NM (Frit 111 . teltlq Ohotratr. tAIF., PA 8 . .1 1 1 . 11110.1Y MORNING, JULY 19, 1851 DEMOCRATIC STATE NOMINATIONS. FOR , GOVEK NOR. WILLIAM BIGLER, i OF CLESIMELO COCYFT. FOR c‘NAr, rommwioNEß. BETH CLOVER, A> or CLAKIIIV COVNTY \ For Justices of the Supreme Bench. JEREMIAH S.' BLACK, of Somerset. JAMES CAMPBELL, of Philadelphia. riLus LEWIS, of Lancaster. JOHN B. gißsox, of Cumberland. . WALTER H. i.OWRIE, of Allegheny. The-Sunbury and Erie Road. . We are in ire fully convinced every day that thiti pro. ject to unite Plaide?phis with the Lykes at Erie, is no longer a Erculat;vn, but is in readily a "fixed fact," which' williin a very abort time, will he under way, and pushid to conclusion as soon as practicable. The Counties along the/onto are taking hull of the matter in right good ear nest. Warren has already pledged herself for alarge private subscription, is addition'to a hundred thousand the people Intend to ask the Legislature to allow the Cower Instibscribe ; while we have before . Us ,tbe pro ceedings of a meeting in•Ellt at which overfiltyllunuand of allatra in ; individual subscriptions wive put down. , in tipeaking of this meeting. the " Elk Comity Adeocate" says ; 6' By those proceedings, it will be seen that the kttizeus of Elk county not only talk, but act, when action is called for—they are not only found willing to do the wiud weds, but when wdraft is made upon their . pursa, they are just is willing to honor that draft to the utmost eitent of their capabilities. It will be seen that stock to the amount of / about $50,000 is already Subscribed to that I work, and We have no hesitation in sayingthat over one .'"ustilrelllwasund dollars wall ha atabscribed to the Sun. ury ar.d Erie Railroad within the borders of this coca. c I -.. Welt done for little Elk : If other counties &lout i the tide w.ll do an equal-proportion, we need entertain 'no fears fur the speedy completion of that work." So iaj we, " wall done little Elk," and if other counties would ': half as wellthere -would be no necessity Ler farther de ili. 1 1 '. 4 . 8 Lu s %iu li s i t s an a c b e o , u t t he t„.. tl i s s a . b s le u p . ro w port he y re e as f E E l r k ie co c un o t u y n i t u y, boasted of some $3,100,000 more than - this. Now Elk subset - Ries to this road about one-sisth of her actin,! wealth ,in '4B, and promises ioiiucrease it to a third, iVill Erie do half this, or twee a quarter '. She, has morn interest in the road :kra arty other county, save Philadelphia. , Quite a Flood— F atal Accident. • Lie , ,t Tueiohix our city and die country round about Will visited i with the most extensive flood, if we take into the account thes,f4ct that it was got up on a very ;hod notice, that we have seen fora long time. The rain commenced pouring down in the morning, and it continued to pour without intermission all day : In town the Weals we re completery'llooded. "State street looking more like a mill nice, and chi public, square more like a mill pond than a traveled thoroughf.ire. Millcieek came up with a rush, carrying ali< everything 4efereit. When the Ninth street bridg ewent down/ thetwas a key oa it a sea ,of Mr. M. Mehl. aged eta iut 6 years. who was precipitated into the flood and drowned. His bOdy was found the next day several rods out M the bay. From the country, 14 learn thitt the Railroad bridge across the Four Ala Creek fiat' been swept Away. as alao the bridges across the Seine steam on the ilulttlo Road. at Cooper's Mill. And on le ''teition road. The shop and. stable formerly occulpied by Jarvis Wells. just above the..BulTato yoad. t were undermined and carried away. and much dam age done to the crops on the flats of that creek. There is pro bably other damage that we have not heard of. The Whig Judicial. Convention. This body, which was to bare met at Waterford this week, has been postponed until Tuesday next, when it n 'convene of Union Mills. We don't know how the " cook will season the broth" in the end, but from pres ent appearances, we should be inclined to think that the "groat Whig party" of tile District *ill have a "tube" in eating it wheo done. Erie C'eurity is determined that her Eljah shell he fed at any rete, while Crawford Conn ty Comrs firward with two David+, aid two setts of dele gates to contest the question. Warren County, mere modest, but belterinz there is luck, not only in odd num bers, but in names. has brought foi l ward her Johnston. and ask• for a bight of the pokiest pm. Well, as we •ml before, we don't knew how it will all end, but we eau prophesy that I.l.:psh won't be fed this time. We Ask for Information. The 'L.-waster t'mo* and Trdbaae, a few (Nye shine took th. Pipt ess, an able, inifiAndent temperance pa rer, to ta , k for insiisumill7 that Gov. Johnston On in. temper tte maks, whereupon the Er press discloses the fut. totem:: Cwt. It is pretty generally knorrii that Johnston Is edaieted to intemperance : " IVe :she •tl.is oeession td inform th ditor. that sHU • of Cite prrplo of uomi.hurcit hmse4sootof:en Wtt ot••""I the performances of h:r. tacclleoec in the littuer hoe, to he coot :need that he is nut a moderate tlrmker. At the me , t•tig of the State Convention in this city. nit-a ri : !... the ehe:rinati of a commatee-1 man notorious for h;s .fdotirchrry—Vl:th the rest of the coitiiinitee. waited im the t ;‘,rern..r to inform him of hill re•lllOnlitiatian. they .s.• losi.theisiselves in the Mails of wine and old 31onoli gatiiila, that the .Governor nos not prepared to It - hires!' Ins frit nds helms ti (i'elettls iu the evening. when anoth ci Cuttlitiittee had to be sent after Wm. The first cam mitre. we are obi. waited on.him at three o'clock. and On , ft-lends were expecting him from that tim unit) the hour of etght•" • ii The Editor of the Erie Gazette is a famous to entice man—is to the Italia of lecturinp through his c limns. the rising generarma eery severed,- and justly for . ndulg• log in the s'itttoxicatiug howl"—ii 006 of the " Sous." We believe, .and to all other reapectt is as well qualified tb furn;sli u 4 infurtn-.tion as to the truth or falsity of this 'matter its any one we are acquainted with. Pilaw„ he •was at Lancastor a st the time referred to., and must be persaually cognizant of the truth or untruth of the Gov- crapes mishap—will he say. then. without dodging-or e.o , lr"caition, whether the Glimmer has or has not got .