Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, August 09, 1851, Image 1

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    4 . ..
T , •. i
- -., It i
~, .
♦. T. DiralalN &0 0., Proprietors.
. VOLUME 22.
frit Mtittil 65erner.
s. I' :111 L 0 A INN-4i d iVG r.
adeeribers by the earner. at flab
Sy wad, or at She dike, Si advance,
Fyn" not paid in advance, or witbid Wee sand* Ikea tbe time
sit outmeribiug.laro &San will be charred.
iyAll cOodaupleatioas mot be µMI paid.
• Cards not exceeding 1 lines. one year. Imes
(toe square 64 6 6 10,00
do. do. six months, 0,00
do. do. Utilise months, 3,00
Thinnest ads ertisements. SO cent. per square, of fifteen lines or
ten, for the first insertion: la cent+ for emelt subsequent insertion.
1:1 1. earl? advert niers have the privilege of changing at pleasure.
W t at no tune ate allow ed to occupy more than two squares, sad Is
be /mated ts Mete immediate Miasma.
Advertisements not having other directions, will be Immersed till
forbid and charged accordingly.
ArnotieT •T LOC.—Office at pfeaent an the Chronicle Office, hl
Wanner Mocha.
Arroevin £T LAw.—Otßee over & Wirtihre Ranking
E.labitohment; entranee lirvt door west. on the Public 13quare
DUCAR. In Dry Goods, Groceries, Liquors of all kinds, Crockery
Nails, kc.. one door south of 13nutti Jackson's mom, Plena'
Evert, Erie, re.
G. A N. DR E
Arnt of J. Andre OffenbSch—Pepot of Foreign MUSIC and tata-
Inca! 3ltycliatikzeonholenitte and mad, No. 19, 80. 3th Si..
Att. Chestnut 'greet. PlailAdelphga.
Pafroctot and Fritocos—OtEce corner of State and Seventh
Streets; Restde , ,ee on Eighth Street, between French and
Holland, Erre, Pa.:
DIALER in Groeer les. flu" ision is, Wines, 14ntiors, Candies, Fruit,
&e.,, One Door }‘Clow Lou... Jr. Co's Mate street. Erie.
Dealers in Gold. Silver, Bank Notes. Profts. Certificates of Del
potti. Att. Sight &chance on the principal cities eorrautiatlf
for sale. (Ace in Beatty . * Bloelc. rutdie Square. Erie.
&taro. Persicimi—office, corner of French and Fifth
streets. o. er Moses Koch's store. Residence oh Fourth street.
one door east of Ovoid Apothecary Mall.
pas constantly on hand a full supply of Groceries. Liquors. 6 h4 1
Chandlery. Prot It ions. Produe!. ke. . and *ells Wholesale
us Retail as cheap as the cheopest. No. MI. Cheapsude Erie.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.
Sevatutiunary. army and Nary ['cannons. Bounty Lands and
for exua•pay. and all Lther bustuen entrusted to medial!
!recite prompt and faithful attention.
Other in Wright's Block on elute aired. over J. 1 1 1. Fullerton'a
. Erie. Oct. 19.
Wnormut.a.rncl Retail Dealers in Dry Goorls.Droeeries.llirilware.
Liquors. Figur. Fish.. ealtl .No. I, IVriglit's Bloch ear
ner nii•Stare Streets:
1110.11 LAIRD,
Fafiiona6M Tailor, roamsover tbe Aare ondlasith SseksoniCheop
el:1 - ri NG done dh sbon notice.
Booloelfer and Stationer, and Manufacturer of Blank Books and
Wriin ink, corner of tbe Diatuondand Sixth apeet.
J. icitETN.
/recut andireocral Agency and , Commiss
lin, Pa.
T 4 . l "*U.rOmiliats and Anwerteau Hardwareand
s t=.
Aim. Nadi, Anima. v pees. Mu Oftull Nu. 3 Reel Erge. Pa.
W, J. F. LIDDLE St Co.
Iturisurras. Came and Wagon Builders. Slate be
tween oeveash t Eighth. Erie.
Brew,. one Door wort OW. B. Wright'. more. is
OIIICE watts Doet. A. Besse. Seventh near Sassafras street. Res -
.idence. otatAsensfras. ope door north of Seventh •
Wanuutaca and Retail dealer is Groceries. Provisions, Wines.
'Liquors, Friut. /Le., tc ronwir of French and Fifth Btree4►,
oppoiate the Farmers' Hotel. Hue.
Wiintwaer and Retail Dealer in Fundy Groceries, C‘ockety
Glaiswaie.leos. Nola, &e.. Cheap Aide. Erie. Pa.
sir The highest [slew paid kw Country Produce. 43
mairiliorr T mow; and Habit Maker:—Altoie. No. Sltaeitis Meek.
(opposit•tbr Bunnell Black) tliiale Street, Erie. ,
la Walker's Otlke. on Prrestb Ritieri. Erie. Pit
Isenwrisajoblier. and Retail Dealer in Dry Goods. Groeeries.
Crtekery. Glassware. Carpeting. Hardware. boa. beet.
&e: Empire Ptores State Mon. bur lbws. aglow
Brown's Hotel, Erse. Pa. .
Alio—AsollN a
Vices. Arnow , Az* AnnaggPrift.l. and it leneral
aaeortment of Saddle and Carriage Trimmings. t
- -
'iltranarrer air Law and Justice of the reser, and Aieat for
the ke) Fiona.. Mutual lair Insurance ComPami7—Olite34oo4*
sew 41 Wright.. noir. Erse, Pa.
Ammon. At Law. Girard, Erse County. Pa. Collections end
other Mumma attended to with promptness and d
JOSIAH Kta66o.
roncardinl k Commission Merchant. on Om rublic Doc ink or
e 4 / 1 /0 welt. /,
rem. Pak.
