political and. General Newi. From the Cleveland Herald. The Lake Superior County. We spent the last week in Jo ty on .Ivaloa Superi -pt s t o pping at the several places' of interest on, the AMC rican shore, between the Saut and Lapointe, a ihstarce, as traveled, of over 400 miles. The weatb tr - s. calm cool and invigorating , and the trip forms pf the most interesting and delightful to be wi ped in the hot season on this continent. * The Lake Superior county Is destined to become re t ry important portion of the Ilepublic. Its fish - erle.i its minerals, its lumber, and its agricultural prod.:mons, are just beginning-to be developed, and already the travel and commerce of the Like sur pr,ses the visitor who hid previonsly regarded Vie region as almost is inhospitable wild. The fleet of env tng and steeliers on the Lake find constant and employment—capitalists, miners, aler t chants, mechanics, fishermen, agriculturalists, and fJrnilies are flocking to this healthy clime r and open .:4 the forest and the mines to establiah homes and Tap a harvest of wealth. Pleasant 1 , villages are ,pranging up at the several harbors in the vicinity of the mines, and the constant remark we heard among the "old settlers" was, "Everybody liitrs the country, and everybody is duiag well." ale The town of Saut;Ste. Marie has improved very much within a few years, and must grow into com mending importance as the emporium of the North . * Government has too long neglected the um tlmclion of a ship-canal at this point, by which ves sels and steamers from the rawer lakes could enter with their cargoes upon the great inland sea, with out the slow, toilsome and extensive process of a final journey over the Portage; fur it should be re. membered that every ship-keel uptin superior has been thus transpiAted by private energy and enter pri,e. A railroad across, also the result of private enterprise, under the -direction of S. McKnight, Eq., has done much to the facilitate the trinship. meet of merchaodise, machinery, kc., to Superior, IA i f copper, fish, Ito., to the Oils below. The.best interests of the Repoolic, with its ex tended frontier of the North-west, as well us the vast and growing commerce of a chain of waters 'reach - - tog into the heart of the interior, equal in distance what( the width of the Atlatitic, demand 4 free ship. eatial,o the General Government without further dela v T:le settlement-iv uf Carp River, in-the vicinity of the richest iron mines in IA world, ars increasing and 13 turishinz. The M 'vette [mu -Work 4 , and the works of Niesar4.4atiu, halie dernormrat.ed the quality O fine qual of the ore;+, and profit of working them. The 'quant.ty . r+ loexiiri.anhle, and ere long Like Superior iron will he c,rnmou, undstand num ber one in the market., Copper Markor is again l.ioking it p, the mines in that %icinity gi‘mg proni4=e of f ultimate good ;. , ay to liii, miner. At Eagle (1.1 , b..r the settlement is thorishing, ant the c .pper Milled are booming quite extensively worked. The locat ion aintharboi are tine. 'eagle river he-hardly w,urthy of the name, 1 3 stream, and affords no harbor. The celebrated Cidiand North-American mines are 3i miles back f r o fq the tillage at the mnuth. The Cliff mine is portly the,marvel of the world. it is now worked at the depth of 357 fe-..t, and the deeper the shaft is sank, the richer thi vein. linmende masses of na tive copper, weighing marry Cons, are found, fTrusir log teihous lobo( with the chisel to cut theist into movable bucks. filanyleak , i) out weigh from 4.000 ( A) 5.000 _pounds. Ltr e quantities of ballet arid stamp work are stso to ell out. -The vein leads to wards the Lake, and it i; not improbable bat, in time, the nark well be exteriaed under the bed of the Lake, as the mine, of Comllasit are beneath the Ocean. The North-American. a quarter of a mile distant from the cliff, is yielding richly .in copper, and bids fair to be equally productive to its enter prising owners. The country, in the vicinity of these 'nines, is sn'tefavordble for farming and gra zing. and a numba of farms hate been opened. At Ontonagon ue found e tine settlement. The aver has some six feet of water on the bar, land a .good harbor can be made by running out piers.= 10-iiIP, the river is broad and deep for smite twelve mites to the rapids. An appropriation should be made by the next. Congress. it-id the imooriant vtut un the take, and will be the commercial port of a large mining and farming section of the Upper, Peninsula. The copper-u n ites each aide of the On tonagon are already numerous, and a year hence will deubtleds see some forty ur more opened orcommen ced. The mined 09N worked one yielding beyond anticipation, arid there is scarce I doubt bin the On tiniagiiii.seetion will prose to be among the richeA an minerals On tfie American shore. The valley olthe river and c wutry edjacerit to the mines are favorable fur farming, the soil, rich and well timbered, and the climate milder than ai any other point on Lake Superior. Potatoes and vegitalides generally yield largely. Oats and grass du welt and coin and spring and winter wheat, sp far a* tested. The mines will always afford,agodd market: and enterprising New-England or German farmers could‘;carcely tail to grow tich here. The anuw falls before the ground treezea, lies steadily during the winter to the depth of two feet or over, and the , moni,nt it melts in the spring, vegitation starts to life % ignrously., lion. Tyumen Smith, who has spent sonic time oi exploring the/Lake Superior country, this season, pronounces much of it decided ly better fur agricultural purposee than lirge portions of New-England, including Ake northern part of Connecticut. The Ontonagon will be 1 central point of emigration for years to come, and the village at the mouth is now spindly improving. Ltpotate is one of the ancient trading- is of the North-West, aud.ia beautifully located ear the head of the lake. The scenery and w an r views are unsurpassed. Severiil islands, the principal of the group being the Apostle!, open variousicnannels and adorn this ancient paradise .of the red men.— Here dwell Buffalo and Blackbird, with their bands. ituffalo summoned his bind to the dance, and Gov. Ihirry and suite. held a talk and smoked this pipe of peace with the "red brothers." Lapointe] will yet or-c , on; a fashionable place of Summer resort, for health and pleasure-seekers. The inhallitants are now nearly all half-breeds end Indian., but the lat ter are soon tp be moved further West, to give room to the progressive pale-faces. • On the return, the pleasure party had a splendid visit , of-the famous Pictured Rocks, and in approach ing them it was difficult to dispel the_illipsion that a magnificent city crowned the shore in' the dis tance. • Gov • JoHNSToN NOT Es.iotaLE.---Many of the ablest lawyers in, the Stale believe• that if'Wto.- F. Liinston should be elected he could not take VA se,,t—.he Constitution of the state providing that the ti ivernnr shall. held his inTic. , •ili.ring three year., from the third Tuesday of isneury 'next en suing his election, And shall riot be capable of h-uld inz it longer than six years, in any germ of n.ne yta r4:' • I T hi 4 i% trite enbuzli; bitt there will be no difficul. tc. The people. of Pennsylvania are canstitutign laving in an eminent ilegiee; and they will not put the Gavertior to the trouble of hreaking faith with: that instrument, as ho- hp already done with the Naional Constitution. - But it is rather too bad to a-k the people to vote for A•csinlidate who could not serve if he were elected.