Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, November 08, 1851, Image 1

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    DURLIN &PO.. Pro
Erie `kietitltl 64,5er
XI. P. SLOAN. Editor
CI) sitown, en' by the
kt nnl.ur nt titrulEer, m 4ayaner.
"i ?If not paid in ltdcance, or n Mon three monthi fr
et two dollars. will be etiargod.
CVlllllll.llllCilllolls sonut Lc pt.' pak.t.
not clef:editng lint—, one yeae.
dn. do. nit - mtntlut. '
do., three month.,
' Than:lent udverti.entent,...lo cent:. Tort square. of lift
tl,r the nr-t itn.ert awl 15 cents for+ench snivennet
I , ad% er t pro. ha% V the privilege of changing
NIL at no awe ate 4111.0 ed w i ecupy 1114 TC than In LI Pq.l
be hailed to t hen a rdenfe bunxess.
haviligoiheriltrectlone. will be
dadnd and rhargrd accurtp
W3trlimakrr nip! Rewiirer, Dealer iit IVatr hew, Cloek ,
Musical I it.trimicikto,.Look lig Glasses auJ other Fu
Note our dwr N est of tlif: RNA Howie
LiVAIR R is Dr} Good.. f.;rcrer.ce. Dania art. Crocker.
'l, Vert},Inte sure'. Erie. ,
AI loa VAT I. ‘r4 ent in the Chrome!
.1% 41106‘. .
A •T I )e" ocer & Writtlt
entrant fir•it door ir6±, on the Pub
la •1 FR% Gi r - 01 “11 1.111,1
ate.. one door booth of Smith Jachmte. Nb
eel. Erie, Va.
J. , li. R. 11
0. A N It E.
A.lar illTenhath—Depct of_Foreoto MITB
meal ‘letrOno,!wo, and onatl. !to. ID,
l'lm,tuot weer. I'luladrlplua.
l'ins:riAV and SE Rat:WS—Office corner of state a
Sa,rl , ..fie-olenee wt Eighth Street. betmccd
Lrie. fa.
- - - -
T. W. N0(.411.1:,
or,t.) It Prowl-wt-4. I apiorg,en ti 4
I!, I toot 'Mow & EV* State Pi reet, Er
I 6 ratio, Certifie
rActentgge mt the praggclinil titles
i.r (Owe m Beatty'. Mot- lc. Ynhhe Stow*.
T. Ill:RON S 11.:AAT.
Sy F../ fel V.:11 I'IIV.I , S—Cittkr, corner or French
serer-,"ter 310-e •KY /Ye 11 . . wifYfe. }I.4O.IIICIICe 00 - F0
4•or t'let.l.timlieran . II all
It. T. sTkllltEl & SONS.
if )n-tanlh - on hand a piu ..uppty or Groe , .rifr.
rinindlcry. Pro, t.....l.=:Pluilnce. ike . &C . and cyllin
or &clad a, chrap No. I IN. Cheap.'
W S. - LANE. I
, Attornr 11 y and Counsellor at La I
rci , olittnina r 3; ar• !3 and Nat y rePlOlllll. 114.1111c - 1i .P
rla dn+ lot extra- .3. and all Whir linenscisihurusicd
fircisc perinnit And faithful anew ion. -
I Wore iu Wright's Block on Walt: rtrect, over J. 11. 1
rr. Erie 1
LAIHI)..k.. 11l ST • _
pp .1, •0,1~R.'1,1d 11,16.1. Dry LAM-.Grnerrir..
kmr, ,Fl.ll, Salt No. I, 17riVir.0 1
r 01 1-',ll, and State Streets.
II ;T.% (AIM%
011% EH t:PAFF0111),
and etatiottcroand Mainif.icturrr of Blank
%Vr..t.N4 h. 4. Clatter Gonpr ill:110011d wad Sixth at'oet
SPI4 - and eviwrq Abney and einannossion titnnn
I). .rut in F.nalo.h.Cerman and AnifflC•3lllllnrilWare a
Sall. Aug Ice:, Iron and Steel No. 3 R
I tar. Pa.
W. J. F. & Co.
rarri , Vl , 6 and Wagon Builders, Stite
tureusetroth & fittleh. Erie-
1.. STRONG . . M. D.
(4111 V. cse Ilr>r Vk IA 1;. U. W 7.01 1 .6 Ali/W. I W
ornrv. a ith lkict. A. 174 a nk.l.44•Vetllit gels c:ass4tra.-1
soencc., Saseatrae, Ad/p.:oor Lorli: (11: 4 •!, Mai pt. I
.C. Si CGEL. •
Wirol r..ti.t arol neta a dealer* m Croccries. Provision
s-. &e.. &c Corner of Fri uch and L..;
ICunt.t it r tnul Rr nil Dealer /11 Family GFOCCTIPII,
1;13-•u.:re. hunt. &c.. Cheap Side, 1.m.. Pa.
I The_ hi(tl.r-t priCP paid cur Count?) Pr.:lance.
MM. It •NTT kr olt,:kettl lialoit Maker—shop. No. t p..
firo, over A. dr. J. N. Watery' Grocery
ATTORNE - 11—.11T L Fr..
Iu 1":1 ltfizt.. Aevetirli'slllNt4lll1 , P.
vt.3.11•114 T. and RM. tl
ate. 1'3,44'11
Spike &c Egssi.4re Sloven
111:Arl, Cue, PA.
A'..“—Aits ON V stem, Bellow
- rtAtment of rkohlte. wail Carr
AnSoll %FT AT LAyl SfAti JUAN
the Firs Sloat..Mul.tal 1.211. I
Nest of Wrightg•zicrei Eric,
A r7 , IIVCTS kr I.4U,Glraftl. Erse Count). Pa. Con
vilu•r 1,4... a,urn.lied u.) i!h pronatanesui and dirt
I . oturdiveloll MCfCIIOIII., (as the Public
,1.111 - nll,l.
