Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, October 25, 1851, Image 3

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    Political and General N
The i.retie Expedition.
From the Hogue Journal I
For the first time, after six years of uncerisinty,
we have authentic and satisfactory evidence of the
course and position of Sir John Franklin in to Arc
tic Seas. The coast on both • aides of row's
Straits has now been so carefully and contin Misty
l i d
explored as to leaven° reasonable doubt that . after
wintering in 1846 at Beachrh Island, the es Ilion
moved northward to Inner Point, then taro k to
wards the northw,est, and entered Wellington
Stria-el and in the unknown lands or waters beyond
- Oat channel, without doubt, the remnants of that
company, living ordead, now are. Thus far he re
searches of the exploringships ought to be consid
ered aa eminently succesarul: Having a-certained,
by their systematic investigations, a vast rasge of
piece where the Franklin party are out, they have,
by a process of exhaustion , narrowed the i vary
doe nto a single channel, in which it beco a al
most demonstrable that they now are. - Well iagion
Channel is preciaely Me direction which later. sive,-
tigations show us that Sir John Frank,m ou la to
have taken to find - what be went in stearch o —the
no west passage. We have taken some no to
took at the various letters 'and re;eirts of i
that have appeared upon the subj ct, and ou
elusion id, that there is ho sulheient o reann t.
elude that Sir John Franklin'. company are rt
living in the regions beyond Wellington Cn
The probabilities are in favor of their being it
ty in those waters, Or encamped on those tiler
locked in that ice...whether ice, islands, or
waters are the condition of things beyond
mysterious barriers of bdtaan knowledge, and t
°a the 19th of May, 1845, Sir John sailed
the Thames with two ships, the Erebus and
and they were list 'seen on the 26th of July
same year, moored to an fceb..?rg in 11315. i's 1
Tne whole number of men in the two ves=sel
,13S. The ships were thoroughly well (lin'
and had small steam engines; with screw pro.
'They were provisioned fur three years; 'nu th j
p'te- , , with - ood management, would have s '
for four years. There is every probabilit 1
real leer and musk oxen frequent dhe regions , 1
and ice to which the party bane been traced.
6,h no doubt ere to be had. It is a reasonabi!
coitic conjecture, entertained by well-informe!
son , , that the climai f e in tho-e regions is mill •
it is lower down, arbtfie greater amounts of 8
fee have become packed. It must be rern-i
al,o that the severe cold of those northern rail,
tuongh causiug much suffering and priv lit iii,
vourabte to. - the preservation of life. oit o
expeditions despateh. d to the Polar Seas,
employed sit hun red an I nine men, acid wee .'
average duration f three years, no enure than
persona died fromicauses in any way connecte ,
the expeditions. We entertain very .little 1
that a powerful steamer, capable of mai:mg it
through the pack-ice, if sent at the earnest p•
period of the next slimmer into Wellington
lielrwould slid the remains of the Franklio,e
lion; and if not soon enough _to rescue them
-death, would at least solfe the distressing do
which their fate is now, wmpt.
RESCUED Carrivas..- , -.The, Wasifington. Re !
Aires an Interesting nairratitie of the reiiiciselh
Bartlett, the United State tioundary Corn,n A.
on the Santa Rita de 'Cubre, of a young' fel al. 1
a number of horsed and miles, founJ in p, -.
i .
of a party of Nets -Mesican traders, "who w:'. '
their return from-. 11 ;railing excursion in the
terDory in 111exico,t•to Santa Fe. The. C.
'wirer on being informed of the feat that the t I
'had this female prisoner in their pnasessiim, d '
it his duty, under the pioviyions - of the AI
treaty; to cants an examination to lie made tt;.
eircurb.tsnces of the elide, to atcertain wiled'
property had not been purchased of the India
ti.oation of the treaty of Goad.ilotioa 11•dalgr
being satisfied that such was the fact, he can
prisoner and the aidmats to be detained,•for th
pote of being restored. -
The prisoner was an artle44 female, of p
messing appearance, about 15 year,' of age. 6
clarei that her ram • wits Inez G invites. an
she was the daughter of turnerchant of Scrota -
in the State of S to Ira. ali that in li.tJte nhe
she left home. with members of Vir family to
fair at a distance of eighty Says j ourney, i;
course of which the party was-attacked lay a i
Pinot Wiens, by whim they were overpowe i
Tier uncle ant t their guard of 10 then wan t
caption of three+ Were killed, en I the girl to!
with a feratiplcom 'anion and a bay, were
into captivity. Pro n chit Indian parry the f i
with the animals, had been purchased by the t i
as was suppo-ied for the Kirpose of -demon ,
large sum fir be, redemption ' Toe C"mmisl
upon theae facts determined up in detallog th
oner, • . -
IfirAll , UPPUTILAGEL-011 Saturday et
about 8 o'clock, a stranger named J. M.
Irom Milford, Michigan, while on the beim,:
the dock of the Central Railroad boat..., Seam
oa by three or four miscreants, knocked Jow
Pldng shot, and very badly wounded.' ; His 1
bag was then taken . from him, ■nd also his
book, containing over $3OO iii nioley, c o ts ,
notes of the Canandiagua Bank, the remit
notes of Michigan Banks. 'He was dragged
and it is supposed that the design
conceal the deed by drowning him. Mr. L.. 1
sensible when found by the Watch. He is ,
the Loaejty House and is expected to moor. .
few days. No trace has yet been discovered
perpetrators of this horrible Outrage, -but the
are determined on ferreting them out, and
crinfident they wail d t it, \
THE sebseribers to the capital stock of the
Waterford Plank Kea company. ere hereof
that the fuel call on the amount subscribed. ion
to 27 per Clot., u revived to be paid to the T
of said company at his office in Erie. on or, be
12th of November next. By order of the B iard
• A: KING. Tre
By Jonas Gaul
Erie. Oct ; 26
. I am directed by the Board to call the &twins
scribers to the tltit Section of an Act 'Regulating
pike and Plank Read cotnpatites. approied the 21
of January. II:149.
'• Section 8. 11 a stockholder, whether an i
subscriber or assignee. after tare •ty days notice a i
amid, of the time and place appointed 10f the pat
soy nistalment of spropottion of the capital atoe
neglect to pay such proportion st the place apron
the space of thirty days after the' time appoin -
pay meut thereof. any such-stockholder shell. in
to the instalments c .lled for. pay at the rats of
rectum per mouth. for every delay of such paytn
if the same and additional penalty shalfbecoine
the aunt before paid in pert on acceuut of leech •
bailie may be forfeited by and to the said cutup
may b. sold by them for seek tinctures may lie
therefor; or in defitaltmf payment of any swath
such instalment" as aforesaid, fur the apnea of n
aforesaid, the President end managers may, at th
too. cause suit to be brtirght in the same manes '
of a like amount are now recoverable , for the. I
the same, together with the peneltieireforemid.".
A. ICING. Teeter
Oct. 23. • By loess Gin
JA PA rr W ARE .-- Just received soother lot exprewl
love, at Birjrai• RUFUS
AX UCH elm be ha fur , el al each at
Hardware Store No. 3, Reed Whist. RUMS
rp if F. stockholder* in the Erie and EJenboro Plank
pant arc notified that in ettv Lion; of neaten fur as
ny will Lake place at the &Me Of the comny in Et se "
nday of November, 1 31. at 2 o'clock P.M.P.
Oct 13. 1031, P. ARBUCKLE. IMP
List of Clauses 1
Fes down Mx Dud on the brat Monday In }J ember Ida
livid Pallet, vs BenyanaL Raw.
Jana- W. Clark vs P A. 'l.oster et
1 , ... Parvons ,v 1 A. Kelley.
I) Moore' vs J. C Reid, mini
t, Lodge vs -. J. Posner.
J. 11 Mater eta( vs - C. Graft, et el
A Fidler vs W. Mumma
J.&V Jonsson vs William Brown
Jatl Jotiumn " vs Habitat t:lnorcb
s tbek aumn . WA P P Cady. 1
M. Ist Donald vs Malcreek Tow nnhip.
lts Pallier • vs Jobs Puna,. et it
• JAM MUNN. •B. Pro.
• '
DEN rim from ktgexy li erienee. I WZft re
d to execute Pen
work in a superior vt3,le. Teeth tubed by hr are wn r-
Tiled retain their Minty and prevent the progrerd of dreoY•
r'S'ol- and part sew of Antacid Teeth on eamottied Bold rime.
' wto Oro venting the uonatorai appee, which aroldltras In the
hvarth Pariteular sue. lion Paid to onerattous fur fd/fte lip sad
mirittal palate. Dr. B. Implies it dPouetly understidal that be
totwatteott loomed to Ease. and froth etreViteeotioo
"'mewl. t o MOW sad receive shoreortatroo
th• Russell, Ito 3, liegbr# Ere
' News* Telegraph and Mail.
