A u P. IDUZIF.IIN 00.". Pr 22: (Frit Meltlll 0166 A. P. DUBLIN & CO. PROPRII • i B. P. IMP OAN., adlt o • OFFICE, CORNER STATE ST. A l 4 SQUARE, ERIE. TERMS 1 1 P Tin: PAPER. CittAinlistribers hy the c artier, nt By utail,xyr nt the office, Inantante. • ; I I nut p 404 in ad% ance,or_i4 itlnn three months to.nle.erthing. (Ivo dollars IA ill be c harge.l. yrfAll communications must)* lost RATES OF AI)VERTISING: ' Car& not exceeding I line-, one 3 ear. - one square - 14 44 do. do. six rnntitle., do. do. • three month., Thantteni adverth..-Inents.. - inc,nto permit-are:44B far the fir-t tn-en 1011. .2.3 cent. fi r r tett ••thsetin. eVetirl!, aft ertwert. hit, the pen i: chingni• Wt at no • areal - km f`d to ~crap) mule than twt,••••„1 tochwrif alto t hr, ommedrott. Int.nrso. Adiert.ine Lot Inc tog other .1 ert.ctions. uthul and char.:ea ace•thilthzlY• a IP) 03 3-$llO F BI W. It KNOWLTON. Trawbrnalwr.awl ft,vairer, limier w Watel,u,. Clue Ntualeal I nsfrutnenig, Lopii.ory t; a-we ani oilier I' sta. vited4ur Reed Wu.'. ARBUCKLE & trot to In Dry 1:(4.1.,., Gnrrnt g, rth art', Ctsekc 3, I's•rr) t'rw..l'... , A. NI. JUDSON. - ATTII.k.ItIf 11T f, ter —Office at Lre-ent In tile ellro2l • J. W. DOUGLAS:4. I_ Arrnt• T'AT LAw.--clttice. ovrr IVilliame & Viiii F,A41.1 -Worm( , erflrance tired dour 1‘...t,t0i the 11 • COSIPTON & HA VEltti FICK Ilnatrx in Itti (:0),1....ar0e.q.i...,1.1 , ;u0r..1 ..it knuls, enx.kery Nallsact... one ,Ivor touch til Suuch Ja<6..des twit.. French , t-tyr...o, Lite. i.;.: - , 1 e /01470,t, A N 1.) ID I:. ,; *tont /• mi ret.,ll. Nu. 19 Clor%milt ,Ire t. P6i1a.1c11.1113. - _ - C. 'MANDL.. Plillfin and Su Rniti4-- , )111"r rortier or Sinn. Re.u•Setwe un E . ::lltti Z. : 11TO, belt% t'ell `thiqautl. Erie. l'a. • - T. M Ot)it Fo. Dr. l tit 11 , GreWrri".. N0V1L.1011,.. utte Door LN•lut Slaw .treet; , . M. SANI:01113 = 6: CO:. The moorland was w.de, level, and blight black tia night, if you could suppose night condensed on the sur face of the earth, and that you could tread en solid dark ness in the midst of day. The day itself wail indeed fast dropping into night altllbugh item dreary Mad gloomy at the best; , for it was a .11 \ irg e raper day. The moor, for nailes'arouud, was treeless and houaeloss; devoid of Yeg elation, except heather. which dlad with its gloomy frieze coat the shiveriug landscape. At a distance you could discern, thought the misty atitiosphere, the outline of mountiuns apparently as bare and stony ) as 016 wilder ness, which they' bounded. There wee no fields, no hedgerows, no marks of the hand of ma, except in past iiages; when, period after petted, he ha tramped over the scene with fire end sword, and leftl that could not ii 4 ' fly before him, either ashes to be .calla dbY the shine winds, or stems of trees, and carcases oilmen trodden in to the aliainpy earth. As the Roman historian said of other destroyers, '•They created solitude,: and called it peace." That all this was the work of man, and not of Nature, any one spot of this liege and howlihg wilderness could testify. if ra.....1.1 ~,,It ...aim ;,....Li- .........,..... In its bosom lay thousends-of ancient oaks s and pines, black as ckniy: which trail, by the girigantic .bulk, that, forests moat have once existed on this spot, as rich as the scene was now *nit. Nobler things than trees lay bu ried there, Inn were, for the mast pert, resolved taco substance of the inky earth. The dwellings of meiyhad left few or no traces, for they hid been eons , . flames; ? and the hearts that had loved, and sufk perished beneath the hand of violence and Inui no longer human 'warts, but shine. , If ama %el ricd blindfold to that place, and askid whin hi el r / unbanditged where he was, he would say--.`•lrell 110 would wafit. no clue to the identity of the but the scene before him. There is no heath likel heath. Theic is no desolation Take an Irish dell Where Nature herself has spread. the expands e ludo. it is a cheerfel solitude. The air flows ovd ingly; the flowers hod and dance in gladness; 1 breathes up spirit of wildfragrance.which comin a buoyant sensation of the heart. You feel that y en ground where the Peri 6 of God, and not the • of man created in the merciless harriCane of war, journed; where /he sun shone on crentdres spo ground or on tree, as the Divine • Goodness of tE verse meant them to sport: 'where the hunter dl , alone the enjoyment of the lower animals by d I boisterotts joy; where the tra+er sung as he w it. becatie he felt a spring of expressible Masi Iheart; where the weasy wayferer.sat beneatkah' blessed God, ' though his limbs ached with travel, goal was far OT. la God's deicing dwells gl . ath man's deserts, death. A melanholy smites ye enter them. There is it derknes4 front the past 'elopes your heart, midi the amine and sighs oft ! perpetrated misery sies4l still to li6 in the very One shallow, and widely-spread stream through the moor: seinetimes between masse 1 I stone. Sedges and the white-Leaded cotton-rue) tied on its m ariii; anch on island a iike expanses tl ... and there ruse above the surface lof its middle con.. I have said that there were no iiigns of life; but on one of those grey stones stood a heron watchihg for prey. LI had remained straight.. rigid and motionless Joe Ileum! Probably his appetite was appeased by his ay's aucces4 amongst the trout of that dark reel-brown retina; which was closed by the peat from which it ooze . When lie did move; lie sprung up