Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, August 16, 1851, Image 1

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    ♦. r. DIIRLIN &CO., Pr•priettoits• t
frit Illtt Obstrutr.
ii. P. SLOAN, X 4 it • r.
t•- - -
rtv ',Ow a bets by the carrier. at . "Mr
I, mud. or at the °Mee, in advance. • 140
-- 1. r It not paid in advance, or within . three months Fran the time
. „Ni n r i mi t e. two dollars will be charged.
ar.l/1 communications am* be pbig paid. . .
. ; .
. •
Cards not excepting:l lines, year. 113311 '
tine square ) • •• 10.00
do. do. sir months. , _ 4,00
do. do. three months, 3,101
Thanrient ad% ertinemenui. SU emus per Karam of fifteen lines or
1,..,., fur the find lawn ion ; 15 cent' , for each subsequent inseniun.
1 1 yearl% adven niers hat e the privilege of changing at pleasure,
:1 at no time are allowed to occupy Wore than Moroi/ways, lad ha
le Waited Is their timediala Mailman.
Advertisement,. not hat tag other directions, will be inserted till
bead and charged accordingly. _
Pill:, d 34f:. 01: *ilk° :VA
trrorrry rr LAW.—Office at prevent in the Chronicle Ol3ce, In
Wrighfs Block.
troaltkcY AT LAW.—thlice over Williams' h %Vrighc'sßaoking
Establishment: entrance tirvt door vrest„ on the Public. Square
Descry in Dry Goods. Grocerieit. Liquors of all kinds, Crockeey
Nam., ke , one, door south of Smith Jackson's store, Freud'
Street• Erie, Fa.
Arn of I. Andre Offenhaett—Depot of Forel/a MUSIC and Mu-
Merehandize. wholeiale and retail, No. 111, 80. stir 84
sr. Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
towcaot and Sr aaaa it.--4 4 fitecorner or State and Seventh
Rivets:Residence on EighthSttect, between Preneh and
Holland. Etie, Pa.
T. w. MooRE,
N.Lnt in Groeeriee, Prey Winer. Liquor., Candler, Fruit,
Ire., Ode Door below Lowe'r & to'. State Meet. Erie.
• Mf SANFORD do CO..
Dealers in Gold. Silver. Rank Notes, Pratt.. Certifieatea of De.
Pont, Ate. Stahl Exchange on the pri lir qui eitleo cormantly
for sate OVISee in Beatty'. Illoek, ruhlie Square. Erie.
mrancow ao Parlor.la4-01fier, corner of French and Filth
arceio.ooer Moses Roch'■ store. Residence on Fourth stmt,
one door eaotolthe old Apothecary Hall.
Ihreonstanily on hand a 11411 supply of Grocibries. Liquor.. Ship
Chandlery. Pros I.lcons, Produce, to .Ik.e.; and refl. Whohvaie
or Scud as cheap as the cheapest. No. I hr. Cheapridc Erie.
Attorney - and Conniell6l. 1 at Law.
Revolutionary. army and Navy Pensions. -Bounty Lands and
clatans fOr extra•liay. and all (Alter bushier' euuusted to medial'
arrive prompt and faithful attention.
iodise in Wallin's Bluek 00 Moto street, Jover J. H. Follecton!s
sat Erie. Oct. Lk
wm.E.AL.r.Ild Retail DeLiers in Dry Goods,Gmeehes.llardw 're.
Laquon., Flour, Fish, i-ntt at., No. I, Wtight's Block t
ter of Eitli and Butte Streets.
FaAnonahle Tvitor. rooms over the fore &Smith inekllOn.Cheop
CCTV Nt; done on .ttort notice.
llookieller and Stationer', and Manufacturer or Blank Book' and
Writing Ink.eor. of the Dian:load and Bisth street.
irtruc and parsed Agency and Couunieniowbusinens. Fra
lin. Pa.
Nueva in V.nei Or. German and American Itirdwale and Adlery.
A 1... Nall,, Anvils, Vices. Iron and fAreei No. 3 Reed Howe;
Env. Pa.
W. J. F. LIDULE &,Co.
li-ariummta, Carriage and Watou Builders, State Suvet, be
meta wreath az Eighth.; Erie.
Omni. owe Door west of C. S. Wright'. store. up stairs
Ornrs with Dom A. %Ass. Seventh near Sassafras area. les
s.denee. ouldansaras, one door north of ideventh st.
Wriouselts and Retail dealer In-Groceries. Provisions. Vivian , .
[Amon. Friot. ke.. ke Corner of French and'Fifth 'Streets,
opposite the Farmers' Hotel. Erie. .
WIIOLI I ,Lt and Retail Dealer in Faintly Groceries. Crockery
Glasinware. Iron. Pi allr. ar.e., Cheap ride. Erje. Pa.
or The lintheet prier. {mid for Countr PrOdUee• 11.
Mta , ifirr T*lLoa. and Habit Maher —Store \o. 5 Reed!s Mock.
( 0 1 , Porite the Bonnell Bieck) Staie Street. Erie.
In Walker's °Mee. on Seventh Pi rect. Eric, Pa
t■roaraa,Jobber, sad Retail Dealer in Dry' Goody, Groceries.
envltcry, Glissaware, Carpeting; Hardware. Iron. Steel. NBal4.
swats, &e. Empire Stores, Slate Street, four doors. Below
Brown's Hotel. Erie. Pa.
Also—Anvils. Vices. Rellowr, Axle Arms. Springs, and a general
amortionit of Saddle arid Carrier,. Trimmings.
ATIMIWT AT LAW and Justice of the Peace, and Agent for
ibe Key stone Mutual Life Insurance Company-04%4e Moors
we of Wrights store. Erie. Pa.
Arrouorr AT LAw. Girard. Erie Cuucptr. P.s. Collection* out
other hosiers.' attended to st ittt ProttiPmese and tsoeteb.
Forwarding rk Gxusnrasioa Merclant, on the Public Dock, east of
State rlrect.
Parr. salt. Plaster and Vintiar• Firth. eonatantly for sale.
