•• • 1, I A. P. xmaisry a 00., Propri•iori. VOLUME 2. grit" klrtlllq Vistrurr. A. P. DURLIN & co. PROPRIETORS B. r. SLOAN. Z dito r. .01TICE, CORNER STATE T. AND SqUARE. latlE. - • , • TER MR ltF THE PAPER. . r„., cnier rR It evs , the earner. at ri.ni /3, to tii. , ir ;It the office, to advance, 140 3 1I not paid in adeanee,or within.three mouths train the Woe v ..,t ..rt.l on:. two dollars *ill be charged. • ,L; All communications but he post paid. RATES . OF ADVERTISING. _ „ Cards nort racce!lingi lutes, 0r 66 tear. 11 I 31,4 um...quart. OM do. • du. sax month,. do.. .2do. three months, 3FO l i Thatif ail t ad' eri krinenyt. se ern& per square, ef if.een lines or 1,.... for the tiret„lreen tont 1.5 eipts for each subsle,t, eta insettion. i • Veari ads erti-er. hate the,pri% attire of chant/ gat pleasure, t ~ 1 n no time are allow ed to nee hpy wore than two igotat.assit So ir 'meted la. tAnr monied:ale business. , . Vero e.ifcct, h o ne, l'a. - - R. SC KING, r+vr and ßrtatlDealer in Tin Nate, Copper. Sheet Iron. Kettle.r, &c. Abm, manufacturer ul Tin. Copper. a 1 Irtta Ware, at Witham -Be.itts.'s old stand', nearly mgr h ut the t'..mrt A. M. JUDSON,. kTV , HVi V er I. kw.--Cfice at present in ilk Chronicle Mire, in 11 no, Block. J. W. 'DI lI:GLASS. V' AT 1,91.—1 M •r Willtdinpe & Writhrmo3nking 17.6i.Atinetit: mgr. •-I .10.1 r ‘‘eAl, on the Public Square' _ COMP . I tIS a: lIAVEASHCK. p,.: lite m Dr) en... Liquor. Of all kifijs. ernekery • 'II!. Ike . AMC door e..A.ll:iCksolled 'store, French Inc. ?a. ANDRE Artit. of J. A.tdre. OfTeolmoli—liepot of Fore i v , Mr4lra nd mu tical Itletelraothae. larors.t:o and remit. \o. 19. Lu. att S 6 at. elbetonut • Fret, 1.10 lade; nit. C. /MA /)ES. Fwnva t• and itraniot—tOffire cornei of loilte and Seventh Su.. 1.. Reiodruce on eighth .e.Yret•t. Leta ceu Frcuch and 11 , l'a. k W. 31(5611E, ? t Dr. a pi I:frt.-prin. ri %ii.ions.Wities.Liquors.e.snettpir. tw it . Ac., , 'lit' IlloOr.lxioW A./CM/V.& ruts state street. Erie. ..._ M.*fs NFOILD & CO.. p,..,p,.. to co!,;.Silt cc j "tank Nun's,/ 'trans. eertifieatrit of De -4.....,i. Ac. :-._ , .tit Exelllpi,le on the principal 'cities Constantly P-r -.i.,.. titLre in Beatt)'+ BOJO. Public rltplare. Erie. - T.ll E 11(iN STUART. r' R. , .`n as Poi pir i\--tittire, corner of French nod Fifth ...,..,, ~ 1 .,0t Nona octet; store. Resrlenee on Fourth street. . .1..4 eistiift'le Id Apothecary lint!. - R T.. TERRE"I"I' dr SONS, :1,..-6, -,,,,P0. Po hail I a flit •Pt;iply of t:roet.rier. Ligoorti. Shill Clian.lipul. l'r. ',to If. Produce, aLC . ir..e.T: and cos Wabolcaate or Road ts cheap a tbs. ettripest. No. I la. Cheap:Tie late. 'M. S. CANE, tit A. orne and Ooluiaellor at Law. r..,,: ~0 I, . ;inn, and Nal‘y Pertsiturr. Beauty Lands and I.r Au a-pa . awl all Wier ',wines entrutted to we shall 0,, ~ 4pi upi am. 1,111 tirul rateutron. . r , i.re in V. right's Muck 00 SLAW street. over 3. IL Function's 1 .1111116, RUST, CAST r sller, in Dry G.7..tio.tfrocerie=.llnr.ltrnrc I Flour. Fa-ti. Salt it.e." N 0.4. Wragnt's Block cur 1.. r id F /I/I and State Street!•. I,IID. cret*ll 'UST. GA LEN 117 KEEN E. Ta i tor. room.oenr the ' , tore "drituddi Jackson.ekeaP c Nt: dotieori Picot notice. • 01. 4 1VER F.PAFFORII. ro , k-, ;ter and Stationer. amt Manuflicuner of Mank Booka awl 1.% I hi:, !" k. corner of ilte Iliannonl and emit street. J. B. NICKLEN, and general Agency and Commission busmen,. Frank- RUFUS - ittEr),, lIIA. n R in Etirly.h.Gerattnn and American Hardware and Oilier? \.ule, Atil lla Vices, truit and Meet So. :1 Reed !faux , I rir. l'a. W. J. F. LIDOLE Co S , Aricoorritic, Cnrrilef.'and Wngon Molders. State Street. ' ntcen.evcnUt is Eo;Inli. Erie. writiris(). m. D. rm.?, one tiojor nest of C. M Wright's ~ !torr. up itnirs. 1)OCT. 3. L. STE%VA RT. ~ r rarir s illiT)oct. A. BLESE, Seventh nrar A..afroostrrti. Res ..4cm'e. on S.l..afraP, one door north of tleveuth.A. C. SIE(;EL, Wa. I I Aaj..i. and. It, tail dealer tit Grot-eriett. Provision.. Wines. I luors, , Fre tr &1 . .. akr Corner of French and Fifth Streets, eppuflte the I ,r met.' Hotel. Erie, __. .14 HI N McCANN, 4 110LrilLI awl Retail Healer in Faintly Groceries. Crockery Glapswnre. !”... %Ail.. Se 0 C6P:lp Side. line. Pa. 11 , 11., '•,,:.• • 1 o t,P.• Ili ttl fur Cunntr v l'roduee..a coAiniNfi )4 rlif it VCT )taker —dtorr, V 0.5 it.cd's DICK k. \, , ppottitr 1111 . Boone I I;lccic) e•tret. J. W: %V T 01{1% FS. (~ • "rrwlifla Street. Erie. Pa H}.. It V i.11 . 01t1 8.301.1- r. vul H. ; Is; flenler in 11/ty r Grorrties, I fa —•, a rm, I Arun ilar.lti are. Ir 4). Steel, 'el d. &r. 1.1.1 ire storeo• en.tte Stteel, four duorm,, below B run n •.. 11,0 •t. Erie, ' I A n%tt., % How Azle Anne. Rpri no, and a , general : 4 ..1,1., and e.aeringe Tromnine4. S. MERVIN SMITH._ ~ and Juptire of the Pewee. and Agent for Slone Mutual Life Invirance Compauy--Uffiee 3 doors %Vriglit. .tore. Erie. Pa. GEORGE H. CUTLER. A.7r aNyv 4r LAU. GAM, F.rie County, l'a. Collection. and mm r ;01,tit.sp attemled to oral loornytness m)(1 divooteh. JOSIAH KELLOGG. For..Anfiwz & Cononiasiou Merchant., on the Public Dock. east of • ria-ter and Winn. Fie]. constantly f,,r gale _ _ I 110 S ENZW EIG R wd EP . AI.r Ayr Reran. i/ICALEIS in Foretsm Domestic Dry read% Ituare Clothinr, hoots and rmxa, ate.. NO. 4 rote street, lEzte. - 11 11.1.IANIS & WRIGII - I'. R. sior and F.irlpi . Broker. benler in Hills of Es •!iniier. 