I would
crave permission I. p .at to you rine who is very dear
to me; aid who, altheog she may be Tor the moment
unconscious of so higlra p 'vilege, will nevertheless dior
amas the memory of it. to the ad of her hr.."
"And she is—" COMM the Emperor.
"Here. sour majesty." anti t e roan moo drew to
ward him a trick rope of gold. hick. 'whoa forcibly
pulled. !wane bock • hanging ry that veiled the tip
per cud of the mean. sad revealed the space beyead it.
As the heavy curtain rolled aside. 'Joao* 11.. forgot
hie imperial dignity. sod started from hseat. He saw
before him a miniature forest, with train Fissile link
lag th e trees together. and garhutdiog the very sem
mite with gorgeous bleersuri. while birds of ght plum
ice were Bitting from bough to bough, or pleat g them
selves upon the. breaches. Bat that which me sips
shiny riveted the attention of the Emperor. wee - 6g.
ara i o f a yssug girl. apparready buried to a iba
sleep. and lying with ono head beneath Mr head.
the other grasping it garland of wild Swam upon
green bask. over-easepierl by a Islip-tree. Nothiergesa
be mere faultlessly hostilel than both her fens and face;
bee long and glossy hair. of that rich par* black, which
takes • Odes gleam is the light. was aealisied mad
her brew by a circlet of half-blewn locus blossoms, sad
then fell over her sock sad shoulders is weaderful pro
fusion. The long lashes of her closed eyes mud epee
i cheek so hit so Nisi sarbla, moll as white; whi'
her pasted lips were of the richest tint that ever
of a sea shell.
'••Oow men." exclaimed the Emperor.
batik is his ash.. whom hie eatettaleer ha
his h.l Odle gelds. Fere. the lark
oat this fairy vision; •'aoa more, who
fear to confide in me. Pave I not shown that I bars
trust in yourself?, Tell me all at ones. You noel& not
do so at a mono favorable moment. lam your flirt.
and will not repay your hospitality by hantioness.—
Arai. the young man 'ben( his knee.
"Sire. I have faith in year imperial word." 1
Isol \
"And you 11111111 right. W are yes?"
"I am the greed nephew' Faust."
"How:" cried the Emporer, see more starting riven
his seat. and gulag mkte him. half le serer std hair ill
smazomeni; "you are Gotta, taut! and yen den m to
owe this Mme?" • .
"FeirltMly. sire." Wild the young am, Grisly: "for
you will not falsify yoir pledte."
"Gottlieb nest!" repeated Joseph 11.. teabko to eon
quit his surprise. "Can yes be Gottlieb amt. the ini
tiated, the Roitiereeian, the atheist, the ere r? Are
yen aware that I have leen a theemed times itakieitimi to
arrest you. aid M. put yes apse your trial?" 1 , '
"I sin not ignorant of the feet."
"That I have been entreated to take your hoedl",l
"I know both wherefore. and by whom."
"You know this. end yet you venture to denier your
self thus fan my hands?"
' •Why should I hesitate?" asked the young Men with
a proud smile; "your imperial majesty is net to be dep.
eA by the idle sad empty superstitiosis of the ighorant.—.
Yen bays veneer pot faith in these vulgar fallacies."
"No.- assuredly." said the Emperor. whh' di/flit/1
"and yet the eatery is loud against you. You !Istria' re
gal *pleader; you dispense annually 'a fortune In chari
"For which men call ins an atheist." interposed Gott
lieb. with another of his beaming smile..
”You are known to peeerrextraordinory talente. wkieh
you dieJeln to see," pursued Joseph LI. with Out heied
ing the interruption; "aad aiamlose secrete. which 'you
will net divelke;"
"By St. Stephen: I scarcely unreel at their belief."
excleitned the Emperor. "altbouth I do not fibers fi—
Bat you ewe me asi explanation of all this mystery.
were it only for my faith in your inoocesee: lad. first.