Rinker sod Exehange Broker. Dealer in Bills Or Exchange.
Draft*, eertirbenir4Or Deposite.Eokl and silver COM. &c.,
I Cr..,04 .kors below Brown's Dote!. Erie, Pa.
I. 08ENZWEIGQe eo.
wirnt.a..i. awn Reetti.Elcst.cas in Foreign and DORleSlie Dry
Goods, ready anoxic Clothing. Boots and Oboes, IC., so. 4
IVritihrs Mock. Skase street. Erie.
ArroawcT wr Law. Cleveland, Ohto—Office on Superior
la Atwater's Block. Refer to Mier Juotte, Parker, Cato=
Law Schad: Hon. Richard Fletcher. lu &hate st.. &morn Hon.
gcuourl H. Porkins. 1414 Walnut et..llloladdobtowitiettard
Knot all,Egg . 53 ‘Voll *Lacer, New Fort.' For tesuoroutola, re.
kr to this office. • " •
Arroasirtts &T Liur—Otnecup stairs in Tanunany Hall building
oath of Me Prothonouiry"s Erie.
SW!, entrance one door west of State street, on the Diamond,
()nut itk Dry Goods. Dry Groceries, proctor,. Hardware. ke
NO. I I Etlearoide. Erie. •
inGlocatries and Provoslouse( all kinds, State 'kneel, three
doors none of the latalsond, Erie.?
Da ALRI in Dry Goods. Grocratea.nanhintn, 'linens Ware, Um'
hog lambi, sae.. I*l, Cheapaide. Erie. Pa.
Gamut Foriiiarding. Produce and Cornmison !Merchants ;dealers
In rouse and tine salt. Coal. Plaster. Shingles. ite. Public dock.
west side of the bridge. Erie.
Granitic Forwarding. Ctommi. , ion and Prod •
Oud Ware-home t3lll of the Public Bridle. Er
G. LOOM 19 CO.
Deka', in ,Waieber, Jr dry, Silver. German
gr.tanaia Ware Cutlery. and Fancy
Dearly optimise the Eagle Hotel. Erie..
CARTERlaz ed iloTiga,
Wiaitanaut and Retail dealer 's ii Ora" Medicines. ihßtla. Oil
bye -am*. Glam., die . No. 111, House. Enc.
JAES /Ara, -
LL Merchant Ti M nler...* the public square, aMr
lieu of Owe street. Erie,
lirgatrsAti •WD lb Groceries. Pro;risiobs.
Chandlery ; 3kooe-ware. Ike. Ice, No. 3. &mufti ti lock, 16ne.
Dealer an Law, Medical. eehuol Meeellaneous Books sthUoaarji
ink, a c . (suite it.. four dpors below the ?shim quart►
Dit. b~4 ELLIOTT,
/evident Dentist; (Mk- and dwdline in the Beebe Blaelt, on
ra n "de. of the Pubb^ Square. Et .e. Teeth inserted on GM Plate . Rate. front one to en toe .ett . Culotta teeth gUled with pis
Gold. and restored to tealth and usefulness. Teeth clan
srith instruments and I...wince so as in leave them of a pellue
cearness. All work ...mewed.
Perm -u s min Stmocoo—Otlke uMs recidenee - on Seventh
apponte tie Methodic% Church. Erie-
Wieuisita Ace Scram desimio tompt. _ -
Utoccises, Ate. ?io. f, Reed Home, Sri% .
THE 11) I IL I
liver. PI
sislett pottrq.
Igo more we at wg.aa they sing add
To the toned Of the Bute and lyre.
For lo! we live in an iron Ag'e—
In the age of Steam and lire!
The wood la too busy Ibr dreaming.
And bath grown too wine far Wart
So. to-day. for the glory of &tepee.
Let us slog of the iailway Ca!
The widen Chariots oilancieet Kiev
Wduld dazzie the woudeiltig eye.
And the beads of a million slaves might t
, As rbe glittering toy roiled by;
But this is the Car sf ins Pasiph. ,
And belbre it shall how all kinge7 ,
`Be they warned when they bear shriek's,
- - Oft Dragon with Iron wi !
The bloodotained Car of the aerosol. ',
1 O'er millions.of necks ha rolled.
And its Priests have cried “sneb a triumph of ours..
The world shall never hold!" •
But wo! when this ha Dragon
Comes vomiting and lire.
- For the Priests wi their Cawood idols.
Shall paisle be his Ira!
- And wo to all uphold the wrong—
Lovi darks rather than light—
For Science hath Opened a Woad highway
For Knowledge, and Truth. and Right.
And he sends ktrtti his Car to pther
The people of many lands.
Until the uttermost nations
Are grasping each other haide!
And this, when the peopleow one. arejoi•ed s
And each to his fellow is known.
Invention. anJ Art, and Skill shall work
At the bidding of Science .aloste. -
And who can tell of the resumes Y-
The world may hope for then!
Far the faith that moveth mountain/
Hatt entered the souls antes!
Thea sing no more. as they 'apt 0(044
To the tomes of the flute lytr.
But sound the praise of the Iron Ago—
Of these of Steam sod Fire.
And sing to the glory of Seietwe
Exult in the downfall of Whr— •
Aoil shout for the fiery Dragon.
As be flies with the Raflway Car! •
quirt 311i5rtlignq.
A crrrca more than • year after the period when adverse
ircumstances chiefly the renal of my errs reckless fol-
aili s--sompelled me to eater therranks of the metropoli
s polio*, as the sole means left me of pressring'fned
d raiment. the attentions of one of the principal chiefs
• the force wee attracted towards mey the ingenuity
and bokiness which I was supposed is ate manifested
i hitting upon and unravelling a slue bi
rth altimataly
led to the detection and paishment ef t . e perpetrator' of
an artistically coetrired fraud upon an'eminent trades-_
elan of die West End of Loads/14 The chief swat for
4., sad after a somewhat lengthened iton - vireation. sot
duly expressed nnprobation of my (Undue* in the panic-
Ida( maker soder • discussion. but hinted that he might
shortly need my services in otbeiaffeirc reqitiriug into!.
ligence and resolution.
