Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, November 08, 1851, Image 2

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•1,100,400 IN
The steamship Cherokee
56 o'clock. The California
She brings an immense nu
.2.200,000 in gold dust.
The general news from C
The country remains quiet
heard of that a general feels
the comMunity., Tradi is
the miners were never doin
is looked forward to with
of real es tateli4improving,
tight. The country wears
perity. The amotoit.of ree
possessed by the city-of Ss
ant time is $17,74.5,000.
Francisco to Panama took
A terrible riot was repor
Chagres bytween the native, -
Wane. Many per4ons are 1
A passenger by thg Cherok
forty natives killed'and a nt
Adams &. Co's.measeriger, I
was left behind, and it is ft
by the natives. i F
Returns.from the late ele , :
all the candidates of the De, l
from one to five tliMiaand.
Governor by about 1,500 m,
shat and McCorkle are elect'
majorities, Maj. Roman;
Treasurer, ,leads his ticket!
majirityover Bort. his corn!
cvption of the Vote for Gore:
ty in the State gives a maj. ,
ticket. The Legislature is
both branches. The whole
is about 45,000. Purdy, D
Governor, and, Pierce, Si
elected. Mr. arshall wa
ion the 4th of October,
The Oretren paper,' give
atittellj of Indien.4 01) the f/77
The steamer New Orlea
eine Oct. Ist, with, pasien
..for Panama. She was Ao
Sud. The Cherokee bring
The Vigilance Commits
to prevent immigration of
Funnel which, seems to be
The•bccounts fr.)m the S
On the TIMIM
carried on With-a gren deL
at Talcolvigelieve also do,
Accounts from the Whe
Irons than those previously
known to have been tota!ly
There is a large quantit
into the &fiction of Sim ire
great anxiety to realtze :
aced at 7 or 8 per cent
. .er
Dates from Oregon
23. There is still a ti.ftic
uon of the Capitol. .The p
on the Cirlgon Ricers hatel
tition. `
grerarose out of alt at len.•
eign boatmen to pretentnli
passengers to And from the
sometimes transporied
the tariff fixed bt the toreiL
• native boatman was atta.
en by some of the others
presai)cd °Lille other side
pri . pulition of natives, CA
negro!s turned out armed
end crossed the river in a b
. fled to the o chrds
fined by the asspilants, an
learn three of the foreign
violence was then offered
arid negroes declaring tha
• with the boatmen, and the
to the Califdroiaris throng
livelihood. Shots were tif
of the . American eOIISUI
whom they were kreatly r
owner of several boats, an
. he took pert with, and su.ti
The Amer icans holds
solved that if any native LSI
in the morning, to take, rrn
the mails and treasure ha
be fired into. Next morn
Spanish side, and about 8
natives bad crossed the
ger, to take off pa+sengers
al of these Were filled witl
- o , g e, when suddenly, regt
Jotter, a murderous lire nv
guns and revolver+ by Ito
slated by twiny California ,
several boats, emptied of k
with shots.; a ere seen pr
number killed and druwiie
mine. Thine of the naji
which was continued so I
them we's in reach, psildi
of the river, where the fi
The.streets were again
in redoubled numbers. an
cans was shouted from cv
fire from the other side
beach, and (Orions cries
Presently there ass a cr
drerTS of them hurried up
Powder was procured,
the old gulls were Inputatt
to bear upon the Anieric
firing, spkiarentiy w ill' ro
About this time we sa
we reaot•nized as pas-en
rounded by natives, who
sabres in a savage st3,te.
thronged with armed men
death to all the Althi3rl
- quarter. _ A Killer - mg
as commenced along the
tenizi-rice filled the atr.—
of ...11 Castillo." att.! hen,'
he hill to the old fmt.
nd Fume of thN empiletof
d on the wall and adjusted
n town, and commenced
and shut.
two Arne. leans,' whom
146 by the Oregon, Fur
pre cutting at them wi th
They were fi nally thrust
ipso a how and the 'duo c'o-eJ. One of them we.
afterwards seen at- the
Company's Agent. dread
still breathing. Of the
hearfat the time we wri
his wounds theft* could .
' "Mr .1. C. Hackett, of Tedford and Cr'i.s. Express,
Ruudl his packages sa •ly off; rernaintng among
the•last to see the !negate all nn board the boats.—
_ Fortunately RN - itro* ti e a boat with an Esiddish
Hag WS+ seen comine up he river, which was known
to the English steamship And soon after it landed
atithe Embarcadero on •-:Ir side of the river. A'
brief Sate describing ition of affairs was writ
ten•to the officer comma ding the boat, requesting
aid'. Soon afterwards . pt. Symonds of Medwav,
secompsnyed•by another office!, in uniform, and - a
few of the Jamaica negr ra, whom he had a pparent
ly-ealisted on Ins side, peered at the hotpie and
hurriedly as passible too all the ladies away under
his charge. We had 'hi pleasure a short time af
terwards, of seeing the. nit cotonininir them, pull
ing Out of the river qn olested. Capt. St moods
satd•thpt there would lot n be taco more boats from
hie ship, one which a we leartied afterward. was
. to take off the treasure ntended fur the Cherokee.'
and that if it were posei•le he would then carry tiff
tbe,remainder of our pa y;• Two litiurs :Afterwards
the boats arrived, and to ing advantage of a panic
that had driven niost of he people from that part of
the town by the intellig-ace thrall cannon-from•the
Cherokee had been pitied id on the other side of the
ricer, we sallied forth w
all the brggags. were e
ore was on board the E
ton, the male, and Mr. '.
If*, aided by Mr. Folk
l o t ie
Ceeded in getting it !,
. he launches in whic
tst English specie ca
. borits' crew tinder their
led( themselve. op Ivy.
exiiitement. flow ma n !
be isscertsined—prnbab '
' sire of those drawr.et4
that we knew of, 'and 5
side. .
' Farm:cram—ln the
irtiek, Daus Barrett
eye, the ball coming o
head, sad, strange to ea
At last •account. the i
there was a possibility
tensive a sale as eve
country represented i
ozl DirllTl
I rrived this afternoon at
ate. are to Oct. I.
i ber 'of passengers arid
I liforait is unimportant:
Ind crime is so seldom
Ig of security prevadeit
' oroparatively doll, yet
better. The fall trade
ontidence. The %aloe
Ithour,,h money is a little
general feature of oror
and, pt raorial' property
Protein() at the vee
rhe Oregon, from Sea
'2,000,0U0 of gold on her
d to have occurred at
and returning Ca!dor
aid to have been killed.,
e reporto mune thirty or
ber of Californians.—t
•tth alt their despatches
red that he was kitle4
tion ali; . )w majorities fop
ocratic ticket, ranging
John Bigler is elected
j irity.. Messrs. Mar
• d to Congress by heavy
emocratic candidate for
having already 4,7q0
et itor. With •ex
nor, pearly every e.itl-
rity for the Democratic
strongly Deniocratic in
vote polled in the State
mom!, elected Lieut.
e Comptroller. is-also
to leave fur Washing-
l iainful accounts of the
;grants. • •
ts sailed from San Fran-
P rers, freight and specie
oueh at San Jitsti Del
a very large mail.
is exerting -its etnrts
omicts, especially from
threatens 1. •
mthern mipes are very
le, operations have been
~f•Fpirit. The, miners
e Hell.
fleet are more
received-15 seoFels are
of 'goods !it'll' thrown
cinni, and liolders evince
cu days prr is neguei-
I ,
etkieroket are to-Sept.
try,r4s re . gords the loca
ieeeuttra%e7 end freight
been reduced by compe-
cats.—The r(tt,at Cita
"li_ti.e part of
r, e 0 1% e a tr.,ru carryiirg
e•eatiler3 beentit , e they
frir a leers pre than the
.11 Imo'lub. On the 22d .
ked a reveille bent
the AnierMan side...-.