I Maar Fish. comm Uy for sale
Banker and Ettionge Broker. Dealer in Bills of Katharine.
Warta, terrific:44,of Depoate. Gold sad silver tors. Ad, &C.
()Kee 1 dotes beggar Brown's Hotel. Flit'. rat.
I. AosEfilwEfiVar,
Irian. Damning in Foreign hod On'Wale.; Dry
Goods, ready in Clothing. Boots and dhOtti, bid” no.
WrintiellElork. Sine street. Erie.
ATTMILIFIR AT Law, Cleveland, Oh io-I:Nhee OA Orripllffialt Weft,
to .Ita atera Block. Refer to Chief Justice Parker. Cambridge
Law School; Roo. Richard Fletcher lodate ea, Rothielt
hauoiel H. Perkins. 1411 Walnut llll4:ll4fillidelpilia; Rittrad
lidahad. E.q..33 Wall aueet, New Vogt. Far arsthoootals. re
ter to tins office.
ArIMINTTS Law—Othee up mho is Tammany Hall bulkling.
mMolwe Prothonotary's °Mee. Erie.
Store, entrance one door well O( SLIM SUM, OR the Diamond,
if.t,sic In Dry Goods. Dry Groceries. _Crockery. Hardwire. Ee..
Ha 1 C 4 laeapucie. Erie.
brAuta InGrove/Ift and Provisions of all kinds. Buie Meets ewe
boils . nerds of the Diamond s Erse.
in Dry Goode, Groceries, Hardware, Quinn. Won. Vogie.
hen, Nada, ee.. Cbespside. Erie. P
Caown MAlrtn Upholster, aad Usdenaker, comer of State and
2e nthstreets, kite.
°mut. Forwarding. Produce and Cominiaon likireltantatdgalen
in roar.e and ncie aalt. Coal, Plaster, Shingles, Ice. Pidgin dock.
nu sidle of the bridge. Erie.
del Forkardiug. Cothwisoloa ohd Produce Merehano4See
bad Ware-bduse east of the Public Brklge, bk..
tta•Litta In Watches, leweiry, Pdver, German Rarer, dated and
Britannia' Ware Cutlery, M it and 'Fahey Goods:Sae Area%
neatly opposite the le ask Hotel. Yiie
G. Loomis.
noi.essui and Retail dealers in ff io, Ono.
Dye -sae's. Glans. !e
No. 4t. Need Erie.
r.goino, six 'kraut 'Talkie. as the puplit. square, a few doors
REM of State weal. Elle.
1). 8. CLARK.
♦ND atria Dealer in Groceries, Provisions. Ship
Chandlery. stone-wan. &t. et., No. 3,11110011 ell Block, Erie:
0: b. BPAF ORD.
Desist in Law, Medical. school Miscellaneous Books stationary
Ink. ex. State sr., four doom below the Public square.
Itetident Dentist; °Mec and dwelling hi We Beebe Block. on the
Enn.ine of the Public Square. Teeth inserted on Gold
Plate. (nun one to an entire lieu. 0 11140 ,11 teeth with p ure
‘ca4 and restored to health and haelialneas. Teeth cleaned
With muniments and Dentilkie so as to leave then of a pellucid
Slesniem. All worn warren
r. riTuriA, • Rs liclocon—Odiee it his residence on Seventh street,
appal* the Methodist Mareit, Erie.
wirou...L., AND lerAte (Indere in Drawe e Medkliees. Dye
croc,rie., &e. i%o . a, iced Mousey Ene•
Dish dosen that sparkling euplits glean.
Like the pale corpse-light o'etithe soak
Is but a false. deceitful WILL ' • •
To lure theeohward to thy doom.
Dash down the cup !—a p0i 71 .79 1 411
In eve) , drop tby lips would dra
To make thy life-blood seethe and leap,
A fiery flood. through every vein.—
Aliesy flood that will knee.
By slow degree' , that god-like mind,
Till 'slid its ashes not a trace
Of mama shah be, left beitiad.
11. 11. HAmmitrrAcc
elpite 311i5tellantl. •
In the weeks that followed. Margaret Demme* hail'
staple time to regret her obstinacy. The breech that
separated ber from tier hothead seethed daily to widen.
He gave her no opportunity for explanations ; bat treat
ed her with studied coldness whenever they met. Her
apjatment bfhad ceased' to lhare.?eloce that fatal night.
busioas, i'rank-
She felt now bow mach easier it would bate beep to
to.iiiis-wisbes—smora• se hays renoarioal alt
society—than to bear the penalty which her perverseneis
had brought upon her.
Often had she been upon tha point of throwing her
self ;t his lest, and begging fora return of his Mee ; bat
then pride would hold her batik with irt iron grasp.
Oh, how . truly has it bees Mid that " pride is to be
conquered mamas would conquer an enemy." Few there
are that tooliiis bow it plants the thistle and the there in
the fudge of the affections—Wei it tares the heart Le a
desert. and niseals the Marta. which with its surging
flood sweeps away all holy effectioes.
• Margaret felt Ikst too truly that the difference which
had separated her from her husband. bad also removed
bet farther from her God. She Could not call open Him
as before. when, looking upon her children sad her hus
band. she had ecknowledgedlHisgoodoess and mercy to
her. is giving her each Wwisgi. New. with the eel
&buses of an impenitent heart. she accused hfui of in
justice: sod recalling the gloomy doctrines which had
Immo early impreesed upon her. memory by the pious mo
ther who was now ne mere, she thought if she was fated
to be at unloved wife. she would at least learn to but it
with stoicism.
