/I; 2". DVILLIN rr .1 VOLUME 22. Erie tklivltlii Oho A. P. DURLIN & CO. PROPRI 3:c. P. SLOAN. Edit 4i OFFICE, CORNER STATE ST. AN SQUARE. ERIE. TERMS OF THE PAPER. ed) sublicribers by the carrier. at mail, or at the office, 111 aMnllfe. 1711 not paid in advance...or within three months ssh.crihnie. two dollars will he charged. communications mast 14 post paid. .RATES OF ADVERTISING rarag not exceeding 4 lines, one 3 ear. (lie square. • • do." do. six months, du. do. three mouths, Tha t .,•frnt ndirlti,..tuenti , ,SOrent. per sfsikre. of ti for rite tir.l morn ton ; 2.5 cents for each so Veal h :Overly-M.; hare the prn flew 01 rlianiffn tnit at nu tone rd to occupy more than tyi u by be Ismitni to 1 4n/swarth/dr bvssress. A.trerto,iner(trnot hal int , other direr tions, u ill Le 1 . 41 ml and r barged nteord 1 1:10 s*lll 0 s:1 *ifli W. 11. KNO'WLTO.N. Watchmakesand Reps. rer # Dealer in %Van. lie.. Clr.e! lunral Instruments. I.uok I na 4; , a.•••(.2 , and other F. Nun' one dour went ot the Reed 11....2.e. RBUCKLi. be. kt.P4.1..1t. U.•rra In Dry Goods. Grurern,. 111.,rdn are. Crtpeke. 3, Perry 1.11.ek. eta!, el I, I:rie. l a. A. M. JUDSON, 40-rovcrr AT i• %P . at in .the ("broil IVrlght's Block J. W. DoUGLASS. ATTI , IOI.T AT LA}.—. ranee over r..nee firM door a CA. on the Yu CONIPTON a HA'. EltS FICK raw io I:1) or kin Naito, ire., Unr d...4g . Kim), of Sinatli litievt. Erie, Pa. I. C.pmrro.r. 11A3, • G.. A 1) it , -• Argo of J. A.t,lre Offerilneh—l}eitot oflForeOfll \I I .e:d holy, 'e ;wd retil. Nu. 11 Attie(. Moho'. 'phut. 1111 AN DES. ruvs:f 411.1 t. - 3; COr.llff of Slat , . t, 12f:504 o:e uu Etghttt Strevi. Lvt%eou l'a. 'F. IV. N a y s LB I: rcoreq: , ` , . 1.00 . I .Le.. I MO: beIEM IAJCIIIIIS& VW. :.`tat' etrOrt Peitlrrs 1, 1:0.1.S Iher, Patti. .\ ‘,.....Pra11., r end . 1.4,,L •. :94111. Eialringe 'hi the principal r itt 1, , r !The. I Ore in lie.:tty's 111.,r k, Public Sql:are. T. lIERUN SiCART. 0. alai oV AVD Pntrtn 1.%--4 c u l U net 01 Feent w .4 l .. ; ueer Mom. hncli*, Mote. .'.44ietlee on one .luer ofThe uld Ape.herary - _ . i - • • K. T, sI'ERRETT & SUNS. } I , f eimilar.ll) oo li.iii , l 0 lull .411 1 01 of Orocerie., I,' ' tlianitleryi No% 1,011q.1 . 101,Ce, &C .&C , itiiif ii.el or Retail woe lorap'.l.th , • 1.1,...t0•-t. No. 119,I'llea __. WNI. LANE Attorney and Coupsellor at L • BAnlutlonitry. aria) and Nay. PeitSoo:ll , . nonnts claims for ektra•pa). and all g,ttn r bur me. tni.ru.l ri.e.nse -prompt and faithful .itkentlkl. k.fil , C WrIgh . S.HICCIL Un Slate btrevt. over J. I I orv. • e Er LAIRD RUST. • Mu - I'l%li PM:Ref:ill Dealer-at Dry Goo.le.t; inter' noir. &e., No. I, Wright' oer nth att.] State Streete. . /1.1.00 A MD. Lr - OLIVER - eI'AFF(JRI). Book-eller and Statioher. and Matiuteactureetni Mai V% r t 1311! I Ilk. CIA i;t the D1;111100 , 1 and Sixth J. H. NICKLIN, isrwrim. oittd acnerat Agency and cuutumwton bubi 1.1. itUFUS -REED, lii A if It in Euelielt.tlerman and AitierArhii Mira , . a At. !\:. d+, An; shi, Vices. troll and . Btesi Nu. 3 lx . Ps. - Mr .—W.3. F. LIVOLE & ('o.,' DI ailitamirti . , Carriace and 'lViizi-dt Iluddetr..illTh th .eli i.et eiith 6. Eighth, Erni. I ,-,.. .; L. STRONG. MT 0. -- 1 - NT ,C4r....0(1e Iruer vkl.-3 14 C. B. WrilliC. -lore. tit , 'it i - r ---- . . 1H1cr...3. L. S'I'i,WNICr. - 1 Orr r•E h Oh Dort: A. !h. ril . tieverith is •Ir St.....ifel 11l irnce. on eliiii,air3-, OlLr dour 14,r1 I. ul . Severillh 1. C. SIEGEL. -- llr ilt.f.f.A.LF anti Retill dealer in Grocer).. PrOVitil i - illtiore. Zr,,,,, 4.c . .. &C Curlier oh Erel/Cll and f oprOsite 11.4.Varillet , ' Dow% Erie. . - JOltS McCANN, ww.r..•oi and Be Intl Dealer /II liiiiiil) Grocer ca,,,,re.. hurt. \ ~, I , &e... Cheap Side, Erie, r 1-F- Tut. tliglie:d ;die• paid fur Cuiiiitr) Produ J. GOAI.DLNG. Man , n t ~,-, TAILOR, /111 f: Habit 3131.14—5h0p, No.l Rua ,• up --taus, of er A. IL. J. N. IV aftert.' 1; rocerf Stre,t, Erie, Pa. 1 - V 1 , ETIORE. • -ATToß.vri .4T LA lir 'alker's OttICC.OII Seventh Street. Erte , • , % ii r: ItY CADIVELL, lindrrt 1, atter, and Retail Dealer in Dry Good I , ..r 1,, er ) , Glam.% are, l'arvetrie:. Ila rift% art, Dun. sud.t.:. Ste. Empire Stores Slate Street, No& On. I'o II: ter, Erie. Pa. a • Ala,- lat 0,., V we.. Dello.- ..I.A :le Argus, Son n • ~a .11...ortIli , lit or Saddle and Carriage Tr ; man n .. - - , IS. MERVIN SMITH . A ill ,, K,Flf AT I.lw and Jandice of the Peace and di , be t Stunc Yltratral lar, Inadrauce Cowl* y' a rlt ul lA‘rnehts at.re, k:ne. ra. • GEORGE H. C t7I'L ER. ArlultNitl AT I.AAA, Girard, 1;r:e Count,. Pa. Co ~ter-ta, lot to Wlth prulliplitetto And 111 JOSIAH KELLOGG, F.r.Dravig k Mereliglia,OU the Public • Maly •troPt. c..„,, Salt. Viaow? and Whitr. Fish, con6lantly for sa 6 I.'IIOBEI4Z - 11 : V }AG & Co. %cam rs‘i r A.D R rrAit. MOLLER. in Foreign and I I . 4..x.d,,- read) wade Clothing. Boots 'and Short I 11'ria,cp Block. State elrect. Erie. • WILLIAMS & WRIGHT. i Bankcr In I Plettang.t. Itrokcr. Driller In UM* o 1/t4t,... cer!dicater of llcipoplic. Gold and iolver co lyhcc, William.' Block. corner Of State-rd.. and P - NIARSIIALL CF VLNCENT. Afi oft•rf •T uw-IMice up nail'. m Tammany I • rortli of int. Prothunautr)*. office, Eric. 1%11:1111AY ATToRNIVIi Aft COUNSELLOR ST Law—nifie e over C. . more, eutrauee oue door west 01 State street. 