—:-Peniesyfranian. I LUAU - 4'I3(AM Cill WIEN. —The laxt Legislature of this State passes) a law which provides that chil dren born out of wedlock shall be legal heirs of their mother, in precisely the same manner and to tile,same extent as if they were not illegitimate.— The Hartford Republican suggests that the law is sell enough so fares it veil, bot.it does not rrilar enough. Inasmuch as this class of children are tery apt to hare fathers as well as mothers, it thinks that they should be legal heirs of both pa roots. We tan think of no objection to such a law excebt that it may tend to encourage children to be in an illegitimate manner.—lntel (Miss) •bnct.' WANTota Sivancs.—The Louisville Journal ails that a horrible murder was cutntnitted in Mercer cour.ty, Ky., a few days ago. A barbecue was giv en, at which two men, named Sutterfield and Jones attended. After the barbecue. a game known by the name of "chuck-a-luck" was started. Jones Was one of the lookers on, end the better to see the pne, had got down on his knees; and while be was 'cuing position, Sutterfield mounted his horse and rode over his legs, injuring "him slightly. Jones immediately sprang to iris , feet, iteised kola of his h , irNe'a- bridle, and asked Sutterfield what he want by riding over him. The latter then dismotirtited, drew a large pocket knife, and stabbed Vanes twice to the heart, causing his death in ifteen minutes. The murderer escaped. The Cuban ifirwi: We gave yesterday in our telegraphic despatches II sketch of the news received by the Cherokee, at ;New Orleans. Our papers came to hand yeste rday morning, and they are filled with details of Cuban rumors. The news is no later than that brought by the Georgia, and is quite as contradictory. The Spanish version of the story is that the ininirrectum' is completely quelled, while on the other hand, the patriots give detaik which bear every mark of au thenticity, of their high hopes and brilliant pros pects. We give.a few extracts from the New Or leans papers: • Cormspondeace of the Daily Delta. ag. 2. We ern ail up in arms here. .Thenews fruin your I city halt inspired the Cubans with the hope of short 'ly seeing their savior here. Thtt interior is in arms generally.-eight to ten thousand men have . riseu in defence ok their rights. Vuelto Abaj t will pro nounce as soots as they can kern when Lopez will be on hand, with two or three thousand their then Ilavanna, , Matanzas, and this end of the Islan d ' wiU be in' arms.. The Gdvernment are' confounded—the troops are deserting,,dying, and in the hospitals—the Cubans are rejoiced et their present success: You can be lieve all ybu hear. ' . Therftritival of the Ohio frOm New York is looked for anxiouisly. The news is much sought for. It is believed tjiit 200 lluitgariaos are on hand, and will soon be here. Expresses are here waiting fur news totike into the country Cubans, particularly fo VoeltelAbajt.; they are waiting to pronounce,. and said tp be 600 to 800. The planters will give their provisions, houses, kc., and all.contribute what they can. The women are patriots, every inch of them, and push the cleat. along. 'The mulattoes are leavingfor the country to in the patty. They are very strong and power ful. The GOvernment are'efraid to show their weak ness, consequently are doing scarcely anything to make a show: they are afraid of themselves, and have littt confidence in the trniips. Last bight - 40 soldiersserted, end more will go as soon as they get a clot .ce, an I know where. People talk here as "publky as in New Orleans. t Yon nitist not give any credit to what you see in the ni.4,t•••;rii retpirs-all sham. I send you a proc la mail , ni iron, Vistaed. News hat lost come in from- Floatijoz, to elve . league., that they-have risen with 300 mei.; C.lO Government ha* sent 120 cavalry there, cril 250 soldiers. • • An express hac just came, saying. that the troops have pronounced at Matanzas and that the writ goes bravely on there. All right. No lIUM 31:a. The Della hag the following; editorial parSgraph. itWe.yererday cotiver,ed with a gentle/ On fro m . Havana, who we know to be uncapable of stati.ng an These are, he says, now concealed in the house of an American friend of his, in ['awaits, two officers of the Spanish army, a Lieutenant of the 1 . 2.111 regiment, and an Adjutant of the.9th regiment. They state that folly twa.thirda of the.army. in the - Wand, are enibtred with the suirit of disafrection, and that they ditty await the arrival of Gen. Lines to march over. none and 'wow ion, to Ilia eau lard. Of ail this we have, ourtrlyes. strong corroborating proof. The army, will. therefore, be found rather a 'brittle stair fur the royalists to lean on fur sup port.'' From thelPicayene we take the'follow ine: "Don Joaquin Aguerey 4guero must be a very slippery fellow. 11i4 facilities for esCarriel from durance rite seem In be wonderbil. On every dif ferent arrival from Havana we have Decollate of how he was captured or killed• by some ?saint Spanish officer, and the best of it is, that some ef them know that no one elso has caught him., The last ac counts is that he was captured as he was about to rush into ilie_sea in despair. This was on the 24th, attest it had been reperted ten &yel:111re that he was can:ured and safely 'edged in the Moro. It would he supposed th.t he is now "in limbo fur good:" but we are astonished to learn by gentlemen frum Ilirvanns that he is again at large. and in com mand tills party of iusurgents. We have no doubt that before the end of the campaion he will be cap tured byl every Spanish officer in the service of bar Majesty(. [ 1 A *dem Solomon for JOgii. , It wiil be remembered, says the Cuiumbia 'Star Of-the Xorth. Lust as one of the Cominissioners to / sell the stuck of the rotten .Sustioeha nna county Judge Jessup offered • resolut ott to atlow 'Bank. stock sab.crisions to be paid in '• urrent bent notes,"likhile the act of incorporation F equire I that the stuck should be paid for in Specie. I Dayton, the New Jersey financier, was convicted of perjnvy for swearing that the Mortis county Ilatik,had a certain amount of specie feiis . .when it actually had only that sum in bank notes. Hut Judgq Jesse!) would have been able to secure au ecquital for Dayton by showing that notes are specie, tordie even ventures' to prove that potatoes may be specie, as it appears by the following extract front the Moatroie Demo crat. i•We recollect talking 'some tit° months since, with ohe of the Commissioners to sell the stock of the Babk, in refereuce to this same Resolution, offer ed by Judge Jessup'.. lie informed us , that when the Judge introduced the Resolution, it • was .obj-m -ted to jiy some, because it conflicted with the law of itic4rix,ration. The Judge...supported, it, in speeetii illui-trailfirtt irpthisrivise. If a Man owed specie. and he was in wand-of potadoez for which he must psy.specie. if its took the portit.mi of his debtor,, it was' all the same and be could say a ith trutb bat the debt was cancelled; applies of le gal ressiming we presume miter heard of ih our Sii.-- preme Court to this day, and the,gentletnen added, "according to that, I could not see Nit)tiy it would not do jinn; as well to till the vaults or the bank a ith po tatoes,: and issue bills on them; and an 1 toted agninjt the resolution." WOuhin't a man like that be an ornament to the Supreme Bench. What a 'pity it is that the legal juggler could not have Signor Blitz for a colleague un the ticket, for then we should; be at least 'wis ed, if nut instructed by the legerdemain which should say "there, 110 W you see specie is potatoes —there now you see potatoes are specie." I I 71 . 