Brie comity Agrienitaral Fiir. The Erie Coeoty Agricultural Society held their Fair for the year IE4I. on 'Weduesday. and rflornaboy, the Ist and 2addaysof the City 'of Erie. Om Wednesday, the lit day of the Pair, agreeably to public notice give., sod is meat uses with the requireretents of the Canstiratioo , of said Society, as elee4or of officers far Melee suing year, took place In the Society'. Teat! on the Fair Ground at 2 Mulock, P. M. The lowing persons were elected officers for the at tting year, wiz t i JOHN SCOULLER, Presit deal; Roemer Etta.. and DAVID H. Conk an , Vice Presidents; Ames D. thastm, Recoratag - Secretary; Wm. 4. Brown, Coirespoodi g Sec-. rotary, and Jailsit C. Spaisair, Treasurer Henry Gingrich, Stephen C. Lee, Joho W. 4; M Lase, John 'Cord, Wm. E. Mattis; Mie s C. Giddings, M. B. Lytle. C. Leet, J. B. Odd- ThOnies'; Willis, Milts W. Caushey, Stranehim lame, slirswley, L. I. Baldwin, A. Bennett, Joke H. giblet. wet H Wend A. White; Cif. W.l Colton, G. Elhoit, C , Brawn, Jr , Robert Sewell, Matthew IL , Swede Jackson. Philip Osborn, James Moles s, l W. flair. %V. W. Elites, Frederick Ohlw Wm. Kelley, N. W. antsell, A., gorkpm Samuel C. Eitargeoa and Gideon H. Nagai ESIVIIIVC Commitier. The Ploughing Atli toot pt at 2 o'clock, P. id. of the ianie dd t The officers aad friends of th e society very much regretted that the articles were not ge 'r ally entered and stringed the first toy'. se at better order could_ be preserved in t e arra e• meet and claseifiestion of snide*. and ,the, by ' prevent mistakes by the Judges in overlook/Mg many very meritonoup articles. When ntis rice has been douse, the persons whose art.eles were overlooked, ought to cabana:Site - the Judges from blame, and remember the , it was catia4 by , throwing so largely into the last day the enter- tag. clasedying and teceiving members. i The thanks of the society are due to the many hundreds afoot cit lune, who teat in innate to make the annual irshibition attractive and !in structive. Every leur'is adding stre ngth to iha society; Fred it is anticipated that the time 41not far disust wheo nearly all of the eitiains 'Stour whole `county -will see the importance of siding ma this work, by b-wemingenemboto of the asiiit ty a.odcoutrikating their best production. to mate the I eihibitioa more attractive. as Well as loose highly instructive. The officer, recCive no compessatioa whatever fur their servlshand the entire funds received are *puppy - abed for Premiums, &c. Therstore by increased street gth year.' the 'Premiums era accordingly) be increased to proniotethe interest of the Agrieul turalist, the Horticulturalist, the Manofactuirer. and the Mechanic. The accounts or the Tr urer are carefully audited every year, and asti bibit will hereafter be published showing` amount of retripta sod expe‘diturea for e yet, since the "'altercation of the society. The thanks of the society are a:os' due to the , i editors 01 all the newspaper' of our city, for pub lishing the pioceedings of the society Fred of ch4rge, and thereby still making it the More " strongly obligatory upon all classes of our citi zens to testate the press by patrositiug them liberally by aulserabiag for their papers:- rice.„ ttri , entourage them in their present liberal couirso„ as %ell to enable the subscriber to be posted op ~Z re all dew as dewily matters, as well news gene Ily. The Secretary read the awards of the .1. gen es Thcradar at 4 o'dlock, P. M., which were as ("Howe: ! The Judaea on Horses, including Stallions, Matched. Su:loe and Farm limes reported! for R. O. Hills, best Stallion, Diploma, lit $S 00 Thomas Duos (ol Fairview) Rod beat Stal lion. . 3 00. D. S. Renner. 33 item Stallion. I 00 Robert Custard, best lout year old Geld 'IC Diploma and 00 J. Sampson. best span of Farm Horses, 00 D. Parker. 2d bat do do do 00 ') homes Venan. beat span ol Matched Car at • Horses, Dip and, • 00 Jacob Fritz. 2nd bist do de: 00 .J . 3 Caldwell Wit Carriage and Saddle Horse, Diploma 'and 00 John Kirkpair.ek 2d best-do do i lIJI • Rod Committee on Hareem itriutliog Blood Marls and Colts of every discretion, ' S. Matwell. beat 3 year old Stallion colt, sad 11. Chanibers, 214 best do do .1 Reeder. best 2 year old do Dip. and J. H. Metcalf. 2nd best do A. Kiikpairck best 3 year old Gelding D ri. and Win Hinton, 2nd do do' • do 50 R. Custard., best 2 year old do 00 A. galipairteli, Rad do I .- do 00 R. B. Brawley, best 3 yeah , old Mare Dip! na and 00 John MeLine, tad do , do do 4 .50 Julia MeClune. b ea r 2 y ear o ld d o _ 200 Perry May. 24 do do John Wes, best 1 year old Colt, Front &rood 2nd do ds do W W. Davidson, best Mare & Colt, Di ant Jas. Whitehill 4nd do do do Jas. lames, beat 3 year old enaiehed GF. Elliot, 2nd do 2do di Mc Jos.'M'Contl, do do do -do J Kirkpatrick, beat ,Dliiod Mare. John Bennet, 2,1 a ,do do do offered on. the above - dna ion of animal/. Fat :Cattle read Working , then. Moses C.' Giddings, best pair of workingl Oren, Dip. and • 314 ies J 0114404. Sled de • do do Peter E Derma, best pairef 4 year old Steers, Dip. bud M. Pollock. best (sited animal fir Beef, Samuel Chainbert, 2n4 do do •do The committee reported their regrets tha few fat Cattle sad working Steers were prt (or exhibition. Cows and ether Cade not included us tile • . Crintouttee. John McCord, best Bull ,orer 2 Tani old. Dip. and Cooper Mitchel, 2od do do do Ira Sherwin, beat 1 year kild 8011, Dip. & Francis 1). Strong, 2od do do do lra Sherwin, beet 801 l Col, Dip. sad , Wm. blosirhesid, 2nd -do do do 11 00 C, F. Kendnck, best Heifee Calf, Dip. olkll 00 Wm. F. Davidson best pair trained 3 year sild Steers, Dip. 0142 OA,. Adam Steel, %ado do do 1 1 s t . # - les Sherwin, best bidets Cow, Disl, - as+, 200 do do 2nd do do 400 Jos. McCord, best Heifer under 3 ran old, ' 2 00e David C. Chambers, 2nd do do do 1 00 gile 'I he Committee report also that there al so Bulls, Steers and Cows, quite Mein • 11. which are not included in the above e mlll those belonging t o .1. K. Caldwell, H. Elha;ack• Edwin --o— ,L. 1. Baldwin.