00 t Erie. _ _ C. m 1118 A IS. DFALICiI in Dry Goode, Dry Grocertee, Crockery. H No. Its. ChrstlieiLkk Erie. SMITH JACKSON. DII•LZII in Dry Goodr, Grocerter. Hardware, Queen. . Iwu. Nails, tr.e , rirrairqde,, Erie, Pa. IV - 11.1.12131 Ft' I HLE'I'. kra I! pholmes, and Undertaker; corner rev %fleets, Erie. EDWIN J. KELSO & Co. G 'Forwarding, Produce and rAllllllllell./11 Mere h 11l reataie and line salt. Coal, Plaster. :shingles. Ise . went side or the bridge. Erie. ' ALK F.lt & COOK, (rrrrrt. Fom, n , COutnnecon and Produce Met vtid Ware-huuee met of the Public Brehm, erie. 1;. LOO Xll3 & Co. • DLIII &IS trt Watches, Jewelry, Sliver, German lattite Br.sanui ti Ware I'.'utler). Mil oar) and Fahey tkotle, reati> oppoeitetlietiaille Hotel, Eric. G. ImoNto. T. , CAIL'I'EIt & ISHOTIILIt. Witiot.r.aa.LE and Retail &atria in trawl . . u t e ttl: • 1 0 )e-letutt., ll•lalie. /Le% No. 6.11. ill . I : ,el e D c _ • , JANIES L "ri.F.. .pkstitoltalLl , Mrf [bald Tailor. 014 L e public winner wart of Stale .Irect,Ltte• _ U. S. CLARK, WROLED'ALIC AND Rt TAIL Dellef to G.Dot PINK e'daudler}•. c. Eke.. No. 5. Itennelt • 0. D. SPA FFOR6. [Paler in Lnw, Medical, se huol seellanow, Rooks I Stale-ISL four doors below ,the Public Kin S. DICKi:RSON, 1'111.3 , 4 , 04 Mn FL IWlCOS—tntice 41 his residence on Se nie Methoalin Chinch. Ene. JOHN H: BURTON & CO. *HAUS A LI AND R ETA IT dealer% n Drug+. Medic me+. Gruccries. &cr. No. 3. Reed House. Erie. 1)R. 0. L. ELLIOTT. Hrstdeot Demur); rrilleeand dwcl r.'t.• Ref t,e un the East aide of Square Er., Teeth inserted on I1~~N7• fr Square, Oise 1p ttatre geLL Carious n!i•pur Gold. and retdorml to health and useful:l c ., 4lrd vilth instruments and Deuttkeetto as to res'vf Prlk.cl.l clearness. All work warranted. I'" 1 :01 R —l4l. Keg: r and 61 / , ‘1.. , g ' "' k r to th 1L , 17. , ,r re** quwouty. Stkar.:lr . f • I . . • 1 ; . 1 H , I i. - .. - IF •.. .. .. • .. , .. . . ~ .• . , . , , , • .... P I _ 1 irietors. TORS. 'PUBLIC 42. 0 % an the t alue I 63. 1 * 0,00 8,00 3,00 n I ines or - It iptert,ioo. tidca.urc, re.randtu inserted till N I, Jowirdry, :icy Good.. ;1..6..c. Piu Ic (Mice, in .tic Slitlyte h.. Crockery • .ture, -Freuch lIIMMEMI N and tti SL. , nd Seventh French Ulld vii... PfUll. :111C. f 1.1144 or De con motly Lric. and Fifth la treet. iiin ,i :ors. ship a Wit Aesale pia*: Eric. an ,1 ettall lan I. t to Inc . Of t. 19. .11ardware, Ittixit cur- wIl Books and 0 , u , , Frank- n.l Cutlery L'ed lkwu... eir.. t. be .trefit 114, W 4 neo, 11l h Streets, .., Crockery rem oor reople'd • tort. ) Slate Groecrae.. url • Nail,. • ••, bkm• A a general AVYIL fur ,irlec J 4loord eetions and awn. M= .mr•ore Dry ALL. rO. 4 4/LC IC :ion re all building !B. Wagbt's Dian4und. =I :52221=1 1=22:123 nth:dealers tibiae Jack. .Ithalits;See- Plafrd and tau .fret t. 1. A 11.T1.1 1111 a (ew Joan ion.. edh p k. Erie. tationar v re. =2l v Stutrii. In the Public old Plate. retb Ailed I Teeth ". - thew of a .der, Just 114 - 1 ----- --=-- -- li,setrilmitt 'AfireElting.. KEEP IN srlp. "Taos raw soma Walk togetAer admit lap in 5:4." AT, the world keeps musing for Ward. Lit au artily marching byt near you nut tut heaVy (math. - That resouadeth to the sky Botne bold spirits bear the hairnet— - • Souls of swoetnew Chant the song— Lips of energy and fervor • Make the tiwid-hearted strong! 'Like brave soldiers We march forward: Irma Luger or tuni back, • You nowt Wok in get glutting • While you wawa upon the week. - Keep ia step! My gaol neipbor. Master Stangstall. Vales on tt as it goes: N..it quite sure that he is dreaming. to lus alte, noon's repose: "Notisidg ;pod," sd)d. — call issue nom t'ils endless noting . t On, Ant mat t laws and tutitutiuns Are decaying. or are gone. We are rushing On to, ruin. - Nititi our rd, new (angled wafs,': Wlnle bespeaks, a thousand voices. A. the Lear; of c h le st4n, iay— bier:" liciale neighbor, Will uu join us, Ur ftlUTUto.good Id Waysl'. Take :maul tile tig-le (apron . Of ul.l Adrui r auchem dos Or become a hardy Itiatun— Etenfd dic lion lair. And Inc down in in diiinty alunibej Wrapp'd n likati ot.rii.iggy beia— Rear the Lull ytuht th forftt, I Skim the lea% e in Iggist eleget I nee: }midi nutlike it. Tlitit; it th we "olg ti - tgyb" Wont do, keep in tel I Be aiggregl.vad Mager Stand-gill. Atl-v...e Prot's leibie deingti'd .."...,ratiou and prireinnun. For the yearning 'Union will. Generation. tell their bleiminga, -In the relies of-the': Ain. io Generatn. )et are I rising For a greater gkiryatill; And the .liadcs of oum forefathers Are nut jealous of o 6 deed-- We but lotion n hereithey beckon. I We but go where they 'do lead: , Keg'. m st. - rpi One detachment bf odrarmy . - May encamp upon the hill, Wbtle 1111QUI0f, to the valley, Illay enjoy o-Its ow iirtet Wilk" This, may answer tonne watchword, That. may echo to itoother; But in unity and eoistord, They assCern that etteli a beother: Breast to brea.t t: el' onward, In a good, now peaeleful way, You'll be jostled ifyou rio don't oder let oratay— Keep in . THE HAIL ROBBEB4 A VirESTIULTI BUTCH Br II Rs. rutANtigs D. OAOI Froze the Patiburgh 1.. 2 4tturc1.3j , Vistrr . The clock chimed the hoot of midoiatit- Alt was si lent and cull in the villsge. The batty tramp of the go ers to and fro was uu longer heard, and nut a footfall dis turbed the tomb-like silence of the shoots. Did you ev er pass through a town at night when every body w in bed—ever turn tta corners ttd angles M o onend listen to the oft-repeated eclipes of it your own stbpsthe pavement? I know of ub Oka so solemn; so gloomy , so spectral—l never tried it except u 1 have been sit tug op with the sick, and- • ied my watch et lb. - hours when "tired ustu s sweet miaow"' held th. - who would have _u my eecoitt at other times, Mother kind emb , then I have wended mytiji a ty alone, fo Wheilt6itud necessity regain!' it. I can I alMost say Krug. But in'that room, where the scene vtlitch 1 a.. going to descritio,'waa enacted. all was Mom still and death-like than even the deseited,street. Not the naive of a leaf, the creaking of a sWaying bough, or oven the barking oets fat MT watch. dog startled the lons lomat from his midnight reset tea, nod save an occasional as. sigh that build half suppreee half-vested from th