1a4RIELR. TRACIF.DT.The Woodvill4, (Miss..) Whip of the Idt wet., had the following' horrible story: During the few days past, a 'mirk fiat been in circulation in our vicinity to the following effect.— It is stated that on Friday last, as three ! children were returning from school, near Liberty,fin Amity county,they were overtaken by a pack or dogs in pursuit of runaway negroes.' The dogs jfe i ti upon them, ancl before assistance ebuld be rendered, kil led and nearly dev.,ured every one of th‘ni. The father pf the children, hearing their scr‘rne, and the of the dogs, ran out with his iron, and pocrie...d two of them: At thik time the owner of tho dogs rode up, aryl threatene!E to shoot the father, if he shot any wre of, the (kg& .The distressed lather reloaded his gun,l, and diiiiberstely shot the owner if the dogs through the heart; lifter which he gave himself up, was tried and !dizicharg el. IVe have not heard the names of tiny of the parties. IJIMES TROVBIAS.•••••0110 William W. Willjanis, of Providence, has commenced Ptlit for slandetagainit Brother Hitbee, of univer Fll l eration memory, laying his dimaxes at e 3,000.— Wtittams was formerly clas-ed with the uhelievoro." but having withdrawn from the "hbu.ehold of faith,'• and said "tune things not %pry flattering Of Brother Mines, the latter took occzAon to denounce him publicly as a 4, eon Belial:! Hence the suit:: A Word to the Ladies, • i IviRS.K.TRTIS will *II from Ihts date until the leth ofFeft- ILL ',ember. her , resent rtOek hf Goo& AT 111: 4 '1% to male tOOill fur a tiew supply ?km is the time (Or g0 , ,,.1 Largaine. AugUn 711. tall. 1I Navy Arrival of C tha, Classimores, ilta n , anti= ram 21/IANC/11. PER SHIP' FACTORY!! 1 00 PIEII i super w Cloths mad Cinimereo of all i ookirs. qualities aria widths, iianoned direcile from trance; dwell savant to the purchaser the elm c barges of the jobbing houses in New York. Tlw subscriber will rho 'eerier to a few day% direct from France. as abOWe. le weds Fresh Prunes. which will be odd at Wholesale and Lettish lunch tower than any belbre offered in this market. 111060 KOCIL Erie, Aug. 11. 13 JAPAN WAIL f HAVE a very large amortluent of eaothe Stiehl...G=os, Can. /Were. Duet Pans. elp moons, Mitch Safe", Toy Cups, LC ,19c., walek will be sold by the dos. al Buffalo Ewes. Erie. Aug. 9. 19 HUPUti REED. 13CTTE11 and Cheese Tows, at RDEUSIRM,4IO%. Erte. Aug. 9 113 xA raatilaU/443 TAPE:K-0 as SO will hiding_ Malik% Iva at die ebeap Hardware Stare. 13 Auras MUSD CIAVILIN3'I4IIM7IIIa GUAM, IMZSib 1 1 1111 E shove figttit i 'renewing f4JITL ING• 4i PREMIUM GRAIN . DAIL 1..vtl 'eh. as regards strophe ity and effect. has tasertost. The Mitchum h i Cel l e from every possible °Norma. and is 'iron such a Mathew is the &men ha re king needed and de...MN...4 once paumns over tin d. it harrows tie ground: tows the Atli) the most exaet cetidarity and met town. and rot ens all the teed a good and proper depth. thereby sat ing much flume. lather end seed in planting The sue jeet of drilla tig velwat is deservedly attract Ina much attention Al this tunic. and Is last taking the phice of the old ttaperfeet way Or WM hag broad-east. It is Liss 0411.11.4 ground. and will soon M unover.ally adopted. tune of the many- experiments in drilling. made hyiCtiartes , of the state of Delaware. w ill be given. ,t 4 tie the core train Mr. Nio i ile says Pretsous to hart est I had gee acres carefully oh the china and compass. hy,kir Jennit.g. The iatarveynt wits present wlvnt the wheat waseradted.mad saw that each mere had its due shire. It was put away hi separate now.. and tbreidted separately. and all the grain measured This experiineht Massed the lollowing results The Iduml-cast eon iog had tsdo hustieh.oi to he .lerr,,ao4 turtAllCeol illill). 11 0 1:C11 SIIOCIIS—Is tut) -set en or 1.1 heat. 'flit drltkd li.nt ow and one-fourth bushels tit 'Seed iW die .ie re. and :6P for ty e • hoe k soy hlc it ho se lirdo.ti -,eseit I ki-lugs Of 1111.'11" Another aentSsuan. Mr. Enures K. Mune. of terry . ton W• tat.,l I ;. t 1,46 e. :au. pat 11104 my Lion .43 Dell* IS a hr.!. With 4 11110. e. 14..1 1111 l 1.114.4111 Drill. and I hal C hUl.r,11:I1. 11 1 1 1,1 311 1 111.11ritil it the t •,t dr i,l 111.4 h 1111,C Pl,l worked aliogeilier to my tt. 4i. The s it.,il 1, huts 111 , . with the meet perfect regirlarit v. and bids fair fur 1111 Rho, 11,Illt crop. I inet two horses, and put in 11:1;41haertni per day o ith no per-o•I i i 1 1.•1-1." TAM` Marne nes are now manufactured I.y thi•subscrilier, who 11:10 purchased the Valera, and 1.•1111 a sold sell cheap. Farmers and others tWe mi . :sled to call and egainine.a sel satisfy thetriselve., Aim. 9 1:1 ii s. t •1,1,1 t K. State nit., /.rte NEW WHOLESALE I Hardware Store STOUT a roLatn. !1.. Main ; Irr dears below tRe rowel Rridfre, Bright. Alie6l'4 l iirsdarart rowiveisoi.e. Merchants. Imparters and irbotr.ale!try t*gi , sh +NJ o.er.sa HYA': kereated and opened a large ' , took ut ?ten Gouda. di. reet (rim the American Manutaeourer., and of recent int. purtahun Irian England and Ciiitiany.pre.enting a *ell aworted i and uniting mock of goad. at e 1. ., price*. They bate. *I Atienrocan eu.d),lo—.. lurge 'track of knave* and Forks, Can % errs, pi.el,, alvf Poeket Cutiery to all the variety of handk.; File* and Rail.: Iloaleher. Ilrend and Co. k. Knives; Stock* Will thel.; ••Rovralanal'a." and ••%Vellition a" Mill. Maley. Urn.. -cut, and Tenon :la w*,. Hand. Pao net and Bark Saw*: ('law ltatunier.: SoCl,vit'l l ideld; Angers ai.l Aug..' itIlld; Itrond Al.!: 1 1 C.rp.u.ers' A , l4:•••liltuutun ." and .0.1% ii.'' ('hopping Ate.; Ate li cidles; - ita e riluiaiit's" Turning Webb and F. nue S . :11.1 d: 1.1(11, Nino:Pink. ('paw and sia,,, !latch t*: Ord...and Iron-triad Shutels and Tong.: -Iron an/ Wood Sons: Iron and 1 41 1 , 41 tlzteAvV.; Table Itutiat'lneel Squares: Grid from; Coffee Mills;•, Trying Atuarp; liat age.; Screw ltraVeran Spiral Lerteis; rUrlli ture Calitorl/I.ULClleoni; !Ill..liOZlny Knotaia; Sand raper; Glue: 'lm. Cheat. Cupboard and Cabinet Lock.; Wire Rat and Mouse Traps; Wrenetwe• Bright and Annealed IVree: eirrolar sated ; Illackanittlist Bellows: Read and glinting Hammers; Handle d ßells; dpoluilltaaves. Loeb and Latches with and without blitt- eral or PeariPWhite Knobs: Door_ Bandies: Round nod tinware itolts• t'i,.:l6 Molts; Britannia and Iron Tattle and Tea Spoons; l''tte 1 'pour... I' erkd a ii , l limier Knit est ('balk and Fish lanes: al:urri., 1 .....,,..... Wand .'la=des. Dral fords: Clothed !AM.": Sash I 'oratT 31. i ada trope; Foniatatul Axel.