Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, December 06, 1851, Image 2

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lately citi:otsof tha seNats
411141 of : 1 111110t4SC of ReprescittOku: (
'ulatto you and our corm:ton, constituency op-
oa the ble auspices under which yo• MOO: fur )our
first session. Our country is at penes with all the u orld.
Thr Ration which. fur a limo. 'threatened to tiiturla
.ae agii _ ..... drt,
the fraternal relations ;Oita make us aue people. is last
smbstddrig; and a year of_ re :rid prosperity mid health
ha, crownod the nation with uno , ual Nune
can look back to the dangers which aro passed, or for
ward to the bright prospect before us, without feeling a
- thrill of gratification, at the same time that he most be
Impressed: with a greatful sense of our profound obligri
firms to a beneficent Prortilence, whose paternal care is
•no mlinifeat in the happiness of this highly-favored laud.
Sifico the close of the last C r. • tertaiu Cubans
and other foreigners residimt in the' Cu.te.l Slates. who
wore more or less concerned iu •tho•previuus ineavieni• of
Cubs, iustead.of being discouraged by its failure. haybx
again abused the hospitalitr of this country, by mating
it the scene of the eriiipmen;t of anot.ier expedi- .
lien against that peissesnou oilier Catholic majesty. in
which they were c ountenanced. wiled mid joined by cit
izens of the United plates. pa receiving intelligence that
such designs wore eniertaintllirst no time 1:1 issuingsuch
instrectioos to the proper'o icer e s of the United Statatin
seemed to be called for by the OCCX.V./11. Hy the procla
mation. a copy of which is herewith submitted, I also
warned those who:might be in danger of being inveigled
into this beitatrie of its unlawful character. and of the
penalties which they would Incur. Fur some time there
Was reason to hype that those measures had sufficed to
prevent any such :site:Tr-pt. This ho;ie, however. proved,
to he deltv.ive. Very early in the minium; of the third
of August. a sitearneecalled the l'anyero•departed front
New Orleans for Cuba. havaig on board upwards of fuur
hundred armed men. wit'y evident intentions to make
war upon the authorities of etc island. This expedition
was set on foot in palpable violation of the laws a the
; United States. Its • leadiak was ga Spaniard, and
several of the chief officers. and some others ening
-ed hi it. were foreigners. The persona composing it,
filvwever, wire mrstly - eitizeus of the Caned States.
Before the expedition set out. and probably before it
Wasorgauiacd, a slight insUrrectionary movement, which
• appearsio have been so 41 ruppreksed, had taken place
is the elision) quarter of C uba. The importance of this
movement was unfortunitely so much exaogerated in the
accounts of it published lu this country. that these adven
llurere debit to have been led to , believe that the Creole
population of the island out only desired to tWrOW oil the
* authority of the mother country, but hail resolved upon
that step, and had,begtm a WAI-00.1C"rted einerprke for
• effecting it. The 'per-ins engaged in the expedition
were plurally young and Th." sit:diner In
which they embanked left ',New Orleans sienna l ih mud
without a clearance. A'ier touching at K...) %Vest. she
proceeded to the cciro.t . of Cab.i. mid, on the night be
tnewt the 11th and VIM of August . . leaded twent%
leagues of naval's.
The main body of !Pe n ?!oze,,led to, and took pos
session of. an iuland ...9 4 v. six leagues d.stant, leaving
•others toluliowiacfargedi
. the baggage. es soon as the
means in a:important/ could be obtalueil. rile latter, leav
ing taken up•their hue, of march to connect' themselves
with the main doily. au hay proceeded about •t leagues
into tite country. teen
I3Lh b { `• a. body of S,
ensued . ; alto( whic:t t
I a:tacked ou the mortmig or the
auuh troops, and a bloody conflict
retreated to tilt, pkee of do.ean-
fifty of them Mmtitied :mato and.
They were, however; intercepted
he shore hrti n :4,1,111611 Pteamer
bareation, where nine
re-embarked therein.
anion the keys &mar
. . .
cruising on the coat, .captured and carried to Itavana, any op,ratioll.. ( Might engige in, ro re-peat I. 14
and, after taxing examined before alni a ditar) coiart were of th.; United Slat 4 is hereber pt no4rbt appear, stud hp
sentericed to he pubht ll}'v ,
eented, nd the acute • e was efinnint no uct of.l iNtilaty tiponlany vesse! ur armament
carried into etTe'et- on tie 16 rlof August: : under it, limier -tin t.
On receiving infurl ation 4.,f what had occurred Coin- : Minieterz and onsuls of foreign nations are thp, l
modore rox,hall A. Parker ws iostructcd to proileed in ' means 610 agent.; of, communication between us and 1
the steantjrigate Saimaa , : to 11 tvaan, land einpute into ' those nations, and pi. is of tie utmost importance.
the charges against the pets its executed, Lila eircutn- ' that wh.ile residitia , in the c4:ntry, they should fedi
stances under which'iliev were t..ken, and whatsoever ' a ' feet secuel sTjlouir a
s faithfully discharge 1
per feet t / ~, they
.1 r . . .
referred to their• Ma( and' sJ4tence e,..,fies of the in- their respective utie . s and art gni ty u uo voilatib '
structioni from the Deparanent of State to him`, sad of of our laws. Tl4is la the ad noted law of nation ,
his letters to that De oatmeal, are itere'vrith atlbt . nitled:
and no 'cotaitry lias a'deeper. interest in maititatoing
According to the r cord of the examination, the. pis'.
otters all admitted this offences cliargpd againetthein, of it than the United States. Our commerce spreads
being hostile luvadcis pf the I.laut At the time of over every see, and visits eviry clime, and our mhi
their trial and eXeCOtIOO the Alain body of the invaders isters and Cousultl'are appoixited to protect the le
was still in the fleld,-inaking war upon'the'Spanish an• terest of - that commerce, a well as to guard the
thoriues and Spanish subjecul. After the lapse of some peace of the co ntry and in'aintain the honor of its
days. being overcome hi' the i Spanith troops, they dis• flag. But huts an they diailiarge -these duti , a nn
parse on e
I th 24th of Augut: Lopez. their leader s was leas they be the rselves prof cted: and if protected,
captured some days after, and executed on the Ist of Sep- it must be by tlt9 laws of the' country in which they
tember. Many if los' rim:mining followers - Were killed.or
reside. And what is due. t our own 'public foot
died orlione-r slid fai.gue , and the rest were made pris
loners. Of a.e— „none ill, pear to him , been tried Or exe- tionaries residing' iri - foreig nations is exactly tie
cuted. - Stveral of them were pardoned upon application measure of 4,1!a, is due to the functionaries of other'
their frik . ttls sat: ...Is, and the man, aboutlote hun
ere,: .pni sixty' in.number„ were sent to Spaiit. Of the
, I. , position made of these We
.hsve no otiici4l juror- I
gover trwould ents re - Ming here. I As in war, the bearers
of aof truce are sacred, or else wars be In
terminable, so i peace, embassadors, public minis
. • 1 tors and consul charged with friendly
Sun is the melancholy result of this illegal and ill-fa- 1 tercourse, are o jests of especial respect and protec
ts.; i. %postmen. Thus, thoughtles s young oleo have b een ' - tom, each aeon ding to the :rights belonging to hi,
ladueed, by false and fraudulent repeeseutatione , to vim, I
rah .
x and static I. In view if these important prin
4 late the lawiof their country, through rash and unfuunded i les, it is Wit deep mortiSeation and regret lan
ci expectation. of asaisoirt to accomplish political revolul P
bops in other States, and have lost their lives in the un- I nounce to you hat, during the excitement growin
- dertaking. T :Severe a judgioeut eau hardly be. pass- I out of the exec thins at lfityanna, the office of he
ed. by the I i Timm sense of themoininunity, upon those I Catholic moiey s consul S t New Orleans was 'a
who,' ink better informed themselves , have yet led . ] willed by a tho u, Lis proper: destroyed, the Sitani
away the ardor of youth and au ill•Jire . cted live orpolit- ' flag found ii j tile utricecarriOd off and torn in piedi
teal liberty. The correspoudeuce between thisirGovern- 1 ands• h e iiimse:fl induced to (tee fur hip personal sal t
meat and that of Spaiu relatiug to this trausactitia is here.
l i lay, which hci sdppi4eil to be in danger: •
- with cemmutarated.