By BB BEVIS LI Pi 11:—Olike I. Williams' Mack. Bale Street
Theenteamer =aide, from Chagree. reached her dock
at 11 o'clock to-day. with two weeks later news from
California and Oregon. She twinge 387 pameagers and
$1.900.000 is gold duet. also the California made of the
15th. The - Brother Jonathan left Chores with very few
passe•gara, on the wresting of the 9th. 13enator Gwino
came p manger to the Illinois. The completion of the
PanamaTtaifreed to Gayton was to take place . on Oct.
10th. as at the time of the ceiling of the 111mois there re
mained only 400 feet to be fillt4l is. sod they wore mak
ing great progress daily.
The specie train was 'ebbed on Sloterday after leaving
Panama. 'bon moral miles at. the way. The seas Sew
like electricity through Pinions. and merchants. lacers.
and soldiers forthwith started iu but purseit. After rid
ing 7 Capt. Garrison and his friends came up with
the tru:n and found it in the wildest confusion. Three
of the gcsrd had been shot hy.the robbers and were ly
iag oa the rend aide. Twe were timed dying chef is the
bream, and others badly wounded. The robbers bad
made of with the „box of geld dem, hot delayed by the
heavy box the pursuers siren overtook them. when they
abandoned the bsx and Bed. . Two of the robbers were
captured. Thomas Sommers dem New York City wig
one ohhein. A atiois was pot shout his neck sod lynch
law was making the last of bitn, when he begged for his
life. and promised to tell all if they would not bang him.
when he did tell the whole story of all the persons en
gaged with him Another' party of the pursuers over-
took Chides Cromwell. from Now York city. He too
begged hard for his life. and they spared him after be
made a fall eenfoosion, but not till he bad been half hoop
smile ten' minutes. Of the persons captured were Dr
Berry. of N. Orleans, and Lobes Manning. of Illinois.—
There are also in prison Dr. Bukt. cud one Deguaut. res
idence unknown.' There are Bee more still et largo. who
it ts said cannot escape. The robbers bad been inform
ed and:belmireil that the specie train had io it 2.000.000
dollars. One of the shot died in a short time.
s. ill
de, or
;n the
A disease bad made its appearance among the Chi
nes, population of Ssu Francisco resembling cholera.
and in 601110 instances resulting fatslly. The physietans
report a great increase of the number of sick of the dye
enters—the prevailing malady of this season. .
3 ti
it ie. , .
is fit
The latest returns show a majority et 49`1 for Readipg
the wing candidate fur governor, though the malt is still
in doubt. the oSicial returns can alone decide the result.
The Legislature is democratic sere. The vine through
out the State was small. The division of the State still
attracts con-idelfahte discussion. The m - hers of the
leg alsturis from the Suethern connliet, a pledged to the
inurement: From reliable returns in e Sao Francisco
Herald of the 15:14 the whip hav elected two State
Senators and the democrats 11. e tie whig stud lire dem
ocrst-c senators hold over. T - Senate , consists of 23
members. In the House epeeists of 63
members. The counties t • . heard frees will redoubt
°di) the danozrats majoritt and the D. 8. 'Seam
ier. Messrs. E. C. M shall and W. McCurckle. demo
crats. are elected to '°ogress.
Several is ad left aid others were about leaving
fur the Sidney • d Austria gold
Tna ludic in the southern pens had beCtime trout
lesome. 'IC executions had tskeu place inure the sail
ing of tho last steamer -
or 1411
Lot in
0 In)
The gold diggings con'inue to yield rich keturos. the
11111 , deroll:llguurtz Wines being worked with great success:
In the dr)btliggiap the miners are only waitiogi for rare
to take (maims amounts.
CiNC1111111•11, October 21.
The steamers Shelby and John Q. Adams' ic.itue io
collision a few days mince, below St. Leal*, by ivinch tha
Shelby lost both !pliers and was set 01111440 t the
flames were snug subdued without serious age.
'it the
r this
is, in
1%1 the
Cu timerros, Oct.. r 20.
Out 0f41.340 VIM polled. the Co•epersuu. istsj. io
7952. There are only 4or 5 counties to hes treas . .—
Tneir known niaj thus far, is: 8016. The
insj. iu the 7th Dist. w 786.
NIP" ()imam,
We have later dates from serthertt
exciting character.
On the 16th, Carevajel was within 10 mil
Louis, with s very Inrge fury e-risot leas, it is
10.000 men including absiot 400 Tittan Range
roily expected that he *uuld auk* on this rano .
ing. Among the' . Rangsrl one Company
d.beliarged from the U. S. AriitY.
Dozier Ware, a well known citizen of Nee
instantly killed on the trick of the 0. , and W
yesterday, coming in contact with the N. •
train. , U. bad filled various offices of disci
leaves's wife and three eh ildren.•
Th# Legislature of this State stands w toile
55 'democrats, 4.5 whigs and natives.
The mejority against Judge Campbell •
large. as he sow runs about 14.000 behind hi
t up
by a
y iu
er ID
Hie democratic colleagues. Amylu umber,
by about 5.000 majority.
Gold dust to ths video of $425.000. was d
the Mist by woo firm yesterday for coinage.
as to
"as in
• /11/
lof the!
, e are
The Norfolk Herald contain■ it letter frail" ri
to Judge Davie, in:fevo it of the Compromise
the South will adhere to it if the North does
Southern Whig* will units wall Northern Un
to nominate a Pre.ideot, but with the •Htighe
tins-they tali not affiliate or submit to farther
itation is Congemie. He think. the ele• aura
permeneacy, of the Colon. A failure to elect
hr the people most be avoided. If it' sboadd
grese, mischief arid tresvon would be plotted
cepaioniats and Abolitionists. He prefers a N
mu Convention, but if-thie cannot be 'Mime
for a whir National Convention. but the no
explicitly dectare hie approval - and support of
premise measures. particularly M. Fool's
which moat not be repealed. Without this
he would require the &ethers delegates to.
from the Conviation.
ie sod
o r hfied
ore the
of sab
tp day
Erie and Wattabargli Plank-Road 0
T° TICE is hereby 11•1111 that an eiretiose ibr P
rre hoe eitA Treasurer to miner the stairs of
ny, will b held at their other iu Erie on the 3,1 dm
her next. hetweett the bout' o(1 cad 4 o'clock r:N
Erie. I 'et. IP. G. BANI,O
itneut of
k, shall.
led. fur.
for the'
sddttson •
cue per
•nt; sud
etioal to
Ism the
y. and
Idea of
ty days
Pr elec.
as debt,
every of
Administration lifolisa,
f ETTrltt 4 Of Administration on the elate of D R lei g aniren.
late of Ole e ity of Erie. deeea.ed , having been anted to the
vitAenber. Halite. Is hrwhyvt en to all ;lemon? ln lied to said
• Villh• l 0 mite inispedinie pnyineiii. and those baldne elnisna
a,gawkW il Will please preneut thew duly alitheriliCaldd (or PPWC-
Ilittit. J.A1111:8 DUNI.ArAtif Erie.
October, U . 11831.-12.
• rilE•uher. Ober. slneetely crateful to his cornett:gni friends and
l':'custoners„ Leg. leave to inform them, and all 4 Oere hawing
Barley to sidlythat he is sow ready to pay the Algbest market
Pelee in Cosa* , slay staaaltlY of Barley. delivered sit. him Ware
horse a Erie. or at the warehouse of George trhoema r. In Fair
i ie... of E. Fish. in tillrard. and of John Clark, In A IMin. ' The,
suhsenner Pays Cask anti rod motet'. and at all t as high a
price a• ani bare in Erie county, and hope, to ra.a, e a , aatia .
mum of the very liberal patronage heretolbre eaten In him.
Erie, 4 bell. I I.—i 2 . KING.
Kew ran aL lifiator Goode from 1
1 HA VEpipt returned from New lota and Phil& {duo nub
1 the largest cock of
ghat 1 hare ra ft peered Is Erie. bought mostly for ob. and al
Ca4l Victim's. at swim. that must defy all competit a.
WO hay stale rMawir, plain and plaid. et as iii , lan also. a
ref) large assortment of square Woollen dimwit el as to
11. !troche Shawls from *4 to le. *MIA nearly d en the price.
plain black and drab Thibet 'Mania. with silk or w fringe.
trona 113 to e?
Drees Goole "from Aacroa
French eninx+. silk and wool r , eneh Casimir. silk warp
and cotton warp Alpacas. silk warp Lustre*. elm comma.
nice id) In, at b per yard. real Alpaca Lustre* kir n il; Wilma
foil ansarlinent of De Lain*, ..itieti I will veil far Is. Ild. It.
Got is.b 64 and as, A ae, 1 rases.:
84W Jar& aladder colored Prints, whit. h have A., gado.* Lora
sold at Hid I a ill now mkt for ILI. and riatailiNer the Mora per
fectly that. Also, a handsome assormient of ea No sad Mao.