- G. H. W nor, Julio !phonon, sad ,3ohn . Bartsa.. On Sharp. Win. lidoorkead, best Bock, will (cog wool,, - 'Dip. sad G. W. Bile, 2W bon do de do best Ewe. do Win Idoarhead, Bud best is Thos. Wino, bust Motu down Back, do two, T. Elliot. kcal Lao wool peOt s Dip. Isfill Robert Evans, 2nd do T. Elliott, best 2 Evros fin* wahil, Dip. ow de Sad best • do ' I Thos. Willis, best 2 Bekewell Ewes: , D. H. Chapman, best Cotswell Back. .. - do 2nd boat do 'do No premiums offered on the shove. On Buntas. David Barton; best four Pigs betiiien two and six ..sips, Joao Johnson, bast breeding Bow, 1 Oa Ponkry. . Dur , lap, Sherwin, Davotooo, sad Ill•- 4.40 e, km pairs of Sbaape Fowls, beat improved kind, Dip. as W. W. Loomis, Ekote, Cisme, Bad best improved kind, / \ Lewin Leet, bestreassmaa Fowls. A. Whittier, tad do 410 lntilterwits, best TlOTilitgi Thome Willis, Hod do The Committee on roach, reeommeeded s Pre. m,ulit to be given ea Jr. Dlckersaa's Cocheo China sad raked Fowls ' end also ea James D. Dantap's Black Spat;lan Fowls. The Commit tee on Miscellaneous articles generally, took the ume iota consideration, apd reported the follow hag premiums, vies 1. D. Daulap, no Block Spanish Fowls, I 30 Dr. Dickinauu, to: Citctita China do 100 du tor Palatial ,do 100 Os Whoa, Earle, Oets,ead Cent. W. W. Eaton, best sample blue stem Wheat In israw. _ Reebee Fields, best Pen areeed ; Cors, 40 This Committee adjlaraell to meet at the bf• flee of the Secretary oa the 2 Jib of robro4r7 next, to decide upon sechiwietet crops as shall be submitted to them. Oa Field Craps etch ausi Wheat, Barley, Oats and - - • John Johnson, best flnrothl Seed, 1 00 This Cenioniitee also aitioorned to meet at the office of shit fieerehary as ' the Shith of February meat, to decide t wos IMO winter Premiums as shall Ikea be 'obi:titled thew, agreeably to the regulations of the society.; G. G. R. Oa Broad, Bailer, Chosol. Ihnuy end Sew. john Burton, best Cheese of 60 lb.. Mid more, - Dip. sod 3 00 D. D. White. 2nil beet ; Jo de 200 A. K. Atter, best Cheese ol 25. lba Dip. and 3 40 \ Henry Shatteck,,2od Wet do 2 o 0 John Johason, largest paentety end best quality of Cheese trona asolin amber ol cows ' in prpportioa to their nuniber in mg days, (13 cows sod weight of cheese in six days 226 lbs. , ) ' Dip. and 300 Stately Steffan!, 2nd beat do (34 tows • and weight of cheese in 6 days 621 1b..,) ; 2 11:1 Ebbe Martin beat loot pi Bread, (hum dour made Iran Mediterraboaa wheat,) - I Dip.a4loo B. B. Wagner, best 10 Ois. of Batter, ' Dip. and 1 00 Julio Neff, 2nd de do • R.t.oest sewel, beet Ilosey in cotqb, - 10 tbs - , 1 00 John M. Warms. 2nd beet do 7 Robert Sewell, best 0.1 lb. strained - Honey. V 1 8. Stafford, beat 10 lb.. if Maple Sugar, 1 The Committee also aWarded • Diploma lor very superior specimen of Omni), but the article not entered in Treasuter'i book, and therefore same not known. Os Ploughs iiiu6 Ploughing. 1 Robert Evans . , Ist pretninin lor turf • ; ploughing toi'h Cayuga right-hand plough. I Ploughman Conrad Kirsh. ',depth or lerrow. 7 probes sod width 13 oiletkit," Llso. sad 3 0.) Bennet Pollock, 2ad premium do with Glass' superior left-hano pliesgit. Depth ol furrow 7 inches. and with 13 inches, 2 00 TrUMOII Bock, 30 do with Wolverime • righl-hand pitmen. Depth of (avow '6 inch. antrwidth 13e tugheis, / 03: COl. U. 8. Clark, best sub soil Plough, Dep. and 2 00 • Wm. Blades, beat Elt4bble Piough, tested by hinisclfas Plouglimao. Dip. sad 200 Ow Farming Utensils ticker than Ploughs. R. Evans, best collection of farm tools, 3 04 . do best HarroeN 200 ' Win. Apo, best une-horee Cultivator, 1 011 do hest two-hoist do 111 00 Col. D. 8. Clark, best thaw and Cora Cutter. (dirk kni(e.)' 1 00 D. B. Clark, best Wheat Drill, ' 2 00 James Sampson, beat hers. Kaki. 1 00 Win. Biggers, best Fandiog-41111, LOU D ph .8. Clerk. best Corn eller, 100 0. not, Cleo. A. Elliot, best hcml of Floor • from the smallest quantity DI wheal% B.M. Mailer, Miller•lDip.sd2 00 On Fouts. ' The Committee en Fruit repoPteditbsfat their meetings held during tbe Summer and Fall simian' to the day of We Pair, %here had barn prenatal-Ist various time. ltir tie* inspection several varietkis of early tipping peaches and plums_ by 0. Ponibrit, early' harvest and early bough apples by John Brewbsy, Dartlet peer". sbplex and Posi:h ly Kobert kylo .erreral Varieties! of Aprtowe and Miami by dowse D. Dunlap, beniutlful specimens of meg n,uni bonam. Raditemanean aid large blue plum by U. Locania, early apples, pears and water-mellows by C. Loot, several varietko of Pearbeff by Dr. S. Diciinsan and Da vid McAlister, and a very large tektite egg Plum Preannled In spirits by Dr. Kellogg of tiarstnl. The committee oa the above fruit' , have awarded tti 0, Sanford lit premium on largest variety of good Peaches, Diploma and FEW; I, the mar Itie beet early apple*, $1,00; James D. Dunlap best collection 04 . Aprkoto, Diploma and 60 cents; tiny Lowats best collectam of Plums, Diploma and $l,OO ; Leet best ~pecitneo of watert r union, 75 cents. At the holding of the k air the Couniuttoe made the fol lowing astanis,Ti,: John K. Coati/ell far teat six varieties Of table and kitchen Apples, Diploma and $1,00; John Rice eitemed best do- $1,00; 5211nt Martin 0, varieties of Whiter Aso Pies, Diploma and SIAM; CalvisirLiss 2d best do., 111,00; Cahill Lest beat hi Inter Pear., l Dip. and g 1,00; Hawn }Sewell greatest number agoodirietlarof Pears, Dip. and S 1,00; Cheste u Cheat,,. /ones Feel. of quinces. Dip, and s l , ol k " John K. Caldwell had &want to hint at the Fair the largeet variety of guod Pearhes. but in eousequware unite - ',manna baring been previously awarded, the Commit tee had not We power to award this to him. John K. vans. jr., beet early variety of grates, Dip. and tio cents • E. Martin 2440 V. oeutsi John' tupperstuitb toot ' Siustmellon,l3 cents; David MrAimter the largest good Priding the Chink Peach.) presorted In trite. bip. Vidtiam l'ooorr exhibited a way beautiful operuneu of the Fog untie. I'. Arbuckle alt exbibited a beautiful SpoethirD of M This eta/inns. lo random list as well as others uu,tht to be ex:Redo:l the nest year. Flinews mad Grant Dream Plants. Joke Sampson, best Floral eshibi ties, 1 - Up. and 500 do do best and Most extensive exit'. ep. 00 00 lIU Half; 2 leu bition of Green House Piaui,. Dtp. and 900 , A. & H. P. Meh►Sey, 2nd brat do 1 Oil Jas Hubblewhite; beet Ililoquret, Dip. and 75 do god - do 75 Mtn D. B. Clark.3rd do • 50 59 00 00 $ 110 00 _Reels sad Garden/ Vegetable". John Coppersmith, 12 best' stalks of Celery, 50 do 12 beet Tali!. Temips, 50 do 12 best 'Carrots, 50 John Sampson. 12 best Table Beets. 50 Jolla Coppersmith. •12,bebt Parsnips, SO John Neff. •12 best Onionji. 50 John Coppwrrarth, 3 brat 'heads of Cabbage, 50 John Sampson, 12 best 'tomatoes, 50 Feed. Ohlwiler, best 11. or at Potatoes, 50 . John Sampson, best bunith double Parsley, 50 Jots. Coppersmith, 3 best Squashes. . 6 0 John M'Cord. best Pumpkins, . 53 Joha.Copperwatih, best itWeir. Corn, 50 J. B. Moorhead, best he f bash. table Potatoes, - 50 . Lloyd Nichols, 2nd • do do 37 A Kirkpatrick, best seedling Potatoes, 54.1 John Coppersmith. beg ,' sod greatest satiety of Vegetables raisedtby exhibitors, Dip. itad 100 John Semppon, bort kitchen and flower garde. with %its to he grOwn by exhib- - ilia. i Dip. Hosselishl Maiswjactairss. •, Shodes,Cass sad Co., best pair of Matth ew.l Dip. sod 100 A. Leland, tad i do do 50 . Rhode , . Cm & c o.,biesti Flannels Dip. & 100 do, •do 2rd do ! do do 50 James P. Niucent, bekt Wool Car- Pet , I Dip. and 100 L. H. Cowie, god do I do Mn, Calvin Leet, beet Hag Ca,- let, Dip. and 100 ! L. H. Conse.Sati do ;do '5O Mrs. J. AIL T. Drop. bidet Wood Coe. I let. Dip. and 1 00 John Evans jr.. 2ad • ifo do 50 Mrs Alexander, best Red Quilt, Dip. & 1 00 Jas.