Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, August 09, 1851, Image 2

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(Frit itteltlq Neruer.
volt IcANAT. commissioNEß.
For ghettoes of the Supreme Bench.
JEREMIAH S. BLACK, of Somerset.
• JAMES CAMPBELL, of Phi)adelphia.
ELLIS LEWIS, of Lancaster.
JOHN B QmsoN, of Cumberland.
WALTER:H. LONVRIE, of Allegheny.
Gill Lutes PairtioreGuAtit udvertise
mOnt of our frierbi. Cul. Clark, in another coluinn, is
worthy of the attelotion of our farmers: Gatling's Pre
mium Grain Drill is an agricultural instrument of the
first importance. land we congratlote the farmers of Erie
on the 'fact that they can procure (hem here. manufac
tured !pion their! own soil. and, by our own mechanics.
CaU and see theimachine itirelf—it is even better look
ing than the picture.
yr FATAZIF 1114 THEW, the Irish Apostle of Temper
mace. we lotus. is expected here next week. en route for
New York. He ;will remain fora few days, and take part
in the dedicationtof the new Catholic Church on Yourth
street, on the Silobsth following. Of course his, recep
tion from alleluias and denominations will be of a cha
racter due his transcendent wo-th and abilities. .
Li' Mr. arraice Sherman. of Albion, in this county.
hu received the appointment elegant to solicit sobecrip
tons to the VV4 se
ngton National ,Nlonument.. We need
not cowmen tor readers the object for which the
contributions ere : licher!. The history of that great work.
In boner of the Father of our country, is perhaps well
known to all, and it only requires, we are confident, that
the public should understand the waits of those wbo have
charge of its erection to induce vokintary and.cheerful
contributions. We command Mr. S. to all.
Chippell's Voyage to Will-
We invite attention to the adArtise'mant 'of Chap
pell's voyage to Cuba. in another column, 'We had
the pleasure of visiiing . it on Thursday evening, and
can assure Mir renders it is eminently worthy of patron.
-age, not only, on' scconot of the srtiitic merit of the paint
ings, but Eeranse of the interest attached to the pant and
'stare history of that Lively island.just now heightened by
the important events transacting open its soil. We but
echo the voice of the press every where when we say to
'all, call and see it.
' Thi.111,711" er, EsTr.
The President of the Si j rurY and Erie Railroad,
Daniel L. Miner. Esq., of Philadelphia, together with
several other gentlemen of that city, were in our city this
week. *caniness connected with this great work, and
expressed 'themselves highly pleased with its lecithin end
prospects. Mr. M. is one of the plainest and mint un
assuming gentlemen we ever became acquainted with,
and has prod'uced quite a decided impression'among the
•••donbters" in favor of twork he has in hand by hii
straight forward baainest 7 ike views and'qualities. His
speech at . the Railroad me ting on Wednesday ecsking
was a masterly exposition of the prospects of the road.
its advantages, present aid prospective. He parried
conviction to the mind of every listener that now is the
time to strike for this great work. •We think thb cemptr
py has-been truly fortunate in the selection of such a
sou for its chief officer. ''' '
- Col . Bigler Coming.
We have the pleasure of announcing that Col. Bigler.
~gallant candidate for'G r. has signified his de
tirusination to vi♦it. the Democracy of this section of the
.early in September. De is after his Excellency Goy.
Johnston, now but.that posi lion be will hold no longer
than the people have a chance to vdte. We are not in
formed of the exact day the people may expect him, but'
at he is advertised to speak itt Meadville on the sth. we
presume it will be either a 'few days before pr after that
date: The time and arrangement. however. will be duly
noticed, so that all will have atiapportrtity of seeing and
bearing the wezt.Governor of the Keystone.
Einninu7 and Brie Railroad Meeting.
The 'Sunbury and Erie Railroad meeting was well at
tended on Wednesday evening last, and math goal feel
ing towards the great enterprise evinced. It gave us
gratifying .evidence that when the time comes to act;Er:M
will go into the work with all her remurces. Mid with
the united good wishes of all her citizens. It w organ
ized by calling Grottos A. Eitiorr. Esq. to t char.
and appointing Htgla Canoed .. and Path T Alt
110CIL14 Esqrs., Vice Presidirts.. midis:ties D. Dwelt?.
aid N. Brllirogs. Etqrs , ,Secretaries. After the object
of the meetingiiid . been kilted by lion. Mtn Glilbraith ,
a committee consisting of Messrs Galbr..ith, Rlied and
Camp. was appointed to wait upon the Presidelt of the
Sunbury and Erie Road; Deltic! L Miller. Ras} and
other gentlemen,of Plpladelpkis in the city. friiendly to
that great work, and invite them to take past iq the de
liberations of the meeting. Daring the absentia of the
committee the meeting was very ably,addressed y Muir
fair Whence. Esq.. of Erie. who gave war hen the
chairman of the Committee returned end introd cod Mr.
'Miller. Col. Joseph Pezton. E. R. Biddle add J. N.
Hutchinson. T.sqrs.. who each upon being called upon,
addressed the nailing on tho importance of theiroad and
_the advantages Which would flow from its speedy com
pletion, net only to Erie but to the entire State. Mr.
Miller was peculiarly happy sad forcible in his remarks,
and gairi evidence that the subject was not new to him,
but had been ems Upon which he had bestowed much Jo- .
her and research. We think he carried eonvieticati the
minds of the most skeptical' that there wee nevdt so good
a prospect for the construction of this road as thi present.
and that lt.was never in abler 'hands. After elm Phila
delphia friends had each given their view; which were
listened to with muchinterest. 11. B. E!y. Esq..lof Cleve
land. being present, was called upon and resaded in
some remarks characterized with much good eves and
practical thought. He . wat followed by Messrs. !Galbraith
and Walker—Ms latter gentleman taking the oScasion to
COM. down a little from the position he had assumed a
law weeks beam in regard to the road and .its manage
meat and prospects. We were glad to see Os. for in a
great work like the Sunbury road. every man Might to be ,
its friend. sad Mc. W. we ars aware. , notwidistsoding
we are no admires of hi; has a good deal ofinfluence
, among hie poht l icat friends. Bat the most gratify..
log mare-was a presence of so many of Sur Phila
. delphia friends. -The visits of the business sod monied
men of our commercial metropolis to this Art of the State
have heretofore been fair and far between. land cense-,
quently a knowledge of the capabilities of ouritown ma a
COinuterCial point on the great chain of lakes, end of the
agricultural and other resources of the eounqy mends.
bout se. has. been of a very limited characier among
them. The gentlemen who were with us on Wednes
day expressed themselyes agreeably disappointed. In
stead of frowping and barren mountains which they bad
imagined extfuded back from the lake, they foiled • beau.
