eritt)3ttltlll dlistivtr. Tina! SATURDAT . MORNING, SEPTEMBER 13, 1851 - DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMMATIONS. ?OR GOVERNOR, WILLIAM BIGLEE, Or eLISAIIIIELD CoV3TT. FOR CANAL CONCHLaRioNER BETH CLOVER, or CLARION cornuir. 4015-1- Par Justices of the li ? upreme Bench: JEREMIAH S. BLACK, of Somerset. JAMES CAMPBELL, of Philadelphia. ELLIS LEWIS, of Lancaster. • JOHN B. GIRSON.'of Cumberland.: WALTER 11. LOWRIE, of Allegheny IMIUREMEI Proceedings of the County Convention The proceedings of the Democratic County Couven-, ti . on will be found in another column. We hare invbly room this week to call the 'attention of our reedersoand the politicians of the State generally, to them, bolero go ing to press. Wo canner. honorer. let the opportunity pass witlidet endorsing the action of the Convention ful ly sod • nor dly in every particular. In regard to the approaching election, we ate assured by our friends from all parts of the county that.onr gallant candidate for Governor.. Col. BIGLICR, will receive the united and cordial support of the entire party. and poll a larger vote than any candidate before the people, for years. SinTihnry and Erie Railroad. A meeting of the friends of this tic:id "will be held this °cooing in the" Court House. for the purpose orappoint ing delegates to the convention on he 25th, at Philadel phia. We hope there-will bera genral attendance. Erie and Edenboro Plimk Road . 1 We are pleued to Inn that arrrigemerits have been made to immediately commence tell additional miles of this . road—five at this eud and five this way from Eden hero. Weather. andottier contingencies permitting. the whole teu miles is to be completed by January 1. 1E32. Thus it Will be seen that this arrangement secures the construction of the whole road early next spring. • u rti ' • Erie Teacher's 'trite. We are pleased‘m learn that he first session of this institution/is welt attehdad—abo forty teachers from the county being' present daily, whoievince, by their ultra the exercises, a lively interest in its tibjcts. It was - organized by appointing Professor Wright, of Ohio, President; and Mr. 0. I). Iletidrx, of this city, Secre tary. Among those pre'sent from abroad. if the able pre aiding aka: Rev. S. Newbury, of Cleveland. Ohio; Mr:Putnam. late Superintendent .if Common Schools in Chautauqua Co., N.. K 4 ; and Miss Fidelia Drummond. of Maumee qti, l ofito. and Professor Lambert. of New York. We have not been able, on account of other en gegemems, to attend any of the sessions of the insmiute, but we nevertheless apprecia:e the efforts of those who hays been instrumental in getting it up. and with the Gazette. "we take pleasure, in MODI/Oilibg W ALTER Cites- TER; Emi „ as having consecrated, with unfaltering ardor, his energies to the work. Its Is Otititled to the thanks of the friends of Education.—the, thanks of the rising gen eration=tho thanks at the. whole community," ' Whig County Convention. The Whig County COUVetitlolll, 10 1 / 1 01 HIM Erie on Wednesday, resulted as we anticipated. The „ Central power." or rather the `• Marlcat House clique," had it all their own way, hoeing., nominated their • pitttieular feedde, is one of the delegates had it, •• from represen tatives down to ; Director of the i'uor." The fultow•tug is the evidence : For Arrenibly—Chas. W. Kelso, of Erie: A. W. brans, of North East; kisociate Juilzes—Jos..M. Sterrett. of Erie, John Wood. of Le &mitt ;, Prothunotarr —James Skinner, of Erie : Register and Record;r—Divid Mc- Anuiter.of Eder; Com rrits‘i,mer—Rodney Cole:of Greene; Director of the Poor—Win E. McNair. of Millereek ; Auditor—.S. Reeder, of Washington; CUroner-r-Sinicou Diims. of Erie. Personally, this ticket . is unexceptionable. but as the embodiment of the Regency" who congregate, aborit the Canal office. and " Market IhMse." it cannot but be a bitter pill to those who do not how down at the shrine of " our Senator." And this applies more parkularly to the west. where it is * understood the must dissatisfac• Lieu with the course of that gentleman has heretofore ex- rated. On account of till! fact, we presume it is, that, that part of the county, although the Gahm'ter of 'Whig I strength. is totally excluded from the "fetitOf fat things," 1 while Erie, and thetownships adjacent. hive carried off seven out of the ten. offices—Erie alone having five. - Among other curious matters connected with this high ly amusing end laughable division of the spoils, is ins faet - that while oar cotemperary of the IGazetle was nOm inated fur the post he now se creditably fills by the race,j of Gov. Johnston, his eolleegue, Judge :Niles, who re ceived his appointment 'about the seine time from the same band, w very untereinoniously thrown overboard. While Ale is evidently a stab et Gov. Johnston. and cc counts foosevphaefor the very cool receptien that worthy functionary received at the hands of the Whigs of Erie. it is also a sore rebuff to the West for the denunciation it has Meted out to " our Senator" for his opposition to their railroad interests. Ant this r polies, more or loss, to crony candidate norni u eted; for we understand that it Was only arc sorry tax tl a stigma upon a candidate that he had dared to think peon railroad matters as his judgment dictate f. to at once bring him to the stool of the garrote, abd his political head soon fell forward, and the vengeance oldie •• Signor Concha" of Ea County wax appeased. It was in this way W. S. Lane, Esq.. the highest candidate except Illancon the first ballot, was• defeated. It was iu this' way Judge Miles was defeated, and it was ie this way. we are insured, Mr. Cos/fiber , . of Harberereek, was defeated fur Register and Recorder, and a contractor, and a heavy one, too, on the l'ittsburgh me, nominated overlhina.. But these are all matters to be settled among the Whigs themselves—our duty as a faithful Observer" only requiring us to notice them as apart of the history of the day. /low it was Done .We were • good deal ammsed on Wednesday at the various memenvers of the d.fferent factions of Whig.' ; ro ery. Wand a , oldie Court House. Knots of town sharks were seen i i every conceivable nook and corner.