Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, September 20, 1851, Image 1

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    ♦. P. DIIIILZII &CO., Proprietors.,
H. r. /LOAN. Editor.
Pity imbseribers by the CO rrkr roil
ll wall, or at Mealier, iu mit . anee. ..--
t , if put paid in ads ance; ur within three atonal from theta:De
g rouberrining„ two dollars tt ill be charged. .
=JA II communications mast be post paid.
Cards not exceeding I lines:one year, .113,1ig
lkhe square •• 0. ' Ittiiio
do. do. site months. . Lm
do. 4). three months, . ail*
Thansient tiverturtnents, :iti cents per square, of fifteen ones or
less, for the tirm linen tone :4 cents for each subsequent insertion.
gyVearl.i, advertisers hat e the privilege of changing at pleasure.
Nisi no time are a llos edlo occupy more than two squares, sad t•
ie 'mita to Our uswedirste &cruises&
Advertisements not has inn other directions, n ill be inserted till
forbid and charged aerordinclß .
P :111.1 Df*lD 01: kilt ILO :kill
w. ti, gN()%k Li ON.
lcalehmdkeraild Repai ner,. tracer to %Vint. hetk. (loth,. Jewell'''.
sfu•ieal I ...tlo meats. LAO ing Gtaeles anti othei Fancy quad"
Store one door west of the eed !louse. 1_1...ii
tiro VI in Dry Goods. Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Ike. No
Pero 111,,,tk. State ,trra.t. Erie. I'a.
- A. 31. JUDSON.
ArrniNh' tr Law.--Ottire at pcbt nt the Chronicle Office, in
Woght% , Block.
TTnitirf L.w - .—Otfiec .oVet 'W
I Warne & Wright' Banking
I.l.fabliehment; entrafire firm door n on the Public &ill.* re
COM-rl'ON S HAvEas I"lt'6
Di.iies in Pry Goode, Grua , rte..l.lmAri of all kinds, (*rockery Ore., one dour - south of *midi Jackson's inqtr,Wench
,t,ret,lir le; I'a.
Agent of 3. A.idre Olfenthirb—Drpot of Fore WU MI'S IC Ind Mu
sical %le/C.11.11111/Zr, isliolroa:e and retail, Not 19, So. Arti St:
•b l'lseufiut .tract.
DR. C. BitANDEq - . •
Favn - tta and facaoary•—r)ffiee corner of Stair and Se%entb
Fun•t:..Reanl•oce on Eighth Street. between French and
tiodand. Us-
6.c,. I lue 'tour tx•lon I.• out.. or & Cuis State blreef• Eric.
M. SAN FORI.) tt CO..
kr.orrii [lank N , gcs, !Pratt.. r Lectiticates of De
n'.l.9ll Eiielialige WI the rine ip.; I cities constantly
(tar Natc. (fife.• br'a(t)'s Vitiate ware. Eric.
P..10N ..a rnr.o As—offwe, eosin% of Trench and Fifth
user ‘10^4,1. Korti'el 'tore. 6tr 3 ,o4 n eb on F ou rth s tree t.
dear e.a. I. Or Vie old AltillhrCar)ll tit.
ZM M=l
~- 11111iV on hand a 1.111 ,apply of (iroe , •rscp. ship
Chan ;! , ,y. Pro%l.iun, Prodnce. , *.c .&e and wit. Wftute+are
or Bela clivap ita• eltrape4. No llN 6 Clieltppide Elle.
• WM. S, LANE. . .
Attorney and Canna.llor at Law.
Beton:lnn:4.l, unny and I% Pelk+lolll., 11.111111. V Land, and
r I inn , 1.,r esond ay. and nil Lttlet tdnknicr etaruptod to Inc atoll
• vndllid :111411.11111(111:111..1.11011.
right's Mock on :irate street. over J. li. Fu!lerton'.
burr. Erie 11x1.19.
W ,1 Rt•taLl Ur.dcr, iu 1141 4:....l.•,Cr.xerie , ,llnr.lware,
L~qu nom, Fitn. lice.. No. I. Wriftrt's. flock cur-
Fah and ritike Strecto
1,1 , ;011 f:4111111.
a.ll,onalde ro,.env, over the. - tore uf zqnitliiaeloon,Clicap
CI Till .N,t (Mut. on short notice k" -
, •
~t , . ..r.° : iti.l-Vtattow•r, and triltrietgriq of ,Af•iiik Cwks an.}
r.l ell it.J.t.eZA ..1 the 11.;,,,,,h41 .n 4 s,iTti
V , " 3 . 0 anti r.,rnerl .IgPtiey and Frank
:a.. 4'l
II 41EtR in r.l46t,,Gerinan and Ainericau
In Harr,. and I'utlery
v i V leeM, !run and Steel . . 3 fiet.,l Howe
Vim. Pa.
W.J. I. LI DI;LF: &Co i
-,: 1
El ra 1^ got, ITHO. t.'0rri.0...0 and 11 - agon' Biol.lerr,,A.inte.,l 4 l . rert.. br -
VAITII Wietilil & Eittillil • Late. -—
1 _
- - i....\ S fit I ),N(;. NI 1). 7 t
Orrirr., on Tkior VI CP 1,1 e. B. %V.1 1 ;lo'r shirr, tip Anirr. -
. .
(Inn r n ith.Tkrt.-.4 8 rrn r. ger•-ktli noar riarrarrnripirtti.. Res
riarnrr..llS-Irralr.... t.iir , :oor vont] 01Serrinn 4. i
%Vit.., • -•t t nut Rrytil ,1•.-1. , t 111 Cro-orter. Pros mon,. %V i ne...
1,010,1. 1 . rim. &r.. &C Corner ,/ French Lind Flatit, , trecti
rartuttt; Ent,.
MO • 41. T :tha Retail Dealer in Family Grcrettes. Crockery
an•. Irun. Halle, @c . Cheap Side. trze. Pa.
• E.* 'I 1., higlies , t prttei‘agi for l'outury Produce...CT,
MIR 11gAT 1 . a Ito*, and Ilatit Ilaker.—Storr,No.4 Reed's fl ck,
liletk ) t 4 Line. Lne.