" . I think I have met yes before.)!; be remarked, with
ti meaning smile. on dismissing me when "you occupied
I different position from the presen I one. Do nut alanti
oorself; I have an wish to pry uie,oeceeserily into oth
cr men's secrets. Waters is a manne common enough in
ell ranks of society, and I may, yen know,"—burs the
"old smile deepened in ironical ex region—" bq mists:
ken. At all events the testimony o the gentleman whose
recommendation obtained pm admission to the force—l
hive looked into the matter since I beard of year bobs
' eier in the late bbeiness--is n,audlitient guaranties that
isothing more serious the) imprudence and folly can be
laid to' yuar charge. I have iseitlier right nor inclina
tion to inquire farther. To-miirrolir. in all probability. I
1 h
;phalli send for yea."
1 I camp to the eenclosion. as Iwaked homewards. that
the elders intimeatien of having nenvionaly mat me in
emother sphere of life was a modern and unfounded one.
I had seldom visited ',widen iii .ny prosperous days.
nd still more rarely mingled in ks soca sty. Idly wife.
however. to whom, I 01:1C011f1111 refitted trts subsumes 40
ine conversation. remiqded me diet be bid sues been at
Iluscaster during the races ;mid siggested that he might
(possibly have sees' and noticed me there. Tkis was a
isofficiendy probable explination of the Wet ; bat wheth
er the correconie or not. I t decide, as he rioter
!afterwards minded to the subject. and I had not the slight
out wish ter renew it.
Three days elapsed before I received the expected
summons. Os waiting on him. I was agreeably startled
to find that I was to be at once employed on a missies
width the most sagacious and experieseed of detective
officers would have felt honored to undertake.
•• Here is a written deecription• of the persons of this
gang of blacklegs. swindlers. and forgers." cescluded
the commissioner. summing tap his iastructions. ". It
will be your object to discover their private besets. and
secure legal evident, of their nefarious practises. We
hays betts . babes% based. principally. thigh , throegk
the too hinny zeal of the officals employed ; you must es
pecially avoid that error. They are practical scusadrelat
and it will require tonsiderable patieited. as well as sea
mss to ankeunell and bring them to justice. Ose of
their more recent victims is young Mr. blotter. son. by
a former marriage. of the Dottier Lady Everton. • Her
Ladyship has applied to us for assistance is extricating
' him from the foils is which he is moned. Ton will call
on hei at five o'clock this afteraem—is plain. clout's
course—and obtain whatever information ea the • "
she may be able to afford. Remember to miasma
directly with me ; and any assionantte you may require
shall be promptly readered." With these and a few eth
er minor directions. needless to recapitulate. 1 was dis
missed to stash which. dif f icult and posaibly potation' as
it might prove. 1 bailed as • delightful roils( from the
wearying monotony and doff routine of ordiitari duty.
1 basteeed bodie. and alter dtessiug with great awe—.
the bast part of tray wardrobe had been torteestely saved
by Emily from the wreck of my iomessa-4 proceeded
I. Lady Evertou'a mausioa. 1 wee immediately mar-
Aided to the drawing pious, where 1 Coehdber ladyship
and her daughter—a beautiful. faity•lookieg girl—await
is( my arrival. Lady Evertor appeared' greatly sot
prised at say appearaace. diervieg. as I Jere ail it alto
gether did. him her abstract idea of a policesaire, how
ever attired or disguised ; sad it was net tingle bad po
nied the Woof witichl was the bearer. tlutt hot haugh
ty and inundating, stare beams mitigated to a sluice of
lofty. swedeocesdesit trig iiity.
.. Be seated. Mr. Waters." laid her ladyship. warlag
me to a chair. " This solo informs me that yea bare
bees selactad for the daty of eadearortag to extricate my
aoa from the perilous eatooglemeat is whisk he has aa
happily hrrotred Mower."
lam Shoat to lisply-4er 1 Ina aft
somewhat sett • at the liable lady's haughtiness of man
nor—that I engaged in the public service of 'stir-
I patiisg a gin of swindlers with whom her son had in
volved hiuMelf. nod was there to procure from her La
dyship a • information she might be possessed of, likely
to f • • so desirable a result: but fortsaately the re
,nem ranee of my Waal positios. MAW of my gentle
- s attire. flashed vividly upon my mind ; and instead
, peratittisig my glib tongue to wag irreverently ia the
• remove of • right honorable. I bowed with reverential
Her ladyship proceeded. and 1. in substases. obtained
the following
Mr. Charles Marten„dering the fria l v menthe that elapsed
\ '
wee the attainment of his majorily, bed very literally
'• Men among thieves." A missies for gambling seem
•od to have takes entire. pinwales of his being ; and al
most every day. as well as night, of his haggard and fe
verish life was passed at play. , A inn of in-leek. memd
hag to his ow*.belief, had set in against him, and he had
not Gulf dissipated all the ready money which he bad
inherited, rad ii t he largo stuns *hick the foolish isdel
genes of his ladi mother had supplied him with. bet had !
involved himself in bonds, bills, and other Obligations t o
a frightful amount. The principal egret in efieeting this
rule was eau Sandford-=a man of fashionable and dash
ing exterior. and the presiding spirit of the knot of des.'
pe . redoevwhem I was commissioned to bent out, Strange
to say. Mr. Medea had the blindest reliance mien this
man's boner; and *yeti now. tricked. despoiled as he
had bees by him and his gang—relied upon his reenlist
sad assistance to escape from the desperate position in
which he was involved. The Everette estate had pass
ed. in default of male issue, to a distant relative of the
late lord ; se that ruin, absolute and irremmedelble. stared
both the wretehed dope and his relatives in the fsee.
Lady Evortita's jointure was sot a very large one. and
her • ems had bees permitted to simander.surne whieb
should have been devoted to the discharge of claims that
were now pressed harshly against her.
