P. DlifiLlN - & - 0 - 0 - ., Pro I'OLUM 22. (Frit. %All Ohse A. P. .DUBLIN Sr. CO. *PROINI 1::311. P. SLOAN, Ildiio ---------.........-._-_-_ -_- OFFI E. CORNER STATE ST, AN I SQUARE ; ERIE. TERMS OF THE PAPER Citysuhaeribera by the carrier, at fq mail. or at the office, in aavanee.. ;sit not paid in advanee. or vt &thin three mouths Of walveribing. two dollars will be charged. , LTAII communications newt be popt paid. RATES OF AI)VERTISING Cards not exceeding I lipes, one ear. .* '• Otte square dm do. six months. do. do.. three month/. "nrattstfot htiven iselnen Is. 50 cent{ per sclunre, of Ins, for the first in:cutout "25 cents for each subsent reYearly ads ertsaccil has c the privilege of au Nor but al no time arrallowed to occupy wore than t%u be timitrri t. thew imbrerbete kiturss. Adverinmementx not havinic other directionr, IA 1 t Dein! and e ar ged accordingly. BUSINESS tiraEcT • W. If. KNOWLTON. Watchmaker and Repairer. Dealer in lVatehc.. Busiest! Instruments. LcaOtte 4; ias,el and other Store one door west of the Reed Home. AR_ Wu ••• • CKLE & KEPLEIt. lit.tya In Diy Cciods. Gronerirs. Hardware, Croo k .1. Perry Block. State street. E:rie, Pa. A: M. JUDSO'N. Arms\rT •T I.•m. --Office at I.[C.CIII w the Chrun yright's Black ,J. W. DOUGLASS. Arrmunry •T 0% Cr W I 11113111.. do Wr IK.tablishment; entrance first door west, on tlii• I __6___-_ COMPTI)N & IIAVEIt.STI-C1 D mutt In Dry,Coods, rirnecrie.: Liquor- oral! 1.1 alto, Ake., one door south -of Sin itit Jae Lyon.. trect. Erie. Pa. „0- 1. rosorrom. G. A N D It 1: , Arm ofJ. A.idre pot of FurcifZii M deal Mitre handl z.e. w Itole4ate and road, M. I ab. ("walnut atreet. Phda4.lphla . • DR. C. 13RANDL:4. Patairtax and otannoo—ores en I . llCr of State ightNetr; Rividence. on Eighth otre.t. Getwoen holland. File, I'a. I'. W. .Nloolt LezAura InCroceries„.Provi,ione.lVine , .i.igliOr , .l &c., One Ikpor Below Loam- fir. Uo, Futite eireel M. SANFORD 4 c 4).. Dealers on Gold.RiJyer. flunk Noes. Krohn. Vero posit. /se. Eseloange on the of loeopal el fuor-salr. Office in Fleatt)•oo flock. la,Wte Solotar T. IIERON th Juana • soon Pnrstross—o )(Fre, corurr of Frig trevss,over Moses Mocha I , tofr. RVoiliellet on tone door east of are old %sombre-sty Ilall K. T. STKILRETT & SONS nu. Constantly on tonna a (nun snoop's of.l/roeertes. Chanoliery, Proverions. Produce. to . ice mid or Retail as cheap agate cheapest. No Ittr.Clr •Wbl. S. LANE:. Attorney and Counsellor at Broolutionnry/ army and relasivatc Bunn ior rapay.3ll.l all ether burin's Calf reerlye pronlyt and faithful attention. Vtlice to %Vroicht's Block on Suite ' , trout. otrr J LAIRI)ti Itt'ST, WIMILISM.Z•tuf Stetnil Deafen , in Dry Goodm,Groct , laquore. Flour. Firdt, Salt ice., No. I. Writi Dr! of Fah nod SOIL. Streets. %LIAO, I fIRo. OLIVER SPAFFORQ. Boolowlier anti Stationer. and Manufacturer of RI Wrottrre Ink. ember of the Itsamotiel and Stub B. NICKLINv.. • M u i r ... and general Arne) and 00111Ilts.11?11 bit RUFUS RI:F.D. - pg. ZLII in Enirl irli.Gennan ;1111.1 Amer le; ri I I ;nave. `Attu, Nail,. Arnim, Iron and :flee; No Erse. I'2. w. J. F. 1:11 - 1))1.1: S. Co. Rt.m-K.soru.. Carmide and Wn.r.Jti Duildero. (wenn seventh k. k'ardith, L. STR.ONG. M. I). Orvirs. one Door n Pr( of C. R. lCr hPr rte. II:, IX/C.7. J. L. STEWART. drew' with I axt. A Itrray. Several h He ir eidenee, op Sati4a kn.. one 1100 r worth of Sevead C. SIEXIEI.. ' _ WIIIIIIILEP•LIC and Retail dealer la Groeeriea. Pro , Liquor,. Friat, Le.. Arc Coraer.of French a oppointe the Farmers' Hotel. Eric. JOHN Nlt:C.l. IVIML fffff and Retail Dealer lit Family Glawiware, Iron. Nagle. &c,. Cheap Side. Erie. nir The litirhert pr lt. paid for Country Pr. .1: GOALDIiG. Yleatenawir Tatuna. and Habit Maker—Shop, Np. Row,(up,tairit, over A. k. J. S. W4lleih - Croce Ntreet, P.n.. Pa. J. W. WET MO E, A 7: R Pi ,F; 1" L A In Walker'• (Wive. on Se, enth ykrett, i• HENRY c.I.I)IVEEL, • 1,,,,,,R.i0nwr, and Rrta.t to Dry. G. Crockery. Clarhoyare.eaxpeurt:r. Ilprito ore. fro Fink( &c. .entinte eloace Stale : , treet., to Ikoa hotel. Erie. I'a. At.o—!Aor.l,. V4ces. lows. Bel A :lc Aw.. Spriog. araortment of ddleStzd Catrtake Trnnnnngs. . 8. IifERVIN ATIMINET AT I ' the Key P4OllO W. 4.1 of Wrigh w and Janice of the Peace.. Mutual Lire Company i p store. Evie, Pa. GEORGE H. CUTLER, krtosaar sr Law. Girard, Erie County. Pa. other NLAIOCSA attended to with promptness and JOSIAH KELLOGG: Fcrwartil g &Conlin tango Mere haht, on the l'ub SW, prep. nag rialt. Piaster an White Fish. constantly 'fo - _ I. ORENZW FM/ &Co Went tIIALIMNO Etirrstt. Desuls in Foreign and Good., tea y mane( 7 101.11 . 111 IkA.AAI and Lin IVrighes k, Nate street. Err. 'WILLIAMS & WRIGHT.ar Banker and Exchange Broker. Dealer in BO Drafts, certificates of Opposite, Gold and sdre (thee, Win iatus' Bieck. corner of Nate.st., a MARSHALL &I VINCE.% At - roamers itLAW---0111CC up stairs in 'Varmint' north of me Prothonotary's ottice, Erie. MURRAY WIIALLON. Arroamte AND COCNIII[LLOIL AT 1.111% —OfrICA . C Saxe, entrance one door west' of State street, Erse_ I C. M. TIIIIIIAI.S. Ligat.na in Thy Good*. Dry Grocer ICS, Crockery No: 111. Gheapode. E li te, . _ _.. ..___,, SMITH JACKSO.N, • u mita,* 1 n pry Goodk. Gnxertiv, Hardwire. t4u Iron. Walk, ke.. 111. Cheapstde. k:rie. Pa. • WILLIAM RIBLET. I:mart. 'had Upboloter. and Undertaker. cot Seventh lumen,. Erie: EDWIST °J. KELSO & LO. G %%%%% Forward ing, Produce and Conn. bunt A 4 iu roam. and fine salt, Coal, Plaster. Shingles, west side of she bridge. Erie. 1 4 1ALKF:H. & COOK. aunt. Porwarcling. COMM-A.I(AI :11141 aid Ware-hutme eaat of the.l'util le Ender. Erie G. LOONIAS & iu Mitchel., Jewelry. 