J W. - •
In Walker's Office. on Seventh Stmt. t. Erie. Pa
• HENRY LA Mk ELL. and Retail Dealer In Dry t:roeerieii.
iili.9.l‘ are. learr , ting. II ardware,
e. nipire Stores 6tate t: tree!. four duerii, below
Erie. I'a.
A.-- An, , llow Alit" Arm., Spring', and a general
a.... pi... lit of and Carriaini T
Ai 11011 SIFT AT I,•tv and Jurttee O the Peace. and Attest lin
the I:0 , Swale NIURIat LISP langur uce Cuutisan) Mice 3 dour.
0 Wright* stute. Erie, P 3.
A riCANEY •i LAN. Glfalfli. Eflt! Count), Pa. Colleetions and
other business anerided to a all promptness and disnmeh.
turn and ing & Cliounv.ion Merchant. on the Pohl tc Dock, east of
Slate .Irect.
Salt. ll'instkr and White riiih,eotvitant
I. ROSESZII L. 1 67— - C'O. '
INtit.rsst.t •sn Bc. - sti. Dttsi.rns ,n Itiretan and Dornestie Dry
1.0.1, rewty • Made nothing. Boots and shoes. ice, No. 4
Vtristini Illtick.l. 4 tate street, 1.41 e. .
Riuker end F. : ten:num Broker.. Dealer an fu ji of Exehange.
Drafts, errittleatriol Denth.ite, Gold antholvereolo. &e..
tt? .re. rlllauts` Btocii, corner of Ftate•sf.. and Public eruare.
A rr.,R".v.lice up stain, 'in Tammany Ilan bud ding
I,..nrti (.1 Inc Protlronutar)'s °thee. Erie.
A77..2 NET ••n COVASS 1.1.0 R AT LAW--4 Mee Over .B. WlrithrAt
entrenre one door west of State street. ott the thatuoud,
-- e -- Ci - tbiii - A - L - s --1--
I.r At Fit A . Dry Goods, Dry Grocerrrf. ilruckery, Harrivrane. Arx-.
Nu. j /IPAIoNde. Er/C.
11r., rein Dry Goods. Grueene,+, Ilasd ware, Queens Ware, Lime,
run. N ads, &e., 111. rheaveide. Inc, Pa.
_ •
rtni , t-r MAKI. n 1 . 1,1/01PIter, and Undertaker, corner of StAic and
nth Er ie.
EDWIlsf J.
ut R Lt. rurwartfaha. l'ruduce and Cusuntimon Nero hams .dealers
, 11 ruatn.. and tine salt, (oel. Planer. Shingles. &C. SOAt dock,
ur.k fade of the bradge. Erie.
G. inie.t. Forwarding. Coinunsaion and Produce Merchant/0'4 ,54 ft
und Ware-linure eind, of the rapie Budge, Erie.
Di as In Watches, Jewelry, ltcor, German *Weer, Plated and
Br it.tun to Ware Cutler), Milagary and Fancy (:nods, State street.
nrarly opposite the Eagle liot4l, Erie.
F./.•v and Retail dealers in Unap t Nielhairy . . raisaf, Oil..
.No. 6. Rped House. Erie.
FASSI1011•11.0 Merchant Tailor, on the public square, a fear doors
west of State street. Erie. _ •
ITOLII. •f I , • Igl• lirr IL limier !in Groceries. Provisions. Ship
handler) , Sunie-ware, No. A, Bootie!! Block. Erie.
a'rr Un Law. Medical. sowed Miscellaneous Books stationary
kr. State st.. four doors below We rotate square.
R^•ndent Dentist; °ghee wad dwelling's the Beebe Block, on the
to.t wte of the Public Square. brie. Teeth inserted on Gold'
I tr. from one 10 all entire sett. • Carious
tcrtb ailed with pure
I. owl reourceil to braid' and ecrefuluroo. Teeth dewier
h instrumento and tleuttliee so as to leave Weal Of a pellucid
rirarnesc MI work warranted.
Puratili •uh P.Ciumotertce at hie rcilderreeen9eventbstreec
°DCaite the Methodist Church. Brie.
• JOHN H. ft ORTON & CO,
Lir •!D itce.n. deafen to Drugs. Medicines.DMl Budlb.
Grocer No. S. Reed filiMie. Erie. 1
PNWURR Kep Rifle. Deer and Slartios Powder. Pag
received and For rate by the keg or len peesKio. by
Lri., Jo, ge. K. T. e!Tusarrr & 501,&
, t 4 .
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T I -1 . I E
I • 1 -
1F i 1 1 1
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II B. 114vric.T‘ck
ly for role.
T 111. Are rtor
feint 1)
Flom Eliza Cook's
How seldom we dream of the marl
- Far down by the coral strand ;
How little we thole of the wind an
When all we loi.e are on land.
.The hurricane conies, the hurrlean
And little heed do we take.
Themes the tree may snap as the
And the wallop( our homealeJd I
But the northeast. Ride teitB it dl.
With a sake of fearful sound.
When a loved one to under a el.
On the deck of an " outward • • • I,
How wistfully then we look on the
As threatening clouds go by
As the wind gets up and the last fa,
Is dying away In the sky
How we listen and gne, with a sit
And judge by the bending tree,
How the same.wii,l gust roust toss
Arid arouse the mighty sea
Ah, sadly then do we meet the da
When the signs o! storm arg bun
And pray for the Imbed one far awa
(.nn the deck Of an •• outward bo
There is one that I cherished whet
'We roved o'er the lowland lea
And I thought my love for that one
Was earnest as love could be.
But now that he bath gotirout
I find that I worship the inure ;
And I think of the waters deep an
As I bask by the Bowers on the s
I have watched the at ind. f have
And shrunk from the tempest so!