1 " ~r t.Aealr-qi Depooit...Gold coin. due Iti,ek. Corner of r: ate-n.. and Snore. • _ AIARtiIiALL & Art , v • LAA—Otficrup stairs in Tammany Hall bull ding • •.;., , itnv Prothonotar)'s other, Ern , . `NT7 MURRicirWIIALLON. krI,ItNEV All'llencAllyl.l4llt •T —oilier over C. it. Wright's M , re. cotrance one door west of State street, on the Ptiltatthd, rtir. C. M. TIIIIIALS, I In Dry Goods. Pry Groecrieo. Cruckery, S, 111 , l9N•alKulc. Erie. JOHN Z 1 3 , 1 M ERLi'. LAIR inGroeerhni and Protrunona of all Mods. Staaesurnt, three dnwn north of the Dtanion.t, Erie. S\lll'H JACKSON. D.., rot In Dry Good.. Grueertes,DardwareAaaceaa Ware, Lime, •In on. IN, ke., VA, Clwaiwth., Erie, Pa. • WILLIAM ItIBLET. lara Upholster. and Undertaker. corner of Ht►te and C4JI I StrlViS. EDWIN J KELSO & CO GI NIA .1 Forwarding, Prixtuee and Conon ioOO Merebatitcdealers and hue salt. Coal. rliater. Shingles. ker. Public duck* , of bridge. Erie. WALKER & COOK. (.+.r R‘T Forwarding, CAann .4aioll and Produe-e Merchants:Gee 'oud Ware-house mat of the Public Bridge, Erie. \ ' G. I.tiolNlS & Co. i 1 1),. , , R, ,Ii Watches, Jen eh). Salver, Gentian Silver. Milled and l' , , la td. la Ware Cutlery. Aida:llT and Fancy Goods. State sweet:. :., ar i) .erauite the k:agte Hotel. Elie. 1; 1,,, T. M. Amnia CARTER. & BROTHER, • noi rill is,atid *Levitt dealer. in Drugs. Medicines, Pilo% One. I) Wee.. to .Na 6.111 Bottle. MI. . JAMES L TLE. Nerebnal-Tailor, ou the public square. a few acawe to, 01 si.uc Illett. Erie. D. S. CLARK; wii„,,••!.. - att. arritu n Dealer in Greoetele Trovbilonn, Ship Stpue-ware. 4e. &e n . No. 3. Banned Block. Erie. 0. D. /WATFORD: Sealer ~. law. Medical.ricnuol hiliiwellanerrts hooks stationary I' k. a.r. etate rt., four boon - below the Public square: D/L U. L. ELLIOTT. ilesta.nt Dentist: Orbeeaud dwelling in the illarbel4. on the Last .Lole of the Public *quart.. Erie. Teeth Cold trout nue to an entire sett. - "..th ell Pure 4 .041, and restored b' health and r toed w.‘nunnekituents and Denntiee so 7 enarnese. All work warranted. Ma/ • A ND Smarms—Mee st bi t , t , ceite the Methodist Musett e Erie JOHN H. BURTON & .CO. • W.., na1..1 Nll. RETAIL dealers In Drugs,. iledkiece. Die z . . Levi Ern'. de / • • 4 . • • / y • ) . • . , . • 0 /I/ S , T 14E.' DE 11 B: IlAvnurrm e ! 1 ,f,tltrt, TREASURE4IIBKEB. FROM TUE GERMAN OF GOETUE Sick at heart and lank is puree. I draped ray snake-like itUy. along; Want is Man'. reproach mid curse, And Gold is Slit—thus rah 'my long. So to end my woes and pniits, A treasure-m:oth . l went to Moll up; • Struck the sharp steel in My veins, And signed the bond Stas pure my soul up. • Magic circles then I drOr . And flaming hieroglyph iett Imre ; pl l i r Herbs and boner togrtha rew. - • • And .p.iktothe incantation yer. to rats were blackening :M I night's face, Bu/ t fulfilled me ligodleui duty ; 1 ending by the marked out place, I mak my spade to dig tebooty. Tvregre o'clock ! La; from afar. Advancing swiftly through the darkli Midnight mist:l Marked a star , Most luMinously rare and riparkling; ... Wonder overpowered my pout : Then Intghilier flashed the evenly flood, And. in his hand a glit 'Mg bowl, A beauteous boy belbre me•siood.' Mildly gleamed his eyes or i light ; With richest wreaths his throws were +roamed ; Haloed by the liquid bright. Ue stepped m athin the circle's bound. Friendl sly he bade sue taste ; And then / thought. Thus chilttso fair, Light•hegirt and !mildness-Owed, 'lath surely scarce a demon's air ! Drink at T.ire's up-gushing. wells ! 'Tints /loot thou n;sra the Beietiee, Scorn thole paltry spyetre-Spells r aind.h/J thy saglausare care* tiatasee. Openti no attire th) spirit. here ; But. lionn-day ta.lut and eseaing pleasurea r lalkir r thanfays' ehter. Be these thy Charm to eonj.an•. ka.stres Cljoire 311i$ttlItinti. TIIE FATAL CQNC AN EXINTINIJ NAEN TIME. Bonn years after I commenced , ractice—but the pre cise date I shall. for obvious reaso a. avoid mentioning —1 had a friend at whose house I as a pretty constant visitor. He had a wife who was a t niagnetthat drew me \ \,,i, there. Sli4 was beautiful. but I +all not, describe her. She was'more hau buytifill—she i,.as fascinating—cap- . 4 l fi rating. Her pr etiiiP was to m like the intoxication of opium. I was ou • happy whe under its Matting° : and yet after every iu ulgence jai: the fatal pleasing. I sank into the deepest des odencyl. In my own justi fication I must say, that I ne er , itwerd or 10.. h, hetrak ed my feelings; though I h a d so e earn to suspect tqat they wale reciprocated ; for. whil iu may company, rho was alsra)s gay. brilliant, and wr ; yet as I learned from others, at times she war sadi ielenrholy. Powerful. Mom powerful was th tion to make an as d disclosure of my 'resisted u. that 1 had the,firtunesseo to do; ' only fonn . nlivion. One morning I vat alone in my Was -absent. A pude knack wu er doer. 1 shouted •* Come iu." Min.. foil was indulging in a dt•li subjaMmt the lady or my heart, ordinary mortal was llotorul. T Mrs. entrred. • I do not ex t but it, seemed to be s long (Tie - to rise and welcome her, whale s timid blush upon her face and th, her lips. which made me feel {ha a happiness to die for her.. , "I;don't wonder that you are vurfirised to see me hers." she linen. with a provoking little laugh, " bat Is year sat °nigh anent really too great to allow you to say. • bow do yea do ?' " The spell was broken. I started upend took her hand. I fesi 1 pressed it more warmly, and bold it longer then necessary. "*irhaps ) s iiar surpriSe will be increased," she con ".when I inform you that I have come upon bus ines.i 7" I muttered something aboit not being gofarribitiong is to ho,e that she would visit me from any rich ihotiye. She took no notice of what Ls lid, bat I Fie eived that her rice turned deadly' - pale. and that her btu) trembled .. as she placed before me a bundle of papers.!