•M. Moorhead. .2.4 d do 50 A. Leland, best Counterpane, Dip and 1 00. Mrs. J. U. T. Dana; brit Table Spread, Dtp. end • 100 Mrs. J. M. T. Dunn, id hest do .50 A. Leland. best Tow Clcith, Dip. and 100 Mrs. Thomas Dens, best film Woolea Stockings, 1 . 50 Mary E. Dann, best fine Linea Stockings, (very asperiur.) 50 Rhoda Ilrowm best Sewitkg Silk. Dip. sad 1 00 The committee reportwil that there wets sev eral other very besntifal-Quilts exhibited, sad that tbt7'hati some difllen t ty in deciding. illiscsiliputous litignesegeres. abodes. Cass A Co., Wet Wool.. Man- i res. lies. .es. =3 ofsetnners. Dp and Rhodes Coes & Co., Said best do 100 Win. 14a0y, best air. tight regalator Stove. Dip. , Sennett & Co., bra, cant parlor wood Stowe. Do do Fokliai door wend Parlor Steve, -- ` Sennett & Co.. hoot Cook Steer. (Baal Up, No, t ) . Dip,. .i. W. J. F.Liddell, best Blacksmith work, 1 Dow/ Do do Wwitesinids work. J'" Lightning Rod and Points: ' • Dili. &mien & Co., best Copper sad Tin -• Work. Dip. and 2 00 Derby -& Monfort, bertlGoaiustith Work, *Rile. Dip. arid ' •, ' • 200 G. Loomis & Co , besi Silver Wait and • Jewelry. Dip. and 190 L. B. Chevalier, beat Carriage. (1 Hoek- .away.) Dip. and 2 00 i E C. Bennett, gad ben Perrier., i 00 ' L. B. Cbentior, boot coepPost's D. 4 ft 00 1 sOO LAO 2 00 lin 1 ou se I gi 7/ E. Goodrich, best Brick; Dip. and 200 Jaa. Lawid, 2ad do do 1 00 Gen. .1- Killpatrick, bees Tile for disk ing, Dip. and 2 00 G. A. Senses & Co., best metnic wa in Pump. Dip. aid 2 00 Lyseb & tibias. beat Sigs and °ma intain Painting. Dip. and 2 in Perk's. & /Ride*, brit PeperMak's I). & 2 1 1,11 A ease orrery beautiful Jewelry was mint:wed by ft. P Stoektos, tori of Isis own manufacture, which was'arry Credit isle to his taste is the se lection for his este ;Its eat, and for which the miseell itommitt r awarded a Diploma. A herelsome assortment of Furniture was eit hibsied by the booties of J. H. Riblet &CO., and A & H. P. Mehaffey. of elegant workmanship and finish. very creditable to both firma, both of whom waived the award in order to promote the interest of the Society. Paintings. Drawings, Doglisessigpirs. Miss. C. logersoll, best Oil Potato's. (Mavis bath Charsiso,) Dip. and .1 00 Miss C. Ingersoll best Portrait Paileg,DA2 09, Ml 9. Walter Chewer, best klecochrometie Drown's, DI. and 103 Miss Eliza Neely. best Painting is water colors, Dip. and 1 00 W. H. Sherman, best gurreolype Sped melte. p. cult 100 E. Ate!. 2iif twat do 1 011 - Millinery awl rem Making. 'airs.- M. Curti*, best Millinery. Dip. and 2 00 A. M. Slake. best ineoutactory of straw Sonnets and Hats, Dip. Miss Eliu Neely, best Dress Mak- lag. ; Dip. sad 2 03 Airs. U. Curtis, 2nd de do, I II) Noodle. Shea, Wax-Work mid Emitaidcriag. Mrs. Elihu Marna 21311 k Cushioso, Dip. Mrs. Irwin Canip , 1. Lamp Mat. Miss Kate Chester Lamp Mat sad other ' art icli's, Dip. Mr*. Arbuckle, Limp-Mat, Dip. Miss Julia A. Arbuckle, Lamp Mats. Miss Nancy Arbuckle, do Dip. Miss Aim Lowry. Toilet Cashion, Dip. Miss A. Grey,. Lamp My.; Dip. Miss Innersole, a Sofa CU1 1 111011; Dip. Slow E. 8. Perry, fancy Paper Cutting, Dip.. Mrs. M. Curtis. F..nbssdereJ Slippers, - Dip. Miss E. Ball, Bewail/Case and Embri de.ed suppers, Dip. and 1 00 - Miss Caroline Beebe. Doylots. Dip. Mrs. M. Curtis,a Needle Case, Dip.. Miss C. Moorh ead. a pair of Match Oise., Dip. Moss A. Jima s, Reed Purse, Dip. Mss. Willing. do • • Dip. Mode Briars. Lace Veil and Shawl. Dip. Miss R. Dana, a Cap sod embroidered Skirt. Dip. Mrs, J. C. Spencer, it Worked Collar, by Miss lase W also*. ' Dip. Miss Mary Kelley. a Pen Wiper. Disk • Thais, Wilson, best Shell Pyramid. Dip. Si/ Miss F. Is. Spencer, Needle 1 oak. D.p. Miss Kate Grannie, a Silk Sofa Cashion, Min Sarah L. Olmsted, do do Dip. Miss Mariam E. Colt. do _do Dip. Mrs. D. S. Clark. • Briorke. a Dip. d i Tidy and Scarf of Crotch. et work. Dip. Mies M. Jequss, Crochet Sleeves. Dip. Miss McAlluter, Toillet Cookies do .3 a Handiterchsei Cookies. Dip. Eliza Neely, as EmbraideerdCap. Dip. Mrs. 1. Camp. best worked Cashion and Back. Dip. sad 50 • do best pair of Ottomans Dip. 1 00, The committee found so many of the itiosit sr , Ind?, so nearly alike in merit that they have . therefore reported several of the tftlablerticles se hest, and therefore entitled to Diploma. Sever al superior articles were handed in late, sod with out tickets, end.thernore no award Anthem. Miseellestirmar Adidas giundly. A. Patch'''. best Mowing Muckier. ' Dip. A. do best Dog Power tram, A. M.- Tarbell, best Cider Mill, S nu 111 r. Cooper. best Threshing Machias. Dip. • Alex. C. Twining, nivenior of best model for railroad bridge, eirostructed by Wm. C. Keeler, Dip. D. S. Clark, best Cons Drill., Dip. R. J. Sibley at- Ca best specimens of Stone Warr, 1 00 John Evans, best Hand Rakes, Dip. A: Leland, hist Plaid Flannel, 100 J. B. Moorhead. 2nd- do 50 ; C. F. Kendrick, best set of braining Tools, • Dip. G. A. Bennett, Wet Unios Counter Scales Dip. G. ionomis & Co.. twit Seal Cutting,. Dsp. do, best Artificial Flowers, Dip, SO W. best Parma Machine, 6 W. J. F. Liddel, best Iron Trace. 1 u 0 do do Gate, Dip. do do Lightaing Rod Point,. Dip. Many very meretorkeul atiletes V 991 undosibtadlygovn.r looked by twins in the burry of tbe day placed to the wrowitjudgea. Utile persons whoentered articles would bare examined the moth= 114 and when they hand them not enumerated In any of the Ibis of premium', bad them ni..val to the Committee oe Miscellaneous ar teell generally, who bad the power to sward on every ra eritoreoue article not on any of the thits, better satin Leine could base been.' gloen. MI tie Joipe. fte , et the ones ou Mime' generally were roamed to their lists snentkined under their rtiperthe beads in their lists of premiums. It ill &nimble that hereafter the etasedheations may be eo well understood both by the Judges and those who enter articles that errors way be avoided. The Fair wag undoubtedly the linebd eahtbUino ever held In krieoounty, and the Barley in now upon a Pei Ininint Dante. Those entitled s o Diplomas, ran have them by calling upon the Stserntar'y, Janne D. Dunlap. and those entitled to morey ail! le paW by calling in the Tresennar, J. C. tpenote. JOith hitALWLLY, Prem. Julia D. frm_gr, Fee. 160 Acres of Land for Sal*. !TIRE subwrthes wishes Wadi as err Stange Rs a House and tot .1. in Erie. 160 acres of had to Wisconsin. the -mine being granted to a 'oldies in the tate war, under the act or Congress or le3O. The Patent from the V. IL recites It as locate! ..upon the northwest quarter of Section 31, In townshipl3 of Range 13, In the District of Lands subleet to sate at Green Ray. W isconsi rt."