Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, July 26, 1851, Image 3

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    Political and General News.
PTA ri ! _):4. :4 4.1
The steamer Panama, with U. S.Mails, and news
nine days later from tbe Atlantic, arrived at San
Francisco in 16 days and 6 hours rom Panama, hay
lief accomplished the shortest „pasAige ever made
between the two port.
FOS men were drowned, in San Pablo bay, on the
2th of May. Their names and former rebilences
were as follows:—Dr. Reuben Knox, of St. Louis;
John Allen.ofßurfington, Vt., James F. Graham,
of North Carolina,nephe* of Hon. Wm. H. Graham,
Secretary of the Navy: a Mr. Davis, of Maine, and,
an Indian boy.
Newspapers are increasing numbers and in dif
ferent sections. The San Diego Herald and the Los
Angelo. Star have recently been added to the. num
ber'. -
A Long Island Indian, named Frank Brevier, was
- found dead in Montgomery street, on the 2d inst.—
He is supposed to hartibeen drugged to death for the
purpose of robbing.
The Indians have been troublesome in the southern
section of the State. A commit,' of white men, un
' der a Cipt. Irving, ere report A to have committed
many outrages.upo . n the inhabitants of Los Angel
of Valley. The citizens volunteered and went in
pursuit. But the last accounts received is, that the
Indians of a certain' Mission had destroyed Capt. Ir
ving ind his II men: '
,Gen. Morehead'it expedition, reduced to forty five
men, left San Diego on the 11th of Mg. His des
tination is unknown.
The cap of thirsteam-chest of the steamer New
World blew off, while she was on her passage from
Sacramento to Sat Francisco, on the 4th of lime,
the , steam rushing out and killing two persons,
one name unknown, the other, Peter Marks, fireman.
' Terrenee Bellew : McManus, one of the Irish pa
triots, whose escapelrom New South %Vales had
been known here for some time previous, arrived
bemabout the sth of..June,aud has received a mast
- cordial and enthusiastic reception by all classes of our
Crime had increased to such a fearful extent in
San Francisco, and in totally bad the Courts and
l'olice failed in meeting out adequate punishments,
that a volunteer committee of our Most respectable
cilia/sus has been formed for protection. A robber
having been - caught in the, act of stealing, was sum
marily.44oll tried by them, fund guilty, condemned to
. death and hung the tam ight. •
The Coroner's inquest u the body of the exe
cuted man went extensively into the evidence con
nected with the whole proceeding. and in their ver-'
diet implicate the Committee of Vigilance as the
cause of his death.
Seven men were drowned at Park's Bar.last week.
Their names are J. Stull, It. Sludesburg,ll, - Charles
Cox, Mr. Hodge, Samuel Miller, Jungian and Vin
cent, Frenchmen.
The cinders, ashes and desolation of the last great
fire, have nearly all disappeared before the new build
ings and improvements, which followed upon the
path of the fire storm, like the grass and herbage
%Ina springs up again when the tempest has pas
sed away. , .
Reports from the placers and quartz mines are gen
erally resemble. But they should always be received
with 'eyelid grains of allowance.c umor lives is
the family of the-gold teekers.
Agrtcuttural prospects are very rod. Politics
are rather at a lull in Vie State, but it id a kind of
ominous stillness prefacing the onset of two armies.
'The two parties have generally organiked in the (bi
fcrent counties..
Dian.—Very suddenly, on board the U. S. survey
ing schooner Ewing, yesterday at half-past 12
o'clock, Passed Midshipman Milian de Koveti, aged
24 years. He was on shore on Friday, was taken
with neuralgia of the stomach, seemed a little bet
ter in the morning, went to sleep at 8 o'clock, and
at 12, when the physician • who had been up with
him all night, went to his bed, he found him dying,
probably from apoplefy.
f Front the Alia Californian.
About 9-o'clock on Tuesday night a man carry
ing aag containing something apparently quite
heavy attracted the attention of the %Linehan boat
lieu :their station on Central %Vii..rf. He jump:
i t
ed into a boat with his liag e and pulled, out towards
the end of the wharf. But a few minutes elapsed
"before Mr. Virgin, a gentleinau IA , h u keeps a ship
ping office On the wharf; came down' to the boat
stand in pursuit of a person who had just robi.
bed his office of a small iron safe, containing a con
sidereble sum of, money. The man with the bag
was at once suspected, and o'•uumber of boatmen
started immediately in pursuit. After a sharp pull
they over took him, when he threw his boot, over
board. After a severe struggle one party of boat
men succeeded in capturing linu,.While another fish
ed up the bag, which proved to contain the stolen
*rife. He was conveyed on shore, and at once ta
ken possession of by some of the vigilant corurnittee,
who conducted him promptly to their head quarters,
where he was (fie( in presence 4f 'about eighty
members of the conalaiie, sitting with closed disil.s,
by them convicted and sentenced to be hung in the
Portland square that very night. The precise mode
of trial was of course a secret. Daring its progress
the citizens hid pecumulated in large numbers about
the building lid Portland square. The populace
,was very mudb excitedlut more orderly •than we
-.ever recollect to have seen, such a numer,iu.s issem•
blage oft any similar occasion. - Sims di/approba
tion was manifested at the secrecy of the Commit
tee's proceedings, but,when the result was known
there was a very general approval manifested, al
though there were many who deemed the punish
inent of death too severe for the offence, and others
thought he should be executed in broad daylight.—
As soon as the sentence. was wised, the bell op the
California Engine house near by commenced ring
ing the prisoner's funeral knell. Capt. Benjikmin
'Ray of the police applied at the door of the Coit
tee mom and demanded the prisoner, but was refu
sed several times, and although others of the police
were upon the ground they saw it was of no use to
attempt a rescue. - ..., f
About 1 o'clock; Mr. Samuel Brannan came out
mid ascending the bank opposite, atinouneed the re
sult of the Commitzee'a deliberations, stating that
he had been fairly tried. convicted upon the strong
, eat testimony, and so defence except a denial of the
robbery. He gave the name of John Jenkins, and
professed to be a native of Lonjon. Mr. B. stated
that he bad been allowed ao,othlejouil to prepare
for death,, and that Rev. Mr, Mine!' had been sent
for to visit him. - The crowd present prowl'' , ap
proved of the action of the Committee. From that
time the excitement began to increase and the mat
ter was freely discussed by butts of citizens at the
street corners, around the Condmittee room and in
the square. A very large majority were-in favor of
the execution.
The prisoner was perfectly composed during this
time and indulged in a cigar. The clergyman
promptly responded to the request to pray with the
prisdner and remained with him for nearly en hour.
if we are correctly informed his presence had no
particular effect upon the condemed man, 'who
doubtleis conftdebtly anticipated a rescue by the po
lice. '
About two o'clock the docirs of the committee
room were opened, and the condemned was for the
first time presented to thb populace. Hi was a tali
man of very - great muscular developments and with
rather a forbidding countenance. He was smoking
',a cigar and appeared rather pale but composed.—
His arms were pinioned and his hands tied .bebipd
him, while he was ,surrounded by. a rope thickly
manned by armed men, many others closing on them
detirmined to preveat his escape. lu this manner,
followed bye large crowd, be was conducted to the
. public square. His arrival was announced with a
sho4it and every descriptien of vociferation—thd
wildest seem of confusion and excitement prevail
ing we have witnessed for a long time. The moon
obscured by clouds, shad no light, and the'-,picture
presented was wild and awful - in the extreme.--
some person climbed the liberty pole to rig a block
for the exectstioner, but' a loud shout of odorit' bang
bim to the liberty pole," arose. Voices screamed
out ""to the aid abode," and a rush was made for the
edifice, upon the orner of the square formerly oc
cupied as the Cuom House: A rush was at once
made for the end f the building, a block rigged and
i t
a long rope run through it. In the allotallime,a
number of the fmlice.who were on the ground Made
several attempts to Obtain poseaaioa of the prisoner,
but they were roughly handled and prevented; bad
they persisted they would have been riddled With
balls. Several citizens denounced the execution
and sought to sithdbe police. -
../ ' !