depths of an aching, disturbed heats, nothing ilsturtie• e g. , • . BM- bright fire burned in an old fashioned chicrtnay, eve, which a small copper tea-kettle as eld fashioned as th . chimney, Was hung. and from is sprint imaged icolitm • of steam which Beet a vapory tin istinetness into thearnal room, which vapor was pan tr test but notllistlid. b the dim light of a tallow can t le , which , ' though I n neg lected, tarried a snug so el ngated•:as almost tp °been • its own light. The panne! ldibds Without were close. i k and locked, and the curtarnsl w thin:arranged witti acre pulous care, so that not one iJtr ggliig beam of that dul candle light could reveal to the passer on the street tha there was active life within. : 1 the centre 6f the room which was not large, stood a go d sized table, upon whic was thrown, in wild coafus on, books., newspapers ts opened and unopened, and lin rs without number. 0 • one side of the table sat a thin about thirty years of ag • —a tall symetrical form, a pols had exterior, and a fair bread brow, wh:ch' rested upon his 'hand. while his long delicate, tapered fingeri extended up through We dar brown hi*. and his keen. deep grey eye rested with gaze of maddening intensity upon a large letter that la before hint. Those white hands, that undimmed face those scrupulously neat habiliments told of a man all en eked is toil, or at leiist unused 4otlisttiod of active labo which hardens the system, bate tea very one his tro • strength, and steam without n Autism, to those who us l t it aright, an honest independe 1 eie l . Motionless ass stilt tt e he sat "deep pondering hi way:'" the great drops o sweat stood like beads upon js brow, and the gleam o his eye was one of fiendish agony. ! .. ;It most be: There is no , oth r way'llie..exclaimedi and with a convulsive lie sei d the !atter and seem ed about-to bieak the seal: but he Paused, dropped it a gain,:and then proceeded with cool deliberation to arrang his work. lie took a small Crucible front aleloaet in th wok!), filled it with glowing male from the.ollininey. an • set it on the table; then filled! a little tin to pOt from th boiling kettle over the fire, ! , net it-Over th coals befo him, and took op the letter ed held it of r !tbisilia until the wafer was softened; ( without Bodin or martin o t the suffice of the envelop; di n cautiously unclosed al seal laud abstracted the coo ' ti, which me mad 'to be /number of bank bills. ilis 0 stmoVe was to put sever os al slips of so ft paper within, a dto Sent c e the tette and seal it as before; threw the coils fees his crucible the water from his teapot, b oth of Which be set bank in to the closet and covered the intionsly with old pa pen; covered up his fire chieely, lied op his bills an. put them in his pocket book blew gut his candle. dro neat; window curtains that tit ` m hiseernas nasal in lb • morning, cautiously 'leaked .. dbor, and after scan ning the street with a close ' a . ..i . for a few seconds. stepped out, sod withja quick his owo home. Yea, trembii very sound lest Soros oos lib • home—his home of afiliteueei„ and the bed-chamber of his 1 child; and the mail-robber, riroxwAsta....ta = SATURDAY MORNISG, NO I VEMBER 15, 1851. lips. kissed his'ionocent babe. and a tear of egos, fell upon its rosy cbeek.starting its quiet features tato a Joni!' that stook him to the * soul. and then without speaking. be laid his guilty head by the side of his young wife, over whose dhild-like features even now perchance. bright sad bearstiful imagining* of the future were glen, cing. "'Why. Henry.' she exclaimed . , matting op as he blew oat the light she had left burning fur him, •what kept you so late? • , •• •Bssiness. curio; you know I lay out whesi I can dispose of my work.' • 9'l know, Henry; what time is it?' • "'I did not notice—l guess it's about eleven.' "'Oh, that's not so late; I thought it was (418 7 4 was ware 1 heard the clock strike—l must have been dreaus, iog.' " 'Nothing but a dream, Canis; nothing but a dream. Shut your eyes and go to sleep.' slint."Henry„ said she, as she laid her soft•hand oti his cheek, with a start, 'what is the matter? You are as cold as ice; and bow yon tremble!' "'Oh, nonsense! it's a euld frosty night; and of course 1 would chill. leaving my warm office and coining out in• to the night air. lint 'go to sleep--go to sleep! "And Carle did go to sleep. for no d alt thought turbed her feelings; and yet she, - the unsuspecting light; hearted wife, had been the indirect cause. all unwittingly of the dark deed that kept her husband's eyes fixed upon the ceiling, and his heart throbbing wildly with anguish . while the long hours of that fearful morning dragged on: He dared not stir; ho should wake her if he did, and ,again subject- himself to interrogation. •'floury Withered was left ab orphan at twenty-two; but with a fortune amply sufficeut to sustain him and a younger. sister in luxury and elegauce for some years.—. In the new state- of society trteo existing out west, the, stood, as they said, ',it the top of the heap;' that is, they were as well educated. as well dressed, and lived in flue style as any body. and the growing towe'cif M-- boasted of none more aristocratic and genteel than Hen ry Withered and his sister Sarah. Yet with all thii the prphaux were favorites with all the village, rich and p00r.% ';rood and lowly. fiir they both possessed that kindness of eart, and suavity of tawnier that won upon the affections of those about them. For a few years after the death of stir parents, they boarded with their friends. lived with in their means, and led the too. Sarah was very delicate; often sick. and drew largely -upon the sympathy of the village, and her gratitude and prompt generosity of na ture for all favors received was anudditional Claim upon their love. She had boiso educated in a Catholic school at the east, and received all Ake accomplishmeats which those institutions are !