Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, July 19, 1851, Image 3

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    Erie County Teacher! Institne.
At a meeting ofthe friends of Education, held in
January Itist,ll the Court House in Erie, a Lec
ture was delivered by Rev. B—Newbury of Cleveland,
Ohio, on the subject of Teaching and Organizing
District Sehdols, in order to cheapen tk. expense
of books. by adopting a system of standard works of
character which would prevent the introduction of
great variety of books, eud by having s series
a dapted to: the various ages, the works used this
v eer by the oldest scholars would be handed down
next tear 'to the younger ones, and unnecessary ex
pei.,e be thus avoided. Another, object was to bring
the means of instruction within \ the reach of all; and
as the pupils should progress their attainments,
they should be graduated into higher branches in a
,high School department of the same school iu.which
like youngest children begin to learn 'A. B. C. It
as then resolved - to revive the "ErielCounty Edit- \
catimpil Society," %Ilia was done iniMay last, by
the allpiontment of CHARLES . W. KEI.SO, rres
lent.. JAS: C REID, •W A LTER CUESTFAL and A. E.
fosTist,- Vice Presidents.' E. W. JuliNsoN, Re
cording Secretary. 1). 11. 111cCaExav, Correspon
ding Secretary. O. D. lIENDRVX, Treasurer.
At the same meeting, the following committee on
.Teagherhi - Institute" was- appointed: Thos: H.
Walter Chester, J. Towner, R. 0. Hulbert, A.
ii. Caughey, Mortimer Phelps, John Scouter,
Brapvley, D. B.*McCreary, Chas. Hutchins, George
IL:Cutler and Evi Twitchell.
At a meeting of this Committee, held on Saturday,
June 28, they adopted the following
- To the School Directors of Erie County.
We would respectfully invite the attention of the"
School Directors of Ericounty, as well as the
friends of education gene Ily, to an 'intimating,
the object of which is to i prove our Schooll and
Teaers, and to render a e ffi cient as possible our
si tl
Cumon School system. It is perhaps evident to
very one acquainted with the character of our
schotAls, that an effort should be made to render them
inure ihoroughly what they were designed to be, the
naming' of a sound and solid English education, open
to ali n aud free to all., But by no school system,
howevbr perfect, coo this end be attained, unless the
mstrucoeuts of its operation - are in every way quit--
ified- to ant, well their part. NVere the most ample
means of education freely afforded by the - munifi
cence 'of the State, still unless able and qualified in
structois were provided, 611 would be worse than
useless expenditure. Undoubted ability, then, in
the teachers, is after all, the soul, the life of •every
school system. In order to afford - facilities to those
who are, or intend to brutne teachers, to prepare
themselves more thorou lily for. this important work,
it is proposed to hold a "reacher's institute" in Erie,
commencing on the 2d Monday in September next,
to continue in session fwo week.. Instructions will
ie give!), competen t . persons hereafter to b.: select
d, on the various branches of a common school ed
ucation, but more especially on the most efficient
methods of teaching, sod on the art of governing
and conducting 5 school. Lectures will be 'deliv
ered on various subjects connected with ethication
aud with the object's' of theinstitute, on each eve
ning during the session. The expeose to, teacheri
or, others-wishing to attend the Institute-will be but
shalt: nothing snore than that necessar y incurred
for boarding during the time.
In coming out this plan fur the imp ovetnent of
• tts teachers end sClitiucils of our Count . , we would
earnstly ask the co-operation of the Sc old Direct
ors of the various districts'. Endeavor to induce all
who pretend to act in the capacity of Teac hers, even
for a limited time, to attend the session of the In
ititute. Attend yourselves, and there make your
selections oil - cachets. On this may, .and in this
alone, can a step of advancement be made is rais
ing the characters„and increasing the usefulness of
our sekols, and in rendering the teachers more
thornaghly qualified, useful and efficient.
The "Institute" will be Eri6 for thik veer,
and•be removed 'fur its next antnial,seson to some
town tdthe county, to,be selected at its close, where
- 1
asuttable building and acc.Onodations.alay be ob
tained., THOS: 4- 11. SILL, chairman.
A. W Cscougv, Secretary. • -
SINGULAR OCCURRP.NCR.-Tili. Allegheny Enter
prise tells of a singular occurrence which took place,
A day or two since, at the hopse of :Sir. Conlin, E:n
the Pranklin Road, about fourteen mile* out-. A
young girl, of genteel appearance, entered the house
with an infant in her arms, and a-ked for a drink;
titron which Airs. C. started to the spring for fresh
isiter, leaving an infant of bet own in the cradle.—
On her return, the stranger , had very mysteriously
departed, and in about an hour after Wards, she dis
nvered, to her horror and surpri-e, tliat her own
Child had been taken from the cradle and a
. colored
child left in itsVlsice! Nothing has been heard from
ihem since. •
lIIARI Spurs 'ix Ilstse LIFE.-A yuu ng - married
elan aamed Van Zandt is now in custedyi at New
1 i rk, charged with seducing and abdtictinglhis wife's
y likest stster, a Mira; fr:_tbert, a pretty girl of 17
y is. lie hod abandoned his wite and with the
sotergone to 'Trenton, where they-were pursued by
the mother of the girl and a police officer. .When
trrestcd a scene of the most affecting , nature took
place.' , ,, The.young girl, on beholding her mother,
Ind at. the separation from the man she loved, was
throw:Luau a state of excitement; and as she was
an the eye of her am:Vehement, the pains of labor
werArought on; and that night she was delivered
of a 'daughter. She deaies, that Van Zandt seduced
"r andocted tier; she say she was the cause of all,
tA :Ow loved him before her pister married him, and
'the a is determined to have him.
Tmit•Nirw CAtrrot..—The Washington Repuldic
sa‘ that the new Capitol Buildings tti beerected are
t • be each one hundred and forty-two feet eight
che• front. by two hundred and thirty-eight feet- eight,!
deep. They are to be placed at the distapc6
ct i“rit four feet from the present Capitid Icon the
nruh andl ,,, mh ends, and will be united t 4 it Dy
clinching corridors. The Senate chaniber.n ill to
re%erty-eight feet hy one - hundred feet in.the clear:
arid thi IRU of the House of Representattt es one
iii.ndred by one hundred and thirty felt. Both of
these gnamikera will be placed in the western-end of
the new Ladino;
T? The Washingtiin Union, after Pudin,g to
',tangle; of the coloted pnou!atio , ihnyving
iliat•the f r ee colered population of the United States
iticten-vd , utlly gi per dent io the ha t t ten years
tn.; Witt in New England it has actually diminished
pa,-: •
...There arc those who have traced the fortunes of
r , Pgro families that were -taken" from Virginia and
Mar!anil to the New, England States about the
C. of the rsolutionary war, and who can prove
1.,y unerring figures that thnfe families hare decay
,l and pimhed almost as. rapidly as the aborigines
. ./r own Cullritry. The tendency of the negro
•.sile free, if placed in contact with the white man
.:; evidently to a state vi hien' unfiits him more and
to multinly his species and contribute to the
i , nation of %stitch he is rather a mournful spec
4:cir than an intelligent friend."
L:7 On the let instant, a band of emigrarva
ii, Su eilen,numberin I lil3, passed thrmagrh Boston
~i ,e,r . .0 ay to the we M, iiia the Westerß Railroad.
T' .-- .i.arne from the vicinity of Gottentierg, and pro
-I'.vir to locate themselves as farmers in some I the
1 , .. , '', , rri toates. Tile prove lion was led ol
'f... n wantons filled with baggage . with the women
i.l rho/lett' upon the top. The men followed,
'rr , ny of thorn with their t gumi. In the first wagon
14., %!i4;,:ayed the American flair. The whole com
rry lad a remarkathy ciirafortable and respectable
\lurimmot; AssAut.T.--,-Thejown of Wilkesbar
'• l' was thrown into quite an excitement yester
•.• A negro barber, named Alas in, was arrested
.•-equence of threatening to kill several of our
for taking part in arresting "Jesse," a fugi
‘f• i!lve, last week. Masan, on his way to prioen,
• , •t do (,f constable John.m 4 e, attacked him with
cutting his (Johnson's) face very
. (16.ign was to cut the throat of the offi
- ,T;le negro was iiecured and lodged in jail.
• WI- t.t. Scin.—The Providence (R. I) Journal re
'There see many thouttaniia of people amidst the
,r ?v , itieeti'A and aplehdor of the British capital to
the lebor of a sugar plantation' would be ease
1 th e fore 'Of ttr negroes in the slave states a luau
!: they never dreamed of. T i be numbers and
" tits of the poor in England übould leave Eng
nn sympathies to waste upon distresses be
-9,e range of their own vision.'
News by Telegra' ph and email. YA TINIk4
July and kdipwri.—Tl l
JJ. 1
_ 1--.-......,._
____ , , 13 lUCKINV,IIA3II WAttl..-411 Good nrsonment at
it July It! • I :11Q4JIR re.' Grorery .
1 41 j111111 °tole. July 15. i t :tr i ii--firuurnarirr orieTab — illi — ng caeliii — - -
Lieut. Col. Ilery, T. Craig. o rennailvania„;lias been I 3 R 7,1 , . MOOR li,S Grcrety :tore.
appointed chief of Ilin t)rdivane Burian, in iliir place of l'oliA ( . 7Vi t . :3 l ol7 ' i- A T "fe i " ;0 1"';- s iii 6 it'; 1 :iiimth. ,11 '.'"'" " ' n
wing and .liutLlti:'...V i l ( r.
j ec i l•it . l. s tr , ;. r a vt le , a r t y
Gen. George Talcott , who is dis Mimed Iron the err % ice ! Joi; 1 -'1 1 '.. •
by the late Conn Martial.
. ___ _
CILIK FA' . W? flt . ; ita 1i01t.7e1114 drautattiid - r - tale at •
I Ilia)111';'S Grocery Stare.