'Om greatest excitement
cf the !Rm.., 'The mi hole
hagenianis and Jamaica
with giprie, Rabree,
•dy. lklost •If the fureign
but several shots vi ere
as nearly as we could
rs were wounded. No
passenger:, the natives
their quarrel was only
they would d..) no harm.
i i? whom they earned their .
i ed however at the !Ace ,
I. Mr. Gleason, against i
etagperated, an he is the
td it was undersined that
fined the fureign boatmen.'
14 (
I eetiog at which it was re
wtthe cthssed the riser
senger- Or the Cherokee;
'tog arrived, they should
1 frt all was quiet on the
clock a large qumber ofi
i er, tits:m=o6olls of dan-•
to the steamer. Sever•.
. travellers and their bats.'
rdless of the safety of the .
Milpetled ()pun them %kb ;
'American boatmen, as-'
i s; and in a few mthittea
etr occupants and riddled
fting out to sea.. The
. it is impiissible to deter
es n ho escaped the fire:.
I , ng esti boat belonging t‘f•
d back to their own aide
kt fearful excitement now
•tiice of the_ Brie-It
Ily mangled and cot, but
other, nothing could be
e. and from the nature of
little duobt of hi. , death.
th Capt. Symonds and with
' n in his boats. , The tceag
eliair launch, and Mr. Clif
yd, purger of the Chero
, the conductor (tithe train.
'H. (about $2,500 000 I ) out
it came down the riser, in
itr, in *hick they, with the
charge, a ss COT peilfo to
i nfirty during , the hcat.of the
Isere ki!leti in 01 cannot
i •. 12 or 15 natives exelu
-4 any,) and tan Americans
r 6 others on .the Spanish
ough of Troy, Pa., l i n
at his brother through the
i t through the back of the
, the brain was not injured,
ritra man was liAing, and
i bat be might survive.
ad is conducted on as ex•
The drainage upon the
frightfully depopulating is
flit Rifthil
Glorious News from California.
Notwithstanding the tremendous .•Wow" the whir
indulged in t aboint • month since. in rejoicing over the
defeat of ••th.t other Bigler." in California. it will bes e en
that John, like his brother Bill, is Governor elect—the
one of the Key-stone of the Atlantic. and the other of the
Keystone of thii Pacific. - And not only is lie elected, but
the entire ticket is also elected be majorities ranging from
1,500 to 5.000. All hail Californial. I .
New York /Motion.
We have nothing definite from the Empire Bute.
Stich return` nit we have seen leave the chances about
an eves thing, though the woolly horse with the "silver
gray" tail is thought by good judges to have a little the
advantage, and we should not be, surprised to use him
came out a head. 11 he does he will be wind broken for'
next Fall. certain.
Give Is an . A ' bleCandidate .1
' OT The UMontown Genius of Likny goes for the
"Nominee of the National Detuociatic Convention fur
President." This is correct as far as it goes, but then it
is a little too indefinite. We go for that nominee too, but
we certainly shill i;tritre to secure
such a nomination sal
can be elected. That is the important point. Give us
Availability as well as Talen,k. t`opularity as well as De
mocracy, and the contest neat fall will be almost decided
ere it is fought. With Caul - or, Buchanan we are swim
lied the state: will be irretrie ably too to us, and as gods I
the Keystone so goes the a+. We infer the leas of I ,
the State, if either of these t •ia prominent candidates are
nonmated, from the •facttt is many Counties the - fend
between that r respective fie ds has been carried auch a
pitch that it is more than ,p °balite, in case either receiv
es the nomination, the friends of the unsuccessful would
openly rally in opposition. itir secretly connive at his chi-.
feat. Such a state of atturs ought to be avoided by sU
means, and it can only be evoided by choosing a new,
man. Certainly the Danderatie party is not so hard run
fur timber that -they are confined in their choice to the
two candidates named. But, then. says • friend of Case,
that breve old soldier and incomparable statesman was
cheated out of his election in 1848, and he has "claims"
upon the. Democracy which esti be no longer poetpobed.
True, he lost his election! by a full conspiracy, and his
since and pen have both been potent in our Legislative
Ilallit and in oar country's Diplomacy; but-that he was
not elected is tot the fault of the Democracy. and as to
"clam*" that is preposterous.; No man has rc4ime"
upon the party, though the pal/ may balm "olliiiais
ou the mani.and this is a case !in point. The party hail
a "claim" upon Gen. Cal? and Mr.- Buchanait to stand
chide. and give room fur a no m inee that can unite its
conflicting lowest., slid- secure it a victory. And the
i same may, he said of theoft repeated propositiol attempt.
osi:1 to be argued by some of the friend' of Mr. Buchanan
'in and to Bennsylvania'sbasing "claims" to the Can
didafe:tivk tune-. Nansylvanie has no "claims" unties
she can.pre*t. a candidate thee can be elected—ethat its
available: and ilieta ' •
of tile party upon
at the presefill crisis
stake at issue is tog
rertaitity, such as
ivatioit of either Bi
with s .bf
Ilona' Co nvention;
peinfir sinTiperson
kitsch'. little fends and bielterings that have crept into
the lank, the Democratic piny of this State. - While
either Bouillon; or Douglass. or Butler or Wool, would
run as well in; other portions of,the IJoion as Caro or Bu
chanan, iniPennsylvania they :would find no enemies in
the ranks dr opr party Ito stab Ltje T i in tho dark, or throw'
the weightkil their niqrses az,altisiltliena an public. With
either of them for a cnud+dote, Broadhead and Forney,
Cameron end Bowman, Harper and Frazier, in short all
who are nir seekins to work out the poliqal an n hila;
tion of the ther in the Democritic household of the Key-
unite in honorableientolation fur the mamma
F:o lie. con
of thelr pr
Choir Irmo.
oclples and candidates. But could they and
fur they oil have 'friends, and those Friends
are among ithe rsult and file of the party, Cheerful{• do so
in the othei event?l 'seine extent perhaps they would.
hut there anti' be' a cooloess, a distrust ! that they were
helping to construct a gallows to hang thensaelves upon,
s that woulifbe sufficient in the end to lose us the State.
and oonaequentlf the notion. It is the sheerest folly, then.
to t.,lk longer tateut Mr: Iluelutiaan's or Geu. Cava' avail
' ability in Peurisy Imam. They arel not available—they
cannot etther carry tho State over the head or the other,
and hence should
, norbe nominated.
