A. P. D1114.71P1r &Va., l!ropeletors. VOLUME 22. brie Withl4 tilittntr. A. P. DURLIN &CO. PROPRIETORS. 111. 2 1 . ILO N. X di } or. OFFICE. CORNER STATE ST SQUARE, ERIE. TEEM" OF TILE ?APES.. City subscribers by the eamer, at By wall, or at 'Moltke, in advance, . -...„ 'V' If not paid in advatice,or within three moliths of subscribirilt, two dollars will be e barged. LIAR communications *nue be post paid. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Cards not exceeding 4 lines, one year. 111,00 One square " " 1 - . 10,00 do. do. six months, 6,00 do. do. three ;months, IMO Thanseent advertnenienis.34l cents Fero/manei of fifteen lines or less, for the first insertion: IS cenu for each nut 4 ,eq nent insertion. Lr Yearly advertisers have the prii.iiegeorc 'mos in pleasure, li it at no taut are alkiweri to occupy wore Wan , ifro iquarcsosal to be hailed le tear liarassibste linsisses. Advertise:Deo moat bar ins other directkins. Will be inserted till orbid ant clusegied#eordin.qty. I BIT= r ,== DIRECTORY. W. H. KNOWLTON. 1 Watehinaker and Repairer, Dealer in Watt hea.lelocka. Jewelry. Musical Marisa:tents. looking Meares and other Fancy Gouda. ewe.r one door went of the Reed noose. 17 ARBUCKLE & KEPLER. , NALini In Dry Goods. Graffiti. Hardware . Crockery, llce. No 3, Perry Bkek.l3tate wed, Erie: Pa. A. M. JUDSON. ' i Armin= arl...alr.—Office at F. reeeat I a the elln,nlele (ace: la Wright's Block. J. W. DOUGLASS. Avroam Law.--01fice over Wallimns' I WrisitiesPlankiog Eaddrahroent; entrance tint door west. on tile Public dgoare CONPf 1V & HAVERZW— Dr.unts In Dry Goode, &work.. ILLioors orn kind. . ereckel7 Ilre..ooe door north' of Serirti J 's atom. Preneb Siren. Erie, P. 1. Gourrox. Eli B. HAtmerracis • G.•ANURE. Agent of J. Aadre Offenbach—Depot of Pore i meal Nerettandize, whote.ale and neuil, N att. Malaita% *met. Stotadet - --- llit. C. LIRANDES. PIITIICIA , I and Srancoit--Ottee eoruer of &nem; Residence on Eighth duvet, bet Midland. Erie. Ps. T. W. MOOSE. " lilt :AK in Grocerieg, Privits ions, Wines. Liquo &e.. One "Poor below Laxubs lc Co's Bowe &I. SANFoRE6si CO ! Deafens in Geld . Silver . Katlic Roles. Prang. (len, ideates of Die. pcmit. disc. eight Exchange on the pri ne 'pal I c conitantly for sale. Office in Reauys Ptitilic '64/are. Este. T. HERON STUART.' Et/ WM3II •ND Fitystrisl—Otrice. corner F streets. over Moses Koch's store. Residence UDC dnnr east of the old Apot hecary N all R. T: STERRETT k SO. corn/tangy on hand a full cupply of Grocer' chandlery, Prot ic.ons. Produce. tc . Are.; a • or Retail oa cheap aa the cheapect. No WV. S. LANE. Attorney and Cionnepllor at taw. Revolutionary, army and Navy Pennants. Bounty Land. and era's. for extra-pay. and alt other bum nes rift:tallied to me shall receive prompt and faithful 1111P1/liOH. otf,ice in Wright's Block on state street. over. J. If. Futlennn'o to re. Erie Oct. le. • LAIRD& RL'ST. • Wlif/LCSALt sind RttinJ DenitfleiU Dry Goods.Grnsect franc. Liquor.. Flour. Fish. Fait doe.. No. I. WOght . s. Block coi ner of Fit!' and Slain Streets. a 11.W11 Li.llllD. f L0C1.611 OMIT. .11 GALES B. KEE.:NE; Futoona Taiior.ruouuoVer the -tore ofdatailJacluon.Cheap Side. CUTTING dtme on hart notice. OLIVES. SPAFFORD. Iluds.i.elk.r and Stationer. and Manufacturer of Wank Bouka and Writing Ink, corner of the Diastiond and dia id•ret. krocuL and general Arsey and Glum... Woo tut, Pa. RUFCS REED S DLitt' in Englir.h. German and .4111CW:ill liar j Alpo. Nails, Anvils, VIVLII. Iron and Steel . Erte. Pa. W. 3. F. LI AMC& Co It PACIMPIIMIES, Cam Nr and Warm Butlderv, tween 11,4•01111 k EittfAh. Erie. L. ertiQSG. M. D. unn of C. B. Wrieie. More. Main =CM DOGT - . J. L. STEWAR O►rscs with Dort. A. these. seventh near As ■tdenee, on Sns.atras, one door north of get • C. SIEGEL. Wanteratr and Retail dealer 111 Groceries, P Liquors. Feint. ke.. ke Corner or French °wooly tl F.,rrners' llotel..Erte. JOHN MeCANN, yJ WnothALE and Retail Dealer in Fannly Gitoeei; v, Crlekery Claiiawave, Iron, Naito, ate.. Cbeit9 Aide, Erse, The mews' priev paid for Country nee. 411 J. GOALDING. Idgicauorr TAILOR. and Habit Mafter.--tatore, S Reestraßloek. (appr.wite the Bonnell Block) StatElitteei. J. W. WETMORE, ATTORNEY AT LAIW, - _ —ln Walker's Dike, ou seventh Street. !Erie. Pa HENRY CADIVELL, I • rs. Jobber, and Retail Dealer in Dry Goodo4 Groceries. croe Glawiwane, Carpeting. Hardware. Steel, Nail.. WNW,. Re. Randle litotes elate &rect. dwr doors, Wow Brown's Hotel. Erie, Pa. • A Ivo—,Anv Viers, Beth:ow r. Azle Arm, 84, and a general ..I..orUuent of Waddle and Carriage . S. MERVIN SMITH. • atiatortri ay Law and invitee of the Pewee!! and Ageat for ;the Key Stone Mutual Life Insaranee CrauiPaar — Odlee 3 door. treat udWrighta wore. Erie. Pa. .GEORGE H. CUTLER ATIVIINET AT Law, Girard. Erie County. Yieolleetiona and other Moslems attended to laical prompotear diteateh. • - - — JOSIAH KELLOGG. Forwardlna a Counnissson Merchant, on the Public lioelt, east of slan t . Area. Coal, Salt. Plaster and Wlno Fish. constantly for sale. I: ROSENZWEIG & to. WiloL/RIMA RCTAIL DEILZEI in Foreign a d Domestic Dry Dooda, ready mane gotAiuß. Boras and Imam No. Wnatide Block, Stair street, Erie. ; II r ' WILLIAMS & WRIGH . Banker and Exchange Broker. Dealer in Id 116 or EachaHer. Drafts. COTlllieate, , Of Deposit... Gold and sit rew n. &e..ice _(Mee. Wino:or.' iliock. i corner of Mate-n., ad Public mor, . MARSHALL at — Vl:4ti,:i T. • A Tironares as Liw--Odice up NAM li3 T y Hall bnilding north of the Prothonecary's °nice. Erie. MURRAY WHALLO: ATTORNIT•IIeCOCTSTLLOII. AT Law—Ottee C. D. WrighPs Prove, entrance one door west of State stree t , I ns the Diamond, 1.3 e. .• C. M. TIMBALS. 