Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, November 15, 1851, Image 2

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    Political and
• • the 'Whig Party
The best thirig the whir
eat circumstances, is to get
', is no,law of the federal gov
can wind up its allairp, but. •
understanding in the civil
nothing is Eisen, nothing i
a firm has neither property
it should not be expected ti
the present condition of thi
it can do nothing for itat
should not be obliged to ph
its enemies. It is-tinter n
ti`on to receive the kinks . ai
it cannot kick and thump i
it is true,. probably, "tha
like to go once tore into t
this can only arise from a
three gentlemen, who, Ilk ,
ed to be married, are deter
it" for themselves, witbou
ence of others. General
Cameo; but since sutieriat
Pennsylvania and another
Would sell nut his chances
ster and Fillmore, it seem
should drive their party in
Bide upon" their nonpareil
else in regard to them ca
the next presidential elec
vise that they make up tb
with a game of fox anal gi
firet on the list in 1856, pi .
,and the partfis in . condizi
with either.
If the sslaig party goe
recomtnemt, we would ha
that we 'claim no part of
divide. If it owes the c )
promisee, the country wi
debt, if it will not come i
divide what:little of am«
amongst its stockholders,
.the_members of the famil
winter without freezing t
in its platforai should be
The abolitionists should
*oilers, ortifree democrat -
'diced, should have anoih
tlurch-burners another",
e seeessioloists another,
her, and this will leaie ,
nionists, oith Mr. 1;
•hictiever wins at
poker, if they Inhicr.. , 'enti
When the assets hate l , '
of the leaders can retire I
- three years, MO the fog()
dollars a flay and magi. I::
iced then* if they could fi
INTEREsrma As3n,
sixty-nine years ego,' a
the Eastern Stated, f:er
ney, descended the Ohio
the spot N'ewni
They there sepatafed . for
Kentucky, and tuned t
dernese, first pledging e
thay terrned as prop.
"upon the mile spot—or
wire, in, fifty :years Jr'
cent was ma& on the 4
In tho year 1831, on
precisely fifty years afte
foar of the old band me
promise! The cholera
it city, and, in consequent
.toonstnition, but the of
across the river and kik.
zene at Gamson's Each
attention that could tie c
melancholy gloom and h
One of them Was ove
were tractor three score .
few dnys, they turned
through a wildeniess as
years before, but apron
the hum of industrial
another meeting, as tied
Higher Will; and it its
dead!—Cincinnati Corn
DREAMIGL Accterrig
Butralo , flueen City,
291 h, states that on Sail
Mr. William True, a fr
living near Co. ingti,n
accidentally killed hp.
The fol:uwiu4 Ili o the
In order to fix the pea
two stakes to place thi
near the barn. He play
In the barn, and the oth
pig yard, and, mountii
stake, his wife holding
it, hie foot -slipped, and
on the top of the head
instantly. His era els a
quarter of a Wine off.
spot in fifteen or twee
beart-rendit scene I
girls, aired r 9,and 1
kissing her, ut being
the poor fellow ,the pi
'qnently the zase, fume
inquest was held on
were otithe jury; Ogg
dental death. We,` w
were fully of
lie, the inquest was hel
Ercotraanaussrr re Mscussics.—Tbe bar is
fast losing its attracti' to the young men of this
atty. There are now hirty young gentlemen that
have received liberal decation; who are serving
their time as thipwri• hts, arcWterte, carpenters,
koC. In a few years he Ilrniep'States will have
the most itccomplitlnd meclianicrem the world. A
OM class is spriugin • up, who will put-the present
race of mechanics in he shade. ~The union of a
substantial education • ith thechanical skill will of.
feet this. Indeed, al - dy we could 'name smile me
chanicsw ho are exee!, nt mat hemiticians, act-paint
ed witb'French and U rmsn,-and. able to study the
togoka in 'tbo..P !sr • C'V:77lrte,l with •their so
catiorte.: fler.noluro, f nti falters *ere wont to ed:
ucate their sone sa d ctura or lawyers, to insure
their respectability an success. Tnat day. is past.
Mechanics will now to -e the lead, awl in a few years
Will supply the larger , urtion of tho State and Fed
eral Goveraments.--.1. Y. Mirror.
Orr,unge res. A Mo
Baltimore and (nun
mound-on Nalurday la
eq. The nt' , ut
eter and 11 feet high:
surrounding earth wnr•
(qua the action of the
alter, the bead and boo
of north, 4 a slight &
fact. The body uas .
or moreivith ashes, i
ifest to the testa, as AN"
markably Verfect, an
this body acre twe!ve
tering intntr, fc
sr were found except,
12 ioeboa in long•b.
I, • lIITA Vto3l Arr
e Circuit Court of
k, after a trial the
that Amanda Jan.)
since her birth,
a white woman..!
Iy tracod to a 1,-,.
• 'r a have been La'
cotinael for the
wasrproved > wa:
anila's akin, he
physical erteri,
ary Live made It::
perfect white chilli
-W s bar
youth. who hi
a 4,4 bar-keeper
on the rriesl
other than ft
ort to be may
peeled. Thi
I—.l. left 1 . .. t
ezo !nrj"
neral News.
ago into Banltruptcy: 1
rty can dn, under pres
e, bankruptcy. There
, rnment tinder ,which it
It seems to be a general
zcd world, that where
i required, and that when
r credit, nor good Idnks,
do businesz. such- is
whig party; and since
If, we sufrgest that it
y for the amu.ement of
) legal ' or' moral ob:ign
` thumps of ethers while
'the old concern would
e field .of business; but
esire to gratify i'wo or
thou little girl who-want
. Wed to "see the folly of
profiting by the experi
. cult is one of these gen
a complete overturn in
In Ohio. we pt.: F lume he
fora trifle. As for Web:-
, actual cruelty that ;bey
o a 'death-struggle to de
e merits; and since wall
be 'decided wat' before
ion has gone by, we ad
it minds to the worst, and
!ese dee* who shall stand
iidedihey are both chile,
In to 'make a show of fight
into bankruptcy, ati we
o it distinctly understood
hot little it may have to
4nory anything on brOken
I be glad to forgive-the
to market again.. It may
w.. it may have on hand
and thus possibly keep
, in a condition ta paps the
ieir fin•Ters The planks • r - '
istributot very caief l ully.
i .
l ave one ' the modern frowt
=," nail Van Buren at their
r. the Native Anikrican
he anti>renters ittiothet.
the Spanish minister pn
.no, or part of one, for the
iiehster or Mr. PiMaine
I me of fox and geese, or
it Lotter) es their leader.
-o tiate'4l:•-posed of, most
, n the pickings of the last
ors can live on the "two
of which whitzery prom -
it.—Pror. (R. .1 % ) Post,
amt. This day, (Nov. 4,)
arq t of adventurers from
a long and toil.orne jiur
iver, and can:it:led upon'
• iLirracks now
the several "station." in
it steps through tho
ch other, in a sp.rit that
eticully romantic to meet
uch of them as might sur
n eta day. This agree
, h day'of November, 1783.
lie 4th day of November,
the time of the agreement,
upon the 11)11 to fulfill their
as then prethiling in this
, there wa4 nn public de
-1 patriaicha were brought
ly entertained by our citi
ng°, and received all -thy
peeted in times so full of
Idrt reading sorrow..
93 years of age; As rest
rid ten. After reniaining
heir steps homeward—not
they did a half a hundred
scenes of 'busy. life, and
Mons; nor did they promise
was an event fixed by a
taken place! They are all
—A correspondent of the
ting front Covington, Oct.
trday i ntornint.,fhe 31th ult.,
mer,pkout 30 years of age,
'entre, Wyoming county,
while going a pig pen.