1 listened with the deepoilistereit to Lady Stverten'm
narrative. Repeatedly. during the course bf it, se she
incidentally alluded to the mind*re and appearance of
Sandford, who had been introdoeed by Mr. Merton to
his mother and sister, • esspleien, which the polies pa
pers had first awakened, that the gentleman in question
was an old eemtaiotasee of my own. and one. moreover.
whose &vent I we• extremely dwarves to return is kind.
dashed with increased conviction across my nand. This
surmise I of courve kept to myself t and after emphad
eal:y cautioning the ladies to keep our proceedings • pro
found swat front Mr. Merton, I took my leave, amply
provided with the reeenrcle - reqvisits Air carrying into
effixt the Scheme which I had resolved open. I also
arranged that. rate lead of waiting pereeeally ea her lady
ship, which might excite observation and respitien. I
should report progress by letter through the past.
'• If it ahead be he," thought 1. as 1 emerged into the
street. The here suspicion bad sent my blood throutb
my veins with furies@ violence. .• If this Sandford be.
as I suspect, that villain Carden. aces., will indeed be
triumph—victory ! Lady Evorten need net is that ease
metre° animate my seal by premises of messy recom
pense. A blighted existestel, a young and gentle wife
by his muss emit down from opulence to sordid penury.
would stimulate the dullest crave. that ever crawled the
sorth to **orgy and netiesi. Pray Heaven my smspielest
prays comet ; and then, oh I mine enemy. look well to
yortmelf, for the avenger is at your heels !"
Sandford. I bad been instructed. was usually reseal
at the Italian Opera during the ballet ; the box he gene
rally occupied was designated in the memoranda of the
police ; sad as I saw by the bills that's very snecerstgl
piece was to be perforated that *venial. I datermised
out being present.
I entered the hones a few minutes after ten o'clock.
just'after the commencement of the ballet. and looked
eagerly mead. The box is which 1 was instructed to
seek my man was empty; The momentary disappoint
ment was solo repaid. Fire - minutes had not elapsed.
when Cariloa. looking more iosclently triumphant than
ever. entered arm in arm with a pale, aristocratic-look
ing youngmOn. whom I had no difficulty. from his atrikt
ing reeemblapee to a pettish in Lady Evertea's draw
ing -reeds. is!dociding to be Mr. Merton. My Collllls of
action was at; 0111 C• deteimlood en. Passing only to mis
ter the emotion which lho glitteriag - reptile in whttore
poisonous folds !had been Involved ,and crushed, inspired.
I passed to lb. opposite side of the house and boldly
tered the box. Cardna'a- back was toward me. and I
tapped him lightly ea the shoulder. Me butted quickly
round ; and if a 'basilisk had confronted hiai. b eonld
scarcely have exhibited greater terror and enprise. Ly
aspect, neverthetees. was studiously bland and concat
iag. and aty outstretched band seemed to icvits arom,-
al emir old friendship. -
Wi !" he at last stammered out. feebly accept
ing my proffered grasp—" who would thought of emot
ing you bon I"_
.• Net you. cartainiy. sheet, you stirs at as aid friend
as if ha were seine frightful goblin about to swallow you.
Really—" _
" Hush Let us speak together in the lobby. Akri
old friend," ha added, is answer to Mr. Martin's sur
prised stars. ** We will return in an instant."
e. Why, what is all this. Witten 1" said Carden, re ,
covering his wonted estegfro..! Ilia instant we were alone,
•• I bad understood that i you had retired from wearies,
ware. in fact—what shall I say I"
'" Ruined 7 -41ons up. Nobody shoald know that better
than von."
" My dear fellow. you do net -"
"I imagine nothing, my dear Cordes. I was very
thoroughly done—done &totem. as tie written is the vul
gar tempo. But fortunately thy kind old unele--"
''• Pompey. is dead," interrupted my Old aerpialnt
anee. eagerly jumping to a conclusion. •• end you are
his heir. I congratulate you, my deer fellow. This is
indeed a charming • more. of eircamsteacee."►
" Yee ; but mind! have given ep the raid game. No
more dim-deviltry for me. I have premised Emily arti
er even to tomb a card again."
The cold. bard eye-of the incarnate Gead—he was Gl
ee lees—gleamed mockingly as these " good intentions"
of • practised gamester Gill epos his ear; bet bo Daly
Very goad ; quite right. nay dear boy. Bat come
let me introduce yeete Mr. Ilerten. a highly connected
personage. 1 angri yen. B~•tbs-by, Waters." he add
ed, in a caressing, conlidential !sae, •• niky name. for
family and other reasons. which 1 will hereafter saplain
to pm. is, for the present. Saadferd.•• -/
•• Ye.: do net forget. But allons, or Ms ballot will
soon be over." - 1
I was introduced in des form to Mr. Means so es old
and esteemed fneadorbom be—Bandford..—Yed sasses
for, sway enosths. At the atialissioi of the ballet. Said
fo.i: proposed that we should -adjoins to the Esropeas
Coffee Moms surly opposite. This sou greed to. and
set we sallied. At thq top of the stalraiso, we jaded
against the commissioner. who. like es. was leaving the
ham. Ile bowed slightly to Mr. klertoa'3 apology. and
bis sys misdated briefly and coldly *Ter oar perilous ;
but set the faintest sign of interest or recognition es
caped him. I thought it possible he did not know me
is my classed apparel ; bet looklllig bask after descend
nt a y ow steps. 1 was quickly nedasived. A sharp.
milk &soh eipmeive both of enewerageseent sal oar
print eltet old froth WNW btu rnttheNa bras% add ad
rz.ovrWAßD.a - .1
swift'y vanished. H• did not linarihow little I needed
sparring to the goal we bats bad in View !