• I On re•Ce,v in , intelligeticepf these etents, 1 fort
Although thrs.! °treader- against thelaws hove Terreit- %%ill] direct e 0 tto attorney of the United States it
ed the protectiou of , tlyeii r Juatry, yet the Gov( roment . siding at Ne* (Mewls to inquire into the facts a
-may. so far as is censi‘ witlt its onligationa to other ,
. • couutries. imp it., tilted purpose to mainittio and colorer , the extent ot lite pecuniary I loss- atietitined -by
the laws, mitermittymiiittliy for their unutreuding ram- ' consul, with the iiitention a laying them before j,t
flies and friends, as. well as a feeling of comp o ., ion f or I that you with make provisjou fur ouch inilemm
themselves. Acconlitigly no proper - etrort has been 't to him as a iju t regard fur the honer, of tile nay
spared, and none will be spaied , topiecure the release i and the resilec which is dire to a friendly, pads
of such citizeus of the United States, engaged iu this 1 mi g lit, in po r judgment seen] to require. T
.uulaikful enterpris',, es are !bow in coufinemont ! corresposidehc upon'this subject between the i,
iu Spain; bin it is hoped that such interposition I rotary of ihe' tate stud ! her Catholic majeaty's na
with the governmer tOf that country may not lie cousql i icier pl• f minititcitiarY rsiterdwith transmitted. 1
ered as affording at y ground fur expectation that the
Goverument,ot the United States will, hereafter., feel 11. 'Fite eeeffireibee at New Orleans has led tie to
I ins attenuant to! the state of oar laws in regard to Tim
, 'elf under any obligation of duty to intercede for the lib
a . ei • elsi••eidors, l ministers; tool consuls. I think the li I
eration or pardon of such'persons as are flagrant area- 1-it.on'iii - the ', olirtri I- deficient in olio pros Ming -
dem against the i n Of matrons and
Ills taws of the Uni . ' c:e li t! ‘ *eitLei• filr the pridertion or the puttislimet 1
. tud States. l'he .e. lac.. roust be executed, lt we desire ;
, r ,„ 11 „ .i i i, ,,
I to maiatbiu -our r sysciability among the nations of the
I ilierl'ore reciimulend the subject to the
earth, it hell ves us to enfoico eMadile and sternly the : 'fli .i .r ,,,,, t , ,i;' , l i i te i e d n ' t t :n: i ne i.. " .;.. i . in int ited• to the question o
neutrality ac s passed by Congress. aila to follow, as far I ~,,,,.,.,! :i .,,i,; r i ,,,„ . „. 1 , t t ~
r i
1.. nited States and Ca
"ac may be, tt o violation of those acts with condign pun- . lath.! . pi.•..
oohs iii itifl 1 iiicc-t. •ri sits mar gum - frontier. i
tares fur a enuatintion i t ma this subject hat o bee
But what gives a pequhar criminality to this invasion I eeic'ed froinliilr Britatiii ..Majesty's alinister Het I
of Cuba is, that under the lead of Spanish eubjects end - to i ti a r % , hilt! it y....w.4 to I • in man) respeets reit
with the aid of ettizener'of the Viiited Sodas, it had its or- , t h i t the -
ru h t t ur A m id,' ha l evitated I,y reciprocal I •
" igin. with Many, in motives of cupidity. Money was ! latiou. Ilricitolienc. ore laid before y out s An'
advanced d* individuals: probably to considerable
,a- . lernis upset iit hit li the Ilr , ltell ge% einiumatr, is ati illit
ts purchase mounts, to puhase Vuba b r ed, a s they hove been otter , auilltnii Measures t Inch it may udiiitt. if som .
called, issued by Lopez. sold, deal-glass. at a very Alvan ran:fun...Li 1111.1f/1 this sul t lect shall not he trade.
discount, and for the payment of which the publ i c lands I rrom etie ties ontpatt mg copy of a :mite hum the
and public property of Cuba. of whatever kind, antl the ! fish Legunoct sit Waallington, and the replY of the
.fiscal resources of the tesople and government of that Is- 1 part:omit of fitkte thereto, it will appear that her B I
land. from whateversidurce to b e derived, were pledged, 1 um Nlajeady`al government is desirous that a part
as well as the good faith of the government expected to 1 boundary h.. tietweeu Oregon and the I3ritish pi
be established. A: I these means of payment. it is evi- ' stuns should be authoritively marked out, and theta
dent, were only to be obtained hy.a procestof bloodshed, •, minion was !excite-reed to apply to Congress for en it.l
war, and revolution. None will deny Met those %Meisel I penmen to defray the expense thereof on the part o
on foot military expeditious against foreign States by United Stafee.: Your attention to this subject is a
Means like these, art ter more-culpij . ble than the igno- ; tingly invin•d r and a preperappropriation recomine
rant and the'necessitona whom they induce to go forth as ,' A convention for the adjustment of claims of cis
the ostensible parties in the proceeding. These ongi- .of the Utiedd lollies against Portugal has been con
stators of the invasion of Cuba seem to have determined, I ed, and the ratifications have been exchanged. - l'h
with eoolners land system, upon an undertaking which 1 instalment of the amount to be paid by rurtugal fel
should disgrace their country • viol:di • its laws, and lief to ! on the 30th of septcoiber last cud has been paid.
hazard the lives of ill-mforined and deluded men. You The Pi esident of the French republic; according •
will cousider wlteter further legislation be necessary to , provision.; cif the convention, has been defected as
prevent the perpetrati,on of suety ofrences iNulure. • ! ter in the cure of the - Genend Armstrong; and ha
Nq ifitZtividuats hive a right t r rhozyril the peace of the : pilled that he accepts-the trur and the litgli antis(
country or to violate its laws upon v +elle newels of alter- ; he feels in *tong as the combon friendnf two na
log or relorlilinz its other States . ,' 1 .1 i- pi Jimmie is nut : with a ttMli i rl.llCe is united by sentimengrof lancer
only reasonable in itself. and in am•er,:iiiii le with public , lasting amity. : i
aw, but is engraited into the, mitt -of cilicr, flattens as 'l'll'l'llc Tat k•rli G o v . ernment has oxi.ressrd'ils th
well as our 011 n. Hut while su.•,i • ;.-.. ttivacutiffents i ; ' for she knui lecepiti n giveli ti, the - Stiltsn's a
this Government, it may ii.. .i : .....: .list every tlidepei.- Amin Bey, on the occasiCia of his recent visa t
dent nation most , he r , r , t,,,;•.: 1
- ' he ' "le to `1.i..." i ll United Statel. On the 2 8 !!I February last a
possessions again?, iiiiiNoli , , rit.•••it individual• beaded' yo
gather to attack thein.L The Government of the 1:111: ,, I p'
'itch woe allarenNed by 1t... secretary of Star! all limes since usestabLehment, has atistaisied Mr Marsh, the Aiwa - man Miniater - at Constim
midnight* lam to ask of the Tiirkigh get
and hag-sought-10 restrain the movie. of 0,,... country, pie,
from'enteriug into coutruceisice between other powers, talent pertiria t tin fur toeflurigatisna imprisoned
audio-observe all the dunes of liitrutrality. At en early in the dCrininiuns of-the Sublime Porte, to rem()
periodoftlie GoSernfllcol, ill thrlltti 1111 l Ilstratlon of Wis•li• this country. On the 11.1 tit March Oat both li t
. legion, several laws.were passed for ttsisturpose.•• The l of Congress ptssed a res , rint ion requesting the
main provisions of, these laws wi.'re re-enacted by the alt tdent to :atoll /in thus employment of a pub . .te v
,of April, 1818, by-which. amongst other thongs. IL- was
declared that if any person shall' urchin the territory' or ,
to convey to. thc country Louts I{ oB ,uth an d h
sticiales to coot:city. , •
jurisdiction of the United Stotcs, begin, or set On fuot. or .
fhe tristrtiction above referred to was rim
provide • or prepare the means for any military expedi
tion or enterpfTse to be earned riii from thence nrilUnt, as fth , and the Turkteli goverrnment having riell
the territcry or dominion of al foreign prince or St tie , Gis C,; nor KtiffS , if It and hig . eiimpantons from ii
its of ally eelony, district or pet) ....1 , with a him, the United on the loth iif September last they clithari.
States are at p. see , every persist t•O oll'endiug shall 'be board ill the Untied States steam frigate Missi
deemed koilty of a high' misden caner, and shall be Kited which ions nOlei4ted tocsin:l; into etket the resu
Mot exceediug three thousaud dollars. alit imprierined ion of Conness ! Guveinor gussoth left the hi iart
more than th ree years; and this law has been executed ' •
and enforeed to the full extent of the puvre,r of the Carl sit Gibraltar,f
•.or the purpose of snaking a vi
seri:merit, from that day to this. - i Englarld, and. may skotly be expected in New
' fa proclaiming and adherinz t? the iti.eirine or neutral- l ity t•u ‘ ii , i r iiii . mi ;4 g:ations t 6 the Department of Sid
Sty and non-interveution. the United States have not tole aas e... r his grateful acknowledgments ft
lowed the lead of other eisitized Uni1011P; they have taken i inter ;,, t:iiii of this Government in behalf of bli
the lead themselves.. and have been followed by others, and hi. UPS i:iteF. Th's country has been
This was ad 11l i l ted be arse of the most eminent of nnidern rivarded ass safe asylum tor those whom poi
arrangenr,_ ~, but _ ./aVe every reason •to hope that
"4 'ffim"" l 'mg a' e t i. 237 A1l arls 8 . - weu their will effectually ch.lck theft' marauding oxtail-
British statesmen. who said in Parliament. while a non- 1 events bar, exiled ,frUm
their „ own
home, ---
i'' .
° P!' . ” t
a s t
j v u a l.V ie l r u t l i t :r * ilitiou ' s vi kith may tre made beyond the • ,
later of the crown; iiiiket it be wished fora guide in a and It is re qmnienided to Lmnuress tqk coasts; Ir 1111 e lj : i i:,, e i: tinny. The nature of tie country, which foriiiribes
system ofineutrality. liti hould take that laid , down in- ! u hat nut it 1 1 , Gov( rnur Kossuth and hie comps ones I itithu•ter+rrinetotheeetimatedrzppeditureadacen.put little for thetupport of an army . and aboonds in
America vn the dyes of @ablaze° and the secretary- i it ,„ g h t i ~..1
our newly veiii sired Territories, Ima l'apreas the,hnire . places of refuge ants comma went, is remarkably well
1.1 shiner .I , lferennes and • e see , in fact , that the act of
treated er by its atithortl), shall be receive and ..1
. . ! rhi•t-Cougreim st ill concur with me in I ur :it. that a adapted to this predatory warfare; and wo ran
• Congreos of 1818 was followed. the succeeding year, by i •.
