News by Telegraph and BOSTON. The ship , 'Oregott." from New York to Kin lust in a gale ott the 17th ult. Three passen , drowned. The rest. and the crew were. say • structiog for themselves a raft. They were the brig ••Coodector t " and brought to *1.1.35t0 MI Now Orleans papers receivpd hero contain f of the attack of NI .torn - aras by the revolutioiti auftitoied th it carevejil •tould have to on ploc hoots. bat hie ohitct was to remove th citizen been touch longer th in was anticip tic . • Duni tack General Avolos issued orders to elloot du Aincrufaa seen iii thestreets: ' N . I WASUITGTONi.. Corn. Morris has b.len appointed chief of tho bureau, and Com. Shohrrck In - specter of 'ordt It vi nored that riegotiatione are pending, with ith miller, fur the reinaeo of the ..tnericart concerned in the elltutl .3 - • , NLIV TURF, Father ?Whew. who left to-day on the Pa escorted to the steamer • hy two or three emboli One. while a Ifirge r concourse of people of ell ! ,1 moos awaited his arrival' and grootod tho par aothropist with hearty cheers. Father Mothe bohiad bini an address in which ho iflak.s he h, 'cared the pledge to over 00,091 pen•ons. wh added to the maks of 'temperance. He rem' to allm ' isiduals by arafio, to within he is part'. debted fur coottety and kindnebs in thii clot elopes with an elocluent t skill to his own co, beseeching, them Le discord forever ilposc f•icti by which their country is disgraced ! , peace and olaied,and the limb of Inoven are tampered • outraged. The united States steamship Long Captain, ailived Ott+ morning. havtug I. situ Oct. Ilth. She brita4s about 30 of the 'll rtfug . eest who rematne'd on board of hut eft pyrturo 'ofKossuth. A letter friom Ko.tsuth hy the 17. S steam ;r p. test boon received by the M ty.w.• K fro roth bustness or :h e 101% 7 • n t enure compelled it It : England. and eonsidored it bet Thyt th atauld not be.d'ol nib.' on his account. lie flan Olathe will cy:rt kice litviiiitool for •14, , w the iteamr of the;l:h't hist; aud Ilia tks th s itt Now York, tlirelyzll Llto - .11 th , n, milt -howl' him. 1;1, t i Thst Capt. Len officers or )11b , t-oppi in ~.;11.11•Avow et statements that hive bee i en woddy cflrcullted @locos between tho Dili -tors and 1110. eypress ireot gratitude for the untfortn kind: have experteneed on board tite MtssishiPpi. G G. linvld utl.'9f Or firm of 11.0.0111 d & af.or reainna, 6.a ft.l , llro ye•oerd ty 104r,ni church. wli vial) a pa,a uu tho tf;giutt 7 S : l ' bootend at!.er exptred. The ducearld was Inuit 'Clove:firm m Iti 17: but re n Fed sonflo fifteen )e. IL) hai . b., , a coailifict...d at varoA• titneewttlt n portlnt pu`,bc enieiru es. and the success of th 11..str lil , lrold klAvrthutect, itt no starilltlegr..343 artiout. ll,s lo i ss will be deeply fdt. DETROIT, .N • The steamer Sougurnrr. just IJwo firth( rho Markman% repot t 4 that while it ,M , tekinaw,, a •- ou board the GP„ : 0 0,10i walit's lllit at Miekin bed tht second Eagiueer of thi la,•be in the gr ' wouuthag htm. 1:h1 passaoger thin spriing:u l Itub.nson. the fiat Ett,zittear, atid szal.,',ed 11,11 Last, ki lii Inm%instantly. ettP , J, iOlllO ni tpqa-eenthe secouA Ea:lweer and the pubsei“ ttr . ther parheulars.• . , 1 414,1 - Irv! arcrinas —The election in this rr•ulted tzt the t'Muu men ohtainink a majert llon4eotill...presentatives. lu the Senate the 4.l,7uhtfut. 114 t , s unt , FT4 ELECTIaN tton k.ts h obi) elect•tti 15 stetiatar 6 from' ,M,,ldlttsex. sfr co -ter, 1 from TrJokhrt, 1 (root Berkshire an. r, mouth. Tho'Wl.i•z4 hare chosen G i u S uff ii amrahire, 5 in 11,,roAtohlt- and G to N.‘ntne' i ti.t h.:. Thor.) is priihn',ly no of Stn lierioitre. 3 to Norfolk anti; 3 t• character of tho !louse 'ill ti-ro 6S - u;•on tf or the elections yet to -ho hehd mod thlft of the also. 'like parnes now man& W..11±4 161, cu.l,: nokhnite 132. S •ccrel km us votod not to heft' to the I,, , g.glaturet. • Kee ip . itul,:.on of vot 61.5.10 Hell thes3M" tow•aq f:avi 3G. 023. tivsprity a•zatagt the Cons,itutional C oncctiL and . - against the amendment of the City chi • 514. ' Gen Gonzales. who was sunms,l to have be r , rned in the late Cuban expedition, has surr Lomeli:to the S. authorities. I • A tin! has beenrissed 014 the first rgading in tf g a L •z4l mare. to t tba introlduction of sia (that State for the purpose olfsale Pie.Sew.OrleonsPica7ene of the 4th has full of the baJtle of Matamoros The Pic. says the o.ttila the ray of Matamorati still cothinued w F entry - 14t. -The adverse farces having beets htll' intertnie.iiien for more than e reek. to: was advan'en;g upon the west side of the to •ets the 3IWI October, as within four squares of t l a-her, Gen. ATaloi had his 4aiiquarters. 11 i latter was posted with'i4 or 9 pie c escif artillery. posed site cover each other. /The revolutionary , had hat a single puce.% and was doubtless fight Way (rens house to bongs. 'Geo. Caravajal has r:: his head: porter; from Fort Paredes into the naa.rk and wapiti the roar portiou of the town. At the otToshlities Gen Aviles had celled upon the (Aeon& and all citizens, to turn out 4or the Com fe ice, This order was refused. The troops we Rcpt.-tali' raised. _ WOMEN AND TOR I..Aws. , —There is na di! Acid of nonsense at Women's Conventiphs: bu; i:l en by their laws. authorize stl Cil wrongs as 'l - ribed in the fo'lowing paragraph,. who can', der that women thembelves should strive' to The facts were stated by , Afro. C. N,clioi-,lat the late Woman's Convention at :rite.. "..1n old'wornln she knew in Vermont had Industry, aided her hu..baud to accumulate a property, enough to have 4evained either oil wtheir old age. The old hilly had worked' eln m,,as a veteran at patching, but the clothe! always clean. Finally herhusband died a: Leta Vidow. Two thirds' of their little pt.< wt:.t to his-heirs: the remaining third was ii eletitfur her. She could have only - the use o lier,aeighbors all rtlffectod and lobed liar. ‘l.ittle gift did they send to poor oh aunt— At iast she became absolutely helpltss, was uctlem 'and told as a pauper, and,died iu th< a!:u<4."' ' 0?" M AL tSPRAGUE, sonrit•-law of General V' 4, publistitil a card. ernplutticaly denying th tali. so long current, that the General ants it _sli.. .mplicnted in the Cuban invasion. He . ic s 'it is j st and miser that the truth else il xn, aid tle publiz mind atgabused upcu "'.:oct. tis due to his name—his screic• li..' .. , ,,atry, historically, and to the army, th mern.,ry -bould witdie connected with a cause . 1, (4 ~ [inlet° romalend it, and which has ter led,,, fatally." . . rJ"' lVtthin twenty mites( of Albany there "It elve,'fav exceetlinz in its. extent and no mammoth cave of Kentucky. It has bee ,red over eleven miles; it iv. tra%ererecl by a er from one end to the• other which ennui •tco neariy a mile square, and an amplii t. fria. dimensions, over which hangs 'a of which has never yet.bem .ch rockets of the rgest have, have, en • ..:te flrE too VU In= by con eked up ov. 10 BaLrixonr, II detail. la. It is an a lea %ad it s g the at a every EZE ortlastice nce. 1t ME= 131311313 ov. 9 ifie. was =II =cm lug phil 'hal left 1 4 admnin• had bean thanks larly la rv. and try:pen. lar rder vit% 1 6 . Ily I Mil IC IC w VoRN, No EENI ISSIS MIESI MIMI MEME eristates Ylk La ecpa, a EMI a*4 ill try); 'Jo f d r- MEMO on :he, Hoinwall MEM NEM ! er of the 133183 any itrl - u(l3un h%s ex- Mil salt atui 2233 .r, slab• n, Lodi:, .• n Mr. to the =CM !et. _JAcsinr, Novern tate has in the (result is n0,..n N NE ye pro!) n Wor- 1 from '2. au Ilur tv; '2 in u. istol.' ,t it stelz. ? I etture , a I Li, Inc in - Blob '-ist year 27.G36. 2,. ME ./3/11.711101tEr. No /coil ildJred MEM ii' we YOT.R. t o i;htiug ten the flga,;elll 'OR a if the re de won - right. . 11. Wor- hor little herd: I were tid left rt y :441 t3t. Many orth, n. nny YR: —to t his hay ina- e tv, ex ni . ll ;as a :Teat tee. •irety . . - . . ~The Fide Antailatoi an old Invention. • ... 