Priem. otpoo and rotor. warranted
owl coat
earlipa •
tbe 61,1
Dome•tic Goods; i
44 heavy veldeached Sheet ins :It bd. finer us Sheet
ins .at 7d and ltd; bleached Shimmy and eiheetinp I Ad, $4, Ad
Hid and Yid per yard, Irish Linens from Si Id leo per yard,
warranted pure linen: Linea Damask Table cloths. b r d ai d
unbleached Table Linen. Ilsthask Napkins of all Wes
Broad Cloths. 01.1.1mulerre, Hansen. and all wool T . fro ,
1 ...1
Auctko,sod Will he sold al a perfect 11101.441. ' black
Mond ckur, 11-I 'ride Au Iltd per yard; brswn and drab
(ego ed lot AA pre yards 01 wool Tweeds Aw arty oe., Garai.
mew. Nan aereuty Bee cents in age dollar, Sati Arty wants.
black doeskin Caawoldea. frOwl $1 is id St per prdi
Erie. Oet. 111.. C. a. TIBIAL&
. .
iFirrlß. 110kaiss. setting from rile 73 wait
tar /2. w. fun
Naar You", Oct. 18th
r ..err
or Mats
id. than
. It was
iug morn•
limb was
ham. stras
. Express
um sod
bell 21.
s: Howe.
I be ♦err
ticket. '
Oct. 21
r ot. Brow a
sad that
•ti Whir
1.. 6a-
Lavery ag
-111 the
L ' Preptdent
o to Vole -
• the Se
; least Um
he 110•111
DIM 11111114111
the Cbal.
lave 'tom
• Paallr.
Meat. Di
ho tempi
of Novena.
D, rieey.
E.t ►.r - I
pritiE subsvriber. have Just retuned hole New York with a
tame amortment of
Tail sad Illriator Good%
which were purchased Within a km days past Ihr Cask, and ow
hat Kt the rest paste In the money marlin at a treat merilee
the Importers mil mantshieturers. We are Prepared to V v o b e e ohr._
politic the Iteseet otour purchases at a small advance. dog
mu Wart attar punt ity or the chenpoesa. bat would invite • com
paction of quality and priced, and are aatistied none will itosooll
assatiseleiL ku. dELIDEII & duN .
Brie.* mi. 4. OW. YI
IsIOA Y STATE BHA 44'Lei.—The plate to puirittate Most e heapß ' I.
Is at No, .4 'lt...arm*. t t 3014.
Elie. tiet. 4. 1041. YI
WrrER eui Cheese Tryerr. at
Enc. Aug. 9
F.r inri7 %
T HE anbarti!.er h now receiving hit Fall and Winter Stork of
iiood.. coluinina of foreign and doementie dry roods. hard
wane. groceries.. vrci and dry. crockery. Dade. le. which .111
le "Old at unprecedented low price'. gar ready pay. as 1 with in
du Warne. On the ready pay 13 wpm iu future Call and examine
pricks aad weather, and you will lie mulled as to noth
(*t. SOl l •
- -s•
OPOrrinse ' itinelma*s. °orb.. Splints.
Ls AV ING tees the virtue,' of Mayor* ettebrated Bridal Rem
edy tested an the mammal of !Wow *pavan from .y flume.
I Wive purchased Um exelmive right acclaim:wading. using. and
yelling Ode' unparalleled medicine to the town of Ilartmre rect.
Ar county. Ye. The publie are thelehase Inhume I that t nut
peps yerl to apply ibis suedwine to all Homes adlieled with SPal•
ain't. Kinghood, nifb• Wiuditallia. Splints brought to me la
Weateyville. mad that when properly applied at Mae never failed
to OM( acme. JOilx KENN LTT.
Wesley 'lle. Oeterer 11. • 111.2
nlll4l Trimaiimpi . and Buteepe at JACILISON'ir
IJI Aprlll4.
ailf. Loki PUT To DRAT=
A ill) all ibis b itcare heertuw• they.recre trying to artist the &
bars to obtaia their intiepetidettee; aoJ a. usual virtue are
piettheti while °Crenate thspleareJ, but the only way we know
W Amore all is to
Aryl esaininetila large and well reeved stack of
C 421418., CASSIMERES, AND VgiSTlNexfa.
W be will make tap to art* as the Phones' notice and in the
moat taahlanaleld style. Gentlemen leaving their awisure• for
any garment can depend an hawing it wbenronillied. and if not
latiodied they will alt be asked to take it away. •
amity natio Clot his.
.we have omhand mid consume to Rabe a very superior lot of
Reidy Made Clothing., which we can reeconstornd w those in
want. and would invne our Osvaldo and the public to earl and es-
Maio , floats. Prices and Makes and to shone not judges we say
bring along some one to judge . Ifix you, and we know you will be
satisfied that we have the
Dist Goods in the City!
Tide al...boast of awl arise patio* Also. a Dies 1r Of
Kbitennd Vancy aibitta, Dra • and eriderabitts. duipenietii.
'Maack' , Iliad Stock ants, wide we bouebi eery , low. and will
sell as abash as the eheaPera • ,
War would return our thanks to p.Publie Ibr paw Amore. and
be pleased to ore all our old warm! ,
anti as man near.ones as
eau Wake iteorivenient to sive lie a tall at No bjlexl Howe.
jr iliN is. JusTics, Priv:Weal Tailor.
. Erie Sept. 13, 1831
ELCISD 110171111.
tgIIERMAN is happy to turtle all Who wish DAGUERREtt
„ I"i'PE LIKEN k:SelEci. who ire at all part letilitt what kind of
picture. they hare. to his new Swains which have heNt 1.1;1 ir I
presely for the Art i.i,;wr is the vest agent of the Arti- I. and
It ha- Men the consoint study of Mt worthy of the name since
the Art was detect. ioenipkty and eoutrol It in the innnrier
hest adapted to produce OR boost eaverable fespito. The result
pf thrs study and of thousands of experiments is Mat there is not
respcerib e permanent I:tillery in the IL' States 'where the pie
tires me made by a common window. anal be who snit, he ran
Toduce superior pictures by such animaters proves his liners pee
kr the An, - Tim wdwertlw thereihre bell leave to say that by his
rperlOr LiGirr, and wish an apparitus worth six times any oth
er to this city. be Is enable I to produce pictures which eannothe
in this part ot the country . and Weer* to emelt any Miss
winch can he pioddced in other rooms in Erie. or forleitone bun-
Aral donors. Ile has also a splendid Quick Wooing ranters,
with which lie takes children at any age. let it bedistioeUr
dernood Ina pictures II 111 not fade if properly kept.
N. It —The "recent improvements" stay be sees al the above
: rooms. W.II SHERMAN.
gm, Sept. II IS$l.
G AS atiatbicanifirriint -
j AM now recessing nay Fall work of heavy and shelf Hardware
1. consisting in part of truth steel. and nails of all sires. Anvils.
vice., spring,
: Azle arms, brass bob and sand
lands. malleable ca-ti tit, of all deseriptions, crowbars, dirt picks.
mattocks; grub Wes. Coil, log. trace, hailer, and tack chains,
pig lead, hooks and hinges. hooks and eyes. strap hinges, pie
bulges and latches, brass kettles, porcelain kettles and sauce pans.
cros.cut. circular. rip. hand. panel , hack. and tenon saws:
wood sans sod frames; Hamm Simmons' Amp' ate. and
adapt. ditutuons'. Colli N'eed's and Yowls chornissig ate.;
birnnions' hand axes and hatchet.; Bummer s hammers,
angina. augur bins. Ihbotson's dies and rasp.: haven. watch. rab
bit and cornier planes, plows, double and single plane huts: saw
pplate. 11UXUf and eh h h sels:iry mos res,spoke shaves,
hollow smears. guars. Burson's framing and limier cn loch. sand
nailer. bed +clews and c.tot,lll, 11.00/1111V and black *alma
Knots, round. square, and chairs hop t+ wrought and east kW.,
frads, tiuhblug !mils, terrlA, locks , latches. pocket and table
cutlery. scissors and shear., mine ins lonises, gaudery. brass, bnt
taigas. iron and japan candlesticks gre are.
Erse. Oct Id. • RUFUS RF.ED.
EW GoooB.—Just received at the w store in the Bennett general assortment of Dry Goods. groceries. crock
ery. Garda are, Boas and ehoes. 4e., &c.. which will he sold
cite p toe cash or produce. Call and see:
Vet. ill, 2831 BENNETT ar. CO.
Alttiler 8110Vt!I•e.—A ac* supply ut - Awee & We
cheappiory la the *emu Meek. dEN2IISTT • 00.
Oct. Ht. INH.
•pliltiTd.—A rood assonment received and Cr sale cheap re
_Oct.l s .ldSl. SENNETT it eti.
UIIIIIIELLMI.—.I Wye luworunent of nasheens. an wises and
prices. at as SENN Err -di eti.
401 , rER 7111 MA—A new sty.e of Coffee and Spiel! !Wink a
1.., superior aniele at P twai NETT & ( ` o.
G GEN latAL ntaornueut of Crockery and Glassware may he
IV found indite store of a BENNET i di Cr r.
COHN HAtiKIETS forasle at the new store - in the Sennett Lleek.
net. .1:1 , filKik PI ETT k li.