•• for-good whiskey 1" We knpw very well that .Ir,,tidi a charge could be substantiated against Bigler-he Ar. bid be the first•to warn the "risiag generation," as c it t. (fie , fetheci in lerael„h 40 :the corrupt example t!u woirld be inculcating iwirotiog for hka for tae high est office in the Commonwealth. A,41 for ourself we wee= er professed to be eel" •• thin skinned" on the tempo iance 'riurstion ; scould as soon vote for • man that in itutgrd a fittte,oeem , ilin4lly as for the strictest advocate of cold weier, but it is hot-so with our neighbor, hence we ,h nu ld la ce to 6.4rmokehim oat." We know he is ab s.ut wl,ll..iive write thig artible, but he will lie home soon, tto.i sited tid e hop.e to bear from him ors, the subi..,7l. 'I iie first re miles of the Erie and EileislAro plank ~,ad is finieliq, and has been lacepted bi the proper an thorios„ and a certificate of the 'lad forwarded to the iversior. As soon a• tile nocesitu7 papers are received f: , it Inui, gates will be erected, and toll exacted. Fatal Accident. A hd 'lamed Jaka Kam. aged Omit t 2 yeam, eat. about deo l'etni4i J fleanatt & Co.. is tbia was, hurt ea Saturday last in that estabbahatost.by 3h. fall oft heavy flask upon bim. Hs survived astir Ole nest ctiy. . LA VS cif —A Ems ociaoser. palled the " 8. 1. Eases," has twee httillifsg Made pert by Messrs. Ictach u.., et .:+e iellieseday - lest. -She is about in !one berth.. aid lit-oweed by 8. Emeo. Eat* of •,-Feld, N. Y. The Oar political opponents, I , e whip, an fames for their consistsner, mery 'I , Never, in all* their political caw , paigne have they roved recreant to that political Virtue, I l a let them tell the Iv ory — not even when they denounced the Mexican war and then nominated and elected on of the heroes of t t war ! No, nor thee they denounced the election of a • mere military ctiieftain.l l ha the per. son of Gen Jack ta, who. by the by. ,bad 'filled divers civil stations with onor and credit, and then turned round • Gee. Taylor. who. so far from ever il n. dodo lie had hot sotto exercised. clot for rty years. Theo* are only a hiato of oar opponents. showing bet they lett be added to iedinait i e. ow. bow vet. le to deal with the pro. that they have sot. even is thie essa melees well earned repetitive let and nominated o fillingrt civil itatt the right of a el two instances in their consistency ly. purporio sent, and to show paign, forgot thei consistency. fig Convention at Lancaster. among 'ved that the sdinihietratiens of Pres- Goir 7 Johnston were eminently Whig come up to the Iran standard and ex ,arty, and'should receive their hearty Oct many other resolves too numerous how that they were sincere in this re sted Gov. Johnston for re•electioa. bet. appear, to show thelreensisteacy. gave o-by, and brought eta' another ** ma n the person . of Gen. Scott. for Tiresi • ttlge of a whig paper, The Pittsburgh eito.ctse the reward of the feithhil and istration is, kick hint out ; in the other. quite a difference. jt seems to us." it ils "quite a difference." butit is only t fteriuua dais of consistency , of yours nittylnania Whigs have paid Wi t Fill limpliment of approVing his adthinis lhrow their weight MIA a movement teal with the people, mast deprive idmiiiistration they say thernse.ves It with, and in its stead place one ``ill hate in untried , ' military chief a our 'political atrAirs, sad with very. t iolitkal economy. With our aim s. this double-dealing is Metplica 's idministraiion has been knit is V hige say it is, why seek to change? eithful public servant—a tree and —a sagacious statesman—to make iilitary chieftain," untried in civil in all that contributes to a statee het.- is objectionablet to one hslf, of it is expect/id that his great deeds irength to Gov. Johnston and safe orn hope" through the battle of Oc• :I of the grossest injustice, not only the administration. It, ineffoct. your Administration his been all it is weak before the people, and Gimes uuder loin. flag. You are r capable, and every litchi' whig, ople 'tenet found it ant. and If we in the same boat,iiitk your weights fdu most, therefore, Mand bark and lability.'-lt is aniestto Gen. Scott, his popularity for the purpose of iiii destined to inevitable defeat. It ck•horse to carry Gov. Johnston's and when the Goiri or falls, as fall tar of Gels. Smolt mast set, so far 'ucertied: It is notdenied that Scott ailahle" candidate of the, Whigs here ! is fielding ont an inducement to the e cani-assure oar opponents they I dvaatag l e of, to strike him dawn now, the dead weight ef,ohnstonisin up on defeated this fall, with Scott's m, and the Whigs cannot go into 1 lion nest year and claim for him' ppm:lime will say, he has already hat State before the people—be is "—he possesses military Femme. stone, a state that is proverbial for ilitary chieftains"—that threw her larrison and Taylor—hue already him. lie, therefore, is no sager r ; lt has lost its savor," military Tory now if we must be defeated, w had h a tried . statesman for our et nd il untried one like Scott. Such. lessoning of the Whigs in their Na ii regard to the nomination of Gen. =M other things, re I! iJeui Fillmore an and patriolie—ho peetetioas oft ouPPirrt , with x to tneotioo. o wile, they own strange at it may Mr. Fillmore tae itary chieftain," dent. lu the lan Joiraast, " la th. acceptable admi renominate Tll3O. Sir Whit, on a par with tlt party. " The r more the