CrieWttltlg Obsenitt ie It I DPXOCRATICILTR 110111111ATIOI13. Mitrot. WILLIA BIGLER, cLicAaraza cueliTz. • roii. CANALi OmpitssIONFAIL BETH" CLOVER, OF CLAIII3,:f COMITY. For Justices of 'the 'Supreme Bench. JEREMIAH S. I3LACK, of Somerset. 'JAMES CAMPBECL, of Philadelphia. - . EL' OS LEWIS, of Lancaster. 'JOHN B. GIBSON, of Cumberland. WALTER H. LOWRIE, of Allegheny. For President Judge, HON. JOHN GALBRAITH, of Erie. - " SATURDAY MORN I _ Next I We !darn by letter fro Warren county that the Whip are reporting, and urgi ngit as an obj.ction to Mr. Gal braith, that be is overyears ell! Ware Mr. G. that old, it wauW be no :petiole. but each is not the fact. he having been born Aeg.l3. 1794, consequently he is only 57. What falseb . will next be started. --„,s Tricks of as Enemy. Fake 'reports are alwat the revert of a desperate fac tion. Of this character s the one now being indirstri ouslycircilated by the opponents of Hon. John Palbraith, to the effect that be has Withdrawn from the canvass. in favor of ihatfge ,Chttrch. i Nothing if the kind has taken 'place. mM nothing of tait kind will take piste I Of this oar readers cite rest assiWed: consequently ie. at any of the electitin polls. there sihould be any hand-bills to that effect. accompanied wit, tickets for Judge Church. vo- 4 trick of tAs Enemy. We do .liticians base enough for inch not—but u the story is now • toted, when its promulgators else and wilt be contradicted. it a forerunner of some last trick at. Ws say, then, lathe oppo.. iuse junto." vote for John Gal -1 ghost would do mar, honor to abbitt alive and kicking. ten cam rest assured it i; not know that there are • trick—we train there-a being industriously cir tnust be aware that it is !ricks awthough it ass t like that we have hinted' tieuts of the •• Market-h i braith, alive or deadhi l the genet' than Elijah ! To the I bn Tnesilay next ti ;Pate in choosing a e , and for the first tim Of tie impormaco of t dnd the neceseity of eve familiar u we are, and call your attenti .n to it in a column of -high wroniiit declamation, fit I of "sound and fury. signifying nothing." No. we bell ve you are all men of sense and judgment,. and coasequ ally cannot but look upon the usual clap-trap newspap r balletins,"t?bewani ( of fraud," " to watch the polls," " . look out for lies," and the like, always very freely indu din by our opponents. as al together superfluous, if not an actual insult. That all t good Democrats will go the polls. ant as honestly en deavor to persuade his 0 ighbor to go also, we minters ly trust will be the fact. 1 The Democracy of Erie have an important 'voice in th e. contest. Pannsy4ania moist biredeensed. She hes en too long under the domin ion of snob demagogues* Johnston.St d Strohm! The Demdiracy of Erie. powerless in her local elections. are all , powerful in this! contest. Their candidate fir Ri devernmy Wm Simms' is eminently worthy of their most devoted support, the principles at issue ars sash as to awaken their meet profouad sympathies. What those issues are it is hardly necessary at this lat• day to enumerate; bat t t at their approval or rejection by Pennsylvania will hay as important bearing upon Use maintenance of the Conetitutional guarantees of the sew. oral States *unimpaired. is a matter beyond dispute. Should Pennsylvania re-elect Johnston. she will be looked upon as having repudiated the Compromise of the last Con gross. and with the Keystone loosened in the great env mutat of our political Uftion, dissolution, with all its at tendant eviks. stares as —ldly is the face. it behooves then every Democrat i Erie county to out dow land cast his suffrage for our State ticket, frdm Governor down. , 1 1 le tepid to Preside t t Judge. as it is no t political of f ice, and in no event, let who will be ele d. eine Is claimed as a putitiral 2 vi tory. we expect Near to exercise his best judgm tit in reglird to the tWo candi dates,. '-We have in fur t er numbers, and ibieWhere in to-d3sl's paper, given on reasons for deeming r ube elec tion of Joss G•LallAITI1 . referable to that or LLOAIII BAlR atm and it is not oece eery to stgain enumerate them here. Sufficient is it linty that Mr. Galbraith's qualifi cations' cannot be quest ioned—that his urbane deport ment as a geutkman, au* his social itialitiell as a citi zen eminently fit him fOr the post to which his friends hare darned him. He is not mixed, up with any clique. factir c or self-constituted Intim." and hence upon the Beach will have no " friends to reward Sr enemies to penisli." no private ends to accomplish. no ulterior views to carry out. but will be prepared to ",temper justice with mercy." and "deal justly with all men." without fear: favor or affection. ' VotS,, then, fur John Galbraith for President Judge ! r - - I .., la regard to the contest between the volunteer bandl dates for Aseociite goalie sod Pirthonotor. and the reg ular Whig candidates, War Moods of course will exercise their own discretion. l is nesinently a quarrel in which we as a public jciornalist, have no past our lot. We shall. however, on the - day of the eleetioe, as a private Malin. make a selection between them, and vote as we please. and we trust every Deoerat in the county will do so likewise. Mr. Skinner is eminently a good o ffi cer , but it is folly for hie hien to 'say that the me* of capable persons for Prothoootor mes extinct with him. W. have no doubt also tha Mr. Wood, one of the regular Wbig candidates for A late lodge. is a very worthy di L O man. and although remisved by the Canal Company for iscompeteney from the post of Superintendent, will set a week er two open the Bench every three months with tits moth Amity as though he were eel d as his die tinguiehsd edontrstnan, Lord Brougham. As to ledge Miler, lase has had the independents to iepudiate the cbligaticns:of :a.pattked Convention. and come unit's. a volunteer; he is every inch a Whig. and there are al ma ny inches of him as anY Wbig we know. The office, however, is net a politOil one, and as he was defeated in ..the Whig Convention bi the dons of the Market-heetse junto beeline", he stooditt the way of some of the private speculationi - of•the redotsbtebte gentlemen who compose that negate body. we cannot bat look epos him as esti tied to the ItYlltrithY. at least. If not the , votes, of the De mocracy. lit regard to thje. however, each voter mast exercise his owe :edgmecit on he day of the elation. CoL Paxtbn, of Colombia. All ear readers lobo i atteaded the Banbury sal Erie Ksikonl meeting et the lYoart Home is this city. at which the President of that roild made a speech. recoiling the gentleman whose name beads tbie awide. sad hie ears. getie aposch .0111 that ocnssien. He has elweps been a IVbig—mds • Whig whim here; sad is ins of the east isthutailal aid wealthy lren seantaeterete is the Suite ; 1,40 bet he has t now taken sad decided "m beer of ia of Col. Bigler and the wade ticket. as has at lest amen the beattleas heel My .1 the Whigs on the Tara eeestielh. has watched Abatis. seentniush et um present NOM Emend and has sees the power of De mantle priseiphie ' . yid is the perm sad pow peritiy of ear great eons . 