Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, October 04, 1851, Image 4

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    Mr* TOUR MID 3W2 110A1):
nn tie Lr.e adroad.,eonnecting with end class steamer. ou
Lake Erie. the Michigan, Cleveland, Columbus and Clot iuns ti.
Illecelaud and Piti.burgh and standusky and Cincinnati Rail
road., and steamers on the tthio and Mivisissippi rivers, and the
Ohiu. Indians and Pennsylvania canals.
TIL•11.0 LE•elt mantas u roLLOilva.
hI. Morning EgmaTrain at A. M.
td, !doming mmt Hon II A. M. •
' 3d. Evening Fri r Train at I .M.
Farr from Dunkirk to New - York,. I' V. ,
lit'emid Clare Fare u P 1 he given in a few
W. Express Freight andranle Train lent ea Dunkirk daily at
'4 A. M . to whielra Pm-wirer Car is attached, for the aCCona
sualatioss of way pamenmrs and Drove.r,„
k.atticulit attention pail to the shipment of Mock and Freight
of every desetiption. The gunge Leingi feet wide giver' Ibis
route great ad vantages at q narrow Roads, in the trauatiortation
of stork and all other freight,
Additional Trains will be Out in cciaruimion in a very short
Freight Tariffs iliktribnted, giving full particulars In regard to
the ',Weird Freight.
Freight earrnilly aliippe
ing Prelsl.l Flat KM.: For,
Cuba, and all other ea,ler
Dunkirk. May 3n. tr3t
To the . Sick . and Afflicted.
I •
at Dunkirk. and rach of the fiilhow
tville. Nwuh'■ Hills. Da)ton. Cann
t V a lk. Y. Allegany. theta. Hinsdale.
at. C. MINOT, sup**.
umption !
rri DA NTS. AFTER lief riNU
• of Co
shish be exteassettly /yawn throorkeut erdrrid. for here
are gliessaarle Gafrarreg a sinellar diseases. aL.d si l krure fa-
We salsas arrested Sy the eserfal seeNry,rl
Off' Cainar.
Origirrai gad Gamine Preyarriksal
READ AND ; eir
P nil or Rocas. krk
June fhb. lASI.
lug its duty I owe to the pith
twarght pruner to wake kilos ti
ref, to my own, CSIPP,111:11ital•
11)01101 of OtlooCf last. I trite
u wy bream. winch limited a
4.110 my Lungs and ten inufli
quanrillis of corruption, ex
luatitittes la seed through my
lib could also oars through toy
'lay breast w ith apparent ease.
and night. leas of a ppei ite. and
tans thought my ease entirely
toediceue. I remarried in it,,.
until I was . wasted to • were
hope for nu. but, haring read
tonderroi cures nerfdrltted by
"TIN I iminediatets sent to Dal
teed its use; and to my great
,the abeam or opeutus in my
sutaide and on tu•aug teu hot
h. I feel very gratend, and
le medicate, under the bless
Wedged for this reale:close.
ea etoopoi as suott health as
Da. Swains•
be. and in Just
one of the mum
ever been truly
afflicted stilt
large Mies.,
adhered Ham,
tnital and int
Lapp, which
lungs. and out
el k
extreme Ail
I ,ltOpelibis and
i-wretched retcbm Cons
skeleroa.and I
in the public 1
limdie for dye
satoraction ar
in begali It.
Heal was enrol
Gruffly believe d
mg* of Diyine
and 1 am Nun
1 ever bare.
Por theVatis are not acquainted with me.
I Mitt,: to thi ten of gentlemen well and fa
voi..l,ly ',. ; owl . the Wizens et Maryland and
Virgi.i.a.nnil ...mice - all who are similarly afflict•
ed t. try; your i ...tut i attainable Compound Sy nip of Wild
Cher ry. • Noun, Very Respectfully.
"Th0.11.1.S DIXO.V.
/Ptie - gobseriter was wet acquainted with Thome. Diaon. and
ran tem pry that has been afflicted as ahoveterfrevented. I regard
his recovery as almost tin/mete. He in a worthy member o( so- .
j.sairt:s R. if UM:OMM% '
Poodor Bertha arena. Rolltore Coofereare.
We, the undersigned. revideuts of the ruin. of Rocks and vl
einity.are,aeyuaintett iv ' i Thous/if Dixon. and know him to have
been adliettd as abOVel esented,3lltl was thought by hi. friends
as well .. a by our moat oliful phy Fie tans to he past recovery. but
by the exclusive use of hat immutable remedy. Dr. Smarter
. Cosopouod Syrup of Wit 'Cherry it now restored to perft et health.
and we feel duty hound !reronunciti this va stable medicifie - lo
all who may be •iinilarl 'afflicted. . -
Fa ND. dr.. , 11. MerrhaUn
, 0 Trio...
, .
I.torri C.. lirl.T. .. ' . 'W. H. SMITII,
Sanuad W Hai sta. • :E. W. Methi.i..
Wit.t.uat S. Magma. 1 Pnii.ur liars*.
Jose Watts'. . ... I hour Metaacuttit.
The above invaluablej etedicine 'is the result of many years ex
tensive practice in Philadelphia by Dr. Swayne.
L• 01 rent -Ma Markeoplor Gtallitilt. Remember no prepa
ration. of Wild Cherry if genutnet. except the original article as
prepared by Dr. Swayn I See that his P-remit is on the wrapper
around e;.ch. bottle. Until you °bent' this Compound you will
never know the real virtues of the Wild Cherry. • . ..
Sivayne's Cdlebrated Verinifuge.
,; ,
Item+ly for WOrMS. dy•prixis. Cholera
r dyspeptic children or adults. and
ra.,.iiy Mediemeeverotlered
to the pulthe."
"A safe and etreetna
Morbus, .iekly
- the must use
1. J Alt*ES, a high
PS.. SUM. I have tri •
enn speak iii.the eery
pleasedlorilb pt she wp
'y respectable merchant of Williamsport.
• your Vermifugr in ray own (manly. and
' t ;sliest Wrens of it. My wife is so ouch
use no other.
' OP
nes Venality as now put up Mitts
lememlier Dr. E
ITEce . hitt the no
DA. evemmrs
le 'poll correctly— t
Aet as a gentle purgats l c e , producing a healthy pule of the Liver
and Bowels. acting as an alternative. chanting the state of eta
tivenesc, which is very [Outmost to poute i ad! vtduab and for the
• irregularities Incident to females they are very valuable.
4 J. H. Hairhitt. Evan,Vil e. but, ivriinsgune sth 1:34. Your
nietheine sells well. add gives on tVerotimOiaractiOss. your
jarCoatedSarsaparill and Tar Pills foist out directly. Bend on
a burr sup Ply.
Chalfant k. Hughes.
SmmrJwtelya runty/4s
inch in need of Wet
4 North Seventh Steer
where the above vain:
nt•illc, IM., writes, April 10,1P30—Fend
ippiy of your family medieines• We are
—they are miedeinif great tut= ha this
• vne hoe reinored trio Na.,
i neeonil door abor Market, ililladelplia.
ble Medici Or P are only prerred.
ERtg errUNTE.
No. G. Reed Howie' Erie.
No. 5, "
Career & Brother
J. 11. Button,
W. P. Judson. &
.1. A. White.
twit. •
Alvroab COL'STY.
- N. J. Clark & tte•
& J. W. Cam
e •
k. Norman 'Wend
C. W. Burton.
& J. W. Cam
4Perk in. &
.1. L. rarks.
And by dealeviin N
dept. 13, Init.
icioa tenerat
oom Is k Co's, embrae ing Istidieu and Gents
Finger Sling^ resells and Pen...Ladies'
hid other dersrable antelen all warranty.:
n —no charge for .wing. 7 June••&.
IN creat variety nt
Chains, firma Pi
Cuff Pips. ttntecletr.
as represent.- I Call
Plain and i c h tea Table an d T.4a Exmoor,
It rte. of our dwn warn tar tnkr. l 'tier
of Dollarra,cd in ¢..r41 le !,;
7 G. 1.003310 k.
'QILVEK Gootra_.
►7 moo. Bonier K
erarraete,/ of the fin
June •
, ^ SOAP ~
oohing can be .lone in one-ibini ter time.
niciban with ally usher SoLps Imo% n.• It
or har4 *rater, cold or warm. Will reillOre
Ilk O. stains ln,m gOO4IA st nhontllie leant
•• • or the ba:.,1.. Fur ram lir.
Bwhich a large
trouble and eri
*an be used with mat
tlrritae. Paint. Tar,
injury either to the
Erie. June SI. iSS
ap.lEardware , tore.
large and well ',elected .wek of 'bleary and
I. Ill'af , ewer brought to dos usarket:au I it it ill
0 ante. as I do busiticia on the l'aph .3.tern
i.g anything pertaining to Moto are can 'are
Cheap Hardware Store. Among nit .dock
• round au I ripsaw. from 3-IS to 3 manta.
I aches, hoop. hand, scroll. oval and bah •,val,
.il rods, Enid' 41 and American 14nder *lcel.
'round hoze..-malalle ea el I ID. 4m os b 4 1.1.,
a bellow.. hilt picks, cruwbaroi. rrialdi,r .
trace. halter, dog and-kick e h : inr, soh.,
t, from four to eipht inehei, nail from .2.1 o f
r. finlithing and wrought nalt*. I rye Own.,
l'ilkipdll amid size.; gate latent*. unillocroos.
la nation tonere, ohm el-, .trader, 11 OCT,
i and a good Ill•Oftlaant of theelianies tool*,
No. 3. Reed Howie.
1 •
Alf reeeivi a
1 Shelf Hardware a
be floid at a small ad
' only, Thaw worn
Inc , :try by calling at
c - tn FO.lnd Iron
'lnbar from 4 to It
of all aim.. Subic
Axel anus. springs.
, ane.4, cries, smith
grub hoes.e.oll.
both amanita and c
MW. also fence..
butte and finnan" of
cut and circular
aythea„snatha. Sark
Erie. May. 3d If
mouTTira and
Die. Aug
.14 of
—A good aemortanent 3t the eheap store
reduia & extreet. of I.eloop • aid
e by R. T./ITERRIat & sON.
U.L. OA WS, pot received at the more of
113011IPTIIN lIAV OWE ICK & en
Diank T ions I
‘,.1 I 14N Rouse
X SEED will tie mitt at our Drug Prom No.
J. It. SURTO 4 at 00.
' linivaA.Nois 0011111 I ANY.