' cu•1f....1t Im Ott; ett) at
'Gen. Champlin not appearin On the Criniiimt Cour t
~ _,-0 1: :. I t ' ,1 1 . -
. . 4 ,:-.-
this morning to answer the char of abducting 11,c, ultiv,,i , 1,. / Ji; il k : - l '' II "' ul 'tin IRV s Groe or. .:'re.
of Mr. Toombs, Suits have been 'ordered to be instituted , SIACKI:I2I'.I..- is.,. I AL 1,, Ilarrtilt.. Ita II 1 , art t.• its .1
Litt., pi-I I trt.t.l•l a :11(10111:S clruct r :t. fr,
against Wm. Blanchard, David 'l.. halo and ri:i•lby Bat- . ~ -
ITLiik:T k DLLS NI ad 1u lie had in nu 140.te% , at
ker n his sureties. fur forfeited regnizancez. 1 v July U. :11111.111E'S (levet ry : , unte.
tile Republic ways net meter', long co fezellees were ' ---
held last week between blew,. Vehster nil Bulever the
Nicaragua Minister and other.. tout nothi g definite was
agreed on. it having been cancloded to w it afew we :ka
to !Mow tune for 'the Nicaragua blinicer to receive so-
thority from house
Constable Clapp returned last evening
arrested in Vermont. charged girls hein
the Dorcester and Milton Bank rubbery.
Charlealrhompso), a stone cutler. tie
Pomfret, where be owned a small far‘rn w
ed shortly after the robbery.
Charles Southwick who was detained i
u one of robbeis. wee in company •
when•he returned to Pomfret. Ile a sni
coped once froterhoinestoii prison. 1)
prison for TeCellrillg 601110 ..of the stole,
Thompson. •
Oa Saturday afternoon while Bet
chant on C...itral Wharf, wastielg with
and niece, the home tau away and I lia p
throwu out. Mr. Moward'a sister idled ft
. •
The others wereNuilijured.
,Motu Devoe, s notorious bank rob .
at Woodstock, Vt., ou Saturday: De was
of the Dorceetor and Milton BaOk stolen
•nd mapped a psotol and drew 4 knife on
Ho ;was horrevereecured and locked up.'
A coloredanan4tring in Spencer. Mass., after rierione
ly.beatioir,hitowite, dragged her into the Wood and btab
bed;lier to tho heart. lle has rnade;hie eecape.
Sty: Volts, Jub:ls.
In the cue of Edwin wrest vs Cathaiina k'orest. the
Defendant moved yesterday for a■ order to discontinue
the proceedings in the Court of Common Plum. The
Judge gives his decisiou to-morrow.
We understand that Mr. Finest hap I Fommeneed pro
ceedings in the United Stites Court. adainit Mr. Wsllia
in Wcuou for.hbel in which Mr. 11. — . lays his dama g es
The Hon. Nathaniel Miles charge to Sardinia. strived
yesterday from Havre in the Franklin.
Two young women named Mary C ; I.?ke r and Cath
arine Brady. employed in tho boOkltindidg establish
ment or M. J. Named. in Ann .itreet. fell , down the
hatchway. from the fourth story to the ground. Ise for
mer was killed and the latter seriously injured.
The Courier and Enquirer deliberately and ad risably
're-nffirins the statement or its telegraphic dortespimdent.
viz:—That Mr. Webster tendered 'lns resignation to
President nib:tore. while it admiui the literal truth of ill
that:the National lutelligencer hasoaid on the wattled.
An accident occurred last night on the Penus)lvania
R. R. near Allilleisburg by the cars running over a cow
and consequentlY getting off, the track. The baggage
master, George Callahan son of a police officer . of this
city, was 'standing on the platforfn and was horribly
crushed. It is thought he must have died alnee.
Peovme:Ks. irily 15.
From a letter in the Jonrl4l this li - riffling from the
Boundary Commissicin, we ledrit that 1111- Bartlett. the
Chief of ithe Commission. had been "severly i njured by
being dragged from his horse which became frightened
and ran away among some bashes. the party were •t
Rita del Cobec, May 10. their health giod.lhough some
of the 'soldiers hail been sick with the scurry. Parties
fur the Gila would leave as soon as practicoble.
On Sunday evening last, u a Mr. Green was going
to Woonsocket in 'his wagon, a man suddenly stepped
from behind a bush and seized his horse. Mr. fr:. sptang
from the vehicle and struck him • violent-blow with hi
fist, killing him "in.tantly. Tlio Mita has ploduct
much excitement iu W., and wall und¢rio p legal 'fives
ligation. •
PURTI.•SD. July 15.
A frightful hail,storm passed over Kittery mud. Turk,
Me., on SUI/flying:doink great injury to hu.ldings and
vegetation -51U0 panes of glass wore broken in Kittery
alone, and corn, grain. fruit and potatoes in its range,
were entirely destroyed: Trees were stripped of 14 yes .
and many of them their branches, while some %era torn
up by their roots. Tuikies, chickens and bads werealike destroyed and lay died on the field.: it ptece of
hail was picked up in Kittery measurin twoiflet square!
and two niches in thickness !! ! oir tful.)
M OIL MAR, July 15 .
DILEOLICAL OFTR•Qt.—A gentlenik and lady of re
spectable standing, were , last Saturday married' at Pal •
myra and proceeded to their place of residence. On the
night fol:owieg their wedding six young torn went to
the house which was alone occupied by the !couple,
ed. the man whom they held fast, while eaeliiii turn Ho
kited the wife. After the perpetration of this fiendish set
the scoundrels fled. of them have since ber u ar
rested.- Among'those still at loge is Juhn 51odlililoy; a
young man forinely employed In the l'irMt aliCe herr;
and at the time of the iltturfin operator iu this O'filelly
Telegraph office-at Palmyra. '
111ohile'cliacloaes.soMe fa4ta which ought to make
strong impression upon the, minds of such of the North
ern people as are led bv 6 matives of aineere philanthropy,
however mistakenlr, to aid indisdriminately iu the ke
cape or liberation of Southeru negroes.
A free negro, narn tl Coleman, was indicted unaer
the s Susie law which provides thiit every free negro Oho
shall have come to Alabama since the first of rebruar),
1632, and have been 'admonished by any idler 11,
Ar,c, Mat to, cannot remain in the State, and shall of
within 3U dayi then...after depart film the setae , shell , on
,eunvicticin, be punished by imprisonment in the pe i
felttiary fur two )ears.•
The negro had lived in Mobile as a free man, fr m
1826 to 1850, when -he went to Ohio, with his wife rind
childreu. to enjoy the privileges of a flee Strite. Ile ei
aequently. returned .to Mobile, and though repeate
warned, under the statute, rantaibed to. abide the con
(moues. lie'statcd thatlia foadd himself unable to
along in Ohio. He wits treated ho better . than at hot
he could tied no work to do, ; and be aFcordingly vol
teered to return to a slave State, and rtak the pencil,
the penitentinry, rather than to attempt to live ant.
the Abolitionists. Ile was warned to leave the State;
wiuld not do it. -After he was indicted, the Solicit.
the State offered to withdraw the prosecution if he wo
go WOO?. 111. own counsel advised him to accept
offer. and thus escape the penalty. lie was inflezi
He had tried a free state. and would . ratlr * ..stand
hazard of the penitentiary in Alabama, than net to
tender mercies of Ohio abolitionism. 'The jury g
him the benefit of a !eget doubt, whether he had e
intetuled to leave the State permanently, and found
not guilty on the grou i nd that he had not lint his I
• •• l •
This man was in the best situation to try the ben -
,of • residence in a free Mite. ' He bad been accustol
to act for hims l eik. and support himself. and he well
ed tnet in a 'Ufa Skate his tOndIPOTI was fr
itely .
ter then it could be among those who set OF • titl.
.. unco-rightesunness" as the'fritiods of tne negro. H
infinitely lees are the choices r r tior... noniron. and c
sideration to the detected slave where the hypocrite
uces him from the spot where eis cared fur. to be eh
doped to destitution and wret hedg es. oa 0 strange
uncongenial soil.
Another remark suggests itself upon thit humane . ,
diet of this Southern jury. The care with which it gas
the rights of this negro is in ch/raeter with the wh
coma of Southern treatment of this class of-men ant •
them ; and the confidence with which the accused tr
tared his liberty for two years upon this verdict, is a
buts to that charactei which will doubtless surprise
Northern people who have been accustomed to bell
that there is ad charity or consideration for the blacks
the lent-Statee.—N, 0. Pie. .
. 1
. .
. .
iult i 5.
its the person
concerned -in
Ins n; me is
was taken in
licit he desert-
:Wrmr..itl,7 0 It D E N
Office in Spectre Teiegra 411 ,, , next to Witliantr t Wrightte
I.‘e ha t •t Whir, Stale -toil. rr .
Through Ticket:l U e.v vorit. la New Valk Ind Eriteßnerrei";
and in r iikde „it. it rleveiand, ran 1.. ptertire I.+t the. nal,.
rare to Ne fork g 9. to Ilit-tair , h
. _
CITA (I.W t-Stra from the robterita r
jr*„Z, GM llth nil ; a red row. nith n idor to her rde
ipc,; head, >lll/11' V 1 notion her tel 4, her trent inn large,
nl4 atvting wink hid l o ur or fi, g • 61,1. Aur
n P"r 4 "" vrmrniug sat eqw, ut l giving informal urn of her ntl Le
Dedham j ail,
to ha vo
I> w y.4loy is no , n
t (rpm
Iluwnrd Nter
i, wile, Ertel'
men were all
r vI arrested
.me time ago,
the ofruNr.--
I Y tltLAI•[GrmL, Joly_l4.
11 i: 00 5,—13U duz Vanceland Lit — amort,liiOrtmejuat receiectl
.13 and fae sate at I e NIOORt; 4 GRoct.3l4 . .. wohr..
- ..__
Xi OP$ and Mop filluty,a 6n ta. found it .
1... i. July S. ti scioitE' GRoci:ar .ST0111:.
131 , 1'1' fit MOULDS—A trek' article. for Kale al l
July 3, P MOORE.V GIWGERI 5T!...3,
AZ 00.4 lO.s CUIT—.t frcale outplay of Spelleer . o S.
1 / 4 3 11,t reed at et . OORPS' GROcEller
31 .4 N 4".% ut all Je,criptioi . fur 1..1c al
I Jul, 5. s ~ OORI? A' 1;..,
Eric. JOIN M. 1 F. 31
'DEANS 111.13 HANDS, g.. I
JJ July
AA xtcw Water
21 July 19. •
RAK new sup):1). of
new*.core. J) 12
July Pap
M, ill be *old !heap for c
July 12,,
I.IAVR V. 1111 t AV hr k l'o._
n dr. rd., G. rtehott & co., rod idel
mg Tohaccm (Or .3 It. by the , I.Vetl
11 RAN IIY:i; 111. LI/111. ; 7 'oll, M'al•igh and Madeira Wine, t ar
i tog in' pr ice and rptality. Aho. good Wltpd..e% for sate by
Jnlt. 11 `P-31, -1 W. F.' R IND Glitti CritT.
