Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, October 04, 1851, Image 2

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erie Wu.lth
SATURDAY moßairi
wiLLaill a iiii:LEß,
l a
For Justices of Supreme Bench. • '
J'tREMIAH S. B Cli. of Somerset.
JAMES CAMPBE Li, of Philadelphia.
ELLIS LEWIS, of neaster.
JOHN B. GIBSON of Cumberland.
.-WALTER H. LO% BIE, of Allegheny.
e . ..t.S.W*• -- ; 4 1104
For Preside
Judge Church has written
Cooneautville Courier. &clip
o be used by' that sentient&
tion with the office of Pieeid
the Judge has acted as we
though we are bound to say
• right;to expeet. However.
the only coarse consistent or
stances. and we freely torsi
per ict doing so.
How and
As oar very worthy Sheri u
his PrOclantation in the oi,
Democratic portion of the El i !
of the time. manner, and
aye that in almost every oth
Democrats and Whir. ars
puflalit to call their attention
!attire iu regard to voting for .1
bly says that the " eleitors a l
Supreme Court on a separat.!
other Judges required to be I.
er separate piece of paper." ,
mud, then. pt least, use dye,
oue, contiiiiing the names
of the Supreme Court—soot
his candidate for President
iog dist names of his eaSdi l
Commissioner, Associate S.
offices. The time for voting I
day, the 14th o(October,.an
Democrats hare not been 130
they will not fail to be on ha I
sten. John Strohm, and Eli
candidates for Supreme Jud •
be diipensed with.
Is it an Ilnj
*The Gazette saiy• the at er
sideut Judge, and one of th
were instrumental in rocuri
is unjost—in shor L t is ".imp
sax! **that they stood *Milton
Associate Judge." We are
gentlemen' the benefit of thol
mesas willing to ascribe to ill
deafly intended it alveoli cs
:elk is aware that our atqua
men is sufficient to enable
*them is a block-head or a fel
them to be, in politics. taut
men who would by no mesas
were both candidates for oirM
baTroumr, or on the corners
their hostility to Jo tge Milos
nizailt, were coasulteil. and c
proventrd his defeat, no mar
The adro'lt schenie toes not a
es to accomplish a disrepute a
c'outasellers talk learnedly abe,
to be done, he smiles gricioni
doubt of its propriety. and in
listeners that itemust "Anodic
contest." To be known—to
'pie could lee the' 'nodes o
his prospects; —hence the ..t
Convention" has not the sti I
tionfas to whether the goal
procure the rejection.of Jot;
cieat that the defeat of Judg
elusion seine days before the
=that - the p-rticular friends
mouthed in their 'limitation
epary meetings began -to cc
iVenly proclaimed that that
oirei board."; ow. who be!'
known. w n !connived
when accoairdisilted. heartily
Candidata for President Jo.,
dulga is as nisch special pl
caa tell its gnawers that th
and deep. has gone abroad t
is cermet—that Judge Mile
sour. he did pot coucer hear
Wwo suau. rtcout?
culatuas w she* that Judge
ester was au ;nu-Illta &M I
State Register temple meuts
troverted subjects., The 'let
the • as ”charaete,riaisd by
and generally woeful inform
thoughout amid to present
theories: and whatever nogg
natdrallv from the sub"piet
waiting to see what reply th
TnLaue's essay. ^• • I
IX CUM' AS Moo —The Gszate's right-hower across
the street. is sometimes as tear as mad—for instance.
is commune( open the qu lifications of Mr. Galbraith
for Jedige. thatdelectahteshiret says: ••lle (Mr. G.) does
not possess in a measure lea dip any qualuficatiptis what-.
elyr." A friend at our 0 whose ear for the ridic
ulous is proverbially scut. says he never , heaid the
equal to that except once. • that was when ainettern
Solomon gave it as his °pi . ion that •• There's as much
deference in some people soy body."
U Taxas.—The recent election sheers very clearly
that Texas is rapidly gaini • g in population: The , in
cree in the number of trot • already reported as tiering
been as tCut atthe last election says the Texas Civilian, in
dicates a mots of at least •1.1100 for the whole Stale.—
From the scattered change of her population, and the
want of all excitement in pe election, it is probable
that at least one &t rils of tie voters did not aloud the
polls, so that there is little d i eubt that the Sole contains
at least 40, 000 voters. Tekss-bad Saver polled 14,000
previous io 4847.
Qeortv.—Did an)
the qualtfications or claims
from Prosiolont.tiodso dew ,1
,flezette did'oi ascribe it to
Sever did, sod we don't •
fly the by. opeothig• of
of °plain that the
seats, or it woold oho Ito •
: 14, task for that very oft
27Th. MtehlganCes
tonviction of i 9 asd
,t , t4 conTkted. 2 wets
for teo years, 6 for sight y
Veves of thew. ea •
protested their issocooeii.
t Judge,
R A ITH, of Erie.
letter to the Editor or the
1 1,
mg to longer allow his name
and his . party,, in eonnec
nt Judge. In this matter "
Isiais supposed he would,
it has nsn written-as we had
let that pass—he has taken
proper under,the cireuni
him his evident ill•tem-
.en to Vote.
has not seen fit to publish
i steer, thereby giving the,
mon. of Erie Comity notice
co of voting. (those' we
.r lionnty, in the State, botA
. notified.) we deem it im• act of the last Legis•
dges. That act of A...ern•
all vote for Judges of the ;
• piece of paper, and for all'
anted in the law on anoth•l
I The elector in this county
I separate of paper—
, f his eaudidates for Judges
ler, toutaiding the name of
adgr•, and a third contain
. atm for Governor, Canal
i dges, and the other county
I uue week from next Toes:
we trust that althea* the
ifie'd aewordiug 4 Law."
d and notify Wm. . John
'all Babbitt, and tl el. Whig
• es, that their ear ikes can
: Charge
e that its eaudiaate fur Pre-
candidates-for Associate;
g the defeat of Judge Miles.,
y unfounded." It furthsti,
ly aloof from the contest for!
-Ming to give both of these
li denial, but wit are by no
all the force the writer evi
kry. IVe presume the Ga-
Litance with those gentle.
s to know that neither of
p on tho.eoutrary we know
adroit political schemers—
be likely. especially as they
. to parade themselves in
f ihn streetis. and' proclaim
. But that they were cog:
nIJ if they had said a word.
i in his senses ca n deny.
Lucke openly when ihe wish-
Ile purpose, but when his
ut the necessity °ti t he thing
sly. may be suggests a half,
i.ho end reminds his willing
lonely stand aloof from the
stand where the whole pee.
.randi—scould compromise
stiniony of the whole 1,1'4
luest bearing upon tangs.-
men accused did or did not
Miles. It is evidence sum.
