Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, November 22, 1851, Image 4

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    2t Column'ot fakes.
Fo. Ik4 Ens Oiritrver.
Most powerful spirit=lend, thine aid.
Assist the efforts of a ntali ,
To lose al/ shame. her se x to change;
And io the walks of men range; •
For ii . ho has wisdom grem l in store,—..
Has learned all things, aisl rather more.
And sow stands glorious is her night
Prepared to assert a "'Mauna's Right."
Has stalled *him "like th under."
And nor in Law would m e a.bhinderi
Theology almost her fort E- . •
In Pisis is sharp. as Alloy .is.
In shot. except to be a w .
She's i monist of nothing human.
To be ' * meek and ham sponse.
TO tak upon her waddle vows;
To • up children--p
Th are beneath lux gi 1
She'sentered the &sect.
-And • elt the "sobjeit4 l
Has even saw a "neat ••
(Bet used Cologne to comp
And talks of 'lovely subj..
As each dead darky come.
Lectures on **Practice" eli
"Obsteterics." n
And as her maiden eye I.
' Sights, wiic. i to think of
She ilorital that to'no low
Can her pare virgin soul
And thinks, with,digrii
.That, °whit to her elan
Grelselhe want of all to
No man would dare pres.
That, standing on the ye ll
Of foul pollntiun, sits colt l
And. Booth to say, her ma.
In that no wanton, main
Would red' . one' moment
And then desire ' loves e
Go on, fair maid! Cons. l
For charms neglected—
By prying into mysteries
No modest female's eye
And when your parchme,
And touch it in your lovell
Go forth, amid all sorts
From City hall to village
Secure, if not in Innocanc l
111 sour visage—for defen
No one will dare insult t;
Your counten2oce you sh
Bat if a little beard you'
:tio tongue could tell, sour
Oh great M inerva. wisdo
Pray grant this maid s , b
Give her a voice as deep
As ever did great Demps
A a arm more muscular ;
Than For wielded rollin
.And impedance as brisk
As aver quack bad cause
Then grant' success. Le
"Great is oar Goddess—l
worship all her p o l
••Did such investment r
' "Batas it don't, we bles s
' "That close the seam of
A good story is told in a' ,
treatment of a drunken ha
spouse. After trying varion
::.drunitenness, she at last th.
1 I
plan of making a reformed d
She engageila , watchman
to carry Philander te.the w.
a state of insensibility, and
when he recovered. In cons:
ment,,Philander wako.l u 7
and fOtind himself lying on a
and dim apr.rtmetit. Raisi
bow, he looked around u
man seated by a stove mink;
"Where am said Phi
"In a medical college," s
"What a doing there?"
"Going tobe.cut up!"
"How comeiithatr
UWby, you died yesterday
mid we bought your body to
• "It's a lie—l'm not dead
:4,4N0 natter—we bought
wife, wbo bad a right to ad
gibe could make of you. I
no fault of the doctors, an,
or alive."
"You will do it, eh!'.' as
"Aye, to be sure we wil
resolute answer.
"Well, can't you let :tt
before you begin'!"
This,ast speech satisfi.
, lander was a hopeless cue i
contingent on his succe
tient, he was not a little c i
with no gentle handling, 1
his inebriate out of the w
Go it
A epecimen of the ius "Hoosier was found
by the Captain of one of cl nr river steamers, one fine
Morning in June, in the Engine mom of his boat.
The Captain inquired what he was doing there.
"Hata you seen Capt. erryr was tbeinterroga
itive response.
. 4 •Don't know him; and cao't tell what that has to
do with your being in myr engine room," replied the
captain; angrily. • '
"Hold on; that is just what . ] syss getting at:—
You see, Captain Perri asked me to take a drink,
arid so--I did; I knew , tat I wanted to drink, or-I
shouldn't-kite been so ve ry dry. So Captain Per
ry and I went to the ha I—CaPtain Perry was put
ting in some extras on one toe; 1 sung out, 'Go it,
Captain Perry', if you hint your biler.' With that
a man steps up to me, and says be, 'See here, stow
,ii,q, you must leave: Says 1,, 'What must I leave
fur?' Says he, You'r miting-trip much noise.' Says
I, Tye been bigger croMds than this, and made
more noise, ana did'nt lease nuttier.' With that he
look me by the nape of he neck and the seat of the
b oeches—and I left. ' s
- "As I was shoving di
I knew she welt a Is
Say. she, 'Young man,
- m .' Polite'ness .would'i
went. I'd been in Mai
hp.c.l conisidereble of .
k ;o ~'d the chap want
or he would ' nt bate k!
et. By-and-by, says a
buit in gbe door.' An
face, and-says I, 'fikra
to your Says be,-'She
a lady I think, limn ai
"With that he same
band, and a bowie 1
little pressed for root/
•:..w, lek‘ing the higg i
~-; I was streaking ii
to H
now leaven
g room.
sweet pe.rfume—
, infeetion;)
to hood.
hr bean..
t been shirred;
es in
ere a aim.
plation— "
I fni, to think
y brinb.
d sink.
( sty lies
I.n that face,
le yourself
d on shelf—
l onia seize i—
i you command.
1, hand,—
tacpla; •
u when _
w to men.
weed of praise.
's friend.
or vireo;
111 thin
d rank
to thank.
. •
i t people cry.
se her high..
nd her Boat.'
the stiteltes
bar-highness' br-cts-a.i,'
- Sun. •
Esstern paper of the
Ilband by his amiable
expedients, all to cure
(ght herself of another
okard of her lord.
I for a stipulated reward,
i tch -house while yet in
Ito frighten him a. little
.uence of this arrange
at night
iiteb , 3neit, in a strange
in g himself upon his el:
i til hie eyes rested on si
ng a segar.
• oder. •
id tke segar smoker.
• , while you were druak
make a'aatoray."
your carcass from your
11 it, for it'i all the good
you're trot dead that's
they'll eat you up dead
ed the old lot. ,
now directly," wail the
have mouthing to drink
the watchman, that Phi
and, as his,reward was
ski treatment of the pa
!lagrined at the result; so,
le tumbled the irrefortna
wn the street, I met s lady
iy by the remark she made.
reckou you'll go borne with
let tae refuse, and so I
°use b ut a minute, when I
kneeling at the lioor.
r- get in, whoeirer.4 was,
t up such • teeraefttions rack
! voice, 'Et you den% (veil ni
so he dia. I pat on boid
-r, does this woman belong
n,' says I, she'r
that I have of her.'
t me with a -pist3lJ one
Ye in the other, and being a
I jumped through the win
portion of my coat tail.—
down town, With the frag-
menu fluttering in the breeze, I met a friend.
knew he wu a friend by the rani* be made. Bay
be, 'Go it, bob-tail, he's remin! on you.' And that'
the way I happened in your engine room. I'm
good swimmer, Captain, but do excuse me, if yo
please, from taking the water.—Low. Journet.
Ho* to obtain Cr*lit.
The Salem Observer says a young man, who ha
been in business two or three yiars, was in want
a small luau of , Money, from two/ to three bundre
dollars. He made Dome inquiries, and was direr.
to a worthy citisea far the needful. He according
Is called on the gentleman, anJ asked the favor, an
the following dialogue took place:
"Sir, do you take a newspapers
"Yes sir; the
"Very well; call on me in a day or two."
Darla, the interval, the gentleman called at
printing 'office, and on inquiry found that 'the appli
cant for the money had paid his newspaper bill po•
tually, when due. :
On the young man calling O'nlitim at the time a
pointed, he said—
" You can have the money, air, upon your note
S. 'Learn St Co., Agents, . •
1 4. 11 , 1 1MPUBLIC DOCK, SRIE, rstriv , A..-
A NE prepared up contract Butter. Etwese. and nil other pru
ty from Erie to New York—through in thirty hours
.1140—Agents Jr Lines on Erie Canal—no traushipuien
through direct ftone Buffalo to New-York.
Tlr For sale. Coal. &It. White Fish. and Water Line.
Erie June I.
DAL adroit *ll5
Mao. nag, Flour, Salt and Plaster; ;tribe •arp Ware
Westoftbe Bridge, Public °deg, Erie. Pa.
M. B. LOWRY, WM. 1..
S T OR E I !
THE sidocriber, having tented the Store on Park Eon, t 0
doors west of William.' Ss Wright'. Exchange Office, tat it
occupied as a Jewelry Ste by Mr. Striekton, desires to call to
attention of die citizens Etie to his stet kof Eat. aCs
which be is now opening. direct from; Eastern Manufactori
Being a practical flatter himself, and hat ing taken the utinri
pains in tlw selection of these Goods.,the community way t t.
assured they are made of tidy materiate, and by the, best work-
MC 0, aud will l*wairanted equal in finish, style and dutabillty
to any that can be had in the Eastern e a ies.
Gentlemen can at all tinzwi And here the latest (ballot.* Wn.
H. Seek. k Co. ' celebrated Haw at Nee , York pricer,. and C pa
of almost every,style, quality and price. Also, a good si ,of
Buffelci Robes.