1 Demme in Dry Goods, Dry Groceries. Crockery, Hardware, he.. No. 111.Cheapaide. Erie. SMITH JACKSON, ux. fixates Dry xates in Goods. amanita, Hard ware. (4 os Ware, UAW. In" %ear, Ike., HI. Chcaiwide, Erie. Pa. - I, , WILLIAM RIBLET, I L v.lllare Manna lUolaier, and Undertaker, corner of I slam and hieventb wenn. Erie. I . -- EDWIN J. KELSO & CO. OvnrliaL Forwarding, ',iodate and Curnouson Serehanta :deafen in coarse and dot salt, Coal, Plaster, elhiateles,lce. Public dock, west side of the bridge. Die. WALKER & COOL GENERAL !Forwarding. 041/11111111i010 and Produce Merekauza:dec• °ad Wase-bowe east oldie Publse Bridge. Er - G. LOOMIS & Co. Duteas to Watches. Jesrelry. rtilver. GMllll4tl Eilver. Pleteti aW Bnumia Warr Cutlery, Military and Fancy Uttntlir eltatestreirt. nearly citposbe the Eagle Helsel, Erie. G. Loomis.i T . IN . AMA,/ • CARTER & nito HE ' Ictiouri•ca and Retail dealers in Muir, medic r . /*hip, oils, Dre-oredb, Glam. sic • No. I. Reed HOUleto • , JAMES Li'llE, , J I , ..ratost.hue Witham Tailor. an the public pilaw, a Ihredoore west of State meet. Erte. 1). S. CLARK, Wstouesmut an urrAn. Moder la Quarries. rrorisiOos. Ship Chandlery. Stour-ware, ate. tr..; No. S. Bawl{ Block; kkie. SPA:FRORD. Dealer in Law, Medical, servo( Miscellaneous boots stationary Ink. Mut. Rune st.. tbur doors below the Muhl re square. DR. 0. L'ILLIOTT, letident Dentist; Nike and dwelling in We Eerie Bkxki OR Ole Fuss aide of the Public famine. Ene. Teeth inserted on Gold haw, trots anew as rotor feu. Carson. tomb Ailed walla pare Gold. and restored to health and urefulneor. Teeth cleaned with instrument.' sod Deatiticeao as to Ware diem or a pellucid cleaners. All work warranted. S. DICKtitSON, PRTIPFI4 If • ID **Regan-06u as bon tegieuce on fignesti mum. onteeee the Illetigoden Clegub. Ens. JOHN H. BURTON & CO. wooLtu,44 lirreat. deem,' n Drugs. 11fediejoes. Dire Sinik Gmeenes. &e. No. 3. Reed Howie. Erie. • DOW Dr.lt:—lSl Kegs Rifle. Deer WIVIS4 I 4 rower. ) 10 reteiv e g and fix aide Ly the keg or quaiiity. P.4.11,11y 7. Unsirrr %font THE ERIE ERIE' .OBSERVER II II ID PUBLIC Me t thitiasse MUSIC ood mu . 111, So. Sth Si. r ate and &vent& teen Irrench and Ca 11.1ies, Fruil. . Erie. tieh and Fifth o Fourth sum% , MT:ors: Shit , sells Villol,lok wtde Enc. Ibusimear, Frank- are a H./ entlery. o. 3 Reed Boost,; tate Iftreet, be- MIMI rimons, Wises. ud Fifth StfOGLIN MOM n 6elert 1.10,40/itm— . SONO OF . 7 • . cis:rea r „I . Oh s bear one bite to dab dbideal leek . And die ammo Orbs deplore,- The midnight blaze, the incendiary's brand Shalt ravage tiC - world no more. Where your burning palaces light the vies Like a Agent of doom and death, The bane that run mutton strength dello. I'll quench with a airtgln hi : eat/ 1 / 4 No sera shall as in ashes lay, (Jr the walls of Alone * gliivr3, 4 l / 4 • Where captive emit" Sre led away, Or buried in Polar suie. By the power that dwells in my vita lent arm, ril render your race +ewe From this wild ilestraction and wild slam While the universe 0410 endue& Bow oft Amu my holuehit the silent delp. Where the sun no miler= limp, . Where the grim and sent* earthquakes sleep In the night of my as hie wings, Hare I marked the elruirn sc vainly alLe • tuna the horns of the Ore-dead , With his snarsballed e4umns of smoke arrayed. And hts button* of feting Bow oft have I sees yrlr peaceful - Wile die hires of the esiesting red— The toornkig mune. and a hundred do With the dreams of the night were The blackened ruins retrained to tell. Where your costly belie had stood. And Ush piereiaestoromi of eke winter II • Oa • shelterless multinede. - A ship I saw on the b;ring wale, the had ballad the r lsevidlag atom. She had 'seeped the knifed hurricane That grappled her orible Rom ; With a tranquil sea and, a favoring With her helm la a :duly Mee bore away 'aesith a •of sell. I I For the shores of her li re land. But slinks a dark and L lkintlit wreath Geer hie dying talfend curled. . - And the dames leaped from the hisitOrneeth. Like dead.; from the penal world.,• • Her glowing cant as: crewed the blast; ' Like the trail of malignant SAM Arid the light; far over Oil ocean emit. I ; Was the blaze of her *Meg lint the day of that trluMpli., at last, is here, Which so long I hall lighted to hail And nesor again on thin to sphere. Shull the blight of ttaii AMill prevail. The breath of my powel the world 11;1111 frse- 1, The dairies shall destiny no more ; For 1 wilt bemaso r of deer) , sea. And the gu a rdian of every shore. . The band of &leave, 41 eel al at bath, Itly seepue phati sow;o4ey Prow the tune of this Ma I'll shirld the earth. • Till tipe planets thinnstivei decay ; Till the solemn evil of thal . final day, When the stars how heaven *ball All, V And I wysqlf shall be *Tot away lu the are th.o email/meth all. 1 Then hear me kirth to each dha(asit I" And the semen that yfeno Ailikore—, The midnight blase--* ‘Jaceudary Wood— 'bball rivnge tho-srh . rhi hd more. When tour impliuggniacon light the Allah • - Like • rignal'of dmir4 ic ai iv td dead. The Amine that your sailarradi threes. I'll quench with a vinare breath.. Nem Teri eljoirt 311itellan NAPOLEON AND JOSEPHINE. • ST JOINIZTAZIOTT. . ' • T, Fromm was rioting in the Streets of Paris. All industry was at an end. The poor. 'itiernployetl, were perishing. The rich were gathering the wrecks of their estates, and flying from France. ThrieiVras no law bat such as was proclaimed by . the thtindatc of ?lapoleon's batteries. The 1 1.1 Nation sl Guard be loosed' ely reorganized. and soon efficient order was estaMlS ed. Ntithiiiiria was inces= sandy occupied in visiting afi parts of thlicity.l*l words of kindness and sympathy • with souring he Ainabised with the Aran, and inexorelde arm of military tax More than a hundred families, /aye the Diabase of Ainslie'. were slimed from perishing bi histpeisosal exertions. He mself climbed to the Excrete of petiary. and penetrated th cellars f want end wee' ' , and, with a moistened eye. gaze a the scene of fearful wretchedoese with which Paris was filled. He caneed wood and bread to bit die tribated to the poor. mid. 