D E P. avas.zps Propri•tor•. VOLUME 22. (rit Obottver. A. _P. DL'RLIN & CO. PROPRIETORS 33. Z. ILOAN f Z 4 it o. OFFICE. CORNER STATE ST AND PUBLIC SQUARE. ERIE . • - TEAMS OP TILE PAPILIL City subscribers by the carrier, at . , Alta tl mo. or al the °dice. in advance. . 1.30 , X., If not paid in adi ance, or within three wands" from the time of subscribing. riro dollars will be charged.' 2._/ All confmtuticatums wart he postpaid. RATES OF ADVERTISING. Cards not exceeding I lines, one year. j . I hie square is • I. • do. . do. mix months, . do. do. three months. 3,40 Thansierir advertisement,. 30 eqn ta per square, of fifteen lines or, less. for the first insertion; !Scents for each 1 übw.quent insertion. Li Pearl) advertraershaic the priallegeohbanging at 'Acworth but at no time are ed to occupy more than two Al um s , , vi a I s 6,, /mom ia , fiu.s musueliaSs bacissamt. Adv.-name-went. not having other directionsj will ba inserted till orbid andcharged accordingly. ibM j D;z1:19 01146 0) :04 W. H. KNO W LION. IVateliniaker and Repairer, Dealer in %Vaiebirs, Cloaks, Jewelry, Monica! I iotrunieurs, Looking Glasses and mall Fancy Goods. latore one door west of tile Reed House. ! "." 17 ARBUCKLE & KEP ER, Dr Ai ea in Dry Good., Groerrie*, Hardware, Crockery, 2.10 3. Perry Hloek. State sweet, Erie, Pa. 'A: M . .n.r SON. krrnuvry AT I...itv.—Otilte'at prevent to tbet l bronrcle °Mee, in • Wright'A Block. 3. W. D — OUGLARS oav►.r Al T.AR.—Ofrice over Williams' .+;atiti•hment; entrance flrai door weal, r COMPT — ON Jr. HAVERSTICi. Drat-Las in 1/1) Goods, Grocerita, Liquors O all kinds, Crockery Nail., ay., oue door south of itluiltk Jac aia store. French , Street, Erie, Pa. J. Conrroic. , H. B. H•VrIMTACIC G. ANDRE Agent of J. A.tdre Offenbach—Depot of Foreign lIItYSIC and mo tor:11 Nierc nand , Aliole”alg and letall, o. ii. 80. fah $L ab. l'helawst .trot. Philadelphia. • DR. C. BRANDES' ' • I . ltVeletn• and Si-aarcus—filer -corner ortratel and Seveuo Siren.; Remdence on Eighth duet!. be gni Trench and Holland, Erie, Pi. .W. MOORE, Dr A LIM iu C rorcnn. NOV 6101 i% WHICII, Li *Ole Poor below Looms& CO's rote M. SANFORD & waleri. w Cold. Silver; Hank Note; Waits, Ceniticates of De- Sight Exchange on the pf I Ile sp I ernes eonaututly Mr bale! Oilier in UtiiinY xi Block, Public *nate. Erie. T. HERON STUARIi S. no :lino Purim- mg—Office, corner of wet, of ri2kfi low* KOCii'm litt3fe. Res+itielle uoe door cas tQC ese old Apolhecaty Nall , R. I ' . STERItEI.'T & rUi..tarit4 oo baud a lull supply of G . - C.O h.dicry, Pros ie ems. Produce. 1t.e..11r.c.: of Retail as cheap at. Gre clieum.t. No. Ilw WM. 8. LANE. Attorney aid Counsellor a Law. IterMuttonary. army and Navy Pensions. Bounty Lands awl claw.. fur , eltra Tay. and all tiler Waimea-entrusted in melani n rte. lye prompt and faithful attention. °Mee Wriattt's Block ou'r•lanc Meet, over S. 11. Puffery:Ws pre: . Erie:. Ort. 111. LAIRD& RUST. WHOLESALE end Retail Dealer" in Dry Good4Grbreneiirfardarare, I.,elnore, nour, Fs-h, Snit &c., No. I. iVright•saßloek cur wr of Fab and etate r3treets. MI !LOWE LAIRD. GALEN B. KEENE. la.hlopiable Tailor. over the Store of th Jacksop,Cbqap side. 'l - riNti done on ehort Douce. OLIVER St'AFFOItD. • PCCIOI•1 • 1•1 and Stationer, cud Manufacturer of Blank Bunkis and %1 i it itig Ink. corner of the Diainotailanit Sixth &reef- J. B. NICKLIN6 erretitt. and general Agency and Connuiriskasi tinsinesa. Frank lin, l'a. 0. 'RUFUS REED, LEAR ur. to Englisb.Gektuan and American par Also, Nails, Myths, Vim, Imo vid uteri time. Pa. W. J. F. LIDDLE BLacesurrns, Carriage and Wagon Out tweitu ve%enth fr. Eighth. Erie. STRONG, M. D. Ontrit, one Door west of C. B. Wrizhev storr,lop DOcT.I. L. STEWAI : Onus with Met, A. BEEIIIt, eleventh near 13.2 hosstneet. Rev vtdeuee. on ii.ourafras, one door north of Sev th . C. SIEGEL. Wm - ices...ix and Retail dealer in Groceries. P . I.lquorx, kc.. &e Corner of Frtnitlll r.4itioplic the F.ireaerie Hotel. Erie. - JOHN Ma;ANN. , Want.a.o and Retail Dealer iu Family G Wow.