Miles was st foregone con
moan: of the Coovention
of Mr. Babbitt were loud
dc. ns
after the rotor of the pri-,
me in. an
at then they
udivideal *must be thrown
eves that all this was nut
'was not conutenansed. and
concurredc in, by the Whig
go? The Gaulle can in
ding as it chooies, bat we
impression. well-founded
lat ear version of this affair
was thrown overboard .be
ly in the nomination of Mr.
The'Tribeae speeds three
I uglu's adtlreis 'al Roth-
Tell'. while the
or iii afoidaoco of all coo
paper speaks of the Mi
sch modesty, perspicuity.
lion. lodge DouglaS has
facts rather than obtrude
lions be has aside opriug
der discussion." We - are
Register will make to the
y ever tee a word said about
f a Whig candidate for army..
to 'bib Constable. that the
low perty malignity 1" Ws
I have saybody aloe ever did.
*arty loaligaity."; we an
mimes menet be so vary
right bower" sown the street
acy Case has resulted In the
of the. rentaleing 26.. Or
mooed to the Peniteatiorl
Sr.. jai 4 for 6ee fears=
Ida/ proairtimai. nip egad
Ths Hand Writing upon the Wall.
The hear approae % h of the 14th of October. when Penn
sylvania will be called upon to dessidir betwoof %Islay to
the Coustitation, l and enactments under it. and the High
er-Law policy of kilov. Johnston. is briuging oat is bold
relief the •• Hentirwritiag• epos the Wall." showing the
seateNce already' prosooneed against the Whip in the
breasts of the people, and only relishing certain fermi
to be gone throeh to render that septettes bindink and
legeL That our Opponents sae this " Eland-writhlg."
r i l i
and fully realize sir doom. is plain to the moat casual
resider of the Wialg journals. They areerideatle 'toeing
their temper. and instead of nairetieg their fate like men.
hre disposed to be.queradois, and there is no bettor sign.
'no serer index. that the party is rani's( against wind and
tide, than to findits accredited corpse descend to the pia
*Wee of scolds, and indulge In ill-matured sad captious
complaisieg. Greeley. who sees as rat into a itical
mill-stone as say of his compeers. bees NI ble at.
title on oar eleCtiOlll. of this character. is paperer the
26th alt. He sees the •• Head-withz pen the Wall."
and he is preparing fur the ovrth . After Milieu in
4g, u
substauce, that Gay. Johnston ea I:to be elected beesase
he has faithfully *dieted toya'free•soil and higlier-lew
s •ntiments. Greeley says, •• And because of this he is
marked out for destrimrion. Whigs who acquiesced is
the promulgation ef'his Free Soil sentiments when they
regarded Cheat nrs / mare gull halt, now secretly leagues with
their, lifelun to 'brash him because they eon
, eiderLi:Li personal interests and aspirations bound up in
the gi wall of the Stave Power. A foray is made upon
hi , i 'entice! in spirit with the Cotton foray, made upon
uhingtota Haut lest year 'under the auspices of the
Castle Garden manageni." That is true, Horsee. very
true 1 '`• Free Soil sentimiuts" are '•• just the cheese"
with Wbiga almost anywhere, when they will answer for
" mere gall bait" to carry an election, belt that time is
not this Fall, and Pennsylvania is coining out of the trap
baited with that " gull bait" without scratch or blemish.
And this Is why the Tribms, in the same article. ie.
knowledgee the "odds seems to be against" Guti4 John..
1 aloe ; cud this why the writer gets petolene and indulges
in ill-natured thugs at our State, declaring that "She
has long' accustomed herself to subserviency to Cotton
I politicians, and liaa sent meaner DaughfaceiteCoragress
theta could be re-elected from any other Free Stat 4 New
Hampshire not excepted,!'.and that 'the friends of Col.
Bigler " here evinced in thiecalivasse • alacrity in sink
ing,' a constitutional ability and proclivity fedive deeper
aid come op filthier than any possiblecompetitors." Not
withstanding Greeley things the Go/van/or " is marked
for destruction, ad Philadelphia cotton is relied on to
deal his deetb-blo ." he has great "hope yet in the free
instincts of the in I distriets.•• Vain hope, Mr. Gree
ley ; the flit has g no forth—the people have tried the
Governor and his measures, and they have found him
wanting,-.-the "1 and- writing is on the Wall."
0 Coisni sit, Havana.
/ '
If ever a man d served t o be "damped with infanta
nip." that man is tr. Omit. the American Consul at
Havana. Ills eon uct. throughout. has been that of a
bit/together than at of-man, and so far as such'a being.
eau. he his disgraced the country he represents beyond
hope of forgiveness The Philadelphisßall din. in remark
ing upon his CUrtfilt stye: ikll the prisoners mincer is say
ing that he whined , them but once, and that his conduct on
that occasion was newortliyiflais office. The miserable
captives naturailillooked In him for pity. dines they had
nothing to expect from Concha but the severest Imo
tics; bet to their earpriwa, what alieviation their suffer
ings received • came from the Captain General, while front
the American Consul the obtained only the raft re
mark that "the President 'onsidered• them without the
pale of the law. and that h (the Consul) could do no
thing for them. Mr. Owed. iu meting thus, proved that
'be was either afraid of the panish authorities, or that bet
is destitute of the - natural - leeliug of humanity. Which
-1 ever was the case. he has .41own himself unfit for his pro
skims. His duty was • as t a represeetativief this costa
try, to temper justice r ithll3
orcy in 'his conduct towards
the prisoners. Ile should 'have treated them as erring
children. Fortunately ea npassionate American citizens
stripped forward to do wits Mr. Owen refused. Fortu •
tisagely also , the Captain viers'. with reteruing good
sense, saw that mercy lonian's lithe captives would be
more politic than severity',. 1
"To exculpate himself. %him a but of the charge agaiigt
him, Mr . Owen his puhllb ed a letter, inOrhich be tat
serts that, on-the ornin,i lie fifty prisoners were shot.
