CM! as if it woulffyield support We CrOMPOd, the fatal Beret spot where se many poor w, ',grave, and passed through sently built, within which dieri going through their t that we traversed the pleb the fourth morning appro present kingdom of Poland close and sultry, the heave ,east hung a dark, gloomy now end then flashed beau ascribed so e'y to the heat We ripened the carriage ' air, and drort, watching t _perceiving that the sky — Overcast, that the stars un ilist the air grew fresher plainly saw signs of a co came fearfully dark, land only to blind the eyes pf t was linable to penetrate th • Soddenly - cagy) upon us a natter of the( storm, and it .. windows dodun poured tin lance.: Thy thunder rut duously and at the same I heavily to one side, and to, of the wheel, upon the g were off the road. With volontarily,mBtop, stop!" 'nolo!' an upset in the dad itossies road, and the' hams. One of the party ways plows to sleep, hel *bondetc:ind bright 14; them uitmaitageable, and road, feeling carefully the , done was the next questit two versa pff, to proceed 4 dangerotia would it, be ,leave 4is frightened hor, paralysed With fear, was ay to the ratio* and of ben they were the most, . nowhere found. 1 The. igniet, listening intently ft [preaching sheet, which, o II igence or a car, would hat • c instinct* anything it' fil a did not abate, and • t nee was exhausted, w singer had los t ? his way. next resorted to, though • a drenching of one of out and leading the horses, cautiously for some mint totally indistinguishable ' and so we tried to ret.ign night in our present. posi Our cheerfutiess'had wet and weary we sat st a light-shone in upon ov ed, far in the distance, a proceed 'from a lantern b a,horseman. Oar spirit messenger, and reached t nigh;, desiring ric/Now But here awaited us ngw ed travellers had arrived into a mad] ante-room a tainittg only a table and that this .was all we mi chagrin s however, we in sion of the tremaster's 'chairs in:the form of set selves, as we mete, upo with • smiling face, bee and Bonn returned,,brinz, be welcomed with delig the stable, which throw fence for a bed. But th fiecljned the proffered chairs caught a three h the movements of the I and by the restlessness wet. At the break of soon entered brestlitow land., litre begin our are in' this conntry • a village in Poland, inde ever saw. Groups of .ing fuhh keen glance brows; looking after a sh•lsekus y 'surly and children himblin whose sunken features - able marks of (he rac• • ' venders of every sort . " age; all these swarm i and pass from every CI for the tribes of Israel' the world, much tot) It the filthy, narrow street, irice in the cainas. Ala - s! are they nut, in this part of w fur redemption! . at the South. I • ifolll We copy th'e follow ' ten by. a'gentleman of "Houston has many I be'teve the Fireferen., coil a !he State are date fur the Presiden.l cannot carry the Bout: there, and this may dl him t he auppOrt that We are aware that to a great extent_ in States. It is feared tl able at the South. ' 1 ere paper--irigidly ented. CalhOun had bare. They*ere di oppose their tavorite. not extend through() fated to breali down independent, onest, , • ardent frienill in the i i And they are friendsl friends were drawn a ' talents, and his seer rally around him for Independence, his . r National views, az is thrown around his extraordinary succe lii. banal in the r views and regard t is Brea try,•everthy: a co, emelt, ies itutions No span bits more Tennessee, in Alaba in North Garo:dins, i .. idolized. is nom' try as a candidate • a feeling of enthusi South, exceeding i burst of enthusiasm ... the Slave States for We should canal assure fur Gouston, Alabama, 11)ssouri North-Carofina, Ge _ on sieve gusits wor directly frorkintelli therre"Soutbern Ri Bat these pis ono able candidites. Ilnion, wou ld be so i , trWal. Wi ii him 1 o longer a y qua Cons amon the lie would soya ' the whigs can at would receiye a an ! would be extended • .. Buchanan. :, 1n Would rally around • greet Westl woula which she extend.. We bare do fears . or South,. East or end principtes err - , freeman cart desir 07" On rhe 20 - raitiesville4 ama of the Getiugs . from the Railroad al injury..' 'fle w Bridge, 40 feet iii. • cope, rithb tut, . likelihood ved hi .er.-:-.4sidr, ohs ' Ali, in Alissiasippt ' in Georgia, Louisiana. In Teats he is fairly placed before the caun r the Presidency, would mini e . am among the masses at •the possible the spontaneous out that has swept all - before it in the Union cause. ' r the following Southrp States . Texas, Luu6rana, Tereuessee, Arkansas, •rgia. We do n•it say this up ,.but from information derived • ent Southern men, and snmelof hts' men too. her view ortbis matter of avail- Vhst other name in this ' wide i arc to carry New York as our candidate, there would.,"be fling over impracticuhle Tres mocracy of the Bmpire State-- , tied against any - “available" that t rt. In Pennsylvania, • ton, he i port no less enthusiastic than to her own talehted statesman— hid, the viciiirious Democracy his atabilard to a man; and Atte give him vor,i (Ina' to to her favorite; I.RWIS CAW r tiouvros•.%.l,l4 — rorth Neat. aa n orth •oneerned, as sound as any e li -§ 'Wet f I." ea 1 - Gus at thii 'um , Seld. It 9 pen gene' of *l.e.. 'r ~ 1 r; arc liAidet."l =!M to any number of armies. ;fine, not far above the retches found a watery an immense fortress, re . urere c‘impanies of sol moinin,g tfaercise. After rts of Lithuania, and on '.coed the frontier of the. The night Ctti II very s above clear, but in the laud, from which every iful lightning, which we Ito obtain a breath of fresh m bright flashes, and not •as graclutil:y becoming • by une disappeared, and i vet t 111111 , 1 W. At last we in storm, the night be be •ivad lightning timed le postillion, so that he darkness that succeeded. 'iron culd wind, the fore • we-could cluse the raia with. frightful vio ed and crashed trenten ime the carriage leaned the unaccustomed sound avel we learned that we one voice we shouted in for the vision ruse before ies that always border • . stillitm reigned itit his i awakened the courier, al- the horse., that. the loud t i i ning ed tile m m iglt flat a i ,,ain en ia r to d o e; way. What was to be 1 n. The p let-hot:se was I was impossible, am! equal - 1 o allow the post-boy to r .s. The courier, almost t last sent off to find ,his tain lights, for, of course, wanted, the candles could rest remained perfectly r the sound of any ,ap- a a coucu.siun with a dil ye been under these air ut agreeable. Stilt the after waiting WI our pa t concluded that the met- , Another waa t involved the eicpasure to party, feeling the way, a walk. We proceeded uses, but as the read became it was judged, rash to go On, ourselves to passing the tion. y this time quite departed; 1. II in despair, when at tait darkness, and we perceiv• lirnmering that proved to I ought to our assistance by returned, we folliiwed the m station about o:.e at mid much as a good bed.