brie ~eel,l~ ot hornier. SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 29. 1851 DENOCRAnC STATE BOXINATIONS. WILLIAM BIGLER, Or CLKAIFIJIILD CoUNTT FOll CANAL CONIMISSIONEN. BETH CLOVER, Per Justices of the Supreme Bench. JEREMIAH S. BLACK, of Somerset. 'JAMES CAMPBELL, of Philadelphia. ELLIS LEWIS, of• Lancaster. JOHN B. GIBSON,- of Cumberland. • - WALTER H. LOWRIE, of Allegheny sibury and Iris load: We notice th t the mimes of the weans composing the committees io the dif f erent townships in this county "lfor the purpose of licking mibeeriptions to the Sas bory and ' road. ippointed in pursuanc• of a resole -06m adopted at a public 'sting in thhi city, on the 6th inst.. are published. TA is a •good move. bet it ii of little aecount unless follows up by a vigorous and mi -1 nestrated effort on th• part • committee, to perform the duties assigned them. Wt such an afar' ws are confident I?tis county can be nt eto assume a correct • position torpards this great work. d not only wish it good speed r .,but furnish her Aar* of e means to eons „Sete it. , Er The Communication its another co in , upon 4- i mai* physicians. etc., - etc. , was called out . a notice in our last paper, favorable to the medical edttes • u of the 14( , " softer sax. To this communication we deena\at rep ignite anneceasery , wind if we were inclined to disc as the- question. which we are not. The writer is (mi nt ly an opponent of innovation, but whether'he **read. a renewal' or not, we, believing in thellargest libe7i c of die. cansion. are willing to let the public judge. Pittsburgh and Erie itailro; We neglected to no i ce last week, (or r ' tore of the road negle tail to furnish us nary infortnation.),th the entire lin and Erie Road. from hie city to E let to responsible con actors. %V now bids fair to be ilt, and over the dead body of / another to public confidence. I • Crawford Co ty Nominations. ' The democracy ofIC wford met last week in Con vention, and nominal the following , ticket.: Amentibly--Gen. erriman, of Fairfield. nud Ransom Kingsley. of Stetib t. Associate hid s-9. S. Adrain, Meadville, T. J. Lowry. Connea Sherstr—J. .C. Brooks..Meadville. ; • - - terntbonota —Joseph Brown, Conneaut., Clerk of t o Courts—W. L. Brackenruie Summit: Register nd Recorder—J, li. Culbertson. Woodcock . • Treasyer—J. W. Douglas, ittradvi Thi san excellent ticket. and we ace pleahed to learn • , will a ii e an undivided support from the heretofore di ' cid einocracy of Crawford. At the gain* time the •• . folfovr g gentlemen were appointed delegates to the jilt . Mill convention :"P. W. Kirby, Dr. W. t. Owen. A. l i nter; 'Esq., Gen. Daniel Shryock, and Joseph Patten, Esq. Tennessee Election. ', ( The election isaennessee has resulted itt thegpccess of Col. Win. K. Campbell, whig. over Go. TrAsdail, democrat, by some six or seven thousand majority, and • whir gala of one in the Oengressional delegation. ' 'This result was not unexpected, and so fak as national .• issues are concerned, we have no tears to Shed '., Gov. Truesdail, although a patriot of the old school and • a true man, allotted hiniself to be classed among these , twasionista, while his'eompetiar boldly - "haired the mu sk," and stood up for the Union es it is, aiid the Com- I pressible as it is—hence his election, and thh consequent defeat of TrUesdail. :Had we beentin Totinessee, with each an issue before us, we would have *eat for Camp bell... we do now for Bigler and the Comproinise, against Johnnie. and.agitation ! The loss oqa Coligressesan in the Nairhirille district was to have Welt a:Filmed, as that ... district I. strongly. whig, an only elected a democrat two years ago because of some al di ffi culty. im • ; Father Nadu*. Visit to Ekie. The visit of this eminent great snit good man to our city wiUJong be remember and the geoid lie hectic pl raked continue to be joked .over by Abe friends of ' the regenerated years hen . when.* rettollection of it by the maim becomes faint ad .indistinet. =lt is net,tie • cause he is a teacher of a'yo rticular religiods dogma that the hearts of community 'IS drawn towarids bins. but it is because he has devoted ' pure and blamellesa life to the regeneration of his Country nen in all land from intern peianeta sod iti rensequent eiee. Hence it eras that the Rev. Father's 'divot hero was bailed with each *nailer ed satisfaction by the peophi Pairally, no matter what . their creed or belief. While in the city he was the guest of Rev. Mr. Dean. pastor of St. Patrick's Church, where he was called on by the people- pee - rally. Seedily morning he took part in the interesting ceremonies of dedicating the new Church on Fiftieth Street, and in the afternoon he commenced the work of refortn by deliver ing a powerful discourse upon intemperance, and admin istered the pledge to several hundred of hi•hsarers. On Monday. accorliing to previous announcement, the nv l of Tempearnce turned ott in Regalia, and in co with a large body of citizens. called upon MM, and wel comed him to the city ' Upon the return of the proces sion to the Piablic Square, Rev. Dr. Flint. resiionded to a previous call. moan address of , I eleqUeisce and point In -the eveaingsoine five ask hund+d attend. eda Temperance Supper given byethe Ladies' of the 'Citholic Church and others, for the benefit of St. Pa - ttick's Church, - at which besides the vied cheer die cussed, there was a general re-onion ofi+ntitnent. du ring which ;ledge Thompson. J. Towner. Money Whoa hie aml J. D. Dunlap, Ems*. were callediont and rest-. pwridedie their ,osual eloquent style. Ott Wednesday new Math** took bin departure Ipr Belitato. on which eectetiee the following pestle tribute wsti presented to hilisiby4tis author. 