It? Swan, Snoovisu.—We meet with a good nits)
amasing Opageafn.the fight. Which has commenced in
tins State, weep the , bet !friends of Senator Cooper end
Governor Joh ston. Whilethe adherents of the latter
gentleman do not acrupleo chirp the friends of the for
mer, tbrether with the - ailininistration of President Fill- .
more..aitir contributing to the lucent overthrow of the
whig party id Ilia State. the Cooper men are not slow
in remihding their accusers *Me fact that. they are but
"squaVera" in the ”domaini'Of whigert, and therefore
ought - not make themselves so Unhappy about the condaCt
of older and bitter whir than themselves. Here is a
rpecime froin the I t hw
laare ,Ccunty Republiras: •
' • ”Not nly jai the Preshlent charged With contributing
to the d test if liar candidate. but Medium. Web.ter,
. Cooper nd other:doitingm'slicd whiga. who have labor. d
all Mei hoes fdr the recesses° i.f whig men mid whig
! mesaures, are s end to have lent their'aid to bring •bdui
the remit. 1 me mcia who note call its question the po
• lit cal fide hit' of these gewlemen, were doing service m
the ranks el the opporinn when these tried champions
were battling for whig pr,re pies."
ILI" At a enceling or the stockholderarof the Erie and
Edonboro Pla'nd Hued on Monday last. lite following
officers were chosen for the ensuing year. j John Gil
break'. E-q ..Pres;dent: Smith Jsclmoo, %Vm. S. Lane,
A. A. Crag. T. D. Chelha, and James H. Campbell,
Directors; Win. A. Pa breitlt. Secretary and Treasnrer
We under st and the a nnt 'of tolls received upoii this
road since the election of the Gate. indicates that it will
be a very profitable investment—averaging, for the Ave
miles finished, over fia, par tiny
P:r KENTUCKY SIPUNX.-.11 verdict_ of $10.090 wu
lately given to a young lady in henry county, Kr.. is as
action of ,dander earn - Ist hei faithless lover. The Lou
isville Courier, of the B,h, eats, thit so soda as the ver
dict wee randered, the fair!. riontucky plaintiff;
Ito toreceive . the Mono ► of the efendont— her only object
being the einific.ition of her anis from his calumnious
aspersions --directed her coo ul to enter a resuittinst for
the ampulla of the verdict; yin what woitid be sufficient
to compensate them for th , iii,services. Upon consulta
tion they consented to be satisfied with five hundred dol
lars, and in accordion e with/the instructions of their ch
eat, released the defendent - 4om the payment of the nine
thousand'five hundred dull4v. ' :
. 0
L. n.
1641 Y E — T he ko
rembir No
Of this Magazine betrays no tilling off in interest.. It is
well edited. handsomely illifsixated and weedy printed.
Among its *Wein.. We rimicir * "The Greet Exhibition of
the New-York State_ Agriettltural Socliety at Rochester."
with illustatiota. a ertiicirmj of William 'Roes Wallace.
the Poet, with a portrait. " eministentee of Fennimore
Cooper." "Mr. Jerome the Stud); et theAttgle
on Language." with ny ether contributions of
erit and ieserest. Terme f siebeeription $3 per year.
Striate, ik Torrivend Pit ors. 2513 Broadway. New.
if J - At en election for ofii.
ford Plank Rail; Company.
tut. Irvin Camp was chose'
Marvin, C. M*Sparma.X. I
Managers: wad Jonas Gainsitte
ers of the Erie and Weinf
eld in This pity on Monday
Presidelii; WEL KalleY. J.
t Tibbetts arid 3. A. They.
la Sten/Stu:find Tree/lir-
The Hopis of the enmities.
We scarcely pick isp a whisrpapereince the electioe
diet is not sanguine el success saltrall, whew•Fte piso.
pis will be called epos to choose a !resident. Watt tilt
1864, says Wrong tillhigery. and we will show yearhow
sat it will be for. Millard, or Wlnfield, or somebody else
"rod and boo." as the iettiein of the political Inde-of the
inner may be. to defebt your candidate, be it llooston„
or Douglass. • or Buchanan. or Ceas. Oar neighbor of the I
Gozeaa ie dispoesd to iodate to this kind of comfort
himself, .and advises his readereto lay in a sufficient
stock to last them iu their journey to the head of that
river of Salt, so much talked of by potiticiass. Nos, af
ter calmly looking ever the political aspect of coun
try, and comparing the past er:th the preieni, we are
inclined to think slur opponents moat be shockingly given
to 6rarging. or the organ of Hops open the cranium of
whigery is one of very extraordinary development. Oot
of the thirty-one States of the confederacy, but three are
now the possessors of whir Governors. Oct of all the
elections that have taken place since the idvent of no
party Taylurism in 18-18, not agleam of•etintfort—not a
ray of hope. has shed its light• upon their pathway; nor
one solitary crumb from the political banquet has fell in
to their up-turned mouths. From the Pis. woods of
Maitos, to the Chapparel of the Rio Grinds. from the
Coral Reefs of Florida to the Gold CIA of the Pacific.
the banner of D:niocracy, with three solitary exeeptions,
is floating front the Capitol of every sister of the Union.
And yet our opponents profess to Hoes! If they turn to
the national Legislature, the prospect is still mnre gloo
my. for there they are met at the very threshold by a ma.
jarity of at least fifty, against them. If they turn to their
own shattered ranks, wild discontent, internal bickering%
and feuds, are their only prospect. In Pennsylvania, no/
sooner was it announcod - th-it Johnston was defeated than
Ins organ and mouthpiece. a paper edited by his Brother,
commenced a violent assault upon the Administration of
Fillmore and all supposed to sympathise with It.
Daniel Webster. Senator Cooper, and every other whig
not tainted with the odius doctrine of the "Iligher•Law,"
were placed in the prisoner's box, tried, convicted and
excommunicated. In' New -York the same results are
perceptible: while Ohio, once good for 20.000 whig ma
jority, is now 'as strongly Democratic. .And what shall
we say of Kentucky—a State that has been longest and
truest in Its devotion to whig men and whig measures.
It it perhaps sufficient to show how overly whig hope■
are blasted-in this direction to mention that Kentucky—
yes, Kentucky, has a Democratic Governor, while iter
Congressional delegation is evenly balanced-5 to 6. Su
much for the general,p_rospects of the whig party in the
convass of 1E352. •
But our opponents tell as-their national convention will
I heal all these transient iliiriculties, and- with • popular
standard-bearer, they a ill be able to rally as of yore. We
are awarwthey are, both rank and file, whipable ma
lariat. and with a military leader, "no principle* for th
(public eye," or "no party" inscribed upon their ban r,
sometimes invincible- We found it so in 11340. an gaiu
i 1848, but nom the state of the country is • ogether
di rent front what it was in the first na d contest.
I whil there are deep and all absorbing que ions at issue
I•that in he Taylor Canvass were new d the policy el
.the whig 'n regard to them *airflow Such is Ito the
case at the aerial time; their poll 'is now -k nown; they
have been t rio in the bahince a fripird wanting iniond
faith and fair de mg' towird e halt Of the'Republic.