SIIIIIF* Mulastcs, letting Alois+ 471 to 73 cents per r - vtir.n. I.y
Jolt , It.. l' ' W. F. RINDrRN Et/IT.
.. -. ..
Dr wirtOo of an order of t lei 4 )rptia ti's Forat of 11 . 1 r count,' of
1.11 Erie. 'wall he sold by pillar %endue nn thepreinwe.. on Sat-
OrdaV the {td Oly of Ainved ne t. cnintnenc ill! nt 10 Weinek %. M.
the frllnn ing dceet died prase y,,2111 g to toe hews re intuit
AllenOrite of Fairview town 4 pin said count!, Breen-ed, wi l l,
in the township of Fairview in said enmity.
..and tieserit .1 and
bounded as Follows: On the nortn by lands of George Lot ier, on
the east by lands of ' Fetour' eOllll by the illt!telVily and
we-4 by lands cat John Silt real )171.,elilltrli11111. , al.ciut .even :ler,.
of land and ill% Pig erected thereon NI/well int tiotwe and .hoe
Ong,. The property e• situated on the mad lea ling front G hrard
enthalo. Pmok rig and filet
or quittl it %. by iYI
vdln¢r to 31e.lirai fOrlivne. I •
. 11 ile.tennfirnt ion of tholeil,..-nal
r i
Im e lane ut I,,nr noul mutual 1 1 4:111111411p 111 CM *S art , r• jib ..oriv.t
nuo b, %%fiqle -on ui ;JO i
aim :Me n hit enrrh ue.oloe
uni, w be
r•ee tired 1.1 ju.:,:uient botal and hutra re nu the wpm svro.
. July It I°3l.
II Term of the 'Alb.
sly.Aucsist 7th, unif,
Princial. 1
TriTioN r 1
In the Lanalionzes. !
Elie WI IMNFICII ,. .:
iiiai time of adittassio
No one wilt he adtil
emletue b. pleasant'
o , lop ot Conneaut. 11.
~ !tent of those Apple'
oilar 1114fi1f1.1.111 yll ill
in the twanetwitueu.t
! .i of imparting InSirue
: F.
the Term.
It, the 1,.%
l'or the
ina, part&
Jeri. both
the theur
W. STI *z. See).
(July 111, Is3l.
- A;First /late a.
Mlllr t HARA Trite!. or trot
I Atiljoi lair, the south !meet'
Ina 118 a res. This is one 1
is hr.,: or Cher - grain. in the en
exceed, y well sawed. and a
city of ' ,le. and will le sold i
sera. fts limiter and Mention i
fur the erection of* steam saw
s Also. MO ten ri lots In Lite.
to nioll each: beits• • *Walls 01
ISt. ;All rale by - '
Jul) In le3l.
rT"4 rr
10DERSO(Nrt deetrous to take that portion of the road ,now cow-
ONO. by the year. wilt peeve call with Palatal . Aaauraut
E. 0.. the Trraeurer,, who Is aiithorne4 to make such arrange-
Mem ts will he rewionable and-iirbt. By order of We Board of
Directors. ',WIN GA LIM A ITII.
Brit. July
T iled
to tir,, ii jo l u i r ' t n a l i v iZ a rn i n i 1 :In t trlim.Yori;rrePir'iounnfityld hate
to want : P elt r
-1 et. to ia :Lot let), and the pripo.ea Corirtiolhon and Anodes
of a -,bemooti. hate leCII es:tamped 11 she taid edort and (floret
,.l tlol raffle to te tiled to the other of die Prothollrears agree-11,1y
t.) I.“ JA,Slk.h a6INNk.H, Prlstler
Fro ft, - 3te
cr. fr. R. II //./,/A,WS,I
, ediral l'urrttre of Dr. 1..
' %%01i1.1 re.vcr trtally aunt
lerntly that Ire. Ives resit!
t Liner to all'exlN
k.rp•or.ite the r're-tryterta •
I t-lotrL:11. July 1631.
In" go
tie vie.ase cop) WI ff,r1,1,1,
1: firm of Cimipion. Hove
The kome , ff.
tick at tin• old stand Cl ,
pe fatil'o ill he adjusted
. F i r i
of the
I: firm of I. 111 111 Mom, .111t..1.ay .111-olve.l I.y. oettoal
oolreol.. 11w attiereA of J. Vllippi , , ' , ..2 PYrCh."'d bY II •
4 , .. II ho tt ill continue th tot.tro•••• ta. forittraly undta the
, r ii. ‘VIM , PIe• All the I .1111,11 of 11w hle lirm In 1.... get.
the %al.! IL Whipple. J. Wllrrri.n,
Jul, 3. • ' fl • II WIIIITI.F..
ILK/ Nte 31/(:A:.—.li P../1 a...unmet:l for cite ht
Jut) 3. t. , G. Litt/Mt: l & COII.
Real lama ' for Sale.
ft t .
eol ronle of J. W. Ri• fell. 1.. q , brunt it.(
! purport No..
• teal leftfate of John IR a(1.1 11. late .2( Er,. .Iprear.l. and
1111!1 , 1 two 10t11 i•• 21 by 1.301 ect each. at ll.e corner oI Ger
im 11 -tree'... (foe lot al' e eOrlier of ('.teal and reach
it: b% 1...1 Itvi. andone to (rooftop on rff
ail .tr... 0 30 by
1. ii. , f.k. , for pale I') the r l.l.efilA I 011 rit oial•Ir tern,.
lustre or • r11...4 /N . KING, Loud .%ent.
I. .11.!s• 5. 1.-sf.
I :Ins. .
. _ _ _
*W.. I' VI Mil :2.1 t'lll 4 o.lf ?.••'.'s A 1 11:4.—.'s n n•biltii.nal
bpi) •• •• II rest 1 . 11, The 41 ho eii 01 ail 111 . 111!. they
'' .4t to 1 " i /lore 11,441. 1 For •ale 11
t. V •'1:() :•11.111 - N ik. SoN.
T", '
I 10 I.
Fr.7l ' l j
I IL VI: port r . ere It e4l a
dr Famil!. firrircrica,
Cia-iIII "w• and Wrath
Will i it tin ynderi.old lq, a
C0,,.'?" of Fifth and ril , ite
.11slx1. • - ...,
'O,OOO at 4 for s:
44) n o(l7otTec
Job) 3.
. _
2,000 , itst,l.,
lb. I.y the .1.,41 fi 4 •11,`rt
t 5 el+ per
IV. F. HINDER:11:111T.
011) 1 1 717t7 I .c li k l , a i T . l „.
, Tea, Itlyik, , ue , r 4 pal . and
... F. R Isiqllll% I: II I'
Tea,._ a, . _ i _
_ ,__
. A . 1111.15
1111 IPS. Molarrer, selling film Xi t015.rt.. per i::,Iloi, by
el Jul!, 5. 8 . W. F RINDF.ItNECIIT.
2x MIXES RDi.illiP. :111.0 CU . i... 'wont% Fur% and all rut
-oer Muth of Fruit for role 'by 1 • -
-Jul% 5. li Vt . F. RINDERNF.cIIT,
I‘,T i " , It'A I. INSTRUMF:NT , I, A farce a.r.rortutett of Coma,.
.1.11 Banjoes, Vtolinr, Fifes, Finn , tr. - . kr bar .a)e rbi-ai,
at . rl 11.1.. Dunn-I at (*WA.-
It or .r 0111211. (Mr.:, R r. ' tout •r of
ri - 1,1 ii 'KS. for gale by thelL
V ruler, and route A er3 e lien! in prire,ni. l o in a i . • I 50..,
Julv 5. e - , li. lASI MI: 4 iii. Co's.
T '.... I' , F.F.T ED_ to the •lale•era'••• ' are re•iliei teal 10 tall and Mulel
r , ittiont delay., eni , t n ill he Wade on all r tin tieglect Oil; ho
lier after the tiri4 of .Angum erg ulti.Ull.l frfreet (I' I,erpout.
J , toe •...:-. e.',/ . II t• II k 'OM
• 7. L , 3. : . r L._ .. 1 t . .
A r e f i ,,ppv to lacono their Or to. that althoihilt haw ill rimed
by tire front their olfire, on the a orlon:: of the fart ,: at thin are
In."n lusted and will I , e tvyypi . 4 ref ~.. lIIC If eltrIll• a lid frien d* Omer. three donna north of tl'irr lie' Square. or er Zimnierly's
*tore, onp o ot e the one prerioint OreUri"l 1 1' th".• .
Mr. lar..iiii• 11.14. iii•nier loir the Stale. i.f . New York. Ohm.
Indiana, Itlinpir. liliirouri, to a, and Mielogan,, and renrion
and Ikintt. L u
and Arent. . I ' April?. •
Cheaper the, Cheapest.
C\fl. at No. I}, itie•areide, a d err the elie.ipe.i moat or PIA.
pie and Fancy Goode ever re.l in this market. Just m
erited q general asoortinent 11.adies brew' Goode. Bonnets.
Bonnet Trimmings. Gloses and feder), &e The, r ood,
were mostly bought at auction Of cash, at grrat sacrifices. aqd
will he sold at cOrresponding lo figures. More hereafter.
May I. 1631.
. .
0 .6
lAM 'welch* a tarn old ;;117eleeted stock of 9eavy and
0401 II vadware as was ever brought to.this markrtant.l it 14 lii
be sold al a small advance. as I hosannas un the Caah system
only. Thtvi ' , dime anything kvtaming to Hada are can save
money by c at Orel:heap II r are Stole. Among's, stock
can !.•• loon I Iron both round a square. from 3-14 t o 2 Inches. pub, from til to It inches , baud. scroll. oval and half oval.
of a ll ~,,ea, liable nail rods. Ei trh and American blister steel,
axe, :maw. sprlnp, .
..gronn.l b brass ot mal.Able caging*. bra hands.
.. . __ .