The prisoner by this time wee nearly dead with
fear and rough handling, when crush was made to.
wards him, a noose thrown over his bead, and the
rope manned by twenty ready hands, andthe heavy
form of the convicted fetal swept' through the eV(
and dangled from the block. A few fearful strug
gles, a (layering of the hempen cord, a few nervous
twiches and the crowd gazed upon the lifeless corps
of him upon whom such speedy and terrible yen
genee bad been executed by •ntilutrsged people.—
As be swung to and fro and turn d round and round
a feeling of awe appeared to spread through the
;crock who could not be otherwise ergo imprt seed by
the tel•riblis occurrence. Slowly they dispersed, but
when'day broke there were still many gazing upon
the swollen purple features of the doomed man. At
'six o'clock the Marshal, Mr. Cruzier,- repiiired to
the spot. cut down the body and consigned iti to the
dead house. Thus ended the drat execution that
ever took place in San Francisco, where cringe
has been committed within the past year tithe in any
other city df the same population in the Uuion.
1-without,one itotnnee of adequiste punishment. Of
the gu(ft of Jenkins there Cau be no doubt. Ile has
been k$ pwn to the police for mouths as a desperate
characer from the penal colonies, where he had
passed many years is a trysported convict.
FINANCIAL OrsteaTiox.-4We lately heard a story
illustrative of the early days of yorkeudisty— those
good old times when everybody Was "honest as the
days were long." The parties were two of the ear-
Best settlers in the western part of York (now
Adams) county—both, were.of the honest old Ger
man stock—add as one of them is still lit ing, we sup
press the name. Peter, it appears, had increased
the sizei of his farm by annexing thereto a small
tract adjoining; and lacked about a hundred dollars
of the sum necessary to pay fur the neW Scrpoisitiop.
He called upon hie neighbor George to furrow the
&Mount. George brought out en old bread basket,
and counted'out the desired aumber of t'ibalers"—
and then, of course, the two sat down to two large
earthen mugs of cider, and as many piped el tobacco.
After smoking over the matter for a whib, it incur
red to fitter, that in similar traussetionithe had &eeri
er hea i rd something like a note passing between the
borrower and lender, and he suggested Ls much to
George. The lender assented to the Oropriety of
the thing—paper, pen and ink were prmuced—aud
between the two a document was concocted, stating
that George had loaned Peter one hundred_ dollars,
which Peter would repay to George "dree months"
(three mopthe.) ,This Peter signed, and thus fa r
our two fininciere bad made the thing all regular
and ship shape. -
Bet at tbispoint a difficulty presented itself. They
both knew that notes were made in the, operations
of borrowing and lending which they had witnessed
—but neither of them bad obserted what disposition
was made of the documentneither cuuld tell wheth
er it, was en regle fur the borrower or lender to take
charge of, tip paper! Hero was a dilienma. At
length a bright idea struck George. 0 u haf der
money to pay, Peter—so be sure you must take die
paper, so as you can see asp you haf to pay ill"
This was conclusive—the common eens4 of the thing
was unanswerable, -and Peter pocketedLthe money
and.his own tune, "ea as he could see air he haf to
pay it!" Three monthsreseed over, arid-punctual
ly to the day appeared ou frieud Peter, Cud paid over
the promised sum to George. This being dune, the
mugs and pipes were "gain mireded. Ater puffing
a shire, Peter produce4the note, Keg handed it to
George, with the remark, "Now you must like de
note, so as you cau see as de money haf been paid!"
WeJitorkers may be trustedl—York Gazette.
Fatima'. Hoaasyr.—lit past days, ithe editors
n i c
were always writing about what the were pies d
to call "Locio•Foco Robbery and It s slay,' but e
have heard nothing of these gentle en relating n
Galphistiwn and Corwinises. The fo lowing extra t
from a letter to the New York He id shows how
well Secretary Cure in understands the principles of
Galphinism. The Cabinet officers of the federal
Administrations are holiest men—very!
M.. Secretary Corwin, kis fees and Mcerments.
—Mr. Secrelary,Corwin will leave for Ohio next
Wednesday. He may, or he may not come back.
The best interest* of the country Sind of the ' whig
party can well spare him and his style of adniinis
tering the Treasury Department. ' His interest in
the Mexican claims has yielded him. ins lump, 1it78,-
0410—a fortune fur an Ohio freeitiil politillian, which
he, a year since hardly dreamed of. lie can now
be 4t his ease, if he will, in Ohio, withouit molesta
tion or hindrance, at least until Congress shall raise
a committee of investigation, and authorize it to
send for persona and papers relative to' the award
won the Mexican claims, and the payment of the
same to the principals, agents and counsellors.
The story is true-that Mr. Lorain threw up his
, contigent free fir only ipl,ooo, in the Florida claims,
at the time he wanted-to go into the Treasury De
partment. The agent for those claims wished to
retain hat. and di I not ;Want hint to go into the esti
tett bat when he foitnd be cciuld. nut sell nut his in
terest in the Mexican clai s, at
kc., for all
of seventy thousand dolls s, and yet go into the
Treasury Department,. he of on his high horse rel.
arise to his paltry fee in the miller of Florida claims,
and cavorted before Senatcrs at a- great rate. He
swore he would be released in the matter. And so
he was released. in writing, he released his-em
ployers and they released taus. '
Now, if it should so happen that the Florida
claims are just, and ought lobe paid, wider our treaty
stipulations and obligations, and that the Mexican
claims, fur 'which Mr:Cur-aria was interested more
deeply, were, for the most Part, spurious- and rotten,
and ought not to have been paid, what will Ise thon a ght
of Mr. Corwin's disinterested patriotism iu the mat
cisco Courier, speaking of the proposed line of
steamers Dorn that port to. China, says:
This link completed,, the traveler, leaving New
York canoppceed to Chagres bta t eam, from thence
to San Princisco, to Macao via the Sandwich Is
land, Guam and Manilla—thence to Suez., via Sin
gapore, Penang, CeVlon and Aden—thence to Cairo
and Aleiandria, to Southampt , n vii Malta and Gib
raker, and from thence by steam again to_ New
York. The only break in steam navigation ;i l l! b e
in crossing the isthmus of Suez. Thus her would
be able to 'circotunivigate the world, visiting many
points of interest, making 'the trip in 140 day.. The
commercial advantages 'which must Bow to the Uni
ted States from this and kindred sources are too
great for enumeration here. and too well known to
require it.
Recently the British government has decided to
have a line of steamers to the East Indies by way
of the Cape of Good Hope, Which, together with the
proposed American line across the PaciFie, will com
plete the steam circle around the globe.
Whig Tacti6s—i Fair 'Hit.
From the Detroit Pere Preis
The following are the reslittio i ns adopted by the
late Pennsylvania Whig State Convention, in refer
ence to the Adminidtiation and the Presidency: 7
Resoled, That the-National Administration, un
der the guidance of our Whig President, Millard
Fiimore, has the unbounded confidence - of the
Whig of Pennsylvania; that.; n our domestic poli
cy, itp nisnly advocacy of protecton to native indus
try, the improvements of harbor's and rivets, the re
;duction of postage. and the strict accountability of
public officers; its energetic, republican,' truthful
and dignified management of foreign affsirsi has se
cured for it the gratitude of this, and the respect of
other nations.. 1
Reso6e44 Thiat [in - ivie* of the • furegoiag facts,
and the surpassing mOits of Millard Flitting* and
his "energetic, *eeputil can, truthful and dignified"
Administration] Gen. Winfield 'Scott [and not Mil
lard Filmore] iti, , beyondluestion, the choice of the
Whigs.of Peonsylvanis,' ? as their candidate for the
Presidency of lila and that we •earnestli recoils:
mend him to the- Whigsof the Union as the most
deserving and availableAnin for that high nffice,
The words in brackete were ipadvertently; it is
supposed, omitted bpi Ilia secretaries of the Conven
tion lii the hurry of preparing the proceeding, for
the press.