-with some Wight tom the country in their midst. impressing upon him the importance of their views rend while we could not help but laugh at the cuteness of the "ropers," .the blindieseof the " roped" in not seeing " where ibi little joker" was concealed, web truly pitiable. Thus, for institute, the pe4on having the next highest number for Assembly on the first ballot, it has been ascertained, was.defeated by thbse opposed to him representing that lie was opposed to the Sunbury and Erie railroad, which so far from being the fact, the very reverse was the case. Indeed, actions, which speak louder than words. point euereegly to the faction who are now glorying in the success of such jugglery. as the very men who ices op posed t h e read. and who undoubtedly will do so again Air election., Apt., the same kind of si 'lads joker" was made tit WI effectually against one or two of the can. didatee fee ilitesieter and Recorder by .the Maoism of the petty beirwe Thene• and limiter tricks, known only to political spirt*/ gentlemen, brought about the result presented in the ticket selected ; arid shows at semi that. though the country Whigs are very faithful en election dep. they are by as means a match for the political "Fi re dealers" in teir•, on Contention days. 117 Pataa's Liturr.—Tbia National latolUgoseer says: it is regassteil by a- w4ll referased rude sae. who del' elates himself' astborised spat Alicia authority to erry that ao patrol is about being 0044 to Mr. Nino. or likely to be. the publication to the ariatussy mg. Troubles, Trialk o saull u ntitilas ken Whip irk Co tY• As a veritable HistoshOs of events se they pass we are forced to record this week a chapter bathe History of the Whig party of Eels. wherein the fun. froth, Nihau, haw buggery, tricks„.tris/s, tribulations rie4 truckling. of the lairs-workers are exhibited in all their 'naked defOrmity. It is painful fur us to de Q. as everybody knows. but like the old lady's eels, we have got mad 0 it t therefore, u "itisto be did, " we are bound to " did it." • For the halt two monthe.l l or in fact we might sly, ever since the notable - defeat lithe Leeislatere'of the railroad scheme of our Seasaio;', t • pederasts who most do congregate about the Cued Horse. and whose party machinations are there weeteected. sobjhed el ways to the revision of the Oramilligls Priest and his seherdiestes at the Canal Of fice, have been, i o great iribulauoia lest their asistintae In the last Legislature should deprive them of the control. of the political littlin-of the Whig party of • the County. Wherever they horned they found disaffemion and trea son ageism. theisi authority. The Etat. for certain rea sons, looked bleie ; in die West tbuider clouds, black and th;esteniugi overbdisg their political sky, while 'at the South visibla evidences of a tornado could be seen sweepiug along the plslik road to fidenbere. in thin state of the ease, one of the members of , the,last begisla tura, concluding that discretion' was the better part of valor, disappeared from the public gaze, and annonoced that he I liad served the iStete long enough. We have heard of "'sour grapero - sold of political 'epitome being shoved aside for the Isclit of a very essential quality, call• ed availability ; and we aormise—mind we do not say it is *Act, for this 4 a veritable history—that the gentle man alluded to was " u horsed" by his party friends fur. tz some such good and on cleat reason. At any rite he concluded to devote his leisure time to Engineering and Law. But where was the timber to fill tits vaeoncy to come from I That wawa question easier asked than an swered. Happy thought I A correspondent of the Gal- ULU conceived the brilliant idea that this was the *a each door" of the State, and he put his finger upon the very man to repro:went the "back door." The suggestion took lake wild-fire in certain quarters, and fur a time the back-door candidate carried alt before him. Bet who can tell bow aeon.the brightest landscape may be over 'cast by , a cloud. Bober-minded whip—whigs who , vote honestly for whig candidates, and have never had a hankering for the .. leek pots" of the county gan to suggest that the " baci-door".eandidete. leas not exactly reliable—that he had bolted nominations once or • to ice, and he might, having become used to it, bolt the party when he got toqtarriab'rg ! Ilere was a quanda ry. it wee evident he could lot carry the county against' the malcontents, headed by s ch men as Judge Males fin the West , and the old mem r from the East, , A. W. Slane, Esq.,- who was again a candidate, and who was understood to be hostile to he " regeticy."• Another • happy thought ! By candidates all over the 1 ,, county, they could. secure delegates pledged to inch lo cal 'Alen, and when they had them once here in town. they hopes to combinii them upon one of their owe "stripe" in oppoiition to the candidates of the disaffected. Forthwith the cotillion' of the Giraffe teemed with an huncontions i so much Ili. indedd, that a stranger would hams thought about a third• of the whigs of the county were anxious to go to Harrisburg. This accomploshed, and a kind of a bargain patched up with Mr. Dime, wherein It wa , s , very ge nerousty agre,ed on their part not to uppoeo his n omination, an event they could n't help, and on Ins to remain neutral, and the " regency" rested on their oars. Box it was a troubled rest, Something like Richard's. or Lady Macbeth's, for they had frightful dreams of " Loco-foco' tickets" and " (*server traps:" consequently we _find a handbill circulited all over the county previsions to the delegate etectioro. Warning the . faithful to beware of s:mei:pa ful dead-fall to catch whig pigeons, set 'by the b . e,fore-rnentioned Wiener and its party. and baited with "Candidates callantheniselves whirs." And-thas waxed and swirled, fumed and fret trd the "regency." in order to maintain Their ascendan cy in the county. and secure a member of their own !' - ritripe in The Legislature. flow they succeeded will be more definitely stated hereafter. At the trials of the "regency" was not confined to the candidates fur' the Legislature. There werw other offices to fill, and it was all important that none who had questioned the itifallibility of "our Sewer" should be al lowed to taste of the " loaves and fillies." Attiong oth ers a new Prothonotor was to be elected, and'as tho pres ant incumbent, although a faithful officer, had been quar tered upon the publics crib Aver since he became .. .od enough to appreciate vied .leving and good pas, titers werg those who thought there ought to be a change. Among these was our cotemporary of the Ckrosticle. He had labored long and faithfully for the whig party—and although ,he had devoted himself night and day to its ad vaticemeut, often, too, to the neglect of his pecuniary affairs, he had never asked an office before. Now, how ever, the office of Prothonotor he thought would just i seit _i nf . Not so thought the regeocy. o lie had offended "our Senator," heUce he would not suit them. He had refused to become a party hack in the rail road contro versy. hence he was a marked man. At first they laughed at Ws pretensions, but