For my bean -critics are wreathed
That carry the. uutward bound ,
1 'MVO slept when the zephyrs urge
Aud the sky war without a aeon
But I witted soon 'rod, that fretful
With the dream of a ship goiug
I hat e lat in the held when the co
And the reaper's hook was beigh
But my fancy conjured the break
In the dead of st Hug:lnfest night.
eh' 1 peter will measure ageetion
White trending earth's fierwery
-. But wait till the lured'', from the
9n s the deck of an - outward holt
elitiir 3}li
T . .lJtl D U
THE emir of; Enghit.l is• crow.
enter it merel)l
as a Hide or prof
get a livmg , horrid business '
take to do any h illing 9f men any
may comenaudk without asking • .
ing or caring silicthrr it is right o
whiin rightlr nild,rstood ; and ye 1
prisedif we fink once in a 'whil
such a trade eiriged in it—for s'
honorable, eveit,the moat honorabl
few stop to itindire if it is ako rig
. Mr shirr ,wili introduce the sort
Cepliati to 1)1 . !Z elite.
The groorid juiace of Europe,
of Nnnoleoti, rsilemed the army o
service, and after reduction to a..
number. it was d
within the kine,
the eurviving uffici
roioned in irek4td. • They .were
f:e 12 ' hard - se Tv se e , and had Berne
CCI in the battle field ; but a cm.
met,' received appointments throo
thy and powerful friends. and ea
wnh rourini4sloll4 In their pocket,
rank in the army. The old sial.ll l
looked upon, those raw , recrmts is
trudera. They despised them for d
hated them fitr‘the injustice 'au&
The hero of my story was in this
taincd..b) patronage, the ei'Peht
the establishment' of peße.aud w
dozen or twenty oflicetatiof Welli
the cities of Irolarrel, Alt ensign
moned officer. and the *glary or
a saying. " 1!" an En•iits, has w•
go without supper." liar Ens
wia friendless. very youbm. and i
On the other hand. the officere
orally well supplied with money
but to spend it: they lived fast
all their 'habits and tastes, cup
such as he. Besides his retiri I
something else in .hiin which di ,
ciety. end exposed him to their •
teen air ofeelf-respent, showing
sad a strict propriety of Lingua .
quietly, but all the more severell
looseness and rudeness of clindu •
the manner he entered the term]
personal character and deinisan •
had its effect nixie him else ; an i
them widened every day.
. A certain ailment and kind oil
to b% the rules °lithe service ; t I
sharpy measured out. that eve
and every look es insult. and h
of quarrel at any moment that 14
the settled Porpoie of several of!
out of the army by . their Melvin
a duel, and dispose of him fins ' ;y.
This grew worse contincallv The contempt of the
older officers for the young Eno rt. and his repugnance
to them aucreased with every m one,. anti) they paid no
kind of respect to his feelinge , dhe avoided them with
a cilium% which looked likii ant thy. The worst of all
was the evident., conviction in he minds of the whole
garrison that helwas a coward+ eharteter most sham*.
ful in a soldier.nd in any mail,, a weeknees that readers
every other net a worthless. i,
Poor fellow ! , e was aloes. triendlass , and without •
dollar in the world but his a nthly pay. With there
beggerlrelicaMstances he wad, a *choler. and a goads
man, with feelings rendered iter-Censitave by high cul
ture and recentaniefornmes. at his chief impediment
was a conscience—a religions Itcups of right. whiCh left
hiin no liberty to tellers himself or mend his prospects.
by any, meant which the 'highitit morality forted.. He
sufftre4 machevery way. aqd poet or it all he enured
for — righteowness• stito.7 - 0 f 4Worre he had the strength
and nobleness Which sash • seitinteat beet's , * ; bat it is
easier to do ireat things thembear little saes. That.
are more:here" Milo saints in!l avedild. St. Peter wait
not afrai4ofthe soldiers in the ?decibel bii was ashamed
of his wester do the judgtneut *IL To bear disgrace.
and shame: and scorn. to eta • mast under suspicions
,that drive one eut-of society r the sake of a principle
which nobody believes or ' 'is erwas-keesing.
Our young hero miliptedd welding of soldier and
l .
a gestleinia. with the abar•M' or a toward and • slave!
It was
,a bitter impotad his , ' midi &opt it atasmatly to
his' lip..
ON day be reesind as in
seam with.ll46 roma ha
let's gave,
pest blows,
bake ;
it tale,
be "ship.
hand la hand
on the land
'atehed *stars,
ith the. slender spars,
z to erwp.
was in sho.ek
, and.
od with officers who
own. by which they
is. indeed, to under—
here the government
l ye questions, or kiMw
, wrong. But so it is
we must 'not be cur
, e man too good for
• Is generally thought
or all professions, and
of a man that is an az-
ihich followed the fall
England from foreign
illt ono-third its former
the mil•tary atiniosui
A Urge number of .
)f Waterloo were ger-
r•iierritly men who had
d their honors and offi•
deruble number of new
I ti favor of their weal•
0 muting the veteran*
which gave them high
re. usturnlly enoigh.
mere upstarts and in•
their inexperience, and
fed by their promotion
junction., lie had oh
nient of Ensign. after
a cpmitered with some,
gton'il army, io one of
is the lowest commis.-
av is so smell. that it is
a for dinner. he must
go was very poo'—he
onatitutionrilly shy.
of the station were gen
and had uuthing to do
thigh, and wire, by
Millt compenions for
ig manners, there was
inclined him to their so
'oke : this was a cer•
rrfinement and culture,
, :yr and manner,, which
rebuked their general
el. They hated him for
and still worse for his
- among them. All ibis
so the breach between
row' tie
le field
t courtesy he was entitled
is they gave so
r‘ salute was en affront.
' might have had ease•
pleased. It was in fact
these men, to drive him
ire, or to drive him into
• Oil a moor stems%
wMa bad jut ar•
rived at the station. A uteetiog with his brother officers
promised butt no pleasure, and he was personally a strait=
pr to the 47.4rtral, who know nothing of him but by re
port of these who despised him., lie ma r daged to arrive
at the latest allowable momeol, and he contrived to pro
cora a seat at • table next to the General, who, both as
his host and Imperior of icer. was bound to afford him pro
tection from the insolence of the company'.
t need not say how the dinner hour passed with him.
- Totally silent sod neglected, except from the necessary
notice cf the General, the time. eo . foil of pleastireto the
company, wore away heavy and painful to him but he
was contented to escape rudeueas, and made ind.fference
cooperatively (welcome. .