4 , liechines like those now gt)ti. up for eittinguishin. fires by the generation ut plutonic gas, with wal l ; in the inside of them, were in ented and tried'as f back as 1711, and the wloiletirurence between tht, said machines and Phillspre ire Anhibi'ainr," eon' slat's in the old 'one di,iving an outer cane of W4lOll Phillip's is made of irlii;` thin:, es:cottally t• the whole dlGrelle?. LI 174, one Ziic'iary_Gre . t I a German, invented a teSset, named "The Watt Bimb," fur cxunguishingitiriis. The intention i. thus de:cribed:—;'A au kleni vessel was provide( holding a cun.iderable Tidntiq ut water: to the'te tre of this there was a lix i ed .Case made of plates iron and tilled with gunpoivder, from this %.eszel, t the head of the larger vesiel, containing the wale there as a tube which might convey the fire ver A i) readiTilthrough the waterlto - he gunpowder in IL; inner vessel. This tulse..Was 'fled with la Sub.ttan T easily ignited, and quickly tuned away." l'h!. manner of tosing it was to ink it to the house on fir ignite the substance in the to e, an : d.thromi it ins i the building, (the saute way • is done with Phi i lips' Fire Aninihflator,) wlien the powder in the inl ner case soon tdok tire, xpl ding , the vessel -anii scittering the hot water •out the tire at once. 'll 'machine iti Drestka artil 1 ari 4, and was sticcessfu , if On a 'lumber of install • .s, a pottiagmat the tire. I In 18:13,, an English el emist, a L a imion, the !A where the new Anitthi awe' was brought out, revam ped Greyrs•Water Bomb, auilmfule and sold us mar of o them, fur a time, as theimo era company in tht city have done. One sizn wa for five gallons am another fur three; they are now sdhl by the charges But this was - not-the only stylci okhem made by th, English chemist, whose nateelwalLGJdfrey, he 110 a kind with the powder on; the bottom, which' carril ed the water up a chimneM§ti fire, ikbile the tube t' ig ni te it•was at OH both* pmectingoiowuward and could not be ignited with perfect safety. Th son of this 'Godfrey - invented a number of ballvto ex tinguish fires, on the principletuf his father's appit cation, and on one oecasio i, hi two balls thrown in to a house oil tire, it was alxiit guished. Now the whoje th.T..rende bet Ween the modern on and the ob.{ nee, is hift mucli,, for if an otitside, cas of metal hailibeen used by fir(' I, lie would hatie ha the modern one exactly, eli , i. , pernig at the use pf vit rind to ignite the chlorate Of p tash as used_ by Phil hp,: and the forcing of thelwa rup by the gay pass lug through 4 trrforated gate The grand idea u a Fire Amtfiliiiatur-the a aratus—belongs t , Greyl; of Ida's there is not'4.loll t. And is' gutipow der not a generator of earbtftii acid gas? Certain! it is. Ain if gunpowder anjt - alatuoint,c were use lii,). ailsubst;tute for Peilliks .t 4 brick, more go 41 be geuera'ed; fir assur.dly, a great 081 o the substance used in , Piiillip' must pass of 1; i car :, 111 c ox.Vdi'l not ac[ 1, and th nchore produces oof .1 • 'it 411 l'XIIIIVii.s11;114 the datne.4. flow Mr. Ew i l 111 k could let the nolilern patent! pass with foich ause as tli:s."applyingga=sLs resulting from coin auction, by the pressure of their genTration," to ex tingitish tir,fil, is unaccountalile to ul. The paten was grantediro.:Xrrd, 1854.18'0 thq e unroissi one was riot i:prora•,t of the 1 r ‘yriter. liorrph," as it is de sullied onl page 319 of lii) , .l 4 •lfy.lratthes." 'Pile old Fire Annihilator is pub.ic 7 pr.iperty, sad by a little modiliest.on coil I be made' b4t,i4 and cheaper t-ttat) any modern 0[,, ,, , iaing the old Wooden outsido.ctilte:' bd it never can he a useful sithst,itute for the Fire E!gin4, , althou;ili it nit). ariswer very well for ship:, wl. ere 110 Mr can get undernesith thd\ilatn... It will no; answer at till when the tar has.a ft , e circultion Wow - arc.' above, and Pi lips' Fire An hilatur will be far less elreciise in such cases.—Srien c .Imer kiln. 1 . ^ •_ _ . i C. r. SseNwas.—The Lite of this gatlla Nl nt. offi- ! ; cer, who accompanied C,;l. CLitteriden, whdp he p-1 arnted from Cap!. Kelley (1:1 the march rom L 91 \. Po , 149, has been hitherto wrapped imenyst y. Wt.,' ,learn, says Ili. , N. O. Delta, from M. Re •es. who; was a member of Cant. t 4 n .ir.i 1r i' colipan . , that he; wab kiile,l l in a tiehi near Baliia; floods, by n officer I stationed there, who spoke English, and w o sent a ;punish fig to Saunder., offering to him rotection it he would,surrender. Ile intllgnantly ref s lied, spit ting on the flag. and was shut t.y the ',frac r. •' - A Row.— rho Nlsmsfield an Sandusky train last Thur;day ran over two horses and. Lilted them.— The twig Ithorhond became etc ted about it. They f gathered together, Welted up, he mad with I gs and fence rails, and whet!: cite cars : arrived, told he en gineer,' that the cars should hot ' proceed. Tle men. on the train comtnenced ctellring the track, and the party who I,tt.i ;.I.ggod it" made. an asiaolt upon thcia. A ll.fiit en!oled. Tbo assailarit• V: er eL bai ly beaten: roe p, , rnrin very severely. The "log and rail patty" were taken up and committed fur exam itiation. . Mt:am:rt.—Om Mrdpiey 11;g111 Lie, chirimgr one of the frequent amtalg the ijitti,l4 h i hi i ri t i t i: on the Railroa,d. a min by the n 31710 If Barney Allen. waii stabbed in the hritast and abdomen in such a manner as to came death the next -W'rdnefilav exeuing.—' This atiliir took place in the bomugh of Greensburgh. The murderer made. his escalpe, iititwithstabding pursuit witi mile almost • iminedintfdy. W* trust i i archmeetE.ures %ill be talon t cans; the arrest of the murderer. From all we c if !Nam, this was a most cool and unprovoked ra rder.- r -Grreensburgli Republican. $ G.a. Cass in Tile late election has decided a 'very important roes. aim in Lancaster county. Sometime in SAitember last. the friends of Getl. Cass in that county, met in conven tion. and settled a cannti ticket. This movement was 1 oil/sed by the friends of Mr. liuoausii, and the had. ligenctr. the own of that wing of i h party, _ denounced 411a,ticketias spurious, and refused td place it under its elitotial'head. The Cass candidtite for _Senator was .I..ita kc ;ei r itesiiisicht. sad the Buchs+au men supported Ad am Bo Titer, of LetrAnon for The same oCiee. The vote for each X the candidates may thnre fore be regarded as a test vote heitween the •two d.sitsiotis of the psrty.. Now mark di result: Echternacht Teceil•ed 4.091 votes— Boughter 2.26 votes—Mejorilr for Echternacht. the Cass candidate ; Mr. Buchanaii's own county, 1.W.1i! It is no longer sur 'sing to us that the friends of Ale' Suchanan refused to Omit to thn Democratic voters of the count) the question 'n regard tp validity of their corm ty committee. 'They k w their welskkess too well to venture upon such an orde I. We announce. however. with heartfelt sat:sfietion. th tthefrionds of Gem. Cass in Lineastor have d, te mined meet their rqzponenis on their own ground. and in their o - it convention, thus af fording them no pretest for furth r disorganization.— Whenever they will meet—mark on. redietion!—Leu caster county will el lid six delegates. t structed for (:an. Cass, to the 4th of 'March Convention,— 'ork Gazette.. \ 10 DOLLARS 1113/WA 7 11: Teti ti, ,‘ .11 be ;1:11d to ILC tinder ofa CO of motley c• - int 645 I , - St ,ti• of the Erie [ork Ttiii money ly loom n 2 1n•1 I , tiAlv , l3 114 f re , t. o ere_ ward will Le trii t'u •••• vt •ih Jol;n L,, r ,n rit B...tetC.Te '. • 3 • S.lO r 0 , 10- II: tr Writs rol,! lenthor to Itrir; a new Calf ek in Poe krt Book. .IA1;0 lhAlArt , to 4Unetll It Attk IO 11104. I fi .It R'l•;k-. rln I a!,nn etnt. IA change.— retcet book, ton Vie. or ;tart one for g,,en ‘10,r,-.J0b.0..... of Pote tier. Warren co.; 1':,..;..11 r,ne I;Jr Lec I V171.141n. to %turn. Joh nrnn.— MK/ bill on the oral. nank of hrrtnnol VC too ter lain re turn r:tietel.-; et t oak, wt It the rooretitn.,4 gi% r infOtinalton Where tt /nay 1 , 1• le4‘e a w tin I.j wan lit.e,e,c,n. F 4,41. of. Waltoburi, }tan /veer, e th.• above 1J;.1 Trxwmucca.,, riiii.V.ll:47 ; ti.r 5. 1-:P. - - - -- it LAW 13'0088. / riNIE ,4i!ircri:icr will idl a:itir icrs ior either English ur Ameri -1 ' can Laa 000% ,, .:11i I Oa baits of SEr. or n,.,,, ail;riiiajogitua and Nets York rrxi a. 111.NJ.1i117" CkAler. Erie November .7 ' . Zrll. tfls NOTX Cll. I F .11." , ): WI! •Nr. v. 1.0 1...;.; 1. , ) I, in Wpm tt, 1.1.3. y, nr j.l`) lapt. 114.1.... 07 4- ,.1 ralnied.Vo - .1 , 61. f.. N. tie 1% i ree , •ive 110%.10. .4:14.0.4 40,0 0111 the of tlji,) died rcc.vit.l3 - 1-.11. tail l 4:1,!:.