, it was necessary to drive
ands of the r,sl:3 between.
ed one end of a rail one girt
1 1 -r on`a back k of a chair in the
g on the rail to drive the
in the stake while he dime
e fell forward,' striking her
with the axe and killed her
termed the neighborhood a
I was near by, and on the
ty Minutes after. A more
!never yaw. ller two tittle
or,s, were clinging to and
ble to realize her death, and
lure of misery. As is fre
i • •
a were afloat and a coroner
onday;' 16 of his neieihors
rought in a verdict of aCei
so were' there at the time,
I that, butt to satitify the pub-
NO.—The workman on the
tailroad .ogened aril Indian
t, on the farm of B, frleMe
waszbnut 70 feet in diem-
Nearly on a level With the
found a& alter of stone, evin•
lire: west of rod north of the
of en in,lian extending west
; linstinn from the heed to the the depth of a foot
1 wraith the salt wits still mau
-1 are told. The body was ro
mostly preserved. Around
'others, with their heads coo
-1 projecting. N? articles p`
a pedkhad stone tube abut
i /17, reline. Cautte.
-i ockingham county, Va., lust
exci:p.l much interest, deci
who hal been hell as a slave
Irorne twe.ii`v-rix years ago,
lithos ti Ite'r orig:n was dis
reF=, Who w 43 a sThve.}:it
m the cluciion of the case.
cfeniarts. Amanda's moth
a negro bine, vet the color
hair, her eye's, her nose, her
, would prove her to be what
—a vilite.wotrian. She hes
I tren.
n Detroit, at
at Depot, r ,„
!itement. A
m officiating
dieeot ere,
eget, to be no
11111 he came
is! knot wee
f which her
(grit phll Olistrutr.
New York llectifon.
1 - .
otning more definite, la regard to the New
i, thin .we had list week. the contest haw
•. The official alone ( will decide who is
}a State ticket, though he whip claim to
must of the candidate!. he lJegislature, ac
e infest figures. hi a tie i hod/ branches.
Jtuqhigan Electi*.
rt McClelland has been !elected Governor of
l am
about 1%000 majority. Ir. cClelland was.
of years. a member of ou from that
ctinguished himself as a 'eh e debater. and.
pad of the Committee o Rivers and • liar
a devoted friend of Ge . Cass.
Wia6onsin Faccti IL. ...:
has douti-badly, espec: Ily fora State that
l il.
icludidates Ccr the Nest oucy. Through a
of WlTlgs. * Froo'Soiler . . abolitionists, and
I parties, Fairwell. , vv
also a majority of the same stripe to the
Take- it all in all. howtlver, we don't know
t as well as It me, for had not the whip car-
"n„..thet would certaiury have been 'skunked'
1 e will be all right a yohr (rum this,
We have
York electio
bean w e •
elected on th
have carried
cording to tdr
Ilan. Ro.
Alichigcua by
for a dumber
State. nail di
as the Chair.'
b:,rs. no is
Viti.causil I
boa_ is of't,.vo
fog-onds of •
ernor. as is
aut n is isbo
ricii isCons
New Jersey Demcicratio.
Of (fief whip in thin hitnerto rtilical whip
whelmin4. The Troniton True 41mcricuit
malt thus: i
1 I
:II be a Demoaratid ma why of abant 31 on
' the Le t :oda:are. In th &unto. which was
mi l . we h ive n Demos tic majority of six.
a :biting (rah original( whig counties. and
ce yearn, we can pretti safely calculate op
fie Son ae - w hatover *hues.' change may
ien. until 1?55. Si far as we are able to
I khan have-a Democ •'c majority_uf '29 in
I p increase of 21:1 upuroour majority of last
1 kncarcely tiecciinary t. say that this result
ur nun.' buoyant'expect • Liana, and that it is
k better than we talent • ted."
• The &fee
State is'ove
sums up Tr)
••There xi:
joint ledlot it
n he last ses.ts,
Three of the'
elected fur tl
on" holding
othetA h
im , ertntn. sr
Anstln4ly— ,l
se,etett. it
fnrcxt-oed !
just live Aim t.l
LA ND ELEcTios.—The
elected. The Senate
iige to 10 Democrats.
ity of t?. to the Ilmtse .
.d: • -
State ticket .
stand. 12 w
have a maj,
dune Mary a
17 3h•
lostret.—The electio n i
entbers'of Congress. &
Union and S ce ss ion
tat give Gen.l
/. 5.00640,j0r.t.. and
. Th•S' following Vni
to Congress: Fret Dis
t—John D. Freely - in;
la tho Third pistait
a very heavy vete.
b..stwo. nil the
most of the
far GoFern°
acred certa
been elected
Third ctstri
V. Da wßoti•
An eleclio !mil been .
.f acCoptin fp ,
by the po
passed by the
122 votes for an 4 only
ales and towns !cite in
we have moan from th.
'pie have declared id(
Banking La ,
there were •
of the other
what retorni
think ghillie'
' Case of Spanish l•
We are Pi ma to see that the Call
or. the Editor . of the "Faro tel
lished in. Havana. in tho Spanish I
the attention of the liberal press. w
Whig, in this country; and 'Tong
one opinion expressiad, and that
will be recreant to its duty if it doesi
all proper'' •ps to have this lgoctl.
liberty and is rights. The ato4
cisely sum: thus: Mr.
,well versed rf the Spanish langue.!
:and establis od a Commercial pa
He met wit much success. being
.d f trign residents of 1
if rel king a fortune.
nst Spanish rule in C,
•tma.sterly inactivit l
onsequently the fact o
I. in the, vengeance of
mand. His paiocr w.
.o in oppositio4 to th,
hi," the oditorS of w
1 Spaniards. were con
stance enough. after t
suspension of his p
of Ilepteinbor last.
ch es the demand foi 1
ai to induce lihn to i
• nd to incur other he
Ow Creole a l
a fair way
itration agn
American, . 1
'save him •
tendon's co
organ, and
clique of of
and had in;
to procure I
ad so large!
' New York,
out his issu
in proper It tylei—all
pf eaur4e lo3t.
e v certtain General wo ,
üblication and, in
illeviation of the sq.
tyt en who were then
But these very ac
iartle deemed -
b e overnice. and lik
114 K. thitt th
hi &mono til
follow couut
as prisoners
whom the S
obnoxious t.
Governmerit offil
.ed him of hatin
ialthopgh they coo,
precise way the ci
•reff dv
tent.on .of
thereupon w
the expaditi4
stand in nriv
The 'lime,
The poi
his nisi
ore., Were or
ts. lli lottery Well
office, b'uftbese bei
ed tho po
auks from tho relati
silies.s, auLl
had succored:, noting to criminate him
oted from their coot ts: The police were
pd that his private c+espondeueo came to
stoamors. C4psetano tly When the Georgia
d New Orleaps two lice officers . ; genteelly
stizen's app tel. folio ed him oh board and
in receive a d pocket a letter handed him ti
the boat . he office - fo ll owed him" to th e
in hi landing him and took him to
f tit Chief of Po li ce, where he was search
ling as found upon - no but the Jetty-likes
o. which was merely one on purefi private
;e.WI9, howrrer, deta r
• r_
prisoners ho
could be elia
then inform(
him - by the
arrived froni
dressed in
perceived 11
the clatk of
shore, and
ed. but not!