}moos for bestowing: Iler skill in needle=work.of all kinds was the marvel of the western village, and no small help to the rustic beauties', and ther e } w9t-far more scheming and C004D111104 about who should be - nurse by the sick bed of the tartest, kind, gentle Sarah Withered, than who should be exempted from that duty. for that duty was always esteemed a pleasure. I 0 .; noiseless pies sought g at-every step, statist st l aid :01 him, he sought his luxor* sod splendor; aye ife aid the; cradle of his , h ; 4.1 1..• c 0.., quorsbog "floury was a colter bred boy. and left old Andover with the highest honors of his close. flad his proad. or. iitocratic, misjudging father doucowtsely by him.he would have given him an honorable trade or profession. Wad h i e done so, he would meet likely bate been an bonopa• Ile man through life " • "Aunt Hanniih, what do you call on honorable trade?" said Bell, with thi - leait bit in the world of a wiser 'whir tone. . •.Any trade, Miss Ben; I call honorable that is in and of itself right. The boot-black, who himself per fect tnaster,ef his art. and lives by it honlorably and com fortably, is an honorable man—far more honorable tam; mind, than he who shrinks froni his part and duty in life, and pick. his living out of others withmit giving ab equivalent for it; or even one who /olds his hands idly and lives on the bones and sinews of his father. But Iletiry Witherell had no trade—no calling, and much of his time was idly !pent, or if not idly, in a way that was of small pecuniary profit. But his fortune seensedample and DO one dreamed that it could come to an end. At 25 he married Carle, the daughter of a Newenzl-indar, whb hid once like Henry. enjoyed en inheritance - that his ifa ther had scraped together, but had not to 'gilt his sou it) save; and as his family increased his me ey d'minished and at last he sought the west. Hoping the a to be able t 6 curtail his expenses and retrieve his loniani s. Canis hill -been educated with all the refinements of New England boarding school—could paint , play the Piano, - weirs. smatter French, write beautiful billetdeux, 4c.„ but not one thing did she know - of the practical dutiei of life... She was a real beauty, just blushing into sweet seventeen, very welt read and well taught, and very agreeable and fascinating as a parlor acquaintance. ”Old Mr. Miller was a shrewd man—his Wife wu a shrewd woman. & they knew as well as any other shrewd iii scheming. paplias and mammas, and it would be quite is saving to get i fashionable, helpless daughter fl" their hands. Henry Witherell became a visitor in th family, and soon interested in the accomplished youag beauty; and after a few months of llirtition.found himself deeplyin love, for iheris was something very loveable in carte Mill er, even if she could not work., He pitied her for her very helplessness; and perhaps his love took its riot in his pits, fat he and every one else kaolin that the father could not long maintain his position in society, for in order to scare Sway the spectre of poverty be took to his bosom the reality. or in other ponds, did as a great many other men do, to drown trouble, 'took to drink,' and left Ibis wife and children to ripple with the monster without even am mach as a cop of milk oftentimes to drown him ill." "That's because men are so much stronger and peon det;and better able to endure care and trouble and sot row," said Bell again with a sneer. "Oh, I suppose so. I once heard a• woman say she should have gone crazy if she had sense enough. Of course, if we women were smart and wise and learned aad -strong like men, hid power to reason : , instead of be ing governed by instinct, as Mr. Walker says, we should do just as Mr. Miller and thousands of other 111011 have done, s go and get drunk to help us out of trouble, or smoke a pipe, s or chew a half a pig tail of an evening to comfort our tried spirits. But we have not sense enough for that." ••f)f coarse not,'Annt II ta . nali; instinct never taught anybody to do those things, and the few women that fill into those bad practices. I suoimse have •tulmi a hale of the godlike from man—have learned to reason." "Be that as it may, Mr. Miller drank himself into a cemplete sot, and Mrs. Miller,, who seemed to doweUt - ith neither instinct or reason, fretted hersi to ithiftt a maniac. An epidemic fever that atm time raged through the v;ltsge. attsette.l them both, and n i both w re swept within a few weeks of each Other into the to b, leaving their four children a helple a legacy for the psi ic. ' Henry Withal-las 'pupa: 'es coo Id boar no mor He married , Canis , and in 'Trying her of coarse arried the who family, an the public reward ed him i for taking the rthen off tta hands. by making him the postmaster of the town f M--, ik distribu ting office. Hie accumulate amity called for a home. and Henry had erected •fa ' ily mansion , which loomed up among the bumble vi gen a very palace. at the same time the pride an d env of the inhabitants. It stood upon high ground. overlo ing the valley below. and the tall. whim pillars that opported the lofty &line could beacon far and wide. Is extravagant house made heavyiu roads upon cony's capital; then came the finishing; Carle's test was exquisite. and Henry had no objection Whateve to making the inside of hie raises correspond With the ciateide. The hillside mast' be terraced .aid *dented with the evergreens of the wood. aad Hoary. far wiser than Macbeth of old. had learned . .To impress tee forest=-bid the tree i . , Mitts its earth-bound roots." and remove unhurt to the terraced walls and