84.er. t;ruin Britannia Ware Cutlery. %it laity and Fa lie)! I% nearly otiportte the Eagle flute!, Erie. C, Lour's. CARTER a BROTUEIt Waocesst.a and Retail 4ealers ip Drues. sfetieid Dye-miffs, Elan. Nu. 0, Reed House. Erlej JAMES 1.‘"1.1:. Pasoloyssata Merchant Tailor. MI the oil lic Altars, a few doors • writ of Suite street. Erie. I). :F.. CLA.ltii, WiItILERALE A•D RETAIL IL,aler 111 GrLo i rri", rru.lpieht. : 4 up handlcry. Suroe.wase, fr.e. Re , Nu. 5, Itaiinell Blew k, Ent. 0. D. SOAFTORD. Beale? in I.IIW. Medieal. genital Miseettaneotis hooks stationary k s .e ls o e a t :, tour doors below the ru hhr square. ADICKERSON. SlitnEo4l-othee at hp residence on Seventh street, _Deposoe - Use Metbodn.t Ciiuli.)ll. Eric- JOHNH. BURTON a: Co. wuntriata •110 itETAttilealerein Drop. Medici Reg, I)) C SAUITA. ( 41i4Clitii. be. Nu. S. Reed ilOtn.C. Erie. pit. 0. L. ELLIoTT. • Kende" , ik"ni.t% Offiee and dwelling in tile 7. - Beene Block. on the Last side of -the Public I ~ l,' Square. Erie. Teeth trreerted on Gold ?fate. from one to 311 entire sett. Carious teeth lilted Pm, lad 'restored to health and uttifulness. Teeth .'.auk"inn tustruilients and Dentitice war su loave !bent of a elearneti.. All work warranted. IYAVDER .-104 Ker,s Attie. Deer and illanttni,towder. r• c. ,+ed and for pale . by the krg or I.:* quatanty, by R. T. rkaa...l) & So , . . it /!• . ; , .: • 1 . . ._/I - : . • i ^ a . 1 e . . ~•1, I ' . . l ' , . .. / _ . • 1 1' . . . • • . • , . , c . 1 k . k 1 . : J 1 1 V . E IpsietorS. uer. TORS 1 PUBLIC 13373 1.5 U osu thetime 63,00 10,110 0,00 3,00 eon tines olr lit insertion. at tilea.ure, uare, sad la Ils , Wftell WI RY. i 10. Jewelry a ti6y Goods. ry.t.c., Du SEMEII tblie St UM • Croeke6 tore. French 11. B n.% YR.TACK Sl(' and ;wt . Su. Sill St. an.l Se‘enin French itn.l Erse. mates of he e eou.t4uil) Er u• and Fifth rourth strevl, .vror... Ship Wtiolehalc Erie. cr:a 1...12.1.1 211.1 .1 u.) toe shall 11. F1,11,411)11' 1 . nr ()et. ar..ltardware '• Block cur nk Books and ort. mr+•, Frank-, re:111d l'utler); 3 Rcell Ilwlxp U. Street. Lc I“,trni Rok mon,. Wine". d raw AtreeLN Croe icry MIS .--- T Pwr PCOPIC 4 + 'store) statc NM Grocerieg,i ne#111; doors. below and al general t ill Ar•nt fw 1 Office J &ours ollei.tiana and li+oatth. c Duck, els' of MN note tie Dry /kr., No. 4 's of Etehautze ke '1 roblie Su:re y hall buttling C. 11. Wright's t the Diamond. lardware. /Lc.. ins ‘‘'are, Lime. er of State avid rehants ,lealerp e. Puidle dock, IMIC=:1 ...r, and 1. State street. M. tl STIMI 11=1 tiuh 311.4.e11an I LYRE. 441/ ■T 4 U. A•Rtl`i.. I would not +ink.. the lyre agnin • In thin told world of Wrong. ! Where so much ;arrow. care and pain Attends the child For mini would make a ttioayntid tone. Breathing of joys forever; flown.: When In mine own street houwathr. I sang in other da)s. A father and a mother dear AppM•rd_ my rn-tie r ye; it..tnow. where I may We-ver Beneath the aspen tree they sleet. 11 - other. and sietrrs deral. V lina: Who prami my simple In; But some CI re itt the eottCeart4l4l4. And rite are far away., And sorrow hovers in the .had 'Where we in jo3cniS childhood There. flowers of every form an I reaied with trfader care. 4 1^ Which drank at ll'. eve otthe And scented the old air; But they In eohl n klect are la i Beneath the apoile i 's hiaftlto fa, And ilwh the toneni from gro•'ee flop very meet :they were; Never aira'ist hut in my dream. Shill I vutehgtaj, notes hear; And wherefore dad their 11111. le They breathed aroudd my OW An.l there were rural scenes of That oft in4pireil my soil.' The halm) circle round the Ilea When s Inter usiht* groil lon BAIL all there .1y) cots seenesetire That Kapp) tit rcle But where where ho partplt Noun& oh in a pure world I.lll,:iss, I II VII I a swee:er,:iappier Than thave lost hp this., And I shall strike my bre agag Ithere gritl 14nd until% it THE SUPETINiirTIJR --- num Om Ilome JoMtml The Rev. Mr. E---. traveling oil ami ipterial tour through the south of Ireland. one lautpmn d y, foundit impossible to reach his destioation, yet di ant. many 1.., s mile distant. before the coming nigh: Whi- I announc ed its rapid approach by its sombre ihe Id. t night. Do nn the day, his ride had been suggsstt l e of s • i 'tar). mad data+, as. a portion of the country t rough: which . he i jnurnhyed was, owing to the grandeur nd diversification of ite.scenery, one of the most pictur l mre in t he king dom. kits path had wound through g rdeus a 6 audoned ii to the rank luxuriance of the thistle od brainble, and past deserted homesteads. the histoilPest 4 t oi which were rife with tales of liioletice and bloodshed. and family extinc tion; and hei t hed oft with toil and difficulty guided his good steed through many of thoiJe deep -labyrinthian glens. and matted ferns. and patursifaatnesses in which the land of the shamrock gior6. In the earlier i part of his journey. et few comfortable homes and farm-lsoisses had been visilPis to Mr. E—; but as the duck wore on, the Way , grow T isereasingly gloo mily and disheartening. and glimpses or the human face divine more and morn rare. At hist It became expedi- ant to th;nk of gettingiodging for th'is Melo, and he paint ed to,reflect amireconnoitrei. Not ferPom him towered the turrets of a reueiable caatle„.arondp which clustered trees of an immense growth and 'heiht, whose thick trunks, gnarled and overhanging braiehes, and sombre foliage, seemed as if anxiops to keep tint the gaze ofpry ing stragglers. and the , main body of the building from being seen. •A sloping lawn led down to a' deep.' fent lake, so — deep and'so glossy that not a fipple disturbed its calm surface. Beyond were piled a I .dgo of mouitaine, rising in bold relief against the murky ky' r .adding addi tional wildness to the landscape. Alt Other, the upect of that place was so repelling, and e so stronglyeof desertion.that•the clergyman istvolunt rily turned Mbar. Meanwhile the darkness increased • • see, and 04 other habitation was in sight except-one' hat of a person whom he well knew by repart to . ba an i :placable ' hater of religionand its ministers. Alternati e, therefore. there was none, between seeking admission air an-unwelcom ei36 n e ed guest, front which his mate deliea ihrmik, and re maining exposed to the fury of a storm wbich gave war ning of being in preparation , by bowie ming, of thun der. and the mighty sub-bees of the ;el ants, and lurid gleams of are: He hesitated for sco rn tne„ but deter mined atiength to try whether the vloi i of hospitality might not plead his Cause, and pin fair im, at least, the shelter of a roof, whiitever might be Ci e l p sttbsequent treat ment and entertaiunrent: any refuge 'leered preferable to the peltiegs of the storm. His hotte r also began to exhibit r anerjuivocal symptoms of dirraisfaction at the existing state of atraira, and plainly ialimatiid-a disposi tion to seek better quarters, by impair nr, stampings arid neighings. Mr. )7. accordingly r.. el up to the door of the house and knocked; . a tall, der waged man ap . peered. Mr. E— introduced hims the intrusion. and solicited accommod The gentlmau replied that he would wish him with a supper, atul find roo the stible, hot regretted Oast there w a vacant chamber .213it-etre you &coward!" he demon '•I hope not." r "Because. if you are not. yonder is the'park, of whidh Ism the agent; no owner is traveling on the continent. film you, however, that strange tales hannted, which was, in fact, the urine deipraoodthe Earr of L—'s famil yoi are not afraid, and feel willing t. midnight visitants, you are welcome 1. Not seeming to notice the sneer w tlio Tait words. Mr. E— accepted lb folness, - remarking that, howevei ho ty. yet, as a.eninistee of the Gospel, he fearing even the powers of darkness. against lum. •'Very well." said the host, whom as Mr. 1)—. "I will Order supper. partaking of it. send servants ovei tol a moth, and light i fire; and left yo doubts as to the ailment,' of my Mtenti patty )04 there myself, and assist iu s and the adjoining ones." lifter supper. having ascertained t been well attended to. Mr. E eX. readiness to attend his hostlo bjs'destiiiird lodginks, as he wasmudb fatigued with hie journey, 441 longed for re pose. The rain had not yet commenek, but the flasheir of lightning. and the howling of the itried through the stately oaks and chile ; presaged its caddis' violence. sod suggested' to the imagination of Mr. ir.—, the fitness of 'Jost such a nighi and time fors de of crime; and he shuddered as they traversed-the irk* park. ae many • tale of murdered trivelers that he ha heard in boyhood came ism his mind. To the best of alien. sudden death has an impaling aspect, but ender *veil circumstances as these, apart from all that he loved. allooe and Repined. it seemed tenfold terrible. Then. Ital4e. he would think !MI on the snexpocted horpitality of Mr. 1)--. and smile at the horrors which busy fancy had conjured op." As they drew near the castle, its desolate appearance was not much calculated to rs-assure hini, or calm his drooping spirits. Mr. "1) carried • lantren, the faint glimmering of which only'served to make darkness visi ble, as it fell on t t he grus.grown walks, and old grey stones that paved the court-yard. The tibiae of the sumo and voices disturbed a crazy congregation of owls, bats and rooks, time honored inhabitants of the turrets, which startled and affrighted, flew about, flapping their wings. and uttering dismal cries at the unwonted invasion of theft premises. A chill ran through Mr. E—. Bow he stiltedfor even the neighborhood of his horse, or any thing that had life; the company of I dog would have Wen invaluable; fain would he have stretched himself in the stable"; but dreading to awaken the sarcasm of his grim hist, he said nothing. They reached the grandma trancei. On openiug, the door grated harshly and com plainingly on its rusty hinges, and a rash of night winds moaned bodingly es they entered. While ascending the staircase, dim shadows seemed to gather and troop around them. with fantastic gestures beckoning them onward; a thousaud spirit eyes peered inquisitively- out of the arches and frets in the ceiling; snatches of faint songs echoed through the corridors; glimpses he hill of half formed facii c titting about in the Coflloll4 and whispers and sighs floated on the air. M r . E— again smiled a. his wen imaginings, And. making a strong mental effort. Isiriy shoolft oral! nonsen sical apprehensions. They thoroughly examined the room destined for him, and the adjoining - ones. and af terwaids looked through those bolos% one of which a liall-of magnificent dimensions, superbly carved and gild ed in the old stile.. His companion reiterated his assur ances' that no living being save himself would be ,in „this castle. and, with an invitation to breakfast at hie house in the morning, he .bade him good night. Mr. E--.