II H olitical and-General S 4111111 Y kW= RAILROAD COB Vi TION. I ' Flom the Peuusyl• action. - This body melt yesterday morning in tileSansom S?reet Hall, and organized temporarily by calling Nayor Gilpin to the chair. Upon assuming the duties of temporary chairman, Mayor Gilpin made a brief speech, in orbicii he thank edthe Conventtou for the honor, conferred on him, and spoke of the importance of the enterprise that had called that 1)04 together, and ainin,ed the citi zens of the north west of the- cordial c4-operatlUTl of those on the eastern seaboard. The ayor clos ed br swing abet he.had heard of the presence of the Mayor of Et te in the Convention, and hoped he it,;ulJ come fore ard, and take a seat upon the &A ram. His honor, the Mayor t.if. Erie, thereupon c.are forward, and took a scat at the MLitt of the chOtrimin. ' On motion, C. Biddle, and P. C. Etl Philadelplox County, and- W. A. Galbrai Nero appointed temporary Secretaries. On motion, the folio% tng named gentlt spliipinted to select officer,* for I! permad 'Liii-in of the Convent ton 4 Joseph T. Bait adelphia; J. L. Gill's, of Eik; John G.l Er n .; Wm. A..lrvirterePAVarren, aad 3 son. of Lc coating., On motion, the following named genii! spn o lyted u committee on revolutions: II li :{wdrard, Hun. Wm. D. Kelley, John T. i ) , Struthers, J. r. Cowen, Wm. B:R slli2lianibilF, and Hugh Bellows. On motion, the following were anpoin , ,, Mit ee on finance': J. S. Wallace, D. L. Itul f rt Wm.+, Joseph T. Bailey, and V t. tin/. •mottoti was adopted to allow all t pre' era, without regard to place; a seat i %el i in. . ~ kit - T.. was read from the lion. 'MRS t li IR Lich he expressed Ins regret at his • b e present, aid spoke in strong terms oil tare Of the work tor Iwitich the Cony.. a-4mb ed. 1. _ lietter of a similar character was re. E. atiks. These letters were ordered 11-lied. Janie"? L. Gillis,.of Elk, was then call. ad tie-s tile Consent non, but lie excuse I Rawl! of indisposition. Hugh Bellua N,4titumberlaltd, being called to addpessl iamb' t u - nbard and proceeded to urge upoi triton the importance and necessity 0 1 e „ iitio Ise in c ibtetatplatiost. in the co o marks he reads portion of the address z,i.itA.Pliiladetpltia by the delegation fro to tfie.Williamsport Convention in 18351 ,roiled that all the reasons which exist, cooltrimrion of the roav! in question, Cuti'; NO) double f o rce at this time. The t.' in favor of:the Elmira branch, and prncee vieadvantage to be derived from it. , Sfr Biddle, of New York, was' call make a statement of the New Yoik and r, sa. 'lle said that during the month of 0,, Dunkirk snit Piermont Railroad ha r..t.4.i1e id viC3011,000; during the month .i 0 2 ,13 ,1 ,10; 111 July it.2:25,000. In the ft' . poet, the n hole re%eoue would be a t lea if ciol:ar , . The'gentleman then went n fio., tiiiicli the citizens of Penitlylvania led lobe success of the contemplatielret Tl.erc must be outlets for the icningnse ~ of tie We.l, turd if Pennsylvania doe 1 (Lem', Newl'ark" n ill reap the advantig., evidence that the contemplated road woo Biddle allowed that the Dunkirk and Pie read, already incomple,ie in its details ii 4 an 1111CreSt of 6 per cent., or 'had done M. months that it has been in operation. I E ro % ito,sesses ativa•dages in its harbor, ror to Dunkirk and liumln. A lette.rl was read front Edward Miller g'‘,..ci of the Wei-tern Division of the P• :tn'road, tee•mmanying- two reports min , f 1 the B'unbury and Erie Surveys, -with do region traversed. fie sneaks of the itp;tly ..fthe protect, and of the great 84 thr route over all ulthers. Tne progrevi .egipeeting science Linea the reports vi te•A a remain), to believe that the route 01 t ,r , lier unproved. 11 r. Miller regretti ergagenient lauuld prevent his attendal 1 Strut 'ierP, Eq., of Warren c cP.11..41 to Dhow that if at, eq , urt bu;.iness cu the' new• road, its had been done on t end l' , eitnont road, in the four mooting , uhl pay 9 percent. upon the estituaited 1, a minion and a Itall . of dollars. Mr. Gnarls.* B. renro4e also addresse •ingt in a very interesting speech. • The Convelition was orgaruzettby,app following officers;— PRESWF:CT, JOHN B. MYERS _ Val: Ptratnnrours, City—R. D. Wood, J. T. Bailer, T. i;t.orge Abbott, Robert Ketton f S. C. M Ilatl‘Oaell. E. A. Pronothan, A. M.' J ., Wailice, F. N. Buck. S. V .-MerricierSa ham, John Tacker, J. M. Ogden, A. Ir, Morton M'Alichtiel, P. A. Keyper. J. R .ttert Morn., T. S. Penton, T, P. Ilia F.1:labll, John Rubbing. Jr., A. II S.no .- , '.1 Slim p!3,4, J. It. Chandler, C. E. •It d'qtrd Vssui„ Cul. A. Cutsintineft. F. I.;:—JaQ. 1,. (Whs. Geo. Diejtimmn, Al rl..lt , fin E-chbrittgh, Geo. 8V riel., Pone Laricseter Coign, w—Titos; Buingar,lisor, ' N r. Jr., H. B. Gardner. Potter—Tt.rbilllV I%ell. Berk s—II: A. Muldenberg, G. A. Nir l'ffinn,Major John Cuinminze. I.lu relics—Wm. Meckliti7lllr. Richer F.-lit—Thos. G. Colt. Jas. Miles, Hem., iFzr.A Jackson, J. H. Willianr, l John Mc, IV Norton, B. B. Vincent, /Am Galbrait X ^zi Wm. Kelly, Anson Rodgers. 4 ar`ren.-1)r. W. A. Irvine, A. Tan leri, John Judson. 11 P. Kinnear. Nieliean—Hiram Payne, A, S. Arlin H- a6nn.J, 3. R. Clarke. Soitimo j t Sanwig! I,vcolng-4tobert Fisriosi--- Pm Hub ; un Jo!in Green, J. B. Hall, T. W. Llny prlid'e. t"c.a rfield—Benjamin tiartiboThe, Wln W. Smith.. •rthumberland=—Hugh &414‘. crnwford—..l. P. Brawley, Gon. K. I i.A . ng...4oeorire Hu►et. , r,ton—R. L. Fleming, H. T.-Beards te. Mayer Browne, J. Storer. ,lercer—Joh,p/A. Nangle, . ,11untottr—Tfioa. Chambers, Peter Rai 1 1,• in. S. P. Keese, Valentine Best, En ..1., Rhodes, A. W. Comly, John Luntit : , .---. - T. :Vex. Best. - , 'Si- cittiTAßlFs.—P. C. Eilmaaer. Ph;i4i.lelphia T•ri. , A. Galbraith, Erie; Ignatius Clarnisr, Elk; Al ..n Wilite,'Clint ,4 ; Craig Iliddle, ritya :elptim: t `.o'rt Crane, Lycoming; L. F. %V atann,l Warren; : 1 . .• Cosier, Philadelphia; M. R. LOw je, Erif't 3 I) Tat lt;r, Philadelphia; J. W. Wetra re, Erie. The afternoon session was quite an i teresting .)..reic4 were male. by the .Hon. Joseph R. 1 - 1 5 ril Cr, E: A. Penniman, and Judge Parsons and (1 k, after which the Convention idjiturned to :T. •‘ at l'i o'clock, P. M. T:, C..rv.entton met again at 7i .o'clock in the d'' -lg. Mr. J. R. Myers, upon takingithe Chair, ..• a neat and pertinent speech, in whichlhe thank - ` 'Fie Convention for the tumor conferred. Tate Chairman then introduced Judge iti `I, zerne, who, as Chairman of the Cow :-:•. alone. read the following: - : I. &par e d, That Penn-ylvania, endov " '.''.‘ varied and unbounded . mineral i "s . t a ^as she now does with the Ilea • i't s of ;he Union, and possessing, in .' t‘ry to the trade of the Valleypf the • Et e, ibe best and safest harbor on the I :.itaitelphis, the secona commercial : ,,, ..fdrtimn g City in the country, it if 4 , " 1 ; , tliori in the front rank of commeti '-'• ifesulrrd, That the present wants m ' '' . 1 ILe immediate crmnection of Ph Notice, , ' • Er,e by a continuous lvhieh ' ATOTICE Is . hereby riven to all persons lir have otwettled ae ...