3. W. Doman. e ; Ifttreartell to thee Father--aln *eke? aetHoj . Petebanee, shah we meet ta•our pitgrinnage here; • May !Karen conduct thee serf o'er the t rued wain • To food ot.ut awaiting to wergOtue thee there. Yet throb, 004 Ma' Dow we esum breathe the farewell. That our bearts , will Doi yearn to meet tbedoute more, Yes. Ibudly we trust that where angels dotb dwell, We'll meet t Ith thee there. on ElernitY'll rareweil , our korai Ern. UM' embed and opprees'd %VII! joy at thy calming and greet tbee with Ore. . Amt dee tem ed down ti 'meows, sepia word Mem lathy pre ewe. to lead bet to freedom &bole. ilt T.T Tian Taos Stray& or ;rot au --The Warren putter. in twitting the feet that t one feet office in Warren County , where there are ceived Over far hun dred jaspers each week, forty of which ire-prioted in the county, litotes that out of these forty. “nine have not pild a cent 'for over two yearn, and thirteen for over one year; while the city papers an regularly Paid for in ad. ranee." This I. undrobtedly • fair ozbillit of the way eislatfryiirlsliebiwe an treated the worldeviir. They are loitiltYnderiver beg by their neighbor.. is eitimos of tlilijoinn tiouty. tht very men whom) interests they are stirring freckly. while the Popp** they sb&oil receive is linabanded pp to helpnw till the male( eity papers, for. signer& to their sympathies. and is mine. Kim most is. .stamees. enemies to their interests. . Ms. Wirept—She er Tat fiersid has s mom film Washington t . inik dieter rem thither es *crowned Stete„ - meals elm, till about the ties Congress re-unison and then wider MI resig ns on .—Doubdol. ERIE. PA.. FOR GOVERNOR, OF CLARION COUNTY r ther the diree- with the peens• 'of .the Psttsbargh a Valley, hes been rejoice that this work I, too; without walking 'Harries egnally entitled Fugitive &NU Care in Bubb. - Basle was the theatre last week of so little excite. moot is Account of the arrest eta fugitive Wave. by the attorney Of his owner residing in Losieville. and the in cidents resulting tblitstroin. The facts of the cam ap pear te be them. The slave Daniel was (mud in Loa= Meals by a man nailed Moore. who hired him out. as many slaves are hired eat. to the owner of a steam boat plying between that city and Cincinnati. aa a Cook. Whiled's boat inVe tying at the let Mir &beet • year sine*. the slave took it into hie bead to a trip is she lakes, like ether southern pattern's. be• • th is b• ferret is rehire , nob hence his master was to the in- . convenience r)t• seeding ii . man named I(set \te . hunt him . sp. Rust toned him second Cpok on UT Duckey State. and forthvritb proceeding to tate out tho necessary pa pers for bfie apprehension. and with the sincere ofthe law proereded on lociard that boat to acconiilish disk object. TWINS:ere deseeeded to the coek-itipm below deck! wbers.they found ' - of their object; bet Daniel. ere beast. soda a , 'sty matterstriosionsi a stick atrial! is thf had bean stationed that very aolitiager it abort time hie pm mewed: lo dee t asissioner Smith. tided in I faiiir of An be well iieppeeed. is a greet mate or mob' am. is a great memo ?b, the political agitates. whose "ec mMetioi would foie." if it were am hr a Giod-send of this e r eepseiesally. Mfeemser.lbereforit.lnw the deci. l ocia the iceistaiseioneOlawile known thee the atteruilkif • owner. Rust. Ira a/meted ea • charge of Assault' ad Baiter, with latest to kill Me Afire. sad broil before Mr. Justice Gould for ezaminatiorti. AU. ter ch testimouy pro sad con had bees elicited. sad a t deal of virtuoiss iodignetioo expressed for buocembe, /hich elicited repeated applause for the *simmer. the prisoner pleaded guilty so far to the mesh mod battery. waylaid 1150. which hd immediately paid, sad was die. charged.. ; • " KLIITIpaIT LICTIOII.—The Ofisereer crows catteidera • bly over ; tbe r alt of the elapse is Keatucky. If the Observer had old its readers the whole story said the hole truth. t .1J victory woald have been attributed to a erAcaathaathe triumph of ••derocracy." C. M . ci.znucipuiouesdatoFxiid fen lhmr vote mat owhich were whig, and this divisors of who' votes °duce our defeat. This is the first time old Ken -1,. tacky been caught napping for many a year, but per haps it ar I be the bast time for many a year to come. Will the fr make the correcuoul —Chronicle. The Dare:Vitt has no correction to mike,for the Observer did "tell its readers the whole story. and the whole troth" before.; The 'limbos in Kentucky is one of the greatest Democratic victories lite have ever recorded, and no spe cial pleading can destroy the force of that lkier amen the wbig party. Leak at It!—hare is a State ( that has uni formly liven a whit majority of from tea to twenty thou sand—that in '45-sent eight whip to Congress to two Democrats—that in '47 sent woven whigs topiree Dem ocrats-4hat in '49 sent six whip to four Democrats—but 11011 elects a Democratic Governor, and sends to COA• grossle Democrats. or half her deleption , tofeur whip and oindependent whig, elected over the regular nom inee by Democratic votes! Is not this a victory to be proud of, to crow over, and to rejoice over, "with exceed ,ing great joy." Bat says the Cliiroiricle. "C. M. Clay. the emancipation' andidate. polled ten l thousand votes. mat of which were whig," and this produced the whig defeat. If this were true, it perheps Might . have some weight in .accoisatiog for the Whig defeat is Kin tacky, but it is earful! We know; the Tributes said C: M. Cte would poll 10,000 vote', and we presume our crtemtrary has token fiat prediction for his guide ill-1 stead o rhe actual Anon, for we find keen the figures that C. M. Clay has' not polled over one fourth of that numberi.'—sai2soo—and a. to these voters being all whig, ore majority of dna whip. the Certaicis has ner more withal* for classiok them thus, thin we have for el/intim( them as all Democats. 