TIM day after dry. she wandered farther from the
kingdom of Heave. the thormi of earth wounding her.
the hitter waters of her heart ovetWhelming her. and pride
only swengtimaing her 'to emiarnses.
- At length Came as iniitatisa to a party. given by •
et her oldest sad most intimate Mends. ..
Margaret bad *either isclination to go nor opirit to pre
pare herself; bet Emily Wain would take no refusal.
; 1
Tableaus net ibis out of dates sad oho was prepar
ing to ba en a large scale. No eve but Marga
ret came ep her ideas of a Rebecca. and so she coax
ed Mn. es into yielding her reluctant coneset.
The day ieg arrived. and all the enerning Mar
garet had been ppreseed with an reaccenuitable sadness.
She Went into t nursery to divert her mind with her
.. . .
Ida was sales but Harry had just been, brought is by
his sane from avalk. and his atteittlin•Was engrained
by • new tov I
~ Comeltper..llarry." said Mrs. DonWace ; " come
sit in manibtile lap."i '
Pto. me sat. me dons wait Up, am Sit is me own
. .
1 * Oh, Hwy. a eaeghtfirey. to speak bo to mamma!
Well, Newer dried ; when poor minima dies, and is bur
ied -up in the cold grand, th a little Haft will feel bed."
The tander.bearted fell°dropped his toy. and beret
into a sob, the big tears rolls down hie cheeks, bis breast
Sewed. lewd be said reproachfully, 1
a. Oe no do right to talk so to me ; dorm we see blew
bad on teaks is. feel ?"
His feather was ready to clasp him to 14ncheart. whoa
soddenly his whole cusatsaiines changed.
his fanner ladepeodeat tote. sad at the u'lMe liras pia•
lag ay his ley. he wild.
ff Wolff , me douse caret us um listadtl i whease die.
ma papa get m• nos mamma very spicy*
Margaret was so used at this mudded dursi that she
felt like shakiag the boy ; batumstrelliag itnrself.abe left
him to the nurse. who wee mightily pleasnd at the spirit
oviseed by hie wauwar.
Aid thus every / little event of that day steamed le have
a teidesey NAmmo her more and mom; sad whoa the
boar app roaaised that Mrs. Wakes had pesatised toms&
bar bashand for her. she stood shivering" although be
side a gwing fire. feeling that she weald be winiag to
could she hut ores more nut her bead upon her own
husbaad's breast,
T. M. Arena
Oho hid ordered her own einiag• thaiaight. cad, at
the appointed hoar. it was pitnetrugly at • deer.
Mr. Witham bad nat ems: Ob. the relit if Ole *NW
net be okiligstfro go ,
Ones more she went•te he r headoir—the garbs' g little
roam. where she had period's* many happy Mats with
bar bookend, be raiding -boating her tbeidkvetite leaks;
what she. pill* yid tepee a hotatgo. bawled; weakling
it woe henna vets, had eirekketi his la! lb rid Nada
kited know
sflert Vottni:
sparkling gleam will ads wally.
and thy Wt. bewildered:kr%
*ad dismai,
*sib wilt wet
Dash down the enpii—a aerpeat starts
Barad' the &were that crown Its brim.
Those deadly hugs will firikathy heart.
Aad make thy dashing eye grow dim :
Before whose hot and maddening Meath—
Mote fatal than the 1.1/110011 bh/i—
-ns ainnix44. in illbiesordi death..
Will sink,a wor.hiess wreck at Ism.-
Dub dawn the cup !—thy father stands, ,
And pleads in accents deep and low,
Tby anguished mother clasps her bands;
With emirateg lips and wordless was.
They who bare borne tbee Cu their brats
And shielded tire through Many a yeari
Oh! wouldst thou make th eir blest; !
Their Ilk a joy—their pleading t !
Dash down that eup!--thy young.wite koiels ;
Her eyes, whose teats bare often' gushed,
Are turned with mute and soft appeal,
Upon the babe, in akimbo' hushed. : •
Didst thou not woo her iu thy youth
With many a kind and sol -ftSrt Ma ? '
Oh, turn again, and all !mitred'
And love shall be rewarded now !
Dash down thump:—and on thy brow.
Though darkened o'er is Ith many A stain,
Thy manhood's light. so fl ehle now.
Shall bright and steady burn again. ",
Thy strength *ball, like the fabled bird,
From its own ashes upward spring.
And fountains in thy breast be stirred
Whose waters living joys shalt bring.
From Bartaln'a agozioei
. . •
Ncom.e staid there i slows. Alone ! and oh, so wretch
ed ! r ikt choir way robe turned, the lofty mirrors re
fiectroo • k • Rode Gee, with eyes that tears had robbed
of hallitlistr brilliancy.'
oi a
. To! strange I t seo ed !
Der kiress of tuber tin, with its bertha of mostly lace
--the ilelieate-rlolored reath of natural jessamine low
ers th 4 eneirchid her ad as a coronet—the embroidered
deoni4irt of 14s, lee dop with green sprays , mod jet,-
samierir budi; in non h hate evinced. so mach !usury
seetteeltd around. and Vrlthal, such world* of misery look
NW 0 7 from dip tirPrhlo of those hopeless eyes.
Th deer bell rang. The servant who eaa*ored it.
asherOd a geathoman Polo the drawing room. 1 ,
Meal, Dorranee. advancing. met Edward Graham.