-- attended him to the door, double locked •ncl:chained it after him, and then ascended to his own apartment, which he also carefully locked and secured. He certainly was situated very pleasantly. The rain now came down in torrents, bat the tremendous peals of thunder above him, and the vivid flashes' ef lightning which occasionally pierced their way through the heavy damask curtains, only so much the more'enhanced the value of his corn-. fottable retreat, and made his feelings those.of unmin gled satisfaction. A bright fire blazed on the old fashion ed hearth, and two wax candles'stood lighted ou the ale.' gant•inlaid table beside it. Tne room was richly furnished in an antique, style, and the luxurious conch; to one tired as he was, looked extremely inviting to repose.. But the inclination to sleep had quite left him, midis' Orange wakefulness had super ceded all his former almost overwearyness. Several no ble paintings by the grist masters, Guido and Da Vinci. adorned the walls, one 1 which was the beautiful picture 4 1 of the Virgin and child representing him while yet the radiant brow was unpi reed by thorns, and Ara the deli cate fair cheek had bee subjected to thin blows of the ... smiler, or the prayer of rayers had been grasped by those cherub lips. Upon lb he mused fur as hour or so. and then, according to his custom, opened his pocket Bi ble, and lad and meditated until his excitement passed away, and a sacred wain settled upon him. =2 unmet dew, 'and stream+ I= !ME BIM CM MEE —Lai. Joitt. MEM M2I Suddenly his attentitin was aroused by'a eornmotion:in the room below. Heirvy table* were dragged Omit, dishes and glasses ratthrd, chairs pushed violently hither and thither, dooM *lamina& and in short. he beard every noise attendant upon the laying out of an extensive ta ble. This unaccountalile uproar continued unabated for 'about half an hour. when, all at once,•the place becinie hushed is the grave. Soon after. a slow, heavy step be gan to ascend the stair's. Could his host have deceived him? . For a time he doubted his truth. The ominous step continued to ascend; nearer if drew, and still nearer. until it stopped at his door. Three sullen knocks. Mr. E—pansed a moment; and then asked "Who's there?" - A hollow 11 (rico reeled, "die Meer teams yogi dote* lo supper." "Excuse me. if you-please; I cnouot corn! down." The dull, heavy step, descended the stairs, and enter ed thd hall, down below. Mr. E— began to conjecture that a band of forgers, or smugglers had mad the place their abode, and, being aware•of his proximity. wished 'to Inveigle hirn , in their power, in order toinsure his silence. His sensations were becoming very unenviable; but the pause was brief. for again he heard the steps ascending. if possible. heavier and slower than before; and again the three, sullen knocks were given. ••What do you want?" - "The sassier resets you dines to :wee' Tell him limos already sopped, and do not wish for more." replied Mr. alarmed at his pertinacity.. The step departed as before. and he distinguished an gry I'ices in loud debate below. Were their designs hos tile-rbow could he hope to escape? It is curions . to note in cafes of emergency. how many plausible schemes will present thiiiiisolves to the mind. which, in placid pm ' mouths were never dreamt of. So. many • plan did he Nordic in a minute, but to put one in execution was out of the question. He was • prisoner; and clearly in the clutches of his enemies. for such they Must be. His heart sank bke lead, as his thoughts reverted to his quiet hap py home, where the beloved ones were probably at this time very joyously expecting him, but who, mayhap. shopld never behold him more. ' i 14 apologized' for tins for the night. with v gleaitire for- for his horse in The third time ha heard the dreaded footstep approach lug, so heavy gras'every!ootfell now, that they smote on his ear like cannon balls. Thu three sullen knocks again. pot in the house 1 1:abrupily ••147hat do you witit. that you persist in tints distuzbing me?" demanded Mr. E—, loudly. the , castle scrims ,one is in it. &tulle ill toot disguise "The master wants you to - eo!te down to supper!'' "I come," said Mr. E—, and mentally imploring the protection of heaven against all violence. rio grasped a candle, and placibg his Bible under his arm, opened. the door. A grim, gigantic figure, hobnail hilliack from head to foot, stood without, motionieg him to follow, led the Way to the satoe splendid-apartment to which he had hen ip the earlier pert of the evening.- Tito Alp was thrown widely back by his sable ignide,.end he was ush ered in. Tho master of tho revels received him with a silent bow, and escorted him to the tcbte, which was covered with a sumptuous banquet. and entirelysurronsi ded by guests, with the siceptrou of one seat which had been reserved ter, told of its being ipal reason for the !: If as you say, focur the risk of • bed there." qh accompanied iffer with thank ight pretar 'nine had uo cense for !told th • league - etoty d 'goate ed while you are i 'castle to ! prepare As he seated himself. a burst of hideous btuleiter peal ed dig and died away in the distance! Ile gl.suced at the company; they were all, robed in the same black, and from countenances of living ruttiness. the hollow ekes shot forth gl o omy flasheioffire as they glared upon him All was. silence r i-tlead silence! It was appalling. Ile felt the blood curdle in his veins. The host helped him first, and then the other guests. Demoniac grins wreath ed their thin lip, as they watched to See him eat. But he no longer doubted as to the nature of . the company. and touched not the unhallowed food. A. dead weight hang. open the atmosphere. almost crushing him to the earth: douse sulpharsegi vapory floated around, and din lowering brews of the coUiisany knit into deeper scowls as they burst out into 'nether fit of Mepistophelea like. mirth. ihould tie in any •TTi. I wili seem bin' ydor . rooni A i if his horse had used himself in • A moment or 'Ament trial. it said. occurs in the life time °revery IMO .121. Mr. shuddered ai he felt it bad arrived; and what a ireineoduoes ordeal it waa—oo Igoe thaw a potwooll twoilsot with the power* oir &Amiss. TM boot Wised pereeitortly to hi.. to begin. With a SATURDAY MORNING, DECEMBER' 6,1851, CW - 0 NW AR D ..Ai - great eßirt, for he well knew that each fleadieh eye was ri7etea upon him, he exclaimed: '.I have not been in the habit of eating without having • shed a blessing." • . , , . 