---c l • troWes. 0 her beinght efore, ar d we were shown I I out ten feet spiv's*. con sume chairs, arid informedf j I. lit expect. To . his great isied on also ;sums ocn, and arri,l.aing iume ees, preps • • , throw unr thein. lint tiro courier, oned to a boy, who ran out r ing what he expected would , a great bundle of hay from down in a corner, was to s was a little too much, we 1 ouch, and ly in* , * down on the , urs alumber, disturbed by' ies in the next apartment, I reduced by fatigue, cold and ay we *ere up and off; and I ky,the frontier town of PO - xpetience of the Jews, who priiTeged rue. A Jewish , exceeds in dirt anything I Id men at the corners, send from under the bushy eye ychance waif from the ear e de.; er- rt. wilm.riprtivOsme.t. in the tilud,"and old bats ; still display the unmistake • of Abraham; beggars, and .f ware, clamerous for patron- Hartford Time... . . ng extract from i letter ircit- I IMP Some a{the papers ani alutteing iberaseves by Maine: ' 'de out o' the ti4atas carried by the. fricude in this State;_in 'fact ' 7,7".,"ottirsi:ellr The * whit ...pyramid" consists - of a mijority cif the Demo- I •••- pa rties -- - "• o &cur uf him as our csudi. of Vermont. Wisconsin. Tennessee and ..Balt River." i . , But some say Houston ! By the by. when did the whiz _party become an annexe -that h a , w ill b e o pp ose d i tion party,. for certainty -"Salt niece! did ' nt am to be • • ter l our trieuds from giving State of the Union. Perhaps. however, it is the place eyi otherwise would." I referred to to, that famous sentence of Gott. Taylor's flip sentiment has prevailed message , viz: w the Northern and West„n I K • o . are at peace with it" the world, anal at Houston would not befavaii - is I tter to Calhon was a se- ! man :rut fui, and exce e dingly 'tal- ; kind ." I peek to maintain oar amicable relations with the rest of kind." That's it—it's the abode Of • the rest of man - r . " - ' rde t 'friends asl pent men 'toton -` ,satistied that fimist;il should But this dissatisfaction dues t the South to an extent cslcu . Houston in that region. An aiented Inan, Hcius.ToN has as ',mitt, as Calhoun ever had.— quite as valuable. Calhoun's ound hini by,his commanding sectional views. Houstun's iis /Ay patriotism, his manly at talent?, his uncornmointaing ell as the—novel interest that life f thrilling adventure and ; . Iluust3's friends are Na l They are libecty-lu% ing men, Republic as a common. cons mon effort to ‘ rustain aro pre and its krowitig influence. ~ ardent Friends than Houston In h ;inst., during the celebration at of the name of Judd, a teamster • ornate Co., we understand, fell idge, and suffered vary materi 'standing on the timber& of the h; slipped, and in falling, eaukht him in his decent, and in all a life. It is hoped he will' feces lelegraph a physician of the old school, "is' 'reties ageots death toys Fo the led more graves than all the en ore who neglect to keep their feet rit Rin itoberuer. ERIE. PA SATURDAY MORNING!, NOVEMBER 519. 1351 OM ' To Delinquent ettbscribers. Reader! do you owe for spur newspaper? Do you iltink 'there is • balance shining on our Books against you? &you do, we want yo 14 come right in and pay / it. Dan't wail and have mar °doctor call upon you. for 1 if yourdo you wilt certaiely intim ;to , pay half a dollar, a year More than you would if you saved us thetrouble and expenise of culling upon yea. !To be Sure reader,—that I is, if ! you are ;me of those We are talking to—the amount you owe us idut a ttrido; but we have a thousand just bitch trifles, and hen these thousand trill.s are ad- ‘ 1 dud together they, atn unt to a sum that would purchase ! us a Very snug Hula house and lot. But we don't want 1 it for hny such purpose just now. We want it to pay our debts'. These debts hive been contracted to enable us to send you the riper every wfteli", and now, by all princi ples Of right and justice , you aught to come forward and give ns what you owe ust'so that we relay do the same with our Oreditore. If you can't come to town, send it by mail' it our risk. Will 'you do it, delinquent reader, or Wont' I you? : We wish to settle op all the debts , we have coo -1 tracted in 1251 before 1852. We wish to start the New Year; aquaria with the world; end we can do it if those we are talking to will do us tjiastiee! They Will make money by it, too; lin after Jamtary I, 1252, we intendlo make out the bill of every pirscin—no matter who of what he I I is—found in arrears, atithe rate of $2 per year, and calf upon them anti dental payment. The day of coaxing will then be over, a nd the time for' force arrived. So, "walk up to the captsiti's office and vital.," and isve half, a dollar , I .The ease, of lir. Thraskv. The Philadblphia Bri //dist says the intelligence that Mr. Thrasher, the American editor at Havana, has been sentenced to ten yearn in the quicksilver mines of Spain.' has cleated Oirofunid"sensation. As yet the details or this arbitrary Proceeding are but imperfectly knoWn.= The most satisfactory account of it we have seen, is con tained in a letter to the Journal „of Comenerce. dated at Havana on the 19th, in which it is asserted that his trial was a mere mockery, no opportunity being given him for defence, and ho adviser allowed him is is required by Suaniris law fbr tipani h subjects. This latter was the most tyramical, because, in order to prevent the in terposition of lour consul it was ezprisaly asserted that the prisoner had beconteit Spanish citizen. .The truth, however, appletirs,io_lw that. although he intik out letters of domicil, iid order to enable him to enter into business". he made nereffbrt to naturalize himself; and of this the ifavani - eutherities were fully aware, linen. a few months ago, when hi sought a liCense for his press. it was deni ed him by a co r ordluate branch of gbverament. on the plea that "hd was an American Tergiversa tion and trickery appe tr. in fact, to have characterised the entire proceedinge of the Spanish officials. in this transaction. The WO seems to have been, in every re spect, an insult to thd name of liistice. Now there can be Ito doubt that Mr. Thrasher or any other person: who plots against Spain, is liable to pu u ishment, if be eau be caught- and the offence proven against him. It was easy to arrest Mr. Thrasher, for he resided quietly in Havana, whichi IT the bye. he would scarcely have done, after the late ev tits, if he had been guilty. But to condemn him, after arrest. by a fair trial, I was_not so easy a task. tip:aiding to the correspondent of the Journal of Commerce, it was sought to satrap him I by sending," letter to New Orleans, there to be d melted to hint al 11 ; but Mr. Thrasher frustrated this nice i little bit of villainy by refusing to receiVe the epistle.