We discussed two er three bootees( wine With 'nub
piety mud relish. Sesdferd espechfily was ii exiberust
spirits. brimming over- with brillieut eueedots and spark
ling badinage. Ae saw in me • flesh, rich prey. and
his eager spirit 'reveled by anticipation is the victory
which he bothieg dubbed to obtain ever my " excellent
inteutious and wife-pledged virtue.' - About belt-pest
twelve o'clock he proposed to &dimwit- This was miler'
-ly esseeted to by Mr. Morten, orbs bad for sense time
exhibited unmistakable symptoms ei impideseei. •
" Yes will accompany us. Walsall"- said Sand ford.
as we rote to depart. There is. I ashipou. no veer reg
istered it thamsetrimeeiel archives tiplitelbakiegoir at
a pm* played by others I" • •
. f• Oh no : but don't ork me to lila' ." * .
" Certainly net ;" and a devi Bidsr curled his lip.
" Yost virtue shell infer no templet on be esnred ."
f ee.
We soon arrived before the door df a quiet. respects
ble-looking house. fa ens of the streets hading from the
strand. A low, purifier knock givdo by Sandioni. was
promptly answered ; then a paseTw . which I did set
mach. was whispered by him threw h the keyhole, and
we passed is. Ilrr
We proceeded up Weirs to the lil t floor. the shatters
of which were carefully closed; ei t at to intimation of
rebit was going on could pesedirlyeueb t i ls e t street. The
apartment wu brilliantly lighted: 0 roe to table red
dies and cards were in fell activity ;wise and liquors of
all varieties were proluely pared/di There was abut
bat' e derma persons present. I sue diseoverifd. besides
the gang. and that comprised gluten - er twelve well
dressed desperadoes, 'whose' Weisel aspect. induced 'a
momentary qualm lest one er more ef the pleusist party
Inlet suspect or recognise my vocation. This. bowie,
ever. I bare reflected. wu scarcely ipoesible. My- beat.
during the short period I had beet In the form .wee far
' distapt from the usual haunts of such gentry. end ! I ves
otherwise unknown ha Londe*. 8411. questierieg gimlet
cee were eagerly directed towards pry introduce, ; aid
one big burly fellow, a -feniipier-Ibe meals were the
scum of various countries-was wiry tinpleasently in
quisitorial. **Tee riessisuis." I heirs! Sandford say in
answer to his iterated queries; and to added seesetbieg
In • whisper which brought a sardonic smile to the fel
low's lips. aid induced a total change in his demeanor
towards myself. This wee reaeserieg; for though pro-,
- Maori with pistols. I should. I felt. hive little chases with
such utterly reckless ruffians se tidies by whom I was
surroended. Play was proposed. !and though at first
stoutly refusing. I feigned to be rideally overcome by
irresistible temptation. and sat down to blind hazard with
my foreign friend for moderate stakes. ,I weigrecione
ly allowed to whs.; and in the sad found myself richer
in devil's money by about tea poss4a. Mr. Morton was
sees absorbed is the chances of this dim. and lost large
eame,for which, when the money be had brought with
him wu exhausted, bogeys written acknowledgments. '
The cheating practiced upon him was really sedulous ;
and any ono bet a tyre must have reperiedli detected it.
So. however. appeared not to 'utensil, the slightest sox
piebse of the • fair piny" o(kis oppeneste, guidie; him
self entirely by the advice of be Mend end'amemeller.
Seedford, who did sot -himself phi. The smith,o as
semblege broke up about aii is the meriting. mie,b per- ,
as. waiving singly by the hub wee. teseiving is be de
parted. ipeeeword for the next 'miming.
A few burs afterwards. I waited on the commission
er to report the state of affairs.-He was dilighted utith I
the fortudate debut I bad made hot still strictly enjoined
patience Sod caution. It would have bees easy. as I ,
was In possession of the password to have surprised the
confederacy in the act of gaming that very evening ; but
this would wily have accomplished a part of. the object
aimed at. , S I of the fraternity-Sandford arming:
the number-were sespectod of Issuing forged foreign
notes• and it was essential to watch narrowly for legal
evidence to Insure their conviction. It •wee also desire- Flax Versus Cotton. '
th i .
al' to restore, if . poseiblo, the property and securities of .
The public papers have lately occupied miefiree
which Mr. Mertes hatlieen pillaged.
wjth a controversy about the probability of finding in - flaz
Nothing of especial importance occurred for seven er
a substitute for and victoriews rival to cotton; whit*. .es
eight dais.. Gaming went on as usual overy'revenieg,
it is allegei, has new become possible by a pretended die
and-Mr. Merton bermes of course more and more in-
covert by seertaiu Peter Clausse.n. in London, oft wieeh--
volved: even his sister's jewels-which he bed aerrrp
od of so preparing flex that it can be spun by Ibis same
Whitely obtaiased; to each a depth ofdegrarletion will this
machineryis cotton: The America'n planters need sad
frightful vied piing' men otherwise honorable-had
been staked sled hest; and he wise. by the advice of San- be alarmed', as the idea detach a possibility can only be
4 I l
ford, about hi conclude • heavy mortgage en Itis estate. conceived ley men who are et , irely ignorant oftechuica
is order not only to Meer off hii enormous "debts at he- , _ you hold your life so i matters iu general, and the nature of flu and Cotton is .
nor." but to acquire fresh mean& of "winning beck"- Ichisepl" tied ho remitted towards me. as if yo seize the I Pmtretatae.. Numerous attempts to attain this end ha "
s in these last fifty years. been made in Europe by stupor
that igessfatue of all gamblere-"-his tremoudoas loosest /forged notes. f
pistol I ficial or sanguine men. but alrhave failed.. as it was ho
A new preliminary **dodge" was. I observed , now . I wee as quick ails. and the dwelled tube 'of*
'be expected. A microscopical examination shows, that
brought into action. . Mr. 111 rtes esteemed himself a i sharply arrested Meleager oula gbt. the entiii g aup
will, cotton fibre is ' a hollow cyliudrical fibre. covered
knowing hand arsenic; it was int-odoeed; and h e was !gathered near us. ing with excitement. Alr, Mei
permitted Merin every game he Phis& much to die ap. ton looked beetibiere trout oue Ito snottier , apparently
' video an adherence, of one fibre to others when in tea
parentatineyence and disComfitore of the loosen. ia scarcely conseithe di3 what paean g around him.