A LA PACN. De Laues.'D ingisanit. Callea , . a very general
ZS. pertinent Marie by 23 • 6.*EI.DEN dee10)1.
S11E1E111.0;8. Bed Ticks, Cotton Van,. Carl;et Wsrp. while
and colored. V G NEI.GEN & 80N.
A X i24.-3u down JUsl rttei%ed and for pare by
GiarENTiats 0/4)1SE:18' myrtliettil as-
POninent• break mud' brio* any before offered to thp. place
Oct . G. er:LueN & BUN.
hIA XELS.—A large tot ittri received direct from the uthauttletu
, G BELI4:1 0 1 h. FON.
?Hi BALL =WS itOLLTIfia.
again netrirneil froin'the Atlantic chic,.
• there good. of all kinds have been . purchase at
prices never before heard of. and will he sold at priers to cor
respond. My stock is much larger this ran. than ever, and
a full assortment of every thing in the Goods line ; it is too large
to ennaternie priers 1 wilt briefly say that we arc selling tine
bleached muslin+ at 8 cents per yard as good as a sold In
Ole: at IO eeuti; If) cent de lames at la cents; brown Idu n.
yrune low as 5 cents. . 1 .14 y aseortment of Shawls, 111 kb
and dressgoodo never were so large, nnd at corresponding Km
prices. My stock oll'arpetr. oil cloths. Drugged, matting Ike
will he Sold hi manufacturers' Cost price.; ernekery. Ileum are,
and Molting glasses. at low prices.
Hardware we are selling Wow any market west of few York;
Iron as I was ti cents per pound; ?falls as low as IS in per isi
My work of Groceries is ladle at very ion rater. We Mearry
mu.elres to sell goods ti; t fall and At later 10 per cent leloyr any
place west of New York.. N. CAUW ELL.
Vrie. tel. Io—b .,
Iffinr limp! litswiirsed New Goodslaud New
Prigll4 11
TNE omlersisned take this method of thanking th e public itr
their Swmer liberal patromme. and she to inform them that
they have formed a partuenhip under the mime of Derby & Moot
ford, and wilisarry OU the '
in all its branches. at their new shop In the new Block. two doors
west of the Reed Doom. under 11. P. rtsickton'a Jewelry !!hire.
where they will be happy to wait upon all who may blear theta
with a tall with the lest hetes.. They - Wive Just received. di
rect hunt New York, an entire Kew Stock, among which may to
found: Double land Single Harrel Fowling Pieces, from SI 5u to
god, a quantity of Rine Barrels. which they are anxious to snake
up and Warrant. Resolver.. rigots. Percutation Carts. Powder,
and. Flasks. the Ilk tit in town. Rho. Pooches, Game Brim
in fact lacy thing necessary to the full equipment of a rport.ntan.
Guns relation./ to Order, and dune when promised. Gaining in tat
and common Ride.. tuanitfaebire4 to order and warfnntcd to
shoot from one to ofo' liMoired ruff.. OH band. A large 100(.0 of
Dun locks, all K Inds, Main timings. Tumblers. Cocks, forgrft
Reich Pitts, dog Ovine's. Bullet Mould.. lee.. &e., to blauftevcr)
thing necessary to !Mita ft gun. which tare kept An the necomtme
dation of the trade In this and the adjoining counties, and will be
sold at wholesale or rued, a little cheaper than they can he
bought elsewhere in this city. Please givens a call before pur
chasing. They are also prepared to do all kinds of Jobbing, in
toe., line. such as Ming nnd setting Pam., repotting tzelts tat at
kind'.. furnishing. fitting and repairing keys, repairing umbrellas
he.. which will le done on short notice, and charges reasonable..
grie,Detuber 11.141.—.11 DERBY h. MONTTDII D.
11 1 fi (10 YAR Del of Ginghants.just receivMaiTgur sale
s.PIJ I) Rept ISt. C. in
3111711 1 111 L L. INSURAlfelloonrAir*.
r 1 1 111 S company continues to inwire Mlildiao , nterehandrw.
f4ra6.ire dr., arm inst ems by tire. and think a would ne for
the I tarred* r:f the eitizen• of Erse county to Invite with them
ow). nil they are ;wilt:tinted with the ofieen, in treittenee
forcig column' 1 that they know little altiut.
C. M. ToMAW. Wm. P RliulPrnetnt.
J. IL William*.
J. C. 34nrshn11. Wrlliaw Beaty.
J. 11. H Ilay neg..
Harley ilrnarau. Genre, Heiden.
J. D. bigot. Jamas D. Dunlap . 74. W. Russell
• VIVI JACKscos,
J. S. WILLIRM4I.- Treasury.
R. J. RISLEY. Reerpoiry.
WALLACE 0111:14114.01. Ascot.
TMc 41.14 t aide Company. now at the Rrg.lerand Sr.
corder's office Erre . Sep 4 MI ;-.17
E' er"T Tl
APINE tot Also, Globio. Moorelut ion rivetwa• 1 1 1 . 311 k"
.4g( ebe..p as • STOCKTON'S.
t. L.. (let. 4. Int. It
BIU MI hy. Gin. RUM. Port. Malags and !Madeira Wise. Tarr
114 he price and quality. Also. good Wbsukey go tale by
)alp it 1 4 01. W. F. RINI)ERN EA n r
- re load Cleaddair sad Burst. ,
tag op of listaks!!
BUT rout Rewly Mule Cloth' oil at JACOB Clottnua
Isola in the Rez! I d t 114°. en° ona plaeord am' p-rtt)
ma ch all at the Rag Currency allosu and sells aafably cheap . 1
that. lbsy do say. An) thing for a brisk trwoo--the fall Campaign
sun II • opened, end that al utter J:te , ,A Koch has La kt n
roller pains to .else. 4.7nnhs, enasignewe s yew ' ,"
*ad Geotlernee's Purr nhing Goof* of a ll deseri p t ,a ar , o f t h e
Rae wont attract, we and approved stYles—soods that cannot WI
ID please II rorreel taste and eotan•and the admintime of gentles
teen of round diserdelnattni ' , oilmen'. Whew. the use a
crooking apourth. ill sne.,lt lbt thea.threi (tab, Call
and we Rai OW theta, and you shall be eaesluved bryond a ea
all. dist aopeoes eaa bond in lErnot atilt abet city or to. n
that the inn shines Won. Rust Irv:. ee.un*nd theasiathrea n y
Map sad pangs with wen kresietsbte lalueuee am stn, Ca
and No. and you wit! bonen*. Moog KOCH.
Erk, Ott. 11.-43 le 7, Reed en"
Z.HE eulperiber wi•hes to reit or excl.-nee fora HOW! and Lot
in Erie. 11M acres of laud m the .tine hying
grimed to • soldier to the 111.1! 'Par. wrier the atel of Cunene,. or
lege. The Patron from the L' 8 re. ite• it as lucatel "tiwn the
northwest quarter ot Orctlon 31. in township C.l of Rine 2, In
the Nett act of Lauds anilect to wile at Green Oa,. Woorollialt.." l —
exchange IVx a bowie and lot la Lyle. would be preferred.
Erse. liet. II 1151—trad CHAIILIF4 W. K ELSO.
WALE, - 41111) WriftZia int.t.zirsiliii' , . ---
A ,l RP Hi. A. 1C.% ft b wemtri say to th.. Ladles that by their lib
eral latrOoAt. ha retof or rat-nett d 1. , bre, ehr hit nor INC ,
agtried with ihr later(' New York and l'hiladelpkta
Lehtone of Fall and st'inter honnetne, %tact Ow
uin be hippy to 'tell at tin very turret prie T.
Mer mock eonsh.tA or over fJrty dttrerent ktrote of
Bonnet., at price., that rannot help but suit the limes Alin,
Ritbuus and flowere t and in fact a g r n"ai " 1 9, t2 " 4 4 ' MI'll "
neer. ~
, Straws bleached and premed In the lateetMyles. MI kJtade at
Connery Pn.rkee taken to payment. i
'-v' Country Milliner. silly:Led w Milan& at the lowest met.
ket hi ones.
Erie. Oct. It 1..F51. /
RUM" RE.13,13 ,
&swing Triod. it. W. Sad it W., 11,11.
BIRVING 'bet:ash B y tom the only true system 0 doing
A , tetinewi. the underatinett nail adanweil it, and MOOD it wortc•
well both for hinewlf and eu.tousers, a+ it has elallaleal
. ham to inanition. Ms •
it elortinly low rata., e.toreottently Ilw will Welt. to
foruOn lo• eamotw.r* and the taii4te at 'torten orhog
pro.ra All in a 301 of kn. ilium In l'ie line are iespei
faMy Invited to esatialne Ina chattut awattruuent Of
Clothing! Cloths and Ossidiciossisl
eon ! .priin g of Black, Mae Black, Broom amen and Drab pv4o
- is,. and ifaasonereo of various puerto', A too: •
Satin, Worstvi &Welton Vogt' & Voiding!