The subscriber hopes by twinorable, tg l ir dealing, to build up is
business, as his aim is not to fleece Cause who patronize him, ut
to make rel ia ble customers. , R. J. RoGER ,I ,
Etie„ Sept. 13,.1e31.-18
Neerbefore tie Pel l e Weil the Enwirre are tot re be U • al.
'AVE just receiv the gency of tWo of,thr largest Iron td
Nail Manufactori in lb Union. Prices are therefore red e
ed below anything ever het of. Fannerslill up your het a
Barrel of Flour will pure more Nails and Iron that it w Id
a year ago. We will sell r Iron as low as ticts. per pen 4.
Iron all round for Wagwans.lincluding tiwevle. at Nets. Na Is.
wane sizes as low as 34cu. Lly the keg Thole priers are 10 r
neat below Buffalo. When those limes Can he nuttched 1 will ry
again. The above are for cash. Just receiving a large story of
sheitHardware. rindlery Hardware. Buoy Trimmings, Clia#ts.
Anvils, Viers, Bellows. and Mechanics' Tools of all k i ude at low
rates; also Rubber Belting. • H .CADW Eta
Erie. Oept. 13.18514 • *8
WILEION'S Mattel . ..4*ml
hard or soft Water. IThim
known for washing cotton. ken,
were or tar, for clestalnglkawn
and other rennin, formate Lot
Aug 91
300 ACRES in Bloom
dim and orebard
grazinglarm. s '
150 acrrs nine miles west Erie. in Fair View townsbip,[loo
urea cleared, buildings andlo n hard—prices4B per nese; atees
eellent grain or grazing farm. •
77 acres in Union township, 43 acres cleared, buildings an or
chard—price ems.
acres in Lelleraff township-'on the mist hunk of eh
Creek, 6 miles below Watetford-6.1 acres cleared. house. rn,
and orchard. price vow: Thu/ Is a beautiful farm or m
lands and hill side, good for, gray' or gnum.
76 acres two miles east Of Erie. ou Lake Road. good b• W
ings andoechard, and a valuable power for a mill—price per
30 acres Erie Academy land. one mile south of Erie. od the
Turnpike road. all cleared— price raper acre.
300 acres of Wild Land. part ot Gut No 9000, in Wayne town
ship-=price $740.
at sera of wild land in Le Roeuff tr.—mice OM nesse...
Also. a large number of la Lots and Out Lots of the town of
reh , 44 Land Arent. Erie. Pa.
Al. Pitch lad Rosin constantly on band and for sale by.
[GI i R. T. S. & SONS
UTILEIAM BEATTY & M. BAMFORD have this day formed
a copartnership as Bankers and Eolliction and Exchange
Brokers. under the firm of M. BANFORD & En. Otitee in
"Beit.ty's Block." between State and Peach streets. Public
Square r
Erie, Jan. Jan I. Ital.
YEAST POWDER. a superior article, for sale by
June 21. 6i Ur. S. CLARK.
I,2OITRACTS of Lenwn. *vie. Vanilla. Nunneg. flitter Al
.r.a monde. Peach, Celer), Orange Flour. Coe hineni and ?tetrarine,
rine. fio sale by D. R. CLARK.
• ~
June 11. 6
100 BAGS SHOT Just receirt..r • T
anA for ..le by
Juliet!. Fat • -
E•ityk. , l
AII applieatioin will be made to the nest Legislature of Penn
psi,. an ia. fir the in...migration of a sank, to lw called the
Erie City nook, to he .loestivi in the City of Erie. Erie County.
Pa., with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars. with the
privilege of intreasing the some to three hundred thousand dol
lars, and that the individual liability.elouse will be inserted in
the Charter of said Bank.
J. H. Panetta'. _ J. C. Marshall.
Henry Cadwell. C. M. Tihhals.
Ceo Kellogg. Wm. Kelley.
Thomas 11. Sin, John Galbraith.
W. M. Ganagher
Erie. Pa.. Julie $1.1P31
litadway'aineady Relief° Paia.
• A CERTA rbt cure for itheuisisusin. Sere throat. Sprains. Af
-11 Sections oft:he Spine. Toothache. Tie Doloureux. and all
Nervous aflections. Salt Rheum. Ring WORD, Eruptions or the
skin. and Cramps in the stomach. For sale by
Erie. Aug. d. . 12 CARTER& BRO.
stags St.,, wearty oppor Empire Stores.
NOW opening. the largest an finest stock of Goode in this
line ever Offered fin sale in arie, lust purchased in N. York
embracing all the new st% les of rich Jewelry lust out. Any one
wishing to purdbate a spkwidid watch and chain will haven first
rate opportunity tai selecting. Not to be undersold by any simi
lar establishnietit in this vicinity. G. LOOMIS 11. , C0.
Erie. June - 6
rtALIFORNIA -GOLD Manufactured to Order at short notice.
V into Rings, Breast Pins, Bracc&M.Cbains.oranythoutOsired,
,or any style. at • - 7 C. LOOMIS &Co.'s
fitopuiar Illehool Dook.
riomravii Witt v E mmary of Universal History. together
V with a Biography of iminguished Perpons, to which is ap- -
pended an epitome of Heathen Mt - Otology. Natural Philosophy,
General Astronomy and Physiikary; Adopted in the Public
Schools of Philadelphia. F.. 8. JONES &C CO. Pahl When.
.8. W. Cornet FOURTH and RACE streets. Philadelphia.
Temere rind School Conlintitees addressing Mums to us post
paid. will hr furnished amth conks for damnation. I -
rr A Full and rompiele . Assortmenkof Books and Eltatkm
ry orally at the_ Lat_rest Prier.
Philadelphia. May 3. P -31 . 1y.71
Slll. l l Ea GOODB.—Plain and Threaded Table and Tea Spoons.
Forks. Butier Knives. etc. of our own manufacture. Silver
warranted of the fineness of Dollars. Engraved in Imnd style by
June 244. 7 . G. 10031 IS lc CO.
Air oNETO remitted 19 the Old Country on the moat favorable
.11.1 term.. on our reaptlitsibility. M. SANFORD k CO.
Feb. lit "Mu Rem T's flock Erie Pa.
sem razz. 000D11.
JOIIN C. IMMO: having just returned from New York with,
large, splendid an heap assoninent of honest Goods. strata
nandsntne.,fast colored and fashionable, (too l from the loots of
the inanuf.ieturem, in every dune. Europe. Asia, Africa and
America. bought at a great sacrifice for cashcand offered to the
public for neatlyt teir own price. Gill and see. Goods shown
a ith promptness an all. and none obliged• to buy `tinleer suited.
A inutirclus stock will he bound silk, wool, cotton and linen, silk
and satins t h ew Goods ofeerry variety, Broad Cloths and Came
tocres. plata and watered Poplins. eepnicit, inigerling.,
undersleet es. ruffs, 4:11k and sounNertines. Fringes, blue. black
putlde, 'white and %iirldgaled. Canton owned,
Erie. Sept tn. irkli
Itoroovod to No. MK Stactolltroot.
h.,,,,,,,„ je,,,,,La .. 4 1 F.ftk, ~}asiq Cerra Street. Phdathilphia.
VET illtß i E the PrJprietor is enabled. by Inereneed %collies. to
V V *Only the growing; demand Mhover'. Ink. which its
4ea l
widen+ A , eyntatkot bait created.
This I la r now so well established in the r rod opinion flilld
Gnali of the Awwrican . Paddle. that It Is scarcely necessary
oci ray anything in or (WIMP, and the ninottlketnree takes this op ,
pxtunity to say that the eonfidefsee thus secured than not he
abused. - 1 ,
fa allditioa to tbe varlotts Warta or Writing Ink, lip also maim
rae.tures Artaismiariai Comm* for mending Glair and China. as
well as • superior Nair Dijas; a trial As only necessary to insure
Its Name use, toad a Ssaialg Wax; well adapted 110 /*mimeo aid
Ikeda', at • rag low peOrder. ws, Jr large
eddremed or aniae lF.Pll qam H
i HO tittea.
to JO E VI3II.
Maaelbeturer: No. &twee* 4th k ith. oppomile
Crowe gime*. Philadelphia.
Philadelphia. Pei& ilk IPII
Mtn'. Ann of 0. and C. Miller ia diatuoireat by manual consent.
- 1 .Tne Intoineut will be nom i nued by 17. Miller nt Medal wand
roof Penning. Row, oppootte F.aupture 19101611. 0. MI LIAR!.
Aug. 13. . 13 C. KILLER.
AU Knout knowing tbiousel yea indebted the Whim; Ann wil
.11. enne end to wilting the mune cu. trill be wade within
Inaogayo w ninon any titiotake. The ka nal notes can be
rowan, 1 tin Old .tamed at infonaut. 1 oit C. ',FIXER.
flog PIN . ' o' . 43. ---F.F.CI: a a na - ua a putt Tauueni•
t.niEreareit ed
1 mo t 4,, .o Ai it latai anal rlion. 11. S. CI ARIC.