at ea r ns, striate m ed hi,•broad h 7l wings, and, silent the scene se i rcian d him, ade a circuit in the air; rising higher as he elem. with,slow and sol emn flight. He had been startled by a spend' • There I was life in the desert now. TwO horsemen caniexillop-• 1 m g along a highway not far distiet.sind the home, con tinuing his grave gyrations, suitieyed them as hi' went. ' Gad they been travoli:irs over a tlai of India. a 4 Aus tralian waste, or the Pampas ¢f S nth Amerida..they .could not have been grimmer ot 4 aispe t, or more thorough -• ly children of the wild. Thelyl we °lrish from head to Toot. i -- , I They were mountedon twol ilia e bet by no means clumsy horses. The Features had! marks of blood and breed that had been introduc4hy 'the English to the country. They could claim, if i thiy knew it. lineage of i n Arabia. Th as e one w a poor help t e ethos and lesser, was black; but both were !minis depth; haggard as fa- Mine. T were .T hey wet with ths, epeed frvitht which they had been hurried along. The sill of the damp moorland or of the field in which; during this day, they had. probe savonaty bly been-,drawior the peasant's earl. still,sineuisd their iti tare 1 • ~b odies, and their manes fl ew w Idly and untrimmed tt : ,al the sedge or the cotton-rush nf the wastes through ve r treel ' which they careered. Their rider!, *fielding each a hen -- -- try stick instead of 'a riding-whip, : ' hich they implied over sazd anon to the shoulders aril ' 'toot t eir sedoking anima were mounted on their ba , backs and guided a / 1 •by h a l t, instead • of bridle. ' They ere ' & couple of the :ma' in the the rut.an7short fr ► e-coated, knee-breeches • 4 grey stocking fel- Geld Plate. 4 i teeth tined 1 lows who're as plentiful on Irish so las potatoes. From 'e"' 7 erth beneath their narrow-brimmed, old, weather-beaten hats. ve deem 61 a! 1 . I streamed hair as unkerNied as their horses' moues. The - - Celtic phisiogoomy war; distinctlV Iniii eked—the small and P'tv l, l•lt '• • •••-11.4 Keg... Ride. Derrand Itto.tin^ &sac/. Just ' ' • '."'"`i aid *Or .ate t ) th e keg Of kw , quouay, by somewhat upturned no te; the M ee t Tut of the skint the ' ' 1- .. ze. ..-- B. T. f , fik.f.a.e.Tr & SONO, eye now looking grey, now black, tho freckled dm*. sod i" Tkal..r. In Gnhl. Sayer. , Mink Soo , I.ran+. I I,.•it.hr. ruht raellall4.. 011 t h e prulr tpal'tlta ', f o r sale. tn I3(211)'S Sqllare. T. 111:ItON STI ART. —1 "tti /moot AnD ruy,cl“-1 Idler. ec rtwr of Frenct i , purreo.oner Moms Kurt's .t 7, re. R.,tdintro on I fluor ta.t@ft'ue old A pot 11.01. K. s SONS. T. rrT egon.tanth on hurt a 6111 Grurerjr4„ 1. ChandiVry, V(1111-1.,ti, Prootur.., R• Lad 1 rh., i p s ritralie-t. No. 119. Coro' WM. S. LANE: Attorney and Counsellor at La l [irwluti•n,or anus am! v Prnvona, 1t0a.,(1 :I Ow , lot e1it41 , 1%, not; nil , ther rveroor pr•tmpl nn•l 1 . 111111 , 41 n0,...11011. (.theo w tVri,:bet• of rr ite str,t, (A Ur J H I.r • I.AIRD& itl'S'r. Ilety +0).11101:1 Itenlcr+ [try Guido.lnrert I.kquur.. Flt.ttr, l'oth. Salt .51c., O. Block cVF r of Fith tut.rtFtase 4trecur. int A IR 1/, 01,11 i.it eI'AFF()RII), I lt,,k-el!er and Staitaner, and M , ..0%.,riGr0r of IR:an 11 /Wile Iltit.f ()Mel' 0( Lk. litawond and 11‘th m.,1 J. B. NICKI.IN. , tirrrtht and general Agency and Couni ! iggi?n Ansi,' 14,1 i. N. ........ .1.. z Ri - Ft s at:ED, , Dr•era in I:l.C . o.ll.(;ermati mid American Ilan!, are Also, Nail, Ails Viet. 1(01 and Stied Nu. 3 YTIO. Pa 1V...1,F:111)0CE B, (Wee an i V% 1..2 , 41 Rudder., Stat eCli ••••%1•1101 & Er L: OTRONG, 14 'lt t., Tr t B lOfl. op 41 DUCT J 1.. S U/nci arils l ko•I. A. Its now, • litli lit • sr e 1.% S . _ I f t . ",”,! Relit! dealer II 1 ~eerie'', Pros I. I _ Liquor”. r.r.. u c " . `4 . l` rul Frs acts as.,l 04.pcolly Faltrers . litoti 1, I.rt4. 'JOHN MeCANN. • %%11111./ :4111. R vt:6l Dealer os Family Grocer Giaosu ari., Iron, Na{... Ice , Cltenp " Sule. Erte. P its 1 he higl t.t pr c. pmd for Colistry.Pnylts 1 ' GOALDING. mew ;er "%melt. end Habit Xiriker--Shop. No.l 0% er A.& J. S. Wdlreri Grocery Stret. Ltie. T. W. ATTfy R N 1: Y - AT 1, A , ll' In It'alker'.l (Pllre. on Seventh Street. ECU: HENRY' CA11‘V1..1.1.: .7 tarp...erts.iot.i.rf. and ßet4tl Deriler in Dry GOOll t•,,,r1,,1 ) ,,c%,.....,,ar,1'ay1et11w.11at.1ware, Iron. &r.t Store.etate four tiro. I lord, Ent'. PR. Men., Bellow - -. %le Arms. Stirtnas, a WO Tprittl[lllllV. S. 51E111'1N sAtTli. Am•yrry -Ave' and Jit•tre of the Peace. and r Jluutal I.ire Insuratt e CurOny--t. 'wN of IVm tn. store. Erie. l'a. • GEORGe, 11. C TLER. Ar : rns•ry (*an!, Erie C wily. Pa. Co attended to 1% ith niptneis and JOSI..kII KE ,LOGG, r awn ing & ir•ouiwas.sJou Merchant, on the Public 1 Stair ?civet. coat. s•alt. 194-ter and White r.,,,n.ron•uantly fors I _ _ ZWEIG 6: Co. wum FV&IF AND RXTILII. DIFAILFII N to IrOfCILITI and Dr G , o•l...reaity made ROW. and Shoe.; ‘Vrigtu's Itlurk.ritate .Lreet, s Erit. , I SIII.LIANIS .St WRIC,III'. 113 , , , 1* nod Elrilaiige Broker. Dealer in Dills 41 r , rtitkate-'ot avr.toilver rot t Are, tVIII Mork. rornefot State-,u . and- 1 SIAItI=IIALI., IN_ 'ENT; drn Pt•PTP oT./.AW--41IeICe .4:11r• in 1 malty II north of the Prutliotiotao', (Afire. Erie. - • I‘ll altAl 11A1.1 ,16rTolt , ITT •VI COt %VELUM AT 4.1:1 , -1 Jai eI:ACT 1 . ,7, , 11.4rolltfallee one door we.t of States ter., on.; . . .. C.