- Alison to insure.buildintes. tnerthandi4•
wins; logy by fife, and think it would be for
iliUllll a Erie county_ to invite with illcui
..uninte.l wi th the offices.. in prethence to
. that they know little about.
111 v: tr Ala
THt i euriparty
forniture, to
the intereet of the
pally. os they are
foreign ecouponl,
I 1 Pla Ecropas.
Wm... R in4rrare ht.
4 floniitt at Loos.
. ,
!ek. I Wltii es Sealy.
_ .1. If. ilsyls4.. ,
D. Deorgelk4eben
1 414 es D. Dualip N. W. ausord.
tISIIII.I JACK.ION. Pre-ideal.
J. It. WitiLIAMA Tneassurr.
, Y. Peeretary. -
' SUY.IIII4AI4. Asert.
Odle 9 3 •1416 y. is sow aithe Reghncrlet4 De-
Zile, *Fs I. 1831.-17
c. T 11.14
J.H. VC erlsa
J.O. Martyr
J. It. Full
Harley Ober • •
J .b. elark.
R:1• qt R
SVA 1.1. A
WTI* ,
eonlees oleo. I
Tamers Oil.
. lisas on hand and r .it be pagolarty receiving
Int blaebtr•w a eiti.ply , i Pre INA 0,1 of the
which he w Ili 14.0 at re heel rafei by Ow hht
manufacturers will find it for their fillet,*
before purchasing els ywborr.
;51. IL O. HULRU RT.
MISR mime •.)
- from bit, ma
hr•ot quality. or4l
io him a ea!
Ltie, rest IL is
THR , (*On Soak give notice Wet 'bey bend to
apply to Ull!leitre Legorature Ibe a renewal Or the Marna.
am* the gone Onploal, and wan Ha power 11 Hedwealliale sad
Birroler Grine Hotel Of Monson.
r•fle. 41E. Hr. 061 lkali C. WEIPAREEH, CRW"
---- •
and will be
Erie. Ideie.
PI:CWER.—A fine lot ty Prtla,
conotially es baftd
J. unniwrox. -h. CO.
Ore Ci. 7111102,11.
ASK thave'vih itgatArtl to umi a eaU awl pay. I hope
thy call will fie ileadedby, Mose woo have weer/mad the Am.
liw.Etpl. J, :IC ATOIL
IT ice et vt.,11 is large k of
Fanc). Hain nod Slavic
Dry goods, Grocerips, Iron. Steal.
Jost port host tl IA hile l oom in the oriney market its it.
lu 'eta. Isw 111%1/ prtl-ared to offer Coffee by the It .g. sochr Icy
tbc IMrt l Brow a r;liretihrt t, the Piers. or Bale. an I all otlitr
Ilry Goads by the roes-ear Package, lieu by the hundred or 100,
Hardware by the ha:kage )isil. is the keg, ap.l n't other ;goods
in tits same ULlnflef at pryer. rata r osnot Is deal by any Eastern
Jobber. bud retail priers ill le sii.ele to torrOppotigt. I hdvr the
largest elm Is. of 4:01.,5. all kiCIV neat lw utii4l sit les. Skit
WAS ever opened ro• f p..t.tie inspection, ',lnd for I'tnh the
price skill suit *bet:ll 3 .n linos mg the fine taste of the I.adies
of this viciniti . I kilos% the good. mm 4 stilt.
Erie. A ult. JIl. IFiri. ! ID
Keep it belies the People tie( tie ralpire.4 ere set to be r.Jersold:
IIIA )INI recel sfic Age,ney, ui 'no of the lare.,l Ir.nt anJ
\ a Mnrinfnetorler ib 11w Polon. Pricer are tbc , r..., re•l•ic.
rd below 11,,•11.,nit eti I or.lid oC P.irinero lift up .cur ir•adrt,
n.ilfri of riVIIT II di i iirclaise 'note N ei l. m i d .1 nin 11. it k,
..11' ago. Wt will fel) [tar Iron as MIN ee t/cto per roan.%
Iron all round for Wa2gono. inrludrt c. , ure,to,
buniesiceo as tow lie 841 s. b) the key Thoce price,. :Ire 10 per
cent below Buffalo. %%IWit 'bore prices can t.e mate bed I will try
again. The above are for e.nn.• Just irig larte clock of
Miff Hardware. earlier)l ern re. Buggy Trimming.. Chains.
Anvils, Vice*,-Beaker.ind IhigehaDiele Tools of all mb. ni low
rale.; also RulMer • Ii .eAI.IW ELL.
mem. 13, 1e61.1e
, SAVE T i lllE ! SAVE MONEY f
7 ' VII Lk4U3OBI, '
WILSON'S elitnere in iLusirnl ‘Vn•liing Flnlii. On w;%liiii2 in
, t e
hard or *On WT. Th... ri.,. ! .• the bete preparation
known for wat.hine eott n. linen. or l‘ o.tlen cloth., fie remit% ipe
Item or tar , for drain doors or plot, for iletrrot Ilitff IN d bug%
and other vermin, for rale by J. H. BI; STUN s_ Co.
Aug 13.1 13
• ,
Wi r. „. ^ . re oirr .w .r tee v „ e .r l re i ro o fllCi r ‘ i ti v TirtlO .S ( . 3l 4 l l t er stw Si.' ll k a . s e :a n t ' i 1; 1 ;
fast CO plea every vartet ofbunatti la-te,
Our stork comprises Yaw ns of new and 'splendid sty le4, a urge
and splendid sissnelinell of NI nl. Sutuwerr shay Is: 1.•Al;:wil.
Of .a w and Parisi f.rtsCll is, etc., which wilt be sold ehea; , fur mat
at No 1 Wriglat'stlloclq.
May 17. ____ _ l.Algn tr. RUST
__L ____l.
300dInelgsralInrierilttdifiepirditr.":41tnueswi; ealfiaeredicAueinli
grazing (alto. •
I n aeres •ine Mlles west of Erie. in Fairview township. 100
acres cleared, build owl and orcbard.—price 525 per acre; an el:
tellent gra I n or groaing)fariii
-77 at in Union minimally,. 13 'atter cleared, buildings and or
ehardice $llOO. i
V 100 tern in Lellan township. on the east bank of French
Flock.' ndles below 1 aterford.-65 acrd cleared. house. 'born.
and orchard. prier. . This Is a Irautiful lhrw tel bottom
lands and hillside. for grain°, grass:
16 neves two inper am of Erie. on Lake Road. rood IgLilil.
lop and ore hard. a nd valuable dower for a mid—price BM per
Imre. I 1
36 acres Erie Aeriderny lam'. one mile south of Erie. o'n- the
Turnpike road. all eled— Imre. 03 peg sere.
4il sem of Wild La d, part of tract No 2000. ill Wayne town
ship—price 97.19.
94 'tensor wild land n Le RoculTin—oriee ri ~,,,,,,e.
Also, a large Dumber °flu Lots add out Lois or Ilur town or
Vele. I • . WI LtioN b Om.
Feb 16,1471. • 49 k Laud Anent. Erie. Pa.
PURTADI.E FLYILIVAC .—Vire have just received , i'vr Pal
terns for several sizes of these liel-saving articles for Nun
mer nee. And are prepnred to furnish customer,' whir a superior
article. A kw on Maid ready fvr use. 8E143; EL'? k CO.'
May 31. • 3
...._ __ I
.r 111:111N111, Sllilo:lTiliCh will be sold
or at- for Caill, *the Erie Steam Poun •
dry. 1, 13F.N: 11l ETT ir. CIO.
i e,
Er le
T .
/an i, 14,
EA t rr PmV4IE
L4 , „—H yose!am
rA moods, Peach,
rine. for sale by
June 11:
1 00 NAGS'S('
AN N apple:llion w II he inade 1,, ilw fent Letoftnraire f l rett
rt. ~ylv In. for tier taterarit-ratatata •f n hank. to I.e t. 1140.1 tate
Erie City Hank. to I.e loeae.l in the City of I:rie. C.r , Colity.
Pa.. with a N.:Tit:ll tf min hundred ,loot,a n4l tatlinra. ta ,... II JOH.
nriviler_of haereasi i; the carte to three hundred thou., ,t
-lam, and that the ar t.. ttlonl loabiliay clause ea alt be ataet• an
theChafier orated vault. ' • "` • • --....
J. Fri , Runerion. I JC. !Marshall, Fin, ith Inelcsub,
Ilenrit , rarlwell. C. M. Ttlat..als, Co. Loon
. a.. - .
f;eo Keilo.lo. I Wan Kelley. Walter Che.,Am tt sall, John Galbraith. A. Beebe.
W. M. Gallagher. " ,-.....,::
Erie. Pi_ June 211, j
tit \
_ ~
Evan. , la(pvg.
RUFI 'ES tears
t.ti 0 rf l i .,... 1
qi,,‘ ___ t,. _ i
11 ,, : ,., 22
~,...* ~
:,,.. ill
..: f., .:. . r.,.....:
KA:. ~..:: ,c.:,. tefc -ivr
4 x=ll .A. psi*. 1 - 44
.- ";
*Rk ..._ ~
I. - 7-.1 -... •- ; `..- i -_-' ' $":":" ./ iFtr •.. -:-_
~,,,._,...4 , „.., 4:it rt ..4.-,:*,
. ~,, im tio !,-.! sc. a , 1,..: • S_Si).
- :Nt. _ . . 0 ::-:: I 4 , c r• - ••__._;. ~:
~_ , , ..._a_, ,
L ---- - - 7, - .: -- N - .----- c — r - rTt - 7 "••• it — l
11:.'"I' ::
7 : (7.-17 n - t3z -..
• ?.6“y'- 41 .:
~, r e 7 cp ,
1 ;r a lo l r ,r , . ...t-71 ~,„..,, N g.
-;,-", i. , tai - A.,•, :;:isci.l.
4: - 'i.•.:i.v!
-k - --AST-i atie*: 4 7 - • -.4-
ximrtnl UT-OTLIIS
zutr - r*.usi,—lLG—A2N.
Groat 'Ascii omsati r a l rih 'eTs from tho World's
Lsnd T and Lots for Salo.
tack Teas. (mix sir weeks front
fur 50e. per p 05 4 1.2 0 1 .1
I C. M Tiße
Istan:l:i-cu hand and kyr ,le pr •
R. T. S.k N rc . 97.1
tt l igritintir;,
sort itzn fitiatf
M. FAN rosou k (.1 , ,
v rit4 - t.c - and ftrhvi-. t63-I.4je
• suprr lot mimic, rot Billie by
Ergot and etotaa. at
mon. Rea;c — C'anilla, Nulunm, Bitter Al
lery, Orange Flour. enehiliell and Neel -
-8. CLARK.