•, ' .k , e row neilected Aid/artless, but ri .LII camases' the books of Plt R.. Fettle Abet It has heeoppe heeeertary AN mew Owe up their seeitehttiihihrihrilety. *titter [writ' retyhTus of the State. . by lasts or Note., I grunt mower and wort have It. and desire - to , 1 iter , fred, That' subseriptiona;to titi amount Katie with every one persostatiy.and to der logivfilll II "lac* -he Ni&toti of Dollars to the stock of the Bun- I win ahead each day tt my sake. %LIAR the Ile itt4 of Otstutiet nezi. for the parpore of stallia4 said aetaahate. I leapt a satlie ::y INI Elie Railroad, having already beim pledged meet whit all. weather they pay or two. - to People of the counties through which tL• I ' Ent . Be P g • ""'"' S. TACLIEWEIL. road will peas, it is hoped that thi cilisena of Phila delphia will make such midi ions thereto }..will se cure the immediate comme clement and early com pletion of the work. 4. Resolved. That the extensive system of Reit man!' constructed or about being completed by the States of Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, and Illinois. on I / Which a sum of user forty m Mims is being expen ded, verging too anis the un ivalleti harbor of E ie demands—that al.'s State sh old be prepared at the very earliest practical 'eminent In ',pelf , for public ; u-e this, the shortest add moat direct aq. - tianie through , .the !wawa( l'ennorkaida, fiLtn that Al to the city of Philadelphia. , ti & Resolved, That we believe that he prosperity of the agricultural, ma nos factnring, rin nig and corn. mercial interests ocithe State will immedir.tely. promoted by the early cinnpletiiia of the Sunbury and Erie Railroad. the most direct tate from the lakes to the seaboard ci , iestatid 'hit we therefore urgeour citizens to clib-crdte prompty and liberal ly to the 81ill'illry ai.d Erte aftilroad'Xtock. - 6. Resolved, Tr o tt the - commerce , . and rapidly grott in hte.ille.,l' 1 these% eral lifO's of . Rsilmad and Canal, by w hicl k N. , w Yolk and Boston are con nected with the Lakes. is a sufficient, guar nice of the pl.n6:ableness of this road as an investment. ' 7. Resolved, That no pottlic work conk' now be projected that would increase so vastly in value of the hatable property of our wizens, sod the reve nue; of the Sate, as the 8 abut? and Erie Rail road. 8. Resolved, That a com ittee of ..-- be sp. pointed by the Chairman of ihe ConreM ion, to pre pare and publish an address to the public in 514 of the enterprise in which we are engaged. Judge Woodward accompanied that reading of the "reh-olutionti with some able remark* in , favur of the , gri at enterprise.. . . . . _ ewe. maker. of b,. of Erie, men . were ht Mealli• y, of Phil- Ibreith, of me. 'N il- .men were n. G. W. Galbraith, ed, Thom • ti a ci.m I ilier, Jr., . A. !r- Judge Golie, 'of E'k County„ falloireJ with a spirited and convincing speech In favor of the road.- Hon. W. D. Kelley, of Philadelphia, was the next speaker. lie said he ws not there because he., had any considerable amount of capital to bring to the werk we had met to consider: But he held to the d ctrixici that every citizeiV ahohlti promote the welfare of the coy said State 0 which ;pe belonged —and if he had not a dollar to aubsCri , yet, if he could persuade others to do aro-L-why, h felt that, he aliiitrld do the city and State route sem , (Cheers.) The Suriloiry and Erie R tilritsid was en inetitly cat cu:ateJ to limonite the weifare both of ennsyivania and Phtlairdpitia. Philadelphia wag d (ermined tii become one of the 6- at cities of the Uni ina-yerhaps of the Wurbi. But she cannot .acconc, tall her pn-' dation 0 about the Sunbury aritYLoe lishlroad. Let it then be but Ltl—Penterylotnia is de rued to be-. come one of the greatest, agricultural, Mineral, man utacturing and trading States in the would. - Where were her minerals surpassed?l ‘) Judge K. enlarged emphirically 11 the great and msnif •.•. ad%iortages to but city 4id State.— While ne had peen paying crib to to rival cities and rival Staies--liiiiiscleidila was Ftill Om ...mind city in the Cilium. The capicklista of Phil4elphia may be too road of bonds and ni-Oig-iges Which yield them 6 per cent.-tun fund of MO lands and waiting until they or theiX decenda tai could sell them as town, lot All !put nigh be true. Stilt the trading and active citizens of ' hilaitelphia, aid- ed by the capitatists, had really 'achieved wonders. And here Judge K. enumerated the radroatle and canals built by Philadelphians--the thcaearie orpop- Oat: ,ti---atorthe building of sea do atOrs fur alit Smitten] and E ;nowt trades. Ay e—iiild Are asks no Goternment roil to sustain te i rDirrpeilm steamers.' Philadelphia should bti proud of her self-snow lung line. The citizens of Plithdelphia lot' advanced #9,000,000 of capital to 'Hake the Cellar:al Railroad. Judge Kelley was satisfied that at no distant Jay the triode of the West, the South and the Sou thikiebt is - until give to the Central Rathdad and the Suahts , ry and Erie Railroad, and ill other rciarfs of the kind, all that du y can' carry. - The magnitude of our lakes—t hey should have been callid seam—as compared with rattier lakes of the world, was finely contrasted—arid theteionneitte and incfeitsurg, trade, any the 1114).4911We or connecting that Immense c.tminerce with the - Atlantic at Philadelphia—were all' duly displi yed. „Also, the Great ' %Vest—the %Vest id Pennsylvania—the wealth of Pittsburgh— the coat fields— were grouped and blended together by the orator with etrect.s-aod to promote and irr -prove all these interests, eras the obj •ct of the San• bury amid Erie Ratlroad.• 1 7• Jude •K. eluded his warm appeal and, lurfid e co items the Cu- O Bochanan, ,nbitity to the ouvr ha.; ° ru Pli from I , be I,pub• d upon to by , of the tinily, the ,•on great ott i to tile 4tty, lie Fol d for , the be ukge.l twaker II was ed to ihow d tipoin Erie gad, SepteMber yielded I)1 Antos!. it Orio lhs It a riod;i•oi 10 Show IXIITID tPi ' roduct ons 'tit for ish I r. 'A an id pay. Ir. lootl, •, - It Iti„ pays in the four e held that • c., supe• Ercj , 'nil-% I ran'a • - • by him `a' map of. .nt ire feat.- eri , brePY "f ir mode if' lere *sae ey tr 6 Fto _that fig. , ca at the silage h. conclu.e his warm appea an. _ugh address in language of affection for both State and city—a/el:jog his hearers to respond to the liberality and enterprise of the yeomanry of the . interior.— They had putrup/a million, and they said to niolit up as freely as ate do, and if we,cannot beg, we can borrow the balance. We were told that the cat% and county of Erie would subscribelltsoo,ooo. The city subsc iptiun was ir/U0,006 of that sum, equal to CA a head for everyman, woman and child in the city. Warren !mild kive 15300,009. 