• Gm re gi ngt acuntry. equal, if not superior M any other
agricultaral ettrunty in Penney lvaniq. instead of • town
set down in soma book•by the Lake shore. with nu ".
ly sufficient rewrite breathe in, they found Erie as else
actually is. eat; of the most beautiful located towel in
the State—lis Short, a very Philadelphia, io miniature.
If their visit ileitis se ether rood; it will serve to &sebum
the minds of the pee* of Philadelphia of the 01101100111
impressi.ns they bate imbibed of this wellies of the
, Sate, for Messrs. Miller, Hutchinson. Pasha. and Bid
dl., are gentlemen who talk, - sad they will cot be slow
in coinanunicetiag they have seen. for their are Itself
mseitlittmd that the Artie outset the cue has bet ti be
known to imams the early comemieement &Ad com Pia•
l ion of that great work, the 4 ! Sasbery and Erie Road."'
The 414,11ftu Auwaed.
Is last week's Gametic we fled our attendee called to
the following queries, put by that pink of e ewspaper coo-
'latency. the Philadelphia Nora' Astericest. to the Pau
ligringiall, 1131 d an answer asked of us, if " we feel ate-
iliorised." We do out " feel liutborined" to answer for
C•l. Bigler, but we can answer for ourself. sod say how
We look upoii the questions. The queries•are as follows;
not very impOrtant. it is true, but still at ear Whig friends
are prone to construct a " mountain out of a mole bill."
we will gratify. them with a reply :
Is Col. Bigler io favor of the Poetise Slave Law as it
nor stands, without modification or amendment 1
is Col. Sigler prepared . to repudiate hie sets en the
act of 1847. denying We yids; of this State to Pugin'',
Slave* 7
la Col. Bigler prepared to disavow hiss do in the State
Seaste in favor of the Wilmot Precise
We pan over the fact :ha : these queries have been
awenui '' seveZtimee, if ;
ot mere." by the Pmusegi
coniest, a circa's& uee the Gautts appears to be totally
obliviou to, thouo the Edito is a constant reader of that
paper. and reply that we-uadirstend Col: Bigler to be is
favor of the floUprowise measures introduced iota the
last Congress by Mr. Clay. &lid passed by the efforts of
I such Whir as Mr. Webster, , Mr. Cooper. etc., ctn. ? see
ended by the Plational Democracy, and afterward*" sp
precut" by MILL‘RD FILLSIOitt. Presidout of the United
States, balt tumuli an abolits whig of Buffalo, N. Y.;
and bailee, u the Fugitive S i to Law is spar! aud par
ed of that Compromise, we !oppose biut to bar in favor
-of it '• as it now stands, without modification or amend
ment." Did we think otherivise. or that the Democra
cy of Peonsylvanii were fa l e of tampering with • sot!
emo compact like this "Com noise" between the North
and the South. after the iNor ,
;i has received end appro
priated her 'hare of tlisi barg 'D. his name would sot float
another week from our m ead. But en this quo
tient we look upon the positio of the Democracy sad its
candidates as defined aud fiabd. There can be no mis
understanding it, 'and the 'alter who pretends to in the
face of the following resolutio l u, passed at Reading where
Col. Bigler vies nominated. pays but a poor compliment
to his owe understanding • or the uuderstandiog of his
read ens : , - •
Resotegd, That the Demeeiratic pull of Pentwybrania.
ever ens* to the Union. thel Constitution and the laws.
will faithfoilly observe aad ez6cnte. solar as in them lies.
all the measures of comproMise adopted by the late Cun
gress. for tile purpose of settling the question arising out
of domestic slavery ; and this not only from a sense of
duty as citizens of theWepublic. but shoo from the
kind and fraternal feelings Which they cherish towards
their bretherien of the slaveholding States.
Bet if thhi E i■ Rot strong enough, the following p . asages
of a letter irdiet Col. Bigler- to Geo. H. Martin. Esq . of
Philadelphia. trill settle the iquestion.ire think :
**lb shors,Leir, my views de entiretria accordance with
the sentitneete adopted et the Reedies C lion, wed
1 bad not inyliosed that a dipposition coold be foetid any
where to rSgard them otherwise. I ain for all Ate Co as -
r.ostiss issosares. and in tater of a.tbriroalrh and *deaf
execution re Mem as they ars; and ageing alfahvre Cos
gressioual jititetiott or the Outlets/ settled by them."
As to the second questiciu the Gazette is auitiosie to
have &neutered. we will let 'Col. Bigler rtypfy himself;
arid for the piirpose will quoto r tiliether paragraph from
the letter u• Otero H. Mania / as follows :
u 1 obeerve that the Nerik Xnariciiii is still In doubt
about myl position in reference to the great question now
agitating the country, It assumed, whet is incorrect is
reference to the law of 1847. - 1 did stet rote for it ; /
took no part in Ike procuring* of the Stlsists on the sue.
jut. nor could i 4 kern) , opinion. have become a law, if
its full bearing had been perceived at the time. But if 1
had even Advocated its adOption. that feet would not in
fluence tar present pesitiOn in reference to it. As 1 in
tend, however, to say to the people in different parts;of
the Siate.lpublicly. what 1 know end think on this sub
ject. 1 shall not trouble you with details : but slice it to
say. tint allele's , never should have been passed, and
that shOjild• I be skated Governer next fall. regarding
many elite previsions as ereionstitutional and isejurt to
their operation. 4 "halt nut hsitate to urge their repeal ;
nor have ever hesitated to *ay that. in in; opinion. the
bill now hi the baud' of Godernor Johnston. ought to be
come a law," • I
• Beforettre reply to the reinainisi query. we trust the
Gazette will allow us to ask !it *question or two. Was
the Editor not aware that Col. Bigler did not vote for
the land 1847; when he endorsed this query•of the North
Angriest? Did he not know that the records of the
Senate had been appealed to;in vain to sustain the charge
that Col.. Bigler voted for that law 1 For fear the Ga,
tuts will'acol be as reedy to I aniiirer questions as it is to
ask thenn * will say.that wk believe our eotemporary did
not reprtdothese Turkel from the North America*
blindfolded. t was - ewers of all the foots set forth in the
letter of Col, Bugler.