At is ra ' estiv to be hoped that the differ ems: liberal course 0, jimmy may be pursued_ t wands them and
'scarcely hope that any atilt military force, combined with
an act of the. lr'.irliainont of England. substantially the ,
. 1 .„.,.. liar . fi, _, ,, .a veto . thm , evert utainntime, s u tras or trophed. entered 11116 ia
same in iia tren«r-il ;4.i. ieiuni. Up to that time there 14 "'`" r nic t ime nest martin De- cueseciorace of {heir victims/two, 'boll br (dulled by the 1 the greatest vigilance, den entirely suppress it,
,I. ' b-en ne similar l aw in England, incept (a i m hi g hl y ' tween t he gnverninent of the French Republi and . most liberalU .ilriiiimitione for that purprem, 1 By thetresty of Guadalupe Hidalgo we are bound
1, • .tsuriss ad in the rile' of GeOrge " ll., proliih r that of the 'Sands tcb Islands, may be peaceabl and , 1 lie ssiiie of due d , 1111 l retie e , sitort:il o o u e ther r st e 6iue il year , lnr to protect the territory :of Moxico . agtainst the incur.
as compared w ith timer ol th lire i sye tht t
•.: r ozlish subjects from enlisting in foreign service ' dinvbly adlite!cd, Pm as to secure the indepen once , ~,,,,„,,„,,. o r 41:1,;416,32 .1 . Al 4, i 'ions of tho savage tribes within our border "with
present the ;equal diligence and - ... wed object of which statute was . that foreign a, ;of those la arid.. LOng biter° the: events • etch : ti first view this condition
energy" as if the name were
our trade with Ihreign nation% won'd seem to
• , ~ .sed for the purpose of restoring the home af Stu • hate of lain impirted so much importance • the , moat hal tering kotiesofits future prosperity. ••AaeldMill- : made within our territory Cif Spinet our citizen@
I '
. i
A . .
vutd aui
L od
1 Um
art tu ttic Omn,.
from England heraell
AU must see that
lawn referred to into
throe or four thbusal
number of portoand
' milt ,
of which unleeifut eupediti
without the knowledite of
sessions of futtlit-
flint:owl with
with done. has brett
mission is n' (a to
other countries our lorm of goreenmenb by a'--
f 'tee; but it, tench h • exam rile, and either by our recces!,
moderation and just; e, the blessings of self-government.
and the adr'anteger of ftee testaments. Let every peo
ple choose for iteelfj and n ake sad alter its political in
smut:our; to (alit also en coo imon and convenience. But
a bile a e avow and i !monism this neutral pulley ourselves
aa e ere auxieus to ere the aame forbearance on the part
of ;Idler itatiode. whose tort is of government are &Gr
eat from our Gan. The lep interest which we feel' in
the spread of liberal prioCi lea and the establishineut of
like g overnments. and the-eynapailis with which we wit
r,e.g. every sauggle against oppression, forbid that we
should be indifferent to a - casein which the strong arm of
a foreign power is treoked to stile public sentinieut and
reress the pewit of iteedon) in any mouthy.
the govertilituni4 of - Greet ilritaiu and France feta e ;
issued orifers to their naval leummanders on the West-,
India station tWpri•aleitt by liaree. if tiecesiea'ry, the land
ing of ail% eteiners front an nation on the island of
eleia A% Pb lic.tale wont 'r le copy of ame anditin
i .
of a conversation i.e this sit vet between the ("barge
,f.ttferos of her Itriltannie f 1 tjcsty and the acting Siw
retary of State, :aid t subsequent mow of the runner to
the DepartiPctit, of Lite. ale herewith paibioitteil, to
gether crab a ...Tv f a note of the Arting Secretor, of
St•te to the Monett. of 'het French repillthe , and or the
rt•pla a do': hitter, I i the sante subject. The•ie papyri
will acquaint t oil athth • pr Is of tides interpo.nitai
of the two Pending mm .rrial power. of Europe, and
with the apprehensi ret. hint this tfoacritittent could
hot fail to entertain that such interposition, if earned
`into etreet, might I ill to altuatiain 'derogation of the
• maritime rights of the United buttes. The maritime ;
riglitti of the - Unite States are founded on a' thin, se-'
dire, and a% ell-ile tied hasi.4; they eland upon the
ground of National ndependenee and public law. and 1
la ill be maintained i all their full and just extiiiitt. •
The prineiple as I c'i thi:i Coaieritairtit has heretofore
siil,•tiiiila aiptiiimee I it stall inlileres to; and a ill linini i i
taut ii oiler all eiren list: mew. tutu :at all liar-ital.. That
principle i-, that 'I
Ito. er:a regularly doetinwitted. tiler- 1
ehapt a en.SCI, the e en who tiliv,gate it, and those on
lei •rd of it, will foe . their prowyti tttt in the flag Who h ii( :1
it. en them. No Ai Jeri( an ship ran be allowed to fio,,
' visited or : searched for the pitritose of ascertaining iltel!
char.:en r &Pruett , . iit i.irs ell hoard. nor e:tit there be ail-1 ,
low ed ati. wawa I a the a esselo of an:, foreign wition:.
iia er .litieneati aes , ls on the eilasts of the untit•dstat,,,,
• f die. ~:e, ilib.., Pti tileirPttt I ‘'.ll be Sc,n by the las'
. ionnitinieation fro it the 1110 i-hit 'tiarei. &Allures to thej
Deportment of Sin I', that lie c.l.ltitliiniZell.tO.i,•iire fins
Secret in olSt.ite hat teen edre As Ili Ire Like!' lill.ll, i iti
i‘venting the pia •iitia e tneaeitt 1 .4 •igaittst it, , 5.,,4,4
t:otu . v.iliet ! ii), 3 l ,it, , i
m Statel no% entinent it4elf h:•l' r
deonic . ..ll as nof I eine entitle& to the protection oliiii‘i
gto,etttutoilt, no ill erreir . llCl • sha ll take place with 111,1
.. .
'ratty nation}
eorre-pondenee on tbi..
infotnanuon Itaq been teren
in HiHaim] to
herewith stiluilittei
item or St.ihk, 91 inimtrinee• -by the
it that, in he indepi given io the
;, ,, ,ithi•v here echr.••'l} iii4triiiited, in
. the ilii)
et! at the I)epartt
Freue!t, go‘erottni
french naval fore.l
ntioto, the ,
b• strengthened by recruits
es may arise In carrying the
n in a eouotry`now hating
of aancoast, with an 'Winne
and 'Mall isles. trims same
as may saddeoly set forth.
overmeut, against the peso
11. "bit 'entmaginig altisnees
maxima w atb as. Our true
ur opinions, or impose •pen
' !mike or
possesstris of the United States on the Pacific, we
se:now edgisd the independence of the Hawaiian
geveraMent. This government was first in taking
that step, aid several of theleadieg powers of Ei
rope imm ediately followed. We were Inguriced
thit measure by the existing and rve pros Imp°
. . . .
{lace (Atha Weeds as a plaCe of refuge and refre . slti-
Wm% for our tmoldrngalled in the whale Isheri,
sod Oy the cunsiderattun - tilt they lie in ..the course'
of the great trade which moat, at so distant 4:n•, be
- of I 1 u
earned — on between the , wasters coat)
America and Eastern Asia'.
We arc also induencell by a desire that those is-
Linde shim Id not pass under the control of any Other
great maritime State, but shou'd remain in an mile
pendent cotilition, and so be accessible and ifseild
to the cominerce of all nations. I need not say that
the importance' of these considerations 'has been
greatly enhanced by the sudden and enst derclop
meat shieh'the interest* of the Culled States have
attained in California and Oregon: and the poltqf •
heretofore adopted in regard to those islands udl he
steadily pursued.
lists gratifying not only to those who considel•the
cotnme.cial interests ornattont, but also to aff who
favor the prugress of knuwledge and the diffusion of
to nee a community emerge (rum a Farago
state and attain such a degree ofcnthiauun to those
distant seas.
It is much tO be deplored that the internal Iran
quality of 00 Mexican republic E huuld again, be sc.
ritoisly distuThed:. for, sumo the peace between that
republic and the United States, it had enjoyed such
coMparathe repose thAt the moat favorable antici
patens fur the future.might, with a degree of con
fidence, hate been indulged. • These, however, have
been thwarted by the recent outbreak in the State of ,
Tamaulipas, en the nglit bank - of the Rio Bravo.—
Hating received infurination that persona from the
United States had ',ikon part . in the insurrection,
and apprehnihling : that their example might ice fol
lowed by, of hers, I caused orders-to be issued fur the
purpose of Repenting any hostile expeditions against
Mexico fromlbeing spit on foot in violation of' the'
laws of the ILThited States, I likewise issued a proc
lamation iteui". the euhleet a copy of which is here
with laid beitire you. This appeared-to be rendered
imperative k s the obligattons of trea tree and the gen
eral duties cifkgOod neighbors.
lit my last annual message I informed Cohgress.
that citizens of the United Staten had undertaken
the'connexton of the, two oceans by means of a .
road arroC4.l the Isthmus of Tchonntcpce, und e r a
~ : ant of the Mexican governinipit to a citric mut that
republic; and flat this enterprise would prs'eally Ile
pfusecuted oilh energy whenever Mexico sTiould
c.m•ent to sii.:ll stiliolatlons uith . the Govermi...tii
ui United States as should impart a feel mg of
sectuity to those who should tnycat theii property in
A - Convention kin ecn the two Got ^rntrirets fur
the sh nt of said end has bten ract . icil by
61,.6,p.etratietit, and (filly a the ,!eci -ten uf the
Congtt.%s an I the E.:-etttive of.lhat reoitb::e.