by -alluded
i at he police bdrean, an
i d u l
diilerent b Llti,, always accomp,
'rile stab o atratrs, lasted two - or ,
onco a letter wait produced which
foand soalud and directedto - hilr,
in his orrice, and although thire 1
or anythi.agtoi indicate where it cS
ed that it had been brought by the
handed to Mr. Thrasher to opei
presence of the oglears! and to I
dii.covered that It was written in
protested his idt'til ign k oconee of
whence it could Rossib t ly have em
of was o(no avail!, and he wessio
itery confinement in the pr
Saturday : the 25th:ult.,. hcia h
'Punta Port, and theriir•place4 in n
presented by those who know the •
natation' in a ruck on a level with
low, and damp above, and having
to admit the,light. In this loathe°
tare is a board with two cleets on
as a bed 'at night, and in the day
from the wet and slime of the bot
ed to visit hint. end Mr. Owen
permission. but received ae a
General. th4l be sheuld be id min
• or it Ilia been d 'Wed by' the
scriber, Living in • county urban,
ad. are 'entitled to receive it frac n
the peat allicle thton;h which th . ,.
of the con f.. 4 .l l and
unities' ,
The Pittsburgh Poet In the Lat Election. •
The Pittsburgh-Past is a logical paper. them is no
doubt of that. Soo* after the late filiation. in Which - the
maid Deutooratia party triumphed upon principle aa4
upon men; the Past. is making out a case for its fa. ,
vo candidate for, the Presidency. announced. among
other t ings that the. result had shows. that the "lion.
Ulnas Buchauanis the choice of a great majority of the
people of the State for President in 1852." We were cer
tainly surprised at this. and we began to look about us
and inquire if that was the "toast to which we had been
invited" in the sotnivatiou and election of Cot. Sigler.
It certainly 'had not entered into oar calculation before
electiou, and we bad little idea of having litchi a con
struotiou placed , upon aresolt to which we had contributed
.boat at much as any one to bring 'about, without a res
pectful denial. We knew that in the iteadnag Coo l io n .
then. fur we were a member of it. the nominetioa of Cod.
Bigler i a as not made with ; a view of carryiug a grist to
i r
the n4ll of 'any Presidential aspirant. W know that /
thronglitout the Cannes there was no open demonetra•
tiou made by either the friends of Buchanan or Cass , or
the friends of anybody else in de Slate, to
. o shape our
anticipated triumph as to strengthen the residential
prospects of their favorites--heuce,.when 411
tido carne antler our notice we indignantly
justice of the claim, and called fur evidence
show, or even allow an inference, that th
shown Mr. Suchanan, or- any other manj
choice of a great majority of the people of
et.undone in 1852." To this the Cost replies
gracious mood-to be sore, as folleirest.
"The round up`ou which we made the emark that
rectum to be so g Ming to the Observes was. t tat the Fed- .
oral papers of the State had. (rein the begs, mug of the
contest. declared that 1.10 election of•Cul. Bigler would
be a Buchailau triumph. ,We did not say . so Wore the
election, nor did we say any thing iii any trimmer reflect
ing open dines who preferred seine one elite' to the great
statesman of Penury teams, until, after &contest in which
all the Federal were directed against Mr. Bu
chanan alone, a full and complete truimph was veined.
in making the statement. moreover, we virtually said,
cud we still think., that all who boautly adhere{ to the 1
Democratic party had, by their votes, declared against
any Wing who might be naiiied. We w/e . justi fi ed in
-thus conclusion from the Federal party havia r made Scott
their watchword throughout the campaign. , He was re
commended by their State Convention; and if his name
was not enough to'carry them through, we were simple
enough to think that no Wing could carry the State."
This, them is the evidence upon which tie Pose basis
its claims that the result of duo late electioa "has shown
I that the Hun James Buchanan is the choice of a great
majority of the peeple of the State fur President 13 0.12,"
Tho logic is unique. In substance it is dims: The- IViiig
parry "declared that the election of Col littler could be
a Bucliaii in triumph:" ergo. it as a Buchanan triumph.
Col. Bigler was:elected in the face of this 'declarauou"
of the whiis„ ergo, again, "the result has shown that the
Don. James Buchanan lathe choice of a g eat majtrity
of the people of the State for Prea;dent in 1 L. 2 " 0 , , to
show how perfectly iih,tird sock ?anion mg i , If the c
had soeu fit, "Crain tine beginning of the COI testa' (0 11.140
"declared that the election of Cul. Bigler would be is"
triumph of the potatoo-rot. we suppose, ac c ording to. the
Pos.:, it won ld be so. Dim would be just bout as fair a
deduction as the other; and the evidence.iia'd s t.. o b e
just about as sarong in the one case as the thee. Now
this my' do for the Post and its readers. be
eiders d' very sound logic in this meridian.
pie enough up hero to believe that a convei
which nominstod Col. Bigler, composed of
every county in die State, have a better rig
the Democracy arecontending for—what o
and what its triumph will sbow—than the•
all the whigs iu Christendom. Noiesolutio
stration in that Convention, Or, in fact, n
election of any considerable number of
authorizes the :inference of the Post,
think with it, that col. Bigler's election,
Mr. Buchanan." or any other man, "is t
groat majority of people of the State for
ls 2 " The choice of the people of this.
_made manifest in a very different way- 7 1
made manifest, we can prowls," the Post tl
ho behind it in fealty to the nomination..
whole Detooerst.e
it is believed, will
ishite the latter will
Delegates. • Well
this Stato was for
and tho issue was
ts. Returns from
he Union candidate
is election is consi
n caitili.latos' have
rict—D. D. Nabors:
Fourth District—A.
MelYillia. Saves-
held in Illinois, on
ular voter a General
ature. In Chicago
against it. Moat
[ 'favor of it. and from
n interior, we should
Ivor of janke.
i of Mr..l. S Thrash
'trial." a paper pub
none. is receiving'
ether Domocrte or
em all there but
at our Gower meat
not immediate! ;Wie
man restored to his
f his wrongs is co
n American citizen,
e, Who went to Cubs
er named as above:
MT The St. Louis Republican notice* the death of • '
young girl, by swallowing a quantity of opium, and Wier
wards 'taking a liiirge quantity orarsemie, It appears that
at the desire of her friends and rolatirßa. she had con
tracted an engagement of marriage with some gentle
man.lim i
and laubsequeut.y, eh formed , an attachment
for another persdn:•with whom however, she was pre
vented by cireornalances from ing nail-d. She
n anoin
e be feefinga ,to pray upon her : until ( !natty : oho was
iaped to take the fatal 1 1_ atep mentioned.
_r. A GJUII Scar ..1114% . yot wit, linie trarrl,4 hy
railroad kaaw fell well the iaconyenieuei en:l velaudo
of the preacut system of Adams roc prJeuria,t meals.
Scarcely does a hungry traveler get his halal upon a cup
of utieerablo stud, c tiled &ale, eel a el,ee of broad sail
butter, before ha Is dupned for the pay. and !hen by the
time he has ruldeclintge. the crrii "all aboard : " and
he mu,t run for Jzar bre. aud so:n:ticusi i,t the eminn as
of it too, or be left: A Cincinnati piper, ta. obviate this,
'sugges4 the establishment of a c ir ill , ell 1 moats on iyl
be provaloi for trivelors, fit for tit H., wh .1 aro willing to
pay their 15 or 0 cents for ii whales 3 , 113 an I palatable,
refreshment, which cannot bo got o s the 4
barall, l pntronized
ho island, and was in
' a the recant demon
. ba he is said to have
6 " but he was ea
i his neutrality did not
I l a murderers of Crit
.crinsidered a Creole
Spanish journal, the
pitch.' together with a
qucutly,his ettprinies,
I •
execution Lopez,
per, whr was done
Th was ruinous to
i," paper had ititreas
iport a new Ares! from
I vy expenses to bring
which latior and ex
qtrovei. .retained the
Id soon allow him to
e Meantime, devoted
cringe of theme of his
tout sriling for Spain
of kindness to those.