$ fur r:rle, 11r.1—riaa:st).,11' ......... „4„,„4„. „.....0 KTER 6 : lIROTIIER. irlo.kiire of the sisti erit;er. to , i,.ii.iiili. on th e tatti of tie'. 12311, .f .d .l 41.. tr, rather Wi d e r pizr. it hate " .11r ow I.eity The on ,ie in roiuesteti to ilpeny. pay einaWs and take it away. JAMEY KELLEY. 3116 R.)Kr rrr. T:,e Wo,h,l.Ft come furward. pru Wat.ll4 n gton, Nov -.1.61- D111111036177'10 "MI tiler. is hereby given that the r u-iJartnersitip fuenseily ea t u plinz NI% Veil the subscribers , unolikr 11W Tim of. Thorium' Ac Co.. at the F.Rgle %Voolen Factory. t :ikon the 13th rho o( /lu au.% last, &swiss,' by utitittitietthstettli The notes. boolts.atad at cc in is of the tate lino are left in tip• hands of Samuel laley and 31..rk ti. Itenniatint, at the old stand. Who will continue the hu- I n sine.* as formerly unilipt the firm of I. }epic Beaumont. All KT.. ,oli-dovi i.t; claims against the late lir re requerfed to present virtu duty - authenticated for settleineo : nd thaw indebted will please call and discharge tale ramie without , .141'- 1 Pill ti tIVORSTQN, rtAMrEt. 1.11. EV. NI 11. llt s -11.1iuNT. . 3133 r.,:v tneS . J, 1:4; I directions, p u uix ventor exhibited h ~ _r luelater,County. lIRIGGS HATS, CAPS AND FURS EDS. TBB 111111,1011 Wear the track for Ileb SMITH, No, 3, Cheapside!! WHO hn• on hand tbriiaigein Moir* of /food,', in hi. et. r °Were,' in thi. market, which were purr hared bur L Arll in the Ea.rerii cities, or iunioninchired by Iniiiren. bi lb We Is he is enable.; ju • ell theta so Icy tlint people do t.a y it uinrelin.e east by the Ifou.e it ithout irn% ing',lniy. %%ell, vk acre l'ant.ilic people can buy Beautiful Bilk Eats far $1.50! 11a Salo R"'" ror 13.= GA real., an 1 , nll other !Ike km ;awe, Fur invol W tt oil e I can call and examine: iin• them-o%m, forget Lh place. Siostter Cheap Hat .'tore, No. 3, Clw Er.eNoveusher P. lASI. .26 _ ItEGI.sTr.a , S" NOTION. A"- per.otet It toz Deed. or 0-her 'it...0011,00 of 44 !RD .the recorder's othee. arc 0,104 .t•d 10 call and 1:11 lilool l4l or berrue the first of December Dell. If 04.1 cal:of for 14.1ure th. 4 time thorn: l'Ato will b. .col I.; i. 411 10 the uwoerp. Ato taro 10 the chute requeio to ti'r'e-nriry In ordei that 1 may pr 4 poly place the treiee in the hataklit of lily sale2eAklf. Oka I neglect 4 , , R. J. 61111.14 Y , rale, :1140enal4t4 P. 1831.- 1 1- ir-Yr pIR k: URIIK tor fele, by RJ & ethic ) ... at 'heir 'MOW Siantazetory. Noe y. 3146 80111ZITEING - NEW. AVMG been APPOIrttNI Mt) or ow tirge4 Shawl Mnoulhetorleool its t h .• woo Id. I hive di, 1 received:l , o of r•.ew and beaitilnd io) n Wen n 'name the to turbot , 'n•Y quauttn• of the at.uve articles WO^ isade of dn. 0f,111,/ti ht Nvw elo'ork %DWELL. Enc. Nov. r - - Annual Meatial of the Pittaborza sal Ltio • Wail Road Company. T n Storkhol.ler. of the Ihti•tht trgis att Er.e t:rni rem• A- ' , any, arc 111 ruby MI 311 flee 1/011 *llli I t livid at the (Ore of caul Cotopatty la the ca l ,. Of EN, ou t'li. VitlOtia) Det - euther next for the choire of Thtrteen Data-tont for the emot ing year, 3111 for the transaction of .c. !traitor toLioticiisar• tu ,y he. reti it re.l. to. WALL ‘STER, . . I Mice Patnlurgh ~spl Erte Railroad ftli Noventhcr, 1-31. Adrcriioer and Gazelle copy. TAILORING. GR.III kM is FERRIER would rewheetfully inform their friend; and the public generally that tbet have rent.,l the shop lately occupied by John uuaJ tuig uI -Been. Block, oppocte the Illonue:1 Block. Slate Street, ahem they a ill be found at an bullet rn, ly to eVl•ettte qII i)pfer to thew a ith 0e:011e-a ainithipatels. The molls 01 Graham as a rune, .14 too a.•il known to require any puffing at thi.. titue.aml t• ey only fay toat he will auperintei..l that brnaell of the bailie.. Ferrier 1110001 h eult.paratively a stranger ei adl known to all oho hate em plus e.l him. to be a ht-1 rale %Villa th ee (vial iliea -10,0,111(1 tripe to Clive entire ...u..arae win to ihow who may la- Sof ilhetu sr tilt their a urk. they a ill pa) Varti.:l/141 attention to floe e nal tug WO ruak ti of a 11.01... of Bin earilient... (a branch heretofore lug unizit n, Oecie4l.y an. tr3 , :e m thus eny.) in; ilwy will tie i n the reeelpt 01 the lot:Wily labium , front the Eag:they w I be elllttard to keep 'hire 0 1111 os eis hen mode of haprot e inent as ary eilineuUl. Nasal and Military villains wade to ord 'r. ‘. ruttier clone with tare for other.. to make lip. amt Mme %rime preem.e.l. at the ifrual (diem, JoII% Yi Knit H. Erie. Nu,eu.ber I. 1-,51 4, - : . • • F Pt tbibt • t it 20t ti t! A • L . , Ala t- 4 Ct . ! am ysz '"• 1 f:57 .w„.?• _ • F 3 • 1.4 - 1 1 i _ • j!- • ~!{ I • T . -1.1;7 1 , 1 _ A --- • .i 4l That Ball is still !Ulna; . INT P. are re . el , inr, tally. (tit .!'Oct. Il or.) from !I. Gala ell, 15111.0 1p NEIN 41.1%0..014 Nhu N il l 11 m uu 1 u the Otos. of Itooti.e. New York, ad" l'htladelplin .114'0 1111. 55 ',Ming up or the fall trade; Ilse ..rreatrsi var. is .it the twhewl of ten. and ail 1(11144 of hr.. nod 11..ra•stre I' I.; ill .1 Sir er esh'stnied at ono MOLT ill any nail the pry.. o. f.'r r••lou low to I en twit. Mon) .if Child nil lie,.uld al One hIII n Lat it eoel to 0 them. So !spw ti for the - ere it reotl - Aor." the Mem politati Itat . Hot... Met ll'o an Rind that blow • euod—Vrtiet no. tort Es los, is the Faruier• got it. NOW it the tine 10 0 lav •t much girods. Novel- re. 1111 . 1%,1GE OF TIME. NEW • ORE *ND 111ILIN 1141.11.31011. D. .'EIV TO NEW VoRK CITY. VIA DEREIRK ,stnl the Erie Ratio ail. connecting with flr•t else* ftellYsers on then in. Cleveland. ilohitub nand Cincinnati, Cleveland and Piti•to gll and nandooky and Cincinnati Rail roads. and steamer on t to I ilia an" rivers, and the too. Indiana and Fenn Ivania canals. TRatr. M.O. et %KIRK A. 11/1.143Wil 111'11111m, Export... rani at fl A. 14.1 Morning NlatSTrat nt Itt A. M. 3.1; %comm... fati,m trr 'ts.) at • 30 i', 31. ltl.. I 5.••,.;.•• pre-- at ST M. 41,, 5413. Espre-- I %wile Frt.clit 1 IA. M. Writ Trei;lit at I 45 A- . . Fate fmni Itunkirk New York. 4 00. N. 11.—i lie .1 o'clock I'. 31 Train n , I leave on Sundays and 1.111 ul Sitord'it:r :wino Cla•• l'a•scneer• taken on the , eenninevlstion Truitt at t i k. I'. %I. 1 . ere Otrou4's v. Nett 'orls, 65 .at. Tn.+ I '.•:11,c0n3 e•eperr Ito trlt•-; , rt Lt e• I.(A . k and Frriabi °fall laNsln :Mr; !r. N e w y.„ r k, .""'"• 411, 101-: stork. The el m! rf ills' R•r4.l r t Ile ricite ere,t ,^•ltout. tit, !Olt:Int t 112 . , it. 1,111. R C. MIN T. rfut.'t. 11l kirk. I-51 9 itA l'E Entl•tre II lOW.. rthar Is 9. Xi , : vol hy Re I .st • ••-pste 11 Frio-pi ti lal V. M. rmsAi.s, Cheapst-e. Not'etuber M. • reeei. rd. IS pletep, 1.11 at•!.. of idli!linit 11 De I.sine-. zio I •ty les. I' 'FIL'HA r.s. , t. tither -. 5110 ""c iizi i.lW;:at Ottel TUM November • 375,v Ata; anal !.mitts. MArk and colored. fine goods for omt• p. r yard at Nuvembet • - C. 11 - • - - - - r.v.%:5 1V --„lllt , Creteted another lot expressly for Job s, 1,144. , . at IWO., a. RI rut , utia). Tho Tine Arta. 4 RTISTS" UR USIIES COI all 41114.. 14...• rlo:." in 11. t...., ~ ‘ :rte. Nov. I. I '.l turr.R Ac 1:11 , 11 . 111.R. -- • - Paol ago from a nd money flemittod to Groat Britain and Zrokaad. 400 1 N 11 / 4 .'EAGLE' " LI !lOW ' Toth and Livcipool Packed% rRSi INS % I b) .1•Ii lor Ill Pit pelfik 11l rell rtritnin cr P Irelitnst. can :flan) lour fha 4e the netc-nary arrant, 1111`tliA N Oh the sub.Fefi berg. N ho halt' in ro•obtenon N ith t tot, 01 the firm houree a yen: rcini•lett: vol elfefolve nr ra figment for lift or alto modat log of per•ofir rfoorratinntO A mer- Fvt the pronipt ever in 101 l of his enottemeo,.. the her hat the adva tat 14:•• ‘.f hat ill g the Sok..%gf•oey 'or Pasretoren. of the opfetstild New Shwa., eOniptoi or Iho "EAGLE" LINE OF NEW YORK & l.1)/7.RPOOL Parketrt.totihn.2 Twice ff month fronte3o Port, throfmliouvihe year. In all caws vi hen tlro-f• rent far do not Come ((owned. the incniey Will Trititided, without de•fliefforl• • zSILLS AT SIIGHT.