14 Igel4i4A pledged himself to c r lect $3 1.000 iu Er:e c,iunt y. Lyc..ruing #lOO,OOO to 150,000. E k has now a subscription of over *loo,ooo.lStreiv,vvits the spirit of what was known as the W Cat region of Peon sy/vania. But oe are compelled to ebt4dge our re• port. J sage Kelley. like Judge Woodsiaad, sat down argil thunders of applause. ' Charles B Penrose, E-q., and• other gentternan addressed the Convention.. ' - only. pr-- was! doll.. l et 13),Inkirk oist that it oat, which he Teel- uting the lit. D.l%iA, ttni, M. L. tee, J. S. ael Bisp- Nrsoos. . Forney. •e, J. H. h, Toirn- ISpangier, An additional Rrsuitttion was ofr:red and adopted as follows: Resolved, -that the Lrgitiattire or this Common • wealth iirpissing aki.iiint at the Not res.:ital. regair. Iry the trilage of the initroads concentrating in the harbor on Like- Erie, in ba of the width of fair feet ten )"..tiel for iiitue c•tnnecting with the State of Ohuo, and the - width of- •ii feet, an I feet etuet and a-ha If inches far thotte ctinnecttug t ith the State of New York. has evinced its sseacity and fort . sight in thus protecting - andfn.tetiniz the natural adritotag.. poseesed by our unrivaled harbor of Erie, nit Wet Erie.. S. WII Goff. .1. Gard• 011, J. F • There *as no other bu-inesa of impo rtance, and Je Convention adjourned at a late hoAtr, nu. -- lore E. , W;laun gURSOSIT:I3I Or TIIR CoNsus.—The last census 's miths shows some curious facts relatiie to the COT pirstire, idiocy artd in-anity of the free blacks in the Called States. In Maine. every fourteenth colored persons is an id;ot or lunatic. ' fn Ohio there are pi.t ten colored persons who ,are idiits or lunatics, , where there is one in kentiteky. .And in I . n ' where a lar ge , maiwity of the colortid, "population , are slave..., there itt but one of tiSeite unfortun ates 'to 4'309 who are sane; in Maiseichiteette- 1 in 43; Cunneticut. I in 185; New y. rk# I in 257; Penttrwicitsit. I in 256; Maryland, I n 1,074 . V 11... gotia: ( l 'in 1,309; North Carolina, 1 i 1,440; Ohio, i ii 1 in 105; ,Kentucky. 1 in 1,053. ?hie is cettain ly a veryteurions,calculation, and indcates that dis eases of the brain are far more sore ambng the gloves than among the free of the colored race: ' Is hot the cause very easily tracell Is it not in the broad difference that rpirks the Arlen/ condi tion of the two kiwi of people! 'Thel slaves being well fed, well clothed, well housed,,-01aSing no anx iety fur the, wants of the rn ,, rrnw; wiethe free col ored peop'e are badly fed, badly lathed, badly honsed, thousand. 4 them not kt ()Wing to-day where they can obtain as much fi or' the morrotv as will keep life in the body: Urigit tit °nobly this snit ae•nal cor.d...i. nof the two claret. resentit the real and on'y canee—Cis. Eng. I , ' orturz - ne: 010ITIMIII: TE wire of 1./v.4m this Fait an; Whiner at, the Merchant's A. E.tchlrJge,%n; he— One dozen rpm. ed, . ' 4 1 Mts. HA( .. .. ! tine &nem NH. tt " i .11 tine thrren rm. . 1141( " el., J. Y MEE •. J. B. William A. Wal ine, Benj. MEE .y, Wm Vl .011 c v • Sarni . frlo”.ten. by the Kezar Can on hand at all Cline. &Ariel; the Fan and %V.nier. i W. UARRlEl,SuperiKeuda..t. Sept. 2n, 1 4 41. VALL,ABLiI. - Nit - Atitt rfiWkit - A ~ D. SA W oodwartl. t rainee on ,•rd as site POM:BALM. 11 VALI:AMY. Water Lower and Rem at tile North 'elope of the ri immit.in eta einintymn the Erie PUri.kni t s e.- nal. irirrousidert by therno,4 timber in the taint; . load g.X.rt so eattoulp aGf n .11 he sold at Al great ' , Orlin. LUM BER or OA N ti.ONIa will be takee in payment. Pept. 0. &it. . , LOBBY. sourr4s, rico Ittiral titstuirO, .ssissipoi; likes, and and 004 DI SOL /ON.' • ' T MEeolttnerehlp herrtoltiee eahti me in the ',tares utile ho• finer_ .Letweest the subeeerbetv. Ititdet the thr, limp. Brown &Co dinglived son the it is hfr l., Mahn' eon pent. Alt delta due to the late tight eel° pato W Sennett & Co.. tiho are to gen& all clams *aim* it- SEX el ETT b.tit ; Erje.,Be , ; M. B. LOWRY iced naw al coin- the State ladelphia Pt pent.- h, ambit , ON THS CASH SYSTEU. Iftattig Tried It o We and ft wed Well. Iphrlatirtoo the C4 pe o)inem the onlyltrue iyetem or dotal Li butanes*. the undersiyi, led oar adopted ft. end tin& ii wort • Liven both fbr himmelfandeustofitcrs, as at has enabled tom to purchase his FALL. AND WINTER STOCK at flimsily tow rates, consequently he will be able to tuteith bit eu.toutert and the public at eozreenondime price& All in slant of an e thine in hi. fine toe reve.- bitty invited to filmsee dos cruent aworitteetttof '-. Clothing! Clotheand Cassintereil f`on.i.totr of Black. Rine Mack, Brown. Greet§ and Drab Broad cloths, nittleasonnerer of various puma Alto: - . Silk. Stain, 'Worsted fit Welles Vests & Vest44l AU of - Which were puma el In Neu• York for VASIL awl are now olited as cheap, at le-at, an at any other establislunent to town. Ile i ;es sot deem a m neeary to tell those who hose ibr futons awe of years pat:waded ui n that he COttlittlait4 to taaaatac - URe as FASHIONABLE AND NEAT FITTING Glruients as esn be found in this inAirtril:' bat to new commuters he has nobesitation to saiyitat that it they will CALL AND ONE 'Plitt THESIsteLVEN. They will not go away diwtahrilect with either Cl•ode.lllrorkreirinship or Prie•s. Ctiatoat work always done at reasonable proem and war ratite& Also cutting likAfralfted. if properly Made up. CUP Sind wr thi.agivaate Not become oew" at the off Amid of die wit.- writer J.►Mi2l LYTLE. Erie. ikert.llll. - 1.4 F.:AV %V I AI. Hardware Store . ITOIITIIi 2. oz.van. -Va. Fit Maus AS - tee dears ha Ise Calvet Itradre. Itssfak Amman thie,ds;are Caniatiwuna Aleramorts. lop•rt.r• owl 1 Wh.leagle Dealers is Eztlask wail:eras. Ihilr.lociarit. 4.. r. ti A rre V i l t lieee urn t i C l i a n n otrai . : ( l 7 .i l i a ii r ife ' tu ""ek r. of ait S .l e a u- ( . "4 ....i. d .:: - i poriation from England nod Gcruinil. pretesting a well assorted and in: l u ng stuck of gouda , at close peters., The) hate. of Aiucrican it ud.—a large stack of Ruler. and Pattie. Camera. Swels„ an( Pocket Collet) 111 all the towel! Of handle.; rile. arid Rains; Buichert Wend and Cooke Ktiltelli Slueke andliltn: -Howland'.' ni3.l • W. ninon is" Will. Maley. Crow-cut. and Tenon Saws; Hand Pa ~.ei :. ai d finch Sawa; CM* liaitinucrai u r Lit t hurls: Aogers .and Ainirt Rini; Inroad %tett 1 rdrpeillera' AU: ••Sitninti'a • aw l "0„,-,..,,.,,ppiRa A.s Axe Dandier; ''Wellinotra" liiriong Weld, and V.-1%.. litwkl. I.lllt, Shingling, Vita, and Broad kiliteli. tat 1112.... and In tvirog Rooter and l'oiigai Iron and 0F;)... ii..u.., itual and Mu Screws; Table Duna: Aired Sqiiam,. Grid Irons. Coerce 311.11 AC ' 11,1nd Snoareat linage*: dcrew Oilier.: pint Levels. DK 1 - tare ('astor.o rieutetteolia: naliteziii) Kinks: Sind twirl; i rt . ; Till. Cheat, Cupbuird . - aail Ciibtriet Lark.: IVite Rai and Mini; Wrench.'.; aright and Annealed Wire; Carina Sawa:, Itlaelonuttlis' t 1, nv,l li•lnd and -k 1..4 log Ilainnwr-,' !indult Mena. spoke $t....e.. Jock. and Entelst • with and in Mid- :eral or l'e irl %Viiiic II: ii itir.; Door 'Vander; Nonni, vig swine*. Bolrr. I 'lit iii Iloilo; itriliinnia and Imo Table and en Speinon 1•1.11cd Spoons., Furlintind Ilion., Kline,: Chalk A Flrh i........ Curry c. 0.; 1.11094 tapir.; P."l Curds: Clue Lows. rta,h Cords. manilla n 0..;: r...,..n....1 Atria: r.leri Springs; St n.