Rata wnwour Csbues.—r:The phtoomeas of roue
tallboy( clouds, which thePhiladel ph is .71rottli Amer
ada* notices as having occurred in that Meyer' Wed
nesday of last week, wal noticed at Norristown by
the editor of the Free Afar, who says: sarrecisely
the same phenomenon teas observed at this Place,
absut a qoarter i pass tenio•oloct the - same evening.
On the north and northwest horiaon dark clouds were
resting, from which li bluing issued at repeated
intervals:. Theis et didmot rise from the hori
son ore than thirty Overhead it , was per
feetly clear, and the stain shone forth with remark
able brightness. In th state of the heaveos.the
rain commenced falling mite smartly, increasing in
volume as it fell, and , in` some four or five
Bosouron Dtsnsea.--tThe Anropolis Correspon
dent of the Baltimore Sun gives the following sc•
count of a fatal disease Which hag appeared in that
"A disease is now raging in the county ofAnne
Arundel, between South and West rivert, whiclOss
proved to be as fatal a the Cholera. The early
stage of it is marked by an eruption of the Slant a
Swelling of the muscles , f the throat,partaking of
the character of the scarlet fever. There is uoth•
tog alarming in this atage of it, which continues fur
three or four day,, when all on a sudden it fixei it,
self upon the vitals with a violence and fatality
which are *floated by nothing that has, as yet,been
tried!' , .
Alm, Mb, Floor. Salt llnd Plaateri at the (ante Ware Mame
Writorthe &Woe. Publl; Dock, Erie. Pa.,
M. 11. LlWlO', WM. 1.. SI7oTT
3'; rieari It 00., fterts. w i mp
A"Prepared w euntract Butter. Checee. and an other proper
y, (rum Erie w New Turk--through in thirty hours
ittaft—Amnts for Liner. on Erie Canal—no transhipments,
through direct front Buffalo to Neu-York.
rf For sale. Cual, Ban, White Fish, and Water Lime.
Elm. Julie ilk 7 •
On the ;Comb side of the , 'Diatatond, and one door Vest 04
Williauseand Wright? omee•
Let Asters espy *sr rkh Nularnr ands."
Daguerreotype Likenesses of all sorts, clue and priers, from
twelve shill/nip to twelve dollars, felthfirlly eseeir ied a war,
ranted warding. , , it
aPIPMEIOniIi Isi3eDiaN;p .
Office in Speed's Telegraph (Kee. next to Williams & Wright?
.}lsehange 4 tifire. Stale PI wet, Erie.
- .
Through Tirket• to New York. via New York and Erie Rallnraid
and to Piltaborith via Cleveland. ran be procured at ibis, otiffre
Fare to New York Seto Rittrburgli 113 30.
Passage from and Messy Remitted to Groat
Britain l and Ireland. -
. 4 0114F s e\•EAOLE' LINE. 4-412,
Neer Tort 'so& Liverpool -Packets.
PER4CIN:4 wishing to send;for their friends in Great Britain or
Irelland4 ran Many time I make the necessary arrangements
with the subscribers. who have in connection with one of the
Grin houses in Great Britain. la very complete and extensive ar
rangement for the oecommodation of persons emigrating toAmer
tea. For the prompt exceui" nof his engagements, the subscri
ber h:ist ibe aqvaniair attar g the dole Agency or Passengers
of the splendid New Ships. c posing the
Packets. sailing Twice a month from each Port. throughout the
)ear. In all Capes when Ow:Urgent Itw' do not come forward, the
money will bif refunded'. wit qut &Miscues.
For rale in plum. ua suit. which will be ca.hed by any of the
Banks, and to the princ poi Towns throughout England, Ireland.
Scotland and Wale., BARNET. HOAXES & CO.. 111.1011.114,
Loudon, andJAMES MclillSkTßY. Merchant. Liverpool.
•rtILT TO OR emir r.tri.
. BMI JACSON. Agent. Erie Pa.
OW Sl K ip, Cot. ofifiouth-st .
Meows. P. B. &B. Plank NC* R. F. Lord. E.g.. Chile Engi•
York Vier. neer V. & H. E. Co. Gone.
. J. W. Whitlock & CM. go. dale. Penn.
" Sherman & Cortina. - go. Jame. Archibald, Rig. Engi
" Lewis 41. Price. r do. firer D. If. C. Co. Ear
lion Allen M. Sherman, Neipr- lhondale. Penn.
burgh. N. Y. , Mersin. G. IL dr. A. C. Lawton,
Gilead A. Smith. Fug.. Seereila- Albany City. N. Y.
tiny and UndsonL'arial Hon. J. 8 Yost. Poustovni. Pa.
.Co. N. Y. the
E anbseriberi to therajital Stock or the Erie and Water-
A. ford Plank Road thompainy are hereby not ilk"I that au addi
tional call of 10 per cent oa *mous' subiverthed iv ti quiffs! to be
paid to the Treasurer of fai4Company. at hi. aloe In Eirfe. on
or Wise the irk of Myna. By order of the Boa d.
A KING. Treaminer.
Ede, July If
am directed by tbeJbard to can the attention of pubeeribers
to tbeeth nation of an Act Regolames Turnpike ■ad Plank
Road Companke, approved the twenty filth day of January,
"arrnow 8.--if any stockholder. whether an original subscri
ber or 'feigner. after twenty days' notice as aforesaid, of the
time and place appointed! R r thepayment of any instalment or
proportion ofthe capital slack, shall neglect wormy such propos -
Pon at the place appointed. for the spare of thirty days after the
thine appointed for the payMent thereof, any such stockholder
/hall, in addition to the instalment so called for, pay at the rate
of one per eettolut per month. for every delay of much payment;
aud tf Wiesarne and additional patty shall become equal to the
awe before paid hipart on aeeount of ouch share, the saute may
be linfletted by and to the said company. and may he sold by them
for such price as may he obtained therellor• or in default of pay
ment army stockholders oil such inglalments as aforesaid. he
the space of silty day, alio/said. the President and managers
may. at their election. rata se' suit to re brcrisht In the same utau
per as delta of alike amount, me now roeuverabh., for the mew,•
cry of the same. together with the penalties aforesaid."
A. HIND. Treasurer.
Erie July If.—tate
- 1 •
WIN Mantilla Black Skilt,7Fra - kiik wnd watered, froaiisiuetioii.
for el per yard at . T188A141%
121-IA(`K Ssill Eking' RIO Frineei ? for *finalising Monlithte, of
all widdet, eon be found at the lowest retiree at TIBB ALS'.
8150 l'.
AR lei real Them.' Edgitsg. from 4 to T i l i ni;r aper
&rd. from 11111CliQ11. at
PRoPosA ES will be Teeth ved at the (Ace of the Pittsburgh and
Erie Railroad Companyilii Erie. up to the 13th day of Auzust
next. Inclusive. for the grading. briVging. and al I other work bee
essary to prepare the road bed kir the Iron. of the Pittsburgh and
Erie lailroad from Erie to lt. point of connection with the Ohio
arid Pennsylvania itailroad4 a distance (Without l miles.
Maps. Pleas. and liner ideation, ran be seen at this Mike on and
liner Melilla* day of August.
Proposal. are invited kir 'the whole work, r , in single or
awe sections. payable:ln the Stock of the COM ny.
T O . Pittsburgh and Erie Itallread, I:11A Ll , l l l Iy. AP.EA,
ate. Pa.. July t;. 1131,; S rre,thfrnt.
All the Plelmapers Youblistied In Erie. Crawkird, klercer.