To the; last query. u Is Cal. Bigler prepared to disavow
his vote in the State Senate in favor of the Wilmot pro.
visa ?" we reply that We haunt turned it over and over in
our mind, s amined it in aI its bowlegs upon the ques
tions it lieges. and have ralt yet been able to discover
how it is,; portiseat te the Present canvass. When the
Gazette Will slum us territoty over which the enactment
of the Nov'i• required to keep est Slavery—when ii
will poiett o t the mutants Tow before the people of Peen
sylvanin 0 n which Col. Biller's preparation or Boo
preparatioulte udisayew hill vete is the Suits, Senate in
favor of Oil Wilmot iiireviscr will have An influence--we
will take means of incertaining from the Colonel hint
self all and singular the Gomm may require. Until then
it is a witetHi IA pape,and *le to•diseuie it. Is the 'Ga
zette answered 1 i' ,•
Er Tar MtcHicko- CONieIPIRACT casc.- T ,The corres
pondent of the Buffalo Erpress, is writing frOns Detroit
eipressee the opinitat that; this exciting trial would be
submitted to the jarytearly last week, and ventured to as
sert as a wetter quiti probable. that every ass at ths de
fendant, wou(ai he act/Kind. . He says it is quits proba
ble that the testimoqy of the defendants will establish the
conclusion. h entre udiced minds. that the Igo's& of tie
Caaral RathWasi sodn e eaavirad sahatek a magi
racy/ The prose s *con had. ap to the 19th. sworn and
examined 97 witot4est, and the defense had examined.
op to the same Fiene4l2l—makin g a total of 2191
CT It is stated Chita trails of ears ran over the *asters
Railroad. from Portimasth ti Beaton. a day er two slam.
in an hoar and fifty Minutes; having made twelve Mops.
The diatsuce is filly•foor Miles. Allowing three' min
utes to each stop, and we have exhibited a speed of nearly
fifty mile/ an boors
Er THE TAsurr.—We 4ope 01If Whiff comempora
rim, who irrep rabid cm the subject of HighTarif Pro
tection; will refer to their ewe President. pretty Rood as
tkority,we take it. of their isionaistrei muss. Mr. Fill
more skid is his annual meson, :
" A high tetrircan sever be permanent. It will raw
dissidiicattion and will be changed It exiirdee compe
tition, sad the•eby_inviier the investment of capital in
mansfactures to such IFC MSS that when changed it brinp
distreeti. 'bankruptcy and rein epos oil who hay, been
misled by ill faithless ',steelier .
Twc FRAXEIIIO atvit.rag.—The Post Muter
General uuuuuu cal thr it has been decided by. the At
torney General. of a reference from the Poet Office de
partment., that mernbes elected to the Coojgroso to u
oemblo ingecernbbt; r jest. re new etwAled.te the frank;
ins privilegir; and, thd law of Consmes gives this right
in express terms to the members of the last Congress no
til the first Monday in December. 1831. Postmasters
will therefore recognise the privilege is seek eases.
rr wza ereicv.—The Hartford Tisaa.speake the
truth whoa it saysi The leading Abolitionism, sad Abell
tion)orpos very warmly desire ta success oi Wm. F.
Johnston. the whit candidite tor , cieversor of Pennsylva
nia. Mr. Johanson &mei& very much epos the see
sail" voles of that: SLAW is the costing coaled. The
whirs also hope t/ gain strength by Native vows., Mr.
Bigler. thi DemeSratio candilate.'stands spa the Na
tional Democratic platform. and is supported by the De
mocracy without kind to any fastios. This is the tree
Ei* 'Luisa-4o election will tati place in Illinois
re N
before lan. when Preskl dal Doctor% lo
rd aid alai* itneens aid Ceeireessie are to be chosen.
Upoe the usintsberb of the Legitimism to be Anted la ISIS
will devolve thud ity of oppoihithig
,a linceesser to Rem
M *
fluidise A. fee, shone terms tutsilrealit int and
who, is the epi c
of swum .in then be Trevilastpf the
Unitrid States. ! i
"Lath* 'Daptiay."
This recast demmaration by the patriot of Cube in
fame if Milependemie i f but *nether link in the chain of
wrests, which. miner or later, will bring the entire North
Ameneun contmert within the folds of the stars and
striped- The Cobbs revolution ;nay net be successful
nowi—we warmly date hope it will—bat that the desti
ny of the island is fixed, sod the days of Spanish rule
numbered. we firmly believe. We are a firm' believer
in the " Manifest Destiny" of this Republic, and the on
-II question in regard to Cabe. so fir as we can see, is
in regard to time. Of copra.. at the Albany Argus just.
Ic remarks. the politicians who ofipeeed the annexatimil
of Texas. " with i*swer. its debt. sad its simery"—ast
the partisan cry thew, ran—naturally enough have thel
same solicitude, miler the turn things are taking in Cs-I
be. They foresee smother " war." another **debt." and
mere "sierwety l ! in the distance-r—and further secticitiad
difficulty in adjastitg the terms of aaaaa 'ties.
* Theo spin. the apprehension expreslsed is then
quarters that moreof Maxie* will by and by be knocking
at the de of this Republic far admission. and that th
Sandwich Islanders may torn their eyes In the same din
rection--mil that there is to be no mid to " this
Ma business" anti, the .entire of North America shall
become part of this already extended Republic—not evesi
excepting the British 'Provinces oa the North. Nowoui
we have reaarked above, all these anticipations, it
next to curtails will one day be I realized.' Under theso
cireeinstastres. whatever repogialice may exist in any
quarter to fusilier _accessions to the American family-of
States. it is obvious that if it ever was pelagic to look
thing, inevitable in the - face, and to become familiarized
with them, and with the new relations andrduties which
such a charge must bring with it—this is the time at twit
to begin.
Notwithstanding the predictions of disasters that we
to follow the peaceful acquisithin of Louisiana and rk. •
ids--lks voluntary annasailon of Texas, and the exten
sion of our territory to and along the extreme wisteria
(wage of North Ame r ica —gois great Republic has soli
vived them all--and though it has scarcely yet 'sea
teed from the excitement consequent on die sifted
questions which grew est of these stupendous and inv -
sable acqeisitions—thanki to the patriotism of the ev r
reliable America. masses. tbe indica:tons are that •
crisiOas pissed. sod that Unless thrown into a relopie
by the desperate aorta of faiss prophets to make toed
their predictions of evil. will soon resume it.
wonted tranquility.
nisi process of acquisition -and tics has been
too often tried. and has remitted in too manyadvantages
to the nation. to be regalded as an experiment, or as; a
thing to be deprecated or avoided. Territorial input
sion is riot less thalroo interest. than it the peculiar
tendency of this government. Its capacity to shield sad
conk, blesslois. is limited only by. the number of those
who choose to live ender it., The idea that it ha. 44-
ready reached the safe limit of its extent in this hemis
phere. is env which many who now entertain it will live
twig enough to outlive. It is a =imam to suppose that
this nation has attained its fell growth in moist Of terri,
tory, any more than in'pepulation. is both respects. it
le destined. to increase and enlarge itself, beyond the
wildest conception, of the imagination—and the 'sootier
this truth becomes retain/amid is acted on by the people
and government. the better prepared ,will beds be to ac
commodate themselves to this inevitable condition, of
I !