Snit. and White Ei,h,eonotantly for sale.
1. a(SFNZWmG & Co.
in Foreign and Dot'
'GOA, ready wade 4'lottl. 1. Boots and .
We igni'p Block. State iitnx•t,
I:ankrt and Ewliaale Trol.Pr. Dealer in fill' of
r 1 T1.11.C.4.01•U(.)C1/Kille, Gold and 'Over coin.
Wire. D tlli,,un Mock. corner of state-st.. and Put I
A tine kr t.w—litifiee tin iit4rs in Tinsman) Ha
liorp.,l 101
Pr orti . Erie. _
Ariov.iFY •WO Cot' qty LIA oft AT w--otriee over. C.
enuance one door eAt of State atreet, on the
'*C. M. TIBBALS. .-
14•1-1 M. in Dry Goods. Dry Groleries.CroelterY. Hard'
No. 11 I. Iseapinde. Erie.
Dr .t.ta in Dry Goods. GroceriesAlardware.Queeni
ke.. 121. Cheali , ide. Erie, Pa, '
MAIMIL Upholster. and Undertake'
r••••: ,•ti•
11r ,4 n l.Porwardlmt.Produee and COITIIIi i+on Mere brt
, 6111tf. aitd tinf-salf, Coal. Plastcf. Shfriglee. /Le- P
'0,41 .tdr• of fibc bridge. Erie. _
(It nrr .t Por artlitm. Cpuumsouoi and Produce Mere
~d Ran -laou,e ert‘g of the Public Bridie, Er le.
G. LOOMIS"'ar. Co.
R. Wow Iwo. Jewelry. Stlser. German PO ter.
tint tnimi Ware Cutlery. Military and Fancy Goode,
nr.wv urposite the L.'tgle Hotel. Erie.
...I 1.. T. 111
_ _ .
R as,d Retaki Jcatcrr in Drugs, Medietre
1 , )1 - 4.1titro. EIRAS, kc Nu: 6. Reed House. Eric. ,
4111411.11L1C Merthaut Tailor, on the public 'loam,
w•ttit of State 'meet. Erie.
vb•nocram.s /Of D RETAIL. lk , aler in Groceriev, PrOVIP
I•hain.llery.Sione-Nt are.. ke. he • No. 5, Bon twit Bloc
in Law, Medical, B o *.
1;.‘,„ State rt., fixtr dour* below the ?011ie Winn
SCROZOI-4ntiee at tin. re,ldenceoilier •
.l'bureli. Erie.
JO ,11 11.• BURTON & CO.
" .P4t Rv r .fra!rrouttoru.v. Me he Inc*,
'•roce•ms. ELVA Hawser 61e.
Pit. 0. L. ELLIOTT,
k e•tdent Dentist; Otbee and Mork. on the East aide of
$.40.1 re. Erie.. Teeth anitheted on
""'"a froth one to an entire eetL Caricant
•L', ;111. 1 :01.1. and re.tored to health and useful
dw an ingritinenta and Dentailee so aa to leave
.• IJ work "granted.
p' lll, t•R —lO4 F' 0 Ride, tWr and Mum; ro
and for .alr by the krg or len* quantity,
B.'f. drkeat.rr
0 lines or
t 'Ammar,
to6,and to
'e3 ILloodo
' l . ke. Nu
Odin, in
c ware
rice ker)
e. F reale h
. had awl
. 3tis St.
I Seilith
euelg Autl
o( Dr
I IA rafill
,rtli Artet.
or., iquis
le Erie.
nd+ and
• ule .311
e. 19.
lvt are
luck cor
As awl.
, FraiAA-
h Streebo.
e ),State
• Good.r.
, Iron,
,four •
.4 below
.rinzg, and
le r. and
rut 6.)1
e tdoon
ions enui
k, ram of
tie lity
No. 4
le Sus
1 :denim
bile dock.
ants; fee
la led all
to 4tret
few door
.tt., Ship
ionar y
nth areet,
C r Public
. Teeth
shtm o(a
der. Oat
potful 00 31,1i5te, Ituul:
01.1 flees glimmered through the &ogle..
(lid footsteps trod the upper tlooru.
UM voices Called me from without. Marrs*
A whisper comes from the Old White Store,
'No longer sought by the busy throng,
••Intrancy seek it some other door,
These walls to the worm DOCAT beklll
Pass on, and pause not, child of sin.
Von would purchase naught that he keeps'. within."
Unseated by smoke, the tvcarY bird .
Its wing on the chimney top may fold, i
And shuffling feet are no longer heard -
Crossing the door-sill, as of old: •
When the night blast shakes its crazy wale,
la mildewed dahces iberplaster fails.
Moss on the sloping roof is green.
And the corn ice wears a dusky tinge: ,
'Thick. and red may the rust by seen
On window bar and grating blurt.
And Ruin traces, Widrcloudy line, j :
ONO sad nanscon the flailed sign
i r I •
In &unsure time the swallow the.
Through broken panes of the sash decayal.
But hurries hack to the free blue skies,
As if of fearful shapes afraid; . • 1
And weeds display their sickly leaves
On window-ledge and rotting eaves. i
The centime, damp and while with unoulfl; '
Rath lost the paint of other days; i •
The crumbling bricks of the hearth are e Id,
Once bright with the crackling faggot s blaze;
And trails, where unclean thin have e , pit,
Furrow the dust of doors unswrpt. i
Dark shelves are draped with cobwebs gray,
Once laden with gond• and costly wkrtLei;
Atli/Venal-worms work their spiral way I e
TWaigh mouldering boards and kellar Stairs:
COiliffer, and desk. and broken stool
- Tell a touching tale of Time's misrule. 1 ,
, 1
Grass shoots up near the portal wide.
Out spell bath the place to awaken tholught;
Garments there for the blushing bride.