— The exchange fora house and lot in Idle, would be preferred Foie. Oct. II le3l—thil : CHARLES W. KELSO. ventrEst . WALL AND ISZLISNICNT. MRS If. S. WARD would say to the Ladies that by their lib. moil patronage heretofore extended to her. she is now pre pared with the latest New York and Philadelphia fashions of Fall and Winter, bonnet's. which she "roil be nappy to sell at the very lowest proein.— tier stock collnl•ILI of over Fur° different kinds or Sonnets. at prices that cannot help hut suit the times. Also, Ribbons and Flowers. and in fact a grneral , assorUnent of Milli- Defy. , Straws bleached and pressed in the latest styles. All kinds of Country Produce taken in payment. f-ar" Country Milliners supplied with goods at the lowest usai , ket lakes. Erie. Oct: II IfiSt. TO DZOIITTIML. DR. O. L.. t".11.101 - r Sas ism returned from 111 444; - ... the ea.tern eitieP with a wry 'sock of TIPETH. Foils and Dentist Futtlitip, which he oilers • sell n eastern pricer Erie. OcL 4. la'. MILTS AOADIIRT. THE Miner Tenn of the Erie Academy commenced . • Mon day fast, under the charge of J. A. Ilhariana. A. Al, Principal. 0. D. Ilaarnirz.TeSeibel iu We De m •• I. Miss H. A. lima*, Teacher iu the ITouas Ladi Department • nrissepst Qsartte. Primary Branches. St Higher Enema Brandies. $OO Languages, 4 SO .401314 ALORAITII, rrest.. Mrintst Wxstxmt,titeeir. Erie. Dci. 4, I 0 &. aftlt CIOODIL THIS subeeriben AIM returned from New Tort with • Wry assonment of • ran and Winter Soot* which were pnrchawd within a few days past he Pak and ow ing to the gnat panic in the looney market at a great satriiice4o the importers ani maouhietureva. We are prepared to give the public the beitentof our purcibanev at a malt advance. They do not boast of the quality or the ehestporvia, bin would invite a coat portrait of quality and price acid are eatiaded acme will go away diminished. GOO. SELUEIII h. SON. Erle.t.ret. 4. POI. • BA fit TAT ESH A Wl...l.—The place to putelhase Shawl, cheap Is at No. t eapssde. GEL/. SWAIN - 4 dON. tese.Mee. 4. Hal. • MITIFIrI--Nineteeo Male tarhool Teachers to web Ate four months in Mil'creek It.. The bebout Directors will okeet at due paittareett Have. Eagle V libber, on Stmordny The Ilkb alt o'clock. P. 111,,, ibe purpose °felon] inirut truckers. J. K. CA Mr EL.L. iticey. MEflereek.Oct. I. IE4I. Ddb BUTTER and Cheese Tryall. at Rue. Aug. II ITHlBisalkwriber is now recanting his Fall and Winter Sikh of a ibioad., ron.isting of forrio and don:m.oe dry goods, Aar+ ware. groeerkv, wet and dry, crockery, nails. are., which will he sole at unpreeedenutd low prices, fur tra ly pay, as I wish to do business on the ready pat' s) want iu future Call and esstuint mars and qualities, and you will Le satisfied as to both Oat. 11, 1101. • 8 , 41111 JACK:4OV 2 00 Itisiborsos.Winellialls, Otrrbs. Splints. HAVING wen the virtues of !Gilder et lehratedtritinh New• eify tested in the removal of a Muse Spatial from my Gorse. I have purchased the esclivilve right of compounding. using. and selling the unparalleled medicine in the town of Narbiwcreek. t;e county. Pa. The fuddle are therefore inflame, that lam wired vs apply thin medicine to atfllorses aglicted with Nfull stns. Itingbonea. Curbs Windvslls. Nidints &e.. brought to me at tifesleyville. and that alien properly applied it has Deter failed to affect • cure. Jour( BCNNEI - 1 . • Wesley *le. October 11, 1411. • iiIIIIIO2.I77ZONJ el" HE ewpartsershi p briennA:pre exhrino in the weremulle Oa • lJ Volta betokens tnTotibotrilioni, tinder *le Arm of Lowey. &rows & Co.. was diuolved on Um ILth Inst., hy amtuat ear mot. Alf debts due to the late Ono are to be pod ao &men & Co . wbo are to gnat ct ela:ors it. info= Eilik fort. 17.-91 f rWaT• 'leathers Wanted. IRVFI.I3 ICEVIL '3 ON THE CASH SYSTEM. Slavin Triad it, We dad it Nil/arks welt BELIEVING the l'asdi Syste m the only tree system of doing business. the uudersisned ono adopted ft, and ends it work. 4 well both for himself and Customers, as It bas enabled bun to purchase his FALL AND WINTER STOCK al eatreetnly low tram ilanwegnetilly he will be able to furnish bis customers and the public at corresponding prices. All in want of ant thins In his linear , sestet. Duly Int tied to clawing his elegant aroortanent of Clothing! ClaAlis and Caashaaresl entraining of Black. 011ie Black. Brown. Orem and Drab linwt4. cloths, and enssi nitres ofearicniecatterwit A l Sa i /ilk. Satin, Worsted & Wailes Voids & Vestiagi AU of which owe ktutehat•eti to New York for CAIIIII, ao4 are D'Ar olrered as cheap, E least, as .pt any other establishment in rows. He doer not deem it necessary toteil those who hare lbe Polon. • eerie. of years patronized oho that he coothatsp• to so•gtthte ture as FASHIONABLE AND N 41 / 4 EAT FITTING • Carmen a can be Round in thin tgtrik.4: btl W acts el""Wer. he-has no braitntion In saying thittif th ey will CALL AND NEE '° l THEmsusEs. • They will not go away dissatisfied with claw Q••ds.Workat•ailohlP or Prir•go CIMOW work always done al rParaable promo, and warranted. Alit rutting warranted, If properly am* up. Call and ice If "old tamp lave NOt become sear at the .4d stand of the sub reriber • I M ' JAMES LYTI E • : Erie. Sept. t I. r NNW IT1102•11•41,Isil GROCEIRY - STORE, AT 1r0.7, 10.7RELL RLOCK. ERIE. PA. PUB subscriber having leasedtltfitare Ao. 7, Bantle! Block. L libmerlY occupied by Laster, kii nett dr. Chester. is receiv ing direct from New York, a large and well selected stock of Groceries. to which be most cords:oly invites the attention of the trade in this and the adjoiignicouotift. lie &mess hinwelf that from his experience in the rocery'husioess. nod his superior fa e k.s for o:taining Goods; direct /ruin the Importers and Man u(keturers. thereby saving the Johltro' profits, that he can sell to the Merchants favoring him' ith tlpir palrobage. Goods At Chopp as ens bo Parckoied Wed of .kce-Eurk. And as cheap miens le bought in New Volk, n ith the addition of Minix attended in getting gioJs to ibis city. Being deter owed to make his business nitelosively 11;the i lesale. will confine himself to selling by the Package. if — he can be surciined in Po doing Ile will be happy at all times methibit his goods to those who may favor him with n tall. In addition to his static of Groceries, he has added a choice, Nock of Wines and Imported and Domestic Liquors! to an etamination of which he would especially invite the mien' Hon or Hotel keepers and others in the trade. The following rill eisuprise a portion of his •wick. via: New I Means. Porto4tico t Cuba sugars; Powdered.ernshed. Granulated. While and Yellow (Wee do. Porto Rieo. Mimeo ea4k). t Cuba Molasses. r. 11. Sy rim. in Dbl. or hhd ; tild Hyson Gunpowder and Black