- M. T,LIIIIALS. Dri t Eye in Dry Don4lA. Dry eqvceriee,' Crockery. H \,r, 111. Clirai.Litt. Lr.te. .... ISNIITII JACKSON, DIALER in Dry Goods, G rueer ire. Hard ware. Queens iron. Nada. ite.. 121. Cheapside. Erie. Pa. 1 , . Wll 1...1.1A i RIIII,ET, i CABINET Motet rryhoister. and Undertaker, come eeventh :amts, Erie. • _ EDWLN — J. KELSO tlk CO. _____ G ' • Forwarding. Produee•and Coinni i son Mere .10 coarse and flue salt. Coal. Pla‘ter. Shingles. &c is ~.i side of the lir idFe. Erie. ,___ WALKER &- COOIK, , Ciereat. Fororredi tie. L . .0111,11.,.1011 a n‘l Product M, , pint Ware-house ca,t of the riddle Dmitr' Erie. 1. ...._ G.O()M IS cV. c 3. De .1 ERE ill Watel,levretry. ridrer; Gerinan Site • Britannia Ware Cutler). Military acid Fancy Good', e.,-,r; opposite the Eagle Hotel. Erie. G. I...iins. T. ('_ Rl't.it .l littolllElt. WM', ' , oar and iteta:l dtvdery w Idree.. (ilia... Eke .No. 6. litee l / 4 1 liouve, Ent.. ' JAMES 1. Y'l'l.E, , 1 • ttsnuttoArr Merchant Tailor, on the itublie wpm , a few doors nit of, rttate rtrcet. Erie, i .., • - - 1). S: (•I.Altit. . . irvo L tiAut • , ,ID ItrT , lll . lM•aler it. cru , -..rie,.. Jong.; Sliip i . Chattalery. r‘totte-ware. ice. kr . No. S. Hormel' tf. oak. Krtc._ SPAFFORI). b•airt in Law. Mettle:li, ite 'b o w 34.,w e tt ai ," . . i n oc ik ke. Platen.. four doors berow the $: DICK EitSoN, ttfice at We kendetiee on S 01 , 1..ne the Ste*ltimistot Church. Jr. _ .1011 . NII. BURTON et Cti IN R rTA dealers ~.", Dru. Medic me .c Rte.! Iloww. Erie. =MI DR. 0. L, ELLIOTT. • Retoth7l , l Deuthit; Officeand thl Ill'rbe ilk , ' D . on the Eton side u rtquoto, 1:;.e. Teeth inserted oil i'r .111 Lifsl• 10 7111 CI:1 ire .tett. Cat lOU ' • ' • t., ~:, :.-..r• r , rtor. , 1 t•• to thil .mil tiNertil 1 •• , !tt 11. f !i•ttilinent*.ali.l Drill 'lief uu led to lea ' • ~... eel rt. —. All thork w.arauteti. , • f 1, ~ (... .k.• .. .. "Z. .". . il. .. T.' 1 7 . - i . . I. . ItII IFJ , , . . , . L 1 . . .. 4 . 407 :i • • 1 -1 : , ... l : . I.' 1:7,' . . ' . r, , . ,--- le,. .I - 1 .. \-. j-j,.. -.- . I . . . . , - 1 . . I . I . . . . / • I , ,i '' , j / i . • I .8 . _ priotors. in TORS, PUBLIC 112. ft RES $3.00 10.00 • 6,00 3,00 Len line* or nt tusertion. at I,lca,Are, aut.:, gad to ins rte! On 0 d. Jewelry. t.c) 11(0)(1 ,, . 17 . &e. iu. le (Vice. in t'rß -quart 11=1 1813 3n , 1 reol4 :411 St; Ind Sev,roth Freheh.an.l Oir74. Fruit, 11PA of Ile rourt4olly 11:w and Fi fth lit tti Afeet r --4—a corn, Ship tVticarsnie i If. fine. 1 Lama :1441 10 we .ilai 1 Frill , Ml' , II gat. 19. MEI Mai nd (.11tTo•ry et•ti EMI= -1;111. Res t•tcrev.ts. MEE i oor People'■ • tore) dote Groreriel. t‘vt, ,11+ttl clot% hclon t 1 a general Aril( fur !fire 3 duor■ lect ions and much. Dock, east or out ,, tic Dry; he., No. Etrtratwe kc ll.khe snarl• =1 •11. I';7risght's. 'he Diatuon,;. rdv. are. 81. e., Ware, Lime, of 'State and nA ts :dealers Public dock, rehants;See , Plated and ,State.treel4 M. Army, Paiute, Die Stuff& 1 ortni. ouh 3}brisli - - A - - THE FIITUR LIFE. IT W1L1.1401 •.LEIII,IICTAXT. How !mall I know thee in the The disembodied spirits ot th When all of thee, that tune co And perishes aiming the dust For I Anil feet the ming of eed If there I meet )oureentle pr NOT hear the row, I lave, Rot la thy serenest eyed the tend Will not thy own heart I That bend who'e fundeet My name on earth %a* ever IP r all it be baniblied (corn thy In 111C3111)Wig taitiloNi try heavun In the 4esplea truce of that g And larger mot vine's to of the LI Wilt thou forget the love lita . • i The love that lire through all the st•tirmy post, te e And meekly is lei my hand nature lioro,• And deeper grew, ind tendere r to to the lost, ' Shall Jetcpire with life arid no more? . . . • . A !rippler !otitis , ' ili•ie. and Urger litht, - Await thee the-e; for thou Cilia Lowed thy will In cheerful hotuage %Atha rule df net t. `‘ Su.l lur.:At all. andirecLlereaf good for ill. For me, the .ordel cares in which I dwelt, Shriek au I concimi the Iteart.ns heat the Ant wrath bath left of sear—that lire of hell Ilan left that rrighttul sc ar upon toy soul. Yet. though wearit the glory of the sly, ". t. Wilt thou not keep the saute beloved name. The sanee fair thoii4litio I 'orow, and gentle eye, 1 Lot her in heave:is sn eel climate, yeti) fowler? ' Sleitt thoo not tearlt nte l / 4 atetlsat Calmer hon e, `'he v. eidotu that I le:trivet vo ill in th s— s The *i.i.301 Which e. love—till 1 beeoute • I Thy lit e. : .) tipartion 4ii that lam I of bliss? EVICTION; IRELAND'S CURSE: ► CIT OF IRISH HISTORY. esody hair. heard ■nd•w:a kers covered half the and the! skori square-shouldere. bodice were bent fora . with eager impstienco.. as the • thimped and kit along their horses. muttering curse they went.. The heron. sailing on broad cud miugiy slow ►a , still kept these in view. Anon. they re cited a par the uniortemi whore traces of linnosu labs saes visl. l Black piles 4f pest stood on the solitary gro nd, rem after a seinsiter's cutting nud .d rytag. Prose ut pritc of cultivauon presented themselves; plots of gruu d r ed ou bode each a few feet wide, with ioterveuiug 41111. I there wine keeps detid, J w 1 lore, alp*. ',live tread? es to carry off boggy water, where potatoes hid gro n, and satin fields where grew more stalksof ragweed tbab grass, encloSed by banks cut itp and tipped hero end there with ti:brier or a sore. It was the husbandry of misery and indigence. The ground had already been freshly inanured by 'sea-weeds, but the village—whirrs .was it? Blotches . of burnt ground; scorched heap