And winding-shects for the dead. Were ihroughlr
lit ...liken graves tall nettles gr ,
And bloom for the bride ded lon ago: . . - '
When canr the holidays of fo r . i
Flocked thither mew) girls an loo, '
For a (Rimini place was the ()Id White Eliore
Forympting gins and glittering toys; i
- And the Ismer, there, full bags of grain;
To market brought in his harvestAvain.i
'-' The shingles, weather-browned and wail),
Wild winds lid up and beat away,
As, one by one, the locks are totn
From a bead twirl' age and sorrow gti'i
d f a
And the cheerful homes of the tle in r
Compott but ill with the place so r. i
linw lone is the Old White Store i nigsl.
When lamps at the village easement ileum. ,
And syirks that emit a,,ruddy !tight . ' '
b , From the roaring dint' upward steinte
Invaded reign " a fearful , pair
Darkness and Silence, are holding there:
F(orn rbacubers' Edcuburgb Muuzine
Towards die close et the year 1836, I was hurriedly
despatched to Liverpool for the purpose of securing the
p,ssoo of one Charles James Marshall. a collecting clerk.
who, it was soddenly discovezed„ had shimmied with •
considerable) SUm of money belonging to his employers.
I was too late—Charles James Marshall having, sailed
in•one of the American lineri 'the day 'before my arrival
to the northern commercial capital. This fact well as
certained. I immediately set °eon my return to London.
Wintill had come upon us unusually early; the weather
was bitterly cold; and a piercing. wind caused the snow
shich had beeUt falling heavily for several hours, to gy
rate in fierce, blinding eddies, and heaped it op here and
there into large and dangerous drifts. The obstruction
offered by the rapidly-congealing snow, greatly delayed
our progress between Liverpool add 'Birmingham; and
.4 1
at a few miles only distant from the latter city the lead
in: enine ran off the . line. Fortunately, the rate 'at
which we were t veling was a very itloir one, and no
accident of mime t occurred. Having no luggage to
care for, I walked on to Birmingham. wherel fooled the .
parliamentary train just on the poiafolf startittg. and with
some hesitation. on account of the severity of the weath
er, 1 look my seat in one of the then very much exposed
end uncomfortable carriages. We traveled steadily and
safely, though slowly along, and reached Rugby Station
in the afternoon, where we were to remain. the guard
told us, till a fast down train had passed.. All of us hur
ried as quickly as we could to the large room at this sta
tion, where blazing fires and other appliances soon thaw
ed the half-frozed bodies, and loosened the tongues of
the numerous and molly passengers. After recovering
themes of my benumbed 'antis inl faculties, I had lei
sate to look dotted and survey thernriscellineous assem
blage about in.. .
Two persona had traveledin the same compartment I
with me from Birmingham. whose exterior. as disclosed ' i
, by the dim light of the Railway carriage. created some
anrprise that such fibely attired, fashionable gentl ( einso
kild stoop to journey by the plebian pinny a - mile train.
.1 could now observe them in a clearerlight. and surprise
at then\spparent candocension vanished at once. To an
leye less experienced than mine in the artifices and cape
tdients familiar to a certain class of "'Wells." they might.
perhaps, have passedlinuster for whit they assumed to
be.! especially amidst the varied crowd of a "'parliamen
tary;" but their copper finery could not for a 'tamest
impose upon ins. The watch-chilies were, I saw, mo
saic: the watches. so freqtaently diap4 l yed. gilt; eye-glass
es the same; the cost., fit-collared and cuffed, were 01-
flitting end second hand; ditto of the varnished boots and
renovated velvet waistcoats; while the Iticirriant mus
taches and whiskers,: and Rowing wigs, were unmistak
ably mere pietas d'oceasiins—assumed and diversised at
pleasure. They were both apparently about fifty years
of age; one of them perhaps two or three years less than
that. I watched them narrowly, the More so from their
Linaking themselves ostentatiously; attentive to a young
i woman—girl rather she seemed— i .of a remarkable grace
ful figure. but Whose face 1 had not yet obtained a glimpse
of. They made boisterous way for her to _the fire. and
Were profuse add noise in_ their offers of refreshment—
all of yli,ch, 1 observed, were premptorify declined.—
She n.sdressed •in inep, onexpensive mourning; and
from liter timid gestures and averted head. whenever el..
the:43lllle (shows addressed her, was. it was evident,
l terrified as well as annoyed by thpr rude sad insolent no
tice.'"' I quietly drew near to the Mde of the fire-place at
which The stood, and with 'some difficulty obtained it
sight of her features. I was struck with citron's our
i;rico—cot so much at her singular beauty. as from an
iustautaneogs conviction that she was known,to me. or.
at least that 1 bad seen her frequently before, bet where
or when I could not at all call to my mind. Again I
looked. and wir first impression was eariturnsed. At this
f i l
moment tho er of the two meal bate partially des
cribed. placed is band. with a rode falltifiaritY. upon
the girl's sho o er, proffering at the same time a giaelof
hot brandy an watoy for. her atteeptaneo : Elba turfed
sharply and indignantly away (nine tho (Am; and look-
lag round ai if for toreteetioa. caught my eagerly fixed
tax• ' .