Ap adiniuistrationlironght .- o powerby whig votes: and
,protessing to lie whig. as sanctioned a Compromise
brought about by its grimy in regard to the slavery
question. The nit* party, however, everywhere ip the
North has repodia4d that Compromise, and the politici
ans of the South. of every political school, see that there
is no hope of its faithful maintenance except in the suc•
cess of the Democracy. And it is that they thus see, and
where their ark of , safety lies that iudu._
of the South, almost tananjinonsly, to rid
ing National Conventionimill atiS, at their
latter how pressing that demand may be,
consent to approve the Compromise, or in any way open
ly assume to maintain and execute it in good faith i_por
settlement of the slavery question. Andthis Imo dge
will deprive the whig party. if Scott shoulkbe th r can
didate. of every elector's!_ vote with of Meson and Dix
on's hie. Do our whig blends doubt third /f en, they
have to tater to the tone tied temper all the Southern .
whig preu, and they will fiud proof strontand incontes
tibia. A paper now before us, the St. Louis Alelligsn
cot, declares that **no National Conventioit, however or
gentled, can entrap or induce the whip of the South and
West. into the support 'deny candidate who is not full
and thoroughly committed to the support and defence
the Compromise measures , not only because they •
clothed with the authority of Ls, but becatiseethey i are
themselves just, and manre' thap just to the Sim t."
This a fair 'index of•the tone .f the entire Souttern
press, Ind when a sentiment is as universal as this and
as universally proclaimed, there can be no retreat.reien
to serve a party`purpose. Now, how does this pitsitiou
utilise Southern press and the Siiuthern people.square
With that ash* whig party universally at the. Norih? In
this State it is • ell known Johnston and with him the
entire party. proclaimedthemselves hostile. tot he COM•
promise measuring—den uuced them as unjust. and i
clared their determinant) to agitate a repeal some of
them. In New boat the party, under the le of Sew -
ard t occopies the same around, and the New York Timis.
as well as other leading whig papers. admits that the par
ty is too deeply committed to the Seward and Julineton
platform to recede from it in their National Convention.
A dtsruptionmf the Whig party, then, or an Abandonment
of its Northern platform, and the nomivation of Fill-.
more is inevitable. In either cue; what :can our oppo-.
nests hope? Not a State etectinn, if we except Tennessee,
Vermont, sod 'New York, and the last is diiputed ground,
his been carried by the Whigs since Mr. Fillmore became
President. This is . certainly not a cheering proSpect—
not sufficiently- so, at least, to enable our oppOnents to
predict with any very great certainty their suedes. Ti ext
rail. , .
crr Icarrury DMA COUP ,
ier says a boy fourteen or fifteen years of age. by the
name of Samuel NichoLft. was committed to the jail of
the county:a day or two ago, charged with stealing pia
dollars from the hostler at Duty's liotel;on Sunday morn
ing. The boy was taken between,Albion and Lockport.
on )li\wer to Erie. and the money was found in hii-pos;
sesion: The House of Correction will pr o 'b a b# gno
him employment for a term of year*.
QT Ceutton.—The Crawford Democrat' says suits
have heir instituted against several perilous for fraudu
lently deceiving the gate-keepers-on the northern plank
road, in regard to the distance they .liad traveled. It
will be well for those who i.e that road to remember,
that an Act of Assembly makes it a serious offence to
give 'Also eatement In the gate- keeper of the number
of miles travelpd. The tolls have been reduced very low
by the company, and their liberality should be met in an
honorable spirit by all those who rise their road.
IET AFt uat.r Triter A young man, who gave his
name as Weaver, alias la Lows, alias Logan, says
the 'Mercer IVhig. was arrest . in Mercier ea Friday
last, charged with stealing a ho r . He admitted having
1 / 4
taken the animal, but said he took cir out of his father's
field about sundown the evening be . and said ite lived
in Centre township, Butler county .ef being in cus
tody: a while, it was discovered that the th was ute
nsils. Here is romance and reality.
tEril i a t ud
1 t.
d- 1
At a meeting for the election of officers att.
Wattsburg !lank Road Company. on Monday IL
Williams was chosen President in place of Walter'
tor. declined; Jacob Fritz. J. C. Spencer. Henry
wall. Timothy Reed, George Seldea. Managers: ■i
Giles Sanford Secretary and -Treaso
VT The bate. Us is unfortunate lit "sticking" its "pins"
this fall: A week before the election ititnuotenced that
John Bigler was detested for Governor in Callfevela: and
dint the "other one" would be in Pentissil/Ritill. A week
later it acknowledged the later "pir anent stock fast
avid now it mules down on the other; We reeks, it will
4. to the eonelesion of the numerable deride pietty
"tthite men berry unsidirk" .
isirTixesirzolt OUR 110-HANOM
QT; WE,LL 8a 11. —Ompi of our exeinangerr says eon
subeeribera to newspapers generally mean to pay; inn
some inn too wean to do k. Trim every word *rile
fo" The man with the potent tooth wuh. warranted
to taltO tartar of the teeth. and enamel too, was in town
irr President Fillmore has appointed Mr. Bloomer
Postninster at Senses Y., Mn, Bloomer, of the
•,Bloomer dress" notoriety, being the deputy.
crrihin. Jehd C. Butcher. forme r$ a Member of Con
grerts,*ud Into Associate Judge of Dauphin county. Pa.,,
died at Harrisburg. on Stinday.
:P. !Mt. WO:titer is said to have'riceived SSIXVI fur his
argument in the Day and Goodyear India rubber care. at
Boston• last week. ••IVothing like rubbers"
LT 'Gov: Wood's majority iu Ohio over Vinton is from
25 to 20.000—Ins majonly over Visitors and Lewis from
12:to 47,000. Enough fur all praelieal purposes.
rr The Mercer De; icrol lie;,r;isod the name of
James, Buchanan for President. - Well, eee e ee One of his
taste, es the boy' said *hen he kissed die cow.
ILT ,forr So.—The best reason a, merchant can give
fur not adverheing. is. that by refusing to let the public
tkaaw that be has goods to tell. he is not subject to the
I wiper* of !mph)} iaL clerks to assist him in selling them.
trr s dn..; Smith said there were three things which
. every man fancied he could do—farm 'a small property.
drive a gig. find edit's newspaper. We have tried all
three. and never did tithe* to suit tie yet.
CETTnonss Putt.t-trai Esti . late of the St Louis Union.
hu become_ joint Editor and psciptieter of the Pttt.burg
Post. • The Post. though always a goad paper. will now
be better. !
Ti.Y. GREAT QtltllTini!..—The g t question. ac
cording to the Gaulle. i 5.... Whet h"s • come of the Pitts
burgh end Erie Railroad?' Just what has become
of it? Echo answers "what!"
UT The Pittsburgers prop. e making a Railroad along
the Allegheny riser to con ect with New York. Gor.
Johnston is mentioned ■ suitable person for ?rent
dent of the same.
Er A land of I rty is a land of newspaper.. "I had
rather have 'eprpere without a govertiment." said
Jefferton. "t' o a government without newspapers."—
tirosible a. that Jefferson. '
I:p' , company has been started in S■o Francisco for
the ..rpose or supplying ice to the thirsty of-that 'outlaw.