. made him SOD more
•wtsb attracted the ate
exist. A, cap 'Of goad came. sad tlto
mugs ef breed and better. &c., could be
use at all flours, for those whu waut thelr
pers.. Th(s would abohsh the eystcin of
five cents fiont a' bunny traveler, for t
looking at a pie.
ale toward him. who
been connected w,th
d not dofinitely under.
nnection hati exised:
atrial• all
Pcnosylvartumi who claim to be. par exccl
pions of the jinn interevt, are giving a
their hypocrisyl. A Democratic mass m
canclidin Berke county. to commend cart
to Congress favoring an increase,of dy,
cording to R. J. Walker's propobia.
this moiement is denonnosd, M/the bitt
the PbilaJeliii.Mi Daily :Vacs, rho Lanc.
and others. They are tioiabtlest afraid
them of a 14voiito election?cring weepoHr
to watch strict..
stopped anti exianain
g derely letters of be
za and friends of the
Er To ►nano it is . a Matter orsurprise t I
be so mach competition for the post of
for the Preiddeucy. and so little for that o
'denier; since Ati former position seems
with so much of Peril, and the latter with
luck. There appears to be a fatality abou
in Whig handivwhich makes It peculiar)l
ger; and a tikrespooding tread fortune a.
office whic it makes it substnetially.the po
were prepared for a long list of whig ca
Vice Ptesidency. but supposed the wings
itficalty in getting a candidate with safft
to stand for the that place. We were, ho
er mistaken iu this, ter there seems to be
names ambitious of the honors of martyr'
ned under surveillance,
taking his meals at the
ied by a.police officer.
throe days. when all at
was said to have been
Thrasher. on the desk
Ivrea no post mark on it
m o from. it was 'Meg
: Gcorgi4. it was then
. which he . did is the
ET Specie ens. of minerals have been
quarries. near No ristovi n. in this State,
that place salrs it i found mixed throuillt
most beautiful quartz rock ever e-en, and'
sembles the rich treasures of•the quartz r ,
nia. Under the belief that it was somethi.
sort," a portion of the mineral was caus
when it Clll found to be a combination tifi
per; selth a large preponderance of earer.
in large quail-I*es yet , but the indicatto
"ab;ut," snit - Will be opened 901310 of iii
section of ciiutry so iernarka le forio
posits, as this , rtion of Penney vania. ap
in "indication '." the discover of silver
would'oot - be matter of surprise to th.
quainted with its geological forMation. .
is utter astonishment
cypher. He at once
its contents, and from
tutted. But his deni•
, diatrly placed in sot-
sere he remained until
was removed to the
unpile. which la re
see well. to bean ex
e see. alweyi wet be-
ly a small round Lie
• den the farni•
e ends. which -serves
a seat to keep the feet
in. No one is 'How
es ihat he appligki for
ply from the Captain
11:7 Our or Pall :—A letter from Does
York Herald gam the results ie Ohio
d as soon ga &ay.
make the Whigs look u blaek as so man
—the Scott Whigs, I mean, fur✓ the We. 1
to hear the visitation with coinmendablef I
Scott's prospeets have been crowing wo . 1
terh•. and these blows front the two great
garaed by many to the light of grace•stro
him not of pain. The Wehl:r.s Whigs , 1
by this condition of thinprq
lovanutoot that sob
newspaper isimbrisb
postege, mu though
reerive , it tufty be out
c etmnsters will Abase
07Oh corroopondont'srbpoos OD `!Woman's fights"
in rodent and **haute physicians..* particular. balm
been unavoidably crowded out ibis weak. We will pad :
.a cornet for thaw next.
UT A meeting of the members of • • Erie Reading
. 1„..
Boom lssociation will be .held at their rooms on Thirty
day ale jog next . A general attendance of all favorable
to the : n 'rem of the association is earnestly invited.
ET learn,that Commander Bitllns,of the U. 8.
Steam° Michigan, On this ateliers, fisis been detached.—
lie is to be succeeded by Cernmandet Bigelow.
Li!% e an, reqnestsd to a..y.thst o„ to the ineltin- -
ency a he weather, the annual moulting oVJ the Female
illueio et Society was adjoerned In Monday evening
next, at alt-past six o'clock, ht the Lecture Room (tribe
Presbit rise Church. An address by Rev. Mr. Bough
ton may be expected
mebody. a lOW many years since Shakspeare
w s that he who has no mud upon his boots„ in this
Fed' muddy. slushy. slip'pery i l weather. must ter•
ar overshoe . By the by. spleakingot overshoes
Ins that mo e 0 f oar mercliattts—es p ecially those
ruse in th Observer—are Ooily receiving new
d of couniei have any quant4y of that articleple
• rest many i)titor things they will be willing to
las rhino. ' .
l e Posts a
deuied the
sufficient to
result had
••to be the
he State for
in no very
that a 4
soil fr
111 r;?
, jr. F. mar, late assistant_ teacher of the Fre
donisi Acade . has been engsge4 as Printipal of the
Erie IA adentr. . He is
,a_ popular! teacher, and their
choiele for theistatiou a good one.—.tredoisia Censor,
____ t ___ : _ .
lairoerlsr.—The Go :efts announces that GRO.
40N, EN., of Elk Creek, hat_ been chosen Court
in place oi David MeAllatiter, Eng., and that
is a, wing, noble, good and true, whorl] the par
rsdelight to honor." It is Irirdly important that
mbent of a clerkship, in the, gi ft of the.Comnrils
hould be a mywhig, noble, good and true." The
ro, we presume shall. hear is that the gentle...
o carries in the coals fur do county offices', ••iii.
noble. pod and trite." There vrould be just
much proprietyin making' e - politics of the one
for his employment as tho !other.
tv c ,
BE 5
nest hi t
man w,
& w
. Homicide. , ' - .. 1
d' man. :named Stone, a dissipated character.
a ehentee on the Cana! in I Fetrariew township.
ted on Monday last fur thri•mnrder of a woman
ith him named Consulter. , The circumstances,
ard them,' are these: Onpidayevening he catne
i. d found a couple of Boanlnen from the Canal
• woman. This :wronged his jealously, and he
them from his "castle."' After they had 'got
l oaringhe fell upon the Woman. knocked her into
I and jumped upon her4--th+ 'dragged her out and
liced ehoaking mid bettng her. l Her 'cries of
I were hearil by a br . otlieri nlho either lives or hap
, bn near lay. en I he Jima girt end -rescued her.
n administered toher-losiing companinn a portion
me dose I l e had given his Sister. in the end the
was made p, end the weirlan remained and went
i 'lrfully hill syd and burnt, the remained in bed all
I arday, tho eh Stone says, ?rho Was up twice and
the fire and smoked. !On Sabirlay evening a
I. n was set for, but whenl4 arrived she was idy
-1 • I
:F.I4TEXCIV4r O. D. CLsas.,—Mr 0. D. dark.
y of \Vaterford in this :connty, where his father
ides. was tried et Leesburg); Va . last week, for
Leo the:Upson, and found guilty of maneleugh
o was sentenced tohe Piiiiitentiary for four years.