1./"Cier;;;tl and for
"R. T. tl' t T pc t
.1); . , ti'lf - ,\V.i't'Ll4 '-.. i. , 11.& iferrill'. r , a , ll IVati - h„ , ICAa-
/ , 'lloille u'l•lril..lroke - , ae . thr v 71.• 1 , 1, , h ;' ..: 'a: ft
__ ... 'l , iRN +SCTARCH For wile by ~...---- 7
, Erie. !one 7.' • Rt. T. STEk k t 7 - 1 . Sr & 7 1' 1 8.`
II NEW GOOD& - - - '.7,;'7 -,
771118subct fiftrsihnvicju.t rec.:melt:l !.', of Sohn:.
and din'ne'r G00d,,,:e0n.,41i,,3 f Lirr ilno.b..l..crcrina. Ila r .1-
vv.ird. Crockery. kr , to th, :,1.0% 4. .r..ct: ntiv le folud '::kw.-4
~ .env variety of Gentlemen and 1.3,111.4 lire'' , GOO.l. I Atli.. nod
Children's Shay, 'variety apt, ler and wialuirp. TheaAtr,
their Old GUMMI" and thri-e I.,tending to WI/Th.4e, iCI2IIIII &WI -
ez..mipe their mix before purchasinq elicit 11 , •re
' Xr/e. June IL —3, , J 1311> MAG-{1F.23 ref)
-,_.----- ' ...
trilontrsoll cf.GITANT '';',-* .k
A releappv to infra their clients. that alibruzga linittitivforted
by fire Irani their u ...," ou the morning of the ti rq 'timid are.
nrunlocn:rt:tl . Ile happ% to verve 'heir c I , 1111 , aitd-Crilend , .
ritEer. Ogee ( r• iorill of the PUNIC I.4lii.tre. ,Cr Z tttttt icily',
vtore.onpovi athe l,
Ile previously occupied by th 4n. i
Mr, Grant tiConntivitoner for the State* of New York. Otoo.
Indona, Illinois. RI istourlialoka • and :dieing:4n, nod Pension
and Roomy baiiilii;retit. A
April 2.
1 - E .e.. 2 1 - 11 , eiki:i -\ --
1. W. & E. W. Earlier. No,
lE . 69 Pearl Bt. N, Y.
I:it PORTEREI and whbleriate deale r s in GRTAI .'.NI) 111.ACK
TI:AS. at all di , criptions salted to the Co.intry 'I rude.
Are Olio reeriviny from the heft innitufbeinsely_ t fall-4ml
ment of TA( 1 , of the most approved brands. all oat hi
are confidently , Erred as equal to any in market. and at
net eaM priers. . '4'
Merchants visitling the chy would do well a call and eiatnine
oar stork before pnrelmoinn elsewhere.
New York. Aerie NI, hill . *Of
L -. nadwit, re Iteauhr Italia' for Pais. !_
A cf . .llTAlN.,ure Mr Rheumatism. Pore throat. Sprrtinv. Af
keiicrns of t Ppine. Toothache. 'fie 'Minorca's, and all
j ? .
eryons arectiot Salt RhetOn. Rota Worm. Eruptions *gibe
akin. and Cram in the stomach. l'or male by
Erie. Ads. IL ;Pk CARTER & aRr).
• ,
Frr retennta large and well selecif.l ,lock of IDry Coodt,
ratbrellas arid Parasols. Ladies and I/61,1;1 . 1er Shrett in erelt
variety. Ittneeird a large Frock of Groccro• ('rocker%
Wall and Winnow Paper. Madill:nth% a re. ere, bleb ih
°I.I e t " . • 4 l' as Idle the rt Ore of'
NI)11;001[1.CAD 1111.7M1 r.s
1V11.1.0W Itirtos.Eorp - ' rei`aht. Rocking llorte , nnd "iherl
barrows. tw o,6l4l:erne tote. }U.! received :Ind for oltr by
Rrie. July 211. W. F. SINDP.RNEVIIT.
riA K ER'S IM A.9.n ociOlifirelfoe;l;er: - 6.y0/11e4m -
Erie, Jul . . , W. F. ai Ni DERN E;CIIT.
VI - RI:St i - i,illl ii P:RRII.i.Ie Inll.ffibb•
, V, '. t Ycnrefery ; at.c,
1 : Cur Soda. oe baking lirrors. by v,
_l,' Army a vrirr.
1 0 (fi1t .„ 144 0. i
j eI . .N.T. pet retes%efl a ll,i re it it •l : y .n.r , .
ilk .il:lbtßlli.. elLikl. Mr kite Flab. 'from, aMI I leryit.g. i )( .7. - r e
1' cheap fly , • ' W F'' RI% PTPOSPCIIT
. .
.14.Ett 11,47 4 C11E,e..11.711EL.RT", 60,011
l f s
Air LOCI Dllll3 00711,
Plate 1, reedy opposite. F:nipiee &err,
I.N OW opening. the. largest 411.1 finest .Iqe,k of lin Nls in tills
.hue rvrr **vett 16r sale iu Erne. ln.l Anarehia-c.l I u N. Y.'tk
,enittraeing all the at* n Ira (*fit Mir" i.try ont An :n.•
erishinc So plumb/tee a ordendki mauls and chain n 111 ha, a• a 1 , ,,i
rate opportunity for •wleetang. Nut to INC 1111.41,. , 10 I, ins tilll•
!at IvtalailtALnatia tin Ain. Vit 11$0y. - G. AXON le• AL t
- -E-ar, /tine
CMAP )R10; 1 1 1 44 inn.da4llsie;l tivkiat skirt rumre
Ithirkiltenot hr. , loLire,'
of any I , t, Ir. at ; ILAJOMIS rt0..1
TEsuberrinu bag , after ninth dtftlealiy and expense. pre
brad in re York and elis:s.lelpria. full rens Of inerl reli
able pallets* qt all vises required fin in N. andehildrels. widen he
enters fur war at Ina ironed flafetlinreed flor rutting parrirms.
These paftenus are Ourbionable and all uf Om wntraniel i tu
ike mos I,ftelinn.
kaeou'l raskkoas cast also Ye proaiiadta ealiboon ow polkaed
arr. ['nee 11 30 - li. , IL urubc.
Lib. Peps 4, 17
tt Tanneis Oil.
82C or pure Taupe,/ Ost rerrert I .1,1
/ 1. 3 li t e hbl. nod gallon. D. IL 40•41Rii..
Era.. ter tt, le,ll. I •
- !
h i ; I e, kerf.ttlks ILI . / Li 4,, i; A / lit MIUM
L poi,/ n., --I 2 till- .1.1. betty nit de eel. hat uo ertal
The Mach' err 14: f 031 00,11121301 r •111.111.at4.1 it pi-t •iieh
a Ma, e I.e 4.31.11 at , if iterired. 8. once
P . /...1112 I-IN..' 'ls 11,1 , bars vie grot,nd. rows the mil with
e ,„ I is , n eti)",t,d n.t• et- it t d rover all the
g r, p , r sh4e,es.. ~,vjul much I me, labor and reed
to ; he au. Art ~t (frith lig a heat ir re.% rht ant ict
r.,a ninon attention at ILI. iw 1., mill if. 1.14 in: tLe rolnee of
Me id.' imperfect way of cowing broad-east. It is Mal ga.Ding
gn tit al and will tam be utitren,ally ad , pt. d.
(13,-13i the mans, experiments {ii drill lug made br rharle. , N -
1..0.. of the State of Delaware, a Ill.b • gireq. Fee r t ..
'Tart ! Noble. N.ya .• Pre* ii,us to Larmit.'l had five n. reri
eaferntly measured wish the chain and compass. 'by W., immune
The Surveyor was prevent win n the wheat was crailled,ond sort
that each acre find its due share. It wi, put away in re:pantie
mows, and threshed aeparaielr. and all the grain me tinged
Whir experope it showed the following re.utty : The hrtmil-cads
soli Mg had two hiirliel. el ece.l to tiie acre. and produ.e I thirty
seven shock.—twenty -"even limbeht of WI eat. That .1r sited hail
one and tine-fu Into bushel. of reed to the nem. and produrcif'for thccks.whith thrashed out tit: rtv , sevro bushels , of wheut."
"Annifier armiteman, Mr. Pranees 8 IDttor. of Perry Co Immo.
rata . IVO. rhos ha% ithl in on my fit nil II acres belt.
Is Itit alubite. rtemoim Grain 1/nil. and I hate no heritat free in
prououriene: Is, the I eet, drill hint I have ever teen. The iiriehine
aor keit Mu-colter to my entire-at ibraetion. The a heat is now
up. with t' e nH.ut lierfec I remtlarltr, Mid Mini for fur an alto
da , . r r,,p • Ili-el tau boric*. and put in eight acres per day with
lIU I. Jt1,310114.1.1."
Mat:tines are now matilifacturril by the subscriber. who
p ircli i{ied Ike Patent. and will be relit very cht ap. Ferniers
aii I other, ate intlliitlto tall ,tnJ examine and eau-it
Erre. Aug. 0.-13 D S, CLARK. State Steel.
- Erie Livary Stable.
'pi+ stab..enbers stout,' inform the public
JL that the) . till enntinue the Id‘ery bumpers
at their old mind on etme Street. near Third.
where Bones and rurriages of all deperint ion may be Anima t a
all, imes ready' lor use, aud prices to sun the times. rteaseatve
nett eel. !MARTIN 11r. BRIGGS.
Erie. June It 1,31.
No. 5 Cheap fide. On Ilan& .
Milt'. Subscribers are now receiving dal') b% I:spre.s and i
ta:ol a tarle 'awl e.: , tieral assorunent of Serli,, , , awl Sum
mer Goode, coni.i.ting , f,
Dry Goods. Grocefieg.
liarilvenre. erae kery.
• l'auer Hanging.l Iron. Nails. ke.
And a great assortment of Car tern' and Jollier.' 1n.4, all
of wiircli nave bccu_puretsased for Agli anti will be paid at a
small ath anee• GEO. 1:117.1..DEN Ir. 130 N.
En... 11,$ 3. 1 4 31 31,
National Series of Standard Sabool - Books.
cow in Arithmetic. 6,1 1.4 Uniresity,
Arithmetic. lliementary Algetra, Elementary timunetry, Practical
Rounlon's Altrehra. Legemire'n Geometry!, Surveying. Ana.