Erie. Oct. 33.1"
-\ - 3
. 1
aring Flat& for washini to
Ft d • the best nrengra oh
wooleweloths. for reabO C TIK
paist.for destroying bed go
J. H. BURTON & .
• for Rale.
nshlp, Itle acres eleared,-
SOSO. This is an excel ft
Id to
pr ic
smith Jacksyn.
Guy. Loomis.
Walter amine?.
A. Beebe,
attendant sympathies. The *bole
illustrated by st ri Sing eases from Ur. La Croia's private pramiee.
The reproductive organs of females Illustrated.. Ittleastruation.
irregularity. or the entire mippresiskin of the Menses, and their re
medira by M. B. La Croll.. M. D Graduate of the Medical De
partment of the Northeru University—Member of the Hospital
des Vent.: imams, Paris—Corrrupondent of the Reformed Byhool
ofillcdteine, and member of the Afadical Society, am . .
fn this book lbe natureof every private disease is oulantelyile
scribed. with their symptoami, lad bow to Msonguish one from
another—with receipts lbr abereniedies. their management. le.,
in obtain language, It eahaksevery oae to saceemfillly and mi.
T im e ly treat his case, (tbeteby avoiding the impositioas daily
practiced by quacks on the ignorant.) or to judge if property treat
ed. Young men who.have peen unfortunate in contraming dis.
ease, previous to placing themselves under the eareof any doctor
no mutter what his pretensions may be. gel a copy of this truly
useful work Grit, as at exposes the trickery and ion;asture 'prac
ticed by (maths. who, advertise to cure private diseases in the
public newspapers. ' Sold by the autism. who may be consulted
upon any of the diseases of which it treats Any person seudin i t
23 cents enclosed a letter (post paid) will receive ope copy of this
book by mail, or live copies for DI. Addles. Dr. N. B. La Croix,
or box IMM, P. 0.. Buffalo. I. Y. Also lbe sale by the author,
No." Beaver 111; P. L. Gilbeet. under the Museum, Albany, N.Y.
Falling of the Womb, Guitorrbma or Whites. Olarreueted, Execs
sive. Irregular or painful Menses. DroPsy of the Womb.
Dr. LA Cron Morten Oiled upon by young and innocent kinales
whohave bad their health injured for years by pills and nostrums
purchased from eSebrited Ik.usale imposters. under the false pre
tence of effecting Curet—those medicines in nineteen coves of
twenty have an inju ram eKeet upon the eonstiwt ion, w dhow pro.
due ing the desires/ effect. or any slims of it. • Ladies who wish for
medicine', the efficacy of which has been tested In thousands of
eases, and never failed to direct speedy cures without any Lad re
sults, will use none but
Dr. Do Lasters Female Iloriodiciliri ll s,
which are the result of the combined knowledge and experience
of some of thee/Jest and most distinguished physieians of Eu
rope. and have been used by females embracing most of the gen
tility and nohiliiy of France for the last 23 years. To eulogise
their t inure would not add to their merles. The only preeaut tun
necessary to be observed is. ladies should not take them if they
have reason tu believe.that they are in certain suns tutus (Ow par
ticulars of a loch will he mentioned in theNrrappeni aecompan-
Ing ear h boa.) though always safe and healthy. so gently, j et so
active are they.
, LY Price ei per box. they can be transmitted by mail to any
partof the Union.
Ur. La emir invites all the al dieted, however hoPSJess their
ease may appear. or whatever their disease :nay he, or however
many physicians or remedies they have tried. to put-his knoti l
edge and skill to the test in an exanituation of the ease—it v. .11
cost them nothing. Ile promises to every ease he treats a perma
nent and radical cure fur life.
X 3 The Dispensary is to arranged that the per.on so calling
will see no one but the doctor himself'. who is in constant atten
dance in hie private roans, ready and wining to Tender relief to
all who may el% e him a call. Hundreds of certificates vokiutari
ly given of cures. tow of which are most astonishing C3.e. on
record, ire for inspection at the Dispensary, all which are by bill
Rethember 61 Lloyd street, up stain, sin of OW laaleu's Bead,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Buffallo. Match .9. IFSI. Iyl3
1 itrie 'Livery Ilitaile.
TutLl27.l:7o:;,°,ll.hei tiiinefriTertylie public
at their Old stand it State etrect, near Third.
where Hormei and Carriages of ail description may be }bond at
all times ready fur use, and prices to suit the times. Please tire
us a call. , 1111ARTpl & lIRIGGA,
Erie. June 111, IS3I. tn.
National Series of Standard School Books.
First t cum), in Arithmetic. School Arithmetic.
Arithmetic, Elementary Algebra, Elementary Geometry, Practical
Bourdon''s Algebra. Legendren Geometry, Surveying. line.
Geometry. / Calculus, treeeriptive, Geomeuy, *Mader. Shadows.
Parker's Juvenile PhilOsophy.
do. First Lesson[ in Natural Philosophy.
do. School Compedium of Nat. Philosophy,
Clark's Elements of Drawing.
Page's elements of Geology.
Hamilton's Elements of Physiology,
Reid sad Rai Cbetnistry and Electricity,
Mel atire's Astronomy •and Globes.
Willartt's School History.
do. Gamed States and Historical Charts.
do. Curer's! &story and Temple airline. and Historic
Science of Me Entiriask Leorrimags
Cletellc'Neur English Graintuat,
Parker* Rhetorical Reader,
Watt's Imorovenientor the mind, -
ilhootluno.7r. Cleolv- lowalket, A nix, tciltto OM-
Inform Kingsley.* Juvenile doi lariufm and SherwootTsSeliool
Songatol Hymn nook.
Fulton and Enemaie. System of Penmanship sod ilook-Keep
tritiph ehirgraphec Chart.. amt hey.
The above lint of hooks have been prepared with partie-
War reference to the unproverw or of our country.
Teachers and mends of eilliOation 'are re*.,er trolly requested to
examine these works in reference to their turn is and their special
adaptation to the paling reboots and hixiter l'oiverrities of oar
country For sale wholesale and mt.'', oy
hilly Ar,eni. for A. N. Barnes. It Cm
AokiThe -subscriber would inform his friends and the
punk generally that he a 11l continue the TIN, COP
FOB and ell ECT I RO,N BUSIN F.Sy at the old stand
knmerl% kept by Middleton & Murphy. and respectful
ly Invites a continuation olthe patronage illtiWlrto extended to the
concern. I have new on hand the largest stock of Tin. Copper
and Sheetlr . on Ware west of New York. Those Wishing to pur
chase would do well to call op toe before buying elsewhere, as I
ant hound to sell cheaper than the cheapest.
Having now on hand the best CooK sTOVE in the mate. (the
Eagle Ilot-Airl a Melt needs no putting and will show for itself.—
I will a arrant It to anyone wishingto purchase. Also.3te doz
en 3111 k Pans, ofall sties. cheap Vats and Boi tent.eltrains.fitra i
net Pails, Canal Boat taints and pumps, Coffee Pots. Tea Pots
and Boilers Laster's, washbowls, cake pans. pails, blowtswns.
dippers. skimmers. teakettles. Genets, amuses,, buckets, oil cans,
lampfillers, piepans,lumbler cirainem,spituacous. trunks, dish pans
Mot, quart. gallon and halfgallon measures..funnels. graters. ate•
Also a good assortment of JAPAN WARE. consisting of cake
hoses, trunks, deed boxes, spittoons. tea and enfree'eantiliders,
fruit dishes, dust pans, lard and oil lamps. canine miens. Bower
holes, toy elms and pails, rattle boles. a Mattes, applebutter ket
tles. brass kettles.stove pipes and elbows, arc.
ttpopting and Canters promptly atwittled to. All Lind of steam
work Made and repaired Al the shortest notice. ,
WAN TED.—A bout forty thousand lbw . ofold Copper.litrass and
Pewter will be taken in exchange for Tlnand Copper Ware.
Merchants and others would do well to give me a call nt the old
stand of Middleton & Murphy, two doors east of Brown's hotel.
Erie. March 13,1E41.-11 N. MURPHY.
KEW nooti.
CALL in and see if there has not been a real Beitarrectton
at the corner of Irneneb and sth street., where the subscriber
will be on band at all Waft frady to inquire alter the faith of hie,
eastonsen, believing, as beespremors himself, dm/every
man haw a right to-his own ;opinion.) and also to abow them the
best stock of Miscell
lichee obi; sad family Bibles,
ever bronght to this place. Also, on hand a splendid amortmemt
of Blank books of his own manufacture, warranted to he of paper
of the best quality, all Mythic!' will be sold levy for cash or Neon
8. On band 15 barrels of Cider Vinegar. ofeseellent fluidity
lobe exchanged for rags or Cash.
Binding done to order-on short notice.
Expected abonlya large lot of Christmas Books and Animate.
BY "nest of some of trie inembervot the, zrie county Agri
cultural Society. the subscriber brought on and °anted sale
the following articles.
Emery & Horse Power and Threshing illnehine.
Subsoil Plows.
Corn Planters Inn Seed Drills.
MIS Power for churning. driving grind stones. &e..