"Mr. Groh& In ! lre what accident am I indebted-for
this ullexpected call 1 4 '
"Mrs. Watu come
five it uo-ni t. bl
saidoiroma ,• .... • nisei
1141 1e Derra - •
from t it dim • m
" iol Emily as n
am released f ea mi
Grebe*. and in sow
Me. I will sal detail
" Ihot. Mrs. wr
that ['wield' tre
goi ; ' t or able
1 001 7 T,
*t lam Sot r
she enswerod. 1
" I did not
a l p
Mr.. ,Dorra •
Walkup is re I
sod without ,
" I cam* _
seed her b . •
treat site
what 4e gi ll e d :t
receisiog otts4tioas
" Bat. Mrs.tDort
interdict," itt4wroje
spoke, hi &iced ti
both istnainet stuff
mew His v ice go
es be eemicoled:
•• I met bi 4 to-da
yea ibis eve fog; I
objections. I. bops
*Kilted in dbt ew ppo e i e
Mr. Dees
*tee whiebtatere
epeltea the m r „ . . I
him a hie eh
persuade her Athletes of her duties as a Wife ; mid
associating hiin whit ol,6,Si:um of her alienitiou from
bar husband. S wee no wonder that oho felt s five of hi s
tryieg to sepatstoes still farther. She Auld %rept.
earnestly epee him
" Mr. Grebe's. that strictly Use 1"
" Open my ,ben it is. What moon bay* you to
d•obi 0 2 , word: Id Do/ranee 7"
b"l theogirt it possible." she replied. " timjghis might
e sea of the iseoaooas for falsehood, tot whilidOmities
-514 life rusts free and full absoletio• ; bee irk is so
you aiy.l will not tilsappoiat Emily; it wwithi sett right.
t ibppoes. tot me Si do ea."!
She prepared heAtelf to go out to the carriage.
" Toe are not deceiving the 7" eh* said.
" Or. Graham emitted the door. As he followed Kn.
Denims iota the ball, his quick eye caught a glimpse of
her husband just Coming out of the library. Ho alums.
ed is a raised Wei.
"I told you. Met. DOlTanee• *wall what Your hus
band mid."
They were gond. Margaret bad not seen the one im
ploring. despairin i g look that was cast after her. She
had i not a dreim of the tempest of agony with which a
"fall grown heart.'.' freighted with.loys fo r y her. was
battling throoghout that weary night.
Could she hut lave divined it, bow joyously would
she bay* tattooed her steps ! with what asphaiations of.
aNd:coneessions for. the past—with what promises Cot the
fames. would slut haw dispelled that momentarily in
creasing storm .
.4 False-hearted. entity, subtle. as I believe him to be,
yet has be told her all, and she , has chosen to go. Now.
as 1 said, peahens be though it breaks my heartstrings."
ese were the only words that escaped his lips.
And what had Fie said ?
It was true that Edward Graham had met him. and
asked his collect to wait spelt his wife ; but ha had told
him that it was to a theatrial eihibitiou. 'lt was true
butt Mr. Dorrance bad auswpredJie should make so ob
but ha bad also added. " If she Nioseuts,to go
with you ti-light. ohs shall rotors to my house no more."
The party wae ever. la all her. characters Margaret
has seemed to excel herself. As Coring% the whole
company Inked npon,hat with breathing astonishment.
Ireaderiag Masi each depth, of expression. where before
they had soled may were regalerity of foaling and bril
tinny of complezioa. Whispered words of ,admiration
(attested beseverywhere vibes the tableau* named ; but
heartsick fad weary of alt—the peening for her hue=
bead's preeenos creeping into-her breast more sad morr.
to the suer estieetion atilt other emotions. she welcomed
with eager joy . the anaminsentest that her carriage woe
in waiting.
Mr. Grahame was of course her escort. lirt was very
mock anisgatod.'aud proles* is praise at the parts she
had so well agstaiged. She answered hies ogly a wesu
°syllables. Indeed. her ailed was so proseriPiod with
thoggts% of her husband. resolviog that she wesid (bat
sight coulees all her. wretchedness to bull; dust she did
set eves ghost,' the direetiog which the' eannsgs was
At leagth stopped. The &swag. Singing *pea
the door. said. "Shall I eing this bell. air?"
Margaret &aced ap to the house. It wee her tatber•.
dwelling. 1
" What does thin glean 7" she said quickly. « drive
hack to my owd residence—whh( are- yes thistle( of.
Richard 7"
"IN my sw4or'.orders. madam : be directed es to
leave yes hers r f' , -
There Ikea ea huielest toss Is be feetinstervolee which
was very gelling : bet collecting beeself. Mrs. Dorrstie•
replied with dignity;
** Yon know inty father is in torops. -Richard—liters
is no one here bet his besseiteeper-I am sure theirs is
10010 mieundeistending. Tell to drive back.
end dies if roar master still insists. I will maks ni ob.
T o
1 .. , uWe cia't do it. indeed we snit. Mrs. Dein ."
&amend itishisd, with MOM guiltiness. **Mr. r
elines told bitthl Bill and me , that he would tars oat'
of his gamic* if we failed to obey him."
Mrs. Diereses threw herself beck in the cerrisge4
uMy God I what is there left for ~ to do 7 my bout
is brokin I"
M. Graham bast bin bead, and isblapare4 a row +sods
is hat oar.
iptaeg ftem hie aided if be had bees a estreat.
Iked mein ep the lefty marble stem rand,: both peal
Mee peak : with bar iws deliestolyileved heal.
The elmitem wets elated ad the way sp. bat emit ate
is the sewed may synod, sad a raise WWI est.;
r atissiesei me last evening to call
. Dorranes. Her hastased. stio
ably detained 14.!
I sailed, bat` her eyes shabged not
oho answered..
-o r part of lb* rotappaet. I
t tgo to-night. Mr.
all Obis you
- ot
e. 1 ghat
to have given
yoa•ooe moment long..
ce. your friend made ins ,
a without yea ; indeed yea meal
cut * damper over the whole
. ugh to believe dm. Mr. Graham."