LawtencAr.ttod Be er counties will copy. idle
aptanar 11 00. 9 1
THIP. above Justly eekbrated Powers , as now made android by
the isthaeribers.are offered the public with the aworanee
that they ate all they are represented—they having been very es
letaavylv and thoroughly sntrodueed and tested side by ride with
all the Thread Powets known quote in the eountry, and teen
The Chairman of the Agricultural Society's. Committee on
Horse Powers, in a commutiteation u utters noire months alter
the awardiagorproniums to the above Horse Power, says: "1
'pent ankh time at the late state Fair (Sept. 111th) at Albany in
examining the ramous llorse Powers. viz.. Wheeler's Allen's
Ilant's and Emery& Co.'s, But with the emu» and makers and
beard all they could say, and again in their absence, and the
result most Ildly convinced me that yours Wail the IllesT, and if 1
wattled one, 1 would give TWenty Dollars more tbr yours than
for any other on the ground; and as you won your laurels fairly.
it is just that-you should, receive a full reward " Ife further
nays.' You know front twirerience. I have no partiality for your
establishment, and as a colpmittce man of said Society Are years,
1 have decided wiener 'plaid you than Ibr tout and if others
have a better article than gou. 1 would decide in their favor
though it ruined your estaldisluneot, and. vice verse, hurt whoa
It may."
With the teetimony . ofstp men as the author of the foregoing,
which, together with chest abbe rer Inc and other important
improvements Auction season, make it the most forstiratiegf. du
rable. diciest and sortwastral Pout, now made; and the public
may rest inisuredof beteg Hunished by us with a saperier um
chine.—For further particalars please see Catalogue of Albany
Agricultural Works. Ate.
Erie, July 1111.—tfl• ; D. P. CLARK, Agent.
PHILADLLekIi A hikant.,,AL, HOUSE!
ProdA West Corner wf 771nr.1 apt 0..1 Strtris, batten, Sprwai
nod Piss Streets, Pkikatelphia.
17IPTF.EN TEAM; of 'extensive
extensive and uninteretiptifvl practice
I spent in this eel), have rendered Ur K. the must expert and
suteessful prsci limner far and near. in the treatment of all disen
pert of a private nature. Persons afflicted with [deers on the body
thrall. or legs. 'QM. In the header bones. inercure..l rl ellalUtlsai
strictures. gravel. disense hrising (min youfhthl excesses or t mow
ritiesuf the likwori, st herebt the etlllinitution has become enfeebled
are all treated a nth sneerer. "
Ile w places himself limier the rare of De. K. may'reliwous-
IY eond id his li,niur as a gentleman. ;end confidently ret) upon
his rkll as • ph, riclan.
Tmg. rkalliCl LAIR Norf . /Z.—Young Men who hi F injured
ibesePres by a certain practice indulged in—a habit eri neatly
learned (tom evd compamions or at rehool—the effects of vi Inch
are nightly lett. even when asleep. and destroy both (mind and
body. shouid apply immediately. Weakness acid ,7,niotitali ,, ltal
debility. lose of rausetilarenrray, physical lassitude aid erneral
prostration. junta tiny and all nervous affections. lidisestion,
sluggishness of the liver. and every disease in lily waft connect.
cd With the prtercaliee fatictions cured. nod full "icor restored.
This llisok just tiuldished to filed with useful isilbnostifill, cut
tea inertia Ilk* bud diseases ofthe generative orgasm. Is address-
es itsetf alike to riatk. Ahtaktistf, sad Ohl arc. and s hould he read
by alt. The valuable advice and impressive warning It gives.
will prevent rears of mipery and suffering, and- save annually
Thousands of Lives. Parent., by reading_ it, will learn how to
prevent the destruction ortlielr children.
* s * A reatitsanee 01'13 teats. enckated in a letter. a &tressed to
fir. AIN II ELIN. N. W. hither of Third and Union three's. he.
tartest Spruce awl Pine, Philadelphia, will ensure a book. nude ,
envelope. per return matt.
remits at ■ distance may adding', Dr. g. by letter, emaming
• Ore, and to cured at home.
Parkagei et Afediristrs, Amiss's. 4Nr., thicwpided, pp . sending
a remittance. sad put up, mecum from Drimma t e yr
Book-fellers. ' ,wv Aral'', Pedlars. thativamma=thbers
runt/lied with tow above Work at very low ram 17 1
LUBIN Geveuine extbiet for the handkerchief. coarnalng of
awn, Germain's, Signet deCatohne. mad We red. Jenny
Jockey Club, itelluittrae, Verbena, and Jenuaniata me. at
Erse, July IL - J U.BURTON & Vo.'S
lionTjourli eitymeriame, end More than a Haadreoll Thum
sand user* canaaunpilve Complaints, have proved IM
ftes stadotabted satisfaction of all person* *too have become re
',Witted with this emadevAd remedy. that a is Breathy snperils.
sweasien tt u aontrifsg aod Via?. and *ors rertaila to turd
of tl,a Luse, than any other Reeled,' to oaf
Morita me alum, however, that it a said lie some that. Commas
mom can sat b• ennod. Be that the opinion of the many re the hrilr.
Ire 'balk not attempt to argue with such, but this sot my, sa d
M mine . O. • Uct , vrICCh can to proved in thousands of
that this mirdicine has cured Coughs arid beams ettoth,hpferitM
.tat were effected. were called real Consotinnailillit SA. wkbell
sonic Mended with ay/test...a that resembled, and were Is alt
Oniik Ma the symptoms of those ed. di.. and win. Met are said to
Mars duel with that fatal disease Coolasanaptlea. This Balsa*,
his tuned thoritands of person. who were said to be hopelessly af.
lined—who bed flirt, try. nreirag C•• •b•—Pa... In the Brow.,
Mk Sad ftmn—titalcalty of {treadling—Pm - WM.I Leer~e
-/lhetir Femme— ealir-Siree It —.ld wasting away of Dm
nosh-1M 81.. d. reason ns• in t st , h complaints have been
sated after It was said they meld est Ilse a week longer. This
illstlielue has cured some who were aoppowd to be in a 41081
wiles bob by the ass of this remedy, they now live, and gayety
l healta.
The. Maisano' isewsly a nwersak enewsned. It le pieasitin
Ake, and ewer boo .messy in any aura of niers.e or under any err.
etinsatareen. It erects its wonderful and sine. , Oadientialloalia
Cures by Turifyymy, Strewythretwrftod litelpaaratlng the
whole creme—by tirtastag goo dr./ahoy*. and products, .assay
action—thin. Cisivals—swithiss LA. Nerves—end ..ley
/.sown,'lt Cults ins fullowlag din
Naas, .is.
C0E4411,1 ma cads, mik.a. Spat etf n!..< Me d.
t. fbisua la Use Ifrsa.t, MAI, end Cited, Aerveremine.
drotts, ftiptionon ill. Newt mid FEMALIII W ICAK.
N !WES sod 9mtplast. ansing thenfrvas, Chaim biliia•
Ma, ix.
pristiont Proof obi particulate of Cores, Soo oar P
IRO Ahomillar—oll ow Aroma We ikon to On wire.
Aaiorrs.--Carter b. Brother. J. 11. Dimon & Co.. Faiel J. B.
Foster. Girard; H. a. %lorry, F.den!aro: B. C. Town it Cm.. North
East P.Ater dr. tea, Vint earmarwid; W. 6. P. Judson r C 0..;
Waterford: J. Davis, LorkPortt P. Mark, Jr.. Albion; P. 8.!
Cool .s.rrprinaileld. J. B. So:anion. Craiesvine. II '
a 4
T•r . - ;
"- • •-- . • •'• '
For Aloe Core of ,
couar.s, COLDS,
1711.00P1N0-0017011, CROUP
als of medical itcience.affurding as they do,aniple proof
of power and value of many medical sputa. have furnished
no examples to compare with the salutary effects produced l'
.• sa's Camas Pecroast."
The remarkable cures of diseases of the Loop which have
been realized by its use. attested a■ they are by many prominent
protestors and physicians in this and airman land., should eni.
coinage the adlieted to verse% ere, wilh the strong assurance thait
the wde of the Camilla racionac will reheae and ultimate() aura
t hem.
We present M the public. unsolicited, testhounialott o .°"*Cilr
the Ent men in our country. up whose judgment andexperi
ence implicit confidence rimy be placed..