Sollo , Itm• - xpe,:tt 4.1 difficulties eand tli,l t tys have a•
rkcn in the rit:fica•tien i b: Mf•x- be absorbed by appropirtationalof n extraordinary char
m°, but it is pre-unied that htr it HI bv :Icier, this surplus should be eontylo)ed such tot a}, and
under loch(..7lll4retto may enact, to ex
voverned and en::_thteWed I:leWe as well of
g' .. J' , — .. tinguirhing tl.e outstanding d ht Lithe nation.
the general Miportanee at the übjeet, as of her uwn By reference to the act of C nkess npprirird 9ili Sep
intercats and übligamn4. tetnber.. Iri.:i U. t wdl tie-,reenl thin, in considetation o:
In negotiating upon t hi; imsditant subjcct, • this certain 1:1/11CC141101to,by the Si tel4t Texas, it is pro% ided
Govern:ilea( his had in, view one, and only one oh that the ...Unite.i Sfatea shall itiyi to the State of Texas
Jer‘t. That object his been, and is, the conscritillun the nun, of $10,000,0(10, in aif lOdk bearing tive per cent
or attainintmt tit a passage from ocean to ocean, the interest, and redeetnatile at tllnel end of •I;.hrteeu yearn,
!shortest at d besidor traielers and merchandise, and
the tutecest payable half yearly,, Ut the TteaSury tit the
United Stater'," •
equally °lntl( to alt the world. It lias sought to vb.., i
111 the saute section of the ki,it i•
tam no territnrial acquisition, nor any advantage "that no ut or further provided
inure than live nulliorraidlsaid stock shall be is
peettliar to itself; and it wikald see, with the great- ' sued until the creditors of dill Slate balding bands and
est regret, that Alexicii should oppose any obstiele'! oilier certificate of stock of I ; exisia,jur Ow h iIOPCS OA
to the aectimplisluncat of an enterprise which promr ; imparts were sperially pledgrid,l khall first fik at the
Ws loud) convenience to th e wh o l e commecrial : Treasury oil the United States to eases Of 'OH Clllllllll. I.
world, and such eminent advantages to Mexico her- gainer the C. Stites, (or or OA a+ruiit of said bonds or
self.. Imprqssed with-these sentiments and these certificates, iu such terns as la all be preeribed by the
cenvictionsdthe nuvrrnitseit will continue to exert i Secretary et the Treasury, atdia proved by the Nein
all proper eftirts to bring about the necessary dent
hr of in tite United States.'
Tin of release :hus ptiov ed fur has been-prescri
arranzitnicnt with the republic of Mexico fur the bed by the Seeretarrot the 'fire fury, and approved It
el:eedy completion of the work. ' has bent published an all ilk I *dine newspapers in the
• Fur Mollie months past the republic of Nwaragua ei.,ininercial cities of the 'sinnd tales, and alt persons
has been the theatre dune of those civtl coeval- holding claims ni the kind slide' ed in the lorea...ri • pru
mons, from which the cause of free Institut:6ns and ! vise were required to tile theiir leases (in the lona thus
.. ... . ._
---- ..
the gensneral prosper:hi and social progress of the prescribed ) in the " fre o9o .l of Its Uf Slates, on cr he.
States of Central America, have se often and so fern the tat day of Oct. lessl tAlihrugh this public*.
severely suffered. 'Until quiet shall have been re• 1 1 ,!';
i has
be u e i n to cu t a b l e tu l u st . o l l rj o l t. t ps ,
Iwo ) ' i_ h -oit Y ara u tive h l i v 4 t i e cil w .
stred, and a government- apparently stable . shaft
Te t eari:S e t
11 - Ull been , filid by th Oedittirsiof ' Tex is. -
have, been organized, no advance can prudently be The aiiitiorities 01 the Sin e f Teens. 411 the renueut
outdo in disposing of the questions pciiiing lictertun ; of the Secret."y of the Tees ar •, have furnished a sole.
the two countries. - dale of the public debt of the Slate created prior to her
I am happy to ann m
uunce that an inter-oceanic admission in the Union, wthac. py o f ' h e 14 ' 41. unde r
communication from the mouth of the St Jahn t o 44411:ell each class was coot led.
Pacific has been so fir accomplished as that passen- 1 have, Irons the dociniteais furnished by the State of
gen hate actually travered it and merchandise has* Texas Ilet•rin tied the clasie of chinos which in iii) Judg
ment fall within the pros isi is el the act cl Loupes' ut
been transported over it; and when' the calla! shall
ttu. 9th of September, Isso.
'lave been completed, aecurding to the original plat'
t[ltit being offieially taunt d of the acceptance* Tex
the tneans of coonnumcation will be I'm Sher Improved. is of the propositions roots ited in the act referred to, I
It is unoerstood th it a considerable part of the ' caused the stock to be Pre arid, and the ISt, millious
Railroad across. Ow Isthmus ut l'anitti i has been whichiire to be issued Attica dilimially, beating au inter
completed, anti that the mall - and passengers will to est of csie pet cent. from le lit of January, 18.11. have
future be conveyeL thereon. - been ler some 11114eleady to be l 4elitered to the State of
Whichever sit tne aev-ral rips ea bet weed the tweets-ons Texas. The abillorti in* o lemur, op to the present
inay intimately prove mitt, 1 eligible for ireveilr s to and I 'use, !i•ye not authorised a y bit e to receive this 'hock,
trusts ine domeleiit Si ,Its ou Ili, A tiatito: and t •ull of M..- is .
and it renottas in the Treas•tyl 'Department. su - to
ieu viol our t 0.4-1 on use Nettie, there is /Mid trillion lo i l„.;, i n ee 01 T s. ex, ,
liberwly r , ward th it individu I env- Arlo, by 'a
T I l ct i
ouristo that Al 4.1 Iliein wilt be us. lot to the penile, ;Ind viol ui 1
he releaser, required by: lame to he deposited ti the
they have bet aor are expected to be carried istro•rir rt. TreAVUty, not bar ing been tiled here, the remaining five
Peace has been concluded beta eeu the euuteadrug par- iii.ll'uns have not keen issued : k w last amount of the
tie.; lit the Island id St Domingo, .It4tl It Id hoped upo n a stock mill be withheld fruits Jesse until the cusidritons
dur a ble fat-is Suit ii is the extent ia our commercial re upon wltteli it is to be delivered shall be complied; with
Lawns with that estand, that the United Statescancut lad by the cred•trws of that Stale. ante, Congress shall
to tell a sir in g int , rest in its tranqullity •
otherwise d•rect,by a nretiudearein of the law.
Tili•oiti..:e tit t:inn it ',stone rtoC'lt 14 remains neollt d, In my last anunid message, ito which I- respeciiully
re f er ; I state d briefly she frowns which, intinced me to
si•vetal pers,,ii, have been appointed. and t i lt platy kn. '
been oil red to others, all ill whom tt...v , de. I men its tie recommended a mouldiest:oh
o ff the present tariff, by
e :., lance, ii the trrollll4l oh i1iud..144 try of (lie 4:,:0pt4n., , ,
''ton: The annual allowance by law is -it thimsand did- -..
convert ine the ad valorem 041 is epecirie duty, vette rrrrr
• --
the article imported wall of plitto 10 rharfe i er sp to permit
tars, and there is no pros listen jut any (mint I earnest
iy lenonnilend the CollAdettillon of this lithe ct to l'on• ' it, 1114 th• i such .•_ e
dni....risno r naliini . stvisaid be made, in
tress Ouprotanarrer wilt China , 3 hi clay imparnr, favor of the industrial puraditsint nut morn country as to
and is. becomuig more and nit.r , e.i, in eirat• eneourompf home productiud Wnhistit excluding , [Dunn
tp14 . 1343r 431 the incle.v.sing totercourse to t wren to u r ports tin en nipei mon
~ , .
the Pacinc coast and Lioarto Asia. China is understood ' Elie numerous fronds which continue to be practiced
Ito Ike a country in which being IS very expensive, and 1 upon t h e false l e ,‘ '
es an d „,,,,r ere id", o ,, ,
know tit no Muslin why the A
, melic" , Cuth "" ' ""er ' 6at coin-Wale an unanswerable reeson hie adopting specific
itich-r clinuld not be 11. ii. cc, lit erg a d to ciiiiip“i-ation,
instead of ad rehire's' duties in II cases where the nature
' on an tto tl finitin2 wit-1 'ministers Wm, repteeent o i l.