— Thus foiled in "making up" testimony against him, the ' Spanish officials candemned him without testimony.= Even the laggard Mr. °sets. was roused to ezpostila it Lion* by the grossness of the proceedings; but ho was , ! trial. 1 1 , We think wo can nnravekthp riddle 9f this high-hand ed proceeding. The-SpitniSh govern ine at in .Cubs fears an enlightened press:, They think. by striking down Mr. Thrasher, hi intimidatelall other editora„:.and muzzle the expression of any opinions but whM they themselves dictate. The c el sentence, visited out their victim, will for the present, entitles hove the aim:4. . But-will such policy sttceeed f raver? ' Will it nut rather liyaip a terri bly retribstioa f l soma Weis day? , QT The President's annual Message, it is stated, will be sent on under seal to the several Postoffiees in Bald- - more, Philadelphia, liiiw York, Albany. Buffalo. &c in advance, as it was laa year, to be delivered to the new.- paper offices the morn nt it is sent in to. Congress. This arrangrent last year orked admirably, and it saves the t expenies to Ostro m tof expressing tb message, as-it .used &remedy to do. • - ID" The Baltimore ,S'irn in speaking of our newly ap pointed Consul at Havana, pays him the following de served tribute: "lodge Sharkey Will suitain American honor. He has some of the heroism of Jackson. the diplomacy of Cm. and the ivisdo4rt of Franklin. Spanish bravado cannot intimidate. Spanish treachery cloned deceive. 'nor cam the far rea ching diplirscy of England and France combined cireuturent-th sagacious and skilful Sharkey." - - We hope this compliment is deserved, for we really have enough of truckling sycophants representing our government atroad atm. without another such an animal succeediqg the cowardly Owe': STATE TR I LASORLIt.—The Pittsburgh Post says there has been genial spoken of id relation to this office; but no one seems 4 lo be Sp generally popular in thee western section of the Stats at our fellow-citium. Col, hors ft. SNOWDEX : HO is the choice of the entire Northwest: apd is. find that he is ably sustained in Philadelphia. and 'also in that section ofthellitate.Col. S. has heretofore fill ed the office with dirting,uished honer; and was warmly enlisted in the cause of Democracy, daring the loft. cam paign. Er Coneys LADT . II boots.—The December comber of this valuable periidical, his been on our table for sev eral days. It is rich, and fully.enstainithe high charac ter hitherto acquired, The esceltence of the Lady's Book. consist, uot userely in its eintiellialiments. but its excel lent literary contents. The prelient number is embel lished with two millets plates, eat' led. " Dress — The Ma i ker." r•Dress—The Wearer," '• econciliation," "Fash ious,l&c. We commend it to to public. (Cr 'FICE4ELSUSC+IIIO Cone ital ntperitt says shoot two thir'ds of the collisions on th , lake are announced as having occurred "iiirConneant."where .the lake is Poll ~.ixty miles wide. The waters are Oat too coatractcd unearths Islands. in the-rivers, or sling the reefs near Buffalo. but Counetsat." boats m4st rut s iutobach other! On Tli rsdity night last, the Brig Quebec ran in to the shooueli &iota, abreatit of this port. and about twelve miles mit.'esusiag the litter to sink with a cargo of 5.700 bushels of wheat. No liver lost. Q3' Tut Ifoliceitatiocata : —This tnagazineoteknow ledged by all In be the best periodical published has been radeasi is'pripal to $3 for single subscribers; or $2 50 to clubeio tea. 7 li . shenkl malls like to send oaths names - and Am cash r a ein of Ten. W• i ons anus no Doe who itadi the "tagek, sad laughs! oierlet "“Editorif Table" Iva! ever rs'. paying twice $2 50 for the pri vilege Six:rialto ;:bia tiers may kis sere at thir office. , Priaiddentbl Speollations. Next SlondaV Congress meets at Wisbington. When 1 it may be safely/ said the Presidential Campaign of 'Era I lICT We almost had sleighing on Werinesday. . lino, begins in earnest. Most of the members of the New ' having fell two or throe lochs* de4p on Tuesday night,/ Congress. 'or a portion of them at 'leas:. are new m em - i l but the son and the mad soon dissipated tlis bright visions rs. be!•freoli from the rinks of the people." and it may of bells and Butt.lo robes. do we . go; diseppointment. it be said . with sonic degree of anthotity that they go then 1 is said, lurk* ruder every dower, and why nut under a pretty thoroughly acquainted with be views of their coo- ' 100 W cloud. __ . 'ailments on the Presidential question. It will not belong, LT The meinbeni of the Erie Bar ,t 'udered Judge ____ l_ _ i , therefore, before we shell be . enabled to judge pretty se. Church. this week, the compliment of , pablic,dioner_ upon his retirenneat. He accepted. and he dinner cams 1 enrately what two of the aspirants will be the tacky seen, As, is the,tneentisne.epeculatios outside the *magic ring' s ty, on Thursday evening. IC theAl...ed loner, •What, is becoming every day more rife, we may. be Pardoned , was said or dane - ou the occasion Pot beiiig a member of iir if we indulge a little in the all abeorbing occupation t he Bar, and consequently not resent , e cunnot may. P of political aewepaperdom , and ma k e sad Sumeke ' but presume it vreureff as all such7aff.tiri du —ict Ow gen candidates as to us seems bent. In Pennsylvania, andm I oral satisfaction of all concerned . some portion of the Subth, Mr, Buchanan is regarded as presenting the most availalde claitrisfor's norniuktion. But we take it for. granted that his nousivatiou is out of the question. lie has been • candidate too long atready —his particular backers have been ••harping upon my daughter," at too many Natioual . Couveutions to be tint= easeful! to the language of Gen. Bowman, of the Red ford Gazette in 18-Id. when gnashing of Mr. Buchanan', nomination then. "we know nothing in our creed that requires the Democratic party to hold up one men for the Oresideney from time to eternity." and we apprehend the National Convention will-be of the same way of think- Besides;hlr. Buchanan is not now, and there is no prospect that he will erer be, acceptable to the