, Da. Pram!, President of rennont Medical thller. one of Ibis
most learned and formidable pbyskianl in the eon tory. eimoidem
•• composilloa arum excellence for sac care of that formida
bk dieme. Consusapdou." •
toloarriest, April ISOM.
Dr. J. C. Ayer—Desfbiri Agreeable o to the request of your
agent, we will cheerfully sate what we have known of Medi/cis
of your Caesar !scream.. sod they have been astonishing in
deed. Mrs. Bewey Streeter had been afflicted with a scene and
Wendell , coolfh, which reduced her very low ; so low that lithe
hope could be entertained of bee recovery. Numerous reuse
had been tried will:out effect. here the C
that eared bee. Geo. Watkinson, Lig., had to ir
edie. been ablicted with Asthma l be eleven years, and r
ly worse, until the OMIT PECTOMAL has MOW moored the dirt
ease, and he is as free from spy of its sytagootnir as we are. The
Rev. had hkup. so severely attacked with the Ikon
chills; as bs dittabla duties, and nothing bad afford
ed him relief, until I, Mr. Tbogning. carried him' a bottle of yip&
Pairroesw. which :used him at once. and be now officiates es
usual id his place.
These are three of the cases we hailie known it soceessful, b it
never to tail. We have great pleasure in certifying to these befit
and are, respected air, your bumble servants.
• The public. have bat b know the virtues and astorwahing sue
e'er.s of the Caner Pr:crown, In enema diseases of die Unlit,
wbea they will feel seem Dom %bewilder/qtrs. whenever this
madyy can be obtained. I
Prepared Pr C Aye,. Cliassiat, iserial, New.
Bold la Erie by J. H. Roma, and by Drawls% throwilwast tote
WINES ao4 Lipson.—?he best. asiortoseat lo the city at,
July la. NOOSE'S Gmeety4
RuCK INGII AIM WARE .—A rood aissoctocat wt
July IL , MOORE'S Greeeryi
oi).118!—Brocum Ibr owe shilliag each au • •
.1.1 July It. 1110011F.,S Grotecy StorS
frOBACCO.—John Andefron'a Scholea LlMalian's, and Van
A SI) ke'd Chanting and Smoking Tobacco Or ale at
July li MOORE'S GI
Cldilt ET WINE in Bottle and drauttit fur sale
July It llititilt,V Ath
lbs. of die best QshisWin the etty ,
V July It MOORE'S Groeety Start
' ACKEII.F.L.—No. I Mackerel, in barrels , half barrels sod
" kilts just received at 141(X)Rir S Grocery Si
.toerAnCits of all kinds may be had in an hours tinii74it
July IL MOORE'S' Grocery Store.
.13 -4°°*.-1:10 doz. Vane) andChinmoniroomsjurt reeeibed
and fa' sale at e MOORE'S GROCERY STORE. ,
Mr Jul)•zd Mop V "^P a n o i rd.T .in tat t OCEßY STOP L.
Btrril.'.l. MOULDS--A
‘1 nl r wol Z ekri •f ° Gt , R aG o e C a f la r SWIRL'.
lIUR BANDS, a good assortment at the store Of
,A.:(4' AXE a 8:: 1 -E. Water's Ain. new supply at
Jul) 15. LOWRY. BROWN & Cols.
. ...
RAK ES.= k new iTulifiliwellay Mike.. a prime article. at the
Dew store. hi , LOWRY. BROWN ir Co.
fl RIUSIPIR IMERTINGEIT.A small stock yet for sale at
1 July It. .
VI ULEY NOIII. PAWN—A first rate article of saws, which
4 • V will be sold ettesp fo r
. Gish.
July li. IS3I. LOWRY. BROWN k di.
MORATI.O.—JoIi Anderson*. ro.. G. Schott eo.. end
smoking and chewing Tobacco. Ilbr Pate by the dozen
or lops quantity. by Jyll W. p. KINDER,' con.:
ItA N OY. Ruus. Putt. Malaga and Madeira V. vary
"-, lug lit price and quality. Allot. good Whiskey km sate by
/My 11L1I. W. F. RiNDERN EMIT.
SHIM'S. Molasses , selling from 374 to 75 cents per ealro r nhy
July 14.. W. F. RINDERMECHT.
r77 - I'r"P=7M"MM
BY •intle of an order of the Orphan's Court of the counts of
Erie: wilt be sold t public vendue on the primitives. on sat
'inlay she Id day of August neat commencing at lOu'elock A. M.
the following described properly, belonging to the heirs of John
Allen, late of Fairview township in said county deceased. 'mune
to the towanhiP of Fairview in said county. and described and
hounded as FetilQM., On the north by lands of George Luther. on
the ra.t by lands of frexourt 1.0110 by the highway, and
Vee.tPy lands of John lirerthorn, containing about seven *ref
of land and having erected thereon a Dwelling House and shoe
shop. The polperty shuttled on t the road leading Croat Girard
village to McKean corners.
TERMS.—thae-lbnrth on the eontirmation of The wale. a ndi the
balance In Shur rims) annual Inmalmentithereafter. with interest
oh She whole mum unpaid annually with each instalment, to be
secured by Judgment bond and inothrize on•the premises.
Fairview. July IttEVII. Guardian.
Tit E Fall Term of the Alhioa Academe. will eommende on
Monday. August Itb„ under the superintendence of Mr, W.
Robinson. Prue tral.
•In the I.oaguaires. - 04 MI
Erielish branches, 3 MI
The regular time of admission is at the - herlnnlne Of of
the Tenn. No one will he artratited Sr Ina than luilf a quarter.
Alhien Aeaderhr ' i. pleasantlyiiituated in the village of Albion.
in the township of COOINNOII. Erie eountyi Pa. 1
Pot the benefit adios, &vines to prepare themselves Nr teach
ing. particular instruction is ill be given with a view to ch it oh
ket. 60111111 the lirandwi usually taught -in manes sehooly ind
the theory of imparting Instruction.
ISAAC RUMPUS. President.
E. W. Rrna.frlrey.
Atnioa July tt. test. , , 3111
A Pint Rats Tract ofsLeiad for Sala
/ptfll O'HARA Tray*, or inset No. 72'7 , in McKean township.
1 adjoining the !moth line of Millcreek township. and contain
ing Me acres. This one of the werCies4 in of land Ow
whey or other grain. in the er only of Erie. It Is lieu timbered.
exceedingly well watered. and situated otlly seven Mikes feign the
city of Erie. on.l wilt be sold in whole orin parts tb suit mocha
"sem. Its timber and location make it a dory inviting titillation
fur the trertlollll or •
. . .
•• Also, HID town lota in Erse. Aho,9oltblf sere kna at Irvin rn
to Bare each; beim' a subdivision of F.ri!
1 out-lota Noo.lollaud
Sir, all Ibroulle by ' WILBeiN KIN
July'lt. Hell. IS =d . strut. Erie, pa.
' ' Itifit and rdeaboro ?I Road.
ERBOIIB dr-strops to take that parolet of the mad now cora
pleted. by Bre year, will please call 1111 1P11141.1.1r AltilY at
big, the Treasurer. II ho is au th orise to make such afrange
meat as will Ise reasonable and right:Bk artier at the DOOM of
Directors. JOHN GALBRAITH. neer.
Gide, holy ill.
i .
. — r ---
WOl l lOll4
TE rind En ireisailhit rirckly In gprinafteld hams applied
J. to the Court of Commas !lento( Erie. County to grant a char
t/mid roeiety, and th e proposed quistittitioh and irtietes
of soriatios. bare iAVII examined b) the Pejd Crum and direct
ed saute to be filed in thollifiee or the rrorharimary ameeatdy
to taw. JAIII3 MUMMA. Prhiter
Erie. July li, , 118
DOCT. W. B. WILLIAIfS; havineme-bureburd lee entire
Medical ?mike of Dr. L. G. tiallj la Watisburah owl vi
cinity. would respectfully announce to Ws patrons and tbe pub
lie geseeally that be bee reeared his tunetice. sod will give
=stleadance w all calls la We Wed of his profewitma; Rear
migru te Me reeabytetilut Church
Wa , /sly N. PSI- I 1 eg -
Gazette p c us p copy t il l forbid.