I I• tumbles of scorn is ber lig toner.
I i
6 th any lineation of Battering yen.
/ ill Most assuredly be so. for Mrs.
lea to personate several characters,
whole scrim_ mast of come fall
SIG al
with 1
ly it
sig on
'' th
Mr. 13-. hue. A. Emily did aet
me. as ahe promised. I me toleMsd
f otra mot ore ii, for ay" did 1
my husband has ohjeelati to my
n r es ont you."
4. year heebaad has talt*eir that
pd Mr. IGrajeaut. eagerly. sad an be
rongp send of room. for they
ing in the centre of the &awing
ight bari been a semi-tone lower.
'e and asked hie eensent to wait upon
replied promptly that he had we
now yea will not cossideir yourself
tiag your friends."
Id not aceenat for the sudden sus-
her 'Riad that Mr. Grahais had set
e be sem she had eseattl!te tegard
the sight ho had esdssvered to
.• What in goodness' name is 'angst at this time. of
•' It is I!I ! do coo net know me 7—Margamd Mar
garet Dorrance. I beseech you. Mni. Brows'. lit me
yaieklc ; I shall die if you do met?'.
The momenta that elapsed before the door was opened.
seemed to her an age. as die stools) therO with her opera
"cloak fluttering oat !be *rind. and **cold night air
striking foil open her unprotected anal led broom.
Edward Graham bad Vowed her. and bow be ham•
My said,
"Berate we part. Mn.
.DOTTSOOO, say that you forgive'
She stamped her foot is'fressy, u also auwered.
"Go ask forgiveness of God.-you seed It; he Gulf
forgive you. bat 1 sever will."
The door opened and elosettafter her as she Went in:
The carriage rattled off, and Edward Graham unmet
from the iteps—his hypocritical.' reinersekoi heart too
utterly lost to ll gwediemotions to feeyother then disap
pointment at the thwarting of his designs.
CBI rric a tv.
Morning found Howard Dor:noes still is his library--
his haggard face and bloodshot Oyes too well attesting the
strength of the Mora that had }pe nt its upon his.
throughout these Piet sight wahes.
He had kept his word. but in so doing he had wrench
.. is heart until every,beat wits bet a throb of pails.
The • eviction. which is his isorbid reveries litsil far
tesed it.el . .. • him. that in his wife's unfaithfulness.
he was to meetly punishment of his broken vows to
Helen Graham. 110111= • to bare crowded from his mind
all thoughts of • possibility . .is having in any way mis
judged her. -
' Even bad his conscience accused '• ~ of too great se
verity. could he not fiad occasion to josti j imself in her
A:oldness T--int the ntarks.of favor whieb ihe . d given
to his bated rival 7—.•10 the choice which she bad •• ' • e
butkthe night\ bettors. It detkusee of him f•
As the morning heats were ea. a letter was brought
him : a servant in the hall awaited an answer.
Ha broke the seal. It was from his wife. , '
, Upon its pages be traced each, pule:stations of inno
cence. each bursitis words of changeless love, for blue,
such edjurstiona for meray.that his heart Melted into for
giveness for the errors she confessed. He wrote hastily
his answer promising to be with her immediately ; be
folded the sheet ; be looked in vain amidst his owls pa
per@ for an eavehme, and rising. went to the drawer of
his wife's writing desk. The first thing his byes fell ape.
was the enclosed loch of Mar. He ould NO what fi wee
through the less paper. and seizing K e lso opened it with
the fond hope that he might find it his own. go earnestly
had she'assand bitm that to hitt aloes had her heart's
lofibeita given. He road. ''Edward—midnight. Astor
st consmatio."
Staggering back. his face grew pallid, and his teeth ,
ground fiercely together.
He drew the note he had written In reply. upon the
coals ; he took an envelop'? from his wife's drawer, and
enlacing is it the letter she had written to him, directed
and dent it back to her by the servant ! ,
He was weak so longer. his heart was troubled with
no more vein yearnings. The woman who could all
upon God to leftmost her 'mimeses duty other love save
that she bore her husband, while hat breast was-filled
with a guilty passion for another. she who could' thus
mingle treachery and deceit. could ig u lgpser hold any, I
claim upon his heart. Ile would have splicned b i er from
him u if she had been a worm.. had she thrown herself
in his way. Tea, be thanked - God that he was strong
sow that his weakness was, all over. Ile had done with
picking flowers by the .wayside. had now to make
himself a path through thorns and Wars. and manfully
would be toil on over them. If they lacerated him. none ,
should km?* it; if be grew weary and faint, he would!
heed it net On. on. passing not 'even to look back In-1
VAN' put, until toil-worn he elicit:ld welcome the only ,
refuge from ceaseless sorrow which the world can give,
—the grave.
Bach weri his thoughts. The very day he 'wrote M
letter to ,his suet Egerton. the only relative which death
had spared him. begging her to leave Woodlawn, heti
_piaci( upon the lindson, and curie to his city home td
'take charge of his children. while hi,shoald travel is Ea 4
She had not visited him sines his marriage. nor had
be taken his young wife to her home ; fma coldness lisci
sprung up between his anal and himself, on mecum of
his treatment of Helen Grabens. Who was her devoted
fries .
/ 0
It was at her place that 'he had first met heri
Bat whe wrote so humbly . acknowledging his sin;
and t Sing her of the severe punishment that had been
visited upon him for it. that Mrs. Egerton could not rt 4
fose his requeit..
