A. P. !DUBLIN &CO., Proprietors. VOLUME 22. frit ilittititi Obtrutr. A. P. DLIRLIN & CO. PROPRIETORS • • B. P. sz.perr. 11 ditor. OFFICE, CQRNER STATE ST. AND PUBLIC .SQUARE, ERIE.. TER'SIS or Tlll PAPER. City wiltoer Rich. by theca rr.er, t —111.. et, St ',intl. tr at the °dire. in nth ante, 111.30 4 g t'it nut paid in advance( or n ti bin threemouths Crotn the time ot•u l•g•r bi mg. too doitars WAN be charged. I VAllcummunieatiogr oast he !oat paid. - RATF.S JOY ADVF:RTISING. • eardy nut exceeding I line*. one year. $l.OO tigs square •• 10.410 do. do. six months. .; • 11,00 • do. dn. three month.. • 3,00 Tifinolent ad% ertiwrneil tr, cen is per /duare. of fifteen lines or tt.s. fur t he 111,1 rosen ion 811 erma ho each Atibeelpreitt W4,4,1'0,011. I f Y rarh tidy ertosersloa,t e the tor o t,ojege of changing at pleasure. but at no tome are allots ed to occupy nLre than two Agnate*. a 1 fir to /so ittd tu /twit a •111. Z 41.de "braswe.. Adt erwenoents not hat one other do reehonsi s ill be inserted till , o ho and charged ae eordongly. 3 f*o 0I : 4 ktl :341 JUDSON, A TTOR ,CV ar 1r .--ditICC at pre,etit in ItiCkllloliff le (Mier. in J.'' DOI;GLASS: ArTDItID •T 1.01111V.-- 4 )lnCe over Willow. & WrlAtt'a Winking Nor:lore fir. 4 arq, no Use Piddle r.rio,,te CIINIPTON & IIAI EttS;TICK. llrar [i . ID thy Goode. t; Wee-fire, 1.1.11J0r. °tail kinds, Crockery &If y one door south of More, French it ~r, I.rer. Pa. - t J aLtt.,4,.. B. )IA CRSTAIf K. G. A N I.) it E.' , - Ar , t 4 , 11. &vire Offi•nhacli—lkliot ul /.44 ign MrAlir and my air.d ‘lerchandite. lall,dr..air :wt ret.d,t O. 19. So. .111, N. ab eikesinot Mrert. Ph il4djell.ll#.l. 1 • Dlt_ i r. ISIIANI)F... hiT.n laN and St and 0, 41 011 r I. c.urver of Slate and Seventh mrnel•i; Reruleurt on Eighth Stro•l. licit% cen French and UMW). Erie. - T . W . .1l )( ME. Irs• IRN Crl t tk . ef tr.. Pros 1-10(1., WI I it., maw., F ru it, No Puur l'iwies Ron, Stay. r•treci:„ Eric. ' M. SANFORD' & rh• 1 Vri , Ilk Gold. Stlser, Rank of ryt•ii. Re. Siztn EN4'll loge ou thr pri the. r on:gam!). for .41e.. Other in 111v..0 Bloc h. 101111 rc Vun rc . Erie. T. lIEICON S I UAltl'. /0 , 1) TI)V.1( lAN riallet of rfl`l.tii ;111.1 Bdlh 0011 rt Harp KOC la'A i4t -.lof rote oli fourth •trert. our 01,1 podier,ri I ~11. • - • - li T.'S.TER (LET & SONS. Ott trail a run 1, I :On !h•n . t.i out. Prorducr.bli• . ace : anil .4•lb. ur Ctid , It. ).Irllit•Cli..l; , ..t. I.r w. ‘l . M. S. LANE. ; Attorney arid Counsellor at Law. \I%) Pcu...m., Itointv 1.10.14 and 1,11:1 144. •111. t all I Uu•, entf U-IVd to me shall rrr.`llr 314 Vislisfill 311P5511011. oltrt w ‘Vrqlreb 111.1.Ar.1.6 uu SL.,te t o%er .1, It. Fullerton's! 11 , Ilf t. 19. LA lit t) ST, I:ll. , trit r r •11.1Rerril lM :.r-t ri I trt I:t.”l..l:neeriefOlardtrars Salt NU. I ~,IVf !Or,. Muck r‘tr or+ to Fitlk.ll.tl Si ite Street.t. Erel I'! RUST. GALE.N B. KEL.NE. , F..,....41 , 10. Taolur. r....tt....)% er Ike -10n•../Isllllol Jaeloop,4 - !mai, Side CUTTINI; doftr..ll oloort no,re. . I__ _ _ OLlViat t'PAFFORiI Ilrf and Staiwatrr, and Ainnul.teinr., ut lihnk Douai; and 11Nti 11d...corner of the I),atnotid an I : I ,i rah • 1. ILNICKLIN. Ii tI ./ and general' .1-i•nev and Comnn..ine bU501,.... Fr a nk la.. Fa. Itt:l'S It 1 1kfl t in,EitztiQh.C:eritian Dud ,In,. rieart Ilanluarrmul nillery. AN". Atli Pe4 ‘ let*. Iron and eitvi Nu. 3 Herd //owe; T J. t. LIL}ULF; S Cu vITRP. Can,. and %V.lvai Slate Street. be twreu & Eizlllll. F 5 ie. , L. STRONG. M. U. Door wry, of C. B. Wrr:ta's 'wrr. up tuner,. (4 VIC"' Vllll rkkg. A. Ett:t..kr, Seventh near :4 1v...1A - rag itreti. Res .,knee, ou one Io f 111/1111 o 1 r 4 l•v emir ,I. 1 C.