Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, October 11, 1851, Image 4

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    Citbie l and the * •..
_ We copy the folltivriog from the %Kea Post:
The anti-Cebanrpresses in the United States hare
not - been able to fix upon Lopez any stain of bed
'raids or of cowardice. Nor hate they been able to
• how that the liberators had any hutlonorable ttsi
tives. The putting to death of wounded liberators,
and of the guard left by Lopez to take care of them
and Spanish wounded; the potting to death of Amer
ican surgeons who were dividing their care betireen
the wounded on both sides; and the perpetration of
barbarous atrocities upon the dying and dead by the
Spanish rabble at Havana, are charges inetlaceably
fixed upon the Spaniards. •
Prom a letter dated Havana, Sept. 16:—
additionsi prisoners were brought here
Ise night before la ; one of them had been terribly
i 1 -treated, having- ¢ een bayonetted nine times in
t e back, because t • did nut move as fast along the
roads as the eoldieris required him to do, beipw woun
ded in the feet; another, who had delivered himself
up to three peasants, was struck front behind by
one of them, with 1 large knife, the blow being
aimed at hie throat, took hint across the left eye, and
laid it completely open. • The podr fellow made a
desperate struggle fur life and succeeded in despatch
ing one of the three wretches, when the other two
tied. After eufferi g dreadfully for more than a
week, the maggots having got into the wound, h e .
at - length fell in wi •a humane negro, 'who assisted
himto,drese his w nods, and gave him something
to eat, and finally c nducted him to the head quer
tern .of the cowma n ing officer of the district of Ba-,
his floods, Who ha hie case duly attended to."
Extract from a I ovine letter of Sept. 17:—
"Mrs. Doerner„ wired on the ,Cherokee, 'yester
day, from Nei Oil ens, in the hope of rescuing her
only son, wile is of the survivors of the expedi
tion. She brought letters to several in fl uential per
eons liere,iand amo g others, one to the bishop, who
promised ererythin in his power, but her eon had
already'left in the abet la Catholic& for Spain.—
The bishop inform her, among other things, the'
at his intercession, he Captain General had deter
mined upon shoutin only 18 out of the 50, and that
had Me American maul culled spas his el-cent - sty,
and pressed the matter, thirty-two lives tesiatil hove
been sorsd;-,but a commissioefrom the Catalans
luring learned thaisuch was his Excellenc 'filen
tion,waited npunhim and stated that unless e whole
fifty - were executed, the Spaniards- would tbe
Mr. Thrasher, owner of the Faro Induqrial, the
most successful newspaper in Havana, which was
suppressed the other night by a police officer, back
ed by five men with muskets, is an. American, who
has mastered the Spanish language completely.-
- The paper never published anything - against the
government; in fact it could not publish anything,
for the censorship is so rigid, - that all articles are
seen in proof before the paper appears. No reason
is assigned for stopping the press; nor was the
proprietor allowed even a copy of the order' of the
Governor General.; Mr. Thrasher was instant!) ,
and suddenly deprivnd of his property without a why
or wherefore.: - / -
0:7.. Lopez was en IficomMon man; much less
Was he a man of goNid motives and mean ambitions.
He was over sanguine, like most of his countrymen;
healed not anticipate end provide forall the contin
gencies which were indispensable to the success of
such an enterprise in the nineteenth century, and
hi may be chargeable with a criminal indiference
to the value( of human life, in taking such terrible
risks as every one but himself felt and saw he was
taking. But he risked more himself than any one
else did. He knew that the Spanish Government
had set a higher price upon his bead than they would
pay fp that of any other person in their whole em
pire, and that he hid, to security for the future but
He died, as he Heed, like a hero god a gentleman.
Whether the cause; of liberty in his unhappy island
died with him, rem' ins to bejeeen. The blood of
the patriots is the red of frefdom, and we feel We
should dishonor o r .Arnericyt ancestry and the
country whose ind peodence their heroism achietied,
if we did not deep! , sympathize with the Creoles,
ih Cuba, in the des h of Lopez their champion and
Martyr, and if we id_n It continue to hope that from
iiis grave woeldii • at no distant day the' Wash
ington by whom t e cause of freedom in Cuba may
be conducted to a .. are auspicious issue.—N. Y.
Eve. Post. ,
last week found, ii
Col. Hurt, of Culp
ishich, after taking
titrai on, were
feet. Dr. Welfor
in company with tM
woods, and there d
albumen skeleton,
arm bones. In th
ing a large Full of
ao discovered, not
however, were e
long exposure to tl
not be ascertained
be of large saloon
defaced to ascerta
lions or his coat,
Also found. No a
identity 'of the pd
which he came
• /nig.
• are informed that a negro boy
a body of woods belonging to
pper county, a pair of boots, in
gthem home and attempting to
discovered soine bones of human
being informed of the fact, went,
he boy and some gentleman, to the
'!covered the remaining bones of
r ith the exception of one of the
search, a picket book, •contaitt
hank notes and a letter, were al
far from the skeleton. The notes
much mutilated and injured by
• weither, that their value could
though supposed by .the bulk to
The letter was also too much
nto whom it was directed. Por
hich was of fine material, were
:I ue has yet been had to lead to the
.son, or the circumstances by
So) his °ad.—Warrenton ( Va. )
i t,
- ' NE:iv Rnirre Tio :SEW YORK
C TY. 1 - 1.1 DERKIEK
n t Mile ailroa , connecting with grid etas: presniers on
Lake‘Erie. the Mae iii n, Cievetand,Coluiribus and rine intll li, 1 .
Cleveland and Pltt.l.l ruli and r‘an.ltok y acid Cincinnati Ita it
roads, and steamers op the 4'lllo and Mississippi rivers, and llic
01110. Indiana and Pe illiy Ws' an' canals.
TRAIss 4 (% 4 n4',KINK AO Y 1,1.1.0,11 1, 2
10r, Morning F. press Train at • A. M. .
a l ,
gd'.. Morning gl it Tram at a A. M.
3d. Evening E press Tram at 4 V. M.
Fare from Dunkirk New Yorli,gle Ml.
Ilicond Class Fare ill le giten in a few days.
TIM Express Freig and Caitlin Train leaves Dunkirk daily al
4 Ail/4,10 which a I issruceg, Car is attached, for the accom•
nindatiOn of way p ncers and Drovers.
Particular attentio paid to ihe idiipment of Stork and Freight
of every tiCseript4w. The gtinge betim I/ feet time Rites this
mute great advantar over narrow Roads, in the waiiimortntion
of Mock and all oiberceight.
Aidditional Trains ill be Put In commission In a very short
belted, giving full plank :Aug in regard to
theiiht Teri& d'
the pricer , of Freight.
l ipped-at,,Punk Irk. and each of the follow
Forestville, Stniih'■ Stills. Dayton. Calla
Great Valley, Allegany, Olean, Hinsdale
!stern stations.
Agent. C. MINOT, Supt.
1- I
Frei, ght earellilly a
int Freight atailona •
mil". Little Valley
Cuba. and all other e,
Dunkirk, May 86, 1.
OLD Ohio Whiske
—SI lamas Just reeeivrti by
• • is & ro's.stobraci nu Ladles and Gents
!s. Fin,ser Rings. Pencils and Pens. Ladies'
ad other desirable articles, all warranted
it—no charge for showing. 7 June 28.
TN great variety at
(Isaias, Breast Pi •
ear Pins. Bracelets.
as reprege,e4. can
itatipso ilar iBANISHEA.—EXCELSIOR rAmtz,r
toe .
-Err w atch a taw satins can be done In ond-thlrd teas Ilene.
X, trouble and eine than with any other FIGL,pe ittitiwn. II
can be sued with . of hard VIIIItet. cold or warm. Win remote
Orease. Palnt.Tar, 1 . k or Oahu, from roods without the team
injury either to the or the handy. For -ale II
Erie. June fl, IS3 . CARTER k. BROTHER,
• • • lisillwar• /tore.
lAM Treeiging a large and Well seleebed slack of Ueavy and
Shelf Hardware its!was ever brought id this ittarket.amt it will
be sold at a stash advance. as I do business on the Cash system
only. Those wishinganytbiug pertain' nem Hardware can save
money by calling MOW Cheap Hardware Note. Among my stock
can he ;band Iron both round and square. from 3-13 to i inches.
liat hat horn 2 to 12 Inches, hoop, band. scroll. oval and half oval.
of all vises, Sable nail rods. and American blister steel.
aril arms. springs. grimna bores. nuilable castings. Ares hands,
anvils. vises. smith's; bellows. din picks. crowbars. manor. ks,
grub hoemeoil, log, trace, halter, dog and jack chain,. spikes
botb wrought and cut from Tour to ciaht inches. nails Rom ad to
MM. also knee, floor‘ finishing and wrought nails. horse shoes.
butts and hinge* of ah kinds and sues: gate latches, mill, craw
cut and circular saws, friction rollers. shovel , spades. hoes.
sythes. anaths.forks and a good assortment ognierlisnics
Erie. Rey. id 1831. No. 3, Reed House.
THE Hoek Qr II" Blink live notice that they Intend to
Ippty to the se Legislature tbr a renewal of the Charter,
with tie mane Ca I. and with to present utle.location and
pr ink lmi . By , _of Board of
DM. Asta.lo, WS e.III:SPAILREI Cashier
aes.—A fine Jed jusa remand by Esau.