Teas, in chests. halfehests and caddies; Did Java, Rio and Lagoon (b'ee't Vieginitt manufactured To bate°. nidereut Brands Anderson's loose ehew; mt. and tapers, also loose and assorted size pap. *looking ; Black and Yellow snuff; Domestic and Imported Harsnattegars; Raisins, in whole half and quarter Dorm , . Currants, Plus, Pimento Pepper. Cassia, h umber,. Indigo. pure Ginger; Pepper Piller. tiroand Pep per; Pimento. Cassia and Coffee in; lb. and 14 lb. papers: Pow der. in whole, half. and quarter keel.; eitiou. Lead, Rumor difierent kinds; Nu. I Pale. Excelsior. and Fancy doiiii; Refined Rtephant and lVaale lid ; dperrn, Linseed and Olive do Mackerel, No.'s 1. Y. 3, in a hole, had and quarter Ibis., Codfish. Herring and White fish, Paints aril (M..; NeVcral grades Brandies, Rum. Gin, Moaonvabela K'hiskey. Port.M &Ira, ("anti and Cfmnipaign Wines; London and Philadelphia Pones: together w ash most kinds and styles of Foods kept in the Grocery line. and not enumerated in this list, ti the inspection of Willett lie would respectfully invite the attention 01 poccltaarffs before toying elsewhere. Particular attention paid to filling orders, and all goods war ranted as represented or the money refunded. Rrie. Sept St.— iff. J W. RWITH. TALL BLlLlA.Zaiillitlr. MIiCURTIS is now opening 4 large and opiendid assOrt onent of Millinery Good*. which will be sold win:drank Ind Joretail at the lowest prices, !Her .*oek embraces J o the follow nig: RIBBONS—Rich plaid, noirest .tyle. 'cart. wile and velvet adorn', in short every sale Moen', be sailed I. 81TINS—All colors and priees.7 Of I.Kri—Ofevery description. 'Wank fug llonnels.l I n log vel vet Maki.. ate, • SILK VELVETS—BIack. brown, bloc/ree k. wade'.lbr ti4R Fellows' Reasliaa. &a. FLOW RRO—Oluines. Tans, Recites, Lanes. EDGINGS—BIack Lace Veils. Ebialittlo£llY--Collars, a veer large asioeiment. rugs. Int dendeeve.. eberneelm, bandkeectrela. embroidered and Oen, edging, arid emertrona. KID GlA)VEA—GintSenies's white, Ladles white and eokieed, finequality. blurs, long and abort, great (Variety. HI mil ER Y.— Al I colors, brit quality. • DR FM TRIM)IINGS—Netted triage, Buttons, Gimps. nu led Ilhheins. DIA DWI CAPS—Of every style. , BONN Vl'S—Straw. Silk Patin a :4ld Velvet. of the latest style. sta Conntly on hand. Straw Bon eleuredand shaped on the shortest notice. Moak Trimmings. ready made Maks. Velvet Socks. Mantil las. *e.. Fancy Rackets. Cono. Critorbet Needles Tidy Need/es. Tidy Cotton Tape•, Hooks and Eye! Soy'. Maris. Elastics, with many other articles too ntmeenans lo mention. All orders for Goods Jrui Bonnets promptly aneirchtil 10. Erie. dept. 9T. thhi. Statical Academy. frws institute w oil be opened it 4 few ,days at his rooms. 4 doors east or the Erie Hank, u 00On au tll6 names of elegy ,subscribers are obit med. Tenor—et Me one it perm, *la k,r fanithes widening .is perorate, periyear, invariably in advance. rive lessons will be given every Naturdry, entrer of which pu pils may attend. Hours of study Roo t. from 10 to H. Roo IP. M. to 3. from 41 to 11, from 7 everting to O. The ladies may select one of these lessons for thrin-elrer. Mou enabling all to attend without laconvemence. This unpultle , l low price of tuition bririp instruction within the reach of all. The hours will be occupied in the following menrerk—Tiot vocal exercis es—second, lecture• on ere7y thing ronweeted with music. (his tory of mune. t or luding the news: of minutia niatteirs)—third. eudimero of music, w ith explanatious on *be black bowed. or on an no.turneut —fourth. sacred mime. with aceompanytwent on. the hterothon All persona tubbing to subeeribs. will Dail ter. at the above named mow W3l. WILLING' Erie. riet. 1.1931. - till VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AND STEAM MILL sou •AZ.E. TRE sufateriber oars for sale his Steam Saw about Stour acres of Lind attached thereto. situate in the township of %Washington, Erie County, two miles from the flour [l adlint valarc al . t IcllhOro, tibout tiny rods from the lirel. uf the £tle and Edenboro Plank Road. This offers very cram indurements to purtbmers at ibis Particular time. for Plank Road hateptst been &eland from the fa vorable position of the a ill tt eould undoubtedly successfully eompete eft I me it .e• mill in ve;e rimy for fonishing Me pLink rue the roa.l. The moll is in firm rate tangling order. harld an excellent engiue. situate in a rich, and nournhing country. having within a short distance an almost unlindied quantl of excellent titular. ! • I It will be .old at a bargain, and on easy mune to the . bal er. For particulars inquire of J. 14. Campbell. of 'TO. Or the subscriber so Lrse. • C. A. CUI44 ' ESON. September .33.1831. ~. . aft, _ Jbpri SOLD AT SUCH REpUCED PRICES that hem fter thereean he no exessilterfor seedy Ceara, toiled Pries or dilapidated Pants. But their stock of Keady Made Clothing is not the the only 'cement held r out to a "Fat, Massed I'M Saucy Public" to give theta a call, for their stock cf CLOTHS, CAISSINERES FESTLYGS, • is.onsurpagard Mr variety. Faahloa and, above all, Claeapuen; and as they have In their employ ' Osi• of the Diet Clatters is Tows. They will be ready as all times to spike Gamest, to erderraed Warrant them when done. They hive Goods from the Open ft). Dries to the calmest so that every one can be sailed. They have a large twaortubent of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, niches Shirt. from the aunt Quality to the Ovarsen Hickory Shin. handkerchiefs. glovee.wockalearre. under gannenta, cot ton, Rosana, together with every t hing in out line. We have a general asstounent of Ladies Pashionild• Go ode for the Fah and Winter trade. We have neither room not tittle to enumerate styles or +meek odquality, tun will just say to Ladies to e.liaud examine for theletv, . IT IS NO TROUBLE Tt a SUOIV GOODS. and ifthe prices don't rust we'll en voi tz . n4ji , e them, tot we a A Ito ell and are determined not to be un id. notet Held the location, No. 4, Wright. Bloch Erie, Sept. *,l„ If ategutilH IAM now receiving • !store stoe9 of finasos. which hare Juot been purchased at very low dame. in New York Obrchsboind will he sold proportionably low for of ready pig. I Amalie receiving a large morel of Team. fttferm. NICIIMOCLI FrliCeli.. &C.. ea. I holm die Mien ion of there wishing to pew i nsh chafe and way !"think lea. other pod indilweeatata a• any house in this city. 4 JOIIN B. solemn. t;rie t ttegiu la. IP3I , doll _ OTIII9IIIIIII orswass:: _ TII P 4 griee of °mere idle ran Id Winter at the Melehiers Exchange, will be— One dozen Mewed.r. " 31 cents. , - • 1 Half •• j • .. • , (toe dozen hied, '' 111 • : Half • 0, ID • , • One dozen raw, ZS • - Half *. • ' lit •* I - T7Oysters by the Kezar Calal Vied at all ammo einiag Uwe ran and %Vinter. W. UUMIII/S,guperiaseurisat. Erie,Pent_ 19, 1831. - 19 _ ... - i VALUABLE WATER 111DVVER.