gravelled, walks that burros:We'd bit beaidiful home. His wealtlr . , evaporated like therlew before the enusiiieg. But Chore ; might be an end to this Isponse. if Carle had had one• particle of common sense lin money _matters. or one par- 1 tick of urefuluess; bit shiv had neither, and yet she was , , • loving, kind-Inane(' wife. and Hoary dreaded uothing so touch as curtailing her wishes„ or crainpiug her en joyments. Once Of twiceltie dared to rommetrate, but , the burst of feeling which) followed frightened him isto entire silence. He dared I not tell cane and her sister. or even his own sister, what they should have known, long ago, that hie-means War not ego .1 to his espentli tures, and that withotnietrenchmeet he ain't soon be utterly bankrupt. , How Mold he tell Sarah? Alas! he bad already Cenemitted one great wrong—be had expend-1 ed Sarah's Airtime. which! was in his handsfor safe hoer ing. without consulting her. Ile hoped something might turn up for Lilt relief, and (went on a year or two longer.! The salary of his office r oukl kayo boon ample suffici ent for their wants if they lhad used; industry. economy' and cars; but no one in tile Whole household was either, careful, industrious or ,cola:nice! bat Sarah; and Hen ry knowing thm she m ;flit eneutioe Min, always anti-. cipated her wants. Carieincitined this, and Was grieved., perhaps jealous of his tom for his airier. Be thii as it. miry, things_ were growing desperatej with Henry. and he, had not courage to do right. Carib was already a mo ther of two children, and! the weak, effeminate mother must ere long givp bath - to a third. lAI cistern creditor , was threatening daily. Whet was to be done? If the, break'wes made by one coeditor, it Would be followed be Others, till he &mold b . stripped of all. A denonee-1 !Et meat would kill Curie; rah would look upon him with 1 horror for having beggars and deceived her; the mimed; family would be turned i to the streets. and, the whole Taiga would point the 6 ger of scorn at him who had tried to outstrip them. e. " "DM if she had bee some hied of usefulness thing. ergo to make alo fof bread. I would tell her.all., and beseech her to help r o id this my hotir offload. 'Bat• she can - do nothing. and the sight of her helpless grief and frantic disappoiatm•nt would drive me mad. • My . God: what shall I de?' ”Thus t h e wretched mnn talked, to himself day after day, and yet came no nearer to the purpose that should have been- at once decide/ upon than at the first. In-, deed, every time he thou ht over the terrible state of his, affairs he felt less and I inclined to' do hie diny as it man, and brave the wo ”lt is a custom too cot to keep their families anti! their business. The *ire' an idea of the amount of lj it is to be counted by Chet{ What can a woman. kept spends, u a matter of coO, spend, with the full confi4 and she asks for it, he so ver been 'it dependent: bu i is nuking ta . aU wail seil ted to break down a wom aye, even her isoneety:and ways sulking her husband uncriairied woman works's 'unblushing face and dem demand nothing; her elates and I have sometime; thee' account often were too iudi wife know the exact state o Ilesbaird and wife should wife should knots the exac cee, understand' his p:ans, lur councils, and then the not so often happen, Ma husband deeper and deepei would, if she knew his e ta save. and with true wom help him to the utmost ex his falling fortunes. , •"Ileury,T said Carie tea table.•have you seen •••So: is it anything a , • •• •t)h: it is perfectly be a shawl in the West. Th got it for ins.' •"How mach will how l •••Oisly fifty dollars .! " 'Oaly fifty dollris. C dollars were a trade and e.! **Fifty dollaPs is a trifle s his manger; 'or ft Mar a waisted new sbawb s trkaa " 'This was a taunt t nor yet could - he well e: tlou of partiality to Sarah all things as well as to to to Carle: • "Weft. I know. Cade; lbat Sarah. you knOw, Las semi, claims of ber owe. and I ust furnish her with whaiiihii waists. I wish. dear. I as rich _enough to bey you dria a better shawl titan Mn. .'s; but really. Cade. l i iatet &Seed it jail now.' . " 'Can't afford UP :.!.§lo, positively 1 mit.' ”fleary's manner. his !voice. his words an Were sew Car' and W Waste to poor 7 • 1•01r1111•8111 1 coldness..a searethingr e heart. She wss not used to being rest ' now it all seem ed so *ultimo. Could 4.1 haw his galled and worried heart she sdered it his for• bearaoce; but she only Ird; the inward to her. with all its. Collal 'and agony. its etrug:o, hook. ' ' /. - 1 , . • •No. Carle,' .I(4h¢ again, :with cold emphasis, "I can't afford to bl' ye" *ltch a shawl nor any other suck expensive Illi g; lam almost a bankrupt now.' • "Cana rued as palelat a corpse; -her eyelids trim!. it bled,lter ips quivered. 'Henry sprang to her side; Illq spolse,kiudly to reassure (her. wishing in the depths of Ina sonlihat he had not sea that word. At last a flood tears relieved her Oppresired brain, but Ito; her heart; au 4 he, to soothe the aouy sf,..epresout. inindicion4y pro f mined to gel the shawl If he could. and then hurried away as quickly as po , ,ble, leay.ng her to dry her tears; mid .he took it all as a johtt. i l "All eßts wrong. I! should have told her all, au both' should - have been trained to higher and tr.tter thing —she than to waste the energies of her heart and soul, aye, of her body even, ea.such a thing as a fancy shawli, he than to have turned ma ids from a known distil but both Were wrong, and both. to gratify a perverted rintl. con.l tinned Wrong, for some time at least. At eve he came without the desired artic ; but Cane was too prop I to ask again that day. no somehow in spite of thorriselve4 le there was a kind of cold, l sollen silence between them. Ile did not