• • • yar mad by
J. H. tummy & co.
t.DP and*will tie Crept
We. Sept. S.
WWI 1111011131.
iedebied so ome to eW sod pay. Elope
by theft wig have netleeied the
111 first.
1. it .11ULP1
T AMC Wow who
I due call will be
F+fajkpt• S.
T • easusers OiL
NR mbieviter oa band and will be meallillf
from kis emi at Retinas a supply of pare Piet Oil of the
Rest quality. Rad w Ybe will sell at redueed Mee by the Dbl.
leolkel• Leather tiefaefievete will awl it gat elinc iaterst
to give bite • owl Seer parebasing eisiwbere. • •
Elie. am O. MAIM RT.
1, .5 zeta &moo
SE D vt ill be paid at our Dm Rout Ifc
J. R. Spier()
32 P
.HCADWEI.I. in now legating to reeettqh is larr stock of
. 1.1 ac.. ant Staple
Dry Dotpds, Grocories, Iron) Steel. Nails. ike.,
j ug purchased %title the louse in the nerney market tea. , at oN
Ist tea. lain now prepared to offer Colfee by the Bag, rl , tim-ty by
tin Barrel Brun it sheetiug b r the Piece or Bale, and 31i other
Myr:Lod. by the Vivre or Package, iron by the hundred or ton
Hardware by the putotge Nails by the keg, and all other good;
in the sanithanner at priers that cannot be beat by any tauten]
Jobber. a retail primes will be mottle to eorreepond. I have the
taws* sax of 1 Won, Goods. all new and beautiful styles. that
Was Cref.lOpetlf . d 1 . 0 , Nadi , inspreywn, anti -for Irwth Ole
peke shall You the buyer. Knowing the tine taste orate Ladies
of this vlet; r i.ty. 1 know the goods tuna suit.
Erie. An .3n. 9.91. 19
kelp It leAre the Peep& that tke Empires are owl Ia be rodereetet.
I HAVE lust received the Agency of two of the largest Iron and
I Nail !thinufactories In the Union. Prices are therefore reduc
ed behove ahything ever beard of. Fanners lift up your heads; a
Harrel of Flour will purchase 11110te Nails. and Iron that it would
a year ago.' We will sell Bar Iron as low as tient. per pound.
Iron all r nil for Waggons.. including /tweeds, at 3{ets. Nails,
sonic sizes low a. net.. by the keg. Those prlees are 10 per
rent below Putfato. Whets those prices tan be matched I will try
again. The shove are for eash. duet wet% ing a large stock of
/abet( Harthware, Prultery Hardware, Buggy Trimmings. (Adana,
Anvils. V irs, Bellows. and Mechanics' 'ruched all Marisa low
rates; alsollutiber Itching. S .OAIIIW ELL.
Bela, rent. 13, IPIIII. ' .
Wr N S Chinese [astral Washing Fluid. kw washing In
bard or soh. Wnter. 'flint Fluid Is the best preparntion
known forwashing ego tem. linen. or woolen cloths, for removing
grrese or tar. for cleaning floors or paint. for destroying lied bugs
and othcv Vermin. for rate by J. 11. BURTON fr. Co.
. Aug CI., 15
i Land and Lots for Soto..
300 ACRES 111 Illootnfield toWnship, 120 acre, cleared,bu ll
dims and orchard—price VOW This is an excellent
grating farm.
i lt
130 4Cf nine miles u est of F-rie. in Fairview township, 100
acres flea ed. buililingi andorchard—price Cie per acre; an ex
cellent 0 ri or grazing farm.
ii ae rea I n I , ii ion township, 43 acres cleared, buildings and or
chard—pirlee alio& '
inn 'MC rre in Leßizufr township. on the east bank of French
Creek. 6 mile. below Waterford-63 acres cleared. bowie. barn.
and orchard. price WOOD. Thug is a beautiful !Ina of bottom
lauds an bill aidiugoed lbr grainer grams.
ill acme two ailbas east of Ere, on Lake load. good build
ings and orchard, and a valuable power for a affil—price 180 per
acre. 1
30 acme Erie Academy land, one mile south of Erie, oa the
Turnpike:road. all cleared— price SU per acre -,
340 acme of Wild Laud, patt of user No NM, In Wayne town
ship—pi* $l3O.
94 aoof wild land In Le Doeuff to—price 03 pee mere.
Also, a rea large nusube4 of Itf Lots and Out Lois of the town of
trio. ~.. WILSON KING.
I Feb 41111431. Land Agent. Erie, Pa.
IaiORTABLE FURNACEN..—We have jai,' received New Pat
-1" tern■ roe several swell at there foci-caving ankles for rum
mer we, and are prepared to Muni& elastomers with a superior
article. Akw on hand ready for use. BENNETT it CO,.
:Nay a
'MAILS --A large lot of first quality Nails. which wifl Mani&
1.11 at adinufactuter'S priedfor Cub, at the Erie Steam Foun
31i I ' BENNETT kCO.
TEAR. nest( Green and black Teas, only six weeks from
Cant ; name Green Tea for Me. per pound. good.
Erie Ju • • T. C. 34. TIOBALS.
TAR. . itcb and koala constantly on band and Obr sale by
f I B. T. P. & SONS.
WILLIAM BEATTY & M. SANFORD bare tbia day Binned
a e parineribin as Banker* and Collection and Ezehaniae
Broken. ender the tine of M. SANFORD & CO. Ocoee in
"Beatty'. Block." between butte and Yawl' streets. Public
S:rie. lin. Jan 1,
_lB5l. 'AL
YEAS? POWDER , a superior artie l le, Om rale by
Jui2ie 41k 0 , -, W. 8. CLARK.,
0146.4, 1 1 Yolcianits. BMX and CcouAri
ri VTR ACTS of Limon, new, Vanilla, la unneg. Suer A -
.1A moods. riraeb, Calery, °taws Flour , (banana and Nee t -
rine, for aide by . , p.B. CLARK •
June 21. a
00 &MTN!! reeei ved
T a.d .
err aul u t i q k
;dune It 1851.
As „pp' leatkni will be mole to the next Legisliture of P
■yyttvania,fortheineoSporatlon of a Bank, to be called
Erie City Bank, to be located in the l'ity of Erie. Erie cdo ty.
Pa., witti ai capital or one hundred theorem, dollar., with he
privilege lot inereaeiny the acme to three hundred tbotiaand did.
tars, and tlAt the individual liability clause Will be inserted in
the Charter of sand Beak.
J. IL Fullerton, I J. C. Marshall, • Smith Jackson.
H rn ry_ Cad well. C. M. Tibbals, tiny Loomis,
Gee Kellum Win. Kelley. Walter Chester,
Thomas:lL siil, John Galbraith. A. Beebe,
W. M. Gallagher.
'Erie. Pa.. June RI, IS4I.
p . k .
Allt WATER Presion & Merrill's Peir I. Wad., for da
voting Cultiar4l4. Cakes. Ise.. kw sale by K. T. H. le Si ):41.
riORN , STAReII tor sale by
Erip,'June 7. R. T. STERRETT lk PONS
THE aubeerthers have Just received a 614P11•11.1 Sint . * Of SPTI rig
mod Sommer Ikruda.eorislatineof Dry Goork..Gruceriefe. thud
ward. Cmtkery. Ate. In the above mock mar he Ibund nfirnoft
every varitiy of 4 if4lllettien and Ladies ftmis Goods; lardiett and
rtiddretVe Shoes. a variety of etlell 1111 , 1 atialttos. They in% il.
dill r ol4toistutneni and thove ratend sag to purchase, to call and
el:mow iiwir mock before putebaling elsewhere.
Erie. tine 14.-4
.1 AMPA iItJGRES ig: Co.
TlColll:l l lllo24aGzaearr .
Are happy to irihrtn theur clients. that although, hastily tire led
by Are frdvn their Dine.: on the morniag of the firm lest. they are
anon herded and will he happy to WIN* their clients mid friend,
l efts.. three ika,rs north of the Pula to • Square. over Zitilinettra
store. opposi x the one previously occupied by them.
Mr. r aut is Cominundooer for Grethen% of New Vork.olo6.
Indian .! Illinois. Mistixtri. /owe, and Michigan. and ocuition
and Bo
. 11y iro/ Agent.
April L
- ( IlliAlit TNAIIIII •
3'. W c .4lt. IL W. Ckaiies , Wo. 6 9 Pearl It. W. T.
1 lAP TERl, dealers and wholesale deale in GREEN ANU BLACK
ITE ,of all descriptions suited tb the Country 'I rade.
Are retch ing Mau the Lest oninuflteturers a full anion - -
tuent 0 ,TOISACrO, of uw ass4.approved brands, All of which
are eo no), oared as equat Wank , In market, and at the low
est can Ericei.
blest i nu. ensiling the city would do well to call and examine
our mod before purchasing elsewhere. .
New York, August 30, IN% 31010
,Radwari Relay 'Relief for Paia.