~ . .
anvils, vtitei. stnitti. !ttellpcss, l e nicks. crowbars. usittgarks.
grub hoo3r,coil. fol. trawA ll hal , dog and jack chains, spikes
both wrought and cut. f Ibu ko iglu inches. nails from Id to
Rid, also react, door. tint ling and wrcnisht nails. ham shod",
butts and hingrs bf all kind s-a i sizes; gafte Ni c h e ,. mi ll , cm ...
cut mind circular saws, MeV t roily., .ho's,, wo d w , h ow ,
myth's, snubs, forks sad a assortment orismchanits MN,
Ate. •• . die , IllelilMl REED.
__. . ... . __
Sot Sera
A 1 .__—Leoborn. ietraw and tabu 14'11fats Ibr
pat No. I. Wirtiltf • block. . May IT.
re best Insornnent in the ell zi
11100111 E'S Grocery
"'RI roil
A 7 Onr.
'errn - . cTORF
.1. 31c1TACKEN
..1 awsnritnent nt lUr •Inrn of
nV RV, BROWN & rn
; A Ivo. n new
• LOWR Y. BR' & Co'o.
Hay Rik... a prim° artitle. ai !b
)WIZV. BROWN & l'o.
A small ro.,ek ver for r.ilr at --
• LOWRY, Mt AVN 41 , lb's.
firbt rate arucle
0 Aeristensv : will rommenre en
of 31r. %V.
' ft 21.7. RTI:le:
24 no
3 GO
Is at t hrTinnine or noddle of
'stied ro I.,se than Isallu quarter,
smuttiest its the %Warta Albion,
rie 1•0401) PA.
'lto Islgetsa re thenntrives for tear h
;lse viten ts stts a ' , WI , : to that ~h-,ly
,ly tnuttlif to common schools and
, ion. '
ISAAC BUMP 1.18, President
t of Land for Sale.
No. 377 In McKean township.
lereek township, and contain
-11 the rens best vac's of land bk.
toy of Erie. It is• well withered.
aitukted mils ors en miles from the
whole hr an parts to Stilt purehs
ake it a sers'iiivitnig situatioti
Alao.,ao half acre lot= arfrnm 6Te
tat of Erie Nno 3.10 and
I.and narnt. Erie. Pa.
haven! reliiirelrowit hu rnlirr
G. Hall. on %Vail-Ninth awl ti
mer to hie nations end_ the
Ir,l'hi.,prneure. and will ewe,
the line of bin tietileseion.
q,ck & tivr•lrrol Ity :notionl
II tk rot bw NI by Compton Ir.
up-adc. 111 aecouni. notes Ice
Is . 8
111PTO.N" 8 //A rEßsricA - . •
r. 41. card ~ o rk of w<l and
.icit,(ll,ll. !Mr 2 . 41111".. s • .111,
I I 40 ray it nn... If. that I
city of rale. Call and Kr
II 1.1 . 1.11111 f., ra,t nevi% ed
I-1 rrlli• ifer lb, Ly
- F. 11.1 , ..DERN CCITT.
raz or lb, by
V. r. is ip.csrrirr
_ N o. 3, lied House.
rs at jive Cheap Hardware Moir►e
. ;„ . „• . . , •
Et :l:l i n g :lw N , :w Orleans, Savannah, Clad - 4cm, and a l l th e vrinci 1,11 S.,uthern Ant-,
/., . -
1 lilltlIt'lllFtl:4, dill perform in ERILI 'warn 1:11SD 'DAY , 3141%; .'1:1) 15.41. Al ternoryn anti 1
• ... - .. : . i 1
. ,
rpni:lllieat .to Mena TrOlt.l it t/1•41n.4111.t!te 1 from it! .1141p.r.i Ten Pclauttfulironios, •I
J. -I ''t 1 4 11, .•11. 4 t0r 110 c 2 A of / 1::.4 hr• 1 1t0r....... - ra heed . trxi.yr 1' St. 1'1.1LI ( ANL . 1111 , ) , .101 - 1:n alarm
and traltieril t it 0.10,•1101, /1.10..:. I. eh., South t 'lf ..I ma. ' r A.
, , Soluttrozu Strs/Is.' • • 1
1..! II; the 1,41..1'4' 3041,••1311,•1. 01 t..! ['tit .I,s , in. !!
r•r t I. rap Mc
aly ,
3.1 Ity 11.. • sarp,resjng hc a uly and 111 11.1'.1•11 of ita appoiall• Tu colt of ill. el. t.
;Pent.. NMI , • (r. R 1 - : 'V `f _II .1. N!) It II .1 It I 0 T,
RI , ll) the imiertOr talent of tl... , :11 , 11111 . 1 . , I fOr t ilthAta:, a, all Its Mr, 111:Klf Vlll, ;h.. in ~i el/all Vhip 1•I 01. t.....ntrv.“
i.e seen th-Lov,theorincti..l Role:. trill Gj./1,1301:•11S 111 the isr...- .11: \\ II • mlte,-1•11..1 I'I.N 31) 'SIC 'll.\\'l, ic I by" Mr. \1: tl' F.
0101...11. Win 1 , 1,1.1: .10; ilit..o 3 •it, t iler.. ,
P.r.tINCIPAL BILDEItO.I, , Clown It Cie !Cr.,. 5.1%1 I.f /N , :. 1 t !teem'. n ~ r li lt and e lu-
Ma.tet 11, \Ills: 1101,11Nti,,N, th,l , fi rst E.t.a man of the Av.' ' - ',• 41 , 0 ,u• "r'''" lli'' 1 1t 4 "..1.'m V ' 4 '''' - II"I'''"" '"" ""'" I"" o'•
' trc Loot: rtes ••r re- •r,t." 1. , e ~,,--", 11;••-1- m ....ter ... tin 1,.. Ow
!W.A. 11. RI MINS , / IN, the tillti% LIIC.I fuurllloree 11 oler• , ogrow . 4.lht.c." I loth.,amt 11310 31 tii..! .r 't ,;.I ....,„ Much 1.,..
I'lle. Ilk:NI:I 1.71" r%, the intreint Jut eicileillrbito•trian. I (R ii and tumo l lult •trt; rc I , err hitt IrI• • ri i,l .111;elame 1t..154N. , ,1.N. In 110. grand Hatt :en .3ct. i - I'Rlt I: p (`/:SP ' 1 31.) Ai It 1• 1-r:cr:.
Mr 111., 1:1.1)R151). 'rt.,. Or..itnal F.:......81.1e.r. a The ft .p .,,, olil tact( 3% - „1.4.. • 1,. 1 . II eis.l. - In North
~, i
'. At - 4 ' • •
• 11...t..r.014 111 Sno 1 1.5 T I'l.l n i , 110 younzesl.,..lnnirteNt. i I:4.1 Oil 114 ' .-t-tilt • '"I'l 111, IV 'hi' I. , 11- 2 1 ,, 1 , '-'/ Pally. ,
311,11110 t t.. 1111.. t Rill , 0 , in the Culp,' mt. l'or.sion. J t Ito .r....tam . A 2 , i el I!. M. Intl: 7 tit VW ,V , Mill, 'lb ,
Ain' ir.arcuEs,ll;,lVl:Lltr, 4.11, J' 1 . 1(.'1' Goo%)s
- ADAMS . NTIONIE \t) mt.: -- - --
AT 211110 , 32211 dt. CO 'O, ' • r ETTF,RS of 11.4..5.a. un On ihriesture of 3. %V. Itrewkier.
- 1 1 -IA 1 IT , • ot the ci•YI of .11 1% I'l2 111 t:r 110/11 10 lite t01t.t.,11-
- .!
I Shift St..soppotik rnapiric Stahl ' her.. 111.1 ire I. 111011 to 311 tter.ol otitielt4.3l 10 I•I lie to
(wk. 0 ,„,„„,,..0,.. . 4 ..1 , (i.,.... attic of I kr9,14 in 11111 make 1...ine.11.11e ettt.. and th. eel slot im,•• CI 11111. 115.1:mst it
1N• IMP Mc/ ttatttetl Ilitra 114 in 14rio, 1....1 lairli 1.4. 1 114 N. I , lk ' 41 44. -w , . In daly a 'them. stc.l C./ ....clement.
calal.rae 11.7 all the uric /11. E 111, of net, J••tt elry Imet Intl. Any
is ode I-1' -. \ 31. 1111 Et% ST MR,
u 'slime to p..n..1
h..r a ..1,10.11,11,1 tt :rte l. ~...1 Cllll et. tit hale a firm' , .
. 31.1.T1;11'W T ‘YI.•)R,
fail. pil o t./ Itt.ol, It I t./.ll,lttat,`. 'Si t ( L ., 1.. t: tall tbrsolt l"%* lthl. - ..i1• ''_lF:"c• 3w," 11. I, t Roc. .3•tmoustroturs.
la r mitt 1.•111,.. at', o thit Ole linty., t1.. 9 1.0 1 131 IS 1, C.l . 117'11,1,9W 3V - 4,1,111 1 .14S of cr.lry varal 1) (Jr •,11;. I.c '
. }:rte, June 11. , I J.lae 21. I (I It 14. C APR K.
- '
- _
• TO I'AILVIE I I fl/1 1- 11 • ••••‘ , 4 e‘•• ; th.criation hlr :: . .t. !J -
'I Fitu i 10 •••I r a gOO,l 3(4011.11 , 01 of ;till, sm-it...; „ 1 ,1,,a. I ! X . ) ,h ;;; ,• 21, . , .
V l', 3:Irl. g). s. Cr. trIK
POW). le, .: -:;,., Or article, fur ....ale I , v
rradh.... kb".. Halo,. 1 4 1111,14 all.: kith Is, roll al 11 11 . I -.-
Ilardtt are rzt ' Itee , l 11,14% i i I:r.t.. Jolll' t-.. L 1 t 3.14.1 .... ,
, 1 ! I: vrii t Al•ors ,{11.,7,„,,.;, 11,..... v.,, oi.i. N1i0r...c.•11,t0.r Ai.
• 0 4 P. S. cl. %RR.
.- - -
i - j '' t 1
IN great car' ' at. Co'',.. itt' , / et ..t 1.141, -111 1 t'l , ol , 1.1 111..0.1-• i'. ir.ll.7l:tly. Orange I'l. tr,C 3 •1 0 11.• 41 ;th.f 5,••1 3 -
1 111 MI , . If r ,• :14 . I Rl', ...0., l' , 11 , 0 ,:1 1 1.1 . ..11- . • lid 10.4 . rm... li•rH 11.. by I D. r l . Ct..% lOi..