As for Cuba, there pin be ■o deinbt that she will i bp
tbo'nest secession to these United States by the Tobin
tary choice •ef her• native popelation. How ,soow this
event is to happen, no wan eon tell ; bat come it win—
and the sooner the better.
The G:eziite has an article ei the •• Sameness of De
mocracy." ip which it is charged that at a poetic; of
Democrats in this State somewhere. foor•fillits of the
assemtled -multitude presort wore office-seekers." We
don't dispels any of the Gleuida's firms. or the z n•
dor of its' authority and merely allude to doe matt in
order to call %deaden to some of the office-seeking efe•
dilections of its owe party. By turning to its.ewn col
ons.. or thaw of its two Whig coadj4tera in this Openly.
the Editor. wi think. will find *headset evidence that
office-seek ingja not confined altogether to the Democrat
ic party. Indeed. if be will scan clet i pily the proceedings
of,a meeting held at the Court Ho 7 on Tuesday eve
ning, to take measures to welcome ov. Muster. the
chief office-beggar of the State, he Will observe that at
least •• four-fifths" of the Dames timid on that occasion
are those of "office-seekers" or tai" holders, through
the sufferance of the Whig party. We might jog our
neighbor's memory in .several other !animaters. bet this
will suffice for the present. The " easnenese of Ifemoe
racy." in this particular. has quite at many imitators in
the Whig ranks, we apprehend. as Will be at all conve
nient Whine election.
The August Intetest.
The Pennsylvanian says Gen. Dicke!. the Stain Taut
laver. is now in Philadelphia. fully prepared to meet the
semi-annual interOf on the Stile Debt, falling due on
the lit of Angola. la specie fends. The amount kas been
raised without borrowing a mingle dollar.. Groat credit is
doe to the wise and economical management of the pub- I
lie works. and to the firmness and industry of the State
Treasurer. in collecting the beckrdnes, ma is looking of.
ter the payment of testa by the thfierent counties. 'Goy.,
Johnston will no doubt set up his official claim to • @hotel
of the credit in the premises, bet as tb• Gieerner tie Dot i
yet Canal Commissiiiier. State Treasurer. and general
Collector of taxer. he most becoatest to take a back scat.!
been received at the New,' Yard. New York. to prepare;
the U. S. Ships Prattle ind Dolphig. with all despatch. td
sail direct to 'Cuba. It is believed that similar order;
have been received at the Norfolk Yard. with regard to the
Coyne and Portsmuath. It is probable that they are in
tended to intercept iny_espeditions that may leave dui
United Statist , for - the iivasion of Cobs. A reinforce
ment of marines will be put or board the Preble. is adiii4
tics to her usual complement.
IT The NeW York Merits has • statement to the '44
lecithin aphysitian was lately enlisted st Lowell, chart
ed with OM perpetration of a gross minis upon a woman
whom be bad placed is a mesmeric trance. He 'was
brought before a mailer Ito, bet was discharged wa ii be
lag aseeruilind that neither of the wittiness believed In
a God. rim this we infer'that some of the levels that
"leveaed the wbele lump" of New . kagland. when the
Pyrites/ bang Quakers. whipod Baptists. and slew
witches, still exists, and that the wives and daughters of
Infidels are turned ever "by . law" to the tender mercies of
the ',ben's* sad the debauches. Glorious New England:
.--the flickering light eyes, blue-laws is visible yet.
Cnr Joni M. Born.—We confetti to always having
a liking for this patleman..notwithstsadiug his whigery.
and his ••certain teeters." to John Tyler. and whenever
he (eras sop in the political world, is he often does. we
Gosi like giving him a boost en the reed to &mi. His
lest eJtjt is after this win. Being invited to attend a “fros
disensiien" diaper to btt given to two of the Virginia
candidates for Congress. at Fannville. Messrs. Boweock
Flournoy ! both of the ••South Csrolina” school, or being
very much that way, be wrote a letter. in reply. in which
,it is said. he roved the Secessioniate sod Diranioniste to
such a degree that Its reading was stepped and ne"ftes"
disesuistoe allowed. The ••Chivalry» were thrown into
Er HR 80.—Tbe Buffalo Coiner. is *Nokias the
piniesl histeir of Col. Bigler, war cudidate for Gower
eon says "is 1848 h. yes as sumeceaefol esedklaio for
Cola) Claainieser." This ie as 'mi. Col. Bigler
MY sever a nadidate for Casa Coutasionissu, sail least
of all is 1848. He was a easdideti for Gourmet that
year. ud Who bad bees sosiiaated. or say etbar equally
good ass. Jehsates would sot hare boos elected. et die
Suits given to lies. Taylor.
IT Didier the eves's, perfenesace ofitybiesee sad
difissre Circus. et . Solves Creek. lest week; Abe l l h a lf
ihe sostegave way sod heated semis XS'imnimesie a fa.
Ous bey. ihoet 14.yeare elet. bed bt. ars brehse;iiiile
the sifted caw elf Mt.M hd r isjirst
No Nod tirßombog.
There appears to be so end to hurcbug. not only la
medicine. but in' theories. The last one of the latter
which, by the by. is eminently harmless. became
11 , 1111 find few believers. is that put forth by a Dr. Bert
wick. of New York. in a work he banjoist published. aid
which is nothing more or km than the promulgation eta
theory of diet whereby the Doctor contends mankind map
beMadfo to live forever! The Doctor's theory I. a very
angular ene and looks quite preuily;on pape i r. Hs coin
pares the life of man, in a neatmettiphor. to • fire, which
will born as as fuel is supplied. unless its own ashes;
vikke it. • no applies this trope. by 'mayinfg that mankind.
if fed with proper food. will service; to the medal* An
togiloriass. for that death lir simply the conmeinenco of
the' joints, arteries and brain bee/iting ossified. by the
nepenthe/Mont deposits of phosphate of lime. or ether
amiably solistfinces. As thole depoiiits arise from the food
.at.., if we sat had containing; little earthly matter,
“death," says the Doctor, "will be put AC perhaps. kr
crecu 'The, argainent is as neat ms a proposition in En
ctn. We willpot the theory to oisr readers still Maher
dertail.loast some eithem may ;sot quit* compriiiiebd
ju t full beatify. The bones of • chin contain threapaniii
°isolating, to one of earthy solids; ; those oft middle arid
person two parts of gelatine to two of earthy solids. and
the bones of an Aged person Dee port plods' to Mimi of
minim solids. Thus the proportat'oftelatine to earthy
solids is entirely reversed as the Mahan animal advantess
from childhood to octogenariataipt. Now it is the ride
tinoos matter that readers the Whew of infants soft mled
pliable, and the absence of it thal.Makss the bones of Mild
people brittle. As man advance* is years the iscreadag
prevalence of earthy solidi is noticed in the blood. Seas.