1 The probability is. his vote is tiiken about equally from both parties. We bat viedicatir the truth of political history, therefore. when we claim the result in Yeatdely as one of the greatest Democratic victoriesof.the,agel: !.'Johnston and One fien:!L" Three.years is comparatively_ a short' time, yet one sees wary curious changes in three years. For instace. three years age our:whig opponents were Mud in praise of "Johnstok and one term," "Taylor and no party." and the way - "katerforence of office-bolder, In elections" was deslonnted was • condom, to the offending. Well. as we said before. three years is but a short time. yet. "Johnston Sad else Term" has become Johnston and two terms, wittl4 "nalartyiset" creates sem& when allud ed to; and is to the later4tence of office holders in else doss. if Mere catiffirpeintSd oat a whig official. from Goy. Johnston himself, dittos to the most insignikent petty poet-matter. that dud not deem it his deity tomork night and day for the slim" of the whig party is the State this Fall. we are mach mistake!. The fact is oar Whig friends hays the happiest way imaginable of becom ing totally oblivious one year to the clap-trap humboggery they practised the year herons; and digs it is they are en abled to keep the field without any settled hue Of broad and nitioual policy. but dependent upon the shifts of the hour for their ephemeral anecessee. Kew lay of Brie We take pleasure of isallteg the attention of our ••- sons I. the prospectus now being circulated by Mi. J. B. Pansomr., Civil Engineer. for a new map of uur city. Tharsueh a work is. mach weeded there ene z be little doubt. and Mr. P. comer among us with the highest recommendation. both as au Engineer and a putiessan. / we trust be will receive the aettesmiary couragement to madly Me andertaking successful.' e have sees spit. amens of several mews got sm en r his supervision, sad they all inhibit a good degree artistic lute and cot recluses. The price is only,s.l. iloy. Johnston alio Winding Way. It appease that Erie id net lb* only place when his Excellency. our traveling Geuernor. received scold re imptroa. According 4o this Post his reception was a fat lore--a complete failure.; Some three hundred etegr. 'hie tickets to Beaver. when his friends were to limit him, were procerld hitt the undmetaad that before the time for the departur4 oc he cant had arrived some of these tickets were offer at half price. We are unin formed as to how 'things want offthere. bat on Saturday evening when.he reached (hill Monengaliele Heusi his escort, if it bad been largir. bad dwind:ed down to a tier peril's guard. About one, hundred people, all told; had assembled in the street and about the house to hearihis goat man. We.fett chilled ourself et his cold reception. We take the Governor to be a man of mansest good nerve, and not easily dulled, but this enthusiastic recep tion. 'she called it, was too miteli for hind, his jaded and cowed look told too plainly that his fear of being van quished was. from this indication, to be realised. He appeared on the balcony..and akar declaring his inability to eddies; thorn in the manner he would wish. he re ternid his thanks for the eallutsiostic reception they had given him.—(Here a feeble attenpt was made to cheer, but the voice died before getting utterance.). and the crowd quietly sod heatily 4lepenred. ashamed apparently to look round for fear of being reeognized. it 117 We . learn fro the Barak' Courier that Janos R.. /1•11111NOTOP. Esq, Postasarsei a that city. died ea Wedassday last. M. H. was one of the old citizens of Buffalo. Sad had-1 pied a prominent position as a man aroaterprlos and be area talant. He held for one term. the 'Mee of Mayor. to which he was ideated by the peo ple. is the spring of •1841. and his admiaistratlon was Embed* Grianar and coasisterrey. The Fredonia Cease► learns from the, Chetottothat Gay. Jobootoa •• addressed* ions sod oothaalaado body of his follow,eitbieelo" is ibid . city tel tile fhb. Chuthiotid of the Censor evidently dose itotanioretand that the ewes version of ilia Goeeraor•s reeeptioa hors woe sue of the best . jokes id the 1101111011. LWITERPROILTHIC RIO MIDS. Correspondent atter the Observer., Rio Gasses CITT, July 31. 1251 Deem Fats& : I believe we have as mach came to cemplais gibe continued bet weather me whim I wrote yes lasts The heat ashq dreads have killed the crepe throughout thegtatire region this aids the Suers Madre. and produced great misery and want. However. " de spair is never quits despair ;" - ia proof of which we have recently had a most plentiful rain, and all him& have set-to with a right good will to plant another prop. We may aster hops to make this as ',idealism! reties. I sm satisfied of that Gat Years hence the Markt may fidd a coati line of cultivated fields, aid cottager . ' along the basks of the Rio Greeds. but Men Bolds will amain sugar case,trapes, orange orchards.or soma pro- Mations other titan the grains: and some email' and ea sy weds of irrigetion'slust be Adopted before this cam be dose even. For pastoral purposes it will compete with any ether country in the world ; the madman of the cli mate. and the eternal verdancy of the grassylplaise ver ify this, and whin we modem; the boandery between the United States aid Mexico. it. must metiewiarily have importance es • theatre of commercial speculedems. Indian difficulties continue se usual. It is Mali a old song visit I would not *peak of it. if several murder' had sot bales committed in this ?Wail?. and the mail Meek ed and robbed within eighteen Mho of thiti place, lot three days sista. The almost absolute isopeessey of Male Sam's Imes. for the purposes of header defence, l is with as a settled fact. The apathy manifeited by did people living right is the midst of these ecesetwoold as ' tomish yea The elections. for Meknes. are bold to be a matter of mach greater ;interest. And surely it dose ' become a question of greal excitement in the South and West. for the struggle bee l ies. a matter of personal eoi• test between the applicants for popular favor. Omi 'lee \ tier come on during the approaching mouth, when we "are to choose a Go , Lieu t. Deventer. Land Coes miseioser. and representatives Is the legislative branch es. besides judges of the Supreme Colic For, all these offices there are found a sofficiest number of patriotic gentlemen. anxious to sacrifice glair priests iiisrssis in order to serve the people. We have three or four can didates for each station, every one of whom! is running on his own hook. Most of these gentlemen are in poli tics Demoerats, as you know Texas is • Democratic State out-and•ost. The question, that hare agitated the old States, have never excited the political billows of this. They have had bitter. rancorous wars among themselves. and of all these who .have held places ill the bete, and shivered. lances in the melee, unite have come forth with greater glory