HC ‘nwel.t. DAP returned from the Eastern elites
where he has been spending the inost of the spring and
summer in purchasing Goods. at ery low mites, and is now re.
crisis./ his last pureh.ise of SUMNER GOoLltt, which will be
sold below , any price el' before odered in an) market. 1 will
close out my slimmer stock of Goods. which is large. to snake
room for the Fall Oasapaiga at test—bow is the time: those cheap
goods are going fast. , d. CA VW
Erie. Judy It
0" particular friends are ingouted that if baktoues are small
which sre'our dee on Book and Note, they are iipporiant to
waking up larger payanents. and that they must be paid or will
be collected by taw eller the expiration of this month, wttliout
regard to the obligations we feel to our patrons, but With spe
cial regard to the claims clout' creditors. The books and notes
are at the office in Sinnett & Co.'. brick store, and some person
aiwsyl there to recente the money during business hours.
Erie, Ju,y lf. " tnerwr.. SENNETT It CBES TEJL.
which has effected more radical eufes than all others com
bined. being so eonswuesed as to adapt Itself to antlown and po-
Niacin of the borey. wholly dispeusina with the strap so mutinying
to the wearer. Yor Sale by J. H. MINTON k. CO.
CAK INS EXTRACT OF VANILLA—A fresh supply just
received by J. H. BURTON & ' .
Dress' Goods.
SILIE and Linen plain Aid watered Poplins, Barge de Lain,
plata. mode. blown. and blue (Wages. striped nod 'figured
ttsviiso Mwdin.. black. brown. etude and blue eilk Timms. plain
and figured Lawus, C. al
2500 Priuts at it cents perT)
134 '"!tr g
I is! iae:teh, and trie;n: Gi
Erik July HI. ! C. M. TIUBALS.
State St., ',marl* opposite Empire Stores.
NOW opening: the largest and fifiest stock,of Goods in this
line ever reefed fur sale in Erie, just piirclui-eil in N. Vora
embrse mg all the new styles of rich Jewelry just out. Any one
wishing to punch's.* a siilerelid hatch and chain will harem first
rate Opporiunify pyf selecting. Not to be undersold by any simi
lar establishment in this vicinity. U. Loo.llls &
Erie. June et. t 8
T Ftoo wish to Pee a good ossottotent Syths. Ifinaths, Forks,
4., Socktes. Rakes. Ntones and Rifles, call at the Cheap
'Hardware Store. No. 3. Recd house. 7. Ent., June
TN great variety at Loomis & Go's. erldwaei na Ladies and Gents
t Breast eflff. reneliS and Pew , . Ladies'
Corr Pons, Bract let•. and oriel , dcwabie anieres, tat o.rrralited
as represented Call in—stliaritc for shnwing. 7 June te.
QI i,V ER COOL/S.—PIM aid Threadni Tithlrind Tea ffpoOns,
►Forks. Daffier IK Hive% le.1 e. Of our own inanuraeture, rrlver
warranted or the fineness of Dollars, Engraved it, enryl styteloy
June 4 . 3. 7 G. 1.90‘11$ &
CALIFORNIA GIG.D Manufaetorr.l to order at ottott notice.
Into R i uga. Uteast Ptas. RrocOtt., Chaim , . or; I)Ft h nig &rowed,
any ntyl.. at 7 G. 1.003111 S k Co.•s
tr.' sqva DIY BLTISNEM—CXCELAIOR 14.3111 LI"
BYWhieh a large *tubing can he dove in one-third leas time.
trouble and eipi.bie than with any other litot.pri linos n. It
ran he used gridiron pr hard water, mild or warm. Will remove
l i ed.
Grease. Paint, Tag, 1 It or Mains from goods withouarthe'leart
ihjwy either to the or the bandr.' For *ale by
Erie. June 11. !NS CARTF.R & RROTRER,
by. Woods, Dye Iltidrs, Paints, Sic.
Tue undersigned o ff er for .ale on liberal terms Dye Wash. of
all the different kindr. of Mew own 'manufacture. and war
ranted equation any Manlike totted. r tz:
1.01-wood, Red-wood. Cant-a nod, 11) net Mel-wood.
rustic. Green Ebony. *ell handers, Extract of Loprood:
14 sea• wood Illrakil•MUDd. Pealli•V.oo4.l. Bar-111004
NW. Dye. Argot, Ewa i Tarter.
Together with a rnieral arrorunent of free Strip. Deer? Drag%
AMU.. 4 . e..41re. 7bletchants and niattufaeturer• *untitled. ,
• 1 rENTz. To w Zi tzEN D lk 00.
Match S. 1E41.--V NO. 35, Water agre • N. Y
anocicintz MID OULU
AGOOD assortment of Dining and Tea Sets. light blue. flow ,
Inn blue, white and inullbery; also, a good variety of Glwrr
Waft. for sale at Use kmeat Num by C. M. TIBBALIn.
PRE PITTSBURGH STORE ha's been removed from
Wright's Block. io the frame Wilding on French same,. owe
dont . north of C. M. Ta %twee the so bee n her still cone num,
to keep • full assortment of G roeenes nd Pro, wions on hand and
tbr sale, at wholesale and Retail, at a small advance above cont.
Erie, Marcia 13.1E31. J. M'CANN.
1U ECHA N 11^3 TO.N.K.—Panel Plows. Match Planes. Bench
:11 Planes. Frammg.Turning and Firmer Chisels.Gonars,
illsMiler4 Broad Axei. Adzes, •I Han d. Panel, Compass. Rip.
Feld. Tr non. and hack Sago.. t_ 4 l.cel tantrares. Try-Agnates. Bevels,
64 h 1 Fe..otsdre thrave., Dividers. , COM pitt•ell, Brace aid Bias,
hand Axes, hatchets, hammers, Beel Screws. Sand PTIPTTACC,
Erie. May II —$ No. 3. Reed Mawr
Qlll.lC.Ginithatian4l Cotton Paine°ts--au extensive variety al
Erie. Mar 14,1.51.-1 JACKAONVe
11"111Egreatest viriety and Chestiest Prints ever offered in this
.1 city st (t) • JACKSON'S
LADE AND MISSEd SON% ETS--the lide.t styles at
Eric, May St —4 'SMITH JACKSON'S.
LADIES Wslhins , Shoes, Buskins, Oh" Jenny Lind Ties
and Gititets, for sate by ~ SMITS JACKSON,
Erie, May 11 . t
M 6: andßoy'a as Leaf. Leghorn, alld Panama Harr—for
sale by (tj S.JACKS(PN.
CitilVriiilAKN. Carpet Warp Cold and White. Samoa and
'addinit. for sale by • 11l SMITH JACKSON.
250 NAlLS—beta P.astern and Sourhern..fOr rabe
%ery cheap, by 1 - 44 JAC KSON.
ill tirrE yitsll,Cogitish. ittet and ail kinds of Cr oerr Ica at
11l I JACKSirS'S.
Ll4/11010t.—A general at.onn boar Iltrundy.;Gin. Kum. Wine
and Wbi.oey.lbr.aly by 8. JACke(iN.
NAVY ISM; V. NANRlKlStue'llrlll.aud a large stock of sum
mer stun pools, Ake.. , i , J trlittl)N.
_ _
SIIAWI.I4.—Cpte. Ailk and'Sarrage PRiawie: plain. printed:
and ernbmi..eiredlnure and Deinne Shandy. and every
variety of elleapvuunner do at i SASITII JAC/a/WPCS.
Erie. May 031.