T g ors determined to has" ice iroin their ewe. side of
0 continent.
. .
Ttiac'E of Austria and Hayti—one white
end the other black,-;:have lately astonished theirinabjeets
u well as the "roster mankind." .by aseries of magnifi
cent displays, receptions'. &v. We cannot will which is
the imitator.
Er A cross ehd bath says that girls who ••aim" hand
some, hate thoie who are—while those Who J ere hand.
some hate one another.. though they were never known
whether handsome or ugly, to hate the ••(ellen," he
•might have added.
LIX An English journal is of opinion that the tempora
ry superiority of the Americana iis l 'seitne things is thi re
sult, of a deceased adirity of ate screams system which
makett Us &tight. but share heed. That is the reason oar
people are so apt to "go it. while they're young."
ITT Pennsylvania is the State for Colonels. t very
sixth man is one, CO siqa a New York paper. The rea
son is obvious--about our sixth of the able bodied citi
zens ef the State are .whißs. and Gov. Johnston appoint
ed them an "Aids-to•the-Governor."
azr Mrs. Anu S. Stelphetni. thei distinguished author
ess. iii preparing for the pressW work giving the rebult of
her eap co. and observations during her interesting
and prolonged journey in England. France. ,Germany:
Russia. Turkey. Italy and
11X IT I• e Francisco Morning
Post t whig) groans loudly at the d efeat of the whig par
ty in California. and says. "whits the whip made the
most the Democrats dii the .. most work." It is al
rea'ye'so—tihe wifige make a great deal of itoisa before
eleetion. the Democrats after!
Tr, J. Ellis Bonham, Esq.. the able and radical ms'm
ber from the . Cumberland dihtrict, is spoken of ID various
varier. fur Speaker of the House or Representatives' tit
Harrisburg. He would certainly make an efficient and
popu!ar &chiding officer:
QY Twa Vic-roar rs Ouro.—The Cleveland Plafri
deafer in speaking of the glorious Deinocraitic victor}' in
Ohio 4 remarks: **Talk about the battle of Waterier)! II
wee a mete skirmish compared with this. A very P;;ei
t) dernonstraticUl . of die catridge• be surer but noth
ing ta der` With our Ohio victory."
Int in Virginia every man who marries has to give
recnrity for the support of his Wife and babies; whiich
being often times duiagreeable, perhaps inconveriiiint.
many/Virginia lover' go over into Frederick CO:. MJ..
to ha e the ceremony performed..
I The Ablitabola Telegraph; after railing arainityhe
Free Soil party iu Ohio for mai utiang its separate origitn
hatiani. askeihe question: "ls not Free Soil very tlex
ilifer" Of courses—it is' but the off shoot of Whigery,
and Ate parent stet" is the most flexible party extant.
Horace L. Brooks was convicted. op the 30th
st Cleveland. of murder in the second degree. for cann
ing the death of snlengineer on the Cleveland and Pitts
burgh Railroad Intl'. by 'Putting a stake on the track and
throwing °Ch. engine. A righteous verdict, only it ought
to lime been in tho first degree.
CCP The paper. say that Charles Denton. of
Peoria. bee iorentld a Reaping Machine which far tor- .
passes McCormickhs, cutting the grain whetheritanding
or lodged; green or dry, upon rough or even surface, lay
ing it. in fruuttles, and doing it welt. -
IVORTAKT QU4sTIIIIOI.--WhOI fads all the onslorel
titat everybode loses! Every man we meet loses
the umbrellas he hnts..but we have neveigot acquai riled
with the man that Ouds thelm. Can any one answerithe
question before thq peat rain?
tir Hon. John.lM. Botts. a very noted whin posit an
of Virzints, has rofired front the carve and armietie•• of
politics —Ez papeir.
John. it appeors„thashad a great many ”eares and abx
ieties" same he sleiit with "Tyler too:" eat the least of
which huh been tpe get into- office. • Having failed al
mint every time, hip nifty signifies a desire to retire. We
more he be peimi led.'
UT One of der exchangers, we do's% know which or
we Mould give i credit, thins poetizes the. sneak who
don't pre-pay his I tters.
The man t now-a-days wilt write.,
a And not epay his lever—
fa .. % .
oi l lorbor n Ilse heathen are.
hat d 't know any better. •
,And If fo take a tine tooth corub,
i Anti rak down "all creation.'
•. .
.. '..
Ton could t And a wooer ma . .
_ . ii this e a mighty nation.
ef A Uerevc .14:11.—A patriarchal lamp-lighter M-
Imints the litinOep ere of the cite! of Richmond. Va., and
his ease is•ihos de cubed: lie has between twenty-Rye
audt thirty childre and raised them all. Ne has five
sons who fought th poet the Mexican war. and came back
aimed and well. le litres happy with his second wife.
teaches his num ono progeny" to read and elite, and'
cleans the lamps a dollar a day. _ ,
\HT Weems. um CID Manic —The I•dial;ii
pelo Otale Renton' moues *e l following atarnage De.
ttee'Atraardieary •
Oa t 1
9th i
tlyassaa. a tad
doughter a odge
CO Rae* • •
Q Mr Ila I 'a
lue‘ i ,' . •
. by Esq. Houtoo. Mr. Iloont W.
nopooo, to Miss JVU♦ D. Weans,
IDeoterooomy [loggias. oohs "Queen
what a Hugel—a yon did til-;.we
• :Er We era iinfebted to oar old friend. Purser Ram
sey, now on duty as the coast of South Amerlea, for
espy of "The British Packet, Asentitse News." a
newipaper published in Buenos Ayres. about belt the
size of the Ofurraw, at the extremely low rate of
Rte number. 4ir $l4O pm. year. TIIOIIO who VA fable at
our price, will do well to thiuk of that.
P Five carotin the North East and Ene Road have
arrived at Dui over tfie New York a d Erie Road.
The Duniiirl4ers, we presume, are convinced by this
time that we ere in earnest abiut having the six'feet track,
as those cars are of that width. If sot, the locomotive
to draw the:* which will come snorting into their depot
on or abontlhe middle of December, will remove all
doubts we Oppose.
"Hiner ea 1 0a i'refessionqf Medicine." is the title of a
pamphlet abdut to beissied by that popular' pribli'skinc
house id Bolsi°. Derby and by Dr. Wood. U. S.