than Sam Houston. "He has no malice in hie heart. no ruffles on his shirt," and the people be lieve implicitly in his word—the heart of the great De moeracy /wells with pride when his name is mentioned. Chas. H. is i head and shoulder taller than any other man in,Tezes, and as he moves among the throng they shout over disk idol. To fall under the ban of his dis pleasure is to sink lute insignificance. A word from him and year formates are blasted. for no man ever held a more absolute and unlimited sway ovir the minds Dimon than be, when he chooses to exercise N. • Innumerable anecdotes are told illustrative of what I hare said. some' of 'which I would relate if space permitted. Rumors are rife of a revoletieo shortly to beret forth iu Mexico, and I'M inclined to thiuk•it is sot all smoke. The government of Arista is ens of the best they have over had in Mexico, provided it is no sin to step beyond I I their plodding law-givers, and prove yourself worthy of ' the 01. That administration, however, is at this time in a very mesh' of difficalties. It has sot sufficient rev- 'sues—the treasury is bankrupt. the forced loans exhaust ed—in s h ort, it hoe no resources. The Legislature will not reduce the tariff, the people will no tpay the present one, the northern states are in a state of miserable star vation, trade is at a stand, and the ship of state is abso lutely sinking. Murmurs of discontent are quite audi ble, and the dark speck that, win upon the horizon has expanded into an overshadowing cloud, and depened in its sable hue, and when that Storm bursts. the /moieties of the northern States, and the disperoberme tof Mex ico will hay i begun—the boundary of the Use ed States and the line of the Okra bledrs - will ennui a new republic. Bat I dislike mystery, and there I will deal in it no longer. Arista, who is a sortheM man, is at the bead, of this revolution, It is to t burstl oat on or about the 15th . of August. the first blow is to be stmeek at Metanicess, and the States of Tamaulipas. New Le onlatid Coahihula are known torbe invoked in' it. I should not feel myself at liberty to develops these thisga if I did not believe that by the time this reaches you. the newt of the ociftuitak will be flashing along the various lines of telegraph in the States. Yours. die , . 011E00. =CI sod was bead fnow Itiot. who lotkpo of owil for takes •d Ir. Com oro do- . as may Sale was rr Ww leant from a privets letter from Niagara Falls that Okah Tubes; the ladiait Chief, who was lately in this city delighting the musical - cireleis by his entertaiumests on the flute, varied his ussiaL.performance last Saturday 1 morning by taking to himself a "pale face" wife. What repliers the occurrence more remarkable isthat the gen eral belief prevails that/ he emixent "Chief" has a wife sod family is this eit This complicated doubling may ti t it be according( to Ind' a customs bat rather conflicts. we should believe. wi the laws of the United States.—Biii- Ale Reptib4c. /../ We do cot know but we may add to the Rapallic . 's 1 "complical o sil doubling," bat to the "best of our kiiow ledge anifbelief" this "Indian C'hief," is just no Indian ICliief / iii all. and bouts of no more Indian blood that the Editor of the Rerielie: en the contrary it is a pure mix 'tore of African and Kentuckian. In pfsiin English. this pretended Indian Chief. -"Okah Taboo,'" deed 'te be a very respectable free negro Barber in Louisville. and the Louisville papers have exposed the cheat be is now play ing fifty times at least. So, if he has "dose" the Buff.- louians any, it is their ewo fainit. Last week the 'Obsersar crowed !artily over our sup. posed defeat to Kentucky. How does the editor feel abuut this time 7 Hada% he better crow spin, and tell his readers that he was mistaken, and that Dixon. a thoreig* Whig, will have the honor of representing Ken tacky in her Gubernatorial chair.—Cosassaaal. ' The only reply we have to make to this =walled for. and; exceedingly silly flourish of •• froth and Nathan." is to call its author's attention to the following paragraph from the Louisville Cannier. a good Whig paper, and which. it is presumed, knows as mach shoat the result In Keatacky,as the Editor of the Coalmen:is/. if not a little : - Et.rovrow;—We lays official retinae front SI counties and the city of Lonievilk. and reported rem* from 3 other counties. and Powell'spriajority over Dixon is 163. The only eoanties yet to be heard from are Car ter. Johnson. Leteher and Pike, which in 1848 gave Powell a majority of 730 votes over Crittenden. If thesis counties come in as they did before, Powell's majority in the State will be 725. They will, however, we think. give him a gain of someitwa sr three hundred votes. and Puwell's majority will fall but. little, if any. abort of MOO. 117 WHIG ovcsncy.—Some of the Whig papers call Col. Bigler thee•ginget-bread candidate" for Govenor, because his mother once Bola calm sod swfetmeats for a living. In other words, they attempt to throw ridicule noinitim, for having been bent of Aber parents. Bat such abuse always recoils spun Muse who niter it. It is no disgrace. thank Gort„ In this country, to be poor; and it is just because Col. Bighir has risen, by his own artided exertions, from humble life to a place among 'hit best mews( the hind, that his felloti-leitisens respect and ad mire him so ,much, and are detirmined to make bins : their Governor. The people always delight to honor them who honor themeelres. - • SKIIITED liar ifteurrt—The Bader Dastoeral. a Whig paper. ha* erased the .sine of Samuel HaPikon. for Assembly. from the head et its paper, busies be re fused to pay for printing hitj tickets last fall. and is not willing to support any man for office who does not take hie paper. 47 Tie WAY re WORK/4—The Editor of the Lowell Na. nyo, in passing the same of a man that did•nt ad vertise. he observed mar clerk cleaning his fingers with the armors, another b►laacing, his yardstick as he sat listlessly en the' counter. while . the proprietor, with the same larnheas expression that an onbreeched urchin wears when he drops his.dompling sod thb dog snaps It. was measuring ant by paces the distance front owe mud of the shop to the other. Plenty of costenters, like the Pri at and the Lesko. ••paned by on the other aids!