•/. / For rae,in Mall% to atilt. Nlueh Nlil t Is en,lfeil t ani• of file 111:thkr4fol in the profroffrlTos no flow:chow I,l , ghthl.ireland, Sctalhorl afol Waite. ItARN 110.1 K Zrz itankrts, Loi l d,,ni and JAN Fie "iferrloahri. I.nerpoot, • •1•1• LI Tt....1i1. . t•Nti.i... 1....,.f 1.,,i,. - • • $ l ll . l 11.1 Vi .. ... , ( N. Az.rnt. Erir..ra. Ot to „liMIN McMlCii A I:1,, .S ( 4.1 PA.. Cur. 0r5.411.11-f I N. V. - R Il 1' I. R I:pi C' L 24 , Mews.T. R. & IL find( New/R. P. Lor I. rt.,' . Chief Logi- V•lri, I'nl, / rarer I). & 11. C. Cu. llotte* .• J. •' , ..V. Whotoel. & CorXn. I .inie. Penn. •.' Slwrman k 11. 05..., , do. 1 /71.11'4 A rcliti .;!(I. r...- 9 rngi - Lti% ,e, Prier. / doI tirer I. e_ 11. C. ‘..., ,4•4,- (.41 A 1 M SLICkI334n. Nen' . 1.: .. .1 . 4... 1 • 1, 4 1; , ... ' !Moth, V N. V. / I :Pilled!. G. I I . - 4,„ . I * . tzu.on, ~! a i. ~ A. s mith . v... 4.. seers•va- 1 Al!, -.1, 1.,:y„ N. V. •ri Pet. atallud,niCaii:.Tll,n .1., 13 Ve51,,r,41.4<,,wit. ra. I' ' 'N. 1',. , tr In 110 N ii tiap, : 4 alln 1111 , 1Triff”ttc I: i",u.:: , , a ::irge a. )rtyni c;1 al s. J 11'1:. o,i'S. 1 4 111, . in•-t •1 • ,, Y , lmeto •Ir lire,. 111.6...,:5: :1.1 :.•ilier Troll itit,:. 111 /111 i 1:11) . el :c trth.' at j o kili. P.P:t. / NE V ARR.IN /I Ell ENtti: ..- A Pact that r wish to have litOown• cjTookviN c,34 n 11401041 1... 111.1 Ilet4 rote. 1.. n "Park R.nt ." 1..1 Iw4 doors ea-I of Draw b * , ,, ,, , ,•r,, %Int!) ~ tiou• btu.; tdd*d with al 1 . 1101. • !‘• 3 !..ICrtet: 1410.7.1.. 4 Clocks, Watcher, Jewelry, silver Were. -Silver I . llu:dam! German Sahel WWI% rut. , ) G0...d5,, 31.iviral I morutiviati.. Limps, 1., w., lib -e-, Eke., &, ,v ,a eau he ti 1 , 1. •1 in r,101! New York. (no m,l - 11c..rn; On. i•nm.; • '...dn • and t:,m t'euien". I hive. 1nd,...!. :1 ~ .1.0.r.1.,%0rt ~. m At WI of ;mu V. in n , 4 r..q WO Pee 01.111' NO 01 , 1 e V.I. ‘,..1•1 6 I: ci0„.•,,,e ~ ‘1,1,•, I I- not alai the "fin t th.....a," may /oal Itp l / 1 1 , 1 in Zhe ...cord and thir.t I .1., , 1-. Le l i t I:P.t IR (MG ifone an the lied invaner. it. 0 wail Ve ~.,t eu ill W•ilell.. 1.% nil e.inrlt•liC Al the .4,41 Of tae Uatinimtn IVAtch. Erni :4;0 w, kid. . ... . WI; S er .I.I T I :n - iki A „ l i l y k L i :l . l; 'f ai " 4 " ; " for ''', a r' l:e " l ' i let ' i nlet• vi in he triad by 31)11 • Erin, f e1d..20; a SSI. ____ r _____ "..--- 11.111110 VAX..! Tut undersigned havinl n mos, I la, Tal, , rl td the room. , dirt-ray over A. a, 1. K iv.".., lately iieearned l.y TholliV.oll and nr.ll.i. and i ilotel.:would inform his friesnla mml the frienillt that h' still lines in neeordallee WWI the DA ,n, the iiwt of his brow," and respeetfalty elicit, ro the pa tinge so lihentlly extended heretofore. / il eelved, the Fall and Winter rashinno., he I , pet make ally and every garment in tiliiie in a at parsed here or elsewhere. Also. Naval and 1' made t• order, Le. Awing done promptly. and with, care. r. up. • I lull` E'Xit.' OrL 'IL 1.1511. ____ 11 6 .2, and an7d liastieli V raish.. hy rte. Nov. I. - cA Irma a 1 - iii@i;iiittFilZe.r I.eiZi.i --- : 7------ /...r. Lstc, NOT I. I. AtTtat , , NZ %EIS _______ 7H I i _.:. .. ; ....4,... v .....i I t ar 42 , 1 -• 1 ,11 . i. . • i . .: Llcay: , qj li — kit i se4 - ' ; l )ii.lliLi . For ihri Carr of COUGHS, COLDS, I :oAtkiespra;:lssi BROMMITI', rr 7noopio-optyart, OROU i , SWIM& ILEA op NS VIIMPT4,O IP rm., M.? :warn .road diAcol t uu tufic,lstite 'pc to as I , ld CVCII proton= Mir tent le,l of mom teal liabary to ttu• liealituk Art broad country. 1 4er Prow combination of nlsedic i no J cure thc numerotur liori• theft # sivept from( our ana r. Imbied there if row n # at 1et4.41r iwrit knurl yeti angemua affection's of t permit lui to publish any ;import' thc Wit ne r lnuubi prowiat follow refrr ti rther inquiry tut cart med. w,ll al tray., bc plea dto f tirn'u 4 , rand indil.utabl • pron' Fr - or-1 the Profesior o ILlebratei ritbr -.4,11 Cl/ 1 7 . Ayer—Sir ill hare my owl r400!Ot ./I , p--ealled tiro etwaur at rolllteOlt loft. It i ll It as teller° laryhmal and h whin', its OUttal , rior chn racier. rah be of me at zua you thank proper. 1. Vlll of elicala Otat fillet) trvi to {lll't. 11 cry 3 . • ed) La flys! .1 Frolll I iF.SSOR SILL SOR Of CID . c.. Y &LK cow: Immo.. ram" A. PRO Ft 1 Mat I In lite C:IERRV r ! lb(' beet a niclev I :edy for a eln.r of., "I 1 r(/Mr 0 Wal. re% NMI,' Oiov. QtR eArrist,N., If Or ruiaury gill:1110110r ihe lun `,rein one of th,; u„ an iTin Phy.icihns in' Maine,l Nr:eo. Me.. Aerit tr. I.! W. Sir I man 11.3 W r..oll4altallY tosila metier!. and prefer it to alys yolter Itl. Frull110!e•rrV:111011 of army y all cure eontliv. cold's. an!! die ko defiance all cr her remittal a lito e ave. of coat 1 , 111.11044 and known for thmt di-1,1.e. l I. S. CUSHMAN. M 'D. ftrlti ektoria town. A 11 5 ,.. on Co.; North E. 1.4 by K. r. ' Wllite; and by thump-I es e- Jaw... 16 fOCDS. ,re now meet viola laid vitae kof FM and Wt otter foxed,. 1 , - at hie,' laave4teria pi Telt' I late an tate !wagon at ;wrathy reduced priees,&" la all be tittered the polite al astartitalustyr y low hues Sur Stork in panlyieolu .e.ll of Print... varyint In prate' ri 6 t h&j rt. per yardti fast e kw*, Cohourar, tons de I.k 111(, , .. I . .lI* II I , Ir a're GlllChallarr. Septet' a tha Tho State •tleaaa I-. 1'0,111)11er., t.fet era' .4) le and price, heettltvo iitt.l 'rho rtstav, Menefee I and i ~,,, 1,, „.,1. ar l a ,a) a .a. I • a sio.m e r •. t+atille.a.t, ya,IiII,T.I. I `4l,llrati. Saltnear • and caber Plan*, it. %Vali told W 111.1.1. P.Wark. V 1 i t 11.14 e the Itreevt vtor k in 'll . eat . , We hat e rent Re I 4.1 ears lIII4in II 1.1.1 T Sln,e. (Ilan n•entr lea and dr,cripltuia.• :Lilo. !A do,. :a tail clillrit..•lt'n 1.7a/I lal ta.ratera %ham,. We are afro r e . ern t 1,12 additimito our rtvek td: Groceritnr. Cotekery. to ,whirl) o lil In do our awl. eottaphtte in that lute. I 'tuandtteit !telt Ur r .:01.11 I c larrle•-old in to .., tatat;tet. we ren. , 1 1 ;111, u•ti . ii the ' .ll , ilt,•11/ of riff II 1,1_1... MOORHEAD & IlrGlly:S. . Cave. November ly 1J..31.1 1 4 i . 2.1 ' Tres* 0 ocories. ikArE are now reeeivinotar all and . Wiliter elock of 4ratee -v V ryes. cole•t-t ma of Huai. I atty. Pulverived turd Mtnyaa a d.a 51112.1 r. Ram. clll. Wind ap I tran•ly. Green. Black and linpe 'I ea; Toyv. Candle,. II itl. P per Sauer'. Soup. Calartles. and en n,h, mackerel, Whdrtfivh. nd I. it qtn Rutty: Rio and tat. Domingo roike. eionainoi. Nu meg. eit. Clover. together with all :auras ..f *wily wearied utthally kept in a lArateer.t Store. *lnch we ... a ll,tcit as cheap ay alit Clic. pr.t lbt ready pay. All k tytiv of prodree;4aken an eiettange[for uo :a .. Erie.. ov. I. 1.31.-13 : A &J.S. W %LT Ili ..1 . Ba"zt. — h old, Sul% ecaud , late. Nov. I, .si TV! .R. 13Altl.r t l'S and Pallet 'stover, a. 1.,t 1 Era% Nov. I. 111. R. ivI ANIMA: 110AlitiIS,guctil Crte. NOV . I. I 'I CR. . '(OiyeIIROMATICW—Ma Vain- Hr. J.! your II in • 1 . 0 Pell r, en. .. 0 C. A yolc. Lowell RR% 11.1" 1 "Sait. 11 e r, 1r WI I •11..1u0 y c. am 0011vin: the lung.. dew 11.1 / 1 ; 1 ,4 y feef/n1:11111., a iiiii h Ore be ~.1 J.II 4 tVI % 111.7: I inva ton-At t Ittlpettlntly Enure, reJ by J. C. Ay r. l',/, I Erre I. J 11. 14 /IMP Ca.; 11l IVlrd I) • J Ai 'n a' IL Ini M ' illic.ltY --- - - --- '- - . ( 3 . 4liii . k . i . Agolioi R . NI"IF:11 - t:0 1 )11 . 12.i.-Ju.4 receive lLa the new more in the Sennett •-•-- .1 Itlock, a generz.lareortinent of liry 1111txrdr.grocerie., eroek .l:4l'll.l'.S.--l'oliareil raateles a beautiful amoontirent by I cry. Ilar•tn are. &auto and !,iota. &c.. &e., which Will he Add PErie. Nov. 1, 1 . - CtIRTER & Bit , •r li hil• the µfor cash or 1• ' t.', 11 anel .e. pro. it.e. i 1.4. ()et 1••• et-31. Se:NNE:I7 & CO. C RA Vt.oNS and Crayun Iflcrlt! s, he - . • Erie, Not. 11. ' CARTER& lIIROTII 11., 111 r AMES' ttllitiiLl. - 1 - .-A new 11• Apply of Alm...Shot cis at the Land \Pr ' tot IlraxitaL ~ I ii..... , • cheap twee to the Sennett Mloc It. et:NNE:I"K ar..1;11. , ‘. lloieriber atoll pay (tie it gheyt :wicket price, in et.h. far Ikt. Ir. le3l. FLand Warrant*. WM. A. GALBRAITII. PRIN'N.-.1 asoortuient rrecit eil at if file -.on , then -3 1,11. • • , f 33 Oct. Is. Ira'. . 1 • PENNI:I'I' 21. NEJ. 4 . Plata an I ri,turil all sl)li••• and •ivaili to.- fir ouile T - I 3111111.1.1. 1S -A huge ar..iriiireut of iliol,rells.'all lava . ..nd by' ISM! 1%1 JACIitUIN. 11 .