- " Ton will see by these," she said, in a l low, harried voicec. " that some property wale left to and by mi uncle and jay grandfather, but so strictly settleti, that even I . can touch nothing but the interest. Now, my husband is in , orant of • large sum at thui moment. aid I wish you to egiginine the affair well, and see whetheriby any twist ing 4r the law. I can place a part of my clsOtel at his dig. posal ; Unintentioually.l havei done him a great'wrong." she added, in a tone so low:that no ears less jealously alive! than mine could have caught the Me•ning ; " and tioories tkiii reparation is, it is all I can make, and I must flu itlif possible," ' I pretended to study the papers before mel.bot the. lights danced and mingled ; and Jf. by.a great eFuri. I ilweed my eyes to distinguish a word, it conveyed not the slight est 4eaning to my whirling brain. ' Every drop of blood in ngy bode seemed imbued whh a separate conscious ness' and to be tingling and mating to the aide neat to her, twbose presence within a short distaniee of me was the Only thing of which I felt thoroughly sehamed.' It *ay well be belieired that I wad in no condition to give Is professional opinion : but I got over this diflicalty by tilling her that I must have time to study the ease, and i promising to let her know the resale. ' "iYou are lc tiresems mature." she said. with a little coviettish air.. "1 really.,expeetrii that for once ia•your life.ised for a friend too, you mit it havo got rid of the law'• de:4l3 a. and given me your inioo kis half an hoer; so far at least as to tell m e wheth r therel la a probabili. ty of my being able to do what' I desire. Hat 1 see you are i)rst like the rest of the lawyv:s—time ! time ! time ! I suppose now. you will keep shout it. till I am dead i and 'hen it will all go to My bus lid in the course of th• law i "at may net require more than all as hour to ance“ lain no:much. when 1 can /met my thoughts te it for that !space of time," 1 replica. and 1 knew the words rat tled pike shot out of my mitutli. " Bet would You be io unreiasonable as to require an artist to draw • straight line ;while he was andel a fit *fibs delirium trimester , "Yoe are an ineomprehaasib . permits." she reprad. rather coldly; " so I shall !anti yet to your legal sad lawful studies. Bet if you are roingi to have as attack of the delirium tremAus. perhaps 1 hid better mead Is a doctor, shall 17" '7 ' Well. I don't istie.ipato as attack this Istirsieg." answered with a forced Isegh ; " no Y wilt sot give you the treabls. Tit* fast le. I had lona ',violently agitated a *hart tuna u sc.. asd sy mind has set sauntered Seaga'. W. talked for a few shales iSeheringble is 'his light. playful utuaer—sad L' delighted to DU es eased, standing stupid sad dumb, wine, Ate to 817 a I. Mil ALIMENT. jan \te . no - pt art. but as been for ra my . . • - chn her. My c k ust a udibl e at the oat h no very amiable hu ions reverie upon the lid the presence of au dour °pees& mid ly know what I, did ; (ore I had the power e stood there with • t glorious smile upon it would be too gieitt oNWAnD. SATURDAY MORNING,/ AUGUST 23,18.1. word, though very anxious to prolong, the delightful t me meats by keeping op the war of ba4sagr. At lea i she went to the door. and I was about to escort her d wn , stairs, when we heard some ens epeekiug below. " ood God l't she lexelaimed. clinging wildly to my arm: "that is my basband's :voice 2 If he finds me here am to lied." " Don't be alarmed," I replied, endeav rig to reas sure her ; " you came here upon basin endued: bus iness; too ! ' Ile could only love you th more for it." " You don't know about this so wel eel do," she said. shoddeirug convulsively. "He is j Aloes, exceedingly, of you, and, oh ! I fear net with° t some cause. Hide me somewhere. for mercy's oak 2" , - I do not know be w it happen - d, hot my arm was around ,her. and I hail-carried her roes the room to a large book -cloiret. " Can you stay here ?" I asked hastily. " I will leave the door ajar for air." ' • . "NO; ahut_it—lock it—take away the key, or I shall not feel safe. Ther is plenty of air 2" sad she sprang into the recess . f Toro ' e moment her eyes met mine, and I thought they be med eiftli deep impassioned lore ! The next 1 had loc ed die door upon my treasure, thrown the papers she bad bronght into a drawer, and was apparently busy. / . pen 111 hand. whips air fried entered. He commenced in a Fp , .dabout nay to question me upon certain pointer of ill • law, respec,tiug insirsige eettleuieuts. &c., and, rite a tedious amount of circumlocution. be gave me to ti . erstatid that all this regarded a desired transfer aflame i • roperty oi l hie wife's into his baud*. He had come in fact upon t e same errtnd as that generous creature. He also had a opy of her relative's a ills, and these I was compelled to examine closely, for he was desperately per- nmaeioua. aed would not be put off. I was angry at the thought of what bia.poor wife must be suffering. pent I op in that narrow, prison, and I felt that I could have kicked her husband out of doors fur keeping her there. At last he made a! move as if to go. I started op and stood ready to bow hire out. •• Bo." said be. Ipai up his papers with provoking deliberation. .' nothing but my wife's death. yen say. can pot ins in possession of this money. I want it very much, biat nobody itrai suspect me of desiring her death for the sake of having k a little sooner." 