CUlNl'slio, 111..C.C1r1,., a le-II.I' , :l• art Irles. 01l h .irraml./ J•In• 1,1. .-- i- -. ..
. ti
a.. rill., eille.l. r.ill ill lat.: , for - 4 1 0 't 'it! 7 . I '..' . :•'•'_:2, l _, 1 i Tl.ll lil I.'l 1.1, 3i a .Ml - 1.1 ar.,....µ C [...g. nip. t - i..a1l I ext.... for
c .. ..11,N•EK co• filtst.- 7 ,1 irt . •.,,ltsl Tattle ant Tea ;I. • 1 k - 111 hs • r 1 1 : S."l'l. 3lt K.
0 Forks. lholer hhi O r.t. t I''• Of Our t , li 1,1, . 14 " 44 l'l'lles S LI 10 - - OS - 1 1.1r.4. 4 5t , elsot - Gra•s outt•Gr ~. Sill,. al II .• l. .• I
V....ram...1 IA ti,l . 11.1 ears, L'l 1/01131r$, Lop,. el ... t.: ut .stl '''r , ,:l c-r, ,0. u m ch4ap tar !. LI II vl - k:v, 1.8 4 ,tv N. ' 1,.. c; ;.*
June '..t....;
. 1 [.....A11:- 11... CO. . j ~,,..11
i • ,
CAIAF, at N 1 N, 1,1..1.1 1 11! Lute.: (a ...A1...r at ..,... it INNER.% ri;• it.JIKT•iroNt;.4. 4 geeuirarteticle of •4-
11 , 10 Pil , 4, ...t 1'........•..., 1 •I..liti, 4,1 tt)llit I nnhoug i% MI- miell'aint a taw lon ill ~.,01 r.:h.s. II tiic 'II
a riV et, te a rs 7 /;, 1,. or 1 Ills;
'''l I '''''.v.i/ 1 • 111 l'.^uar - r'tt price. MI
. .. .
Jo tie 31. 5 17, - ; . ..., 1,1 0.% 11 1 . . pßlagles "..
NIIIIII7 TORE AND ERIE stAn.noA . _ ......_
AT %11 „s , -A . a..1.1 went ot Pa'a b. at I ~t 0. rah , . not
tfi Ir. Retain& Oa.. AgentS, •-•^l,-.. ,
_. , 'li traria...v.l 1 , 0.11.1 10 auv in the ni Ir t • ',,r rash re cant.-1. at
ililli PC'S/de -. ''..RIF. FEN,:e.f....1. the N, u - state 111 41. ' ' . -X4
' , R
t. prhpared to ttet.l'lalllC. an,tn4. 7 l 4 '
it.,ther prot , ei. I " I'1. _" • • :21. 1 Le j tW Ry, gitowN„ et. r•o,
Aty Hum Iliki.• la -11tro..„!1. In thirty. 1......,.. . '• . ifOISCZII 1/
- • ....
,/ V applir mon ~ Rt be en, .!..I 1.1 the yield fli.tattire ~ r Penn.
A 1,0-Agehts f oil Fir... t'llial- , ins trau•hioneut.,
1 , . .‘l , ..iiiia r•et ••• .•.,..,r,.r ri.t. oft a gal. . I '3 11. rani-I - the
through direct Imo alo to Neu -York.
1 . Fait ..11,.. coot Salt, %V lute If oti, au.l. Water LiislC. , • • 0• ' • ' t. '
1.1 a' 1 itl "sink. tmle lot .10.1 it, tlic (M. ut I,:n.e. 1:,./.• I ..,,,,,,,.
Eta.. June •-•4.
- i„ — nf T / ~: 7 1 _ Ifo . 111th a corm 4.4 ono 1.....:1..• i 'At/U.171A 4).01.1r,. MOh the
II 1/ )311 1; IA ng Ks __A 1,•.0./111•10 a..attilm..... - .4.11,1 . 0311, II ri , 110.X. - 01' lile IV 401 g the 62111 r 10 thrjr. , 11•11..1r...1 1110.1,atal dol
-1 Friolish, French and American, by , tar, and 11,11 the in,l., utial hat oht, 1.1.5111... it ill be 1:i-tried an
. .
Jt/Iliet 'll. . tr. r 4RTER k PIRO. I the I ''...rtor of slid klank.
.. . - - I -- J - 11. Fullerton 1-. J. r 11,—?,.-.11 1 ,
g rxf 'MRS - , -Itory and bulf.ilo 11t .'t att4 t'414, - • r0,,,t,,, 4 , v
a , ..• Jute t , - , 6 1 tAitTiltt & RB_ U.l. llmirt Colo ell. t• 31 '1',..1,n1.1,
_,..- , ihm Kellogg. I I\ ' 111 14 ,• :1... . .
.E. sizi n tur A I
. F. Thomas 11. :4 4 Mrie, Pa ,Juno
114 a UERRI .141" 4 RTI T,
I %v. Nll i ..lla4ier
4 31
On the North aide of the Di 1100.1.'40d ; one door 'West LI - ;
Winona , ' and Wright.' orrice. i .
' . Its Nasals airy that hick Near a Inatia..
Dnguetteolype Ltkeaciater of al !Oft', Pl7k4 and pricey, frtan
remise r•hilliqa lc tyrelte dollar* fahhfully executed and war
ranted utif.fling.
_l_6 fl
wAsurva DAY 11.4.V1S NEI .—:ENCEI i 'SIOR F. 1111,6"
S 0 .P 1 ,
Bwhich a large seaPhitur tan be done in one:third less ling.:
trouble and expenss Wan with any other tkOLIII knot* n. It
ran br used null sou or hunt watet, cold or is arm. Will rein it e
circus. Paint. Tar, Ink or Maim* troth gnOttn• without the lethl
injurs either to the ekwila or. the Intrids. Fcr -pie by
Frie„ Jutie 11, I-SI. , I'ARTERi & BROTHER.'
Dye Wood*. Dye Sitpfr 8. Paiute, ice„ -
Tit E flardrrrosne.Folrer for wale oin I.l,cral if•f111.1 Due 11"0..d., IN
all Me rlasfrreut k0..1A, of the(r own waanfacture. mot tsar
ranted elpial ro nor' Ina ...far virr 1. VIZ: .
la"C-Uuod. II e.l-W lAA!. ealli.o OA, MIN.?' Nr'n-irocAl.
"'mow, Cre..... lAA...F. Ito• 11 , 41.1 I-rq, Estvwt I A 1,1 p, ~1,
!ilea wood Bra ril-n lAA, reach-, or% Hat-t% 0011.
tale. 111 le. • Argol. rro•lnt Tarwr..
TiVelllll n Mt a ~.e.Arn I ..... rig.. rit II( I,4, :kti,fi,. hare Vrttv,,
p..u, Arc., 44. Merc1........ m 0 1111 , 11)11 , 1m, , -Is oplied. I
Marche. 1°51 .- 1 y : ' No 51 11'4 , er trer . N. V '
-___2.* 2, '
_ l_
cirtocnraini - iieD CILLSEI * Aar. 1
• . ...rim,. ~,1).„,„...,.1„., ~,-.:, p,•to ii,,,„ Wu.. flet
.4 wlllte roil ttmill , Pri, r, :11-0. It soor,tr.. or 4:1i... -
It :. a. .1.t....., ...I :.....r. Ar k
nrimosr AL.
rrir. PlTT 4 llll'nfiti :orpo in 1; 11,4 !welt r • , coco, ti,' 1 frova No
X %VryAtt'o. 11110 , 1,„ tooth.- franc. I'lllll lottc on 1 . 1. ,rr i, z•tr,,,.."41;
41 , , , .r toortli of r. 'll. 'I ilocat.', n locnr Pic 1.41 - •rilc r total rout. :.
1., kerl, a full ti:oocititoctot of lirocrelh-39.1 Pr., -ii•ii. A.lll band a: .1
tor .atto, at n thotce.l le nil 8.Lit.:14 a M.llll :.,1 afire close cu -it.
1;r1c, Nl:orch 15. 1-51. ( J 1 :11'1*.% A N.'
1113 IT %N 1.% WAR 1:.-1 61 . 1,., I..rt I'r•_e • t , f1,1.,.1t, of l'in
-1., iii.,4irk.. 1A04,, 4' .0.-ti r.. 11 is I.:1,-. Si 1g.. ,,, 1., hi- t•ii
sari•oc, Ti)o Cup. : &r... 1% :ne II ll 61 1.0 5....1 1 I.) 0. , ~,i,...9, ht r ;„,! L i o
pflfe.. . !If 111 . 1 . 1 . : 4 11.1,1:1 , .
~__ •
VI 1:111 ‘N it - kt 'll ), .1-4 —Panel Hers... M.lich Man... VA i.cjii
;11 Pi joic... F 1,1111112 Turtiiitt wool r.,,,(1,,,1,G.F11.1. r.' . 111-
,r 1 Ilmtolococ, lir oat ‘ll,l. .%.1,1., 11tvt tl, Pant.% Volitio.c-o. Kii;.
rcl , l.l..tcomi ;not Back Saw.. Strel rittotartv„ '1 1) ~, o /vinit.-.liClcir,
Going,. riiiorokc Sictsf , : 1.191,1.,.. 1 . 0111;• .p. 0., Prree auhl P.M ,
11.1.1 A trrl, 11.11- hr . to , , Hammer*, 1101-1 tiefelp. %.5.1.K1 1' 1110 r:Si.c.
J:i I't u' 111.111„
Nu. it Rig/ 11.01/,r !
. Frit., Mar Id —1
11,,1i. (:,n:::1 lb' an t i', ib4l l'ard•ol—alt,e , o , / , .iteo - Thrtv ti
. 1 Erie. M-ly 21.—.:J.l,rE.e.c IN's.
Tli F. ireatt24 ‘driety ant I tleape,t hints e%cr al, r 4,1 in iii
cm at
lr ADIES AND NIII: , 2: 4 I:SiIDNNF.Te—t ,,, . lin , ' -4 , 1,4 ~i .