111 0 ' The mosey is Now York appears to have aged, ee gaits died set, sad pee* there are breath. Ifie• apts. Thireid eases. el an t►is coraisetiee fs Yet I. be 66 ' 010 904km we pan it will be iessd et till dint ti tbs •• merry e►eassts . IE. PA. G. OCTOBER. 11. MM. Erie County. II again be 3 oar privileige to par aernor and Canal Commission to 'elect your own Judiciary., e election, the lames involved. I man'a voting, you are juot ends we do not deem it neer,. =I lye 1114:11 • )Iii:4,11.11111ejl Men Galbreithrs kifil Ability Welled by the Whig nemben of the Iko of &ie, Craw ford and Werrea. Mach has been mid by {be Whig papers of Erie. Craw- Card and Wanes (with bow meth taste. to say nothing of truth, we leave the reader to Oady.) in regard to the want of legal qualificatioas of onreandidste for President Judge. Hon. Joss GAL. Ann. i Chief among thaw cal smaiatons. becalms it la a. Noma bide claim t. boomer_ and fairness, boa been Moi is tin Gemara. That short has told its readers. amid is readlirs. many of them, have takes it dews as greedil u h sacred revelation. that Mr. G.. ahbosgh "a plaid mani ptomains social quali ties. with some replete • for ,native ehrewdseas and foresight." is sew " • te" irithe prestice of the Law. add a stranger to the import ant hod reirpes..ible duties of the Presides& Judgeshi of this District. We might amid is to the snore rhos i *sty is.' are \ emsasive practice. which Mr. G. bee enjoy in titt Courts aMO District. 41 . for a refatatiee of this oder. We might call upon the hundreds of citizens orb bogies* bee beer estnisuid to his ears, to testify i the pp/Wiese ; or, leased. we might call up the Of our mem. slid mete them show how many the sad and ow oast the &mosso at issue. that hairs been yGri y savaged N big legal abil ity es • lawjer, and his /My es • sea. Bat we pre fer to rants each char with 4 asere bees-edges wea pon—ene that while ' is del sad sore. carries con vietion tonne to every • lad , t this crusade wise' Mr.G. now, owes its o gin to tin . • vain disposition of the few men who ha' detenhin to foist Elijah Bab. bit open the pimple. in •r they will or no. Jobs Galbraith sot Now see bow plain sr t, the death of the temente a y on the Buie United States occurred _ Pi:eldest Polk.' by thappointing , nt ' ti p. Aoog the gentlemen kepi of in -post dotemporaneens with Judge Omar, wee Joan 6at.- atterew i And who imported his applicatioo *Mk yen. reader 7 Would you *Opens. from the WOO 0( . 010 Whig presently. that the Whig members of the Bar of this 's.; tire District. then complied of the comities of Elsie. Crew ford.; Wiriest and Ifeitango. neited is recarnmendiag this 4 .• obsolete deaf old {gentleman" for that peat. It is *venni). John Galbraulth's petit/es wont before Presi dent Palk with the nal** of the entireßar et-Ede. with one exception. (J. H. ?father.) attached to it. Se' also was it signed by the e re Bar of the other coanties we have ,named. Then. 1845. and '46, Jobs Galbraith was Competent to 61 1 seat on the Beach vacated by a Baldwin. aminide by with a Tumefy. e Woodbury. a McLean. tied the r .shiniag lights of the Judicial firmament. Now.- hoT u v it er. four ohms Yeere law. be is not competent for the of Jedgeof ear Court. Was I over party, malignity se eifectaelly ,rebeked by facto 'as this? Was ever a aolitipaper colonay mere *godly si lenced ? ,Wao ever a *it of party loaders platted se com pletely is a dilemma 7 i The Whig members of the Bar of this District. either alined their names to a falsehood in 1845 et 6, or:Joh a Gilbraith is new eempliteet. There is no getting over this. We pregame the , Whig papers will not say their (riselied them ; and if.thej do not. io what - position does it place them 7 Jebel Galbraith now is the name Jelin Galbraith he was I. 1846. Heim just as competent. jest's learned is the law, just asides. mpelsal f e will pet • Sods* B of #io *llea w of a mss ! This be was caps questions—of •• hserirg" la ass the •` torso • •• •• vigorous" a student: just is taut Ws or &midis( great portant suits—no*. to and •' ornate" hieing of one aids revilers. "be does nal possess in a mesas hardly any qualiikatioas what ever'—is in feet " obislete." and much better Sued to proaide at some mike guesting thee anytilleg ides. We here might . bat there is see other hide eir l compliance that, for Ilia, romeas. deserves aides.'. We said the petition , r the appointment of Mr. Gal braith one of the Jed of the Supreme Court of the United States, we. sig ad by all the etentbers or est Sr hat ene—and that *no es J. M. Walker. (( N o gu i der. stand correctly. Mr. , . did not refem to sign dm poli tikus benne* be did • dmine Mr. G. qualitird, bet be came he would not • a favor of a " Ad ministration." Bert as it isay.,iiiewever—it is NM material whether thin the resson.lei whether he was naked to sign icor ;Oil doomed Mr. G. oleos( of rho clearest proof: be fact dial be bias berstakes our abkst Lasrysts _is sisseeptibis d that proof essaista is lb. fact that ha has. in his owls sammary to maple) , • iEgEFEE;EI of cases, or for. pita eimealtation, almost invariably selected Mr. Galbraith Now. if war csadidate Mee very " obsolete" is the liw if there is any troth in the shams the Gaut:sand its Oh have harped apes. la regard to l is his want of qualificatle for the Bench—if Elijah Babbitt. a member of Mr. Wi's we political pain. is ouch an em. loan( jarist, so able a advocate. so Closr-boader4 and withal so far above ; h competitor—bow comes it gist. J. U. Walker did am mate Babbitt with his practice more fiction's y this Mr. Galbraith 1 'l'e wit seems strange. and wi al unaccountable. sod we opine it will seem strange. t to the people who have frequent ed'ihe Court Moss inloor idyl aid have Otero seen the facts vie have alledid • . bat are now called upon tto be lieve the tales of the suds, sad endorse the slanders of iti " right 7 bower" i , detraction Let it Remezad. • that a " boso benre" friend of gift ghuir•honss" candidata for Pres ! busy buying up espitujod a Na . Written by Hos. fors DAL ca. for the purpose of prejedieing that geatkotaa es reconat of , his it a political trick worthy oily calibre. sad 'exhibits air into!