.ry rotered' on We esd '
d i .
y', evening, and did not
pon a verdict till F itiay.- lit win bo reinerntieted
lark. who :was teaching dtwol in Leesburg. had
ndo I a child of Thom isn's while at, School.
nduced Thompson' to ni kis charges against him,
t bis refusal to retract. Clark shot him: . '
it is not con-
We ore sign
two, like that
°legates front
it to soy what
issues are—
.clarationb' of
—no don:lon
ians,' in the
Li . dolegatos,
or anv who
"shows that
Oio c h oice of •
j President in
1 State will be
od when it is
'stirs will mot
nay. —.l tiro bruit/ out w i th& -North-East come/
. Sinytles titsreli Fartorr about 8 o'clock ou Tues.
ning. and, spread so rapid!: as lir render all efforts
igniah it unsmiling. IL was consequentl'y' burned
Around. with all its contests, including Mr. s'a. -
nd other papers. It conatitu'ted.but one wing of
tory—and the portion inve4 fortunately contained
I tif f the mschineff,'. Loss el bout iii.soo—partially
1 by . ineurtitico. Smear!. 41 a3tripathiiing with Mr.
las u;cido lu his misfartunel. we trist•ho will, with
trite energy, repair the damage end resume op
, - -
1 Iran linatiin onLillte. Superior.
Iprepartc known as the (inn 'Mondani. on '''
Fir, has cliiinged hands, '
and Is now owned '
Juin Co'ispaiir in Penns) %quoin. They ,
ppnog, to 'limas plank road from the nir
e shore, and their ratiniatekl coat of the /
stir bloomis et Sharon, °quint 75 my/
to.) is made up sa follows:
ng, or picking up in lomel block,
irtation in lake shore,
a. i from lake shore t.{. E r rif
F.' from Erie to Sherpa
ng into blooms
y el"
ext : l
uks .
e Fs. i
Hverip ,
in) th
Brat '
I The,
I n the
'ln Is
I leiffe
IA sfr,
coat of blooms per ton i i . $l6 2.5
to tilooma (thit best majlei in Pennsylvania, but
cans equal tq blokor - inade from this ire) now
'ittsburgh for fr0iy4.5.3101*60 per ton.
enough te-liiiilo-Wlinuey'k Pacific Railroad might
nom itie,4fountalu midi not be missed. It lies
lies from to lake shore. It exists there in snch
• ee and is of such nu eximordimary quality that
Itvort of the U. States ecologist. this prophe
eade in :regird to it. S ya the Report: ••This
(messes an inexhanoible supply of 'root ore, and
st quality, removed trout twelve to thirty miles
• Lake shore, with a suit hy no means 'sterile and
with a heavy growth of Maple, Yellow Birch,
il Oak—apd it is to Thu source that the Great
ill ultimately look for e finer varieties of Bat
Trate • •
bore is partly correct. and part incorrect. This
ontain has changed howls, but got into that of
I ron Iron ,Company. The 'Company that now owe
formed in this city kilt summer.
the efforts of Mitsars. V l incent& llimrod. and
kholders are mostly all. residents here. ext
Iron Sharon Com any, which is a stockholder
mount of 86300 wily_ The intention it to erect
iron wiarks , here, and not at Sharon. for the
enure of the ore intd Wi l ms; and ultimately into
, nails Ste., etc. So iniportant was the enter
emed to loar city. both present and prospective,
city anthorities donated! to the Compiny a fall
f water lots.
Id s 64 thing'
coirary tri ru-'
kept ready for
u i spers or din -
akirig , swear. ) .
se privilege of
r no
says tiiv
race. died,- lir , '
w evi.e,yec oI
, cling has wen
i iuggestions
upon iron, ac
in 1847; and
eit terms, by
for Ecantiscr,
t will deprive
throw. ,
cept th
to the
at there should
hig candidate
the Vice Pres
o be attended
• much ofgood
the first office
a poAt of den
ut the latter
to dk l;
a h r t i e u s o
f r o . r We
ight fiud some
dent hardihood
cver l al o t rth th i;
o lak
bar iro
that ea
uw:fixo sr THE BC 11 g r.l - 1 . SrATir.„—The nutralo
c says. oa Moaday creutng about ,half past eight
the magnificent .teenier' Buckeye Stato took fire
ling at her dock at the foil of Commercial street.
ore, the flames could be extinguished, teal damt
a large amount. Me fireris supposed to have
led from fire heat of the a oke pipe, setting fire'to
I d-work pear it. below desk. but it is not certain.
re'are various theories afloat as to the cause of the
1.. e supposing it to havelbrokso out in the held.
as the fire was discovered, the steamer was scut
t owing to the shallouinses of the water, she did
far. Ithe prompt ariirial of the fire department,
t such ortion of it as had engines in, order, and
!ermine efforts ,- nonce got the flames in cheek,
tt r shout hree hitaira violent exertion, the flames
kmple;el3 subdued. Aft file time of the breaking
. fire, the Buckeye Sint was fired up and about
. for Cleveland, for witicl port she had on board a
nd valuable freight, aril about one hundred pas
. wak highly furto vile that the fire was dis
; al so otiportunee meta, for had the steamer
r from sbore, it is more tan probable that the fire
'ave inv olved the entire. destruction of the ,boat
ape the luss of matt) lives. The boat was in
r fifty tbousand della
.to several different com
which Will fatly cover the damage done bet. The
filled n th valuable gocids belonging to western
nts, ala ge portion ofiwbieh are ore or less in
gre Will assembles at Was legion is twe
• us ae
,Monday. Thy mem ers ant already
. , their 11 bt its that di g retetion.
1 .
. { .
found ia lime,
The naralii of
deposit of the
very much re.
• kis in Cabral.-
g of thei'•aame
d to be traced;
Isilver and cop.
It is nit found
I - are that is
e days. la a
nown rich do
or evert gold.
' who Iwo se-
o to the New-
under clouds
ter men see m
rtitude. Geri.
1. very fast, lat-
States ars re
es. They put
re eleouraged
bold w
mom+ '
jored. 1
- a:r Jopeph W. McCockle. one of the newly sleeted
member to Congreis from California. ii a Dative of Ohio,
and was reared in Dayton. -
Snow.— has been "spitting" snow for several days
past in this place.—: ralley Spirit
Then "it" must have been chewing ice.
Ir_r Russia will be 1000 years old item year: and her
tholisaadth birthday is to be celebrated with groati
dot. Kossuth, probably, would rather go to her lateral.
11_7' The'tnan who thought ho could coal a lastyer to
take "a dollar less," is now trying to sst fire to au ice
berg with a cigar.
IV' A Western poet, it of tho moon.
..She laid her cheek upon a cloud like beauty on a young
!rnau'a bosom." 0, git eclat.
Er The last case vfludeleuce ierelated in one of our
exchinges—it is that of a man owned-John Hole, who
wails° lazy that iu writing his rrante., he simply used the
letter J. and then punched a hole through the paper.
Mrs.. Stanton, one of the ••wotpen rights." reform
ers. sets: "IWllat men can do, women can do." Sfie
should have added—with the single exception of stolid
ling a fence gracefully..
11.3" Thera are 'four sets o lif twin children, of four differ.
ant ininisers. all at borne its a row of font different houses;
on Beech Street. St. Peels. !di : traction'. •wNow. by St.
Paula. the work goes bravely , 0n.."
rrA gentk twin. speiiking of Cincinnati. said its most
appropriate name would "be- Mina-burgh of America.—
"Yea," replied another. "Lthink it would. the the meal
ropolis of the United States."
ILT Emigrants_ from all parts oTtha world coming° to'
seek homes oil our shores. One thousand emigrants
destined for Missonri. lowa and Manneeeta, passed
through Indianapolis last Week.