Ile arrived lisle at IlAyAnn from his eountry seat.-10 eon
seqoance of illneier ars6 I'LL when he thin learned. for
the first time, of the arrealof the fifty, he knew that it
would be useless fur him ;t intercede. This letter. it
will be seen, mikes4o defiance of his subsequent remiss
lien; amid is. lnorso r. tint a lame apology for his con
duct tonsil/4 the &ill Why did not Sir. Owen, at least
try loteress4io37 Sippoiel he had a sou among the mis
guided victims, would he 'mot have lesped oa his \ h \ ores
and gstletind to the Consul General, in order to make \ au
attempt to rescue the ill-fated youth? Every Amnevtaild
of that fifty, was, in 039 Ilepie, his son. for they were a:l\
children °fails republic, whose representative Mr:Owen
is. f3ever4l, in addition to; this, were tha s p as of men
eminent at hornet and yet they were left to perivh, with
out a single elfin to avert their fate, or ralkiate the an
guish of their closing hoini. •
"We do, not wish to b 4 enjoy( to Mr:Orren. Rot the
testimony is so eninp!-ete against him, that it would be
folly to attempt deceiving the public. lie cannot excuse
himself. .There is ihunileht evidence re convict him of
heertlessitess, if not positive , moral cowardieli while there
is sot a dills. to sionerate him from the Marge. It is
due to this' great republic, that its consular agents should
be men of 11 different stators from this; and especially is
`it requisite that. at PO imptirtante place as Havana. the
American consul should* the right description of a
man. The offences, fur which Mr. Walsh was rrc'lled
were insignificant wheel compared with this derileetion
by Mr. Green. • ' . •
"We. 'therefore. invoke' the interpollition of the Presi
dent. deoilanding, is the nine of hunrnity the recall of
Mr. Owen. it will for ever disgrace tis as men if he is
permilted to retain his ;functions, No British Consul
would dare to show his Ikea at home after having acted
Inwards lEnglishmen in distress, eel Mr. Owen ;has be
hoved towards these aufwtsinate prisoners. Ws -owe,it
to our national repetation, as maids ! as to humanity. to
displace pis unworthy • servant. Should we overlook his
fault, indeed. ear clemency would-be attributed to weak
nessisather than to its tine motive; and the American
name, which ought to ir!Ommand instant deference eve
rywhere• will become d Meek cud jeer to the lowest rab
ble of Ilavatia. '
"We have endear* thus in expressing our opinion,
to soften our languag a n4toch as presible, so that, while
condemning the besen es of Mr. Owen. we should yet
do it in Ilerlne indicati e, of I cahn reason. rather than of
indignant piston. Had We given way to the enteral
prompting* of the imart; , we should seareely . have been
able to find words, strong enough Me:press our detests
toe. If there is a crisis when an American citizen de
mends on that sympathy dee give, it is 'Wake is not
only •a latranger in a Minnie land.' bet also 'a prisoner
1 and a enptivet• and it' ietime that American offielah
knew. that citizens in snick a condition, however cram
they be, are atilt uses and Mat dogs."
. may
' "The Was? the Roses" Again.
Like*s great protot pit. the war of the rows of the
& House of L incestr au the Hosea of York, the :" wee
'if ll4 ea reses" is Erie orgy. eoticad ire/lour last..: . in its
e i
pro increases in virolenee, and each turner the card
°Lindens is amended With fresh. ominous of acrimonious
Whig& It is said that the grimiest awards, when press
ed Mina corner, are the named/operate is • fight. The
cat ti as arrant coward its I. clear EAU, but corset Mr.
Paisanaso and then 'yes meat leSik eat for claws sad teeth.
Se it lo wishes,
as venprab friend of Ms Chrensieln 4
White he h bees as lo Mad tractable as the meet ar
dent Irked of the upstrait seci•ty•.• could desire, bet the
'Aeolis , attacks of ens 4 his Willie, estenoperaries. the
+4p6eritital emit a the eater, aed tbe isurrAniable fa.
terfsnaeo of the tereles itten . istositrass. ••aA ii a row."
are 'dimming sat strong prints i■ hi. Sherwin asses be.
faro ifienionseri by tho v"llgait au&
Mal Mtenipsrary is astonishiss ma himself. and is
sisewisi s "plucks' orally somg. we & W
to them who bass drives him t a n i t hi preeist minter. Ny
last issue is fell of trutimt—home truths. too ; sad very
unpalatable to the taste of the Reraey. For instance.
he mimes out pootedli and °harked epos ...Oar Bosator"
sad bbt worshippers his defeat, bicasse the Chronic/8
would nut become bin Ike the Oraidle. and
mule/ft all that gostleasea's sets is regard id' oar rail.
roads. But.'be the reveletioss are getting interesting.
we will let the chronicle speak fur itself : is eery easy,,toersee the motives of their opposition
to tt. BIOUICe. It is \well known thst all or most of the
twelve genus mem whii signed the secret circular. ire men
interested 1111.40 or less dsrectly in Ili. project 'Atha Par.
burgh and Erie railroad. Agriiiist this project vie never
raid ought to discourage st-we oak entertained doubts
at cue bum that it world be _ But this is not those.
cret yet. The rued of the Frain : kiln anal Coi tpany. a
rival Miereit. was is process of isenstruction. and we saw
an attempt to crush it. and spoks`against it. Fur daring
this to advocate. the cause of • gresi \ and important pub
lie insprovenieut. because' it was managed. by Jph i ro n i.
brain'. a democrat. we incurred the opposition of these
gentlemen. and now that we dare to belt against the
dleughterhimse clique, they are endeavoring to stigma
me us wipt( the epithet el lore-loco. Very\well ; but
then we took sales with such loco•focos as Judge
A. W Blare. Charles Watts. and others of the rune le.
eo•focci stamp. The attempt of any net of men 1011,114 e
• party question out of our railroad projects will be titan
and impotent. and the charge'of a **conspiracy with
co-focus": will only recoil upon thews who"
That will du fur the present. It shoos that there. are
inure ~.things is 'leaven it'd Earth than was ever dream•
ed of in your philo.ophy." Messrs. Whigs; and with it
we will close our notes of the •• War of the Rusci" 'this
wet k.
a Great Shot At."
• tried to rejoice in the cognomen of
• " bat see Kum he will have to yield
ortnv Governor. In times past that
Water gas Pal shot-a
the palm to our
celebrated individ
••shot in the neekl
al was occasionally accused of getting
" thereby enda . n g ering his accuinu•
.arable number of •• shots in the lock
ow art account of some Millwood' row.