A CERTAIN tore car Rheumatism, Pure throat. Sprains. At
rt. feetiona of We tiptoe, Toothache. Tic noloareua. and all
Nervesesafteltons, Salt Rheum. Ring Worm. Enlptions of the
skin. nail Cramps in the sloonaeh. Tor sale by
Erle. Aug. t II , CARTER at BRO.
trier" received a large and wrll selected stock of Dry Goods,
a mbrellns and Parasols. Ladies and Children's Mors in omit
tarietYl DILIV elPreled * large slack of Groceries CrorkerY,
Wall and Window Paper,Ethel( Hardware. ere, which will be
'old as cheat, as the Omared. at lb' , err of
11.1.01, 't " aeons. Empire Cabs, Rocking Flared and Wheel
biarrciaLs. for elLildreav* use, Nal received and For sale by
Erie. july W. F. RINDERNECIIT.
B •
3 JROll.k. Cocoa and Chocolate. Gm Ca le by
10111RESTOK fiL'E/ Infallible ollriast rowdersT also
Ca g. Soda, for baking purpose., by W. F. RlNDlllitritT.
1 0 SAITT, Nat received and for sale by
Erie, Jay 2Q. W. F. Rhinravrewr.
Air A(.l EMIL, tihad, Whitt Fisk Trout. and Ilerrinft.lbr sale
111 cbeap by W. F. Itarogalccirr
AT WON= & 0014
Ofigto St, newly opposite Empire Mores.
.N ow 0 0ehinn. the Mitre.' and dam stock of Goods in this
line over (armed flu imie in rho... Net purchnSed in N. York
embracing nil the new st, les of rich Jewelry just'ourt. Any one
at Wong to inirchai.e s rplendt.l wmch and chain pppill hove a first
rate opportunity rot velectina. Not to he Lindens by any simi
lar estakiishment in Oda Vie ini ty. G. nifiti Jr. CO.
Erie. June %I.
CALWORNIA Gott, Manufactured to order at Aort notice
int° Rines.Breairitolna, ftracelt Chains. or:.nyttingd ei k e d
of any ttylc. at i C. LOOMItt ac Co.'m
Tanaers ou.
625 GALIMNs of pyre Tanners Oil received arid
by Lliebbl. and gallon. ik—iil4 . CLAR
Erie., Rept 6, 11
hie w and Poindar School Book.
o‘fr2tn gNal II Sunnnary of Um vereni Mowry. toerther
"nth a B,o,lraPh) 7f Dietintoindled Per.ons. to vi nlt . se ap
pended an 'pima* of entries Mythology. Natural Philarnotw.
Ceueral AulfOnowy sad Phy.toiotry Adopted the Public
Rebook of Philadelphia. F.. O. JONES &CO, Publintiers.
8. W: Come* FOURTH and RACE etreeta. Philadelphia.
Telseersaudgebool I:to9agnite•as wd , lressiod letter.' W us pos
paid. will be filroishe4 w rth copies (or ems soloist on.
or AFull!and complete Aewortisent of flasks sad Otis tiOn
ary for sa te ac%he Lenresl Price.
3 1 1aY 3, IKSI. l)SII
Dar ttes Tomtitlwo &war Drops,
rOtthe allesstoetlon of worms. They commis no calomel or
.n"rrarY ill any form or any deleterious invedtents nhate-d
alga er, a are At "ore aureetive to the eye, pleasant to the taste, any
rare to their operation, C htldten nt them whh arrataylalaty. For
.ale by
il J. H. NIIIIT ON S.Reed M & Co..
Erie. Aug
tl No.
S itIG
rammed of r
lane rt
0 03.—rlaila awl Tbreettied Tab4e and Tee aims*.
Kaivek, ets. of our eon' easidieture. SIM*
gionr. of Tryttar., -Itnigirlopogod
mitu a b oi ,,C g me represmits b (d I.IIN
-L DRILL. which,. regards simplicity :MI effect. ?Mg no e q ual
Tin. Machine tatter item ever) po-sildeobjection..lll 116)11-t such
a Machine as the hunierr have long Leeded and desired. Ily once
passing over the land. it harrows the ground. SOW* the aced With
the most exact regularity and 'dee ilium. and curers all the Lied a
good and proper tit pth. thereh) raving much time, labor and seed
in planting. The subject of drill i rigurrheat is deservedly attract
ing much attention at this tin e. and is fast taking the place of
the old imperfect way of sow ing broad-east. It is fast gaining
ground and will soon be universally adopted.
One `of the amity experiments in drilling, made by Charles No
ble. Era .of ttl' State of Delaware. a ill be sit en. See the con
trast Mr. Noble rays : Prey lOU to hart est I had lite acres
carefully measured with the chain and compass, by W. Jenning..
The Surveyor was present a hen the wheat a as cradled, and saw
that cacti acre had its due ghare. it Wail put away in separate
mown, and threshed separately, and all the grain measured.
Thls experiment showed the following results : The broad-cast
sowing had two hushelsof :4,1 to the acre, and produced thirty
seven shocks—tiventy-seven bushels of Wheat. That drilled had
one and °ate-fount, bushels of seed to the acre. and produced for
ty-lire shockr.which thrashed out Miro en bushels of a heat."
Another gentleman; Mr. Prances It Ditty*. or Perry CO , ()Mo.
says : I have, this tail, put in on my (arm 43 acres of a heat.
.with flatting's Premmurt; rain Drill, and I have no hesitation in
_pronouucing it the t est drill that I hare ever Well. The machine
worked aped. slier to in) entire satisfaction. The wheat is now
up, with die lINCAff perfrct regularity. and bidii fair fur an abun
dant Crop. , I used Lao horses, and put in rigid acres per day with
no_penion to ann uli ."
These Machine* are now manufactured by the subscriber, who
has purchased the Pa min, and a ill be sold ter) cheap. Fanners
and others are invited to call and examine and satisfy themselves,
Fate. Aug, 9.—.1.11 U. 8, CLARK, State Steel.
Erlo Livery Stable.
T l ttley s r t i t be ll r el47;onue li tt i t u et % et'y
al diet{ old stand on !gate salter'. neat Third.
where Iforee.' and Carri.ges of all devereptkat way be found at
all times read.f fur use, and prices le Kill the tunes . Plea/eels c
U 2 call. - kIIARTIX ualucs.
Eric. June 111.18111• :
National Series of Standard School Books
Fires if PEOOIIIII in Ari (lutile School A rithl e e t6 eni
Arithmetic, Elegoentary ititiebra:lncirrentary tit Practical
BiNurdou's Algebra. Lerendre's Geometry, Purveying. Asa.
Geoueiry, Calcuiw, Ueserypuve Geousetry.,l3ballea, kibaticuirr.
Parker's J venile Philosophy,
• do. First Lessons to Salon , I Philosophy.
do. fiehool Compediuni of Nat. Philosophy.
Clark's Blowouts of Draw mg.
Page's elements of Geology.
Hamilton's Elements of Physiology. -
Rcid and Ram's Citetnittry and Eloctrieity,
Mclntire's Astronomy and Globes.
WO lard's School History.
do. I 'n iied Siam: and Hissorical Cisarts.
do. Universal History:{4 Tcuspke anuses and Historic
Scissor .f the Ih;netiat Laariags
Clark's New. English Crammar,
Parker's Rhetorical_Reader. .
Watt's Improvemena4 the mind.
Northend's Little Speakers American Sneaky. School Dia.
Ingues. Kingsley's Juventleelioar, Britton and Sherwood's &hoot
don and Hymn Book.
F ton wad Eastman's Syrtem of Penmanship and Dook-Keop
ing. i •ith chtrgraphte Charts and Key.
i The above Usi of books home been prepared with .mate -
ular reference to the educational improvement of oar restrutry.
Teachers and friend...of education are respectfully requested to
examine these norkn in reference to their meats and their ske4.l
adapt:lama to the public. schools and higher Unlyersities of Our
country. For sale wholesale and retail,by [
. D. PrArroßn.
May $l.-9 Agent for A. S. Barn & CO.
likp li
, The subscriber would inform his friend and the
put,lie generally that he term continue the IN. MP.
TER and slt vt:T IRON IX: 1 1N ESS tit tht old stand
formerly kept by Mud.lleton ir. M a rphy,ao dtespeelftil
ly invites ri continuation ofthe patronage hitherto extended to the
concern. I have now on hand the largest stork of Tin, Copper
and Sheet Iron Ware west of New York. Those wishing to pur
ewe would do well to call on me before buying elsewhere, as 1
am bound tone!l chealwr than the cheapent.
Having now on hand the. lent COOK STOVE in the state, (the
Eagle 1101-Air) which 10, Ulm puffing and n ill show kr Itself.-
1 will warrant kW winning to purchase. Alpo. 300 doz
en Milk Dan*. Of all sir..., cheap Vats and Plotters, Sual nn, Strai
per Psi*, Canal float lan.ys and pump., Coffee Pow. Tea Pot.
and Boilers Lantern, n antit.s. 1., cake mans, pails, blot horns,
dippera.skimmern. teak, tiler, buil,rn, tar:alien., buckets, oil ran.,
lampfllters. Plepring.lllllo , tordrainern.npittoon..ininks, dinh pans
pint. quart. gallon and hiel•alre. funnels. graters, &e.