% are, Irpo. Naito. le.. Cheap Side. Er, I Pe tsigl)t prier paid far Country .1. GOALiiiISG. - Mns , HA, - T.ll ox, and Habit 3 1 laker.--StOre, N 0.3 Reed's Block. toppuittu the Bantlell Block) State Street. Erie. .1. W. WETMORE. . _ATTORNEY AT LAW, In Walker's Offree, on tleventla fAtreet. Erie, Pa la warrea..lobler. and Roma' Dealer an Dry 'Goods, Croeeriew, era, krry, I:ll,l9lwarr, Carpeting, flank are. Iron, Neel, Napa, dra. Emp.re Storm State liibreet.dbur doors, below Lcua u'r, llotel, Erie. Pa. Alno—.'.o dm, V are:, Bellow r, Azle Anna, Sprilbara, and a mama' assortment of Saddle and Carriage Tehernings. S. MERVIN SMITH. /trimester it and Justice of the Peac. awl Agent lier the Key stone toll Lifelnausance Coutpolay—Otbee Mom west of Wrights store. Erie. Pa. • GEOI ATTORNEY AT Law. GI! cutler business ailtsidei Forwarding & COY/11111NR !hale weed. Gus!. Halt. Mauer and {►hilt Fish. eanitantlylar sale. _ . I. ROSENZWEIG & o. lit . Dry Wir,.t.rssimsirs •irrstit.Dcsuras la and DynesUe Qx..40, ready wade Clothtug. Boon mut 111bOes. &c ., Nood Wright's Muck, Sure streeit„ Erie. :.. WILLIAMS & WRIGH Banker and Exchange Broker. • Dealer In I /rafts. eerr irkater of Dcrosite. Gold and all 4 4411(INAr lame' Stock. corner of Staie-at., • MARSHALL & VINC T. Arroanirs •T thw—arierup stain In Tanunatiy Hall building oath of the Prothonotary's office, E,ie, \ MUKRA TTOR.XST MID C0L,11111[14.011 AT LAW—Mike oyer C. IL Wrietit's Store, enuanee one door went of State eireett at the Dumont, F.t, C. N. TIBBALE3„ Driunt in Dry Goode. Dry Drocerks.,,Creekerly, hardware. Le.. No. 111. Cbrapeide. Erie. SMITH JACKSON, ,• in Dry GaAs. Groceries. tiardware, Qneeas Wort floe. ken. Na 11... tr.. Itl, Cheapside. Erie. Pa. WILLIAM. RIBLET, C•1111.1ET MAZER UlthOhlter. r , eveutli iltreetr. Erie. • - EDWIN 1. VICALL Fora anima, Produe in ettinr and tine salt, Coal = WALKER Ze. COOK 4. .ctmor, Forwarding. Curniuundou aud Prod Nerehanto;Sed ot.,i %Vim-hose east of the Publle 80. Er . G, LOOMIS & Dr it VIP in Watcher,. Jeweirl.' Blll ver. Br tutu eta Ware Cutlery. MIHALY and ursrly oppoeite the kale thud, NW G. Lou..m - - CARTER & BR( Wino! F.M.It arld . Retali dealers hi .Drte I)4e-stuffs, Glass. fte.. No. S. Reed 3A !HES — EI F a ioi.at.aMerehant'Fatlo4es the west of Mate stretl. rale. I. S. CLARK.Bi • IV ROLZIAII,2 111 D nirenn. Dealer In Groreri . elelolo4 ShiP ehlndiery. altoorware. ate. ate o. S. all Mort, Erie. 0. D. SP ORD. I ' • 1 • 0 !•tt-r in Law. Nr l tirr al. re ta{lol M el I aneous Souks stationary . lil k , tr. stale at.. bur louts w the,Pubiletioquare. DR.O. L. ELLIOTT. Re*oi•at Dentist: Office and dwelling in the Beebe Block. an thig East ■ode of the Public Nam. inc. Teeth inserted on Gold own one to an cutler sett. Canons 'Avail tidied with pore told. and restored 10 health and usefulness. Teeth gleaned a ith itnitrungenta and [kit Inlet so as to leave (kern of a pellucid tieGaness. All work unmated. lg. DICKERSON. um, is • n eau cael-othee at hie residienet Oa &sea street. .plamite We ..Ilethaliet Client', Erie. JOHN H. BURTON 111/LU ALI•N D dealers to DriWogiollels Dye q 4111114 uruccritit, tc. No. S. Heed Nouse, 130VVDER Kegs Rifle, De.r sod Blaitlis Peri et.o lo ji TIKINV ed and fat oale by the kcs est kisWY. IP' Erie, July 111. T. II &en& ; •' . S ." 7:" : . E E. is,os• 10.00 41.00 Wright' a Banking the Public Equate EMikial eh and Fifth ou Fourth weer. ,ies, Liqulr. Ship 11(41. LCCIA W RCIIT MEM MEM FIRIMI eras. Crockery Pa. ute..Fjp Ms of Exchange. :ex coin. &c.. &c. I- ad Public Soar!. VitraLo &au and $ ( l4 pet% WAYSIDE MAI. •R ILMA./La TATII4 A warm aid drowsy sweeping! le siestips dee wy bade% ! ICI 00 wore the Demobs Sweep through the royid I beer so mole the peasant sirs ' Hinging amid the grain! 1 . &Mt. silvery *Mts. •In I deems maim" an my bumf Zara I hear the waiter. t its voter is deeper nowl, the mocking-gird and °lola ' • Arit singing oa the Week: TIN elm and linden beam.