After the cloth was removed. the wine circulated. the
nolltPanY disink freely, the mirth grew loud. and the pres
ence of °silliest friend was nearly forgotten. until a
eirentustanc of a startling character brought him auto
notice. Th General suddenly cried out.
**Geode ea. I have lost my watch—l had it in my
band ten initiates ago, but it le gone." • ..1
A painful ettspense instantly followed, every marl es
cheated eases ) s with his neghbor, until at last every eye
folded with enspiciou u the young Ensign. Who but
be, of all the company, e uld be guilty of such a crime I
Besides herstas. perhaps, the only:man near enough to
the T.: lto effect the thoft. Such thotights were in
every utiud=they left not a.sisede of doubt. The twee :
ruble wretch was caught at last ; and there was as littlif
pity as 'respect felt for him. 1
•• Shut the dour." ationted the Colonel of the regiment
" let no man leave the room. The watch is among us,
and it concerns every - man parent to fie the gnat where
it belongs. 1 Propose that a search be instautly made,
cud let it begin with we."
"By DO means." inteposed the General. (Cohan not
be so. No gentleman is capable Of such an act. A hun-
dred watches are not worth the impeachment of any gen
tleman's hinor., 7 Deg no more about it. It has no spe
cial values obeys its price. and I care n/thing about that.•'
" But. General," seed the Colonel, the watch is in
the room. One of us must have it," Jeoking sternly at
the young Ensign, '• and the rascal moist be dries& from
the station: We cannot bade a pickpocket smear as,
and we cannot consent to leave it a moment in doubt who
the wretch really is. There is no fear that the shame
will fell on any unexpected place. Ws 'Oust finish the
fellow now and be dons with hina"
The Ensign sat steady and Motionleak bar pale as
death - . Every eye was fixed epos him, and to every eye
the signs of guilt were' perfectly clear. The General had
no doubt of it. and he was mere 11040611 t i prevent the
search en this account; bat ha was overconie, and sab
mitted.• A few minutes placed for the examination of
every ane present. till it came to the Engage, who was
left purposely to - the last.
• "sow yawn: nun." said the Colonel. turning and
advancing towards him. " now, sit, Ibis your turn ;" his
fore looking perfectly savage with seers and hats. •' The
watch, sir. without a word. or moment's delay !"
But • terrific change had pained upon the long-suffer
ing. pntient boy. ❑e sprang from hutment with a scream
so wild, so fierce, so fun of agony, that every heart Wood
still a moment with surprise. In that manner:* he had
Wanted lattn.elf agaimit the w.ll, drawu Ins sword sod
'Amu the attitude of defence."
"Come you to search use. sir, as you wealsla suspect
ed thief 1 On your life, l warn yen itot to offer one that
indignity. My dead body you may search, but not my
Irving one. Approach now if you dare. [ defy the whole
of you as ono man
instantly - the Colonel crossed swords with him in f 0...
... ‘
Hops coniblit. ,
" field ! peace ! arrest them!" cried the General, and
sprang forward himself to recent the affray. At the first
stop, the watch rolled on t • liner ! He hail mimed the
fsh, end now the watch II from its place of conceal
moult in the violence of hi untrements. The company
Roe electrifred. The con Oct of the Ensign wee hies :
. .
plumage. H l s had braved lestruet•oti. risked bus reputa
lipn, and periled his life, nil a point of honor too nice
fee hie superiors to feel.; and bad insulted and defied
them all to one breath, mild there he stood justified and
vactorious.before them ! i -
it WI. t o o SDUCh to WO. fur they wets too lunch es•
cited to understand it. Their determination was taken.
sod the company disperse with resolutions set, and per
p4ties inflexible. • The General seized the opportunity to
1:14.logizo to the Ensign for the unhappy mistake which
led to the quarrel. and requested him to call upon hint
that evening. at a hoe hoar.
Our hero was scarcely in his man room "ere the Colo
nel's challenge tees prearitteitto ;him. Wohorit a mo
ment's delay, he answered the sepood who brought it :
I will pot accept this challenge to mortal combat.
am opposed to,ilte duel nn principle. and 1 will not be
driven from my cruse of duty.' You all know Stylist I
have already endured, rather thau revenge or defend my
self by taking life. I think you, have done your worst,
but if not lam prepared for it. lat my own master,
and will not allow any man to dictate my opinion* as al
matter of right, or compel me to conduct which,sny heart
and head condeistu.'"; . .
••• Sir," replied the second. " yea have seem 'fit to in
clude me among the men who despise you. end you me
right in that opinion. Let 'me ton roe, that cowardiie
■nd cuuceit i covered with preaching and canting. will
not protect you. You have grossly insulted every man
ib the garrison, to whom you odious enough before,
and you' must either give them the satisfaction which the
ccalifmf honor approves, or you Alta leave the army. Be
assured of that."
When he 'petit', General that night. end informed
him of the elsallenre. and his refusal. the officer shook
his head and looked at him sadly and earnestly. if not
-•My dear young friend." said he, r•I am arr , iii it
wont do. Theaii men will not be satisfied with an argu
ment, and it is plain that son are not the men to make
an apology while convinced that yeti are right. pouch) I
believe they would accept anything short oti resignation.
You have somehow got the ill-will of the whole corps,
and to-night'you affronted them mortally. I am sure
you .cannot know bnw *barely your conduct and hi ngunge
touched them, and your triumph only aggravated the of
fence. And now,•your refusal to accept the Colonel's
challenge is. lender theinost-faiorable coastreciiion. an
attack upon the code by which military men! govern
themselves towards each other. I see an eseapoi—Fight
you must or your challenge will heap upon you 'perscrnal
iediguities as will make your life intolerable, or drive Yea
into violence, which Will &meant to the same thing as
accepting his challenge. I saw that in your eye to day
which convinces me yin are as brave as Julies Cesar.
Yes. I saw something there braver thin. mere physical
mirage, and I felt its superiority; but you esOnot con
vert the world and reform the army soon enough to an -
ewer your own ands, and you most submit to its rules,
or be driven from it in disgrace. I honor your princi
ple% for I IllatettlliaDli finial. bat you cannot maintain
Our hero's reflections that eight most he left to insegi
natititi. The digit:skim Whisk eurrosedel him. the it:am
putating that were epos him. Min be known Doty to these
wits have bees tempted and tried to the almost, with the
arerjd and their own neanisities against them.