Drinoera- ey of inch States as Mains, New Connec:i eat, New York, Ohio, Indians. Michigan. lllinoia,•\Yis, cousin and lowa. But that is not the only thing that will render lila nomination out of the qneetion in the Na- tional Convention. While he may, and doubtless n dl, cam a majority of the delegres hi our State Convention on the &hot March peat, there will be in that Conven tion such a powerful minority protesting against his nom• Mafiosi as will place his success in the State before the people in such a doubtful light as will effectually exclude him from the list of available candidates, and thus render his nomination ine;pedieut. Thus much foe Mr. Bu chanan, Of Gen Can' nomination; we think there is as Mile I color' of a :nest heartrending and, mel'aucholy accident probability as there is :o( his competitor just named. N o that teak place in that town on Wedn neighborswern at t e how ar. " It a p pears i A man, with the odium of a defeat upon him, can hope t o that a couple of a Mr. succeed. • Mr. Van Bureu found it so in deli, and Gt.o. . Luke Harris , one of whom had a larg dirk knife whit)• Casa will uudoubtedly be taught the same lesson in 1852. he Was exhibiting, when the ,proponitton was started , Parties are selfish—it is useless to deny that; hence they whether the blade could be fully openo by a jerk. liar are unwilling to subject themselves to a possible defeat 1, ris took the knife, and after , jerking keveral times Me- . when success is certain if they pursue a proper course. ceeded in throwing the btdek ope c t, but in doing so The Whig party thought so in 1810—they forgot it ta l swung his arm back brhind tint!, an in bringing it for -1844; but they recollected it in 1813. and-they succeeded, ward suddenly ran the blade into his c li eg about half-way It is true, by pursuing this course, they . were unjust t o from the hi t ; to the linee. bylwitich It ;revered the rrtain'! Henry Clay, but they were not unjnat to the whig party artery. Ile bled to death iu a she time. No bleme I Success was what they were striving fur. and they actual,. is attached to airy hue. it being one of these urffo ten ed it with Geu.Taylor„.whereas Henry Clay would have accideuts produced from the most tri ial causes. 1 rt been defeated. It is necessary that the Democracy t i. should succeed on 1852; and to render that success'cer- • v " lielw - County P roj ct.. tam they most nominate a new man—they meet imitate . , ~. a understand that it is in contemplktion. b a y nd th l ,? in s. - the wings in 1848. and themselves in 1841. We ire aware ' " " Nets of the "at h er ak i Nnti°4 or orco? n, Y , i the northern tier of townships of Crawford, to . petition i that the policy so ably advocited by Gen. Cass its IttS, to erect -a newCuuaty, with W ter-1 and which, more than all other causes combined. Recur. ,"ibe nest Legislatureed his defeat, bas been vindicated oy toe and ealwri. I ford for a comet/ mat. The kopoaiiion is, we bet eve,' to take the townships of Concord., ,seid Wayne. A ity,,i cues—has become the settled policy of the countrt —and ~ en that its•distinguished author and advocate ought, by every ,I an'' end Union. Waterford and Le Illtitt ' • Creak 1 and - oat! ' lor the' priuciple of right and justice, be called to the position to ' part of NI i t m ' ati ' Ell whole of Frauklint from Erie; end the uorthetn tier oil which• he aspires, and had we the power such would be' Aownships aforesaid, from Crowforld. :We know no :I the result. But then the principles and measures of the thing of the reasons which are . Opetaiing upon time Maud/ Democratic party must not be endangered by iti defeat. We most yield something fur the good of the whole—we 1 of the people in the territory disecri* fur desiring a isep, unless it may be (band in the manner our comotyi must concede something to the prejudices and postural': aratiaa '- of those who weal astray from nor ranks in 11318, but has been managed bar " jeetai _ t Y * . nd lP ° l' L ' eau Y• for a 9 aal l of years; but if it be a fact that Pie people as a hodli who are now anxious to be taken into communion, provi do desire to. cut lose from the. Lek's, towns and skit me ded they can be without humiliation to themselves. This ! cannot be done with Gen. Cass for a candidate. hill for themselves, - why we. for one. sisi let thews do it.l Bat we forbear remark sow, presuming) ere shall be duly into evident, tooucceed. then, a saw wan must be nominated if we wish 1 formed. if tire project is persisted in.! of the reasons Which • impelt the movers in the daiqter. when we shall be kende 1111 prepared to canvass the claims of the object they him in view.. . i 1 , , U. We see that our old firmed, 3 1 / 4 ;jS;rratt Ratner/. furnierlr Purser of the U.. S. Steanti4 Michigan, has beep South Aniericattcriast. in Cerlisle.4 The Democrat says, -•Tlie Major looks we heart) iind vi orous as a pint knot. 1,,, and still relaiiis, in an astuniShing d-gree, that el, of spirit and there social Cud noble qualit:es of hei heart which have ever distiMois , .1 him as 'one turn's masterpieces. May his broW never become kled with misfortune!" 1 I Raikoad •Gazi,;.l3L 1 . • • Suno.r. O. fiovember. 21,L1 1 8.5 , To the Editor of tbe Erie Observer. i . ' I i I Dept SIR:—In the Penisykiestasit of Novembir 1201 there is a letter on the subject ofte gauge law oil Pettit i sylvanis, addressed' by E.. A. Pew man', Esq.. of„Phifia:, delphie; to J. Porter Brawley, Esq; The letter in chieilj in reply to a conunuumetion from Senator Femme. T e law, ea it now stand*, ;equates the gauges of rondo e ' of Erie to be either .1 f tBE inch rie 4 fret 10 ruches. Mr. Pen iman, a, or 6 feet', .ailid 'writ i . of Eafter discussing the 'rights of the different coMpain s with respect M gaug e - es.nd thq policy of the law—up n which itis not tity purpose to enlarge ad present.-4empts to shoal, that it is the interest of Penna)lvarita, and of the friende Of ltie Sunbury and Erie Railroad. 