- ] price., at *l 1 SL:NNI: "at iif 1. . " parent,. l•fa i i i . Reared, ',l ai d, .1 t ( , F. 1.1: MI 1.1.,1.- A lira. ..t plot - (*Lin e n. ;pile!. .11,1'15,, enee Silks of all rotary. at ' t 0.„.• w i pt nor atiii..i. ;a ..e.I• 1 SF:.'.'ell I&qi i H. JAII:KrO3tS. A GI.N t' neirt ulf.A.l,t) .11,04 - `- -- ,Thilret _ Cloth., t )rleltt. /loth, 1-1 1• ,1 1. 1 at I ' o ' ,hire or - 2rl; • At 1...... _ - '— 8 , ___J. l l, l l'l:Sr/.11':• 1 (will NII irrli l kti41..,75.0 to at (lir it'll, - ore to Pe Sou ortt 11 - ,ek, t. Pulk and fatten tiloso he ' I ott. le.-'I • . , t tiIIN.S Y:l7 & llt ). 1 Noe 1.;;kot e t ,. Gri o t,' KO, l'ioda- j. .i.Al'.lt. A. lie trines. Gaigts.l C.o:ieLai. a ten getteral . $..1". Children'. l'aebilier slid rurta.erit for art( by 'ZS 11 FLI.I)iN ar. : , ()N' B. JACKSI. N.- Ct111.1.:"1'1NOS, lied Tirliri. Yarn, tVarp, vt hite __ 44 y %W,tr-te I it,p-ii. (111 4,10111- 1 - 1 do !Col ,red, .1-1 1. I. 1-}:I.IIEN & : 4 ( IN. i:f r. .11,c, a gr,.....1 n.rtortilient ul - ---- N r.S.-.1 divan pi:. creel% c 1 .Ire for - L l, NY • 'I. ` 4 i k4.l ‘ S. N ' A. i 'rt. I.!.- • 11 L ci s 1, 1.1.1111:!•: 6-. arIN..iL t u 1 by calling 'Smith .r ..litlilion,t. 116 (. i . i.N i .,..,,... !, 14 J , 4 1i.. - .l.i l s: l • ioi ,i.g. i...% ~.•i.,‘ gutletlti 7 ,- ' oul.fitp and lA , tte LODI: IA,, i roritikei: , .lu r..le tuildi lot .ow in :Lit ;IT .)ID.r.. i ill I ii, t•l:^e • . orrtuctit ma the city. A Igrikrl ,),, l _ . - . 41 I; Ski1.1111:N it ra IN. fillilreii.' It ialober Snect at V . SMi rii J.WKS‘ 'NI'S, A 4 LIP: A Lira lot yit•t rig Red dirt el 11•411 the oictiall•ctii. -- -•- - • - L - 1. re!, 2.l c i G ...z1.1.1)1:N 4: '.' l 'N. • t;., Iwo., 1 4 111 . 1••••, .I••pny li't oc irolt. 1 ----- __ a. •v. and a variety of clie.t 3 i• 4 113.121 isauli KiliiiiEl ROA41:11114. . . 6. • JAC K ( I='' L C‘Ii1V1:11,1. ha- acne, ref:: ••••1 from the lanittir rook,. . where gr,wl., of .. 1 1 land. tilt LI been parelia•••• 1 i,t tCO. ' face. tuns ti irClOrt. heard of. and 4 ill 1•• rvlit at pare, - : to cor n gra n•ed In Ih .. it , frrP o l l l.l . My o4kork I. touch larr.c 'for Fall that, ever. nal Lae of it:Otani tut a- a full tweVrtioetkt.C.firtelythil g 111 lIV th....aht Vine ; It urn large ii p e .,,, ett , t n ,l e t tt t o tt t owoto,o price 4 I n ill rii ro) that to. e art ttillin? tine rot 1 h•--e hart n • !ii•ln. 1,11 , 11 . /st ii 1.44 nil. at 6 (.1111 , 4 rer ) red US ::0011 as to pOt.t lit large iiliniittented - r IC- r t., al In coll..: Is ecnt .1. hitio , l at 11, rent,. brow,. Mitati tt .' ik:lit. Adni i o riiiio tt,0.!...a. lon a ; :,;, - retitti. l'ity aso•rtnicia or rattan hi, o.atr., tin,t,lre..+ ttl hid A never V. ere , so larie, awl at correspinefinz4pe. - ...• r , ‘r it! ni 1 Rots Erie. Di 1.. 111%1 AMA./1 Sin Erie. RFY 111 L r %int N' 1, ere. VI A 11.1 e an r.v. t 1-ate: an Cit ;LDS ILPII 3111 1 :1••7f111111. rsit . N III; I T G.r sale r :IYritbeijl or I 4lit itt-klns, I \'nlicin; i3!o4ns, 4 1v -- 1142ninis - tration Notice. f7rTERS of ltstnni•tratNott rut mg , been grn wed to ittsl.ttzt. ins robe,- on 'he11...41:in.. of NreloCl Warner, tote or Girard tvs deruhru,l,ilo:trao a. Illerfly Oven to all ;bereotnt indetst ',trace lintnedtat pa) meld, 30,111.-e 113, - 10 • precut the nonlmothentot ' II R ( . WARNER, Ads', Tor. I, 1,71. sill t i Wild . I : anon.. t ir with mellt. ' ortr.tihr. ---, fl trawl, 4. •171'13 Dn. olio . t4trzcia.. i DTAE 1. •1 it or: 11 it NTIST, rout long expellet e. is prep?, d to &trine I ten• +ulterior to Ie Teeth ed by tuna are War. rattle,' to Teill et tell lifting+ PM ',MVP, the 1.1 , dtre•or ttfdtleay. Witole and port ..r. rot Arttliciml Teri oh ettattrelt .11;01d.111', Thus tact eptiti,,fthe natural ' at p 9 once which dol•I h',. l the , moult. rfirilet ( lar ae. lion pa lo upera1.....0 tr.r h ire lit amt 1 tcttlieml it4late. Its. f %% tr i t er, i„ thoutellv 1111-let.ttrOd t 1 1 11•4 I , pe ,e 4 rmit.ll:, 11,ralet1 I 1:r :),1 1111)..-, freplll 41.!,t attetioo to tot-melt 10 1 ,1 w-rut out I d a rlr duoi rattonat:e. , Ohre with Ir. Itht•o_11„ No 1, u teock, Lite. s I let, 1..41.1 ' - F w lIRF. 'S Nli 'll lIATstOIIE : ! 1 ! k . J'oist Op nod it No. V •-L g ght'a Block, Corner I of Sta te , snit 7- 7 - • Streets. vr'n ER , the ,tl.tert ter low rere ring a large and tyel,i to ,- Y !gr.,. I 'tuck of I laht. re ts rnd Fir l To IA hint lie in ire. then ft'itt;te t t,f the people of f rue ono( let s •te hotly. Ile flatters • but .ellthet from lop long prraciltcal elperles , in Manufacturing • Ott In tit tor, and his •topeltur fan; till I. °lda tostig Omit-c -ry held - corn + theeci troll. the It 'ltte tiers nul l}Ma utactiirer+, there ht. pavnic II eJOl,lteet profit+, i it he cat 14(.11 a\t . .heap, it ; tot cheaper tint van) Other nu:oth. tut utt in t ester,, ',mpg, tr am: , IlartNt .hi Milan! to Ulrike this eft) Ito t itlente t le has likt it it great pit OS the•electoni of iit• goo& utakc hie troll cut complete, c suprwing et ery .- VAIL! TY OF l'lii.: LAT •ST STYLES, Arun and of the ry beat Material aOd Workmanship! Arum li t , griod a t ma) tuliold an aeii•ortioient of %eryhttedoult , e eilra I le etein Hatt. l'ar,ra fine el Ira Molerktu Haw. A Lelrtt - fill ta)le of latikk±erip t i e‘iontoler for Young Men, (Joll°ollol 14.1 1 1 the e 4 terjr. e Mei. Allithi loony Lunt. Hungarian, r4.t01- 40.nint the :0 . 4 1) 474- la'. 1 . 1 Ft T a AND afar With over of %Vat rt n'. country. ehedi# A • er tc tth an.: all tvt rnnted n. re Ere, # iet mANNE! and Pit En C, I ICI 3000 d A lr ' e t lN• 11 LADY ,I ) Mm tut. Xn7l )211'S Srtinelt A ti , Joi• tho,lo, I 11111'1'1.1R - IV.zz. —A I:04 a •a:^00)14 ta'alt or 010100 f ro•oorm 11 1 -QMs, erord Cut-, 11 rams/ ()filo 1,0, 4 ,4). Ai M OS. c I .olre a F,rtr, I tet...13. 'l'l:.lti• 'I I.: mi;?;:r.oraitae ; for Kato 6d Me thrill mart. , „73_ DRI.': I HIII4 —Vlutli. Hair. I al. , 1.1.0 f Bruahr• Air oak , rap aldh Ern. Ov I. ;IS. , t, , ri r RTAINI 1111 M. .S.— ra LI I:la>•s Pins. t'utd and Taaaels void Rack Pnllnai. _ viTAFTLE moms, of different V Uric. - -- I.2I:II' . I.IER'S SAn'S mid Kith / ie. Oct.lll. • put.: solhaeriberi ate auw'reer . .1 or Fall and WinterPxxfa. ron Ilardu are. Croekety. elkws. /ie. Alinrot rely variety of Ladies tin e Vest.tar. ice . They Write at ir, really I uin radgto .parehase 11.3 a mn I , * ie ilivlr 044 hejM fun: pun. IR 11 Irtit prte,Alit4 qualities w I gis Ette.Oci, 24.4-.1 ienre has made i Ite” 1.11 116.-111CrrItie It. • Or hum', n existence, Ito 113fatillti, than this r natte i A vat trial of its t trine. a beyond a .164111 that tin Yet known, can eu •fir. lies of pAlutonary do.en.e • it thousand. and thOusan nindant reason to believe a eh ran he relied on t.) en, lunim. Our space here w /.n of the eures etliT telt by opinions of ew mewl ge met, 3r which the .Ints Nein; rnish free. wherein art...llll' f these fete • , Amherst 11011 lIITCIIOOC yollr CIIERRY rteTtlß chill.. and on r , 11-fie.l .n adnisrahle eou.i,nsu.l .ifflejolites. II wi opinink I •ny IRV% on ate at I, GM juth iirreitcocK, L. L ME= . M. D. L L D. POO , RY. MINERALOGY. misr.K Or Tilt UT HIST.' JOCIV.TII/.1 UV F.UTIRPK. nu :a ItriiraNlc comp. - Y.l'l.mi froth trfin 3lethf a. nii.l a t try Ortt it 1,. Inteuded iocute." ' tof tunti r Senite. tont/n ath wonderful tuce a, to cure in Ira suy p Imp] It Pe pill lInU MET et ,1 Bronze, by CARTER & asp Slabs an.l M.l (•:IRTER & 111 Fre ' net'. by CARTER & Hole (or M•muc iltol/I.IIIC A me! Flu eta ter I. II Skrirwr, Carliwor - Allort r:Eid Fon; I. rind Ikrlm ICI Ibr r4"..1,) ,n enps. SW. , R4l-11 n'id R..1,1v II for ride T,•r) clitap Alone) ,Sntl Io• ch. VI, o'l'l OW of 1:0 T..t.tb' and v. I. OT, HATS! ! f4'np■ The ortvnal pntirrn EV iadta Amble throttgl,.)u y ' tl4.• Frei!Vll 1 . 910). VI" ~/ for rhilereti. Trci•th- dtirerpnr t c!.411 l'ay.t.tre 6t,,,PM. !reit rarie4 orll.ol n i Men i c.l Tripik... I x ilt t•.rytett nit ud. cr the trior: 23.—thn•SJ. ladle- , Fun , :trai ituir.vo it,,1.,.., .tp ral'n, , l.. A:1 gods 1 ar ) refiv , l,l. j.• 11,11 II {ABBE* flirt Tanner... Olt tre..ikT 1 P. S. et.Aa K. i9u-- )IL.-511 4 I thin,. 'e Ay the ALI. g, IS, *Mi_ r.‘l its vvuu:l/71T:loc " ‘ll . 1) 1.14 .01.• I Al lAtlt. Clllllt . • (163V•ang, can Ai, ISS' Wanted by • , 1 r. m. Ti n ILI lA. eg I • 1 g, at the lon CM latt•i, at Work. • I 1 well 6-lettr I sock u( Rtri d at the more of SES Ntrrr & 0. I ,•ty, at the new more In Atte .111 .14.