Of the ennitnodii y does lint for d it. A striking illootra- -
, country at the cowls 01 Europe.
fly relereltee In the lirporl 01 the steeretaty of the Trea. tunl of these trends willbe eels Wed in the Report of th e
:or } , It %%ill be :wen 11l it Ow ave.re2,4le reeelpis fir the last Secretary co'• the Treasury, P ,wing the custoon-house
ti.-cal year amounted to ei 5 2,31: , :, 4 ;91.4 . • %/filth, With,the . valuation ularticleeimpnried tinder a fernier law 'abject.
anee in the Tun-nay ioi ihr let Ju ly, Is:0, etoe, on 'ln specific duties, when there .ii•as no inducement-to un
the iivailable means for the year,dl.• Minn of Eri.917014.1..V6 dervaluation, and the curnotr l-bnuee valuations of the
1 The total expetulituree ier Me same period ac re Co,
1;03,17:i GS , nine inselea , , ,,, der t h e pr a em i t system , / ad sa im m , du _
30th June, /K u . , ties, so greatly reduced ash) lave no doubt ot the exist-
The total imports fur the year ending
I were, 1- 5315 . 72 5,995 epee oldie Must flagrant abuses under the exuding-laws. ,
Of winch there were in specie, ,4 . 967 , ,01 • This practietilievasuon of the piesent law, 'eonaliineut with ,
' eof the
The elpurt3 for the saute
- period were $9,17,517,139 ' the Inn g uilhin g condition n rn r g reat intrcests
Ot which there wire of
, ~ sit she country, mused by over importations
.and conse
-1 ilonie,it lc products, $188,5464;53 quenl deprelsed prices and wiih.the folure in obtaining
Foreign goods re-expiated 9,738,695 a iorrig . r. market for our undressing surplus of breadstuff§
Specie. 39,•231,tattal
and provisione, has induced - me again to recominend a
- —..—.._. $ll-7.317 , 130, mothtica non of the existing to off.
The eamtkis inn TheasOreitrue in regard tu tome
Since the let of Deeember lest Ole payments mcash
on accuutit tot - the ;lbite, debt, exclusive of !merest, have of ;he barbers and inlets On !the seacoast, ' - .
i annotated to $7 i Lim,4s6-56 ; which however includes The unobstructed navigation of our large rivers is
, the suns ot $3,14-2,100 paid un d er t h e 1:211 1 article if the of equal importance. Our iettlements are now ex
treaty wall Slexico, and the furtheetuun of $ . 2,591,21345 tending td the sources Of ;the great rivers wh , ch•
.. bring the elHoUlit ut rewards to AirterlCll:l CillAelle nailer empty into, and form a Pinto( the Mississippi, end
the lair treaty oOh Mexico. for which theses's* of stuck the value of the puhlic Medi in those regions would
was authorised; but which was paid its cash train the be greatly enhanced by i're•ine the navigation of
those waters from ober% ctl ns. la view therefore, The public dilut on the F.ioth ultimo, exc l us i ve of the
-of this great interest, I
. ilee - n it my duty againto
; ' stock autherized to be mined to Texas by the act el 9111
' n ,.' 9 , September, 1850, was $62,560,394 9.47. _ urge upon Congress to i ale such appropriatiuna for
the Tle reeemte tor the next fiscal year arc estimated thcsa improvements as I ley may deem necessary.
des- at tcsl OUO,OOO, whid., with the probable unappru- ' The survey of the Delta of the Mississippi, wish - a
e to prtated balance in the Treasury, on the Stith ul June' =view to the prevention ef the overtluiws that have
' t in°" ' next, u ill give, as the probable available means for Proved so dieastenuus tu th t region of ;toiletry, have
'ern" that year, the Sum of 4133 ll '8,71 3 09' , been nearly cutepleteel, nd ho reportii thereef are
ita " . It ha's been tleeni.d proper, in - view of the large now in course of prepalatt ix, and ' will shortly be
-e to expenditures conexquent upon the acq iontien of ter 1 if laid before yuu.
USe 4 rilory from Mexico, that th e estimate. for this next The protection of utirisretthweetern front:ell and
srya-' fiscal year ,b, m id b e ! di d m ute C ongress in st , „.i t of the adjacent MexicanlStitee, against the ledi an l
" et manner as 1,. dist ungunah th e eximmlittire s so requited oillea within our border{ hat emitted my eardeit and
s as- front the (Abet wise ordinary demands upon the Trees- constant attention. Congress having failed, t the-1
. . ury. I last _session, to adopt my recommendation- t at an I
Nett Pie total ictendiumet for the next fiscal year, s4 e caw additional reipteent amount ed men specially a apted
=seed mated at sit ,10.42. 4 1. 19,..1 *loch their t;ri hciit. 0 lor the tti that aersice should be , ra. cd, all that remained to•
peon mdin -ry i u ,weed tit tnr tit
. ut. vernm , rit, oilier than those c I
ne wine was tit . make th Is t use of the !nets at
i on Collivrlple 11l 011 the u' tint nets Tert,1101)01 1 .
all4.ldethitilit g die I.)qmwe on accuutit ui the public deb:. my . dtsposist. Accurdm ly, II the troupe adei ed to
ipm, the sum ot cdtzt ,t , ..13 0;; ; . in d tor ihe l i It 'Lists connected that 'erste.) that could
,ro rly be spared fron.,Jother
tion cup, Ilyor 4 ,iii.„,ly with Move Trlftlinfles, and to the quarters haze been con ceal axed to that fientier,
mpg , le chneet of the cbligattrini of the GoveraMeist, contract- and officers' of high reputat n selected to confluent'
I it to
, ed in Loust4 rice tit their acquisitive, the sum 01$ 1 •
, 349.101 li. . ' them. A new arrangetisen of the military posts
Ii the vie eOf the'rsecreeary of the Treasury - in refer. , has alto been made, svhereb • ihe"troopsere brought .
•to he erten , to the xpeniliture * :limited for these lerrituries nearer to the Mexican fron ler and to the tribes they
r the shall be Met byt corresponding action on the pip of sun- erees, an a ip. ueriationt mine in acctirdence therewith , are intended le overawe. • ,
mploy on h P th ere will t/ esimotted asapereernsted balance in the I Su ffi cient time has not y elapsed to* realize all
is 1 Y• ;ree othAane, 1:53, of $29,306.443 90, where- the bene fi ts that are expectistl to result from these
1 ‘
ties! ..iin to tn. e tl .11 piutien i t itie - pubiie debt due on the arrangements,'but I its bore ••
—... ___ _.. ....
.gii- ,
'0 the
, mg
i Ion&
alien Or are of OCT exports, jiowever, will chow
that the increased value of pUT t x t s Ica the last &Cal
yea r' Is to be found in the high;eel of cottoq Which Ke
y/sled during the Mat half of oh ytis, which puce has
wince declined Anita ons-ba!f.
The value of Oil exports of breadideffa and, proeiitiona.
wh , cll it war supposed the incentive , of* low tat* and
hats a
t aid Emily
, to 1817, to 1172 , i,-
. ID 1, n till a tittontl
pr4.1 , 4“ 1 . 1 3', amoutti alitost .tott ionty, of g :401
tardier trOpetion in Ilse entrrnt
The ligurgrie values of ttcr vivo during the liot
- autovr ,
loge imporldtitulis room Amin&
hdr fdl'en lynni $ 11 4,70,02
05i,373 in I mud in ir
- • -
lir cat yralit, us , C. Mpalif ell wuh 11.• I pre
. .
exhibit is decrease smouuting tii S'llfil,4l7, uroch; with
s decline its the valuer of the t xtrotta of tubocco for the
~,,r oe I s clod, make en aggregsid decrease in these two
art eke of $1,156,1: , i.
The policy which dictated:a lute rate of duties on ,
futeign inerchandize, it was Ilstitight 'hy th,,, e w h o :
eittuutell andretdblutticd it, tatuild teed to benefit the '
fanning population of this cotintry, by it creartmg the
dentand and rat-me the price tif lagricu !oral products
in foreign markets. ' i : i !
The foregoing facts, howere . serm to eiliow incontes
tably that no such result hasl !limed the adoption of
this policy. Ou-the contiary, noltivitlestanding the re
peal of the reitriethe corn taus iti England, the foreign
demand for the products of the Amerman fanners has
steadily declined, timer the abort Imolai and eunsequent
tionme in • ;milieu of Europe htivedseen happily repliced '
by full Crops and comparative , abundance of food.