110 laughed at kis owe poor jest. and I made a sort of hyena chorus -to It t at sounded strange and historical even to my own ears. He went at last. but stopped again on the stairs, aist det \ vied me there talking for full fits l i mjnistes longer. •1 fek by sympathy all the pangs of suf focation: My threat Seemed Mt rn ing—lny forehead burst ing. Great God ! will be be gone. Will beamed here, gossiping about the weather and thi generalities of the law, while his lovely wife. who came to -sacrifice her individual interests for his sake. dies a terrible lin gering death 1 He is gone ! I rush back to my room. A ell" behind me makes me turn round. It is my clerk —curses on him ! I ground my teeth in unavailing rage. I could have "tabbed him—shot him—beatea ,out his brains—hurted him headlong down the stairs, Bat any violence would compromise ber. In a few minutes my brain was clear arils, .. wow ' ," I cried, •• m t . —. bee jest lefti He is gone up Fleet street, I think ; run armr him. saidsegnest. him toleeve those pipers with me. Say to WW I I would like to examine thorn nerd at /*mem aim , red quick ly. and you will overtaketiim !" i i Watson disappeared. 0 turned the key of the ester door, and sprang.toward ie claset. As I unlockid it. I remembered the look she; hid ;Oen me as I shut it i and I wenderad, with a beating heart. iiihetber the same !l esion would greet my enraptured 'gaze when t opened t. 'here she stood. with her eyes ehlmly fixed o l n mine. .. V are safe. dearest." 1 murmured. i • She di m rebuke me for calling her se ; and nmbeld - deuce. I look her band to lead her from her ~. She moved forward; sad fell ;into my i A r i followed. I e know 1141 I tried -a • tioo to lit but, olai r : with- i. - was firmly eonvinocd—she . . an who woe killed by I recollect ;i his par-. - . liwibs. !.Ske was -• emetlins must . !og l ed non know l right I Oro tor toed b• her' airronj prison. arms a corpse ; I cannot recall why •very means for her real oat success. Of one thiL had not died from muirocittion, 1 I had once seen use 4:r a . the faint 311 of the ninuth lii pit\ pie and swollen face,;a6id hie lax, nail pale. rigid, cold. Tho tumult of her owe kayo killed her the moment the door w her. By some moans I kept my merit from . . edge of Watson and everyllidy else. f All tha t was trying to recover her. Then I formed theitroj. i t shutting her up in the closet—locking p the c &when \ and going abroad for twenty years Itlext 1 i ought of setting fire to the place burning all my books ee l papers. making a funeral pile of them, and ruining myself to preserve this secret. But that thought, too, Was dim. missed. It might cause loss 'of life and property to many innocent people. and would be but • buegling.proceed ing after all; as, if the fit; was; discovered early, police- . men, fi remen, mob, all would break in, and 151 ding her body there, all would be lost—for it was morel save her reputatidn than my life, that I was striving and plotting. In the meantime. I was a prey to the most paistful soc iety. I was sure by that time she mast have been miss ed and sought for. Perhaps she had been shed to ° inter my chamber. Every step that I heard I fearedmight be that of the policeman. In the moining„,a stranger called on business. This of course Wait nothing extrabrdinaryl but, when he had gone, t felt that he war 'detective of fieeir, and had come au a spy. I thrust II few clothes in to any carpet hag.inteading to escape to France.' I caught up a box of matches, 'to set the place oar, fire. 1 grasped ;it rater and looked eagerly oar its keen edge us the surest and swiftest way of .endin g my misery. Rut thenll these weak] leave her to the jests of the world, aid my own s•fferings . were ii,lll4aig in comparison l At this I l' distance i l time I can look' back impartially and coolly upon that; readful day : and I can solemnly declare that I would r ther have been hung fur murdering her, thee have alloied a breath to aull her fair fame Iltad j•st laid down the razor, when a hurried step crossed tit'', ante-room. it was her husband's: Nuw I thinight all wu lost ! She has bu l b sego to enter here, and he has come to claim her, .• My dew —," be It-gen. in a nervous, , nnUttled way. " you remember the business that 1 came about yesterday'?" Perfeetly." "And do yen remember the4ords 1 used. as I was going I mean in answer to at you said about my out being able to touch this moral, till after the death of my wife 1" " Yes. I remember them distinctly." 1 "111) - i;ife has disappeared since yesterday morning." ho continued, turning even paler than before; "and if anything should have happened, you know, aid you . should repeat those expressions, they might be laid.hold of, and I don't know what might be the coesequences. I might be suspected of having murdered her." Poor feikini ! If I had not known the truth. I should have suspected it myself, from his excessive" terror and anxiety.: He wiped the 'perspiration from hie face and sank into e chair. The eight of a person mom frighten ed thou myself reunited am. twee alas/ aws 1 bad been shift ire preeedlllll night " Wheredid shire I Hew Mee she domed l" IM in 'quirBd. mashies te know all/ could on Me ',J oe l. "I dhe't know. She told sue live wee sigentilap ping and Tisitiag: bet se ems snit her lea the beam. and nose el the eeressts knew 'Seedy hew phi wee dros- fed. When I went hornets dieser. first thing I Wird was that she had not returned." - - .