Navy of this oily. Upon erhitever subject the Dr. writer.
hells sure to , flud readers. for he writes well—the work
In quastion. therefore, wilt no doubt • have an extensive
sale both iu end out of the professioo. •
re In the constant accession 0f new establishments in
our eicy, people ►ho9kl not forget their old places of do
ing business; Now: there is Sarni's: No. 3 Cheariside,
the advertisernect of which will be found in ',pother del- -
umn, si r herei we have lie doubt the hatless Mid mildest,
can trade as cheap is at any place Call and
i'..T We regret to Ifi t irn from the Gazette that one.of our
subscribers Ir. Archibald Kirkpatrick. of Harborcreek.
was badly iii'irred by the explosioa , of a gull - on Friday
evening. I la right ear "wad taken oi l, with wwwidorithio
Incitation 0i ,
that aide of the head. • f!e , 4a. we are ihfurin
ed. insprovilg as rapidly as the nature of his injuries will
allow. •i
_.. _ .i _
ffr Mr. f. It. Buis's. a Landscape l'ainner, recently,
.from Ctorionati. has ensconsed himself in Wright's
Block with t• view of-pursuing his profession. Some
specimens ,of his work inhibited to urs bespeak e
high degree( of artight taleut; and we take the pleasure
in commending hum to the, favor and patronage of thi's
commuMly, %Ve are the mdre d.-iiroua that he should
b e properly ;encouraged becanse, auperadded to his un
doubted proirro.iontil turrity, be is a native of Erie Coun
ty, and iliittkal a yiditiz gentleman ofpersonalexcellence.
In consequence of tile platicto gezistior betweent the
subject (gibe above tootle , n..d mielf. we have felt del
icate about.callTitg att.. nt..,11 to the'ruerif of Mr. S as an
artist: be t as our cidei..persiry tr the' Gazette hate broken
the ice. we may be excused lye sad iug that. In our opin
ion. tie giri.s Rroniiao of pretninenee i nt his woreosioo.—
Indeed the In:Flare, he has already peint . za here, thou&
but two in hiumber, are sufficient to Adam!, him au true
topyest of iistlre.—an artist of the*higiliest Those
of oar c.tivienis who have a taste for the floe efts. will no
doubt find: ihemselvee agreeaddk intertaiued by giving
him a call{
i, The Contested Election.
We copj: the following paper, iu the matter of the con.
tested election care before the Court this week, for two
reasons. k'ir'st„ beeauiie it is a matter of general interest,
in relation to which the people are anxiops to be inform
ed.• The kesoons set forth by the thirty-four original pe
titioners, (one having been 'crotched off.) need no ex
planatioo.;though it may 'not be amiss to say, in this coil
nection. dist if this election is illegal (and we presume
the Court Wilt say whether it is or is no' before be go to
press.) there his been but one !evil election in twelve
years. %0e copy it secondly—and we wish we had no
"suchies'en—because certain managers of the whig parts
are induriiiiousle endeavoring to create the impression thrit,
because sir. Marshall is the feed Attorney of the- peti
tioners—nd we have heard it said of the present iocum- •
beat of tht (dice also)—it is • "Loco:ducts" movement.
The otter Wdsurdity of this charge is apparent upon the
face of the following document. The polittcol complex :
ion of th petitioners are thus,—•twenti-nine Wei . 7s,
and four eneorrats. Oar of those four 'Democrats is the
retained A ttorney of the petitioners, another is a brother.
in-law of lte present incumbent. and the other two Cure
active friudii of his on the day of the election. Perhaps
justice reiliiires us to siy. also. that Mess:s. Thompson
and Grail. were retained by the petitioners as counsel.
but upon[ ascertaining the' Art that the men who were
mainly inistrunieletal in the prosecution, were using their
names tol;adele the matter upon the Democralic party.
they veryt properly abandoned the case. Justice to nil
'concerned. ton, requires trit to say that J. B. Johnson.
LIN . tho•gh his name does not appear among the pets
; utters ii. 4 our copy, it having- been scratched off of the
riginal. Was very active in procuring the signatures
below. l IVii do nut mike these exposures willingly.
but becapse tue coarse ceitain prominent acid leadiligt
wings }itre seen fit to takein endeavoring to affix time
alum of? these proctiedings upon the Democratic party.
has lorcetl us, in sels-defense, to do so—and because we
believe it a good mom. IMih to politics and private life.
that as people untie their beds so ihiallthey repose;
To the honorable the Judges of the Court of Common
Pleas 41 k:rie County °Cute November Term. A. D.
. ,
Your !etitioners, being qualified Electors of the, said
coliUty4fr Erie. would.. humbly cinisplain to the stud
llonorobile • Court of an undue. election 'and the return of
Sexual. jl'uct.f r. Esq.. as elected to till the offices of
thonintoly of the Court of common Plea?. Clerk' of the
Court of !General Quarter Sessions, Over Ucer and Terminer
and Orphans' Colon in the said county of Erie. held in
the said iouute on. the 'mind Tuesday in October. in the
yearbiatir Lord, One lliousend Eight Modred and
Fifty-ont. and respectfully asks the sarciPourt to set aside
the said election and return of said Samuel Perley, Esq.
for the fcillowing reasons. tie wit:
t c ,
ht. Re &use the-said Samuel .Perley. Esq. was not
voted for 'lark of tha u Courts of General. Quarter S.
stows. Ot r and Tertnmee•nd Oiphens'Coart. All the
T ic ket s 4eposited in the tatot-box for the said Seinuel.
erley &Detained on the outride the &equation o 4 the
office Kilt which he, the said Parley was a eaudidate. ()Lily
that of •!Pruthouotarc "
24. Btcause the said Samuel Perley. Esq received no
votes at the election aforesaid, for the office of Clerk of •
the Coul - ts of General quarter Sessions, Oyer and Ter- •
miner ad Court of the said county of Erie.
lid. 'cause the ttckt is deposited or voted - for the said
Samuel ye:ley. Esq., did not contain on the outside fur
or on sir part thereof the designatqm of the offices to
wtsich tie said Samuel Perley is returned elected. .
4th lecause a large number, part or portion of the bal
lots or tickets veiled or deposited in the hallot.hoseii with
in the several election districts in sattOcucuity at the said
electi*ul were east, voted or deposited iu the bellot-boxas
for Stowe! Perley. Esq. for ••Prothonotarr on seperatb '
slips "or tickets, which the !oleos casting or voting said
said seperate slips or tickets with° same time voted other
slips or kiekets for candidates' (be the various offices to be
filled atissid election, accordmg to the provisions of the
first section of the Act of Assembly, passed the twenty
sixth d tit of Fethrattre. A D. 1819. And the. number of
ballotslr tickets es< or voted in violation of law at
said ele twit for Samuel Perley for Prothonotary greatly
exceeded the apparent majority of votes cut or voted at
said Dictum for :311,iut I Perky over the somber cast or•
voted for the cot:T.:leg candidate at said election fur the
same offiee.
reie 'pinery. ss.—Hezekiah Bates,-'John Hill i.ud S.
:I,l"terpenter being duly sworn according to law. depoed
and sayfthat the Lute set forth in the above and foregoing
cemplaipt•are - true to the bat of their knowledge and . •- -
lief. t ' •H. BATES, , ~----
- .E.llO. HIL'IL. • t
. ! S. M. CARPENTER.f.
• Swor mid subscribed hefore me, this 24th dee u
totter, 1 'l. C. lk ECK.' Justice of the Pea
sti.44.s . Cumber,
' S. H. Goodwin.
John P.lViocenl. ' .Charles Cole.
Williant Ho:46unit. .M. Carpenter. .
Willia M. Gallagher, ' onas Gunnison.