empty.. tratioo," while tl which, even if s tha country of they can Sad no which, at it; int. min." inexperie very crude notio pte democratic n ble. If Mr. Fdl all the Petitteviva Why throw oee tried polttical fr rooai for • •' on affAir.4 inexperie man, and *ho, the confedertiey in the field will l conduct that • tober, then it is an . to Gen. Scott, but t , says to Mr. Fillmore that it shoold .be, bu we dare not trust ou very honest and ver bet somehow the pe place Gov. Johnston will surely sit* it. make room for "ay, because it is stealin sustaining bee who is making him the p load Opulence' eint, he witt, the politic'sl as the Keystone is c • is now the most " an at the north, hence i Democrats. which will not 1411 to take when he is carrying on his baelt. John popularity to back b the National Cora , - the Keystone. Ilia been condemned In ne longer ••avaiiebl 'tie true, but the Ke its adherence to '• votes for Jackson • turned he: back u " available." the '• baa ran its race, and bette be defeated w aid-bearer than *t we say, will be the tioual C0;1706°00. Scott for the Preside icy ; and it will be reasoning based upon correct premix s, too and more, it will have its ef fect. As the case tiOariilo, then, the Whip of Pennsyl vania first kilt MT Fillmore with Scott to save Johnston, and in saving that worthy functionary, their *• available" favorite, with all hie blu.hing military honors, inglori ously falls withthe Weight of such • burden about hie neck. Our mipioneritsi might as well have repudiated nye iitddied him with Jothintoniam Ssatt •t once. ye been more consistent. more manly ed.( a eiroat party. determined to be righ But MICH has been the course o and it would ti moire like the d at all haz+rds. 1l woahl not have been according to the Whig Party , izghest consistency," or in the line 'ore Pursued by them. Hence, we bud approaching campaign, arrayed against on of Fillmore, though nominally ous ted, in feet, against the - final nomination upon the outside supporting him. 11 to be their favorite ; arrayed against lien.ures of the last Congress through or G iveruor„ though notwi flatly pledging 1, 110 their resolutions, to sustain them sinended ; arrayed ajainat, the perpetu by claiming that those MellSlllret ought .r repealed, though declaring themselves • to be the true Union party; and finally, the Constitution itself. which declares from libor shill be given up." by AM' ur Governor who refuses to sign a bill carrjing out of that important and just Cunstiustioa. And Ws is the - " Height 1/f • the dictates °Pt! 1 of policy heirciv I that party in th - the Adininistrat teinini it; rrs: of Geu. tic. t, t i and Claiinii hi the'colllyiro,. it" , their candidate theineelves, th until repraled o it of the L:nin .to litkvttnelided at the saih.e. liin arnyed avid 116 that .... (naives twining a man facilitating the provision of the of Consistency . L .y a Book for August t Godey's Lady's ook for August has come I. hand.: Ir is an eseelient n tuber. We and glad to learn that "there newer was a time when the Lady's Book was so proaperoos ;" fin it flatly dee sll its prosperity. Terms, $3 per year. or 25 : etinik per single copy. The postage an it anywhere within 500 miles is 2 cents per copy. 'Subseribefrir it. , l' s FEtt, 0 .—Joseph . B. Tyler. • young man aged to euty. fere years, felt overboard from the brig Con meltation, off' Beaver Island, on her last trip, and sins drowned. Hewes engaged in shaking reefs -from 'the mainsail and it was not known by the ctew that h. had - fallen over until they heard his cries (tom the water.— The Boat hove to, but before his comrades could reach him he sunk beneath the waters. Young Tyler was se industrious man and possessed of exemplary nitorale— He rasa favorite with the officera and crew of the Coo stelletion, bi whom his lose is greatly deplored. He was a resident of Ashtabula. Trignats. Mr. Tyler was a resident of Saybrook. in this Tnnty, and son of Mr, Hubbard Tyler. and wee ambiasteerned by all who knew him.—Meta 'phloem* UNPATESTED LAND.I.The surveyor Genial gives the following important notice to .fall persons in possession of; or owning Unpatented Lands within this Cbnintonwealth, that the Act of Assembly pass ed the Ifhli day of Aptil. 1733, entitled 'An Act to to graduate lands on Which mosey is due and un paid to the Commonwealth at fenseylvania; and which-Act has been extended from time to time by supplementary laws, milt expire ea the lad day of December oaf; after which time ho abetment can be made of any interest which may base accrued upon the origonal purchase money. It will therefore be highly ,importaut to those loterested to secure their patents. and the keeehts of the said acts and its supplements, during the time the amp will cootie ,:re in force, CoubUnm3y. Pennsylvania Whigs sid Digeolution • YkHA'' THEIR SOUTHERN BRETHREN BAY Or THEM ! Thl Whip of Peastiyhrsnia have taken their position for this Gabersaterial and Presidential Canvass of 1851 rind 18.52. by the nomination of the present incum bent. Gov. Johnston. for the ,Chief Magistracy of the State.nad Gen. Ekon for the Presidency. They hare laid down their platform, unfurled their banner and in scribed. sport it, in blood red letters. Dastriton : That we speak advisedly as to this issue, we will proceed to quote from several as reliable tutig papers as Fan be (Mind south Of Mason and Dixon's line—papore thin have per; er din4hed in their support of Whiguandidates, or Whig measnres. but which repudiate and denounce the plat form and cassdinsitestrected and nominated by the Whip at Lancaster. The first from which we shall' quote i s ! the Lersaisreilia Courier, a paper that has a more erten; aive ci'rcalation is the South West thou any other Ken tucky icurnal. It sale : ..Witt j e regard this dodging operation of the Pennsylva nia Whig Convention tontoutouut to a surrender of th e State into the hands of our