of iulibish. and fragments of blackened walls, alone re visible. GirJeu-plots were trodden down, and their'fbw bushes man", or hung with„ tatters of rags. Thetwo horsemen, nthey homed be With gloomy visages, W- I 1 eil no more than a single word:—..Eviction:" t i Further op. the growl(' heaved itself into, chaoticiOn fusion. Stony hespos swelled up here and there, n keit black, and barren; the huge berms of the earth pr triad ed themselvre through her skin. Shattered rocks rtlise , il t sprinkled with hashes, and smoke curled up fro what looked like Mere heaps -of rubbish; but which w re in reality hum* hatitatious: Long dry grass hissed end rustled in 114-wind ou their roofs (which were sank liy places, as if I'alling in); and pits of reeking filth seemed placed exactly to prevent access to some of the low doors; while to others, a few - stepping-tones made that access only possible Here the kw° riders stopped, and hurri edly tying their steeds to an elder-bush. disappeared in one of the esiiins. clefs pain 1 eine not; 1• • end again thought. mind me theme? Turn to the w :re given? ithy prayer, • , tongue in Itulen! 1 • 1 rlife breath ng wind, il• Yriolirtp;kr , lettered wt {'d, . but tied in it re! The herott'elowly sailed on to the! place or its togislar roost. Let Us follow it. - Far ditTart‘t was this scene to those the bird Had left. Loity trees darkened the steep slopes! ore Eno river. Rich ineadolvs lay at the feet of 'woods and stretched down to the ittrearri. Herds of cattle lay on thaw, chew iug their el s after the.plentiful grasiag of the day. The white wall s &f a noble house peeped, in the dusk of sight. through the fertile timber which stood in proud guardi anship of theirmansion; and -bread. winding walks gave evidence of a place where nature and art had combined to form a paradise. There were ampler pleasuni-grounda. Alas! thd-geounds around the cabins above which the heron had ito lately' flown. might truly be styled pain grounds. . Within that home war / assembled a r happy fruity. There was the father, au / no-looking man of forty. Proud you would have deem him. as lie sat for a Moment ab stracted in his cushgned chair; but a moment after ward.. as a troop ofilildrion tame bursting into the room. his manner was instantly changed into one so pleasant, so playful and ,"overflowing with enjoy meta, that you saw him outfit. an amiable. glad. dainestio man. • The mother, a handsome woman, was seated already at the tea-tablet tfid in another minute, sounds of merry voices and ehildis laughter were mingled with the jocose Masse of the "tiler, and the playful accents of the mother; ad dressed now to one and now to another/ of the youthful grim,. . Iti due time the morriieeat was haihed. and the helm et' is assumed their accustomed places. The fath er read. Ile thou paused once or twine. and glanced with astern and surprised expressive towards the group of dociestics, for he heard sounds that astonished him frocruno corner of the room near the door. 11.3 wont 1 on—" Remember the children of Dien 0 Lard. in the , day of judgment. how they said. D loin with it, down with it, eyea to the ground. 0 daughter of Babylon, wasted witly.miisry, yea, happy shall Ire bo who reward oth thee, as thou bast served us!" There was a horst of smothered sobs from the same corner, atul.tho'm ister's eye fleshed with h strange fire as he again‘dairted a glance towards the offouder. The lady looked, equally surprised, in the same direction: . then turned a mesining leek on her husband—a warm dash was succeede r y a paleness in her couetenance, and, shp cut down h eyes. The children wondered. `o7 l\r but were still. ,' o . .nce m sonorous the father's voic continued---" Give us this ise our duly bread., and fr give our trespasses as we orgive them that tee ass against us." Again the stiff \ sound was, repo ed.t. l ,is The brow of the Master dared again—the soother looked agitated; the children wielder inere oil; the , Master closed the book. and the ate. wit coastrain ed silence, retired from the room. \ "What can be the matter with old De lel" exclaim ed the lady, the moment that the do el don the household. "0! what is amisi with r old Dais?" exclaimed the;children. , . . "Some stupid folly or other." s d the holier. metre- I . le. "Come, away to bed, ch ten. You cm learn Dennis's troubles another tine .." The,,children would have lingered.. butagain the ords. "Away with you!" in a tone which never nee d repetition. were decisive:. they kissed their parents ud withdrew. In a few sec: rinds the father rang th bell. "Send Dennis Crotgan here." , ' The old man' nip red. Ile was a little thin man. of not I- s..han se enty years of age, with white hair and is dark spare ce tenancy. Ile was ono of,theee many nondekript se 'ants In a large- Irish house / . whose du ties are curbiusly - iniscellaireieus.. Ile ,had, however, shown suffieient zeal and fidelity throwih a long life, to secure a warm nook in the.servants' hill for the remain der of his day's. . Denuis entered -with an humble / LI timid air, as con scions that he had deeply offend d: and had 'to dread, et least, a severe rebuke. 