83 saying, he bowed him head on his. Bibley, sad cried i. with a loud voice: "Oh, Lord, thou hest often fed me with the bread of Heaven; suffer me not arw 'to feast with dew dn." A fearful shriek—a peal of thunder that shook the vas' tie to its deep foundation—and, raising his head. Mr diicovered that he , was alone in the sapper room. felting to the same place, with only his riven candle, out of the score of lights. burring on the tablr before Fora while he was stunned, his senses were uverpowerr elf; bat soon recovering his self, command, he traced his war back-to the room, where; as well may be imagined. he slept not. That night'was one prolonged vigil. It did on til the work of. yeari ,of agony, At a reasonaldr hour iithe morning he left the castle. and went into the house of the agent, who, welcomed him very cordially. inquiring with roach solicitude. bow he bad rested. and whether he hid been molested or diatorhed. Mr. )E.- 7 . answered him in a composed manner, which, while it satisfied him, did not let fall the slightest intimation of the occurrences of the Form night. Not wishing toe:cite suspicion by a precipitate departure. he awaited iweakr fast, and thanking Mr. D—, for his politenese.!esked for his horse, which bad received benevolent care, and rode away. rie instant he reached his home he became violently ill. and died in a few weeks. He never raised - hiii head more, or overcame the terror of that night. 1 , Hie widow hereof( communicated the events hire re lated, to a friend of the writer, Mr. E—. was a nlergy, man of superior talents, an I extensive acquirements, and perfectly free ,from superstitious feelings. There could be no reason to doubt his veracity; -his 'adventure Witit net the result of imagination, for he was far from his' olio room at the conclusion of the frigl4fel scene. Hin mel ancholy, death, in the sequel. proved-that he must have been assaulted by foes more than inerely'huatan.; The Whole oecuirence in enveloped inc mistery. of which-we are unable to find a solution. 'ln thellatter part of the month of February„Many years since, a schooner from the state of Maine. which had. been to New York with a cargo, and was now. oit her . return home, anchored under Sandy -Point. The w ind increasing from the northwest to gale, she par her eagles; sail was got upon her as scitittsas poisible. but not hiving in much titlhuit. She did not, fetch in to theiwest ward of Great Point Light, on the Northern part otNan tucket, and had therefoie to go outside or to thel ward oFthe island. With a comparatively light and with no cables or anchors, and with a pros anow•etorm before him, the captain of the achoon not think it prudent or proper to be•thui forced to sec wi.h the wind.blowing almost a harrieane. lie made up his mind. therefore. at user. to vessel on to Nantucket. which. with the Mind at west, would make an astir* lea; and enable him t without much &agar. ' All this was effected, the iiimtT mate. and two young moo. on s aisost teen Mill of the captain, were landed is safety, excepti „ haps, the incidental exposure add fatigue, about ,Gvb o'clock in the afternoon. T,he place of their landii4 was &haat three miles-from cireat Point Light, to :which they proposed to proceed, it being. as they supposed. the nearest place where they could find rest and shelter for -1 the night.. 1 The mate took up his fine of m a rch first, tho Ultptain and his two sonehaving rentained to secure smite feu things abiut the boat, an I thifn to'follow immediately af ter him. The whole distaUce to be traveled wee over a sandy Instil. against a furious .northwester blowing di- rect in our faces, and hurlimcitheleand and graveh mai ing it very difficult to even keep la foothold agaihst the combined elements. The mate succeeded after much difficulty in ranching t he keeper of the lights' hoso inbmansinn in safety. =— lo A far diffisreat fate was to be the of of some of his corn , pinions The captain was a mon who wav inured from his boy hood to hardship and toil; his was the will and the power which the elements could not conquer. Taking the lead of his for the purpose of breaking off as much as pos sible the tome of the wind. hp kept them immediately be hind him, and than' their journey Commenced. One-heir the distance.sperhaps. wits overcome, after incredible anxiety and parse aaaaa ea on the part of their father, when the younger son begged . his-irather and brother to; go on and leave him. as his.strength had entirely failed and he could walk no longer. , No persuasion could 'revive his exhausted power,, and it became steeessary to act as the exigency of the case re paired: The father taking off' his own outside coat, that hie limbs might be more free to act, wrapped it 'round the less Wally frame of his son, and taking him:ln his arms, the toilsome journey wai again moused; For halls mile did the father's power of sodomite beer up against thd violence of the storm with his additional bur den; but 114 cup was not yet full; the other son noW, ihokr ed