•-; I•arnit R.lince. ii .“I 1114 M 21122111 2 4 C:122` 4 : 2 4 ...vim.: r...tr , rn. 1 4 011,04 liateol tlti ,ii Cud., 3.4*%, ',ls; re,t ill,. 22•2 42 10 ,214 ..0.1. .0 se. , ; .iiiraw.-1,11.: 2 . ..21...2 eal , h2l: sa.l knobs: blind Came, eta; ”f:, in r, ~i• ;,,,„ ,i,,, g .i e In cart. 211,1 fatiraittie.: hAals.! tail, 1• 4 :ta; linou‘z 111 i :.e-, IcAll acrapery; to .ad iron. aiol .1 Mao. eirrinceitild 1 , ,, re, ',Ai.: bench Ver..% , lia'rer maid relp •o•apr , . T Iriktl,V 4 r. *la,k.:llareq• r.,ntr, •e t VICO: tat 11 4 11., 'linnet mein-. rt•t:.., , pha eo. and lobo /trot,. and amp human. on !dire,. vomit i r‘r cliches; II iudow sp g. rin; Ina., ere hook. and Pawl. hooka. brilis and Japanned exit air! I I honk.: la ardrotte hooks: led h cadra: lwairt hooks and e v e.; ton duo hooka; looking ell.. ,keens: nettle knot.; paste ji.nters; Frame nitil iron plumb tins; iron pokers: bona. ahoeiwn ante f Who; • tiV 1 . 0.1 o; Whet prea•ro; nail and spike gitubletin cruw banal shoe thread mid to ow.: hind saw. mill and Bastard Fires. bor... and •Ikle rat,..: trittiti 'het-, lark• and brads; ehoe and fdiedusig natl..; lode aim., pail.'-; iron Inds and noalii rat like, chisel 41.4 aujer h..n lig•s; carpeniera' rile.; ti rah Salt-:.a-it roller,: oil tone: et I ill *lows: sluicing bower; awl liana; Line ts; wire .neirii ..aiiitlll2 Italie', t •Ittol, lialtilllers: laf•Th planes; Owe jeaninier,i irouoi iii7e, dour tr.) era ; grlotlllil Viral, Sara, at rut nails and rpikes, ate, = ChiAtlilid gourl: lor4j.theil 41..1re1e and loot.: books and hinges; spring tram!: a guar-. bra.. and iron candle "WAN: anvils,. vice., an.; aledges: tinned ladles and meat •oraa. melting ladles; iwpales nut unmet's; iron squares.; braces and bits: 'brava and Iron pad and trunk toe ka; 1611Uirerg and tray.; IC.. socket castors; till;cupbuird. cheat and cabinet leeks; brick and pointinj 'rowel.; Masa cock,: trace. cud. of and jaelt Chains: halter chains; racer belies: knives and forkru. armors. shears. ,titicep shears; horse shears: ragirro: curtain pins and band,; Per ging. brad ati , l Pea tog Awls: clout nails; tenter books; strap bin ges; nevem...mu cape; pistols: tea bills; ply era; cutting nipper.; ponder Plaaks: Etianimletlsauce pans and kettle-: brass kettles; round slam/ rode: title drawn wear nail .: compasses: brawl .nurse: a; 'Watcher.' steel.; hand and ncli ',Wm; roopers' rota. Isaoco; spring pinches: thlutbiti; Lamp Pogrom; iabli hNen er.; B ass Union,' curtain ring.; Brass-bead and picture nada: daub ring.; unwell *KAP; brass ' , crew pulite.; basting spoons; tobacco buico; Praw,r till and cupboard locks; tool cheat locks. motets Bolts; eguaredwarl and welded-brad bed server; •Wright's. Los vices. CS crusts-cul aaws;•4„: N blued Bark and lock. swain, truWels; pincers; and sipper„ Dividers; Pollee 'Cuts; Jcwaharps; clearer.; butter ?e'er.; cork screws: key rings; ger twin ..bate.; measuring tapes: reek pulite" sad roller c.aLs: lu.tre. IT The advenli.ery have uivdertaken lon the whdesnle Hard ware Biwiue , , , flour .1u„ atfnuat4 luw {owe. , u Near York Pearl ?Went Denterp—lroh poe.rtilv the difference of trans portation on a very few twat 4 s puudo—and t h ey tee nti manta ,why it cannot to door, pod eten at Imo p ieM. ina.murh As the Paitent , es - of eond•iennk a innifnea. at Buffalo, are nut one-half ttio,e of Netv York City. Thry invite b lent to can their at.aorustent and priers , . STOUT & tituvi 16.-4arli.; P'S Vara street. k - PERFEt,'T SiIrEGUARI) AGAINST QUACK ER'Y'.• Till CAL'APEST stdor EVlit PUBLILISHED! ' ItRICE 0141. V CENTS A COPY. on !WE 00 On ONE DOWAIIki Deltolris PRIVATE Mew 1.0, TRUATIPt. entitled. 4 ?tom -INotteal Vine* of 114arrime—a popular lti.e on the scentWl/1117E0MM of co and 11111[Ufitt. nNstnß WWI den. tl db.etiaea to t.otn .a.t.es, with up. d. of 125 colored and pl4in.littvo litho and VOlrtalVairp, illurtraling the ipton.y. l'hy.lolony. and Diarai.e• of IVexual nrgana. their structures. . 4 and Itlnelt r i'ons.atili trsb vat ton/tin: ries tw minced in them by solitary It,. crest.. and infeetem.entWei. • plOno, end hanetul effeets of Vette , • etttela re.. to . w Lewd nerriorr. 0 .it.e prieilealoh....rifalitill.oll ,2 02- , 11 , tonal: lettiitial Catloololl.. or eon etittilsonal weaktwei. nod sae tombola rt,nlpallitee. The whole teen-triled hy i 61111,1112 e. 114, tr at lif 1.0 I 'foit . o pi ivite prnettee. The reproilueuve orzlite tit ';' :1 111 : 3 4: the il . l t : Pe sir k a t.th i t i r l e . linin :l ii 7t ol i .r a i l l r nY • P' A ih t i o ll: . irrottilarov. or MC PDIAte rap er....011 of the %tenet...nod their re no,lom by H. ft Li I, oir. N. 0 . (Ira Lion of th e Me Kral De partment of the :ioriberit I*, rosily Meother of the Itoepital des "etwilennes , resin —rorr r; ()talent of the Reformed Reboot of. ieine, and member of / Ntedieal Roe tett.. Ste. &e. 4 } 1.1 ea PION. 1 In thieb..v3k O, nai.ate )fer y p• 1711.• dketl.te if Minutely de ret.be I. wdh their ly nyom . n I tow 10 1,4601114 h one froth row ter,-irith receipt. fir the essie.Les. th-tr manneentent. ete.. in 051111111 Op/ tie It e'vlate• ' , eery 0111.1.141•,•••••Cittv and pti. v•ilely irent his e Ise. Chem.. nvou hal the illiaa*lturow, ifatlr praegeeti by troche on the ten rins.l‘ or to John. if p , c. Orly trr..t. rd. Y./um:mem whl hare pr a 11,11srl'etale so .q111?1f1111t d.s. ease. previon. In plaerta then !Wei under Ow rare of any lbetor tin to l iter se!‘ n hp , Pr/Neil./ /9 /9 I V t •l a e of Mrs iroly ugefut work tir01.11• It elrjrnm , 4 the iriekory and in, o•tnre prar tireJ bbg4 , ek•, wh) alve.at It rare private di•l•a•es in ter• public oewompers zlol,l by to author: who may be Collollltell uM•t tiny of ate. 4lmei.es of 'telt Em it troll. Any person omt.ibil YS rentee ylc da loiter 4,P0. 1 .11.1) , wili ter• ell I . one ropy of thus b•tak ht :a ti 4 or fire eames Gr 31 \ -A,l.lrer •Dr M. ILIA Vora, or h) I'W Y. 41,, 11 , 42ta10, . {lr.0.1 einikletise of the American Pantie, that it is searerlr nerminny In Pas anything in its favor, and the itiatnikteturer takes this h issrywitty tom) that the ennAdertee thus secured shall floc be flowed. In addition to the various kinds n( Wraing Ink. he also ?Dahil -1 ictures .idessidiais finical tor mending , taaas and China. , as Vl • II as a euperior flair Ilge: a trial is only necessar , .. to insure it- future lute. and a Seartar War. well adapted for Itraggi.t...igid Bottle., at a very low price, in large or suialfitontititim , orders eddremed to JrnIF.PII E IlttV ER, Manufacture,. Pio. tit ilacmat. Between 4th It Sth, annotate emsrn Philadelptua. Sept .10. 