110 hewed profoundly to both the master and mistress. / ,mad ,i n ed, and t. were il= , es were nd!" plaee. TI Irish olatioo a soli- inn {the soil falcate' II tread P eace " !has so- I ting oe e attudied MEM of over in his sh.and sud his 1111111; iu IUI you hat en- b-times Inds. ggled of grey %eh is- DEM SATURDAY MOM "What is the meaning of your interrortiona during the prayers; Dennis?" *banded the, matter abruptly. "Has, Inyttiing harpero to your' No, Sir." • "Anything amiss in your son's family?" "No..your honor." The interrogator 'paused, a storm of passion seemed slowly gathering - withinhint, Presently he asked, to loud tone, ••What.does this mean? Was there no pinto to vent your itoisonso in, but in this room, and at pray ers'?" Dennis was silent. lie cost en implode: look at the master. titeri',et the inistress. , ••What is the =ratter. good Dennis?" asked the lady in a kind tone. ••Compose>yourself, and tell is. Some thing Strange must have happened to yetis." Dennis trt mbled violently; but he advanced a couple of pace's. seined a back of a-chair to support hint, end af ter a vain griutp or• two, declared, as intelligibly as fear would permit, that the prayer had overcome him. • } Nonsense. man!" exclaimed the master, with forylin thOsame face,•which was so lately beaming with joy On the children. "Nonsense! Speak out without more silo. or yon shell roe it." Dennis looked to the mistress so, if he would have im. 'stored her intercession; but as shegitOir no sign of it..ho was compelled to speak; but i 4 a brogue that would have been unintelligible to English ears. We therefore trans late It: could not help of thiakhog of the poor people at Roth beg. when the soldiers mid police cried , •l)o►ru with them: down with theist, even to the -ground:• and then the poor bit cabins came down all ty :fire o,nd alloOke, se _el I \G, NOVEMBEII 29,1851, IV' 0 lir ainid the howls and cries of the poor teatures. Oa! it was a fearful sight, your honor-4t w , indeed,—tO see the poor women hugging their babiF , i, 4: and the house where they were, burning in the whist. It was dreadful to sue the old bedridden man lie on the we ground ullang.t the few bits of furniture, and groan to his gra cious God above. Oit, your honor: you uerer saw such a sight, or4—you—sure a--;t. would .nover hare been done?" Dennis seemed to lot the last word out as if they were jerked from him by a sudden shock. Tue master, whose face had changed during his speech! to vi livid hue of passion. hiseyes blazing with rode. was is tho act of rushing on old Ittennis. when he was held back by hiS wife who exclailmcd—"Osvrald! be calm; let us hear what Dal Mill hula - say. Go on. Dennis- 7 go on The master stood still, breathing lard to overcome his rage. , Old Dennis as if seeing only his thoughts, _wont an—, -0. bless your,honor: if you had seen that poor fran tic !women when the beck of the cabin fen; and buried her infant, where she thought she had laid liar safe fur a mo ment, while she fie* to pert her husband and a soldier, wile bad struck the other children with the.. flat of hie sword; and bade theirs to troop ofr! Oh, your honor,-but • it was a killing sight! It was that came over me in the prayer, and I faired that we might be praying,perdjtion on heath when we prayed about our trespasses. If the poor creature of Rathbeg should meet us, your honor, at Heaven's gate (I - wits thinking) and say—• These are the heathens that would not let us have a poor hearth atonet in poor ould fr lend.' And that was all, your hon or, that trade me m sbehave so; I was just thinking of that, and I could hotrhelp it.", 1, "Begone: you old fool!" &satiated the master; and Dennis disappeared, with a bow. and an alertness, that 'would have done cre it to his earlier years. There was a mom nt's silence after his exit. ' The la dyl turned to-her h_ts aud. and cla;ping hie arms with her hands, and look i ng into his darkened coupiananee with a look of tends est euxtetv, said:— 1 . I , - ••Dearest Oswald,llet me, es I have so often done, once more entreat that thessidreadful evict ions . Mat cease. Surely there must be smut way to avert them, and. set your property right, ithod.such violent mensures." The ere-u rola ea' —••Then, why, in 11..aren's mime do you not reveal me other remedy? why do you not ealighten all irelan , l why don't you instruct Glrern ment, The uultap.i- wretches Who have been swept away by force are n people, no tenants of mine. 'They squatted themselve down, as a swarm 'of locusts fix, them. making wild laineu4lsoint. and breathing vengeance. The ninrd‘red master and the vrl borne into the .housei Theheran : soared / frorn its lofty perch, and wheeled with terrified wingitaiough the night air. . The servant" lamed 4141.1040; and io•thing furiously from the-house! traversed the s/rroun'ding masses of trees. Fierce dogs were let hosiy and dashed franticly tHrougli the thickets All was. !loiterer. toe late. The sooting heron save grey tigu:se, yi / th blockade! faces. steal oz away—orten of p t their h ds and kneels — down the hollows of the: moor• lands wards the village ; where the two Irish berm:nor Mid. ii t he first dusk of evening, tied their lean steeds t di, old older bosh. ' ' , , t /Near dm mansion no lurking tee•assin was tolssfinand 'Meanwhile two servants. pistol in,ltitud. on a collide o their atuterlie homes. scoured hill and.cialei The heron sailing solemnly on the Wi.ig shave. saw them 'halt in e little lowa. Tnet thuolerol with the but ends of the, pistols on a door in the principal' street.. Over it there was a coffin-shaped board & T idying a painted 'crown; and 'the big-lettered words. ' "Police Stttion.” Tit/ mounted servants shouted with might and main. .A, night-capped head issued from a