In the snerninghe emierod the challenge.
Having the right to &tease the eitsmisies. be named
t h e eme g..nwesd. Wbae•tbe Cokingi hoard this. with a
teach et with* an to littersiss wield net vim
17' ONW4Litn.zi
extinguish, he sail:—" fens the Moth know that he is
' fluttering into the rtiame?" The sektoad answered, • t'l
told him that you ere reputed the bird swordsman in the
i •
army, and beggedOtim to choose Pistols, •which who'd
give him some chiller of egavlity iq tbe'fight. bat he de
, chne4l.llo fact, I Oblast knew what to make alibis }onWg
• follow—him the sWord be has vitamin to fight with, hir is
so limber, and yetitto elastic and mttlesome; be is etch
a mixtdre of Methisdist, mak end adman, that I cant
not make him ootii And, Colonel. et it: nok a lt,ght Nit
pin, either, for aWthody. It seem' to me that you ware
making nothiag o, him, yesterday, hen the General in
toiled. The fella actually stood • p hiadsontely , aid
made very pretty , play with the espon, To tell the
truth, I'm tiestnamg to like Sim a tide, and I lost MK
ry that he mast disposed of in yar peculiar way.'!
The Colonel e ttered grimly.."l I must kill the' rim'
cal. I'm glad he •we some pluck capacity in tie -
sines*: I don't w ttobe a boy. ba her. 4 i• I
The next morisig at early sun se, they met on the
Mil ok honor. 1 the
ben the gr og ad 'was preperer l
stood armed and +tidy. the Ensign
sword point, and;dressing Isis ant
am here ender co petition, enerely.i
this practice. Tome it ,is absurd ai
ties no right, and it redresses no i
then. that if in patience has given
secationa.•and I hive, by a hasty i
footled sou, I am I williag to twine
commie i nt i " I
"Young man;
I curio her. not
casuistry. inn to
owreitsh far that.
von leave the ar
Tim eusko's a
"Yon will hay
einarlegeh. I
The seer ads a
play of ski.l. sad
la five minutes
enemy of theiawa
Heatedy - the I
peril and bloody •
turned P.M him
taught yens • lass.
soother, which v.
deration in Inlet;
The Colonel's
no bounds.
'ors front such e tinting, trash:ntaking
leh a mere fen ing-mastor, 'suet a
pring 'arvord-pl yer:aa von are," the
t throne' his ailing teeth, "Iran
i ron were abant en you chose these
with. If yotihe a sentiment of honor
ve pistols. I tell you this quarrel ik not
et have my life your gi ft. Yon shall
Ibke years. TI; is name! is to the death,
i ttiv to clinch it." triking at the Eesigii
ja a transport og passion. which he abided with equal
coolness and dexterity.
TI;to seconds interfered, and thewthe spectators cried
shame; bat it w clear enough that blood must flow be.
fore the parties a ould- quit the 'ground. The Ensign's
semaad,mswiltd ay by the exci meet, urged him to
accept the new alleage or elute aof conditions, for ho
despaired ofeany other adjostmen ,
"Will nothingamisfy this madinan but my life?" said
the young !face i deeply agilated ,
"You have made him mad," , said the 'mind. "and ; 1" 1 " 1 "°"' t
. ,
1 ther is nothing left lot it but a fatal hone. Yon have I
At the batdeof the Hone Shan he was an Ensign un
the ight to refute, having ahem der Gen. Jacksue. He was !sumo ( the very first to scale
an . ; the breastworks of the wily Indians, and n lle to pla ha
/ spared his life. and I
6 wilt sustain you. but I do not advi i it, (or it wilt be
availing in the e
~_. 1 • '' ' 1 their coverts!. •It was hero limit he rushed up to the strong
• I
"I havegone ini 11."
far," replied the Ensign. sadly. "too I eat defences of the enemy. tiling on his comrades to
; Olow; but none dared to ace .4 iumpany him. and alone he
far from the lintf strict principl4 to Tecoverit now. I
o ctai a r; ?Tate!' the savage foe, receiving two rifle balls in his ghoul
cantiut any longar ear. that lam ipposed to
dor, sad te barbed arrow so deeply imbedded in his thigh
hire broken duis that defence b . yi•liling 10 1 an 6 p
lit it remuted:the foil streugth of a man to extxicate it.
dii•itcv which I bought a safe one[. Oh, it is' hoiri z til e e ;-
1 ,
I did not dream this morning I might die a foel's deat h.]-It. was here that he rushed into the mast dangerous part
to-day." 1; ' 1 ' z - -of the battle ,grenoti against the express orders of Gen.
"You wilt aceept the offer," h tilt' interposed the-se.-- Jacksen; sad hers too, thi ugh disobeying that greet'
coed; ••yon evn‘it be • good shot with such en eye and :leo's orders. he won his las ing regard and love. The
hand• and such' If-poutemalen as 'you have shown to-day; night set in uppu the Creek Warners and their nation;
If your pistol etches your sword. you citation - mina ; but to Homitct, though he heal Wan imperishable laurels,
him, and, upon it' soul, he deserves it, and , I say let !it was a night, of pain. He was left upon the ground
him have it V u accept." j °
• 1 - amid the terrible caufueion din( prevailed, as it was rap.