An of which were piseeltae•ed to New York for CAM!, and are
• )4 , utreri•tl at cheap, at len% 1110 at any yaw! establiithuteut tit
He Aar• not deem it neeeinisey to tell dame who hire lkw poton•
• *erica of )eats patronized Jai.. that he continue. to utinutoc
lure e•
Clarssents is can he found in tbs. market: but to new eustuuters
be bee no hesitation in sayind that if they wi ll
They Will DOI So iwayAissollotied with either
Goods. Workius*•hip or Pric•ip.
Custom work always dune nt reasnant4e prises. and watiauted.
Midi ratting warranted. If properly wade up.. Call and are if
"dhl thiso Save not totem new" at the .Id stand of the rub
MSc Sept. did.
Al' X 0.7. Box.veLt.. stocr. ERIE. PA.
TTIR aubserlher having leased the More No 7. Donnell Block.
funserly occupied by lwrtcr.Benaril4 Chester. is ricelx-•
int direct horn New York. • hiree and well weleetrd .tuek of ,
tleeries, to which Avalon cordially tuv 'temps! attration of the.:
trade in this and the adjoining countless. 11,. titers himself that
from her experience la the ilmeery hussar**, and his ‘ sii perm, la-11
Milne* fur obtaining tiooife direct (ruin the linponein and Mail,"
ullsetureni, thereby *minor thr profits. that he min sell to ;
the Merchant* Manning him with tux it patronage. t.o 4a I
4. Cliap as too /hi Pareimwd Wool of Nor-Fork.
And no the * as ran he to in New Volk. with tbe addition,.
of mmense attended in lemma sate to thistity. Being deter
minedto make his bleinetoltßelneivols , Wholesale. a fit
confine himself towelling h) the Paekanr.trhe ran be sustatited
in so doing He will be happy at all tones ta estobit hi. roods to
More woo may favor him with a call. In addition ao his stOnk
of Ormerk... helms added a (Moser .Dock of, •
Wine* sad Imported and DomesEr Liquors:
to an examination of which he w..utd espeeiaily invite the anent
Lion of Hotel keepers and others inthe trade. The following Ilk
eolnPrise a 'wham tel bassinet. viz:
New Orleans. Purau-Raeo ar. Cuba litarars; rowdered. Crashed.
Granulated. While and 11 allow Corked°. Poem Rico. Mullett.
,ado. a runa Molasses N. H. Syrup. in fabler lebd ;Ind llpote
Gunpowder and Hack Teas, in chests, half-chests and e.eatlied ;
Old Java, Rio and Liguori' 'Co ce : %%alginate manufactured To
luseeo.darrent Brands Ander-cie's la.rate efreweiag. 'and ' , opera.
also loose and assorted atm trip Smoking ; Black owl Yellow
Snare: Elotnesue and Imponed Means Arian: I n whole
half and quarter Boors: Claf(Afitr , , Fig Pawn*" Pepper. Casisia.
rioves, Nutmeg,. Indigo. pane Ganser; Privets saner, Ground Pep
per; Pimento, Cassia and Coffee in ln. and 1.4 In, p.thers: PoW•
der; whole. half, and loaner tees; Ohm. Lead, Runlet( ditietent
kinds; Nu. I Pale. Ereeledur. and Veneta tlicp; Refined Elephant
and Whale Oil; tigerns. Linseed and Uhve do Mackerel. Nu'.
1.11. 3. in whole. hat and quarter bid... Codfish. Herring and
White fish; Paints led Oils; several trades Brandies. Ruin. Gin.
Muuottlfthelk Whiskey. f lid Port:Madeira. Cla rat and Tampa ma
Wines; London sad Philadelphia Porter:together St oh moat kin Is
and styles of goods kept in tbs Grocery Fine, and dot enumeratesl
in this list. to the inspeetton of whirls he would reaueetUly futile
the attention of purchasers before fi.syins elsewhere.
Particular attention paid to filling orders and all goad,' war
ranted as represented or the money refunded.
Erie, reef* y' eiNtrTft
MRal CURTIS j*DOW opening a lame and soltsninf ;mad
intent of M Minn y Goode. whi-h will he sold taihnteattie' and
Joretail at the lots - not priers. Iles sloth embrace*
the following: ' •
Right iNn—Rleb plaid. nearest style., newel; [ills
and velvet lithons, 'ln short o'er) style Mideast Weal Rd.
if VTINS—AII coins' and hires
811.Kta—Ofetety.deiteription, tor inghing Boaniata. liniul Vet'
vet t:lnak..-ai.e -
till.K VEL V ETS—Rlaell. Wows, blue. trees. Wank% Itd 040
Fellows' Regalia.. Ike.
I , IOIW Ea Pt—Plume.. Taha. Ruches. Later. ..
EDGINGO—RIaeIt Late Veil..
LMBRulllEßY—Vollatr. • rrry large gareartateat. eath, ari•
der.lerver. ebemt rest.. udietehiefr: taubroidered a tur
edeinqr mid insertions.'
Kl GT .0V F.S—Ca ntleaneur bit?. L•d 111. bile sod colored.
dam eveatit_y. Wag mad omit. gain variety.
H IN:31 Ell Y.—All colo'. beta duality
nit F.sY TR IN MlNGO—Netted Prsage. Bowie, Chope, rio
ted R tabour. ice.
PRESS CAPS—Of every style.
BoNN lETX—straw, t‘itk 5 .411 n and Vetere. of the latent sic*.
constantly OP hand. etraw Monett cleaned and shaped on the
shortem notice. •
Trimins into. ready made Moats, Velvet Noels,
Ike., Fancy Badk.u, Cond.., Crotchet Needled Tidy
Ildy COMA Taps, Hooka and E'en Boys Pelts. Elwin% with
many other articles too noincroon •to mention. All ordeni for
Goods ..nd Booms proauptly attended to.
l eta. Sept. 27, 1:!51. in
Musical Academy.
TiftB institute w ill le opened in a few dafs at hill molds.
doors east of the Erie Rai& as soon as the names of Fifty
isiborribersnre obtained. Terms-00 for one person. #IO Fitt
faatilier containing its persons. per yen', invariably In adiothee.
Fire lessons will he given every dsturdry, either of which po.
pits may attend. flours of study from 9. from au to It.
from I P. N. to 3. from 4 t0...4mm 7 evening to 9. The ladies
may select one of these lessons for themselves. thus enabling .11
to attend without anconventerbre. •This unparalleti lost prier of
tuition brings instruction within the reach of all. The hours
will be ceedpied in the following itianeer:—First vocal exegete
es—second. lectures on eyes) thing connected wails music:olls
tory of music. We/siding the, new • of musical nutaters)—thiril,
rudiments of tousle. with explanations on the black board, or on
an •tunserill—fourth. sacred 11.111.1 C. with imeoinpari)nwitt on
the Memnon All persons wishing to subscribe. ^a ill find, me,
at the above named mums. WM. WILLI/Sit.
Erie. Stet. 4.1A51. 021
/3efireen Fourth and 141.11. animals Cream Siresl. nib*
AviteßE the Proprietor IA enabled. by increased lo
supply the growing &wand air llorer•s Ink. which its
widespread reputation has created.
This Ink Is now so well ertithlkhed In the irod opinion and
confidence of the American Public. that it t■ imarerky necerrisity
to say anything do its !Ivor. and the manufacturer taken ihiS pc;
virtually briny that the coaddence thus secured shall n*
In addition to the various kinds of Writing lull. he also mann
factures Ailissbasttmt inise■ l tor mending Glass and China. a.
well at • superior Nair Dye; 'a trial Is only neeewary to iustire
its Nure lige. anti a &Wise Wore. will adipod M DruggisiSsod
Bottles. at a very low price. in - laree or swan quantities.
Orders eddrewed to Jindr.Pll E HOVEN.
Sfrinufaetnrer. No 111 Raee-st. Between {to Is Sib. opposite
- Crown street. Pkiiiidelphia. '
Philadelphea.eent na3l. r - 3w ll
i We Rave roan., al Podia What li' .
Hy, that L ftOSENZWNIG & 00. are getlinlygl dporls
10 their litre cheaper Ohm any body. Jew or GAltile, this
aide of New Pork. Call at
N 0.4., Wright'ailloaki
and 'snow the 4 great atmortment of
... 4 t .
Coats, Pants an Vests,
of thednesi ruateriali. of the Lest fit, and of the Mee t
sown,. workmanship, which are sold at this establirth
meta so cheap that a' man will magi more by boo-iiii
that. g.. g a ithain. to abort their articles are j..
that hereafter therecan he no entire for reedy Coats. soiled Veins
br dilapidated Panto. But their stock of Needy Marie timbre.,
is not the the only Ind :cement held out to n "Pal, Ragged nvW
Nauey Pubfte" to etve them a call. for their stock cf t
itrunearpassed for variety. Pashien sag, *save all, obegporos ;
and ae they have in their employ
One of the Boit Clatters in Town, •
They will be ready at all tient.* to make Gemmel*. to ord.,, and
warrant them when done. They have Goode from the Ilona fa
nny to the coarsest. so that IsEry one eel be gusted. They
hare a large aseonnient of ' 1
rich as Ahirtv hiss the finest Quality to the CoarPert dicker?