'Wally re/pram of ease or self-Indolgenne, did everything in his power to alleviate suffering. ' One day when alighthig from his carriage to dine at Madame Penmen's, he weir addressed by a woman who lisklo dead infant in he'll irons. Grief and hunger had dried up the fountains of 'life in her bosom. and her um weaned child Iso perished of starration. fler husband dead. and ire chidene were• mourning for food at home. *. If I cannot ottirga itiliiit," said the famished mother. " I mast take nifr .remAining flee children. and drown myself with them," loiefitileou questioaed her very minutely. ascertained her knee' of residence. and giving her some money to weer bovionnsediate *sets, entered the house and at; down with the peso at the brilliant entertainment. Ile wan i 'however. so deeply impressed with the scene of wretcledbeas which be had just witnessed. that he could not obliterate it from his ,mind. and all were week' with his absent meaner and the sadness of his coontenanetr. Iruneteliately after dinner he took. measures to ascertain the truth of the statements whieh the poor woman hid Nude tir him. and finding ell her assertions verified, he took the family immediately under his protection. Ho obtained employment for the girls in needlework among his friends. and the family ev er expressed the most profound gratitudi to their preserv er. „It wit by the ameestieg exhibirioo of such traits of character. Mat Nopoleen etitwised around him the hearts • of theirreseb people. • i ''.';. i There was at this that hi Paris. it lids erlieweirea. tea doted quits prominent io society by bisrcial attractions. h e r personal loveliness. add her elevate rank.' She was a widow. twenty-eight )eirs of age. hei husband. the Visoeuet &subs/aim. bad recently Perished Os the scaf fold. as jihestrions Medal:at MOV•i1111:101/6/0 fart. •Joso pisies.lllWber Siesbersids. wbo•subseqsestly hecamis the world-rolieweed bride of Nepelees, was bog es lb. island of Martinique. in the West Indies. Whet almost a child she wiie married to the Vi.easiit Beasharnais. who bad visited the ielso r d,on, business. and was captive -14 by the loveliness oVtlie taw young Creel a Upon entering Parisians was habiodateliiativilimeil to all the spleoders of doe court of Muria Asteiaitte. The rem. latiodaryutorisi aims borst•upos leer dwelling with met. cams fury. Elbe esperieoied the mina 'ditties reverses of Mindlessness. bereave ripest. imprisooment. sod pen ury. Tbe storm had. however. pasted over bar, sod she was left • widow. with two children. Ewa, sad Her. From the wreck sr hoe (anima she old saved as-ample serapeteese. and was surrounded by bolliseada/ sad adaiirieg Mesa. Napoleob. is obedience to the ordersof the Convert. boa. to prevent the possibility of another ootbrealt of law. lees viols ace, bad proceeded to the disarming of the pep. algae el Paris. la the periermosee of tl4e duty do, sword of : 1 1 , 1449g0nW0 INF Wm. •41 by dery siterreito SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 18, 1851. Engage. a very intelligent and graceful ehilil.twelre yearn of err. obtained access to Napoleon. and. with moat ho" prime artlessness sod depth or emotion. implored tbst the award of his Caber might be restored to him. N spa , hos had AO heart to deny sada a request. Ho rest for the ewer& end, speaking with Weil weeds of ammo- asthma. fireessiod it with his own hand to Eugene. The Viderslboi burst into tears. sod. suable to articulate ■ word. premed the sword to his bosons, bowed• in silence sod retired. • Nemleen was interested is title ea• hibifirni of filial love, ending' thoeghts wept immediately directed to the mother who had formed the character .( mach a child. Josephine. whose whole pool was absorb- ad iu hire fir her children. Woe ea grateful for the kind sow with which the dhdorsiobod mug general bed treated her fatherkos Eaten*. that she called. is her ear- flag% the next day, to exreas to him a inotherl thanks. She Wm dressed is deep moanalos. H6r peculiarly me- sisal raise was tremulous with emotion. The hoer and the thliesiey of her maternal, love. and the perfect grece of maser and of language with which she discharied lies missies. exerted the admiration of Holmium. lie men ealiestispon her. The &equidistance soon riposid 'saran nananally strowg and ardent affection. t hreophiser trao s two Ider than Napoleon , but' r (nitsrs' had noel roacitmesta Of time, and r ebeerfeleese awl vivacity invested her with ail the chose /dearly yeitb. Berm, Dow owe of the lbw Director. who had heed( eatabliahed in power by the gone of No poke,. was a very ardent friend ofJoaephine. Ile warts- iy agyeeittood, tit" eouteisplated coanfttioe, deemiai it moteally advaatageorw. Napoleon- wookl greatly ineraitte loileinice by an alliance iritb ono occupying so hip a positiCe it society. sod normunded by Meads so AU- aerial Acrd Berrie clearly &fetal that the energetic young geseral possuced genies which would insure din Unction. Josephine thus speaks in a letter to a friend. offes* Wings in view of the proposed marriage: I sin stied to merry again. My Mends counsel the messare. isq aunt almost lays her injnectioe to the same effect, and my children entreat my compliance. a hate met "serif Bonaparte at my house. H. it • +/So would sap* a father's place to the oiphens ofAlexan der Beanhetesis. and a husband to lab wide . I Win** the general' - 'ls formation. for on all sobjeei of his joifr of others lift 1 Aril sreisiog his seautbl 41,1111 spa 130:7=3 ic" the depend. hies lied trampled the oppressed millions into the float. 1111 .