anon the fact becitne evident that the old gentleman 'was a better nag than they ever gave .him credit fut. Something must be done, and that quick ly. Circulars -weres issued lauding the Present incuin bent to the skies 4 but still the " Over:grey" was not 'frightened. The lace became desperate, and the Cones toga showed evide'nt signs of too good keeping, and bad tram/ lig. His wjind was giving out, and the jockies saw he mud hi helped, of he would be " /dewed" ere he reach ed,the judges' stand. Another circular was secretly is. sued. signed by "twieive respectable whir, certifying that they "know Mr. Parley well," and that he is not quali fied fur the office.':. Thie seas a settler ; and our cotem i rotary caved at once—but not until he had told the "con: 1 sporatura"- what he thought of theln—ride. last. (Amer id• e Now, this is a quarrel in which we care' not • straw. I . I hot we venture to assert there are fifty business men in Erie who will certify that they believe the Editor of the ~ Chronicle is as well qualified to fill the office of Prothon- L 1 otary, as one of the -signers of the card is to fill the office ,of Post Master. " This we say without intending any i ' disrepect to" the o ffi cial referred to. " The some with great truth might be said of tuartY of our beet and lead -1 ing men. Their habits of life apd training have been in a different, direction." Fur the other offices there was not much strife, if we except Register and Recorder=end that Was a mere matter of preferencebetwoen men. all of the candidate's, filo far as we know, belonging to the " rageney." hence what little manamvering took plaCe was "all in the fens- Hy." the- particulars of which have not yet transpired. And hire we close. ( . Col. Bigler at .lffeadele. Col. Bigler visited Meadville on Friday of last creek, and received • moat enthusiastic welc l omei lie spoke for nearly two hours. J 1 n d the Democrat says his •ddresn covered the whole ground at issue—the State debt. and the financial eubjecta connected ,with it—the tariff. aed the slave question. all were discusised to the most Wei and lucid manner. The' atwitter:present was variously estimated from 2000 to pan, mid the impression made upon them was decidedly favorable. lle s eoufirined the weeeririg:stimolated the doubting, and delighted-- the firm. We are pleased to announce that the Colonel signified his determination to visit I:,ne, i if possible, previous to the election. Should he find filmset! able to do so, ha wdl give due notice of the feet LT The Utica Gazffie deists the title of .k' City of Chatehea." end states that it bee twenty-two horses of public Worship to 17.556 inhabitants—one sketch to each 798 inhabitant. We think the Gout:* will relinquish the elaiim whoa it learns that Eris with 6.000 lallabi has terilvo bosom of public weethip. beige ode to • • SOO inbabit.while tee additieWal derowkinatlos.whie bee so IsosWet we ship.. wee nor Coed hose& emirs She *Wow oie els to seek 4 ishabitast& crw. invite lekilSe Sew Het sod Csio Was of iie , A•prob s few rr frost etjr Dismesd. wirseisenest wil be fossil in another (ohms, to Rbth we refer the nisder for pew. *left Domeier'lie County Cbaysation. According to previous notice from the County C om . mitts., the delegates from the various townships. wards sad boroughs essmObled in County Convention at the Court linos*. In the cit) a of Eris, en Thursday. Sept. 11, 1851. and orgattived'hy calling lion. John Brawley to the Chair, and electing Joseph P.• Grant Vice Nisei dent, and Benjamin Grant and E. W. Gerrish. Secreta ries. • Afterthe °likes of 'the Convention had boon stated. Geu. W. %V. Looinis moved the appointment of a com mittes.Of three to draft ant: report resolutions expressive of the sense of the Conventioe, which was carried, and the Chair appointed Gen. W. W. Loomis. J. R. Taylor. asd Bebj. Grant said committee. wbo arior a short ab ! /mime. reported tho following resolutions. wSicb wen read and adopted. sirloins : ' Resoira. That the principles of the Deotecratic par. tr—the.cousereative doctrines of the Cenatitotion and the Umou-the *Oro of plogrem—the inatantaa of equa l rigl4-rthe moonlike of police to tall and favors beyond thm to pone—is t h e platform open which the Democracy of PeiniWylvanin are now battling. hod upon which the Wee mod ptarautic of all slates and all conntries can and will uoire. 2. gawked, That the Democratic partyef Erie Coun ty, tlintigh Its the mieertty. neither fell in theirfulelity to their principles, nor Lek the spirit to maintain them: and that as watt man. acmatr:tl by one impulse, will do battle menially to secure the triumphant election of Col Wive Bigler for Governor. sod Gen. Seth Clover for Canal Commissioner. 1 3. *Weed. That we will give the candidates nomi• need ky the Democratic State 'Convention for Judges o the Supreme Court our hearty support. 4. liesoleed. That we approve of the Compromise mea.l sures enacted by the last Congress, and look upon their passage as due to our be. three of the other States, and' rtquired by the guarantees of the Constitution. oposi pi faithiuLobservauce of which depends the peace.and pros pertly 61 the Union. S. Reselred i That we condemn, as freught with miss chief th the Union, the further agitation of these ques tioug :laud the agitators for politiearpurposes. ea dema gogue4 to the interests and welfare of the,whole coontiT. 6 Ilesolfed. That the prosperity orate country is. un der a kind providence, due to the energy, wisdom an prudence of the Democratic party, and that the filtur greatness of our glorious country is identified with th future ieucerss of that party, and it therefore. becomt all to yielP.up personal prejudices for candidates fur the eral good. 7. !Wolfed. That as expressions of preference for Pres:, idontial candidates haie been mado by our deinocraine brethren in many 'portions of the State t we deem it.not unbecoming this'convention to follow the precedents thua furnialatel : therefore. B,•lfcsofted. That the great public services, civil and militar, of Gen. San flousTon, of Tesas, peculiarly fit him fOr our staudard bearer in 1852 ; and that under the lead of the hero of San Jacinto, we should march to ceri 10111 and glorious victory. That in malting this declare. lion of our preference, wo do not wish to disparage any of the, other prominent men of our country, whose names are tried in connection with this MO post. and for whom ue would cheerfully do bank in the event of our choice not being that'of the National Convention. 