1...51 EUREKA! EUREKA! We Savo Pound It! ?maga What 3 1 . , W"V.111,1 I. ROSENZAVI:III, k Co. are "ening all 6001.1 in 'heir Irne cheaper th.tii any body. Je rt , or timaile, Oa aide of New York. Vail in _ - 1 lip Wo. 44 Wright's Mock! and emmiae their great ammoniating of Coats, Pants and 'posts, , of the finer! materralp. of the best flt. and of the Mogt superior tvorklUalibhi 1., which are paid at that e+utlittlitt rnent an cheap that a man will make morn by buying than going a ilium. In +lion their artietea are' SOLD AT SUCH REDUCED PRICES that hereafter there'eaa be no etc tape for pertly Coat...oiled Yeats or dilaind tel rant.. But their mock of Ready Made Clothing 10 not the the only Ind .ceinent held out to a .rat. Ragged cind Haney Publse" to cite thew a cull, ha their stock of , . CLOTHS, C.ISSLII4ItES ¢ VESTLVCS. is unsurpassed for variety, Fashion anti. aboie all. Chen Paws; and as they have in their employ . CIA. *Saks Best Clatters Its Taws. They will be nearly at all tilltre to mak. Garment, to Ofdfr. dr d watrant them when dune. They have Goods from the linem fa brics to the eneroest, an that every• oae can be tuned. The) have a Mike amortment of GENTLEAIEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, math as Oltirb.fr the !inert Ittiality to the Coarr , e,rt llielarrY• handaerch sets. cwt r., • eh... Scarf,. under ea 111111Pie(P. col lars. Hosotils.toartlyer ith et cry Onus iu out line. We have a general asoorunent of ' Ladies Pashionable Goods for the Fall and IVintei trade. We have neither room eel time I.) ellllllltraW utlev.er ofnuality, but St all jolt say to Lad tee to e“Il and examine fur tht•tuselves. IT IS NO TR, ()WILE TO 5110 W GOODS. and i f ihe prier. don't pun we'll endeavor to make ihtni. for Fe 14 loh 10 aril and are detcrnsiiird not tote wide-gold. Don't forret the location. No. 4. Wright'• !dock. Ircic. Scot, It, 1.4.101. Id dernirdstrator's Bale. BY'nue of an order of lee t Vphan't Coon of the roatitty Erie. wall le 1114.1 %'etoltie on the preanirer.' r i day the aunt - find day oft 'cutlet neat, , onaleencina at ten o'clock A. %I the followitte de.-rtbed pice. and of around. siortut in rrartenvine. in 'dom..% 14011 ii. of 1..1k Creech. in the 101111 y or Erie, and deeerabed at follow.: A certain lot of ground. bounded north by the Ratan, Earl br lot of I.eorge I onieruy. tough Ay :he hirhn ay„ and went tq, the crual, and has in; therron t ratore_a 4 e. (*ordain, not - about tinny sodb of ittoundntore or trim. Alno a cer tain lot hound d north ' 84/111. egad by land of trnlly, and loath by the nighty ay, and wen by the land of William' b Otter. containing reit rod. , r eland wore or tete and a War bon.e thrts• on; also n certain othei piece of land. boandot north and emit b 1 the other lands of said William ANttlfOr. died, •011itl by the land, of ilur .re 11414 On.! weft by 11w %lea tvilk• told, eontaanote Mimit two-tlstrtla of an CCM of hit I. and havinj thereon a thwellang TERm4.--nne (mirth on confirmation anti... and the balance iir three rn sal annoni • wstb ettletelo on the ehttpte punt ann inky t, be initi ith etteh 1111.14w...in. lobe reedited Js Iguteut Ikttt.l and 3ionzar• on Ille prirtial+es. Ht IRACC 11.%Ll...A.troinioramt of the rytate o veer en --Min 11 illiarn Wince. dee J. A. DS. kiLAAK3I3 NlTOral mitneetfitlly intim the ,t.niliet and Genthen,ol V Ette and atlyontitgetoiatts that he has (inci t e! a Stm Ow - ifinutaetutring Aiterted. Repairing. I:leashing and Finish jotg twir awl Late lionn.l N , II I'l us. and elentlettien•s llnt4. Haring had a log ex N't ;. ti&e•in the largest ‘llatitifatiu nog establishinents in afattita,:• assure his customers that t t i hawser leas/. his tr. It \i11! be is•rtret in Texture and Fetish. IlaP,n made •It•• • _et tents t t reg.' ve the latest New York aid Philadeli..t.t style*. they utay derend on a rash , ,nibk Ilan tither Ina& tir repaired. lit tllittefr linitithed with iwprorr,l films of new Pyle, motiaMl y on opening. A. W. BLA got ten a sharp of patronage and will DWI* ow by eloi.e attention to tioaineva. prontmaen. of time. outwore orlty Of work. /kr. Alt knots of nook kept. Call alai No. s Brick Mock. Ftate street. neatly•olyesite We Custom howl'. Ette, Sept. 04 1631. 314 tem , f En Lwr T. 1112 321W 0 6 114112,101 r In T.lte's lair CitYilit the Store of the Jew. I. kept every/him:cheap. prettyJnor ne w; ' i To he zotivitteed what ne ray i s really Arne , t;ive us a call. then (/...ell never ..ay nu{. - • I eat , . flamed. plain and Sarin dectieues. Aimless.; Venoms and Misfit, de udd erth idu e tv,, , Mull*. (Mier and splendidly rroid Pfl M 11,4, Wrought in figures thy most bearititul. dr ioiis in' modes. fare Cape*, Understimyes, delta, Collars .l nd Cuffs. Together with a large assortment of th ,_y stuffs. 4t large and splendid lot of hay fitlte fikursyls— . , . ladies we're happy to receive ado( your eatts. We lett e Ilress d coods of all eoldral. blue. starlet pad brown. A,. pretty In chew a.leals lid had in the town; A.. am oilmen; o ruplins. Wain, changeable. watered and plaid \\ill Far prettier and ebeaptr than any wheie else in the city Can be to id. . , i ' . ll'e litre a ,fine lot 0 osiery aid ittores-t-rigu in. We hate LIWW. WI ,I.nre.4. liiwb Mute& andmialn, tir oil I toertilitts and Polkitiks. Cambric'. Cotton and 1.n.110: tfityle. Which [annul be Cleated in beauty of p•herns, cheapness and c %We would also notice our tipportniton et% Ines Mae. The pure Jules. of the gra pi 6, glown on the /tinny banks of the Free from all drugs and poisompta dreg— None eau its eteelleoce know:until it be tries. W. would advise our friends railliearefievee to partake, ~ . Nut merely as a beverage. liiititbr the "stomach's sake„", rir n lurk rake it Is Rood and eds.:tidy can do you miliaria. lii it. purity Colle•iMli ns chief itua .. 4\ ,, Charm. . To wake quick sales for small plofits Wit erfUlinq are willing. Unit/tenth . neighbors weiiiait;tiot tor big profits and the slow ' slaitreug• . • The nllithle risperree principle I; ours—lir it we abide— II) it out goods we sell and Intim:in slide. ?km , I do not want this community to he token by 'unwise, ur to think 1 nut trytun to, pull nvoot °ter their eye,.; or that I am at all inclined to be fount'. In so) tut I yell goody very cheep ter the . motley. F.rie. *Ts.'" 15531. $. KOCH --, , Mita- litilib • cowl ED Rob' iho anweaber In Mb , ,eily, on L: balarday load. a Yellow Cow. four Of lire yrnt. d, a lathe -tripe on lac hark awl a a bile io,l--.4t Wit Are twoo.one await not Nur largo. Any pawn netornin,i clot stray, or prang tokamak , '" where it way be Awed thall Pinably rewouted by the witocaber. au Preach !street moiler ti rertraceGEOCit HART. Cite. Sept. 113 I€4l.- 3" if trail Iron!! iron it 1 1" ant maw receisina q lmre and %ell aimortsd stork of Iron is I. eon he found vest of Alban!. It iris board entirety ay Cask and mitt be sold ihr the KROle at prices that defy competi tion. Mao, a t late stock of Walla and Spikes. at trousnaile tigures. aurusi Et.e. la • Ito. I—teed Howe ihnst s !I 1 Am *ow teeeirlplit a large stock of imam which Tarr jam ton pourebased at rely km agora is New Yeirt for task sod will he wild protafrisonably low for leash Of ready pay. I aia aloe *eoliths* a 411110 supply of Tao. Caldera. Idolessea, Spier*. die.. &a. I Wylie she a fiension of dome wishing* , pelf chose and say I %lasi' 1 tan oft; as ywpd Inderegaente as any Now* in Ole atty. JOON C. pIiINZ. grit., eclat.'" PIM' TO lIPPAINIL FIFTY EitICANS MASSACRED; AND all oh dont becalm they were UV." la swam the Ca: !I boas so . is UwW,latiependeseet awl as usual tome see Beamed w others we dispicased. 