"Mr. Watim!" sbe immtleively ejaculated. "Oh I of her employers, who iavariably spoke of per with kinel
am so glad?" - ! new and respect. Nevertheless'. the mirk cud care o 1 a
..y"." I answere d. "m a ; is certainly my Damn; but Leaden life, with its incessant employment and' late'
I scarcely remember —. Stand beck - fellow:" 1 an- 1 hours. soon. I perceived, began to tell upon her health
grily connammi, as her tormentor. emboldened by the and apiritm• and it was cinsequently with a strong eme
spirits he had drank, pressed with a jeering grin upon don of pleasure that I heard front my wile that sbe lied
his face towards her. tendering the brandy and, wa- seen • passage in a letter from Mary'. mother, to the af
ter. "Stand back!" he replied by a curse and a threat. feet that the elder Westlake was betraying symptoms of
The next moment hit flowing wig was whirling Scroll yielding to the augrhand passionate expostulations of his
the room, and he standing. with his bullet-head bare bat only sou, relative to the enforced breliking off of hie Mi
rror a few locks of iree;gray, in an attitude of spenebleas gagensent With Mary_ Kingsford. The blush with Othieh
rage and contmdea, increased by the peals of laughter l'ehe presented the letter. was. I was told. very staler!,
which veined his ledierousuevrigged aspect. qiiiek- One evening. on 'passing Morris's shop. t observed
ly Put himself in a fighting attitude, becked 17 his Hartley:. and Simpson there. They were swallowingleas
companion, challenged me to battle. This was' quite lards and other confectionary with much gusto; an4!front
oat of the question; and I was somewhat at a loss how to their new sad costly habiliments: seemed to be in sairp!i
proceed. when the bell lug the instant departure singly good ease. They were smirking and smiling at
of the train rang out, any furious antagonist gathered up the cassias with rude confidence; and Sophia Clarke,
and adjusted his wig, and we all sallied forth to take oar was grieved to see. repaid their insulting impertineu r he
places—the young woman holding fast bg my arm. and by her most elaborate smiles and graces.' I passel o;
in a low, nervous voice,begiing me not to leave her: 1 and presently meeting with a brothel detective. who. it
watched the two fellows taketheur seats, and tbekled her' struck me. might know something of the two gentlemea.
to the hinihnset carriage. which we had to ourselves as 'I turned back with him, and pointed them oat. A One*
far as the next station. ' , sufficed hint. •
"Are Mn. Waters and Emily quite well?" said the "Manly aid Simpson you say?" he remerkedaf r ere
youoi woman, coloring, and loweriag her eyes beneath bad walked away to some distance; "those' are on! also
my earnest gaze. which she seemed• for a moment to
misinterpret. .-
_ .
"quits—entirely so." 1 almost stammered. "You
know . us. t h en?" .
"Surely I do," she replied, Id by my Manner.
"But you, it seems." she presently added with a winning
ensile, "have quite forgotten little Mary Kin ford."
"Mary Kiegsford!" 1 exclaimed almost i th a shout.
"Why, so it is! But what a transformation a few years
have effected!"
"Do yon th:olt so? Not pretty Mary Kingsford now,
thee, I suppose?" she addel. with • light. pleasant
kngh. •
••Yow know what t mean. you vain puss you:" I re
joined gleefully; tort was overjoyed it meeting with the
pada. well -remembered playtimes of my 'own eldest
Fit We tears old familiar friaada—almeet• father aad
daughter—+ as ioatatit. •
Little Mary Kingsford. I should state, was. when I left
Yorkshire.' ono of the prettiest. mid i engaging children
had ever seen; and a petted favorite not only with as.
but of every other family in the neighborhood. She was
the only child of Philip and Mary Kingeford—a bumble.
worthy, and much respected couple. The father was
gardener to Sir Pyott Q.lull, and her mother eh ... 4 'out
his wages to a respectable maintaioasee by kriepiag ti
cheap children', school.' The change which a few yeari
had wrought in the beautifel child was quite erffieientiti
account for my imperfect recognitioaof her; but the in
stant her name was mentioned. I at Ones reeognised the
taro comeliam, which had charmed sr all is her child
hood The soft brown eyes were the same. though now
revealing profounder depths,, and omitting a more pea.
sive expreision; the hair. though deepened in color; ,wen
Ea) gulden; her complexion. itt up as it now was by's
sweet blush. was brilliant as ever; whilst her child-per
sok had become 'matured and devolped 'into womanly
symmetry sod grace. The -brillisnei. of color vanished
from her cheeks as I glanimil meaniugly at her mourn
ing dress.
"Yes." she murmured in • sad quivering voice—"yei.
father is gone! It will be six mouths come next Thme
day that be died! Mother is well." she continued more
cheerfully. after • pans. "in health% but pocirly off; nod
I—and I," she :Wiled. with a faint effort at a smile. "am
going to London to seek my fortune!"
"To seek your fortune:"
"Yes; you know my cousin, Sophy Cluke? In one of
hir letters, she said she often saw you."
nodded without speaking. I knew little of Sophia
parke, except that she 'A as the somewhat gay, coquett
ish shopworn an of a • -pectable confectioner in the
Strand, whom I shall e.tli vy the name of Metric
"l am to be Sophy's fellow shop-assistant." continued
Mary Kingsford; "not of tennis at-first at such. good wa
ges assists gets. So lucky for me, is it not, sines I- must
go to service? And so kind, too. 'of Sophy, to interest
herself fur met".
••Well,.it *nay be so. But annalyl 'bare be rd—my
wife at least his—that sots cud Richard Westlake were
engaged? Excuse me. Mary. was not aware the sub
ject was a painful of unpleasant one."
••Richard's father." she ooplted with some spirit. "has
higher views for his see. It is all between as now."
she added; "and perhaps it is fu the best that it should
I could have rightly interpreted these words without
the aid of the partially-suppressed sigh which followed
them. The perilous position of so sweetie...a inexpe
rienced. so guilelesyS young creature, amidst the temp
tations and vanities of London. so painfully impressed
and pre-occupied me. that 1 scarcely tittered another
word till the rapidly diminishing rats of the train announ
ced that we neared a station, after which iLwas probable
we shnnlil have tio farther opportunity for private con
"Those men—these fellows at Rogby—when did you
meet with them?" I ioquired.
•'About thirty or forty mills below Birmingham. where
the Y, entered the carriage u which I vas seated. At
I:irtniughtur I managed to avoid them:"
L:ttlo . more passed between as till we reached London.