Mentions. and Main. Food being the source from'wblich
the body is periodically rinnowei4 them changes in !the
'composition of the body mast acids. say. the Doctor. lions
Ma character of the food eaten. 'if a man lives on whin.
which coniaihs a large portion of; earthy mailer. and 'lno.
Mar lives oil ripe froitsothich contain but little. the flat
letter. according to our theorist. will survive the former,
all other conditions of existence.being eqoaL The
tor, therefore. wank Mankind to eschew. as far as pos.
Bible. bread • pastry. mid other compositions of who:44*in
to fall back upon traits. meats i n d fish. Our raiders
can do as the plisse. but as for morsel( we think we 4hall
parches* a few hermit. of lioer 'snore before we try toiliyo abstaining from the use of bread.
Tux Two Discrrnens.—Hon. John Bigler, who is f the
Democratic candidate for GOVerIOT of California; is a tiro
,ther of William Bigler, the Democratic candidate for!Go
senior of Penneylvaoia.—Ers. Pust.
it is further stated. as a further coincidence. that these
brothers are both printers. having been thrOwn on their
resources while very young: that_ they were both editors
of loading papers at the same time; that they both entered
on the profession and practice of the law together; halm
together filled important civil offices. and are,now candi
dates of their party rot the same office in remote Stites.
In ipite of their political predilections, they are worthy
gentlemen, whose esample should 'lot be lost upon their
young contrymeo.— Albany JerorrUti•
We copy the diem from the leading 'big paper in
N4rw York. "The dilinny Donne Jearnial," for two ma.
sons. First. to give our readers so idea of the estima
tion placed upon mar candidate for 0 by the Whig
papers oat of the State; and second, to notice the
penal tone of the writer. "In spin of their prediisetioas
they are worthy gentlemen" aye Ibis sapient jenrnal
let. Jest as though the brother*. Bigler. had overcoats
some sztraordinary• difficulty ii being "worthygentle
men," and at the same time Democrats.; We, do sot
wish to cavil at small msuers, list this is a manner of ei
peonies peculiar to our wbig friends, and one_ they ire
too much in the habit of osier apes eery conceivable
occasion. Now, the gestlethen in ipsestion are not siu-
solar. we apprehend, in being "worth, Patlemen" and
et the same time Democrats.' ;Thai's[ are theasenehe of
"worthy gentlemen" who are whip. but they are net so
is oar estimation "ie spite uf,"i or as VV,pbster defines it.
Nis defiance or contempt er k that fact.. Democraat does
eel teach men to be mum* 'uoty more • than whigery
teaches its votaries to be unwonhy.•hence we say nine
an Editor, or any bodynin, iselezpressions the lapins
a contrary opinion, as the above evidently does..hs pays
a poor, w very poor compliment; to the intelligence of his
made». and odds very hula wins own reputatioe. 'l l lt W.
,are "ware there has bees a tinovi lithe history of oar top.
peewits whom peeweesl disparagement on accoeitof po
litical prodinetions was a (* , Mei lie mode ot attack, but
that day hasloassed away. sad with it the eclat which its
ite4 4.o
use proeluee Men are "arerkhy gentlemen" sow. not
"in spite oh! the litics, but been's, of their tempera
' meat and Educative. ! •
' 117 Tus ',Cowe:min" is Tux Elotrru.—Aceirrding to
the Now Orleans Bee, the Compromise Wee strong ia the
South that it 4 highlylinestlobable whether tiny Stete, - ;
except South Carolina, numbers a majority
. ef itsoppe.
neat.. Georgia is willing to tski it; Alabansi maims a
wry face or two - , but will ondostitedly4low North
Carolina. Virginia. and Maryland , are overwhelmingly
is its favor; Florida is decidedly for the Compromise; is
Louisiana there are absolutely iiofire-eatirs. or nose that
dare avow' themselves each; Arkansas ie se mach out of
the way that we l hardly know the true state of publidepia
ion there. bat we believe it to he sound; bliseueri. Ten.
nesse.. and Kentucky are clearly and unequivocally for
thirCompromiset in blisiiissippi alone does Mere exist a
well-defined and broad differeioce ofeentimeot. and ilmrsi
• crest is even now in progress that will satiefectMily
attest the true feeling of the State. We are firmly Mite
winced that * Miseissippi minium be induced to Waiver Mbar
allegiance to the Union, or peXsaaded tereject thi mea
sure by which peace and harmony were restored. '
QT Tin New Ponces 1./w.—The Peetmeetir
oral bu pubfiabed for the ief4intatkin of Postroastjere'and
the public his decision on e ;large somber of ipscailone
arising nadir dib,sew posters law. Peelers on; boind
books. and printimi matter. except newspapers and peri
'edit:ale. published at intervals not exceeding three "maths
acid sent from this office of pablitlation to actual' salseri
here, must be prepaid. Posing° is to be charged•
route by which litters. ifcc.. are sent. sat they avii to be
sent. unless otherwise. dirS'itied by the sender.;by: the
quickest roll ' n. Subscribers is periodicals to n the
benefit of prepayment must pity a quarter's poster in ad-
WeeklY papers onlyare entitled te circulate free
of postage in the counties where published. and &Os priv
ilege Is limited in the counties ie which the propels are
printed. "Exchange paperoi may be soil blend from
Canada free of charp. Pcsit'phlets and periidiciabe. sot
exceeding 16 ow ices in weight. may be interchanged five
of postage by the publishers- . , the privilege being limited
to atingle copy., Bills for the subscription se such publica
tions, and receipts foe payment. may be enclosed Wilber t
charge i• addition to that of the periodicaL lostieefiens
are given also sit various other points, likely to lbS elms
frequent occurrence than theise here mentioned.