* - Droop elate sad dark o' . And the foaming Forma - \ Leaps down the rocky bed \ De still my heart" the seas a pamed— x Tbe mobs of home 1 maid a oboiwern ore reality hicinixon on the linden spray. I d \ down the claret endow P the scented bay.l And gi triode tau the Anal leaves. c l i rn the biight summer dal. d playmatenline weleoine b Amid your •hand ; I Chris nee die old ollitecdoo— 'The sowing gasp • head+. - I Worship no more time of /ere lowly lbaselland. (MMoire Misrt nti. BIOGRAPHY OP A BAD SHILL Be. hum Dtekese ilourebekl Words. I .........,-,...........,,T \ I believe may state witit coufidenee that my parents were respeerble, notwitheradieg that one belonged to the taw—being the sine dctor-plate cif a solicitor. The other, was a pewter flagon residing at a very excellent hotel, and moving in distinguished iety; for it assisted almost daily at convivial pieties! in a Temple. It fell sl i a victim at least to a persea belongi to the lower or ders, who seized it, one 04it morni . while hanging opal some rulings to dry, sod cow s ed it to a Jew, w h o 1 —I blush to record the inert offered t a reapected mem ber of my family—melted it down. y first mentioned parent—the zinc plate—was not one led to move in or May. owing to its very s eler connee a with 4110 street door. It occivied. howeve4 a very aspirins position in* jading Otoroughfarip, and was life roans of diffa sing more tarsal instmctioo.perhaps.itban many a quar to, for it informed the matting as well as the reading public-. that Messrs. Snapplis and &in resided within, atid'that their effice• here, were from tea till four. In order to become my progenitor it fell it victim to dishon est practices. IA "fast" mileopari. , red it one night, and bore it off in triumph 010.01ft:shots. Hare it was included by ',the boy" swungarmorer "perqoi k siles." and. by wow nautili° ' found its way to the Hebrew geademan above me. ed. The first meeting between my pa (a took place In the melting-pot of this ingenious permin. and the regatta( their subsequent union was mutually advantageous. 'The one gained by the alliance that strength and solidity which is not possessed by even the purest pjwter; while to the gelid qualities of the other were added a whitener and 1 brilliancy zinc could never display. i From the Jew. my pareita were liansferred—myste 'lonely and by sight—to mitt obscure itidividsal is an oh ? scare mauler of 'the metropris. whea t ' in mosey and si lence, I was ear, to use ad appropriate metalphor. upon the world. How shall I describe my first imp 'oa of existence? how portray my agony when o l brain aware what I wee —wheb I understood my mission n ot earth? ' The rea der, who has possibly never felt hi , to lf be- what Mr. Charlye calls • "sham." or a "selestitly constituted Im poster," can have no notion of my sufferings! I These, however: were "endued only in my early and i unsophistleansdyouth. Sines then. h seabitual intercour 1 with the heat society has relieved me from the embarrass ing appendage of a competence. My long career upon town—in the course of which I hasS been bitten. and rung, and subjected le the meat lintlllating tests—ham bloated my sessibilities. iibile ft has site off the sharp ness of my edges; sad, like the emialrfelts of humanity. - Wham lied any be wen 'emulating Ivor at every turn. my only desire is--not to be worthy ar passing, bat aim. ply—td pees• i bliimpreision en the maid, en filet hamming eon. mimes of ezinteece. was, that it was iibmit filthes lam is boob. very ditty. and bad a damp. unwholesome semi: my Indians of mankind were, that it ilbsved only trace a fortalght: that It had erne. 11111ileiliiipta features; 6 hide one' leer; that it abjured soap. as a bisbit; sod lived ha bitually in its shirt sleeves. Itioch, twirled, was the aspect of the nparteritt in which I first saw be Not. and such the appearance oldie profession - al gendmitimmise usher ed me into existence. i I may add that the room was Girdled. ge if to glutein a siege. Not only was the door itself lined with iron, but it was strengthened by penderees wooden beants, plated upright. and across, and in eery possible direc tion. Thisformidable exhibition of iprethistion against danger-wee quite alarming. 