0 , 17 wsy 'must it tO CA1.1.; AT JUSTICES. And ciente hi. large nad well selected sleek of C .0' ki:44 CAsStMERES, AND VESTINGS. -- make up turilet on the slowest no** awl In e I ape. nthaien leaving their nw,Rtntore Ine -t depend 00 Ma a hen wombed. atal If nut r I oil be skied w 1..1te nway. sly Slide Clothing. .n 1141 eontinue to Amite, a ~-ry sal eti.x lot of , •tt w let tee cltt reconaornol to itt.)••• ,11 •1 ' r Mends nry,t thri nltlic to call and •S -i att.; end to i brae not ludo" 'ne wy I kW you; and we know you tt ill be , nisi I ct 6., k a• U - - .0\ arch maw. any garoneut t. waimied thee I', We have on hank rten.l) 1.1.1 e. Clothing, want, an i would Innen, noon,. rtices Wang along sone one tq tati.tied that we hare the • zit Goot. Thia we boast pt and ti He eoos.l. IN hoe awl 'Panty elsin*. {Mtwara Pioeks and Stet Orratata t alsseh sell a. eheap as the ehettplvt. . We w qua Muni our tiroultA to Or 11' kot pleased 10 rice 111 our old euworrwrikiam. tan make it coureoleut to rite U. a roll 011, JOIE% m..n:.1.1141... trio Pep.. no Poll. -V - - WOOD WANTSID, Tsuttee Hier wishes to puretlw aord\ KAI w.sart delivered at iris A.bert 111$1 , runt.? of Freeith and Lib Streets. i S. JAL Apt EIRE D A GUERItii.AN GA LLEItI", Park sow. a-few doors West oft ALP SOMEIL SCHER:WAN is happy in int in! all lathe wi.ti DAICILT ERRE.). TV Pi: LIKKY Le.rtll , 4 l . who are at ¢II panie.ilsr that kind ot picture. they &Up.. Cr him lOWWould4tris.ch thtve hers haat t-' pressly fur the Art Matti' is the t agent /aril* 'Arit t. and it ha. bees the eori.tast 'fads r al: wonky of the Muse sitice Cie Art was diterot red. Wein' and control lt its the manner be 4 adapted tr) produce the nitWt fisurst4e terte.w. 11te reyiat• of (hie .41.4 and of rhourarada 41 es penintent. is that there is not a rettletlah e tutripanent Gaiter) in the 11l to where the pie. (tree are made I.y a cousistai a inttow..ina he wig/ rays be can produce superior !ottani. by such a a the ow prove. hi. ignnrabee ut ilw Art. Thelattnte titter therefore hilt. trove utast!. that b. tit, stringier LIG I IT. and *soh an apparruun wwth.it times Suit-ab et is Was city. he isenal.l,lb, pw6liwcipiciures a huh camel be entwile4 in tht.pakot time country . and otter. to etcehi any tlotta which can be produced ilk other manilla Erie. or toriht oor hun dred duoar7i. Or Ito al.o a epletttlid butch Wor•lting Um:nem with which 1w taken cltibtren at any aye! Let it be didti nctli 1k . f. , 1901 ins pitiares tt ill not fade if prioper!y kept. N. 11.—The ”recentiwitruyrusenta"rty ne .ern at the above IMPOlit., ; , W. 111 81142.1tki..1%. I:rw,trept. la, If:M. 1, 14 -- -.-. — MEW - Ai NEW IgAT Azi;xl asp STORM! 1 Tin: Ftl; Oerlt.T. haring ffnli4l the' re ato on Park Ron. Inn dog. n cri Oat% dnan..• ar. Wrigher. Eicharer titer. liar') oceolord ani a .bin elf% Mort lA' 111 r. slnrkton. 'll4l Wli to call dip *nen/ i(JI1 at,the no 114 . 1/ CO Pale SY 4110,401'k of /r a s a tk C a p s which la. IM now opening. Ilircrt from raitern Mintitacto n” , . Being a pram eal !Inner 'delimit', and basing taken the atincno %Say. in the wlection or atene Gnala..dhe canassunsty way rent As"Ufird UN" are made or finis 10 lteru al*. and by the bent work an n. and n ill be nalfralllPll ruin?! in hnc.b. bty le and dural.dity wan} that tan be had In the EaNtrro elm-v. Crutleaneti fan at all linter and here ere latent todsios a Win. 11. nrebelkCO'll celebrated Ilan ak Neill' , York priern. nn4 . ran. ut ahno. l rscry ..tylc, quality and price. Also, a sood :dock of Wad. Robe., The suh.eriber hopes by boncrable. fah' dealing. to huilJ up his riess, m hi. aim Is hot ia.)lkeee Ihuie who patrobize hlPb Ma in3ke eel ialoe ensinniehi. K. J. MPG LBS. iIiMMESEERE rail Campaign Comm:net:l in Reality. Comnierchti EA ch.Nitei Cinikiitzr Store ()pelt!! ( . .../144/...> C:karer tiara Erer:•—Greal Mph 4 ess'ont gore 1 Laree aikas and a.lllll prof*. the 7dultot TlIti104": wish i tilt to purela.we 'tie hereby notified that they can witch:v.. ‘II:N and ktl /Yls4 CL(l'r1IINII mid rill a imln of Filflionths.a timid* at atnnit Intl price at lt'lti,:m , .ile or Remit at the telehrated Clothing e-tatilialistiesit. No a. rournert ml FA change,' t.rte. v lane,' w Wain the last tit in 'nth. by Up% nada of 1„y• ~..,, y..irn i t em,. oimi ail pato. in the now,' Stater. to 1 , 11) DO. IIM:g olthope from Lifter commie* lam now in tree.; tof lie mo,t •lili.:.o.l.ra.vi ell is. the I ir, 2 e-i :it... a 01 41..th0 et er brought to the, stenket. w hith I. iintiort direct from 'Wrote. therthy co llie MC ilohber'n profit which enables me to Pell filly Inn' tem. thenoet, thin any other inidividaar in then city cal, on dare nen. In Coq I am prepared Wadi? Fall and Wilder llo• hing at :web ra nET. as vt ilLike oheions. are the greatest 'mumble itidatements lei prate. Wile and goality Ittiinarkset laniards. My stock Whig ao tafft.Utta the ay 64 60 yawning, II ventsrlr tits issenion that none will lentre ummited Or dieentirlied I din in the ri teem of She latent Paris: New York and IthatalelphlePashions. and employ ohne Mit good workmen and will dier fore he able. not wily so manufattore what I alway• hove mann at ured.a.mmlitta. hut al so, to mitnurieture them ice the moat ft imiable and workman like enahner. t;entlemen iiri.htuit to linletnoor clu•ni. And good goods 101..t0 well to roll nisi (Ism ine , my rain * of I triiiia nod ' , wick:rat, Biomes, and Odiret'alani.t. ever moot.. Patna, Chun, Broad I tuilin. Camtinetra. V, at Mg.. chin.. Fancy Toes. linsav la. Cr..); a he. sin we cahoot runnier-no 1111.e:111nm! iire, and we will.ndidw you more gooita. falter good.. nint lard--.hush not lemit —Oita per goo& than all themliet tiatribliahment• of the kind sit this :tee.- For tbe liberal intro:marl heretoGne be...towed on tne. I old respe c t ( ill) beg leave to return my larinkv. 111 al ways k sill* a large and r 04,. 4..rt.e it, mud dealing honestly. fits.)),a id faithfully, I hope to tetaus all my old cuatuntera , and obtains Many new mien no UPI Cliff! twills their tans Elle. .• la. 11141.-18 , M01 4 1:8 KfliCIL EMI ' :i k ll' S:lr.. 'l' a l ei*, ihr.i ..,nr i p 'Hit 4.0, hy_ , ~ _ . 'I Natiatnl 'bird og..l4enetied no _n benwn, Tick , Marine Atli**, imuwer spa.. cocoa yarns. GU pil id II irking. all or a Inch will hei pol 4 elleap mi Ilic 18 Alt HI & Olaserr-are sat' Crockery. 4 4 4. L • ref, 7. Perry • CE iltAtinrimeni of Crwker) am/ rhreow are. pm rreriv ' whirls s'il; he sold as ebrap or any in 1'.24 !Ai I rkci, at \v. Murk —Erkl. Sept. 11,—:8 ! . Wiest. Groceri• i. _ .. AGE. 110F4111114411 jilt artit tag. ellawirlltilt Of e641141`. teas , .. r+ of velour kind', tuol4.s.n. PI rotp;rie , rie.. nt 50.3. E yck by Id A,11110•K LE & KEPLER. 