Geometry, Llescriptive Goametry, Shades, ;Shadows,
Parker'. .hivetiile Philosophy.
do. Foot Lessons in Naomi Philosophy,
do. • Schwleumpedtum of Nat. Plolosopay.
elsrk's Elrossids of I iraw
l'age's Met/moo, of tkolo2Y.
ih m iti o w N neloputio of rhyslotofkr,
kn( ind afteiEfeetfiekr.
. -
Melia, re's Astronomy and Globes.
Willard'ealchOol Ili,torY. •
do. y , ti I led Stites and II istorie al (arts,
cl.s. IL:iliversikl II i.toc), and *Pcinple of Poise, and idisaoriC
Scieike .f Ike I.7Ortiob Long.'s:a
Plank's Neu- KnitNA Granituar, -
Parker.. It 'WILK it al Render.
. Wart . Improvettientof the mind.
vi Northend'a Little tlpeaker. American Speaker. P e hoot Dia
1,- -.. h.l:.4 s :hra 4, ,,, htuile, l 2hoir, Britton and Sabers OniEsSchoOl
em,.... iwl Illouti Pook.
Fulh , ll.3lllll . ..ritahlair. System of penman.hip and Book-Keep.
inv.. n oh c Isar:tub it I 'hart* and Key. ,
.../- The lhot e 'I -A of hooks !Live teen prepared with partie•
ular t. 9,,•„c.• I. iire educational improvement or Our country.
'I rather- to t tt u i.d..tif education are respectfully regnested to
hAa11i1,.1` . 151.,e nom. m reference tcrtheir merit. manic,' Opee tat
ad tisat,,ut th the p0 ,, 1.c. 14`1,01. :13•1 hailer Unteerllite , 1:1 Our
toiiiiir!. - Fur isle u :Jolt-sale and retutl• l.y
0 O. 'Atilt rn 111 D. ..,...'
May 11.-1 Agent lb/ A P. Palate. & eo. 1
'the hathtril'er would teh , ent his friend* and the
rt i'e g." 7l lltha.wil ;l ."A T7 hel4 l: 7' % - *lt ai1:1.l'Ill i t Il I tNF;t the ol 41n
formerly kept by Middleton at Mtirphy.aa el re.peei fist-
It in% tics 4 h...iihhatipa urine patron .me hitherto emended to the
concern. I hare now on hand, the laraest stock of Tin copp er
and r.;.eet Iron %Vow wr.t of Ne4, , trork. Those wishing lu ;our.
C haw would du nett to fall on toe 'Wdore buying eleewbere..a. 1
am noront to.i.idt cheaper than the ehenreg.
Wynn! non ou hand the 'he.t t'ts iK riT4)v F. in the state. (the
Pattle tit- 100 which needs no pointy:and will show for itself.—
will Warr...4n to an, one sti.htne to putehaae. Ail*. ille 110 -
en St I9C l'at,forr.ll , l7.m. cheap Vat. tail nfalehe• Strains. Steal
tier I'. 'il- . I ' Coat 11. a Int . and cut taps. Pollee rot.. Tea Puts
nwl t'o' er* d.dw,.. wa.lihowls. cake p.m.: \ pails,hlou horns.
ilippt t- .k.ittentar-, frt. ku Me*, taitlers.*tearrier*, hrieketr, oilcans,
liml Wl , ' .• Pnllo,lnuilik•rdrainerryipittnong. tiriiiiiii,. dion pans.
pi ii., .. • 1,4..•1••• in 1 hal to anon ineaati mit, found K rater... k ,
Ala , a , :,1,41.-.,•it. rat or !i; WARE,,,,,,ig of cake
. I ute*.iroulto..let 1 ...,. •, .4.i t i o r mii „ tea and coffee es nitneers.
fro i t 111-11. -4 ,.: , .-! , . P. 'aid add oil lamps. candle AriCl6l, donee
I. , tee. I. c , : • • ' ' j.. , les rattle t•ot.e. tvlurtles. applebuiter Lit
tle, t.r i- , k..tiu , •I, t e pipes and elhows. &C.r
, 7 1 ,
S •:t1,. , t t..,t0.r.. prompti) attended to. All kind °remain
nor!: i.. i!•a; I re —wed at the idiorterd notice. . .
I• .0. ! ' It %!..iet Only thou...lint the ofonfropper.flrassand,
Fen n : ta iti• t , ',lkea in exchange for Tin and Copper Ware.
Mereltneti , rapt others would do well to give int. a call at the old
st a nd o f Alia...ton k Murphy, two .l;' 14 east of Brown's Itcori,
Erie %larch 11 1e.11.-411. N: MURPHY.
rimtt - ticiross.
CtLl .11.nt. , 1 owe If there Inte t:ot I.rn a real Res , ,rreetion
at Itt, c.,r • rOl French and dal .Ir , cf.. where (1w • ,, ib.critrer
` WM he oir h.,a nt 411 011111. read)lo inquire after the faith of hi.
en.trown.. ( 11 helievin7, a. heriprewea himself. thit e*ery
Inns, t. i. a tij!ht w ii ownopinion.) and also to dhow -thew the
bert .1, fli 0! Nb-erilanetatp.
echool-Books and Family
eret 110.• place, Alpo. on hand a splendid mortment
.flll-tot 1%, ',..,rhio o's R maoof leplTE. warranted to t.e of paver
the 1.4,t 111141Lty, all °Nine It will be sold tow for cash or clean
viper raas. •
N. II nn hand 15 barrels of rider Vioepr,, ofescellern quality
10 be ernballced for rags cr rash.
Binding dune to order on Flinn 110 t ire.
Expected Thorny a larselot of Christmas Books and Annuals.
, Gna. Nior. 41. OLIVER SPA remit).
eagle Corn Plows.
WE hare made arrangements kw making and vending the
Much approver! Double Wale Board Corn Plows, pupped
by Rich; of Troy. N. Y. They are warranted to plea*. Abs.
rusk mould tenni, with Cart or Wooden beams, as may be de
sued. ft,t ;ale at the Erie Stenn.Foundry.
• le, 51.4 y 31. r 3) NEYNETT it Co.
i (Ss:retype,*la Wanes* It Levis,* Co
BEG.II leave 10 lolorut tne Lathes and v 14 4 ,11130 of Erie. and
reo l de geaterally. that be has opened a choice stock of illtsitt and
Pihcr W itches,llnelewelly.Silver Ware. Musical Instruments.
Farley rlootts,ete.. ete.. (north of the Conti Home. o n e d o or
twat or tate street.) which be wilt he rtlea4.,l to exhibit a n d % yin
sell at of trt a most reasonable. A eah Is respectfully solicited.
I:rte May all.
frptePlut ...une.of the members of the r:rte County Agri
-13 cultural Soe urt). the •1.1.6.C11 bet brought on and offers for 1141 C
the toilet% ;tura rtieles. •
Emery & I*. IL rse Poorer and Threshing Illach.n.e.
1.1 Plows.
Corti Planters ann Reed Drills.
og rowers ror rhurittnit. driving grind giants. &c..
CO/MI/Ali roller and crushers,
Ilat. and Straw Cutters.
In ry', unproved romp.rsping and ahenaminer churn
ier.t, Caroell Rakes. Hay Forks, inspruyea atoll kcyitme
•hmeo. &Le., are. ,
Marine 'tide arrattrnent• for the creoar of the *Mee. to•
tether nttit nit :triode* in Atricidtoral Marion,. end Ir.2ntrtittl
Itttpllttomato, I ran Pirumh at Wholovele or the map
tenon as the mannfac torero, adding trawl , , rta,wn. and swan ar•
title. are warranted, the attention of raratPrt , and Other, is no,
het ed. ft. S CLARK,
gri egi .y $O , I 0 i. s tate wi reet .i Duct!' of-Patlersoo'r.
Hew lilichedi for the People.
Tninguboetibet is now reviving hip Spring 'trek or CurxlA,
eco-istina Of Dry Good., Groceries. littrdwnr , .. Crockery.
are. Nail,. Digrgn, k r whir h hr Litre and well sPIPCIOI/
r1:1,1 hoitufit cbrapt and n ill he mold at very IrLw priers Ibr ready
pit: (*y ward for It.) a. Ira any other in Erie Good
road& Print. twat 6je tcOr, and the heat I'm:fish and Merrimac
at 11 . r pet lard, and all ' , Owe goods ,n propoythelt,
‘v..t, wit ti t tb a WWI: trod) pay btil , tatrae a 111 wake the pricer
. h h, w lace Per.OU+ I, te a h pay tor their er,ods
reque.ted to call ~ii f•tt kra food,. and pri
eea. it ta Menai nothing wdo that. wild at : , onr. kr.
14 ie. May 1.1-31. J AI`KW
eARTI , R & BROTIIIER have on band at their Planing Mill
and 'winter yard, on t lib pt., east die furnace. a tram l
iy Of Kiln dried Pine and White Wood Lumber -Planar' and
Matched o Arran-int s - PeriOe to any wetted by baud.
!klikken. will wire Mono; by I4‘ros [heir Stook at thfaantabliall
oral. whe It eta le torol,"I planed* • aspeow• snippet,
awl ono ei into our soap* desired. Each paid kw Ptoortas and
Cleir rise.
t lASI.
IV CR teflt VI. %Mr:t.— rry convenient and uaersl ante*
IN Ole wit room and watery. for male by '
PIM Sei4 8 , I. If &LIMON k
per ~•
X. IVIIIe 0 0 M.! rir • •
And all drugeases arta '
tnii trout a dientdeted I.tre►or
lasataeh.auelt aetN)netipatioa. inward
?,It falanea • . or Wed t the head. geinhty
amp 0101116001. miu.m, heartburn. dnign-t Fur food.
wetald In die .tonme h. v./or ertortaisonr. •I kriut or r.ut-
Lc ( inr at the of the u teh..wt.nunu g nl the head,
Narked aaddidte.dt totmthing. datiering at the
bean. thulium or 'mac•tting
Wm. %hen in a I) rug 14n.-
tura. do n ne., of t I•
salon. ikto Or
gm be sishi. fryer ,IM atoll in the hen.l, Mf. bent. y of per.
of 111.• .1•10 au t r}r.„ path in the pt.le. bock,
htvt.lttu } s. itr.e.„ "widen !blotto , 0116414 bunting In thellesh.eun
..unt tutomnu n ts of evil, and real &pee...pour all rytlrlu, eats be
•tfectua3l) cured by
Da. 1100PLATIntli
DE. Cv IL. 3,11.4381110 N.