1 I bad not been long brought fate this "n i trous, world" before a low and pearlier tap, from kbe albino of the deer, met my ear. My master pansedi art ffelareeed. and seemed en the poise of sweephig me ;and several of my companions (who had been by this time i inysthriously ushered into exigioaas) ist, some plies of safety. Reas sured. however, by a segued tapping. of or. marked peeeliatity;he contained the elebtqate process of so &Mooing the - door. This having been socompLished. and the entrance left to** guardianship poly of a. manias chain, a mysterious watchword was exebagged withseme person outside who was prtheudy adthitted. "Hullo: there's two on you?" stied my mama. as a h al ' elderly twitted entered, followed somewhat timid ly b a younger sae of mild and moddet aspect. " .giren 'an m I have took Under niy arm," said Mr. Blin s (which I presently understood ;to be the name of the elder one), "and berry desarring!he - prentises to be. He's just Come out of the stone pitcher. without having done nothing to entitle hit to have ono in. This was it: a follow out at Highbitry Barn col red him, for lift ing mew from his railings, where it was a hanging to dry. Young Innoceaes bed never dreamt of any thing t *fibs kind—beim' a walkiecon his wey is the work's* bat leeks Wag previubially ethereide than By. beget gig weeks es it. is the *Class e' Coireetios, however. be met geese knowing blades. who pit hint op to the time of day, and he'll thou be es wide-awake as any of 'em. Tide amain he brought ins n peeketobeek. and in it sigh—ty posed flimsies. As hail a young bind, I encouraged him by givigg him three pun' ten for the let—it's ninsial a risk.blit I dens it. • As it is. I shall have to send 'em all over to 'Anther'. Howsemever, he's get to take ogle papd in home "mods: Win' out 'of it myself. I have brought him to you." "You're here at the nick slime." seed my wastes. "I hate just Wood a saw bateb—" 1 -:, , SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER I II, 1851, Lad he plated to tits glittering besp la. which I deb ellYeldffritli the eoalldeate of yoeth—to be uoploasast ly emespiaeoss. "I've bee. explaining to young Youthful that it's , lb* near tbieg, wheat be sells his swag to vitt is ulY,waY of besiesse, to mho part of it is this bore eels." fete hertook as from the heap, and as he did so i l felt as If I were (rowing Meek between his dogma. and baviag my respects la life very meth damaged: "Lad is all this bed money?" said the yea*, eutlees• lye:lag. as I thought. at me IdOINI, sad not taking the slightest Nuke of the teat of my meamparnioas. "HasaOmsk, young Youthful." said Mr. Illinks."no ammo to the home coiaage. In all human affairs t ormy filing is sr geed. as it looks." "I .said met tell thus from the geed—from thus made by the mermoreat 'Amid oar".—baotily added the b.y. I fah myself leaping up with reeky. and chinking opium! my mitspaniemo at these words. It wu I was fast kisiag the immune. of yeah. to justice to myself. however. 1 sin bound to say that I have. is the curse of my subsequeat imperious. seen _malty of the lords sad masters of the treaties behave mirth morsel'. nowilly under the indium:» of flattery. "Well. we must put you up Nth' means of finding oat the real turtle from the mock." said my muter.