♦. P. DIIRLIN aco., Prop VOLUM E 2g. grit Valli! Obstrui A. P. DUBLIN & CO. PROPRIETI, B. P. IL OAN.. ad it o r. OFFICE. CORNER STATE S 1 1 T. AND , SQUARE. ERIE. . , • TERMS OP THE PAPER. nu pulseribers by the carrier, al gg mad. or Xi the office, in advance, trif not paid in advance,or within three months k of Mit.Cf ihing. two dollars wilt be charged. t o All conuuunicadons angst be Kist paid. 1 RATES' OF ADVERTISING. Cards not acceding 4 lines, one year: ". l t one stitutrt - .. -•• • 1 dn. do.- sit months. e di. do: three.months, 11 ' 1, Tganiient adventeements, 30 cents personae. of Mee linim-or =im, kw. for the fi rst insertion; '33 maw for each subsequent rtioh. t rYearly adieniwrs have the privilege of changing at lire. mist le9 time swallowed to occupy wore than two s g , salts k tweed is their Iswediata business. Advenweinentsnot having other directions, will be imperial whit ind charged accordingly. . . BUSINESS DIRECTOR W. H. KNO ' LTON. Wgichmaker and Repairer. Dealer in Watches. Clocks. Musical Instruments, Looking Glasses and other ram Sum. one door west of the Reed House. ARBtlekLE & KEPLER, in in Dry Goods. Groceries, flnr.l ware. Crockery. 3,r, r o Rate strecl• Erie. Pn. A. HUDSON, AT-rtvirs• Livr.-0111ee at present in the Chronicle. it'rtglii's Mock - . . - J. W. DM:GLASS. Arrelt‘er - AT LAIIII.Oefite OVef 4VallatßO . & Wftlthr FilabilPhlllefil: entrance first door weal. on the Pub!' COMPTON & H A VERSTICK.. prr nut in Dry floods. Cicetiries. binitors of all ltinihr, on. Ovum south tot South Jachisou's stor -ant. )•i'oartos. • TI. B. Ha G. A'N 11 R E ilefit of/. Amlre of k OfCBgli MUSH , • -al - Nler , bari , iik.e. ilow;iole-..t:r and retail. No. 19, at, l'hoothot etrArt. Prolatlelphfa. -- - -• C . - - - DR. C. BRANDES.— taxon tx and SranroN--01fiee corner of State an Streem Revtdenee on Eighth Ntteet, between F - Holland. Erie. ra. T. W. 111001tE, pg•trx in Croeerie.. Provisions, Wu e,.l.ignor., r•aniles. Pf - *ie., One boor lK•Iow LOOMIS Stile etreet. Erie.. M. SAN FC)ItLE & C 0... Ik-aier. £ll Gum. Sin er, Bank Nuies:Pratts. Certii posit. Ire. sight exchange on the. print pat efts. - for sale Other in Realty's Block. Public square. - _ -• T. HERON STUART. --- 1441..r.,4 .104 Ptivs , ir Nr--( Kee, corner of Mien .trees-, over Moore Kocleg store. Rest.lence on .oe• &or ca.tof Vie nl.l Apothecary Hall. •It. T. iTERRETT & SONS.. euomantly .m liana a full Amply of Grocer I.lq*s. Rhip 4 'fiatvliery, Pros t•son.. Prodote. ace.. Ice • and sell% holeasle Retail as cheap no the ellen pest. No. 1 hr. ebealnode Ere. NIL S._ LANE. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Ileaolutionary, tinny and. Navy Penotonti, Bount Lando and •t t 1.10. for extra-yob. and all other !notate% CILUU* 10 mention r¢ - . ,% r prompt and faithful attention. t nfire in Wright'. Block on State .ueet. over J. . Ftkilerion's to re. Erne. il t. 19. LAIRD & ItUST. Want cs irocand Retail Dealers hi Dry 17,00d...Grocerteffl.11' Liquors. flour. Fisht Salt &c., No. I, Wright's D per pr Pith and State Streets. ,S f.rrlA " ()LIVk.R SPArrORI). Daukselifr and Fitattoner.nd Manufacturer of Blank &mks and • Writing I nk.corner of the Dia!onnd and Sixth su•oct. J. 11. NtC grert.i. aria general Agency and 104. l'a. Rk.'FlIS REED, I4KLIL in YiniztiFil.rlerman and American Ilardwarr and Cutlery. Alto. Nail.. Anvils, Vico', iron and Steel No. 3 Reed Mule; • VV. J. F. LIDI)LE & Bs kr Itsfirritp;'Carrittre and Wazon . Builderr, State St tiveett reventh ik Eighth. Erie. • I t L. STRONG. M. D. Orrtrvi-one Door went ()CC. B. Wright'i.tore. up stair' I)OCT.,J. L. STENVA R.T. ( . 4 F t l racrt. A. dream, Seventh n. rr Anstgatms Fl.k•nre, oil e...,41(17101, OUC ilOur 1.0(01 I..l.Sel,,Cilth C. SIEGEI.. Wtintssate and Riled dealer in Grt - icerlee. Proviaton, Liquor,. Friut. ile.. tit C'oriterof French and Fil oporsac the Farmers' Hotel, Eric. ------ • .1014 N NIcCANN. %%cct.rt.7 a and 114,:. peeler in Family Grocer Giamaarr. Iron.. ail., Ike.. Cheap Side. Erie. lea. [V -- The highest price paid for Country Produce _.. • J. !30ALDING. . . Mu, nmrr TalLot:and ItaLit Maker—Shop. No.l P. Rovi.(ur*ta Ira. over A. Jr. J. 8. Walters' Grocery S street. Env, Pa. J. W.• WETMORE, .fTTORNEY AT LAW. in Il'96rr~ Wire; on Seventh Street. Erie. r lieurraaol4rer, and Retail Dealer in Dry 600.1*. er,kery, to alupware. Cnrpetin^,. Garda are. Iron. $t Ppikc.. arc. EUVIre 'Fiore' State Street. four lirvw ii's Iltnef, Erie. Pa. ko—Anvilb, tees. Bel low., A 51e Arms;Springs. and xm rut of Saddle and Carriage l'rimmi - • • S. MERVIN SMITH, - Atomises A LAW and Justice of th e Peace, and ::be KIW tit ne Mutual Lik. Inciranee Compawy--0 • 'neo of %Pr etas note. Pile. Pa. GEORGE H. CUTLER.' Arr - )ItIfTT AT LAN. Girard. Erie County. P.. Col ettwr luitruua' attended to, with promptnees and dm. JOSIAH KELLOGG. Forwarding 1 Couniiesion Merchant. on the Public I matt $211 , 1. ?taster and Mits. Fish. conoantly for gale • I. KOSE'INZWEIG It, Co. WanLinlialf a awu Arrau. Da.Leas in Foreign and I 6 00dr. ready' made Clinton& Boots and Shoes, Wright(' Block. State ftuet. Erie. WILLIAMS & %%RIGHT. Hinker and exchange Broker. Denier. Bills of Draft., cert,ticatr. of Depoarte. Gold and silver coin , (office, Walloon,' Block. corner of Mate-at.. and irri MA RSH -Ark VINCENT, Arrnavrys st• Lase—Office up stairs in Tammany U north of twe Prothonotary'. MURRAY WHALLON. AITANICE •111) OWCWITIAPIL AT LAW—Office Weer C. , 'lore, entrance one door west of State street, on, • • C. M. TIBB' LS. ! Ur.; It in Dry Goods, Dry Groceries..erqckery. Di . Nu. 111. Chea pa ,rli.. Erie. SMITH JM'KSON, •:•vt 0. Dry 6