•• SIIPTIIIOII PROW OUR EXCEL'S= WI? gampitiAL DAUM •l POW. ET: Cbilita;a whig sad asetbasialaists. bit bus sketall is dm lit Diattict. 11. C. by 1000 majority. rr Oen hindrmi and eighteen locomotive. of Ole ma st powerfol clam. are in coattail employment on the N. Y. and Ercißail Road. QT The ant.* Democrat eaya:that ilinsjansin Perry. an old and ae4ve whir known ae tha t “irea king" in Penni. has cone net for Col. Bigler fer d 17 Gas. Sac. Hwang is expected it New York in October. on s twopences tour. Ins is' annownwi to lecture throagtoat the State. ' 1 / 4 Erßeware I' counterfeit notes toe the Sainte Can. ty Bank. w - enticello. N. T ., A lame number lof .-tire's" an i cirealatiim. i i 113 fienokenr, we observe. taiga a lively interest in Cu ban affairs. Wag fearful that a reColitiou say lemon Ow Production. and raise the price oil die weed. • . ErThosoniewhat notorious SE biarsbaa, of ton lucky. bas val. back, to whiggenr. %vendor if ho in 'comb of that rblito be adusiiklotorad to Col. W?*o's calf? Er Tiro Iliiwtoniees deem it suirprisieg that phis. with twkiihe Dumber of iababitaats. we leas Sis ter then'Boitten.. The PhiladelpiShuts are probably Wot so thirsty mornings: U . The Owes in the new Mumetituties d IsOgee prohibiting entered people from miettling in that state.iwas adopted by thb people by about 00.000 majority. Prbtly decisive that • rr boa Dart.—Tha polies of !throws arewagi : • war- of e:tenniaatioa •roost, the dogs of that ciy. Motet firs hundred liar. heel drotroyed dariog the Sea QT W. hay's% received a single eustamer yet for our oiler of the.plieerese-for i year buy responsible-whim and wait 'mill Cal. Bigler is ele6ted Governor. Won't somebody "walk up to ibis Captain's ones 1" • f IrrEsaviqusisr.s.—Ths Grewn Bay Advocate talks seriously of ticks like earthquakes being experieiced latelY! Th Badger State is . the place for all Boris of novelties soil developements, p Steal and atbstwisa. 03 AIMPIUIPRIATILLT united whig arty in Ne,w York. which is composed of ”wooly-hoads'l , asd ••silver-`reyw." is now called the qiatiost party.,,"• *- prupristely pam•d. very—a streitk of wool and L sfreak of'cutton. OCT In Stillman county, in thila state. who the Pea. pie are of Firlinithre' honesty. for(want of abe er jail they use a board.kila to incarcerate Otiondent ain't theilaw. A fellow was put into it last work on thief's:go of horns stealing. . t / Er A mambar of the “SoothiirLeaaadets Lazy Club.' hail just bare's:pelted. for piiiVfaster than a wa'k. The recusant offered, ie'rnitig , ssion of sentence; the fee that the Shbriti was after hi t% but the society was iooa arable. i BT Er.ortur.ay.—At Loweff a young amnia giilaad NI bachelor 'fun off: thelmenband saw them em they got *Gated in Mu earl. gave throe ; char,,. waved his! hat. bade them ,aajoy themselves it ffuly could, and thezire at . bask home' a happy man. coffnurntv—marthi P. Sweet. of Freeperi. 111. hut been converted from a Whig stump ender tea Meth odist preacher • ; so sayi the Gaga& A hopeful sebum sion truly. which illustrates thntruth of the poet Soo he adored, " the vilest sinner; mey relent." Er Too, Corwin. the Whigflpecretarref the Tre•sur . y. made 01000 out of the Gsrdier claim in rise weiek.— It would reirire a !shoring man er meehanic. to li4u aid workfare ituaiired mid eisry.sizi t yeers. at one &Mir per day. M Make Ail rani. • Tsanionset Prrieebuien was arraigneitately in Critteedee eeuety. Vermont.? en • charge / of tilgarny. pleaded. isiesenrb of the marriage. that The first was endendood a, the time le be fed only dirge miraidaf IT The greatest performerat tins Circus in the Cham ps Elyse.' at Pins is if inns rumbas. an Ambrieen whose father resides. we belie's°. in North East. a this county. Zits astonishing agility sorption's/men 14 Arab performers of the same establishment. , Et Among the candidates for the National Of f eeneit in the Cherokee Nation , we woe the name. ppring Frog. Spirit Pot. Laegh-ai- Mach. and Lightning-bug. For Sher* the nation of Visit Tail and Pe'Mani Tiger are tnentineed. • 07' We want nd better evidence that Erie is haprov int. than the fact thst her meChanies are profitably em ployed. Bricklayersiare not th be had !inlets or Toney. in conseqUence of which we Ire fearful a large 'mount of.building in contemplation !this year will havel to be postponed, . QT There is a`fetiale now', resident in Clark 4sonty. Geo.. who is one hundred OSSthirty-tbrie years Wf age. She is quite lively and' cbeerfittl=—conventen tbsently. - and reads well without Ma use of glasses. She hsw living within ono mile of her residspce, grand childreiX to the sixth goseratiOu. „; LT A Fix:mats RKPLT.—During the ezantiwelion of a witoess,las to the locality of the stairs in a bonier, .the counsel naked - him "which; way did the stainsi run?" The witnerW4 who by the wai is a noted wag, replied; that "one, Way they niu Up stain. and the other wry they ran down' stairs." The lear i ned counsel winked both eyes..mid then took • look at 4he ceiling. 117 Aset-Tosicco.—A temperance pidloor eztendier itsoriewe snto the region of tebacce, exchimet iipleudi4 Rpm the apostle h tatil would have Made had he gone about to proclaim t sublime, truth of! Chris. liana:, with a quid of tobacee and e long mina in, his mouth." 117 The oldest Man that ever died in this woe*, took a newspaper Iron the day he' was twenty-one . years of age to that of his death, and always paid for it in advance. And it Is "Imposed be would lbe still living, bat inforts nately hie neighbors were tot: as honest as Himself, eonsequeetly the paper suspended. and that ensiled his death. • • Obituery notices are ty ry,often absurd, and footpad of ekcitinic symytthy iu the ruder, Create germril ridi cule. OntiVbich we lately •*ltw in a Southern paper be gine as foltowa: "My mother is dead! IC is i -a sad reality! it Jai; mel ancholy record to make—the death of one's method, when that mother was a mother to , every acceptation of the term." (Er Father Mathew, it is said, will return to England, during • the ensuing month. ! Since his arrival in this country. he has enrolled over halls million perroMi un der• the banner of total abetioeetce. Us comMencied his. labors in this cuss in April. ;1838. since Which .be boa rdmiiiistered six million 841dt-roar thoissandlini i ' Bred and tlfty pledges. Q 3 Peaches are very condioive Dr;Stone of Louivisna says id fever thiy are invaluable. Is .bis opiniOn, plenty of peach orchards are worth a tbnasand quarantines for'the , public health. "No more sciervy," toys, the doctor. " Eat steeled [witches if you k ee p off indigestion." This I,lst/resting to peach= vend ere. ,By the by. we notice Harris. at the Nerohasle' Ex change. is receiving some of tbis delicious sad hsialthfol fruit every day. 117 Ustraasaus Couarts.