-4611111 SAW :ILL !OIL lIALS.. AV A LGABLE Water rower 80 Paw the North "lope of the Soliiruit. 11l rratr Ord eoutity.on the Erie Emeumon Ca nal. surrounded by the finest timhel in the county. and a good lo cation for a Grist Mill. will be acid at a great bargaht. LUM BER or CAN t I. IlONIld will be takes in payment. Kept. 1114 Mil. M. B. LOWRY. ROWLANU'ri MILL SA `O at FIRMS Truco,nri and rtntcrn Aran& • - .- • astir Lorin sour TO Ozarst, FIFTY Am ER ICA NS M ASSACRED ! AWO all this Is done beeduee they were trying to assist the Cu. bate to othhia their independence. and a. Wlttlii BOW. ate pieleled While others are diapleased but the only way we know w pleassall is to 'C•ALL AT J. VSTIOES. And ersautne bis large and vt ell inteeted stock of CLOTHS. CASSIMERES. AND VESTINGS. Whichlte wilt make up tO oven on the shortest notice and in the amid fashionable style. tlettilemen leaving their measures be any gartnem esii depend on hat ms tt n hen promised. and ir wet situated they will RN be natter to mite it away. Ready Made Clothing. We have on hand and continue to Millie a very imperior lot of Beady Made Clothing. which vre recommend to thrr► he want. and would lawn* our friends rind the Nagle weal! and ex amine Goode. rhea and Stake: and to t how not judges we say bring along mire oue to judge for you,• and we know you will be atitudied that se have the Bast actoas it the City! Thu we boast or and astir eattreirlson Also. • nice lot of hneand Fancy et° rut, Drawers a tml , lersh rt.. Bw,pemders. fitoets iad Smelt Cravats. which we bought very tow. and w ill sell as eMnp aa the cheapest. We would return our cheeks to the Public fee past favors, and be pleased Mare all our old e women , end as many new ones as tan mate Iteousealeut to give us a call at No P. Heed 11101. e. JOLIN AI. JUSTICE. Practical Tailor. Erie !rept. 13, 1811. lEI WOOD WANTDDI •/n II E aolneriber ornate'', Introbace age Cardin( IT, ea wit jt. and edam bA wont delivered at his Avhery and Lin elOl4 corner of French and eas dtreeu• d. JACI Wt. ticpt. Park nips,. a tow doors mast •ftle• SIM= 110U8111., • ! Stur.amAx Is Nappy so Invite all who wloh D.Afltrßit RAY TV PC LIK &kirk% whom at alt particular what kinder!' pictures dies bave, ID hly new itrooms VI hueb have tern built ira 'r measly for the An. LIJIIT i. ths great went of the Arti-t. and it ha+ been the constant study of worthy of the name place the Art was dirleCnerrd, '0 employ and control it to the manner best adapted ta produce the most favorable mini?... The result of this study and of thousands of experiments is that their is not a renpretab e permanent Gallery in the t' !dates where the pie• tures are made by a roustuon window. and he who says he can prtalane superior pictures hy such a window pawns his ignorance o r the - A rt. The aybecriber therefore huitirleare to say that by his superior and with all abliwatua worth sir time. any othe er Iyi this e ItY. he is enable I t t produce pienines w loch eanoot be equinted in this parte( the country; and otters to exert( any Oing which can be isroduced in other room. in Erie. or forlktitone hun dred dollars. Its has kiwi a splendid Quick Working Varnern. with which lie likes children ot any age' let a bedlstinctly un derstood his pictures w ill not fade if property kept. N. It —Thu: •••tecent ouprovetnents'• may be emit at the above _ miaow. W. It SIFIEIIMAN. Die, Sept. 10., IiZI A Nall/ EAT AND CAPs TO RE LI • b Tsuosc having rented the store on Park Ron. two JL doors nest of W illiatim• & Wthelti's Exelutnge Mice. lately wen' led as n Jewelry Store b ) Mr. Stockton, desires to call the attention of the citizens of Erie 10 his stock of gags ag c a p e which he is now opening. direct irons Caldera M;Annfacto Heine a practical Hatter himself: and baying taken the ingijoit pains in the sielection of these Goods, the community ma) rest, amared they are made of Orm materials, and by the best work in. Nand will hr warranted count in finish. style and durability to any that eon be bad in the Emtern Gentlemen eau at all times find here the latest fasgiot.s Wm. H. Beebe& Co'. celebrated Hats at New York priers. and Caps of almost every style, quality and ,price. Also. a good mock of Ilutralo Robes. The 'Ghee rtber hopes by honorable. fair dealing - , to build up his hudttew, s■ big 'kiln iv not to deecO that: who patrottive him, but to make reliable customers. Z. J. itOGERIS. Etle.SepL I 3 Tall Campaign Commenced in Reality. Contairciat Exchange Making Store Opre!! Crathisir alykper Otaa Lore—. Greet Rash of Customer& Larkin sales and stnall'prottts the !CAW! •T IIOPE wishing to purchase are hereby notified that. they can purchase MEN And B'.'Y 0/.OT/lING and all kinds of Furnishing Goods at about half price at Who :male or Retail at the celebrated Clothing 'estddishinent. No. Commercial Ex change. Erse. visited w ithin the last sit months by upwards of 130.11110 strangers nom all part. of the tinned Slates, to say no thing of those from other countries, I aui in receipt of the must splendid as well an the larse-t Stack of Cloths ever brought to this market. which I import detect from Eurotie. thereby sav ing the Jobbers profit which enahtet me to sell filly per cent. cheaper than any other radii Wind in thin cilt can or dare , ell. In fact I am prepared to otTer Fall and W niter Clothing at such rates, as will he obvious. are the greatest tomitile indnerownu In price. style and quality this market affords. My stock being no large and the styles so various, I venture the assertion that no will leave annulled or dinar-tied. lam in the receipt of • latest Paris; New York and Philadelphia Fanhiunn, and cm •y none but good workmen and will therefore be able. not p yto manufacture what I always have manitthe tired. graruifirs of al. so. to manufacture. them in the most fashionable and w. rktnan like manner. Gentlemen alshitg to purchase el.eap ad good goods will do well to Call and examine my stock of and Froet Coats. Business and °thee er Omits, anti. Vests, Broad Claris. C.ansimeren, Vest i nes. shirts, Fancy 'les. Brussels, Cheats. Ice. But we cannot enumerate dd. call •nd Per, and we will show you more gond., better goods, and ant—though not leant--ehraper goods than all the other estahli iments 0111 w Lira i n this place. For the horrid patromige her tofore bestowed on mc, lIA out.' respectfully twit leave to reins my thanks. By al ways keeping a large andez I rissortnien and dealing honestly. fairly. and faittaftilly, I hope to retain my old customers, and obtain a. many new ones as will fa ate with their calls. Et Ir. Seri li. 1 . 31.