Sophia Clarke received her cousia et the' Easton station,
and profess of felicitations and compliments upon her ar
rival and personal appearance. After receiving a prom
ise from Mary Hinsford to call and take tea with my wife
and her old . playmate, on the following Sunday. 1 hand
ed the two young women into a cab in waiting. and they
drove off. I had not moved awn• from the spot when •
voice a few paCes behind me. which l thought I recoe-
nista& called out: •.Quick, coschee, or yogi!l lore sight
of them!" As I turned quickly round, another cab drove
sinareyroff, which I followed it a run. I found on rea-
ching Lower Seymour• Street. that I was not mistaken
.as to the owner of the voice, for of his purpose. The
Niles! I had unwigged at Rugby. thrust his body half out
of the cab window. and pointing to the vehicle which
contained the two girls, called out to the driver "to mind
and make he mistake." The. Man nodded intelligence,
and lashed his hone into a faster pace. Nothing that I
might do could prevent the fellows from ascertaining Ma.
ry Kingeford's place of 'aboOe—atici as that'wu all that.
for the present at least, need be apprehended , desisted
from pursuit, and beat my steps homewards. .
Mary Kingsford kept her appointment on the Sunday.'
end to reply - to our questioning, said she liked her anet-
lion very well Mr. and Mrs. Morris wire exceedinglY
kind to her; so was Sophie. "Her cousin," she added,
in reply to a look which l could not repress, "was per
haps a little gay and free of manner, bet the best-hearted
creature in the world." The two fellows who bad fol
lowed them, had. I foam!. already twice visited the shop.
but their attentions appeared now to be exclusively di
rected toward! Sophia Clarke, whose vanity they not •
liule gratified. The names they give were Hartley and
Simpson. So entirely pile*, bud unsophisticated was
the goads country Insides. that I saw she scarcely com
prehended the hiet• and musings which I threw out —.-
At parting. however..he made, me u serious promise.
that she would Instantly apply to me should any difficulty
ersperplaiity overtake Imr e " .
I often piled la at the confectioner's, and was gratified
to And that Mary's modest propriety of behavior.
voinevrhat diMesit position. bad Rained lac the Rood
of their samarium abates. I cannot, however, say
am es-yet on very familiar term' with them; bat
am especially directed to cultivate their sequoia
there is ao doubt we shall be more intimate with
other before long. Gamblers, blacklegs, swindlers,
ready know thew to be: sad I would lake odds the
not unfrequeudy something More, especially when fo
and the bones run across with them.
"They appear to be in high feather just now,"
'•Yes; they are connected. I suspect. with the
who cleaned opt young Gentlede last week. in Je
street. I'd ley a trifle," added my friend, as I turn
leave hint. "that one or both of them will wee
Queen's livery, gray turned up wiib;yeHow, before
weeks are put.. Good-bye." -
About • fortnight after this conversation. ! an ,
wifi paid a visit to Ast'cr.!, for the gratification o
yquartere. who had long been promised a eight o 4 the
,equestrian marvels exhibited at ;that celebrated ampithe
etre., It wpa t e tarter end of February; and wheal we
came out of lb theatre we found the weather had chin
gee to dark an sleety.. with a sharp. nipping wind.' I
had to callat Scotland-Yard; my wife and childrenn
tiequentl?-primeeded home in a cab without me; and ie.'
ter assisting to quell a slight disturbance briginating,i• W
gin-place close by. I woman my way over Westminster
Bridge. The inclement weather had cleared the sttts
and thoroughfares in a surprisingly short time; so. at
excepting Myself, no foot-passenger was visible on the
Midge. till I had about half crossed it. when a female 14-
ure closely muffled op aboit the head. and sobbing. bit
terly. passing rapidly by on the opposite side. 1 tattled
and gazed after the retreatink figure: it was si youthful
symmetrical one; mid after a few
,moments hes!tatioM 1
,i i
determined to follow at • distance. and as uttobeei billy
as I could. •On the wo m en sped without posits halite
boa. till she reached Amboy's. where 1 observed her slop
itudilenly and toes her arms ia the air with • gesture of
. ' tea. 1 quickemol my memo. which a b s obserrlog
uttered a' slight scream. and darted swiftly off adain.
moaning and subbing as she ran. The slight momenta
ry glimpse 1 had obtained of her features beneath the ss
latupoppoaite /obey's, suggested a frightful apprel fu
sion, and 1. followed at my utmost,speed. She turnmi at
the first cross street, and 1 should soon have overta k en
her. but that in dar i t7g folk] the corner where she dis
appeared', I ran fu) butt sgai Mt a stont j elderly gentleman
wbo was hurrying smartly along out of the weathM.—
What with the auddennees of the shock. and the alipperi
nese piths iiavement.down we both reeled:and by theliise
we bad regained our feet. and growled isvagely at each
othe the hung woman. wit ite was. had dimwit
red. and more than half an hotter eager search arm
her :yoked fruitless. At last I bethought me of hiding at
One tomer of Westminster Bridge. I bad wa tched
patiently for about twenty minutes. when I observed:the
object of my pursuit itealing timidly and furtively tower&
the. bodge. on the oppeeite wide of the war. As she
came nearly abreast of 'Where 1 stood. I darted forwilid.