% Lleptie Sprang.: Slated; rilll'lll Mil MC.. n 1111.1,1 Id 11.1....1 14.4,1... .ugly ;tit; I'llilforll. drab , .. palenr meal cock..: 0nu,..11.6: peg Canon; *hovels and ra.ddiii; an.aniare lurk.; cued morale.; sash knob*: Mood Fasten er.; malt rod* and eyes; rate.hangra and (ammonia: round. tail holt.; Idling handle.; foot ren=ter.; toy and irons and standar, Carriage mut tyre WWI; bench ...few.; halter and rem snaps; carpenter.' oallek.4; honor ealht*: owttliesiot bill.; shutter strews; shahs. plates, and lilts: Brass and iron buttons nu plates; trunk Catches; a indow springs; brats screw hooks and lamp hooks, heats and japanned coat and hat hooka: wardrobe hooks; tied hooks; brass books anal rye.; Cllble (Wog kooks; looking 000. *crews; kettle knobs, paste liners; brass and iron plumb Fobs; iron pokers; horse shoes; with. irons; saw rods; letter presumes; nail and Spoke gaiiibtets; crow barn; *hoe thread and twilies; hand saw- roll and Mallard File., Ind,. and .hoe ralipi; 'trunk rivet.. taelorand brad.: skew and fiso.long naild; hide whips; pollhe‘: iron Mall and washers; Ole.; chisel and auger handiest. Carpenters. ruled; rIU•11 butt- ..I.li 1011erd, nil stone, grind Timm*: Ono, ang luxe.. ant haft.; fat*, 1., sue mete.; mirlein+ knives; earl. I 1/..luinerd, t.t , ch ?alarms:. algae hammers: brunt %ire, liour trivets; ground 1111.01ktdllits; cut nails anti pikes, &e. English ant German Goods. Chisels and gouge.: polished, shiii els land tongs: hooks and hinge.; :prang traps: salve gauges; bra.. and iron candle sucks: sink, Vie..., hammer. and vledgeon tan tied ladle* and toestlearks. anelting 1.i , 1ie.; pestles and 'none's: Iron squares; braces and laitraviirasa and iron pad and trunk toe ka% mower, and tray.; bra.. socket eamnr.i till, calitlii,lrd, them rued cal 'net luck.; brick and pointing itoWel.. bran. C, , 1.5; teas., Coil. on and jack chain.; hailer sham.:_ razor h00.e.• kaosei and inark•% atennore, *heard, pherp .1w it -; holm. shear.: razor.: curtain pm. and bands: rec iting. brad and vela tag Auld: clout 1...1.: I.lllCr hf.L4.11. str.ip mil ker,: Perrot-'loin ea liA rimola: tea It'll.'; titer.; rioting nippers; lion der l'11.1..: 1 . 1171,4111111,11,.tt1er VIII- :11141 betitt• ; bra.. krt the.; round ifthir roil.: fiue drain ri ~,,, eln nail*: compainies: brass fanner*: bulgier.' dlrt4.; hand null Ileltell I lee.: Coopers' roans Passe.: sprilie painetne , tionitilesi I.anip reietar.: sa.ta Comm ent: Wass Bulls: curtain ring.; Itra..-liedd nod paiture nada: lush ring.: one—ell hook.; 1T.,.., ....We ponied; tat-lug spoons; tobacco 'loxes. brass TI tot and eii,•.l,oard forts; Ii of ettie-t inets. safari!, Cilt,, .quart-hem and urlard-head be.l...r.dror.•Wttrtlit'.' solid box I ice.; r za rrt P1.4-e- ut .In.; I' B blued nue* 304 Inelle Paull. lrolo, el.; pin...T.; nod nittpernt Btrotat.re; ['Vire; cu ff .; Jr,cdharps, shaver.; Mall et...y.lT: enrk ' , crew.: k.; rani.; ger. tn.(oi .late.; inearuring tape*: rack putties and nifirr cads: Bri t.!, duster. ' T7T The adtert.sers have undertaken to do the wliolesule'llard ware Borneo at Ruff .10. oy con:illy low priced n 141 111. New York Pearl eirret Draler.--pliti lap.-bbl; the difference of tram, portal aon net 4 5, u , . fen la as'. ..., ~ •1, - -•llot they ~..ez no reason; wily It .111,104 In aluneoind even .0, It,. p , lfel., Ilindinuet) all 111. einem...es ri(e.'aituttina a loomilei. at Ibilia , o, are tint raw-boll those of Net! York l'il!. • 1 bey futile tower. to ernmine their ari.orttioeut and prier*. taTuil"r & ./ . (lIA:EIIt,, , Buffalo, Au;ust hi —lt. t - en Slain sumo, STATE Xitint-I.T. Pi RD VISMIABYGD COMPANY . TIIE best evidence of the wit to make the ..y1 Al E 1 . 7 'AL kifiE , f,Vb COMPANI meet the wants of OW COMll9natt). is thi, nn arkl- Icied ams.lnt of buolnein whtci. tris leer( dirms—hiving issued LIMO Polittee.luritsg she past yelt, thereby aildstsg Ogre, 813u. 111 - 11 IA the funds of- the Compnity. Nesrly pit the property insured Is Of the safest kind in siu:111 risks, and ii large pry:partials it:muted lot only one year The flea annual nail-men( of thug Company, made en the Ist Of May Wt. is 3. lkiiioVis• 1NU10. , 1 of Policies isicted,, , 1.11 on." A mount at risk In Farmers' an, 14.4P4„rrei PO • l'rtoituut notes, in force. 46,10 i g: " Cash wear turns , Veived. •• Losses and rape smi laid, 00 Amount it risk in Mrgehantg . (lam, , 03,e-O,IOIIV ' 1 1 Prraiiiitu notes in force. :6,"71 eh " Cash retttiums reeci%ed, Hlox* Ai " Low.e,r and ex prow." I,ao. 14150 r 3 ' 57 Whole 'Mount of property at risk, $7,110 4 1.091 11 0 1 rtensvisse notes in hirer, 79,t3t1 ;7 Cash / premiums rnerivm.l. 531.r3 n. Lose and espeaser paid. 0,411 43 ip tivoe of the Compeny. Y. 5 4 35 Abwat bites. faunas of,the uut at risk In the Blttchants' Class a ill'espore within ei24t To city or country merchants. an-t owners of dwelling.• and irritated and eu.story prog..•rty, I. het pei, "hi/ Ppr 11,4,4 ntliatit 311ValliZtral iu rKlllit or cheahyrs.., ,nrety told sceurity, inferior to no frasurasme ContiNny tn Directors. • 1 P. at' TllF.ftrOftlg, J. S. Pat.ti rat, A. 3. 41/LLRTT. p. C 51!foGIVICIICs •A. T. JoNI:s, A. A. Ckftftillt. 5A.11 . L JONE.=, t Whs.. .1. E. fIVT/IChl.'00(1. itAft . T N. I uTZ. JuIIY P . 1111 . 11 rut rout), l'r. t A. J. Gn.o rr. 1 .1 11 , 0 11, I"-ls IQ make annlica t 1 - ,)c pot icie a elf wee c prualpt Istlrsithsts I.y wrmnq to t 1 .fgrot for Er:rit - C,4tray, aI P 0,..) ro. # 44l, l iet,c4, kl el ttvcrPt Ind best vel.ei errs.!, Brad.. h lbw are nt they cheap Ha, Aug 9. • przraza roit DR . FAT FIR Itt:P. 'rent ta fru! •Itht c nod Union - Trutt tc • t 'lt•rttlatul. ( Poo. a^cor , !.• to proutb.c. IS 843,11 111 his room, at the Al.WraC3 II 41•01. e. here lit- 1 , 4111 . 1(1.. II( other' , 4110411. naltrt% c I. It , to ortturbtatlv of eutunli I tlk 111,14 fer o 'ow thqii : atvl eeeer ally thoks‘h t•tt souttll a •• 3114 are cucublerml taeurab`,!. are Vaff,r , :a.,l4 1•1 , il , sl 40 Chile._ and chit o (11 lie NI to Cllll,lll :/i..r 00 . 3 (311 be e 6rlu 1. 34. he 1131 3 lieW 411 , 1 (er 1111,1 ovvi• eta:Lining batten!. for .11" . ..re. by Itte:t 11.! con ascertain' otiet 14eatt:•11 awl of ttu . . ir a rtntde, pretertbe.a wnu hid fpliCily. 11,!iia1 , ,01 C.ft,rtte for 4,111.11341031,,, , tlr ti.V. ler. The fullutt Ir.e .ITe fro 01 the that he gen^•.itly Sweet. vll/I iu think Chronic. Acute amt Intl 111stuatory tiatt • Nottr3'!...l ll . Ileddaotte, Tuot bite whaolliiig 4 . 4 hi el. 4 WI" and ehrttnie Stone lofts. lion, Intl num:mum and iletn• ra irn alt . Or the Luir ; a the t,,t et, 1 tr Kith,c.Vt! owl Intestine:. Optye •.r Acute, Chrome, 4111 liolutn tumor) lll•eaker.os o it . tut t tle. , fue-rrt l'overand Ague ; thew coos an:loftier di aka of the equine t Pild , Letworthei and Pro hibit's Uteri a Cancer. Inflammation. Ulceration. and other dis eases 111 the Breasts; Old Ul ?etc, T41144/4 . 414/ 44 Fewer Sorel; ; Net 'wk. cataleptic. Eitioung, Epileptic and Paralytic Fats ; Insan ity. Hypoehoudrireand all other SeSVOWI thaeaam to awn. all wtocidut afflicted are invited to coke, and I will Five you advice Without money and without pica; and if your ca.v 15 a curable one. will eve you abundant and satisfactory v. ' ee of tor 04911 to cork n ; and if It ta not enrahlo I will -•ty telt you an. I can tie seen at my 100111 i In the Autarkic lloote, at all tiourv, (low 7 o'clock A. M. rrie • . Ant 9. a T. A. WERI"ZRVELT. M. 0 _ FL.OUIt FROM N EVV WHEAT iLlumfa trim 'New Wheat just artnznA, and Warranted to be Arot rate. be ate at the heiliercek Moils by Erie. Aug. IL • 3.13 HMO. SLIJOTT.' to. krt Iv tut to S R I:ED. 71171111 RT is .00. 9 1 NEW VFIRK STATE POrIF.TY'S FIRST{ PIitHMIUM RAII.IIII.ID 110RdF. Pt tW Fit '-ruttstsuxNa r V ft F.