I*tion of toy cope
er." but we have
dy. with malice a d prepence. actually "shooting at" the
Governor roinewh i ere op iu Schuylkill county. As we
never very firmly believed the acconnt,of the manner he
was first •• shot," e►e'hall not be very strongly censured,
we suppose. if wel do not *hese altogether the accumit
now. Wcare. Owever. willing to give the facts of the
case es we - find them in the Phil idelphia Saa
Ottruseit —On the return of Gov. Juhoston and his
escort front Tamaqua to. Pottsville. on Monday night. a
most villaioses attack was made upon them after tear
tug. the can, by iipertr of rowdies at Mount Carbon. A
pistol was discharged. whether at the Governor or not is
unknown, but fortatiately without taking efrret upon any
one. Club. and Stones then followed, striking
promos and injuring them considerably. 'the attack was ,
'made at • late hoer on Monday flight. Four persons/1
were arrested andbrought before Esquire Reed. on Tues.,
day afternoon. but no our appearing to prove their idso.l
Lily with the rioters, they were discharged. Two parson,
knocked down with moues or clubs thrown at the party '
were walking dote beside the Governor. It is turbo sin -
direly hoped that the perpetrators of this giallo outragei
will be detected sod punished as they deserve. Mob law
and violence see 4 to be the order of the day, and the
sooner an example is mode of those guilty of such out
rages the better it will be for community. We cannel
conceive • greater outrage than that, here referred to,
sod the citizens of Schuylkill owe it to themselves to`fer
ret out the guilty persons. and see to it that they are pun
ished ae their conduct deserves.—Phihidetplia Sews se
If this is all correct, we tract the perpetrators will be
brought to condign pouistiammt hat if we shall dolibt
somewhat the wholeitery. we certainly Mist be =Used.
especially when we put in the plea that it is not he first
time similar tricks have bees attempted by politician-of
the Johnston:school in order to awake public sympathy
in their behalf. We recollect a good many years sgo,
when that notable band of old Lithe., tallied Anti-Ma.
sons; first elms on to the .fags of action, it used to be a
common Practice. just previous to as election in Western
New Vett. to get op •11, outrage upon some prominent
Anti-Mason, and lay it at the door of the Masonic fritter.
nits. The •• Welborn' outrage." and some others of like
character, were ail traced we believe to the parentage of
the •• good-enotigh-Morgue" party, and it week: net he
stretching the imagination • Lir' e` at ways, seeing that
Johnstoe. Sieves, & Co: are sow sailing is the same
boot, to canards that this Bebevlkill shooting scrape ii a
weeredition of the old tricks of that redoubtable firm. A
any rate. tbs Pminsylenstion does not *top biyond z fite
bounds of truth. whoa. in commenting wpm thnoltrair.
it says : '• Guy. Jebusfon is a bold, nnscrurtinsis, and
desperate partisan. He feels the ground eliding from his
feet. He semi the abyss yawning beforybim. He knows
he is fore-doomed ; for there is notAfeen a straw left to
grasp at. One hope remains, it* that is to create the
impression that he is a mueltinjored min ! ' He, who
has gone so fkr to humitiate the State--fie who has tried
to inako or PentssylvanOWAtnilition den, howling with
treason to the Constitution—he whose example has Kim•
slated missakre—this man is now desirous of turning the
tide is his own favor, by trt jog to show that he is's very
mulch persecuted and injured individual. Hence his ea
ceilidhs( anti et somebody to shoot et hum. Would
not that be a eky event, he doubtlese asks himself, if
•, ly the reseal Id be found who welsh! undertake this
glorieos mission MO nobody undertake it 1 Alas !
alas !we fear th time is coining when his Eteellenev
,will re Ily wish he had been shot before be tried to beat
Col. W ham B.glrr, for Governor."
From Me Pennr)lvanian
We notice be eur.ezehanys that this yellows* has
been nominated\for the office of President Judge of dui
District composed, of the counties of Erie: , Crawford end
We have the pleas tinf a personal acquaintasee witli .
Mr. Cinallirsith. And mos say that it gives Si a real grab•
ii\ ,\
&Atom to c,:to ircie the urination of such a man for
Oio position of Judge of oo of the, oust importait dill
tru•ta in the Slate. It argues well for the success of the
elective judiciary system. that
tied determination moon the
of all parties to select for the
of the State—teem who have
professional excellence. and w
shakeout fit thorn to di•ch age
with ovadd to themselves and
Mr. G. a veteran naembe
Ponnsylvanis..and has long in
with the legal pretweioa aad
and able laVryer. - lie possesses
tellect. and with his profound learning and en experience
acquired by thirty years of constant and hibachi's pract
ice, would bring with him is the Bench every to
fur the faithful •ud enicieitt discharge of
There are few, Willy !swims in nor Beat*. kl
rettict more honer epos the judicial offitim
whose electioi would be tailed with more
a represented the Erie district in Congress foe sew.
years, and wow distinguished as
e an able and (Sect
c i
ice moraber. , Ha is well and widely known. set only in
the western counties. bat at this time, to the citizens of
Philadelphia.i u connection with the, improvement system
o f *or Commonwealth, and as having been mainly is.
strometital in the revival of an important and hitherto too
mock neglected and underrated enterprise. •astimil, the
connection of the sea board with the great lakes. by •
direetrailread from Philadelphia to Erie. . I
Mr. H. is highly esteemed for his many amiable and
benevolent traits'of character, and for his integvity sad
personal worth. He has many traria friends in both po
lities/ toonirie throw/horst the ticate. who woold rejoice to
hear of his election.
frr Among the assess of the isofortsesto Esesobors of
ths 'expedition rider Goo. Loess who Maws boos soot
toSpaiii.—thors to h ctondemosod to a life of slavery and
iiintintior.—we -god th. saws of T. A. Simpson.
Deere R. Wilms. Jobs hhirtighotod Gawp Qsick. of
Philadelphia; htflafir of Pottsvillo;
Pittstiorieh; ...1 . 1 . 11 citizens of Pennsylvania.—
These were mom/ 'the number of brave and getters."
spirits. who • Whig Presidest had doctored placed them
selves beyond the aympithive of their esoottymani sod
wen worthy only to be ohm delve Ilk• doh sad UMW'
- littler belies ticked *bent and meogled by Hair
worse than brutal murderers.
p We icifuowledri the receipt SNOB the estionable
Lady of Major Brow.. of the. United States Lionel. a
*tot of ,bilantifsi Quinces. ezbibitodlat the Fair on
Thorsdity. We do not know whether tboy took the pre
odious or not. but we are certain they slight..
iEr Ws are requestrd , to sal that Mr. 0. aseirvT.
intber of the '_• Sciemoe of Writing." Win learners before
the Paresis. Gaudier's. 'Towbars sod Yeasts, of this
C i ty, at the Coed House. next Thursday evening. Oct.
9th. Sairieet.—The responsibility of Parente and Teach
ersin•the instrueiion of children.
QNstrowry Curtis Gls .—A "lit f tle girl stared with
Wonder" at tho Editor of ilbe Gazette lot work . Naugh
if Hula girl. its soother Gogh not to let her rue at large.
Ws liam from the Crawford Democrat that the
people of the &stole part,of, that county aro again mit.
uotjog the project of a New couatY out of peons of Erie.