11 IRDWA a' :. —.A god atoontodot pot rm . , riViaa at [ rerry Block. by 1r Alt 111"rli 1.1, 4. KEri.cit. A - NW) o . lln. 0 No. 3:1311123 GOODS. Iv] I int,' plain awl fizirerl Poplin. !Wigan, plain ani I ikLatiat, Cabtitoeftir of the latent Mt Icy ory , the e.imit yIS ARBUCKLE K EPLER QILK —flits ' , yet. tu. D Wit it Rd. lauldla Black r 1 Pc ; atro.a erent vacirty of laical sty W. plc( f CC.' I Ved —l3 A R 4 K CZE STARTLING NEWS FROM CUB.% ! ! ! - Executioft of Goa. Lopes I I I - r AIR ) & REeT are now ree,ti Mg' ". law and...0(4141d stack IL I of I. II roods consisting of Dem,. ~ I . ..A. mete.. Glivicaiiiv. "alieueii,fituivil.„ llre.a Ailko. i' oniiiiieves.&C . or nets and Plc.• cant sty 1.. never ierfolr brougt:t to 1! , IA till t ket. Ina aoud- were oneen hip." and wilt Ir sold as low as can .1 litrt.:eAli) any house an this Cily . d , serintinating inthlte is insiteil to call and .e.l - roilheinselie. ' , ha test pnetir,ltl the 'nab of auras...tints'. 1/ont forget to call at No. 11.VtialtroWyck corner 4J . ..13111.2mi tiftll sown'.l.lllllllk REST. I _ _ —. • - i t:l.tiVE.l4 fiie one shrill.: a yari/--eitst .1.11 . r. et to 61.4 11..1 0 lanes kw a /11111111 g a ler I Si yo. 1 IVri;lits Meek Er,e. Sint,_l3. I..tIRD At. REST. _ t iNe; 1 ilii. -- :: l ;ieriiiine 7 ;leoiell,l:ll — ane 7 ‘4lllll.l' timid at N - 0. ‘.. 1. 1 11 t rryther Mock for out .hUirrig a y.trd. Erie.' lc U 1 i. I..ti&D & RST. _ ItAA N T F.; o oo ,:,...i. , L J.M.%Vt. , ou . hopeourir weds $:3. 0 11,. ..I AV will take dint hint .intosetio , ismnsiderntiot, a m ! , 44 iv• I 1..141110 &RE 7 ST. 1 r tto ~. ;.; ExTie , t i- n 4 of Lei - tine) ic Vanilla. (.0 i i‘oriiii i 1 1e..0. J, Ihn.. cowards, ra,try.ft‘ nips &e. Par vale nI - Esse.Serti 13._ , MollAir.'S litorery Ansel. nil, ft crA a I 44,3 to:Wasson:n.44 kw ;tile at' ._ _.1..... 13 I:rie Sent 13. " • • All(1011E. - S Gower,' SlOre. ifii;47:; lit Pll4ettarrort --' eallia;k7.l4;4 ferric rdtartdk;e 7 cl - liiir . •4 tine Sela U. ' MOORE'S Grorety Store, cz noi t:: tV.klll: (rota the Erse inanuravtory (ornate at 1 / 4 / , Erie. Sept. 13.- , , !410,01117S Grocery Stott , . ... 1) L stlrK Tr 1 a .senor article of ftlaek Tea .j.rst received and A) for steel's, MI 8 tR E'S Grocery Store. 1?1.01"R.—Eloui (tow c/W %Valuta rreek ttn;ls tlw Creelß/4Q so te• had at 4,ltAtlte.'S i;rneevy *IOTC. ir TIRE srri el" 0. nwl C.. Miller II rd eon.ant. The bo.owas will be continued by C. Millet list the obi timid Po..r People.' &alai omen lie Empire Store. 4, MILI•Eft. .Nug at. 13C. MILLER. TAKE NOTICE. All nor.on• knowing theineetiee Fite Ilene firm oil to Pettifog the Pa um as eosin 6f. tamp day it ithout any misitnke. The looks nod 111101.1. eau be room, at lli 01 1 . .t.t0d at tweselit. O k MILLER THE CRYSTAL PALACE NOW (MEN roil irzazionc 9 lir $: proprietor, W. K. KNOWLTON. has ins' tviornell Oman a 4 . the Clattdre fttY. with the large 4 cheapest and hest assort. menu of JEWELRY AND - FANCY GOODS e'Ver 1,4. re impnwed Patti that city west of think irk. all of which are ready *Jr Inspection. on the first that. No. lowly he krupi a large n•mortinria of Gall and iiilres tVat , fwa. Gold iflJl?rd and iv , Kt. - found Seats. Finset Rine. of even de.efin. litea-t pins of all Mit. and sizes. Cult plus anal h . raeris is. Gold. Silver. and German silver•thienbles.euld muesli. and pens; tied fof , anq vista chains. Keys. ie. II avant made amuse= merit. with thwitittaifietsweri Sit the east to thrtis.h p aura!) ev er), he.h froto the :slat. hoe p i:1 be able to furnish those article. cheaper than any other estaidtahm• it west of the tread - tun of the N , w York and Erie Banton-' Also„ on hand. at wholesale °Trefoil. ail quantity of Lookinz Classes, Brawillorks suit other thswoleeer. MLawar. I twilir ler enr.—Sue h alkyl IMO ante.. rnetodecm.. bass igoolttep. yrlmr, lonjoea, otioltroutinet. elatiomir. fl.ne. Alarcon.... tiny, rierordernt. *Olaf Litl4lClll:Uphror bung*, and geroink.d.. extra gkiier. eh unneta and With+. site f and German silver table and teaspoon*, wear and Batt me:mm.l iltrt knives. Cerkia T.—A ray fine art tele of Peiskii leer . of i Millet retetira tednnakerr4 Raton. and Rau* *tram: reiasora and ears. Cold. tier. and Gennats Alert and "WO INperlacler, , 8 rrratenx Pettis.-e Tea tied, canny.. and enn MloClLLl.Vitortra.-13)is* Caret. Vane:, litotes P. tedantl Brass noire,. 471.1 trot., steel I ate. and sat•se elnors, hai eowba. ito. . 40 -• wren P , fit.cPttpl Cases,* inning cardy and enteiopet.gabiini-u hor rt.. &Haute.. the,. wen, walk t, and rocket kook,, krirea dint adka. , lea eft err. dr. All of winch wilt be idtorin to ht. ritivert at any titer between /Ile h ors Al, d‘• M. audit r al., free.gratis. and a anion fee on. ly t ill be taken from thoue abo tuay,s lab to take nore Cl said ortieles'llonte a ith thew. - ,t - r Said ralare Is Mantled on t h e ground fbraterly occupied** Mai I Knott Wm, one door sett of the A eed House. • Eete. Fell. 11.-11 • ' NEW ARRANGEMENTS. A rut. that I orliA to haws Zagora. ' CITOCETWI has an:nosed to his new wore. (on *4%lft low." 0 two dolts cowl of Itrown's toemet.) wbieb is noir being Mien with as theta a setee.ted stock of Watchef. Jewelry;. Siker Wm.. lave" Plated and Genuine Nitres Ware. Piney Ccaid Maskal ins elements. map. hooking Chores. ate.. Jae assess he dated westot New York. (no aii•take Go this poirti,) Ladles and Cea ra/alum. I him. indeed.* betandial assoktarent. who or you' will not rail and see Owlet No doe his week to ronseentte What is not on the **ant hake," asap be !Quad in the wooed and third tons. 17 I fa" m111)41 414 is the keei•irtritter. Put 'cress man t ion a 111 he Oyes loWateher tor an experienced waalnean. At the sign attar Maestsosh iNatea. irIrOCKTION. "Erie( Sept SIP, ISM • ii. WNTRD— Lis* *tarsi n. Dueler and Chewer. Port, r. 3 , - Timed'? foul /tai sect.. M wiliels der Mt Mal kin peke Will be pad bf 4 JOAN C. stalk. Erie. tept.3lk P3l. • arta 131 40 City! \ wolin Ab.n, a nice lot ur .4 en4Probbno. £(4Apende.+, , ...uu,on %wry 1 - ow, and i 'se fur past favors, and a• sway new IMPS as Yu 0. Re 41 Home. Praeutal Ta of til Kau bLION Ich Ikmel rer Coe CO cxs , coLris, noaitswiEss. BMONCII 11017110 OP/ NO-00110/3, OA STRZIErAI and OOMSIIMFT The annals , am( Jleol .c;Ptii.e,nelir ao tb." of the pug erauJ t:ilueof inlay •1ie..1 aO cviitiplee to compare with the valotazy eft., e AT ales/ 1:111ERST The remarkable cure,. of Ji.eames of Oa. 1,t01.4 belt realize! by Ile aiteeted a they ate by prufessfirs and plir-ioisins in this and fe;rPtris Is e:ter.sins Ole selleted to 'persevere, ss ids 'the. pcortvi the urn of the CX,7 as t f (141111- VI ul tt l,t to and Itx 1.1. IVe 1 re.enl to the ratahtie,ittitGlielte , l.le.tiv,ol,i for fit-t men to our littou h t ;re ritutlie 11 c. tilde not . be 14acc.t. rcuct.o., Presidelnt of Vermont Medical t!,,,1 ka t he.l ao.I tormi4nbie {LC Chi: It ucrhSe extetteuee it/C. CtitC _ tint t# eerwof the Ctit p sqsP.l., enr,ing eain *hen they will feel leeu ' re from theye:lnibirrs. wl Melly can be Al.ln Prepared by,J. C. CZraret Lntnll Fikl in Erse by J.U. Button. and by Dingai‘to! State. CORN SNARL:U.:Z - 4 , 41er *mete fu• Pll.l 'inv. Aug 21 11 5104 JR E's GKOCG WINES ttil.l Liquorp.