chamber casement witli, —"Whet is the matter?" . "Out with you. Police? out with all your strength. an. lose not a moment; Nr. of Sporran. is .ho at his own door." The casement wta hastily clirpped to. and the two horsemen framed forward up the Jong, broad street:, i i. now,flOodei with the moon's light. Heads full f terror d were thrust frost upper wMilows to enquire the use oil that rapid galloping, but ever too late. Thu to men : held their course up a steeP hill outside of*the town. where stood a vast building overlooking tho,wholo pisce.! It was the barracks. Here the alarm wsis .atso g r rou . In loss than an hour, a mounted troop of police':.in sal-1 ive green carmine, with pistols at holster. sword by sidol and carbine owthe win, were trotting briskly out of town. accompanied by two messengers; Whimt they plied with) eager questions. These answered, end suudry imperca tious•veuted. the whole party increased their speed. and went on, mile after mile. by hedgerow '?pd open 'moor land. talking as they went. - , Before Met retched the house of Sporeen. sad near the village where the two lruh hursClllllll had stopped the evening before, they halted, and formed theraielves into more orderly array. A uarroar godly was before them on the road, hemmed in on each I‘l4o bjrirvky steops' o . here and there. overhung with bushes. Tito commis:Want bade them be on their guard. for there might be , danger there. He was right; for the moment they begin to' trot-through - the pus. the flash and tattle of fire-arms from the thickets above saluted them, followed by it wild yell. la • sertuud, several of their amber lay deed ja r dyidg in the road. The fire was returned 'promptly y 016 police; but it was at readout. for, although another discharge. and another howl. announced that tit y enemy were still there, no ono could be seen. The' head of the police commanded his ltroo? to snake a dash through the pass; for there - was no sealing the heights from this side; the assailants having wanly posted them sefres there. because at the foot of the eminence were stretched on either heed impassible bogs. Thei troop dashed .forward, firing thoW pistols as they went: bet 131 _ were inlet by 4ich deadly,discharges of 6re•arme as Om, ' them into confusion. killed add wounded seversl of‘tlir horses, sod made theur hastily retreat. There was Or/thing fur it but to await the arrival of tl cavalry; nod it waa net long before the clatter of hone. . hoofs and the ringing of sabrpl were hoard on the rose Ou miming up, the troop of&emir?. filing to:the rigl and to the left son the bill sides, dished forward, and, The Blom Milton!. cleared the gully in safely: the petit hiring kept their tide of the pan. In fact nol a single shot was returned; the arrival of this strong force heel, warned the inmargents to decamp. The cavalry in ft charge ascended the hills, to their summits. Not a ft was to be seen, except one or two dl ing men,' who wee discover.. by their groans. The moon had been par Bowler time quenched in a den mass of clouds, which now were blown aside by a het and cutting wind. The heron, searing over the deem could now see grey - coated men flying in different der lions to the Marker of the noighboriug hills.' The n et day he was startled from his dreamy reveries' nee the Moorland stream, by the shouts and galloping of in ogled police au/soldiers, ss they gave chase to a coupl of hag hare-headed, and panting peasants. These were -non captured, and at once re °valved as belonging to the evicted inhabitants of th recently de coked village. ' * Since then years have rolled on. T heroa;vrhokad been startled fro7i his quiet haunts,by ere thingsores stil dwelling on the lefty tree with his IC idred, by the hall of Sporeen. lie had reared family a er family in that airy lodgement, as spring after sprin ante round but no ram ify after that faUl time had a er tenanted the mansion. The widow and children ha dew from it so soon as Mr. Fitz-Gibbon hod been laid u the grave. Menottie and dock flourished ver the corched miniver the' village of liathbeg; moss end wi gram tangled the proud drives sod walk* of blpore n. All the woodland rides and pleasure grounds la obstructed with briars; cud )(Mug trees, in time, g luxuriontly where once the roller in . it. rounas could et crush a need: the nimble frolics of the squirrels •re now the only merry things whore for merly the re' oil lov •ly children had sprung with elastic Joy - I. Tire c of la-eland wail on the place. Laulord acid, tenaa - eattleait and paissalt„ each with the roots 001 the si .cits of rna y virtues in their hearts, thrown in a fat.. position by'themuteal injuries of agesoown tby their ancestors. Beneath this foul epe / 11, men ho would, in any other circomatances, have / been the happiest dud the noblest of mankind, became tyrants; and peasants, who would have glowed with/grateful af fection towards them, exultrfin being their assassins. As the traveller rode plat the decsyiug:all, the gloomy woods. and wast 4 black moorinods of pareen, he read the riddle of Irel'and's fate, and asked himself when the Uldipos would arise to solve it. ‘Ve cut the following from the Chicago Daily Journal. It is a little gem froin the pen'of the assistant editor. Benj. I'. Taylor. teacher and poet; tab° says More good things' in his way. than any other man-in the west. "He who has not. the -heart to appreciate, and taste to admire it. has reached a dreary / Saturday