A Ina a tool .I...alenent of i %I' .I.S: %V .1 St E. ccals int' ng of cake
litre,'. trunks. deed I.oces, spilt. - ons, tea and coffee tannliders,
fruit iti.hen. dust pan., lard and oil lamps. candle sties.. Sower
honen, Icy ruts and fill IN, ratite bores. it Minks, apple:linter ket.
Iles, brans kettle. • .tare pit'rl and elbows, &c.
Spouting and Canters unntiptlyatteuded to. Alt kind climax*
work ,made and repaired ~1 the .11..4test notice.
%V.IiTT:D. —.% I out tort) dtousa nil Pm. of old! Copper. !Imp t‘ and
Pewter will he taken hi eTeliange far 'fln and hopper Ware.
Alereltants awl utlinrs is unlit do well to give Ines,' call at the old
stand of NI iddlrenu & Slurrdi), two doors east of Brown's &fusel,
Erie. Miireli 13. 1.51.-34 N. MURPHY.
N 21 Vl — xib - cis s .
.% LI. in and tee if there has not been a real itewurreetlon
at the euf Ilef of rrsot and 6th stfCClO, where the sub/matter
a ill he en load at all trIIIN renily to inquire alter the faith or bid
euvt.Attert.. .04111 betielir as hectpresses himself, that every
Man baba right to hlaowitlloptutori,) sod also to show theta the
hest stack i,f Nifiertiantous.
/ehool•Books and !aloft , Ildblow
ever firought to this place. Also. on hand a splendid assortment
'oral:oat Nookanf his own nutisufseture, warranted to he of paper
of t`le twist quality. all ot te r hie b t ill be sold low for cash or clean
paper rags.
N. B. thi hand IS barrels of Cider Ifiaegar, ofesceUeat quality
to te etr hranged for rags or c a sh.
%sims done to order oat short notice.
E[plvted quoit) a large tot of Christmas Books and Annuals
Nov. 21. OLiVER seArroßD.
!fadeGera ?laws.
AV II hn" 'made arrangements Cur waking and vending the
much approved Double Moule Board Corn Plows, patented
by Rich. of Troy, N. T. They are warranted to pleaw.
ein mould board. with Cast or Wooden beams, as may be de
litt4l. for ,al.• at the Eric Stvatn foundry.-
Erie, May 31. (3 BENNETT it Co.
BYrequest L 311 Ns.
B Y request some of tne mem .ers of the Erie ounty Agri
et/Moral Society. the subscriber brought on and offers fbr sale
the followintnutcles.
Emery & norm Power and Threshlug Machu:ie.
Sub-soil Plows.
Corn Playlets sun Semi Drills,
Porg Power,. fur churning. during grind stones,
Cernonlk cutter and cruamrs.
flop srtd Straw Cullen , '
Enter)'s improved and thermometer dame com
bined. Io ieetbstiarden Rakes. Hay Forks, Unproved MIR Scythe
stones. der.. &c.
Having made arrangements for the Mew) , of the above, to
gether with ail articles in Aarteultural Machinery and Farming
implittientr, I can furnish at Wholesele or Retail, on the same
terms as the manufacturers, adding transportation; and as all ar
ticles are warranted, the attention of rimers and others is so
licited. D. IL CLARK,
Erie May 10 . 1131 . -Plate street. 4 doors north of Fullerton's.
New Goodi for tM People.
_ _ .
rr nE Puhacriber is now receiving his Ppring stork of Goods,
consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. (*rockery.
Glassware, Nails, Liquors. &e. which Is large and well selected
and bought cheap, and will he vold at very low prices for ready
pay; (mg awed for it.) as cheap as any other In Erie. Good
madder prints from fife lone, and the hest English and Merrimac
at Me per yard. and all other goods in proportion. to -do a more ready pay business will make the pricer ,
so low As to induce persons to make ready pay for their goods.—
People ar:- requested to rail and take a look at my goods and pri
ces It wet cost timliing to that, and will oblige. )ottro &e.
May 3, 1..111. SMITH JACKSON.,
Kiln Dried Lumber.
Cl.-RTLIt HER have on hand at their Planing Mill
and Lumber yard, on 11th Si. end of the Furnace, a quanti
ty of Kiln dried Fine and White Woud Lauder. Planed and
Mulched Flowing, n arranted auperior to any worked by hand.
Mn lidera a ill rare money by las) Inc their Stuck at thiscstnblo 41.
where it can La , lurmobed ,nlantal in a aupentor Mann, r.
and sawel into any armpit desired.' Club paid fur FloOrins and
Clear Pine.
r-ir. Nayli. Mt.
CRaiERY I.AISPet.—A very Convenient and usiefhl article
in the:llrbOin soil nursery, Ibr . snlp by /
Erie. Pei I- .
loath r and Oboe
TIL rur.l.P.ltTnx i nn i n wt .,. nn ,. _ _
n s • Ades Spanish Ode Leafer—
" Sraughter " .. /
Upper o
dozen Jersey Caltbkom
Country . .
" French
" Slack and !Panty IMl ni zieo. •
" Linings and Matti '
•' Kipskins.
" Splits , :
/ <
.• Enamelled and ritual Loather.
. A 150..-Lasts, !loot Trers,rr imps. and every snicks ad Shama
kw': Tools and Kit. August S. / 1
WHIT BRANDY—A sglenglt ankle PrAcemerving truly
Aug I. tt allprnAlre aIIOCSIIIT Mite&
MONEYI4 mngted to the 1.1 Country on the moot frnouraile
air ity. MI. PANlrolllt AA Co.
larb. - 19 M - %. pearritirteet.M*.rg.
LIAM* 00311131 1 LAlxi
114 Tr. Duress-or TOR
And all disseases She
lag from a disordered LArer or
ffifousaffibillah Llntst Ipation, inward
Yilea, Woes', or blood to the head. acidity
aft the stomach; nausea, heartburn, disgust Ibr mod.
minis LA Aright In the atomae h. sour erueuAlousaink sailor Sub
Kling at the pilot the stomach **intim ng of Mr head.
h oriel and difficult breathing, fluttering it the
• beast. choking or sutruc.ating
than, When In a lying pos7
lure, dimness of si
soon, doss or
hegwe the:eight, fever and dull it:vitt in the head, defk knsey viper_
. 1 ,01114 n. yellowness , of the skin and eye., pain in the side, back,
c i,,,,Ligtobe, &C.. sudden flushes or twat. burning In the Beek eou
sutnt snitagtnttigs of evil, andgreut depression of spirits, can be
savetugllyeurcd by
11001 4 ZrAliD1l
410. C. Xt. SAOssow,
Ito. 120. Arch Street, Iletladolesiii.
Thsibc power over (As abaci dummies is astsacelisk,ty eleaselled,
by any 01/Isreprirparariss in As United Sway, 114 Oa guru ditgvicti,
missy same leer al-.4,541 pAyeiriass Sal fasb4.
The* Sitters are worthy the anew ion of invalids. Pliejeireing
great virtues in the rectification of diseases of the Liver rind Les
scr glands, exercising the most Ware tong powers in weaknessand
alTeetions of the digestive organs, they art...withal, safe, certain
and ylitutaut.
From the Boston Bee,
The Eiitor said, Dee. '
Dr. loaf Celebrate.' Gowan Rinses. Sor thecure of LlVer
Cumlda'int, Jaundice; Dyspepsia: Chronic slid Nilsson. Debiti-'
ty,l4. deArrvedly one of the mart whinier medicines of the day,
These filial...lV have been used by thhusands, and a friend at our
elistrwp: holies received an effectual and permanent Cure of
Liver ' plainttry the use of this remedy. We are cOnvineed
that, • 12 the use of three Bitters • the patient constantly gains,
strengol end vigor—a fact worthy of *rent consideration. They '
are plunsant In taste and smell, and con he used by persons with
the unit delicate stomachs with Milroy, under anyeireutustan
cec ,t'e are speaking from experience, and to the afflicted we;
advinetbeir use."
Ireekly,One of the best Literary papers publuibed,said, l
Aug. ill
ffoollpoi's Gamma ilium, usitnunietused by Dr. Jackson,
are no* recommended by some of the most prominent members
of the feculry as an article of mue:iiikacy In eases of female
wealufews. As such is the ear, we Would advise all mockers to
obtain , a bottle, and thus save the mselves much. sickness. Per
sons or debilitate' constitutions will find these bitters advanta
-111.011% In their heatth;as we know from experience the military;
effect they have upon weak systems. ,o
The .f'Philarielph in Saturday Gazette," the best family newppa
per puplished in the United States, the editor says of
..ft ip seldom that we reconfinend what are termed Patent Med..'
;eines to the confidence and patronage. or our readers; and, there
fore. then we recommend Dr. lloodand's German Bitters. Ise'
wish tp he distinctly understood that we are not speaking of the
nostrums of die day. that are noihed about for a brief period and
them fgrgotten after they have dune their guilty race of mischief.
but of it medicine Idnit estabhi bed, uniteraatiy prized, and which
bas mitt the hearty approval of skis Faculty Itself ."