It will be seen, by recurring iti the commercial statis
tics for the past year, that the tsilite of our iftiMestie el-
Nris has been increased in aatingle item of raw cotton
by $30,000,1X10 o\er the value iiif tfist export for the year This is out due to n inc il general de- '
mum! fur that article, but to the s rt crop of the preced.
tug year, which created an •ne all t:emand and an aug
mewed pr.ce fur the crop of hi ; t ar. Shouhi the cot
ton crep now going tutu:stilt(' market be truly equal in
quantity to that of the year pr riling, and he sold at the.
present prices, then there wiluO g rs a falling re in the
v a lor of nor exports for the prese i fiscal year of at least
$40,000,0mi, competed with flue amount exported for
the tear eluting 3Utli JOllle. ie...1. 1 4 • r .
rite protitacitoo of gold to Cklifornis for the peat year
seems to promise •larje supply Ilk that metal from that
quarter for some time to come.l This, large annual in
crease oldie currency ulaile war!'elit Janusz be attended with
results. Ile usual Tlte,se liars a already partully
i ee
ilisclo.ed e enhancement or p ices and a rising spirit
olspeculation aminadventure, lentling•to overtmdinu, as
well at hotness abroad. finical some salutary check
shall be given to.these tendenr4esi,,a is to be feared that
importations of foreign goods beyond a healtby demand
in. this country will lead to a addtOn'ilraitr of the prceioui
metals from us, bringing *aril itt„! 'as it lout done to for
mer t lairs, the most d.sastruus clinseqences to the bus
iness and capital of the Atiict•cati; people. •
The exports.ot spec.e to l qua, e our foreign debt dor
ilig the past fiscal year have Leen 1424,253,9;9 over the
amount of specie Imported. The exports of specie kW
.ox the first quarter of the prepieat fiscal veer have been
rit14,G51,ti27. Slimild speciet outimuc to b e expo r t e d at
thus rate fur t he remaining di et, quartets of illis year,
it will drain from our nietalic ettireney during the year
ending 30th June, Itt::t2,the elnuelnuns onto* of lIV:iS,-
6074-Iti. i 1.1 ,
In the present pr o sperous cgthi,iiiim of the ha li•
[lances, it will lor come the if :iiy ui4 4 . Congress to consider
the heat 11'04 of p.ying o ff pti lie debt. If the pres
rut and aiitiepated surplus fill . tlt Treasury should not
---- --
I have endeavored to comply; as far as possible, with ' er the States, and the
Ibis provision of the treat!. Orders have, been giv
-1 reward fur minim
gratifying evidence o i l
en to theofficers commanding on that frontier to con
of our country.
rider the kinsman territory and its inhabitants as 0- g rum bl e measures ,
(wally with our awn entitled to their protection; end ; the survey of theinn
to make all their plans and arrangements with a view 1 Surveying parties hat
to the attainment of this uhject. instructions have I cress has been made I
nisei be en given to the Indian commissjone is ands- I and meridian lines.
gents among these tithes, in all treaties, to make tional appropriations
the clause designee; for the protection .of our own ' subdivisions can ben
eittzens apply also to these
„ of U " lc , °- ihave r no ea V i n d t e h d e ° ;ro l f h A "e lserc r
reanon to doubt that theretostruction h ave b een ad- . ~, r
. the appointment
ly carried into effect; Nevertheless, it is probable :ate la nd claims in C
that, in 'spite of all our effetts, some of the neigh - med.ately appointed,
boring Stiles of Mexico may have suffered, as our cepting the office, i
ma n` hat e,ifrom depredations by-the Indians. - the conipensstion.
To the difficulties of defending our own territory for the same rea...on,•
a, ~ho es j ot r oomed, are Superaddrd, in defending late in the -season di
_that of Mexico, thoeft that , mom. (rota its :emote- co u ld cu...d ,"e iii s t e l e s, e i r c ed t .
ness, trou'ithe fact that ne hate .no right to station
detailed instrue.74 .
tutu troupslo :thin tier limit., and that there is nu'ef
their duties. Their
tie:lent military force on the; bluxican side to ccoopu- busouess will be held
rale with Uur own. So long as this shall continue the present month,
to be the ease, the siumber and activity e.f our troops I, have thought it i
trill rathei inciea•e than, ditnislell the et il as the In- ly to explain the eau
(tons wtll Inaturklly turn towards that country whefo 111114101 r, bat to call )
they enculditer the least . resistance. Vet their. creasing the comPeo
, d
troops are ntcesaary to Subdue them, and to compel alive la
one of ;resi t
yeat ion shou ld
to 'stake and observe treaties. l'Uttl th:s slial:
tale I
hate beeu'one, neither count!), et ill enjoy miler of .
the proper
entity fr.-ni their altatkill. 1 ie a aubjezt t.urrotinct
;The Indiana to California, who had previously an- sunned lee
peered of ;a peaceable character, and disposed to cut then, in a nn ot. n . ine r
Ovate the , friendship a!: the whites, have
_recently • effectually guard ne
committed several acts of h'iutttlity, As a large pure But upon further in
lion of the reinforcement., s ol o to al errionn i r ,, o t ler 11.11101. e qpersons fa
we re drat, n from the 1 1. 14 Lac, the military force row ed to change that
p rter pernutted to
. y.
'stationed O'er° is consid'ered cot;:oly that t e , inte to ' th
its defench. Ir cannot be increased however, with- h.:::-1.*,
until further
open toll " e il i
out an indrease of the slatuy : std I again z
ain recommend best puller to be Lille
that ineasiore ,as tadomensable to the protection of it us safer to suffer 1
the frur Cr. vi short period, than,
I invite ) lota alto ntiort to t he ,i.iiggcrti ,, n ~ n the our the country a sys
Pubjerff, and on 'ethers et [ inflected with his Depart. place the whole Sisi,
nient, in the tetioft of thc Secretary of War.. !Dine:nubs.
Th e aor 0 ; u•ations for the suppoit of the army • The a4r•culturall
ilioung Ito: ciutetit :ueesif vear ending 30th of June tydfsro, ":411: unto__ In s
next, w6r,e' retiiired far !'hr the , estimate subunit - ' l " ,.. ‘ m i l d ie te l d il l ' o es n u i y e
ted by -the in putererni.: The ocun!equenee of this
:n the ordinary purr
reduction a cuosidereble derrieney, tar-.which I „., deciabk, iliac
mete your early nttention. ' law for the establisl
The ripeneitures id ',that- I.?”;;artrnrnt, for the and Oregon. and for,
rear ced:og viii, June lkst were i2.9,010,21"3 .ss.s- t-cs II t . an ear:y day.
The r s o h o, ti . I.r the' i rat' coin , : : ne:nr let dole , $ one dillieult,es I
111 , S 1 end kr eittig J•ine ffAttit I Pr.l. are 527 b'X .'775 1..3 inure: goserninents
rimy. ,nr n rriho (:nn 0f'5,41,10l 4:12 75. - m ore It... Curate iuturit
Th e p otaii i ii. u'ommissioners, to %t hoot the max i ..
a hi-:her m :
' oo:moral n
agemcnt id . ali.ors of the Mditary Asyfinn erettel Li
r e '
eniniiiued die estith
l nual
ndt last a
try the art of 3,1 Match laet n aeintrtited hate ..-
mid like this OCCASI
lected a Ole f9r the cstdli:Hittio tit of art AsYlt" In, ctlfteidetation of the,
the cis-mi it
l this eity.'whicli has teen air red by ) A...nculture maY I
me, Fuljt F . ted to ,tic predirction of a safisluctory of our people:. r.
title. I -
- eiliotoyedoi the cull
Tie report of the Secretary of the navy a ill ex- if:melon ot our set.le
hihif the 0,111:on of the' pohlic service wider the so- i dm:: tn'the.i'llint''t
perviaionlof tha:t Deporltment. Our navel force a- J ustice
_: cn
, a u n r o n i t sti u s n o el .
l i d o
float dorffig the present yeitr has been actively and „,"
loonsotutoo to pro:
usefully employed in gtvaig protection to our wide
in ,,, ~ant
class . 01 ..
ly.extendea at il inereaseno, commeure and interest, 1
, singular tact ;hat, a;
in varti:osi (jut; tas of the globe, and our 11-0,. has , i
Cid. imetesis have r
everywi .11 , :t'ntell security and received the re-, Inig a large portion
spect insior 1.. y the jostle° and Iffierality of our it.- abonasi tit prievoion
tett - course a: : thd dignity and rower of the nation. , meet, futile has bee i
Tho ekpeilition conimanded by L'entenant De. of a 4 rieulture. It 1
I utiEn. d;., atehed in sfat eh. of the- British cominan- latl"" "mull be re"
dor. So Jettin Franklin, and his companions in the resentg .i C e
tric i e
ot ,7r i ess a
Arette Sias, returned to New % ork in the 'ninth of
d t ' u te l ' i n u a g precedr
i to e
Octe tier,' biter haying ft niler,oorle great periiiancfnuf-
An Ag Icor , anal
firings rrliTTI arl 110. ^ ..e. 't and dang,erous net igat ion lectung and diS3l,lll
anditterVigers of a !uori ;tern climate, without any best mo d es of co l lie
sattsfactiury in'ormut . n o„ the objects of their search, of I ,rese:v.4ov. and re
but with; new cool: . :I...nts to science and naviga, procuring amid's:TA
i•tion from the' unlrequoi,ied polar regions: The of- 'cable productions,
' fivers :,nil men of the e xpedili.n, having been all soul. climate and Ire
soluntre,rs for Cos seriieo, and haviog so conducted c ‘u ould r a i , f , ail a to n tire ). ,
it as to incet the. entire approbation of the Govern- t airn ta i niem
of t t in i misli s ,
nsent, tuts eon:Oiled, es en act of grace and gene-
~ Regarding the ac
/ rosily, that the same allowance of extra pay enrolls- . hel : , i f
r, Mid , gran ing
mente tit extent!..! to them that were maue to the - ..„„ a c e d in the ~,,;,
officers and men of like rating in the late exploring 111e41/111e Of national
ordit inn to the Suufh Seas. - dreire hiss been telt
the tieretary of tie Interior has -iit , qestod in hie re- unmel.