night in his life—one that never will he follow/d Ly a holy Sabbath's dawn:—Al bony Dutchman. ,/ night. Its . chteiluvory to • is ainpristieriais? Wit% words, .'uo.paper to-iitorrow,i' lent to some people it I. vastly more significant. D.d you -ever read lk Marvel's 'ft v_iriesi" Smile of theM are admirable, others a little . eked out to shake - a Look. • !: ••Well. we have a pitltnre of onvfown, and it heatitudo for nobody else. Aud to begiii with the latter. happy is the man who has a home at4a I ttlp angel ina, of a Sat urday night. And fir the picture; such a night as last night was—clougy gloomy; rainy—cipseigents rattling. storm driving. lake Oaring along the shoro **S., much for the out-deor,sceuery. Nuw for the in• door: a martin box of a hone; no matter hole hula, pro vidcd it will ;told two or so—no matter how humbly fur nished, proiided i there is. hope in it. ,Let the wiuda blow—close the curtains! It hat if they are calico, or plain white without border, hissed: or any such thine— Let the rain come down—heap op the fire, but ikon's* be an open 'firs—none of your dark.. prison, looking: motet- No matter Wpm lid i va't a candle to bkes- yourself with, for what a beautiful light..gloWing cords r mafC. , redden log, clouding, shedding asunset through the little MOM —just light enough 'to talk by t--not loud, as in the high way—nor rapid. as nthe hurry-world, blue softly, slowly, • Whiveringly, with pauses bel)Wein, for ilia storm with out; and the thoughts withinOo fill up. "Thou wheel the solarium, before•t h fire—no matter if the sofa's a settee, nercushioned at that, if so he it is' just long enough for (we, or say, two and, a half, with the two or two and a half in it. flow sweetlY \ the ,music of silver bells from the time to come, (ails un the listening heart then. flow mournfully; swell' the chimes of the days that life no Mare. vows o if° ore:. i•Uuder such circumstancel, and at such a•t?me. ous min get dl least sixty•nine soil a half statute milts near. or •kingdom come,' than rront otny other point iti this world laid down . in **Make ninn.' be 'on MAO at this ipicture. Well, smile on. but thero is a secret betwren us. viz: it is si erMy of a picture rudely done, but tru e, s tho Pentateuch; of an original in every human hlart. Are you so old or PO wicked that cabinet picture it dimmed or damaged be yond •restoraiiou?' Wen beishrived, make a Saturday night of lite. bid !good night'ito the world. ;••Maybe you think it is a ridiculous picture: and Heav ed mend, and Allison cultivatn your taste:" ly a Trifle. "That's right." said 1 tow friend Simpkins, the ba ker. as the sickly looking of Hurry Watkins went out_of his shop-door with lilac of bread which he had given her—"that's right, Simpkins: I am glad you are helping the poor creature, turolhe has lad'a hard time of it since Harry died, and her own health failed her." "Hard euouth, sir, hard enough: and I am glad to help her. though what I dive her doulfoost much—only a trifle, sir!" , "Hew often does she comell" ' Ouly three tir4s a week. I teld'her to come oftener If tele n-e led to bilt she sal Othr a !elves are plenty for ho: and her lode ape, woh whit stir •t% hy sewing." e•A,n I hayc tiny more such cut.tomers. Simpkins!" "Only two or thr:ce i sir " "Oily trim or thkoe; why itlmust bo quite a tax upon your profiti.". , I "0 no, not so r+Th as yen' suppose; altogether-It a mounts to only a 1 could not bntsm,le au my frliend repeated these words: but after I left him.' I fell to thinking how much good he is delta' with "oa/y a trtyLi." ilia supplies three or four families with the bread• they Oat from. day to day: and Omagh the acts it cost for a yohr shows ba: a small sum in Attain s s and emits, the beneth conk rred is by no means a small one. A a ispenee to it: ma* who has plenty to "eat and &rink. and wherewithal to be clothed," is noth - thing, tint it is something to ove on the- verge of starve. rms. And we know nut how much good we are - doing when we tire "may n trifle," tin a goad object. LT W. e 0111C0 reall• at' aswobto of a eery dimiao!ive child, aebieh by the way, mad' conahleeibie neieel Ope day the lather's patiehie kiwi l e becoma exhausted with its crying. •••paiik it. wife." • al he. ••and make it, ilia et!"- •!1 iroksid , my deltr." le ted the dousiderate lad ' ••bat really it is so small that 1 coaxial fiad room for spank." , . • 11-150 A TEAR, kaAdy • - ..--------,--- —t---1 ~ • . 1 ' NUM R . • . IMO Domestic ge ti I ..;zar next. tli or of Jolts %Nikki. overtopping the'wbole. I inscription around its top. looping as mysti Etptisci hieroglyphics, and behind. the I and silver, blue, red and green cupolas. eat( Electing the. raps ofthe sun. sod the whole r. lin the river below. It is asr is never. forgotten. In entering Moscow, you throat incloeure, or extreme littlits/c iodern the Kremlin itself, which should certainly the•secred gate of the fledeemer. over whi miraculous picture of „ our Saviour, that. ace, ditium shays presented the Tartars from p it by sending lank so thick a cloud that th baffled, and retired in confusion. la passi every men, froth the Emperor to the tog his l hat; and i any forgetfulness or disrespect would be inainedistely punished by the eve try. 0 m'of the first things that meets the Kremlin. is a long line of canoon taken fro many.if them marked with,the initial N., oriole letter. even ou this very 'pot. The !1411yed with the greatest triumph by the alWays 1 d