- ' - i
this was precisely the snare ehich I had Myself r -
. "Wrench the paters (rein hi :" seesawed dauCord, tact , " • • pen which Vie mechanical effect of the ispinnie • r
machinery is based; while that of flax is flat. ribbonlike
len. lof comes the more readily_ detected it, and felt ea- 'recovering his essfiegy. "Se him-risk strangle
defied that a gelid cup was meditated. In the mean", him." I and of a smooth. &say surface. )The consequence is,
time I had not been idle. Senford'was eestddenea/iyi in- "Look to yourself, acouudrel. " I shouted with equal that When cinp fibreis pulled .nut of a mats, ise others;
will follow or adhere to it of its own accord, unless draws
formed that I was only waiting is Loudon le receive be. vibe:el:taco. ••Youtihour is COUlt: o.ficen tiller and do
out by the Caine means, and laid alongside of others. _
tweets four and five thousand' pounds-tweet of Gaels ' your dot) !"
peew ee . , " logitei-samit rhos - int e nd e d to immediately la au instant the Zoom was filed with police; and•ssu- . Whoever has once seeithe spinning
nil, most he signi fi ed •of flax
of this; end) I ' by • bend
' hasten back to canny Yorkebire. To have seen the vil- peed. peoie-stricklio.peralyeed et the suddenness'( the wills epoceyes and in.
• i,s this essential d.ffereuce of the two materials
• which
ban's eyes as I Incidentally. u it were. innosisced• my catastrophe, the gang were all stMured without the slight- 1 . •
qualifies cotton far better absorbing and retaining dm
;errand. sad intention! They fairly flashed with icier- set remmence and Marched off i custody.
I mil glee! Ab. Sandford! yen were , with all your coo- Three-Sandford er Carden. al he had half-a-dozen
1 ,
lents of deco in the iuterior and between tie fine
f P u l: r 4 i , f it., out:ide. .
thing, but-toted blind idiot to believe the , man roe ' had a.. one of thena-were tra tied for life; the rest The vain attempts is overcome this amoral difference.
wronged and ruined. could so easily forget the deel he were eentooded to iarions term of imprisonmeut. ' MY have all been based upon the destruction. by chemical or
owed you. 4 . teak was ell'eetaallx accompli d.. My superiors were meehanieal means, of those qualifies in which flax is so
'The crisis cause swiftly en. Mr. Merton's mortgage- pleased to express !MO Winn meedsiion of the, ma- periorlto cotton, vie., the length and greater strength and
money was to be paid on the morrow; sad of that day,
net in which I kal i =Tilted warn and the fi a t eteP glossiness of its Mire , and not even a partial suet has
too, I enuouneed the fabulous th .de receivable by in the promotion w kis pleural ly led to my present pi-
ever been obtained, e ve n whets flax was , by chentical
me were to be handed over. Mr. Merton, elated by his oiliest in snottier branch ofthe üblic service was soon means, so completely denaturalized, that it tricks up is
repeated triumphs at ecarte, and prompted by his friend after conferred spots me. Mr. Morton had his bonds, to fra ;
gments and dust in the attempts to spin it.
Sandford. resolved instead of cancelling the bonds and obligations. jeweia.' and mone restored to him; arid,i Tot the only possible result was. the invention of dm
j obligations held by the conspirators. to redeem his loss- might wisdom by terrible expo lance, never again enter- machinery which is now used to spin flax, differing in
es by staking on that game hisready money against these( ed, a gaming hermit. Neither be nor his lady-mother i its features and modus operandi from cotton machinery,
liabiliues. „This was et first demurred to with much ep-: was ungrateful lei the servile I had been fortunate much as one fibre . ditliare frdin rho ether; requiring
parent earnestness by the winners: bet Mr. Merton. enough to render therm • greater care, and doing less wok: sod even this is only
L.__.-_ _
warmly seconded by Sandford, insisted spots the cause.' —__.;,.._
The.Anglo-Saion Race. • obtained with the partial loss of the strength of the fiat
sloe, as he deemed it. it
•. wee finally agreed diet ecarti ti fibre, as it is indivulable that in this respect, machine
should be the game by which he might hope to regain: I proem the
,London Memeurn.
sputa linen is inferior to .hand-spun. I map. with this.
the fortums and the ace'of miniyhe bad so:rashly equal-; Mr:three milliptisl . Two eateries ago there were bar le mention, that flax, as en agricultural crop. is one
Mired; the last time should be successful-and was he. sot quite three millions of this ) race on the facet of the ' of 'i,<• most precarious. most capricious in lie demands
- ;,,
not sure of racceest-he assured Bandied, that be would . earth. There ere'• million' rmre Persons of - rnallYar iied • hoice of soil and climate, most uncertain in its re
never beadle cards or die*. lie should hive heard that I decent. miesking the - Magyar , lenges'e at the present silt, as well as in the !oil as in the divers libonons and
mocking merriment with which the gang heard Sandford moment it Evelio, -than there were in Europe c oed I diffi cu l t operat i ons it tomtit", filet being cut; and be;
repeat this reeolstion to amend hie a s i o -..estons 'he h a d' America • this eimptering and eolonising people in the I , fore irbecoines fit for spinning.
recovered beck his wealth! ' '• : I time of Cromwell.' How vain, then, for men to talk of Hence it will be, the{' this elder sister will Owen,
' The day so eagerly longed for by Merton and theme.; the political nemerity for absorbing
small races! o'4 I 'walk alongside of its yo
federatea-,-by the spoilers and their prey-arrivedt, and ' years ago the Anglo-Saxon race did Pot exceed 17.00 P 'n I ways command a priespnger competitok cotton. and al-
exactly so much higher as is
I limited with feverish anxiety tbeeriming Ca of itight.... ! . Europe and America. At that time it was
t oot numer,: warranted by its more difficult and and laborious culture
Ovilytitichiel conspirators-eight is number-were to wily siren ter than des Poles. Thirty yea's- ago it coon. '
• emu .•
manipulation, its superior strength end dutability, its
he present; sad no stringer ,neon myself-a privilege I led only thirty-fogy millions; being altogether only three' greater brilliancy, eincimiusesoof touch. and °their quell
lowod t o the moonshine legacy I had receiveireras 1 millions and a fruition more than ihipopulation of France I tier, as sorely eivrex,eandlea will always be preferred to
to be „ mitt " to, this itt „„ ia j og mosso of tosoo m po rm a t that time. eta . considerably lees than the Teutonic! tallow candle's, and woodcocks be better paid fur than
fraud. Oases/I hint I bad rentersd to giro Mr. !der- I population of Ceetrel Europe. Its 18:4 it is ahead of mutton.-loosest of Cowers-re.
too . and that a a t ter a promise, Noe his honor as a gen. :ivory civilized race in the world. Of races hits( within trr Th e ---- - ----= -------:--- I' ..