9. #esolced, That we entertain trudiminislied eonf clenre in the integrity, Democracy and talents of the Do James Thompson, our late representative in Congress, and regret tiler loss of his services in the nation's coun cil% and heartily endorse and approve of his course while there.. , 19. , /Waked. That we hare full confidence in 14 demo'cmcy, talents and integrity of the klon. Carlton 11. 1.. Curtis, our talented and popular representative. in Con Eress; and doubt not that his political course will be 1 . r the benefit of his coustituents and do honor . to hints& and to the Democracy of the 23d Cougreasional Matti . It Nag, on motion. then resolved. to be inexpedient o nominate candidates to be supported for the several coo - ty offices at this time, bat that when thi k s'Conventien a - jaunt; it shall adjourn to meet at t h e call of the President when. he shall deem proper. The Convention then proceeded to the nomination a d election of Conferee* to •the Judicial Convention, to Ise held et Erie on Friday' Sept, 14, 1851, whereuppn it e following named persons were declared to be elected, lour, BRAWL/T, GI:ORGI: H. etrif.tilt, 8311TH JACKART. W. W. Loomis. . 1 P. P. JVDSo2I. . ...( 1 , 1 Tit l e Conferesioweie then, on motion. Instructed Impugn lion. John Galbraith as candidate for the' ofs 1 of President Judge of this hullers! District. , . The' following named persons were then eleFied weer • , POI" Dninocratic Central Curility Coo:minim fur the a suing sear : 1 . . P i Sur: Ft JACKSON, . W. A. GALBRAITH. k.. W. MILLER. C. M. TIIIIBALS. . ! I lt. S. SRAM-LIG , HTTRT TLLLER. ' ' - . J. ft. TAYLOR. . On motion. Resolved, That the proceedings of I Convention be -igued by the officers. •nd pobliihed the Erie Obterrer. • .1011,1 BRAWLEIr; prer JOSPPII P. GRANT. Vice Pfeil RV .r: GRAirr. E. *V ; Gkaatsti. Ste" tarte*:. Burners, What are they I Fur two weeks the Gauti€ has been throwing out hie! based upon rumors; that there is • project on foot.' wh, reiriving "aid and comfort" from some persons gagrd in the Sunbury end Erie. Railroad. to divert at road:" from Ridgeway through Vinton° and Crawf•rd counties on is Cleveland." What the Gazette is' ding at wp scarcely know ; but there is .evidently saran e por.pose of the speculators in railroad projects who 11 : ing i s about that office at the bottom of it; for certedidy i e have never heard of such a project. and we doubt nu e h siihepier anybody else ever did. outside of the Camel f fiee.! if the project were feasible, however, we shblild not leondor at its projection, fur to our mind it Woutbe the grossest folly for that 'Company to make Erie • p nt when all our force in the Legislature last winter, with perhaps one exception. was arrayed against it.. We 'can not .xpect to fight railroad companies in the Legislative &adopt of it. and still retain their good will. Mors, i we °oohed expert the Sunbury and Erie railroad to be b ilt ' at all, if we do not put ourshoulder to this wheel and 1p build il l It is usele..a for us t • say, as we hear swirl of our wealthiest men say, that it has got to be built wheith. w e I nabstribe our share or not to its stock—that Ph la. delphia Must do it in order to compete fur the trade and travel of the West- If Philadelphia mast do it. it Is evi dent to us she will do it. and do hoe as to reach that ttde and travel at the farthest point west she * can. and if he can reacheleveland by a direct route through from . R id e.. way, it is equally evident, if Erie is to 'fight her da in and day out because the " Board of Control" about the Canal office lack "confidence" in "some of the dii ce tera." that she will do it. To head elf this project, if on fool, or to present its ever being broached.' our eotarse is plain. We must quit fighting the Sunbury, road and these engaged in it. here and elsewhere, and subsciribe our labor and money towards building it. Erie eu at , - mist corm, up to the work wow. as she ought to s , done through her reprowshaiies last' winter, ands t i t in the foremost Multi of those battling tor.that great; w rl Let as do thts,let our representatives that are-to-be pl da themselves to sustain the Sunbury and Erie road, i it Sudeavord to reach the lake ; at this point. and to ,t of no more obstacles in the way of other railroad. Pro cl cotemporaneous with it, and equally beneficial to of PuSge , and dial/a:We can rest assured it will never el aWy more (if it ever has,) of the Ridgwsy and Cleve at project. . Soma Flares —There is some hopes of the Ci Pt. • It hits Tilt quoting Poetry inherence of its op tOhe Salsbury road, And taken to writing long: ini ed explanatimis. These explapationtamoent twins th —4it opposed the road until it found the tide too s add then it crawled est crab fashion, and took to 11 klieg .. abotet "want of eon fi denee" In some or the d re tors, etc : , rte. We ay there is some hopes am: timporary yet—it tidies him a good while, but Irk the dsrkie's razor, " he ii boned to come if the beadle fon% break." _ Goon —The Carpenters and Joiners are about to for payments in Cash. This is right. Tim ales • that works for anything but Cash is a traitor to his interests; and ought to remain. as ko andonbuiing poor an ow data of his life. • t Er If guy body. white or black. viebeater better . se than WS MVO bees blessed with this emit, they w loses-iires to Cab% sr doe • below. White: -*• does bids bat's _ wet sad harsh sr front w thorn to starry eve." sad is for writing. :t it ark in its. SITTIIOS P.ROI OUR EXCHATIOES EDlTOltral. MARS ■ • "Mt ram. - ' We .hosted like 10 res tie .• as that eats write edl— Aerial this hot weather. fie wool , be a cariosity worthy, of B■roam. irr The actual democratic tnaierity, in Indiana at the recrol election. in the 10 Congressional districts. was 0467. 17 It is mid that the law in Califonlie, licenthog gam ing tables, will obtain for the State Trl.asury abniat $75.- 000 annually. It Er The whip of Roston have insieliched their dele gates in the State C lion to io for Derail Webster for President of the United States. • QT The G'lrographical Contre; r the United States at • the pre mien time: is is the eriitory. 000 heudred and twenty miles west of Missouri. 1, Q3* Ac Eavyna's nr.wann —Serving a patty 'faithful. ly twenty-five'years. sod-then when :tion ask faro' aim pie office of Cleetialiip. to be told that oe ore a Lary glov er fellow. but you aiut qualified and.can't conic, la. ET A woman Spring fi eld Illass..ihaa been senten ced to three mouths cOnfinement, in the House of Cor rection !mesase she is “aeoennicin scod."