who is that magalficeet beauty, who does not scorn to
be of thisiworld, or even eosecious of her stew exist
' •
• "Simply my sister. sire; who ; too timid to have ems
lased your gaze. - would still have ehidden me had I' not
enabled her to feel that she had once had the honer of
being for on instant in the presence of her Emperor. A
aright nerooliks onfficed to-roommile my foam with! my
indulgence. For I love her. sire." said ihe young man
esermstically; her u those only can love Who
have but one sole object atm. which to pour out the fall
tide of their.afficflon. We are alone I. the world. Mve
that we make Mir house the boat of the poor; for +rem
to the very gates of the palaie of the Cesar% which
nothing should aliproach save what is joyful! sad glorious.
poverty will creep, and it is a happy privilege to be loer
twitted to beckon it away.".
myaheer, rime." said the Emperor: "give' me
truth. and feer_nothiug, 1 value truth more than kiss*.
And now. this aftleettee. this splendor." persisted
]swab IL: "Ads_ leak& statiaiicima. wltsa us Muir
my w•althteet astir. bet even I 'Myself. am timspdver.
Imbed by • teat sad ozposmive war—bow eau yea see l eent
fir this?"
.) • f r
4. .1
A , I
I II Wee.
i . i
I r
e • . ir
.i -
\ ih i P
y l : e ,
' ii
lin WW l's"
70i• split slie t
) yout Do sot
"And tb•e we• esteems ma • aniesner:"
He wu obeyed
"Simply and satisfactorily. sire. I have told your
majesty that I Din the grand nephew of Faust; but t few
are swore that before his death be had discoverod that
mystery Deaneries. the art of proditeing gold; a secret
which he only disabled. and Then under the most sol
emn oaths of inidolablosilenee. to his nest of kin. my fa
ther. rho was neither to profit by hit knowledge until be
bad aitaised the age of sixty years, nor to rontrouncato
it. except upon his death-bed, sad still under ;the Mime
restrictions. to his irsimmhats descendant. You seithim
before you. vire. kly father. thanks to a constant ads of
Out elixir of which year imperial majesty has
. parloken.
lived to the age of seventy. not only bale, bat ave. vigo
rous as in his first manhood; aid during the ten ears
whicn were granted to him after he had mortified die
mysterious scroll which eight him how to transmute
the bisect metals into 'tiding ore. he spent every' day
and alumni every hoer, in enriching me. his only son,
and the child of his old age."
I "And shosl.l you die before the allotted titne.i* 'liked
the Emperor, eagerly,' "who would inherit the secret?"
"No one on this earth." said the - young man almost
despondingly: "for the scroll is written in hieroglyphics
so difficult to decipher. that it requires years to compre
hend them. learnt. as they most be. without the aid of
wr.ites ebarseters; and the task is rendered doubly Oner
ous by the fact that the lowa dine regitired is complica
ted by the hit:redaction of rt host of figures. signs.) and
sounds. which ultimately prove. supererogatory. and ars
only invented to check the impious curiosity of these,
tined:ra succeed to the mysterious inheritance." fl
"And can you reconcile yourself to thes,sselessly mys
tifying yes, soo is your turn?" asked Joseph 11.. gloomi
ly. • t :
"Sire." was the steady, but sad reply. "I have already
told your imperial majesty: that I live only in, and (or my
sister. I shill never press a child of any own against my
heart. 1 will infi et no such bitter misery epos anitther
human being as 1 have myself borne."
"Misery?" echoed the Emperor. ineredolosely—"inis
cry! Are you not surrounded by every'. luxury, by every
spteador, and sesered by their poosession. whatever may
be the fate of cities and of empires?"
"Your majesty has been importuned to take my life?"
"True; but I have protected it."
LAnd your successor might be Is.. lenient. Balievs
sire. the gold is hardly *armed which mastitis bopight
by popular execration. load-voiced suspicion. avid the mt.
slant perspective of • scaffold.•'
"Yet to lose such a secret! Do you not feel that you
owe something to the world?"
"Atheist though I am deemed, airs. I feel that I owe,
more to my own soul. .What can I have in cor
with a world which hates and mitiedre me?"
"I, at legit. have dere you justice."
ales," said the Tung MIL as he her
til his•lipe was in contact with the imp
yea I owe mere than life. for yeall4lVV ,
my kind; sad. if I dared—"
"Data anything." said the Ear
to faseinatioa by this et:sagas&
"And I shall be forgiven?"