IA Erer„ 51a, 21.--1 L. , NIITII
M JAlli, , DN' - S. l 1
lAI'S Maim! :qiud ,, . I.lq.kiii., rl,po. Jeany 1.0.1 •no
.. and Ila lien, lot sate by . ' ' 13 . 311111,i
Erie. May 21 , _el_
MEN 133..1'1'.0)•.1‘a1ua Lear.l:(lllota,and e ar wim Ilan.-17 MEN
tale by l'el S. JAII(SI •N.
riuvri4s icAiN, unti..olarp Cora and %V:4111.. Haulm! :41
t--j W" , 111 10. bbb ' , ale by Pi emrril J teKsti,N. , '
.250 ,KvirN".:'.:hiN4l,l4—"b Ea tern
3:l';lll4°T;ijc.ll.niif;(r). .ale
W IIITI:II6I . I.Codii.h. Ric..., and all kind,,c3l: l l. , ( o .K 4j , s ) i , :::i
. 11l
- - .
110'4 IRS —A voteral appartuzeisto(Brandy.iiiis, Homo. Wutle
1 , 1 Whigkey. for .ale by• • s.. ArksoN.
ilo "Sy mu OA - A - SKI N . 11l kw Mill, and a large-o.or kor P.lti -
Lla 1111 . r. !tuff. for itant., Si.r., Lv J%I lizit t.N_ L .
t.II V01124.:-i'rat e.'rtlk and Ilarritge Vhatt I. t plain. 11T , IeJ,
t.and ettuhron.t.rell Fartintrre and 1 elan** Shawls. and .' ( 0
% 3 new of e Ara p . mi inter dont EMITII JACIttiON'2 I .
Erie. May '21,1.31. . 2
400,1 Yards Sit Intl!. and all taro! Tura , .!., claret front Ihr
% r coltioirprlor.,u latch 1 it ill mil by the part at New
1,0/1,. ultolerale priers ' ntyll C. M. T 11111,11 2 4.1
400 111112 4 FLOUR.—A chow , • lot of Fli,nr .... -, ) - szuvielit
fur ,:Jr at wel' LOWRY, WO IWN lk 1 VP. L
131. % IN.iti li d. ao Titcti f iirir trroni-rer,Ketitorky Jeatn.,T,,..l. .
l'ottott.nler, prioluts. and tither etunturr Slllrti. at
Este. May 21. -9 JAI'KfION'tI
*II. , allot—French, I:nation. and AligtriCall Gr. ei. rinid
Sat y Blue, for rale cheat. at IS) l,ClOci
1 - % V. Tr intminas and Buttoits at JACKctiiNl,
Li Apulia: 9 I
A COnl) amortmri - dor Dry Goods. Groceries, Crockery. Ukiii r :
usre. !Vain, &e.jilotreeeivrd 1.%
April 19. CO lIAVERSTICK & Co..
TONS traleratus, the very hest article., free front os ItTr
lone, fot sale tower than any foreign article of roc.' la
q uality. CoMrrtiSt, lIAVIERSTICK &
RoW tt , MI LL SAWS.ei% od at ilte #11)111. ur
eirmrroN HAVER: 4 110 i dr.ll). •
1.0 - IV Y A. SCOTT.
aiieL7fBf IN COAL:
Also, Fhb, Flour. Salt and Mater: nt the 'am° Ware ;Untie
Wert or Ow 'Realize, Public hock, Etre. Va.
I ARESS 11:00in.11.—Slike. Poplins In lam 4 lie, eraer 'Avila,
1.1 Ginghnine, ice. olenive at ' FhI.d.c.RTONS.
TribWN IifIF.KTINIi . , inripedrhirrini:tickeiti itelvvl Ildrstilii - ;
Drips, &C., in guano ii/o tomtit; by J. 1 1 FULLERTON •i_
QTX.1.1.9 - lICCOI is .-4 NM an ml done of the laigeg rinelte
a..., of gnaw goo& ever offered In Erie. enthlaeing over fifty dif
ferent *plot ladire Bonnets. -alto. Gentletnen's lemma, FlOg
enee ;UV P• 111111 hal , ID great x gaiety.
A priVII. 1041.1. lI.TULLERTON.,
13."'"'d Drogna and Kltetier`a Neon of .
1. 11. BURTON & Co.
f 00XING.GLASIIRR.-.-.1 land neenVienenieethe rheas , vhla
1.4 • LOWRY. lIROWX & Co's
EVIE.—A flint rate anielenn hand *ad fOr lade bi the bu
lb -
Cdeed or by the ponnd. by COY ON. Ii4VEIIIBTICK & C!)
XtßACTl l l.—Pilvion i Merril I. dinar iv if I.e n aol
Vanilla. fag gate by X T. STI:IIXETT to PIM. I
, . ,
e•--.T % • -
an WAR
L the iknah of my It'
tierosearx to aeitle tit;
rarif,ry therefurel.
shoal:e s t-opts by ntt,
4 10411 of July next.
'plain if they Inn e..
TN ronmnielenre r
j tot. it bet . °int ,
l ot" the Ene 11'ooltn
WWI SI% tik
floe •lloc tetbre th
Ilollcc 111%t not C.
Purvis tut lean
1:9e„ June :1. 1-
100 .."
U]' just tecce".l ai
R. '1
Junell.l 4 3l
t." 11/41. It"
Juur I. 1- 51 .
:24()0 .()()()
,1.% Mal , P.m I
fief. or 14 hole Li
, •'•
;61 R. T.
- -
1r) .❑ltt kr( ,ate
ru;,u toll-,a :i,
11 ¶jl , lai 1, 1
1 hate to, la a1"1
I v r t h a . v erahli4 In
Jaw' 11, 1t.,:i1. •.‘
trio Livery Si
0f ........--2..... :r VII: sai.rei it,
vt..1. -7 ...5Z, 11.3t Ow!. vittl,t
--7 / I * -- ..4 —g-- a,l.l.tlit,l tm
vt litre Ilot.e. .Itot IP:arta:0,1,101 de,
all mars rend) for itve, and pricy. to ..
II- a ea , l I.
. Er 11, J 14 1 ,1 1. 11. I-f.
rl 1 1:‘,..-1 - re.:t (1,4,1 and 1.1 !etc Ti
1 t.titto.: -otale?.;reta '1 to lur 31:c.1
I:rt- ii.s.r. 7. , 1 '_
‘vrtubt re.wettnll,
x.ler 111:10.:1131 , 1%
the artiUe.' IL T.
Summer , oo4r. r4cite.
IT J.,•tr frrrtl'NrlA
a r , a‘l•l , I.' orthrent of t!....!••
laer t: , ...!., Lau - n=.
'ff., t.e•erwt if 11111,1,) r tie'
1,11 :al f., l'••• vt fl•ii••• Of fi.•• 1.:1•4 (V 1
I • • •,, n ., f • I o• •,••,1•••• Fre t 111,.111.
41,3 1,1.• s 10. an 11x.1, ms
• III.• Iv• nig 1 1 v.:ltt. 111, Cubists va 1
nitl I.tV 111 Pit .q.,
.4,.• A 11 , X i.ti
lif 111 . 11 1 141 lu prior i t:r 9•:r •I;
imi,en WWI Vie rpltio• r 54,1 1••••• •cj
flay atg,. rionviurra (.1 Ow a
r.litit-ett ton s% itll 11.• 011
tivi•ttt..tritv theis,•ll,-t.nn
p.lll.ltii ILece oratt: t or,
In Ilv•
rale, )1.1) 91. •
'350 FOllll
n v il. 111 . .*.CTIM tlt PrTeti f:' , l l . ir 1.4
.....• 4,...,4-.-14..d .4 )_r , •1:••• lin... r 1:1••
' ,Lilt iillg or •linir rule. Et, ir•lt ,• % a
R t - A a a ...,, ,t-, North SI.VENITII :qr. r t. l'
1 .tt rttl-tion 1.) t 11 , r t t-ttcots: t•
!eels tot fottutt2te It t 1 4. -elect Ivo 61 r tl
5.41. "lito-c n 1.311 t etivoret) then,-.
tn t int lied. ,
1 11. .0 ..i \I/ Strrt t i l - r.—The ntritetcpl
tore trto-ttoglhet IN-11th. Immo-re.
, It% er. ill 01011:Ill& rii . l•llVelle jail.. tent,
•Ileri! It t- c. rtatoll itopo.o.P.te tor it.
- ttl, the lotion ti Not b are suhject to. I
hart his peen lint bra 11c11, to 14 he ot
brother itrufe.eurs, 400 t to tti he tit t uti
t , t-te. t {
1 I .Artz or PR " - rill - . eNcltitivelS,:.,,
'meta of .1 ••3•t the pex nal oh:. 110.
00 the LCAY• throat. twe of Ity: 4 . 1 , a11 , 4
r urril rheittaatl`lll. Melt/rye. :;rat el.
lag Iri,itt )olitliftit r re.-e: Cr 11111 , 11 fit I '
the e”11111•111101 1 !IR lITOIIie Clll. 04.1
.peed,. rebel wall lin ei,a % place tlift
1 Phil iileilplita. Mai" 3 1-.11
N w alma Popular Si
ritiNtrßi:tit:Nov r.'dßnunan .d II
111 l %?ith a ntotrailo of Ui~unt~na.r~l
.p ailed a n 1.1.1(0111r r,r 11l at/..a; ' l 4, 0.1
t:euer - .1 AoriAlf.44
I: rz
. S. W. Cigtior Eli "RTII,Ord it N.. •r
T ea .... ! r,...n.. I rtritt.l V•011 . 1111i ,, al!.
II:likl. 4i ill I, Lune- .•.1 u •11. rot ... :. I
F - e• A Foil rilt. i romi.lete A....t..rtiot
an lor cer nt the P r ompt Pri.•. ..
1'11.1... , 'l. , tin. Sint.. 3. 1631.
' 1
Waiiili I UrOOL:i
0 ()0 round- wa ,,,,,, al
10 05
ry. kir 0 hhC h
. died
Viotti. C.osoortes aped To evil., on de
0011 ef .1)I pi V 11.0 tplhert twirl...lKit
ut Wool ofrt. , e.l 11. , r
s. rale. ,
Awe intend to Ait h Ira w from II
n 0.1. tin. wa.on. Om. Inch!),
cli.llt. or ollierwi4e thuuld COLD(' Parr
in Wool or ttt eney,.l
Kro., %lay 11.
H i
l CrlE KPEPFIRtv emn he mippla
mme of Taw C11141•TV. lint .. . I
C...n.1 lj , k.f. . SIPA rand tram Mal
Ssi we ,1.1, 'tannin a d lam Table and I
Min; .! Ktuves, tlio ) er an. 4 Tea 11
Kest' ~ Porcelain :yd Tin Weft Pao!