opponents. These are not the days, or this the crisis for either equivocation or hesita tion on the part of either candidates or political parties, whom the Coinpromise inea•ures.are the *object of dis• fussier' or consideration. There is no ouch tiling as * neutral,. middle. or inditrerent ground. There are lout two sides to the question, end those who erg not rier. n . ditionally and uuresorvedly for them, are. against theni and tie' V•VOR or utisuierios. This is this view we take of the Conftnt;tai as lending to of thin matter, and thus helieving.,l4Ve no 'n ee it at i es i s denouncing the cosine awarcby and revolution,_aud is beiug , a war with the frets interests of the country." I This is the language of a !Aortal which has never yet prov/ recreant.to the . Wltig party—which bas stood by !l eo Clay time ant of mind, aed,which, upon the,slai ery tritestiou, hat never occupitid ultra ground .; yet it does not hesitate to saY that the position of. Gov. JohiS stun nnd tits Whig supporters wilt lead to Dom:mt.:Taos ! Wei neat quote from the St. Louis 1*(414m-cr. ,te P.oential Whig journal, edited with much ability by J 11. Cnschatt. Esq., fornierly a Whig member of Congress front I'e:incases. !Of Guy. John.ston's speech at Las: caste, that paper says : • ' • . '• le does not think that a material modification of Oils ( he fugitive slave law.) law would endanger the Union. We can tell Goy. Johnston that he is wholly mistaken. If he supposes that the people of the south and west will longer submit td be trifled with and Mann ed byl the Abolitionists, ho is entirely' in error. TJteir right are guaranteed by the Constitutipn, and thet will submit to nn further infringement of them. lithe tbig partyjol l'enosjlvabia choose" to plant itself upon the doctrine. that the fugitive slave law is to be repealed or materially modified, or if it denies to the South the full benefit of the constitutional gitarantim it wilt have no sym ' thy a 1 r wn Western or Southern Whigs. We , are spit t all further ngitntion of the subject and fora full and ithful observance of the atipalations of the Coosa tulle . W desire the success of no party, by whatsoever name it m •be called,- which denies these rights to the South. A mire iscquiel*nco in the cempromise measure' is not sufficient ; there must be a firm determination to accord jatice to the South, and a faithful observance of the oh. figatious of the Constitution. We do not ask the people of th 4 North to advocate slevery ; their abstract views on that 'Object pertain only to themselves. and we claim no right ito control their opinions upon tb• question. whether or no shivery is i moral, social mid political evil. They are it liberty to think just as they Please on that stibject, hut the people of the South claim the acme right,' and they trill ilsist upon the cataract with the North embod ied in the COllmitflitloll. That contract pros-ides for the re of fugitive eleven. It Governor Johnston or the ilia Whigs go rotten evasion of this contract, sed to carrying it out faithfully, in letter and spi en we do riot desire their success The 'access of sur) a party throughout the nation would n o t only en- . danger. but would be fatal to the Union. It surprises us that anen of sense at the 'Sortlowillst their eyes blind ly against this truth. There is o a way to pry - the Union, and that consists in carrying out faithtully and fisirly the provisions of the natural compact. If Gov ernor Johnston in to this..we trust he will be de feated. as we desire no success of any party'. whether Whig or othOrtise. which is incompatible with the sub ty of Our glor ous national MOD. tlfire again it is fearlessly and emphatically asserted by a Boathern Whig paper—A paper that has been as bitter ly denunciatory of• tho SMathern secessionists ai any in the Smith West—that if the - platfoitn adopted by the Whigs of PenasylviMia is to preva,ll. Dissourrion is in evitable. Hut we quote once again ; and we tarn new to Georgia, a State that, at the pens has rebuked the Southeru wing of the Disonionisti/ The S h Fe link/icon, a leading Whig paper in, Georgia, in spitakhlg of the nomination of Geo. Scott bi the Whigs of Perin syhania, says : . . " Candoreequires us to say to War Northern brethren once for all, that they mar nominate Gen. Scott, (and poss Ody elect him though we douln it) but that no party iiii, at thb South can take any pert et her an his nomination or election Not one Southern Bt to would cast its Tote for him, except perhaps Keane y. and we 'hope she would not. Either Mr. Fillmore. Gen. Cass, Mi. Web awe, Mr. Buchalen, Mr. Dmiglose. or Mr. Butler would carry •verr. other Southern State against him! We need not say, Whigs as we hare beenlid Constitution Union men as we now are, that we shou d rejoice at it. It may be replied, we know, that Gen. 'Scott will abide by and enforce the Compromise niessiireri. But the fact that he comes forward under the'saspiees of Mr. Seward, of * Newi York. and Goy, Johnston. of Pensylrania—ia ei. therlof whom the South has one panicle of con • is encingh to damn him to utter defeat in this a the nonfederact% The South ean 'sparer co-opera a patty in which such dema g ogue l s and maicententa re officiating priests. They both claim to be Union men, just es their co-laborers in agitation in this latitude do t and et they lend all their intlitenee to the stirring up of -strift and revolution." t The ant e paper further remark. that while . • there is a large edd echre party throuihout all of the cotton growing States, with South Carolina at the head, no* marshalling All its ()mei; Gor diseolution en account of causes which already exist, the tlhtien party itself is no lessiiletetutined to withdraw fremlthe confederation , un less the condi tions•specitied by the Georgia Convention are elomplicid With, and the prorisibns of the eompromis honeirtly and hilly carried out. T i lris is the true . positio of parties at the South. The Union party to-day wool be the aeonion" party to-morrow, upon the happen/a of slitter -of the contingencies alluded t.i." Snub; then. is the opilsion of the Whigs of th) South lof tire position and Oandtdptes of their brother Whigs of Pennsylvania. Net fine of them but what decidedly condemns the pasi lion they have taken—yea, more they hare no beaks 'ion in declaring that if it is penis led in. and prevails kw fore the people, it roust eventuate in Dissourruistr. Is Penisylvania prepited for this 7 fi We think not ;and we thin her people will say so, by repudiating Johnston and his rilatferm, and declaring for •'flitnt.r.rt—ths Valois as it is--the Campeau:lie as it is I" -1 I Bits Aectetver AND DRATH.