Cornstalk cutter and crushers,
Hay and Straw Cutters,
Emery's unproved compressing and thermometer hum com
bined. 111 teeth Garden Rakes. Hay Forks. improved still Scythe
stones. &c., te.
flawing made arrangements for the Agency of the above, to
gether with all article' in Arlentiara! Machinery and Fanning
Imp!intents, I can Ruttish at Wholesale or Retail. on the some
terms as the menu tic toterti. adding transportatromapil as all ar
ticles are warren , the attention of Farmers and Others is no
heated. D. S. CLARK.
Erie may 10, 113. State street, I door' north of Fttllerum's.
• • IDriod Lumbor.
CARTt.R de BR YPRES hare on hand at their Planing Mill
and Lumber y rd, un 11th Pa., east of the Furnace'. a quanti
ty of Kiln dried 'Hie and White Wood Lumber. Planed and
Matched Flooring warranted superior to any worked by hand.
Builders will save money by buying their Stock at this establish
ment, where it can le furnished pinned in a superior manner,
awl sawed Into any .hape desired. Cash paid tilt Flooring and
Clear Pine.
1.. w. May RI. teal. 1
. _
Leath r and Shoe rindings: ,
H. FULLERTON hap in more rind wren; for vale
. * tides Spanish Pule lA•aiber
" Slaughter
L" •• - Upper
dozen Jersey Callblinna
•• Country ••
French " •
'•• Black and Fanef atomics,
" Lining" and Sending%
t " • Kitokins.
• • Splits.
1.•• Itemnelled and Patent Leather.
A um--Imetr. Soot Trees, Crimps, and every arlicleof Shoeusal
ker"Foniv sierra:it. A lOUS 41.
/1, Ak VA WAWA' Water Power and Saw What the Monti slot*
of the PansmiLlo Crawfmeebunty.on the Erie &amnion Ca.
sal.imermunded by doe finest timber in the county. sad a good
ration for a Grim Pvt. will be sold at a great barpia. LAIN
BEItior CAN AL BONDS will tie tube. is payment.
dept. * W 3 • M. R. LOWRY.
Marsh I I Starch 1I 1
_3...SMYTH & CO'S Mrs and Wisest March oa Mod la
J • lane quanOtatin. for sale at New York whoknoyeasti pram
Orders ham Country Merchants prom* filled.
Roe. July IC C. M. TISBALS. Chen!
EATRACTK.'--Pregoo & examen' . of Lowe and
Vanilla; for oak by R. T. PITERIETT & PON.
Illardattes Vornsifbee flefiar Drops ? -
FUR die destruction of worms. Th ey contain a calomel Or
mercury in any form or any deleterious ingnedieuts•orbitur-ci
or, awl are at lace attrbetive to tti eye, *mat to Ole limo% an,
are la tbelr apemen. Chaidtru eat Meru trith_reatavidity. For
sate by - • • J. U, BURTON St Co..
Etk,Aud'3. • rlsl No. 3. aced *me.
. MlMl
cJit.Titaariss, entitled. Alk Physe ,
teal View 01 Marriage--a popular
ti.e on the secret infirmities of
lit and maturity. arising Iran gen
diseases in berth serer, With up
rd. of go colored and plain litho
and engravings, illusirattlig the
motor. Physiology. and Itisr•ares of
tirtrAtis, their structures,
and functions. and the rand:mein.
m produced in them by solitary
its, excesses ■nd lifertion,
iptoma and ba I eifeeut Vette-
I .1 tom tie r w tth plain dime
is for the perfect cure of P., 0111*,
I. strictures, sigaawri *gravy.
practiralobservations on Set
turnal seminal entisskins, or con-
'Cu ide,
• Cosh for sosabort
IrNI INflwertheni are prepared to X pay 1.44.2 few qualhltlY
jof Whitrwood Immber, viz: land 4-4 rib; ti. 3 and
4 inch Plank: enlumn 3. 7.11. 3.N. It and II inches "hare.
and 3by 4 Scantling. Ash of the Pillow ingthleknesm 11 Id. 31.
3 and 4 inches. chain and ail kinds of shipping lumber. The
Plabseribers will make contracts fur any =unto( the above men.
toned Lumber to be delivered the miming season. Twelve foot
Is the most des irablelesigtb to have Lu metier sawed.
Erie. y10v,30, lElle. GEO. BELDEN & 80N.
Or Ms Ai* Yirre di.• sarred Musk
fIONSTITCTINO a large and' choice variety of new Tunes;
ungors," - Antbegus, Motets,. etc.. from the beet Foreign and
American composers, with all the old tube, In common nee. to
gether with • euneiee elementary couree,eimplitied and adapted
to the capacitive of beginner■. The a hole comprising the molt
complete collection of sacred ,Music ever publiehed. for Sale at
the lokstore of 11.SPAFFURD.
Erie. Ploy ark 19t0, wo)
15111 U ERISED CORN PTA it VII —t it unequaled purity, with
full direction. , for making Pudd mr. Custard's. &e.. for sale by
Erie, January lb. Rill. - JOHN McCANN.
LTatel imr: l P P . l. *s '
IPURZINI ac 111111Lnall
fur R. IRIABU AIIAR YIN having ilisponed of bi• Arrest fa the
aboveeritabbshment.. and In the bandanna.: samba h. Per-
Wen, to Samuel Seidel". tbehlisinese lb all been' at he cobeincted by
the eu teieribet IA ruler the nasae alTerkinsactiel den. who will settle
all accounts of the late arm. Oct IV.
meet. 1.. niacin& /ANVIL lIIILDKR.
100 A P.—A largeks of superior Hard Soap. for family use. from
►7 an Easters Manufactory fur sale at eastern pekes by the Box.
A supply will at all times be ken' on handond dealers and ramp
lies will do well to call and examine qualities and priers, for
sale on eonsignment by 1.0. HULBERT.
Erie ltaa 4. WO, '
wool. WAIIT .
A Assesregssb "mien Fastmg, Sada elks Bq/W bad.
HE proprietors. having made consideralde improvement in
their machinery and water-works, are now enabled to run
their Factory all through the summer. and having a quantity of
Illoths,Cassimeres„ Flanneh,taummer Tweeds. shawls. Blankets
and Sheets.also Pat/netts of different colors and qualities, to ex
change for Wool, at 21 11w. or woollier yard of cloth as good as
the wool will make. We invite all our aid customers, and as
many new ones as can make it convenient. to give ire a call.
We condone to full dye and dress domestic cloth, and manufac
ture Wool at our usual rates. AM°. (Nordin* &one on short 1101 ice
and in the hest manner. Warn Proof Cloth ilbrover coats. of our
own manufacture, kept on hand to exchinge for Wool.
Harborer's*. May 31, 3
STRAW KOODS.—Dosioros and s good assortinent Jost
Welted and fin sale at N 0.3 Perry Blork.
w. 0. swam-air
VVVlantern the public that be intends to pay particular
V attention lo Vetereny Surrey in all Id Carlene branches.—
eharges will be reasonable. Mum- call and see. Office at
the Canal EltaNe. near the outlet Lock of the Extension Canal.
Erie, Jan. 4, 1931.
TiOM sale i Farm of i 6 acres oil the hake road. two miles west
e of the cibY of Erie. nearly all - improved. with a good water
power) a eimirottableilouss. Darn and Orchard. l'riee S per
acre. one-tutrili don n. and the balance in three equal annual in
stalments wills interest. Apply to Mr. Wilson King. in Erie. or
to A. Damailiv Me. at P. C. Blanton's, LW, Main tltreet.Buarldo.
Gazinte &are copy. in
T"' O . .IARA Tract , or tract No. 31 - 1 In McKean township.
adjoining the wwth line of Midlc reek township, and contain
ing 419 acres. This is ohw of the eery bent -tracts of land tar
a heat or COO:Wain. In the cuunty,uf Erse. It. ss 'well tbuttscred.
exceedingly cell watered. and situated truly seven win , trout the
City of Erie..and will be add iti whole or in 'Arts to suit i rr In
sets. Its tunher and location make it a very spvtting situation
for the erection of a strain ,711!
Also. lOU Sawn lots in Err. A leo. IR half acne tots at from Gut
to *IOU each; being *Wit/IVOR* of Evil. Out-lois Nos. it and
Si. 3 all for sale by WILSON KING.
July 111, 1831. 119 L.-ind agent, Erie. Pa.
DOCT.W. B. WILLIAMS. having re-purchased his entire
Medics: Practice of Dr. 1.. G. Hall. in Waltsburgh and vi
e intly. wou d respectfully a 1111 l rimer to his patrons and Ibe pub
lic generally that he has resumed his prurtire. and will tare
prompt attendance to all calla iii the line of hill profession. Res
Weiler op, ite the Presbyterian Church. ,
Wattshu ...linty s. Ivkl. I I'tf
Gazette p copy til -
lfirrbid. i - t
_ ___
I TEg 3#llW'S asap:
In Erie's lair City at yhe Attire of the JeW. : '•
, r
I, kept milerythinz cheap. pretty and new;
To be convinced what we soy is really title . • <
Give us a call. Omit you'll never say no. . .
Silks. figured. plain and Satin deeheiteir.