„,, he winfieetst- ...-_ ippoiL wan d of the Bat oar there millions hid risen in their majesty. and yof holy. Ye s t er d a y B oom p a n e . spea ki ng of s ist a . driving the king from hie throne and the nobles from aver. ea p to me. • Think they. then, that / have mak their wide dominos. bed tikes their own interests into of Mar settee to arrive at power 1 Egregriesse their eta hands. They were inexperienced and wan take i Therwill all be bat too happy, one day, she. I ligiu•sed in `,be science or covetement. sod they made coadoMend to gtaitt them %toe' many tied lainenteble mietekes., They were terrified in "Whet think Toe of this self-coldMence ?'" Is it seat view of the powerful combinatioo of all the monarchs mid proof of entree of vanity ? A general of brigade protect nobles of Europe. to overwhelm them with invading ar the heads of government : That truly is as event high. miss, Mal. in their ParoeY(iins of fear, when doetruetien ly probable : I know sot how it is, but sometimes litho Minted to be coming hits ' so avalanche open them. they raywareneas gains upon mu to such a degree. that xi- Perpetritedxnette deeds oratrociees cruelly: They 'ta mest I babe*e possible whatever this singular man may Ply chinned the right of sj , lf-goverenteet. and when we take into his head to attempt. And with his ima g ism. sailed. All upon their assistants with blind sad merciless lion, wha eau calculate what he wilt not undertake." 4.' fop • Though th• seaman with which JoseiptUatsltad insflrrei The Moen of me... Pei emmerreitaeoll this Nameless I 1 Napoleen was ardent and lopetoolts in the highest do- chaste with inexpressible alarm. In tosetentation'they gree, it interfered not in the east with hie pl.u. 41' tow- , witnessed 111. upristag of the inaseesin Fresco. sod sew ming ambition.' Dane( the 'day be wee vigorously e tz. i one of their brother aottai , ehe dragged from his palace played in hie professional duties: and in persevering s t d . I and beheaded wtsu the glillotine. The successful es. dv. Bat each evening found him at the mansion of tablishaseat of the Fronebit-pubtie would very probably sephine, where he met. end dialed by bifeematandiog I have drive. roll Jiang in Enron* from his throne- &g -genies and brilliant cenvereatioaal poorem. the most die• land was tated throughoot all her' countries. From unguished, and most influential men of the metropolis. the mud cabins of t rele a d t fro m the dark and Mir). mine., In th ese social materiel...nem,. Josephine testi fi e d that from the thronged streets, of the city, Mal the crowded Napoleou possessed usulimited powers of fascivatiou, workshop% all over the kingdom, there was a clamorous whenever be saw fit to employ them. His sego si titmice, I cry ascending for liberty lud ego:lslay. The sprit of de and his influence was the. esmoded anmed 'those , who race/icy, radiating from ifs soul is Perin. was assailing would be most available in the furtherance of his plans. ever,' throne in Europe. IThore was no alternative fur On the 6th of March. 1116." Napoleon and Josephine thine mantras but to crush this sew purer, or to per wore married. Napoleon being then twenty-five years oft ish Infant it. There caWbe so mouarehlsts whose syte age. It was a un i on of very sincere affection on b ot h patlfrio will sot beet high with the allied hinge ia the aides. It easing be doubted, that next to ambition, Jo- fearful walla which eared. There can be op triable sephine was to !lapeleon the dearest object of hie admi- eau who will sot Prof thrt "God speed tbs Eagles of Franco." b parties, believed that they were fighting ration and homage. Marriage had then ceased to be re. In self deft . Theikiqgs wen shocked by principles carded in infidel France as • religiou rats. It ware MOM triumphant x's Prone., flunk were undermining their parteteship. welch any parietal could form or dissolve at thrones. The French leers attacked by bayonets and pleasure. The revolutionary tribunals had closed the batteries-4 combined inane invading' their territories, churches.' baeished the clergy. and dethroned Ood. The parties contemplating marriage simply recorded theit i s . hombatdingabeir cities. And endeavoring by force of arme• to compel a primal nation of thirty millions of in tention in the State register of rank with two or three Picea: to 'ice the record as witaesses. By this simple h a bit a nt s t o reinstate. at i kforeign dictation, the rejected Bourbons upon the throne.. The allies called upon all the ceremony Napoleon was united to Josephine. But aei. ther of the parties approved of this mercantile aspect of loyalists scattered over trance. to grasp tilt. ulna. to a transaction so sacred. They we." both, in uateral die. rally beueitAt the banner ` of Moods coming to tbele res cue. and to Imbrue their poultry in the blood of 0 civil position, serious, thoughtful, and prone to look to the guidance of a power higher then that of man. Surround- war. The Freed). in trumpet lone,, summoned the ed by infidelity, and by that vice with which public infi people of all lands to haif the tricolored flag. as the her delity is invariably- accompanied, they both instinctively binger of their delivoranie from the servitude of ages.' From ivory Fay i Europe which Napoleon approached reverenced all that is grand and imposing is the revels; Cons of Christianity. with his conqderi g aritties. uhti loyalist, fled, while the republicans wele ed hilt with an adulation ismoioting Weer Napolerm war crowned Emperor. he was pri vately married again by Cardinal Fetch.. in accordance almost to , tehilthet. homage . fled the troupe of the alit " with the forms of the church, which the Emperor bad re- Wtre Vielefallea is eve. City of France which they eta established. .. j ose phi oer •• said Napoleon, s• we, truly tered, with teats of gratifude from the eyes of thou who longed for ttf restoratioe of monarchy. It Was 01e00• a most lovely stomas ; refined, &liable mud charming. Suet betel*, the *pint at cepiblidenteut on die one aide, She was the goddess of the toilet. All the faahions °rig and of mostatehial and ealeeiastical domination epee the Mated rub her. Every - thing she pat on' appeared de pot. She was so kind. so humane—eh' wia the most other. 