Elbe saw. without recognising me, and uttering an rule
lion of terror, flew down towards the river where • nimil
ber of pieces of balk and other timber were fastened to
gether, forming a kind of loose raft. 1 followed with des
perate haste. for I saw that it wai indeed Mary Kings
ford, and londly'calling to her by name to 'top. Sheol did
not appear to hear me. and in a few moments the an
happy•giri had gained the end of the timber raft.. One
f tim
anima she aed. with clasped hands. upon the brink.
aid a an an t her had thrown herself ha* the dark and
moaning n er. On reaching the spot where she had
disappeared. 1 could not at first see her, is conseqmince
of the dark mourning dresi' she had on. Presently 1
caught sight of her still upborne by her spread clothes.
already carried by the swift current beyond my reach.—
The only chance was to crawl along a piece of round tim.
ber which projected' further into this river. and by the end
,of which she must pass. This 1 greeted with womwdif
-6014. and laying asyielf otit at fell length. vainly endea
vored. with outstretched. straining anus to grasp, her
dress. There was nothing melt for it but to pinup in at
ter her. I will coafeee Watt 1 hesiteted to do so. !pas
eucuwbered with s heavy dress. which there wee uo
time to put oft, and, moreover, like most inland mitt, 1
was but an 'oddment swimmer. My indecision quickly
vanished. • The wretched girl, though gradually sinking.
had not yet uttered a cry. or appeared to straggle; , bat
when the chilling waters reached her lips. she seamed
to suddenly revive to a consciousness of the horror of her
fate; she fought wildly with the engulphing tide, and
shrieked piteously fur help. B;fore one could count ten.
I had grasped her bead above the surface or the river.—
Ai I did so, I felt es if suddenly encased sod weighed
down by leaden germinate, so quickly had my thick cloth
ing and high boots sueked in the water. Vainly, thri ll
burdened and imrded, dad 1 endeavor to regain the raft;
The st ag tide bore us outward. SO 1 glared round in
'neapible dismay. for some means of extrication from
involved.—th e fright peril in which 1 found myself invelvid.
Happily; right so the direction the ude was drifting as.'
large barge lSiy. moored by • chain-cable. Edgerly 1
seized and twined one arm firmly round it. mod thus par
tially encore. hallooed with renewed pole er formaistauce.
It soon came. A peeler-by bad witnessed the flight of
the girl. and my pursuit. mid was already hamenieg with
others to oniaisistance. A whew,' was unmated: gni-
ded by my voice they soon reached us; and bet • brief
interval elapsed belore we were safely housed in an ad
joining tavern.
A change of dress. with which the . landlotd kindly sup
plied me. a bluing fire, and a utopia of glasses of bran
dy and water boon restored warmth and vigor to my chil
led and partially benumbed limbat bat. more than two
hours el 'pied before Mary. lobo had swallowed a geed
deal of water. was in ■ condition to be removed. I had
jest sent for a cab, when two police officers. well known
to me. entered the rum with official briskness. Mary
scroamed, staggered towards insomts dieting to my arm.
besought me. with treads iparsestness. to saes her.
"What is the meaning cif thisi" I enchanted. address
ing ono of the polies °Seas.
"Merely." said se, . •'that the Tee% weans ?hat's
cliugiag so tight (*you boa beOw.cosisasittiatea sada
sisal robbery"--..
••fife—ao—o!" breltO h dor; berated girl.
••Qb! °parse you'll say os l ."' continued the officer.
"Allf knew, bh, that the. diamond brooch was found
'milli hid away is bar owo.bos. Bat come. we - basw
his. attar you for the last dui+ boors; su you bad bet
ter come aloof at awe."'
•'Bate asst—eater met" sobbed poor Mary. ai she
tightened bar 'grasp upon my arm sod looked witb be
seactdeitagoay is my face. -
. '•Be comforted." I Whispered: "Jos shall p home with
Calm yourself.; Miss Kuigsford." I added in a
leadir tone; ••I no more belie*, you kiwis stolen a dia
mond brooch than that I have." -
.11len yout—bleu you!"—ehe giipsd in the intervals
of her convulsive lobe. I
1 - ,
"There is some wretched miitapprehensiop in this bu
siness. I im sure," I continued; "but at all events I shall
b ai l be s -'...f or this night at leaeti"
"Bill her! That is hardly regular."
"No: but you will tell the' Superintendent that Mary
Kingsford is in my custody. and Chit • kansiver for her
appearance to•morrow."
The men hesitated. but 1 Florid too well at headgear-
tors for them to do more than hesitate: land the cab I had
ordered being just then ansoupeed. I *passed with L ary
oat df the rot.m as gaiekly v I could. for I fears her
senses were again leaving her. The air revived her filled ber int!" tho cab. placing myself
beside her. She appeared t+ listen in fearful doubt
whether 1 eboeld be 'allowed tiltiike her with ate: and-it
was:not till th, wheels had made a seers of revolutions
thatherteare vanished; then, l!limwing herself upon my!
seek in an eastacy of gratitude!, she buist into a flood of
tests. and continued till *we r i sched home.. sobbing on
my bosom like a broken hearted child. She had. I found
been there about two o'clock to seek me, and being told
that I was gone to Astley's had started off to find me
there. • -
' ii"
Mary still dept. or at least 'She had not risen; Wilco I
left home the following morning to endeavor to get at the
bottom of the Strange 'accusatiOn preferred against her.
I &miaow the snperintendent, Who; after hearing what I
had, to, say. quite approved •f 141 that I had done..and en
twisted the cuss entirely to my biro. 1, text saw Mr. and
Mrs. Morris and SaptiisCiarkeiond then waited upon the
prosecutor. a young gentlemae of the name of Saville.
lodging in Essex street. Strand. One or two things I
heard, rleeewitated a Visit to other officers of police. Jai
tifiitally. as I found, issize,l up, with the affair. By the
time all this was d00n,,,,1nd a* effectual watch had been
placed upon Mr. Augartut Seidler movertienta. even
ing bad fallen, and I Wended My way homewards, both
to obtain a little rest. and hear Mary Kingsford's version
I 1
of the ,straogi story.
,ij eti
The re It of my, inquirice may be thus briefly sum
med u Tea days before. Sophia Clarke told he cou
sin t' *tithe had ordere for Covint Gardeit‘Theatte and
es ft was not one of their bogy! nights - . she though she
might obtaiti leave to, go. Marc expressed her doubt of
this, as both Mr. end Mrs.. Morris-. who were strict, and
sortie whet fanatical Dime oters.:disaPproved of playgoing,
eapecieMy for young women 114evertheless Soptia asked,
and informed Mary that the reqiired perinissiois - had been
readily accorded. and - off they went in high spirits; Mary .
especially. who had never been to a thews in her life.