•What have you done? Have you sent to the Pohee and to the heepitah?" 1 ' •'Yea, and to every friend - and trideantao• whiny oho - L was at aH likely to call." "Yon may depend upon it." 1 replied very imprea sleety. “that I will not repeat what you said yeaterday.i— You are right in supposing that it might tell against you very much if she should be found dead under suspicions circumstances." talked a little tenger.: and tree Went to Maim the march for his wife. How I preserved'iny self-poeseselim during this intelview, I de bet k 111+; so far from' being really calm I could have pawed the flesh from MY my bones in my noisy. That night. when the doors werelestened. and I was aloim--escept for the company of the dead-s 1 shut my self up in that closet for two hoomito ascertain whether she bad died from want of air. fey F distrusted - my men kr,:miledge of the appearaime of putrocated persons 4-- TM place was well supplied with nit from several Write crevices- My fint idea was correct—She had died him some other cause. When 1 emerged from the closet; the night was 111- tensely dark: it was raining in torrents. and the thunder 'tied wind roared a ternSc chorut v ,l. passed by the sullen booming of the river. tbeu at high tide. and already swollen by the rain. 1 sit there in the dark upon the floor. holding the cold stir hand albs dead within tiny own. 1 thought dreaming!y how oft it had welcoMed me with its soft pressure. while the tweet eyes had beam ed brightly into mine, and the full, pouting lie: had wreuthed into dimplesvf delight. Now that hand that used to be reo plump, so full of wariiith and life. wits rigid and cold!—those 'eyes were ghat& and ghastly ,!—thbse lips were clammy and hard: Team came to my retie . I wept as grown men seldom Ida. and with. that heart-ra sing gush came a new idea of eecepa for her and tne. - 1 Ft as ready to believe at that moment that her spirit rested upon mine..aud inspired the thought—fer, it bust °poi me soddenly with the conviction that if executed at the instant, it would be crotrued l with success. flow could 1 otherwise have had the terateruy to snatch hci up re my mine. carry her down 'mini.' it the risk of beiing eummntered by same one of the other inhabitant* of ithe house, bear her through the courts and by • way that I knew, into the garden! The river was running strong imd de!lp against ithe call. ti l e pressed one .k kies upon heir cold forehead, and threw r into the stream. Gladly, gladly.would I have gone with her. and held her to my k heart (till death; but the impulse was still on me. amt.' Without delay I hasten ed beck. No one saw we„ end 4,0 1 beating rain bad ef fared my footprint, i•• . _ A few days after( saw by the papers that, herbodAad been Cunha far down the river. The medical evice after a Pest marten examination, was that she died from thr rupture of the heart, and tbat,death 'teak place befone immersion in the w4er. So they konjeetured that ,islie had-been standing by the river when the fatal attack se , sed her, and had fallen in unperceived; and they, re turned a verdict of actidental death, and she Was buried I. a pretty country cherub yard near whet.. they ilinud her. Two years later her husband married 'pin; fie is stout and ruddy, and laughs as heartily's@ ever. • Idiall die a beaheler. I 611111 , 011 M amli pale sad bowed sad grey-haired. and tits sound of. my own laugh is strange to me. . , . Negro Raffia. From the Lom.vilto ihurnat lo my tour through the Soethoru 'States. I have tint with many amusing incidents, bulk iint remember any. thing that crested so great an incitement for the time being as a "negro'raffie." in the town or—. in , the State of Mississippi. Mr. -.., the owner of the boy, having a note to pay that day. and not having the whirs with to do it, was compelled to do what he gladly *Mild not .tare dose. The boy to be rained was a smart, in telligenrlad of about 18 years of age. 'Tint by the name ofililL There were 80chances with "three diCe," at $lO per chance. I was present' when the affair oats* ME* Then remained one chance which I tdok and pee t o Bill upon the condition that be tirould'throsi the diet, himself. and "shake like mien." :Bill relied hie eye' in an astonished and astonishing manner, r and after a hearty wha!wha: wha! in which he displayed two frightful ewe ofirory. openinga mouth "like 84 break of day, from east to west,".and with a low bow. said,"l'll try.mssea."' As May be supposed, the @e'ene became highly excitt4. The raffling commenced. B:11 looked on unconcerned at anything but the idea of leaving his old uur ter. When the last, Bill took the mr, he was oared Iron 3‘et made being two individuals;j but ie refused the cifirer, and made his :first throw was 16; Bill and•up came rzthigh and free," iy life.