4 to pe t the Ohio gauge! of 4 feet 10 inches to be carried on t Dunkirk. making lite change at Dunkirk instead of Iriti f But iu order mike an argument In favor of this, course of proceeding. *r. P. was competed to adopt, br make use of; tro theo4es —one, that the bulk of business{ from the ent wound i come to Erie in resat:, lie and:t+4. that e Butib ry t and Erie railroad should lam d down a track w/ li a ga go of 4 feet 10 inches, and that; theeading Railroad Collin peny should lay another track oft to iaine.wi Oil !, I think this is uot:placing, the cation fairl • before It s public on its true merits. The Milk of the r ilriiieffir • and travel passing through Erie frotnlthe we t, Will crime by railroad, and it will ennui there on - the Oh o gaugii of 4 feet 10 inches. Should the galige of 4fe tlb incites be carried to Dunkirk; the Buffali and Lake ,there-Seil road Company would lay diiwn track of-1 ei' 10 nich es between Buffilirand l llunkiriti making t a clhanir. of gauge from 4 fret 10 inched to 4 feel Se inc es.iat Bea le. The New York and Erie Company wo Id fnnketthe change to the 6 feet gauge it D4skirk. So f ran through trade is concerned there Will be the lam nnnaber of changes, whether Ithat change fie made a Erie 4 at Dunkirk Buffalo . and Buo. Westward of Erie he; qu 'on effects no one. ' 1 If, in the future. the Sunbury knit Eris R ilrkad Clem pany should think proper 'to layi down a g uge of 4i feet 10 inches, and the Reading Railroad shout lay do an additional track on the saline gge, how ill the q i ites. tion then stand? Why the tie from th Ohio rciads, (: with the gouge of 4 feet 10 in bee y woul pen opt 16 . Philadelphia without a break; kereal, th t destined fiii New York or Boston, antlAhist which k ow York ami Boston might hope to attract f om Philad Iphia, would euconiater a change of gauge at Erie. and , his change of gauge. a 4 that point, whilst it would forevo be tan advan tage tn „.. the trade seeking Phila !phis. wokild he no hard -1 511)4r - whatever to New'irufk as Boston, a 0 fai as aisim ple break in the gauge is Ounce n od. And why alttonld Penollvania. and Plit i ladelphin; and Erie, and the Sunbury and Eri Railroad eunipaaylfore gn this advent - age, why she* the gauge of 4 feet 10 mhos be carried'on to Ltunkii/h1 The ansWer toy this. coming from stockholderi in the New York and Erie Railroad. would be. ••Give as I a continuous,: nobtoken track through Erie; and ire will take care chit the i 4rade shall not be diverted thence o the Sunbury and: Erie road, no matter what gauge 4y may adopt; and if tkey should, through the farce of cirenmatanees, be eoinioelled to use a'4 feet ai l limb gauge, land break the: coatlnuity . at Erie, so enuch . the better for l orn. prospects.!' Tiltis is an argument for Mew to we, bee how any Petinsyleentiali can consist utly advocated the interests of forsigu*cempa ell hewing perished sight before flame re. ' i ales in pro e ot r us e 4m nee speatura tt rd s te t a h ys4 e tn i a n ner te: De te gdw o . f .Dei lii e s tem e h w rc u: a6i. m os t y l ..wome t a o Me a myst ry. 4 , I - 11\1#11LE Of inch we have three who are every way acceptable to the entire Democratic party. North.• South, East and %Vest. First iu the list stands Gen. Sam flouston. of Texas; than whom no man possesses iu a greater degree ;iiiideie4 'hi as i 'so acciPtal;lS' t o - argapet-itql his administration so popular. With him each a word' MI TAIL would be unknown in the vocabulary of the De inoeracy. Old and young. the North and the South. from every point of the compass, the Doinocracy ould rally around his standard; fur wherever Sail 11 1 uatuu has heretofore lead. whether in ,the dread , ; confl.c with sev er' hosts upon the fields of Tallapoosi and S u jaciiihtt. or open the rostrum of populAir election. the e has s Tory perched. Of the propriety of the nominal on off, a man, we have no doubt—but whether such will be Gnat result. is a matter yet in the web and woofer-II Judge Douglas. of Illinois. is another wham the De otracy might nominate and count confidently open ing. Scarcely twenty yews from the workbench cubit et shop, yet by his own unaided exertions stand at the very head of the American Senate, the most nified and able body in tlie world, he is emphatically! ratio people—a finished representative of a rowing controting principle in our politics which may be ap priately termed,J'Young America." Judge Doug! young r and'henen wonW rally around him many of young and enthairiamie d ill parties. Aliogrthei. think his ehaneen of being our next Piesident are qui good-as any Grillo gentlemen yet nausea Then we lialePL;en. Butler. of Kentucky, who thin littl ) spoken of, *RI be no mean competitor for the on nett ta when the friends of Buchanan and Cass find t cannot secure their favorite. The gosairi in and al Waithingion are already speculating upon:his chaol and selecting out i suitable person to run with kit Viep; and in this work of mercy they have pretty g agreed that our own Col. Bigler. would be the Well, we have seen many a woMe team than id for the Presidential race, and should such ate result, we can promise the lets igsa defeat 0 approved principle. But we shall see. az Ail (*moms Wino —Col. Fuller, Naval Office Nevis York. sad astrong advocate of the whig admittit tioni wants to form a new party. lie despairs of WI cry. and looks forward to its speedy demise: tits " o verwhelmed as h ° hi s t m h t v i 12 111 th: 1 y d . ark w i ' l ey p t a h rt e l.n Democraticthe coming ; iti which have rained'up(M us itt all the Slatesfor last six months? We answer , none whatever. Thi an npalatable truth; but We are compelled. fruit ho st convictions, to utter it plainly. The doctor t no !stature in telling his patient that he must die w a t .elve month, nor the priest in assuring the ail the he must be dammed throughout all eternity. the st ern and solemn duty must be discharged; and ar cowards who refuse to look a frowning fate it 'funi " in Oa Connoh Scuouis.—Hon. Thos. H. ghs, of Lancaster. in a recent II address stated t 'ueen years that the contorted school system o' to has been in operation, the people of Pennsyl expended over fifteen millions of dollars in in! his noble effort; exclusive of the :arge sums an d to ,sustain the numerous privato Acadetniva,l ich'are also giving their aid to the cause of educ le number of schools iu the State. has increased to 9.209: and the teachers from 1308 to 11,5110. ~' lirr . 1 The ft Y. trites understarids that • urge her of gentlimenzonnected as editors and ie oti t is! the city press, have resolved to tender a•b4 Oct to sathais his arrive!. oo behalt of the New ork Two meetings have b een _ r held upon the so jeet, 4 doostnitteo of fen appoioted to cameol the whole ter. Par! ... n.laiidwin, of the Erasing Post, is chaii this committee. The fact that Kossuth watt once self an editor, readers a tribute urchin kind eipecial propriste from the representatives of the press in United States. , . a:r The Buffalo, Cowrier contains an account lose of the_propeller Mattis. It is stated that ashore on one of the Fos Islands in Lake Michiga that vessel and cargo would be a total lose. Ilse consisted of oats, barley and doom The vessel was • by Messrs, tleyrnour & Wells and the captain, an partially iUshred. We have not beird the.particrd the disaster. • LOCAL AND GENERAL (ITEMS. Err The letter into-dey's pep is from ono of the most expericu Engineers in the west. - - - ---;-__- . TT The Ladies favorite paper.,. Tke ileitis Joanna." we are reminded by the pros peens seal us, cemmenees ; ~ a new VON111(1 in , January. h inane of lie few metropo litan weeklies that wo take pleasure in eomntending to our friends; for it is just the etimpanion ens Wants to set &fan with of au 'evening. when ones' toils for the day. in ,office or shop, aria ended, and with slipperl on ,aud before a easy Rre, indulge in an hoofs gossip with the 'great world without. Price $2 per Oat. 1 0;:r We alinost amell iho breath of the about (Oro miles, we learn ,1 of the track t Durkirk romaine to be• kid; 'initial the road expect to have ► locomativi here we can confidently anticipate that by C be.