dare approach her too closely, lest he shou TOIIIIMO the dreaded se . familiarly lest be sheeld the tea table; ao Heury sin •nd sorrow ••We must be patient cries lustily for nuts and alien so far short in the rice.! •trained in her childhood to !if ►he hnd strength to do anyl . en with the men of the world ely ignorant of the Situation of: knows nothing—has not eiven or hitsband's fortune, whether 'sands or tens of thousands.: lin such ignorance, learn? Bhei• 'rie, all that ho gives her to •nce that when that is gone. II give her more. I have no • it does seem tome that there Isaias* a society an ealeula n's independence of feeling: I truth, as the necessity of al lin supply her wants. , If an i a may go with a bold slut d her wages; beta wife cau e is only for bani necessity. fight that generous men on that itient, -too fearful of letting a their finances. It's all wrong. are a mutual interest; every state of her husband's ilitan nil aid tine. if possible. with tcarible catastrophic. would y u wife who is plunging her Into debt through ignorance, barrassinents, be the first to sympithy and generosity eel of bur ability to ro-instate n 0 evening u the► set at the nt. W.'s new shawl?' ' tisual?' [ uurnl; 1 have never seen each I l .re ie one more, and yen amid eruel You talk as if fifty uld be grown 'on the cedars.' said Carte. a limbs touched by die last spring when to and dreases.!, at Henry could not well bear. se himself from the impute'. Hoping to soothe and soften aside the' demand. he replied 'w ith, all ita lout, was aa•a smile ' tt nor she to accost him too efer to the mortifying scene at !ad one days Wager 1080. from ith the petted, spoiled child that andy when denied for the ism! - - - • -; - - time. It will take more than common Minutia self-deei• el te say with calm peace. •1 don't cam." Even no we mast be patient with - those whC, hlta Carle, have never known what it was ti be re anything. whose wants have been the law to ill ahhe(them. Bat we mast bleats every parent who bri,ti opAs +ll4. either boy origirl 'in this manner.: ' • "Twenty.jetir boors went by. and CO° and Henry could net -get over the 'shawl exisetly. At tea Carlo could stand :ft no longer, and while she turned her second cutp,„ ,rile said with an assumed indifference. ' •• •Well, ileary, what about that shawl?' •• •Da you think yoi really. Must have it?" ' ' ."'You said you'd get it for tire,' sod she darkening. •••I said if I.couhl; but I have not fifty dollars that I can command iu the world, and I dou'llike to run in debt for a shawl.' "lle know that each a procoodare would haatew his 'downfall. ...Don't want to run in debt?. When did you take that notion? 1 have never don anything but run in debt since we were married; I dou' see why we can't now. know I want the ahswl , kndai too that you might get 4.4. for me iryou L •!•011. t;arie, Carle: you doift mean what you say!' •• • Yes, I do. Sister Ellen Says. and 1 believe she is right, that Sarah don't want tut", mi dress and luolt - as well as she doss; she knows I am younger, and—' •••Handsosoer,' said 'lleuvr •• •Yes, haadsomai..ir you win Aare it so; sod 1 don't see why I can't be accommodated as well as she. If she would stay at home this wiuter , iustead of going to board ing in the city, we might soon Save enough to bay me all that I need inohe way of dreg; bat you always have, and 1 suppose elyways will, let her do as she pleases, end 1 shall have to stand aside.' ° "By this time both were angry. A first quarrel is al- Ways a fearful one; such was this first quarrel. Hoary sprang from the table , aNd caukb t his bat. "'You %Whites a Sibewlf; ad..' said he. 'if it has to come et the crest of in3t honor.' "Agitated, angeredrad oppressiid, he harried to his office, locked himself a, gird With heavy step paced ;its narroW Is:muds to and!fro. Hie creditors were import's nate,; kis domestic peace marred. Ellen, his wile's sit. ter, a year or tWo older than herself, a proud, shrewd, politic girl, who bud strong induce over Cade, was at work with his homepeaco; Sarah would be beggared. and learn to' know—ON the most teimblc of all—that he had deceived her; she whom his father in his dying hoar be queathed to his care; she who're. too feeble to work out her own destiny, would be a beggar as it were, and it would teach her to hate him—hate him because be had iw wronged her. What should be do? Wearied at length with tips lerribleexcitement within and without, (for his nights had been sleepless for a long time) he sat down to arrange the letters and papers for the mail. Just thou Mr. the purchaser and owner of the coveted shawl, called to depos:te • letter, which he said contained bills to a large amount, and wished Wetherell lo mad it himself, as he should then fool sure that all was.right. _ His clerks might be honest fur aught lee lintiwt'but it was pot best to., place tempta tion in the way of the young. Henry beired assent, and Mr. W—.....jleft him; and now the first thought of wrong entered the mind of the oppressaman. He threw the letter from him once, exclaiming most aloud, 'No! ; will nut. God helPlue„ that I shortie be tempted.' Then came the whirling rash of thought*, all his own troubles. He was weak, wearied and worn with 'helms of sleep; that mind, once firm and strong. had lost its balance.— For himself ho could have borne all; but for those he loved. lie clutched the letter again, and in his iieart re-, solved to become the master of its Contents. I saris his heart, but perhaps I am wrong; his head loathed; his heart loathed, his soul loathed, and yet it was done—dope as we have described in the dark hour of raidoight-sitme with a more than death agony upon his brow. ,t "And Carle. she who might, who would have saved him had he trusted her; she who might hare soothed an ) d' "comforted and drawn him away from crime and wrodgi lay sleeping all unconscious of aught amiss; for/ the .thought she had gained her point and there w uld be an end of the whole emitter. She had been t ght to do so before; and did not know that a daught of sixteen may not do what a wife of twenty must . 