"Then, sire." and Gr
ty masts! a piece of yy
core sew. withered'
1411 rust lifting frail they lot:
Ay Bakal which bad served toss.
iessouta that bad boss spread oat
ts dry beiteath i "your imperil majesty spoke a whits
.f bei impoverished by l b . war. It is as no
mg. but it la blamably made."
. Stephen! I accept it as (middy as it is leader
id Sampti it . with dashing eyes. "It wilt le
pie It \ my irsuary bravely; and shall be wollapplied."
ea rising and drawing back the cattalo from an ■a
shuttered window. e•Wo Mast part aow," bo said, the
day is dawititig; bat you shall sill farther make me your
debtor—give Ms a man& and a ewe d. I melt rotate
to dm palace nicsoognisad. And remember. not a word
of this interview; as yea van* year life. Yoe sii Winos
bear from me agallt- n
The yeu■g alebtablot obeyed spat the lase al. Th.
Emperor girt; ba the weapon; ensiled himself ha the
cloak. extended hi* band. eihich Gottlieb reverently pree'
la te
sad to his lips. and Ii Ideates the siesi s of his re
treating footsteps was longer audible. Them. and not
till thee. Gottlieb re withdrew from the gets with •
heavy sigh. closed the kna deers behind him. and re
tired to his own chombsr. ' ,
Oa the followink da)i all !was commotion in the impe
rial palace; seethe steM ame-ehember, like the Eil-de.
/kW. at Versailles. smilari!..otris XIV.. was crowded by
• thistle( idle courtieri; aifew lounging listlesely against
the wide casements opetsing upon the Joriph-Plata; ap
porosity watching for mime anticipated event; tithing
shedding around them an envenomed shower of that
alertly small talk-which is generally as wicked as It is
witty,—that ilea of brilliant epigrams and rounded peri
ods which engulf • reputation in a repartee. or sacrifices
the feelings of a friend to • rhetorical Sourish. Others
agaie.imere ambitious sad he. vain. reentered sear the
door of the Emperor's reception-room, keeping their eyes
steadfastly spot the usher on duty, and ealculatmg the
amouit of their present favor by the length of the period
which steeped before they were admitted to the presence.
Never. perhaps. sines deb corgi:leas bat frivohmt court
to which we have already alluded filled the gardens and
!mitoses of Versailles with d galaxy of spleadar, has the
palace of any European stmenrign 4:ado& se brilliant •
spectacle as that of the Cuero. The bleeding oleo ma
ny natioesl costumes. all ••like costly and picturesque.
ameogwhich that of the male Hungarian guard. alike in
form, batt varying in color !and ornsment,i is eminently
eilbspicoass, readers the select circle of tin Emperors of
Austria ainoman kaleidoscope. of which every successive
move only Mode to cabana the attraction; and thus it
was en the miring of which we write. •
"Can it be hme. my deir Marquis," asked • tardy
currier. as he ' de his wei from the gallery toward a
member of the go MONA, **that oar gracious Emperor
hia at lougth comma to Invest that rascally alchemist.
1 Gottlieb Faust?" , 1 .
"Nothing eau be moil certain. Count; and. moreover.
he is heady io the p awaiting the pleasure of his
imperial majost3i." •
"What is his crime?" atibrad a tall superbly-mustach
ioed-Bohemian sable. joining the group; "it must be
something fearful to wiu him the honor of so much ex
"His crimes, you should' say. Baran. for they are le
gion. Hem are we. the faithful and behest - servants of
Joseph IL. with all our gold spool our doublets. while be
is flinging Pantalean showin about him Ws-aeons ex
haustion. No weeder that the• invents pusses has
giveaway at last." 1
"If riches be a crime. Wig certain that a re right
eous wart than this of Viegnia does not exist at e pees
oat monism." laughed the ilight-hpaited young • henti
an., "As for me. I have oily the memory of my i • eri
once and twit mortgaged Potato to exist span."
"Asti the 'miles of an Arch-Docliess." murmured t
younger of his two °pinpointing.