— "SinOn: through the forests. Rattling over ridges. Shona n tg, under arctic , R it tight lug over tut tiro; %VhaizAng thro.tah the IttOuntain Busnuut o'er the vnie.4 Rte.' met this jet plen9an4,, It kiwi int the kap:" Maim:v.loly Acteidet A correspondent writes de fromu Spi err 'this ►he the 39 Pr" jor-: the I is our Ices thin uner but hey the .t .n this anis port all) &c. tion. from F lm r with Kos-. 'retie. mat- , an of him- y •P• di* • f the is end I st ned rr An * I fband dead 0,2 , 0 *met and e :poi] was ni of uad Gauges d men. and iron horse. Rut ,tween this and Directors of our in a short tiine. Irrirtinass We shall t. infield the path stidiy d aod or aa-I attic It at the I " SIFTINGS FRO' OIIR EXCHANGES WITH IMITORIA DASHEM. ST • Villa P 14131 117' The question in New 'Cork now is,;.not '•who 'n1.00E11.113. Patterson." but is Benj. Wetch elected Tree- "Comeirest in this bowfin," was s fa• tion to attiffati Turkeys on Tharaday. We bat it &Put atept. LT A man iiis New York has got himself by marrying tevo.rvives., Some men get th trouble by marrying one. LS The Fredonit Gimsor heads au art + •The. Er erlasting Election." Our whiz cousin is evidently get ting tired of tae ”dance." and we don't woitdet. 03 It is _pollinated that at least 9:000 IBahies have been named Slier Kossoth, In the 1,.1. Stateui. This. is • wonderful conntry. • •a:r Woke. it atotod that the C:atholics Buffalo. N. conteniptato the erection of a Catledial in that citr, to vast one niallion of dollars. 11± We had ho turkey for i'hanksgiviag, but we have • Rooster for Christmu so old that he is bald-heeded.— The man that dos'at pay for his paper is invited to lino with us. eottions rains allot fow week, have so replen ished our wells and streams fie to relieve our citise os.froin all appreliottaiou that they would have ntiithinir to drink this winter but beer and whiskey. Allah be praised. Mr We notice. among the new thine. India robber bed ticks. filled with wind. instead of feathers. Good! We'd ratheisleep on wind than live on it, as some of 1 oar subscrihsrs ev endy think we can. ccrMr. o:islier welt known artist of Now York city has patented a Me. to carriage for ordinary travel on plank aucl mac.ularnizad oads. It is highly spoken of by men fully competent to 'ridge of its practicability. Q 3 An editor d wn East has iusulted the whole fe male sex. 110 sta. s that ladies wear corsets, from a feel ing of ituitin i ct. ha ing a natural love for being squeezed. IVliat liars these • down East" Editors are! • In" That ‘1 , 7141i a keeu aittiiist that deaeribeti sectarian tisai to bea little narrow prejudice, that makes on hate lour noighb'or becauso be has-lie egg,ts toasted while yoii ate yours boiled. i Ftsc Pctc.—Tha man that advertises in the papers fi I .. 7 the man h o never le' d you money,--thti 'llan that pigs fur his paper m. !Id V II CO: and ,the chap that pisses lt our baby. All thcie n c fine potiPle. as we / can swear fOin sweet exp-rmace. • ______ . Q=T Mrs ..3luctnitr, author of the new style of dress, has an crude 14 . the last number of her paper, in which she says that.fauld she hate foreseen file notoriety and ridi whiehtshe hes incurred, she wopfd never have corn n eneed,tha movement. Mormons are lebortngou the Sanwhihh Is lands. in chimpantes of two. to 'opiate rt the population. natives, futiegners, missionaries and all to their fsith.- r _ ft is not a little worthy of note that, while iu England and Scotland they have made converts by thousands, on Ha waii they have rdit with no fiOCCeRli whatever. • A Fti.arrEam CossacTiov.—The new Constitu tion ci VitigiusaCoutaies in the t 11th article the following no..veraon shall have a right to vote who is or unsfounii mind. or a pauper; or a eon-commissioned rffuer in tie serrice of the L7ni a,i 'States." This is flat tering to 410 "non-commissioned offices." certainly. Two old men, upivards of 70 years of age each. amused, al . crowd of spectators in 'Providence the other day. by a grand rough and tumble fight. and finally ended by rolling one another in the gutter. until seiliarated. And all this, not in consequence of liquor bat front that green eyed mongter." jealousy. ' • , is.rt veri•-fratertial feeling among the whir of Sete *oil since the election. Here is evidence of it. The Auburn Adrertiser, woolly, repodintel the name or -- C•ii•et aps”.-• ...... ,rttegl to he i.. ii.• whiff party. It says: "%Ve know of no title that will better designat4 their character than Atnold Blues, uuleu .it be *Ws; Blues." 113 %V i m VT CAMS 111110.i . 1415 -A rely York letter says. "nistated. That the in ~..-nation • of silk goods and other fancy fabrics for ladies's dresses. into the port tit. New Yolk, varies from one to three millions of dollars in value weekly. and that thscr,st of those gewgaws for the fairer pap of our population is what drains the country of t , specie, and brings on commercial distress: so if the la dies g Opou the principle of rule or ruin, they will be pretty June to accomplish one of their purposes." It Statisticians up a curious and prying set of rogues at best. ; The last effort we hate noticed is that • wo man's dance of getting married is at its maximum be tween the ages of twenty and twenty-Ave. After thirty she is deemed to be in the twilight of life. and her chan ces theet;Tun down, like mercury in cold weather, to zero. nut we know of it. lady that has reached that age. 0" Sbme of the farther friends of Webster occasion ally say w sharp thing of him. Fur instance. Judge Al len. remarked in a speech during • recent canvass in Massacbusetts. that he did not wonder at,the number of . names eJtamed to the paper nominating Webster for the It:Tildes:icy. as it must be a luxury to Boston merchants to see & Webster subscription on which nothing ryas ask-' cd bia their names! ItT Milk so nutritious when taken as food. if injected into the: reins. acts as deadly poison —Erckinige. Air.. le3 excellent ter the lungs. acts in the same way.