Crawford mad Warms. tome. howetret. are favorable
leaving Erie county out of the armagensoot. aud we .
trust they will.
i 1.30 x oui.—Thsre te,evidently about to be "one.
grand smash up" 'among thell Inks.) Toe followinz tune
ilready Rees, and more expected : lentos Bank ? Bask
Of New Becheille. Western Wink of White ert qk.rarat
** Bank of Mina. ell of New York. Ferment! Bulk.
Nnw i ! \ frautswicl; People's Back. Patterson ; Commercial
Ban Perth Amboy. all of New ./i..recy; and Belsbosy
Bank. of. allaryfand.
23* We p leased to tears that arrangements hate
!at last ben de for the purchase of But &Beam of the
Iron fur the Notqh East sod Erie road. and that it will
bii here in time to Buish the track thil
of our county papers fonc petitions for divorce advertised
—three females praying tii \ be cut I .from their beige
lords, land one mole. acelting\kc tin divbrced from his bet
ter half by the magic knife of l.'s Honor. Judge Church.
Having married in buts endoetnfdly;they have repeat
ed at leisure.
• lEI The people of our goodly city aritiomewliat noted
for their difference of opinion upon alM c ciat every yea
eeivablo sohject. Railroads. Plank-media, 'Religion; Pel
nick Education. ImpVovemente, each . aod sevrailly for-,
Isiah material for discussion. Aid they do say though
the feet we do not vouch for, that among the Larbeethere
are other subjects. and of a masealiaetcharacter, too: at
are sometimes subject maser of di tipsie. But wo
bees there is one question upon which ell agree, elpee
tally the Ladies. and that is, that ms* owes more to his .
Tailor Tor his appearince than to himself. • If this is the
ease—and we appeal to our Lady frteinds to say whethie
we are correct or net—how important it is to know whip
to Gad that which contributes se much to one.standing et
home and abroad—vim beautifully &imp and exquisitely
fine Clothing. Let us whisper it id your ear. then.reader.
that Jurrics. wt No: 8. Reed Hoes.; has the very arti
cles you need : sod. by the bye. don't think he has ever
hinted to u about vests or en, title( bf the kind, in con
sideration of this puff.
The County Fair.
Oar County Fair. whseh took plies is Ibis city on!
Wednesday and Thornily last. was pleased with two of i ;
the most pleasant days .of tbo seised. and ettilaequeutlyi
the attendance was la-gs. The interest manifested and;
the contribistioos brought is. eeincels aWinereased approve
chilies of the society among our operatives and farmers{
To bailor,. is so department wee, is at-all equal to what
it ought to be. or what it might he ip a county as rich ill
agricalturtl products. and as well supplied with ingeniMM
attains. Pa Erie. iloweyer, it was au improvement oil
last year. and that gives as hops fir the rotary. Thesis
were many beautiful articles of mtMofactarci'm well Is
many superior specimens of llKtienitore and Agnes -
tore. Am...sight be noticed side Much propriety. bat iss
them Were se tacit:ties extended to the Press to take notits
wo most relocimitly yield our desires in this direction o
the proper committees The •a
Wheel as seem w fersished.
rr/The •• local" of the Meadvil
.v . _ to our City last week, •od he
t is all very correct. by the bye
streets." to which ire eery respect
seat. 130 far from Eris posses 4
or " ininiatore lake 6 or mad and
avert there is no place on the lake
than Erie. It is pr'Fbyjavident (ha
bees Siknon 4 ' at thb Reed Howes
reedy or give • just theremises
" Erie presents' rather a toper -t t
rvy ,appearance just
wilt. The railroad, which will P on be completed to
that place; has given • new impe t;y side s to the enterprising
ch..recter of its citizens, and on ey 'r not, be,eeen
marks of their Prieto and aciivitg. ' A splendid block of
new buildings le covering up the 11 rut putiraci. A great
number of fine budding' ore reigig ip in elj parts of the
city. and Erie bola (auto rival. et ome . future day, her
siPter cities on the lakes, both in ze Pink importance.
The streets, however, ate in a we -bad condition—d,..
'ideally pin-city Ike. The eittewo km are like our own,
composed of plank,,briek, and Mon . and heautiful4 111..
trrepereed with mnd-holes. Some i 'posture lakes of mud
and water are also to he met with i I the priompet epee%
which to break the moutouit of a tour shout to;rn.
Altogether, however. Erie promi a to be quite a city
.• one of these days."
we learn Iran the Trumbull mama that a meet
ing wan held is Warren, Obio, lasimeek. to take *Minn
is regard la a proposed railroad frt that place to Cleve
laud. The Democrat says 6. , it wilreammtably attended
and considerable bitterest manifest* ' Several frames won
considered. .Messre...Mershall sal,Walker. of Erie, ad
vocated • connection with the Pill
eargh and Erie Rail
road at Sharon. or some °Weir lig , ble point ; Judge
Humphrey. of Iludeon. advocated connection with the
Pittsburgh 'and Cleveland road s$ Iludeou, thoogh he
would favor any - road that might be , ' , ,bn ilt 'mot of Warren.
The majority, however, we unde'rstand, is in favor of
constrnciing a railroad front - Climeland•to Pittsburgh
through' this place."
Railroad llLaudrs. ,
The Boysle Republic, id noticitig our strictures last
week op* a Pittaburgh paper in relation to the railroad
controversy is this sec:tun, publish* that portion of them
expressing the determiu ~ .on of Frye never to allow any
Other page from the East than thaseprescribeti by the
gasp law of lest winter, and otesses a '• hope that
"soma means will be found to reebimilo those conflicting'
parposm" -IV° can assure oar "flab cotomporary we
are as sexiest as boy one that sue means shall be found,
sad that speedily—our people are 'anxiona as any who*
hopes have been long deferred can —bet we can hokum
ell concerned in alevi York that hers Is no coniiicting
ppinion here in regard to the determination so often ex
pressed in this eontroversy—inSeilhly to adhere to the
Gus! The sent/Meat of Eriecatty is universal that.
raer than allow the parso-proad,Corporatioos of New-
York to succeed in forcing upon es a page foreign to
t h a t State, and subjecting oar moods* to the cost of
transhipment at Dunkirk and Butnilo , tbey would see the
Tmachisst of the North Eat Coon by revert to the State.
which it will if not finiabod and in ruaoing order by the Ist
of March neat. They say they On wait for an outlet by
railroad to the Emil. until the Sanitary road is liaisbod, a
e e e e ernmation which. at the meek, will net be delayed
ever' hree years. That Eris is sinstained -in this posi
tion by a powerful interest in mkt parts of the State is
front evident fro tbi following resolni , :u pared at great
Salsbury and Erie Itailrood toneushon held at Phila
delphia es the 25th oh, in: which! there were delegates
( teat more than half the State. I is to the point. and i t
wou ld be well (Sr oar %rale cote pinery to sag the at
tention tif_t!le railroad mon of Ne ' York to it :
Ras., That the Legislators , this Comentsowoahh.
in passing a law at the last eettiowl, requiring the Pegs
of the railroads coaceatratneg in the barber of Eris..*
L e l ia Erie. to be of the width a (nor feet ten inch* for
those conneelime with the State oLIAlis. and of the width
of we feet aad 4 ft. b in. for thweeidwoneeting with N ew .