1 England. with her Mviocible fleet, was hovering a graceful lade, and the best woman in France. I never saw her act inelegantly during the whole !IMO we lived round the en'ute of t he ttPublie. assailing every exposed t oget h er . Sh e tme „, mmo I a perfect knowledge of the dit .. Pact. landirr l f troop/ spout the French territory, stud ar, ruing tiled In eirisg the loyalists to civil war. / t ante fewest shades of my character. and evinced the most ex quisite tact Is laming thisbeited any favor for Emigre. knowledge is the best iccount he6lnerched as ,arene l/f smarty two hundred thousand For exempl s ale sever lo men upon the heels* of the Rhine. to attack Fraser upon the north. Sholhad calhid into requisition all her Italian or thanked me for any I conferred open him. She aev posseadoes; and, in alliance with the British navy.'atid Sr showed say additional complaisance it assiduity when he wae rwmiaieg from eta the greatest honor.. Her , the armies of the king of Barden's. sad the fauatie legi. my afrair.that grand aim wasone of Naples and Sicily. had gathered eighty theasaud to &dame tint all this was &lase was ear son, ant liars. mintittese she enter. MOO upon the Alpine fre n etic,. This host was nailer the tinned the idea that I would adopt Ergot's as my emcees. mime" of elPtetemel generals. said Wag ehilledeetlY set." provided with all the surisitioue of war. Them wens the " Again• he said ni. Josephine, " we lived r like invading foes whom Nepoleon was to eaconater 'in the i. honest citizens, in our muted relations. and always re- fields *1 blood It was Purely a war of self-defence on the pert . 1 the rmiteh lieePhl ' They were eet4eediet tired together till MS, a period is sottish political events ageism the ballets and the bayonets of the armies of me obliged me to change, my babies, and to add titi labors of . the sight to those of the day. This regulatire is the beet Duellist Europe, assaitieg them at every point The al (swam,. for a gene eatahliehiwant. It snore, the re- lied kings felt that they Were engaged in a war or self dahlias—that they were struttglieg against principles tractability of the wife. the dependance of the husband, an d m m ete i m , intimacy et . feelings nod good morals. It which threatened to enttr aline their throttles. Strange this is net the ease. the smallest eitenotst ..... make pro- " th. dednretien to ierie may appear. kis ea're n tefr diMealt fora candid and , impartial man severely to sea. pie forget each other. A eon by Josephine would have mo d e t. m t me h appyi . eed would hey , mum the reign . sure either side. It is net strange. contemplating frail heatati eaters as it is. thltthe monerche of Earope. bora of m dynasty. 'roe French would have loved him very' to a /Utley hibiltrilanCe, siboadd have made evetyMteekin mock better than they could love the son of Maria Lott to retain their throats. acid umlauts their kingdoms from ills i sod I sever would have pat my feet on that *bye' covered with Gowen. which was my Ma. Let se one the that i rs ee poblie eeim s er eiess ee r r h: r i n erli nes. Pei be e m i t g h el. bar i e t t ie th eilll e the stril m e ng e e f after this rely urn thiewiadem of homes combinations. I Let no one e a uto m to proamme, haws its ekes. epe e 1 intek•rable despotism, sheuld have resolved to brave all the happiness or misery of life. 'deep/its war , rather than ser- Instinct of t h e f e: „,, w h en she became terrified at h ti e 'e r l i i esi th. n e d h e i 7Th it m e e d r:ed f till:a:, mea t e t iii:rgcniecte protested of il, g , : i r l e a r r o on ntent. own 'terribly. She knew well that a marriage iff only en the pert of allied Earepe , only s ite the wide barrier real when there Is °Mitring t lied irt i propiirtiou ',fanner)! of the come. And had the riontbilted armies of menet smiled her satiety increased. 1 was die obj e ct of hee l ehird Enrol:we/eased that limner. sad invaded oar shore,. m d espot umm w a et. If I west tete my marriage at ohs. I th o r = e as , ao ri,„rhissomave Geer thm .l Iti Neepeil en , n hie Aaron:it- Mght. there, to my sonnet. 1 Mood bee. bested' helots' haat tar mitt. who . rioatebding for t h e liberties let hi! me. aralt l y SI? mint P I attempted to . tlitiveade hap; aorsattp. la Ativeas IWO bra MN the OM rromrtress.•z) from accompanying me. Oa had so many good ante:- fectionahr reasons, to tergea'• that it was almost always S cenery' to tilts. la a ertivd she &ways proved to wax happy and affectionate eiife. and 1 have preserved- tins 1 tenderest reeellectioaa of liar. "Political motives indlerd Ole la Meese* '.lcrepliine., whom I meet tenderly lotlbd. She. prier wombs* form' nately for herself, died haiku/ to prevent her from wit nemillllf doe bait .f my nifsfortusebi• After her' forcible separation from me, 'she 11rowed. is Most feeling tenni., her ardent desire to share With me my ezile.end extolled. with many teamboth mytiilf and my condom to her. The EngluM have rsi r presentediMe as • monster of cruelty. Is this the tench of the evividect of a Imprensa,: unfeeling tyrant ? A man is keowi by his treatment of his wife. of hie family. and of thomPluder him" • Jest before his earrriain. Napoleon received the *P- Pollstowid. to him mewl 'gratifying. of Clmsmasider-in- Chief of the arm jof hell. His predeeressit. had beds displaeed in eenmequenele of excessive intempera4e. Napoleon win bet twenty4bve pant old when placed'in this responsible • it. •' ,1r liter yeting." one of I weighty, rola." either of mood of destitute money enonih, I 'tit be MOW in Per: the la Ul! M migb ever eh, 27th of l!