‘abovelmaly celebrated Power*, a now made android by the mitoerthero, are offered the vuidie wild the /romance that thev are all they are repre•ented—tey hit Ind been very ex ,entut ; H ui `thon.linto intrndured 41:11 Jested aide by ride with all the Thread Fowerd known cdnote In The country, and been prelrfreil The chl'Tso c m or the Arrieultural Rociety's Cowin)lnce on ilorse rowers, in a coultuuseiceition written ten e months altet the ;.a..rdemgpi wen, Mier to the alkAe Horse YOWcr. so's: .rent nnicham at the Inte Stair Fair (pent. 10th) at Albany in the various lire PIMP.. Vit... Wheeler's Alien'il Hain's and' timer, k en 'a, fir4.l , it:i the wrens isa4 tisqsr. and heard all thttv could /sty. and again 'iv their absence, and I 10 , 1 It mob& tutiy eronvinCed me that )rats, was the mese. and ii *aided one. I wail,/ Mee l'areptv Dollars more for young thee for any other on the ground; and as you won your laftrels it is tun Min )au should feeel% e a full reward " Ile fUrtlielf says.' You Snow front etpryienre. I hate uo partiality for yotir estabilslituent. and as a coutioithe man of said Society for years, I have deehled oftener aga bait on than. for ) on: and if when, bane a better article that. rid. I would decide In their favOr though it ruined your establishment, sh 4, vice versa, hurt whois it ''oar." a ! Wish the testimony of purl; men as I hit author of the As Mid nf. is•lnch, together with clung:lade geViii.g. and other linpoilan4 improvements scare last iscaaon. make it the moat nestrewiest.4e fakir. gigot.: sad sessestical onw made; and the puLite gulf' real nssu,Mnybeing furni .Ned by us with a serperiw chine.—For further particulars se are Catalclue of AlhallY Apiculture' Works. tc. • F.‘lb:ltY & . File. July It—ills MARK. Apithl - sieGt . • . - . .7 . la Xii . Road --' Sinatra) Steamboat and Rail Road Apart. ••• r (Ate at 1). I. Fila•!cordrs Stale Ellreet. Etle. Pa. I Tivser g en tan peuenre tickets al thhipeler llbr Dunkirk. Ittat •fa/n.New York, rOntiell , ii. 41ana6olls. Cleveland. Piitatnarth. Pandtpky, Monroe. Detroit:l4mi nay, Chicago. Milwaukeky. Rae MP, elittilliKin. • till: . „...,.._„_. _ . 1851: , zi , gi t t r-- , 1851. LOW RYt & SCOTT, FORW4RDING AND COMIIISSI9,I MERCHANTS, 41VD ONALIINS IN COAL: M.O. FISII. Flour, Salt a n d il'lnvier; at the tarn Ware 11 0 ,4 Pc 11'• .t of the Irrotr, Public Ireet, &ie. Pa. M. P. Li AVM'._ WM. I. SrOTT , NEW WORE AND it= 1141.12.1101al I Z. nes n a Go.. Agorts. 70roir-=~Pf tadc DOCK, !Atm. te.v.v. A.. I Pe.r. Kart and nil otltr•r pri.in4r .;.\L in I Erie to New York—litnlUgh 111 thirty hour. AL+ir—A..•m. lur I.urrr oh Erie. l'anat—no tran.liiHnenits, thrwiell Wel I rom Itnit.ito 10 New-York. • 1-I For wite. Coal, .ttlt, White nab, and Water Lime. t Eru•. June w.B. SHERMAN. , 1).4C:1'1:R21.4 .S . d RT I S T, , flu the North poi• of die Diatnoud,aud one dcor Wese,ol Williatit.' and Wright,' office. • 1 •- " tot 4%a/we chary that shad Natare wads." IJaguettevo pc Likenethke. of all corm. aloes and prier", hem twelte elsellilogy to twethe *Atari, falthfUlly 'executed and wir ranurd unfady.g. 111, •,,...., :...e.TOII7X 1../NDZIN t j: GEIWZMIAL -5T2141.21T/30AT ACIIINTI i ii Office in Srwed`i - Telenrophilitfier next so William. k. %Vilest.' Exelmwe I nrwe,l l axe f Item, Erie. ' Thmurb Tickets to New York, Ti New York and Ef iP RAMON/I; MIA to rjtott ! targh v ta rtevtqatttUratt be procured as due ofllle. Fare. iNew I*,,rk t 9: to Pitt-brawrh'ES 30. , Mil -___. Pasaago from and Money Retnifted to (trait Britain -ondPodand. tINE. Now Volk and Liverpool rackets. nzitti,oNe, wishing to send Om their 'friends in Great Britain'or .1 - Ireland. can nt any time make the necestsary arrangements with the auteeribers ' who have hi connection witb one of the dret Imams in Great Britain. a very complete and erletwire ar rangement fbr the accommodation of persons emigrating to A met tea. Por theprOmin exeeen ion of his engagement.. the subec*i. her fine the ad vantage °rearm ( the Sole Agency or raiment:en of the splendid New Ships. contriosing'the "EAGLE^ LINE OF NEW YORK & LIVERPOOL' Pnetc , s, fa dill; Twice a month from ellen Port. throarhant the year. In all emu- nett It ore ...HI for do not emus forwird, the (pulley will be rei , idcd. w ithottt deduction. . BILLS AT ISIGIZET. For ode in &oust° ton. ' l4 hie,' rill he cashed by any 'Ol the Dank., and in the principal Towns throughout Copland, Irelaad. tWotland ard.Wriles. SARNI:T. 110ASES ar. Baukets; Umlaut. mid JAMI:e 'cent:Ohl% Merchant. Liverpool, T Twat roer vain, SMITH JACKSON, Anent. trio. Pat Or to Joni MeMICIIAL4:36 Old Slip. Cat. 01134 Mb-it N.Y. DISVCRIIIMIOII.II. Neon', P. D. EL Picnic New R. Y. Lord. Up.. Ciller Enid- York City. neer D. & H. C. co. Hones Whitlock & Co, do. dale. Penn. Sherman & Dooms, do. June* Archibald. E.q. Lewis! Price, do. veer D. & N. C. co. Car lton Alien M Sherman, New- ;'tcaidnie. Penn. beech. N. Y.News. G. H. & A. C. Lawian, (Mead A. Smith. Eko.. Sec rem- I l ' ' , Albany City. N. Y. tnry Del. and Ilutleob Canall lion. J. id Yost. Pottstown. Tu. Co. N. Y. tf i 0 Starch 11 IttaTch 111 - JE. SMYTH Sc. 17( eS Corn and 'lVbeat Slarch on hand in • large cunnutie*. for pale nt New York wholessletarh prices Order. from t in,utry Merchant* peelnpirtEled. Erse July.'" r. M. TIitBALS. Cite:amide. Mira Keg. Putt and thouina Powder, just receurerl and lor rale by li c lag or kw quantity, by Erie. July %. It. T.. ttri.oaarr k tL,WI, RCt'FPION Capp. Snot and Lead. ron.tatnly on hand and for 11/1/C. 11 bO'CNllie or retail by A. T tlrvatrrt t Swap. Nevi Ramer GoOde T HAVE jun returner! Emu New York ii hit • • did atruton 1 ment of the fiery Juie.t rupee of 'brim ' . -which were bonen Int earh and at Auction at 13 per cent lees than roods were sold thr in Inc *peat.. ' C. M. TIBRAI.4 I . Else:4llly 11k I $ M. IV __-_________ ________ _ ___ ____________ _ _ ___ _ NM" AND WAXIMIONATIZZI - GOODS! No. /I Seal Notase: lb kr. JOHN M. Weri'leli: bee* leave te call the sweatier of las old ctwientersand the publit to the new god splen did a”artinvid of Sp.ing and Etrxmar Clothing. nOttli. Vestinp, and suehlatlier goods On ally round in a raabioaablo Clothing laditidiaiunent.•- which he is now meet ins and in...nwg Ibr the inspire- don of porehaNen • NO. a RLVD. 310170 Z. )li. whole •lock bap bren !e'ected and made under him. own direr. tiOU w ith particular care, %bleb; with the remarkable LOW PRICES • at which be is tileirrinine;l meet, niir , iinvince all w!., may farm him 11, titt their Custom that limeantlitribmeht is the wily place in town where a Goer! ani.Tashionable Ciargient van be bought at a wire which Arlie. lit. .met rf CLOVIS, CA66I3IEIIE/S i and veto:111%1;S Wit lien sh ed with anent rare ettinavily tot - thp etymon trade. and ha wo w in vite thaw wbo prefer tiairlug their cloning wade to Order to call and examine GOODS. VIIT AND DIA*Z. Ibt theinwlved. Person. leaving their measure for any iyarrlteat if not 14mA-if with i t when done. will not to asked to take it away. Me will eoniollll.ll 10 keepon hand .hlrts of all kinds-and flush the beirt manufaciarenr. Also. Shirt ( .011 a 111 oftbe New make. very cheap; thwyender• of all grades; rravata, the beat in town, of renew , grader and pr Wert and In fact be keeps *know every th inly ink!. Sine; which Ste It odd be happy to veil to' his mends al cheep as the clie:.pest. ZJ UUTI'ING dobe to ordey, and warranted if properly de op. ie. April* IP3I. 4 EASTERN FASHION; FOR SUMMER JUST R' OF WED. T , IllE understyned. thankfu' 'be past pstrona r end belielliDg a continuance of the same, would ',res pectfully announce wale puhlie that he is prepared to ego and make up (lament. in the latest New York el) le. ffe warrants hi. wivrk to be e-onl. if not &ape, riot, to any dour in the tilts. No ft—lio pay. Outfits done fn the moatfashionatde style and done when promised. RAIN COALDING. Eric,, Arm 7. IE4I. Reed's Stock. opposite the donne! 