the symptoms that his exhausted nature was akout to give way, and a few,rninutes after, he sank to the gion44l, apparently unable to rise. % t , Laying down thecae he had borne so kings the ; ' Nth+ took up the elder, and carrying him some distattee, it left him and then returned. and took the younger an brought him to the same point; and thus the mild ma 'struggled, alternately carrying one and' then rethruih and bringing .the other to the same place; whitiperin hope into their ears, w !ch. alas, were fast beconthrg in sensible to , their paren 's love. It. VMS • sight.'illwaii! seem some pitying angel might have relieved. The younger son was growing very weak and risen Bible, and when the father laid hint downlur the 1.4 lice he saw that the elements had dune their work; an t i Ili the poor boy was at rest. - , , ' I 1 dioing back and taking the elder in his arms. he le bled his exertions to. ease Mini on he struggleil. ah between the flashes of the storm the light could be seei iu the distance; but fortitude. enmity and perseset•amie. were of no avails a single moan told him he was ,chitty • tt. ro' The old man arrived at the light, and foond flit pre parations had been made to come out an search 4 hint: tears he had not many . to shad. 'Such p4ople haVe but few to their call; those few, however. mike a furrr Which never leaves the foes Jbut with the close 'of th it earthly existence.— Morton Jountal. i L I ' 117 ••Mr poise," said an maniacs father to his hash fal daughter. ••1' iatend that you shall be married. I do uoilintend that yea shall threw yourself away to ais of-the wild. worthless boys of the present day. Yp must matt)* a man - or "ober .ined mature ago; on. that can charm you with wisdom lied good advice. ;rather thou with personal attractions. What do you think of flue. Intelligent. meters husband of fifty?" This timid. meek. so-eyed little"dangliter looked i • the man's fees. ass ith the slightest possible Mach interest in her voice. answered. •fl think two sd, Wrest • five would be mach tier. Pas" r SELF iDEVOTION.. A THRILLI2rO INCID6V. A FARNER'S' BOY. should Ike to Aide a plough; m eut'a mow clean and straM; Nur in and hring the cow; Fit tuj lunebear on a gate{ • Drive ttny tears down the green lane; Nappy.as,l trudge along: shout thy mows !soar of the grain; Whistle back the blackbirds song. Wou'd I mind the frost or snow Not a bit If warmly Mid; Would taunter as Igo. ' Ltke an idle, loitering lad! • No I'd rise with early atom. Ru.y Ms throughout doe day; Idle han4 bat pluck a thorn— • • • Koren' works as good as play. When I lay Me ' down at night. Oh, hOw soundly shall I steep! Whether it is r dark or light, - me try God will keep;— - Keep tue if I reek his lose, • Nett upon his promised aid. , Whilit I trust in one 'bore, If I rest or if I rove. What shall make my heart afraid! An Alabama Justice. When the Creek Indians inhabited Alabuta, there were several magistrates aptibinted who had extensive juetsdiction. Their power, end the extent of territ:iy over which it inroad, made the magistrates in power. lineal to a territorial Governor.. One of the Magistrates wee a well known •character: who resided in Turley Town.'—an Indian village on; the Coosa river. lie bad a Marshal, who was known in his tribe as "Moneycries.' The magistrate was reinarkatile for his contempt of le gal opinions, and judical forma. 'Equity' was his hobby, and when his notions or right and justice, came in con tack with law; 'the latter wag forced to give way. thought the cuiMitis of the Indians more 'Equitable' in many cws than the laws of Congress. and he foil ed Wench cases. tq set aside the latter. 'Moneycries' co-upperated heartily with •the court.' and by their coin t bined efforts they managed to ideal out justice with cer. 'minty, but sometimes with real Indian severity. The following scene once occurred •iti corirt.' Magiqrate—This court isleld to try . * cave in which 'Little Chubby.' a Creek , Ind an. is defendant and Tom Dale, a grocery keeper. is plintilf. Dale clainnes from Little Chubby. and Chu by seys he paid it in beav er skins. "Gentlemen.' eonunued the magistrate. ad dressing the bystanders, 'Nies ain't likely to, lie when they owe a white man; but *bite men will lie. when they trade with Injins. Thi l l is the experience of 'my cotirt.` e• Ooceed gentlemen Ith this ease. Th attorney for Tom Dale; proceeded to make out his case. Dale Mere that his deli was . •just. true. and un paid.' lie then introduced a itness to prove that Chub b! had caught only ten beavers in the last month—and that he had sold them to deponent. The Indian had- no witness. and the cue was thu i c fully made oat. • oast t of • Or did Igo to The' attorney remarked.. addressing *the court.' may it please your honor. I claini+ judgment for mt client— then, is no defence except thei avernseat +(Chubby, and thin the court can't regard.' j . •Gentlemen.' said the Istegiitmte ain't satisfied. and I ain't goiag to alkpir thellnjlrt to be swindled.