ErcomaT HAUL or C00111711111t1TRIU:VVI &i j re from
the , Elmira. (N. Y.) Democrat. tat several .MiloriaMs
moonterfeiters bars been rtaisted in that section, Mad that
0 12.000 or 1114.000 of their lepurioes imam bath, boos
secured. The persona arrelled are Geo. W. Bickner.
an two brothers. and • man ; veined W iffllllllf. Pfficors
are after others of the vine In several trunks.; said to
belong to the accused, were Mona their dies. papl.r. ink.
raters. &c.. .rind counterfeit +one}' to the assountOf about
$B,OOO on the Globe Bank cl• Boston. and $.1.090 au the
Mechanics' Bauk of Albanyl lid the balance offonaiii
vaularSanks. • •
. IT was Tram TEAT L4si Basci."—The *entree*
ps f or4rat states that a asetetifie stone weighlet Smarty or
quits i Iwo Madrid pounds was kind a few days Since es
dials in of Mr. Newton is Sprlalftsld. Monroe( county.
It w deeply hatieded le the eartk, and tbs tall of the
growl was still fresh ender it.
£7 Dr. West 's c*rd will be rimed L 1
eolmna. He iir to remain reverel wool's, at the iraracri
sokeitrtioa of many who think they have Wee bemoaned
by hie mode of treatment. '
ID", Quints Airaub.--C*m• P. Ward 44141. y shot
by Cipnod Dean. is the bows of £lBery. Ch,libiles
N. X. bad itaageteesly iposeded.' Dot led NM
ti &NW he 6. shahs "il l heobabiag
disselholle4 with the batebbil, ambuteek k
. .
Er Never give oesneel vaien it is MA asked of you;
especially to those who are incapable orappmciating it.
117" A blackguard without the redeeming , quality of the
wit. litho most miserable of th• bantam special. and can
obtaio no notice at our hands.
Er Nearly $93.000 bows been subscribed to the Ban
bury and Erie Railroad. by the citizens of Elk county.—
Well does for little Elk. Let ethers follow the example.
acr dint dollar notes of the • • Marine Bank of Burrito."
shored to bros. are is circulation. They are said to be
admirably done. Look out for them.
OT 03 the 15t* WA.. two hundred and tiftr doge were
killed in Cincinnati.' What will be the Gam upon the
sausage market. time meet determine.
11:7 Tug Lain 4111VICST10111.P•IliblitilId fees. MN?*
sd with advertisetnseta of busies's bosses. The inves
tor of en ispuious ♦ costriTSUC., will be sore to die rids.
V Huila/ —The lliteriilloo (Ohio) Neweoweee that
the coitotiee of Stark avid Wayse will mead to market lIIe
fall at least jour ihouseout tows of pork.
OZTA married coopkt. living in the upper part of Queen
Anne's enmity. MA. who have been in wedlock twenty
years. have had twenty Adobe& No danger of, depopu
lation in that quarter.
IT A bask no in old dilapidated Artie—erns shown
es yesterday. wittia Piece of yellow paper pasted,on the
back of it. on which was written in a bold clear *sod--
"Go it. Bill. TIl back you:"
.113" An editor in'.noticing a marriage of a brother
ehip, mayo. **we hope he will have an opportunity in a
reasonable time. of Aeolis, his short ertietniwitli SMALL
117 We Ikain that **our army swore terribly" at Dun
kirk when the new. teacked them that the six-foot tnek
was actually being ILid down here. Keep cool gentle
men; we are 'not do e with you yet. •
Er An is goiog the round, ottbe
whig papers that si e the origin of the Pennsylvania
state government 6408 criminals bays been pardoned.
and of those 339. by Governor Johnston. •
LIRICIAL-1. W. Corcoran, of Washibgion. the em
sent banker, has contributed $5O for the Washington
National Mpoument, and promisee a like mum each corv
ine fourth of Jaly until the monument is completed.
CU" The Mayor of Washington city. was ordered by a
conatiyman to hold his hone. and he did. Whether he
pocketed a fip or not for his trouW., wbea 'the was re
tinted. is not stated.
Er The government boa ordered a general survey of
Oregon. The work is to be entered upon immediaiely
and the results will d+btlese prove highly interesting and
Dlystrs.—For the first time, we Wiese, sine the
settlement of opr esstotry, a. band of Gipiseys have paid
us a visit. A number of these singular people have re
cently arrived from near Durham. Eng.. and are-eoeam•
ped at tine Elysian Fields. Hoboken.. •
QT Some silk's Clevelead dry-goods deafen were ta
ken is sad done for by a couple of •Ladies" the other
day. by means of counterfeit money. The CleVelanders
pride themselves in their r•enteuees" bit it evaporates
at thesight of a “bloomer."
QT SL►vts lE . C►!►u►.—The vast barracks erected
during the last rear at Wiadaor. C. W. and which are
rapidly falling todecay, are said to be occupied by fogi
live slaves (rota the &ales, autcog whom there, is much
suffering,and. poverty. .
IT It EXTRAOIDINART.+BOMb extra villanotts
scoundrel recently entered the chamber of • printer in
Cleveland, abstracted his shirt, tore open hie poeket•book.
and Mole away the whole contents therein. consisting of
• coin bearing the likeness of the American eagle. and.-
valued at ten cents.
ET The sound of the bricks sod trowel is consteedy in
oir ears now. since Major Draws has eistntneneed oper
ations on his sew Hotel. It will be one of the most spiels
nub Hotels on the Lake Shore whoa finished. and lathe
proprietor knows how to keep it, it must command a large
share of the tresslioc patronage. ,
Mn. Writrrm ‘ t.—lit a sald• thil the movers in the
"spontineoss'imffort to noniinate Mr. Webstei for the
Presidency. by subscription. have commenced taking
mu,tes from the tomb-stones. It is oat of respect to this
lies of ••retainers." thatiblr. Webetori has re-commen
ced the etady oetbe dead languages. t
Irr It's all the fashion now in Paris, and will be soon
heret for fashion trowels as rapidly and es certainly as the
choler" ifer the ladies to wear the manner and air of the pro
foundest melancholy. Like all fashions. or coarse. it is
bust salted to certain physiognomies, and 'Wood.. 'are
felted ta be delicious with no hope lek—utterly discodso
late. frepeeially if they have no beau.
'Cr New Bedford contributes a block ofgranits for the
liyaahington Monument. with. ii a device. the sculptur
ed Apra of a sperm whale, wounded with • lance and
brupooti.,—Tbe date "1851" is carved •pots the body.
and th• whole device is well ornamented with scroll
work. Over all appears the simple inscription New
ledford." in characters of appropriate magnitude.
'LT There is only one way to boil potatoies, of which
the majority of people seem to be profoundly. ignorant.—
Have the water boiling before you put the potatoes into
it; and after cooking them sufficiently. pour the water of
and allow thorn to "steam" about five, minutes previous
to serving them up. Toe will find them delickately
mealy.! The potato. is a fine vegetable but it is too often
most barbarously cooked.