• a Honorer SF castor, • 'hog paper.) is oat
theme." of inviolable isocreey. It will thus; "Hosier% the zones of clvilizltion. the &hies alone are more nit. ! .
- t wine Gov. .Jahnistoe's rieleetion. oar align/led ist
before eommenting play Is-morrow night. dm bookeend mertine. counted hy beads; but comparatively few of this
obligations yea have signed. to. j -wok you bays - lost. plastic and sulealreive stock have yet tsciped from the basso
no..mon ~.,
big free soil opinions. York county will give the
u ll•Sieler, • tremor
with a emu is now or gold to make up mammal ausleat k batherlini 1/0 . die dark ages. In wealth. energy and cal- i '''' '
to that which yen sues to risk. le &dully dimes* airs I amities they arise' to be compared with the Frank, the
the table." He promised to i ns i st es t hi s di oD dit, o il: 'it Teuton. end theAnglo•Saxon. rNumber is almost. their
isvehred mesh more ;has he drama of. - • lonly element of mmegth. Of all the races which are new
My sereopmesUi Were at length thoroughly complete; i Mervin for the theetery of the world-to impress os the
ants few misuses pest Wel,* . Velma the mbhmeredfitter* of sosisity l ud Meningitis the stamp of WS own
r es ermr4 worm' lee !tits um helm Am wry atop.' itheladert: end elnkweedo Mahe kg kph idioms miliglons
cation was going en. ;Ms. Mertoa 'arse insisting, as I bad
advised. upon the esblhition ofas.m equal Its that which
he had brought with hinz--joy confident of winning. he
wee daterminedto rector's hos Weas to the , last farthing.
'attil althea:it his bongs. bills. obligations. his sister's
jairels. and a large antonat in go ki and 'genuine notes
still a eavy tam de fi cient.
1 .1(
were prodiced. there was
"Ah. by the by." eZeisinited Sa ord u I entered.
•:Waters can lend you,the sum for , an hoar or two—for
a "onsidenstims." be added id a ortisper. •'lt will aeon
bo reissued."
?•,Nit. thak yon."- I answered. cuidly. ••I never part
with money till I harelloet it."
A malignant scowl passed over [the scosiodreea h&j
!atom bat he Made atereply. Ultifizately it was decided
that one of the frzotentity should be!despatched in search
s ifthe required amount. 'lle was lions atieut half an i
hies. and returned with a beadle id' notes. They were
all hoped
hoped and expected. forgeries en foreign banks.
lir. Merton looked vet its's' toasted item; and play corn- I
mareed. . ' : - I
As it woolen. se Yieidly did the ' ne recall the even- i
Jug that had sealed my own rain. t at I grew dizzy with',
eitaitement. and drained tumbler • ar tumbler of water.
to allayjthe feverish ltbSoltbing of veins. Thesarnb
lam wers fortunately tie much ab. shed to heed my agi-
talkie. J Memo lest eiatinually—trithout plump or hi
tetralogies. The stakes ‘f : doobl d— trebled --quadra- I
pltbd: Hit brain was 'on e; sad he - played. or rather i
lost, with the retitle/04s, f t
a ma man.
';.,Hark! what'', that!" suddenly . exelaiired Sandford,
ri ±
treat whose Stitsehe (Swarm; the mac he, had so long
worn be4r. Morten 'fail been nall)' slipping. WI
yea net hear a noise. below'' , I .
My ear had 'aught the sound; and I could better inter
pret it than he. It eeeaed. I
I "Teach o,o'4'nel:bell. Adelphi.." added Sandford.
iNot only the pier, init the vert4 breadline of the sil
liness was stepeashe 4i they listened for the reply:
.It name. ' TIM anstirering tioklei annuded onci—twies
1 -
—thrice. "AU rightt!" shouted ;Sandford—"proceed!
The,feree is nearly Olive' out." i'
; I had instructed th 4 officers that two of them in plain
clothes &build prem.! thenteselveslat the front door, ob
tain admission by means Of the Password I had tired
diem. and immediate's. seize and
I lgag thidow-lteeper:
Iliad also acquainted hem with t e properanswer toile,
signal ringLthriie distinct palls ii the bell hstolle cam.
nianieming with the Stet floor. Their comrades were
then to be admitted. thee were all to silently ascend
rm i s
the stairs, ad wait 4 llsp I ' din till summoned by met
If enter and noise thelgamest rs. The back entrance to
die honest wee also welmwely t uniebtrnsively watched.
One only filar disturbed it Mos litel the seoandrele
aheeld take alarm is sufaci nt fine to extinguish the
lights. destroy the forged rime . Mid piissibly escape by
+pm° private posereithat miFht Unknown to me, exist.
Rousing niymlf.'itii soon aslthe Play was resumed, from
the trance of memory; by which Pbad !wen . in some sort'
absorbed. and-first asCertainitig that stile handles of my
Pistols were within. eksy reach—ffw I knew I was play- ,
ihg a desperatirgami with despethte room— I rose. step
carelessly to the door. partial?, opened it and bent .
forward, as if listening Tor a repetition of the sound which I
tied so alarmed theickeopany. Tp my great delight the
landing and stairs wlria filled with police oricers--eileet
as as deeds., drew beck 'Cod walked towards die 1
cable at which Mr. Motto' was Coated. The last stake
-an enormous out—was being played for. Morton
vet... He sprang upon his feet. death-pale., despairing.