&411 Alpe. , whe dejected troop! of Franco ware enduring army ha • ship. They were mirroonded by namerasa fon. ho had drives* thaw from the fertile plains of Italy jaw the barna and dreary fastommea of the Alpo. The Ami trims armies. quariarad fps opulent cities. or asealopad open etaamanny and viscid/4 hill sides. wets living ia I the enjoyment of DeClifity lad abundance. while the troops of the distracted and insps:forioisupd repablic were literally freezing and starving. But hero let as pain for a mo ment to consider the cassis of the war. sad the :motives which animated the coolsoding armies. Frante. iu tli exercise of a right which low in *mer les wilt question. hid, is limitation of the United fil/tates. it quickness the thosilita Bet I eel desirous of ot •chieg glees and indited by their example. renounced the monatthiel kb inIPOOS form of goverainaat. sod : establisbed a republic. For t iati middle esato,ri4ps ■neosstsd, volmrsoss kiapasd lieestiose se. THZ ZIIROPZAN REItOLUTION OP 1848. Paossauv since thefall of fhb Raines empire the world her sever seen a year so eventful and distracting as 1848. It seemed like a century com Premed sato a Instrunt.:--- Neves , was there a year so dialinguishad beyond all pro-f vain* example by the magnitstde and the mekipiicity of its politiCal charges—by tbeltj i iolence of the shock which I it give to the framework of Eordirass sessiety—by the 1 mediations of opinion and miaow bumper the two great parties in the continential stru'Fgle. Never was there a I to year pregnant with iustruchon and with warning--so rich in the materials of wisiloito both for sovereign sad for people--eo crowded with Siecks and reins. with the ruins of anciestgrandeur, and; the wrecks of gloriosa a*• ticipations—rie filled .with splendid promisee and paltry realizatioss; : with hopes brilliabt and fantastic as fairy land, wi disappointments disessl and bitter as the grave. Thro . _which bat yestardityl had seemed based upon th verlasting hills, shattered in A day; sovereigns. whose Ladino had become • prevent'. amid sovereigns whpse imbecility had become noloritiSs. iihke Dying from their capitals. and ibdiesting eritheitt a natural murmur or a gallant struggle; rulers. who had long been the emboli molt of obstinate resistance tin all popular demands. vy ing with each other is the Prinmptitude and the extent of their einem/ions; statesmen Of the longest •e*peeienee. the deepest insight, the acut'est talent--etateitinen like Alotteraieh sad Gnizot—balisd. beaten, and chased Tway. and reaching their foreign banishment may to turn and gale with a melancholy stud bewildered air . on the scrorlinadia of schemes and 'totems of policy. the con; atnactioa of which had been the labor of lifetime; cosi. sent men sinking into °blearily. and going wet lake snail; obscure men rising at one Wand into eminence and pew. er; ambitions men finding the objects of their wildest hopes suddenly placed within iheirgresp; utopias dream ers staggered sad intoileatml by 'seeing their mast gor geous visions on the point of to/fixation; patriots behold ing the sudden and miracalitas adveat of that liberty which they had Prayed !ay.! fought for. suffered foe. through , Team*, inspiesammitt, poverty. and exile; na tions which had long pined iht darkness. Mailed and be wildered by the blaze of Mittelman* light; the power ful unities with impotence; t • peasant and the bonds man endowed with freedom Sod suresisted might: the tint last and the last first;--sich were the strange ph.- soniena of that marvellous. alra. which took away the bresth of i the beholds:F, whieln the journalist wait unable to keep pace with, and "which panting Time toiled at tach' vela." The yeer missed with grail trasquility. In two quar ters only of Lampe hid there bees airy indietstioas of the cornisg earthqsake; and So both of these the eyes of ell friends of freedom tensed iwith hopeful interest mod sassed sympathy. The first riewa of a new day had mist ia•Cestantry where leapt of all it seed have been looked for—rii Roam. There. in a state loot renowned for the most corrupt.mischievous adiniaistra tion of the western world.. 4ew pope. in the prime of life. full of rchpoeLfor his inse'red office. and deeply' im pressed with the solemn respensibilitim of his high posi lion, set himself, wil!teeriossrirpos• and a sine+ mind. though with limited Times and suedequate capacities. to the task of cleansing these "rikitogeen'sishiesfreak the ac cumulated filth of centuries. commeneed retorts— where refe-m. though need rare. is always the most safe —from ab7ve; he petrified thei grosser parts or the old ad uslestrative system/It - he sheeted as active determination to put dOwn all abuse, and td glee his People the benefit of a really honest government; be ventured on Ole hold innovation. in itself I mighty lioote sad a strange progress, of appointing laymen le offie4. of State; and, finally, he convoked a representative aseerahly, and gam; the Ra mses • esestitatiou—the first they had sera sive the days of Rienzi. ills people were as might have been anticipated. warmly grateful for the gifts, sad enthesie•- tiesthr attached to the personior their exceileut pontiff; all Earths, looked on with delight; Pio None was the hero of the day; and evert thing .4ented so safe. so wise. so' happy, that we felt justified in hoping thee' new day had really dawned upon the ancient capital of the world Sicily, too, bad about the amine time .entered upon a struggle to recovertsome portion of her