—Over $lOO.OOO have been subecribini towards the artabfiehsest of • Usiver *alit College. sad subscribers to the ,ford will Sleet is Boston on the 116th day of &Plosion for the pigs* of f riocHag s location for said Odin,. sad 'bossism board at" Directs'. Whe bass Sit list. if proper saw were Oxen. Erie might be Hissed as the localise. N. mere cell tea). Iteshlden or bettor Ine,tioa said be Wind, we ,are eerie*. lse'Vit wadi >t trial t. For lb* Erie Ob•o root. THOUGHTS On As iniejoci if I* Annals Physicioase geserally, and Um **hinds Bledina Ctfile it( Piniadoi • . ?kW' in inerin.. Whores', The Medical profession is this only else of tbo thine •vocations commonly known as "Maned"— to4ip Ass improperly—ia which persona of all %mei sixes, oozes, vied conditions, with or withoat pre vious wady. Net thousselves entittod to wake and meddle: sad whims. Reverend ad Legal gentleman sra Owe. in theiV[ewn opinion. amply qualified to Moab PhyoieirMe is all lueusts appertshilag to medical, lam sad do often esereleil snob privilege. to the gnat Nara and detriment ef medilcal,mea. and against the ponce and comfort of said maile:al men's pimiento ; and whereas, aloe, physi cians* sot permitted la etereise scab right 0 letorfer enati the pietism of either Theology or Law, upon v i , as pain {tool g imea 'co di ra the one heed a fanatics , and siefthe other ign sat meddlers , while if they per mit *Me 'epees to gm} untroubled they are regarded as iafidele an , bad chime" ; we feeC it incumbeet apes us to males a Matoment *flour opinion regarding each co ~ duet iii general, and thim rata Migrant violation of D 2 ' Cl. propriety, and respect to the I. dignity of the ese sion" 4 zhibited is the Institotioe of is "laws& Mica' school 4" in particular. , Of Homoeopathy. Tboomoniaisisni. Gals *ism. Hy dreki:l y. Floctro • Melamine'. filehopatb . "Mid geniis *mu Msgsterilkas." we say nothing. : am if people deceived by . such Members. Moist eve, the shadow of planiibility, let them die to their folly. Bat there a speci ~ t alisation abort the teasione of the •• Fe- ri male' edictal School," which iycalculated to lead astray weak bad well-meaning indi !Aside. who would dislike riseeMingly to countenance e improper thing. A very / brief Maminatioa oldie a meats adduced for this grand anderlaking is all our set patpoec First, it is OD* tendee that by its ns respectable females may obtain en hoiiest livelih Query: How rerpertails and mod v iit ar those rem el t." likely to be who will go through all 'that 1 4requisite/to obtain a thorough medical education. More er. if oy can obtain by any other , mama funds 'efficient carrytbens through • medical school, the same 1 m • would give them a rapeitable support. Still ' ether , whit livelihood could they obtain in a pro- WM whichle now far eveirstaked i eby the thousands au illy poured forth open our load by the numerous " institutions" disfiguring Hal emcees 7 The men who so benevolently urge this reason from their enshrooed ehaire, would roll up their eyes, as far as fat would per mit them, in holy horror, should the Doctors recommend these[ " respectalde females" to write as clerks in law yer's Offices. or act as-amanuensis for grave tad learned Doctr' ) i. Okeend. But some men !urge their utility as , midativee. Why not come t howbeit, sad say se, in stieisd.t of blarneying the publ c by chairs of anatomy. tshireistry, surgery, and what not t We do not dispute that. lby proper treinieg. thei anightilloonte very tolera ble rilidOivos in natural labors, but when the dreaded pere"peral convulsions, adherent placenta. violent duo& ing., ocked bead. or mat presentations e' . occur, the male' practitioner mast be sent for to extricate madam from her difficulty. Out upon such munch modesty. So long as tilts practice of medicine exists, so long will delicate ease occur. where IBM. strong nerved, nun mist' offici ate., I Why then ••nte w I and pule" about what has been donetfor centuries without either "caudal or difficulty. It is otO piece with " phonography.":and other " modern improvements." But, say our opponents. look at Mad. ei Boivin; La Chapelle, etc.. etc. Yes, and are say. ooltt at Joan D•Arc, Charlotte Corday. and Madame Resto. They, toe, were women, loot they were the ex ceptions, not the role, Third. Some, more modest yet, urge - 11641 a medical educistion will fit women bettel , for nurses. Most riduc- Itiouk of all. Nurses ! Are not nurses too impudent and seltisiffieient I Would-you render them insufferable by addilog to their already extensive vocab;alary a smatter ! , hag Pl' medical language. '• A little knowledge is a ditn. ger+s thing,•'and ‘ if it would not render them " wiser is their own estimation than tea men who can render a reasiOn." we are mistaken. These are about the most cogent reasons urged in be halliof this improvement is " women's rights," and the preciediag brief szaminatioa is a sufficient hoot of their valiffity. 1 e say nothing of the respectability or the females like to be collecte d in such a school. We would not for e world hint that . they are likely to eonsist princi pallY of sour old maids. and snperansmated harlots. Nei therj would we intimate that toy price poring girl who ac- eidehtally entered those walla, would be irrevocably con taminated ere she left them. A LAYMAN LAVI".TICRS T)141:111PIWIT.