When there, they were joined by Hartley and, Simpson,
much to Mary's annoyance. eePecielly as she slaw that
her cousin expected them. At the conclusion of ihe en
tortsiumuts, they all:four cane out together., when aid
dimly there arose a heading aid confusion, accompanied
with loud eateries. and a violect swaying to and fro of
the crowd. The distuthance wits, however, soon quelled;
and Mary and her consin_ltad reached the outer door.
.ivbea two police officers seized Hartley and hie friend.
.and insisted open their going with them. A scorns en
sued; but otheroffieers being et hand, the two men were
secured and carried off. The,coneins, terribly frighten.
ed. stalled a coach. and were very glad to find themselves
safe at home agaii. 1 And now: it came out that Mr. and
Mrs. Morris had been told that:• they were going to spend
the evening at sty house, and had no idea they were go
ing to the play! Vexed as !Kitty wsrst the deception.
she wu too kindly-tempered fp refeseto keep ter coo
sin'sseeret; especially koowit* as she did that the dis
cosery of the deceit Sophia had practised would in all
probability be (cinema by her immediate discharge.
Hardy and his Erie' d swaggered , on the following after
noon. into the shop.*ltd whispered Sophia that their ar
rest by the police had arisen sl um a strange mistake, for
which the most ample apolo gyhad been offered end ac
cepted. After this. matters w e nt on as usual, except that
Mary percitHed •:growieg insolence and fe.nilianty in
qastley's matinee inwards her. His language lei fre
quad/ quite uoiztelligibk. and once he asked her plain
ly, "if she did not mean that he should go shares in the
price she had lately found?" 4 ,Upon Mary replying that
she did net comprehend hint. bisiook became absolutely
ferocious, and he exclaimed: "Oh. that's your game, is
it? But don't try it on with 'rits, my good girl. I advise
you." So violent did he bt;elinie, that Mr. Morris was
attracted by the noise. and ultiMately bundled him. neck
aud heels, out of the shop. She ha+ not seen either him
er his companion since. ', ,
On the evening of the previcers day. a gentleman whom
she had , never remembered ttrhave seen befit's*. entered
the shop. took iiseat, and helped himself to a tart. She
observed. that alter • while he looked at her very ' CI
neatly; and at length approachluequititelore said, "You
were at Covent-Garden theatre last Tuesday evening
week?" Mary was struck. as she said, all:of a heap,
for both Mr. and Mrs. Morris were in the shop. and heard
the question.
"Oh arr. nu! you mistake." she said. hurriedly, and
feeling at the saws films her eiheeks kindle intonflame.
"Nay. but you were though," rejoined the gentleman.
and then lowering his voice tea whisper. he said. "And
let the advise yea. if you wouid avoid sapience and cOn
digu restore-me thb diainond ,brooch you
robbed me of on that evening." ' •
Mary screamed with terror,and a regular scene ensu
ed. She Was obliged' teconfeas she 'had told a falsehood
in denying she was tt the theatre on the night in yes
tion, and Mr. Monis:after that slimed inclined to believe
anything of her. Ti, gentlemen persisied in his charge;
but at the same time vehemently re tariff nehis assurance
that all he-wanted was his property; and it was ultimate
ly decided that Mbry's boles, as well as her person should
be searched. This Mae done; and to her utter conster
nation, the brooch was found concealed, they said, in a
liktek-silk reticule. Denials. asseverations, were in vain.
Mr. Saville identified the brolich, but once more elided
to be content with'its. restoration. This Mr. Morris, •
just. stern man. world not consent to.. sod be lent to
common a policeefficer. Before he returned, Mary, by
the advice of both her cousin land Mrs. Morris. had fled
the house;ind hurried in a state of distraction to find me.
with whet result the reader already knows.
"It isa wroteed business." I observed to, my wife. as
seen as Mary Kingsford bad retired to rest, at shoat n ips
o'clock in the evening. "Lilts you. I have no double
the poor girl's perfect innocence; bat • how to establish it
by satisfactory evidence. is another matter. I most Mho.
her to Bow street the dayefter to-morrow. '
"Geed God, bow dreadful!' Can nothing be done—
What doss the prowicatar say: the brooch is worth?"
its say% ••g }}'vin a haa i drod sad twenty
rising for it. Bat that girlies little; for were Ito worth
$l5O A TISAU, - ia Adv.**.
' NUMBER 26,
Gutty • hundred sod twenty farthings, eolaptotaiserio. you
know. out or the question:"
••1 did - ',lt- Cr
not mean that. :en you show it Me? lam
pretty good judge of the value of jewels,"
"Yes, yon can see it." 1 took it oat ef,, the desk is
which 1 had tacked it op, and placed it Ilekare ber ! ' h
was a splendid emerald. encircled by large brilliMets.
My wife twisted and tamed it shoot. holding i 1 Is sp
carts of light', and at last taid—"l de sot believe Snit ei
therdihe emeralds or the brilliants are resit—tat tits
brooch is, in fact • worth twenty ebi lingo Intriasieslly."
••po you say so," I exelainsed as I jumped ,sip from
my chair, for my wife's words gave a color and eionsiete
elms to a dim and faint suspicion ahieh bad jsrosied my
mind. "Then this Saville is a manifest liar; aid per
haps confederate with , Bat give me amyl had 1
will ascertain this point at once."
I hurried to • jeweller's shop, and found t at my
wife's opinion was correct; apart frorrt ; ,tbe work p.
which was very One. the brooch was valueless. Coat.
jecturee. suspicions, hopes, fears. chased each o 'whit
bewildering rapid: y through my brain; and in to
collect and arrange my thoughts. I stepped ou of the
whirl of the streets in to Dully'A chop house.
over a quiet glass of negus, upon my plea o ral:1 " "Iste.