T !Pisa:trios ja housta.—Hiram Bland was bong
at BlooMingtoo, lad.. last week. for the murder and fob:
berg of* man named Walker. with whom bewail travel.,
ing. Blau - d on - the (allows confessed the crime. declared
hie Censer statments false. and aSid he and his brother
in-law Murdered a boy some year. ago. He died with
out hope. he said. A largoirimber of women Toro re
gent. with children. and there was ribaldry and drunimbes
in the Crowd.
QT, The N. Y. Evening Postears a divine of consider
able entineSee in a neighboring city entered his pulpit
one Babday morning lately. and rater wiping the perspi
ration from Ms heated face.7.very elsborabrlY lag
the congregation from one, side ie the other. impressively
thaisbreke forth:
••••1•1 : is a rI--d bet morning'. Such. my brothers.
was th startling language which met my ears. as ma
tered holy temple this morning from one who. I sup
pose. his come here to take pert 111 the solemn exercises
opproi4ated to this place amid this holy day." &c..
Q Sow Awrions. —Alter an the. newspapers say,
the- , •geeenies" who visit New York for the bromism will
not heelers of "meek auctions." Hen le the last case.
which ire gather from the New York papers. One Dr.
Bralii°ll. from l 'omlly MU West." and ignorant of the
snares tind temptations that beset the verdant in Gotham,
west slot to see the sights on Thw`raday, and passing
doers Itnradway, he was much struck by a remarkably_
reasenible pries at which some philaifthrollic gentlemen
were dirieesing of • "choice assortment• of elegant gold
wateheir." Desiring to astonish his aeighbor, when he
returned home, with his shrewdness in making a bar
pin, he made wit''t he considered a judicious bid, sad:
to his treat delight. a splendid gold repeater was knock
ed doien to Him for $.30. He loft his own gold waith as
sioestit, white he went to the hotel for the money; and
.wben he returned his purchase was safely deposited in
his hands. He lef the store rejoining When eat of the
gentleinan, more philanthropic/ than the ethers, told him.
eonfideatially, that the parches had heft changed dat
ing hie absence. aryl that he shield in** on an exchange
being inade. He did so, aid received a silver gilt watch.
worth, perhaps. $B. thus being "dean" eat of $l2. He
applied tea magistrate, hot having Istitarily made di.
estibehge. there was se remedy: Dr. Banding left
the Abe a rowidor. hat a trims Reader. Wien yen
go to Sow York.;"bowaro of iwock tittles',"
The Payment et tbe Waren upon the Btlitti Debt
We notice mien; our whiteichanges, u) a the e we
t ea Argus, that the friends of Goo. Johnston heed hfo r Is
t h e shi e s, because that during his adnainietrattoo the i e .
Wrest upon the State debt his been paid. Even Ton e
for hie ine-election. Sr. solicited upon these grounds....
We thiek. however. that Ger. Johnston-is' not enb a. ciy
u much ttedit on this seore es he and hie friends clam,
N ow wh a t are the facts? Has the ingenuity of the Gov•
armor been teistin anyay. to make Up this eni elet i...
Did net Francis IL ISM it devise the ways Ind lotus
for the payment of tkis I wrest. and was not that inter/ it
actually paid during hisadiniaistration? liss any other
means been devised by Goy. Johniton? or has Borth,
policy of Fxruscis R, Shank been panieedibyiedemoerw.
to Leewletere. duneeratio Treasurer. Surveyor Gene d,
Amin:, G enera l . to g above all a thoroughly deo:went*
Canal Beard and in these matters hoe not G ee . y t ih e .
stns been ei r powerler se if he had not Leen Gi ue „„ r s
1 If there had been_a 1 eilore to meet the annual/es-K.
m i n t s of Interest, would G 01611740? Jhoneton have stiffer.
1 ad-himself to be No resonsible for it? No, not he.: Tb r
' man who refuses to sego the repeal of theobeuneti on Jaw,
aid gives as hie reason for .so refusing, that the democrat.
is party being in power should have passed irsooner.irinikt
not hesitate to safer such renimeatbility rest whe re i t 'tiny
belongs. Then we would helve been told that the dew.
'critic party were in the posessioo-of the ways aed
menus. and that the Governor 'could do nothing. If this
be 4 why appropriate the honor which is joillydee to
Ge s t Bickel and a democratic Canal Board to Govern er
le al •If the friends of the Goveraor can g o d u s
better hobby ler him than this, he w.ll stand a good
chance of being gallopped oir to Armstron g county soot
atter the election.
azr The Rochester daily Mess is out in favor of Gee.
Wool for the Presidency. TA6 General ill a strun maa.
Thoie is no doubt the people are to be' pretty eseential.
ly wooled between this and the Presidential elector:, who.
ever the eandit!atemay be .— , , ? Orwego Palladutta.
That opinion is essentially !firmly -he adecli" and c oo k!
only God an utterance from a throat made hoarse by shine
from the top of the ealtuffald'platforre."
On the 27th ult.. in Wattaburgtt. Hobart E. son of%
sad ht. M. McLean. aged 2 peers cud 19 days.
Oa the 29th alt., in Westfield. by Rev. Mr Pratt. Mr.
Daniel Harvey and Miss Clarissa Mies, both of this ein.
On the 3d intit., at Northeast, b► S. S. SpenCer,
Mr. Solomon Wilsey, of WeVield, and Miss Romla Csi.
sea, of the former place.
ew Adlrertiiemen.ti
Chappell's Magnificent
COMB( ED with a tortes! Tableau of die West Indies, wiz
he esh inner! this (eaturday) l afterntion and P"'' ;ai
seed House Hall. rairorania u tll noose at 4 and at s ,
Doors open half on hour pmt mint to ecenneueenient cI each tz.
hutdi I on. he Pa nut iuels 9 feet aide. and contai us =AO Nue,
feet of canvas, twins the most splendid - Panoramic Panning ill
on exhibition, This magnificent work of art II a. curi.:cd
Mr. Chappell, who went to the Wand for this purpose. th ata
wortmcd by the hew Panoramic Anima of New VOrk and Beal.'
lyn. Fur partienlars see Prograiatue-.
C:Ards of admit...ton 95 rents. A liberal illseount made r,r Ra
slier and schools. Children un.fer tea years, of age, ti ace,a;a•
elect be their parents, Pee. August
Pair Arrival of Clotho. Casairaore s, /kr., i t ,
DIRECT moat ritaricra,
PER 81111' - rAl;"1',ORY!!