Thla medicine ham attained that high charactrr which Is forces-
Tara rot all twelliciart to attain to induce counterfeiter, to put forth
a too Oohs article at the risk of the tires of those who are inuo
Thihare the WELL ,
signature of C. ht. JACKSON upon the
wrap; , and the name blown In the ',Mile. snakes! witch May In
. For sale, wholesale and retail. at the
No iia. Arch street, one door below sixth. Philadelphia, and
by respectable dealers generally throughout the country.
Allftw gale by ratter & Bro th er, Erie. Pa ; Lampaon & Galt
Ile a COMM, Pa.; J. Curtis,. Waterford. Pa.
Pria, 1931. lyan
Cosh for Lumbitr!
TE'Etulwerihers are prepared to pay 'A elf for any quantity,
of Whliewood Lumber, viz: I and 4-4 Beards; IL U. 3 and:
4 nett Mask; Comm' 3,6, 7. S. 9. *O. 11 and 11 tidies' square,
and 3'hy 4 Scantling. Ash of the Shiloh ing thiekoess. It, I 24,'
3 and.; inches; Chtrry and an kinds of shipping lumber. The
SaliseVi beta will 'maw eoattaela for any MO"' Of the above woo-,
tione4 Lumber to he delivered the it'd's/nig rewion. Twelve AMC
la the Diosttlestrahle length to have Lutnebrr sawed.
Ede. N0v.31, IN*. GEO. BELDEN ar. SON.
Cl* the New lark Collodion of Sacred Alharie. •
COSSTITI*TING a large and chafer variety of new Tune.,
Tura. AtitileJOlN Mown.. eve.. from the beat Foreign and
Amer eon corsrpooere.l% ith all the old tuner In COMMOII WPC, lo
ser... 1f DR a cone ere erententary courre,almpiitled and adapted,
to the opacities of besiunerr. The Whole eurupreing the most
eolool eolleetrou of sacred mode ever publialtetl. fur male at.
pr. Ciliate of r. O. STAFFORD.
I Eli, . Nov. 34, 183111.
'4 4
' O .
11 . 31
.111 , •VERISED COAN !STARCH- (11 unequaled Wily, 111111,
J. All itirrr tion. for making Purktmgo,CllllMrds.llte..for ',ale ivy '
En/1. January it.. h. , 51. JOlllll kIoCAN N.
ieyetene Paper 7tilla t ,
. xats. PA.
PPI xt a x,ir s 111 la X 1. 211 Ili N
If it. f:1.II1U MARV iti haying' digpo.ted tt Ithi
'ret iterest in the'
.1 , 1 'titiovetno tablschturn4 and in the Inennet.P. area & l'ef. ,
kin.. Okkallill t i the huei net:4 14 ill hereto
the OM gorriliers.under the Dan:leo( Perkies it Belden, trim) w il I settk
all accounts of the (alizarin.j oh lit.
Burl a f. 111111VEL MEI MN.
Cloo..4llargelgt ariouraraiorliardlk , ap, ex Wilily n 0... than ,
aef F.aldern flanatartury for -ale at ea.tein priner the ra.
A on wily wilt at all unites he kent on hand. nd dealer. and fa mu
lie. will do well to tall an 4 mana, onalitles and priers, 14r
.ale otl rotioi goramot by R. 0. iII:LRER'r. . •
Frei! %Inv 4. 4.431 k • 31 •
Kliiiiit;ttilt3ll—A great varlet) , nut/a. news:tor' of
" May 3d. lAiWitY, BROWN. & C 4
litoabester Slapping's a nanalbag.
ll TT .t7 e . " f o rtr ra f i rot th n in der i t bi r 4 ' 7:rant:era 1;:p O i r f f :it in a te a r r erg
am tku Myself euntentml t remain a little longer ' and yell my .
m 7 ,4 0 1 harrilhii.ri% ne the usual satisfaetiba to my eum
onsets. We are now fully prepared it aka lurgi idt.c., of Ci..U4
Cati,:imeriM, Ve,tings and Trimming,. to !amply ainy demand Its;
tiothine. ind my arrangement, Mr . the maauthetuer into sum;
mend of all descriptions, in the pmentling mode. are of the
mmt perfect character. It la in) detertniaation that all shall he
,arts rled who patronize my establishment. Gentlemen way oti ,
lain at my store a handy inc out fit fora little money, and my
motto enntinues to be "the nimble six pence virfaus the itIOIS
shilling." JACOB KOt'll, ,-
Ern.. May 3d. .
No. 7. Seed !louse. !
pr o prietors.
as Wamten Warawy, ,Imih firf Ihe COW* Raid.
T' proprietors. haviriti made considerable improvenieut in
l it machinery and wawr•works. are now enabled to rim
their . etory all Swotich the summer. and having a isritn thy of
Cluths,thassin.tort. Flannel* tin tomer Tweeds, Shawls. lankcle
and Sheets. also Satinetts of Mikan( colors and oualitt to eeL
change tor Wool, as PI lbs. of wool per yard of cloth a good n
the Wool will make!. We -invite all our old callowness, and all
many new ones as can make it coaventent. to. rive tie a call.
Wd.eotlinue to full dye and dress domestic cloth. and manures,.
ture Wool at our ustial ratm. A Ire, Carding done on short notice
hddlii i be;twat manner: Water Proofeloth for over cuats, of out
own mantfaeture. IS.ept on hand to .tehance for Wool.
IitIOULS, CAS, dr. Co. - I
Iffsrboreirek, Mai 31. '3 L
STRAW Cooll*.—flonnetst and Hats. a good assortment JI.A
feeeivedand Rot sale at 240.3 Parr Block.
Aro 19:4531. l : AkfIUCKLE /lc KEPLER
CA R R I AGE and Wagon Maker, State WWI Deaf ffesenth. COPCIr
Ittrtekornith . otiop, Erle.ya. Carriages, Wapnii, es.
ma4e and repaired In the ties manner.
Erie, May 10, 18.51., • 4m39
PANTS: Wh9te: and colored Linen Drill lb , pants. at the
rri fir intbserlher has Jost returnedilvin New York and Thila
_L delphin with a tarp stock of Groceries, Trout. Wilk*
Wave. ship ("sandier,. ke. D. S. CLARK.
Efie. May ID, MI. 32
IWILL "...flat a eery low prieemy bonne and lot in Erie. oa
theleoulb able of El`lib Wrest. and directly eon of the Maw
eytaketorm Church. Thom w Mina to purchase are reterred to
my agent and attorney, W. 8. Lane. Esq. Those kuomiitg them
selves indebted to me by now or account are requested to call on
Mr..l.ane and make payment without delay.
Etie. May 17.—1 , WM. N. LEWIS. i
TV OULD infortu the public that be Intends to pay partkolat
V V.•
attention to Veteretty Surgery to all as various branches.—
Ms Sharßea will be reasonable. Please call and are. Mee at
the tJanal &able. near the outlet Lock of the rouenston Cans
Ede. Jan. 4, 186 E
von sale a Farm DIM herer on the Lake road. two naf lea west
e ,
1: Elf the city of Eric. nearly all Unproved. with a water
power, a confirmable Moo's. Barn and Orchard. PT VS per
acre. one-lburth down, and the balance In three I annual in
sfalnients with Interest. Apply to Mr. Wilson K S. In Erie. or
to A, Dama loathe. at P. C. ill ancan's. 13e. Main , litreet,,Buffako.
Er Casette please copy. / to
Rll3l Mantilla Blaelt,Blllt, plain and wattred,• from auction.
foir et per yard at / TIBIIIALW.
111:ACK Silk Liiarnas and Fringes, foeiriniming Mantillas. of
all a idttoi. tall be kiunit at the lost wit tigittes at TIED Allir.•
SAO yard.
rreetved by
Notice # lioneraL
IF von wish to buy Gdoc e rkes. or any thine aeserally kept in a
' Grocery Atom you cane t& do better than call on me and see
and then judge fur yoaraeiL - • W. F. ittenawascarr.
A First Rate Tract of Land for Sale.
rrlll' O'HARA Trial. or tract N 0.317 In McKean township.
ndlotning the south limbo( Nliltereek township, and contain
ing Ills nem. Ulw is one of the sera lest tracts of land kir
whet or coliedginin. in the county of Lrie. It Is well timbered.
ex,epdinsity well withered. end ghosted only seven miles from the
en) of Erie, cunt will Lc sold in whole or in parts to Mil pUrehtl
wrs: Its Wither rind location meta It a very inviting vlunttion
for the enriOD of a "team paw mill.
1110 ton n has in FkLe. Algo,lo hnlf sere lots at horn Ira
in Irra each: tiring a suWirislon of CHI oat-lots Nov 530 aid
5; i.;gll tor sale by WILSON KING. •
IA Land agent. Erie. Pa.
DOCT. 8. IrILLI4IIIS, bairing re-purchased his retire
vMedical Practice of nr. L. (1.:11al1. In Wattsbursh and iti•
would respretftilly announte to his patrons and the pub
lic goternily that be has twinned his practice. and Mill glee
progtpt aitendanee to all calls In th line 01 his protbssitib. Res
ideire opposite the Presbyterian Chunk
Wattsburith, July P. m'r. ed .
