A. P. DVELIN &00.. Pr VOLUME 22. Crie Wetlilt' Ohrit; A. P. DURLIN & CO. PROPRI 8. P. SLOAN, E d it co OFFICE. CORNER STATE ST. AN -SQUARE. ERIE. TERMS OF THE PAPER. City subscribers by Ur copier, a . • By wail, or al the eke, in advance, it not paid in advance, Or within three months of subinribsni, two dollar' will be charged. ErAli counnunieationi must be post paid. RATES OF ADVERTISING • Cards not exceeding 1 lines, one year. tweaduare doe= do. Mx months, do. do. three months. IThaosient ad vertipetuenty. 50centa per square. of ass, for the and insen ion: 2t emu for each subseti rrYcarl3, ado ertiocra have the privilege of changi but at no time are allowed to occupy more than two k /mita to r4eie rworeahate ilosserats. Advertowtneta. not hiving other direetioes i will °dna and ehargbd accordingly. ' : 1 - I \ DukialiimailakhiA W. H. KNOWLTON, 1 Watchmaker and Repairer. Dealer in Watches. C • • Niusical Instruments, Looking Glawes and other k Store one door west of the Reed House. ARBUCKLE & KE . . Dratca In Dry Goods. Groceries. Hardware. Cwt. 3. Perry Bkick, State street, Erie, Pa. A. NI. JUDSON. ArroNß AT LAW.-01Ree at present in the Citron Wright's Block. 1. W. DOUGLASS. ArrotarTar Low.-0, , - ove r W a niaurek wri Eotabhohinetiii entrant' drat door west.ois the P COMPTON, & HAVERSTICK Prams in Dry Goode. Grocer OM. Lkloon of all kt Narks. one door south or 2knials Jackson's Street. Ent.. Pa. J. Control. IL D. 'G. ANDRE, Agent of/. Andre OfFenhaeh—Depot of Forel ‘lll Bind liferehandize. wholesale and retail. No. 1 ab. Chestnut street, Philadelphia. DK- C. !MANDE& PITFIrIAII and grumpy—office corner or Suite Sweets; Reioienee on Eight!' Street. between tiollatid. Erie, r., T. W. M()ORE. Ds aixot w Grocenew. Proymione,WinetLiquome &c., One Door below Loomis& Co. State street, M. SANFORD & Co.. Beaters in Gold, Sliref, Bank Sows. Vraftn, Certi posit, k.e. right Exchange on the 'principal .cit for sale. (Ace In Beatty Block , Public Square 1 T. HERON STUART'. stamens •a 0 PtivrartA It—Office. corner of Frene, •areets. over Moses Koeh's store. Residence on one !low east of thenld Apothecary 11111. I • R. T. STERftErf - &SONS. Ho , constantly on hand a full supply of Groceries. I Chandlery. Provisions. Produce. lac and se r Retail as cheap as the cheapest. NO. Iltt, Chea' WM. S. LANE. - - 1 Attorney and Counsellor at Revolutionary. tinny and Nary TCLISICBIII4 Bounty] clan.. tar c.koa-pay. and all