EXPEDITIOPS Lentswios.—The General Assembly of
lthede !eland convened on Tuesday last, andectiourned
s ine die on Friday. having transacted theJ o eillative bu
siness of the State in ft ur days. •
IiCP A Frenchman. named Alv6s. Gregoric efr•-rs to
het any amonot of matey thut'he will "kill a bull with
his clench, d fist, and with/the same fist brrnk any stone
•preseute4 to him." Wei shouldn't like to quarrel with that
men; by lIJ moans. his argument would be eofist
11 - . r. The ikst UCN medical "dodge" is thie construction
of ••medicated under shirts." They are descrito das
being made of very peculiar material • silky and delight
tothel touch; thick and impervious to the cold, and
possessing medical properties of undoubted virtue.
(I:7' A 'I,V
by a warm
lets on. wh,
Toe AM
dent of the
oeers who
hy the gilt'
ou her Ma',
1U "A
coran & It
$4OO to tit
tioneto the'
ed to $1,0•
Corning in
consprntio , ,
fendant (c
within chi
of its Rubs
d}iug and
need ingu.
utick M
fore er
an! . unit d
ti gair,hei
Ak e
I utett► to
ton, when
1 ra •oath. of
er ton
1 00
Pa. ,2 00
1 00
„,- 12 00
inst. Ad
lumen.° . 1
Inukom ,
men itted'
mennest ci
the Post's!
hip hats" 4
Dew lioie'
know wl4
doubles us
said the :1,
you ere p
113 Anita Vt'allieg, of the Coshocton Democrat; gora
most ontrageens thra;hlntr the other day, at the hands of
if( Latsd a<pirrint for office. Anse dos'nt weigh cver
130, wh,ls his assailant measures •"•a'x feet and well pro
portioned'!—besides, coward like, he done up behind,
and struck him while he wets sitting in a chair reading,
Such it 4ro would Steal acorns' from a blind hog. add
whip his diother for talting the hogs part.
Er Th'e way the wh tide ie setting for Presitkilt
may be inferred by the fact that 23 papers in Viinia ha 4' e
expressedbk preference for s Mr. Fillmore for P resident in
41;52. lir addition to which the Buffalo Commercial Ad
vertiser. a paper called "the dotnestie organ of President
saysF . —"The campaign on the Rio Grande
elected one president. Nothing men-a tax be made eta
of that series of brilliant exploit:."
0:1" D4/111EL WCBST6ll.—Whigs at both ends of the
ccnuitry am striking big blow} for the "expounder."—
Siiissachisscus raised a stronglvoice some days since.—
The last arrivals from California. informs us that "Weh
ster" is the war cry there. At both ends and at all in
termediate places, the question is enviously asked, "where
is Gen. Scott?"—and the echo from all pciints of the coin-,
pus enviers "where. o •
tra" The Kennebec journal, whiz, previous to hearing
of the triumphant election of coldhgler, satd that if any
"dependence is to bo placed uponthe representations of
the whig pipers. there is' a good reason - for the hope"
that Got! Johnston with be elected. Ergo: As John;
Eton teas not elected thorn is no ••dependence to be plac
ed upon the representations of whig newspapers!"
Gr" Mr.! Michael Kleinfelter, al,utheran merchant,
jam o( sl.r, walmry. • York County. Pa., has left three
th?osand dollars by him taat will and testamenttfie con'
gregatiimin that place, "the interest of - which is to be de
voted, ime-lialf-to educate poor, pious young men for ihe
ministry, 'and the other half for the religions 'education of
'the young its that cougreigation.
tr The A lbauy Dutchman says it often hears people
say—**nerier mind, it's at.trifle"—forgetting that it is to
trifles we.fare all indebted fur our deerinies. It wu.a tri.
fle—the l*hting a cigar -that canned Fnkon to form the
aequaintabco of chancellor Livingston; from which sc.
quaintanne resulted a friendship that enabled the former
to prove the feasibility; of steam navigation. It was but a
trifle that;led to the Ponjaub. war; end, yet the Punjenb
war was ono of the mats, expensive outbreaks that Log.
land everiwas engaged lb. It commented by /keeling i
buoket. iThis led to a rew, the row to a riot. and the riot
to a war4the expenses if which amounted to over $BOO.-
000.000. Again we saf.'iever despise . trifles. A kind
word spoiler* ib a broben-hrfprted genies, may make
yon President—while an ugly word to "%blackguard, may
phanze 411 into I.tigatiol and ruin.
stern editor says that "ti child was run over
three veers uld and crone eyed, with panto
h never spoke afterward:" and addi that "in
of caruleve driving. the shells of death are
trough their village."
RIC 1N Pstsosens.—The Madrid corrrspon
widen Clardnicla think, the American pris
lave been brcinght fa Spain will be amnestied
n, to grata in 117proaching festival, probabl:
sty's approaching confinament,,
letJtd to Cuioniiation." through Messirs. Coy
ggs, of Washington, has madsvi donation of
•ColonizetionSociety. The total contribu
omety, during , the mor z ah v of October, antount-
9 35.
7 ,
law prohibiting' negroce MI mulattoes from
end residing'in Oregon li .i
~.b eenhcided to be
1.141 and valid, by Chief Justice Seleon, of that
it a cane brought before him recently. The do.
!wed) was directed to leave the Territory
iy daps from the dole of the decilie.
westeSu paper relates a story of one
ibers, who refused to pay his newspaper hill,
r suspicious circumstances, and upon a Coro
qt being held; it wss'aseertained that his death
I by being beaten by hw wife with a braara . : '
rk the fats of the mote who Adele diepiater!!
c.—An Eneitai caumess. youngnid bloom.
,:eu up her abode of St. Aughtine, FiOrldo.
in Period, in order to obtniy-i'Lli ' vorct, from an
husband; anti this wi;trirrr several of her di
friends ttro orfpOet tlat , re from Canes in. a
Boston fott was tweZ " ;;; "-- .ari --" old on the 9th
ding tellie Net it saga **Only think of what an
cat of good it has Sonc!'' Col. Greene is a
man and a good span. and one if the funniest
Sew England:4)ot. then, he has one of the
erks in all that gion. 'lie scratched on from
exchange list without the least cause.
oti Bitowe's Losr.—The oche day. an `'ln
freeman.?' with a pretty good "sized "brick in
me !thageribe up to the Major in front of hie
end between a hieltali and a cry, wanted to
he herniuilt his house eo high; for, said he "it
to lenu !nick sufficient to teeth, top.", Why
pijor, I wanted to keep up with Pee
.6ttr high! It is ciid whiskey immediately de•
ILT The ".kaicherboiker
beet Periodical of the'kiild in
cbeertningptocese of re .
old price of dye dollars per a
neencps Mal y After next Jan,
reduled to three dollars. ,‘
churn of publication, brough l i
bat in this inatancs. the pub
creased subscription list wa
Is too much - if a diepositien
is Sri. thiS chaugo .
wray tboussinds who would
erb4ker were checked by
doll4re. • The reduction aril
a ritbre popular, circulation.
lug Influence upon the lite
A specimen number cau
Itoems. •
Tr As the meeting ole.t
of iumors froin Washing..
Weihingtooi correspond.ent
theme wilt be be changes i
before tunneler the apparen
_Webster, should he go on
sines. ouseitleth Mr- Car -1
has nd dispo.ition 10 fPIII . II -
by- grumblers. Mr. Web
ete4 for the Presidency fn
lesee the cabinet about the
will still be Mr. Crittenden
,rioted to the Secretaryship
• MA
la Arispe._llli.. on the
Mr. Fins F. TAYLOR. of
SA Si OAS, Of the former 'p:
At simpoon's Crciik,
the' 15th of Oi!eber, by
wan A. Merl trFET, fart
RI ' ANNE .htftE.F. ut the fir -
On the Gth , by the.