= Bill hz , fly a moment , how ver„ id no man of the tired except Bill's success induced him to try another speculation a the ••samesori," believing that he could do, as much as he had before' done; he prepared to Ant i up again in a •.raffie." end as he had-Wen before), he thoight it would be no more than fair diet heAheuld put' the price at $630 this time. The chances were scion taken. Bull mania!' bat one chance to himself. He pocketed 4tsooland the sport again commenced. Bill's ori4inal owner-and himself were the two ,highest again, and in throwing GM Bill lost. It proved a very fortunate spec ulation for Bill and his master bath. The master had made $BOO clear. and 831 had uttered $5OO, and re mained with his kind moisten.. They started for lame together, the master declaring diet no money cot in duce him to pait with Bill again, unit's/ he was wi hag to leave, but promised him that if he would be as faith ful to him as he had always been, until he was 21, he should have his freedom. They were both Well cemen ted, and every one present was satisfied that he had' got his money's worth. Young Ameiica.. *:Father." exclaimed the hopeful sou and heir of a gen tlemao of °or acquamtance.onyriday last. while the let ter was coogratulaticig the youth upon his scroutuess in his Scholastic studies—the youogster haring attsiord eight years of age-" Father, I'm an American. slot IT' ••Yes.my hoy.yor are;" responder, the delighted parent. ••Well, father, pm arii pal.. I "Not by birth. my COI) .„ . . then." excEtimed Itounir America, in a theughtral 'tanner, "when I grow to boa man. 1 will be able to k boo like gout.-won't 11" E. —Energy is ,omnipotimt. The 'deeds i thit surround the homeless boy of to -day ire dispented.l and be is larked to a place r It s the work dense% ;, The child who is • beggar one moment. in • few years to come may stand forth in thsadmiratiop of angels. !Whir has not seen the life giving powirr of energy? It lakes the waders''s bloom like the melt navigates "or riveTs; whites* the seems; meanthins; paves with hos a highway fren•Stateto *ate; and wads aweigh I with the speed of lighteicg. letsUigeler f ere "streaky of the lead to the.othei. Witlisist 4 what is roast =SEEM ■ THE _PITA I- at Ittcra ci,a•Gs. ; .--,-.............,,.. i .,„ i I was saes prfsent when • j 1111•11 parts of Yowl per sass were waggly - dismissing • subject of practical ,js:iit in. After • long lad jailors •ag debate. the quietus' seemed aboutltS hs decided is iti favor. whoa • ,goads ma.. whose sintalar gad melancholy and dejected air at once attracted Mir atteitioa. mated the following story: is my yoistinr days I was 'emarkable for my rand omiser prieticalijokiog. even . ? such a degree that 1 ne ver allowed a giood opportunit to pass unimproved. My arphen ciiisio. Ruben. o whom I was fondly at tached. was of it different castors from this. lie was so be4. sedate. an/ graceful alnroet to a fault. very thought ful and very bashful. This atitpidity.la 1 called it. was often a cheek ruin my uaturati gayety. and it was sok 1 dons that :I could induce him t inns my boyish sports. though he se.winiinea did. in rely to gratify ma. Peer Shen; The greeu wild' ti usive valley. on whose bosom lb* !sheet dowers that New England could boast of. isaverbkrisamfied and withe ed. and passed away to eternity. leaving behind thew lasting impress of their loyelioess. now leavers his m lderiog ashes.. Yes. Bob ell. is dead.,vind 1 anxtbe ea of his anomaly and. the circumstanceirif which will ii.kire to cuurince yea of the folly of "practieial joliing." ' I it -was late otie evening in 1 ert and myself retired to our alingscenes otl the day. for ellietion, and a rine holiday it relmrued from IN visit t o some ollcounie bicimilit satin me se It. bert had lacier seeti:.nor he a nisaLthe use of tshich I a c ted cousin. wilio,langhed. sil p • (meld wash to look)horribl I was in any%rayest to'd, j and seeing that lie svis. Map musk. 1 propmfed an k•speri "Whatf" 4itelimiiiimy to wear it to beld, do your"' "Far frum it;" 1 resides, " the mask nut 11. 1 em quite • "A very jitio remark, in er i had never peen haul i hi it best to unfola my plans ,a livet a wealthy grankipaiu bashful cousin `ieras already a as we passed by. on air retn called and bad, her good ni one of the sweetest smiles most charinioi lips I ever bel and to me he klways eutrni4 little have 1 di nerred' such blmhed when k spoke of Jta Sotne'evil spirit, 1 know been; !Komplett me when 1 at her expeiune l , My plans tt himself in a snit of clothes tai which, by.theWay, was the II 1 ever saw, repair to the del her to the door . - by rapping, nese the'reenl( and particip He kilushed„,lio,ng his heap had expected this. but Bette! 1 1 persuade bimito thireootrat der task thin a had antieir seeped great* than ever, stood. I poohed and pshawed, • d finally threatened to expOse to all the boyslhis coviardly i'rposition, as - I pleased to terra, it, and tinder feelings ! to Julia. which, as yet, none of-them had Xbiscuvorrd. Cfite last argument proved more successliplian the other. for he well' knew that I never sukered the idlest thrOat to remai n . enrol:died; and the fearer lietitig I.tuglfed at', besides behtq tag that which his most wished to conceal. conipmred, and he yielded, though reluct•ntly. his coulent. I oven exulted over any triumph. thOugh I have otteit since wished my lips had been struck dikmb before I tad uttered those words that Boated tts kfter fate of Lola pure beings. But in my thoughtleessolia 1 sashed heedlessly 'min whatever I un dertook. regardless of the ci4nsequelaces My wild. rock• less spirit beiCsie s ver been t med. Finding that there was submit chiserfelly to my w arrayed as my fancy engem ladghed quits) heartily as II iu order to mike him look after all, 1 could see shit half emidemaid myself fe l happier... Whep at length all wasrranged to qv satisfaction; 1 i a placed the hoirid mask uv r hie lace and led him to the mirror; lie Started back sad involuntarily placed his hand toiliis hrisd, as if to tikes it away, but my lair:drier.. duce prevented. He see n leaded that die peuahy 1 had threatened' to !jai ict in iuhe refused to go mighyee spared him. 11iit I was idezorable; I;was mach:4lou, the result , mid the delay iatased by his unwillingness