Jr ruit utii) lexprvoitx 87611
216.,120.ArreA Street. Philadelphia. -
mi. pryer *serail elbre abastasests not straiten. if rovella,
til any ether r (perdition is Om fielded S , slin, u slit caret atter, in
...metres vier ek.tfelphgnr•eae had 1. lee f.
.1 IWP Miter* are viortlss the a 1 WllllOl. of int MO..
Die reetitir.,l,,, .4,1i-cal...a of the 1.14 r and 1,..
'net ei , itte , tle 41(.1 or arthilig pow ei. m wrai.n..e and
vireo .11.• of tin Ifignitlir onnos they are, withal, Life, cerA.tiu
Froth the Dessau Dui
The Editor said. Dee. U.
De. Nalflat s Cotairated QO/1/141,1 Rdk ' s. Ow the ellee Ori.jer
V mtrihial...lattudiee - ' Dyspepsia; Cbroote and Ner%ous Debili
tv.ts de ervedly one of the most popular medicines of the day:
t h e ,se misers have been used by thousands. and a friend nt our
eibowrsat s be has received an restatel and rernnmet tumor
Liver l'omplailii by the oven( this remedy. We are tont infect
that, il I the use of these Bluets. the .ratient eonstantly mins
streroff and vigor—a feet worthy of great eonsideraifon They
are pleasant In taste and smell, and ran he used by !tremens With
the tarot delicate stomachs with safety's tinder ant eteentn.tan
ers. 1 'rare speaking from experts-nee, and to the attlleted se
advise heir ate ' •
Scut ' s Meekly. cue of thi be4Lit. tan rapers published, said,
Ate it.s :
"Di. Ileoftitsure Coates 8 item. annafaricred by pr Jae kson,
are now recommended by o:* of the most prominent cucubers
of the' faculty as .1n article of moth etbe:.ey in tax , * of female
weakhess. As slush is the ease. ar a ould advise MI mothers to
amia a Louie, rtn.l this save thettseires much sickness. Prr•
sons Of:debilitated ronstitulions will Stud these bitters adva nuts
vnusi to their health. as a e know from experience the salutary
effect they have 1114)0 weak systems. , ,
The "Philadelphia Platorilay Gazelle." the best family newel's
per publithed in the United 141.tteL, tfte editor say.' of
Di. toopt.ANirs GERMAN;
"kis seldom that we recommend what are termed Pateat Med
teitiejl to the cdnet.letice and patronage br our resilient: .and. there
ibr o , ashen we rceouttnetuf Ik. Itoollatue• German Butters, we
Wish to to .114itictly understood that we are out spenkiwz of/the
nostrums or the tits,. that ate naked about for a brier trial a n d
tlwtu rorra len after they have done their /hilly race or mi.e
hot or a ittelicine long established. Unirerwilli prized. and a bleb
kali met the hearty approval or tar Faculty itself
This medicine by All? filed that high ehaitieter which is amni
a:try finr all tuedreine to attain to i 'Wiser co ttttt ,•rfritt-r•u.• put forth
a •P•tiotio ankle at the tisk of the films of those who are inno
cently deceived.
They hare the written Pip:mere of e. M. JAcKto IN upon the
wrapper, and the name blown in the bottle, seithmkg shit fluty me
swirl. For •ale, wholesale and retail. at the
GERMAN' alrEttlentre sToREL -
No i t, Arch Areet, one dote below Sixth. Philadelphia, and
by tespeetable *tier. generally throughout the eimaitry.
PRICE at:out:ED To 75 c t s „ PER RoTTLR.
lett from dor est.dilt-hioeid. Pa , ticular attention ts devoted 10
nsillineccatods, and manyof the - articles manulaciured ca
me:4ly td 'bur or pi. and cal not It sort...lsar din beady. style and
4 chvapsw .5r,...11t. gut Paris ribbons, for hat, cap, neck and telt;
Pa a llll autf tatTA -1,1.0 us of all %Milts and edlors: sta.. t.attmo.
-:. velvets, and mitt velvets mr hats. Feathers, Auierican and
Cash for Larraber: • FrenclaileidTkiatit3on er.. porting, and ennui:timings:dress trim 7
T BF Pubserthrts are prepared to pay t',1:411 for any quantity
4 tatutts,tarrre a?Wntiftent. I:mbrohleries, l'o'pes collars. under"
br Whitraiood I.orither, via- land 4 , 4(
flaartfr ' i f' 24.3 an d '!ateeeci, ,Ild sufft:fine emt.r..idered set ;ere nd hemptlch catul,.
4 intlti Plank; Column 3. 6, 7. P. 9, 111, II and 11 inches wpiare.: toie tb0 f„,, c1 , 1 , 4 , er,;,,, 1
miler... iti,ninn
nnii rap
and 3by 11 Seam! ing. Ash of the folluvrtna thsek,.ess.: it, ii.• 1 1
it, —k. lisle thread, merit o gloves and nsitts
3 and 4 inches; f'hi rry a OAS lands, of shipptug lumber. ile' i P n e . ,, m 4 •k,l' f ai l : . .,'M
.1 la sw n.,., biphop lawn. and Jaccinet niuslliat—
:lobster übers will make contracts for any.triount tit the:above men- '7
Lletatal. tlenen, ,iltuertean and Italian Sraw Goods, -
tioned Lumber to he delivered the claming season.. Twelve foot 1 A uxupt p,..... la. , .
IP tit - , most desirablrlength to have Ltm•-• - -
tile. Nov. 30, 1930.
Alpo for faif'by Caner & flrmker. grie. Pas Lampoon k. Goff,
McKean Cornets. Pa., J. Curio, iti atcrlbr 11, Pa.
Erie. 1.31
Or Ile Nen.
CNPITITAITI7IIt; a large i n 4 ehoiee - vittlety urns. Tunes.
Ill:1MA. AMISPITIIP, %totem,. eft.. from. the hest For lett rind
Amerieau composers. n ith all the old lime% In Oman we. ID
vrlitier a Ith a concise elementary coOrre.almpliied sisu nolaptea
to Ole c moat. of be:inners. The whole eComprio,og the most
complete collection of sacred .ususie ever published. lOs ante as
the flooksture of 0. srAFrolift.
Ktie. Nov 3a. leak - rr.M
1.; iSEIIISEDCORN STARCH—Of unequaled purity. with
full direct tonsfor making Pudd.agr.Fpwiardr.&e..fewifeliy
Etie.Jahilary leo. 11131. .1011.,‘ 3fe ,ANN. ,
IELM M IRVIN tra, ii,g dhlivard of he
.love e 4101141111. 1 .111, and ut the bi5.j.11,,(.. Mary
geruarl it.t. iite• herca` 4 r cot
thr sit:.rrihrt %.on.lcr the rI ua & eeldeu.who
all faerountMof ttit Sate firtu.
KI Pi, L. rraapot. SA strEL
' 1
o Idtpdot of..tperfor UFir op. A4r family
1.7.3 an 'F.ortern %lottufactory ror dnlc nt eu.dern prierx.t.
A ill at afl t mrr he .c on hood. and drdlor+
wtll do urn to call add ex:Autie valitin. and 1 1
sail. on , m odanntrot by Ile I
Nn, is I•Ma.
41.4 great variety an Or new store of
11.),, 3 I GMV4tY. RR( )IiVN
Rochester Ilapp*s a UuntbuiT*
Ix •r. tin ho firth in the insane theories. of the
an I 0o far from deair ma to anticipate il ii
ant foealy.elf COalrlliChi to Telliala a little lOaget nt
eoorkutrirnlliargain,. gri int Me a.tlai +at iefar twit
tooter.. W. ore now font , Prepared with a large sine
Cis.lmeree. Vest nip and Trii 11111 l to ~-ta p lr y a
Co:tibiae.. and my arrangement* ,fOr the ma nufnetio
inento of aft deseripttomi.• in the, pn
most revfmt eharaeter. It ii ny detrnouralu,4li ,t
• •ti.rie.l who patronize m) mantawiniii ni Gemiens,
Min at my store a haiiteouic OUt lit fur a intl.. 11.0111
motto POlitiade• to be ••the tamable sta. pets.' urns
Atilltre2.“ i .
JAC. on
Erw. May 3,1,, • No.:. Re
, ~. t—;--
At flarbrrerleei 14r.stes South uf Mr INT 1. Road.
TilL ProPri e lors. haring made coton.lerWile Miproveusent in
the,r machinery and water works. are linty enabled to run
their Fac ors all ti.mogli the sultrier. and hattsne, alcohol ity of
Cloths . iratir inerer. f r ia tined*. rim% user TWeN.. n 1., Marilyn,
6fierW. eh., Sat/netts or different colors and it etatitle... to ea
change for Wool. atilt Its. of wool Per yard of clot h as ip sod as
the hoot Will wake. We ina ite -all our old customer., and as
inanY new outs ns can make it COnVelnent. to give hie a call.
We continue to full d}r and flOn‘C.lle CIOI.II, and utan.rt it
in re %Vora at our ovum I rate', Also. Carding done ou +Moil nOt:rr•
and its the 'lnn manner. W.iter (*twit:loth for over rnats. o r our
awn inaurifacture. keid On band to exchange to, 11"ol '
& Co
llarborcreek: Slay 31. • 3
OTRAW Gollllll.—llontietsaild Hats. a good asrpttment Just
CI received and for rale at Y,r . o.3 " f r erry
April 19, 1541. I AItRUCKI.r.k . KEPI.EIt.
_ , _
E. 0. iiiiigiorilT i rg • ! .
riAitßl AGE and Waenn Maker. state street neardrer ni h. over
l/ Lidille',. Dlnek•mistli shop, Erie. Pa. Carriages, Wagers, ear..
made and repaired in the best manner. ' 1
Erie. %lay 111, lt3l. ' 4m.14
, . _-.-
`.ICIANTS.—White and Colored Linen Drill Mr panto. at the
' r &smelt Mork. !
\_NEW aoone.
Tilrogutweriber has Joel retortaed fmni.New York and Phil*.
&labia with a large stock of Groceries. Trout. WI I,O W
Ware. Strip Chandlery, &e. 1) N. CLARK.
!Erie. MO 111.
Tor Sala
IWILL sell dt a ver% low price my house and lot in Erie. on
the South <Gleof Eighth Fuel. and directly east °Abe Asso
ciate Retioni Chu Tho.e 4hing to lire haw are rFterred to
nty agent and :I , torney. W 1 S. La te. Esq. Those knowing them
set% es indel.l4 nielo note or account are requested to call on
Mr. Lane and ulAke ya)Vent nufbont delay.