1110 c k. _ . . .., --7"- Clothing! Cloths awl Crisoginteregil ' OLD THINGS tivcr, BECOME NEW!! T't E. visNroriberbers More tre chit the munition of his old cull towers and friends to his new and and ~het stork of 1 OLCITEne& . CLOTIELG Et CASISINIMSIZSI recently purr Iri.ed in New York, and now offered as cheap, at rapt. as at any oilier elqal,lB.litotqa to man. Ile doer not di ein tin. emsa ry to tell liN)-c %lin lint e for oolong a sew , * of, y ears patroul.wd nun that tic continues to tuouiltic turc r , 1 1 *SIIIONAPI,E ANI) NEAT FITTING Camellia af enn he found In tn... mirk. t; but to new eu4tuniern he has no heatottenn rtr An v in.: 0..4 tf they will CA 1.1. AND PEE Ft tg,:TilF-Its.i:LvD3. They %It% not go .v.%, ay .11,t.alt-4ed watt eitttcr G00di5..171,0 kmaniliip or Price.. 11.71s.uuta work a 1•.% at 3 dine at reamtnalde pri,, , ... and warranted. .11b° cutt,ne %sort:toted, if properfy, matte up, ertit andatee if 'raid things Love not become new" et the .1.4 stand of the atilt. setit.el . JAMES LYTi,P.. Erie. Pc tutvt 96, IF.Stt Ain F.% RNI FA )11, 5.% LI :. Fny, salt. e Fern nlirerrre nn the Irekr med. two mitre i'rent or the city of Etie, marry r.II intltrnt r I. with 4 ;oat vilter !Winer. a eotiirn•t: hr' lions.. Barn ir (I Ore' .10. rare Sl* per _ erre one-Nunn don ii. and thr latlenre in 'ace e -tun I attutohl hi- ( ----- - --: - ALT.juet 1 stnlntente with litterrpt. A,iiii 1., 11r. Wit., n Kitie, In Frlr. °r 'i iOO Er "l'l ie, July :16. to A. Hameln+ Dlr. at P. C. Blancater, 1.3•71.111uiti Street, Duphlct„ ____, rt.Gazror pielIPC ropy. , . 101 'IAI A (*.ERE,i;... tthad. White Fisk trout. awl Ilerrtne fondle ------,— , -_,_-_7. . /el ehren ty : W. P 111/113.1LRFOIT CORN RTAREII.—A nice attiele tar ruoiJimt Ate . t.); wale at Aug.,; • 111 Mooitro initocrav erroße. - ,+ LATEST ARRIVAL OF GROCERIE _ S. Itlt'N Maniab Hinra plain and a atercti. titan aualidni for 1111 pm' >nut at LACK FUR I.:AO De. rand Irrrrige". trinseulni *antiWes. e B Widtha. can he round ni the tuvreit Clines at TIBBALS, TARliriTealThreadtidting. Crow lii to IS rent* per Yard. from auction. at TIBII ALA'. IGIF.R.IIMi 01141 bILNT.—A lot ot Mr article Ji received by July IPth CARTER dr BlioTllgii. • Noticio io itoutral. TF you wish to buy Groceries.. or any thing aenerully ket•t in a Grocewy More you cannot • hews tlab eat' on me and see sod then d • for yous,'r. "ay. p. kelcnt~ccMt. DOA - BISCUIT— • lash .uppl) of S'ponetir I Soda [filet:at. jwit irced at 8 ' mookEs• o4ocEir 6717R.E. MA u 8 at all tar:tikatotta Ibr sale at July S. • • SOpfil" GROCLIT-370itE . . lATXYO39z , • 1 •• • - /:;• 1 , )' 1 1. .:iAzt if , - " a _- ~, i p, clng:oar locTdorA- '..- L_, For the Corire •r COUGHS, COLDS; 310ARSENESS, BRONCEITIS, WHOOPING-COUGH, CROUP ASTHMA and CONSUMPTION ' The annals °floe:kat se tence,afr3rAng as they do.ampte proof of the power a .4 %ahie of misty' zat.,:seat agents, have furnished no csoophy to e , ,,opare u WI the salutary erects produced ty ATop. co a st. r"TORAI.." The remarkable owes of disemies of die Luny which have beets realized by its use, attested aff they are by any prominent professors and physlitians is this and foretzu lamb, Ahem Id en courage the afflicted to persevere, livid; the strong assurance whet the use of die Cassia rrcapaas trill relieve and ultimately cure them. We present to the public. nosolisted. test hobo ials from 'meat the first men in our country, opo striate judipnent and caPerl cure implicit eonfifience tatty be *ed. , lii. Prows/. Prraident of InernOnt Medical College, one Or the nsort learned and kirmidalde phytqlans in the country. considers it a " eotopordtiont t rare eseellen4e for the cure of that terntida- Lie diearc, COOSUM IOU." i ' Mottnest. hard 111. 1841- Dr. J. C. Ayer —Dear Sir: to the request of your arta, we will cheerfully state 'w t ,we have known of theefikets of your Cumin leipronAL. and , have been assonishlng in deed. Me,. fletsefalireetrr had aM,eted with a severe and relentless cough, which reduced very low I "low that little hope could be enledutinel of hei recovery. Muteetons resnm.les had been tried without effect, hekke' the Cimailv Pwc-rnaar., and that has cured her. Geo. Watkitison. Eich, bad to oar knowl edge. been aMieted with Asthmaeleven yean.and grown year ly worse, until the ellitltit Pee sr. has now removed the idis ease. and'he sass file from any its symptoms as weave. The Rev. Mark Dane lead beet, so rely attacked with the Itroa chitty, as to disable him num his uties , and nothing othing had afford edFhuts relief. stab 'Mar il, Mr. 'Marini g. carried him a bottle of your refTollA4 which Fured him at. Mee. and he now odicistes as usual in his plitee.:. { These are three of the eases we have known it sueeewita. but never to illil. We leire great p re in certifying tothew facts; aad are, respecied : sir, your hum . e servants. I ; * TIV. DAVID TIIORNIXf3. - 11031. JOSEPH BArfLGel.. The publi c have but 10 know tie t trines and astonishing suc cess of the Cogitate Pacroaat., 112 curing diseases of the Lungs, when they will feeil secure from di ese.dangera.. whenever this cc ; enedy can be W 1 42164;1. • Praearyd !Sy J. C. dyer. ,Clleserat Lonetll,.Mese. .Roll) in Lrie:hy 4. 1. Burton, a 4.1 by Druggists throughout the Stare. nil it'r Ili VA iut;ll.l;thors.—The lest assortment in the city al V Lilt It. ; 11104)2 F.'ci Grocery. D tif - O . h il; Ilii3li WV. AL.—A guud arsotunent at . 1.1. July to. • Illimati,fr Grocery. 1)R 0 031: 41, .-:-Brotians - for chic at :rine eaciat .1.11 July 12. 1 2IO(iRE,S Grocery Store. rer)llA MlL—John Andrrpon's hr bow: i.iiiinthall'r. and Van i .31} keo Clicalfte and Jettoksng Tobacco for rale 111 July it. i Ma JUR I , ;'S Grecery Store. Cl.%Rirr WINE in ISOttle ant, draugh fir it ki July IL . ..I ; 310. MK'S Grocery Store. ___, . ______,.. ft01 1 11.511.-1/30 Ila. - Molt in the city al k.. 1 July 12. i . tr(f111? 5 thoecry Store. lii At.,:iili . RLL.-4su. 1 harrele, half barrels and .. • lots 1;14 r7eit eel g 1 )(1111 , ;'S Grocery Store. , VE 1 71:TA81.1'..4 of all 61.; in an Imes, entice at July IL ; /(111L 4 .3' Grocery MOM. I) ROOM S.-130 sloz. 1 'Twin It ir;0;t1. JU 14 received .1.) 04.1 fur rile al i J GROCERY STORE_' , ILIE OP Bmid 11,1417Fil sold at /via Jul} .3. 1 14 V GROCERY STORE. Burrea muyeas—, , Re rale PI Jury 3.7 It %"' GROCERY STORE _ _ • BR AS H m at she S UB BANDS, • good mrittute h o ly of —' July 1i: ' - %WRY. BROWN & ro. A :cu. AXEd!:—E.: Water's Am a sew supply at 11l July N. I, LOWRY. BROWN & Co.,' ' 1) AK Elt.—,l tie* supplyr Illy allies. n prime nitiele s at the .1.1. new more. 'yyli LA tWR Y. BROWN & Co. . . ... ra latlilPH SHEETINGI ill slack op km miteat— a July ItAYR Y. DROWN & lb's. "t h .M7TI.BVIRTIT.Wii;r: rate article of EMT', which Irri wilt be sold cheap fur - July It ISSI. .OWRY, BROWN & Co. mon ACCO.—Johil A mfr., 1 enthaVa amok rla and rhr Or leo, goring it,. by J)l2 BRANDY, Cln. Ruin. Pon. Malaga and Madeira Wine.% ary ing io price and.quality. Moo. good Whbrkey For sale by Joly W. F. RINDERN WIRT. ti R SA'. MohisseN cents Per V: fru* 37i to 73 ce4llon. l'y 411 July It 1 W. r. ILISDERY:ECIIT. • A First Rs.teTrai t of Land for Bale. Tit r 011 ARA tract. ii; tr ee No.277 In McKean town-hip. adjoining the.sOuth line of . 'litres.; township. and contain- Inc .11n acres. This is one of ihe very eat ;meta of land for when: iw othreirriln. In Meerut cp. of Ens, it is well thubcred , elrce.linfly well *mere'''. 211.114 uated olds seven milr, tree the sit) of Erie. nn.l Will he sold in iwhole or it. parts to suit ptirrtin sem Its timber end location otithe It a airy inviting situation for the erection ors Strain fa 4 . a I. Alton. Ire tow it tau 111 Erie. lA. WI half nese lots at from $7O in STl'iti eactiv befits a subdivir ii ,I eri 2 . 