The Elisio'end silent. Thit ground wait measur. posed iw advng state. But a lite of thrilling adventure
ed, the pistols p pared. and the combatants stationed, awaited hi. '
The word itaw i t,
( Riven. One-4 o—three. the! Colo. 1 . H m e
was afterwards prom,
nel'a pistol WOW i3ohirrd at 'het mutant, and the En -1 ly resigned and went to Ni;•
sign stood ontonched. He had Mserved his ' fire, and lof 2.5. In one-third of the
had right to take deliberate aim. -Steadily, hi I studies of the law studeut,
raised the deadty weapon till it tore point blank upon the
; I passed a searching mime
Colonel's heart' sad then it rested a infante it terrible self. He commenced the p
immense; not w l eerve quivered, nal a limb trembled in stipulated to the office of Ad either, and theirieetaters, their breath Ihnehed 'as the and in the lame y - etialietri
death they wain:direr. Bat suddenly Wheeling, the En. ly at the bar. ' Hie rare goo
sigh marked n 'Host in a different direction, at twice the nius gave lulu great advent
distance of his antagonist:and milling the trigger, he de r .:' cossfel•
livered his hilt it breast high. It was a centre shot, In 1821 he was elected •
and Mutuality-fit al if • hying mat had stood there . The 'and in Ital lie was elected
next instant, throwing down the instal with decision that /become& was approved b
could not be itiken, he cried nut:—"l will go:no tar- renamed waricond term by
titer in this wic ed folly.' If them is nothing else left fur 182 i be was elected Gover
I I .
MO but 111111/40/1 or sub.nisaion. I will sabinit." . -e - ity of twelve Maimed. •
The grandeni of his positron was too striking now :,:i.: -be did not have a Beagle
he mistaken otl enied. Th. Celonel was the first 07 ' In 1829, when he was a ii
acknowledge it.; Twice withinthe hoer he awned a litii -and more generally *love
to the magnani i
stoodlly if a man lie had se much Moused. that ' dune , he married an Mill.
man new' vindieated. even by the hard laws of war thin preyed unfortunate. ,
and honor; belares.netther a trielniter or a leeward. Pos. sena:alien) torikplace; but
'ably the Colotiel 'eh enmetlisnr af the higher nobility of of either. ,Beth deemed it
the young meals principle*. but I will not-be Sure of that, to part its kiiithiers cud on
He foetid him f*ave and generous. I stance created it dame of
Advancing m him, he offered his hand, ; analogized i unknown, and still is. W
frankly for all his misconduct. acknoirledged . his nue- I w i ll w e e r b e i k nesen . on ly '
conception of the .hatacter, which he hell pet to so se; 1 Houston was assailed. and
sore a trial, end added that lie was willing to owe his life I with abusing his wife. Tt
to "the bravait min be had ever met, either as friend or i however. and het nearest
foe." - ;
"Brave!" in ;Warmest friends of the Geo
; i cir expldin himself in relati
ing to his chit, it was a private affair wit
me—llsaven p to do. But he resigned h
to fight allege' t he forests, and with the r
which I should ing the volumes of a chat.
my life—not 't him. Ho was welcomed
I am the white ekeeis, who declared whe
of martyr of It t 'am in trouble and the tr
self. and insai, give tie &ignite, and take
red 'nen has no better frit
him as a father:
When Houston plisse.
three years sojourn with t
tinily greeted by the pen
idende there. Desiguin ,
bear against him. But h
out of all these contests a
We next find Mashie
of life. the friend abbe
of tyrants. Oar modem
stressful life in Terseth
my. sad ws will net •
Oculars undo rapid rise
his-fosse sad glary.
. Tbsre vas re place
iltsiorarlill is TANN',
”lneeept no fa,
aentltnentalist i a
trickstrr, and eo
Colonel buret au
knew well what
toys to play Inci
in yea, let' me la.,
made Op, 1 will
take it or 1 shall
and there is a bl.,
TumArtira..l4We ate some very fine Tome Des not long
since which were dried in the following inSoner. The
61,14 was takenjwhen tally ripe; and scalded, then strained
through a *eke, and after slowly cooking Over the fire
for kaftan halt. ft was spread en clean plents. and dried
in as oven. tits whole proem requiring WI; about two
days Were the fruit was reedy to pack Sway.
Tomatoes may be kept limy fresh by taking them
*tam fully ripe. and putting Melo to a tin tan capable
of being lierilieticall) sealed. Leers the Can open, and
place in a kettle of boiling water, keep the rim above the
serface of the, water VOW this whole is scalded through.
Add a little salt. and thee seal closely. Tomatoes thus
kept are said to open in the opting as fresh as they were
'when sealed. Try It and eee.—Okio Cultivator.
flestatsca —N. P. Willis is of the opiates thst , 'there
is as mina liar is easprovutir the ceatilosiss by assist.
is/ asters is be dossibutioa of sad fed. tbstithars
is ea saltimg, up a fa/oilman Sayre width at alibi
hasp tiler Mardi if it atiTir. What a 4,4* anent.
.sted the ehempiess
deka* lowered his
onist„ said. ••8 i
1 do not coition to
it in arielted. 4 st
rong. Let tne any.
way under tny per-
Ind or art jost11:1 1 -
it. What y r
canto hem Dot t
confer witlilo
preach but to fiiht.
about nice pinta iu
enact but Wynn have
ife. on.contittion that
nosh your impel.
will spare your
—take Tour ch.
I ke. "
cud firm.
! Mese," en 4 the fen-
Wet prottip
it 110-1 111111 Ira
'd witnesses bad
never dna
,i• Colossi wee
never neer krich die-
eti of such . * reiolt.
teamed esti ot, I the
i 6°Y*
d and outrage ,
wee. and exc
uernesa and fu
i aoinewhat hang
in sword-play.
1 , need even roe
ed by the immieent
ofhis enees..; he
lily. with—'d have
ad now I 'wall ietiyou
—an example of ino--
ortificatiOn and
e seemed kitpw
d the young men. with the celor mount
k and brow' "Bre , ie! colcitiel 7 pardoo
rdon. True bravery comiste in:refusing
her. not J have betrayed Is principle
have valued more than life; have risked
k that principle 'but to satisfy a caprice;
able hero ofa m serabkilalaehoed. instead
!lest truth. 1 hire lost confidie pie is my.
praises only monk me."
Wrn p my baby In his hi •
With his broldery orb
Lay bun In hi. Mite e
Portly as 1 used to do.
Wards the tow by t .1
Les the r Id stotild
Gently. . put bite
Fgrus lon hnud the ra
8/i unwearied by his c
Tura it from the smart;
fahoubl a' dreams disturb
Rock tiim gently to au _
Plollllift me to be as el v a 'ful
A. his mother would I ve been
:Teach him lime. and wilt teach hint
Faithest thing from et y tin.
lam weary, very area .