Erie. May 17,—1 WSJ. N.
Xi AA I. ir
INt nlrLi in lb I he that he iigndtopaYrlar
attention to Vtter re r) in ali:arous tfae=.
be reaAntsable. •Pleave call and see. (Kee itt
the Stalde. near the outlet Lock of the EZtellitOtt Canal.
Erie. Jan. 4, It'st.
'EWA sakea Nutt ortillierea on the Lake road. two i miler weld
of the eity of Erie. neany all improved. with a Rood Water.
power. a entuihrti be Holum. Para and' Orchard. Pr fee Why per
new' one-fourth down, and the tialafice In three equal annual in
stalments with interest. Apply to Mr. Wiloori Ktim, in yelp, or
to A. Dausainaille. at P. C. ISlaneaa's, 1.51. Meta Oven. Buffalo.
CIA rettr please copy: ' • 114
en Sldirtilla Marl sl‘ll4 •
plain and watered. how airetlqp.
tar I per yard nt T11111.4!
tfir - Arg "MT Editillit. 11014 i reinter', for trialintria Mantillas, or
width*. can be fiwiut at the lovient figures nt I BlI t A Lrfr.
8 - l_)o rdMil* real "rbirCit'd Edging, from to IS cent, per
ya.froni auction,' at.
rrANbirattl GERMAN OJNTIIIIIIWY.—A lot of ihie nrtiele
A receiver! by July lEita CARTE* Ir. BROTH-tit.
?reflect is General.
I P Ton wish to hey Groterjes.or any thing generally kept in n
(;4o:eery toe you cannot do better than call on rue and see
and then judge kw )ourself. , W. P. usetivacsiv.
A First Rate Tract of Land for Sale.
Tlli' O'HARA Trott. ortiaet N 0.377 in McKean township.
adjoining the south hoe Of Milterrelt township. and coma in-'
int Mb acros. This is one of the revs best tracts of land lbe
nitric of otlitegrain. in the et only of / :r te. it is well iiruherr.g.
eAeeedingly well watered. and satlited•only seven miles from the
en) of Erie. and will he solid in whole or in Part* to unit pofehn.
serf. Its timber and luvaiion wake st a very inviting Situation
fur the errellion of a steam oak, at
Alen. Ina town tuts in Erie. Alao,2ohaltriere lots at from {7ll
to VC (matt being a aub4iVision of Ezit out-lots Nam 330 and
351. all fur .le. by 'tV1.1.4461,1 101 4 (0.
.July 1171 Land agent. Erie. Pa.
I)Orr. W. N. irittriars. harms h.-parented his mire
I .1 %tidiest Nastier of IC L. G. lint J I in tVati.'..lcch awl vi
cinity. 111 OUld respectfully 41nnouttee, mumn and ihr pub
lic racially that he has resumed hi. practice, and will give
pcontin attend/meet° Antall* in the lilts 01 hii proft*lon. Res
idence opposite the rrerhysertau Cbuieb,
IVaiteliurati, Jot) F, 11-3 t,
Gacrue copy tillfotbid.
DRA., ...lain. Rudi, Pon, Malaga and %bikini Wine, vary
-13 ins an price and 4 - 01ility. ,Al*o. pod Widakey Rir sale by
Jolt' It 1t451„ W. F. RINDERNEIItIT ii
SHU' 8. hlo4agemiellise from 371 , na 73 renal 7 11, 5 4110 D.
arly It. W. F. RIND XlitllT :
BAGS of fade tor,ake ay ihr Rau or Th. by
July 5. !.. - W. 1. Risorr
PREMIUM EtTLVtli.—We Oil a wend ni In G 6.
for Ilona ra, Ilnif Daitaro wd rice Paw*. '
June a&Piroto & co.
25 KIKGOI liesiturk:, R iSt 4%,,Cti.q, kart rite *.r p ie y
thr half. quarter. ra ‘litutr Keg by
June 41,_131.
.1 8 .1 R. T. , 3TEARETT & SONS.
Itsyt.tone Paper Mills,
riatliiFi at SA I.E.
. FAIII•M pi .w
014,Vf. V r i r PO% Pr. A- now made and ,old 17
1 1 11' . ..ire'r,crered the ate,:ie • id, the a.•ura nee
11411111 C) net` all I .re .ffiltrd-- 010 ft t in. I reh let) Cl'
wastvidr and ire, introMierdimil ii••ted :tde with
nil lilt TM and row,. r - *lion ni ria time in tLe coutary, and Leen
t'rnein of v.e %erof !Ahura, Society's 4,7ottmlittre en
Iltfive Pow er.. to a Cutulnunle:lllOli w fltleli WA) C 11101111 M alter
11.1 awdr ;Ina of premium. be the aho*e Horse rim.err. sat*:
Norm much 1 iron at lire lair Stale Pair (SrpL 11111) at A lb., try In
e(thetlitina the various 1101-e erns rep. via , Wtiesder's A Hen's
titer) Si 'a, tir.(w itit the owners and makers 310
ItiLtrf 411 Chet rmild and dgaill in their Maumee. at the
rrisith nowt fully cnifshireil one that ;tours was the mt.'s. rind If I
*wooed une„ I would 'rive 'Viscid% Duilars mote for yours tpun
110 ant fuller on the around; and as you n an your laurels fairly.
It n pod that you shout,' merits , n rim rew ard " Ile further
skVs. •• Vni, know (ruin es pee town. 1 bare no partiality for your
e*Mtiloilintent, and as a cututuittre man of said Model) fur )eiro,„
I liner glee 11 4 1,10 . triter against )(ill 111•110 (Or )011: and it others
Mave better article than von ' : I would deelde in their favor
Illiough to ruined jour essablishitiont, and, vice wormat bun w bow
it' I.h the tmlirttorry of imeh men as the author orate foregoirg.
meeliwiriwith Changeable green's. and Other iniportniet
iluorusenteniP 1 , 1601 . 1:1•( *41.t.111. make it the mord cssreaiesf. rfa
erthfr.'rjfruist and sessawrital rower now Made: and the huldic
may rest assured of bolus 'bent Ned by 110 With a superior um
clissue.—.For further partsculara et seeXataii.gue of Allsatiy
Agricultural Works. ice,
EMIUVk rn.
Erie. July 19.-010 -•
~) 8. CEA RE. Agent.
store 111.' Mete At.
slorou Iron no. liale 14ke'll a wore in town. st they
" intend keeping a Intl rnpph• of all the different kind+ and al.
MIR of Iron they make. and Orin a ' eallsteelP 111.0,1111eht of Nada.
Perron. n hate lewd the N air thltde by this Ur:tomtit du not
need to he tolditiat none better arc wade at the ca r t or klnen here.
Erie. Kept
k, Please — Take Notice..
%Inn gre,Aertbi.r• haying porehved the entire "loch of Grote
1. of J. Zinitnerly, will continue the businets at the old
nand under the name and firm of A ar..l d W ofit,TERS. They
Intend nCt lo be elnderoold by any other establislimmit. and will
be happy IP wall on all who may favor them with a call with
the greatest goleseure.
ALnro t rs wAt.txes. 'nun s. wAvrens.
• Wee, Sept. 6. • , 17.
Wed •• • t. I
EDITEMANEA WilEAT.—This Wheal is eons idt7rd
111 as more 011ie of yriding a good return than any other
'ety, is wore hardy and km suliirti to twit and Ay, for pal.- hr
Erie. • b. S. CLARK.
• ! ruzitraex, & Co.,
, berets Produltrity end Street,
'WE are reetler mg. by daily arrivals from Europe. enr Fill and
711 Winter assOrtutcnt of rtertt fa-htouable fancy silk and mil.
linery goods. vve• tesigrelfnlly in% Ur all each purghasers -thor
ongl. .1% to esainiitk• out stock and pricer. and, as itel•Tryt gOverns.
Me feel euturOeut onr 'goods and prizes a ill induce theta to se-
4 'Mt
- 4 1 '.::" -,:.1f '- - ' - - - -•— -
fr, ....._
It Is rain and Saves Life.
lAND '.....e t.,,,, K lulu t...e,a, i* the 4/4 *Stick. to be re
-11. !red 0 n to) 111 P6llll t'ft t r .1 , - dpelve It i* an irterual
and citeto i rethfily. cAPTI.R & ItRwrIII.R.
Agemes /tor 'Erie cutioty. No. G. Reed paw., Erie Pa.
net 3. i r . . •.,...
IVI 4 P: 4 i OS r11nif... , 1 to the
. ()141 Country an . O,einu.t tat"rable
/ v
,0,, r,nonsibility. M. tIANII , ItIt k t'..
Feb. 21 11-J1 ' • Bealy's Block i:f le ra
—_ _ ~ ', f --- —.--
(y•D Va
. 119 tV loAkey—SO barrels Just received by • . -- -
• 1 , . LAIRD Ilk RUST.
.. ; l' • A il, ISD ACIIIINCIT i•
rpstr..... . Tiber nett , as a General land Agent and Land Broker
-.1 -, -tur:l.: infs. In Erie eininly. Tn. Te‘ era' sumo. o f: u to 3t,
r.,es. wat ted. by gitod porcha,cnr, hollered cheap.
: ,- Prie Fe ~t2t, i , ...i1. tt
r .
_,lii, , ' I 1
nR,IIIpiTER u ill forfeit 65U. if failing to are'any rare of
:4.4,1 ma) tunic tinder his care. no matter lion 10.. c
rtatelutr atllirtine . Emu. a sr% are invited to his ,mile
ktlit. ;%Oellt SI'S I:Ni T H three,. rbiladel {attn. 'elation fearer
interttipturi hs , oilicr pnt),ll-. Flfilligetw And other, t, lio hale
here Infra Ittr,elte in the -eirrt ion - of a physician are MI lied to
call. Thoise who liaise iikpire4 themselves •by solitary rice are
a lso int, itMl.
▪ t In the
u iz Per
duet,•rt ter
dl .et;le
(let M. H.
the Box.
nd I Intl
rte. r. tor
▪ ItERT.