, -.llle eXPCIIIIO.
pl,ll Vitt.IVIIS rt , '.f - lichilegit's of ii., : - rei Ain ! ! to pi tu,torie . .
s oft. L All the mea
aid bo de ly 1.411 j.. 11.1 . t h e pure ..-4
. ot more eileem.d.v lore, brought into re
I Uuardi nil against d1111,11 . 1.'d1/4 IfdiAl... 101 she e...0n.e. ritilstlil, of c!o,rhs,*nd l am
I 14. Wllll4 I; lAIVIIe )our ;1.11•11.:111.1 .11:4•1111..t1 ••• • one hundred theiusar
1 The I.lcr are e 5,11.11, 11/ 41111 11/..1 m
.I.l"tt•l'inn ','"'"ne'" , - and about sr: t
1 quest tipfia the :momentum of New Mexico and Caltiottoa. shirt epae i, 0 rune
and the 'SA*III,IOIIOI 011 f Frt.!. Iliellt tutu UWI and Oft.goll, .'•
law to cart
t lids e civv-o 1111 re-. 0,41 tort•lrst , , t . . 1 hilli.44laLlee .4,1 our r. ...,- ' made
~. ~
. non. , atilt the itherlgtnril ire.. die vepartment, it
No onflerial rharo ha: taken p' ,ec, w i thin th e 1 4 ,1 the elute of the fieca
!kir, toltlie i f foot oion end. ero-ei i 1 of the intim t t Mee bene fi t . of the Set Voll
11‘ realde to the North% retrrer Terrooty and ti es; of the I earnestly reco
af i .,,,,,,,, 10 pi ru t, r ,' \V.- are at peace v. tile all tut them; and
y e
it. a illne a -.ounce. iii t a eo , nr e to t oo to h-arn that Ike) cesatt of retir etz I
are orailnof) irdValielrig,lU i.:l 017.418011 anti the pureu:te id 11 4 'iniing and hx:ti .
soviet life.l g mile, providing .
/ i to,r, / ,ii t h e M eat e an trontier. u ;.l in california, , and tlr• i higher grades of tl e
etion, t; -re le flue been ofeasional to 11111erldi1011$ 01 Ull
- and capacity, ra h
4needivlteeline. and P. 0.11.0• firmed,' tone commuted. I Jlll
watratie:ll, however, that they resulted more trout the dee• try into the sir% ie ,
ti ate arid slim tug c(alfilhei: .1 the *titans than from aft} , tits list urnifiTedu ef
s tiled go:Alloy toward the whites. ?re the seidetnents..,o,l petent to the peril ern
0 r C cl •
ens progress to Mein, p
.varde ein, time pine 111.4,11 who m ,
they tit MA) r. I} for spii.otsnes is 4,1 ivV11•11:1 fit ar.,itekl-U4 meat pre of icon.) y I
end the / only alteroatit r lett to the tit ii.. ehtletion or 'to et- arm of the sect le II
der. lobecveiner ilsllo consider. in view eit this condition eminently Wrathy .turf
of things', a hether justuer dud humanity, as 'A ell Ate an en The determina tion Itghtened economy, do nut requite that, instead of welting between the sea ° e
hi Pun', them fot °Hence. whir+ are the freak ol f our
own potiey towneds them, wr shutild not t docittekor their ty, and between o ie
iiiimedi o te wares and enc , timer them to e (gage n Jigra the torious grade. of
Hitters.; end to rely on the it labor, instead of the chaise, tention. The fa) Mil
flit the raise to poppin f.
when c oy tun's}oral
I i Vatit 0. ooporinul treattes hate been negotiated with pora
different trittes during the year, by which their tole 1,, I ces in the navy, ha t
hinge add valaah:e tracts of country hastwen extinguish- meruus court mart al
en, on I! , WI.IICII wilt • at the proper r, be ruttionted -to • [turf, and is believed
Or Seei:e fur ratinc.ifien. t ,
The pint commission , under the t reloy .of tinadalope upon the disciplin a
'fiddle has been actively engaged in minims: hod mark. • To moderate punts n
Mg theitioundsry hue Iwiwe en tl.e l'uiied Stated and is among the hum re
Mezird It was stated, in the last annual retain of -the bolkh one of set ri'
seoretsry of the Interior. that the initial point o n the I's=.; to o ff ences on ship be and the Point of MiScitiin ot the Gild with the Colo
ado riirer had been determined, sad the lliteiren mg 1:11P, SIN!, is to suppose '
abort on, hundred and fifty niiles in lerwle, Tun stud ' every individual am
rnorke:l h)•trut,eitrarv e thou 1111 l rOlti wince that 141.11,
ra toed by the Legi.s.tat
uninou rut of nimble lins burn erected at the lomat point, of men It is hem
end p-tmement 11141'61100t of trim have , been rs'aced at ' e
wools distances alonglthe line. . opportunity afforded
The initial potot en ti -i: to I:retitle hunt , rth.. , 111 been fixed thdroughly investigr
by the commi.ouoio-ou ei nit itnde 32° :t2', and at Ihe own establishing such U
ante I' st cominumeasaim fife ...Irv,- y of the fine had been
gradations I
leid rde t truce wyetwarit Mono oue-hutidted mid fifty miles ; •
to the. to
eichhoriod of M e
r uppe runes . i with humanity ant
1 The ceituritission ten our l e:al Was tit lest oreanired . on - els, and at the sae
in sealetwhich experience has i.moved to he unworldly and ergetie , and effic
uktentlid with old- rest ~ ,xi e.i,-e. Oiders hat e, :here- supression of cm ,
fine. hien owned :i. r thei. reill.ction 4 the number ci p-r . p
SAM e eloped witto it therinaliest ionise, consistent with ' The'l, stone do
toe sa l ty of those rogiieed in tit: s setvice, and the prompt which was ten ye
an ell cheat eem rNel'ill.4lll lit their important duties.- . been co fat' finiehe
ItetiMis have been ri (1.,%..d Irmo all' the officers eft authorities of the
tiled initaking the ceneuir ill the zitat,.s,and Territioies,ex•
'p er t (•to o r nig . 'the Sitperintendenti employed to Make phia is reported a
thee . '4mi-ration t.t that state his not. et intale his full re- : to be tested and
Orr, abet cause:, vs lie alleges, Lrylsd los control. This, government. Th • t
t i tihrt, 1:. tutu l h to but regrit
. eed, de i has preceuted the
Secte thy 1.1 the [Mrs tor trout tit item!! the dere ntaid! ap nearly ready fur e
manse of reinerrnilitiVes 31111.415 R the' Shites, as required , cutrciuded, agree i
Iy the act a, i enfed Mly `2.-1. ii,"at • leis hoped, however. last fest•ion, fur th a
that 1111 e relllifth V.ll sum, i.e' te-vri%rd, quid no time will of San Francisco.
t en bt lo s t ri in making the e!'es atry apporhonmeut,
in I noistomin the certificates requited by law. and ' recommendation o
I ThelSuperintendeni id th - :;el.l t I rl . ll/111., us 1315.V.Wir tablishment of a n 1
eltrm'oed. tini'er the dip vier pd the :iretet.iry ol ine In- dock on the ['nein..
ligior, in classifying
.nllll pr•ea_dn.e. in tabular form, tin- CeFt•nry to the con t
lie st.• ri
ielic.:l noun lobo Ori
rtodiront ihe'returns art the
I earediett, an.: .1 is bylined flint Whrti tire o ork - shall h e fleet m'that "eali •
q4.11104,d if a ill evintit a more perfect view of the p ope ,. Crease yilth the g c
l o tion, wealth, e.cceupations ass social condition sit a extension . of our s I
urea*: 'unity, M h.-. ao .es er ile , ll pre-ente,l to the world.-- , The navel aced: t
'•;iie v iler of such a work. iii the basis of enllo.„lttened leg.
and improved l syst
i lattoh, can hardly be over estimated; and I earnestly
inipe that torpre , e wt:l lite nh time mouthing the a w n,. port unities of edu it
, iriattinis neee,siiry to complete the rlassitications, end to pile quite equal,l
publish the revolts in a style worthy of the subject and ofpiot eme:.t, to this
oto 'tuitional chummier. ' etilitery itcadetnY
Theividal oh a 'tuition' fee hill, prercrildng the compen- i
seatennin tee afowed distimt attorneys, clerks, marshals shipment was reek
and eteitnini4inne tee to (1111 ruff criminal cipt.c, a the last academic tern
noose tt notch trlvitetre, orpiettee and coniAnni I a ea'd . ladled to the insti" lit lid athorough revteion of the t twer on the a hole fur regular instru % ;
motel, an d th e adOpti ou of a tarot of fees winch, as tar
na pra oc,ilile. should be uniform, and turret ribs a Speellie
cruises during the
Contietioe.o.. • tor every Pert it, a hieh the nit eei may tie in nett year.