Awl I've naught to e behind. 1
But my innocent young by.
Whenm earth my thou is eau bind. I.
When the grave -elothe2i about tut I''
14 with wild• and btu
~ icry.i l ,
He almuld piers his tacc i against you. i l
Rooth him with a luildtly.
1 , •
I Mae dope. and life is tbLinc.
Take my baby (min arms.
But. until my e) et are rken.d.
Let me *e kis match
Front the Uart
Gen. Sam Houston Wu bor
93, and March 2d of course h
age. He is'a native of Rock
-Ilts ancestors were Highland
•ty• by the side of John Knox.
part iu the American Reroluti
land, Gen. Honstotes father h
land to Ir eland .
, In pessonal
is one of the noblest of men. 1
from tf congregation of five th
lofty figure, adolirable pro Per
an:rnts of his Wore,. in vrh
goodness of basil' arc most li I
Gen. llonston's father died
erty: . and the ewrialtle consul
Iloustim now holds in this R
by his own elisrtions, and up
truly a self-tuade men. lie
youth in the.forests, among t
studies as were ieongenial to
.years he left the wild sons on
yeara kept n ethool•io tenneit
In I@l3 Jae enlisted in the Crt
lie was derided for entering d
—"whet have your eraveirsidt
I would much sooner honor ti
stmointm ent.:' •
His mother.,* tall and to
ilia he should enter the arm
depart. she Cape to the door
him a maskei. sating. "the'
kit and never disgrace it. fo
,n sons should fill and honor
them should turn btu back to ,
her too that while the door'
men. it is sternly shut again
He did not *main 'long g'
minding form 41141amplequal
10EDS. •
:eke bits wake
c take.
is ilutubcr,
on the 2.1 of March, 18-
was fifty eight years of
idirs county,
:cots, •bd fought fix liber-
His father took so active
.n. Ile was bora is Ire
, ring emigrated from Seol
appearance Gra'. Houston
Ile would be singled out
naiad. on account of
one, and the marked I
h intellect, firtllllC4llll
)pill• ht.:tided
In 1837, leaving no prop,
oouv position which Santi s,
public. has been at:since
in his own merits. lie
spent several years of his
.e Indians. pursuing such'
ris taste. At - the age of
i dle forest, and for a few
iisee, with unusual success.
lity as a common soldier.—
the ranker when lie replwd
s to say about :he ranks?
ranks than disgrace an
atronly worgiok conse . nteil
y. and as he wia ‘ abJtit to
af the cottage and handed
my son, sake this ran.-
remeinGer. I tiad rather aft
able grave, than that one 111
loaves his life. Go, re airm
an+ cottage is ores to kayo
,t cowards."
• "the ranks." His, corn
ficatious secured hipii rapid
od to Li eutensucy. but final
, rilt tro study htw at the age
me/usually allotted to. the
e so fittod himself that ha
ion with groat credit to him•
aetiee of law, was soon after
utaut Geuerol of Teuuessre,
t Attorney; He rose-rapid
• souse and penetrating
aud be was signally sac-
Njor General of Tomtemee,
o Congress from dist 13tate.,
his couautuerlw, and he liras
almost unanimous rote. In
or of Tennessee by a major
groat was his popularity that
pponeat is the Legislature.
the height of his popularity,
thou say other man in tho
young lady. The connate
, the course of • few weeks a
era was nu,abuse oa thorn
• tto eeparate. Both agreed
nendly terihs. The cireuin-
Ixeiten}ent.l The cause was
heard Gen. Houston siyi r " It
o God and ounielves."•
the excitement win chir4ed
lady soon put ihnt to Wit.
friends were aftefweri
oral. Ile refused to
.o to the Neparstion: dee
which the public had ni
. fend
red to
exectones office, re
matt veal three year
library which lin-carri
: "IN e
V the,gieat Chicrort
he entered hie wigwe
fit Spirit hos seat yea o ma to
rouble away from us ' The
' l .d than Houston, and ey love
through Tennessee after his
e Indians, his was Mithasiss
le and urged to make his ret
demagogues hid attempted to
met them boldly, and came
scathed, and with a character
I a Teats, tree to the instincts
—OW sacoaspreatistar opera,-
better aeqoaittted with hie_
they were of hie outlier Moto
: Me article bigiviag the par
! dried:wise apes that field of
sa so A *MAU.
trusts whibh his, fellow citizens, who ffoked epo
the father of their Liberties, were phased to Oa -
hands. The) linnet , hire—they' vene4int , •
IiOUSiOn is n6w i Senator front. tat.
i ,
hooghtfau— , no excitement discnnce hint—
stroke of politmUlTelfey influences httin. , Il_ is
to do right, and ;act fur the hest good t,f_his
There is no sfrouger,friend tu the L :now than Go ,
It was no Ic.4•er ago than Monday.; F.S. 241 t
accepted an invitat i on from the Nigenal Te pi
Society, and &livered a most elognent address a 1
11011, illt New York. Those • WhO heard diet C
declare that the newspaper reports oft lt cauvey ki t
idea of its true merits as au eloquent roduetian I
Tinning argument. iVl.en ttia had fin shed it,
mittee ofinvitatiun n aitiid oil him. tend prose s n f
with a package Of $5 Bank notes. 4Ne!. ;ant en
said he, ••1 do *rot want your ruoney-.sgivoit to t a
in which yo s u ali engaged; my object-is to pron . r
cense not to get -iay fur my services in ity behsl
od l h
Ali are axon.lvied with the part he took in th
battle of San J-anioto , which had scarcely- a paral 1
history of h ont ar } coadicts— the of Sant
and the magnanimity of Suwon towarals tb
Chuffs of the nixie:its, showing tho l kiiiilly In •
Lis heart. Whin - public vette cried for the blo o
ta Anna, Houston intsrferedand said that the fad 1
mender, now a4risoner, shout I not be pu.. to dila
that he must be tredied as a prisoner df war. Oit
was heard, and Yeses was eared frdm a star
would have bead an tasting ras the bloCk mark il4
the act of England in her treatment of.Napoloor
• ___.-4—
One ii;!' ay to Cure Mania. Porte.