Mot Pans, Fad iron ani sta tido, lc .
May 17. k .
...i Ko.j. Revd House.
itICKINL. Il ,Striplel SI iiiiii lg. Apr - i t.neel.s; Canton Flannel,
rlitv and Slieletingot—any 'plan Sy very cheap at
F.rte. May 211.--11 i
klmiTit JAI:ANC/11 8.
GLOVFIS —Lattice' and (rents' tile. Cord and Slack Kid,..='
1.6.1 e. Salk auft7caton Cloven. r vale at JACKSON'S.
iiAitiWairrls;ntl tarn. at Ike CHEAPbard .In s tore
1...7 Ma) 7. ,__! RUFUS INILDR.
CiOIIC stiatrrrAcinminti.
54 L N :Z, L ta l le n y e the . Zt e ro i r . Pit e W hett ine rt h ei "althma "eel-
Erie. June 7.1. 4 - 1 C. M. TIMM Liir.
mTs —aus
ten I■vtlttru a4,ortment, Just treeiveti at
, Ave
Smith Jark:un,
A. fleck?, .
pr p .mter. A. W. Drew,-
iiit .• ,iCoillitit. Cal the hook..
II wit . Ir. re uto , ettie.t .I,e
Inn,• to 11w• trillement of
111..-.• who neglect Oil
110 11.1% c.)+l,
111E4, M. 111E0E5%
it'llelta:;ey & Brevt.ter
Z.. ON
i : t ree'C..aii.l fur ba.l(,. py
.:5T 1: n n rrr & sons
:4444. 14. r 44.4 - le
I.a ~1 al.] for s
R. T. :4
lII*, 111Clogillir 16at I le%
:tfo !...11ri u. UI oirlt tOg
itittrr 411r.SIANS.
1333 M
‘i ,I• 1 inriirm the i•ir!ille
ales the I •isi rii
, , s
I ire Sir, er, .111, .
Ar 'Third
rk:.II. II '411..y 1, !w.f..) 3,
It I:10 141110, 1.11,1, ;111,.
• MA Fii
IN , lIRIGG:i.r. I
u. ( I I . SII %I trk. froci
iir 1 , ,,..te1. eq.!.
C. 31 'I 11111A1.g.
ii eiit Continued.
~, , k., I '...1 rem- reeervirit
i•ral•li I IP' ~, 1 11, 01 SIMI
! `,. 'I
~.... ...I: , Cu I' 11 WI
..o tf in OW r/: r 6. i11..a . 1.
1, aro - 11:1 , ,` 01 .10.11 . 11.1 at
-I._:i r•• : • 111 1 , t0.1-1/1 1 1 11 4
!111, 1
V • .. I 1-1111 . 1.,th.e.1 . ,,-
[WI- 4.• II •../• l'' .4 - 1115 Italie
, III•I r.../ i Ole I. trii,ular
ore te•re i iifyiliz rniiirieti
-1J: 4 `t) d 4 ir.t - triscal kee,is
, ;:tlt. , f., 'en! ptir
' -1.10. I 111, r. -041 , -t the
.1.1 , -41%14 pffint,l,t c”in.
ery 41.11er 4 , 111.1:.-hinetil
' .1 11.11. ft K.
} p, }Nu.) 11. ms,
; ruff. not* elor Of
Ito 111 111. I tiera ton:
I.'‘'‘l•li it, 111. Irril
11 , 1'0.11 rlboni roar of
•4, :1,. I co.ert , 11 h. kite
1 ,1 ..tc11 , 0 'or , Ott lied to
1.1:11; .13 11fc ark,
%%rid ! do aOl to refl. et
•th I jui th"nl et•eu , tht ur
:Mt td Mu. cl 114A41-
loan lo ender-lard all the
Ter re•peelat le t•Mstrian
' more i1are1 . .... , 1141 than his
1110 fl 1.11 Iliu, Ilalc and
cc; to the ytntrs• ;Ina trent•
. 1,. DIA. r IA nit I,leirl A lip
iit the hendor 14 - iise". ItiPf
rtelrthritifo, di-Cate Arao
it 1 I the Motel. v 4 hereby
cf.! L. the I , Of for 10 ()trot
In '.% I , tat,ler h. care.
hoel Book.
,T.ll lin tory. iogethrr
10 n Inch I. 'p
,y;,. Natural l'lWo.n; Av.
Adopirol in !be Public
'NI & I'Bo.ll.llers.
leiter* 14 us I)thq
t ~n.
Ili of 1.4.K.R. acid Stalion-
he I:nctlVoolien Fart.,
;proprietor* nil; e3elinw,re
iralile tern*. (r It*tr owl.
• Hi l'aiiht for
411 nuk•bled 14,
red w pay their tleCCUtits
'FEY & BR Oviri:R
I w npanl exewilenl ?won't-
RH a m a, Iron and Japan
Ptrord, Silver, German
ea Spoons. Ilasti ng spoons,
ellr. Porcelain •Intl" Draw,
, Waffle Irons. C,
Ca 2 F:A P II ardwsre
No. II need Homo. Die.
Tintt N M JUSTICE heirs 14.11 Ce to esti the attention of .
• los old f.lGinert and the I..Alit to the new and spies- k
did .assortua tour • s I
Opting and Ow:rifler Clothing.
ri ,, ,0...c.,..1116 ( fI. 11, % t.s.ttngS, uutt such other goods tutu
oil) touud in a
Fashionabl e Clothing Establishment,
u loci. 1,. : , ~or. it tug and opening EN the 01•11 CC•
Ituft ut purrh.t•rre at
NO. 8 It'MO 110171111171
•11.• , 1. ,, ht k li.o h. rh a-A•-d ale! made under hie own
h vt• •th the trusajltable
at r% lurk ilacrihow.l town la Merin% ince all who may farm
!. euxaoto that,iooent ie ilia:may place la
u here a
Good and Pashionablo Oartnisai
,-.111 Tr," Irr , rlialt at a price uhlc It flew-. crotietit ton. II it Owl( ref
i ;1,. (Arr1N11:111...., V1'.... 4 1'1V1:8 hare beet% seteele4
C real rr• r rres-4 14r It, eti..tcme i rade. and he would in-' 'I
111. 1:1.1-e ;A 1,0 'Kure r ha% ~ their Chrthltig wady to orrltt tu call
awl eta n,tt~C
GOODS. cuvArrn iltAaLiff; *
r rtew•el% •r../ in L..l•l,allieur %reamer for ivy Iru"na
,e 1 • t . • • Al, A rt. It. it rlr r All:V 10.1 Ir a,ltrd 10 take it ot ,
1.1 - .1. Ile c• rti:ti -to 6.. purl bawl , hut. of all killslit.aml
!twit ate-t.. 1.14:111,;(1.. Crritarp 4,1 OW 1r..,
r, rAr r? Iri : r.rorirrrl ! di , At rra‘at,... the 1 414 in
w %.:Tret/eerreder.awl (1r t •••. nail in frier he Ltri pr1:11.1113004
..•r• 11. I , g its 11.4 Ir 1.. 7
tr •... f. r 6• "I. n. tan• rhr..vr.t.
1.11 ,. . A; r , d . .;;ii. 1,11
City or IlorougiiWr.rrants at_,
T.l AIR l ag RI or. rorease
1,,u•-11 %Vart.mli. lit l'ar a tiler :Lure. Nu. I. Wright
Jirra- 1-;:l. -
T F.'l - rr.RS of .141trnklr.oi,ra ois lte( eatair or Adam ollort.
1,11,4 Cro.. 144•11 gram d to the
hetet), '41% ell to all person. , in k lelew iu.ntd
1.0 Or. :..• 11,111,1 I:, I'V 1 ,. .111, thore ha% i r elaitu
n•....,in't It wil: pre,cla them alithetiliraled f
PO+ tNNA I' POLL( 4:
I.lle. June 11.--Gts rC.I":.*ITS WAI.TERS.
itv.tnß.ts•rs farm nni! :04:cr., rack. e•grratiteerl
" zw.l 111 f-61:ty reercet. 6.r ralr.•atilif..ctehanzr Witte
t•i•• I I. /It II
PR 1:N111" UoR WI IN y a - pr
.tor I.:Aar*. nal( Dull.Arau d FnrPraad.
• I:tr., Pete 11 M. SANFIJR I • •
_ ~.. -
8 1. - 3 Cirri .A311•111117A VPR Airrwt: —A few • mit -
e •la e.l and for .ate• by - .1. 11. wrR ' co.
A itN,,I, L i-s%viirriS G ' , ix to.--f-knart nod Pint tointtei Rd'
1 - 1 tale by a
. _
T• ,,,Ni:R.s tall MAN 4.1 .. - t- fee il.e• by
.4 - t Tift 7 cci• 7 . t
•attromt nett for iale by • ' Ll.ll. l't I:.•f Co.
—_. ___
Administrotozes No -......
• - N7 °Tit - V. ti her•• 1•!, t e ea-tt thlt I:etteri of .% dm teb.tratlein hnee
/ 7 ha. I. t.e..ii griete•l to th.• •••tbierihier on the e•date of Day i• 1
1 • t do Hl'. lase of .1:rle, derme.ed. Tlerefure ell Ile having
ri.iii. as 1111.1 }:44lll'Dlidite n ill preirthesu for sett et. ant
OM.. itelel led matte etene•hate lea et. •
Erse. June II —Otj. 11. 1'.11,11' ELL. Admini traior.
Now 3Nran: Neat Goods:1 -
ARK and 14.. r. KEPLER'ltivuoa, formed 4 .o-Part
-1 • penile', in die Mereitude I,u•-itteii. et atrial.] eta dof the
reeler partner, No 3. Peery Bloe k:.,takc thin method of tolboning
thi•ir feice.i• end the put , he th it thrly otta now reeelvlpg their
Sprat, atel,fio ttttt ter tituek. Meek will Le sold cheap. IA !mall
ieeeare elteNdy on h3ed which the tallies are pariseul4rly nisi
tr.! to call and eta lIIIIIC.
i .