"No scandal within the walls of the palliest." was the
merry replay. "Yoe kooir that it is as contraband u
Turkish tobacco."
"And. constqweady. as s way to enjoy. But as regards
this Fared; they say that he has sot only the Midas touch.
that wow all epee which .Ite lays his band. into gold. but
that he also deals is spells. setae of which are wet mia
ow lordelly - -
"I eau believe 1 . ." otisereed a reagoilicent ilesgsrise.
'carelessly adjidting the *Soled belt which sos . taioed his
sword; •loch practices are amenable is the anat. mid 1
seeld give yes ittstances—;--"
"Net : 4We. Erdodi. set stow." said• the first speaker;
"remember that walla hire ears, and that Frost is not
far off."
The Hungarian was silenced. Ifs would not hare
tamed his bock spun a .hostitt a fair field. bat he waits
perwr to the superstiti•s ig his age and - country.
Soddenly a murmur was heard in the state gallery, and
an instant afterward ■ strSoger was seen to •enter the
waiting room, between twe•lficers of the imperial guard.
la a moment every meat iwas hushed. and, every eye
turned apes the now-erenter. Hs was a tall and stately
man. in the full vigor of life; his eyes were large. dark;
and singularly Alla.; hie black hair was pitted along the
centre of his finely -moulded head. and fell in heavy mas
ses ■bout hie blow. aimi over his shoulders. His nose
was; perhaps. s 1 Wee toe prominent. but its outline was
perfect; while the firm and graceful carve of his month
wee roistered eionspicoooe by the j.tty blkcknese of h:s
b •srd and mastaehie, which. contrary to the fashion then
preva'ant In Germany. h+ worsfoll and smooth. He
was eehly habits'd in a poorpoiet of black velvet. embroi
dered with limbs:moos 'in and in his hand he care.
ea a cap of the same material, to which a short red feath
er was attached by a clam;of large emeralds; and as he
moved forward with a dignified unreistraint, 'which it had
taken years to enable some of those now "bout him to cc- I er
quirt. the astonishment was n averse!. His lip" never
quivered, his eye never sank; and when. as be was sum
mooed onward by' the sonorous voice of the usher,
traversed the vast apartment on his way toward the,
eote-chamber. his step was as free and as firm
no peril awai • l hint at the termination of his
• I
, r
As the tapestried hanging• of the imperi
behind him, every tongue was untamed.
Gottlieb Feast? Can that, be the son
the Loepoldmadt? Aod admitted
Emperor. while we have homes.
“Pehaw!" exclaimed anethe ,
Foos to got rid of him. H
••Thy will surely accord to him the honor of de.
capitation." remar a third; •'be is of plebeian birth,
and should die b he cord;" '
“Petleneo. .ntlemon." said the old minister; ••we
shall soon ow all." ,
Mean de. the object of allil:ese oommenra and spec.
alatio . had bent his knee,ilion the threshold of the int.
pe ' I apartment. in whjch Joseph 11. was seated belie*.
, 1 table covered with papers • and entirely unattended.
"Come forwer4litiae host. come forward:" said the
Emperor. good.bumoredly. ••I owe, you a courteous
welcome for that which you bestowed upon myself lust
eight. Ay; and for mere than that. Do you see these
multiplied columns of filaiies which make the eye dance
that madeavors I. rest on these? emayer has
geese nee fell enearance that, through year maser. a
spears may be passed ever them an; and this is no tri
lls; °Wraps. I hive faith is all that you have - told
me. I believe yea to be alhonest ananted a pettiness;
but tw o aebaowiaidipment is insufficieot to satisfy the
pride etas Asetrian monarch. You have laid me under
&Ater, debt. Can't Yan k Faestembarg. Nay. do not
m f
bomb year beam 'tie will serve so tickle the ears of the
canters. se that may be ageless in its way. ant here ,
sir." he cooties with sudden dignity, as be took fr.7ni
the table a cross • the order of Maria Theresa; "here is
se tastier less ,mpg, fled to which I am convinced you
will net be insensible. I bestow it frosty, for I knew that
the jewel will rest epee an honest heart."