-.. I ~„,_, nig morningabout 2 i4luck, the Hack belonging o the }'armor'. Ho tel, *as driven down to the 1; ding, near the pier, for 4 man named Barry, his wir e, and two children, who came in un a Propeller. 1 The driver left the hack with the abate. persons fh it, to took after the bigage. . While he was atierrt the horses and hackwent into the rirer , and the wife and iwnehil , dr were drowned. The afilieted and dtsconsolMe father is now at the Fanners Motel. We !ear the hac was driven near the pier4on the_accout)elf the ill I alth of Mr. Barry. 0 of the ho c r was blin-; both were drowned. / r 1 is tithe that some means *ere used by our city autl °Titles t. 3 pretent these 116artreOfnif calirni ties Several persons hate been drwned within the sat few mouths in a similar mehnec. . r. Berry is an Irishman, and was limn Mil wet kee, Wisconsin. , he bodies of tho mother a. , children have been rem. red'.—Clenciiind Hera •. doat..--When this foe was firs; introduced into use in En 'bit t use of the unoxiour land, * the Elludice against it was so c strong tha the Comme i ns 'petitioned the drown to li pror al fuel. A royal p lomat n bawl failed to abate the growing nui ean , a commis on was issued to ascertain who bur coal wi in the city and its neighborbood# and to , punish / them by fine for the first offence, end by demulitien of their furnaces if they persisted in t nsgestiun. A law was at length passed mak init • g.ipitaliiffenee to burn coal within the city of nahn, and only permiting it tithe aged ail fore irt.o es • ,the skinity. Among the records in the Tow er, , r. Astle found a document importing th at in the ime of EJward 1., a man bad been tried, eon. ett , and executed for the crime of intro*, goof o , , , . ft took three semidries to entirely ef- I tee, this prejudice. SIFTINGS YROH-CIIIR EXCHANGES WITH IDITORIAL,DASH A r4r. TIN• 10 — Martin _Van Buren is, up in Venturi( tickling trout. se says au exchange. That is better ensploymeot than tickling gudgeon. at Duffel*. as he did In '4B. In" Cold bathing. pure waist. plan diet. e cleat COlll - science, s clean Girt, and a printers receipt. are indis pensableto health and happiness. QT A Kentucky whin-paper claims the present cheap postage as ono of ( the results of the preeent,whig adniin istration. The aims chap will undoubte ily next claim the sunshine and rain, as another result of whit rule. 117 Don't 4,0 hops with your arms folded. For fenoramileson il4wis who roll up their sleeves and . pat their shoulders to the wheel that proptilii th ew on to wealth sad happiness. QT Pnlyfc Mrs. Phillips. heir% 'near irandalia. Indiana, bad twin children about eight :Months since. and &boat three 'weeks eitt , e, gave birth to five mete, all alive 'and kicking. "Vot a prophet!'' ID' Alwaysa gentleman—it is just[as easy as to be a Lonfer,.great dent pleasanter. pito kind word and smile will accomplish more than , a cart load of 12E1 IP' We used M be firm in the faith thSt ••the World is governed too much;" cud perhaps it is; but it certainly cOO% be so with the people to the world:! The "Higher- Lsw."to ■ iooti: :stony instances, is Dot high enough. QT. HAS O . A - Ist* missi on dace Musa!ems could t on more (tar:milt to change than religion. to :Turkey says he con Id convert a to Christianity in leas time than he tio buckskin breeches.' • Er A queer gatherer of stastasties say that of otut dred and fifty-eight women whom - he net in the streets of a city within a given time, one huodited were sucking their parasol handles. AP , QT A Fstimat.—lt is an old song. 'rain .before sev en. clear before eleven." It commeted pouring at 5 o'clock Tnesdy morning, last. and did' t stop nutil night. The old song is • humbug clesrly. 1:17 Tar mad Feathars.—A gentlema , named Tarr was mirried to a widow named Feathers, a Newport the oth er day. Rather • warm combination fror each swelter ing weather. - OZTStrang. the Norman prophet. Who has been on triat for serest days in Detroit, ott akharge of murder: and robbing the mail, has been acquiftLd. Bo that mod-, ern prophet is not to be c4i6ed. Q 3 Dell•s Life in London. recently lusted that a lefty had lost no less than „C 20,00% on the Derby races. The Limerick Chronicle says the lady is the only daughter of the poet Lord Byron, "Ada, sole dao#hter of 'my house and heart." . ICY There is a pretty good prospeel et. fight betweeti the' new "silvergray"psper at Fred:polio. The Adrcytiser ; and the old ”Wooly•Head" organ. The Cinsor. Go it boys, we'll .hold your bats, but as to thb "wool," we beg to be excused DJ' One of our exchatiges says 'pleasure owes all its zest to anticipation. The promise dl. a shil)iug•fiddle will keep a schooltMy has happineersiora year. • The fun connected with its peteesion will extrire in an hottr.