Alpsecas ' Merinos., and Muslin de Laing, -
Mulls. Cam bric, and splendidly embroidered Miles,
Wrought to figures the most beauttful, various in modes. ,
La te Capes. U miendeeves, Belts.Csallars and Cu
' Together with a large assortment of fancy stu s. .
A large and splendid lot of Day State Alwilik—
Ladies we're happy to receive all of your c 10. .
We have Dress Goods of :Meek:ors. blue, and brown. '
, As pretty and cheap as can be had in t town:
An assortment of Poplins, plain. change de. watered and plaid.
Far prettier and cheaper titan any w re else in the city can
be had. .
'W. have a fine rot of flosirry and tes,-again.
We have Lassos and Laces. I dotted and plain.
With Insertingskind Edginig. Ca brie, Cotton and Lisle. ifltyle.
Which cannons. etcelted in t auty of patterns.. cheapness and
We would also not icevsiry rintion of Wine. ' (Rine.
The pure juice of the gut, rows on the sunny banks of the
Free ikon all drugs and poi ous dyes.— 4.
None cau t 4 excelleuce kuorrontil it lie tries.
We would advise our friends of its exeellence td partake,.
Not merely ss a brwerage, but for the '•Ptutnach's Fake."
For which odic it 10 Good and eetniiiity can do ou no barn,.
In Its purity consists its chief and glint charm.
so mete utiles salmi for small prone we cerium,. :tress/non..
lirniike.otur neighbors we wait not f.n big profits and the slow
The nimble vixpenee prineiple is ours—by it we abide—
Hy it our goods we veil bst them slide.,
Now 1 do not want this community to be taken by surprise,
Or to think 1 sin trying to pull %soul over their eyes;
Or that I urn at all inclined to be homy, •
In saying I sell goods very cheap for the money.
Erie. sept 20. M. KOCH.
tirindar to tho Ladies and Gentlemen.
AMONG the I ousandynt entions dill are daily tieing brought
before the public in this age of improveinent i one more. and
not the least, has matte its i ppenranee,_ designed cipressly for
your Whelk. In introducing to you"
Having been aivardell the Premium at the New York and Mieh
bean t■tate Pairs as being the best artieleritiered for the restoration
of the Hair Mid to kei gi it from falling car. (hie trial will prove to
you more satisfactory than hundreds of certificates from penmen
you never heard of. living away down east. Try if. andjudge fin
yourselses. There is no humbug about this; but it is an article
that is everyday used by hundreds of families. to their entire sa
tisiaction 7 here is nothing in Its composition that is in the
least injetrious (riffle hate; on the conifer), it will leave your hair
in a be - ililty stair. and eftectuatty destroys dandruff. leaving the
bait. under its application; always
(.ALb l
dressed In any style. 11 iv invaluable for its beautifyinjg and
littoral/ qu.ilitlez. Imparting io the hair the fragrance of the
amid del enrol flower" For tin toilet It is unequaled. Try it.
Luther and ‘entleinen, and if too nod it answer, your expecta
tions, theproprielor would he happy to receive your patronage
and ataiatance in introducing it to your friends. Also.
For tipperslat. Gout. Rheumatism, Cramp. Cholera. Cholera
kdorbus, Nervous and Siek Headache. Fm Steknes.. Nausea,
Tye great advantage of the Fluid extract. or Essence of Jamai
ea Ginger is. that in a very concentrated format contains all the
above ptinelpkw. wiillswit any of the men matter, which makes
It muchlanore agreeable to, the mousach. and at the same time
more palatable. Try a single bottle of either. and if not satisfies.
Our Agents are airtborised to return the money in every instance.
Orders from Dealers supplied at the usual discount, by address
ing • THOMAS t RUST. New York.
ET Carter & Brother, Drug's's, Erie. Sail
CHEWING GITNI tor We by the bos cheep by
Erie. Sept. S. J 11. BURTON k CO
f ILD Ohio Whiskey-40 barrels just received by
I N great variety ni Loomis*. Co'., embrac int Ladiei and Genie
timing. Breast Pins, Finger Rings. Pencils and Pens. Ladies'
Cuff Pin., Bracelets. and other desirable articles, all warranted
as represented. Call in—no charge fur showing. 7 June ne. '
BY which a large washing can be done in one-third less time.
trouble and expense titan with any other Soaps known. It
can be Used with soft or hard water. cold or warm. Will remove
Grease. Paint. Tar. Ink or stains from goods without the ham
injury either to the rods or the bands.. For sale by
trie.,Junell, IEII. CARTER k BROTHER.
TE kboldets of this Rank give notice that they Intend 10,
a to the next Legislature lbr a renewal of the Charter. ,
with the same capital; and with Its present title, location and
privileges. By order of the Hoard of Directors.
Erie 4 Aug.llo. 1831. 3103 C. M'SPARREN. fishier
JOIIN ZIMMERLY ham . old out his entire stock of Groceries
to Messrs. A 1. B. Wagers. ThosecOneerned are inform
ed that the Book. and Recounts of Zitiiinerly t Ilitch , ock. A. H.
Him hebe k. and John Zimmerli'. are in the bit ale of the tatter ha
ils% idunl for.IMMEDIAVE collection. • Necessity dictates that
do. I.i. the LAST CALI.: therefore gentlemen will ace the hope
fit of giving this their earnest attention.
A. 11. HlTi'llefiCK.
Erie; Anglin 30, Lvl
- -
hew Wall dL Winter Goodi from Auction::
IklAVEjusereturneil from New Vora and Philadelphia with
the largest mock of
that I ave ever offered in Erie. bought mostly for rash. and at
Cash . actions. at prices that must defy all competition.
300 ay State tihawls. plain. and plaid. $1 30 to *Ob. also. a
very large asdortibettl of square Woollen llhau Is prow 81 5U to
84, BrOrlte Shawls trout 84 to $lO, Worth henr l 9 double the rt lee.
plain flack and drab Thtbei tihaawls, with silk or' worsted fringe.
from 13 to 87
Drool Goods "from Auction."
. .
Frerich ilferinoes. Bilk and wool French Cashmeres. silk warp
and cuiton warp Alpaeas. silk warp Lastrre, chanphle Cohungs,
nice style... at te.lper paril. real Alpaca Lastres for to fd; also, a
AM asatirtinent of De Lain.. which I will yell for Is.. le. Ild. Is.
4.1. t. 'Ss lid and 3e. Also, 1 ewes.
111 .
tltd. nlder c0!,,re.,1 Print. , whirls have he;etoßare been
trilla Ind I w slt now offer for ed , and guarantee the colors per
fectly alt. A 1.0.11 handsome SNOTIVIIPUI Of he. NC. and Ilic.
Prinuystyk.s and colors warranted..
Domestic abeid•l
44 heavy unbleached Sheeting at M.' finer unbleached tit4el
tar at 74 and ad; bleached Shin inp and Shiceiings at Id.
lad and lad per yard. Irish Linens from aa thl to is per, yard.
Warranted pure linen; Linen Damask Table Clotho. MilwehOd and
unbleached Table Linen. Dantaidt Napkins orell pvnllties
Brwalaothr. Cnarinterre. Satinet(' and all wool Tweeds. ti ow
AuCtiOn.and will be sold at a parapet War: Good.' Mack,
broadcloth. wide tbr Itt par yard; two n. veer and drab
/Fan 4rl to y e ! per yard; all wool Tweed. fifty earns. CORR
mem', from enty. Ave cents to one dollar. Satilletbl 0505..
black Casetwerea. fluttal lo Si per Yard.
Erie. OcA. 11. C. N. TIEIRALS.
ft Bt: Pi V Oil and Wurtines.l.leselied
(.3 inr. Marine *rims. summer Mu
wvii sad wicAlag. all 01 which wilt he
esr. IS ARM
, • -- enamelware mad •
4 LARGE anonnseitt oferoeltery
Ct. which wot boil as eht;..p as
3, reeryllkisk —Erie. aSept
Uses btale St.
PUS Sharon Iron (b. Lare. taken a stOre In town, where , they
intend keeping a hill supply of all the different kinds and si
zes of iron they make, and also a rannytete waortsuent of nails.
Persons who have used the Nail. ilanilsby I us Company donut
need to be told that none better are made Intl mast or elsewhere.
Erie. Sept. 11-17 .
Plaits, Tali* Nod so.
TE subscribers haring purthanid the enure stock of Grote-
L rim; off. 7.lininerly, will continue Lb,. busowss at 11w old
stand under the name and firm of A & J '8 WAIMERS. They
intend not lo be undersold by any other establishment, mad will
be happy to watt on 411 who may favor theta with a call with
the (molest pleasure.