• an.] et ite , ,el• on 1 , 11.71 14 1... 4 . N r:ri• & I't . r i ,rtmetit of I ireolar :7 1 ...n. ior 1im,1 , 11; ,, , Atm, .Molr, lel Pa 41,,1 Wood rates, at • Les • tfENI,II7I"I' & 13 . • . t, at red.teed toter;, at i ' NENs ern . & co. cut 4 i rer.t and Ito lc k T,;;;;; ' sENNE.I"I' ?ill). -- eTt.: 7 la thi and all other I.lttitt ehespe,4 be fit:RP:kr(' AIL 1 , 1,. , • ratrtaiii • ii:iteb, and 11., , - *ZIIIO , II colors. Roth. . E de RUFUS RREI Imi., al No, 3 Reed lloto.d. RITITA REElti. ewins, in grvat i ar tut It. .lilislient of Carprt 0211 IL ,fte . Intl/rand splendid St" otinl.)( Dry t IP, Gruver In tins stuck onnf be 61 . 4 Goods; Ilinitt•. i'at , • eosin/inert and persons itari-1 . in tall and i f • el•evi bete, a. they Witl c4n , r rn.rr%.ll I,fief 10.1. CO ITWIR sehoustiliesir bawl jai reeurmed bus Play 'York sib a JL larlpt aroutiamil at • WWI sad Winter deed% which wr# 4 te.groPehaland r Ihla a Air day* perol tut 300 A. 4, 41.1141 w• orra to ilw mot plat` to do suairll 'martial at a of sac / 4/4ere 111 e 14440.4nria ant ssawiet.4l arts N c Au* wry*, la gl". to I .. 41, Vear lar4lrCt ~1 Oar punka,* at a no dltult y g4 ,, 1 011144. riu.rl.l) W 114 , prria-alryeaa. 1.41 Wow Sawn. &cola. .r. • 11.)1 .431,1,1.1 4.-1 Jr , .114-34 , 1 ,111 /1 ROAM 1) 01:LL) Y k. Crtr..kt. 1. [jw_--rtrc~el NO 51 /4”..{:144... Uk..r./. 101 at. Lr , 11 - 1 4.1x1. 31 *-- 111' 1 — RCP r . k.“. ln chev,e Try late. Aug 41 13 - _ _ G -- " --- HEttrbons ACIA.III. . T ilt: erilee.r . t t' , .l pe eI.,•V n,..% eit;!' :P. I',.'i Wl.l %Illelet O.ICOr k .11 Lucky.. cur....rug! ~,, I.Pcmll .1.1 e1011145.11r firs , gurklir, font ware. grocery... kr et lepl dry. eruckcry. trail.. ice.. Ole , / 1 will N. to' , l at esapre.r4 , letepstt 10 , , :or I^4 , e, far tell 1) p ab , . rt. I ia I , h to ilrt ! the tearlv - iny i1.t0.0 It, fuhite Cull 404 elytaine prix.- alld lio drift .. ..a,4 u.s wril lie Salient .1 no lo 14411 4 .et. 11, I,st. S‘i LI II JAUKSIIN • Spavins.. rtingbonos, V7indgalls. Curbs; Splints. HATINi; w.ll Ih.• %lila' , or %tau .e.• re hhr !led ltritr.h ft rlin• edv tedlerf in the relkuvnl of a' Weser Apatior from my Iluf.e. I 11.1te p ifC IL., I lib . 1.•%c1.1 - it e n@•11 of rOllll/0111141110. 1141110. 1111.1 ,e•lt,p, t.p. titel.4l tl1ele• 1 1.11.1ir 1,011 lill• 1°,9. of 11.erl.rrerr dt. Ene cuuntv.l'a, The mime are Thereturre 'Narrate,' Owl Ij,, Ile lefeleafe. , V/ apply tI/131 medicine hall 'tor., 4111iCli , l P ilk : 4 .3. Vino. II i npllolp... l'alrho %V ritlyrall.,4 l l4 Int. We , lanall/glO. to pe at %Vpotel VP le, grlit that w!tett properly applied It h.,.+ sreeer la led to ,tr.... 1 :, e'lre. a'.ll illS. bi:: ., s wrr. %v....N.,/ . ob., .) 11. I.:-.31. -: tf: 1) 11r...4s Tr 111111 l Egg. ant! Ituttom4 13 t Aprrlll . JACK:W. 4 I%i 1 )y -tirt Ittnal, 1 ttro'- uctli roll !act, . rv- ; • *hp II not !I" . .4iir! MON LOPEZ% PITS , TO ',&4T1.. FIFTN SIASSACR.P.D! AND a n Judi done liceati-t• thQl n ere try ot,: to o.t.tat the Ca:- I .a.totit thew Ittatiwitt•llre. and as 11140:11 'Wow . ac ttlertard tt h 1. other-are di itleape.h but the out ) . wa) »c kut7tC to 'avowal! to 1111 Yl. 111 ll r as to ty CALI_.AT JLrSTICES. And elintnine hn• Inr4r And b rfrric,i ' l o ck or C ASS M E1t.1.1, A rs; 'VEST, NIP& iv !or .111otike up to OrdCrrtotl the bliOr 'wore ant tit lite newt t.ittlitoo .ttle t.lit le. lirpilmot thttir Ifiramsl,* for any forot ettla deileted Oil I•a, mg 11 w t,el. leonurej., .111.1 If 4,1 ea' One.] they will t•. 4 be uskeatou.le it away ; Itoady ,rilado Clothing.. hnve o, 11.%10t and, iiiii e %nite very iiaperioe l o t of Ready Made 4:lni Ti bleb we , ean rerontweinl to Inure in wa1e;,4...1 wuvl,t IlOrde our If.. Ild.:01•1 Flew !HIM it to rand!. trice,. aii.l 31 Ike; and to 1,1/1111.1g.1. Mt' say 1.11111: :0011,1.411n 1)11C to jade. fur }9U. and we kiitaw ,)(51 will be ennidied that tie Incie Cie ! Best Goods in', the Oityt Thir we tonl of awl rovilmtiwil Also, a hire 1911 — of Ear , . c 11 1 .1•. Ilrastsrs Stork. /ma Sioe Crat not. %%111CII WC !.Night sery kits. a VII NIII .ell it; (.10.:U1to tillr Wt . W.KI:t111 . 1.1 1 11 011, ;batik. , r 0 the Polite 1.4 p7l.St. .f. 1% or-. awl ole.oa toss, all oil Cll. tiler- tutu 0 . • 111;111% l ien aoss as erin•lisnAe.ii cols emetti to ease a rail at No , -I. IiOM 110.1. e. JOIIIN M. Jl',i'lirrtt ritterlttai Erie Ferm. f 3. Lail. 1 4 __ ERIE Ii.‘GIJER It l';:ft N ---- (; .11.I.Thit V, Park Itow. a few deors West of the 1132E12 UODBt. • - 0 11F.RmAN e. ft I:ipa lit iiia itt• all sa!io as I. ll r).1 1 ;1 - 1 . .R/Z E). 1.1 , 'II l'l. I.! h. C.% ES,F.S. 1411,1 arr'at 011 kirlie,4;7lr atlint ki n d or par litre. 111, a Ilat 1f, ,, f/ llt nen Rr, ii ;awn WI% e Itel a built pa: 1 , ...,5!) for t h e Art _1.1.111 . 1 . i. Ow ri. lt Livia ut Ow i- Artt, nu 1 II WI- learn top ril,,t vit aitaitly of nli aviirilty 111 1110 ilialtle Fillet! the A 1 a was it5...CW.1,4 , 1. to ring 1...1Y ‘SSiii ( . ...SIATI.O. It In the Mllltltt trot a. , ,;11.1i.l to the mll./Ft !literal le rental n. 'I lip retiiitt at Ow omit,* and of ttioisshililii or . v, ri,...,0, i, Owl tlki: - re IF lloi a re-„data r peria•nrtil Gal Ivry 11, Mat. U. Slays at bete the pie- Mr.•. Wl' lleltle ..) fl CWIIIEIIOII UtertAtt . 1111,1 tie tt Ilf) iffl..s. Ile eau I , toslllee SW.el I , ' , WIWI . . I.!. ~15h a as 111 , 1ula Witte . ..Ill” LtliOtatle e of the An. Tlte tll.-erotter 'beret:X.l,n- la,,s, f,...,/, th olnh, 2 , 5.W.., SOr lA/arks ;Ma 'S% :ill ail rita;t., talus to all aii a tiro!, atly 1 , 01- a 1 . in 11.11, e ill.. he I- Olin bled Li lire iAtte VIC sure,. %One h e alb 1.01/fell lit i'lls6 rail of the rain:le., :a 1.11 . 011 t r. tot AC, II :111, 1(141,4 gravel, ran ter ;II thi 14 rd Su utter r t0 , ./11, la Et It. of full' it ! .tiii trial, Irat.l ,1011.,-, tie li. L .0 alp a .piaa l,4 1 /.1 it Is tt - iirt niz.l' , iiirri, j. a% illi at litill Iv' Ink C 1,11,1191101 .111 :,..!..' IA lit liviluit,iir LI) wi ll. t....P. ,, .1 his 1.. el Ott, Is it ..01 r.. It if en ~,,rl,l, kept. • -N. It.—Tlfe " rtevill litsefuve•uxiil." 111..1 I , e -cut : - .1 Ofe tfl.F.Atf Toren.. W. fi MI CRIf %N. F:rac, Sept. 10, t -LI. , i.' . .. Can/i.r 11AL --- I.I2WAILIS STOIII2. - - 1.‘1 , 1 no..‘ r.,:, as t1..1 un. 1.,11. If ' el ' , •A Ili•aVA ;110 -lOW Ihtflaefl re euten.ttlyz, ut pan at not, ii:14.1. unit mail- GI it., , Kr-. Sinitll'; , Ifell , rlVP, fpnnx..'l , ,lr : ruts, bri.. h i ts ati-I Maid t :IDA.. Itallrat.l.• of all ilt-tt" 'apt lOW , . era ~ J 1 1.W.4 , tfn ittelio. main,: k+., grin. hoer,con,loal. trare4lsalter. and 1,11. chains. zinc. mg te.ol. it....0k. :In hatters. Avoitik+ and rleiti, illhrap tiltiati .. rile : iiii c e,....; laticlat e.l.rtimilarli lea, pOnfeltillikettlinlandf , auce pan., man, eat.-.rot. Arcuate, rip, liarid. twirl, Well. MO Worm anara . , wood 55545. and ITanlt..; Fian n a and 1 4, iatlatotiai • titiiaol trim end ad,e.., Siounkol.l o . I Allis'. INet al's'apal YOut4Ca th,IpVIIIL. tar.; t0i.1,,,it,' h. 111.1 al.ra and h,str ilf . L• ;Jl•irmt, • ,•odze., e) e ha t ivii t it.„ aliaturi..aiiglit litltii. 111,10APLili•a/ late. 9nd zz..p.. ; 1.0,,,b, tn,,tef,„ r J I.- Inn and COM irr plain, plow a, Ah.,,,i,1e JIM asli;:hr 1,1;13e !Mrs, sa W. plant , . augar aftd e In-. 111 I Wile., It at t -. 111 ..,.1 ,- . •,, , 1,C.10*.W1C...... illtltoW Wl:faits.. It1111:".^.. ItllMill'. It °elite .111 d WO.'t t riti-el.,ailf.l paler. 1.e.! ewri•aa - and Cl-lr p., 111:01.q...411% all.: Idark a% rilim K ii3O,e. TOMO. stprite, and ettal at 10511... wrourfn nor! runt bade, liradi% tiiiii t liiiit; well-. 'elev.-. Itickit, Litclltto, pOrket and tratde CM lery , •.., I -.5 , ,r... aiiil .hen ta, 1,141,14 g kiln ei..sllflllett., litallff; bra ti nla, nun and japan candlesticks jet., &c. ' Erie, tin t 11!.. It VETS RI:ED. 4101 N . V . 1 . .. cal Drogems. inaltioa V. In 1.0 at Maisufaelidere - emo; prices.. crockery. glasses 4(0 111 1 1 :0/10.14 tow f4,0_1•4. flack: an•iii 37e market west of New York: Iron as I o as r 1 cents per pouial:lNa de to. low as 8 1,5 per WO polods. • I Ny stock .ircrocciies Is large rig von lon riles. to 5t.1013, this tall and imer ill per tent beton any 4,1 tee o est of New York.. 11. 