- 7 Nuw, what is true of schoolbo)s is rurally true of men. 411 they differ in, is the price.of their fiddly. Cr - Th e y have a live english no ; leivan at Data; playing hi the Theatre. flis name M Sir Wm. It is said he plays the finished gentle4an to perfection. Of course be ought tu.,because ail LeiAs are tenderness .'by divine right." Li' One editor says to !mother wilt( whom he is at war —Your paper is opened in this t ame and pismires never read; beside, its contents are opt worth reading; and if thei were worth reading. they are so badly printid that nobodyean real thew T,he Albany Dutchman gives the following:—The everlasting perseveiince of the YankCe, is admirably il- Instreted in a case that lately ()martii at Linn, away "dew! cut. , A cute chap indentured ;himself to a boot-, maker for 4e. weeks, to learn I. fit beats. At the end all three days be bought out " np for himseltfil LIT Tni MASI who slops by d—ins her, eyes, and tie chap whom supper everyi night and Man Arises him ,I, away his ap-' petite, were out on a Imre& igetti... ter day, upend ing money. their wiree had dbt 'staking. . -- It 7 Franklin says it every man end woman would work four hours a day at suintliting miefitl, want mud mi ery would be banished from the wortil. and the rennin ing portion of ‘ the, twenty-fuer ar ight be devoted leisure •nd pleainre: V' A correspondent of the Rikheiter Advertiver. whose responsibility the editor enddrses. says Brightimi Young. recently appointed Governor of Utah by Pretiii dent Fil mote. ' •kreps over twenty Concubines, or spir . -1 ittial wives." Of course help an open abuser or &mop.' racy. U 7 $s Ame of the whit papers are 'preparing for defeat, this fall. The Pi j usburg Commercial jotanial say 7, "Should we lose the Stale, a result' by no means r? 1 the loss must not be put down to Scott." Of count 64 but if such an improbability as Johnitou's electionthould happen, then shout yourself hoarse ' in proclaim)ng it se evidence of Scott's strength. ----- (a• Wow •5,./i t /OR O ---- glitto measure Mom tweatiy-seven• to -twenty-Igoe inch a round the waist), but mostArnales at not permit th ' enwielves to grow beyoadta?inty4ON; thout sands are laced to twenty two. sorne,if less theKtwenty Inches. and by means of wood, wha'ebone and steel, thilt• chest ispftedk reduced to one half yilize. And vet ,a ihi face of such recta, reform iu fokiilel,dresa is hooted at by the mass. , / • , 1 , ID'Corsiers, says an exchange bin always been popi , ular. There's cosjner lots y what iisioas ad wealth have the nut conjured up. The* . the chimney corner is endeared to the heart from 'the/tidiest to the latest boar of exist!. once. A song apynet in a, will? 'Who ever object ell to such a thing? 4 A corner in a wco s inan's heart. On e c; get there, and 0 may soon commatad the entire domaiet. A corner ln a te mple of Fame? lArrive at- that , mil von Deco inimOrtal. 1 i 1" ur Sanabody'adsertisea in a Ifej;York paperas foi -1,,,w7,-”Wanted one or two boys 14 attend is liqor store!, 11Iuit know the linsiness. and coma recommended." 4 p r e are afraid it Will plague the adyertiser to get jusit such boys is be inks for; for. as • isneral rule. the ~. los er the boy business this paorer*he !owls recomi tneded." ET In years Md. as. WINg BO fa r verely bit bye mad dog that he died within fire hem} after the attack. The whole of hi• mot property is be. (wa ttled to • wild Toting nephew. 'who for several yeses. has .been. and still is...a/played stale COIXIIOOII' Sailer ills one of the Liverpool emigrant 'hip OatT of our cotornperariss says the worst grumble(' it Newspapers are the poorest paytatasters. There is + doubt a great deal of truth la this. fa our Editorial sz perience we bad a . man, wbo Paid his stabseriptiiM in advance. complaio of our elforMlo make a good paptlr .— o n the contrary. they have havarriblY said. whoa called upon to express au opiaiost. that lilts paper was mock) better them the support. Er The Washington Telegraph is one of the mo i st sprightly papers on our exchange! list. lt always his sonirthieg goad as say, and well slid it in tes.—Pinin - . Betaidi , ', ig..„ • i Well. nt, or it wee vim 44 *se apes offiehtebsags jilt: i but somebew alter a brief oink te see sapetens it very aneereatonioasly triseengnaed its Waits. sad left as'o weeder 1- . - I , ..lf it was se seen done kw . Why 41 aver was begari for." . . , ty-fo4 INN ipie Erie Observer STATE MEDICAL SOCIETY. The third annual meeting of the "Medical Society of the State of, Newsytennis" was held on'the 28,th.23th, and 30th of May at the Ilall of the American Philosophi cal Society, io Philadelphia. Seventy-six delegates were present. and for the first time Erie county re among those represented. , 1 ' Mum matter of public interest was before the Society I .—Reports from several county Medical Societies were read on the Medical Topography. Epidemics and diem; 1 gious disorders. within their respective limits during i 4 year .180. , .- ' 'The report from the Berke county Med:eal Society contained a description of the Medical Topography of the count) illustrated by a beautifully executed colored map prepared front geological surveys; an accrual of the epi demics which have occurred during the year. with 001 i. 1 Cell of:the diseases which have prevailed over the several ' 1 geological forniations &c. It was drinmented upon as model report, and a similar plan was recommended to the ether cot my societies. The repot of the Erie County Society. pr pared by Dr•"(.7.. F. Perkins was liveried to with great i yereat. ' Measures were taken to procure the con motion of the law for the reg.atration of Births. Marriage,. and Driaths passed by the late legislature. and eomplimen, s tory resoluttomi ware passed in (over of the firm Edward .Armstrong. of Phi ladelptim. for his ellilent services in procuring.the Passep of the law. , . . !Profoasur JaCkson presented a report on small-pox and vacination, which developed some.importanifacts.