—The I.e.i at•ornnenr July 11. ix July It, I3 RE„bm.,—Brotaus (Jr uue tofu:ling enelint lv - 11. , • lit in E. r: i 41. - 1 Ci.f/7 — • —Jo/noAW:7N ..:015'.. -7 . - , Is/511 . ; i — ini - h — lii//' • .%f, kr', cia. ‘t 114 4 ti4l hiiMA, tII4 Ttja.rer;fGrt , itle , J•ity It i . 3140 .s , :{1: - Gicte ; 01.‘R i:fi% 1": E. lit Llotte mad draught fix ogtle at 1 July It, ..,, Slo , ilt t'...14 tituret .16 DE IS d. WWI 16, fo'i the Iii;l Cod ;: 1i in Ow i sly %_1 Jut) it , , . • Mt /t)111? .5 4;Trote NI At'KEßl.L.—hu. I lhluctrurel, in 4. - Jr , elt. lu?ti h/ • lam. j.lrt freeliTa at _ :MOtati: 5 Ur , e•et 17r. c ETA III:ES of all ' ,ktio.h. tnuyhe h.. lla I. July /1.. MO4I.R . V.'S ( nice e 8R,,, , m5.-131)du.a.iiii - v rt.i7lrumncon fir xltoo and Oar tale a t 4 ,vichifiVS GROCrorff . .UPS and Mop riiiimm r;:. be fll o uj ..it Julys. • , r. ; MOORE s' G/I(lOERi' .. . . . Br . filmO MUD.S I.—iA nru article. for ..air-t' July 3.: AI()ORES' G ROCERY : 8,,.,,5s I' 111.1113.1ND5, a •,1. - .....d aorenolent :,i the sin July It, I.II,VVILY. 111101,'‘" __i A Yes. A x v..... 4 " —E. 4eatre'.. Airs. a ion .0r.e.11 - ati IL .1 , 41 4 . ' ',' I.OWR V I.IIRgAV i __—_____4_:_______. aim .is a - of all ~ , ,f .t041011, , for 'ale SI i& July 5. ... : MOORES" GR(7CI:RV I . c'son.4 vt.scrrr—,,t thvi , .upot c . . 4 ; •'.petetf.' , ! A, 1 -, ju.4 rec',l a. :... i 11/00/1/.5 GROC I.RI 18a j '7A, _ .. 1 I LOWRY & SCOTT. 1 , 01211 • 417D4}G .4 vt) 60.1,11//5.5/O.V MERC/IA N nmaLtus :xacoaLs - t Also, Fi , Flour. JAI arid Plaster; At Out large %V • W , •vtuf tire (lodge. Public litic lc, Erie. Pa. 11 B. tA VIII', WM. , NEW TOME AND nate stArmo' J. Sears Co:. Agartk.. 'prialc DOCK, Ellil . _ A prepatclito contract Bottrr. n ty from line to New Vork—thooigh in :tuft) hour tiJr Lain , on Ene *anal—no dirough .lereti w fretn fluir4lo to New-York. Fur . Coat, rt. - ou,, White I,Vater Li ee. June . DEIT4r. einver.sta. lITCAMEICIAT' office ah Speea's Telivrapb I nest Vr,ifjanu, Es-liam:t. t , Ince.tti.,l... , tte.o.i. I:r ie. Through 'Meta is to Nen 1, , Tl , , ha Seo y etk and r.ri.- - and to l'ittAtoriti via I lle‘ e;.l IA ran lir , procured at Oil P..te 41 `Lew Vurk Ef; itt, 1..1 .1 ,1.1.1r g 1l i.,^.1 Mt. 1851,, %gm...nix:bays T...torsi, 18 JO WV Ii." 1.; E.V1.1.\". :gent From leZoin Tickets,resn be procured for any a 4, 4 1 .1 lowing !'bores; , PUNIEIRIC, BUFFALO. N I'W ' lts VOIIK. i.oNN,F(Atrt TAIfULA. FAIRPORT, r LI-% EL% \ It. rITTIIIIIMI 111JOCr. Mo•Atis. fit: ...:Tlt(llTy CIIICALM. MI LW. RAl'.il'gß and Sortiiroir. 02721331.411palrard's >''a.pro. - 8 Cake. ital The Avnl ple.ler4 hiermrlf 'that I.Rot.ctivero proeucb T.rikeis Stout hint 'hall cwt be let\ by the it.3.tt, but shalt be ty placed on boir.l. A 1 .2", PA Y. . _ ~...1 2 Passage from mid *ortey Remitted to rot Britain vr.d Ireland. • s EykOr.E . LIN E. s _ jt l ~.R2 7-4[7.171 ICcar Yozk d Liccipool racket Dr.ns4 ••S n.hmg to envd for tlii•if (net' - i u ilf• at It * Ireland. ean Wan) t 116 C . nrOkt• nrran with ilw sutoe niters, oho have in eon ul el len n forsitsrames In Great Hriialn. a I,er% rnnivii n• nnd extra' en overeat for the oe erimitudat ofper...isis t iniaratinel I tea. For the prompt tutu 011 of his engliz. , senss, the ber Mr the ridvasstige of ha, oz. the •:401e .‘ , enzy or r of the splendid New Shipi, consp , rong the "EAGLE" LINT. OF NEW Y'ZRIC & Porkete. sailing To lee a month from mete r•irt. 1 ye-.lr• -• lb all cams when tiscs , e rent for do nal caw f o r money in ill be refunded. without dedssesicn. 33 !TALI; AT IS/GUT. For sale in some to sod. which o tt he cashed fry ats. Hanks. and its she ptine . ipaliscni ii titres's:loom Ciegland. Scotland and %Vnies. BARN FT, 11 IA Rp,s & Loudon. and J.VSler. a.rotIEN k 4. Merrliant. I.tttttpotv -arrt.s sic oot I ITI I JACti-ttN, Alanil. Er tat to di }MN MeMICil A CI.. ats4 th.,uth.4 • RcreßeNcr.o.. I • Messes. P. 8. & U. i'dose Newl R. F. Lon". Coq.. Chi • York I , ot • I love & 1121 C. Co J W. ‘Vdeillock & Co. do. I dale. Peon. •• Liberman & ectlols, • do.i Areliilia:it • Prier, do, neer & II; C. •• lion Allen M Sheraton, j bondale. Neon. burgh. N- V. • - Meuto.t:. &a. C. Gilead A. smith. Esq.. Seerat I a- Alio:lily I'o ty. N. tary Del. auJiludeou Cana: I Ilan •Yett,. roost. , Co. N. Y. etarc l 2 Starch II: , JR k I")'$ Corn and %Alien( s ilrelt on • Lute quintliteo. for otdc at Nrw Vuqk WA...falters Order. front 4 bow) , Merclkailt.pr..supi) Erte. Jitlyllll. C. al. TILIIIALS, Cht3 JAPAN Walla I I !Limy: a aro, i'nnalc Slicks. Thal r....`. Sp llta On.. Motet. Ngle., To) Cup.. Which will !c• 11 die doz. at BuiTalu; rriccg. Eric. Aug . 13 A RUFUS. WSLIMEi r CIIOOMO4III. 1 • friends and eusinineri in Ili cily and vacputy• A shong Waft.. found 4:cocotte.. Fish. Flo etc' . rte., h.gfrther n lib abloom wary article tinnily In illnecry %hall u ill be liold a.. chen44 a act c helo t; can be found chewing*. Alino.t all kind. of country prod•+cc trpcn in ezetringe reties. grip, T. W. Mi NEW TALL GOODS. Tltt; 'ruble rlbn• are jo,st reeve , Ing a large .-teek la( Sam Pall flood.. eonsmong ot the aimed t.•arieties. wh • heti) stlened. tth care and %silt be *old, a,. low arine Pkvoe givens a eats. • . ARBI.ICK & ' Erie. Aug.3o, NEW FALI. GOODS AT CLARK -. 1 r AM now reeelvati a mattnltteent stork or thr hues r A 16 la 0 D Sow.. Aciphtn.; frotn a r eadisstilk daarnso a shilling' De Lane or ra four CCM era he Rama aim* variety ot slate that ow. :the 10061 (11110141 , i .he suited. Tomy atoattortit of carpets anti ott shako "twits haw, Wee Nude I they how &CY tOOP P llib l e tith r g ig• or price. All Who rail at No.ll.llkkd Olouse or the rmlerkatly of tbe sash II Sew oveVany and all • lele.Z-1i 3 11. 13 Si 33 I . 1 plus Z 1.3331411 I. f Ass ofld aat his POOR. Hoek of 41 •P So Mews. A. &J. 8. Walters. '1 Isle CuPClifle4 art .4 that the Books and aevaar.ts of ZinstorillY & tiitebear whet:wk. awl John Zitninctly. ate in thk Ica of the 41st•tunt for 1,411,1,311 ATE tollretion. ISCCM/att‘ dicta .Are Ito the !AST OA Ll.i therefore troolkotert wilt pre at of ;iv lug ttibi their cattiest atteta Wu. 2113114371 Vie; A08.3.1.3e, IPSt. A. H. 11111 Tr • • rHEtI GUM for rate Ey Itte tea chimp by ve.." Erir,,Frrl. O. J. If • lIVIIITOS TO. OW to Vie PlToof Pi Ini.a bed oeuend Ily hicb have prcattitHnt letio !Id NI- raw that felyttire =MB Ld r.l oei 1- one ciao ,coosirleni t forultd4- 20,1910. • of )Plif rtbr.ctroci* a hula iscreri• gad that lade tri4imie s • ,■ lad up knurl- ) ear - ther are. The the Prop ' and a trord , I tlr or your Ci.stril is hut !itesel4cls; EMEI = .Ling we tr Unit** .11 this tc- ,ghoul the. o for bale city at E3W IN I=2 p AiO4 PtoKr. e=! El rn•l. 11071 • 4' I re. I tier 4 Suter. ► iced-will TOSE. _ gil7Ml Ir. Co COE ram ME EZIEM S. 450 :re #Joille I proper- iiii WTI tined.' / ilflXo4; X 'Celt!. UV rim Asu -S ri l , CKEir, • It. it their ulps- then or •MLrr t the We Ur ' Anief - Overt.. ugt.lll I the rd, the oil the relit tu!. - utens„ liill Logi- Car- =I n p. ra 1. Inv and in price*. ' , can • ' ..&e.. I • Sioo6 D IS Soda F. nd Ix a r than ard a have I lowest. j. .LR. les of ;sm . 0. pay prin Zit atkonig. A. If. *al I 1114"