Glizette pierise eopy
B Ina DV. Gin, Rum. Pun, Malaga and Madeira Wine. vary
in price and quality. Alsg. good Whiakey late by
- :4 - 1111 I T.Unlasnee, selling how VI in 73 eeno per prim. Ly
40 SAGS *Max Ito irk. by the BnB or M.
PII3MnJM Mt sILVER.—We pity a premium la GO i
n Dollars, Half Dalian awl rive Pratte,.
lerie. June H. IIL SAXPORD Ir. 00.
2 "lul`effctzrar irc'd• atd ow .0 7 17
kfa ohir,riri.Mtgci4
V: I-3t...- 'St it. T. 4 .olTRitl!rr or
Kip/MY S.
Store N.. 114 Stele St.
nE Mutton lion 0). have takema store in town, Where they
istett4 keeping a funonpply all the different kinds and
ae• of iron 'hey make. amt OW q complete ar-monctit of Nana.
l'er.ona who haae used the Nail., road , by Poo Company do not
need to be told that none Letter ate made at the east or cloewhete.
Lrie.e4ept... 11.-17
Please Take Igetiee.
THR ...uliwrribere lin t ina plirehai , eil the entire of Croce--
11(.6019- ZiMilWriy. Will eentimie the .buelnees at the old
stand under the name and firm of A, '&J.B wAtT MIS. They'
intend not ohe undenrold by any other establishment, and will'
he happy 110 Wall on all who way fattw,theiw with a tall with
the are:arra pleasure- ,
*s Gnarl rest:ram Jena I. waurray.
Eele„ Se t. 6. 17.
• Wheat ,
MEnquitRANnAN WHEA7'.—This Wheat ,fs eonsi lered
as and sure of yielding a good return than any other vari
ety. is supra hardy and less sladeCi to rust and fly. for sale by
Erie. Picot. 6 —l7 D. S. CLAIM.
2lititenart, •ZOPCUIPL & Co.,
5.„ /liberty Mrett, belief's Brew:way ewer Naos*. Street,
WE are fete IV ing. by da fly arrivals trout Europe,,otir Fail and,
Winter assortment of rich fa.hionahle fancy silk and mil.
Hoeg' goods. We respectfully unite all easb purchasers ulatsr-i
°uglily 4Si-examine Our stuck - aull prices, and, no interest got erns:
we feel dosiflifent otir goods and prices will Induce theta tone- ,
lect front qua estaldi.linient. Particular attention is devoted 10.
millinery *undo, and wan) of the articles manufactured en=
pressly ID our order. auJ Callum be surpasscilin beauty, style and
cheapnens, Beautiful rails riblions. for hat , cap. neck and bel t
satin and taffeta ribbons of all widths and colors: silks, satins,'
velvets, rind uncut ielvets for hats. Feathers, American aul
French artificial flowers. putlinr and tap Vilma mg.; dreg. trial
bung*, lorge awrorusorni. Efultroaderies. Capes . under/
elect es and cuffs: riiie - embmidercd rev ierc and heuistich can ,
brie handkerchiefs; crapes, holes, tarlatans, illusion and cap la
cer. kid, slob. sewing silk, lisle thread, merino gloves a n d :Must
figured and plain tiwiss, bishop lawn. and Jaconet MUIIIIIIO.—,
Engl tab.:French. Amerman and Italian /haw Goods.
August 3u.-16'
TT. liNTF.ft Mill forfeit S3O, if failing to cure any ease or
L." dibir•Pe that may come under lint care, no matter how long
.standing or ndlleting. Etrnsasas arc invited to his Private
Rooms, tt., North SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia. without fearer
interruption by othei patients. Strangers and others n Ito have
hero unlottunate in the ...election of a phykielan are invited 16
tall. Thos nho haveinjured themscives by solitary vice are
also Invited.
saAnrlfo RFYLP:I T.—The afflicted would do well lb : reflect
before trusting their health. happiness, and in many cases their
lives, In'the bands 01 ph) sieians. ignorant or this class of inalar
dies. It it certainly impossible for one min to understand all the
ills the 11P14131 , family are subject to. Every rerPeetalde Phrste tan
Wm his uliar branch, in which he is more stweersfhl than his
brother oriKersors, and to that he devotes most of but time and
PRACTICLVICIIISITC4,4IO,VOted to time !MK!y avid treat=:
input of, disease. of the setual organs. together ts ith alters ute
o 6 the biady, throat, nose or legs. pains In the head or bones, itier .,
cartel rheiimaldsui„ stricture., gra% et. irregularluer, duierre aris
ing from youthful excesses or impuritles of lime blood, whereby
the eor*tiltiondtas become enfeebled. enables lh. Doe tut to otter
saassly rtlkf to all a tui way place themselves under Instate.
Philadelphia. May_3. 141. 1)31
JOT-IBLI.SHLD 11.E.V 11.LIRS A60,111'
/iarth Irent Forncr J Mini and I 11.1411, , ( weft, brlret■ Sprites
itaa F.( birecta, PAniadeph,a.
IFTER; I'EARtI of ex te .tree and ninnterrupied Mactim
l e
spept ill tliir e ity, have reeler, , l Ur K . the rums ex .ert and
aucces4lil ',no:tow:ler far and twat, in thr tremitn..nent a I disci,
sea of a s4lVate• nature. Per,t , iis atitirte.lwith Weer. rat body,',
throw. or /CRS. papa in The head or hours, atercureal-rhe aaatielii
littiClUMs gravel. disease arising from )outtiftil excesses lit 44•
ri ties of th , e blood. whereby the constitwpion has become e ,
are all ttehted with sucerva. ' • r -
Ue whh tilnees liimaell uu4er the tare of Dv. K. may e/illigiorni;
ly conthfc 111 his honor as a gentleman, audeunG tidy rnly upon
hi+ skill as a physician.l •
'raiz "PARTiert.l. Nierwit.—Vostig Men who hweel ioloreill
thetnaelyos I.y a certain practice ridt.thned tn — a habit flmi l t l i e nl i r
learpe , l from_ cvil rompaniOns or ar; .ehool—the Mimi. cill which
arc uightly felt. ex co whelk asleep.; and destroy Loth wand and
body. shlould apply homed lately. Weakness and consiltutional
ilehillt , Aipms of muscular . energy, physical lassitude aml g.”,,,ii
prostration'. irritalialityand all nervous liPtliti.. t:, , :gr .. .,te011.
sluggishness of the lige. and every d,seaae in say way intact - t
ed with the procreatise functions cured. and fall Wnr.r , ii•Sufti...
This Sook just published is lilted; with useful inlbernation, ea
the infiernitice and diseases of Die generatit e orga us. It itddrese•
es itself at W Teeth, Itfaaioed. and Old Arr. and should he read
by all. 'The valuable advice and impressive warning It given,
will prevOnt years of naiseo and suffering. and save /Dtsunity
Thousand. of LiVe4. Parent., by reading it, will learn how to
prevent the ,festruelion of dwir children. _
"',„• A ransittancre al.:, cents, enelo.ed in a letter.,_addregaed 10
Dr. K IE4 K 111.1 N. N. IV. Corner of Third and Union Streets, bet
preen rlduce and Pine. Philadelphia, will eneure a book, wade(
envelope. per return wail.
Persops at a distance nia , address Dr. K. 1y letter, enehising
o fee. arld - be eure,t at home,
raeidgiar of Mediators. Itherm be., forwarded, hy +wadi lir
retain/Ake, and put up sec re froth Ltenisere Carisionly. I
(took-pellets, New. Pedlars., Cant assert, and all o th era
mint i/ ,I,With the above work at very low rates. !yin
To the Sick and Afflicted!
1 of Consumption !
4,n rrf D. 4 \GERJUS 4EAD.LNTS. AFTER HA r1:1*
BELA' 4/ I /...Y I P TO D I: DV PHI SU 1.4.1. S .4 3 D
NUT 1 0 111161 Al FARALDEL , '
11 okurild be eetexessely imam gkrusgairst iisc world, fur iheie
are thretsurehi /fauna" sadtr,natier ituesere, wile* will provsfir
Ida r elay Affixed by the pore/fit akzeney
Or WILD cumunr. .
• The Orivsetl a.d Gotirire Preparation!
Poorr on ,ROcas, reedit Co., 31d., i t
r June nth, PSI.
Da. Bw.mea—Drerr Sir : Re4leviaa ot a duly I one to the pull.-
lic., and in justice to )..1,1, I bate thonglu proper to make knowin
one of nip itioet extra.. ribilary cure., in top own ease. that has
ever heeu truly recorded. In the month of October last. I was
afflicted a jUt a set etc gather' g in my breast, which fOrtuedla
large abr.:es*, and also eurtunun' ated to my Luna and sery intirih
afflicted in , in, and dire liareed arr quantities of corruption, U.
ternal and internal. that is. la ge quanuties passed through uiy
Lungs. which I threw up. My breath could . ;dropsy.; through my
lungs. and out through Meter ily of my breast with a pparent emir.