—The glowing are extracts from this report: , • In the report of last rear some evidences ware ad duced from statistical facts which appeared to indicate ff that epidemic Periods were to be observed in the eceir- 1 rents of small-pox Cases of dieme are almost constantly present to the cities of this country and of Europe.' Tim: te the arena! stele: Yet there ifs no epidemic spreading-. of the disease sad confusion of the contagions miasma,' strectiog persons at a distance from the foci of iudividu alcases. Something appears to be wanting to complete the epidemic &institution. In other years, a few eases of small-pox appear ill.a.part of a city. in ,a village or 'dis•• Wet of country, and immediately' it assumes an eiiitle ',inic character, and numerous cases are developed in the' ' course of a limhed number of weeks or months, when it I againsrappears. be last epidemic visitation of small pox in London Was in the )ears 1814-5. Between 2,000 and 3.000 'deathswere recorded. Thp mputhly average of deaths was 165; the weekly, 37. Singe that period, the annual Mortality has been from 4 to, 600. in 1849. the whole bomber of deaths was 528; the,monthly average 44. the, Weekly II: In 18.50, the total deaths from small-pox ' pll'efe 482; monthly average 40 2-12.-weekly 6 1-3. The population or London' exceeds 2.000.000. "While Europe and this country have been exempted I from epidemic small-pox, for the last year. or five years.) it has raged with excessive viruleuce in Bengal. pa/ti tularly in the dipital. Calcutta. la 1849-50. it destroy k.ii 6,100 persona; and during the first three Months of 1850. the death's' were 3.326. in a population of 387,308. "'I he history* of all the great universal epidemics has !shown thole march to be most generally from the east to ;the west. It is not au improbable anticipation that this iepidemic dispoiition.or constitution. that* gives, when it prevails, new force to the contagious element of venues, may reach Enrime and this country to two or three years. "The best and only safe means of guarding against the dangers and intiriality attending the invasion of epidemic !small-pox. t to give the greatest possible extension to the 'practice of Coed nation. Experience has fully shown that while it confect complete immunity to many. it ',malts protection and contributes to the safety.of the great Wan of the community, by impositte a ninthfication on the i ;disease. mitigating its severity and restraining its activ ity. I . . 'The plan far the' gratuitous vaccination of the poor. adopted in this city and its county districts. should be extended throughout the State. All the corm:Witte towns. is is believed. possess already the authority to appoint physielians for tiler purpose, mid to pay for their services ftiain the funds of the corporation. The county com missioners might be authorized by the legislature. which/ should, be memorialised to that effect, to appoint medicsA practitioners to vaccinate the poor. and to defray the ex pense from the county treasury. It is recomnieuded hat this Siety and the County "Socleues combine to err)' out th s plan. . -,_ , • "U .. Gregory . one of the highest authorities on the snbje t. communicated very recently to the Re al Medi cal ai 0 Chirurgical Society , the folloviing vi a:— 1 Ist That vaccination, performed 'under 15, romance. 'gives'ss complete protection against small 0:31I inocu lation. i • .., 2d. After 15 years another law come . into operation The economy acquires a ausceptibilit to a first attack of small-pox, sop is liable to a 'even attack at 50 or 60 years. • According to this ,propo• hon. the protective i f power of vaccination progressivelyr diminishes after the ' age of 15. ' 3d. • T-hat vaccination after 1' years is use)ess. It does not afford protection against ati attack of small-pox. It may be resorted to as a place u to satisfy the pirtilic mind. but is of nomimed. 4th. Tha t M. Cazenav . the celebrated dermatologist of Paris. an others had, certained, by experiment, that inoculation in - persons inter fifteen !Fears, who had been previously vaccinated/produced a - 11 It w forrquf disease.. characterized by pa tai of the skin, unaccompanied by Vesicles or puhttece! Silt That this nen popular disease is not Contagious; is unattended with danger, sod gives protection against synall•pox.for life. , '"These itatements Dr. Gregory adopts, enamors teem. and asserts at lie knows them to be t tie.' Professor 2aCkson's eport states that if these views me Correct, it is clear t at inoculation; after 15 years of age, must be submit ed for vaccination; add recommends that the Statejind County Sodeties institute investigations to .test i the truth of the new revelations.`' Att a public entertainment which closed the session. wad marked the good feteling and hospitality of the Pro /torsion but three Medical Societies were distinguished by special toasts, and of those Erie county was one, the sentiment being "Persecuted and Prosecuted its course le still onward end upward." To which an appropriate reply was made by Dr. James L. Stewart, the delegate from late county. EZTIVORDINAZI CASH.—We find revelled in ,the Upland Unionthe following marvellous case: _ "About ink Weeks since, John H. TaylOr, of Edg moot in this county, was severely woundeil,b) the bursting of his gun. The breech ti:ew out, struck him un the forehead betweeir the corner of the eye and the nose, making a wound that was-for several days considered dangerous. He recovered slowly and was able to go out upon his farm and -gave di 'rections about his business. On Wednesday or Thursday of last week, Dr. Aitken discovered that the breech of the gun wastn Mr. Tayloi's forehead having passed in below the region of the brairi.