—i8 MOSES KOCO. SIIRETINGA and •liithogo, tde heft nnn brown, Drills, Tiek- Ingo. ilarit,e Stripes, stilUt , Mif f s. cotton yarns. carpet ;an end all of M Ilie 111 be Pohl cheap no the cheap etc by ltl ARBUCKLE & KEPLER. Glass and: Crockery. A LARGE assortment • Crxltery and Glassware. just retells /1 ed. wbieh will be • dos eboal as any in this natter. it No. 3. Perry Block ' pt. 13.- 1 18 • attic orics. A A LARGE . tweet just ars' ming. consisting of eallic. tens swamof r taus kituls. tnoltumes. lot rap t rte . Me... at Stn.& Perry Abet by IS A RUVICK LE dlr. KEPLER. SIELP VW. aisortment jtvt me...lrene at Plo. 3. t rry hark. by 18' t ARAI & KEPLliat. DRESI GoODS. IL nd I.lnrn plain and Bgurn4l Poplins. Merino. plain snit S II /Ted DeLatc., Cashmeres of: the latest 1141 lea on the eat& sys tn. by 15 ARBUCKLE P, I STARTLING NEWS PROM CUBA I ! ! Execirtion of Gen. Lopes I 2 2 LAIRD rti RUret are now receiving a large and splendid stock of all goods consisting of VielalK4, Cashmeres Gingham,. Cal ieoes. Shawls. fire.. silks. CasAtneres. e.. of new and ele gant styles never before brought to 4lris market. this goods were bought low and will be sold as low as can be atforikd by any house in ibis city 1 disCnminaliug pubbe is invited to rail and ex amine /err themsel icy and test prat - if... ally the truth of our assenion. pool knell to call at No. 1 Wrighei block corner of state and fifth streets. LAARD nELArt exi for oar shilling a yatd—rustomera w,ll 6aJ be 11 lanes irbr a 'hallo. a yard at No.l Viirilritu. Block Erie. Sept. 13. ' LAIRD ir-IttliT. tNGII ANS—Genuine Scotch biorhausi will be *bond at No. k-N t Wright•• plea for ow Warns a yard. Frie,Smt. 13. LAIRS& R t'ST. WANTED on dettinow the. We hope our Olen& $:3.0• 00 wilt take this hied into•erions consideration and oblige LAIRD Sr. RUST. IVIEAKun4 EXTRACTS of Lei non A. Vanilla. for Savoring Icep, Mlles, Custards. rartry.Srrups he. for sale at Erie. Sept. 13. , IWOORE'S Grocery Store. BCAG Ea a good assortment fbr sale ra JJ Erie. Seta. 13.! . 2 Mt CORES Gtotery Store. U/WKS 10 Dozer“aseort Mask* Just received and for sale at Erie Sept. M. : MOOR E•el Grocery Store. S____________ ___ -.--- TONEWARE Ron the EiTeiririnirat tory 'for intte at Erie, tent. 13. , MOOR '8 Grocery Store. IEI BLACK TEA a lavertor article of Blaek Tea fi;inteeieei and for pleat • ; MOORE'S Grocery Btorc. FLOUlTL—riput f rom Waa4iCreek mills the V rack Itraod to Le had al ' MOOR E'S Grocery store. DZIIIIIO2. • . • TlIEArm or 0. and v. Miller ii diraolved by mutual consent. The boldness will be continued by Q. 34 itier at the old mood Poor People,' Low. opposite Empire Swim. o - MI Aug. 13 C. MILLER.. All persons knowing thekuselermintlehimi to the nhore firm will please attend to settling the same as eints will be made n 'thin thirty days Without any mistake.' The book. end WINs can be sound at the old stand at present. ' Oat C. MI LL ER trill; proprietor, W. 11. KNOWLTON. has just returned Onto 1 the Empire city, with the Mutest, cheapest and hest assort men( of JEWELRY AND FANCY , GOODS ever before imposed Dom that ciay west of Dunkirk. all of %bleb are now ready (or inspection. Oa the first floor, Pio. 1. may he Rood n Larsen assortment of Gold and Silver Watches, Cold guard and rob Chaim. Keys and !Wale, Finger R Inds of every desert,. lion, Breast plus of all sorts and sizes. Cull plus and bracele . ts, Gehl. Silver, and Geirman silver thimbles, sold pencils and pens; sum% rbb an-t guard shams. Keys. Ike. Harm; made winner menus with the manufacturers at thermal to furnish a supply ev ery week fresh from the mint, hew ill le able to furnish those ankle' , cheaper than any other establistund d west of the tenni • nue of the New York and' Erie Railroad Also, on hand, at wholesale or retail. nay quantity orLookiog Glasser, Brawl:locks and oiher timepteceii. ]Reines t. I writers tirra.—Pue h as piano hwies.meloileons.bars shale. Milian. 1 , 10111)1., banjoes. tambourines, clarionets, Radeolets, aecordeon+. solar ond camptiene lamps, and grnindols, extra glebes, c tie% dipturiteks. silver and German silver table and teaspoons, sinter add irilt scoops. butter knees.—A wry line article of 'Penknives of the toots eolshra tot! makers, Razor,. i.n,/ Razor straps, scissors and shears. Gold, silt, es. and German silver and steel *prelacies. Eistressm.. Wear_—Ten sets, tenors, and candlesticks. Mtwatts amn A.—china Cases ' Raney Butes. Plated and Brass and Vac.. , feel Lae. and Wilt clasps, hair cowls, ivory do.. steel pen , . card eases. Ids and envelopes...gammen hoards. dominoes. cher. men, walla and pocket hooks, tames and forks, Ica-servers. Le. All of which will be shown to kis irtsiters at any time between *he hours of 6A. M. and P M.. tree:gratis, and small Sec on - ty be taken from Wes-who nitiyiwish to ta keseam of said articles home with them. t? Said Palace is tOtallalkal f4rfrollad formerly occupied by said Knowlton. owe door west or tdc Reed House.' Erie, dept. 6.-17 ; • A Pact. that I wish ; • have 710/Glint , QTCYCKTCIN ha. removed to lassie* store. (to taw.. t.:l &MO chore cart of BTOMl..llconner,) winch it UMW beteg ailed with as eboke a reeved stock of Watchet. Jewelry, Silver 'Wore. Ellver Plate.d and Getman Stlvy, *are, Faro' Goods. Mu o teal k Ak lasuuments. (Amp,. toolitre Glaanes, e.. e. as can be shd west of New York. (no mistake on this (Joint.) Ladle, and Gen tlemen. I hare, tracked. a heattttfof awortment. who of you rill not rail and we them? No time tilt, week to enumerate NS Oaf ',Dago the -drat fkor." may be Gunwl to tke mood and third boar. CI R EPA'S' NG d«re in the hest 1/112Cf: Panicti fir Wien' I{oo wilt be even to VVaiebes by an experseneed narkumin. At the Wen of the Mammoth Watch.- STOCKTON. Env' Sept te. S93t. If. ntsivert as ale over of • X 11AVEISTXM & CO. 4 IM IDN4II I w ERlti DAOUERRHAN GALLERY, Mantilla Black Silk aleo.n *rent variety of Mich Bonet Ribbon. of latest .tyler Just received by 1 4 ept. 13.—1 S A BOUCK F: 1k K EPLER. TAKE NOTICE TILE CRYSTAL PALACE NOW OPEN won TZSILTORIII NEW ARRAN WANTM—An kdr of Grain: . VV Ttmoshr its iodic kid Pievirlll).” 