Rein t !a; Rert.rrr.—The afflicted would do well to miler'
lic(ore triitiltig their belie.. happiness, and in inanv tom.. their
tires, in the hands of pli) sic tans. Ignorant of this etas of mala
dies. It t;s certain!) Impossible for one Moll to Illldefttai , .i oil the
ills the hurnatt f.amily are mitiret tn. P.very rePpretalir physii.lnn
has las pecul,ar bra/eh. in whiell he it mere soccer...girt than his
brother proce: ... litrentid to that lie devotes tuost his)tiwe and
YF Pit , crif r. eXeht ieet}decoted to the (nutty aced (Trat
toria of,es of the ' , moat wpm together 1,111% Wert, up
on the I.o4ldboat. no-e br ;ea.. pains in the header hone-,
rheinwilifink. ,, trtettires. arli el. irreeularitte.. dierwte arie
ntY frok, t nuoeb,l exer,.pes or ;morrows of the nherehy
the .tot ion Itut become en feehted. en:tbie* tik h i oetor to Wier
. I ,..ede vd ol to nil who ma t ' , lace thetch.riwes uneer his earr
l'hilwhlptisO; Mn) 3. 141. 1)31
N iv and Popular School Book.
int PR Ell r.V.41 E : 4 ,lmtietre rt( kilatory. mirt..tbrr
watisi Etiovripitynf Ith-tingu.she,l Persona, 10 %%hick n% ap
pended an epttnwe of Heathen NIA tholot)•., Itiatittal 1•1111,ophr.
General ,Jtetronentiv and l'hystoloirT; Adopted in the Publte
Schools ot E $ JUN 1$ it ri t, 1.'0.h-hem
W Coiner I" wl • RTllond Acr stn et.. Ph ut ielnbia.
Tr tee,. i i t ririfvol INvirn n•e% letn•tti to MI post
e, forn...h e d w i th copies (ore to I not lon.
A roll atuf t etc A.,rporot of Vuok• an'd
atl for,,j, lt.o rr,e.
tereour, , e.
I a•II my
03 my C 111.•
arr• .4 the
It Nil in I r
n tiny
rtmi my
• the slow
d Ilwise
•() SE!
1.:SIM111.!•ZIIED UI fl? - 1" EARS Mil), BY
N.ffra ;rot Corner / and Union Jl rrrrr between Spruce
and P,n !tired., PhalaJelphts.
_ . .
f',.% KS of extesisit e and uninterrupted practice
U spent in this city, have rendered I) K the most expert and
prAct moiler far nod near,. in the treatment of all dwelt
of a private nature. Pen , us afflicted n fib ulcers on thebodY.
throat, ur Ii paos in the lead or Abner. inrreureal theninati-iu
stricture...gravel. disease arising from Yonthrul excesses or mini ,
roles of thehluod, 01 hereby the constitution has betellite elikeebled
are all treaSednith +nieces'.
lle whnlititees bruised( under the en of Dr. K. may
contidelh)iis honor as a gentleman, and confidently rely poi'
his skill at a physician.
r'lltrterLAß NaTlee.—YOUll Men who hare injured
thenpiel%, 1y a Certain practice indul it in—a habit frequenift
learned nom evil companions or at se I—the enects of a hien
are nightly* kn. even %%heti Asleep. ti it destroy both mind and
body... Minot appli immediately We kites+ and e.‘nstitinional
tlehduy.loss'ol muscular energy. pity* la-*mode and ceneral
prostration. irritability and art leetVo is Mkt-flans, indigestion:
sliinsishtress yf the liver. and every ih se in any nay connect
ed with the prirreative a netedna ear , and 1,11 viror res . ton .d.
E,41,1 Vt)/ 'l'H .41V MA.
. . •
ThO hook jii-t midi-bed . ulhrl w um useful inforrnaiinn. en
the Marmon., and ,Ii0e:10.1 , of the gene, :dive organs. It address.
er itself alike to Youth. Manhood, and Oil Age, and should he read
by an. The valuable advice and imprewn%c warning it gives.
will prevent - years of misery Ind •mgering. and rave annually
Thomonds of Lives. Parents: by reading it. will learn how to
prevent the destruetient of tilet? children.
•1 remittance of 1.3 cents. eneloaed in a letter, addressed to
Dr..K IN KP.I.Ihr. N. W. Corner of Third and l'nion Sireets. he ,
twreartprnee and Pine. Philadelphia. will ensure a book. under
envehlme. per return ruaii
Penton. , at a dbdance a g
cy address Dr. K. by letter. enclosing
a fee. and he cured at hoed _
Pages qf .Vedwiscs. Direotioni, Art..lbernded, by sending
a roof:parer. and put up secure from Deraw,ge Are enemata.
book-sellers, 4w, A gent ,. pedlars, Canvassers, and all other.
unplird with tier above work et very low vele*: 010
Leath r and !has !Udine.:
lr IL FUCIAIRTeIN has in store and offers km Data
0 ! . . , • 'dem Spani.h Sole Leather
I. . Slaughter •` :
+ " Upper
dozen Jersey CalFshaus.
,I " COllntry "
f, French "
• , " Black and Fancy Morpeco.
" Linings and Bindings. . .
• " Kipskins:
, -
._,. " Smits.
1 -, •• Enamelled and Patent Leather.
A reo—l.asta. BM( Trees, Crisps. and every an teje of Shama
herr' Tools and Kit. August 2. I
IV IHITE KRANI)r—.t. opletasd artiete kn , prrxervt nor fruit,
Aug 1 t 3 N11)(11tE'S GROCIIRV ST(111 E.
Bardatte'sVeraziPag - e Nagar Drops.
rna xi leotruetten of worm.. They contain no calomel or
I. tor ti in any osa or any deleterious in7Hirats aludr-ci
er. and are t are, 0 tractive to the eye. pleasant to the taste, any
sure' in their opera i ie ii. Children eat thew n tilt great avidity. }'oi
sale by . l. el. BITRI ON k Co , i .
Cale. Aim t- t lli No. 5. Reed Home.,
()sc., )011. : : isbp AN cHtil, %I - misc . : K-4m Fever and A.
Intermit'oo • , f Ind Rtinntnitt Fevers'. and 'rho various forms
of 6.llicti, dipeaves. J. 11. BITNToN ken..
Erie, Ang I. (1V ; IVholeonle and Retail Agents,
r - - P ', RCN' LANI .1 , - , - ' e n. style. niiperinr 1 . rimy non in
IL./ we. just sereivral by J 11. itL I:11)N ik. Cu.
'II II Usubseriletl would rerpretfully inform ;he public tb,t they
1 h.ii vI, ''owder mdgrizitse. and nee d,..tir na n! , ming
fldf OP '' 1 , ..t,:0 111 the article. R. T. ST LIIRIT .mt
T 1.. ro t.
• Jtiti • ..:11. t,51 . a
ft VI just received a large and well selected stiick of wet and
I ati-Vainilv groceries. Winn and boners. Dye illtuos. Nails.
Gln.. Willt,w and Wunder Warr. sod I do say it tut i.elf.that I
will not he undersold by any owe In the city of Erie. Callandsce
corner of Fifth and -gnaw streets.
1.. Stone of didnent qualitke. last received
and the sale Aron 1 Ito It 44 ends per It .by
July 3. a W F. 141 , 1 DRAM KellT.
77ntetfciAtiftAtili valaaaHrrsi
AAR AIITS fbr Eat an.l :011 aer.4. each. ittotraaWedett b•
I. fermi iar.ery respet t, fOR sa'c at the exc. hanre office of
trie, Juue 11, , 1111- SANFOIt CO.
rmvnr a: co.'s
. ,army ww ip Tr sarvx..
Plaainelitill iip,d Lamb •rirazid .
Ow Eissei/ti st. r .., sf French, Eris. •
C ARTER & SKOTI I EIt haring purrliared ow c i 1 C ,,,, i1
tvi miirtit I'6ll'lloV/3) PATENT, PLA NI N . 1e.‘1.1 i
INC .iiid GEOVI SING MACH IN Eso , l IA •il a. , n, f zeta, ri• ?v:I
tor using the sane In this tinitily. are now prep.', re?! r , r:rr.. 1 ,.„ .
ber in any of tbe shove brans air all who ma) set ht to 14,, n ,
with a call. The ttrc fitly with w inch their ca !:, i., :.„ .„:".
Ide. mein [to Pill the price so low. I , ' h.' h %. 0 '''" ",-• •.1, .i
the no. kitiaiiiiiiin. offer strong inducement. to 1i,.... i , 4 ,
and all others who may be in want of die -•s, ! 1,,,,, ',. ',
diem at le4ot a call and et amfne tub the :natter lett. •14 ;l: ' • 4 4
flooring dressed by this higehine is full) cr4 ii. ii.,,,.,
t.,) ii.lid. both in the swoothuess id the,a,„,,,r„.,.”"'"es
sisfs, w huh it has the advahla !orbiting of ....... t, , ' u4
1. •,„„..
nod width theentire length of tlat heard , reiiiio. : a ~. , r
!nachos w bring the even; het.. e 4 east • farT ~.,
ifouhte the number of itinare4 in a day dies-14 it, 0,, nets ; ''.
that he can orthat &cancan', hand. TI eirarts,,,e 1.., ~ „.,,
led that the:y Can dreft itzwittir ally Width up to 11 loth,. ~
fthiektiess onto./ inehes. . •
'They also ore etact'Lla PAWS in operato ,
, r ..,,,,,,. _
la.fn'eit,dy ::::_l:r..,triiits°,:ri,i:i.l:::,:::,:::r.ti.:':ilct..7l..l.
with the above. with *barbital, can rip lora.. r c., ",, u
eiga,hpg then, 10 , 17 Ally broil of twang rt Cello .1 I.) 1i,„..„. ,
peetnrs. enbenet Makers. laterite hosts. rie
stantly a supply of 1 .uuditr etipcc 144 't% hit , a c.,,1 f'.,,.„ . ~, ,
osiitila lurid rhea Pine ' .
Eric, Mitch 24. W. 31.
1831. '1 ri-W
u . Wei bly ' I.
r writing 0 4
7 ..
touching et Erie. Clench:4i
shore of Labe 3lichienn
iLITD crrrcAao.
leekly Line. 18,51.._ Swam {'r+ - rli a ill oval i to
'fle e.ll
.m, Ira% ,ne 111111.110 r.nh
iktrim &awl the Pun. %a We 11e:
YLOR, We Ton*. Cai , l A. E. II
The l'ropellrr 1.1 N. T,
BARI .I I. irate* Buffalo.
T e.41.1y, April
• June
Tiny , Propeillor ILIA NOS
Bulls o.
Aug. S
Aug 'AI
— Uri
IS Or! to
TAMP. Carl. If.
.. • '
The Propeller POCAIII
leave. OutFula,
Tuesdaj, April
- • May
ALg. 7
Aug. 1.9
erpt. 1.1
7 I • • 7„!,
NTAS.I3O i'oni..eSpi. J. 1% urre.ter,
••• satt.rdar.