Thome; G. Colt, "'- Jos+li S M. Young.,
Bernard Hnbley. • John Hill,
James C. klershall.' J..iiinmerly, . '-
James 4..:. Reid, • P. It Oliver.' •
../.11in .4. Justice. H. Deters, -
John A Tracy, thit. G. W. Barber. -•
J. W. Seynohis. ' C. W. bilsyhory.
M. W:t a itti. ' C. ItlxSpinets. .
Samoa S. Forster.. Wm. Tubbs.
J. W. e r tinore. : Wm. L. Scott.
S. M. elftigt, 3. M. Bryant.
1 . W. . 1 - ' H. McAllister.
Vas Or-labor f.)..t. 1851'
Octo r 30th 1851. the Court fix sod assign Woodsy.
the 4thlday of November. 1851. fochesri•tf, ate., end di.
rat '
ep Is be /even to lismiasl Perky th is day of this
opplica 'on and order. By the Coort.
G. CHURCH. Piteldeut Jodie.
tria l Nasty. se.-1. James filkietor. Prothonotary of
[L: $.l Ma Coat , . of Common Pleat iit and for said
county. do certify that the alibi
tole copy of the complaint filed
undue Election and Return et
offices of Prothonotary and Ch
and of the order amd direetwa
th e 'son
WIMPS! my Hand and Seel
30th day of October: A. D.
The shave 'ease was argued
Marshall ■nd VinCesf on , the
Me4lllll. John Gaibritih. Lat
of Mr. Parley. T. decision
given in when we went to pr
Are respectfully invited to • et
the Female Benevolent Soeieft,
Thurday. die 13th inst.. jolts
P. M. in the Lectors Room o
. The.objects of this Society
community. iiind the intellige
shell be sustained in its effort,
want, the coming winter. Ti
aid from the 11enevuleui.
A. A.
• Er.e, Nor-5. 1851.
Ela" We invite We ;tieMini;
verfisement of Aries Cliciry!
our parr. u a remedy of Mil
iuunity. The certificates mit
from uukuown names, but fri:i
chimed men. Stateemeh.
Plsys.mans give their stron
mediciue fur the cure of put
lied un with coufilleuce by the
truly hope its mutts in our sem
ctusiiins else w here.—Adecriu
Ou Thursday 23..1 ult.. t)
8 G. WILLIAM. and Miss
Oar the Ist inst.. by Rev.
Tl 3. of KCOC/Oht.. WA, sad
06f:de. ,
In Edinboro. 30th ult.. b
W. H• StrAms 'I, of AlcK
stoum. of Waslisagtott.
Ott the 30th ult by Z. E.. r
vrTx* and Mien Ss
Benson, all of Waterford.
Ou the 19th oh., at tuare
GRAHA/11. aged 56 3 ears.
Oh the' let inat., at
daughter of James and Eltz'a
New Adve I
10 DOLL*
TllF:al.irrreward oil be pl
coollaloolooa 10'•
of o he Erie 11 itk The Inoue)
between r•lo”rti . l. Telegraph i q
Ward able be paid .by leas lug
epd'lL Trlegoaph (Once
161011 ,1
f 'll ...Int ei.entng r.
L. lin ,t. 1.111• Elie rued trailing ti
BOlik t f.i11141,1111/ Pi my-two Ijul a
1. iS", tuLr. lie different n.i111,/,
There Vl,l 11112,./ ut illl• . ;w:ekrt
one ior 03 given lir' i
I -31 1.; thtt firokett But
tern !eziok. N uts th •
tt here H iiLr f rmd. ur b1.11.0i
‘V.111.01 , 11 . 1: !hair rt•cca‘c
Nor Va Nor. 5.1 '131:
wkll fill WI on,
eln Lan Ito6tr. an lon bill
au 1 ?tin York
- - -
c'E .
IF StII,(IMON fog pt a ivi!the I. :•e In Wr.t
-11011. N .. 111 iutt IA-1, %lc Cu Alatel) 01-
fitliNs. N. V.. villireeene :4 do* fof about e 9,000 Imo the
retate of loaraod vil4l.lled treq,itly., Nov. -,1-31,
N+ll4 • ttot
•vi t ; t . D
e r ' :71:::rni s t:;11 r N, 01 11
mule tur%vtail, pruse %IrOrt
.13 o nr 4 T
,AVISK Api.intr
1. My Illartyri... it l l o rt•
rP•tv am! he
( /' ,11 . , .T) at She at.Ac Artie'
%mark tlfirts.
Ivr sale, ta-t titt.lllll
60 NOV.
• Clear this
w. by e
t h ij i . n ., ,t n t r, h r e k lft , r w
h t ,
the r..:•eern r me-. or n ,e,tario
etre I lee to -ell th• 111 s 4, lots that I )
.1, the 'll
It ere 5at.141e•1..,0 that the to, pl
Beautiful Silk
Itutbio Rel.e. tor, 3sl, Nlcx,rl
othi•r goal- at like km 'amok.
el run call and examine for It tr.
turget the'' $t
rhe.tie.tde. •'
Erie Not eruher
A'Yta ;den k,L
or heto•e the i le of Dect mberier,
time, tree... PAM %111 be pent lit
to the RNA e feque-t tteeest4irtl
plate the orrice in the hands of Lll4
Erie. riovember P. IPA
r •ale, by C. Sibley.. al their Sibiu. a am
i Attnuil Mooting of thoTitts • ore' and Erie
Rail Road Clonspiny.
rr HE Stockholder* of the ritt 4 4irgh and Erie Rad Road (.7.,rh•
• 1 Ainn). are hereby notified that an election will be held tit the
(Mice of rant COMOlny in the if iOr Erie on the tir-t WI, la, of
Dee inter neat for the choler of • Inrtern Direct..r. for t , ,e ensu
ing )1 nr. and for the f naeti other 111.,1if-‘.1 4 ., nil, l.f .
reoilimil. . _., t D. ftrAlat.A:f• I L.R. Seex. il
(Mice l'illaburgh and Erießnilroqd Co., t
, A . 6th fiAuveuther. S.II. ) et2B
dverteier and Gazette Copy. i
•_. - - - -- - - --
iNiTr WE - is hereby given in:ii .he co- ..irtturr•don fornod) el
-I.tlnn between the suhseritifers mi r the firm cr l'hoinion
.k.. Co .nt the Eagle Woolen Vac!ry , tra• • ti the llt h di. of An
rust hart, ii ohs ed by mutual CO viCliii. Tit noun, hooli•,n114 of •
f f WO, of the late firm are left in in liande o ttalnuri I.llei an I
Nark . / i
ark il. l'wauttiont, ilythe old .t rod, who u I rontinue thr tie
in;:il i-si 1. tufniefiV Wirier the tiro' of 1.11114 r. Br moot. A' ,', Prr .
ti , 11.4 hat tug el:lints:main:it the I - to firm are re, pted•t, vp,..ent
(hem dial) aailienticated for pent •nii , nt nn.d t ',fed ti.ll
please call and thbeltatge the :lame n nhont • eh v
• ' • don't' Tat R'liTt)Y. -
t r FIAMUEI. i.iIxv.