* said he. addressing Moneyeries— a his orth or land veva l el ate. a bath *Mr, lelltrishsl, hand me that book; 1 'lt take a mast iw MU ease esyself,' and suiting the action to the word, he kissed the book, and addressing Moneycries. remarked, Morsh4l..! constitut:i you this court. and will lake a ewer iti this case. May it Phsase 'the court,' said he, !there's cheaten,around this board. end I intend to ex pose it to the court. rather take an I njin'stword than a whiskey seller's any these. :But this court can't decide in favor of en Injin without , l sway in leis behalf, and that .war, I am now, Mr. M+sleal. going to like.' He then proceeded to state that little Chubby lead come to his It mite. and he otr•red tai buy from been ten beaver skins. Chubby declined selling them. as he had prom ised them to Mr. Dale to pay k debt of twenty dollsmdue him. He saw Chubby go intls Dale's and lesie the Allis and when hf came out. Chubby told him he bad paid his debt. When he conduce's!, he resumed hie seat. [ZIA Dale's attorney protested agaitist his 'taking a wear in. ,toe eau,' bat lid was internotd by. the magistrate * , who isformed him that it was his rode of dispensing Equity. Lawyer—May it plesse•tkepourt, I will take au appeal in this ease. Magistrate—The court is satisfied that the evidence is in favor of Little Chubby. Ind uo appeal will be allow ed. .4tiorney—May it please the court. I consider this pro ceeding a, d—d farce. I Magistritta—The court coujoideni this, a case of son tempt, and will flow Mr. M . —i--. 41543 for swearing in eourt. • AUorney—You! court mny to to tlys devil if you hon or . ' . • Magistrate—My. Marshal still take . Mr. 111 d in to.custody till he pays $29; and unless lie . pays it. the Marshal will sninmoom possei of Injins, and tie him up. And thereupon indict on him ilwenty stripes, according to Injin custom, and then inform him that it - will improve his health, to get out of reach of my court. in twenty-four hours. • Attorney—May it please the court, I will give my bete for the fine—if the court will agree to it. :Vagistrate—The court wOu't.. be hard, prodded the character of the /don't is hereafter reepeeted. This. Mr. Editor. is a stigh4y colored sketch of the ear ly history of the administratices of justice ; in the Creek country, in Alabama. =1 To put out fire hundred dollars at interest. have your self packed iu• ice, and stay frozen, with suspended life, till it aintiante to a fortune, stWims now bccomipg a pos sible resource. The scientific men of France are, at presentorpeeulating on a receipt instance of • young man bronzed tir life rifler being fO . ozeie ap i etere* mealiut, the Alps. It has Fiven rise orrevived a belief in the the ory that life can be otspencled[at pleasure. and'criminals are about tote demanded of tYte Government to be fro zen on experiment. The realer will have already infer- I d what belief this Were to leach unhappy-ladles as find themselves not contemporary With the hearts they sigh to , They have only to be ire,/ fill orertuken! We should add that the above is byino means a iokr.' however. The blood of a living man was infused into the veins 01 t he frozen youth, and he moved and spoke. The exper iment was afterwards tried ote• here , frozen fur the ()in pose and with complete sueeene.— H oare Jour/tel. , "Nur so Low Al' ill 1.1 Ciiiettlifalta Non pareil ite. that during tiled to excitant mit in, that city. two Friuli*. BA spud NA. one a whig and the otr • Dement. in paving along the streets 'in the sing quite merry. Bob declared haeould tell a whit by his took, as soot' sot he set his eyes upon him. and tto prove i t sundry bets were made, the docision of which was loft to persons they chanced to meet. Bob had won • number of bets and felt eiceedingly happy. "Now thou" said he. •tris bet you the eel mae we meet will be a whit." ber eee."of the rep . It was getting late.i and there were few poop!, in - the 'treats. 'At Iwit the two friends ifecoveted a poor devil lying on the pavement fast asleep. They succeeded its waking him.' and at length be was made to understand that he mutt say , yes Of 110. whether he was whiz a loot! "No'sir!" said the reitnitio maividivg. "I cut / Ausis't got ao logo al that yet!" Bob paid the bed without saying • word. Freezing Up I • r 111 50 A 'MAU. in*dia On Paying Small Billa. "These small bills are very vexatious," I hubb toll's wife. "I dislike to much- th, itl that I hive almost made up my mind OW , another deb; "Very well. Mr. 1 IMre C., "I am perfectly willing: let - us r day.;—and now I think of it. Mr Chubb. Sve ;Whirs to pay for that new hat for Ha was 'potting a new resolution into action to ideals. and murmuring something' about two per cent. a month, he lett:the house, it lector. who was waiting at the door, that ho bills and that he must call to .morrow. To and ;the collector calledas he was told to dot Was enraged and rushed to thn door. ' . name of the old Harry do you mean by cm thWtirrte? Does your master think I am off. that he duns 'me this way? Comeisor Lann Oilfired now, and don't like 'to be ai manner!" and Mr. Chubb slammed the c lectOr's face. The collector quietly took I pasted on to his nazi customer. lie opal the Coanting-room where Mr. Smith wail his ! morning pape r , ••Good moroing.l have called fur that small bill oiL $5, you kiln." "You must be crazy to suppose tl bale during these bard times. Tell Mr. Jo wait." "This brtl has been due some t hultius is in want of funds; -got a note dayf" "That is just my case; so don't a I shall not settle it to-day at any rate." • The collector calls on Mr. Johnson ue small bill of two dollars rigatoni you. M wish .you wouldsoule it." "'Pun my felloir, I havn't so much money about o like to draw a check for so small an ame give you eighteen dollars, Mr. Johoton, w me a check for twenty." "Do you doubt -do Yon not think me worthy of being true more?" "Oh, yes sir; but I thought. the ell tau times, end never found you with thtit it would be an accoinniodatti." " inglreom, sir; attd tell Mr. Jenkoos if he my patronage ho hod better employ a m tor.' f , • 1 Mr. Easy is next visited. He is smoki cigiiratid as he Sees the collector approa a laughing and exclainis: "Upon my we &tort. You don't moan to 'say that you that bill again? I really think that Jen fail;' why you were here yesterday." ". the collector. looking at the beck of the hi noted the times he had called /or it; "11 of list month, the Ist and Sth of this me is the cth." "Well, I ma; be mistaken smoke?" "I never smoke, air." "We thitfk of Lopez? IVhich side does Jenki for or against the inveders" hy, I re he is too bull to think much about it, ha to pay. "Le Jenkins very short?" "He money would help him amazingly." " may tell Jenkins that if he is short I kn patbize Wiitr4sins"—and Mr. Easy set chair and puffs his cigar with renewed *e have given above, rough outlines duals who dislike paying email bills:— ' cause Money is worth two per cent. a in. son. on account of having . 