- ' the Dirk Apia, whoa saporati iguana:thus tie present lois. eertaiely, Lave little dear g will prevail. and *lily media it ' what love tricks Elijal Bodkin trill t eem:s. And here hit es walk oar Let it lee remember JA BAZSITT. the "8 ideal ;hedge. bee bee' phist epee Rearm earn* lure Ri the publivoied egad hie religiose belief. of a mind of the omit *ranee more utitod don ruled insured .f i mai period of the w that such elections. t. let the peoples** resort to settoomplialt Presbyteries. Me Catholic., Baptist aed - Episcopal may d•aoaiasti•a has that a per .. who seeks to tibial' that peel eectariaa batted •f tb• people ? • right hi worebip i• twa•r rasa seat•• west—ie •ai tee• by the foodenaracal law• •f see readers wh t rise ./. al - 1111 *III be jest Jell ' ti by sis 'ag op 1 a i ms Li*ty of 'c l sod We to each I Privileges State. A sea rah sad the pe who i political a. is be el falligketil, the bond of a Joha Rogers. Ili eslightetied age. that minuet fail to be Woo, bo be Whig or t I. • • • is between hint awl his Maker. piously ;seeks - to drag it late die r Staid to preside at the whipping ag of liaptiits, or at the canoral pile a over a Court of Josh!. is tkia t wo wawa words aria a manor pediato4 by *Tory tialtgbissod sit. mead; Win.—We se New Tort see peeper' a whit defeat ia Pea oar eeightior of the r is escort) emo circuses* iatisates that 'if cylvaisia." saw Aavi rata' tba! fact; the Scan and Seward papers ie the *Wads ef their Wrote for ylvania nest week. For lastesies. &da denser. whose political head anc.•• sad expediency Will allow. liiipi sheeW Iss defamed ie Pee.. ▪ senweated Sao. It will net be ▪ is the treseturry of the ollihro r the by. ammo in. Peeneyisaaia. • is wise. and @Yews that. like • •ie. rile deterelitied set to be without an eimbrella. GrAys."—which. - bi *.Cooper mom.," Th prodert politicks es ett in the rain •"At.t.nia Dacsac tells el' a ma • aanseil Jobe Wi , in that village lately. claims is rank ailiee die - &hewing: • "—The Heilidayebeti Shrufetel water; from' Huotiairdoe seamy. addniesieroos• of the fahhfel ed amens other eihibitiou of his "GU this dowse)." sage wee of "What Om h-41 isltholocefooo pails comfoomd a ass bow? Why. Ph toll ea, ft is composed a the t vesuriars hclesi4 P GLommsay smut isimarprrs qf he/Sow As eps." we d..'t le o i g fore irith osimmesosie 'Sales; bet teeny O AOm SS thii Gamete's "right-bower" seek ie)reeste IM. heroism' of dist Übe_ Iso Assislssil Editor_ sapsiity al a Jidge. vrbetb- President Judge ew dowir. Upon • iris. of Brio State, e Cant of dm ultimately 611 ed by of Judge Grow. tresseeties with Ibis IMSI Trimble ii the pia. The tremble le the Wigwam of Whigery Increases day by day. Scarcely an hear pusses that some new de fectioe of the hitherto faithful is net reported at the head quarters of the " jeoto"--4be last sad most important of which may ho fossil in the proceediap of a Whig most ly; at Girard. published is the three Whig poem this week. This sleeting. which -has the sympathy of the party oalvereally in the west. sod will be respoodod to by hnedreds all over thementy. nominated Judge Mums for Aseocime Judge. in opposition to the regular candi dates. Of coarse this has produced Use , utmost coaster nation is the camp of the " jest.." Hid a bosib-sbell exploded ever their heeds they _wood sot have been more startled. sad their etteitoqueet trepidation I. testy pitiable. Rieltard's cry fir " a home, my kingdom for a horse." wee set mere Medlin than that of the " twelve ones in beekrum," and issistedietely our Livery Stables ware pat la requisition. and "Tray. Blanche. and Sweetheart." with one yelp. all nuked to dte "aural Distriet&s! Seals lore for the country. its rural shades• its itarliar brooks. Rod its quiet nooks, wore sever exhibited by • est ofpol iticdase beim. The "deer pima'!" hem alleetionately their base) ere grasped by the demo* Wilkie; epistle- WM who whittle sticks sliest the Marks-hosse es Mar ket iserniege. How kindly they Inquire &boot their health. their crepe. Asir children and their cereal; and thee hew delicately they hint that we cotempo-nry Per-• Ley. and Hie Honer. Judge Milos. are being made tools of by the _" rascally 10-co-te-eise." Asd then. if one of the " dear people" should be lip Flabbent. So self-willed, as to doubt-their sincerity, and 'scout the idea that this mom in their ranks has all been prodeeed by the " res. fttly Oiarnier." sled for proof, poiet to im 'soleness to show that it takes so part whatever is the emetreverey. how excited does the dement gentlemas itimmate, sad how hood his voice rings shoot the ears of the market wo es ! Verily. the " war of the rums" is beeemiai ex cities. end to se laughable ! We do set kitew when we have enjoyed as etches caneese as we have this. men a light thatewe could so truly say we didn't eare which whipped. " Aye. bet Parley and Miles are bolt ers sad traitors." exclaim* an ontbosiastie adherent of the "juts." " Traitors and bolters to what." exclaims an isdopeadoot—'• to a peeked corention, to an ins* 'possible junto, to a tows chg.