There was nothing, to !troop her at her own home. *sr
eept her attachment to the beautiful spot ; for she bad no
family. baying lidos' left a widow bat a (ow months after
her marriage. 1
Bbo imarodiatoly made her
,areangemente to leav e
Woodhora. until the sunset weathbr should come on.
at which Uwe shb proposed returning with the children
and their omen
Two wookonsers.aad she took from Howard Deers*
the charge of his mangles. wltili he imatianed his pill
parabola for trawling. •
blergeret Damage sieved shoot her fether's has.
like to aeteleasse. Sew* the day Iwo *ter had Ines
newsed to bor. *thee' woe ward of answer. site bed shed
ell Wars: else saweed potnlfed with grief.
Ow GM bosun pale awl RIO. Mow eyes wowed WW-
I, to grow ewe eold,ead die. bey voice low its sweet wee.
sad her fora it. made's'.
Tioe resets of her father was ail sew that she "pip.
vastly iseirsd., 'A faint hope dwelt Wirer heart that
might M able so total the viegoishmies' . which as 14d
asspiel4 sf wok neceaspliamill is say mbar was, !
At kerb mei, the bumble seem that be had died 4.
the etwashir epee hie ratan be.... Whew they had bees
at het two itsyni Hi. h.dy Mad beim bwried ,
The kind eleegyneas who had settee is break this dkv
treesingosera to-leer. was siasprised to see;witledkat ark=
thy it was reeeiied.
Ha meld not had in theme estil. Stone-like eyes. of ike
bean diet his weirdo had plunged daps. down late tteo
depths of despair, to that !lowest deep where
of home sever penetrate. Hs meld sot divine that That
strange-toned voles was the - sehoing of a spirit wailieg
its own dirge. He amid net knees hew. when the door
had closed spon'him, she bad droppil like atom to glee
door. Is the death-like swam that followed. s h e bed
been aneenacionv. fora brief period of the griefs which
were feeding apes her
When she revived, there Was still no - alteration in leer
damoantere thrangb aN the beetle that followt:eliefprspOr
lumber monnt dresses. eke was the WIN; her shier
pitied featirss i mil to bevel hardened into marble.;
Mr.. Drowei; with tears is her eyes. looked upon
as sbe moved *we rosin la room. weeds' s° amok MIIL
or from her address and her asuebrs garments. sad She
woad matter tei herself. "Lord lave the shad, if her is-,
the, bad mime back and fwitad her the kw weld
have known her."
Mariam lu4 heard through herdreoemaker of tlstioe
elplogAddeli bid followed het oeporatioa fres lee lino.
bialk - •
As emeel.hteeelt Jostens", the empire reetedt.
the wife, the hiebsed Win *all Wend fee heeie ■
loirg home her imprudent conduct. Ilia spirit was com-, 1
Mended in having at leegth sent her home to her father's,
lIMs refusing toyorntenance longer her extravagacies..
Tide was the commonly received explanation; hat as al
whip,. there were iwo aides to the story; and Mrs. Dor
ninco had many devoted ,biends. who warmly defended
h4r, until at length chilled by her repeated refusals to re.
them. they los shook ;heir heads mysteriously, and gave
ear to the rumors that were afloat.
From the lime smiles. she had heard that. Mr. Por
rainee was going to Europe, end that his aunt was to have
die charge of the children.
And now every day she looked through the morning
pipers, toss. it het husband's nista. were among the list
olpasseogers, In the difforeut slimmers. that was given
from time lodine.
:One morning her elfes fell upon his name; something
et a wild lighter old flashed from them as she read. ••;., " "wk
night, the youngest child of Howatid Dorranee, EN., ions
apparently suddenly keized with convulsion.. Dr. Aber-
Dolby Jones was i 13! I medisteli pain inoned..w ho suspected,
from peculiar symptom - , that the Child was ander the in
ftaeneel et some powerful nareetic.l He extorted from the
tjarse ti cealeselen‘ that the ehildt having been, restless
tipd fretfal for several nights, she had given it laddanum,
!Ong unaware of its great power. He promptly applied
the usual meltwater the iountermiting of its effects. and
the child wit 'relieved before the family physician arrived.
The nurse who bad been but a' few days in the family,
was immediately discharged. Dr. Abernethy Jones is a
prornisnig young physician, who has been very success
htkin his practice. 111 resides at No. 141 Black Street."
Margaret dashed thOpeper upon the floor. '
! "My child! my child!" she sciearned. as•cleaping her
hands. she raised her l eyee to hdaven.—"My baby! oh
'Pod! have mercy upon me and lead me to her!"
1 The thought that darted through her brain that moment
Was it answer to her prayer?—"More things are wrought
-by prayer than this world dreams. of."
• She flew to her room. she habited herself in her emir-
iterials; a dress of black cashmere, and • heavy
'shawl • be same color. As Mrs. Brown had adopted a
for Mrs. Dorrancies_ father, in whose ser
vice she had be . • for years, 314igaret haatened tq hell,
And disclosed her pla , borrowed her coarse black straw
bonnet, and thick serge .
How her heart palpitatetill
street, until she came to one in ti
where sue remembered having hegira.
large haur•dresing establishment kept "one,
.She found the place easily, and t.. the womatal)
'she communicated her desire of disguising herself.
:same time proing,upon het a bank note ofconaidori
'value to insure secrecy. ,
Margaret was taken into a prirMe room. Site eatdow p.
gaud directed her long exuberant !tresses to be shorn close
;to her head. The woman. with
,more forethought. sug.
.;gested that she sthould spare as much of it as possible by
'drawing it off rrom her fort Iread'and up from the back of
het head. end flist4ng it theta, contrive to cover it with
the false hair she should select. and plain muslin mor
- i
ning caps. •
\ itti
Mirgare entrusted every th ing to her. The Woman
only cut o ff 'sent half the hair; this rest she managed to
bide with a pof brown Holland. which she was some
time in maki g. and to which slut fatitenod the perraque
ottlisse hair at Mrs. Demme* selected.