,atteuiteit with wi, iolent cough,iday and night. la ss or appetite, and
extreme detility, IN) that in} pli)micians thought my Cl'.' entirely
hopeless and beybnil the power of Medlar ne. I remained in this
wrerchbd condition for a long tne, Until I was Wriateil to n niizeo
•Aeletuti, and there seemed to be no hope for me. but. having read
the public papers or the many wonderful curer furl° r .ti by
Your Ceisperisd Syrup of Mid Cherry I immedmieli "writ to Bal
timorean five bottles, and eortinwirre ifs use; and to my great
antiataction and my anaatios family he abeam or opening lin niy
lungs began to hi al. and the cone subside, and on using ten bot
tles I was restored to perfect tb. I feel very grateful. and
firmly believe that to }our env able medicine. under the Idesie•
inr of Divine Providence, 1 n indebted for this great change.
and I amt happy to .ay that I now enjoying Its good hcollb as
1 ever have. 1
Pin the sankfaction of I who are not acquainted it lib me,
I append to this certille c the names of gentlemen well and (a
rornbly'known to altr portion of the citizens oehlarylafsd and
% gamin, awl tt ill do tiers induce all who arc similarly afflict
ed to try your wonde ul and i nvnlaable Compound Byrn ir of Wild
lblaatel.' , Yours, Very itespectfittly,
The subscribe was well acquainted with Thomas Dizon, and
ea u tertify tha s been afflicted as above represented.lgeeard
his recovery almost a miracle. Ile is a worthy 'aerobe of so
Pastor of Bern* Cireout, Raltonore Coaferenet.
We, t Undersigned. residents of the Point of Rocks and vi
cinity.a acquainted with Tbuntas Dixon. and know him to have
beenbeen a cted as above represented, and was tlnnightby insiriends
as w so by our most skillful physician, to be past recovery, bin
by t exclusive use of that inestimable remedy, Dr. Swayrir's
posed Syrup ej If aid Cherry is now restored to per het health,
arid we' feel duty bound to recommend this valuable Inedicinelo
All who may be similarly afflicted.
_ .
Fs us. Sims. Merchant.. 0. Tudiess,
LLOYD 4..1. Bal.T. W. 11. Slurs,
511111133. W. Hstsas, E. W. MeGit.t..
Joan WniTina.
The alove invaluable medicine is the result of sunny years ex
tern. it e practice In Philadelphia by pr.Swayne,
Look Await I • SA. Mork. qf the Osaasno. Remember no prime
rooorur of Wild Cherry is cuuiue. except the origival article Oa
prepared by Dr. Etwayn. Nee that his Portrait is on the wrapper
around each bottle. Until you obtain tido Compound you wllt
net (I know the real virtues of the Wild Omni.
-Svrayne's Celebrated Verinifuge.
"A safe and etreetual remedy for worm., dyeperein, Cholera
Morbtra, sickly or dyspeptic elutdreit or adalta, aad
the most useful Family Medicine ever offered
to the public."
cents per
RA Ler .
J. J Ayßro, a highly respectable merchant of Williumpollt.
Pa., slaw: I have tried your Vennifuge in my owe amity. awd
can epee% in the very highest terms of it. My wig Is so numb
pleased With it she will use no other.
RetneaiLer Dr. bwayuc'• Vernittlige is UJW put up in 'square
z1..7"14ec drat the uaute is spelt correctly—
Act as anlir purgative. producing a healthy state ofthc Liver
and [km aeting as an alternative. charging the stale of raw
tivene.; huhvery COMIDOO to some indis fur the
irregularities Inc utent to female...they are vary valuable.
J. H. Satchitt. rvan.cillc, Ind.. writes June sth MOO. YOU(
medicine hells well, and gives UtliVenlai mat wiaction. Your Su
garCoetted Sariallarlila and Tar Pill. sold out directly. Send un
a large supply.
Chalfant Sic Hughes. Dan% ille, Pa.. wr,m% Atoll
immediately a furthersapply of your family medicine. , We are
much in Deed 1./1 than—they are circcting great cure in dos
REMOVAL—Dr. Swarm has removed bis LaMeMory, to No;
J North ..evetith Rimer, veroe4 doer above Market, Phibadelpba,
where Lim abdve valuable bled:taes are cooly prepared.
Career & Mother. Nn. liakeed 'louse Eris.
J. 1.1 Burton. Nn. ti..
vv.: P. Judson, & Co., Waierawd
J. A: Whim, . Girard.
N J. Clark' & Bros., Fairview. '..
. W. &J. W. Campbell. , Edenboro,
Novraas Calleadar, Meadville.
, C. W. Emma.
W. lig 3. W. Campbell, Carnirridge.l'
Perkins & Ledinprell. Wymdcoek 4 '
. Maiming, & Illiatutek, Evansbierr.,
3. 4. Parks. Adamsvilte.
And by dealers la Medic Ines generally.
Beta. IS. 1831. lyne—iti
rzlitabana gotta a. a General Land Aapeat andiand RIPOIrAV
f l Land. ,in Pile county, Pa. *mill anon. d3atoa
men. 41/10404(4. R and innreanseina, If cheap.
Hafe. Pak Its haSf.-41-. • miaow 10,'
X Mlle A.,D V 1 1211111 L.
Plaiting 3111411 *lid Lamb•rlrapc
Oa Elotordil ;, Ewer of French, Erne.
riAiLTEI h. sauna: haw tar purebawd o t . o f w oo
S./worms noraovin PATPAT PLAN Oil:,
ING aaiJ Gaovisiu tif AMON ES. as welt a Ilia eggiy m ., ~ iii•
Rie using the LIMP in thin COM') I are n9w l '"l' ur 'l iu drew li. i .
beg io any or tbs. abut e forni. tor all N Iv. way N,..• lit 1,
with a call. Tta. facility:With Ns , for h 111 r) ran .11 , 4 N, Juba, ,7; "
bl e .ib e . to put the price so low, Whirll Nan the suasti,i t t
t r o . ~,,,,,toansbiti, offer owing induer merit!, il) 119 a, i.,,,,,,,L7
bi i
and ill other* wbra InaY in want or dre..rd 1 , 0 rd,,,,::::
•th, r p at leut a call and eit wine into die matter therme.—!' •
11. looting detest by this , lac lone . fulip ccaa , 1, , , thai T emr,
by hand, both in the $1114(41411170 orti...urf.ce. a tot th.orio q 1.,
gists. whits it has the athlantace °theme of u a , f ,..,, iiikkii.
and width the entire ledipl i r We Wald. requiring int !natty.;
leveling Lt. bring re
our re even, hence rarpente r a i l : . '
double the number ofwina In a day
. dre,,,,t , n mi
that he can of that dressily band. 1heru0rbm,,,,,:"...t1.4 e
ed that they can dress hub er any Width up to , t,5„,,,b,„... ,.. frK , -
thie line:. up to 2 i tierce. , gad goy
They also have CIMCC I.
wi, the above, with able
lb knees desired. k
AlOO. 1
en ding them todosny kil
W.1111'114 Cabinet Makers, PI
They 'are also preparing]
Want!) a supply of turael
Siding and Clear Pine.
Erie, March 22, 1231.
11,111,sAVCS in One eoniwrlK4
7 ean rip luinf..r to any width tt
very superiut 7 l RNING. L ATHr,
aw d or C
turning fequir.d Muse Cu
num', Ctr
U. and lutend rAlt braid:e
ebt.ectalty Al-roint nn..lon-
AND Clintlitio.-----
eekly Line. 1851.
lowing Steam % form t UI
oe betiVern Hlifinio awl 'Avi la 1 4
'Twiing Buffalo e.rrf Tnesity
and Saturday ete ?imp. at t oit.
d; penult and th e Vona Lu the Wen
1851. Tilt- •
411 it; fa
loue ing at Erie. elievela
°Make Michigan
The wallet (Z N.
HART, leaves
AYLOS. 3En Tons, rap. A. E.
311 TursOnv,
13 .. • '
A pri
Jul •
Aut. IS
Sept. 16
(it t. 7
Ott 2B
~7411 Tout, caps. leaTa
The Prove'kw IL
114 - Thuroday,
Aug. 7
Aug. IS •
Sept. I.
17 Ott " . cuq.3n
NTAE,A.Sv cals. Capt. J. Worcester,
Jul '
The Propeller P
leaves Buffalo,
IT •
la; t y i
Ang„ s
A. 311
Sept ti
Ott II
F23OTA, WU Tuns, Capt. J. W. But
• The uew elipeanser MI.
leaves Burrslo;
411 Tomlay,
Aug. pt
Sala. ;
Sept. its •
Oet. Ii
Nov. 4
A, 300 Tout, Capt. bilas Fttce, lessee
.. I July
. The Propeller NIAGA
May 1 Thursday Aug 16
' Juttet It ^ •• S. est. 1
.p t 1:.
'itt.i 14
July) 3 ..
.. July It 4 . • ?icy. 6
The Propeller CALIF. 181A,130 Tons, CaM, lames Cutesy
teases Buffalo. '
Saturday, JMa 3 Saturday, At .16
~. " May, " Sept.'s
Juice " . Sept. V
*. July I 3 ' " 4, et. 4?
• " • July *. NOT.