- Thi Silver Gras ' and %illy Beads of New York— reliaO Memos: Land Szwoon W6tp 7 have kissed and made friends, d are now workingyigethei most loving ly id order to retain the spoils. Sewardism is triumph ant in the Empire State. and Fri Mr. Ftweinui will front henceforth, have to play second fiddle to that prince of demagogues - . How art the mighty fallen But, of all, there nothing' wonderful in all this. It is notking more or less Ilion Whiggery exemplified, and gee/ to prove the truth of a declaration said to have bmn made by Thaddeps Stevens. several 'years ago, that the Wedge were a ( "whipPable material.' He whipped their into the support of Joseph Ratter. in this &ate— ondO•ward has whipped them into his abolition moos *ratio New-York. e Ili Bs CATISTOL WIRT TOO TAIII,--Aiother iortsnes of Poisoning by mistake of utedicius. secured in Syracuse on i rednesday. .A young woman feeSog anwell , took. as s suppoietd. a portion of spoons salts. and was in eta 4. ly wised with violent 'ramping andipain in the ste in . An analysis of .'portion of the seppered salts. pre l ed it to be oxalic acid. There was no abases of the recovery of this victim of a mistake in selecting medicine air A STATIL WITZOOT A GOTITOOOI:—PADOAATIIIIia is 11 4 ! , Pretreat wittiest a Governor! William F. Johnston. wh was elected to that office about three years ago. has deserted his post. and is traveling through be State. on an 4/ectioaeering expedition. This gross mirconduct and neglect will doubtless be severely reprobated by the whip' for they have been violent in condemnation of the “iii4infereitelif olua•koklers ix elitist:nu." sir CANADIAN Cutaitcsct..—Tbe lasfeetor General hes subisittod to the Canadian Perliamerit at Toronto. a ae ries if resolotious for the adoption of the Octant carrell cy. es now im isle in the United States.. for the =steal benefit of the States and Canada. The present money of alcoiat is is pounds aid shillings, Halifax Currency. wiz; 'the pounds equal to four dollars. United States cur ter, and the shilling is equivalent to twenty cents. 10' It is estimated by tenderises of 'tit. Louis. who bassi jest rebutted en the St. Ante from a trip ef that 60441 chartered by the American For Company. some two hundred mile. above therniouth oft!). Yellow Stone, that' net lees than aia thousand Indiana :of the various North Western tribes here died this lIIMOU from the ema,l pox. , CilyEa RaLts.—Tbe Chippewa . Advocete statil that it was Mr. Jeremiah rilnMoiray from Gram! Island, who went over the Fall! last Friday. Thei Advocate says he had been at Chippewa in the aro tog, selling vegetables, and before returning hoe ee got considerably intoxicated. .0n approach ing Coat Island, he was seen to be asleep, and did not!rouse until on the brink of the first: brealfers, When he started up, gave two or three stroke with the bars just as the canoe plunged into the rapids NM broke in peices. Nothing mote was seen of html He passed this side of Goat Island, and had bbpera tuber, could bays saved himself. I ; FAKAIk or NaTtran.—Two physicions of Georgia Doctors Cohen and Durr, have publiihed a state ment to the effect that there was born upon the preMises of David J. Williams, in Telfair county, negro child, weighing twelve pounds. with two well formed end separtte heads and necks. two arms and two spinal cobra's, three legs with feet attach ed, two in their natural position and the other COM hit out pa the bank in the region of the hips, with trolhearts partially joined together, two lungs, and othur a nomalies. N l _ by Telegraph BOUT . Si, ANlrist it irbei r als h News captains tter from 4aeb s . i . v al.. 110 8 ... where • vessel had "red from Cardi n*. where It says it was reported the latter plate tliat th e G•ver•ncest troops bad b severe' engagem esh , eel the prierietsr—vu of some portant*, IS which tis s h i . ," ter completely routed troops. killing 100 mss tiett' capturing 0 pieces of Ciliary. It else confirms the , * , port et,tbe naiad at Vila Clan. Trinidad, sa st i si p t , — am Pine! del Rio. BT. L it'''. AUStlet lf. There was great storm at St. Louie, es Thintday lox The Pisani. Planter. Aleck Seep c u d w eloni wield wen ido frees their laseripp• Thylphaln hoe hr cabala s chicesoya. £l - ,;wee demigod i s the amuses of . Theiteasseii Mosntsiti•er lather eltinusey as dot boos.. Sewers! , ream r(eff completely leas.' Many light buildings seri / Sheds were b re w s free. /and firmer", tress and trope mile leveled as the 'mew . 1 Twin s eras - rifest lose life aoddestiaet es a pt.. poll). sit bleselitise.low /oat the Blab, by i fis ii k et is a creek. It.eitsered st Of Mosses were icremsg, is one of which a wern ) en and three children "pre drowsed. Tbilisi 11 $ 11 :0 (1 ° 4 , 11 41 1 , " tele the Publie works. • 1 i ; .# Gewsop. August 10. Tesiteniai s4ory dash:Sy:tin ire *enured is the ed. Inge of Foltin, destroying property estimated at $lOO,- 000. ITh Folios Henan sod all that block wee ps i , 4etely troyed, and alga the West side of First Katt ) 4( ftyjamifies were borne , op.. Little insurance. / ! 1 Raw LONDON, Pa. kith. / oa t seedily a /u nwise lest. the Methodist Ebert* here was slack by lightning. Urhill the congregation wee en gaged in worship. sod this' palter, Rev. lone Sammy, was simost instantly killed. Several of the sadism* wereieverirly 'tanned , hot the building was ouiojer s d. The iv. gestlemsa learres a wife led two childrei. ,GALTLSTON ;Foam, Aug.lo. This election is this Stitt. has resulted in the met re . lion . of Peter H. Bell. densocrit. for Governor. le the vps s ie rn Disrict. Voloey E. Howard, is probably melee ed. 'Nothing decisive has been received. ) . . . BOSTON. Aug.lf. A man named Wad. Williamson, alias Moore. abs averir that he is a Universalist Preacher, was arrested , a Mandheoter yesterday. charged with passing consterfaii bills, tf the New Engleind Bank. Boston. !, NeyeYeris. Aug.*. TIM steamer Brother Jonathan from Chagres. Rye sided ma the 9th.., She left at Chagrea l the rummer Fal con. awaiting the mails. The steamer Ohio arrived at Chilies. on the and wis disabladi to steamer Union went ashore on the sth ffJely at 3 A.M.. foam days from San Fnincimol. on Quintin's Beet and was a total. wreck. ,S . be had on board 300 passpogees. and $3110:000 in gold dust. Passenger' AM dustiall saved except .