The New Orloons D:1:a :eft! an; T i tiniing rt
man who was clireil 'of this iirr.ids 'souse in a
way. Oae of tl o adveutn •rs had ea. t.
ay called lehnetrnoa, brow ht it to lie
leans. where it tizcitrd coniideroblit inriosity by r
chaos iippetite, and thi, manner la wh
devoured ins!c:4. The pa: , ;.at la t:
had been ono of its cloiesi observer..
rather fre'Uly, about that u tho tAa
and he unagtheti that a uurnhe f i of th
rug and biting Inns on var.rnpf pare
liJoaror w•as scalar, and came, and
&erase. Tao Itt,ttly
Ichneumon, were tilling, and aAad
ono on • partictqar went. The Doct
it. and F ei zing tlr o bot.t-jack, he deal
suhtnaler on gle stertors. which in .
Docteri,fullowed i Atp tat, blows—the
Dochir said Ie it : ustkill the lelttir
leaped ont of bcd and ran ; —theDurt
ry dextertouali the Boot-jack a
r ound and round. the.rootn.until he f
pletely exhausted. The ISoSJr exe
all the Ichneumons. and naked Inn'
Ire ALIO they were guue. The
a stimulant with t n'oplate, and diet
and waked up well. The humorti.,
pstieint, and The SUrniCe irritated,
kill the Ichneumon* an this case s w
rapidly cure many ca--r, ofl . tis kind
\ The cat 4., related tin Delta, re
have heardteif, which recurred man
edy. A very riejectable centlerna
was to die on wpeptieularasy. lie
of his doom, and went to bed to prey
family physician was called in and
to persuade him out of ha 'fancy. I
The man persevered in him belief,
proaghed, grow more and wore mom
taking very Intle food.
believed that he wound c
diont to undeceive likm
dettrutincd to call :u ano
$ young man. Tins
-cant was
I use. Ile .
ch. dec!:tzi
viner ••W
prompt trcntm^+it c,f
the thuugh•fui and .tea
horse 'whip iu his-hand.
quired in a v,ery rou2ll
ni.ttcr wall you;"
Doctors manner turned
reply. It wa,.avardi rc he patient la;
very thin c, v rto . Tt i•uek him two
sere blows Kith his w: 4 , the room u fir
legs toned carry hi,ti. l. Thu patieilt was not fa
him. land as iho Doctor in ouhts.l hi horse. he, 10
clothier. %Wad to the o i d discharging a shower
and bripk-hal; at him. After tt.e doctor was
retortiod to hp. room, !lres , sed himeetf, losde4 bik I
went to watch for the (I.toor, who hod. at /eat
day, to make hiiitNe!c t•carce. But the moaoisi
well, snd.lived m or.) yeArs to rhailt tho doctor
cei% ing la;tn by his sharp prartic:.--+Rica. bis,,i
Mt G. !Awls. the . ulnit.b's!genicie
Ma3issvpi Uni in. rute. (40%Viirg !mane
himself end Goo. the 11141311i11111 no
Governor: of Jll,-is- ppi. Eis r:ehl rh.eidedly.l
• Gen Q sitet ton id ouratliris arei tWo full b
Viiikecabun V•inkevs, and are Yankees
were horn not a great dlad:nce apt4t„ in the Si
fore-! -.ther. roll4'l/ ut 1:! , 0M111:10111 in
lutionary and w aof 1'31'2, and we', patriotic.,
bath foutrid in the Me: C 321 war.
At *nearly BC4 onr frirni emigrated to the
which opened her troad armlet() t l eci:ive all
industrious men. how he got hill,. we kn •
to otirselvolt.'wo floated in un-a raft, firat
of Mississippi, next into the elty 61! St: Loisis.l
of striped trousers, duty shirt. snit straw hat e '
day we AVI3Ft , dressedia.e a geutlosnaa. with
Isrs in cur trousers. At that eral of our ex
were 17 years :if age ; if our fri j end ex-Go
younger than that when ho arrived South,
Ole advantage of us in th t 1 articular.
Our friend the General received, while i
eau.wer, some 4 .3..i00 a month more or le •
quisiter. honors, &c. We. whde in th• is
received ?IS a motitli, no thorn dor less.e
about it, pork and beaus, and a glad myl t •
was a Ireat dell th: slarte.t, and we the •
fur . a ninn to in ik i itinisella - hutpart target I
and WOTSE, than th,o, a store-house for pork,
all for $S a month. rosy be retry patrietie.
cornmendab:e, and all that tort of .thins ;
thin else than agreeable. It shows a gra
stilettoes: to Ito a General than a private;
la!' great deal better, had t
inklitt same pp: T o / lion. • G
--suldlera ge ILI and fight
breeebee. bad h.t..-s..and altala warrant
luta °4 qfn. awl blushing hoflem.
• Frredd Qu.tnian'e popoirty get him
liiure got tie credit—neither Inatbd lung. 1!
office. arid wo without credit. Not ■ very
in either of
Our aged fricad has , been a whig, thou
gad Urnaw a d6unio'aist» We are • Uruo'
is so rich that he ilou't wont to be soy rich
eopoor-thnt no don't e'tut to 1* aus pow:
Venher•—weare khtt's bag Yam
ver y rc•pert lb;o man. Ws 11111 the same.
loaded. Wa aro black•headed. tie is
olive votes for Governor: We are prop*/
gubscriptioas, wltertisiag sad job-work. at,
on time. with good men, titil Chtiodami,
it h.
e &WO
(4 that,
I Alta
. bat
i of a
rod a
d sod
-d to.
• him.
d the
Ch it disitti
caaa 11
is got hold
lAA flies w•er
I his, body
oou cooq
a the D• •
in it he
•r pretend
the poor
de him
otient be.
, r followed'
• I
the v,eta
i allow
, d vs
1, arse/
I into the 1
ivied he
he felt a
i actor• midi
• sleep
of U.
liod • ta
• very
aCeot we.
of the fan •
h was.
dd uo d•
ia di In o
'venni sin.
nfor mod
no a*
is this
hat hi
I Ifllfor de t ,
l ied all hu:i.
tit to no
and as th
.h. and fo t i
to. At I ,j,
Ay ap
it was
• tits%
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