9of dare. She bad resolved to settle the difficulty whin he came, by askinghis forgiveness and receiving pie shawl very lov ingly. )Alas! poor Carie-,what giryof twenty is it to be re wife? But did Henry sleepl/ Cain guilt and cnate close the eyehn peaceful elnrobe7 Dees fear and shame fit the heart for repose? the soul rest while con science, like a Banker-worm. is gnaw ing at ;fie life chords? Telll me not that couscieice can slumbertliat the *in itial' feelitigi are seave ( d as with a red hot iron;. tellme not that the-smile at plays over the face of the valises comes op from the fountains of peace within; tell me not that the 'calm serene' that he strives to keep upon his brow, is the mirror of the inner man. Go search the record of ur own life, and. if their be a crime or shame upon i cga, tell Me honestly if every time it come* back your memory, it does not prick you with a tbirrn -7 point. that thrills silently, bat none the less sorely. rough every nervous fibre of your conscience? , "Henry-slept not; but still. ass though her wee sleeping the sleep of 'death, lay the agonized man through that finit.fearful night of crime. With the first beains:of morn he arose, put on his calm, Cheerful look; cautiously and carefully he expended the states money; paid enough of his pressing claims to hold old tho clutches of the law a few mo - ntbs. But his work was just begun; robbery after robbery was committed. Suspiciontashed here, there, everywhere but en Hwy Wilherell. Still no real clue coed be paned as to the depredators. At last a robbery was traced back to his office, and suspicion fell upon his clerk, Mark Hendersou, a young man of hitherto unex ceptionable character. “Ilendorsou knew that the robberies were committed on their line—knew that every master and clerk would be watched, aid fearful of his own honor. - yet conscious of his own integrity, he determined, if possible to ferret out .the nayster). He noticed,that every few days W nth- troll remained at the calico late at night after he thought the business was all done; that sometimes he made, up the mode l alone; that lie seemed nervous sad an4us whenever the auttject of these frequent robberies Was mentiened; and suvpicron'once aroused gru*s strong and vigorous with great rapidity. Ha determined to watch Withorell. It was uow two years sine.) the first rohbeiy; evert thing hart gone on smoothly in the castle on the hill;'une thing was epee:ally observed by tho'neighbors, that there was a curtailment, in expenses, more care and economy ass& Henri worked day and night, had no help in his office batdltis one young man, although two years before it had taken threa t r and four, and this wee cinnted a sufficient reason, for his renewed fortunes.— There was a smell window in the °TR!! opening into a baelt.yard, where the _ground was se mach lower than the front of the house as to make it a seconed story win dow.,directly over, the door of the room below, which was occupied by a fimily who objected to having it ripen ed or uncovered, as it gave the men in the office a chance to observe their doings. This window was covered with- in by • paper eurtaiu that hung *genet the Vasa lieu. o denion's simpiemas wore o we fully aroused. Wi ll i e aloe* in the office one day, e tore .a hole-la Ow upper 'part of this curtain *hoot as arga as a dime; bat large 'Dough as it !atom the glass let one eye front without note. almost the whole ut IA room within. Hero thou, mched upOo • long. light 1 der,- he plreed himself II - 4 111 ao A TZAR., ‘ itt Adv. _ f - NUTTER Timfirst sight that Witherell remataed is r in the orsce after his plans were managed, ma out obstracrion each It scene as bare tie describe is the begiabing of our Chapter. Hi had seen enough; burhs, wished that others abo and on the sacceedieg night ho and' a frit d wi together the robberyloir the mail. !loth agre d te lent mail a fit time to 'lfmk:ea's arrest. and cl high reward . offered Poi/ the diMovery. He , de 1 1 young. impulsive and bind-beartedi he brit' W for his many astuily.vimses, and in spite of bi pitied him. When OM letter from *which tha'mo taken was about-to be Moiled the nett day after covery. Ilendtnron said to him. - " •Witheroll. therein' no money in this letter.' "'What do you main. sir?" said the post- • mock indignation. while he trembled from head , . • ••mean that there is uo money in that le that yea took it eat; l i mier yea last night at trio through that hole in that back curtain. Harry W. sad you are a villian.7 Henderson's excitement him into this great indiscretion. "'My God:" exclainted Witherell. 'my time hi of last,' and he felled bins senseless on the floor at lis . canght Henderson by the collar. dragged him inner resin and turned the key ere the thought' knew what ho was doing. Ilia streugth wail the a of a maduln; his hair stood straight upon his he agony, and his eye-bells were starting from thei ads. - i "'Mark; said he, iYon know all; I cot d its -your life this 'eminent if ..I', Choose. but. „I will a t-ed ill not i , harm vou; but save a+. Mark—sate mo fo Atte Usk* of my irjfe, any childroo. ant more than all, y itieter.