* ! And teuridee." coo imam iedepead est. " it don't look well in therms who are going to sappome. W. Kelso, to talk sheet traitors and bolters. Has net be been a traitor to the Whig party time tied agais, heeler ran fee &eaten ate.. Me., after having bees defeated in the Whig conventles 7" Birch is a brief *ethos of the tronveruaties we hear 'almost daily at the corner streets Mimeo's our Whig friends; sad more especial,/ sloes' Dimes has throws of the *bacilli; of party. mid repudiated the obligettona of the " junto." le aU these debts. we of course min take no part;but as we have a good deal of the milk of human kiudesse is Oaf commisitioe, we- generally contrive to tall the dips wow to genii oat, while we hold their hate. • • ' Has Gov. Johnston itednied the State Debt Ws Bed the follerriog speciosa paragraph is the lost Gazette. and publish it for the purpose sof patting a quie t** apes the prat/ailed claim of Johnston that the Scats debt hes base decreased the sem named eider his Ad atiaistratiesr: The Okerosr has Dot yet DAR= to pal;tirh Goy. iiihmiton'a proclamation of the payment of $659.1914 96 of the Siam debt. It la perfectly matat. Oat with the fact nitighber, and do yourself credit," The proclamation referred to, wee published by the (lunge as aft advertisement. for which it received pay. last as it wield for any advertisement--coosequistly it could not be expected we would publish it for nothing, ore if it did sot falsify the facts. which it dill So much iu explanation' and of the reasons we did not publish it. In this prockmatiou the Governor claims that the State debt his bee. reduced under his administration 1116511.192 98. Li this eel We say it is not, and there is a very simple and easy process by which we eta aeries at the facts mid it is this. If the State debt hes beets rediteid the vs. of $6.59,125 SI, by Gm Johostiett. thee the interest 'ls the State debt must have bees reduced ohs. for eve. tri dollar of a debt liquidated curtails' the expenses of the Stets se mach for interest. New we will refer to the Oficial records and show that. se far from the interest eh the public debt being reduced. se it would be if Goi. Johnson bed reduced the debt the sum he claims, 1011.11. MONET Ilse ACTOJILLT NZI. PAW for i.fsnnM o. theintilie deli within the lest three years than was ever paid in any dine years before. aid the memo paid forth, year 1551. exceeds by Wrimu theuesd deems any fisener your. - • The folleirior Spire% copied from the Auditor Gotl and% report, prove' what we hays stated : Amens% paid in 1846, eel And. Gen.'s te- • port. Page 4k. $1.984.623 77 Amount paid is 1844. sae And. Gen.'s re port. Pogo 40. 2.002.240 41 Amount paid in 1848, see Aud.:Gen.'s re- Pert. Page 45 • _ 9.005.740 79 Aninent paid is 1849. sso Au& Gao.•n vs- Pari. Pap 5 0 . 82.007.916 99 Amount paid in 1850. is. And. Goo 'a re. Pan. PIO 52. 2.004.714 51 Amount paid io 1951, ono And. Gea•s books. 2.099,360 97 lathe above the extraordinary &M . Mus. every man in the lice. and al - weals to every awe'n pocket, that hie loxes have bees locoweed end's. Cim Johastoe's Ad. esimiatration. Ws eek seer) , farmer in the Commonwealth as examine his receipt. for State rases. aid see if any ro• disclose bashes. made is them terabits tbe last tams marl. We appeal confidently to every farmet M say if this I. sat Me ease, and if k a the lio direct is given la the Governor's proclamation 1 We think the Gmeale wield have dose itself coedit" for sagacity. ilk had let this humbug peschweatlee fall still-bore. wad sot forced es to impose it. • Let. the People Remember. That Jobs Strohm. the whig candid/me for Camp Van oriasioner. was • meniber of Congress daring the war with Mexico. It has been charged •pot him. that us VuTILD AGAINGT OAAOTIIIa SOPPLIZS TO OWL ♦ass there. at the onset entice! jauntier*. This- his supporters have Bat or denied. until a foss geeing put: in which time a letter has-been drawn from him. is which he admits all that the Democrats ever charged against bits Therefore. when ye* shall ge to the Polls. nrmasember that this MOM* John &mho, was willing to let oar fellow animas. then MI the banhuset.idesirs. b. VOTICIIIAL! or STARV ED. rather than :rote for the bill granting them the neces sary applies. Ton Correia said that the Illeakani e•gbt to welcome them with bloody hands to homitahlo grams; and Jobs Strata war wining that they should be started sr stardust sad slither gals bin little san ders. ET lirrstsaritissi na Ocosist.—TlN Osisitor selobse of ibis Illogssias is ropioto with spirit sad inter est. Tim frsatispises is outiosilislied with • likoooss sf tie has J. F• 111114110111 01111114 p, wills • virm of his resi doses. **Owego Hall"' Tb.l alto' of Bsedwitisit is Cossous is plosoirri. sad Hesti•g" is of fosinaliog iosoroot The 1 ;al tram 'sprier rusk la 4mila of periodical. published. PoMisitail try tirrimor Torriorood, Now Torii. Priem poi yeas. p. IT Twit Forums is Patt.iton.rxt.a.—We waderstend that the Whig Finance Committee was oat yesterday foe the purpose of eolteetlag fonds to par the seeesnary es pouse. widow* to the Monti's. amid That is g , likolf 08 Erma who bays heretofore contributed au' thinned dol lars each to help along the Whig caw, they were in formed diet they could receive no contribet lees from them. Ow Arm, that haa. on more than on. commies, colltri• bated ewe Owaisami dollars. said to Ohs assiniuse. "we commit contribute money to aid the election of a moo who is-hostile to the interests of Philadelphia. and a hove elec tion would be regarded in the Soothers Atlantic chin as evidence that there was no lore ie Philadelphia for 'the Union.'" One of the roommate replied •••re most have moasy—we cannot carry on the the election without it." He was thee told. "you most gut year money from those whose comes correspond with Your caadidates; we am mo aid you." This Wing exists le • very greet extent miaow Market sad Frost streets. sad we therefore feel free to maim the of On Mats and the Liaise that the isittimilt of tYr.rhlWsfjbie meretiame le Look al the Coehtest. The whlg pipets say den Him. Joss Gatiamvis is its: fitted foli thii Beath helium be Ii wend' in huddles Raii and Flank reeds. Big are Borers. in this particular. he is the very antipodal if the "fdatket Homo" wadi deti4—tbst individual sever Wane to oar keowledge. contribeted a dollar. or devoted ma hew towards any OM. tic Hoproioent. And here let as look at the contrast. He lii ne wimbily—John Galbraith is not. He ben property. acqiiined by the situp practice of the Law. t• be beim fitted by Peek roads aad railroads—John Galbraith has Dot: He'sits down in his Cake with i.e eye single to a Mt itli•et. , Ow as eye to Wiatlerard ries prompt toinapi Mr his 4:wollings. Hs knows his more enterprising sad an iielflib weighbers will buM plenhiseede aid railmaide.tbed otherwise; improve Ms towe c oadithat his property will be bowfited is (neck ae