— Anothei. Saltpetre ao exeelleot for preserving', when ejected! • from a ran banal, alaoacts the same way.—ScAenectaday Cabists4. Watir, so necessary to/culinary and commercial par , poses.. When swallowed in two greaCquantities produceO al. came results. Er 4 "manifest destiny flan" dOwn in Lycoming count; thus - signifies his willingness. through the coli• umna Of the. Gazette, to be "up and dresied i „" if Spaii should:conclude to fight: I The "latest news"' is said to be, Spain wa rns to tight our nation. 1 It's toy optniom sir, you Pee t . We'd give 'int occupation. I'd like to see it come "rust-rate." I,' A reg'lar old Crusader. And have the Spanistiers send out : A nother big A muds. l We'd knock •,a, Cuba" out her mouth' 1- And .tart a "Ultibus.ter;" I I guess they'd think the tarnal Southl Had riz br aenell , muster. . , . i They'll soon "COO C' • lIICit sassy gheent # That !H wirer/ 1610elia, I , They. ought to,have done it long ago : - And that's iiliat yon can tell tier. MI 12f, The man that never went to •Church has be .n I , found'down near Boston. His performance, accordi g to,the .barnat, was iu. this wise. While the whilst r was engaged in prayer. tha congregatitin was startled from their usual dt.cornm by a loud rapping, and upOn the stizton's opening the door to ascertain the cause. In stalktill, to the astonishment of the Whole assentb . !•Lcrtf t g Jake." as he is familiarly 'tuown therm! Qu t &sensation was created by its ousel appearance, a). many curious pees strayed put to the corner, where e sat ibirtne4il wonder till the meeting was dismissed; wII n he. With becoming gravity. stepped up to the miuist:r and made him a present of a ninepenes. Fear locations have bean ulged for the new U aersiritist College. for which ibotobtat foods have be.. subscribed. ion• is Brattleborongil, in Vermont, no er Walnut Hill. sear Boston. a thrrd Springfield, an , fourth Wort:l:tour. Twenty ihartand dollars ars garrailred to thiculiege oa eoadition it is located . Wallet jfil. twinty more on eonditiort It is within' liruith of Massachoiatts. Coheirs of Worcester OW* 30.009 if it be established in that nity. and it is dersnood $20.000 will be raised id Springfield. if it be Cale 4 in bat lawn, s 1 oentsailten is sow engaged in amini ditkrent sites. . Il' The English Press Donahue of Illinois and F lion lecturer, of New York "the Hou,Sredarick_Don • Oomineut candidate for a mistake. "Fred" has n to go beyond a seal in _1 j presented in thir Roebeetel vention of the *lags whe candidate. • . I MIMEO ,Ovjted ono. into trouble TX The Crawford Dc mined to contihne the pla Al? the unfintsilted work bi ro has been placed tinder Salertown.lits been let t 15, 16. and unfinished pant Sections 17 aull 18. to Tit The well has been let on be completed by the let o that the road lom Edinb the same fillet so that w ,road from Mil deal, to E 113' In Ee4teuuneau Matthew D. f'isk was ki lie was sgeditwenty-see several child Ire, into I& WA; S week when • ante to Ex for Governor while the pa aro Q 3 A correspondent e suggests the c ame of the ter county , a compotet Of Sttorney 'tutors! rind Lion: go4d suggestion CD'slr. I on the coed cities, in di evening Oa the f2I 111Leem.L. a, On the 1 SAMULL Ea township. _o OLP THOXAS PL I.:t, o I (Jr In Spri.n SLY!, MAR On the 1 th . be WARD WO. incry..of To A it MLR, of thin At riio v.irn,o. on Mrs. Cut. c 11. St.r r the 38th 3 ar .of her ag In tliis ...ay, on thi , 2 Charlotte . Gunnison, Nev- Adv icived at N% lI Fpm the fuipc, c+ rum. Just rex' 1 kox n Stu.. 11'0 ii•ti lona ii Tmmftun frr'. mind tin inv a Lioo.l.nt t at I rll,ltl Coney, HI ' 1 1).. rut+ ;or al all %ha ‘s ; them of and Mwip the le,' quz' Fla 1.1)% I•,13. ,01 . hard when wt' p. the ti.ite tol otnfort nod in• eLort of • Iht tow y oth 11.1 • 011,111111110 Co n If that mn re Of ll—nGn come ben..e the!. are * all' Hat and t rSi r,,,.. N,,,, I. Notean ~t ; t rt.*. 1-54. 5 - 1 - 1 t ss , 4.1 - I*lf i!....-11 tie 4.-F.rteer•hsp bet. tbfore.. I,•, 1/ int eb the •n.'.., IJI I r/., to li,, Mt re: lit . ir I ~,, rt .- , • ked ihno.fity by !until:o e. k ebt The I;th mete ik qt be .- .: ~ at the 0 , 1 ktautl by Mr. Luti 1 Ruot. %VI 1.- , +N I 116 h. I . Lt I 1.%h RITZ a - 'PON nee °WO. •. I ..flft. I .{.• L.., . r v hands. All per- . -1,,,.. n. r Z , ` ,, C,- ; firm. either I , t n. te , ~, , ‘ „-rk..n, rte .truntedlate .tex, 7 , ..... n ,' Ire proper ititticer iiir.. , .i i r • . i ,ii . W 11,..' lAkikt. Or fhilt, r 11.1. in llhrb. , ••Tr , . k .r A ....1 1 , , Illtflt r. a dal . . rt.! Li , 1r.,: lii •., i. i r f If T1 , 11.3V,11ed in i-,... ~ .. " ;,, ; fr ,4 • % ,:ln ay. Eric. Ndr. SS,leZil ,r 4 4 P . P . rf awe . laird do Rust. are In olvesli.ll:4,'e,l to the ea al.` IrnUe.kteti tt, tali anti the gonwor ir tit t. LAI w tilt FA .Nbs 1.41, CAMF.In Itir f vll, of vont , thh* .h t t th i t the artot:cl.4l 2 lin o ty. pay' , rbtrge. and iaia• ill,6re reek. Nov. To Lease Tii."tr..ana , of on : 4 1% 111 r It) of Ern , . The -r , II Will tie gorn Nut*. Watt J1 - PT RCC I:IVEI by etch Jovel,:t at toberial trade fie, kie.that he to utak tut: ver; thesecannuntit 'during th New York to a few I ethibit the largest, 14,4! Watches , . Sayer ware. I would say to all. p your beautiful Chrimina pletfL, tt. A guar Nov. 9S. • Mt) TAVERN kinds of Liouir cr.*. Call and see. N I'l 0 111468. °'41.1441'1 1 Nov. 200LSAT. Nuv ter, 1-31 F- 008A 1 4 4 Itair) -Nov. 28. 3 Twits John Merari. the bo at ma/intact! EEO 1An , .. , 1N5. 1. mon, Pepper. Spi' Broom. and a Mew dour Etantly on band andaor N0v..29, AFEY th , 7011 /ID) U NOV. 29! I AK. MILLER'S el . Bayle'i Dairy Cie Nov: 18. T HAVE a general a Nicseti ption, Vauk nue to elan:aerate. bat c than any one to this c •Nor. ARRIV - I rriHF. armalof Eliot t! ded with great em of the American peopl to his country, to the country tnen—theretot PeoPle, alive to all midi Hut the arm al of can the arrival in Mil perpendicular action toned in nark miracles lag burliness, Tina in.. sermon of the age• Ii to he thoroughly sestet caret is full} approVed, istactory manner. the boot.. slice an ' tuallgrs, shirt inakeis. 