Commissio by Margaret, she thee went into an
sitijoiaing sto . wad purchesed lieltadozes plain break
fast caps. suitable for mourning.
They were made of thick lawn, and after trying one
upon Mrs. Dorrancithi head, there,was nettling left which
-could Possibly leid to a suspicion of the metamorphosis..
• Margaret wan satisfied that no one could detect her, as
she saw what a change the light hair prodticed; but now
arose soother difficulty in- the attainment of her purpose.
Without references or recommendation, it was impossi
ble that she could obtain the situation for which she bad
+owned to apply. . .
She was well-nigh discouraged, when the thought,
struck bee that Helen Graham. who had always been
.ready to advise !mei for her good. might still be willing to
befriend her, if she should confess to her her whole
tory; and over her husband. tko one would probably have
mom influence than Miss Graham.
Resolving thitt Woo would immediately applp to her. abo
Wallw. Melia to her dwelling:.
Ilelen Graham was in her thirtieth year. She was
not beautiful; bat her thoughtful. pensive cast of coun
tenance never interest. - Few could tell in what
her charms consisted. for her features were quite ordi
nary. Some there were who acknowledged the spell of
mind upon mind; and thei attributed to the right cense
the away which she ewercised over all who ;anti within
her ephere.
• She was not ens of those or whom Keble has beanti-•
folly maid.
"There are who sigh that no fond heart is -theirs,
NOM loves thew: but, oh vain and selfish sigh!
Out of the holm of His love He spares,
The Father 'pores His Son for them to die."
No. for spoil that :bosom bad she leaned for strength.
whets the earthlttemple, in which she bad gairred too
many hopes. was shattered before her eyes. She forgave
freely the band that wrought its destruction; she learn
ed to look calmly twee the ruint , ay, more that that. she
grew to thank God that in the mica) lug of het earthly
affect:fa% she had' been drawn nearer gall neirar unto
Him. i
Lida kisitvr she ite.her reelgned and placid life of the
wren'. which her brother bid vowed. of the recompense
Mitch be had resolved.npon working out. It was a sin
of which abs retail never have dreamed—tow terrible for
bee Mafia would btavelbsen the thought of his usurping
the power of Him who bailing& "Vengeance is mice. I
will repay."
When she heard the rumors of Howard Donanee's
avid bin wife's unhappiness, and afterwards of their up
grade*. Assail to herself, “There has been blailie upon
both sides;" aed earnestly she wished that she might be
a mediator between them: • She called open Mrs. Dor.
raiser. but receiving the unvarying answer, "Mrs. Dor.
raper sees no one." So week followed week. and no
Oae afternoon she was summoned into the parlor, to
i s person who was awaiting her there. Upon entering
• lb* was striae* kith the singularity of the face of tho new
t corner. She noticed the anomaly of
_exceedingly light
hair and jet black eye-brows find lashes. There was
something also in that thin facie (of a deadly whiteness
',from the contrast of the black tbounet.) that rive;ed her
'gave upon it; whlte'she taxed; her memory to recall why
it should Nihau* list with the fooling that she had seen
it before,' •
The young woman soelasiensbamseed by tho set.-
liaising nook which Iliac gra h am bad fixed upon her. is
efie approached. - •
Yo 'know we.fitiarrarahasi;" alao said as sac woeld
asiktirt a thing• met qaewiea. •
e•Ro-•l—do—nal." Koko saawstitdoilowly
"Thaik God! Mew he will met discover me."
"ider.Dornmea: i. it possible that this is you sochang
ed? bow you tremblet,poor thing. wbat,bas iadeinni you
to assume this disguise-1"
Briefly. Marsoret told herlistory. only reoereing that
portion of it. which would be - Holon. M lieut.
vim hot Iwothort and now. bliss Orahoin learned fir the
gird the of the *low frost which the young wife had
suffered. Hai: bear% ached am she saw the vretchedoess
she threaded street after
t suburbs of the city,
hat there was a
y falsities.
i 'Waiting.
1. the
SI 50 A
33 AU. is Aitan
which Margaret had brought upon herself. Mash oho
aid not scruple to coudesnu Mr. Dorrance for is *evert
• i
ty and his haste.
ThrOugh itlfss Graham's sincerity, Mar Ohm: lid
to see that the esteem which her husband ha Manifes
ted for lielin, bore no comparison with the d • -p, "Crab
sorbi ug love which he bad lavished upon her i ! her early '
'married days.
Helen Graham appreciated the thorough eh 'ego which
had been wrought in the thoughtless woman o the wlirld.
to inspire in her such self-devotion as she no proper&
t s it carry out: choosing to perform the menial Of a
servant, rather than to endaie a longer sepa lir ikess !!
.her thilthen.
Willingly she wrote a note to Mrs. Egerton conaMeis•
ding her in the highest terms--spoks other as redeye.
man who hld known better and happier day; and log•
gated that she should! be employed rather so Briery. -
coverneas. having the entire charge of eh a.; and
the control of the sperrants who should be nee i ed to wait
upon them. She begged of her to engage h r at eras.
as ins° doing. she should perform an set of charity. vribieb
she promised to explain to her at some foto day, i
ri i
I Mrs. Dorrance was to bear the user of An pastMga,
She left with the note immediately, her heart full if frabi•
itude to Miss ,Graham for her pr i pmpt assistance. ;
It was Dear twilight when alw i reiehed -, Tire,
Inquiring for Mrs. Ev•rfon. she Wlllis shown into the sit
ing-room. She waited What skiemed a long, a very!long
time to her. Then the door opened, and her husband
stood before her. Her heart beat violently. e'
••Mrs, Egerton is engDged," be said, "patine. I
answer as well."