-tn in. handkerch tete. ego es. rocks. r'eati.. under aaroteotr.i clot"
tars. itogobut.toarther with every thing in our line. We have
. general antortuteut of
Ladies Pasidonable Grads
for the Pall and Winter trade. We have neither room nor
time to enumerate mites or .gawk OrqUaliti, but will ill•li sag to
Ladies tocsin, end e amine Wt themselves. t 4
and Irate prices don't silt we'll endro rot to wake them. RV We
wish to sell and' aft' determined not to be undesokl. I ken forget
the location. No. 4. Wright's Nloe.k. •
Pile. dept. 1.). LNII :
lioispit Sara" If - .
1 AM Dow receiving a Uinta waxli of flualtop. which have jtrel
been purchased at very low diNlre• In New York forcash, god
will be sold propmtionahly low for emit or ready pay.
I am atm receiving a large amply of Tete. rafFrer. illiolaaiev., Lc. I imitt the attention of time wsahiskto pur
chase and say I thing I can farm of goal Inducements WO any
home in thi• city. JUIIN C. ticKtir.
Erie, gept. rt. 1131. Gall
T"'r „„
ice of 0,„ ibl• Fall and Wilde! at the imerety.
Ezenatir, will be—
One dozeti Melded. 31 tents.
Half •• *" la •• '
I the dozen fritd. 31
fine Jozea raw. 23
H A / 11 10 14 "
rrOyiters by the Keg or Can on hind st all thane doting the
Fall and Winter. W. HAlAllltlA.llllpsristeuileikl.
YAP. Sept. IL tS3,I. •_ _ _ 19
RILL 10111 SALM.
VALUABLE Water row awl Pair MM..* the North Arta.
- Sof the Sulawit.ta Crawfted eciunty.on the Eris Batension -
eat. surrounded by On Menu timber to the emus. tad a good to
*ea Grist Mill. will he eand a rest hiltahlle: Lan*
Mar Ore All ‘L wig be alto la
11 . eft• 3.• P VT LCSIT.
160 /Lam of Land for Salo.
WALL 11111.2.Zaki ART.
Removed to No• 144 Race Ilta est
Tate Greatest
hi vac greoLe Woiu.s.! .
ar prim 111 per Bonk ar hake Jfirla,
it ta near put ap w grAlter ROTTIL RS, of die wig=
art ward Oar, r artre ht Nntles. Ewa tarya
tratart ariziry.rormt posiN, ...I the troadiendow are
so tigrowly Cootewtnited that im)!y One raii"...ow
"w ir ed la a DM!—three h•••• • s•• —thaa ova bottle lan*
Timms •Our Dors, wareb tt moth halter than a and* of arry
War madltiwlaallaUvorae there Is required at ads a lave sour
Mir, al • •••••
The mess sventriel of ON Bleed Purifier egret aA Whet
seeiseises, easeume la • rag nwaware In be poseeeelor a• a pant
ert rampeoad M ier ibe jp~fist Medical Unser .1 woe
Indian Roots and Baia
',Web so saw sediris• . There ate dm %pot wiry*
Poderre at eb• as ow wens over kn o wn ku raw Mimi
sr tables amitorld ilises big soymodell widi dm idresiptrmarmaino.
Mt Zdretatcot
earsaparillo, Yellow Dock,
imill• ledirVelteitablie ! h itt/wet. not only w.wrigwe alibied
r u ,imp het att n. • Paper ..e.•++. bv (Evvoia odds dia•
soy . It be ateeper. !weenie de ettertir• of It eat Nee be
Maths tur Owe &Oise wilt let merb lloweer, nod win moo
ifies Thom more liked 44seare, deo Ow Dame. worth of wri ,
Wiwi itedLeht•
. F. vaa.14.1 prod of th. c.... of
Scrofula, rover-Sores,
haanald,Rov i ts. Plat-Riews, Ilikosmanium.
Parka fa ti. Pffas. Llvrt-Cinaplaboos, RM. /Arrive Amy
swami Mom Candiresirea. R.,. Ll+ , fa. roma ill
Oa brea4, &ma. ord sod au, oilers I auswas-Rume
IhilltAlCS. air PAMPHILICTI aaa illowltralts—oireq Apish'.
Wes I. sty* away.
/Owen —4't.ttrr 11,ther. J. R•ltion ar. t'o "'Het J. P.
Foerr, Girard: li. R. Tarty r..k.ut,oto R C. Town & ej t Wm&
Eta: & Rea. Wv.t Permsfield; & P Ja.Rapt k
Waterford: J Fentir. I orkpori; r e ark. Jr.. Alblon, F. 8.
t:oseler. Ppr agrie;ds J. O. Roki 'loam. era i tto t 1;*e;
40. N . of Cuffer for.akl the Rat pr 1h.1.y
PRE:MI! N F , 'R 1 1 11. V pas , a preali4al la G. 11.0
tor I Julian , . Halt 1,14.41ara a: 4 Fier frr.r•ea.
Erie. Jane IL V. ii ll'trOß & (1).
TE trubferjbef wtshe. to pore four 31X1 Cords of 11.- ad ell
and caner KA wond delivered at ht. Astirry and e Kilo
corner of Propels and rtb fittpets. I B. JAiliBON.
Said 33.—15.
fjallF. su;.,ietiber. having rented: the store on Park Howl. taro 11
I doors west of Williams ' k Al'litht's fac/tanke tlince.'idte:, 1
Orem le I as a Jetteir) Store by %U. Sure kton, deans to call the 1
aiteniton or f he C ilia`ll6 or Eric to bis stork of ante lk Caps
which he i s now openitij. direct Irons F.c..b.rii NI iiintactiu tee.
Ih me a pr.tcheal Ilatiet blots. If.' Lid hating taken the utmost
paid• in the sekction of ihese t; ibi. the community nun). test ,
assured tin ate 'mule of firm ma Tian , . and tq the hestdrork- 1
i )
iu n.ais I a ill be a attained eluslliii finish * style and durability 1
to any that can be bid is the I.taddrir clues.
Grolieutia cats at all tunes find here the taxat tishioi a Wrt. 11,
H. Preheat t-'.o's celebrated Hats al Be w York priers. and rata ‘1
or almuyi e%ety pi)lie. finality and taste. Also, a good stork nf
Hairdo Lute.. !
The rower hopes by honornble. fait dealt:lg. to buihtutt his
business, MI his aiw 10 not to d (bare who patrolsar him. but
kJ make rei table- ettssoutyrs. IL 3:
Erie. dept. 1.1. trst —N
Pall Campaign Commenctol in Reality. ;
Commercial Exclu,nee Obit! l iar Stare, ()pert!!
Clothier Cheaper
Mali Clothier Ranut of COs offscra!
Large sales and email pronto the Motto! " r
THOPP. wlatli no to purchase are hereby noti fi ed that they eats
pure ham NIF.:4 and BUY'S ilr
I:0TM N G and all kinds of
Varnishing Goods at *Sou half pries at Who:v.lle or Retail at
the ectelraied Clothing entablistunerit. No I. Commercial E
change, Erie, vislied.sinhin the I: sit months by utiw.itild of
130.1 mu I.llll.Aliert• from all parts ot the United states, to say no
thing cf those from oty commie .. I std now 111 creel;[ or, the
nr,'t splendid as well a* the !tricot elect of Cloths es er brdiudit
to this market., which I dimmrt diaper - foam Europe, thereby ear-
Mg tie Jobbery profit which en-,lfes me to sell filly per dent.
eheaper than any other individual In thn.eit) el. or dare sell. In
fact I am prepared to oat rail and %V inter ('lo Nag at such rates,
as will he obvious. art the greatest possible Inducements in
prier. style and quality this market affords. Illy stock being so
Loge and the sit les too ganoits, I yentifie assertimi that time
will teave unsuited or Miami-lied _ t.ri in the merlin of the
latest Vatic New York and Philtilelpbrit Fashions. and employ
tone but good workmen and will i therellue be aide. not only to
manufacture what I always More Manatee tired. gisiod o fts. bat :ti
ll's', to in Wen in' the mean fashioned , - and wold.thau
like manner. Gentlemen arlibing to purc,inse cheap and '4,- , ari
goods will do well to call and el owl he ig" ,IN•k of tire,. sad
Prue keratin,. HI/einem and (Mire c0n15,, ( Over - I oats, pa tits Vests,
Ilroad Clothe, Vassfitieres. Vesting... Mint.. Fancy 1 ies, floonele.