F. thiaa.„ ni . s4•Keati. and
Oh - iiha 4th inf.!, br t
?Id!. W I.OER, of New Ye
of this city.
On the 6th inst.. by the
Miss 140:1)11.111KA %%'t.l.g.
On the tith iust., by Efrn,
and Mrs OLicr Fer.'all
In Amity, on the 4th in
Watzt , biirg 'Mr, .9.1L-51-T
By the ..arne at the irnm
A. M. 11.1 rI t iIS tind
On Thurtnlav hist, by I,
Jou.: NICHT. and 3'
% ford.
ha the ead inst., after
veers, Mr )an Itr4.l , tur,
7614 year of Fria nge. '
the'2.siff ult. Mr GI
township, in the Stith ten
New Adv
AT T111 4 .19.0.5T(1N1:
N 1:
Nusenil. , 7ls, 1”51
A viR F. NI3V Gi oi )1 t.q.-
1. , 1 a 4:e:•4414 , 41 11-#44 , rtt#1."411
hies' d 4 # d tr 4 • turttio,
rpm: ter-tri.: I. I , y , eti
u.k.u! , l bnt v.
with Pr. J. L. till:1C.1.11T.
patron of Id. ritu 10)1 ri
Erw, 1-11.
R A Rai A
11nitinn Pe . e
I:sehat on ‘Vedite - telly
rennin.: ..n'! .3
emits etrin , tit Mt, 111-1 •rt rt
am:ie. - 0 %till!. t
\‘ - c)ni, will' - 1
• 1 •11. E tot lertieti ..!
A Lir er of tea $,
efit of those in re-ted • that h
liwo. to all al tv in co '
b} the hr 01 - Jat.uary not. '
a rtt A time. unmet tivtront
It.. meet. those trostscr n
C' 1/...11,111,1 lie loin. I.
re-esathent f.
11.n'•. Nut ein l .4er 15, 1 - 51.
sines • - Aeitlikr m
irotitigton ham nevi to ofergitenfititr4.e, ter ~ ..f tine
tag from sta. pr 14 et-s , t the
' m -a ~t { • 'fn- g riL 41,1 r-W , '
a ,2'•• ill!ici, in.' 11 %le.: rctt •
111 4 itrsl rev.. 111 II: 11411,:iii_. 41 PI,.
ne , ' tutP,t.--•• ne 1,31.rre I inn 1 ., r . , • ai;
z.,.ronuw., to the ni i ,t) timid iatOtfill t.t...$ of the trot b. 11,0
Ito rui
I b.. 111.1•411 11 erefi,er.l
0-•itte &lir tililte 111,1 , 1111,
S:11.0.01 V.torol3 the
ucml e.tacalpin to OW
. tr :as Well ma la ILr Tai .1
Inc; nlrm Ilje
'Etc nett Ter,tl rm.,
wider the cbartte of J. F.
Cettter x ttli ltte.preiteat reit
tent Int.trt.cice. , 1.2 r 1141. Y.
Gu...xl board cz..ll.t..o.l.ltitef
cro. a 'err!
07 , 7rard. :Nutt/ace 15, 1.-5 ,
bare jnAt got ott a PTA
aLtid 1 , 111ICN: t(o the ese of('
Marl' lied rhtcrild have t
'eta tvell d.trl tit se. %%title the
supply it, proves tt to fA., ttt
e%erilet enteJ , end et,tlVot t
tno , l.Sdirix4ro East,t, haal!l,l%
turf storied ,
ILIST received a frriih ruph
ician liar Cvmpa
Will ht , Si:l4l nt the Ittlft esti ea h
nee) heft No- 1, rnetudt^y the
fall Rotets. 'I his article r. t
the country, and being curt* hl
anti . .Ittri an,loh ut
Iv. are tuviitil is calf
nient pf Rhtote.
Mao, flats uf every vat iul
.I)outde E►tra-fine lio:eAco
k fbr 61 3 11 . 11101 41 ,
elscLper, thearwat. tri anti by
Krie. Noveinrwr 13. '
Bargains! IV' h
Fall owl Winter Gandte a.
at No. 1.
HAVING trikrn ftdenninije
ket.mgether w Ut, the C.
•it , .1). , nimrrehandWe, and
from on kid/ to tiro thirds OR
that I 11‘ a eel notify articles'
New Tod, hint. neelio - igo, .... 1
"a r d Me re.l of niiiiiiitnd,'l I '
give.. •iThelprni.F. are • lortek '
h.ah. There ”30 win tia , l II
Alimecati iiii Ism nil 12,1 emit% 1
nrunciiiiirt. - rlierin etion;h• '!n;
j M
the ranted elate, o " alsocot il
the low price or, I ,cli firings
pante; splendid Si k V( 4 44 . 4.,
GUS u lilting. Litt, kitillii 111 i I
turn are Mete.un pelt ',cornet.;
top. that , drat
•hors 3 stcek oo rat
to 1.011; theoe reope'eto, any rim
therefore. you until gad
Thai w dl in,lute yon to come
Env. !oh, rt«t„•r I )0.11.
A' rani( remark-1/e crse of To
V ; i n ‘ si t t o r
t t h h e e
e n e tt n e
l e f t; o a n tet, of
may he seen by any person
the ( set font,.
.1 had teen afflicted for act'
evt+. n Inch continued to in: •
tfatuzitat tun at that time hat in'
inane of loth es, end ended
.ntwlty destroyed my sight. ',l!
(lie title It neow retuuced, which;
C 0111.111. 1, aas Lefurc. At Mt _;
PlICZIIIU:1 to several of the an
foran.,l rue that 'any etc: too
could not distinguish any obje
I commenced the we 01 the-I'
I. hich my cp. , hat
tune. and 11 have mos ere.' ni
Wall eery mach improte.rbby'
restcration et tny sight to its
in this city 4 and %ill bchiig,y
V , lay ease..t '
rO7I.RIF Cpr`frt.
('arts & A' , tii bar, Pros; Jaime
send, Springfield: R, Potter,
hiimi 11. d. Gerrish„ Edeelmr I
iiiih•on,lVaterfordi John VVe
Jinl7-1t • - Con
Carhattrs patent
A ruw of these Beautiful
IL the Manufactory of Mess'
city..and can In ceen at the
artYl, where the sulcserrt w
intritieit of them
instrue utto
Mr. Carhart it the oitotiati i••
and has sztotle,tuauy rniva •k
last few month, The hell ar'
Anotead of hanging in fron (a
Park. and almost entirely hid
Work int: with a ottai7are ,!
lever, similar to the PianO
with other internat
the mine hitherto unknown in
ointments have been exam n •
and southern cities, who hoe j
best reed instrument iii in e,
e wish to pureknef , , torah ;
will be on exhibition but a c 1
Ens; ~ ". 131 II
' gazine." . undonixert y It,
e world, has, am,d ail a t
g. stoutly adhered-10 the
. um; but l late panther as
ry, the auhscript;on %Mt.!.
do not hitt) to eee the be t
.own to the lowest prices.
, her trasurPs us that the ta•
/ I DUt a reduehon. Arlberg.
cheapen even that ?keit
1 . btlese reveal the fart that
es liked to lake the Ratrit•
stoiderati n of the extra two
ovvever, tire the
d thou it ere:try tee cort6t•
v taste of orrhnary readers.
---- -' .he Erteliteadtog.
'seen at t
tress drz 10211, CI !Grill
bc;n g put nfloiu. A
.. .
f' tho bllti more . n ilaf ,
the Colo U soon, tint not
:tflictatioo a ~armit.l 11 • will Trace t im
o pornat bu•'
I }.as na-ta_te IL r ‘,:rice. and Ai. he 1.-, CM r.;41.1l1ell
et will, no doubt, h. oomin•
111.8,1010mi:us Slico'd h e
seiddle ofianuor:, or so, Lbsre
ho will be, aro:Ably, pro.