♦cacrrLy w•otru.i
Erie, dept. IL
1101)0118. are Co.,.
se, Liberty Wiesen Broadway and haiku Street,
WE are freely' y daily arrivals from Curove.our Flatland
Winter avosittoli t ...I rich (annullable fancy silk and Mai
finery Inrollif. We r. 'potful}, invite all can yirenasetethor•
oughly to examine our stock and prires, nnd, as interest roverne;
we feel confident bur goods and prices will induce them to se
lect from our evt.e'.li4inorint Parlieutar attention 'is devoted io
millinery goods, and litany of , the articles iire manufactured eS
moiety to our order. and canner( be surnamed In beauty, style and
cheapness. Beauttful,Parts ribbons, for bat, cap, imek and belt;
satin and taffeta ribbons of all widths and e Gluts; silks. satins.
velvets. abd uncut elvets for hate. Feathers, American and
French artificial Bowen.: vlllllll,l and eat. trimmings; dresatruti
mine, large arsortmedt. Endloidcries, Capes. collar', under
sleeves and curial line enibroPered re; sere and heuistieh cam
bric handkerchiefs; cram, Helm t . ...'etone, if in.ion and cap la
coin kid, silk, sewing ilk, lisle th.,, .1, merino gloves and mitts;
feured and plain Sw u, bishoplas+u, and Jaconet muslins.—
Eteglish„ French. lean and Italian. draw Goods.
August 110.-16 • I 411111
Dff. HUNTER it ilpforfeit We, If hiding to cure any case of
disease that :mareonse under bin care. Ingamatter how long
sundial ur blefttlinUi Erman sax are invite% to his Private
looass,V,NortbdkVb.:NTll Firers, Philadelphia, n about Senior
interruption by oilier patients, titrangers and others who hare
been unfortunate:lntl selection of a physician are invited to
call. 'Mole whq ha injured themselves by 'Mimi, vice are
also invited. •
Rarr.seir,—Tbe jaMieted wool.' .4. .cell to reflect
before trusting their healih„ happsnms and ii many eases their
lives. is the of titqrse iaps. igt rant of this etas• of mala
dies. It is certainly impossible for o man to understand nil the
ills the human (Andy are suhieet to. .very respectable physician
has his peculiar branch. isi which he s. more successful than his
brother proCemor#, and to that be devotes moat of his time and
Vassar)? Psiserrieriecelusivel) devoted to the study find treat
ment of diseasei of I to sexual organs, togethifr with uleeni up
on the body, throat, nose or legs, pains in the headur bones, mer
curial rbeumatirun, strictures, gravel. irregoilarlti... disease aris
ing from youthful excesir s or impurities of the blood. %hereby
a i l
the constitution AS h . . COM! MI r!Chte.l, PIM hICS 1M 1 lot tor to MICT
speedy relief to I whir may [dace therissefie , slider his care
Philadelphia. ay ft I‘.lf. 1.01
Esr.inia.qq:n yr:lins A6l), ir V
North West Corner Doe,/ and tiaras, I .trerls. botrren Arrace
aad .rine Streets. rhiludefiiktei
FIFTEEN YEARS of eN.tesialee eiwiterrarteil practice
spent in this cityl hat e rendered th K. most r ti•eri mail
pucce.ful pr.trth liar :1 It.: 13, Z.' I', Ire., .:10 ul all
PC. Of a ale nalLir %Mir ted a Jill :steer• on site Lod},
dirt:Mt, the lie:. LAAII,, 111, retired Hll'lllll4' tall'
flrielUree, erase], disease ari•ing from )0.1b1U1 , ,,, , 1 ,, PCP Or iiiipu
ritieriof the blood. whereby theconstitution has become entrebled
'are all treated With succeits.,
lle who pl'icen himself under the care or Dr. X. may religious
ly confide in his bursar as a gentleman, and confidently rtly upon
i his *kill an a physician.
Tale Pea - eat... Nurice.—Ynting Men who have injured
theruiet‘ , -.1 wcertain practice indulged iu—a habit frequently
learned (rani evil coca ion- or at veliool—the effects of w hien
are nightly, felt; even whets asleep. and destroy both mind and
body, should apply immediately. Wealineso
debility. loss oftiourc;ular energy, jiliyeical lavv :mile and general
prostration. irritability and alt nervous areeti. indigestion,
vluggishbev.i Qff he liver, and every disease la is any connect
,ed with the torui realiVe functions cured. and yam restored.
' ONLY 25 CENTS. .
Thin Book juSt publistietlL in filled with went! inform:llion. in
the infitinitles and dieeriownf the eeneiati , orinatin. It address
es itvelf alike ki loath, Alaahood,and Old ,4gt, anti !Wald be read
by all. The valuable advice an i impressive warning it given.
will prevent years of winery an ' ..)&1111g. and sate annually
Thousands of !dives. Parents, l.y reading it, wilt learn how to
prevent the destruction of their r
•• A remittance 0123 cents, elce...ised in a letter, a ildreweihto
Dr. 8188 ELLS N. W. COiner Third :Lid Union streets. be.
tween Spruce at J' Pine. Philailelflon, w ensure a book, under
envelope. per return mail. '
Persons at a distance *nay %.1,1r , .. Dr_ K ley letter. enclosing
a fee, and lie cured at home,
Packages ifulinuses, b. ....leas, for%%; , riled, by sending
a retina nee. and put up see re f Pau Damage yr Canonry. •
(took-setters. News Arents. Pedlars, rpu va.aers. and all others
upplied with the above work at veil tow rates. IyIU
To the Sick and Afflicted!
of Cons=ption !
"PM ;Wk . Urfd 37/Pii .1t7:;:5",1,4rc
• • FRIKAHS, TNF, 1NN.11.8 OF 111% TORY CAY
if dAmdd tat tretesuneely Amore thros A ..,,,s the tritrld, for there
aft thantliVida htharfat F , Sta.l4l . 1), , hitch =II prays/4-
We sales* arrested by ar
rerfal agracy of
_The °rig awl s Led assume Preperaltse!
. Poorr-thr si uocho. t
• • Jive Std.P.4l
Da. PwaVre—Dear it a duty I one to the pub
lic. and in justice to you, I hart tht,Ught proper to make know n
one Of the most estraurumary cures. in Ml' own care. that has
ever been truly recorded. In the usmtli of a ictober last. I was
afflicted w,th a revere gathering vi loch formed a
largo abets/. and alsocorumunicated to my Limes and very much
attlihied deem, and deeliarged large quantlttrs of corruption. ex
.ternal and internal, that es, large quantitie4 paired through my
Lungs. which I threw up. My breath could also pass through my,
lungs, and out through the Cavity of my breast with apparent ease,
auended with a %intent cough, Mir and night, of appetite.a nd
extretnedi.:•ility. SO hid my physicians thought my case entirely
hopeless and lieyond the power oh medicine. I remained in this
wretched eondition fur a long tittle. until I wit, wasted to a mere
skeletomand there scented to be no hope for We, but, having read
in the public papers of the many wonderful cure, performed by
your Omspeoustl Syrup uf therey, I ' sedately sent tulli.,l
- fur five 1 ,, , Pties. and commenced its use; and to my great
satisfnetoun nay antioos family, the ttle,m or ° w o n" i n my
lungs [wean to heal, and the cough subside, and on using ten tot
Iles I was restored to perfect health. I feel very grateful, and
lightly believe thakto your invaluable medicine, under the bless
tugs of Divine ?rue dience. I ain iiMelitc,l fur this grtat Change.
anct I km happy to say that I am now eni.,ying as good health as
I ever have.
1, For the satisfaction of those who are not acquainted with me.
I append to ibis certificate the mimes of rentlemen well and fa
notably known to a large portion of the co irens of Maryland and
irginia. and will doubtless induce all who are similarly afflict
ed to try your wonderful and invaluable Compound Syrup of Wild
Cherry. Tour, Very Res/et-Maly,
_ .
I'M - M.:l . i MX DIP. ,
The subscriber - irlswell acquainted with-Thomas Dixon, an d
can testify that has ren afflicted as above - represented. I regard
his recovery as almost a miracle. He is a worthy member of so
• Pastee rf Bern Cleans , Rallinere C•ntOrtace.
We, the undersigned; reside ti of the Point of Rocks and vi
cinitY.ate acquainted with Thoinas Dixon. and know him to have
been afflicted as above represented, and was thought by his friends
as well .s by our most skillful physicians, to be past recovery, but
b' the exclusive use of that inestimable remedy. Dr. Straps's
Syrup y wad Glen" is now restored to perftct health.
and we feel duty bound to recommend db valuable medicine to
all wbo may be similarly afflicted.
Fr in. HITCK, klers hant,, 0. TT , -acs,
Linea C. DILI' " ' . W. it. S:qiniii
8/311CNI. W. Ilatrirst, ,E. W. ..tleCtst„.
Joan WALTtI. rifILIP
The above invaluable medieineis ihelesult Sof many years ex
tensive pmetwe in Philadelphia by Dr. Swayne.
Look well I, the Marko of tho'Gettotoel Remember no prepa
rationsor Wild Cherry is genuine, except the original article as
prepared by Dr. nwayn. nee Mat has Portrait is on the wrapper
around each bottle. Until you obtain this Compound you will
Dever know the teal - Virtues of the Wild Cherry.
Sway he's Celebrated Vennifuge.
"A are and effectual remedy fur trOTTTI4. tly.perda, I Itolera
iambus, sickly or 41yrpeptie children or a.lults, and
10 the pnl,lie."