0e1,1•10115 N0i1.350 and 331. ad fur sale 11 ri wiIISON KING. July It IbSI. t iil 14.4.agrui. Erie. Pa. --, i MEDICA 6. NOTICE. ~ DOLT. R. W. ill" ILL.! A MS4 ;hat in; reipurthrised his entire Ur Wiliest PraCtice of pr. L. G. Ilall. iu Watisburith and tri einitylcould respre thing; nnoiinee to hull ostrOus and the pub lie generally thnil he has scanned his practice, and will give minim attendanCe to all calls inthe line of : his profession. Res idence opposite ttie Preshvierial Church. , Wattotairgli.lo4 S. 1'31.i• PIT Gazette please 4opv tiliforbiii.; ---__ , -- -4.-- . ritll'itt nent4ne estrael for, the hindlterehter, eon, istine or LA R o•e. Geradium. vogue' de earolifl... Ild Weft End. Jenny Slne..l‘..r key nut', .lelli4traffe;lVerneni and Jewmninne. at Eru., Joie In 111117RTIIN t CO.'S AFFLICTED READ!!! =MMOZ=:ISE=I=I ESTIBLINIIELO FIFTEEN TEARS AGO; BY DR. KINKELIN. - Nona Wad Cwoir of Taint mad U.»s sorra*, iihrom Syrrare and Pate Street.. Philadelphia. .. FIFTEEN V EMU, of extensive and uninterrupted practice gent to tins t thy. ibis', reniler...d lir K. far floor expert and succe.i.hur tiN.ent4oner f,tr and pear, in the treatment of all disea ses of a private nature. Pers. , ro afflicted w itb ulcers on the body. throat. or legs, pains in the heador bones. meteurenl rheumatism 'stricture., gravel; disease arum g from youth/01 excessesor impu ntiesof the blood; whereby the emultitton has become enfeebled 0 am out treated watt *tweets. tie who Woos himself under the care of Dv. I<. may religious. Iv noun& in his honor as 'a gentleman. and nOnfidently rtiy upon his skill as a physician. il TACR PARTICCF.AR ,Ponce +Young Men who have inlmsd themselves by a *Milo prate de Indobtad In%-a habit ftequently learned from evil companions Or at Reboot—the eifeets of which are nightly felt. even when astivp. and destroy both mind and, body. should apply inifisediaq Weakish+ and constinstion-t &tinily. low of mamonlar et . physical tosoinole and general prostration. *irri 'aka ity and II Fier. out affeci ion., indigestion, stig,risti nes. of the liver, and ' , Very disease in any way connect ed with the procreative functions cured. and full vigor restored, READ! YOUTH' AND MANHOOD. A VIGOROUS LIFE OR PREMATURE DEATH KINK ELIN ON SELF-PRESERVATION. ONLY 25 CENTS. This Stickiest published is !Sled *lib useful inllarmatton. en the .iiiiruidies and diseases of the genet atire orgy ns. It address,- es it• elf alike to Yftik, Maahs4i.asuf ON Arr. and should be read by ill. The valuable advice ihml Impressive warning It l yirrs. wilLprevent Min of misery . ..nil suffering. and save annually Thousands of Idles. Pirents4 by readitig it. wilt learn how to prevent the destruction of tio•ir children. ~ .... A oramtauce of Y 3 cents,iencloord in a Imp,. anidresseirto Dr. Ir. IN II ELIN. N. W. Corner of Third mid Union Streets, be tween Spruce and Pine. Plitta4elphim, w ill immure a book, ander, envelope, per return mail. Feminist aid/stance may alliltesibr; It. by letter. inelosing a fee, and be cure.l at home. p a d, iess ib s M e h,: ice s , Diserr;ssr, 4e.. forwarded. by P t ruling a reinirla rice. and Put up neci.U. firm., 11Danosze or oBrinsity, Durk-selhers. NYS. s .lents. Pollars. Cams...ls. awl all others unpli..l u all Ms above work 04 Set) low rates. I yln • Wy CI. 41 VAL• 33 T W " a L t - t i en n ti ' o' n „ th ttl'et th r e rgn.e c p Ma r t , l i . n e g i e w itd v s ar to s ziLta n n e iculair hes.— lin , eharger %A .11; be reasonably, Please caU and see. rrilice at llel'anal Slab*, near the outlet Luck of (bet:mama Canal. r.rol, Jas. 4, 1.431. u' 1 •!' NE W GOODS. . I I - PIT reecteleria largo and dill ,kl...y.teit stock of Dry floods. .11 ra t t, r ..it a , and posapoir. lilo, and l'lallkiren's Shiers in gut, r , um*. flatly Irxi!..cl-41 n I. i•zy pock of Gnxeries etoek.cyr. %Vali a n.l WrsulgrY Paper, she I linrdw are , ete., which at IP be li (11.1 archeap as the c hen pert, at the el 0r.14 May ii. I .. ! . ! Moog II CAD & Ill'a firs Lora. Pal ++ and I toiler.. constantly - n haul, and fFor sale at thi I West Markel; price. Mat: 1.-3 . • , it. 'r. STERRETT Jr. SONS._ XV i is i .111 W Wagons. l.•:' r i r a t... 44,, e 1,, ! , 2 Homy/ an d wh ee l ro barws. per child/cu. use-,just received and for sale by Eric. July is. , 1 , •,, W. F. ANDER SECIIT. •,_ . A K ER' 2.4 VW AIA. Co °Glad Chocolate. for ii ale hv B Cele. Jul. td. e 'S. F SIN VERNEC , ICC. 4_.... 111R11.irroiJki NI 1.11:1111.141 I.dllible Yeast Perwiterm also 1 Car. Soda. tut baking ru..., by W. F. RINIFrIt+II. - OT. weaved strid x Si rt e r s! tt,, leby nnt,ran., • • IHAVE loot received a tense and well Waned Nock of wet and I dry Pessily tproreries. Wines and Liquors. Dye/huffs, Nails. Gia4, W illie dud Wooden Ware. and l do Pay it myself. that will not be gedinvold by any One in the city of Erie. Call and see ccrncr of Fiftb and Mate sweets, Jul) S. P i W f. ItINDF`JtYF.CIIT. 200 0002 1 .7 Smsr 01 dierreui rpia/Ittelo. jon 'retired r tan for sale testo 7to it t . resits rtre lb., by July .5. l 11 1 %WY Itl‘1111:fiNallIT. 40 BACllifCtulke fur site by tbr Ilse or lb. by July l_ ta_ s . L W.V. lttnnecxecwr. 2,000 fi ll . sbium7.' isliktreq7l426lnri . ••••^ , - C7 E20)071 rot ' , ale by the dozen W: F. R INUERN FAMT COZWlTTifrat w . t 11.1.1 Alt 01: l'l 1 V k IC *.it N r(Mt l yttbia da_y formed • copartnersln:i ... liankers am., Poll 1,011 nod E.:champ Undiere. uittler thr II in of M. 1. , Vi FOR k, 00. . tklledt is **Elea ty's Uinta." bet eva, cute Ana 1' els streets. ntblirs siqunre. • Erie. Jan. Jan 1. 134. Mt U2O )OD'd INCH rt , CH(rt. v . :our:T-2 . 0r Fp., and Ague; I ntenaluant di I Kcm,bu4rt revers,. nobt.ilw various Amos of Hi!lima de.rari. 1.. I J. 11. IA i IitTON & Co.. , Erie. Aug. 2. f il) /- 'Wholesale iind WWI Arreoll. CAMPIIENV. :- . I. t ‘11":.4 7 .1A +mut styie, eut;eri,if to miy 11011, la use. Jail reo••sve , l by .1 11. 111.7 &Tr i:2 & cu. Bat•larayl4 n3 - atly Relief foi - raisu (I rAIN rum 1.., sthkum a :oth, Sorethroat. elpratas. At feet,..als of Ow Spine,-T..wyen:4-h.e. Tie . lioN,unsoz. sof alt Nervous adeeli..no. Salt It 'rum. Itsne,Worni. Eruption* of um skin. and L'rati.ps in the stUldtafil. r sale ty Er" Aug / i. PI CARTE.% Sr. DEO. • - ," Loath' r mud ?oho 'Winans: • . J. U. rui . .L • % N has..o..ture a d vire& for mkt al • . . pi,lr• Sialt4'Rti S. le "Whet / f +,* •• Slanitliket ' t •••• •• Upper . .. . • ' e& men. Jermy Valfoktns.. ' 4 • ' .• ( oandry .. , . rmile It " • , •• illq.a .no k and Fl try Men:meth • ' •• 7 , . 1..np0 and unlints. " .. Kipskius. . ~ . Mott.. . - . • •• Imanieliedatitt Patent Leather. A te,—..7 , 46..:00t Th t, Crolips. and !TIM' AllideaN10111111a• keel , Tools and Kn. Auguste. i It • D/LTISCS' E AZ.T. 1. 0 0 0 8141" of cannonn nn.l polar ground P4111.11/1110. common z-.. 0, at5.1 , .1 KA* aO4 *ado, coigne SOL 110, sale at lailt rates by J. KELLOGG. Autruot 3. • CV IS T7lfiß the dr.l mei ion of worms. Th eafetnet or 1 merear. man delet-rtous Ingredientrn Whaie-ri cf ~e;tW •e a 01,41. I ive (fa thi• PFP, PleA24lll to the taw.. lk*fr in theiroperaison. Cliil.iten Cat them vr.iff vrottavidity. r .ate by . J.,11. 