promised freedom and her stolen rights. Her irrolgs had been so %grant. so manifold. so monstrous; the deapotism ander, which she groaned was at once so itteapsWe, so mean. se tow. so Wend; her condition was so wretched. and her caps bifida,e so yam, that the sympathies of the world went with her in her struggle With her fatatund bad oppressor. Ad ranks of her citizens were a:moistens is their reso lution of resistance; even Owl priests, elsewhere the ready tool* octyranny, here fought on the side if the people. and blessed dm arms and 'banners of the reformers; and what was still Mart mutaikitble, and of more hopeful twiny, all classes seemed to pat mutual jealousies aside, and to be actuated by the stare spirit of slicers, self-do nt ing, saltesterifficing pat. 4 ntistri. Their demands weep itoderatv. but firm end to reasonable that the mere fact of such demands having: to be mad*. was an indelible disgrace to Nsples. So for.itoo, their coarse had been singularly cautions; they had committed no blonder. they had displayed no sanguinary, passion, and no violent:ex citement, amid it was isnposiibis net to hops everything from a contest elp wisely conducted, sod so uniulPeeel;e" lily just. At length, on theikh of February. the Skil liens having bee. everywhere victorious. the prelimina ries of as arrangsnient • with; the King of Naples, were anted to, en the basis of tht constitution of 1912. So far *west well I In the meantime. excited 1 r warned by the example of the pope, and the maths' earn of the Romans, other Italian princes began tome • in the path of improve ment. The Leg of Hardin a. the Grand Duke of Tea catty, and the King of Naples, promised a constitution to their sobjects. and actually Itook measures ter caring these promises into effect. The excitement sees reach ed Lonibardy; popular movements took place at Milan. but were repressed by the I .Anstrian government with even more than wooled promptitude and severity. Hu n ray had for some years beep molung great efforts taw aids national firmament and seise relaxation of the old feudal privileges, as well as towards a roman of their old caustitetiooal liberties. But Anstria had steadily re pressed all such exertions . l and a long Calm a peek ,dy and oppression had at le gth so esseperated the Hen garimmesed'united all patties smear them against the comets* suestly. that it in ba wi letireviehtut that the contest was appmeeirieg is e• rupture. i Such was the position dittoing when the French rev olution of Febratary came Me an earthquake, astound ink siatleaS. 7 ••arrd. with Aisii or thence, perplexing mon whs." ' The events which ensued are fresh' i in the memerryof ail men; The democratic party throughout the *hedger central Europe ibanted to follow the exam ple of a movement the acme+ of which had been so signal and se prompt. The effect Was electric; Mt not every where. nor altogether. wholdeetne. The trisects of free dom Mt (bat the time was chute to emelt their canoe. and to claim. without fearot Formal, the rights so long withheld; while those audio* which had already takes some step• tewardethe attainment of free limitation', and had hitherto deemed their progress rapid and brilliant beyond their most sanguine anticipations, low began to regard it sa l tartly jortroC44llloegoate. They look ed askance on constitutional' monarchy. andbegan to sigh for a republic. The inn . egintent between the Si cilians mid their sovereign. Which had Mosul! Mt eton• eluded. was broken or, is eilibegeolieil of s aegmen- Ms. dub. pepoi• 41..01600 lob% Topeur. 11.4104 $1 50 4 1TZ1A72., is eat 11 aid Rome began to think their liberal tale earth. 'At Berlin. Where come tardy leogth beep taken lower& the advent of a govermest, the people were anxious to got i the fear or the dyinioas of the monarch them; an isettneetios.brolte out. sad a teat of two days thirties desolated the led in the aturcely riled defeat of the mow on the 16th of *arch. Os the 6th. anise pleas at hisdich. Which resulted is the e sive reforms. and was shortly aftiwerariel abdication of the king. On the 14th. •re out at Vienna. which ended is the Ilight I ternich. and the pr4clamation of a'rept meat. On the 16th, the Austrians were{ Milan. and's proviacial 'government wail 1 Lombardy, Thus, in a month from thew • Preach revolution, the whole of central volutionlsed. • I . Such is a suutnary of these eatesisdl like of which werettseuredly never crowd.; a portion of time. The popular party— free institutions and constitutional to mooed and every4ore triumphant. Gehl. ease aid rapidity whiclipaitook of the roost decisive victories over-the oldest. still administrative epistles of Esrope--were lowed by the sympathy. the adnairat; n a , of all boors of humanity. and seeg strength that itucicrympathy mast always Where now are all those bright prospic which of all those-mighty changes hare sent?—whst has been the enduring frsit o knot rtetoriesl—where now are to be found young, sanguine constitutional With ceptior„ everything has falters back into lo nearly every ststarthe old demon sides, tweed. kinglet with it wone devil' tibia i 'it noulliq and Hesse are crashed; Ilavarii bas bee , degraded iate ' the brutal tool of 4 more brutal tyrant; tb Prussia* peo ple are wiles. desponding. 