12.11 AV I rm. net. lti New Shop: New Firm: ew Gloods%ed New Prieesi: I I rpm: nn.lo.,.lzneltal,n th,i4 • rnotOol of thanking the I their tsrmier pationage.Minl al., to 1111OrtlI three That they have linnet! a partnership uncim the name of Web) At. Mont ford. am , it r art VII the . GUNSMITIIING BUSINESS in all its Moieties. at their new shrtp in rho newittlne.k.tnOifisdro nest 01110 , Reed !Lust. under It. O. Stockton's Juweln stork'{ re thew will to hippy to wait titian ail tc ho may farm them n llh a tali with be,. I. tors. They have J ust T .:e m y e d, di reet (runt New fork. an entire Nett nitw it. among which mat be build: Dodd.. and Single Harrel Fins liter Pieces. frrm ati to 830. a fliJalititr of Ride shim, they areani tem , to make up and Warrant. Revolt ems. Ptemi , . Persussion rafts. l'otyttnt. Shot JLend. F 1401.11. the nicest in In, Shot Pouches —pawn Bar. in fart ..tey thing necessary to Mc eipiiimteitt of a sport.timn. Ginuitipalred loonier. and dorm when promised. 'V:aining isms( and com mlon,RaHes, manufactured; in order and npranted to shoot from one to one hundred rott.f tit hind, A Irt ore stock of Gun • all Kinds. Niain springs.•Tumblors, Cocks. forged With clog Springs. Outlet %Mehl., kit.. /kr.. in short every thing nert , •tary to head It gun, at 1411 at , kept for MO aereimu, datum of the nude in this and the adjmnlng counties. and trill be Irl M nholessic or retail, a hole; ehvaner than they ran hr ! ight elsewhere it, this eat. give its a call nobre pur ell. '1 heyare also prepared' to do all kinds of JuNhing, iu such as Winn and ' I lie! int% finch as 6h ug ant: 4eii log: 4 ot, M, rejlati tug Lock. of nt I tittum nod toilcisrittg onititella% &e.. tt I eh it ill 1.1 6 .1t0ir oil %bort toiliee. and charge*" reamotal.le. Erica r ' 111.R111" & i rit I ).,t 4 of 4'; reeeitieil fol.! for toile lit. , •Jfirkr NI. C (TNT Y 11/17•I'' 1741.1..\;NBVIZANCII eklturuly lu 1 / 1 111 , iing.. Ins46ll3llB . live,e 1 birniinrt..l..., r n-11(..*- Ire, rind flunk it ttrottt : l lir for • rlie of the 1 1 1 ,7 (0111111" to 111#1 IC a ~h vheue {4o}•, as the} are :IC inn. ted with flie oirteertn, to rerefellee ° to fOrrlipt Ck/4111, , ani If 01.1 kflin% .11 1 ULI. DI EVI'CiRs. C. M. J. II Winsane, J. I'. lI,11 , 11:111. J. 11. F.Weiii)U. Stu•nuan. J. n. u:ark, 'wines U. Mod J. Ili 11111M5M=MI IVA %CF. SIII:R7LIA N. A 7- 7-,a , Tit.. 4 'flit the Conalety. - 1 eunieri A FINE k.t Mao, Globi kin ft r heap t, Erie. Oei. 11. trl,l t . )11.)ov I,y, flio,i Muni, Vert. llttl4a at , ' ‘iirilt.ra IS ; , II top tit 'trice aittl quality , . Alltut gtio,l_ . l% Iti , /tcy Po sa Jaly 12. 1.31. , IV. 7 -: IIINIWIVia:I'l Tremendous Smashing and Crashing and Eh *i ing up of Ranks! ! - STAND 1 0 11.()AIIITNI)FlIt!!! D i. V your Romly SLl‘b• llutlnng it JAC ( ffl lt:t h'lrrl• Clotlinq 1,11 Spire in fir R., I II rt.", w , :iolilti . sichi dlil null , . and pretty low It all of We Rng Cortency ADIS. and tells - orarfttlly cheap at that. they II o ray. Any, thin:, t , tr n firi-k trot.- the I.o: , •ltni,.iign 1111 l pit he tnw.n. i1,,an , 1 that nt Olife p acl.l. 1,7 , /eil has Ink( n Parti cular liallti. to releet Cleans., eassitherc.. Vt....tine., Tritutniner, and tlentlettiell'ii Ftinti.lting, goal}, of all i fere reptiOnri, of the Itest, most attrartive and appr0....1 tyler—iivoils that cannot fa., to please treorreet taste anti cotiontand the : dinitation s of gentli -1411.41 of 'Dual dh.Grillilillntille 1 11 04111rIll. Where!, Ittl• ItPe of ng croaki upourgouds--thry Vllll . ..irk Rg• I ernsel ibs , Only ..all atolsee and let I them. and you sha be no, $ inert! Iwyoittl a ra t 11. that nomo.l. can hr.( .1 111 ll floor aids other eilv . or torn tit the Mill bhilltill UpOU. that will t ri i alinte 1 Weals,' se. to y in , pile. and porheis with 'itch uresi We an !nen., a. ono, ,fail ,ird 4,e,nted iota ar al believe JA i4l iii Roeii, , ' LIM. OCt• I/. - 14 , No. 7, 'Rce„ ,. %l House. , - . • Ri'prs REED aim 411001#111. ,/i;la--1..1re be I:NNET A' F Sin ;lb .13r Will rim 14,9ty, • J Re" ! ieorl:e F.eiden• • 1 N. W Il'ICS( IN, Pre-ident. '• .1.110114, Treamurer f• fit :!i.derin‘. R. . lot 4.'051 —l7 110%' ..1 La 1. Lentris. 'liter.. furl rrl .. . . 340 Acres of URI for 111016. /run MIA.. tale, "aloha" SO sell to etkba are Jr a It udLo 4. la 'Ent. ND acres W of T Wire,/ IlaWi n. the we Wag ',settled w • aufilier to the la . ! war, the ifet of pm. 44 hors. li la. later hoof ter. IS. reel of it as ideated upon the i,,, nail thwew qualms of Setriusts ' I. InissOuthiplitt of IRA lee la. In ."'r O ft wns tor Lat.% sul.jret satelat thee. Nay. WI ,coin. " • ire eeehaffee for a ho 4se mad loriu Erfe. would he wed. tlf se. tau II taltit—vr. ,' elf Altlioltt: . EWO PALL AWD vrzir raise siica sm MK II . WARlif", ' ,l:,l .a: v.. the "fade , ' that ... S rat p.a 14 trumi„Ce ibeft. LoGire vateatle./ ill lief. 4be tNI... .1 a ,aft 1 4.• 1 31. +I X. 6 — York and l'hilada Guar.... .a Fall alt.! to toter bualirtls. I% hie, a ill to . h , t , py In tell of thst very lowest pro th-r . tuck s k sunpots •,f over furty deforest' kir Itottnets. s at‘prises thlt [wino( Gel? but suit .411 e ti ittltfurta aunt Ykmeirs, and in fact a general suotortu M ry. tau., ant *4 , 101 0, 1 and peen-(71 in thr late.* styles. C..utry I ruduent . .9o-n iv 1.01) 1 grwill. . . t"." -. CriiinTry Milliners supplied %ItII !owl. Erie.fiet. ON THE CAS!! SYSTkIi.. Navin; Tried it, Wo find it Work • RELIEVING ii. t.1n.10 S)4lanl I,be 014 true v}vn: a 1 huvoteve. the ou , ler.orned no, adopted it, "ot aty u ell I*.th for Ininvelf“:l4 customers, as Al' r WU] to inucliave In* 4 FALL AND NVINTER . T V. f t lt rllftrUlß lota rain. confnlittently he wilt i11f1.1 , 4111101 . 14,10111.14 ; onl the InliilC Al cur 't • prlfil... An 11?1 , 4 ant 0: nnv thing en hi, lire . Wrn Icily tit Itt,l to etintse lioltlegant alutu . I • °thing: Cloths and Cassius o I/ mmoine or It "ir k. Wif. Illnek. ftroixn. Green and eiott, and Irn , 2.1111••fell of ' , arum, pretty'. Also: liili.l3ati3,VirorstallitWollen Vests& All of n Inch were Ilfrit.I•ll In ?q . t.% York fur CA II4W tr.litrol allelic:lp. at 1‘.4*1., ..* at any Other 'Arabi lon n lie ,1 0 , 3 .1 deem II in•ce‘sar} L lo tell thus.. Who have a sgries us )care PaLIVIIIZCit wait iltai he evutnauea . (lilt il% - • • F.A:4IIIi)NAI3LE AND NEAT F 1 Garment. n. ran te• ramsd in ibis mark.; t but to neW 11.• lian 555)111.1.11:111.4111 111 saying ttms sr thc, will - ANI They will Rot go away ili.eati.tied - With either Goods. Workmanship or P CiaquiAi work alwa y • itonent reasonable prices, on' Abu - e image At arrant's,. sr properly =ale up. e ssaist thiaga fta%r not become new" at• the aid vino +craw',JA3lE4 • Erie. : 4 1.•jd. Ir3l. ri 1,17 virnordreAsini GROCERY STO AT NO. 7. P.o.vsELL IJLOCh. ER. frill r: sult.erther leat-c.l the Store No 7 4R 0 forine•lv orr , r d ieti I. Le-d•4Setattett & Chefoier.: 1'34 .1.-cet nom tartfe awl cit* , refecte It ten ne , -t c , tr I, i lly t+'uc" the ! ' tics ZU,I tluvolpnn mt cuunure. 11.• tlatters h fr hu t'S‘q'T it 11 3 . 1. 111 the 1,-,.very 1i113.1111, 34 .310 104 c.;.ii.— rre' o !3ll4l3lo. t: At. 431,el front the Importers 1.1/.IC t.. 0 3.4111‘3(3 . 1131t:3 3 profits, that be the Merchants fat (gilt. Intl, N ilk th,irpatrot.are. .10 Cheap w cap be. Packaged Weak of :tea-A' Am: i ch.-0 can Ise b•ne,tht in New York, With th cs.peor.o attention In gettang tondo to th city. trobcd to make ht.; b 31127.tchisivel hol confine loon:4.111u cel I it, c by Ow rachoze.i can le' 11l . 0 %loltnt Hy u.;I at all Owl, to'exhibit h thc.e oho mat tat er boo wott a call. lo with ton of Grocery, • he too.n.1:1,1:1 cicneu PttrA or Riacs and Imported and Dvaacat... • tq'an,•xamiait,,,,i of WlllO/ it Wq.,14 e.. ec,attc inc i te tina ut Mae; keet.e.- oilittrs to the trndc. COMPrII.I . MTh," . New triit....4o-.. p...ri.i..110., ' 00. 1 i-in7nrit...rntri!i-re. Gratiirl:.trid.tiThioi nip/ reiforit Cudlie do. fulgo R i ii!ii. ei: 'r ••i• a %k' r-s. ti. :. 11.14) rip, in t! I.n.i'f Idol t.,.iiptot .'i r ../”! I.inr k Triar.. ot e hr.ts. ball-cheets a i ( 11.1 Jan n, Rio and 1 'et e : Viretrain zottor lideca•hilyrrht 111 ran ,• . .1 . 1•1er.