Cravats, te. But we Cannot Plitlitlente WI. rn li Ott I .m-. s_tot *Cc
will shots' you more goods. tame; goods. and last —though not
leant—e heaver goods than all the oth-t establvdmients of the Sind
in this ulaes. , F ir thi• liberal patrUnage !terra:lion* I,i...towed On
ane,, I would tespeetfull r beg 'cocci() retort) my thanks. by rd.
ways keePing a large and good assortment. and Mulling honestly,
fairly, and faithfully. I hope to retain all my old eustommit, Mid
obtain as many new oaey as will gavot ine with their calls. I
Kew. ties. 13, lall.—/O kltAtEd lid 'CM
CHEETINGH arid shirting*. hlehed San Mown. Drills. Tie k-
CI inv.. Marine *rims, summer huffs. cotton yarns. tinrpet
wasp sad wie,king. all of whisk will he acid chew/iota the Cheap.
est, by
11/1 ma Crockery.
Gliaseareer• Crockery.
A LARGE'. ansoriraem oft/ kery and 4 111114 ware, Just Merv
_ ed. which will be solder. cheap as say in tuft market. it No.
- 3, retry Mock —Er ie. Slept. 13.—lei - g! .
Presh Ch•!:reeri a.
ALAlLOCassbruueett poi &Fri iv tog. contining ofaofeei Nos
sugars of - various toolusev.evrup. elf ...le at N 0.3,
Petty Block by 19 A ittll.7t LP: & El' LER.
SIELt HARDWAir..—A Rood two?, meut jun treeiriog at
No. 3, rem Block, by le A R 11171 'it:LE 4 KEPLER..
. . GOODS. .
QII.K and Linos Oslo andfiguied Poplins. Merino, plain nal
17 tlitured Deletes. Intshneerer of the !mews sir tee on inn east'
ya. as. by lA ARnircitlx. ir. K PLER.
ICH Maatilla Black Polk ; slam a great ragiety ea Rice noun
Ribbeei of Wiest 'tyke jeer received by
!ere. L 3.-18 AiIIIVCRE I rutin.
illeentten of Gen. Lopes I : I
LAIRD & BUST are now receiving a large and spleOld Week
of fail goods conelsting of Defame, Cast:mm.lw Ginchartis,
Callecies,lahawle, Dre-is silks. Casiimeres. Ike., of new and ele
gant styles never before lawmen Wilds market. Dun roods were
bought low and will be *Ad as low platen be afforded by any house
in this eh) , t discriminating public is invited to call and ex
amine Its themselves and test practically the truth of oar assertion.
Dorn Raw: io at No. 11 IV/m*oe Mock corner of state atilt MI6
wens. LAIRD! litth4T.
DELANEte ?or one shining A • ari--C.l.omer. will dad pa.
lanes fur a shilling a yard it No. I IT etjni. ISknt
Erie, teem. 13. LAIRD k RUBT.
gri Nfall %M9—Ceistue Peoteh Gingham,* iii be Irtitiiid lit No.
I IVriglirs Block 6r one ehillufg a yard.
yle.rlept, 13. bmitna 11714 T,
$3.000 w
ANTED. on cleb4 pow due. Webope out 001,4
•rll take the hisitlatourciouscon.i,letailuh and
• _ .
pi a mt,..tres F:rrRAC."ll+ of Leinn,n & Vanilla. fur flavoring
1a . 1,1 lers. Jetties, Cu4!tlk. Painry,Syritns &e. for ,:ale at
Erie .3e14. 13. , IIiOCIRE.'S Grocery store.
B _
g I) CA111135 a geed smortaea for sale at
Erie .l& i MoOlitrS CroeerrSiore.
_ Sept__ _____
s jit
TASKS 10 Dozen iudoruislaiid reerived and for pale al
"a rtte. 04,1. 13. 1010(110,73 I:rueery Store.
'TONE WARE from the Brie manufactory finite
J Erie. Sem. 13. M O OIIIIII firmer> Store.
LACK TEA a orperioranieie pi *Path Ten kua rre..t.rd and
far reheat 1110011E'd Grocery Pune.
L'lLOUR.—Ploter gicia tiajiTalaat cwt.!. anti* therm. k Brand
U to Le had at ' Grocery slture.
Ttilli dna of 0. and C. NI dtrr id dhooived by mutual rooterd.
The bortoomewill he contoured. by C. MOW at the OA mood
Poor Polite Bow. optrefehe &up4rc dames. 0 11411.1. ER,
Aug. W. 13 , C. MILLE*.
An periwig Manuring Iheweeteer indeldell lo lbe above Atm tell
idea... 'mewl to waling the !awe, cows will he wade le Ohs al
ttony days whboirl any iniriaLe. film book..iid wow ean be
the old wand at present- 0! C: MILLER
Tproprietor. W. 11. itiolowt.ToN. h Just retu rn ed that
1 the Empire city. Wits. the largest. thee and hest smock
went t f 4_wELliv AND FA CY GOOD+
ever before imps:Steil Rom that e itY wkst of I ink irk. all of which
are now ready fix Inspection. red the first r. Pao. I. way be
Woad a lanseessorttnent of Gold and grime Vetches. Gold guard
and Fob Minima. Keys and Seals. Pinner Rings of every dewier*.
lion. flreasd pins Wilt-sons and adzes. Cutf pins and bracelets.
Gold. knitter. and German silver thimble.. 401.1 pencil , and pens;
steel fob and guard chains, keys; att. Having made arrange-
meats wit Witte manufacturers at the east to - furnish a supply ev
ery week fresh from the mint,-he will be able to furnish those
articles ehettper than any oth^r estabilebtn• at went of the tenni
:me of the Pilr4ir York and Erie Railmed Also, on hand. at
wholesale cc retail. any II amid at) of Looking Gia_ssea. BrasisCkwks
and other it stweeP.
m m ,,, N„,g,jegiers,__nuel l as piano frntes.rnelotleonit. hair
viola,itUita : violin,. ha/4,er. tambourine,. ciarionetr. gate , .
Mureoleta, ea. accardeon, &e.. molar and campliene lamps. An A
rrondols. extra ittnhes, eh moneys and wicks, silver and German
silver table pad teaspoonr.rugar aid mit scoops. butter knaves.
err, rt a v...—A very fine article of Penh n awn. of the mot erici.ra
ted inakerlazors and Razor straps, scissors and shears. Gold.
/are. aria - roan sitter and steel spectacles.
8 kITTAIN • liVAltr.—Tea vets, ca-tors, and candlesticks.
bliscgt.t.sbzues.--China Cases. Fancy Mire Plated and Brass
mutters and tram alert !am. and our,. clasp.. !Mir combs. ivory
do.. steel peps. card caws, v ',titan gear& and envelope,. gaulesea
board*. italnenoes. Chess men. a ants and Kirke* books. brakes,.
and forks. tea-eervers. A c.
All of which will be shown to his visi tees ni any Hone terneen t
the hours of* A. M. and 9 P N.. nee grates. and a small Ore on.
ly will he labels IVotu thee. a ho May rt ieb to lake solve of said
articles horns with then%
if Said palace located on thOluonnd formerly OCCOpied li
as 14 Knave ore duce newt of *lkea Hoare.
rale. Srptt 114-17 •
A *act that I erish,to have Lama.
STOCILTtiPI has moored to his pew store. fro ••Park Amt."
two docks east of Drosen's coiner.) tt meta is 00w bring tdted
with as exta a selected stock or
Clocks, Watches. , Sheer Wfite.
Paver Plateil sod Genitals Silver Ware. Feely Goods. blostpai
lasanuateaug, Lamps. Loom, Gutman., Ike-. Ste .as can he laced
westof Kew Tort. (ns wistitke °relief/ point.) taidkv and Germ
time*. I ItAtro, indeed. s beautiful assortment. who Ed nu will
oot r all and them! No time obis week m immortal' What
is not on thi&—first Sow." ma) Le. (Lund to the *woad and titled
teefp,iintrec 4 , me In Vie heirt raioner. Porkiest anew
tine a 111 heliren to Wtdehes Dr eti experienced workman.
At the AO cane Marmot' Woks'. STOCKTON.
Etta tans! Ilk 1834
W AXT*II—AII Wed. a Utter ahll Cheese, Tort. CA. Ter. tooillysad rim sok. hr /WE bisbe•jr
lot WOO psjil Or
f 1 49
_ • • 9. FPO
a 4
X: T A i r Zt 9 Z A
va- F r
• .
For Ike Cure id'
STIHNIA and CONStradliTlolll
The annals of :ue,he th ey d o , ini p ,
of Int power and value of 0.1,.) n die d daettt,. have pa
c.t...u;t10, tu compare tLe s.lutary effeets rod. ]
• Av. a'• ellrltßT r/CTOltal."
The tent3rkable cures of citsestes of the I.t.nto nbt
bred resaltsel by Its tree.iattested as they arc by easily
prOirmoni and ahysiciaas in this and Ihretau Linda. •
epurage the atnicte.l to perset ere. with the .atoll( matt •
the 14:e of the Cut Inv er,,QRAW %iirTeLCVe and 'alum
Ve present to Ihr public. n nsolir Ito& tewhanelaltiftwa
the tint Men in our ecithitry. upon whose ludpuent eetl
I cote I wpi le it torif,ilent.4 twig IC pineci. "
ri pr,2lo4lltor ferotoui Medical College, OR
and leSrued rnd.foruudnblc rithpicians Iti tbeeouutryieo
It a •• eanipooi I sou of rare elcettetice for the COM Of that &
, Lie thCille. Cutstsuirlioli."