York has *visaed its capacity mai Iferesight a thus pro;
sewing end fostering the natural '. ireelars possessnd by
oar unrivalled harbor of Erie, on eke Erie.
• New Tat.asitors Lesa.—A ae lime et Telegraph ea
die Hewes "priiiciple. or wain telegraph is newli k t o p i
ergs eenetracties between Omits's& sad
There is to be bat sae war .tubs we aiwisraiaad
te beiecaird at grie.-- - traif • Oman,.
Bsirreter Graben'. the 'reenter of ••Genhsm•e
Arse breed." died et Northampton. ideas . sheet • week.
rr Miss Mary Legate. rioter of the forme► Attar.
General of the U. 8., is engaged in the Lumber T ad*
at Cedar Rapids. laws. and advertises to !apply say
itnenst or building lumber. beat plank. &c.
'1 ID' Mrs. Mary Lynch. a resident of the west part 9iP
Pleremont. N. H , has just emerged from the ear keit-
Ora sedArth year of her age. Her general hoefth is
•' lied. sod her faculties
Er Mr. Meek. Eton. Ohio. recently • ebbed an in
igineer on the-Hamilton end Erie Railroad. beelines the_
former had sedacedlthe daughter of ilia latter. tt4d refu
i,sed to marry her. leveed him
. o.lkfit.-ay we: •
tT Mr. Corcoran. the wAtAinown Government bank
ier soder Mr. Poll's Adminletration. at Washington. has
lbontrjhoted $5OO tothe'Fitud for the relief and endow
of Father Mathew. 101
iEPA wester man says, that on hoarier Yankee
•iDoodle performed on an organ in the Crystal Palace. he
litelt the Declaration of Independence and a zoopie .of
Illunker Hille' rising op in his own bosom. •
. .
QY A man in Iharburn county. Ohio. has been sea-
Itenced to two Tear pay a Bea or one dui
-I.e. and dusfranchiseed for two years far steatitic saw 1,.p.
When caught he hid bictrapa all set to steal a atone
11:TAn'Exehanue sari Dunkirk. at the western termi
nus of the New York and Erie Railroad. had only five
hundred iahab tarts last year. but it now hoe* of a
population of three. th d. We guess it is all a boa*
Wei have heard it intimated that the most attract
ive part oldie Fair,. was the fair Lathes one was forced
to squeeze in passing up and down tinier the concise:—
We might give an;opinion. "as is an opinion," in the
premises. but being a married man, , 4 it would be hardly
Er Whilo one Of the citizens of Lowell wir makingi
requisitiou on- mgtroing en the milk east, :mot left et the
door fur the breskrigt table. a plump. !I've frog. made its
i.debotio.the ;Moller. It is 'opposed the cow which
',produced the croaker. was fed on bulrushes and toad
C7' The Democrat/10f Michigaln have nominated Rob
ert McClelland for Goveroor. and Calvin Britt: for
1.40 t. Governer. Mr. McClelland made a fleece the
Convention that nominated hi.n. declaring that he mem
in favor of Case and the eompromise measures. •
fILT The amber of adults who cannot read nor write
in Great Uri "rt is underrated. It was long ago stated
that orthose w present themselves for marriage in
that Country' •ma rity can only maks theirmerks--can
not sign their name
ET The value of reit, \ estate hat nearly doubled in
Ogdensburgb since the completion of the Northern rail
road; and more buildings air \ going up than fire been
built in fifteen years.
IU" The Dubuque Express sax i —••During the prey
aledee of cholera this season. .lee r 4 •
Member* of ono
family died of the disease." After the • ath of tye last.
the straw penal on which holly woe t•rown .out. and
a Dum be r o f hogs bed.d theXoin. Eve one of diem
21' Mr. 3. M Kraft. whose farm is near the cotom
bia College, adjoining Washington city. presen6A, the
editor of the Telegraph a few days ago with a little brairli
friim so apple tree, containing a third apple, and afearth
blossom of the season! fi
Aniong the many good things we daily see in the
newspapers, is the oft repeated saying, that a newspaper
is like s wife. because every man ought to have ono 'of
his own. At the same time, a newspaper ie not like •
wife; because • man may have as many of.his own
as he pleases, if he pays for them.
swards will be pull.-
Gazette 'paid a tiling I
I. his opinion ql;1
'except the .. me:1;y 1
Hy beg leave Re ab
g muddy streets. or
ter," we venture to
bore freer from them
critic visited " Btu
t. • ofteu to judge cor-
laroserssi Editor of 'the Tribune
contradicte the paragraph. which, he says, is going about
among the country papers to the efrectthat he has taken
up tobacco smoking! It is entirely untrue (he se% s: )he
has not yet seen an!thing to make the use of toNaCCO'ill
any form seem other than filthy. nauseous, sod disgust
2:7 The Odd Folio** of the United States have more
than 189.000 members and 2.000 Lodges. During the
past year there-have been 30.000 initiations. Receipts
for the year about $1.2.....n.1t30. This ordi•r held a Na
tional COnvention at Baltimore. which adjourned on
Saturday the 90th.
11Zr It appears from the lowa papers, that them is some
dirsiatinif f ietion limner the Hungarian emigrants as lo the
place ticketed by Governor Ujhayy for the location of the
lienzerian colony; many of them eonoider it too remote
from the settled part of lowa. and as peavessing too few
facilities for - communication with the world. It is, at
least. 150 miles from the Misainippi ricer, and in en en
tirely new and unsettled country. .
CT' 31r. Jesse Benjamin. a sadist of the Revolotion
died recently. at Clayton. Y. Y. aged 93 He was born
at Preston. Conn., and entered the army at the agief 16.
and fulloied its fortunes over seven years. daring which
time he wu in a manther of baffles, among them Prince.
ton. Trenton; Nlonmooth. Germantown. Red Bank.
Frog's Point. and several others. He wu one of those
who went into winter quarter. at Yeller Forge.
Anc;ther cell is issued. signed Lacy Stone Win:
ff. Channing and Pauline W. Davis. in behalf to the
Committee. for ,another Woman's Rights Convention in
Worcesteri, October 15 and 16, ii•*conlider the Rights,
Duties. Relations of Women." The call states that "the.
work contemplated is no `chiles play." Certainly not,
Children will have no chance for play Or anOhing else
When their mothers interfere it? public Meeting*.