-01 , - lu, - Cl,. low • h 2, al,o i, arhl .4%-....r:1• I tar vall 1 4 ;tioe:flog ; plot 4 5,,,,tr; Ikmir.tie and Irii lo into,/ Havana S, ants; an lir hail 3 1:,/ i; irnir li , i ni•-. I 'r.rrntitir, FIX.. l'ittn'ilto Pei. CI inv.. Nionof.. , , I Lira,: i.l re 4, otivir i l'epper irantrii, it per. Virrientu. e.,, , i.a :mil rofini ill ill.aoil I-I fl'. p di,. .rt nli Ai.. linlf.nii.fidi,:rtri, k , :..Slii.t..l..ettil. Not • kind, Nu. I tide. 14nerli.tor. and Frown* Script Refin no.liWunkr u,l::sperm, Lin-tivil and 1 flier di,: Mae 1... t, 3. in n, bid.% 11. 1,•• , 1 qua rtyr idil4.. ilorTfinh. White Irth; ram' , a^ , l 'M..: stivrtial er,ides nrandi Monungniii,ln V. Ir.,lcriy r rl I l'ort.llader rt. non t and, Mlle.: London InJ l'hiladelphin Porter: I•tatither with' an.l -t)14.4 of etitstri kept in the Gropiiry and not ii 111 Orr. No. to 11. e inspitir iron of In./deli he would rislipee the atichti,•4lol touch:in r- trifurii buying shiest here. ' Particular attentuni paid I. fl;, erilerii, and all i ranted as represtiatea ur the money rtifutriled. • Er:-. Sept •. 1 .--lir. J. M. S. r FALL MlX.Elii — ilir. R(.l" l .l l l T 'r"l'"ll 7: llr4 ; ald l PlL rMelt,rNllln;li:oe.‘i.l,.lbes9dµ t /41 •: 3 , riitoll at Ow 1 .ro est iprona. Mr stock andiftli , 1,, 1. i . 9t% i , ? - n.. R I J i lin INS T —Rirk pfr.irl, nen est style. scarf. and n Elva., in -Iron every style thot eau bee /41TI NS—All :Wort and price. SI 1.1i,.. , -*—Of e% cry erre rivtiuu, fur making Ilonneta. I VII Cloaks, i.e . SILK VELVET:L—BIack. !gown, blue. greca.lleat? , l'.:llms* Revitsam. &'. . 1 £I.I)WER 3 -14 toes, nil. Amber, Laces. FliGlNGS—tilaek I.Ree Vtil*. • 1:.MII FLOWER X . —Collar,. a very large assallsaes der-1, es e.. e!,, handkerchiefs; embroidered e Cunt , alt.! in,wri,,,t,.. lilli GI./ / V ES—Gt nin•inen'a white, Laklies Is bite • . (Inn pi alit v. 141 i e. 4. long apt Overt. great variety. I iis in , l Lli v.—All color*. be.i Jaw:airy.. • - liitlK.:s TRIMMINGS—Netted Fringe. BUItOIIN G tel It il,kw, ate. ! T rift F... 4 ,4 ('A l'S—l lt evesNr'le. ' . • - ..." ilia". .......• .- - .41, 'll ;-" INN I:T6—Straw, !Iprli n and Velvet. of thec ern.nantly on halt 1. Bunncn. elinnuedatvl shin -loorke+l not [P. • l'lon k rrinint Foe 1 It, icr., t'omb. ce u tehet Needles Ti Tidy I baton 'l'rime'...ll,uks nit Pm . 11 Belli, El twiny nrle•les too numennto to mention: All cctttt m.l it.mnety. promptly attended to. Erie. itent...!:, I• 31. _ Etnsical- Academy. TlltSin.tttu'enitttcclerr!ut a fvndnvtat b rooms. 4 doors enet nI Eric li.mli, a.= ..esoll am the nal') it of Fifty .11 se rst.t.l%. are. ct Tern.-81 for. One pore.° $lO for fanitlirecontaintriz t.croons. per %e . sr,ittent rylkty ip adirmee. rive h.-m.01.s w iii en ere snifter of I/1 hush pa {.it. mar 'next. Ilutirri ofstu.4 irons 7X. 11; to U. fm 19 Io bl. Dom 3. from Ito 6. trnm 7 evening to 9. 1 ladies tine selett on. of tlu,elesions for !helmet - ref; thus en Ming all I.) :Mend w ilirnat an••on‘erifetice. Thin unriaralled to priers Of Wiwi. in*truction within the reach of all. i be boors 1101 Iu IV en pl."! In the follow in: tuaniteri—Punt.l,o6l eltefeJlM rg—fetplist lecturer on (Arty thing connected w ith In le. (010— tort of um•qc. ineluittng tlw hews of 11111 , 01 CM matte r.t•!lmentiof mo•ir. with explrmationa on •the,l4ack ~:t istna.-I:t—fort , t..lctett tna.le. et itt)nerompan the '11,4,4t0n A:1 peri , ,:.: 4, tv4.11..q, W sot .erlhe. wit at Tre ahotre lsnitted twin*. AVII. W , Wit. Oct. 4,1,31. 40 BVIS or Curar Fu gale,hy the 'lag ,ur ?h. bi July 3, 8 • W. F. PREITItTII IR 511.V1 . 4f--We pay a preasivat tlir Dollars. Dalf Dollars, and Five Fruit* St.De 11. M. EINNFOR WOOD WANTED! r leh.s to purr law. 'aft C or d s . IL 310 other RA ciod delivered at Ito , Aishery and IL corner of Irreuell and 9th Slreeta. 8. rAc; 14,0 EUREKA !. EUREKA,! ! We Base Ponta it I Pound Whi XV111.% That I. Rotgr.' & Co. are'selfing , .• • in Iheir lOW than antbody, Jew or 4ie. .Ith. oh New lit.rk. Call at . N 0.4. Wright% Bloch: and examine their great assortment of ... 7 ' - Coate. Pants and Tests. of t;alr,t Olairlink. of the tirk tit/a' and of 'l, Allf.Criqr 11. Urkliillitaili.. which are Ofilli at this it tacit so the:will:an man wile the more b -i ti autoing without. to short elf Willett% VI SOLD,AT SUCH RE CED PRICE that hereafter therrean he no exc , nise fur reedy COat..loll or dilaimlateil Patna. Mkt the Hoek of beady Made is not the the oily intfarenieneheld out to a “Fat. lial Saucy Phlilie'• to give thehre call, foi their stock of CLOTIIS, C.3. 4 4111ERES 4.. VEST] e.tiiistirox •,•ed for variety. Pasistott and. above all. Cb and as they tiat.e..tri / thesr employ 5 • One ,of the Best Cutters - In Towo g ' Tiwy WI II IM . noan tunes to make Garments to or warrant tit a hell draw. They have Goods from the I brrce.tu the eoar,..t. bt, that every one can he Deitch pavea rge a...ortment of ' O , PA ENTI.EMEN'S FURNISHING GOO' 'Atilt a `butte Winn the tinpfx 4untity to the roarsest - Shirt. hand% cc li lefe. giovee. silk - 10 , 0 4 e art!... under corn lar...lkwoui.. together with ever) thing ere our line. a genfr al as.sortinent of Ltadies raohionable Goods 11 for . ktie Fall and Winter trn,le. W e have neither Wu. to enumerate st , lii or -peak °Equality, hilt will J Lathes tat o,,lland esittlitoet:t , r t tietosel%ef. • IS NO Tito LISLE TO SHOW GOC,) # and ',film 'owe- ... leu it we l prelim Mr to make Wl 4 h an ern a, Iv,- •:4 It n.. nr t nil to 1.4: ofittv•sold. ho Wri;lti'v Brick. 1:fil'• 211.1'51. , - Snots s it — Sugars I . 11. .Am now receiving 0 lame wick ur Suems. which artn purelm-ed at ver, low name,. it. New York kW 1,4 ttl, ..1.1141 , P , i1Q11:04 low f r eriqi or ready pay. I am aim) recet ing a large nyryly of'rese. C0t5.e.4., 11 Spice:4. &c.. ace I invite Ow aiertimn of Mo.. Wiedlitll rllo.rno , l 4oy I fl 1// trunk I can Oiler good iniNcementil !maw to this city. . AWN C. DI Ene„ Sept In, 1.51, P.,! 1 11 Irr.. Sloldrsei, selling (roll pi to 73 rents per gal ei ',Ay 12. W . r. 11113iltF.Rh Kenfoeke It In. PCM dcr. Joel reed, and the half. fp.arter. or whOle Keg by 3one 21. 1.31. : 6 1 It T. iIT/".lißrrr Iron ! Iron!! Iron !II r am now reselring as large and uell iitrk 0 boa as eat, be funnel writ of ,11haffy. It Was nought en Ibr Cf.a, and wall be rold for the game al ornoNt that defy • mo wn Moo, a large slue% of Nalh• and 6ptkes, pp 4 uu it low 'HMO. RU 'n e. Pep 4. . • rel , et alefol to hi. tiIIITMOII,II sad .I, t,, infbros them. and all tohei having now N•zn! to p:.y the highest 111141diat oanut) of flatlet. delivered at hl %Toe , • arettotiu. of IlleorceSilotonaker. Fair ', and ofJohn (lark. in Athi. . money. and al All tienta high a. V. 3 1%,1 kolwW reersve• nefetotote extruded MM. .1. IRC. eat vtu4ety of Le Ilkoell ry xi.r EA it+•A. a nIPIr L-T0N.14. *ln) - I,) ki-L' rr i ell. 1 Willey 1,, I Ilelee 11/1 e A 311111,1• In F r i r • 11•W. 4.1 r yr ). IllitPeell4 r Illli l'l .. Idle.• a. ,1111 le . I . • \ tan i 000.1 il, , I•ry 1 4 ,.. i t.,,1.1. _• D WU %110t, , T; DI, 111. 1; 11•I.r v.. 0' I .iort >I I k 4:. IJ - la• viand. rder. , r;rirr rei irtattrAil to hiv fillifleNrota+ll 1. 1 . 2 . 1,, 'affirm then., and all rahei rio,r to• now rerol . to or.y the highest .4 firr qtranutt of flatlet, delivered at Pi or I),` t.lrrhou.e of IdeorgeSiloetnakerr, fr. I n :var.'. lad el - John (lark. in Pfhi `ash glad good irsooey • and at all tints* • In Crrr rONngr, 31111 1601. 4 41.1 reeCIVIt • then! iratruaage heretofore calcite"! P II 1103 BABLEv. 4:11µ Imo. 1,:rt..11 Vtit4ely Of Ric 614.16 E L l* li r i c h- - e 1 1 or 2E3 of is ork • anabitil ben bk. to • • Ins. mopes ut of 17:3 9 11 034 ' eittne . awl srs Swan i■ MN= ING ' anseiri. !uoi we If tht sub- YTI.4. CI It flock. is 'reels . - stock of ion of the irnHeif tint I Reno► fa lad Man na veil to addition ▪ of dews ▪ a l e , trill ! l o tood. stalneil so Jul stook the amen . ing ; r rind;Ye°- - i Ison , eftddie : toted To Id ;wipers. d Yellow . In whole 6 r, alga% F and Pep rgireeowii r 1 Ei t e t% \ wing and um. Gin. iunpnlgn Iwin Rinds iutnended llpinvitft =1 BM 4 anon letale 4E44 CE tin for. I=l for 044 ntre, me nd .plais. d ackwai. =I RE Ma.tH Needier, lee. with Jere Ow )—third. rd, ores', meat find me.' Ch. telt GOLD CEO ,ffa tile. is Los Wish buysag WOW 306 . 12 as, nest fa . They 22 kw we I 'l gimlet B:@ 0h0.% to per m Noy KR!. Suall ~~ OM EIMI