••Tear Imperial majesty begirare me." stammered the
yeast moo. overcoats for the first time by his feehop.
• "Aid now." said the Emperor waving his bud, as if
to deposals all farther atkuowledgment on di, part Of
A. aew-made noble; "sod now. Count. what are year
Mars latest/ens? Yee sorely canoed purpose to waste
Year lib is a solitary home. Which. however splendid it
say be. is slip only a gilded prison. You ere too young
to yield to so ignoble an indolence. What! silent!"
s• with
tor. iiten;kated inn
saloon f. I
'"Cap that be
the alchemist or
the instant to the
goog waiting!"
"oor good master is sol
o dangerous Tomato for •
Si 50 A
MAR, ia•dvAit
'"1 tias . thlukin , of my orphsn sister, sire!
-"Nor have I for often her," eagerly rep " P i
"she shall be rare for. We will attach he'
of one of the Arch. Duchesises " I
"Not SO, sire, if your imperial majesty will
said the young man, gloomily; . "she is a .
only for the free wood; She would pine an•
ded cage." - 1 I
mi t.
"No fear of th .my friend.'? permiste.
"we shall not Imp her long - Young. rich
fel. she will soon come noble in her turn
"Tbe palms forlirld!" was the Omphatie
mast p to her grays as she came from b
commies@ of the penalty which s attach •
she bears:" •
0.00 what do you decide, thett?" dem
peror. somewhat impstietitli.
"I will serve In your armies, sire, should
me worthy of such an honor: and during
from the capital my sister shall:seek refuge
"By St. Stephen! it Is poor alternative
monarch:. "but be it as you will; although
that you must. by such a measure, mar her
should others outy feel as I do. she were a br
the noblest in the empire might not scorn to
know it," said the young man, with a
"but hers is not a * nature to contend aphis
ers or insolent livers, who might presume al
ser birth; and 'thus the blossom whi9h 1
tenderly would be withered iu• its &MI •
red her heart; ay, like an ape`u volume; • •
that, once our separation over, shii"will ell.
refuge of a cloister. S, let it be, sire; jr
deed bin i me to you forever—so let it be.
for the contact of i world—for the contact •
let it be; and the doomed name % of Faust w
span earth—perish and be forgotten."
"You are a pot. courtier. my filead."
"l shall make the better soldier. sire.
me. and I shall net fail."
"1 believe you. Count: and now 1 will
a few of my private circle." (
As the Emperor ceased speaking. he ra •
bt..side him, which was no sooner answer..
idly ran over a number of the noblest to ,•,
and desired that those who bore them mai
cad. Anxious and excited. the courtiers
meet in obeying ithe imperial summons;
their surprise when. upon mitering the
saw the descendant of she Cesare standiu
or. two of the suppoted criminal. whom
themselves to have bees called upon Co j.
whose breast each detected at a glance
cross of Maria Theresa.
"You aro welccime, gentJetnen," Laid
he slightly bent his head in acknowledgrn
mations; ••1 hive requested your prose.
make known to jou your pow comrade
Faustetnburg. upon whom„111.1170 jest emu
mud of a compact in the Lichenetein re
ommend him to, tour friendship." An
t gesture he dismissed the circle.
J. • t one solitary token of wonder escape
timid • urtiers,; nor could the grand-nephe
himeel suspected; by the courtesies and
with wh h he irdi overwhelmed on his
the 'ante- admit', that it contained
deemed h to wile for the headman's
H o d he 'kit, w i t it , however. the bee
mad was too fa employed with his ow
his approaching ikparation from his aisle
ad even a Smile ofr,ity to their duplicity
turning their comiiliments with os lofty
etch hoinge were lentiliar to hiin. h
through :he brilliantcrcvd, and leftthe
rb another wee* hie hose watdesola .
the-inmate of a N i enedictinel_lonvent at GI
sulfate over. hardy° himself op to th • it.,
his new . duties . oustitutionailv acute. 0
are he comprehlded till that 'kt rum' ,••
then his only anxiety w as to be placed pon
vice. The opportunity:Wl!! not long 'n nisei
the corps to whici he'belonged was • amt
field—no matter Where Cr against what •nly
a r
not writink the history of a uaton , b t at
ail—aud among ,he firit who 'fell rave y.
breast with the foe. waWGoal,e anat.