J.l AYRES. it highly resperiable merchant of Williamsport.
re.. statev- t have tried your Yerntifti..:o iii lily u and
cart speak in the very highest terms of it. ifs is so much
pleased uilh it she still use no other. '
Remember Dr. Swayne's Verrairlugc is now
' put up to Pqqare
CrSec that the auntie is I. j,elt eorrcetl)
Act as a g.. utfa purgatit e. producing a he.iithY Patty of the Liver
and Dowels. acting as r.O alternative. chaegiug ;he state ufe,,..
*renew , . which is very common to sonic indivilluale;and tor the
Ort‘gularitier incident to females they are very yalumbie.
J. 11. flatchitt. Evansville, Ina., writes June, Eth IS?). Tour
medicine sells welt, and givetanivemalsatielactiun.
Your Bu
garCoaled Sarsaparilla and Tar Pills sold out directly. Send cm'
a large,supply. .
Chalfaiik. Hughes. Dany Pat. writes. April 10. PAO—Semi
immedio lys further supply of yap family tnethcincs• We are
much in red of thetar4-they , are aectinig grest cures lu this
REMOVAL—Dr. Swap* has raraoved U.s Lkboratory. to No.
4 North (seventh !limn, second door above Market. Philadelpba.
wbefe the above sat ualde Medicines are o•tty prepared.
, . cam COUNTY.
Carter it. Brother. No. & litiMl House • Erie.
J. 11. Burton. No. 15.
W. P. Poison, & (0., ' • • " Wateribrd
J. A. White. Ginn!.
N. J. Clark & Bros.. - Fairview.
W. k J. %V. Campbe 11. Eikoboro,
Norman Callemiar. , Illead ' tßle.
C. W. Barton.
W.! J.W.Campbell, - Cantbridae. '
Perkin. & Leflinen ell. ' Woodcock.
Cummings! Mattock. - •••• Evansburg.
J. 1 . .. Parks..
• Adamsv ilk..
And Ay dealers ha linnets's rnettlty.
slept. is. test. . • 103-18
THE imbarrii,er • • Vgent and Land Broker
for Lauds in &,t; ..snly, hzi Prat allow, of 39 4)30
races. wanted. by •,
noud ...:C...weta. if onere.l cheap.
;Armor WWl=
a broviii, Dislls. Tick
cotton )areks. carpet
Id cheap :to the che&p.
HAVE a very large asponspeatof l'auktkl St leas. Lamps. Can
ivory. Dust Pans. Ppilsoma. Mulch Sai.v. Toy Cu pa,&e.. Av..
which writ Pe *4141 ty tke (kW at Illagrak ,
Luc. v Hrlt:6 REED.
"" •
y is dila marker. %qrs.
the stoat 3t. e, : er ,ifereel
NNW AND . SartlL
Plaitingllllll andi amb•r
' On Elessma Si. Zeal Frexth. Ere. heti,
ART Rh. BROTHER unto purchased one f Wrif,
Nia and GROVING hi ACHINErt. sell as the esdustr r ragas
use Will the sante In this county, minus prepared to drew A i ai
rin a yof the above forms for all, ho [110) ye, fit to !,toss
0., ,
with & IL Tbr facility with hi the) . can diew Mother eat
des thel i to put the
be w , a , maa a tu, offer strong intin • , to to !inure rarpent“
lid all them s et a may he In re. tof dressed Luutherthc,
.•in at e n.t a call and examine in the unmet thi ii,qi i „
Floor II dressed by thisillachintl s fully equal to that dtri t y.
y hand. both in the PllWllliiiiiell Of a • auttore. a iu! dust...our( it
stmts. t ic It has the advantage ° being of unikrn i iiii,k,, t ,
a d a r id the entire length of the .., id, being
no 4 U 1, 1 , 11 Or
elreling ta bring the carfare trio! hen, I . a en,,,,,, ~. a
°utile numbed of squares in a .ay dre,sed ii.l-m i . a„ 1 „,,,,
Ant tic c n of I hat dressed by hand. , file machine.; ii so col...trail
il that t y can dress lumber any wMbupto 2d I iai,.., ~,„t ,„
thickness up tog Inches.
price NO lon . bleb with the mperminy
They also have CIRCULAR MA '8 in oiler:lima In c ,„ nect.
with the skive, with which they ca rip hinder ti,„ , „i d),
hicknesselesired. Also, • very pernit.lll iiNi,N ; LA, HP
nablingthein to do any kithl of turl
t ia .A g iv rt 7 .q .it iw it ri 4 :,. tiku: ,. :E::::.
niers,Cabirwt Makers, Eltearn Boa skoe.
They are also preparing to. and i , tend lity p. , e yin i i; ,,e ~n .
many a n topply of Lumber, espeei Ily Whites is..l 1, .-i,,,, ,„
i ling a Clear Pine.
Erie, Morph 22, 1t..51. '
(of Philad
A &E now doimg busibeemm the
£l. a participation in the prufioof
ty beyond the premium flat&
Risks upon the Lakes and Canal I
terms. I.oaaes a ill brlincrally and
Fire risk■ on merchandize,buiblia
or country, for a lisuitcalerm perms
Joseph fl. Peal. Atom, C. Ilan'
ThCOl./iihlll Paulding. John C. Davy'
Robert Burton. iphn Garrey',
Hugh t'raig.• Samuel Edw•
Henry Lawrence David H. aliae
ebarleaKelley. ramie R. Davi
William Folwirll. William flay
Dr. B.Thomas, Dr. R. P 4.1111
Spencer Mr II
Richardg. Nearbould;.
73 Application tan he wade to
Erie. Feb. 10, 1E49. ,
Dye Weeds, Mye et
T"EUndert , igned offertror .ate on
all the different kind.., ofihelr
ranted rpm( to any inanufitttured.
Lop-nowt. Red-wood, Cam.
rustle, Green Ebony, Red
Nir'a Brazil-nood, Pnaelk
Lae. 1 lye. Argo?, Cream
To; ether with a lir neral 3SfOrtn.E4l
*r., kr. Merthallti and Inn
Ma tr 1.e1.-Ay
20 n II;
Cl2oollll7tlr AND C
A c(g,l) a.r•ortmertt of Dinmeari
ll_ ow; 1,1 UP, w hite and !milli. r..
%are. for sale at the low cot tcorc.
IVrlcllec 111,,.•A,t . the (mine El
I'. H. Td , brd , '.hert i
nr Itt,p a full .tacortmesil of Grteerit,
fur ,tn., at w itrietale and Retati, at
i; le, March 15, 1.51,
I.W'KEi, for 'al. , by the Boi or
op le 1., hod adfoe very cheap In
W .4
j .. , /1" , / . .;G S. TO; /V S. j- A got
5 I!II i5 i .m0!....,.„ set ... ling from •
25e 1 k b : C 0 1. 4 .- :o l f 1 P ' r; i t
i t . io a r h.° F. n 1 4 ; r lows r I
July . ti'
Al I'
a l ta ' ; : ot. 'i . l. o. 1 1 8 oi l t . n R o t: VI f i es lN
, I :4ut
at , '
OUR IEIre 4 tOULS and Fpli t
W I .I.t r IV W S
AGONI;I' rvt.ri .
June 21. 0
Cfir NS of every tiefelltuton for
June 11.
206 000 9.
, . 1 1 6 l i l'ercut-ou
.500 DA" Dairy salt for re
. R
N 6, Seed
ir E on hand a VP/FM/1,14
iner. or, that they are OnaLlt
In hurt et rot 11,1. tit' no or .
id ~finch quality n,. to ena
.• !bra ;triton is ith ream I
, as eannot fail to trutt'all r
I:tag - raving 1. yr-era
lit,e. lira. the, Dila En 4;
4 tore. Far tortes. Math marl
thou itiit-,ste,.the.. I
..0% tirtiiteit 10 without delny, ,
atm. July 27. i,16. .
;Ere, 1216N:tn.!, Artipeiali
F 7
rl7lliii of
11114 . . 11i
are "ir
I Irtjf
0 61
of 1111
Ere Aug.% 12]
CVIIENE ti t *
uVun received by
otol,rwribere reopeetflaily Inform the pu! , hr ihr,t o.ey
e built a powder ntadazlael and are deem. or
deal 114 111 tire :allele. T. STERRETT & SON:,
e 31. 1,31 _
R A:SiTS font and :GO each. euarrrweeded to he
I to every, reepert,, for sat at the exe hanger - Aire of
June 14. -54- . .5A . !44141111) &
for tho
1,.. - 3 at
Tsubsettler has on hand rim
from his sot at Machina.% ",
hest quality. rind which he w.„ r,
or cation. Leather manufartur
to give him a call before purelia it
Erie, etept
S ReedHowse '
11114.: BRA - . di
Aug. 4. 1 i ' Mt, IA
N 71,••
MHEsubseribersare Just react Ton
1 Fail Goods. consisting ofthe
been selected with cure and vi
Please gitiv us a call.
Ertc. Au:h.*.