.0 ta'e.
n!•. by Wm. F Sloan, E.g.
..f,utt;An, and 31.,1 :11u ts
,cer Counts, Kentucky. au
Itcr, Mr. Ihncr, Mr Ev
e Iv of :II:4 coy, and : 1 1.n Mt
t_ anted One.
ir..l H. Pre•elr, Mr, ()SCAR
31ATIL1.} . R. 1.0V17G, Of
liHoy. H. F. Hartman, Mr.
t 9 Miss Loy iss Tski.asa,
'me. Mr. Jon `1 BLCK CR, and
h of this city. ,
Me, Mr. hint Hui:Ts - sr,
this city. .
,by that Rev. J. H Rie.. at
!CAST tl ' Etl 2411 , 5 ELI/ MTH
Oince And time. Mr Ltiti
• nor. Johni 5w...:13. L I .
s Js' ! Itkpor.n., torn of
.rutneted Moos , : or ..”.r.-31
V abllingtoil tuwa•la,p,
;Ayr BrEmAp, or Noti,Ea
. k 1,11 C..rfe(
n:11 LA. r
T. 11. '.V.t
rpr,IVI.L.! :I I'. cr‘
U.I. aci.l .VIN I Lit
1,11 eru.!. e.z L,g .e
Ait &•I..l:l'LtR
to :be •
te , i,ent fora f... 3 rt; , aA
t • n ;
Um he %tout,' rre • rt,
• r-t
A- $ 1.111 1:-:
Nl.lker. 114);:-1..1 V•IE.Afi
I: A.S. will talk.
~2. 0s0“4. 0
H ; r !WV •
V. tern r en_win anra,
• . cent.; - il . usToNiE ZS - 2
r Ulf path.nacc eXtendr. ~
~ i • r , n,
_ fr . i rf , th antiOLltite. for r ~...,.. -
VI at be, limier 1 , .. , •*, , .. • ~
rt.% ard and t', .r 1 1 ,14.
ow h% ho prefer - i. 'TN u.eio pay .
' n of N ,l,
t)2 co-t., t, r n•-• !, r.
cr pa, - dr! t-, 1% --, II • r,,, 1n., , ,
a 111.1 or.T. :%1
ci. l;
~i , ~ 1!
• non Ole 11:111 , 415 , IIC (I , (":. r..:.!
.1\ .. , 10C1 . r.i...1 , I 1 t %VI:11 0 01i
an the ir. n.lo 01-1 1r..... , A ' • r.'-
. IZ.IIII. Gr. rit :tn.! :11u.1 , n log.
,ruatto-Ittal utzuclty. ut ltrzit t_g.
'Sal, Erie
1•;.° ~ n irwrw,.!nv t... 1.4•4:, ,s.t ." BP. A. M.. ni Pr/n.0,1 If -
• .. ausiege•l h ~, I, . tl.rr c.m;.
of t ... r 1t , t4r0 , ,t , •,I:.a. 4,1:611.1
1 0 . (~ t. 3 :isk., rm. - 4.k.
.1 A 1111 s 1111? L: ?rt.- 1401 i
n. S. c'y •
.0K STOVE •.% ith Doors
oil or %Vr , C,S . !...vt•prl+l , ,,r r
hrOn n t•IL.e :•ktnsid
• nor ,! afilowarr , ny /gee: m5..!.•••••ar,10
ist..t etAlt.teth , OLIN; Lf
./ the ,,..f.tler 4 th, v 6. I c
I I Cthit thr r , irc.% r•
iLN). Li &
..i1) FUR 57012 C.. „W. 1,
4.,f Buffalo RGht.s. from tl, An-r
-airci )n Or NAM% , st.l •n
ratizing frroirr r ,
}f!tra No. I. Indian
best of the kt.l to n.i
the ludic T yr r.
me hard and ufxr orrnt r •
.m.l cumin -,l•ztul
\IpICh i 3 !.e it' Iwn npt) lb.
‘f po of ev,r• ~C, •
$ Seelvt +v.
^ne dian e!i •
wale aid Retail.
• unr or hecrstisble loss perm,
!Refil l Houses.
f rFlr pre.,sure in the mrert oar
, we.;urnt anxiety of •itt di 3 , 111,
ling twilight quautitteA at
niapitlyturerti prre I -:11
; t lover prier! 111411 tlf.rfp.".ol ;It
I t . Inc rentulou--to
0.04 taV•walk for 1 - 11 lg•
On the e.Utilor• Vt.flt 1111
f.atnef , from tit • • •••ole.
(pet 3,111,1% that arl
'its,from the Pr: nn; m
title vartet) ~1 •!e•,eo an I.toalt l ,•
withi, ~•rcath, t ally One l
r 19oaks and WirTiltas, Of 'or •
octal fur Loth 1.13,cs ati.lGent
prages estn from the I p,r,11
pfrlc allfi so cheap ae
ad others-in the ci s. rati
and ;IfOu shall hate' thr,
J, D. ciAltk:
1f Wisdom eared bk I
the afflicted and the rat .ir ervi•
Wm. HMl.Ortlie•cilt T'•' te
'lto niay be Aepticai lr rcrotrn it
e Ort. hlrla
• rat }van with a iierene.4 .., l''''
iase until Septet", tv i. 1.:o1,11.r 1 -
involved the it hate 1.. ,:: V -s ' .
n the deriosneot th,r I. ~, to ,I I , ' ,4
had - 311 Oprfa (It'll 1.. f'. M.,' act
40013 returned an 11, ~ . , ,I, 1..1a
tage or the et.ingirt, , .: I rm. ir
t ('eminent medicat !nen. J
id neva/ get well' At 0... nate I
It. By the advice of • ter inc
truieuw. both ink !MI: I) .e.,: ~.,
1114•mved eta II) +11.... In, i"r' - '2
eight'entirely. 'kb 4, m•ri. heap
1 t retrtrieutti. ra.,i i atiro , rie t` ,
e. I feNidr at No. WI, :... ei. -
tr , `t •
140 give any ((::.W hat( tire, rt.' ,l •` 4
1.11.11tmon"&ro (.;ti, rni k.:"""
A. %Vbite. cirani- %% II 'I .'".
Irept fil.iirinizi:e.d, Jot
CItI. -
T D. Chet M t , : .
ter. Fairview. and I i
r R.
1 Small. Sermith t,t . 1'1.1.1 , Urg 4 .
1 „T
Aprpved litelodecrui.
tetruthente hat c jutt a! ,rnl
a.Cathatt.k. '...l.cretinm. No. Nett
ishtenee of Mee, ('Dort G en mate
bid he happy)' to ex ina ..‘ , he peen
" •••••• may favor NI" v ,,:t,,.; , :t.
L t IAO/ Of lOC 1mpr.,1,1%1C, ,levfl.
iniprOregbeiala LAI it, ta‘ due nf 03 ` .
' which ia made L.; In '.. 1 Re! , 'er let
in the chi ta,.le t• un 6 .w t ,
°n% view. The ~,:a1 • tioacaL' d•
of polpthed t teei, an 1 not% en 3
'die. The double ps, , ,t, teelbe‘
enln. add a 'ohne. , and trawl '.,
a tnusteal inotruth. nt TN*. ;I
b> matiY.Profroors in onr muds
_unanimously pronounced thein :Pte
However 'lac wouhl a :, ...e !hoe
n and siti.fy tl.efuee,t e,. :Ft'al
P 104 G. " ;