— Say ou will git'e inn one half hour to esca or by the gods no, Iw At save issyitelf.' and Mein g Melt. ei• men lifeless with alright, iuto the little chi etwhere he had before bestowed his tea-kettle, he turn theikey up on him and loft him, [ Ile hastened home, Midig catta il Ir. though as if only in a hurry; went dues ly to the sta ble, took out a fleet brae. told Carie he w go ng into the country. and de liewsately rode off. "The shouts of Mai . * soon aroused the k house below . ; but they could uot'get to him locking three doors, nor could they hear,..d . what woe the matter„; - and for a few min . that Wetherell had lucked him iu the inner take. The neighboni were summoned. a an hour elapsed teforii he Km relta.ed. told; bat no one wonll believe it till Harry end affirmed all Slarlisol said. The do heeds and the tan-kettle, crucible and to there. Then came et p a thousand corner monies ail unthoughtof before; search and 0 1 staidly sot on foot iu every direction; but her was never caught Some thought that public bore him prerrited vigorous Burch may he was never famed: His creditors goods, chattels, right" . auf effects; and and deceived sister..oer whom " e had ea.; stead of 'dying in despair, lie he thonght thin up bravely. and seemed lobe crush id by no dishonor. Even thati .l they tried/to wipe i and -giving up their Jewelry, cie dresses that any one would tape, eve to the last art could live without anit be atfortable. 01 hitter anguish Casio risme bered her impel days that were past; !Flak and foiatiug in lire she proved strong tof proud to the storm. lAft the family passod illently away from their ho the gossip. the r ,i or all passed away with was . forgotten incept by those who hived II misguided, :ring criminal." They sighed as ed the we mg tiverg4ons and tall, white dela wonder d what had become of him. They*e got a ny—he was to good to go to the penitents "". f.er ten long pears the mystery WS, ill I is had flow(' to Canada, where fugitives ;no there be made the Work of repentance the w form. lie learited the shoemaker's trade rid s himself, sent for his cannily. who i joined hi in i of industry and istoriorny. While:working t his studied medicine, and at length became honored pected among men 4 a physician.l amassed and by trading, indnOory, economy, and strict laid up enough to return to "Mr. W.----- the( stracted from his letterthe finernight of his entiering up on his horrid career. 1 . Years have gone by; sbnest two score; he is wealthy led respected, all debts tad does have been paid; and' he, an humble man. fl- striving still in his old lig, to wipe out tho black stanal of kis • youth by kiudoess and charity. Genie and Sara both havo gone to rest: but CaO;Oe's-daughtels have l 1 ed the nobility of being usefcpl—of being able to de n en them selves for bread.- The fato of Fleury blithe 011 was a daily warning with the good people of 311-4—:-.1,-; to their children for years. They told his virtuesj shim set his dimes (n dark array[bef ore them, drawingiall iheir con clusions in thvor of kindness-and gentioness. he nestY and indusiry, and agniusticritne and wrong. His s a seemed atoned for by his through repentance. and more by his honest desire to return to every man his aid, Such was the history *Cone snail-robber of the West. "And such."eptid Bell, "is the story el- ' piece of white vesting : with the rose-leaf ou its surface!" 1 ••Ewen io and stich repentance alone true repentance, ' C easiag to do coil. an well.' " A Broiled Owl Story. It seems that the law iu Now York oal tridges and goads to be sold. eaten, or held to in any way;trom 'some time in October u ntil Yet there are persoruf who defy the kiwi sin. birds under the name of "owls." Well, not tong agei, at one of these "lasi: some three or form ghod fello - ws mbt accide , a view to a few." Just as they were about 'necessary orders, a giutlemau from Tam ton.. Hi was hungry. too; 1 and hearidg 1 7 out.11icik each call fur "broilid owl." he thought Owls w t empleuty ab l out Tarrytown, and if del:cue) in New York, he cuuirt "get his smut., and pocket the cash for 'MU." The owls were .oiled; dilicieue young partrulgel; hot—ou buttered toast! I need • "wets that they wore! euptyed. !The.Tarryt• men wee in ecftacies; A few weeks afterw at the Name place. aid •very quietly taking wade, aatil to bite. lieu( about those •owh.i t wo of the. largest end fattest you ever • hoitte; end they were so 'all •firerf.tough' that • oat 'out!" The landlard - -took't at once. bow long did you kerh your fewhi after they "Oh, I 'em cooked right off." ••.:Ngto claimed the landlort "4a iu ordor to cy:aud utoder. should hang by ;Ito drape to the grolind; titeit be is itn cooking • Why. do you know, Ilk, that the bird whit my house bad been hatigiug by one feather f. in August gore he +II?" Theidast Lintel !earn from Tarrytovett• he.told me as • WM'S of game, that he lurailahly IMO now! ( ''.What is the future crate, my 1 a cler;ymati. t.Ntisr Mekicb," was! "Nu, I/1 , . I mean what is the future . young :len up,l wiairicar' 1 -Why." rep beams tugly..l suiliaii.i. , they sic to get sena whit- = n see. 04444 be ai 'as thei a wail therell • If he El 1. with o foot. . and o'clock and 1; bad led come is feet. oto- she b o y treugth with .f at the at un- , Ml' y what pposod 'tes 11 1 I irsu ed, I d se , lis s mis . e half ►I was fouud exam- I found , g t", t Itr • • oudi Mute in rob- e the m =la all Air ak wife all. ia - hl. stood but hi. L WY ;thin y selling -ry thing at they th what es in the • swishier. OW while e; had m, and ry, the • I Psßs • us. and • glad ho OT iele moaned. go. and of re- 1 ep for blots trade, be and res •roperty. honesty, sate ih• • is this XI up op. bi called • 'ag to owe par passes@ ion anaarT.— serve the places Hy. ••witli C• uiag the stepped in land Harry 3Z=llB were,• to eboot fe il ithered you. n gentle- by tailed laadlocd have had j cooked Al body could y dear sir re killed." sol" ex right jug ! until he ditime-- 011 ate. at I•ge weeks the iprh a the pre- ki **(Pohl'. 1r asked tow of thegitl, med."'