— "It's difficult to tell by the rill. Salver, if it's at ail cracked—se lots of mosey is—don't ring no better than ,pewter; besides. people can't try every blessed bit o'tia they gel is that *ay; some folks is offended if they do, and some ain't jot no counter. As fo- the color. I defy anybody to tell the difference. And as for the figgers on the side, wot's• your dodge? Why, won a piece o'mon ere give to you. look to the hedges. and feel 'em too whit your finger. When they ain'tquito perfect, ten to one bat they are bad 'ens. You see. the way it's don* is this—l suppose I may pat the young 'on up to • thing or two morel" added Mr. Blinks. pausing. My muter. who had during the above conversation lighted a short pipe. and devoted himself with considera ble assiduity is a pewter pot—which he lookod at with _ a technical eye. as if mentally casting it into crown pieces, —now nodded assent. He we. not of an in agiaative or • • losophic turn, like Mr. Blinks. Ho saw none of the sea „ out of busieess. bat pursued it'on a 'system of because be profited by it. This &Sumo ,betwees s producer and the middle-man may be con tinually o • v • elsewhere. "Yea see,' • ntinsed Mr. Blinks. "that these here 'bobs' "—by It • he meant shillings—Ms composed of a mixture ortwo "•• stalsiewter and zinc. In curse thesis is first pigied • w. and sold to gentrin my line of Messes. who either nfacters them themselves. or sells 'ens to go sts as does. ow. •if the meiotic:utter is only is a utak way of bin' cad is of a mean uteri ha merely casts his money la p • of Path moulds.— Bit for hobby gentg,liko our • ad here (my mas ter bore nodded approvingly over • pti.) this sod of thing won't pay—too mash trouble an. of enough. pro fit. All the topaawyeis in {he meanie' • is scientific met. By neaps of what they calls a gal battery a cast is audio( that partible: spin selected for • • lades. From this here east. which you see. that there din* made. and from that there die impression. is strut off on plate. of thoustal prepared for the purpose. No unfortunately. we ain't got the whole of tbo mashoeuiry of the Government Institution yet at our disposal. though it's oar intention for to bribe the Muter of &a Mint (in imitation coin) some of these days to put us up to it all —se you see we're obliged to stamp the two sides of this bore shilling, for instance (taking as up again iss he .poke,) upon different plates of metal. tieing of "cm to gether afterward,. Thee comes the asi/Wig round the kedges. This we do with a file; and it is the himper-, faction of that 'ere as is continually a preying upon our mind,. Any one who's up to the his'neu can lelf wheth. er the article's geni wine or not. bye looking at the hedge; , for it can't be expected that a file will cut as ',gibe as a =sheen. This is redly the great drawback upon our parfession." Hero Mr. Molts, overcome by the complicated char acter of hie subject. sabeided into 'a fit of abitraction, daring which he took a cipionv pull at my moetor's•por ter. 'Whether suggested to the onslaught upon Ma beer, or by n general menus of impending business, my master nor began %thew symptoms ofirnpationee. Knocking the ashes out of ►is pips, he asked "how many bob bis ftisind wonted?" The arranpmeat was soon concluded. Mr. Blinks filled a beg which be carried salt the manufacture of my muter, and paid over twenty of the abilliep to his prokirs. Of this twenty. I . was one. As I paned lute the youth's head I could feel it tremble, as I own mine would have dose►had I been possessed of that 144i:indigo. - My new master thee , quitted the house is company with Mr. Blinks. whom be left at the corner-of the street —en obscure thoroughfare is Westmiester. Ills, rapid •tops speedily brought him to the southern bank 'of the "fair and silvery Thames." as a poet who min possess ed me (only for half as hour) described that ' nueleauly river, is some verses which I met in the pocket of his 'pantaloons. Diving into a narrow street, obviously. from the steepness of its descent. built upon arches, he 'mocked at a hone. of all the unpromising rest. the lout promising in aspect. - A wretched hag opened the door, past whew the youth glided, in an absent and agitated witinaari sad. Isaviag ascended several flights of a nar row and precipitate 'Neiman, opined the dearer as apart menben the top story. The roam was low, and ill-ventilated. A fire burnt in the grate. mad a small media flickered ea the table.