vexed its. I .1 / 1 A renewal if my threetslof - exposure au*sided is re oving all otenactes, and we. immediately eet about Oar adventure. dantiously as thieves we crept through the yard. and each took his eta lion. Itobetteit the door, and 1 it. the winitear nearest hi,— The curtain was partly easily distinguish every el anticipant. she was alone. and I knew her old fattier i anywhere but l i n the arn.s of those sensible persons and early to rile." • ~ Julia--an 4 shill never sat beside a shall table in reedy deeply ;absorbed, jo ported her head, and her I neck in beautiful nature!! wild-flower iliat had buds shelter of 1 Miter's roof; and the its bf affection her way. I i i At lengtta . gave the , a gnat. and • hind rep was giv en. She gained forHa uotneut. listened ittentive:y. and then, laying down' hebook , arose and approachid the door. Ai she opened it. the mask stepped boldly in. according le;my threrrtio is. Dow *ball I describe the scene that followed? Eva now I shudder to think of it. .lustant44 all earthly ue had fled frostr bet face, and with a piercing shriek ash l staggered back a few paces nd fell heavily to the flo r: QtCclier then lightning, 1 prang through the door gy and knelt at her side. 1 grasped her Wrist; its Ott' atiou had ceased: I placed my hand opin 14 heart; ilia Wag lair' , still! She was dead! ft. I can recal(tint little !elthat took place that night The dontestitio who skin meadjoiniag room, had been i i , ,F i awakened byithat terribl shriek. inid cunt rushing to learn the eatsini of the up ar. .1 could not' hate spoken., even hadexplanatton bee necessary. I was overwhelm- , std with grill grad self cos statics. I conk! tinily point to the lifelesalform of Julie. and to the Mask which Robert hid tins from hi face and dashed .Us the door. He mood gazing at me t with a eolif. vacant slam that I . but air well a i nderstoodt; I Mei; I cannot remember" Teo daysgassed. and woke from ernring dellriam. My Aril inquiry was forobeli. They led him to nay ,le bedside; hut ah. - whatil change! I stretched out my clasped Ininde. in an + y of pier mi' romoriss. to im plore lasi 'finglverests. • neither moved ass spoke; but MI JOKE. arty September. that Rob room to tali over the ex-, It was the night after the had been to us. I had just rrieuda in the city. and had. any carious thing. which and of. Among them was tplained to my uusokihisti hd wondered shy the pee r enough to wearooo, • ,ust neatly for an advemare. to intake fun. of my meat. übin. "you do uotlntoud it II you who should wear ipe enough v. idiont it." • Ire olnierved. gravely. tter humor. and I thought once. At our nest door I viah whose ddughter my lines. That very night. u front the village, he had ( ht, and received in return rum the happiest eyes and l eld. I was his bosJeis friend. ed 1.1 le secrets. (alas! bow onftdeuce.) )et, he always lot what else it, could have qopoaed to have a little sport ;ere those: fie was to dress i correspond with the mask. imost Inghtful-looking thing Idling of his friend. and call I was to stand neario wit the-joke. • 11, end, of course, refused- I . rad myself ills' 1 could easily y. 'lt was, however. a her. tad, for his unwillingness The reason I readily 'under owe alternative, and that.tu int, he iintfered himself to 1:41 ed • with good geaee• and even dded garment after garment as frigkitfol as'possible; }et, is mind was ill at ease, and being the cause of his un• rawn aside. so that I cohtd :ect in the room. As I had The dotnostio •had retired. oo ell to believe that he was of Samna's; fur he was on. hosemaxim is. "Early Lobed iforget hots lovely: she war—. he centre of the •roolu. appa la book. flier fair haad sap. air fell gracefully down her ringlets. She wai a delicate , ed and blossomed under the liud the sunshine of ghillies' ad ever •lighted and cheered II Si 59 A TE*R is Admits. NUMBER 15.1. the'saine us:weans stare d ore home to my bese t the • r/ir fearful conviction. Alas! hi was a bopelow idiot! Fifteen - Feint have elapsed, stioce that never-to-be ref gotten era iu my IJe. I rev i cthave.l 11,111 f 1:11 forgive myself for having been the Wnwo of so moots nalopsy, though 1 have sought and hooll fer forgiveness from is high. , 1 never,,eau lark Upon a mask without a shisids4 or bear its use denounced without &Radii( to toy expo. fiance. And you, my young friends, 4bea you 'ant 'tempted to play tricks upontech I unions will asp i• eonsider .that what semen so 00011011 l as harmless. may perhaps. id the end prove a tfital joke." Obeying Orders. The "eldest inhabi fel p dy reasembens thf Widow Trottel.. who need. r;yeare age. tistrecupy 1. small wooden house away difwn ,ia flaaevet street. Is somewhat clues proTity to Safatailea alloy. Well. this widow warn bless ed within eon. who,like Galatildt.. and many other men distinghishid In after life. was the donee of his clCes. ilfunferlue were the Boggier; which his stupidity brought upon h rn. mid the toed le bowl. edge was to him truly a ••ville of teats." One d4y he came home as usual, with red eyes ad. hands. ' "0. you blockhead!" seniarned him nether-site wee a bit of a virago, Mrs. Trott ./ war-s-"yee've bur OW another lickin.' I supposel '' "0, yes," replied young Mr. Trotter; "that's sem ist es: the 'ogler +, esercises—lickeia' ma. 