some anecdote to relate, as to urn of tl e Grand Armies. The famous the larr , o4 bell in the world, is raised with i ' meld near it, upon a stouts pedestal neitt.t. !veil Veliki, which we ascend t,ir obtain a cow. "What a sea of deuces: 4 is the ezcl ery one, on the first glimpse of the city, s. ail directions, a gay parterre of many cold rise the thousands of-spires. dom cupolas of gold, silver, blue, white, green, azure lilac, some studded with golden stars, in canons motley cedore, some one sheet o ver. It tithes some tame rightly to compre whole, radio denied and wearied eye Redly over the but once fixed in th 'mains there forever, as the most uniqee, a tiew of any other city in Europe. Of all the churches in 3luscow; the M that• of St. Basil, between the wallocif th' and the Kremlin., Insagino a mase'of build tiler !forth whatever, full of projections, aug es surmounted by perhaps a dozen domes, from the rest. Some are high, some low others small; one painted like a Turk's tei elritirkt"iirtutrtne - •zlies::.el, Tortoni Col• sires of a koleidescope; serf rises a golden peers a red spire; eppositreq a green tower. is covered with curious ri4intings. tall sh MOO9/4 red blessontseirines bearing hogs and flowers of unknown and unnatural s • opted on the outside wells. This strange raised by order of Ivan the ,Terrible. who • ed with it when completed that he sent for aiid alts complimenting his performance t.l es tol4 put out, in order that he might n similar. This church is divided into taus opening from do? : roof others from the gr linen with Roil and silver, and lagdizzened and most ca them always filled with- worsh How bewildered would a person be, WO ported from one of the gui l d churches in Moscow shrine. His eyes would be thistle. nificcuce around him, the walls literally gold, from which peeps, here and itbere, of a holy picture; black frOnn time jand coo the old priest; with long flowing hair and s mumbling the service before the alar, the al inz coniing in at intervals, the crowd of shipers in front, the nuns in their high c hats sad becoming veils and sweeping go and beggars, the old hags bur) ing their face the elegant ladies, soiling their rich silks au floor and the cloud of incense casting a frar the whole scene, JuCIVIET TO 'WAND c j After seeing\ all we wished in Moscow. fine afternoon by the Warsaw road, which tance through the city. as each house elan 1 iitocra:tic exclusiveness!, surrounded by a rp the tower coverer en immense apace. Oi over the Sparrow hills; a long low line a from which Napoleon firstlbeheld the dome the great ajni of his enterprise. How mi have dilated, with or and triumph. as he ere dtl . too is yours!" and the shout of ”Morico was taken up and echoed to the fartherm lighted troops. Indeed, our whole route that taken in the retreat by the French arm field of Borodino on our right, passing thro where the first ougaMtela took place the. loon on theSinolensky road, and was th that aeries of dwastrotis events that left ac of the thoustrnds tnat passed over that mu far as Beresins. the °haulm° 1111111 ' nearly co although we siw all along fine elation hoe „ pitted or in progress. for the present travel up it any dirty hovel that happened to elan of the stage. Often these were in the in villages, dirty beyond description, the hu mad, the stnirets blocked op with every a. T . the peasants that inhabited them. if posit gusting °mirth() houses themselves. At t was, of coPme. impossible_to sleep; we, canitawi sts4etched from seat to seat in the c 1 being rowdy. allowed us to extend muscly slept while the carnage stopped in the raft knight as it happened. We were occasionally, however. forced t some refreshment , . and rest fur an hour or have been amusing to an uninterested si our proceedings on &knighting at one of thee Beiffles the official aho ricelved the pad ho Behold generally contained 41 woman as 7 one or two lounging Dion awl boys, ali vrt. stare at us with folded: arms. In order in-et, wants in the most pen ly manner, we used to din force; ono urging the:immediate iippeartinct:i odd" war or tea urn. always found in the pnarest Aqui teget another directed all his exertions to pr fresh water and towels: . a third inspected in the the izookine., of the eggs. while afouribj onpeinked .1 'jun basket. and arranged. the table, • ally raTnished with a.few soup plates 'and in bk spoon or two. The hoarier lounged about ad di o lla ing.l In this manlier we went on for'several ye; o mire undulating and- rotting country.th n I befoVin llamas, a we:! cultivated and twine. tba i •I 1 SI II II ICI 0 111 Y. Evenlog INA. Aug. aotipiity me of Holy. buildia esi reek , sad Wt Mos- •Some writ! at as in t uses, and it and mu groat atti 113321 n 4 trectly whi MEE Woo Wren VOW you have o f by high Tartar to , I or% t. ed P Ifritsta richly ca' i d staecoedl mg* i nd re aria ern. = SIM hipg pests looks lIIM g ik ity. • • P. ki !E :127 =I sad szli di lOts ''Lr :i (mpgthirst • be w thin , rl4° Ise' d.Us. true: eras eseo Belt the s itset. o:de se: Id ono ape some i Zowne. no, th Both laces 1.61 the I Orel' we ler I so e . rdes it Ole . w aist ore. amsow. heart "Al =3 NaPi* I Wag at gimlet As ea. lid [ream to put L 6e sod rabbi w ar bef sire. !s sith l I ra ht, l ~~ '1 • mid . re die-- . it re. bad. ~ whith • saber ore all iiE segue lArel gee hooped. the • • gi r l Id oily ly tow sd' • ow dews , (*lv i• stop Won I 'ilk 4•01, 10 •410 4 alma • Nebo. Ei e lit tow.