Dr. I. C. Ayer—Dear Fir Airecatie to the request
vest. we vi state s hat it c tome kacwa of
.ioor Oh ear PLCTORAL. nit 4 they have bees Imolai
drel. Mrs. Dewy Srirreter hri.ll , ceu adlieted with a sev
relent's?. eough. which red•wed her very low ; so low
hope could hSentertatne lor her recovery. lquinerown
bad t.ccn tried without effect. (slot} the CIICXIY Parra
that ha• cirri her. Geo: Watkituipti. Etiq . had to our
cO ft et•. hrett fed with filt4hoia kivlst en years.asd •
;y wort,. until the Coma? PLCTORAL has now removed
ease. and he 1: as frt• front an) of ;its symptoms as we a
Rev. Itlark'Vane Lad been tt set erety attacked with
ciao,, as to - disable halt from Las di.ties. and nothing bad
ed bnu relief. uutal I. Mr. 'll,nralag2earried hlllll a tattle
PLorossr..whaelt :used haw at ()nee, and be now °lnc
UNSAID h IS place.
7•hc-e are three of the eases we bate known It success
never to ti 1. We brave real ;•leasute an errL•fyiug to th
and are, sir. y our b•itabie
The public have 1,211 to know• tar vault% and neenaisha
eeve or the encase lOrt - Tntall-to eurvng diecLet.s of toe
when 11.1) II all lSet •eeine fr:3o thrtei.l.sugere, whenever
can te oho lied
Prepare 4 by J. C. Aver. Monist Lowell. ;Ur.
Sold na Erie b} J. 11. Sarum, '
STARCII—A ext. aniclu
V., • Aug. t Mutat,.
Wan.ll.kpicirt —The Lou
July It.
utI'IKINI.HAII IvA t—A ru,
July N.
138 , 10111r1 —llr,Kou4s rer oue shillu
Juiy IJ.
.1 %CUL—J(44i Z.(
• Myke's Chem tug and 5zn0k.:.,00%.
Jnly la.
iu and ut
Cg itiVl 114. hi the best
July It.
" I 11%E:ill:L.—Nu.
Itiqr 3.114 receive.l at
ITEUt:TAIILI".Saf all kludr Tr;ty
V July It.
1)/100.11,1.—U0 doz. Erie} tgri.l C
JUI and for sate at t 11100 id
OPS and 1, - ,
L Jul) S. MO(ift,
leTTER 3101:1;1;3"-7-A - new artlc
~.I, t ly S. l MOOR,
BR~II9IO CEI Ikti 1 41:::;, pg.:ol'44.U'
.1) July N.
3uty 14. 1,
111 fr.'. oreal .te•ertption. s,
A Jul) S. e M(loßi
QOO.l BISCUIT--A fiesb Irc
Jun reed at 6 MOOft,
UMW Toxic AND must nEtruto •
J. Rears & Co., Agerts. mow
Prel.lC DOCK. ERIE, I . E.CA`4..
A bil; pupated to contract Dotter. Choe..e. and nil other {roper.A
ty from Erie to New York—through in thirtylura
ALSO—Agents for Line- on Erie C , iin) obi
though direct from Buffalo to Nen-York
'FT For rate. Coal, Salt, While ED.h, and Water Linn.
Erie. June
Office in Speed's Telegraph Of f ice. neXt to & WOW.
Exehange ttlfice. tt: .ftert. Erin.
Throllth Tirk is to New York, sta Nen" York nod Erie Itaiiroad ;
ivid to riaistatert sit eles eland. can proe tired a t ltata
_k are to Nor York VI. to Ihtt.tatrgh it et
1851. W A L A ILI:Da / 1 15 185 C
JOIN' KEE.V./. 7 51 daent.
Fro, whom Tickets ens J e proeoreti for any of tirofil.
. lowing Places :
0211=1-41pallrord'd Ex-preps Oaks, gltiktOlit.
The Acorn pledzra hosvalf that Paaarnnerw hrnenrinOthett'
Tickets fto,a him shalt not he Ira hy the float, but shall be pitlptusra
ty ploreJ on hoard. A 112.1.114 t Z. 11.11
Passage ftom and Money Remitted to *wit
Britain and Ireland.
New York and Liverpool rackets:
DERAONO wishtne to send for their friends tp Greed/ Mein ot
r, Ireland, tan at any time mace the necessary arrangeineut*
with the suh.cribers. w let have in connection with one of the
411.1 hOwes in Great IlrPain. a very complete and extensive ar
rstrgettlent for the oecommodat ton or per:ono ern igniting to Astor.
im3. For the prompt eze. - 11 , ton ufhts ettaPrlgemeuts. the poi...cri
tter hr. the idea niece of harlot: Vic SAC .1, den y , oryosielugens
of the splemlut New Shiio, cOmpotung the
Packets, sailing Twice ■ month from cieh Port. thronahwut the
year. In all raw.* when lhoe rent for do not come forward, the
atonal' will be refoneled, without deduction.
For lut:e In snug. to nun. n Inch will Le cashed by soy Ot the —_
Ela nine. and In the twine trial Towns dwounhout England. Irehintl.
scalene and With.... LIA RN 1-. T. 1110 A It 1. & lAL. RaiOcen. •
LoodOo. and JAlliEtt ) c II ENR V. Merchant. Liverpool.
. in A P Olt bill , P.Cr PAW.
SMITH JACK 1)2 , 7. Agent,Elle. fa.
Or to JOHN MeMICH A EL, Mott; Slip. Cor. of doutb 4 44 AT.
Megan. P. 11. k. H. Pirnie New R. F. Lord. Esq.. Mier tug
Fork City. neer 11. & H. C. V. il i nes
t. J. IV %%Mork Co. do. ' dale. Penn.
permit, k Culling. ' do.* James Areiribuld.- Esc. t.t.
.. .CRIP dr. Price. do.peer D. kR. C. Lo.rici ,
ROO Allen M Sherwin. New- lbondaleartvm. . r
burgh. N. Y. I Melon. E. H. II A. C'. Laiript . 1
A. Plunk, Fa g ., S.eereta- i All.rtity City. N.Y. t•
racy Del. and IludsonCatial I Hon .J. 8 Yost, Punka , . Pa.
Co. N. Y.
- I 10 '
Starch l l Starch : I
JB. dr CO'S Corn and %Vitra' Starch nn ban • Ile
• large quantities. for Pale at New York wholesale raa. eft
Orders from Country Merchants prowl Glied. •
Etta. July 'A. r. M TIBBALS. Cbranantle.
litAvE a very larse nrnortmrnt Brit
441 A 1 4 nun' ram. E 4 Pitt , MXIF. Match Salm, Tr
whirl, will te .old by doe doz. nt Buffalo Priv
Erie. Aug IP. 13
Tll a rutin: fiber hattjust received a large and
1 of ratoily Grater in. to *Mich he inottee
(Vendetta.] customers in th to ity 'mina v lei Hit/ •
en) he found Grarcrie., tt toes. Ligoora. (nig,
etc.. etc.. together with aluwed every article
Gratety ewre, w ltieb a ill I% wild as cheap, h
be Ibund elsewhere
Almon oil kimls of coustry produce taken in
eerie., Enc. Aug.... Pi
'raw raiz. Goo
iltsuboesthecc =quit retrivirqn inro
rnit cons/Nina 01 the u.uat ea/
becth ai!acted with care a»dwittbcsold
Plea , ll give os a eaR. _ AIM , *
Wool. Aut.3ll.
I AM SOW a magnificent stork of the fat& atylimi of
LL GO 0 D %rant. Any th iag from a rich aro
°ler"' d• ••• 10 • WOMB, Pe Lane er n roar rent eine°. wier
la Ibutdi aerie' variety ot style that rirri the mad hatldloas Will ,
he suited. To my 'sown tot cupful. and oil claim' Ow. ads*
lions have been muds ;13 no .t• ..ler, co rn petitlna either In tratil,
itv or Wier. MI who c / t at N. t . Reed House will be salistad
at alseaushetiesrity of the cash siltc::, over ars) and all of
[fort. 11.-17 i
/ —.-- J. D. %Et. -
Jlifila ZIMMO Ll' has wild out hie entire snack of liiiecieedloo
;vi messra.4 acW.asers. cleate conceived am InfoolOP..
ed i hat the Wahka and IaCCOUI S L. of Zionn"flY. It lattelt - oek. A.lB
- John Zion curer. n Win the ha .4:te oft* bu r iii.
Thud's' IMMEDIATE collection. Xecervisy dislawe in t
this br , I.APT CA1.14 ineyeatite renOCINCV VIVI OW ale
Al of tog Mt tkircUfifilit illicatdilli•
IC Aujnat 3 0 , Mil.
1411:1, toiP .31
e mot
14 n
of ta
a, anti
• dlr.
it of Ilkinner
w MOTs
• ow as
KLE t &emu!.