A recervedby July lath,
W I °TICE Is hereby given a r 1
/11 Co, was dissolved on the I i
persons having claims against Wii'
neulement to Lampoon* Wilensi
all persons Indented will snake pa •
ly and save costs. i
111 . 1Cean, Oct. 45, 1e61.-91.
NeasEty LAMPS.—A very.
on the dick room and nurarry'
Eric, Sept. 6,
TOR V ..T.
PIPE proprietor. W. U. KM'
the Empire city, withahe
went of JEWELRY . 1
ever before imported from that
are now ready for inspection.
found a large assortmeniof GM
and Fob Chains. Keys and Se
lion. Breast pins of all sorts a
Gold, Silver. and German SHY
steel fob and guard chains, li
meets with the niartufaetarer
ery week fresh from the min
article. cheaper than any oche
Dile of the New York and
a m u
tel l t i
lade retail. any qua
and oilier eptreee.
M ., so M ui p,., .. x evrs.- T Su
viols, rui s. t iolitis.ohan
fitiamilets. Mc., accordions.*
gerondots. extra Macs, chant%
silver table and teaspoons, so
CeTr.say —A very tine arty
ted waters. Razors:did Rank
silt el'. and Lerman cilvqr an,
13 RITTA.MI k W ARC- I Tel .5,
Miscattavitors.—Chtna C..'
snutTery and trays. stccl bag.
Rat, steel pens, card cases.`vis'
hoards, stominocs„ chess men
and Tu r ks , tea-scrsers, &c.
Al of which w ill Lc iihow n
the hones of 6 A. M. and 0 P.
ly will be taken froth those
arneles home with them.
ll' Said Palace is located
112.111 Knowlton, one door w
Erie, tittit. 6.-17 • I
Execution •
LA 111111 & RPM" are now
of fall goods consulting
Cal icoes. Shaw Is. Drc-s silk
cant strytes never before h11)11
bought low and will be sold a
in thui oily. A discriminati
amine for themselves and t
Dont lbrr t to call Ili No.
D •
: NFI lax one Shill'
1-1 . lanes fur a shilling a ya
Erie Rept. 13.
-1N611,10118--Gt p ine '
Wright'sl Bl for '•
..Eile,Sept. 13.
$3 out, finWA Writ,° 4
. iluake Lb,
ALARGE nssanikeqn
Mors of iradolly kind
refry stock by
II EL lAA*, .1 S
N 0.3. terry
SILK an Linen pimp at
'tauDeLa IE%, Cis
1)k14/11, I , it"-
UAL bAFF.Ty ---- %
OrtipAiry ,
lo thalplAn.EIVI,T 01P ipotirrd
be Company,
ured on thr mom favorable
fon/idly a dinned.
. and oilaeipropert)
• ElmonA.ovd
t .H. Jon.l trook,.
:. Joh n u p..",„4,: ..0 : eg,0.,n.
Y Edward liarlingiola
.1. G. Johneon.
John ll N.101.1 1D .
t.n. Julia Seller,
ec.) , %nu. Martin Preet
• • Ps
I it,tral reru. byr Waal', cf
OP n inanufactnre, awl war
°(A •
. lidera, E imbe i ' - " mwt °° "•
iof Dye Serfs. Dyers' Mete,
11 , 11:...0ar 1 ,. .••0•01.0
iI Z. Tuw:c s r ... Li & ( - ft . ;
• 13. G. WV.U'r eine , :s lit,
.zi l'ep: 111., , k 1101 r„;.,i'l
I W. F 1 R I NCIER .% f.s II r.
:LA/03 'WARD.
l a Tra S. tteld I 1...
,1.0, A guu.ll :lel. I. I I 1., (•••
I .. SI: Ttil I' 11,
been ernn,red rrrel
ilittng ve Yrriwil r ,
I he Au! •te fli•er.tlll f 4,1
wet one. n taro. , 'cr •
race, n, tow F 1 n
G. I ( 0 )111 , &
,t tut( tit ti.r
tAIIS 014.
", 7 . l ri• t.t . tgatien 7 3.ltr
t•,l 'mons, F3gr, •nd all othr.
an. 6 (u bale
ale by
II taps (tor ..ole :o
I'. sTERRETT & 3rl\3_
ow I •
t.sTnaßEirr & siois.
ROT iVdpit 9
..o.ooittoorni of Prov vo•Lifer!-
1 to till i the order, IA Wio 0-
01. a Itlt 1.% ert ati.:O. tntht than
,I • the Prii•qt.:rnt ptit•q• lan to
i 1 , 2 cert:ailltt . 'Tho a t , t . V . Ms
11,1:n1131.1r per•ono.
/4 Wood.
, qo ex , :cuie onji
:quit! I.artilccnyet
rgh to9,N,
FT .
ilroild and tcor
min.; CIILA
termittant and Reautp 9 alu
ule.ale and Retail Agents
le..a RI riot (I nnl now in
J fru PURI'I,S a. Ca
LEECH F.O . ,—A 6n
;41 v. ill be kept cepa:ltaly on
r'ept. 6.
to to.t ortert etl by F.iptess,
land . I.y
J.ll, BURTCS ik_
h ill tw'regultirl,) tree:rine
pply of purr Firh Ott of the
at reduee,l rate:. by the bbl.
111 lied it for their tiltentst
<11%% here. _
K. U. fit.:I.IICRT.
•puA at our Drug Sior:e
. J. H. SCO.
a lar,ge .toek of Suaaateraord
Ella; airwt,es, 11, h 'eh hare
sr,ld a• low as the lose'''.
ENT.—A lot of ibTtsaricie
firm e( lampson. Gott &
ns/. by mutual c..x.eni. All
• 'Grin Will present thew for
, kicreosfinurtte business. and
• tottut to the faux in, wediate
-1 • F. LA MPSON.
A. 1:011".
onvement and went uncle
for Foie by
J.ll BilitTnN k CO.
i VIN, har junt return( a (met
' est. ebeape,i and a.toon•
welt of Dunkirk. allot stloth
the first floor, ?to I. ont be
id Silver Watehee, Gat knlard
inner Ring. of Incr . ) titt-estp
en. Cuff Inn.. and brat - Oki,
l• rubles, vohl r...ncii , a n.I pent,
Ace. IlaVtint . 'Laic arrange-
Cant to fund-It a ' , lipi., ev
-1 . ill tw.nttle to furnish 'tune
, t,ltehmetit west of the ten:,
, atiroad Alst, on ha: t, It
i I.ook mg Glar.tee, !tram Cutls.
;,11 ar, Plan. , fortes., ii., .I.s
It. tarutourinee, ch t r i on t .t.,. gine,
:...t.s itil i as j i j rilearriphene lamp.. 'O . ! •
l if • • .. *Over nod bettliD T.
:At at .1 lit Koons. butter :0.,,,..-
r or ppnlinlves of the 1n...! r. ',.' '1 - ,
• ltr at...SC-mot d mad ithlars. e.l!. •
;• ttpleCtatleti,
'lO, eiliiklis arni - cattine.ii.......
~, Vac 3' 00111.. Ptattal art 11•r^-.
6 " i r , e Clair*, hair ronit -i,. rs
. .ingterrhi and envelope...v.l.w ,,
f ..
Ina eta and pocket book , . kan"
t; ~
t to Ite4frieiter. at l . ,'liiii'i!. r..,,:i
ar'gratie. and a 01 ;,I„rtreafi.
'f' Y 3 tea to take ...tile .!! said
'a tl wid fornicrl) i .x-,!upicktlF,
.Of 1 1 uPe i . i •
' 1.L.• '1
—:# • --1. .
' ' 05 , ‘ BA ! !,.
, .
• • 4. 7.40 :1: • , - ,:;1
eivinga laVr n11(1,101. 4 ..,',
I,netarlea: cashmere.• thor.lroz ,
itt a to " lh w ,: r d, r' ,... k.t kc;: (;f,„trie.;„":.'''.:.!;r
low . can tic . at to alichouf
' {albite la invited to can ...n.t et
,pr.netiieilly the truth nt oion.irem , i ,
iltighro Block corner °Cid:lll.2o M
r !
LAIRD & RE'r..
I ‘...yail:d—Culo.oomers Wal 6" PC•
d at h o. IVlrrightii IP. icA
I.A10.1) a BUST.
__•.___L,ll;________._______ _ ---
!ColVlit'Ginghanta will be found 21 : 4 °'
, Lail Ing • yard.
LAIRD& Rl'r.t.
.low due. 11;ptiopeuur
My serious eOl3 5 I •!er , l l 1 AnJ
1 - 431•
Ing:c11 3 1•4 II 2 VI COlrt e. tea .
ges• livrip, et( 11 No
..11 . 0
r tt
re- J ,
small miv anee abm
.1. MT .
forge. a,ort fm of of L. 1:4f•
string, k fti
(.. LI tlll: 4 h (0.,
J. 11: FT 1.1,F R TON
r ~er •
•, Bu•inr..
s p ETT I T
F06.1 : \ r rod
rirrri thr .Irl art immr
1,1 I
a tti`k• 1.. r I re, t , I/311
• ,e
h... 1 .1% le-