09 change; owing to his dislike to part with money 1 Either bf these could have raised five hu modate a friend; but they are too short to debts. Really there is no excuse (sr sac beneath an hones; man to refuse paying thus force a man to earn his money twic • are in his pocket, why not pay them ov thus rid yonnieff of one annoyance . ? 1 smell hills on presendition, and not sk Shallow expose? A merchant, who wo lie over at any •sacrifice, does not hesita collector who calls for his smell hilts. , a , in the most adroit manner. The prinitip both cases, bat' custom makes the dills closeout of tem these small debts are dtt want the money. and-who front circumsta to wait patiently till it comes, for if they payMent, or insinuate that they have wai they become—too often in the eyes of hi chants—very impudent fellows.. We w that all men ariwilow at paying their know that m my are; and what it very c principally men of wealth, who never e in their imagination—any cheek in thei inv. Pay your small debts.-11n,ston A Mannerly Youth Last week the "Swampacot Dorcas held their annual meeting, and on moti. "That our parson wait on Tony /one thing can't be done to correct the mans • The next day the parson celled o andinformed him respecting the object ny listened patiently while the parson r ject'of his visit, to which he replied:— " "Parson, I'd let Tony go to meetiu' I only knctw'd you's goin' to preach; b ain't a boy in the city of Swainpscot • manners than my Tony, and 1 can coo You see Tony out that ko j4ll n mini!, nitnrs?" ' The parion nodded assent. . ..piow, see, 1.•11 call him," and . misio highest pitch, he shouted— " Tony!" - The response was quick and equally ••!110 you hear that, parson?" you call that manners?" ..That is all very well," replied the it roes!". ••What do you meats by •fsr as it g.. 1 sir, always speaks respectfully to me eih they raising his voice, he again called "Tony!" The iesponen. ••Sir." was equally to Arnie the old man called— ••Tone„' • The bOy dropped a half-dressed fish, fist lit his sire. yelled out— •• Yon miserable. black. old drunken there in just two minutes, and maul you The Osman was astounded. The old eMisid for the moment, but instantly ree. l , he lapped the parson on the shoulder, say' passim, my boy has got grit as well as chap will make an ornament to your soci, dais." = • I DouGLAg's ItriWGATD. FOR MARCY -01.1 V a.—A 11rashington correspondent of the Jerald, tells a stork of these gentlemen, which is •orth cupving. It would seem that during the recen affair ati.Roch ester, s number of gentlemen met at dinner party, and ,imong the galaxy of bright parti ular apirs was the distinguished oratnr of the day. A f r.'Douglas and the ex;-Secretary of 11r. The wit nd wine flow ed apace: and, at lenzt , Marcy, wit oue of those knowing looks of his, arose. and mixned ",theihealth of Mr. Douglas, the able Senator from Illinois— may he continue for the next six years to fill his place in the Senate,which he has an Much graced." Thq meaning . oethe sally was evidenk, and Marcy's eyes twinkled with' satisfaction at the "hit ." No wise abashed, however, "the little g ant" stisight erred himself ouV and after returniti dankly ems eluded by giving-"the distinguishe etc ry of War,•Governar, Marcy. with not a spot on his character, end but one patch oa his (*chic NUMBER O. „ i :barked M. s being &M.._ Ter lie eon . - 'hubb.r aid • • cnoreltee to ilet 'me hate . iet."l Ws 1 , quick 'tor big move irl worth .11ing tko cal ked no .mill orrow came Mr. thu i bb What in the =EM eg:zng Iriii-i, i he afT MEM uietly r. Sm we NI at 1 pa akin. tne,.a ' to tak. and th ' ord. 13= I d you my c tell a t as eek or l ad call all bilk. • count• ' ny I •eve wishe EME, g his h he • a you hate, !morning Grote out about to MO ' D, sir! I 'whe be ! th, a but , ho had the 27th d sow it cm% you t do you ? •Is be s tisk Ilya, iug I is sir, 't krw, rge.snais and your hen. 7014 ' ell, w ho as do n in his iadivi ubb, ba r. John r. Easy. pareels. of th It. C and eon dred t r hones ay th coed -et—it is bti. sod o dollars EMI pax the :nd some hy I lk beh hl not ,1 to T. use the d tura e ie th =l3 = to per COB,ll tternp ed lon h-min I not i j all bil enough. ed mer- = =I !e--eaire al deal ; tr.sUe. penes fitian. rola wing voted 4-- 11172:t ME if no- !rs of co Touy. f has vi ITEE2 very S. t, pars. at's g aco yo skirls; I his Yoi od—•• ttio o EEO „F I.e 1 ea ma MEM snob, I like IA en well venlig ng—'• tune to one me at to ran litae. a this os est ! and oor of ding th . must • Mc. up to- MEM 'have a op: y dear t don't 'l will an give MEE o have collet- IWO my me for replied p 'yak- ca. and a note him ma ME] as who obliged to force sinuato bat we =iii ug Tot genic!. I. To he ob- day. if there more of that theta CETI man t =1 t boy. him;" 1 prompt o g his = :iacou mself.. aa4. That these.