She handed him the note without .peeking.
As he turned towarde‘the light. to read it. the npWr•
ed to let her eyes rest upon him. Sbe saw thati tra
ccs of suffering were u dvideut in hie covintenaneo
upon her own.
He finished the perusal of the note.
"I regret to nap that Mrs, Egerton has engaged a nuns
woman; but my child is very ill. and wit may need Otbiee
assistance. I will mention this to her, and sot► wighs
call again—say at 2 o'clock to-morrow." •
blargaret arose, and staggered rather that walked to
the door. Ile adveneeti to open it for her. Theio, eyes
met. She felt faint and Sick, 'intent guilty, such a search.
inz gaze dot lie fir upon hrr. ilia eyes glaiieed k her
hair. and his counutuance then settled back into the'lllll4lo
sad glebmy eapreneon it had worn before.
As she went out info t the open air. her bout leaped
with jot that she had oat been recognised.
The nest day she retnrned at two o'clock. and wpm ea.
gaged by 24re. Egerton.
The mild,• oderonslitenth of spring stole through the
open dalenient iuto the lofty 'Turin:tent where Margaret.
known only as -Mn.s Hastings; sat bending ova: bar
' Ida. when awake. weird.l not suffer Mrs. Hastings to
Oar° her eight: if she *as oblig4d to absent herself. do
little sufferer would main forAtei until her return. Mrs.
Egerton has often said that e i te e was sure tltem.bild }could
never have recovered , had a leas patient and devoted
nurse... The Physician said en also. • Mr. Oorrawfo said
nothing. lie suffered steamer after steamier to deport
ling =1
without him . p; watching whose di and 1 .Vsning--
boors by the bedside of his beloved child.
Harry was the only one who seemed to Irv* liken • .
dislike to Mrs. Hastings: She would orient coax him tern
come to her. but he would only edge himself farther off -
until he reached a corner of the room, whers6 with frown
ing et•ebtotris e he would look ni from under his long
lashes, and make mouths at her, in his roguish, ludo.
. ,
"pendent way.
This pleasant spring day Mrs. Egerton, had 'availed
herself of the warm atmosphere to take Harry oat ape*
I drive. She had not seen ;Miss Graham yet. to thank
her for procuring so conmetint a Anne; and decline she
had not *suspicion of who Mrs. Hastings was. never
having known her nephew's wife.
In the mean time Ida slept. end her mother bent over
her her. heart full of thankfulness to the kind Heavenly
Father who had spored her child to her. '
During her week. of continued watching. the rehearse
instruction of her early youth had come up before her
with renewed freshness. The 'noble seen manta and de.
voted affections of her heart, which had seemed •to
extinguished by vanity end the love of pleasure, had been
rekindled. and they now shed their holy tight throne'
her soul. All her interest in life bad revived. noir that
she had taken part in its duties. She only needed a re•'
turn of her husband's lose. to 'fill the cop of het; earthly
lisipincss—a happiness deeper and more rational than
life bafever before _yielded.
• And now while she watehed^ the slumber of her inn*.
cent babe. she recalled. as she had done many times be
fore, the errors for which her punishment had been so or
were. Her vanity, her pride, her obstinacy. she law in
such a glaring light,' that levoluatarily she pained ens
hand over her eyes es though she could. thus eh* it out.
A footstep fell upon her ear, sod glancing up she saw
Mr. Dorranee looking - at her. The expression of big eyes
changed suddenly; she" thought skie•deteeted in; them a
shade of sympathy at first. lye said,
"Mr e. Hastings, hu my aunt told you that tee shall
g) into the country in another i tnonth?—to her place en
the Hudson?" •
"Nu. sir." she answered. ber eyes droppisg tads" his
steads- pie.
• "I suppose you'would prefer remaining witli rest
ty friends to going WI far with us?" Ilse continued.
"No. no, not foV a rnomeat-,—l bays no friends-.-that
4-1 mean that 1 love.your child so well. I would
follow her to the ends of the earth." she &Dowered very
much embarrassed.
There we, a long silence. I I •
"Mrs. Hastings, have you beird my tailor"
"1 have. air." •
'Another silence, during whit l she walked tai the
dow to conceal the; burning glow upon her cheleks.
"I wish You would sit down. Mrs. Hastings, and Haan
to it from my own,lips. I would like to know 'if it is me
you bare beard it." I -
"Indeed, sir. I know thdwhole. It most be &falafel
subject to req. 4 would not recall it." skd said. as she to -
sunied her seat.
••Yo need have I to reran it! It is ever preoeut with
me. Will yort tell it to me as you have heard itt —it is a
relief 10 me to talk about it to you." 1
Her heart beat fast; she summoned ill hot "warn, •
••Your wife. sir, as 1 understand . we* yorigs Wars
and vain; she' did not study your happiness as Om ought;
yon grow eel& towards her: . she thought that Sho discos
vered that you' did not loos her as fondly as yea did an*. /
Mr.. Dorrince gave a start of surprise. Mrs./
Ilasiings continued; ' , she grew proud. and very:witched;
she would have acknowledged all her env/no. and boned
fora retarn or her love, if she had not fe a c id tbit yen had
deceived her; 'and so thing* grew worse witness until
they terminated in a separation."
"You have net told all; will pellet see fleteit, the
•.1 worshipped my . wife: My beeetrkee for 'lran Gm-
NM wall Wile as a brother's loect; led who* ref t iter
year parried. and my wile vow maw - and mots repa
irer of soy wirier. yid recall the calmer muMiowo I bud '
felt for Holes !with
.00mothisir like tort. Osa
Looricetiosuos sus roma /earl
i t
I 1‘ •