theirs trishaw his troubling Meisel( 'Wit it. i Ho reaps While Johu Galbraith sews; sad in sewing rar Elijah Babbitt to reap. Jolts cislimroith Wed lieeswettitrt. owe. tiano.'aioney aid a good prat:Wee. Ho 'adorns, Mantes his oorepetiwir swim thought of.. Ho moritkee sums. which. is irli eyes. look like the-pro iamb of i long rent roll. He sursoceits diMeelties and obstacles; that to any tabor man would have oppiered iweraissiatable. le a word, whw has eontribetied meat 1 towards tiii public improvement of our city—whom g•n• is talent and enterprise. has await paanould the divot opemeet if the natural and artificial resources of our weenty—Me wooklig Elijah Babbitt. or Uwe poor John Gel %Muth? We think the question is easily assworod. We have ettioded West of the rail sad phial' rood amnion is this city—wo have Pica cogoismit to most of the pri mary meriment' to set oar variant{ pima aid veil dad animal in Illotioe—sad wit he m yet to boss Elij..k Babbitt 7 voice in the ow. or see Me light of his somas meow in,the other: To be sure, he west out to Liaise to aue ad A railroad meeting oats. boi It is well known:that that astiMieg was a ewer for some political lIIIMINIirre of his friends, and helm his attendsueor. la view of beets like these,. we think the beam our opponents- say about - Mr. Galbraith's connection with ,our peak sod real road esuiprias the better,Air Mr. Babbitt. 1 • The Gonna Leiter. • , • The osislls does DM like the letter of Rev. Mr. nor each. (l visa in our pew two weeks gm) wbo. by the by. is a vflortby and reeted member of the Methodist Epiecopil Chareb. and Preacher in chewier the Wiseley Chapel ip the City of Washiegton. It is bt 6sh foi our neighbops met. hesce he is down on the Reversed gen tleman in no enviable mood. Plow why this "wrath and cabbaget" unless the Goversor‘s friends feel that bk has failed td de his, duty; lad are trembling for thetoe quene•Oof such a flagrant linnet of trust. We now this {stilt has been entrageoesly aiiorepremated. liy all the whig presses is Peneaylvania. sad, especially bir the Leading one belie; and it bas been asserted that the Object of its either-was to erect some political design adverse to the tg party. In s brief card, ritten • low idaye iii since, r. Gorsuch says:— . , i "1 h e been abated to me; that my motive in OW:it- . Mg that IsueS. has been Impugned. I could not have hose it for party effect, vine my father wee a whin;l so are I hie family. and my own political inclinitiosia di are in • same direction." ,:•• Tbia, we thiak, must put to flight that "cock" in the Whig hernia s:1. and leaves our neighbor without ati ex cess for his evident ill-humor. ; i t. ,1 KT friend in Kentucky-4 whir dyed in the teel-I writes is to send bim Der paper os e•aditien he pays lei it wheU Bigler is snaked Goveramr. Of cows, h 0 shall be accannuedated, and es many mars of the semi sort is weass pal upon oar Beebe: - Br the by. our fonond writes that he has not seen.' Deoneeratie paper in 4Ksn tucky. i od thieks can would be a cariosity. Wi are perry our correspondeet is afflieled with seek short sighted nese, hor we cue alien him there am Never! sterdent Dente4stico papers in that kitaie; and. (let as jest whis a his ear) there is an steeliest, Danmeratie Eio tee, alarm members if Congress. Nof thSeassie per it i ♦error sort." ere is a fact well said by the Auguste. Mt:, Age; le little doebt that if Lapeihad retereetifrom the xpeditien with his bead on bis should** !Jul • us in the fight. he wouW bate been the wifig ean kr the Presidency is 1852. It matter awl that nominee the expedition 'es piratical. and alf e'en.: lin it as outlaws and pirmes. They did the:same Mexican' war; yet they adopted thp..j.head " as they styled him. ea their eandiflabe for the ocy, even] before his ,return from the BOW of r. The Whigs are terribly opposed to ,wnr. but ly in love with warrior." ••Thor Cuban victor'. didate thoy d cerned C 11212 batch. Pmid = =II Joitießijkir, the Democratie ctiedidate for Ck4arsor of Cattier:lie, has been defeated. ' So will be his-tiVother WilliaM is this Burr. Stick epic then. —Gamtls. Well. we have stuck the "pin there." now let is see if oar ighbor isn't a little too list. By the California iti e DOWi blisbed in another column. and the election pert of et ' we attire= a .Whig piper, it will beliefs diet the chanci are in favor of Col. lobo Bigler's electioat ; and as to "phis brother William."l we predict our codempo nrry w II Mug a different tone i n his nest paper. „ [ Suck • pin are." 5.'33.604 97 • to RAILRoAII Ca xs!—A Mr. Hovey of New . York, Se a init.ated a mode of esrlodi og dust and te L nders H i frost ailroad ears. without impeding the veatile?on.— The ei lie admittedat the top of the ears. and paws eel Porous& blieds rontrived for tit l e purpose. The expert- Imam iota been tried on the Vermont Central tiptoed. and woe found - to answer admirably. The ear prepired with 11 r. Hovey's apparatus., bad no duet or cindery. whilst he others. la the same train. were literally :over ed wit them. This la a great invention. and ',Orem ly estettaisoe the comfort of railroad travel. . 6.039.6951 :n -Ti, DRUID Constar.—This unique bead or perform- Hogs e a concert at the geoid 1-fossio hot eveniaa. sad repeat ;it again tei.nigtit. Wo,did not hearthent. hit their manic • spikes of is our enhances very favorshlf. At laY rat* it po•seteees the thefts of novelty. for who ever imagined before that there woo weskit' as oz-boric. Go and bear thee. An ;attempt was reeentlr made- ie. momeinitei Gov. Johnotpm, of Pennsylvania. he firings pianist hlu while he wolf eimeitiai. but the villain mimed ban mid the ball d seer the Governor's shorlder.—PreimMei C Oerieetenifierarf is inhnaltia. The piste' dieeberged was. ! t hat inthnieally a ••mialtet and heldelbont a IRV mad the charge Imitmod or lemeing era Governor's sheeldeg." pared right bitweei them-14. o. dews bit throat. In . if. regret to learn from the Goa,. Mambo dwell, ing-beMse of Mrs. Graham. ie North East tow oahlio. was socumMed by firs os Tuesday evening. the 30th Mt. Its miter were pretty - meek MI destroyed. The, #re Is eappefene have wises from eetideatal cameo. i LT rani BioarteLeva.