100P1 FTF..4 oupertor floths . and Ca..ins-res of all Pokit,
qualities end widths. iamorte,‘ ihrertly tints Frws.
thereby saving to the purchasere extra char2es of tlr ItAtiir4
homes in New 'York. The suhs.c iber will' ri,nlin in a air
daydirect s. from France. as ah d s oy 10 gh. ru,n francs.
t .
which will lie sold at' Wholesale and Retail', t...^11 ii - wir man
. y before °tiered in this market. - AlosLi , kOCtl. n
Erie. Aug. 9. s
11LOVR from Neir . %Vhcat dun ground, au•l Warramed late
tir.frate. for 'ale at the NI tartvelc Milts M•
Erie. Aug. 9. 3113 Thu. riuort.
• - sepaztivArtz. -
I-HAVE a very large 'assortrneni of Candle Stick., L s e ile :ll,
islets. Dust Pans, Spittoons. Match Sall-4 , . TOT Cinaiike
which wiU fie sold by the dia. at Buffalo Price..
Erie, Aug. IP. • 13 Rrri's nu.
B e ITER und.CheiLve Tryert., at
Enc. Aug. •
114 EA eeII.ING TAPE:I—A and 30 IM, with Inkling handles.
.1. VA at the cheap Ittirdware Stole. . IS grecs NEW.
THE htritest snA Ines nutintent 4,1 Locks , Latchtn.
Daus. *crews. Brads,. notating stash. i.e.. so ' tMo4 m
ibis City. are 44 the cheap !Hardwire 814 fr. RC Ft. MILD.
Aug. , 13
ROWLARILII'S Mill Sane% and ¶ bb . u's lite% at
:Eua. I. 1 , ,13 • Rt7ll :5 REEDI I
CURRY C OMAS , Cards and Rrtnbet , at the Cheap Wardttme
Store. 1 , L 3 RI. lI'S REED.
Glll NO 6TONES. Crank* and. Rollers, for ,a 4 ,, sett rata-it
Auc. 9. 13 RUEI r. R 1.1.1)
P,14K1 i tielt 4 L 4 ORS—A ver,f elite gawk., by
Aug O. 13 • RUMS REED.
WS IVA 'TIM Amaral).
DR.wrsTERvELT. lire well-known and successful Dec-
Repaint e and Homeopathic Physician. ot I 'lerHaint. fans.
according to promise. Is again in his rooms at the inwriesa
House. iwiErie, where hi. patient., and anon., rn Shove afflict
ed. can hate an oppo y of eonnutioic lion iiir a few days:
and especially those in ho have disease. of lone 01110.02. and art
considered in curable. are particular!) on 11,1 a, con, and tapir
will be to ld $o a certainty whi•ther the y fah )4 ., :tire.lor not, asks'
has a new awl peculiar mode of cc:min:n.2 patients for disease.
by which be ran aaaertan, 11.)0 fqa...t fue.ftion and intedsin of
disease. add if curable. i•rev..ri?.e a luitatile reineh. He tuakes
uo char ge
or Ca3U/1031 , 01 1 * or mli 're. Tire follou me are a few
of the thee that he t- eelok ail
. 1: ~ iccenninj i n cueing
'Avila and lialapiinatory.litieutuatinui , Neuralgia.
Headache Tocithaelie.Whooptng Cough. Croup. Asthma, Arun
and Chew se BrOaChiti4,Consunir ion. Inflammation and Heal:
mintage the !Wags : Diseases of the Liver. Heart. lintarys sod
Intestines; Dysylepsy : *minions, Acute. Chrome. ant Inbar
matory di on the Eye. : Deitne.s t Foe,' and Ague : 'tutor
hong and diseases of the :tone ; rot.. Leononnea and be"
Impious U 0 : Cancer. Istlaninial ion. i'lerfation , and other din'
eases oft Breast*: Old CI 'cm, Tumors:lnd revcr doter ::I¢-
vars. Cat ptie.,Vainting. Epileptic. and Pfiral)tie Fits • hair
ItY• Hy hondna and aft other Nervous Dt•coir4.
In sho all, who are afflicted are invited to come, and I will
*lve you dvsee without money and a 'Mout price : and if your
cane is a arable one. I hill give you abundant and satisfactory
evidencetiny Mut icy to cure "'and if. it its not curable. I will
henestly i il you no. I can be seen at my rooms it ca)
the America
House. at II bourn, front 7 o'clock A. Id.
Erie. A ii. 9. :1 . , P. A. WESTERVELT , )II D
TI1).1 above figure represents GAM, pREN i ry Gg4l ,
DR/LL,WIi IC h. as regards Pi MOW sty and effect. has no ev. ,
The Machine is free from every possible oh, ee (ion. and IPPO 4
a )/fachittens the farmers ha vetong needed and desired. gy
pawing over the land, it harrows the ground. sow is the seed •n;
the most enact regularity and precision. and cote,. snit'''. sled
goad and proper deli c hereby saving much time, sator and
in planting. The ell tof drilling wheat is ile•ervedif o°l 's
lug ninth attention at his line. and is fast taking Its pit":o4
the old imperfect way of row mg broad-east. It is lasi
ground. and Will 10011 he uni% errant , adopted.
time of the many experiments in dulling, made by floe"'
lite. 1244 .of the Stale of Delaware. will t.e:itni. i.e iw
trait Mr. Noble Fa) I, IIiUS hastenl Ong •••
carefully measured with the chain acid cumpase. I . %% 10 . 6 ';
The Surveyor was present when the wheat rrNllerhasit
thateae.h acre had its due share. It wit. put swat in rcpt:
mows, and threshed - separately. and all the grain nowWl.o
This experiment showed the following results The ar 044 1
sowing had two bushels or seed to the acre, and produced „.
'even shocks—in mai -se. en bushels of Wheat. 1 Mit limed
one and one-fourth of seed to the acre, and 0 ,4 '16 4 :
ty-tive sharks.% hell thrartsed out rhirly-vm en I.usetrofs
Another geink.inan. Mr. l Frances R. Moor., of ferry ;bit
MY , • I have. the. 1411. •put in on my farm 43 Errs
with Callines Premium Grain Drill. and 1 ha. c hum' . 0 1 7 0 ,
pronouncing it ittekert drill that 1 Jta. e ever seen. wir
worked altogether to my entire satisfaction. The whea t owe
up, with the meat perfect nhenlarity..and hid, fair hr 0 .)
&micron lured two boric% and put in eightacresi t e" 4
no person to assist..
Tbme Machines are now manufactured by the guWe nb r ini on' lM
ban purchased the Patrnt;ini heao4l verY fhP, P P:„.„,hra
sad oilers ale Incited te Clll and euminc.and Hatay 7.•;;;,.
Aue. CLARK, State P