'Arm Peo 1* Trotter," says the muter, I'd hear the "rititseetie, class. But.adother„ to change the inbjeet, as theeriminal when he found the Judge etas gettinglesseast, is ;hen enny errant I cats do for yoia?" 1 "Yes," grumbled the w dow; "only Yellers se stand il , slow about anything 'on u dertake and get a pita. er of water, and be four ye re about i will ye?" Bob Trotter took the pitq l her, and ended his way it the direction of the street Pump; but he hadn't got far,, when he encountered his ftiendsJoe Barer, the mate of a teasel. iuning rrom hie house, and dragging a heavy see-cheat along wall hitn.! ~ i t s "Come. Bob." said Joese "bear a band. and help carry this chest down to tii: Wharf." **Weil. to I wouit;." sa Bob. "only yes me that or mother .e iv we after a Ntib/r s 'of water." Su you care fur 'lour mothit--she don't are for you. Come along," "Welt," raid Bob, iltrai left rna bids the pitchni Mien 1 can Guti it again." With these wards he stiroff away his earthenware vu. der a flight of stone steps; sad aceowipaaiod his trim' aboard the ship. The pi!ot was irking tho captain _b cast offend take olvantagfi of thif wind and tide. bat 'due captain was awitiag the *rival of a boy who bad shipped the day before, and wishieg so good to his eyes for lb* delay he occasioned. At last he turned to Bob toil said— ... What do you say, yoilny.ter, to shipping with's/set l'll treat you well, and gite you ten dollars a asoatb!" "Sho l ld like to go." Bob. beiitatiagli, "bet may 1 • "Hang your mother," said the eaptais; "Intel glad hi get rid of you. goals. will ye* get" "1 ham% got no elothiii." "Ilere's a cheat full. ghe ether chap w Jura Our size, sod they will fit yo•to a . , 9 • go.t' "Cast off that lino there!" shouted the captain. sad th Bhp fell off.C.ith the tide; and was soon standing down the Ley with a fair wind.', tad every stitch of the anima set. Bile was honed fir the North-West via Cantos. and back again, which sins then ealhtd the double ver: age. and usually oceupisid about fear years. - In thott meanwhile. thq non•appearaoeo of Roballainne: ly alarmed his mother. A' night passed. and On awn crier was called into renlausition for a whoa ob► gave him up. had n twin read for her in the amostiag. sad !Coat into mourning. Jun four years after the occurrence. the attip got lea to port. aihNipti and his friends we paid of. The wa ges of the widow's son Insoonted . tri jest tsar handfed and eighty dollars. and ha fused. on squariag toe aces ale with the captain. the. hile advances had anseentedl u dui odd tens, and four hundred dollar's clear Were tie fruit' of his roar veers cruise.. As ha walked in the direction of his nuttlases hoes% in compeofwith Joe, 10 scanned with n curie" ops. the houses, the' shops, the Eseoplet bet be‘peseed. Nadi ing appeared changed; the same sign* indicated an 11111. changing hoapitality on the part of the same ; the same lamp posts wain standing at 11* same earteen —it seemed as if he had been vs* silly a day. With the old sights and soon* Bob's old &ohm reeked. he almost dreaded to irrei debauching from soma ifissi.s detatchm - int of t tiom went by his ancient stwny, 114 schoolmaster. to know why he had been *yin( truest, and to carry hint back tol receive tits customary wallop. lag. When he was quite.Cear home. be said.' "Joe. I wander If an3hody's found that old piielbar Ho stooped down. thriist his iras ander rho sisai slam atrithdrew the identiCal piece of earthenware he had ; de had there just four sars 4 art. Having timed and filled it at the pump. he walked into his mother's hossa, and found her seated in er accustomed arm chair. 1110 looked at him for • mi uts. recognised Isiah sersarad, and exrlaimed: "Why. Bub! where h vs you bate What have pa been ioing?" "Gettin' :hat pitcher of water y " answered Bob, woUlag it on the toile! ..1 alwilye obey orders—yos told ma tos be four years about it; a d I was." IRISH EIIIGILATION. 11111811ber of the Liiitev (Ireland) Examiner, eititaists • MON favorable report, of the state of the crops An ithat cosetry. mad is the sews number of the paper which thus heralds the slyest of abundance, it is isnotteit that the people.re !Welds" I r country as though anothhr famine were Westin le the I perspective: "Turn where you wil e nothing is talked abet United States. American letteri checks, steamboats and ship fares. and preparations r departure to another sad men fevered laud. As for the penal laws and such ether mat ten. the 41iscuse;on of these it confined he t h e ampura• ti ely 'Mall section of 4tts people Who an yet *shebang -on their abhor to niaintnin their position at home.. Sol as regards the great man of tear ciesetryana—the week• ing thpul.tion—their repute are eatinsly stagresied with the one idea. and thit ie. the speeding manner is whisk they can couglip to lemon themeless and families from that ineAritatitnrsi that appears to be inipeadlog over this hapless land. Nothing cats *toper stay tide M out, off propensity, no mooning er persuasion. hemmer cogeticas plausible. cati for a mention change their de• tirminahon to join theil friends in the far west. Then is scarcely a family ambng the humble class of foresee and cottager* that has lilt one or more repreentatinels America, and these are militantly media' s hone remit tames to midge the rest of to. family to emigrate. The people ere dying awayl to large numbers. sad is the reads in rewrite distncts son will elteis mist bog and - naelaricholy cavaiesdn of these poor people waist *sir backs int the (and of ttelr birth. In fact. the peer who'has so friend to Sena shun a mnittame,. rind mg mnos of paying hip kings over. is Inked 104 doomed man. Cosetry eltapk±e m e,e Only a u sw isd. owing to the deaths and risesilisil liir 0111 pour Se. Where Will all this sad!" 11