—Aatoeg the - 111•1104ifted salting. die pnideet of ow* artisans. talnintodat our Agriellteral Pair. was a piece , of reperliao Mack Broad. els& lam use Feetory of Rite, Case & Ca, of liar. berereek. h took the Ant miniver in dial deparineal, sod we thick daservedly M. Ws visited the foolery of Wane. Rhode, & Co. thsi eiher day. sad foun4 they arere.‘oing ea exasesst lasissaa, tariff or ea *fif— th. siperit of which moist@ tb• tact that the papas. tors silo aN spend's., that ansibialag tabor with capi tal. and the malt is HIM prosperity. Mean. IL* Co. base sal bade have week ofi Cloths. Canisters; &e.. to which we take phloem in iivitieg this etteadoi of all is wain of their fabrics 4 11:ri le passisi by the Railroad depot the Other day we noticed that the company knee a very fine pisienger home; row is memos of coastreetios. It will be in ins editke what finished. mid reelect credit spell the .1 re of that rind. Moos Dioralson.—Oor town •• jests." Dot ..tided w ith r4datieg the &fain of the Wide pony io themes/s -ty. era tora% their otiontiewto the Navy Daps+*set The list Ossetia politely binge to this eentanasoderiof tho U. 8., &ate@ Meanies illobleon. that. no *• amok win nitelynaCOr Cut WOW' he had bows bud op doolior and Misvo poet a. Moods!. tline depriving her gannet strew.* the privilege et vs**. It mime= -to lin sees wizettior such dictation will he heeded. ell 11@1 1101 0411 i. ZOICANCIES WiTill ilbiTotßiat. DAJ• MS ■r • rssj rim. Ago . 11:7 Leek aid few Sick politicians 4it week: Peas- Sylvania sled Oki° ars going to speak 11411 Ts 2 illontpitts thousand dollars hattilitantn subscribed. in Oh* fir a farinees cotkp. cr Mill Sallie Ward. late Mrs. Leerreoes. was mar ried a few Jerk age. at the seeideeee eirer Lee to Dr. Helmet P. Beet. i :7 it is said Smith.' eat Joh.. has ipabliiiip;d a view 'With,n of his graminar. is which he scieaks of four gen ders. Ms: adoemeline. Femioine. Nestle sod Bloomer. U . t Otto Sitosoonie tonne Toenona OINIIIIIMY 'vein ed over qie fair faro of arontiots. and tools of ivory are Worn out Awls; Wig ivied every es Plus. 1117 Countrymen will make mistakrik. One of them ardwent into a,b ware wore on State' street yesterday . to purchase ten bars of Strap.. IT O•e er the broadest Wets to which it is ie to declare IT The • Coecert i Ere. Jest like her Er A Western editor. fn speaking if a poet out bi way. says: be begins se alai* the seivil privilege of tel. ent—be boa been dronk-three times tr bin ibis week. Cr Ri,arr.—At eso kat tow or tile Hooey Cleanlt Court. Ky.. a jury nmatered • verdict of SiQ.UOO igaioat Waimea Roberto. for slandering - a yoga' lady of Shelby county. ET The Laziest Man we ever hemd of was a 'parm esan in Michigan. Ho wee ea lazy that he put Mat OD& of his eyik the other dq, to saee the trouble of winking when ha takes aim. OT ft is suggested that a oolkweal ...mote l to James Fermi wore Coopei'be erected is tate ads. peblic squares, is New York 01. 5 - An ealogiem by one, of his literary friends will probOhly be delivered. to help raise the funds. ' Thalami Jefferson Satherlead, lbs hero of Navy Island. is io Nebrs , ska territory. He propose, to found • settlemeut-thero. sod espresseo the belierthit Nebras ka will yet be the "Edell State" of the Union'. Er A live Yaukse has sniterwl into a calculStion which ahawa•that if every artiekr in the Crystal Paint" were to be examined for threi minutes, it'would molly 26 years to ezatei as toe it hole. G 7 The Si Louis Republican says that one thousand to Arleen hsedred men are now employed ow different **otiose of the Peel& Railroad. The is sow pro greasing rapidly. Er An !chum in Ciacionati. peggeets a hog . as the de vice to he aCitlptured no that contribution to the Washiagton Moomnent. The aptness of thei whit% on the New Bedford, block ban struck him favorably. HT We write a good many letter. chid every one we pre-pay the postage. whether on our business or not.— We expect our correspoodeots to do the same Thing. It • is co 'decd impolite out to a. it. OT ThieMatitmentla Cave in Kentucky. is now own ed by the children of the late Gen. Jessup. and the chil direa of the lateValiCrochati. e who received' it u a he aiest from', a weal l • v relative, rr We Ore, a rew • otone year's subscription of the .06nttrver.tcp the first acti man wbo discovers • one newspaper• borrower the is willing to, admit that there is ••anytiting pablished now-a- • eye worth reading.... . CT A anus near the canal was %taw by a bone yea larday. The hone was arrested. ba • swank diashar god of ground that the was was • green that the bane thought he was gram. ET Preparations have already been corn New York for the reception of Kossuth. upon hi in this countrk. The last intelligence from•Earopi firms the rumor that he to now on his wsv.. IT The happiest day io a man's life. is the day he thick. of poetry and milk maids. Thera is a pink Orme about that period of eitistsoco. io comparierm with which *very other portion otour pilgrimage. seems dork.'proiry and miecellatteons. LP Of the One hundred sod eizteea aictitys mot p►ia esera to Spats. fifty one are Weeertalood to be or the age of 22 years sod soder down to the age or 16. sod of the whole samba *sly eighteen•ate above thS age of 30 ET It is stated that Col. Jefferson Davis ain't& pledg ed to resign his seat in the U. S. Senate, if Ibis peculiar views are not sustained in the approaching Mississippi eleetieo. ! If he sticks to that issue we may expect two new U. S. Senators_ from that state. within a few months. QT Thompson. the English abolitionists who was in this country a short time since. bad a daughter married • few days ago. Among this most conspicuous 'guests present was • runaway slaws. whom Thompson toasted in • very compliMentary ansuust at the marriage break - ram. Y 3 fden's run Weaw—General Seuu has, it is eaid. addressed a after. is reply to one received by him from a committee of the Peassylvania Senate relative to the Presidency. in which he declines 4iviag himopinions on the quesuons of the day, sad refers them to his past his aed services. QT Es-Governor Marcy addressed a Democratic meet tag at Antall ea the evening et the 25th alt. Hs cite grataimed the Democracy ea their oriole. aid atauld that be bed eel before 'headed a petit cat sosothig for sever al years. His address was received with which appre behest and great cheering. ' , E? Corn. St the hero of the Yacht America. w honored by the - Nblir York Yacht Club with a Min elluventarj banquet at the Aster HeliSe on ;Wednesday evening. It was a magnificent affair, *molding co the aMouni, ■nd honorable alike to the American feeliii z and to the Yachters and to their distioguishiia guest. T.T.Tbe Boston Moil says late account, from Hayti state that his eboo majesty. Fassan 1. was 411 traveling is state throughout his dominieui. is imitation' of the varimu chief parsonages of other countries. who are fond tic astonishing the people with niegaificent , tfisplays. A pretty itivare thrust at Mr. Filiation and his awes/Sag cabinet! The Nail is a great wag whoa it cheeses to I*. IT A Di rmersOs.