etootirled I • ...-lent This "object will be wily presented , The iiidnentaget
111 the repo. . i the :Secretary iii Mr Inferior. rarely :been mot
• In my nisi soon illness ige,i e tas.- ierirtly my rrasone for ,
i ,
hel.ehau.: that yop possessed the u onstitutioualipme e
Cr to , fact state d ntt
litipthle Ihe flaitfort art our great lakes and ' , tmour, end that, by means of
the 114%10110n ul oar 11/113Clidit rivers, and recommended . Jested anti prepare
that a auropriatiors I shoeld be mane for completing sneli isudent of the Na
"Fmk as had slimily been commenced, nod for coin Ten,
mug '•h others as might seem to the a ississm of Congress . the Atlantic to t b
to no t public and s• ioi. ul importance. Without reirat. been ehuirtened by
.he the reasons ttoin ' t.ool, Ideem it my duty lemon to I The estimates f
Gall yporaerentain to ltlll, .loportant sobiect. The works I Marino Cor p s the
cm emits) , of the h. , t' , ,r, •ie left in an, untiniehed state,
and cianseeitene .:ey . k i s il to the aition of the element., 'to be * 5 . 85 % 472
- minion is fast destroying. ahem. Great numbers of Imes i year being /.5,900
Mad waat amounts of prep_ sly are annually lost for want 41 The estimates f
sate end convenient harbors on the lakes. None bett.i trol of this depart
ffosserwhis have been exposed to thin dangerous naviga
tion 4in tally api.reirisite the imponeaceu n( this IitINCCI. Pill° * 241 % 98 9
The *hole Northeast spends to yore tor relief, and I trust being .occariimed.
their iippeal wilt receive sine consideration sir your hands. the Ficitic coast
. Thi report of ilid Seerefery of the Interior, wheels ao- California% &nib°
(romps ales this communication.N ill present a condensed igreasy and some 1
414fei0enl of the operations of that important department •
improvements an(
of the; Go‘ernmeiit. -
1 It will be ...ten thai the rash Dales of die peddle lands and m achinery.
exceed those e,f alte'preturetb rmz year,. and that there is deem it o f mu.
reason to anticipsie•soll forth./ increase, notwithstand: c and a correct unt'
tag the large Joliette:ls which have been made to many ; ,that there: should
the gt
nnt• t• individuals i n i
i his tact lorn:rhen 'try
wing %coth and nrora , ” '...,,
are en adopted fur enrnmeneisa
ha lan i• in California and °term.
a bee organized, and notne pro
n (,1 , Wishing the isr ne,pai•hha
But I filler legishtuen ard A dd
i ll i oireensae ) before tl.e ;lope;
gide, a d the general land , r eify
L mote
a r a
Icet ofa
l oar
t ased rt
° ; Y r „ e l, a
1 f th e e. epentniesione t ii • •,, je , ,t, id .
i ttorn a. . 1 hree persons were .1%•
nof ham, horeier, det iattl AC
. Cool. a. ...
e.,c_ U . • I , t
.. i ..,
to 'here "re p 70111) it ....., t.. 1,, , r , I
,1 . ..,..
Leo d hared: and t ‘‘a. ~„ 6ni ,
I t the f % wee til at.' , i.lil e t i r ,„,„
, 11101 ty.of the c , . , 1, , ••
! t h e 0111 ul Si li •Illio.r j,,,: . ,t, c,
11 . % ,„ r green to lid.ti, ill Tecie4 lit
trot to ettag tnr the •rarNichum of
in Si. Franc:ben on •:,r ,± h d ay at
o refer to these rae , ..,,,,.. 0 I.
/.9 ale!ny ,n t:,. ,
t,,,e ~,,,,:l
I enl.on 10 the Prtt er'' , Y of .0-'
I the, enniitna..wtere Traj
and - restmnat, t., and :,s1
„11as to town lIIJ wen ni he,.
t , unqueruut able .nteg, ,y .
! e Iti9P-GA/ /AWN or (•0'..k0 1
!If 44t daficult,es In rt.. last
ded the sane) awl Skit 0I
• Puele secr et iOlll 09 1009 id
I ..nt..:),,1y and EY ecJ:at.un
. , n, and .0 diference to tae 0.
ith • the subject. I am 10,111.
1 .0cat.04„ and iq o,!r•sa Itt.t
i 4 SI WI preseat, 11 Cllin.ll9ll
, and :n4astry of all o
e iii4ol d 4 Yekl.e.l a,
adov.ed ,a rekan.i to throw
a etnenee. that new eats, (et
Attn:; leg , let.on, to laste's
nded la cirur, whicix anay
I •evond tae future conttni a
t liatel
'e wee
by pr
I nds s
()old, however, Le euree e ed
iih .
lithe delay as fgenlL:e,
settled, sod the ninsollt aata
eon improveterertlx, nod enter
To elfeet tore qe otlects
lensery proviston Le made be
of :nod offices ,11 leeth;er a a
Clelliprot•ccutg.a tar.
Ifa of
36 0 1
Nc I
eurred n•z , rrg th.
Mexicoand I;tab. am: .11C1
hall be obi:tined LI tile .._tee,
tll be made un that
uriicahoo to Cunzh—,
ift of an Agr , cultote, B
l ain Co invoke yuut 1/% . v1i6'11
t. regarded It lite great , a•ete.l
of our aclo.e are
1 of the arid, and ,he rap .1 er.•
'lnver arty
e engaged on the
1 toe twitui t.:44.!siard Dy Me'
tr io,:ereAs , aod %e'd•re of t , , lt
'et it 4
Ile (nun uleiet %inn and rummer.
11.1 C a:ten:ion of Coll;tres du-
Try. season, and our ..tutee
heir protection and eucoorege
darctly lor the att , ahcetuel:
that this retwoach t i of .cg 1-
; an 1 Itorterrrly hope tPrirqo
clan ite.r I:thors t. •!.u.; g:
ioppiy ttte ota smors u :J.!.
I:o 4 tir
use 11
of e
charged with the duty of co,
correct. tolormat,on lid 10 the
and tel theinust ettect oft. !Witt
g ilea fertiLty to tle tots, aLd ot
• seeds and plume and 01 re. r % / g.
Instructions en regard to tee
at teat aeforetedlo Eh% • ; Th., th,
teaguage of Wasion:l.ol, ,a
o 1:00gre10., "a very caeap !a
tonal benefit "
.tnigres. approved 'Zimn :Sever,
y lauds to prreotas art, pi.. :wet
eroice of the ctotutry HO a
, e end utt+teenee s ate amines
the ntlicero entrutora to.tte no
gyre preempt rib ct to .ts flore
t:lilt time collie.] v ,r,.., Idere
.lion to expPdtte the z•
,t,,t CEPOI
heel to be atolr •-, #7,s e :;ie near
pi,, a 4 ons h. v , bee,. chreviered.
and warrants todued a then the
tells It pro, iota be,
o PtTect the roc....preati.t..ns at .
,nfideotly exoec et! lied, tceore
r, all w.ll et.e e .trter t.keee
t elect:toe.' their a0".1 S. r .
thl 'to your artoriii n the he
the Naval estoblithit eat. sp- .
e number of otheuro In each
, t? rno.l of pronitithoi to th e
soy; baw l refererce to trier •
than senii ity or dated ea
&Jur rear, from the effec
pay thr i c e Vett 17111 be incom
once of active s rt ice,• As a
s well as •of etrie ucy in this.
he • pro% ision' last in •ntioned it
;onside:Viol). ' •
Of the iptettion•of reitti •,
trs and civil officers of t
. t
'Ts of the army . and niv ; in
each, will s!ou merit your at
tic to provide any substitute,
meat was abohstied for (Jen
ccasioned the convening of nu
upon the arrival of vessel 4 Is
e hdve had an injurious effect
d efficiency of the service.—
ent from one grade to another
reforms of the age; but to 1-
:y, winch applied so generally
ard, and provide nothing inns
progress of improvement la
ng seamen a Inch :. not atsn
,re in respect to'any other class
that Congrisis, in the ample
, by the present session 4 will
e this important sti r tilect4,and
i des of determining guilt, and•
!punishment as are consistent
t e personal rights tit individu
e time *hall ensure the mist an
ti t 'performance of duty and the .
to in our ships of war.
k in the navy yard at New York
rs ill process of construction, has
I ato be surrend.sred up to the
.d. The dry dock at l'hiledel
sompleted, and is expected soon
d livered over to the agent of the
t• t Portsmouth, N. 11., 14 also,
el very, and a.contract has been
tilt to the act of Cungrecs at its
a sing sectional docks on the thy
invite your attention to tbe
t to department touching the es
vc yard in conjunction 511.1 this
. Such a station is, highlt'n•
e ience and of ectivenees of cur
- hich must be expected to in;
o •th of commerce, Anil :lis.n ?".
h le fisheries over its watery.
y. at Annapolis, under 3 retied
tr of regulations, now•aff , rdso?'
a ion and instruction to the fu
i. belieded, fin ; rrotes.ionai sin
e eiloyed,.by the cadets in the
• A large class of uct,iig iii,d•
e' , t the commencoment of the
~ a dd a practica-shin ht. been st•
It tion to alford•tbe allifuest Mean.
on in seatnanship, as tie!. as for
stations of three obi - Lit:l . eidutto
If science in nautical offor& h-ie
- t 1116 tit! ly ill ustraled t,lan AI the
Tryon of the Navy lk,3rill'er . '
e r ind and current charts, pro
b_v_,Lient. Maury, the Sul
1 Observatory, the pes,ode trrm
ll'aeitic ports of our country ass
bout forty Jaye.
, the support of the Na" end
lisumg fiscal year a /II be "found
the estimates for the current
special objects under 11.0 CO
at amount to $2,t,,`, o'd 11 -
. I. the present year, 1 44 inc r. "
y the additional mail service en
d the construction uf the dock i
efi at the b last tension of cu n.
ight additions . under thehea
d af
repair. in nary yards, o f
importance to a test ccenemYl
btanding of naval exp e ntlitttr .
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