131"&" ON & Aut f 121 No. 5. Revd 116. e. Tiil nubre h in3Anireccited alarm and weft acateaa sink ot Fannie Grocrn• . R, to V, hick he invitee the attention aI his friends and c4flollllCe , in thin etty and vicinity. aa.ona hia suit unay I.e futind,Grocetir , „ Wine:; Liquors. Qlls. Fish. Faqir ft sit. etc • etc .. te, It t nhuont every article usually found in a Grocery eii.re,nhicli will Le nOld an cheap, if cal Cheaper, OWN Con he Intin,l rl•t it here. A.:stio!.t prokilite taLea ID exchasse dro ccrieo. grio, A.lg. 2. IY T. W. Mount. DLINKEIIik, Et:TT A I..rt, .YeAmc, Commaur, TATt t: LA. Farsrun., Cf EYr.LPrrrsatnea,B4ol. SloYßor.. thrrr.orr, enicipo, AIILwaQBY s UAL'S hit' a lid 8131:Turou'r. 01 1 M41111.41paWara's txpress Office, lite. St. The KOeut p1e,1 ; 414i Passetmos proctorial, theft Ticket. flow hem Weill he left by the 8.41, bat shalt belphhat 17 pluc.l uu Loa r.l. .14zni , t 4. II OW LA N Ire U rl i .n in 0, and tibb,A,RAV, nee al IX Elm. P. 11 BUMS lUDS. MAIM_ PIik.TYSIPAr'ES PURIFIRG EXTRACT The Greatest BLOOD PURIFIER 3+ TIM scoot r. WORLD . nr pfrie„. l ~. pork, Of car hietlieffr IS. If I. no w moo tip In Qt' il It T IttITTLEPt, of timm immaa=m god no. i I krt 1 Irit Mee PO » , .. , 1 01 ihno,i bvifieit. Zia LOW 0U116...• IN IiNT V A "Or It DOKE", and the rettlaitiams ata W Stratamly 4' trAted that only Owe TiatogramAst al retptrad Mt a Dace—three tio.w a dap —Um mta• battle MS Tweet 'Aar Dna., erh.rl. le much {mime Mils • boat. of ail/ O other at Medina., lames, because there la required of this a low Iguple• thy COP. The ..t mrstem i , It :atme,i, , ,e m at o,lm Moot tittle, wear aid. ...4,. 0 4 . cow .% l• • cr•at ”••••11111. 41 ILI pellir sir • pro st h. ellupound,, d Rare cho r....+ . 5 4 M Medical 'Maas of sour !Scare. 1 aa Indian Roots and Barks, which vani Giber medinne 1 , 04.11%•?4. Ttmtme are tam east artais rosier. of the Bleed shot ...re. , et knows, so plan t , /.diet or saika" .. .=. rail thaw beans euaiwamicri wall do atrasislipa s - Sarsaparilla,'. Yellow Dock, IEIIIIIIIIY AND 5 / 1 113A/11AS BARKS, . I Willki4ll Vegetable Exterier; mot orgy the be 1880/14 r , but Wan. a rheatat.ratakeitat by wrest MM &sin step . It I. 46.0 per. berammi the fromtviy of it tint .„,,,, 6 „„ bones . Owe Molise will Isis. same& leggiest"; sad will ears Tea TI es more Ellockdisnise. th ati the y DetWe winr6 , l4 gm idler icor. • Wr naduub:rd proof of Ible ' Corsi of -1 'I Scrofula, Fever-Sores, rt ., sh.u. 41. rrytipeloo. ftnlf.Mlomm /0.,./wertit., Sppitilii. Erspeirss. Vittrita tbe P .. .... I.ltree-Complrelstes, Mks. Lassesps, Om • .sees t Cootl a, bore 14" Draorpola, Pram is OW aid* Bert, Roan, mad .A•me, ma m.t rcrtizot lantntallutas Magas& x. see 00r PAMPULE TS ma/ Ikaablir-rry7 Ailmf 11 .• Men r Ilya away. Aosser.-...0 trier & Ilrotl.er, J. It Ugrian & Co.. F.riet J. Foster. tli. or t; 11. R. Terre, }Ale a titoo; 6 17. Town 6. Co, Noe* East PoOer & Rea. West trox.netieldt W. Se P. Judson ken.: IVA...rip ; 3. IJASiA, 1,4 . 1,1 , 1311; P. rinrk, Jr.. Altman; 7.11. aries... Jrsit,rfo•l•l. J. 11. Rob.oroo. rrollrrille. • It ‘g ARS I'S LATE lIIPEOVED SELF ADJUSTING MUM.. ••w hlOl has etferted more frtdieal eurte than alt otheiv taw billed. being po eon, tree ed 3. 1 10 adapt ivirif 'nifty OW* and pa en ion of the bodv, whol7r ,ll , pet.king with the 'limp so annoying tr . Thr-palr ley .I.U. BEATON' Ja. CO.- VACILLA-A ftl.h lislppkaist BURTON & Dr's!, cloodi. Sl"apd Linen plain and wow.:ed Poplins. ;Barns de Lodi, I•TOWn. and !doe flanges. 'taped and Cligureill Swim ht‘•4iMlr, block, laon u. !node and blue silk Thrum. Vela and figur I Ler be. C. M 13111BALIL 2500 e`:"„tr„Modder Prints cents , perArt A t r t _ _ 1:3 I: XI • a nd as' eau : a m 14: knriVk! 19. C. , M. TIIMALIL t AEIY"N'ATCu y, JEWEbRI; 4XD FANCY GOODS ATILOOIII'.D3 & 00 , 2, ?tote St.. niarly opposite Empire ,Rterosr. ttWoncninz. tlic largestan I num stock of Goode In lb le Lk lios ', essr orferc.l for .ale io Krie. Jug purchased HIM. York entl. , rnerrtg all Ihr rit-i• se .Ids at rich Jewslry pin out. Any os. , Alrhil , t! 1. I"ltehn-c :Itch viol chant will hare a ant rate 014.011,4.1 V, 11)r ...lee. ina. Nut to be undersold hp !dial. laiiesi4bliohillent I n vie Jolty. U. LO,Oll & CO. Eric, )tit • • To roomfuls. F you wi.it to .ra a ,^..,l aieosuurenCor tint. Smiths. Forks. Cradle., Sielk 4, lainne. and Ranee, call at the Clomp Ilarlraarr Store. No 3, Bred Wmate. 7 tut.. Ante IS. szwErmar • IN swat variety al lianno , rif*.rint.rne ing tallies and Ceuta t 'lnane, ttre.a.l Pip.. h Inpir RinPo. Prneiti. and Pens. I.adleat Cults Pius, Itraerteli.. as Utile? firt 'rale article*, all warnintald ar renre.4ented in—no elnrgepr knowing-. 7 JUIN! te. (111. 1 ( ER Go4lll2 4 .—:rl:;il.ri Thiensle:,i tut Tea Spools. .1 Forks. Suttee C our own .innnueneture. Flees warranted ot the iineue, ut Itottars, Engrnveo io goal Idefe June 7 G. LOO MIS lk C O . CALIF' R. IA I.t I:trarllnrt:inr..j 0 1 0.1 , at awn bodge. J slow 1 togs. Ilreaat Vino, If raceltts, Chain, or nnythng dealer.. or any ett le. at 7 (1. LOOMIS ag NEW ANT) ESEFIYI.. WASHING I S HE:D.—EXCELIIOA YAWL! roar B Y'w:sich a large erasion!: *3 hhe &mein one-third tile. trouble and emee.e than noh any other ilkitti.a knows, 111 ran be need with rtal or 1t..r.1 w.tzer, cold or `warm. Will remove tirrme. Palm. Tar, 1 , 4 or mire , from inxids without the testa lop ry either to the it...0.t0 cr the !mole. For *ale by Erie. June !11. 1.7.51. CARTER Is BROTHER. Fr' reKuvi;, wipe elnrttita. Apron Cbetts. Casino llassisi brIIN and hy quantity very cheap at Erie. M:v 21.- 4 2 smrrn JACESttlifil. GLf t.ratte 17ard and Black Kid -1.1,1,,tc.:k awl run,. clove.. for sale at. JACKBOI.III. _ 'rowel!. awl lilkes. at ttte CtU AP Multware store R t:IFC B REF.Dff. UM Kocher's Cocoa al J. 11. LICRTON A Co. TOnKIX4 CLA3SI:.B,—A good ao.ortroent of the ehesp Ito,. of LOWRY. BROWN &Co's. lIIMIE ri firrt r. ,le art pc , e tvintt artrifor *ale by the bur- V.) ghee! cr by the pfirfil. hy COM ERSTICK & CO "Tit 1( - 7: 4 .—t•r.,tc7Wit. Vans 94. rM witr by ' RowLAN its MtLI. SAWS. ja•t received at the stomp( COMPTON HAVF.RIMICK di CO I u E= 4B . I;riihuligg aqJ itiutiutis al J AprilZl. A Z Zi 5 . fl doz. Niter IVblte iti.. Co'..operior Castikeel Axes no sale . 3 - 7 by the d.”.. or eiligle—%arr...nir.l. (WO. 3EL1)17.1 & edef. ose la woe, bigot 4.1 Crbton. at 1,1 XTRACTA of L.rrnon. Rt, e. Ynailla. Mohnen. Bitter Al:- 1:..4 inroads, Urany,e Flour, Cochineal .ind Meets. rine. no sale by D. S. CLAIM. low v • • 11. , 111 100 H. 111; 611uT Jut tcceri t elit . tnillo r r i l t rA it son. S J , knetl. I'3l 2 g Ef.:B Ketiturk Riilty4'o%. der, JIM( reed. and Ibr sale by 41 [helm quino.r. or tvippte Ke by Juive 11. 1,11. 161 ' R.'l'. ATERRLTT ar. SONS. rcreu rAson caps. For s.ile by ' 00 "• I. T. STERRETT k. BONS 5()( ""y .s"" 1 R 6 -"" I " I . I T.STER R trrr & sown Pitch awl Ru. 111 ejniriariti).ou hand and for oak. M 1 lii 1.. T. Br. 80AL Tin: t‘libir ribera ,t Qtzl,l r...ept -1....111. - anfurlii Om public thia. leer hns r butit tt I..Aitt'r ut:l2ai fl e, ntyl arei tfettitotty or wallas for tho.t. tfezt.Pu.o to the tu little. Y.. T. liTLIBIO:TT 6. 8010. Ja.u.'ll. IKII. III , ' ( 7 1 - ("Rri I ER'S Tr tin.. 4 Ilua Fish Ott for .11t by , , J. H. FiTIALERTO.N. 11.1. 4 )”. )1 tto ON, ~ 1 ;%,r) s , attuty FOS Sate V Junk • 21. U. 0 c LANS • (111UR,I01:4 of tr‘t 1) dt:;.ttiptiou for emir Ly ..erir 11. 6 O. P. CLARK. I rEATreI“ VriA ,up,rior or! A e IN le sale b_y June If. ' D. D.CLAILK V I TIIITE PR kNI?Y—A sri;:ndid attic Ibr ft t A'R t. woßE•rt GROCERY 57Y112 K. Ziarclai•e's Vermiform Sugar Drops, rr.: "v' 1851. vr.s..7.l.iramkG A ig Laws,lBsl. /onx AE EXIN: From rciont Tickets colt be procured fur asy of the Jawing Plates: CC 11.118' ethYl/4:...; :And Urnebee. the Clete, Hardware Mare.l3 ! if , rre GBIND STONEti, Cranlo. Itollets,ifot, sale v e r y=lll' Ault. 11. 13 - RUFU* • 00f) , mot. r it :: D errilr e‘tntets of Lemon mid R. T. STIOIRETT & SOIL JACKEIOIf•Ei ' *Orr 1 prrve aillb.