TOIL A IN. rill id and elltriped,Casiiimeres.Kentueky Jeans, Tared@
1 Colonnades, beoitus,fid other titimmerstuttg, at
Erie, May di. - . 2 JACKSON'ta
Permit. Herylish. attd ,A . onerleas Ittaek. Green sal
Navy Dine, tor safe cheap. , (10
A 8001 ) awortutent of Dry Cdoda. Greer!' iew Crockery. Hard
ware. aitso acc,lnet weeteed by
_ _
20 very best ar . ltt!e. nit from salt or
lime. foe sale lower thee Ibtrianiartiele uI as good •
TAP BORERS and Itos 'Santana at Met:bean Dardwase Hiore
SUMMER UAW —lborn. &raw and Palm Year H rot
1 , 3, sale cheap at No. t. Wrigla's Ricca . May 17.
. _ _
20 Cheats Old and Young. Dyson Tea, Maek linpertal and
Hypo* Skin Tea, by S W. F. RI NDKRNECIIT.
SHMIS. Maims , Motu 374 1,9 73 eta, prcrelloa. by
n sox ES Raisins. also Currants. Citrons, rip. aittlall nth
Arit/es kinds a Fruit Rw wile low 119
MVOICA IL I serau large moon went of Guitars.
Banjoes, Violins, Mil, Flutes , . wino, to for *ate cheap
al 8 G. LOOBlllB It Co's.
dir 'MOCKS. for Vole by the Nov or 'toile one. a large number of
-) tryter, anti ohne very Cheap in rice. av kw** St 3nt at
3alv 3. txmluts & Co•'.
7 KfiEBTED to the subserther are requested lo call mid settle
1 without deny. Cost will hews* , on an vbo uegleet this uo
tier after the flrst of August nest, without respect of persons.
June dr. 811. 7 ' 1. ft. FT ;LLEItTON.
W 41141110, irf oki.—A good assortment the sole hy —
July 5. • r ri. Loomis it Q.'s.
rrll F. Neal Fritate of J. W. Riddell. Fig . trine tmrpitrt We.: of
a the real estate ofJohti 4tiddetl. lase of Cl* deceased. and
COI/0114in! Of tiro lour frn by 1311 feet each, at the earner of Ger
man and IV Arms. tf/e dot eat the cornet of Canal nod Peach
streets 41 by 111 feet. and one lit froi 1111 l g ou canal street 30 by
110 fem. is now for sale by the subscriber on favorable wean.
F.:Mit/ire or ,W/L.SON KING, Land Admit.
• Eric. July 3, IR°. amt. ,
LARK'S rAII.gT fti - Filit - AYi It additional
aupply just received. Those rho have used theta lay they
ate sue et mar to any I More used. Fur sale by-
Jule 3. @ GCO. drLDEN ilk SON.
H 1V I:3iin received a large hnd it ell selected Nock of wrs and
I dry Family Groorries. Wines and Liqoort, Dye Studio. Philip.
Witt.)w and Wooden Ware. and l du ahy it NlVPrir. that I
will but hr anderocild by any one in the city flit Erie. Call wad ace
coffin,. of Filth and Mate *Arcot*.
July S. 9 W. V. ars vino:wiry..
20000 I; B ,,i's:';'Rer °' dlrt.7g
44101plaitt of lAptree fx sale by Or Haft oilb. by
it, July'p. B - W, Y. RIX DECSF.CIIT.
2,000 I 119. best Codfish Is the eity fur palest Sets pee
lb. by 9 W,i F. RINDERNECIFT. ,
DI S S 0.4 L T Tlp N . _
71E fuss of Mattson. HaveSsiek & Co.!, disc/hag by NOW
eoupeut. The bustaess will be eobtistied by Compton gr.
liseetstielp at the oil otand Chentaltle. I The OCCOUIMS Daft Ite
Of the late Oral will be adjasteg be. t 9
July 3. , 8 ' CON PT .r 4 RI PER STICK.
11,ZODA IIfSCUIT—A fris6 supply air lipreeer's Soda Illiseult.
4, 0 Just reel! i• 8 . moons , amonar STYMIL •
MI NKr of all descriptioru Ibr sale at
Jult 3, 8 MOO,lter GROCERY STORE.
1: 6
.lloal Estate for Sala
m Aira ramaostasza above: I
N 04,11 s..a nireas. lb Mi.
join( 11. - AreTICE be leave t o doe la= on of
his old twoonicrs and th e pub' tbeplor
did ill~lnient of 14.111
Spain.' and Ikurnser
Caoannorro, Venue's, cad curb Other pods lOW
ally ,ound In •
raiddenable Clothing listaddishinent.
Which be la now receiving and opmalag rot tae inven
tion of porehaaera at , i•
pro. I asrao sows*.
ilia whole stock has been Weeled and rude lade , hM own
direction with particular care, which with the remarkable
LOW razoxis I •
at which he is determined toren will Convince all Who may favot
him a ith their custom that bisestablishment is tl4e only pace in,
town a here
- Good and Taabiotnabi. Cliunamt
ran be I:otialit at a jwoce Which defies content's)* Ilia stork. Of
CLOTHS, CASSINIERES t and VESTING'S have been selected
gii, great care exporrid) for the cuidom trade, anti he would is
% ite those who prefer haring tbewelothing made' tO order en ;fall
and etamine
GOODS, OUT AND. 1111.1C711; .
for es. Person,. leaving their nwasure fdr say garment
a f not pleased with at u hen dame, will not he *died to take 41
easy. He Ault continues to keep on band shirt/Demi kinds. and
from the be-t nsanufneturem. Attu. ohm of the test
make, very cheap; Suspenders of all wreaks: et ass, the best in
town. Or various gmaderaand prices; and in filet ie keep. altursie
every thing is his line; which be would be Imp to sett to his
friends It. cheep an the ebez.pegt.
1 1717121 H done to order, and wamuned if properly
made up.
Erie. April* 1881 • AO
VID 4 II maned tee, a superior. ankle. on Otter days (ma
- new York. My artatnietnients are ensile receive an iry
Voice twice per manila. enactment will red at* ranee the bent
in nutrket.—April If. 3. H. FIII.LEITtre
r%E LAN LB.—Printed. riun, and ilium.' 14 '
A by
RI OW/NC—An estensive 'worn:urns of Roane,. t 'no. and Sash
Ribbons. Plain, Marna and Satin Do. for sole at
City or Borough Warrants at Par.
LA lk *ALCM will !retire ably nintonat Of City and Boe
rough Warrstits at Par a theivihote. No. I, Weight's Block.
Este. June 1-1.1e41.
MICCW/1NX.AN211,11.1 •
llitAiitANTl4 for all and tiers each. itia stateelled 10 be
• good is every respect. for pleat the mimin. other of
Erie. June 11. pt. til.t!fF BU fr.
PREMIUM role ititt,VUL—r e pay, apc luta Iti
for hollana Ilaif Doliarsaroll Five Franca. I •
Brie. June 111. IC DA
J-Pe-ired and (or pale by J. 11.11 T
ARNoLuis wa Mgt; PLUlD.—Quirt andl
sale by I J. 11. 811
ANN Era GEICWAN OINTMENT.—J;s4 received by
taitrond and rot sale by J. Ilt SU TON & CO.
4 •
THE windersigned, thankful for pan patronatte and
J. whetting a cuntinuanee or the same, would reit
peetfillly announce to the public that Ini is prepared to
cut and make up Garments in the Idtoit New York
style. Ile a arrows his work to be equal, if not supe
rior. many done in the City. No Illtine. pay.
Cutting Jobe in the most fashionahleisti le and dope
When promised. JOIINJ COALDING.
Erie. June 7. Veal. aced's Block. opposite the ilmsuel Block.
F(have just reeletved New Pate
terns for several sizes of there fuel-savingarticles Ow sum.
user use, and are prepared tol - urni.b costumers... With a superior
art le. A few au band ready fur use. • SE:W I NE:ET 4r. CU.
Di a y 31. . 3 -
NAILS '—A lane lot of first quality Nails, whets will benotd
at manufacturer's prices fur Casts, at thel i fie tnwatn rasin
g NETT at. CV.