$6.000 taken by passenge rs eresi—no freight saved. The loss of the spip was there. cult of gross carelessness. the man at the wheel bail intokicated. The steamer Northerner brought plea's. geni and geld dust to Panama. Tte Northerner Ma nearly it 2.01t0.000 in gold dust on board. The cholera continues its ravages on the Island of h. MEI ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER FIIFSIN, an artificial Digrsn‘e Fluid, ocGastric Juire' scat Dyspepsia curer, prepared from Rcunct, orihe Nina woman De! the Oa, after directions of Baron ldebog the great Pbyriapeal Chearlieby J. S. flomeht,, , N. p.. No. It North Embitt Sum Philadelphia. Fa. Tbis is a truly srjanderful remedy for lodiges tior4 Dyspepsia, Jaundice. Uwer asuplatnt. Eessurrusa sad Deb lity. curing after nature' f own i Ciekiwid. ht nature/ Gird egret tbs. mark Juice. See advertisement in anialcr column. A IN, ALL CIaNSIGNAIENT OF Till: AbovE AITICLI, J LIT PF.envEn. Alin Fq )11 SALE El" t• %ATER Amu It l iTli ER. No. 6, R LED HOUSE. Atm), 0. DR. V. HALL, li . I, 111.71:11S' BLOCK. L MARRIZD. . At Springfield. on the 12th must.. by the Re,. 3. It Wliiialt. Mr..EDWIS Bern, and Miss SARLII i. DU. ant both of Elkereek. -- Dr. L. the 11th inst., by Arv. Mr. Whilney.affintrienir. Dr. L. Hunan and Sinan E. PATIUDGIA. 101 of Willow. dr r Wiscossio. • . _ DIED. ith inst.. of consumption. Miss SLIINA M. Inghter of Mr. James Bayle. of McKean tars• years and .5 months. leant township. on Sunday. the 3d ult.. Wu relict of John Randall. aged 76 )ear.. New Arixertisethents, WANTED IMMEDIATELY. - 15 2 alide l a i d k y)LequilllCiejn.e . :"ul:fneilri% l l4 4l VP' Erie, August ' Sl. 13• H. 1. BROWS _ __ , - - PUBLIC NOTI('E. . THE ERIE BANK. IN TUt Cfil:N Tr OF 'ERIE . - HE sloe holder,. of the. liana c , te notice that the, Intend tit, apply to the neat L ez , t o ; o t te In, V ir.ifA al 41 Ihe Chancy'. w'i Is the an.e C.iiiital. and noh tot present 11.1 e, location and pc Tilers. By order of the Boatel of Dit..ciore. rte. Au* 30, Id3ll. Zini IS C. M'Sl'A R4EI 4 . Cash,,l COUNTY SURVEYOR. I P nECCrunlyTurveyor'soffiet for Erie, County is 1:1 the the denee or the subecriber in L'iiibn Tp AU rails for ion pi, in hhettlall9 attended to. Address at Vinon ?fills P (PtE•e. ' te Aug 11 1'303j -- lIIAVID IVILth of. • - - - ------ zilesozartlo THE firm of Lamson and StalFard an the wagon and carnage making bushess. is dissolved by m4tual cot:sent. The lust. nenss will be continued DI L. Lamson. nethv old stand an M t ge ra., where he will le in attendance at an time, to de a thl gin hts line in the very best imulorr. aitd the storm st4lrte of Easiern ma nulketure. Ile •fiattershom.rq tan' in Pet 'le. meanies§ ut 6uiab.nnd Morahan) ad wurk tt.but.he 00i be beat west of the eastern cults. L vh•oN. J.. 1. eIAFFORD. - TAKE NOTICE. Alt persons knowing themselves indebted to the ecrefiret will smile she salve w tin L. Dungan: as the Book Aceousts and Note' am in his hands tor collection. • Aug. 'a NEW GOODS AT Tlia EMPIRE. giCD this evening (tom H. Cada eft, aho Is twa to !I Tort at the Empire store. the richest aF.antment ..I Lured and Moto dress silks. yak pooh'''. de lams. colored franr.. moll+ add thread Edtinp. French worked collar". ew . a hid) weir w ee (Meted in this market. u bah wi!l It "old todtmh tar Wow fOrraeC prices. Aug. EL . .LS --_-_- • DIMIOLITTIONI- . Tur. Rim of 0. nod C. Miller is dissoh VI M mumal rornen. The business will be continued by C. Miller at ihr aid mil Foam Peoples' Row, opposite F.suptie Stores. O. lin 1,0 . l AAI S' 13' 13 C. MILLER. TAKE NOTICE. .;- An persons knowing themselves indebted to the above phase aileud to settling' the same as C(14 , 11$ VI ill he-niaJe with.' thilty days without any mistake. The books and nom , e" fluid at the old stand at present. l. 0& C. .M ., I LLEIL SAVE IU TIME! SAVE MONEY! i ; Ravi: mutat: rse , ILSOS Chinese Ll:mini Washing Fluid. Pt wasbing is bard ar son Water. This Fluid is the best errors°. It own Ibr way!' ing eaten. !Memos Woolen clothe. Ss imam% IL or the cleaning Boors or paibt. for Jests's% ire brdnds Bud other rennin. for sale by J. Lk BURTON & 10 us et IS , . , --. r o ow a . 12)AlrED on to th; premises of the suhPeriber at the mouth of the fan mile ereek.a small ash or ros xt T owner, by prof log properly and 'paying h'away. THO 6. cluwiST • Ang.23. INLAND TRANSPORTATION Malfbrd Lime. 112=1 JOON ALLVI.Broad 'L I WituAams„ N. P. New Vat. I. W. Lamm's. lOC Suite Street HONOR. Parma, Sr. Co.. el Quay St.. Albany. N. Y. Ma:imam-an Paraza,Long wha W. IIiATTEMs , • Pr•priatana Mark Parkins " &kiwi' Line." skip dairy by Kelubrd Line lbw Rests. foot of Brays scat 3 Well P. M. The " Eekfbrd Line Express'• will *reward MerehandOe ' l ° l ' at the very lowest tares. by the different Western and Souttialei ern Railroads, and by fined qt glen Maillitemnem. intoraL, dam Ill.edY and aMeittot truism logien of Goods Iron , Seto 5 Bottom and Albany, to all parts at the Southern and b7.,./i Stares. Leaks and damages by this Express will he ?nor' piid by the Proprietors. The" Eeklbrd Line" upon the Erie Canal; is eompotted first elms Freight Sony, running in conmetion with Lmn Wabash end Miami Canal.. Muni* and !Michigan 1:11Pt wT; ample mauls on the Ohio, Erie Extension. and Penn. , in Ohio Cangils. Mad River and Lake Erie. Michigan Centll; land. Columbus and Cincinnati Railroads. nd 2 t ti,p , t claw ^— eta. propellent. and sail 'meta on the Lakes d Thus offering unsurpassa facilities fbr the left and rapt , portation of Itierehandise to all parts of the COU/111 , . 7,..f . M "r ourselves that all property coming into our bands. fur r7r v e or Transportation, sluilt be lbewarded promptly. itb" l allow delays so often =earring. . ras a ik, JOICII ALLEN. it./ N B. WILLIAMS. H. P WIIALLOPI, Arc as i 4Frie. Augusta, rest Mal • PTLT TO Joan Aim'. Ja..}l:l7.onpodst• n. 11. Wur.wss. 1. 1." 6 " 1 "' 11. P. WisaLme. New Tort 1. W. passosi, K State Nod. .W. Parrsx kCo WI St., Albany. 'I V, Mazwat.i.k.Parrt &Mo. J• W. PATTEN & privnslm• Mark Package, -Fs - rDT I.+ o ElPFllla."Care Machrp Fri• ien. Redleki. Ship by Line Pieamboa if. too i.e• lan& al. daily betvre 5 F. N