—At • meeting the other night in Philo4, fever Mr Cot. Swift for Meyer: David Paul Brom% Esq.. muds • homeless and oloqueni vetch.— Almost ether tither be saidz—**l dsfy anybody to tell feMeriurt a Democratic whig, f orsos. I, will give • pro volone to soy who eon Wrenn me, ' I Um a Federal ists, and then ie sick a thing - ma Democrat; bot a Dam "ocrmic whit is between a hems and an an., partaking of the frailties of both." Er The Board of Directors of the New York and Erie Railroad have generously promoted to Ebenezer Atwater lieory-'-whe loot both arms arid•an eye, by the explosion of a cannon, at Payton, Cauarangue Co., at tho eelebra nen of the opening of that Road—the sum # two hun dred and fihy dollars, as a :testimony of their sympathy for his misfortunes. 17 The number of irsigniew arrived at New Yea is the first miss sonsibe of 1850. wee 163.756; ks same time in tam. it was 951.353. l jaersw this T r I 4 6/.567. MI increase of the but sleuth wree Elerember of 1850. is 14.5311. Of the total saMber Mons were frees lashed 13.945; Geressay 10.987; England 3.549: Scotland 1.. 944; rmsee 3691 Walen.9o9; Bwitserland 397; Hawed 678; flerway 994; and kiwi /Sweden 315; 'hod by a starring camber plum Mad pour his foram as a dying aso" DIED.,—At Nevus. Alinshoovs. Mr. Storef, a revolutionary soldier. aged 93 years. I■ a town when the inhabitants would stair • revo lutionary soldier to die in a poor house. no seotimout bat ,that of rabid abolitiOnisto cau be supposed to b• provident sash b ilbe fact. Menem is the ateesirest "Free Sell" town in Alwassisitmetua. Riving pia Mmeat mtani mom vets •M that -ticket. Is any (other eatnineh; se ersrary. GairwinekAlt.• • Glazing. that 14 editors Babbitt's eafety: It on ebir majority itifewr admit, that !'ca ' 461# rots of tie inoLit do wet claim - sear t►iet. we think Mr. Gia ism The firimedeof admieriim md we to or bait: If it wilt minim ty" to elect Mr. Behttit an election. beemae w them. We know the place. and in this eon 'vote for Mr. Babbitt. Dumber here--an ewe' Mr. B.—was 'track d. moil enemies. and hi respect if thee felled, t - gee. if the Gaud& i t t Babbitt's defeat meat' EMI the question. geode onan. terryiog., id is to give teen bt the A Peer.—We her rail of the iron on the direetnrs of which he I track 4 feet 10 inches the other rail . is put • paring to cave. sinter Mention. when tisfy can accomplish their 117 Our p■per this than generally. bet claire day. the gene to hi. teats "cooked rr Simon Cuas . of Ohio, who has acted will; the free-moil partr. more for the Peet Marto-g in )e ." e has been read oat of a free-soil !hatch for haring, to a recent letter. 'welter % a determination to support the Democratic candidit in the approttehie2 eketton in that State. At the la State convention of the ere, a resolution, adopted. declinep that, is Mr. Chase has "formally. ithdrawn" from that party, "any feel at to be their dmy to declare to the poblie that they du not hold thr;maelvii reopens:Me fur his otrieial 1101. or seen vti:e him as • 'represealeatte." It is, however. a min of ezeonnuotne pou that wont' be likely to irijir• bins much. • •We are (rogues' Loom, of Itufraio.'w •eliet Church to-morn, i - 1 117.11.1L1ED. On,thelth inst. by ev. Mr. ifivhler. Mr. {{r. Lir of Erie. and Miss He rietta Rock of McKean. On the 2d inst.. to Concord. br Rev. Mr Rockwell; Mi. Josiah .McCrar. . &Miss daily J. Hammond, an of Concord. On the 2d inst.. trr ',ln Wilson. of Hu Bishop. of Fairview. Un Tuesdsr evenit Woo Flint. G”orge •nd Miu Mery A. d of this env. In Greene, on the H. L. and Sarah Pin New Ad 2111114 F -rHE subscriber is tr) t.ood.i. couri-ling o N are. grocer rt., Net an void at uupreeetlesi do Linnaaan Cu the rend price• and qualities. au (Jet. tl, Opavins. itingbon HAVING seeitthe co cdy tenncl to the re 4 bare tiurcbased the es sellisig &Hie ouparalielei' Eile count). l'a prepared to apply tht• rn I, au.. Eingburies. t'iirbs 1 tVesiekt pile, and that u to affecir cure need in Wesley We. Of Wirer New Shop; Maw lIIIEU 1 , 111 E: lividersielic..l Lilco (lief they bait formed a giarto iril. and will carry ou LI krmilene.. at lb s lim. Reed Illowie.l will be II tpo Ith the sea York. a Rill eiro Mel =lt mem 1:12= mullm rota Lkm.l ig.i4l, a (Kamt} up #ud Warrant. 1 Shat.fLead, tu.(net evey thing Defy, t ink, repaired w order, COUMOD Mew. ni ' , hoot from one to nne li Gun Locks, all Brit% I'llo, dug rving thins iteecosar) to buil. damn ol the trade in tl 'old at viIIt4IMMIC or al bought eleew here in thr!l hey areillan their line, such no tiling kmda, furtarhing. Se.. which will be itnni Erie. October 11.1,41. saiii• ETTERS of Artipi .I_4 lair of the a t q of Isubseribrr. Miler estate to• mike ininm4 against it will please went. October. /1.1551...22 • •-) 'POE ssibatriber. rids I. customers. begs le Barley to sell. that he i price in egg r.r ngdp house in Erie, or at t the view. of " 1 1 11Werlarr pace liaeh a price as 41IV house In E ji j nation of the very I t . Erse. oct• 11*—" t, t .. _ :.,.. STAND B" your Reedy Mat store in the Ree much all 01 the Rag Cur that. they do say. An alum be opened. and In eular pains to twice. CI and GPM leturn'o rural best oto.t.litroetive an to please a correct taste Wen of sound diseraut croaking upotr tOods— int n and feel them. ed. that nogoode eau that the sun shines,upu tastes and poekets with and reeond you Will Erie. (let. I I.—+.! seas AND 101, ittl H. S. WARD 111. eral patronage bet iNpitied o ith an, li fashions of Fall will be happy to Her stock wash Sonnet., atprirea that I It Iblhons sod Flowed,. eery. '. .. _ _ Minors blenched and Country Troctuce taken ; lir Country time Iteiriees. e, Get. 11 1 _ _ New rall 111, 7 • IfiAVlEjust monied the lamina stock of D FALL Al D WINTER GOODS • , . that I have ever offered a Erie, bought norwtly for Ca,h. and 11 Cash AUCtiOild. at prie that mutt defy all e(Aßlpelit ton. 3110 Ray istate Meer plain and plaid. dSo In glut 14° •!