— Beside the grate. use as old tan aiming ea a chair; beside the tattle, sad beadieg onn the thekering light. sat a young girl noted is sewing. My master was welcomed, for he had been absent. it seemed for two months. During that time he had, he said, eamedsome' mosey; and Re had come to share it with hie father mid sister. I hid a quiet ht. with my competriees, la my master's pocket, kat mere time a week. At the sod of that time. the stock stood mosey was miserly ethastaiat-stthoegh 4thati ea meta than ... eeessier bees jediseessity mixed with a tieisitbet ee two 4 mime. Weals homier. did me leaver lag at mat. Uadoireatcaceorgeiag away &pin Nsipt "work." wiy assates—leavieg several of my friendlies take their elsamm. is miesialeteriag to the air esmaities of his father aid eister-.-weet away. I teetaia od to he "smutted" (paned) by my master. Where are you goings° tat. amttyou don't recognise old Meader were the words &Unwed to the ye/a by a pewter-by, an he was ceoesiag, at a violtMt pace, the nearest bridge, to the dietetic& et Aliddinatin beak. The speaks, WM a young• gentleman, adod about twenty,. sot ill-looking, but with feature* exhibiting that peculiar expresition of cunning. which is popularly des cribed as "knowing." He was arrayed in what the po lice roped' in the nowspapeta call "the height of fashion." —that! Is to iaY, he had travestied tlie style of the most daring dandies of tact year. Ho wore no'glovis; tot tho bloated rubicundity of hie hands was itolioetl by a profu sion of rings, which—even without the cigar in Ws month Iran quoits wafreeket h istabltak kis alainis to gewillty• Edward. my masher. routrai the civilities ditto sham. for. aid. tensing bock with him, dig weed • tip "ir seisewhise." • ••Liao* a wood," said Me. Bothaal. prolacior wolf- Wad sips-sass. Than au ao iosiogiag.ioss4 wok saw. ••Whe. .1",b11M4 CVONWARD.AI "Pll toll yea what we'll' do." said Mr. 11 4 014 who IM/ted am itexperienciag navel sessatios-Qie ',Meetly had an idea. "1 tall you wbat—ime'll go end blew * Mood with Joe. thi:plarT a l l iasier. He tires midi a short distaaae off, met far the Abbey; I pet to sea him Int business, so we shod kill tans Mae. ono 4 us. you know." I now loused that Mr. !Bethnal *as a nom semials. taae. Oohed up ostler eireetustsecos (es s siboakber o Parboiling. to wheat I Dam helangimi., used tensy is the Ilene), to which it is stamteassary further to abode. - • "I was glad to heat of +r lack. by.the-by.f' said the' gentleman in qesatiott. not racist kis compaohnes wish to avoid** subject. heard of it from ola Blinks. Hatraldikes too thlng. if one's's presentable coos. You'd do &aced well is it. Yon Ore oily to pi 'aohlti togs end you'll de. i - • Mr. Joe. Itappeared. la 141ditioa to his ornithological mospatione. karts small shop for the sale Mom& and peruses;' be was also. in si very small way. s' timber inerclumit Weave/al handles of firewood were piled la pyramids. la his abed. Mr. Bethnal's tmetams wiik him was emu dispalobed; although mot emit after the istarrhed been awaired by his friend. that Edward : was •of ibs right sert."l with lb* qualifmatioa that he was "ratios gross at present:" and also iota Mr. Joe's up-ataiss saachna. /a sasese ts a remiestfritm Mr. Batumi. In tbe jargon I. use thea itaiabilligible. Mr. Joe prodeced feels setae mysterious depseiWaY at the top of the besse.ll hoary canvas bag. which hi emptied ea dte tablei a heap of shillings sad balt.eslowas. whisk by a grape- Melba imbues. 1 imModiasaly dammed is be of my own species. , • • "What de yea think of these?" said Mr. Bethnal to his yeses kiaod. - Edward swooped some, sideaishisent dual Mr. Jae should be is the line. "Why. blow year !oyes." said that gentleman. "yea don't suppose 1 gets !my thielibeed oat et tha shed down maim. net the pigeeesitaithrs. Yea see. these Wages,* wily dodges. J