_ A nstherun- Common one we should tfiink. , , , • . Er We see • good deal of fault found with refractory postage atantps--they wont stick: we agree will one of our exchanges in sayln . g. that the beat way tlteu. in to `cat." ex In California they know but'woe law, and that's the law of eelf-definerea suavity wbicb is isioysted by one'aet of "reporta"—ethose whiCh ack \rained !by Rifle. Revolver. & Co. • ' I 7 Thesab T--- nutrine blasts whiOh are howl;ttering to pieces the rocs in Ilurtgete channel , attract rge crowds of aPectetors. Steamboats ere adveriiiei to cdUvey par- Congers to and from the scene of these curious rii rationii. __—____ Lir Taos.—Au American writing in ,the 1. ndon Timof the Eisnted•States as mainly an, agricultural count • happily describes her as “lictlerfitrrial co siiine\iiit O: ) alaninte than is afair." rr The Pittsburgh Poe, of the '6lsi carries t i t its malt head this Denies of ism:, Buenas!( for President, and Mit.t.isit R. Kiso for Vicei• Presldeut. A' pretty good .ticket, but it cent shine! r • ar The Louisville Democrat sapc—"Ohr Common. wealth has no paupers,—no poor isiiiiseir.—no need ninny —none to fill them." Thie se truly a hipPt state things. Can the editor tell %his utpighbo4s the secret means tre which such a result Was iicoititilished? Er /YAVOVRATIOr or Mn. PoWELI.I.--Gor. rowel, w inducted into office at Traukcort.iy ! otou Tuesday Int. with proper cereinonier. The crowd to a tendance was* very large, and the whole ceremony :passo'. l ofir to the de- light of all. The fnpowing sign, on Weste'tv 11... Jr, Cincinnati, if ant strictly Jo conformance with pm present rules, orthography, , at bast bean tho impress Of originality:l "Kaska, lirakers, Kaados, and KonleksinitiOrys, • Hole sale and Retale." • IT Fudge is the name,of the whig cantlidate for the, Senate in Green county, Ohiii-4ohn rude.; The whole whig ticket is fudge, the race will be fudge, and Its success. if such a thing were powlible aimed' be all a fudge. I CET The Ph 41117 ----- slphia Ledger saver "A reerchant of this city, who lately died suddenly, left in his'desk a let ter written to and of his 'correspondents. Il clerk, w sea of Erin. seeing it necessary to send the le rr. wrote at the button,: "Since writing the above I haire died." U 3 The Providence Henild,think:* the enormous lamp *rhea weighing 217 pounds' which 111 iu poier; N. H•. ••most have been Senator irate. whe attainerin i consider able elimation,".and hos been for spme timS put sop posed to by felling beck again. 1 - t . CET Juhn Keller a citgen of Lawiencs tciwnillip, Mani on county. ludic's. who is oser,loo yearn oh!, .cut and split 100 calls by three o'clock, in t ertioon, one day last was h . This old gentlemen s sefrt ip the Whis key lusurrection in Peunlylvaitia. ID" Minot% Boatetri —For a Emir nights . this week there bar been some splendid displays of Northe6 Lights. The spires of light Bashing op from the northern horizon, and appearing to centre the zenith, were very brilliant and of different Colors. II:7 Miss Hunt. of Si.. Louis. ir ; young lady about I to visit Europe. has mods several large dotiations to the Cathqic Church. Among them ii a lot worth $20,0141, Upon 'Which to erect • Cathedral. f t: ar better given t is ; corn to Educate thii.poor. we think. . _ET The Mayors( New York 1 has received - a letter from Mr. Brown. Secretary of Legation it Conatanti - lo pie, string officially that Kossnti and his eempani nu would leave for this country in the U. 'S. frigate .Mie a sippi,-On the Ist September. and would prebably art ye . about the latter part of October. ; ' LIZr,Ex-President Val Buren spent several days with Mr. Blair, late of tkni - Wailiingthin Globe, on a fishing excursion amongilie Thousand Islands. The Ex-Prts• ident, during a d 'a trolling, took the largest numbel e of 6.6 of any one of the crowd. !leis an inveterate ang r, and spends a great deal of his time on the water. __— ‘ .1,0 A rriter says women require more sleep than at 11, and farmers less than those.engaged in almost any of er occupation. Editors reporters amid doctors need noaleep .at all. Lawyers can sleep unmet' as they please, and thus keep oat of mischief. . Clergymen (leap twelve JIOIIIII ont of the twenty-four; andput their ptirish to sleep ifbce a week. C9OSOLISIO TO TUE WHIGSi—The N. ir : Sinday Tames neutral, speaking of the late elections, says, it is impossible to say what rtairacnlona chinges ii public feel ing may take place between this time and the fill of 1852; but as the great parties now wind . , there Seems to be no roved whatever for the titration' of the .Whig esuilidate for the Bresidency., be he who he 'rimy, provided a sound, aulaginened:and patriotic Democrat shall bo- nominated as his oPpotient. • Ths Cincinnati CentworreQ relates that a young married woman of respectability,,,while enjo y ing the ee -1 ciety °f friami'. drank toe freeh efeweet wine. on Tees id ' a day evening. She made an effort to get home without s ii r ndance. and fell in the strivt. When found by her t- friends, it was discovered' that she Where robbed of her gold watch and chain. Ofricei Ketrible.accompanied her home. hloralreepectable young _ , married we- I " . i ; • man." should out indulge n **street win . .." away from Is home or ar QT LE 4 . D trims or 'Tut Sas SASA 'RIVEL—The , d Amnion (Tessa) Telegraph, Mentions having seen some very valuable specimens colead ore, which were bronght from San Saba. There iareimmense quantities of it and hundreds of tons may b 4 olataiited with little la- bar.' This ore contains a large Portion of silver. and it is • qu.te probable that the old • Spanish mines which were worked (milker near the old fillt on the San Saba, re semble this. The settlements ate rapidly eztending to wards the region in which this ore is foond. " ICS Goon Aisvicc.—An oxehiings says if you desire an l i interesting paper. subscribe for it-i-pay in •drauto end it attentively—writ for it ocesitionally.• and proe . all. the new subscribers you can. f you hare's (omit and wish to interest your son or duo fuer in reading a - per. famish them the mans of beCoening a subsciber/ end y o u will hero a double pleasuire of reading the piper, lid hoofing it read. If your neighbor borrows youg pa per sad don't return it. by all gleans get bin' tiisubocribs a friend or mei l, for one of his own. If yo* buys' sod hi limbs is too poor to tails family paper. to Gant to ibis,' owes cold water. end less i.bard .cider. Ho will, thereby add nisei to his iwn nowibirt and Woe 11. friends. If you boo. sever titbit* • well condstiont yik peci you en giro tho - publioluot ii atgrit!o4lo ' by forlituding year oubocription by the next post c . Lopes' s Last illosseszts. • 'We gather rpm thm latest New York papers the fol lowing partiedlars of Lopez's lut moments:—At the f.. tal hour Gen.] Lopez was, brought out and ascended the platform within firm step. its pencils was enveloped in a white shroluil. ,The executioner then' removed the abroad, mad tere stood a Gener4l his foil military uniform befo ,e the assembled multitude. His appearance was calm, dignified arid heroic. Nut s nfirsele quiVered. illelooked upon the preparations for death unmovaid; hie countenance changed not, and his i r whole ' beariu was fi rm laud manly. The , executioner now remove his embroidered emit. his mash, cravat. and all.the malign • of his mithary rank, in token of disgrace. General ,r.. with his hands tightly bound tozethe• in .front. steppe forwird. and "in a strong clear •oice. slow ly spoke to sae ironed as fellows:— • 'l TßAT THE Tsai- MIS WHO li• L• COMPROMISED NIL TO r•nrinsi lox ' •v I Ts IL- Pea THXSI. IT DEATH WILL SOT C/I.IOGE THZ pi:STINT vi Cusa." ' The men loner standing a little Lehi tid. • here inter copied him i i an insulting tone, with “Coineooi quack. be quick " i Gen. Lope; tuning his head part! around.' 