„, very large iroortment o square .Wirmilea tilossolo from 81 58 ' It rhOdbdishaihrls fro , 111 to $lO. Worth noirly dLul , ie thrill'' , pl nimbler k and thlsb T bet Shawls, with salt or u °toted frd* Gum 113 to 67 I . . ' • • • " from Asert'on." Freneh Merin . oil and wool French Caolluterro, silt ail and cotton warp A pas oat warp Lustreo. etianilnble ''''''' ri'6 nice styles, at la. per y d. real Alpaca Lewes for M. lid, 1 1v.. 1 ftillarmausineut of be L .4. which I will sell for lri.. I , 'IL 11. od. 9iii. to Ild and 30, A 4 cares.' -- Bkllo l o yank Madder Prints, which have heretokre Wei Wad at Mkt I will now far Id. amid guarantee Ow wrote Per . *city raw. Also. a ' ne asoonnient of !e he, and lw" Priam. styles and cola warranted. ZO o 44•tio 4ZoodS% 4 4 heavy rinhielehed beetles at IL Baer unlole3rhed 6." . 1 . , ings at 'ld and 'I1; Wen *humor aiirl tdheeting. at lid. ?4. IZ tOd and PM per yard, oh Linens from Is tkl.lo 7 . Pe r Y st ,4 erarranteii purelinent I inen Damask Table Clotho, bletched ' amblenehed Table Lit . Llainask Manhunt of all (manner ____ Broad Cloths. Casai res. Sari netts and all wool To cede. o° 7 Auction, and Will be wild at a pellet oiauginer Good 64° flab ItruaitiLloth.ll-4 wide 114 VW pee yard; brown W so d Weed ~.,... Rom Id too 30 per yard all wool Tweeds fur filly ec".°' etas' metes. from seventy firit rents to one dollar. &stiletto holy tdeek Mese doezlin ll. Caul mere.. from VIM to Si Per ‘sfd TllljY t ut. . tO. ~.... I ----- Acrzies of Land for Salo. LA THE tateriber si Ishii to sell Orexchange for a Hoote aw art el in , :ne. -110 . ,acree O f land. In WiKitinoio. the 14 .. ii .' granted to a wilakr in twe IRV War , under the eel a LOPV` .- ... *as. The Paint 11016 the LLB me . Me it as Melted ^uPT,7; oortho eel groaner of imietio. 31, in township d 3 of ll'hr ,'"..... rho fibula of Load, nabject carne at Green Bay. W vie ritid The rrithafte 'bra boude and for in Erie. wool , ' be B ad Erie, lkt. II 11151-011 • , CH tt 81/ES •h' p„ We infer from the last Erie re becoming alarmed for Si t i y chitin's that "the whi t ,, h ave a beitdred in the District." sad it net Its elected without the citrus's hi g petty." Now if the w'llgi lastedred" majority in the N., raith's prospects are verv4latter. letter will take voarami from thi s k with renewed mot in his b e . the "metes of the tektite 'eh ig Du ; hi certainly stainda no thence of era men6deut he cense, roo e i re are many set to *hits in this tr. who declare they win plies hey know that one of their eves lent man and a bettor lancer than ern to gratify the feeling ' of per. friends would he Isekta t ., e w f. resent the' insult. Homo,. w e feel meet in its des. in predictin g M r . eeday.—Crawford De c a . if from reliable anther; that ens Buffalo end State Uri Road, the foolishly commenced hint ingthei o is !piked down very loosely. While we to stay. Thie looks like pre. have no doubt thet such is the;;' see that neither bribery nor bluff = week is de►otrd more to polities it is the !est week heto►e the de .reader 'will have something more " hereafter. d ye give notice that Ray Mr. II "wimpy the Deah of the Unmet • air at the usual hours. the Rev. J 11. Pro Orr. Mr. £d' ..t4ogdon count } . Pr., to SltteElvta . at St: Paul', Church• by iho Rev. . Starr. nt D dale, N Owl' of the late S. V. Ramat, • _______ DIED. 4th inst , Snrsh Ellen, daughter • ey. tired 8 :veers snet I do. ertisementL i coon. Ackarr. • receuvit.L. h.. ral .11.4 Writ/. tzlirek ,( , I , , rrlgiu and .1. , ...e.t., 11 Its E.A.1.,),,,!: 1 di 3E. rruck...... all!.. e., . ul cl , ..„1 loss priers; lur ie.. I) pay. a. I a ......... , pal. sI. sr I. to 1.11..... l'eU MA( Cldwift 3014 Will Le sati-Led a. 10 ram.- riAttl II J itS.rN - Wukdeallos, Curb. Iptints. Majorp et le•ir 41e4 • rat of a Bone :Spa.* fro, 4.. hwy. '• re.r,hl Of eOutpumi , latte. emet • Weifiettie 11l INr 10r.•• I of flirki , r.t, ut.lre are therrtote 11,1 ?tn.. 114 edse one to all ,th ei a • indgall.. Spigot.. tr.. I•r-• .!ht • a...e at o properly apphrd n !a, f3A..! /011:\ 1.11 N.!. ITT ift IE!M!!!!!!!! I Prices:ll 1 'Hie method of thank 1 f J+ 1. , 'tt kr . .ttrauage. and at-o t, tn., , ',. %I Oat euhip kinder the shame at bre. tr. Mum- H'l.?iG BUSINESS -- 1r new. Atop In the nen [hoe t.tVt 0 aOtli 111.1kTii. P. eltoektoo'• Joaeit : more, to wait Upoll all WIV, In r v.,. i , ittisen. They !sat e y r.l ri•eo, •1. - elltirt"!qtwscor ch e hatriet, tug.. I lug t:-. , n it, In Hatteln. *then they ore :11111, Beall cern. Piotolik. ?ere rnit. Ports, lee.' in town, Shut rouchep.t; , ne Bap. the full' 4.1 t) JAMES 11(.7,41.A1'. of Ene. Admtilistra.Cit. rely grateful to litintnneronA friend, and to infant' them. and alt other• Oaring now ready to pay the he :hest martetm s ' nuty of Barley. del tvere.t at ton \t•an , nrehouseof George Shormaker. to Fau• rd. and of john Clark. to :Ilium. TM I enod money. and at all tuow mAnalra ie county. and hope, to reeetae a r.mua• I patruouge heretofore earn A. KING. • • and Criatiin - g — and Thirst* up of Banks: ROM UN DER!!! t...lothtas at J.44('‘ ill KA WItS ' Maio;t .t+e, .t.te. s ea takes wain ph.ler. , in I pretty y afloat. and sells eel's/is cheap at Otllit ng tar a brisk, trace—the fall earepais 1 at onCe.) Jacot Koch has tikt n rant. he. Caeattueres, Ve.tin,rs,, 'rranuonco. bin G oods, of all descrlpt,on., of tne approved sty los—goods that cannot tad tut eousaland the ad.tor.ltela at grutlt 11,1114 judguteat, Wherr's the use of !k 7 a 111 speak for the:lca:lt 441 only call ad you shall he cc:ell/11144Q het on.l a ea' found in tits or any other city or Win ' . that will commend 111C11.4 .1 % il , to y ~,, weft Irtesislable tutluenee no owe. Call 711Cce. 3 Oral: Kuril. -—.7 No 7, Reed House. --- --R-stir • IZWXER 211=Nrair. toad .ay to the Ladles that by •thelr hle ehrfore extended to ber. 4se mi,orr tor iteA New York and Ybilade l ph.a sod Muter bourietts. which she Pelt at the very lowest of crrer Arty dtdbrent kinds of nnnot help but suit the umes. d in fact a racial Quorums' of V:k M2M=Ell supplted with pods s the lovre.t ma.% ter Goods trews AuctiOi •m New York and npladerphia *ia