'and disarmed. sad the Prim -014111 goversatent mealtimes terrible abysie degradation: Austria has a ilea emperor, more inso oily despotic than any Ohio predecessors for many s sg. i year; sad throughout Germany constitutional Jibed hail. beim ef fectually trampled out. la Italy. Venice oil poinbledy bate bee. misquoted. sad are seer espa , imisg the se Maio; Testae, is i worso. bemuse more gateau has bekies, and alarearid at tits peril she bee -: • di the small deebies areas bad as over--they ld net be worse: the pope. !eroded est ef his . sad his petrimism, km been Festered by foreign J./ - • ; sad the old seelestastical alleatiaations ate TOil i r 04 in their old supremacy; orbits Naphismad Sicily- , iiii prostrate at the feet of the most imbecile and tirade! of She incura ble raise of the Ilearbons. Two s;irt yea hkve paasell away Nine Europe presented to t lover • r liberty and human progress the most smiling rimier. he had ever woe; sad in this brief space of tins. ad i imitable des !lay has gathered together sA''the far reit - in anticipa• Bess. all the noble- prospe all the ratiiil emiquests. all the rich achiever/sesta of at inemoralt em. and me tered them over with th -two larrowl • rO—Hie ja att.—North British Rae • . , : ' Tobacroo-V, U Bed-Fslo Na tcdtactio , nytev in fit for • bed map giving forth pastitinttial vapars front all Ain. lie tit as •abodflowt•of pitepototd intattitititt• atrantah••• oannandiog bins is prognatod aid iitifinted with the coastattt• 0E63.111104 fro, biel whole • trines. Ue feet wolkingsitstilory of ibis deadly esgeops! its formes atid vapors filth, the gerrotindis Hit inontli is the mill which trnods omit, his *hole body; the distillery for its isogonic or or *Molter luto a vapor bath, with no I to , that emanated fawn his body. Pet hint in I and Est op petyporation: than pet that ors; or the vermin of plants, toil it will instantl.. , 7 .'Beauties ofd D.form'a..s. of Tobacco 47 A ilarrr Maros:rids. —I was marl for my mos nay. That was Mu years ago. Sad they limes berm tog years of pergatery. I hue bad bad lick es a Wife. toe , my hosband and I have 'mealy one I is easamen. 11. wishes me to live is the country, Wh h 1 bane. I likes the thermometer at 75 degries. ! ch he bate& . lie likes to have the children brueett ' • at hem. In stead Of school, which I bate. I like in sit. and want to go tp concerts, which ho hates. 11. li es roast pork. -which I hate; and . , like minced veal. w ich he bates. There Is but one thing which we both ,li o, amid that is what wet cannot both hails. though we mil ' are trying for it t —she lest word. I have had bad for two such halm. passionate, sielftilt; ainaaagemble boys. sever tormented a feeble woman s; boys began. I wish I hod called them both Cain. A this segment they have quarrelled over their marbles. • Mortimer has* torn off Orville's' collar. and Orville has a lied his colt like heel to Mortimer's ribs; while the lie Zettetae, is my lap, who never sleeps mere the, hal an hoar at a i l so time, and cries all the time she is awake, as boon re es their din to scream in chorus. 1 'awe had bad lack se a housekeeper. for, I have neve kept , even a chambermaid more thaw three week,. A das to peeks. I - look back bewildered on the long pha tun:aerie of faces flitting stormily through my kitehe -- as a mariner remembers a rapid succession of thunder • is and hur riming* in lb* 0 if of Me t xico. , My new haintionnaid bummed out of, he, room yesterday flint . tier duster, and muttering, lite', old maid. after all l'l jot, Aseirserr I showed her a *Moms which I could write *else' with •my fingei, in dui dust. I never fee My Olamp happy sisters, and' then &nee in the mirror at ul , ow. Ws- Terms. long. doleful visage, without milking myself an old mid. Ido it every day ofmy life; Ifet half of my sex marry es I did—not for lore. bat for fast—for fear of dying old maids. • , 117 Perna woe warn LAinancan —There le a largo class of people. who deem the besinesis of life far too weighty and sairesentoos to be WI& light of, wise would leave sterissaut tocliWreis. sad laughter to idiots; sad who bild that a joke washi be as mocitent of plies es their lips. as on a gravestone; or in a leSigoc. Wit and Wisdom Joeing asters. not only are theyciftaid of beim i indicted for bigamy were they te 'wed thesii both; bet ! they .bidder at each • union is incestoue. !So. to keep' 'elver ottempittlen. ani to preserve tbeir !faith where they brie plighted it. that-tura the yirmagetiont of domes 1 mad if they bear of anybotiy taking her in. they are peri tire that he can knew nothing of the4lder. ! They wenhi not be witty for the world. Pliny to ample's( so le not very &Smolt for these whom Nature his so favored i that Wit with them I. always at ism, or below it. And ) as to their Wisdom. since they are careful sever I. ever I feed her, she jogs leisurely along the 'armlike road. with lank and meagre caroms. displaying all her hoses, and newer getting est of Iter awn dust. She feel. im incline ! lien lobe (risky. nut. if a coach or wagon_tuates tier. is I glad. like her rider, le ran beatifii - tliliig so lig. 'llitiew all these people take reirisse ofrense. if 'ivy one iC6111.2 _ meal them better maned; end they ars is a tropistic ! lest the neighing. snorting, and prancing/Up:mkt he ewes tagions. Tiaeusa--3aany. cga you ten We wb wade of? . Hoy—Clay. I sappew. 64., - i Tracinza—thvi a MIMI fir ye& N. child. By—Well. sir. I bawd General Draper w 664 rigida, ski beieli. sad of *Mai gal abr. . •a • i N Tit ACIIIII-alit dove. WS/ bey. y r, ... i ~,,} I ~ :• I NUMBER EDI inures libefti steps had et tontleotiosel n faster thou 10 With isesy eea aad tertian .. Tide woe rreetioa twat led of Wait. Vowed by doo ofati.o 'broke .1 Primo Het• sties femora eet of etablielted Ia tbreak etas rope wee re. L g saints. dm I d into s• brief es friends of I very where a• . ing. with ea ; :melange. the • est. rustiest ; eryiskera fol. pram truer with el* I . iv& vanlsited?—. • me* penis. 4111 them beil• I those fees& coly so ett• old coalition. • • ism hes le. 'I-. He t. I plant' of his *so. '•76a ootitalrly its- Soria which copies a poi. Wading forth adreospitorri. e Oros/. aid Pitta ciao!- • sec* ofEluvta o a Warm bath -r ups* files. destroy them, ma imicks 'aro = 1r that Clay in ammlir