El' A Colonization meeting wee held at New York on
FridaY..oti the occasion of the denartn4 of 37 colored
einigrantsio Africa. It was staled thai by fair and open
negotiation, at au expense of about $lOOOO. the Ameri
can Colonization Society had acquired juristlictionenefir
toward that northeast as is desirable, brf i nging its colony
into close priximity to the English colony of theirs
111 The new Rail Road from .Cenist:isa to - Pens
Tan, for about two mile.. tuna side •by side with the
Roeltesterianti Syrai , us.e ro:d. Os tsti . o occasions last
week the Express trams at irtrd oIP logiither, end until
they dieerited. there was • brisk Ace. .The elm test. says
the Canesideiirea Messenger. was eicitiog. ITbe crowd
chid not See the end of the race, so this, it remains to be
decided which was the victor. A laughable part of the
ewe to thsi Spectators. but serious to the parties eoncern
ed. was the separation of • mats and Wife—one having
is the harry entered the Immo car. i rb
Er "It Sinus or rtes e Editor of the
Chervil:umbers Bastilta. who by;tlse I*.has e -Dr" pre
fixed to hie name. in speaking a Political opponent allows
his pill-box tit get the better or hie pee in this wise. "The
Lys of tribe Gr./wk. is emplestically dead and bur
ied, and t &epitaph inscribed lies temlistone is !Died
if been* Assouvisemajd" Wb Eistt s regular • disCiple
of rhubarb sad epicae would evir bl i es coseeieed the
idea of i'bresic Incompetency ." ,
t? Lilian', W. Powell. the sea genneeratie °over
lie/ of Kiliouseky. is • good deal of • Unit. sod he is In
dolitini sisselt to this quality hr his popularity with the
insures. is his 'actin alsereaco. Among other good
thinp Lazarus has boon guilty streling sines he rams
Woes thei pots* for governor. i seasons paper relater
the rolloollogi In 18411,altor sdebats with Leslie Coombs.
Col. Powiell leis asked what his insi4eeio wore Ist the
aleatiou. He good ksinsinedly ••faisti M hits*
ipieet sit Honsand cobs; int sir *Swim 1•411111011. sod I
Ulises is As inodes." Ha wins Mates Hoe. hot
As resonloctiou 'sassafras piece. Ukiah lbs Slats is over-
Ir hshisiogly Whig. •
Give. uhnsten declared
bur tbat "when Goa.
trat n, the public debt w
' Wag," indeed! By re
rat annual message it wi
of Ritner's •dminiatratin
to $34,141,683,80!! Ver'l
lips Excellency's objectl
tts, is. in part, to-sho
196, was an economical
MO be seen by the folio
Amount of State debt in 1
Gov. Wulf went out of
stated by Gov. Ranee' •
annual message.
'Deduct from thi: the full
ci-ipte fur which no St
iSt at ion dL•serves
Reoeipts from bank bunu,
S. surplus revenuess
And the State debt won!
The Slate debt whim P
into 'Ace, war
Deduct, as above.
AO we kite the ee:uel
the inere.s. of debt un
to wit :
This was surely "risi
wiOntl a pretty fair ape
*Nix administrations an .
There are portions of
cettaitilv stand in need
rci, and .we recommend
forger, in his election..
portance of reminding t
Maffei. Morrie townshi
ke., of . theigreat econo
'nal Counniiisioner Ste. -I
toOST trrei woJna.
of the 28th ult., gives th
terebtiliff and distressin •
nOned Fergusoa. aged
Ilia little son,,of 8 years,
c , •Ontry neighbor, Ousts
edihome in dig evening
abbot all night. In the,
fearch fur a road. arid
main in the evening get
over a log and was unab i
threetdays before alarm ,
phi turned out to hunt th;
to the search without s
ed when, after travelli
and iwamr, they at lasi
dirinn truly'deplurable a l
body was entirely subm I
mud— he was ly tog on
out of the water. In t
more than two entireda
appear, life' was not eat
Oriveved to the nearest
but a few hours.. The
very heart.
;When (mind, the IRO, -
c 40,4 te hie faiber—liis
knee. Ileeietned lobe'
"We are waiting here.'
the time, him feetbeing j
et-itT. The inumpietnes
fate until it was black,
speedy recovoly.
valuable Hoolkn
estrus a popularity, and '
only Wy Dr. Jackson, at the
Areh street. Philadelphia. 'I
noirn for the cure of liver co
you• debility, etc., in refks
hare indeed proved a blessan..
1,0 as their preserver from a
inOst obstinate cases of dye re
thin*. The surest test of the
eoinitterfeited : ibis is the e , .
r"uffie. pup Ut Jack9oter
the MI
the 251
. the Oti
On )
8 4 ; v axii. arid *.
t Aship., \
(hi the Ist inet.,lkr Re
girt. WHITE. or str\sem
Ittorth.deoghter of Mr. Ji
Ako. tio the sem (10
Mr. 11au,►Y ADAWY. and
Un the 25th alt.. by tts
EO.WAIRT. of Greene, an.
In Waterford, on the 0
io the 61st year of her ag
- TO
DR. tr. L.
sai k ee !he eastern e
roils met De
pelt at eastern priers
Erie, Oct. 4. Ital.
9 1 HE Wintet Tern. of the
%la) lasi, under the ehn
)..I. A. i1.1T11.111.. A. M.. Pri g
tie •na%l. 'readier it
d. A. Kia.a, Te..eher
• Terms
Primary nranebes.
Higbee English Brant
ir= a°
art goons. •
Mrtotior L{ p.tcoN,Bee'y
Erie, Ott 4, ISSI.
WHE putmeribels hive lust
L large asicfruueift of
la II and
Wruch were purchased with,
iug to the great pante• in the
the importers an! misoufaetu
isil,lic the heuehtof our pure ,
shot boast of the quality or the
mri,qui of quality End Wen ,
F.rie.t tett 1451.
noAic -
13 is No 3 cheopside,
Erse. uet. 4. ISM.
• Teach - '
. .
Vir ANTED--N ['riven Ma
V loooth. in 31allercek ,t
at the Mille 7Pek Ilume. Eagle 1
at 1 o'clock, P. 31,, lot the pa 1
Millercrk. Oee 4, IE6I
AFI NC lA. Moo. Globe's,
sa lc Noeml, at
Erie, Cho. 4. ISM.