'fixed his ev e on the loan. and said sternly , riming his teeth. "WS' . SIR!" lie then cothinued: "Antic. NT iat.w•en Cu • ! Auivo, NT SIRCTID.R?I!" The General then steppe r back. seated himself on the atool. A pn.•si ;with the ern ills and taper stood on one Ode of hint. the ',executioner ii the other. The collar wave then pl.tced !around the 1 Isoa er g neck. The priest now placed the *med . :: bet eye the General's bands. and just as he in the act-of ;relining his head to kiss it. the executioner swung the I fel screw, and the head of the nitfortunate man at the a nte time dropped forward, twitching 'the crucifix, il never moved again. Theta sat the Ludt of one ofth bravest men that ever.druiv breath—but a moment ag 'alive. now a ghastly corpse. ' Hear a Whig Paper. ' i The Harrisburg State A:Pit:mai. a Whig paper, ' with 1 JOHNSTOX'S risme at its mast-head. copies extracts from i COE 1310L/ClOl letter to MANTIS and hisspeech at the Ea gle. and ad ‘is; • We can siee no reason to condemn any man, or any party for atitiiscribing to the sound sentiments containrd in the &bevel declaration of Cul. Bigler. When "the bill now in the hands of Gus. Johnston," waibefure the Leg sislature, weladvoceted its passage.' conscientiowdy re garding many of the previsions of the law of .1647 as "uncon-titutional and unjust in their operation," calcu lated to din urb the public lkeace. and rtesui a ISAVYLL. TU•L" the Fugitive Stave Lir in Pennat Ivame- . law '"passed by la constitutiouel majority of Congress." and "pronounced co.iatitutional by \the Jiid.eial tribunals." Bebeving that the Law. of Con ems •bould be ••eniura ed 1 \ and imithety obei ed," ifs the "0 ly r cans of maicanin hig invidat the Integra) of the Unton " we cutisidcr it the duty of trvery Luau to "render a pk! ,otic .cquot...ire to 1 .uch limo," and incligurrtly froWn upon tri.. first dam ring at an "attempt to reeks!. drfest,or rtzspr aI,AI - rtc - rt t." the Fugitive Slave Law, or any of the C.kiii - points measures passed by ths constitutional majoruies of the liiirt it:migrese , le Bitwaa 'or COLOREIVCANDI : ES.—The Albany Reg ister stutes\that on an analysis of the green and red coloring Matter of candy, they are fifouiPpi be com posed of deadly poison; the former is Made" up of arsenite of potash t and the latter generally of lead and niercitry.' Sell era( cases among children, tt hieli have reigned nearly in death, have recently occur red in that city, fro p) eating green and red 'candy a. The greed is the inWet poiS0(10111. and one of the largest helarte colore "ri that way, on analyzation, was rout!to contain e ()ugh araenite of potash to kill eichil . i., r Gsx. N onTii.—.A correspondent of the Newark diertise says it is well, iiiii7n in certain quarters t at a dia . inguished vflicerot "gli in rank, and Of the egular rrrny—whose name will (ureter he roust I onorably connected A ith bite e\:ents of the Mexican . ar—was only prevented by deu)Elt from being at the / 1 head of the Cuban expedition of` last year. The tumor elle hundred thudiand dol. rs, it is said, awaited liis acceptance on'tbe resi inatirin of his command', the time which-had been a reed upoti) , {ll be his beyond peradventure, no matter hat the re suit: and' thereafter, so long as Ins-name and ,iieflri-' ence' might be devoted to their service. a infien-a i (ion eqotyalent to ih of the United States was t.,, be his, with other emoluments and ativatitage. N. „ i ', A ILISI . R THRUST.—The LI .Y . Express ea . iii reply to the remark of the Linton Times, that t he i\ s% American Eagle spreads lIS w4ngs o'era barren taa to .I in the Cq alai Palace!" There is one thing Mhe American Eagle flapsA4 wings inler," which the editor of the Tunes for shame's aka, will hardly put parallel to the,barren waste in Hyde Parke. ' We mean the tensuf (him sande of ter-majesty's subk•cts who are fleeing from wider the very shadow of the Crystal Palace to the shortie or the Umted States; seeking,fiere a refuge and a sbsiatence they looked fur in %siii, "even , rn aong4 the wealth and the magnificeoce au prodi gally displayed in Hyde Park. r , HTDR PPACTeCR..-~Thr rretS vine ICatiada) Review of the 161 h. ci‘es followu ing acconnt of a ease of Hydrophobia, supposed to have occurred in its neighborhood., "A Orson from A!biun told tug to-day that a Stir- j TeYor• t-t!at IravelUng in that Township, was bit- : ten by a dog which he encountered in the bosh.— Decided symptoms of hydrophobia ',brolly manifes- ! ted themkelves, resisting all the efrorts of medical skill. Out informant added, that in order to abort- ; en the .Offerings of the victim, his attendants when 1 the caselwas pronounced to be desperate, anaught - red I him ?Austen two feather beds'!" , ANOTHER! WOMAN OVII!R THE FA ct.R.—We learn from a freliXble source, that yesterday morning, about siren o'clock, a woman fell:tato the water et the edgi of the Horse-shoe Fall 'and was carried over. She was n crazy woman; well known to•dll vititoralon the Canada file, and for some years' ha: been • ladies walking alone. A man was arrested[ and examined on • charge of pushing her into Inei water; but we understand that he was did charged, for want of evidence. He alleged that the motionimade Joy him. and which were tho't to be made till put-ping her over, were wily attempts to save he!. Still, some by-slanders think they plain ly saw him shove the poor creature into the stream. Buffalo Courier. Gl' • AGI ' L WHO WORKEID lAA Pnevrisa Orricii.--.1. Cincin ti paper states that three years ago a pour orphan id applied and was admitted to t•et type for that pa _r. She wariced ten veers, il whic h iii which time e h earned besides her board. abort XOO, ind 'mina herself of the facilities which the printing office u ered, acquired a gond education. She is it now an'associate editress of a popular paper, and is engage to he married to' one of the smartest Lawyer in Ohio. 