En,. AUr.l5. ISSI I .- ' 47
F1,()1.3111 FI,OIifiTITFLOUR.!!!
rd 1
1. ' .
n II ARA 11.1:... 4 cho.reltiehigan rour just reertiv and kw
411 P .teal I.llNir !Wei, J. IicIALOGG.
.i foottnol ..11.10$' Is 111 Is. kspt dorisre the weapon at, ijkote n i e
or ht trs• -shelf-I.l.irrtt. Ise.OF r, bui.i.lieta at lowest peep.
Jame 7. i 41t.
FAlt N 1 14)11. 13.11. E.
- 1 - I!ift%ate a ratio of Ta items oil the hike mad, two miles went
1 of (he 1`,1% of gtir<tii.arly all mints, ed. with 'a goad water
r., er. a r mifortab . 'e'llon.s. Irani ands hrtinrit. Price Brill per
tere• one-f.sirth down. and the halatien in &WC,' Mina I nntlitill In.
.4 1 h n o n let %, W I f ilt e re A t. Ar/1111 r to Mr. %VllllOlll King, In rate. or '
to A Dania inville, at P. C. 111/iteates, Ire, Mans li*feet. Buffalo.
1 c Gazelle please copy. Eft
Ati KM; attirte'is now introducfed tia the puLlie, is• eh Is war-:
ratitedjaytieu .11.4,i it nth g.n dont, to make Intlit. 4weel.and
enii.eitilenily 'omit:on. hrea.l. Ily the il.' , l(PreflAni lc Merrill's
Infallible Yea-t Ponder, !on rein nu ooi the ron.intantion of a
large qua til ,It of Impure vegeta hie twiner. in Is irh is o .4intained in '
81,V1. ri.; :and cli ilk, :Ann!, marble 111114 4 . glut! 'IOW dour.
i f
1\ hell a e contained in the articles sold as .. Creain of Tartar and
Soda fo 111:1',k 1112 Brendo" 1.11 , 11 but nth least..tou can avoid the
'Line., a failure)it making zoo i d bread! as a hen this powder is
li-eil ae ordianno the dirt...lions, the liread is sure to rile. It re
q lite• do time to stand beton. Adkins ,and is equally adapted to
lost es * hot low on. or rolls, hock n heat said other nr addle cakes..
Ettizerlitenil. aint sweet cake-, of all kid Is. • A little of it, added to
the hatter f , r.iiiiieirling.. I•,. 1:4 nvple "pint b r.rv. and hot Pies.
awl wall make it ea-zanily tight. mid 'wall tiKte digeStaile•
Thu. 1. u,arrailied to keep in any el iiinne. For sale by
rate. June 7. 1 , .11.711 R.T. trrEaß Err & Knots . •
P CACI, w.vnin.—rp.vion & Siert'Ws reach iVaPir for ea-
*ring Ca-tar.l, &e.. for R- T. ti. Ir. SUN.
e""sTARI'II for gale by
Ent,. June 7. • . R. T. 'STERRETT It. SO. S.
n 4)ranges and Lemon'. FiPt PC:erivrd by rail
I a R nd XS fur E .nie by R. T rerE, RR Err RO.
- - - -
e row ler pet meeirtl and in arrive.' Far sale
R. T. StERRETT t 8.1N24.
I;rAvArir.l.34 1
loaveju•t receive,* spiendid Block of Swing
and : 4 11111:11Cf 1:00114. cUll.t.tlll2 91 IV) Goofs. Grocettro. !lard-
V. ant ('rockery. s q . 111 the. a hove mock. mly be futind ahooet
et ery var no) . of Goolesoen an.) lathel OfIVI!Goodso; Lathe* and
Chi Id ren'o Stu), a. 11 Varie.ty of '4l leg :101 qua!, tea. They invite
'NV old euflono - f• and tho-e h itetnitn to purchase, to call and
r‘oussne their rtoel lvtotr purchasing. ?pew here.
Late. June 1.11.- 4 5 J,
,1111:14 11l GH PIA CV.
I . :T , . z .. , , J1 ,7 1 „, ` .7: ," :. ', : ` !„ — . "` 7,.. : !r r , `'' , ' , ' ,Tn r tati. `1 ,7 otliv Sy rtid
Stiallu• ought w limns, fur bale
Erie. hinr, 7. GIEO. S iF.N&SON..
—.......... ..
i t
\ eu , lll'. lit:erro^ne.l,4linnitfill fur part pnfinntriatte a.
\.:, i
,•titreil:rui a eeniiiiii“liee :of the wine,. *gild tries
ri milli alllfutlllCll 113 Ole Pllntle Iha. he tiprepared to
:. en and Make op Garment. l in the latest New Yost
' 10,1 lie warrarlis lue , %%Ink to be equal. if wit sum
i fic , r. ma, dune 111 the rite. No fit—no pay.
l'uttn leg do ne i a the tuui4latihionabte litile mid done
%%tea premireil. - ' .lOIIN GOALDING..
Erie. Joie. 7. le.ll. ReeXi , Bleck. riPpoeite the Rooms Biotic.
Pt,. - ...
,iittTAlll.l: I•l•o.NAtTar.—We have J•iet received New Pat
_ tents il.r st,teral rues 9f artielet lkor awn
tort • and arr prep3rra lo.foriti.ll customer* wish a imperial'
article. A W Oil haul icati) (dr use.: Bi SNErr&
, Nlay 31. 3
M.PIA large Jot of tiro %Inch will he moil
1 • akirianlifaeturer's Mite. for Cash, at the Erie Stemn Pout -
try. SENNL."I7 & CO.
'lay 11.
cit °meet! News from the World's
Tab.! , '
11 /2 3
C are not% rereit lug our .t..irrisig awl Sommer Slut*. conk
..t e.ery ot : 4 1'11111.R GOODS, such as cannot
fail to f`r, t say let) 411 - human latite•
ttir stock e• .lllprl.. Lat. tit. ‘.f new auirsplendiil styles. a large
tnd giltetttlid n•rorttte-ttt ut Prutt4 Slittititerr ,Itatvltt; Lothorn.
Straw and Palm Leal II MA, etc .. relitchlw ill be sold cheap Gm cash
ht No. 1 Wright's
Rluck. -
May' 17
IRD 41r.1111,767'.
N:.—NC* Wed elegant I,llterli., at No 1 11"rigne 1410t1t
A May ;I. , I. %IR IP ‘S,RUST.
Clatlaing: Cloths and Oassiutoros: '
01,1) THINGS 11.1VE lIECpME NEW!!
T") , .! , ,o , , , ribf•rbezi.ite:ve to rail Ole AftCtilioll of h 0 old tor
tuT:u r+aod friend' et. h. new and hod prim 'tuck pf
cLarams, ca-equia & castammaninn '
iecrntty p Ircha , ...] In New; York, and now offered as 4 cheap. at
el -I. ;14 at any other eqablt.hinent an ton n.
( 1 1 ,n+ not d, en,
„ r r t tiel'e•e.lrl to 101 Ilto,e who have roi long
II seri, of }ears pa Utllted 111.0 that he conttnuebito mautatte-
Jure no
11 a lanento a , ran 1 , route , : en the+ terirke t: hut to new eusUmwers
IT has n0t...ita1... 111 e_az Ilea' if thin 0 ill
1.11. .-11 N 1 K rdEmstil.vEs.
They trill not ,10 an ay .11—Aa 1-lanl yeti, (tither
Goods. Wo kmanship dr Pric•s.
„,, r k re.oonable prate”. and warranted.
Al,O r. tuna %art:inn-4, if pr,prrly wade tip. Call and tee
".01.1 hale nut betook new" 'at tloc old stand of the Pub-
Fr rir,r . JANtES LYTLE..
IF:r ie. October %. 1,-53
111 GRAFL6 dad Fresh Oranges for panygiren. Jur
L re.e.'ll be i D. RK.
D 1"
11•41'1' FFS—Madar
N If V 1 004 i. Ace. by
doz. Miles White Co's s urertor Cast Steel Axes fc
3 n
by the Jut. or sikigle—m arrant,,i
()ILI. -
- 11)ose mous, Ergot and Crotga. at
vArit.T.LA & M SAN it()1211 have this day thrilled
1 a roparincr.llll , . Itankers.and roheetin3 and Eleharhec
Straker., under the firm ut M. ar. 4 7 0.• Mare hi
"Irei oy's flock," betivola State Peaeh medal. Public.
. tale: 3.n lin I. 1,51.
A HI :111 tate ktktV Timothy :reed Lut sale authe Empire. Maces
iJ M.9t :!1. eADWELL.
W. air
Nt701 . 11) inform the minim that he intend, 10 pay partieular
V %potion to VeterenA tannery in MI lie various btanehelk.—
'lfs Marge* I.‘ ill be rea.onaMe. rtratle tall and ■ee. (Mee at
the (:rt n 11 4 31.1 , .. neat the outlet Lock Of the.Eastaatoo Canal.
Erie, Jan. 4.1-St. IL
1 I'ST received a large and well orleiled stock of Dry Goods.
. ruiliNllar and Tara"nolr. Ladies rind Children's Shoen - in emit
%ariery. trail% circled a large Monk of Groeeries Crockery.
iealJ and Winiknv Paper, Shell Hardware. etc.. which wilt I
Old as. cheap as Oleic heaper4. al then ore of
11110111t1IF.AD fr. G II VA
Thvy day bingis Ramothing Now.
subserjters wont.l rvipeetfully announce that they' have
recutulteteeeived a hug' ,nd well-14 Ire led nook of trOter
ties. ProtibiOnsf and Ship rti iwilerv. t.r , wh.eb 00 1 have
kinight,entirely fur cash Ind rah-. of (.1.1 and established
in New York. rh,hd..innin. r ; 'it and etsrwheve,
WWI PINT fIOW otT•r at 111, Fr,•nrh PL. Mt cheap ins taw cheapest
,l‘not lower than art.leP can he smell elsewhere in
this city: - Merchant.. hotel keepers and omens are invlted'loex
ktntue our sock. All goods warranteicas ,nrisented when sold.
At 31 —3 •R. T. STERRETT 41; SONS.
Salt. Far b and 1 i ier, colununly On lhand, and Ibir
ti sale at the barest Market, prtee. •
good at
May 11. lat. RI:Fr:A RECD. Ito. Reed Dane
Tweedy- Jeans. lc.. in mat variety. 4.
lion good* for warm went bar revolve,' .
1.-) M.o. Linen awl roti
and fi+r Or
1,40 19
ttl Le happy M, sill w b
svarrsilted inroperly
n,l %it
wood, Futile, Ahhem.