Overwhelmed, awd a hoarse exa4aupot surged through
his clenched testis. Sandford and his associates cooly i
iskid the plunder togs:her. their features lighted up with
fiendtsh glare. •.'
! "
"Viriani—tMitorl—misereanti" 'shrieked Mr. kle - r-
ton. as if smitten with sudden Isnzy, and darutig at 1
Saudforthroat;s throat; " yon . devil h at you are. kayo oh.
dune. destroyed me ! '
"NU.doubt of it." it .ilinly repli Sandford , shaking off
his victim's grasp; Tand I think t has been very artisti-
Cady apd effactitallyldono.'wo.pi .1 uiyelliug. my fine fel
low. will scarcely hf ip you muck."
Mr. 3farton glare upon the taunting villian in speech
tees agony and Terri, 1.
"Not quite so. fast. Cardon, if ton please." I exclaim.
;ed. at the same Unit) taking up al boodle of forged autos.
...It de not appear, to me that Mr. Meirion has played
laggard equal stakes; foe soquestostably this paper ia sot
!gossips.' ;
i "Dogs" roared Sandford. "4
S 1 50._A TEAn in idvitafti6,
1 manners, government and opinion prevail-‘-this AVMs.
i Anson iv now unquestionably the roost SOITIffOOI, pair.
' erful, and active. The day
,when it might e. 2 Ibly have
beer crashed. *beet-tied. or tranipkd eat. like Haagery.
or ?elan I. by stronger horde', is rine by forever. That
It was possible at •11h time for this peatile'to',lto nalithard
i lty violence or to fall a prey to i. to slimes agenioso(dits ,
! Ulioe, there can be little doubt. la 1630. the United ,
Provinces seemed more likely to make • rand tigers In
the world's rotors history than Engload. Their wetalth,,'
activity. and nMeilllllo power were the meet hoposlag .
la-Europe. They had all, this carrying trade of, flee west
In their hands. Their language was spoken ,in sooty
port. 111 the great Orient their empire was fixed sad
t heir influence paramount: England - was then, hardly'
iknowo abroad. Her difficult idiom' grated oa fermign •
, ears. and her ;tormy coasts repelled thy enriasity of mom
t reollivated irayslers. Hod the thought of a day "Hiving i
*hen any single' EstroPorin Isoguage would be spoken by• •
"Nome of persons. scattered over the great contisents
lof the earth, from Nejr &land to the Hebrides. and from -
the ripe of storrricto the Attic ocean. occurred to oily
speculative mind, Ditch. not English. would probably
been been the tongue to which lie would have assigned •
'Vie mirvelous mission. Yet Holland has fallen nearly
as much as the Siiitod has risen in the scale of nations.
1 Her idiom is now acquired •by row. Her merchants
, conduct their correspondence and transact their business; ,
lin French or in English. Even her writers have meary..• '
l er them clothed their genial iii a foreign garb. Oa the . .
other hand. oar literature and langunge; havo•passed en
tirely out of thi• phase of danier. Ditch, like Ilielsiss ,
Flemish, Erse, Basque, and other idiolus. Is doomed is
Perish as an intellectual medium., but whatever may bet
the ramie ehring,es of the world, the tongue of Maks
, •
Ireere and B icon . is now too firmly rooted ever to be tore .
awa.• No longer contact with mere preservidion. it aim& •
et no trervil to istery. Gradually his taking; possession
' cif ntl the ports and coasts of rho world; Notating all rival
1 •
idioms—shutting them op from intercourse with each
o lier—making itself the channel of every communica
' lion. At a hundred points at once it plays die aggressor.
I /t contend; with the Spanish on the frontiers of Mexico
1-drives French and 11.13:.sian before it in Canada and In
(ho northern Archipelago—supercedes Dutch at the Cape
' ill isNatol—auti: a Gtet k rind Italian at, Atoka mid in the
joniau•Lstaude—usurps the right of Arabic zit' sue: and.
I kr. ia:lxis—insinta•os itself supreme at Libdria. Hong-
Emig. Jainacia,
L aud at. Illeleua—tights its way against
i multitudinous and serious dialects in the rotiky mesa
; tains. in Central America, ou the gold coast, to thet la.,
eerier of Australia, and among the countless island of dm'
i iiasteris • as. No other language is spreesfrug in this
way. `1•••• Bch and Garman Bud students among milli
' hated me but English permanently destroys and um
t • •
p•ic;des th iilionis with which it comes in connection,.
i I The rola: I e growth of the two great keels-Paso";
Mates is note orthy. lo 1311 the population of Creel
• .Dritain was 1 ;942..G13; in 1330, that of the U. S. wee,
5.319.762—0 r not quite half. 10.1830. the population of
ihi Uuthl Sates is two millions and a third more than
that of Great Britain in 1854—at this moment. it probe--
. 1)). exceeds it by three millions: The rata of decennial*
increase in this country is less than fifteen per eesit.--..
While in Anlerice it is about 33 per cent. In the rent :
' eontinental states the ratelis considerably lower than in
f England. According to I t progress of this list My
`years in France and in Ansericit, the G. S. will have the
larger population in 1870—in 1890. they grill' exceed•
lams° of England, France, Siiain, Portugal.- Denmark.
1 Sweden and Switzerland combined. Prudent statesmen) '
should bear'pese facts in mind. Many perscins noarfr
alive may sou Arn>rica will bo oratorio importeice to us
t'soeially. commercialk and politically. than ally Europe
1 pot togethor. Oid clip!ornatic traii;ions will go 'for little
in the face of a Iran's-Oa die power numbering 100.000.••
009 of free' and energetic tneu of our own rice aid
Tire FIRS Ecrr.Ks.—The NorthsiCr
pressing a wish that the devil tairgisi
Carohaa Socessiosidta; the Louisville
says it eadoot is. what the devil is to
they are all such fire aptorkidud thy
We out of boom and bens.