'We should be disinclined to credit he above if - we did not have so many evidences of the elevating Influences of the printing office. ' . . MM.' NICHOLT INSTANCIi Or AFFECTIoN..—A liitle boy fit years old, sun of Mr. David Cr .84t,pf Janes vine, 1 'loconsin, accidentally fell into Rock river a short t nte since, and being in danger Of drowning, his sister, ten years of age, after liim to try to bring him ashore, when both sunk together. A brother, happening to pass by attjte time. pinnged - in to their sesene. and alsoAisapnekred under the wa ler., When taken nut soon afterwards, they were atipposed to be dead,,but the 'oldest boy 'NIA filial. lc reltgred to life. From the two others the 'vital spark !tad tied - forever. : • • .. I .- Horda's WRlTilla ISX.:-..`We are opposed to all kinds of •Puffing,,' in the figurative sense of the term. ? Whether in the, notice of a bmilt.or anything else we have i a repoOnanee to give it a fulsome adulation. or to recent mend it in any wayat all, unless wis honestly believe it.i j i worthv'of favor. "W have again furniShid ourselves with a keg of Barer' Black Writing Lek, and when we sox that the is not t o first or the second keg that has been procured from r. Hove., the article may be considered as being endorsed 'good' by us. otherwise we should not have continuled Its nee for them. six or seven years past. Others may hive their preference in favor of different manufac tures. and we are quite willing that they enjoy thee- pre ferencea (save end except those of opr corrorposedrats who so netimes impose that loathsome Blue stuff upon us. nh ch 4 not fit to be used ); fur our own part. we i r contrao 4 e the manufacture of Mr. Hover. 060 ink if not on , clear and Week. bet does not clog and ennelo. mersier our pee, as some other good inks do:"—Germen /Worried Massager, CAsesimersbarg. Pa. 1 MIARRI JET: - 1 In Gireou on the 4th inst.. %py r ites% Ff. H. Moore. a Weeht ills. Cept . Levi pens.' and Miss DIMITHA too ef, men. • On {he 7th hue.. by M. Niles. of link's. Mr. Nerues I&& Mugs of Cottseorill. sad MTS. hiAltlf Mavis. of Grecs. • • ! 'D I 3 f Vali suddenly. au Tuesday last, of Nersoss Apaplex4, Wtt Wu W. Kern, ).0., aged shout 55 yea'', -I Fawns or GiOwiteL-i.mlilary, war Jiinnsy'a got It-esarting up the alley with the o at tar tittle fellow, what a geeio4 lie get it. We're going have fry scones' fish for dinnerr New Adverti WOOD WA N , firlf I C sulatrriber nrishowto purchase 1 nal other RA wourt deturcred at corner of Vtenen and 9th Streets.. ter pt ERIE DAGUERREAN' Park Row. a few doe IMOD 8017 IItf:RMAN ichappv to invite all w Ty PI: LI Kr.,i Ess W. who are at prcturee they lrake.lo /whew Brooms V.kly Tor the ln. LI4IIT If the gre n been the onstatt study of at. the ,tit . is errd, to employ and he.t a,..tptedt) 11101111er the non,. fay 'hid) , an of thoneands of caper a re-,mph manent Gallery in the lure: are made h a common window. onpertnt Pkture. by such air & to the 'Art. The therefere I •nperwr I.IGIIT. and . ith au alp:trap ec iu thet City. he so enabled ;gado,- .1 ewoel'ed in this part of the Cell wiry . WI u.r h rata he prigt4eett in 01117•1 ronn 4 .. drat .h.thas. Ile has al?o a iii.dendhl n rill which tie lakes children 01 ally-a• ' 1411,49011111 A prtnres will not fade i f1..1 N. H.—Tim-recent linpriovitienta rooms. • I • Erte, Peri, 10, dam. Lo rut FIFTY AME Ir . ASS A MI/ all this I. done anise theY to 014..14 thee afirleyetarlene plena.•) %hale others are thapleawed, b to please all IS to ; CALL AT it' And ezannne has large ands.. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, tVilirlt he ts 111 make up to order on 111 11.0 ft lasltiombir style. Gentlernen any :arinent can deia'nd cod having it salt,:ied they will not be asked to Wee We have nn band and continue to ,bleb we e: nnnr, and Would invite ouritriend. d nymno Uuod., Piices and %lakec and t bring aluug>ome one 10 illdte fur )ou, vatisned Ul4ll 14e have the 8.. t Goods in tl 1 h.. we t,o,t of AM% ‘Villfelri 1 l ' attiFv r.ttirtt, pr,ittgor4 an. etoek• alyl rack trr.o ate. %t in we t selt Is ettratt the theartt. '4t r tt mild ft (Urn Otlf thatlkPr to the plea - 0.11.) . 4"e all , j'a bIJ euitumere can wake It cool ' s:1411:ot to Rive to , act JOHN M. 3U: 11011PIRE A •' Keep it &fuse eke I,:coplegitat the Eirm,, I , Jal4 inert tie.Ageney 1, Nall ..nuOLlCtortes in the ll,,httnt •.J helon any wing ever heard of. En I(; r l ei ot Flour wail purehrwe wore N. a pear alto. We wilt awl' Bar Iron a • Irian all rawnd fur Wanloiw, ',lewd., , aore• ni !cox at. Nett. I.) the 1,1- 1 ' c 61.1 belute Math) Whet. ittomt a.W., '1 he al.ote are for a..1,a Joe I rilelf Hardware. eadlery Ilariln are,. Alii% lie, V wee, Bellows. cAd Meehan aleo Rubber Ir. r , r-pt. 13. IV!. & NEW ;FAT A STOR , pnr.'n , l'Acrll.4l. hilt mg reple4 it 11i %$ %% of en; w•l'tis , je, ry Aare by Mr..' the co i mien , or Cr lr to hi. I. tww itirect,froi LiMeliC.ll flatter[lt' m. 11, 1111.i1k , 411 trl 11 , 1 , are mad.: IA mater .11ZI !1••• narrameri equvr nc ri Is % cbdt eau be had C.a.tern I (entkititli eat. al all 1113. b find larr. n. ncebe& Cu** celebratiq flab at cog atfilopt every etylc. 4datit) awl pr 4utEllo Tile ouk.eraber I?)per by table. 11un:Ite.:n, an hi- a tin tWI. 10 fleece th , make reliable r unionkrrn. 1-31 -t— ran Ca l rapaign Comme . E:otta 111 e rci a I 1.1. r cio II ',Are L'ln 1 (1.0... g Cheaper Ikon Ertel—Li I..:ree ..ileu and riliall pr. Tl:lupin w. 4 , ,,,, to; or , h ..e are h ' Aiiilrrit e.r. 111-iii an., BUY'S CFA ..hum; 11;‘,-0. at at...uphill' furore nu. e,..,0 4 ,,,,,,t cinihitta e-talliishaten 6h..itze. t.ra., virile 1 s tale a the last i i 1311.1 1141 • angers from all parts at thil,g ni as. (rota 01 her confines. boon old 1144(1 as well a+ the lard F. to tire. •ea . rket. tr loch I 011eOrt direst tog the'io prqiit %illicit enable+ eNeaper thin ant Miler milts idea! 111 I tart I mit pr0.,..iii..1 Otetler Fall and W it, will he, olt1,1‘).”1, are the wearer t.t We, ~ its. an.17.-rtlet Oh+ market : I tore 11,1 the Mt le, ...0 t ~relat., I Veil -,.‘ tt) lease otietqtrti or Li--..11•'w.1, 1 . s e-. V. , , • NeA 1 irk 5 . ' r , ..5., IA ten ,- 1.111 5 . ...),.1 is ..nk curti a led- ii 111 th 1a11.'17, Clore What I :1111:1, , h ive,miu si.. I roam/Cachou. them in the ino+l I. to• Loa .her. I:. eyleet-e o t•filiot, In. 4.1.. u. ill ,to O e'l iq rail ander:lmi r„,- I. l's a..., Ilit+ineu.abyt I /thee Co L Iltruatt 1 . 1..111f. ('ar-se.ter.t. Vert:Alt. : . ik . ' , ) at , the Bet O e cannot emus:: 's all umes yon ip,re gni& Is. better 1 l it .s -t —eh,. per gnat'. than all the „ ~,,..