, l , ,
As he same to the eart h a voice oas
hasty °Men thatihis he'd • should be is
.7 1
and it was uo s I. er ' ended upon a eh)
tent. than one of th favorite ' generals of
Ottoped up.and ringing om humid is
knelt down b ee' the dead an , and xi
his hand u hi heart.. It had cease . • to
icy collo was !ready spreading ova tl
- ' as as calm and coat
F teilauce
Vila is gonel"imormared the officer i a
and then tearing 'open the lomat of the nil
faced with blood. he cautiously passed
cheat of the cortale, and drew forth a is
to which was suspended the fortrait
whose luxuriant cark heir was crowned wi
sad a small distlared scroll of parch
span the first far , brief fastest with •
then carefully sectoring both that and
his owu stock. he ones more 11101111 MI
his pastas rapid) as he bad abaudoal
• • * ****
*I t is then useless to persist longer?
about two moot subsequently. es he
smell scrap of date worn parchment: •
ed. nynbeer. of th e insinistibilitf of d
i sm
cursed scroll?"
••Thoroughly. - r imperial 'neje .
of a tall. lean, as low-visaged Jill:yid . •
pullets; "I have i spared neither lime
cowshed the stays-1 have made van.
failed. If sour'juges!. majesty could .
lustriomi Tullius,ithogreat Faust. and
Plamel, then, iudped, there might be
from unerring that none of mo
eau raid these nitstic characters."
"There might 4till have beeu;Ochart.
Emperor. despoodiugly, "had the nevi-
survived bar bretiler's•leas. She di 1
"Like a bird '` smitten on the wi
heard." wu the reply. "llu year
Linker nom encir?"
"Nous. myoluten, you may ruler* i
• • si . . , . •
That even. liegagees am its men h a d
carefully preservjed among tits &rasa of
palace. but it be tobable that during the rei
its Vseuea. it hut been lost or stole*
olioart ADJ. niere important o
Dent interpreter?
ET Health is getting to be vulg a
principally to servant girls. No "I
pled Mk,' to • • leg well." without •
just now in t he
'good society" who
sl col:aphasia
being considered
stroogth to raise
samoothieg 10a.
IT Iluckwhe
zeuith o( popular
cakes and molasses
7—oct furgetting
Joseph II.;
tik the mite
pardon me."
ill bird. Pt
I di. is a gil•
Joseph IL;
and Wawa-
ply. **She
*ldle. ■a
to the eagle
ded the Em -
yes consider
sty ebeeeee
' 4 convent."
f i
' mailed the
I ir certain
donee; for
i for whom
stead.'' '
k (
ptomi moth-
:II her mea-
'a reared .6
I hare
I feet sure
o the calm
would in
• is too pure
court. So
I en perish
tat you to
silser bell
les he sep
ia Austria
not • EDO-
great was
nee. they
wi is a pace
they believed
gel but upon
JosSph 11 , as
at of their sai
<se la order to
be !Coast von
-rrad the seat -
imiat. I re-'
tbita . by • et
di - well pie
d Faust bay*
I 4
spgiesinnes in
I va& :some irli•
etriuken young
thdogbte. end
. to bare yield.
bu busily no-
am though
• •
his 86ter
114 1 • sad this
rmauce of
not lan,
him. aad
aids , * se,-
sing itself:
led to the
7 d wei are
4' iodkvid
a lnsist to
*ty haled
lb. rear,
beneath a
F pressed
sad an
c. aft be
• it bad iv.
. sow de-
rotor the
• of (ski
• IY girt
t.. Holy:zed
i• nett. ••d
iti•g Oboe t
d•rtted to
49 . .iii
oeeph IL.
eg over •
1 eouvioc.
Ei the reply
sole coin-
—I bawd
int jests eclai r
• • b•as alike
li t • lib the il
ia pr•bls
•: t I it••w.
rib sow living
laissed lii•
se I lave
jest) , sly
It outbreak
V , lt ii ) is awl its
• become iii
lid eon acid
• e a possibly
a female