Groat Zizcitemant: Wears from
Fair! '
TATE are now receiving our Spring and Slimmer Se ock.cousist-
Vll it.,.: ore% cry variety td SUMSIt:R G such aft Canting.
tail to plernie every variety Ofhtintan tame.
no of new and 'plea idityler. a tar p
. i , ..
Our mock eoinprites ht. a
and mdendid iwmartnient of Prints. Er iiiii Iwo 110.: 1,.:1,,,rn,,
Straw and Palm Leaf Ilaur, rte., which will be wildleheaP Fareach
at No. I Wright'a Block.
May 17. ' I..RDir.ikus.T.
lAW NW—New andelegant patterns, at No t vilfiele Block.
. May 17. , ILORI) & RUST.—
Olothingt Cloths and 0 • est
riniE suhiresiher bees leave to call the' attentign bf his old el*
touters and friends to his new , and and selees stock of
Ot OTIEOII. cLoTztria Si cAsOrsonann
recently purchased in New. York. and now oirertd as cheap, at
east, as at any other estahlishatem known. j
lie doeinot deem it necessary to tell those 110 0 have foe
a series of years patronized dim that be eoutiou .43 manufac
ture as
Garments; as ems be found in this market; but o ew e:ustomeni
he has no hi...swoon in eat - int:oml if they *lll
They will-ant to away dissatisfied with either
albOi•• Wo kmiSiship orillf'rices.
Custom work always don'ts itretisonable andwarranted-
Also cutting warranted, if properly made up d . iCan — ann see if
"old Mingo have nut become new" at the island of the sale
weriter • JANice LYTLE.
Erie.oe,tober ISSO.
. .
DVladrUFFS—Madder ludqgo, Logwood, Pustue. Anueue
Niewood. Ire. by JACKSON.
. ,
0 fl dos. Miles White & 1..W0 ouperior Can liteiei Axes for sale
qJ 0 by the doz. or istargte—watzonted .
GEO. ssit.
ir 111.13.-11) ow ammo, Ergotarsd Croton. at 1
U 8
IMPAIR • - *
11.1.14 BF.ATT 4. 111
Y M. 111:414.£011tD hai
r this rafted .
copartnership as Bankers mid Collett tt and Exchange
Brokers. nader the firm of N. LrANPOBD Offiee in
"Rewire' Block." between State and Peaclit street:, • Pubba
Erie. Jan. Jan 1. I°sl.
W. a. suss.," ilt
worpli ti inlbrm lo v the pu t hlle that , he Ll i cv , r . , : i rzv eut.,. \
Ills emcees I/1 ill be rearm:Me. Please ca ll nd ree. ()direst
the Canal Stable. near the outlet lock of the ' tension Canal.
Erie, Jaw. 4. tat.i Lf
JUST' received a large and well selecred sloth of My Goods.
J l'inbriellas and Parasols. Ladies and eltildnen's Shoes in anent
variety. Pally expeeied a large stock of tidoeeries Crockery.
Wall an 4 Window Paper. Shelf Hardware. vb., which will be
old as cheap u the cheapest, at the or ore of I
May 'M. ' MOOR!' F:fm iknormes
311011.3 NEW GOOD*.
31Ivey day Nags Illemetbise !Cm,.
Tut subseribers woald respectfully announce that 'hey have
recently received a large and• well-setectO stock of Grote
.6o4 Pnwisionsf and Ship Chandlery. ite..i which they have
bought eitierly for cash and at low rates of 01 and ervibluthed
Mouses. In New York.lphia. Mogilev'h and elsewhere,
which they now of at it& French at.. as cheap as the cheapest
if not loWer titan the same article. can be ontreht elsewhere far
this ritvl Merchants. hotel keepers and ntnenr are invited to es
amine our stock. All good. warranted a* I trt ,, ,oard when said.
Ma) 31 —a Ik . T FITn&RP.II' fr, 8011(e.
FLOCR, Bah, Flab and naPier. kaltallar on band, and for
ssicat the lowest Market price.
May 311 —3 , 1. T. NTERSIFITT & SONS.
ILLOW WA.GuIO3 areliery variety forl. - tle by •
Arnie at. - D. 8. CLARK
ot every description for sale by
V June 21. • D. S. CLARK
EAST POWDER, a superior aniele,!liir
.11. June .21. 6
1 ' 4 XTR ACTH of Lembo, Rase. Vanilla.
weeds, Peach, Celery, Orange Flour,
rine. for sale by
Jane 31.
101) BAGS 011ur pot retei.e.lanj for ;gale by
, •
it. lE$l.
2.,g Ken's Kentucky Rifle rowder.tan reed. and Par sale by
itS the ball; gustier.* whole Kew by
June teal. , (Si R. T. 4TERIVETT t MIN .
10 , g 1 G. ,
O 0 SAW Dairy dell lot male by
Tllialbrrd the public that thee
61/uherribera 11,01114 reepeetfully
hare built powder manaine. and are desirous or Norte'
for *we dealing In the ankle. Ilt. T. BT.E i tIETTIII, BONS.
June I. I. 4
;. rrie Livery Abate.
0 i rg!tt. T HE subscribers would ictitsrm the tuil.lie
Out. they still continue the Liver'''. business
at their 014 etami on Rue ,Street. ear Third
where Horses and Carriages of all description may, lbund n•
all times read,hlbt use, mad pticesao suit MO limes. lease rite
mita call. MARTIN 6IGGS. I
Erie. June U. tqlf. 10.
peAs.—Fresh Green and hhek Tens. only .11 lactic' from
lintau• noun Greets Tea for 30e. per pound. good.
Eric June T. t. M. TINDALL". •
lionsuner Goode, Ziscitemeni atiatiznied.
HAVING just returned from New York.: I am now receiving
a complete II.1%)1111.1011 of the desirable late styles of Bum
mer Ibms Cuods. Last us. damsels. Milks . Tjasuev, togrther wan
other deserimions not so familiar ineluded 'ill the mock. In at
tending to the is nuts of the Ladies. (silo of cOurseelaun first at
tention.) the gents are by no means neglected in proofor this
they have only to call and lookover my assortment of Cloths, Cas
slineree and Vest inea, the colon as variotufas thole of my name
sake's mutt, and quality dt pm any oceasicrn. even the parr Molar
one A new reintbreerneut ofCarpete are mete defying to:Maned-
Hon either in price or quality. The Crockery deparunent keeps
pore with the others in every respect. •
Having teeme convinced of the advaritikes offredlunth pur
chase, toad. w ith rash, over the old systhm. I now request the
Coimaunity to satisfy Hummel ves on this aimPortard Point, by com
paring lily prices st ith those of alit or ever/ other c 4 toblisbOWlll
in the city. 1 . 11 . CLARK.
Erie, May 31. NO I :ace& House.
'TUCKING. Striped Sitining. Apron Chinn. Canton Fianuri
J. Drain and Sbetlinp— say quantity v y (ump at •
Erie. 'Noy U.-11 SMITH 1111:84. brB. .
4 4 "% . " —L athe.. 1, 0 Gents! White.
Silk and ('orlon Glares. kw itiTat 1.W.K.4074•44._
(11J1141101 Trowel* atiaßakes, al the eNtAP Hardware more
BAii ,R Sigma and Keit hees Cocoa 111
M. tiViTON Co._
Etio L KINd - GLA SP 1.11. 7 -7A . ioad sweentfrnt nt eheaiiiwor•
- Loway. BROW N t Co's.
riff new rate srlbetoon !Mid aIKIIE► .11lie tor the
deed or by the pound. by comrros.-oAvEsirricK & CU
Mearritre exit/eels of Limps Re d
.a.:4 Valetas. Iter entitYy A. T.. ER.RETT a 80114.
Wd i tittt Tre e tac t i at t h e wawa
r i rlat Trinomial/ aa • Butionui
1111 Aptil34. \
Lanes rot male
Pint bottle+. be
o Warll's
le by
hineal and Meets.