'lteri . athl hat bitatera, glove makers, eolltutt whip makers and mitt, tared in'. making sails collar.. oiled clothing ing, and indeed fat at has been required T equate, and weigh.. ; dittalde in all Its lia ly adjiode,l and opet a to ten perbous, delta. erator. The lest kin with it in the best Oval! article■ to %Inch done by band, Tl and for rale at No. all in•rsotonteres, receiving alin.lan tile great utility to ivirc!,ate clicai)er cloth: lig. =l=llffin . . A carnwiw. whirl ail day to much. e half an hour, and Land. l'herriore son I.e Better work why Innnui4Cltlttl C therd, pre UP a Ca/ /kepi IC ism, Mill the and all sermon thetr ture4 Fo CITC3p, so d Singer's raleat Sewi No Erie, Nor. 9, 151 2 Tons of 1 10 cu. per iwu packagn toc: i S F - . 6 ;:e 1 t,! , .i . i f it..1 25 Chevtr. of Skill Tea no IS et' Nu x. ing conronn4od Senator Douglass the !tmgrolibell ry gravely; animal/ea that „ a colored gentleman, io Presidency." This u 111 t Snowed hie espiritions I ssembly. 1111 l Assembly District Coil. received 41 totes as their F €-.4 says. "it has been deter. oad to Erie via F.di slats eu this place and Ediube• want. Section 7 throne' ' I:wgers & 'Xi;re Sections E 14. to Jacob feeler; and .r,Sr. Header,of Edwboro, favorable terms and is to iy nest, ll' e are it lerined. to Erie will be rhed at i liege a continuo • plimi L I the time spec; hcid " Itio.on Tucedny,rlut week, by thw caving in'of a p ea t ;bars mad !Arcs a wde aid ■ D COSIRLI 45 corrected I' II vivi:—Ws were In error lest the Gazette's Isiotory is refer• es besting Prel:drut ruik twiet es. W discovered oat error itte off; but tpo late fJr come, overnor Jo id Term or Woo wor die West elles,ter.l.ffcrsoni est J 01: Thomas S Bell. of Che.. t loptlemon to fill the po,itioa r I,Cuiouel theere tultoinistra• peat his Thankni sing Serena rishing dams" in our large Church fa-morrow % Sabbath sham will r 4 lon of the '• Uut verstilts XtIED MA th inst., by t d Miss fur. :th be LE, and ilis elßev. D. Rowland Mr Dram CEI.L r Mcoccit , all of Amity. Z. %Vebster. FANNIr, B 1 LUECCA RUKK• a:1 Ut rtta he Rev. Prel.:v.' and Misa MA1.6A1.11 ItAr Ith inst. 13 , sac of NlcKt n. field, on ta ywis itloll4ll G.- Kcccoo. to hti irtst , by the ft. •. J M Eq., of Rochester. N. 1, to . Springfield. Re . v. W tnfld. M. Co to city, Ohio:sod 31,43 Alb D. 'e 49.111 mot., of t 4 orpOtrlptron. , Wife (Jr J. Severance; m insti. N, i.n, son or Jonas and In ed 10 ,•tiths and '2l li y% S. . . rtisements. ren's hat Fur St• Ir. a ta , :.• au•l :••••autfit , • t a•.!, 141 part or Fortt P Marl, I.stn t tr.r.. r Iv! BI Lek Iltistlirlada. l'artt.otre t% oil. 'I bpi.' t, • rd warr,uned ti.Ht ;. ;,; jjf LLle 1, 111411: l% I t.i• t r., 111 A .t 1 is.' a 10. re• . 4., I td.: 1.1 I '• MIE=IM== rtal iti I.. , ,rita ity,r al:.:: ' Ile 1t .1.4. ten bill' CIN,111: 4 1:is 1 ' , .•L , a,• - Hit tin e.i. 1 alvr p/I4 NI( ut." Tit.- , kZrmeintref , thc place, 1N v: y,- riia's !Luck. ' I'ATRIt i.~t.-':1i~ r a term of:Yearm. for win yr,r.. urt M A I 1 10.rof 114yrif , 111 •0r.... • 11 1 1 def 'rade ituat,„ tvt inoliatod). is and - Ffewris --- 1, ri,, , none parka 1't): , ..( 4 . *hi,. 11 ',lre% (0 9.3 y 10 hO , entrnsive pro? kfl s ppluaf 1110,1 110110 % r. ;110 01,00 109 ' .10 , : C10.:11 ~t stork ,X(O., Ate, 1 , t ry iil ha., wail h e rettil girt, fawn n full :41 ni.ortnietit null oil t have rs ful hand' mid ‘‘ Corner op, now ha tale by W. F. KIN DER I:111T i l feCell c d arid fur Pale by w. F. Rl , lol.lfli , IfT It, unnand and tbf mte at W. F. RINDERNErifT Sr Co's too r&storatUs,ror N . 1. ar r's prate.: W. F. itiNDEANFCLIT. Aftn l' ran. Mace, Puteti;g.. ,nri- Mu.tard, Chacelace. !Lief. I.f Ovum infallible N.,-1 Po. Jen, c ,r k! bf W. P.' it INI)EIP.1:4111' - 4.7ornei ,(501:111.: St:lir •L lee Plekler—al-n 2.4r0,1111.0 fur W. F. RINttt:RNEctIT. - - • CtitllBs6:: eltrated Itaml,urst Cheese—al.) Pur, , tut sate I,y the quantits nt ttnat , t F. RINIrEItNt.I9IT otice to all. I rout-it of Woo.len Wa rr. - otiotte, all of itoch taott6l tr. c., •••E ry thong in iloalthe IL. ....t1 0,, , , , L. W. F. 12 I 1% DERA OTT ( . 0n „ r of 51 h .1:1 ..:. !L oi i IiiiIIIIII II TU. , 'mein tlin• country is IOW) triFF - z l, r -, usiasm and ,ionit creet.:•ift, Ot. In. : • and ash} not' hi- b i's Feet a lac dc' ',,. allee Of Itlert)--p• 1 , ,, ra * - iiir , n i i ' .. he cannot liiii le 4.. , yr to the Amen - " ends to elevate. to improve 0',.11' , km e, th cannot be hane , l wish greater; , ,-. City of Singers Patent. straight are:, ri ewilte Machine. TM. aelvee Si '^' aid CM'S( ' a great resviiitn ri t, the nine In the most itnimiari ~, 1 '''''' " bas berm used a sufficient 1. , en -I'"°' r aeon a rerll varlet) of viv.k. - of ,r , s It executes in.the most }.1 , ,. - 1 = 1 ' '' '- i ark of the foilOWing oceu,in,:a." - alter manufacturers. Manes* awl s 3 a tact waken!, Carriage trimm e r . .. , C ' teas makers. stockinet n -` o. ' mfr Pe t bar manufaritift I. IC? e raw'', 1 And may also be :,..1 CIO° :. awnpngs.. beds and 11..,1r1. ,, '''. T. iki.ieb9ttoms. and rural' la; etnrt t. ~ - fiber purpose where...lo- ti ~", =Chid , . which in about Il c!‘ e •'' i nits. is compact. organ,, 'n al '" ItaMe to get out of rd r, a.- d It will perform the lab , e 1 Itt • II WI the kind of work 3,144.' 1, r is • I Tailors custom n,,rk CI.I 1, sir • '` ',I r; and to winking ray-. aBl m...... Cr )l. c)e ',lamed, its work p• Mr ~,i,..4 r i. :.• 1 a Moe a ill be conpaiitli , ii 1 Oa . '• .lllllletelarraehattge.Ereart, .„.1.12*'-'', re lIIVIIed 10 call. and itul a !ea. ee . ' i deneo aaddierfect c<•tilar ,51tot .1.4 , . I Valtie+ of itun invention i :k-.: i'n's . ~ are, tritely notiet•-I tint I C I .I y e in the Mont •larawe Itiatitto. 1 :4 tiring an \a s that 111:110•1“1.r, .1 •2 ':1 , , the Or , llll/Iry it 3% It is vi/14 I 'I, a tl . '` , 'y the help of the Innen i i i , , !r •.:"t t' ,..,: ~, ~, in a matinee far super,er 1, :la , l . ~,,.., g , he aid o this 111/1011 1 14 , 1 am „ti . , 1 at the tailnink one cheaper veto k it . .... , •,..: ; tiling in illl! Oftillllrn us i‘ T. kr l , 14 bet/ the 4110er ekerllCThi ent , ha thre.1....,,,, uhelicrerki diSubts ea-t 1.. It' . *, ' 't . ~. .-” 'TIM(' ik %hate hutting eta le 3,3 " ,; `able and So beautiful, ii. r ,a ti n!r ‘1,,..r.: h g Machine. \ h, E xcttl,o , :rts' ' ' ''''...l trill ou; - ,- g l are 1 ars 1. idlitelthieftlol( ett;thr tatla .t: , ,‘ I , , s, , d. at retail! and priers •I.l:"Ns.:l4:a'iit '2-31.. tei ti r RiNI)FR _ ,„, :1 or ThTaleli,) , the bap or pool I ll peps. - • • Cat, anti ace. I 28. . W. iN _PS._ll_ ..3 . rfj! r . ' • Tea I iron 11 Young Imperol. RI Irt I Pho' , ()yeti and 411.0 g tr0n....r,; cv. r.. 74 . 9a .' LCII I": 31 ' UP' W. IV. NIN)11 iO Ml= It 4 r u . If LITIAN RI ‘,• ef IVatelin ultful for the on tev. t . an.t t . 1 , . for thew at rt. Ile et pens to eillets. Kinn: nl c f R tett 44 , 5 5 rued in Este, H• 5. wit) not .riel Tic' Hot w ota atot vent lota • at S ri alf1 , 0fill111•1 cr a lltem at ' , 1% ; 4 1 IN O".RN (11T, ac,f-I.,:tatt