. • ii.,ii. ei3i %Il INV;
N•dirilen Not .3. - IS 11. - • .1t 2e
That' Sall is still Rolling.
vvE are retewrinig da ii v. ow Ka.5 . ,1111 . 1 , a IM,Ir ot linr. , trim It•
Cada ell. who es now al,sesif. Anti nibo a ii ter...dtt .il the
Vitref of Ido- ant. New York, ant Plbiladelpb.a littlll the a "Inc
up or the fad trade. the eteateid arirty of the I,e het.t el, h....M1.1
all ktaid, of Drew end Dentott Gook, that acre r•er rthlhited
hi nor pone in any rity:,,anti eh p rier., for ra•h, ire too tow to
mention. Many of Mein aid b .01,1 at one half What it roei to
make them. So ii., It for the t . M. fselillanr... HT., Clt uo“
Ilatak.lttowes es it's an ill wind that bloat • nobody -itoi.ui—a i hi .
tiw iimnufaettireer Imo is the Fafwer'svin. Now is the hiur zo
to lay IT owt-11 g9ods.
, Not estit.e. h,
=OIIS eavirstrit stArtitoev.
NEIN RoUTi, TO Nix vogK
Ala. Ka ilrna d. rontirt* lin tt With 11r( etas, stu.flurrk un
Lahr Erir.lll4t t fir h Cnwerand.Calutnhd• n 'nr,ol,' I.
• le% ci lull odd eitn.hurgh and Pthunintky and rinc n .1,
ron&. onrOtteninent on thr Ohiolnnd Muniblentlin nd
()Wu, ludtuul and Penh.) Iva nin eannlo.
TR•Is. 14 AVIS [RANIER AS rockows
4it• Irt „ Morhang 4.lloresa Train at It A. M. -
. 'Morning Slatl Tram at 10A. M.
- Are.ommodat idn (4 chap), at I 30 P. M.
. Eventna 1.:11,re... Train .it 5 P. M.
1 , \....,b1ja Express rattle Fretctit at 3A. M. '''‘'
Gib; Way Freight at 4 OA. M.
Faze from Ilunkork to New Ycirk. $i 00. -
VIN . D.—Th.. 3 o'clock P. M. Train v. tli leave on Sundays and
Litt on Paturda}s .
OrcondelaresParscncert taken on the Aeromtpodatem . 2 .^
at le o'clock. P. M. Fare throoei to New York. 15 0 . 1 ~
Thin 4 . -onlinin Y I. Prepared tokrattsport lave Sloe k and FTP"
oral( kinds wand front New Ylirk:
Partteatlat attcotom paid itrdOck, The go., of tht•ll , _ " o4 .
brink G feet u ide civei this route greht.mtvantagrr o‘ rr e;if"
Rallrom , .., itt the transp?natton pr nt.or<l,E. m
MAZER B(au [rm. Alen', , C. rsoT, s..ti i
Dunkirk. November ir.ittlit. 1
_trl6-i 1 _
rvrr and. '
ja.t reeetved by Redo.
to 4M. P.
A k—Just reeet%ed. lb pi
/1....De1.1k0e1. good style r.
150 Af t YARDS tuadOereo
~ shilling per yard at
• November P.
375 .I.A,l=e - ,*. A.:
Noveukbet h.
ATA N IV A RIL—J uss, recei
•1 . ling. al &lair prices. ,
A aTirria tatlitllN oral!
♦ Erie, Nov. I.
to end foregoing is is
in the seid Court of the
Samuel PerleS • Lin to the
le rk , of the several Courts
the said Court eodoree4
ft said Court at Erie the"
en Thursday. is Meier".
Fart of the petitioners. sad
tend Dealer', on th e p ut
of the Judge had not beta
on Friday:
ri3ll7 l M
d that annual, meetiak of
. which will take plate on
Tharedey) at 9; o'clock
the Pre*. Chum'.
-• .
well uuJerxtosxj in this
,t Will decide athettiee it
to rolte..e lied
cannot be done yahoo
Fif our readers to the ad
il'ertornriu the colonies of
mit importance to the
-11 tidied in its taw are ap t eminent and widely cef
ofeeetira, Clerg} men aid
e.urance th.t this new
way (Lame, can be rak
illmted for relief, and we
Una, will hustaiu their con•
e•lter. G.. 1. Lyon, Mr.
tutiLTT Of Giraro,
Staarinnn. Mr M. L. CCR•
1311 Itt BLCCA. L. Fo
lldler -E C. Rorer'. Mr
sad Miss *orula. Ens
lebster :%Ir. LAvai
iii J. daughter of Jam,.
011C8 in Ninth Enit. Hunt
ek; I't►RG►RET Lt.ClNtid.
oblason, agecit2 y'rs.
- , 4_
o the fin+ so! Ojil Of *nor's,.
lattrk ol *l*l.". rm.' I
luM "r 1 Ue• /% nu , ruwK last
and Itn ',asst. etAt . Tv.
lo(IO% n4lh John I.lnden. t
A 11 D
that four milt. ff . %1.41(.-
r 0 ato ,4 C.. 11 z. 1.5”
in c Ir•er.t Wm!. r,r,,,,, r ,
I :11. , tit :i.; er.htil 111 Ctia...:r.:—
. IV CC. : Nit , " of hand r, fa
1.4 l'ilime VallPy.lVarrth r.,,,,
Wright to Morn:, J01 , 11,,..
t" Ki.thithi %Vila. ‘er %ill rr-
• 0,(,•,14, r,r give ittit.rt.llth.
jilt 1.1111:111 V. 01111.0,1. Lal. ct
0 0 IL 8.
,fer. for either F.•;_l l .n nr
!it of Sti, or more, l'iotadripia
1 "
earlte , itte of qh• ettb•ertt,• , • i n
it 41411, on the thhh of I , r t h.t.
eltlo•r le
rhe COWIt..f i• rettio-ord to
,not tnkr h"..tiat
Z V 7
t'ir I ItY , I `Plo I
41,,‘ 6U of
mr 7 • 2,11.1., 3r.,
I. .1 \rn
E:IIITER Q Itltfrrlliß
rack for
bock of Good 4, in hi. Imo, mu
h more p.iretinuttti Itir I %.11
d is I , ic•likiir is
;ay do-ay it.. unno hit t• pct
102 thtt). \\c o, n hat if an
can Id!)
ats for 161.50: -
t 11114 for 541 rest, 3n,1 aq
r f t r.,of of o loch, all interest
Clieop lilt store, No 3
.t her 11..artintentlt of 'wilding in
ursit•tl to eall and get then; to
St• ,li u t ' , Area for before that
drill to tl.e oApervt.
Cin order that I ma) p•ri , tl
.14effIK)r. Uotet nrah et n.
R. J .131tILE1'
• pire Stale Wootro &lA' 4
6.1 de.p.ltt h tra 11
.C. 31. TIDOALS,
es , . tip 'anti ot •too , o: Mrt , s
C. M. T 1813164.
TVcilgh3w. ai opt
t:. m. TIDRALtr.
I paea I.uattpa. '..------ Mae kod COT .
! a./ yard at 0.
iii ma kii , :. _
I . d malice lollearrrn a 'P ,
1 - pi I4:4___
Arts. ‘_
ds.also eolonith tubro, 1,4