The next morning there appeared at the to of hems
ond column of the "Times."'an earnest appeal. °rad
with careful obecisrity. so that only the pe I, whoa
it was addressed should easily understand it, to the iedi.
widest who bad lost or been robbed of a f orgies and
briliants at the theatre, to communicate wi a latish"
person—without delay, in order to save the : repletation,
perhaps the life, of an innocent perton. !:
1 was at the address I had given, by 9 o'' Bet .
eral hours 'passed without bringing any one..an4 I *an
beginning to despair, when a gentleman by the time of
Bagehawe was announced; I fairly leaped for joy, few this
wee beyond my hopes.
- A gentleman presently entevd. of about thirtylyclirs of
age, of a distinguished, though somewhat diseipitteir as.
"This brooch is yonrs!" said I, exhibiting, it iwitbout
deley. or preface. 1
, "It w; and lam here to know what your Isgular ad . .
vertisemeut meanie?" • 1
"I briefly explained the siturdon of affairs.,
"'The-rascals!" he broke in almost before I hid finish
ed; "I will briefly explain it all. A fellow O . t ii name
Hardy. at least that was the name he gave, rob mo.
I was pretty sure, of this brooch. I, pointed hi out I.
the Rol:ce, and he was taken intoc.ultody; bet Pc:tiling
tonna upon him, he was discharged:"
"Not entirely, iMr: Itsgshaere, on that accou
refined, when arrived at the station house. to st
you had been robbed of; awl you, moreoveraaid
euce of the culprit, that you were to embark
ascertained. did embark, as you acid it woild:"
True; bin I had leave of absetkee. and•shelli
overland route. The truth is. that during the
the !Italian boas. (hid laisare'to reflect that if
formal charge, it would lead to awkward disci
This brooch is an imitation of one presented
valued relative. Loam at 'play--eince. for
tousle young woman's sake. I most out with It
me to part with the origonal; and I wore chie. I
conceal the fact from my relative's knowledge.
"This will, sir." I replied. "prove, with . a li
agement, quite sufficient for . all porpoaos. Y
objection to accompany me to the superintend
••Net in the least: only I wish the devil bad[
as wallas the fellow that stole iL" 1
About half-past Elie o'clock on the same'evi44.. tbo . l
street dool. was quietly opened by the landlor of the
haute in-which Mr. &Irvine !edged. and I walked into
the front room on the first floor, where I foetidsi gen
tleman I sought languidly reclining on a sofa. • t
himself smartly up at my appearance. be looked sly in
my face. lie did not appear to like what he maid than,
••I did not expect to see you to-day." heitaid hilt.
.•rtio, perhaps not: but I have news for you. . Bag
shawi, the owner of the hundred and twee plume
broach, your deceased uncle pp. you, did not il kw In..
d ia, and— • . • --
The wretched car, before 1 could conclude,
knees begging for mercy with disgusting aN. -
could have spurned the scoundrel where be era
**Came. air:" 1 cried, ”let us have no anis
humbug: mercy is not icy my, power, as you
know. Stnve to deserve it. 'We want Ha
Simpson; and cannot find them; you Must aid •
"Olsyesi to be sure 1 will!" eagerly rejoined
eel. "1 will g. for thew at once," be added wi •
of hesitating assurance.
"Nousause! Send for therm you mag; Do will Wait their arrival."
His note was deXpatched by a sure hand; an
while 1 arranged the detailL of the expected m -
and • faded. whom I momentarily expected,
sconce .ourselves behind a large screen in t
whilst Mr. Augusto. Saville would run pltyfoll •
chariding plot irith his two friends, eo we migh
to fogy appreciate its merits. Mr. Saville a
rang die bell, an officer appeared, aid we took
in readiness. We had scarcely done so, when
bell rang, and Saville announced the arrival n
federates. There was a twinkfe in the fellown
which I thought I understood. "Do net try t '
Auttetus Saville," I quietly remarked; "we alio
here certainly, hut there are half it dozen in
No more was said. and in another Minute
met. It was • boisterowly jolly meeting. so
lug hands and mutual felicitatioas oa each
looks and health went. Saville 1,141. I
most übstreperonaly gay of all three.
"And yet now 1 look at you. Saville. el
Hartley. ••yuu don't leek quite the thing. Hai
a ghost?" .
"No; but this cursed brooch affair worries
111 110oseuse—bunibue- r it's all right; we
barked in the, same boat. It's a regular th -
game. I priggedit; Simm) here whipped it
kldry's retica!N 'Oath she. I 'apposed, nes*
to till the row came; tad you claimed it-,a
round, aint it. eh? Ifs! ha! ha---ha."
"Quite so. Mr. Hartley. Said I. suddenly f
at the same time stamping. on the Boor; "is
dellginful merry-go-round; and here. yes pe
added. u the officers crowded into the room,
gentlemen to join in it."
I must not stain the paper With the curses. i
blasphemies. Which for a brief space resound ,
the apartment. The micas were safely and!
locked up a quarter of au hour afterwards; an
mouth bad passed away. all three wire tran4
is acarcely'necessary to remark. that they be
brooch to ba genuine. and of emit vales. •
Mary Kiniaford did not noted to return to
Writlake, the elder, withdrew hit veto upon
choice. and the wedding was celebrated in doe
May with,greal rejoicing; Alsry's old playmate
no brideettinid. and I as totidestether. The
couple hay* now a rather numerous fau►ik,
blessed with affection, pesos , and compote •
some time, however. before , Mary reeves
shock of her London adienture; and I am
that the disagreeable reminiscences itteeporskd
ed in her mind with the metropolis will prove_
onto person from being present at the W
Fair. • •
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