11 1 9 • 1 14 1"V i lril .. Pie the Ctit ' re of 001 70118, COLDS, 11 04LBSZNESS, Bitowciarr,is, WROOPINO-0017418, CROISP ASTHMA aad 001111'317311KPTIOIS The annals; of Wed iea I se ; rnee,alrurthnt a. th#l4o.llolide proof of the pours and value of inioy medical wow. haverl 'Dished no exaMpiritiq toinpaft with the I,huary Mae tweehmett by Mae, etteatev letreout—" The remarkable CORY of diseases of the Lunp %Nit &MI been teatime] by its use, attested as they me by 'pithy prominent priatmore and pewee lane in this and Aweigh land., "Medd es. comer the afflicted to persevere, w nit the strong amutiMe e that the use of We east err Pea-tout. w HI relieve and ultimately emit ilw. We present to the puMirinnsolielted. testimonials froe•some Of tbeNrst men In our country. upon triage judiptieat aueSiesperis enee Imp Deli eoaddeftee inky be gamed. ! ; Da. Peasunr. President of Vermont Mettle*, eaalre , ge. oils MIA* „ 113014 lamed and asrmidable PbPieia" in the COUultY• o,nsider• It a .. composition of rare curlicue* fbr the cum of Mat Ntraida blr dicase. Consumption." Keen April 4 •811111; ag i e r t. . I w . e C w . ill A:e r -: e tleat ully litre: aba;fiigreeab le to the mot Of Your tire knolien of , , of your C Pa&ralAlL 4 sad' they hare been wool og In deed. Mrs. WWI Streeter had been alflieted with ase and reinitiate cough, which reduced her very low iso low tit lista hope coAld he entertained of her treovery. Numerous relseclien had been tried without Meet. belbre the C aaaaa reetoSh i t, and that 111111 cured her. Geo, Wto atkinson, Esq.. And our , WV+ edge. been amieted with-Asthma For eleven yearn, and Obi* ) ear ty Worse, until the Celestas Psernast. has now removeo dip- rinse, and he is as Itt• from any of its symptoms, as we arei Tba Bev „alert Dane had been so severely attacked with thieStrons chips, as to disable him floe hie duties, arid,nothing had Ifford eel biw relief, until I. Mr. Thinning. earned him a bottleityoui Pat. - roma in . which :ured thin at once. Cud he no. oSeia i iii usual in big !duet- TP here are three in -MIS we have known It auceesafig. but never to tail. We have great *allure in certifying ihetral and are, respected sir. 'bur humble servant& k The publie have but to know ( the virtu( cepa of the Cm ;tar Putivnat.,o.enring when they will Mel secure than these Nan medy en n bcobtained er. mond by J. C. dyer. Che 7 Bold in Erie by J. U. burtoa. lad by r State.- Cogs ankle Aucl It Mul, Liquois:—.ll4 4l : ll July U. E 1 3 inly IS. A • IWIIA Ca 1. --John it (Servos'', Se holt'. Slyte'a Maw' •hd Smoking Tobare July . 18. IluoT CW E Bottle and drausht , foe Pale at N.-/ July It 1. NLIEFAXI2I II etODFI lOUlltraii - e - beat Cbdtlali in the city at L . V July I lidthiißE• s Grocery Mee MACK kity ROOMS.-130 dos. Fancy and CM and for sale at 8 MOORV and Mop Villanp earl I.- lbw INK July 3. 8 It 00 RE S' DUlt S—A new aniele. .13 July 3. 8 Moo&&' 'DRAM Huff BMWS. good assortmeo 11 July 11 WV' AXES' AXES::-e. Waters Al(1. Jule Vt. Lc IWI4 383 0 f all dc.cription. fbr int July-3. F MOORE. 5004 BISCUITLA - fresb impply Just reed ar d MOOR!;, Aggit .11.81 ft, LOWRY. & SCOTT, roilw.datahri AND commissroN MERCHANTS, Al DEALIIIII IN COALI Also, Flak Flour, Salt and Piaster: at the twee Wane 44ses Fr 11 MtISMi;NMERMI XXIII TO= AN Milli ZW3.20.11:1 _ s mara Jr. Stearn ilk Co.. Agents. som a PURI.IC DOCK. ERIE, PEN.V.4.. AME prepared to eontraet Butter. Cheese. and :111 other polper. ty hoot Erie to New 1, ork—thromeh in thirty hour.' ,Aletn—Agenot for Lines on Ertl- Canal—nu tratt•hipt*ls. throwen direet (mob Bolbic to New-York. 'LT Foe'snie. Coal, Salt: iVtt tie Fith, and Water Lime. Erie. June tr. k 7 amp= x ,... P 1 LINDEN , LlZArilla . cazisizaA.z. STEAMBOAT AOZINITI epee in Speed's Telegraph (Wire. next to Williams ih. WriOtte Pte 00110 C t /thee. at. - de greet. tile. Through Tickets to New York`, 1 is New York and Erie Rallreladt i and to Pittsburgh Via Cleveland, CllOOO nroculval tit Ws 00.... e. Pare tri New Turk fig ; to ritteburgli 6t SO. 1111 mu. suu.oacoars Lam. MI JOHN' KRE.V.I.V, Atc7t. ' 1 . Frain reAom Tickets Can be procured for yqf Os . lowyiwg Places: , Dv:mimic, BertAt.o, NEw:YoRK, CoPrms' r A ..* rano LA. FAIRIPORT, CI,HVEL AND, PITTSBC ~S It. DOglig. Mlkilloo. NITHOIT, CHICAGO, 1111/.. 0 R *CUR and SOOTEPoIIT. OTTlOSlpairord's 7Szpregs Oflce. Stati• The Agent pietism himself that Passengers reoeurlitg4 \ t t Tickets now htm shall not he le ft by the 13ortt, bet shalt be ty placed Ott board. August Iv' I 11 testae *emend money Remitted lei Britain and Iraland. 'E 'kGLE' LINE.• ," New To** and 'Liverpool Midgets. I istriiim wishing to send for their friends In Great Brltnist or Ireland. can at any time make the necessary arum with ttte subscribers. ho hake in connection with one of I ke Aryl hoti•es in Great Britain. a very complete and extensive r rangement for the oecortnnorlation of peraono eta igtoU rig to A - lea. Fur the prompt execw ion of tits engage:l.min.. the so t he, has the advantage of havi or, the Sole Agency 'or P of the splendid New Ships, comprodag the "EAGLE* LINE OF NEW YORK Ft LIVERPOO Packet,. sailing Twier a month from each Port. throe hoot year. In all ewes when those sent for do not conic ibrard. money will be refunded. without deduction. HILL'S AT SICIST.• Por sale In sums to suit. which will he cashed by ahy,ol his Sankt, and in the principal Tonna throughout Englainl. Irel ad. eleotland and Wales. BARNET. 110 ARES is CO- lams London, and JAMEB ti.cIIENRY, Merchant. Liver AAAAA TO Oa nwr PAID, :~.IIITH JACKSON. Agent. Or to JOHN MeNIICHA LI., at Old Slop. Cor. old iIeIrERHNCES. • Memo. P.N. Ir. N. Pirnie New R. F. Lord. rag.. York Cln, neer D.& 41. C. J. W. Whitloek & Co. do. - dale. Penis. ' Oberman It Callas, .do. Jame, Archibald. " Lewis./ Price, do. near D. &H. C Hon Allen M. 'Merman. New: tondo*. Penn. beret,. N. Y. Meese.. Q. H. b. A. Gilead A.Omilh. FAQ.. Secrete- Albehy City. N: tory Del. and Hudson Cahn: I Hop. J. e Yon. r., Co. N Y Deem add Cheeve.l44l4 ao. lot M4O did MIMI IC. ....WaDii7 Ccui kIecTONAL E A rod arum! obi Ma. earl RlOOl Et..—N Mackere l , in barrel,. half barrc , Juni receive oi. d at . MOORE'S Grocery Si `I:TABU:Sof all kinds may be hal ii July H. • I Starch!! Starch 111 JB. f1:11Y111 fr. CO'S Corn and • large clusellitter, Ibe sale at be* Or&r, Motet Country, Idetelantsprct Erie, July !{, . C. SAJPAIIt HAVE 4 TOY large sebortrucbt Were. Dui Pane, Spittoons., Malt Whieli will be wild by the doz. At Bt Erie. Aug. U . IS 3111$1118 4226 frgE subseriherhasJust received a 4f raini4 Groceries. to to hieh friends and cameo/stirs in tht. ere) ni say he Ouzo, lirueertes. N {nes. t.' rte.. etc.. tc•grther with adman rani Grocery eirote. whieh wfil be sold at can to found elsewhere. . . Alendi all kind. of country prods err**. .rte. Ai*. I. WNW WALL rrliCeitheeritersarejust teceivia 4 J. ratt Guodo. Potassium of the u, heett peleeted with ears tad will bp ?loupe pre IN a earl. rr up,, Ault. t►lt. NEW PALI. GO D: if Am sosv recela:ag aMn itteent eal'6*lGOO OUI 1 1 k Go w n lo • chill g tan he found of. ea/jet! I - st)le Oat beguiled. Tomy titaeat of ear liens hate been tna. ; they now def t4 , oe smote. MI call at No. /. of the miner font f the cash aystet Eept. 4.-17 21 311 :NLY has roll oar MA rinisre Hoek of G . ellen dr. J. S. W.,itAra. Maar concerned lire and aeeount• of Zuouberly dr. Littebettelk. .H. ohn Zimmer!). are in the h■ lbe Is if:MATE calleetien. Necessity dicta Mal therefore restlensepwlll 00• the .heir earnest asuratios. /OUR z►xxnL,. Erie. Animist 3 rigerAAPtittiogi igaViO reaa u 2 •114 Pie tt, . . tiov. An == MIEIIIII3 1 ~~ 2 M.. 1 Lim 121=