The new Pro 111.r41.0, 700 Tons, Cap:. 1,. S. Cam.
smith. icave. Buffalo. i
Tuesday, May 6 Tuesday, Aug. ls
..- - Illayttl •• - srll. 1
" ' Jesourf Sept. 31
. 6 ' Julyt st • ** (let. 21
.• July Y6l ' .. hos. 11
The Propeller Tons, Clid. G. 11. Gilat i on ter t ,
Thstraday. /or 8 Thur,:ay. Aag.4l
ss Mit 19 .., 811. t. II
4. , JUDO . 19 I.
tort .3
" July IS .. (-1.. n
July 31 " hub. 13
Th. r:Opelier SCIOT . 4341 Tuns, CJl.t...lamt = Shso tets)
8ud..1.... '''')f
iialy . thsy s I '''' Ma
4. 4 Ma
t,. Jul
10 klaturdar,
e Y 1
flel I
6cl. 1i
all nearly MR' an 4 ovineti. o .111 PPe
paeseneere oh.t frricht, am? ~Ul.O.
frost) the tout of Ila.o eater. V(4(11101
• or to
Ilk *love Ve.set.• a
airy ( aertrinrarmiat roe. ED
prumptil- o• arborrei,ed.
or paswar apply on hoa
Erie. April ie. F-31
I i'Ait I : tIIIeTCA 1. 5 . .4 rf.TY
T P drlphin.)
son the Mtnnalptin.ctr:m7 th,!,s.sai
.e orota• of tlieCuwpan) , 1% )Ihoutitabd,
mien na Ii roared on the most farcrAte
, merallyand promptly 30 ra.tr4
Ise,tt ildl up Mud oili e r 0 upert) ,is tog
tern. perwasently.
• sues C. Ilnitd, EJmend .1. n.tes,
An C. Dal As,k 11. Junr.lir,k,
An Carrel, \ J,,n:, A. P.—J11.4.,
tuned Edwards, \ C.,.. • , •rn.ll, ' 44-
vi? U. Stacey - 1 Els. -e. 4.1 I isrlispask
he R. Davao, .I. e. J ! r,,,,T,
, glum tiny, John , Nom 1:n.
1.1- M. 11 , 1140 M, Irmo Sc:;CT,Jr.
mccr 3tellva lie.
evrbould, See,y; Wax. Manor rrei 1.
,c Bea& 10 . . .
A RE n now doing bu a
pattletpataza to t
ty hey Gad the weft, HMI
RIA• Upon the Laker
Sera 1.7 Wirt he
F 3 re netts inetettan,
or country a 'austral
Jeateph P. F•al.
Tlovithillif r3UL •
gr 3
Rol ett Burton, 3
Ilut:It eta qt. F
Henry I,2l4rencel)
r ,
harle, Keller, • 11 ,
WlMaui Fo!well, , lr
Dr. 13. Thoistar, ~, D
i ?13
ll' k'
Rieha . 1
;„4:t Applicittoa Can
I_ I
Erie. Feb. In. ic49:
Di. WO: :
THEondersigueti o
all the different 11.1
ranted equal to nom ma
Ina-wood. Red-w•
Fu.tie. 1 Green Ell
Nte'avatood. 143411-1 , 1 .
La , . flue, ArgOl.
Torether with a VW' .
Paus. 4^c—• . 1 0. Bilert i
Dye Paints, its.
r rob i•ale on liberal tern). Mr S.W,. Cl
d0., 1 •51 their own tuauulatture, 846 su•
I. Vant.wood. b per ea-wred
oiiy. Red taudas, ihtrJri uI 64%004
H Peat oud, Bar-b wed,
errdm Tarter.
amortineut of Aye I.lrjrs. Poeri Drip,
nu, and tnanutacturer...-unphed.
PENTZ. TIIWNS reit) At co.
No. 33. Water wee ,11.
dk and itirrnee Oda], prirtni.
shiner° anti telaue Shawls. and nary
r dual JACivotits'e.
Marti P. 1451.—Ay
fl A Wl.: 4 .—Crarr,
varlet) of cheap eLtc
Erie, 31a) 1751.
PLAN.PIatd - anif
rortimades. tictit
pelraf..inferes,Kenturk r Tomb
ocher t3uunner at
Alay 24. -2
and Amer/can !Start. Greco and
;It ":2; JACK: 4 O,7'2.
of pr _at../Clf ICS, Crockery. Hal.
z .
Navy B 1 , IC. lOC ~ " 1
Erie.;April It
the strY Upet article, free (torn salt cr
er than any loreign :Mule of ss pa-0
coMrrus. HAVERS - MK k.
2n ToNs Saletatu
fIJ lime, for sale lu
oc "t 4 crapers at the liberal , II rariA rat, Sore.
RI F 9 •c 'BEEP:
born, Straw and Pales Lew Ham Au
'l. %Yrs);. uc
la' Mk . Ma) It
Yoursll.l6on .Tel. illar R IRopproti Ed
UMIIER A1r0..1
Sfaesale cheap-as N
20 Chests Old An -1
llysvn Shin
an. • • ••• ; Ann) CM/ UM WARIL
AGrn )I) arsortmen of Dining and Tea S., '.=fitfkotr
ine blue, a bite a d inallbety; also, a rw.i% D"'" °ls (;1*".
wale. for sale at tie 1. est brutes by C. M 1111BALS.
TBE PITTABI'RG STORE' bait been rem , el from No. f,
Wriahrs Illock.t the frame buildine on I r , t see
eloOr north of C. M. T labals*, where tbc continues
to keep n full assort tof Grocertet and Prot an hand aid
for rale, at wholesale .iud Retail, at a small ad , . cure Com.
Erie, March 13, lea!
•- 1. M cA'i•
eILOrIKS. for axle by the Box or pinclccne, tarp.ll , 6W
styles, and *owe cry cheap in price. lOW 3.
July 4. • G. Lits 4 ?MIS t.
gl Se, at
;KS.—A rood mom •nt l'or oa:e by
9 G. Li N r‘ll9 k.Co's.
.. b..--... .....—__
jitglinir from 3:i to :5 cm I,r gallon, t•
L 8 , w. F. RIIitir.IINECIIT.
0. also Currantm, Citron'. Fir. and aifod;
fur Ole low by
. UM ENTEL—A large :triton owttt of Cilltr i
: I and i•f" ; iI I ki n °
O t " 1: for sp i . 1 an a
I r ;
: i I 1 : 4 1 : tr
' M.
f el
' ."
J. 11. f11.1.F.R TON•
....._ --
July 3.
50114. idolaiws,
July 5.
et ksods of Frui
MrBlcii. INISX
Banjoes. Mil
iTTs=fel a TUO
.$ of elm') vatiety fur Wie
June St.
- eriptiOn Ilar sale by
0 BURNS of every
June SI.
D. Percussion epos for t , y
500 ""- '''
• Balt for sale by
R. T.STERRETT k. P 5 4.
i _
CABs A ardnitotatia,
N -6, Read Souse.
[TAPE on band a v ry etteintivea,woruneritof Druz• is.!‘" /-
1.1 lanes. we that they are enabled to till the orders of rsu ,
clans of whatever Wino', or no school, with every art,rlro ,5 "
line, and ()ranch qual;ity 11,10 enable the intelliretit phi wor k '
calculate their sellori with reasonable certaint y . Their aura
are such as cannot fall town all reasonable person,
ring on Wood.
THEsubsc i !itt prepared to execute all er,ltro. In h a
line. Drawing and raigraring handrealie., , re"
llotels.Vitores Factories.Maehineryi , /Societies' Seals. Bolle s "
Cards. Show Oills.Scia..iice., .
Ordersattended to *ithont delay. charges mode
Fredonia. July 117, liii4lll. M. r.l. cill'rr:
TABLE ; 1 .31 D rcji
have emuoined it
ever brought to duo p
Rate. Ma% 2.1.-2
Artific mho, ike., at
SE.LPEN k 5. 07 4
i 6 ET (.12TLE111'tt is oatd to t hore•W
that I have the largest and Itbt
No. 3. ,}l.tliklage-
le by . J. 111
N CIIOLAIGOINJE-,-For i'eqer aou
Renalttant Fevers. and thr at.cto MI"
_. J. IR. RI , RToN hi e O .• •
FtN Whole.ale an 4
. I'S—A new style. onverior I.} not two ji
by J. 11. BUR t .
• uld remapectfullytagut tne I,r ilaa o,
''der •trlaaallnC, allil MC I len rOl, Of.
ante*. R. T. *TERRI:II k
railroad rod lbr
Liacrinivant .141
of B illious
Erie. Aug. 2.
UPC, JUM Ilteelt •
harte built a po
fix throe deal ing
Juue 21, 1.531 - •
a Imme and welteeleeted kOl 01';is !,
rocs. WILION and Lutu.r.. 1)3 ti
'cadet' Wart, and 111 .elv loon. th.
by any one In the city of Enc. Call Vaal
re streets.
T RAVatmei
I dry Family Gale
Claw, Willow and
will not lie undergo!
earner of 141111 nod •
July 3. '
------ -----
Buller of different qualine. . In - . 4 nr r or. 1
ta , sale from 7 to 12 14 rent._ 1.1 It. . 11 ,
f ir
w. v. gi:4l , 10tx,..11 . r.
LAMP wAtuiairrm if
11 1 1 add ma ser!s each, gua weeded to
P 2 2 1, for see at the e crhaneeraoifore of
a • 21. a.v4ruit a a co.
20,000 and
vo.I emeryi •
rec., hme I I.
.101 IN HEARN k 1:6., Er,•
J. iELLOGG.Ene Arai,