Circular to the
AWPC G the thousand nivel
before the public in this a
not Mc least. MO matte its al
your benefit. In tgaroducing
Having been awarded the Pret
man suite Fairs as bring the h
of the Hair and to twilit frors
mu more saiis , neitry than hui
you never heard on living awl
t ()unwires. There is no bu i tl
that is every day used by lin
tisfaction. There is nothing
least injurious to the' hair• on
in a healthy male. and elctu
hair, under its application. al
-dressed in any style. It is in
smarming qualities, impanii
most delightful !talkers. For
Ladies and lientleineii, and it
lions. the proprietor would be
and assistance in intsoducing
For Dyspepsia. Gout. R
Idorbus. Nervous and knelt
The great advantage of i
Ca Gingers, that in a very c
above principles, without an
It much more agreeable to t
more palatable. Try a ample
our Agents are 11111111110 f lard to
Orders flow Dealers sappy
'0" Carter & Brother. Dra
TIIIP institute wilt be
doors east of the Erie
subseribets nye obtained. • 1'
families eonufintne ri=pe •
rive lessons will , be given cv
pils wayittlead. Hours of
hots I.P to 3. front 4 to
ay iciest our 0(441.0 &..o'
to attend without ineonren
tuition beings in.truetwn w
will be °tempted in the folio
ei—mmood, lectures oa eve
tory of nitwit.. including t
rudiment), of 'wok. with i tf
an instmownt— i fourib. sacj
the Me an -- All
at the e nawed roasts.
Csie.t. 1,1831.
3 non TARES pt of Ca
y Ee
in his speech at Pitts
liner closed his adisinie
s rising 11123.000,000."...
reer t ee to Gov. Porter's
be seen that et the close
the State debt had r
y, tbisis "rising" With a
I in milking thew state
that Rtiner's •dmioietry,
e, with buy much troth
135, w hen
°See, as
his last
4 . 52_4,330,003: 32
I . l e . admin.
f b ig .
, CaMe
amoont of
er Ritner,
2" a t s rep
linen. of the economy of
whig Executive veranity!
.ple in this State rho
,whig lien upon this sub
' o his Etcelleney not to
ng peregrinsiiine, the ion
e people of latlterstewn,
YOung womenstow.n, c.,44
i v 01 Ritnet and Pa
i.;4! !—Keysiona.
IThelariol (la.) kernel
pirticulare of a most ' 111.
• adventure uf-an ohi !man
boot 80 years, who, with
a few days.since yielded
it four mi'es. „They ;tan.
nd got lost, and wanoeree
!morning theyrenewedltheir
int it up• all day, the oIJ
lng so. feeble that he fen
le to rise. Thoy went out
as created,wirn the pen.
m. One day, was deruted
case, another one lollop.
g throfigh brushes, inners
found them. 0111iu a con
' d pitiable; the old man's
I rged under the , warer and
! back, with his face only
1 :s situation he hill been for
s , .„ad yer, orange as it may
Oct. ;When taken out and
horse, the old man survived
ater had chilled bun to the
boy was seated by a tree
ead resting, on one hand and
quite glad, and remarken,
Ha was unable to walk at
wily swollen 'and his limbs
ad bitten - Wit little detii m ' s
‘ut he trf In a !air way r for a
B I tienk. hoeh have ne.virred so
wand JO later ana an. peepared
I ;erinan Medicine tatore. ip
hUteb lune n wr II tui riled re
plaint. dyslietnnia. ehrotuepr tier.
in *Nth; the) hare ho equal. and
to thOingaitde. w regard Ur i Jack
ntstiluidly *tare We ha‘ the
to .PeedllY And e red hy
xcellene4 of an article in it tAllit
With their Bitters. TE ultain the
ulhorizeti agents..
a. J.!J. Findly.
t in i4ins.uT, both of 'mei-
ie, Mr: M. G„ P0u.0“,, sad
all of M'rlgtan.
Nev. 14. Theme , )Ir.lAios
Corr *s, an 9( North East.
G. W. Merl lend, Mr, FAV•
1 .
TO, and Muse %MG/MT L.
Ines Johnson. of Greene.
I the PlAine. in Herteir Creek,
Rev. Mr. Pres'ey, Mr Jimics
Miss Jor. Swumof U
• plea.
n oft., MM. SuPRIA Hint&
E,1,1.11) r r 'la. Jon refuenrd from
a large stock of Timm.
fist Findings, which be oilers to
the linlish Department.
o the routas Latta Lamina:mat
• Qoarien.
intor Goods.
a few days paw fur Ca.h, ivni ow
• y market at a great tar r dire to
rs. We are pre red 4P
d to re Is
ses at a MUM adt nee. Ilb
heapnee*. bat soul tar n• 4 raw
ad arc &waded roue tad' OA a way
be place to putettat , e Shave welts',
• • anted.
e School Teachers tole r ate , ' f4r four
The 'School threetors w aq meet
'Matte. 00 Saturday the IltU
pose ore:amount *cachet".
J. IC . CAI/WELL. Scr,•
Chimneys. just refeerni,! aird for
I • 44 and Cleatlem
irons that are daily befallr"
e. repent. we no o e cy a:
pm dpyned
i you
vium at the Mew York Vele
t a rue le offered ;bathe ratios
(Mime off. One sr' Prove st
drag's of certificates from4entras
y down cam.. Try it, andpsice toa.
Imo about thts; but it se an !article
reds ortunilics. to their enure sa
its composition that is the
contrary, it will leave pour hair
tly destroys dandruff, leaving the
. .aita. CILOSIL
i 1
i a 1 ua Die Itir its tterroifying and ,re
to the , Pair tbs. Ituranee of the
toilet it is unequaled Tri U.
you find it answers your espeeta•
taPPY sit receive your pattonag•
iit to xnuefriends. Aiso,
autism, Cramp. Cholera. Cholera
daehe, Sea Sickness. Nausea. M.
Mid extract. or Fawner orlartial
ocentrateill Porn. it contains all the
r of the inert matter. which makrs
in s omarh , and at the same [am
bottle of either. and if not srtair'
time the money in crony liv*Dclr•
rt at the UWIO diseount. by sadiron
THOMAS 4 RUtT, New 1 orr.
late. Erie. lkea
II — Anon
ed i
. a • 'Few days at his rooms. I
▪ ak. as .00h as the names or Fiftv
105 -40 11 am one person, ft* Pr
Pee Tear. Invartabl, in advance.
'Y "Mari. either of which pa*
frC4° 7 *. /CIO P. from le ni
▪ front 7 evening to 11. The WO
s for themselves. thus enabling all
ce. Thin unparalled low prat Cof
this the reach of all. The hours
tog manrer:—First %etal c yew
k thole Connected with mu. ;Ore
news of musical matte rgnrL
t. &nations on the black std.° , al
Movie. with actom alexia oa
lis lotting too/shorn wtiihod we.
C. M. 11