} . I „e,i F., the liheral praroi me. I n.e.1.1 re-reelf ill. l*. lease el ~,,,, a,:, a koe;/ind a I,lr;tr• and c'so I ars+,l. f 4111 r. and taillif.illy, I hope 10 tit:-; kht Lon a+ mane new Oat.. a , sA 11l 1.1 I:t ie,! , elit 1 1. 1 , 51 —l' ummEziE Er ir 04-pt. '13,1E31- • Stray,B 'et tm 10 the eneloo jai; I.lle Creek, abont I . terra, one rar old la lihe other red .10,1 n hole. no art eat I lovers are rerpregted to call, au .1y I'rerl s , NOTX herenv r.ven: that a I . .roinisra) &War% *t tet rill alio three month- front or. hy 11. H that the -aid note n a- o' , tintml in f all tfiri•onp art therefore witir 'a- it n II ti•rt lin paid. WaLcitord, ziletit 13. IKil . • Plank Road TIIC Stoektiolif,r4 of the Volot .L Rowl t'9l,lpatly are h. (eh) 11, ,aid,....“-khol,lora 1% ill 1.. ber heit,:a the h01e...! of George l'a P. NI., 1 ,, ele:t officers tur the saki the t.aid Rv.rd. • I mlmot Sept. 13. 1931 Ci 1:11.11`,4 CIS ant' 17 1 in g.. Nlarine u • ri. and w tc lian7 C-0. Lc GI. A !Awl E aenw rd. Ai Inch sr, 3. Pero A LARc ou:ar. or a Perry pluck by eili:l.F A R NO 3. rem II atici I.inrn Wan. . tig4 tJ I,4arr,lLait p„ Ca■hiueres on tn. le. • NlaniAl'a Mack rltlk ; 11 Ribbon. of !at 1.% st)les just Ir. `opt. 13.—N STARTLING NEWS Execution of G • LAll R I'ST are now reee 6( fall goods eouspstlng of I) Shan I-. Dre.• silks. Ca rant never ~ r nrfs toOIIOIII.V and is ill ti sold as lon in env 11l inatlng ps amine for themselves and test pra Dont forget `to call al No. I IV Nth streets, DI:LA_FF~IlOO for otic plolling a r a gballiag a yard a Erie. Se 1. 13. ; rilhi:l3iMlt- - i t iT-T07. - n• Scow • XA 1 Wright's Mott for one • Frte.Sept. li. • - V A 1 4 . i lt on d .11-71.1 Like this fu oblige R i t: x ` Ahl:r F:XT~ACTI4 nr .L' 'lcrf, Jrllap, ustarda, Pa F.r.e,Sept. 13. 13IRD CA 11 F 9 a. good amsortum Erte Sept. 13. .I.SKS In Dozen riororted M Erie. erpt. 13. F. WARE from the Ert . I. Erie.. Sept. 13. - LAC-Iti4TEA a ouvcrtor artie for side at FL/UK.—Flour from the W 'to Le bad at • ratrr. is hereby given t .1.11 orphans' l'ourt or the e. at put.ttc veirdoe. preaw.44.. at 19 O'ckrek A. M . Medal Pomeroy. deceased, to parcels or land adjoining each . it 'le res Of landoitunte in the . ty of Erie. bounded north be a ton mad; eta by land of John wr by /be /API init.'. a Pert. 13.-3111* I%bere'e the frp t i, ud and eters shell; horse. • "The de % , al nimbi* but go and alfmnY• end mu st isamme....—_ • erne TD D • Cords of Hrmi, b A*Ker) t, 1.. m. S. JACKSON ' G la ---- A — ,E it y - 1 • West •ftbe 11. 1.0 Irish 1) be i rtit Irv,. ''' meets 4i c )( l, ‘' . n i . e ' h 'o t i l of , A . l L ( i t : ls lh t I.'..ii the carne 1 : 1‘11 . 7 8 , ; :: : " . . n l i : 71 !. , al , , 44 1n:i. "' 1 i.,,. I II tsbtheular whin am.t of bled hate bary i b, i ,i, - a r able results. The result !*foster whe t . 0, pm "' i and he who la}ii Le ran- pros ea hi. tiptr o , h „ el. leave to say that b, hi tortures %bort, cannot b otters to excel! any 16 . i t Er r, ...r for 6 I oietil Lock Nun in: I 4,,,,.. . ta•rly key:. ' • ay be sera at the a►pq IV. Il SHUMAN. o iiiitra. M.ASSACRED.! ...1v )HiZ1(111•1111he Cu. i ; Elt , d l• usual some ire the wily way ,pa too. ICES. I PeJected cock of ND VESTINGS I►lbrrert nadir,. and in tpe ttu kr nadaanres for hen prown.ed, and tf not I away. =I 'Ake a %cry :tipprnly 1A ,y ref oil:Rend the p. 11.1 le to rdll and .1. nutjudo-. rt c yuu say bok I, City! Ar.o. a ricer Inc cot • Irler-hirt... tight ery 1941..1.1 v.. k • 11/ laic for grit fa)rr._t rid as Wan) n,.) at No or, 'Kt, Practical Tal.C4, AIX. /ITI VW , bt rndermolil ,no of tho t -14,11.11nd 1rv.... we. I,I,PWIT rrdoc, ' l 'T U r. a 'ls .0 , 1 Ir. , t It nn 41d 1,,A. to :c;r pt.,. pound. lirts p, lrr.,rn to per c. it lllJlrhr.t 1 lte,i t r y ..re1. , 411;.• a larr./..f,k at nantite4.. rhains. '11 ., , , 1 , 411 all 11 \ ‘I.IIVI,LL 1 ~1) CAP la It •',611116 otifr On 1'.16 11‘.1tA. IRO • I:te4aiic.• ut v• t., tro . k of fl a t s ad ci na Eastern NI hat .7 MN,. Ittt L t itt,,tl It. rt:11111.,•til t tt re-• awi In 1.. , I. -tpc thEi latr.t fa,.t.rui* War Turk yrtets. Zo rips e. gpoa eve of a ir deal ing, -C • RJ. cod in Reality. , ing Store Open" 6hitAl aft rscr• ECZE rbv hrtirp n tbl: IIINt; in.l 61' A Whorri,;. • r kr, .1 .No fllnrill.4 a,:• ut U 3.111.1 Si:lr. 1 1 , am I.Lilr 1r . ., .14 :ht 11, I . ' l/I'4 • 'Di DI prrar IV CIL 4..rh pjeslble, It , ••••'"0, in /lr the a1”.1••• 1111.0 aIt,III thr f C• .11 lbe 1, • T.sq.l It-. .1 ~ ; .2 ) t• urt. J r :0A... ;ifae 11rt.d..1...dV0, J 1 al- It IrtaNle an i is,Jrlinbaa• VI, 011'1. C.lrap .49.-k cr lyre. Fatir ) Pru-,lt, pl. call a:0! rp,1,4 111 e S. ASA IS-I—llsoigli oft r..t.0.,1144,2, - .11% cl the i.e/ Ir ''', l: : ; t * I ": ;. ,' ;4 . 1 t ; rR .*' ";1 a ' ; a : i .1,1. and ,I 4 alma h.:10441e ; all ms ul.l ennonerta. aid . / 1 r tat VI ith their calls 3f,n.Es Fr tl7l. Uli2l of the puFwf %for loung4n ins Idle, SPr)ng: one of them red +OO al marks. Whue‘er tn+.• elnrce., a❑d take them SULIOI .3t14 'ote_for illevi %In ens ~ f Se t 'the ia.l 1 , 1 Jolt'. I-31, ni • ”f. to one . 4 . Hamel., and i 114 ahi 1 is an jut eon,idera• • Dot to ferule Ine.ame. Ii II 1141%w eating. !pap awl Slat , . 'tied thm I, $.1,1 d, the :irmlay "f"to ot 14ctoric I unit...any. nod also to IG. W. 111L — $11'1112 I. 1 :• 1 rolarce . ELI/ II 111f.f.. 11 lIIESRV I , l'l X I,N;S. I ; W.11.1.41t All ZZI JIM.% JUlkius. • 7 ER A 4 l I n elk - ACE. GORAT.IO CRURBT. r 7 3101 caytt .. the tlu•ap• 1.14. ER j€l , lrffe 2 C 1.i..11,L. No of rake. teat. c nt.Nn 3. & rceri o at KEpLi.R._ 'IDO. plain :1.1 e. st‘ Its on the BUCKLE /Ir. K ?LEN larucly vl Itirc h urea by, = 1 • . ROM CUBA i. -! ! - Lopes r : I • lg a large and Oplrn , ol CAI ne4, Cashmeres 61;/,:11 i tr.-. WOO!, &C.. of TWO mud C.C. If market. Our ti,e. Pere an be atlbrdvi Ls : , .. , y hotone In invited to r .11 -tod fl ilythe truifi of our r,s,ef I .41. • Ilik of I. init . a nd 11:th LAIRD k It 1'F.T.... IR i• —CR•toTtieti ti 111 rind rights [Rock 1.. 1 LAIRD & RUST. Ingtaants VI 111 be fi.l4:-.: at ag a yard. LAIRD 4 RI ST _ 41 1 • wertie-s.Wi. hope our trxr , , a , I" . aerigusoottinttrranzln ] .,4 LAIRII & RI ST Ir. Vanilla. for Rare al .Ilyrups &c. for 11,1100RE'3 tlrori pkl fcrsa lent MoOßrs Greco) aubt ati.l f r MOORE'S G rivers annfactorr for valr at MOORE'S isfVfi r • r'tat (Meek Tea )test aba MOORE'S Grorcr) ut Cfrriln,ll4 thvcrE.l-1021° MOORE'S l:1Jerl e.:4‘o.ffl' or% Salo. n punsuanee of an order et the y of Ert.. I vs 111 esnose to oath th day pt October nest. on the the richt. title and intrort prce. • fallow ini descrthed eonutooly oft all G loat nship of ronreant, in the toner .1 funning raelsfrOns the Lessor .• y,ageth by . land of A MK, (11A El KSV)