A 1::»
I , ct
PTA. eoo J.
is. Brett,
SO .•
n' I . July
Tlx new Steamer MU
leab er
6! July
The rropeller 14 I A GA
Thu retie'',
AT., rs
24 pl. ..t4
het 14
Nu, 4
.i, 300 Toni, Capt. Sibs F..fee,l(l,ti
I , tburaday A , .. 1 11
IS . re f 1 4
12 46 S 4 i , t 1;
3 , ''• hc , , pl
2 4 '' '•' N. , E
lINIA, 45U Tons, Capt. JP11.4 s I,t-ty.
" s . Julyl
The. Propeller CALIF ;
ICEIA e. Bil Ira 10,
Saturday, Mn
3 ' Saturday
4.:rt 16
5 , 1 , 1
FFALO, IVO Tont., rapt 9 B GVd,
" ' Jul
The new Propeller B
suaittt. Butulo.
ttl , l II
'et. II
Nov II
4.0 Tovo, Copt. G. II• GIL.ou kale,
The Propeller
lu:tato, •
I 6
cl 9
y 10
Ara ?1
o rt
r , r! 81
A. 450 Tons. Capt. Satur,. ; „, leant
The Propeller SCIU*
. 10 Saturdsy, A. , e .23 '
) 01 S, p , i.t,
nr 21 .• • '
(.es • i
t l, Ili - rfrti:i
I it. 2 N 1 t 'l3 '
e all ne:triv nevi and 03 ' , Pet , ..ith , I r!
If rat—terzer , Pell fro tcht. at t' . 1,.
:front the toot of Ma, n •Ir,tl. Fe, ,,, .
rd, or to
The above ireerel•
sire are avlatwes
proiartly a..adverike
or piv•lage apply to I 0
Erie, Anti,
ABF. now di:in:hue
a partieiraticn in
1) beyond }he pceml,lll
terms. Los.m.
Fire on Item
or etm nu), fur a husit
/WAup RE: %WTI' %I. . ‘I . TT,i ----
TIF c - onir ANT.
" ,Philfarlithitio
Ilegf on Ike Mtitualplan.elt I , ::fit n• •,d
the rrofilt.of tile roit , pahl . a ~ ,,„.i -, h
awl ('anal insured r,t, the :. ~
, blirraht 4:1•1 prl).1.1.11 , ,1,44...
I ,11.te.Ifttlideite.arhl othrt ,•th; rrti .1:14S
I d te'llt IWrlnallfil Ii) •
' :11DCM C iit3 nd. Eon.,-,. , % r , .. hr.
oho ti. Dario, 11,...1 , ...-11,,tp.
olio (Jarrett. , .11h , , I! I' .. -..,
ti) F. (wool.. a% •••• .-, • ~
11051,1 B. Searey 1:11,,,r I I , .-.1..1:%
soar R. II is is, 1. 1. 2 h •.... -
1 1 - ,iiint. , 11.... v. .1..)..., - ‘,.
r. R.' M. I I tv.tory Jai!, 7... 1,,,1r ,
'prneer Me11.a....,
Newbould. See.) : A u,, rrt• 1
he made to
3. K mi., ,t,t..1 ~ e 1:. lc,
.lo.eph ,
Theo'. Min. Paulding
Ilugh CrOg.
Henry Lan renee
I 'harl•••• KOtry.
Or. e.
R khan:
ATTlicjjitit. e.
Erie. Feb. HI. ►'l9
s, Dye Etrifi.. ramtv. &c.
tier for .ale U 9 lif r•al ..•••, /.
of theirewn I •
Tile ittadef hued
nil Ow different
rri ',MI ?gnat lo any I
I.os - n0.41,
Filo le, Cr, eo
NIC . 2 aioal Brat il
Tii4rilieo with a gel
rattini. c.,'14-.r. Me
lnilfuet , tred. • tz
rend. • ‘,. 1-et
Elmm, R,',t Sandcr•. I 11: I I ,
vt cod. Pl , llettrm ca..d. Vat- t
t'reafil Tart/r.
ral a•-orttuent of 1M 'a , fr, / try . i Inn.
hant• and lantl atac t•ir. r t i',rli
V1.N . 1 7.. 'l -4 )1% \,11&,11 - 11
:S O. 5:1, %V..' r •Ift S .•
QII —rtai e
1 at,4l ri:ll•to,t rtr,
rztru•ti or chr:ri, -•
Erie. $1,!.:4, i-31
T3l, %Ili Phil and.
/1 Cotionade.. Ilet
Erie. Ma 21. -2
Cl..lll"ll:4—Frra - ;:jii
Navy Blue. for
A GOOD *worm
orate. Nathor,
rag, r
I%,litnerr and l'elartr St •t•
1/. et ,k) 11 J U npr N
. .
, J.
two. and tallier SUI/11.1(, , 1 1 It
•._ _ __
, Irtitti-h. an., American 11l irk, Greer, , t 1
, 1(' 'lira 1, at ill J ‘Chtn eJ. t. ,
tit 011 k) t%ooth., Grocer its, fear kin , 114:1.
.41s1Trfrs‘ret by
VOMPTI IN, fl AV ERSile A k ft , _
Mr. the very be-t nrhr Ir. fttt front . 1 j r
touter than :Inv farettat at t tele of 2, r. ), ' a
4;034111)N, II AN Ettrzlii k & li'
Erie. April li
rk TONS Saiiia'
1 2, trWe,for Wel
. .
t 1 Box Scrapers at the Chen' , tr. sce -e
krt . ( lit
—Leghorn, : 4 1ra - en:A r.thn 1,11 i 1. 4•4 : r
o. I. Wright's Rfork . 113* 17
' •
ntl Tonna; limn Tea. It' .rtt 1,-re . tat i .t:.
Tea, by - ' -^ 8 W. F. RE% .1.101' ,117
r 4: 7 OW mass vILTAX., /,
eni of Dmingand:ren Se, it:ilt 1.0, R .t
-i netlmmillter); afro, a p.” L , i • irt I.
tr• est tv,mres by e' 11 '1 Lill Or'
I Saint OVAL. /
• Gil STORE has heen ti'll)gllY r'r . :";
19 the frame I eliding cm Frr,t , ls,tr 1-
Tihltat•'. where the ..n. .. n' or 0 0 1. 1. , I • ,'
meet of Groeetter and trot ft, , - t'L ' , ''''
e and Retail, at a small ad' ate t• '' ''l '
I. N't COO t .
hr smir Cherin at,
cato :•:
A Cql a.pory.
lug Wye. IA hit
ware. for eqtle at th
pl 6,
t C:.
'vim P 1
1 ruzh
door north
. _
by the Box of a la , : , ,!‘,
e vet') cheap tir pnee, a• .‘•
8 ,c; I 1.1 4xt '
vex, - -Q grouTti a* , :0rt0 ,,,, ' I. r-'" .;
t: I oil Ml-.% 4".
eal !state for tale.
I of J. W. Riddell, F.,r, .i.e,pc p vp , " ' 4 '
.IJohn Rl.Pleli, late 0, I r ,.. tier, ,'
tim 6 11 Air ISO fret rtelt. al II , , el e • f '
I •
One 10l us Ow Corner of .I• e ~ , ' r ,
• t and POP kolfront mg cm
. 1" 1 , T.,i 4 ,. ...i : 0
sale by the put..eylt. r. 0 , • ',t,4. .'
1 t ' WiLet , N iir•,,, i. 4 f t-.' t
Palm LedCegto;ro:.ll.4 1.311,11111 n
-111 S.
..earpet Wirt, Cord and
ale by fit su !Tad tclo.o‘,
very ,e
Al LA—botb Ir.aatern and Sotto . rn. ,
rby l'Sj , SMITH JAt $ 0 "
Co:ldab. Rie - tianal in kinds ore,. rr , " '.
21 1,4 i 1.- 4 ' ~._
_ .
sera! almorttuebt of Brandy
for *ate fiy J
and Whiokey
roe" staffs fo
supply Jan
mrsiipmer fo an'
July 3.
NKIN.Rtoe Drill, and a large. ,
ntp, act, hY \
.1411 Pti TRR /ki %T,
etc Those w ho haie u<cd L1,,,u r.
befoir wed. For sate by ,
N• GI:O. $13.1)1".; •"'
to rt. ver r-'
$ - W. F. WNW Or'
13. I). Pereuwwn a Pr hr•'r ' •
101 ft. T. "Ft RI; I Ft &t
500 ""
rry Salt for raleb)7 7
R T , ATt , ft tz
mreitiiErti tt o n r •
No. Q, Reed Vons-4‘
4 a verYcatearive arroto,„•fi,,,,tr, :,, 1
rt they are (molded to 611 thr ~,,, -, ',
g .eboul. or nu school, sr ob , • , ep ,"' -
-qualit, at it? enable the up,' 11,...0,1
lim r ',, , ,
lotion Willi Prionnat•ie , eft tt,,rt,
Cad_Wyatt alt r-a.cuat,t, 1 ,..r., , t , , , ____ - -
r.neTaring on Wood.
,I. , . ..
t e 1111. et I. itnepare.!rt, ruv•.:e . :I! ~, q '. " ..
n tag and Engraeb toe 1..10.:,1.,: 1
i.: ~
orlea.bfaehiaery. atoeietter' titai ,4 ." . '
. te.„kt.,
Id to withaut defray. ehargef ato!erale•
V. ISlti II t, ftim ' (
_____4_________ __
beano., Anitle halm, ae.. a 1.,,
141:1.10:‘ A' •
.m. • I '
Ptark,4:l"-el'Tl.Elt Y.—lt ot , 0.11 4 ' ,t,
ett ii. %bat I bare thi larger' 00.! 1.. - ';‘',., I I ,
lii. illq.ce.Nlll
... No. 1. Kr.'i )••
LI AVE on ba
ethnp ,•f alarm
I me, .1, feces
eat.'wzoo %boo.
are "orb an eat
llotelo.Stor so r'
Cards. Shoe Sit
- iiialiw. itLend 't
Fordo!' in. IA!
WAWA a -
1. bare mama'
ever brootht !4 11
I roe. Malt 9,1
01:Vi'ME 14 .T "
d for .4!c
JOIIIN 111 EN 40'1,r
1 • 1 r.,it
Citrons'. 31,;:,'
ilfre :I , RC it '
41TIllcv kr ••,
_- -
Or 'Late I.l_ _
J. ryl.l
ely ';•
e hy