- SI EGF:I„ . . tr....r.v . ... and Retail dealer ni Groccrie.. Proviipnna. Wine., ',gluon.. Prim, dr....../ke Corner of French and nut, StfreU , , OppOntlClAEFarnwne Ilor.'l, Eric. J6iiN :11,•CANN, • .7-e. WoiniSAl.o and Retail Dcalcr in F 4 1,11. i:nc. ‘rict, Crockery Cdanoicare. liotE . S.iil.. 4:c . Cheap cidcy hr.', ra. " IP' The 111014 prof...paid for C.aitiirt rththiCe. /1 • ~___ f .1. (10.% 1. DJ .s; G.. - - • H}lEh' TAtt ott. and Habit NIAAr o. Roe.rs flock, 44%1.40 , 11. - th.. tknmelllll k t•!tatA, Stre,c. Erie. J. W. 1% k:"I'MoRE, T T n,12 IV I: V .1 4 1 tr . , in U ile, ,n SO rntL SI reel. Ene. Ca II }:.\llY (' --- .1 I)V ELL, Illilorrvii.lotkber. and Rotall .01...der )11 Dry Gootd.. Crorerd.v t 1 'rorkro. Ciara.m are. l'ari;.din,z. Ila r.1%4 are. Iron, Sired. N.liii.. Oa v, Ike Ftniore Storrs State rltrutt, tour IkluorN below r,..k o'• Hotel. Err, Pa. 1(... 'lnt II- % wr.... Ilellow v. Axle Ann.. Snringg:and a general i .1.... , 1:(11A . Ill 01:.Sad , 11 , ' and Carriage 'En mining., _ l i S. Al Elt. VI AS li I Ttl• -.---- )oAiroliAi AT LAW anal .11... We o r f o r Pc..er. and Agent con i OW K. 'I Sim.. ilenuJl I.de lioditante Comirany-4.llbee3,doota vo o ~ 4Vllgin, ARO.% Erie. PA, • GEI►IttJE 11. CUTLER. AT •T I.AN. (Ward. crit , C.)tility. ?a. Collections and ctoor ntietoi.ied fu Is site protsiNnet. lid d'upuate - ___ _ - - JOSIAH KELLOGG. fors arrl:l ; c'olumiNpiurt Iterehant. out the blse Dock. east of ~ste - f.s,,tet nn4 %ttter Fbsil. constantly or - J. H. WILLIANIS. 8 , 4•11. r F",oehno,l4, Ilruker.\ IMalrr ..n 11,11 a or EIC halter ‘ ll, 01 lk•pcuoie.4:old and solver COM. &e., 14e ol•ee. 4 .but. brio% hrov.o'a Rom. Erie. La. - -- - - ------- I. ROSESZNVEIG & Co. • VV:.' ra.,..LP apn Rk:All IP: at.pctm in Foroan and Donar , o,r Dry ( .-PI:P, rea.ll inane elollirtir., Kane and Sliver, k.c., No. 4 %right oi Ilk, k, - :- t.itet *tree(, Ent!. .____ ,_ -------- BENJ AM IN P. DENNisox. ' I . illtl , ll4FT rt P1...w. Clrarlawf, oN,O-(lilt*. nit Superrpr ..trret. •,, lista:l'r. .lE.wir.. Itrter to Chief .14-4.tre l'arker,ettlfthridtte 1 -2‘ , 1 , 1q , . , 1 11,4 Rich:kr i Fleteiher, 111 State .1..11:',14414 lion. , =l”...rii Pori"... 1114 1% Am. el-Phil:o , fplata; R lettard 11. h. nd .lit. 1.-; , 54 Wall puree, New )1711k.- For te.tiusualiala, re- MARSHALL & VINCENT. A -- roltvil• t t T, oq:11r14 w Taunuany klall 'U tither, Erie. ill ltltll.Y WilAt-LON, , •P r. ANT ‘.1.1,114 AT I, kir 4'. R. 'Sr one 1)006/lett of Stalt.alifeet, un the bia lu unkt, !Jo MIMV;tI in 11rV Gflb , if.ll6 iirtpC e Neg. erakery. Hardware. Ice., 11 , ' i • ~,Grorrr sox l'rov v.. 0111 of all kind." state alr , A. three • 4.6.• 5M11 . 1 . 11 JACKSON. • ft in nry Coo Ix. 11711 reef r.. 4 .llar.l.,(e.tiuerna Ware, Line, Kn.., Pa. W M RI ItLET. 11.Rrg I •hhoi•b'r,' and Undrrtalrer, corner or State and wt. ' ' 1 4 .1)1% IN 1:1,S0 tk CC). •ttrf T or , ( . .....011 Metal:lnto:dealers 1,1,1 Lip. , •alt, * C. I. Plaster. Sthugleo. dr, Publietiock. the I,r4 z ige. late. 11'.11.K COOK, ;.-••, Cuailiwounn and Pro.luee Nlerehante;Se:- ( %% 4re. how., cam of the Public Bridge. Erie: O. !M0W . ..4 & en. • .' , P• m Watrll , .. iMein German Silver. Plated and • , ei ILI re t • utter 3 , liaitary and Fancy Good.. Ata te street. , )1 , 1..J.ite the Eagle Hotel ' . P. M. /term R'l' & BROTH ER, . • and R Via den;erg nt Drileo. tfe . diciiies, Pa i n Ls, flax;