— Drs. Gregg and Buddleson were called, and the three physicians, after a severe effort ky the use of forceps, extracted the iron, which was nearly three inches iu length, half an inch thick. varying from three quarters to an inch in breadth, The removing of the iron was a severe operation for the patient, bat we since learn that he is more comfortable than befo, and inipthving in strength. -.Taylor's escape from instant death comes within the limits of too miraculous, and the lung dontinuance of such a owls ut iron iu his head, so near the brain, is al most incredible, but.'it is most certainly true. MARRIED On the Sib inst., by the Rev. G. W. Cleveland, Mr. Wdfu Couse, of Harborcreek. and Miss Pauteliall ill, of On the 14111 . inst.. by the vane. Mr. John Rogers, and Miss Sarah RUbuison, both of Venango. At Union, on the 4th inst., by M. Niles, Esq., Mr. Samuel Davis, to Miss Adelia flainderson, both of Plea santville. Veuango county. • At die same time and place. by the same, Mr. Alfred Ross, and Miss Marie Henderson. both of Pleasantville. Oo the 14th inst. by Rev Joseph-F. Dean, Mi. Jloerph F. Lwery, of Green, to fflias Ann Shay. of this city. In Fairport. July lat. by Charles Smart, Esq.. Mr. W. Jackson, of this city. to Misa Nancy Maria. daughter of Capt. 0. Andrews, of Eairport. . ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER.' pr.rstx. in artificial Digestive Fluid, or Gastric Juice! a great Dyspepsia curer, prepared from Rennet. or the fourth stomach of the Or. after directions of Baron' Licbig the great Physiogieal Chemist by J. fr. Houghton. M. li.. No. 11 North Eighth Street Philadelphia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indira. Don, Dyspepsia. Jaundice. Liver Complaint. Constipation and Debility. curing after nature' _own method, by nature's on d agent the Gastric Juice. gee adi enurement in another columm A SMALL CONSIIII2IIIICNT OF THE ABOVE ARTIME .11'ST RECEIVED, AND FuR SALE ay CARTER AND I BROTHER. NO.*.F.F.D IIoCSE. Also, by. DR.?. HALL, No e I, IJUGtIaP BLOCK. • "J'T The valuable Moorand Dater*, which hare nenuired.so extensive a popularity. and command 'Diary ■ sale, are prepared only by Dr. Jaeksoa. wise German hilerbeittel Wrote. No. lalk Arch street. Philadelphia. These bitters have h well merited re nown *if theeure of liver complaint. dyspepsia. chronic or ncr. Tons debility. ere., in relieving which they have no equal, and bare Indeed proved& brifissing io thousands. who regard Dr. Jack son as their preserver from an untimely rave -We basemen the seingolainistate eases of dyspepsia speedily and, radically cured by them. The surest test of the excellence of an article Is its being eonniertkited ; this is the ease with these Sewers. l'olobtain the genuine. go to Dr. Jackson's authorised NEW ADVERTISEtIENTS% Now lhouser Gooda — I HAVE just returhed from 1 4 1..ve York with a apten4,4 ruent of th e . ery,tairst at) lea 'of' Ilsos Goat., %twit w h att ht fur and at Auettah at V.lpCf tent lei. than sold for an.the wring. -C. M. TIBBALS.! Erie. July Ilk 101. --- Lightning, sods. ' a yri I 17, underpined , agents or J. 4,4,1, Mermt , e•iou.4l rail th.,.., 11 „ . mi, of the pithillC to their 111,11Wird l.ntlititing R0d....., , v. tientarly to their unproved Plitiount P.,,,,i, • t „, ~,:. ,i , ,,. warrame to ream the atuxopherie edupe. Mt . ' hk „,, ti ;' ,. ... j " , _ them W will rtmaln in town a re% day., persona %„b;; c. „,"'" .wouid,d,, well to ep.mismeopira. All orJerP aalepre,l to die lia . .! ifersigne, through the Poet (Mice at-Erle. adi t, Dr ,„ rni? an . ,l. I eel. 0. ALGAN 4 MtKPAZ.II".. Erie, July If, ISGI . clop:ivied phe one Ri,Auq. 8 1 : 1 7 .ii a::: " : 7 1 : demen. and trove purehssed one o n t op.elf. i lettere ti k ., - . 'tenor to any other Rtyle, the Points are terminly vie!! a 4 , 1 , 4, the ptirpoPe deignel. 1 Meadville. July. 1831. ,_ - - eiVANNefRti GERMAN O IN T Z II E v .Q A .I ja TIT T Ii :2 It s r s T7 4 efto cr, eened Pr by July Pth, _ 5T03111%. C,ADWEI.I. his Intel) o•tursos.l-fruos ese Fantrt where he ha• heel , elelohoz the snort or the ''‘ //Intoner in t.ure hati Good+. a t s - ary lose otte•-.. nod eels Hot Ina late goirehate of St.' tt %Irk Cotths, 1, 10 , any lee for , r before Onerel la .tot. Itt 4 th , t, Iu: elu-e out toy eu •et clock of llexel4. nor. room for the Fall carpv , ev at le the lose . • goode ate grolie fact., 11.1'114%111 Erse. July Prat. • . 11.1rtieular ;friends are suf.rtised that halalo'r. milt whirl! are out oil Quoit nod Soto. Om) are ina k thE op lar ; :er yment., nod that they toobt p aw ur ~.„ heeoilettert ow•ttlf . l . Ptittral,9ll of lb . ? rirtllrd to the oldrgartursa lent to our it. 3l /01e., but oats ne.• eral tettarst to the eLyrus !POUT ettUtitUft•. ore, cud are at Me totnee elinett hrolk ,f a n d at. ,), thrtr la recelir uxmry ddrotz Erie. j u . ) I% • LE:4-rE.R. SENNy.rr k ES rat: •• %TIE: — IAttreuVED . SELF ADJI•sT . O, ; TR , hie!. eth4le,t more radical rurr. 'ban all oiloas Nes.% 1110 eqtt•tr , leteti ;W1441110 It‘t•lt u, an y form amt tens of the, l+ly, wholly 'diem using re ,th the :trap t; l, l4ars ..rarer. 1 Fur oak' by I tEAK 'l* OF Ir . A fte.h so pol e rat reeetred by •81 RTON Ult. rienSts7ettraet for the ha tollseichkel.tral ms ,„, ut , • k ove. Gera n d• ran/liar:awl We.i Jew s ,' rlsroy.J.relo• t ah, iladtrar.e, Verbena, and Jes...oa,n en.., iv. J 11.SURTIt It. 11 ad 1 . - NOitICE• pill I: etthrerlberis to the ir twat :fusel( of the wand %rater- 1. turd hank Road l'onipany arc hereby notplid him an aids , / tm/Weal' art per cent on *swami sulocrthed s . n.,p s ~,, s ~,,,,,. paid ~ ..theTlPavalref of 'aid f`fitnpany.n4lits iplhce to kale, or before the Wa of August. By order or. ($ finar.h. A KING. Tr.,.,;,,. Erse. Jul; IS. , By JONAS La !Orr. , .', ---- , . lain direr tett I.; the Board to call the au, noon of in'-inf e r s to the iitls see sson of an Art Regulattng Wurtrptke a d I'l7,ak Road. Companies, approved the twenty sixth day ,/atinas,y, lea. • ... . ••etteetssis. —lf OD) stoeklifkier. 0 hether AM off final .ii.ch• for or assistiee t after ramify day a' :soften .iti-st, c.a id. w de time and place apputisunt fur the pal inefirol . a — ifiSUilmeoln, , A proportion of die capital stock, staff tienlec t., ranch Props koli at the place appointed. the the space of rty dare after Ins time appointed' far the pat went thereof. an such illockholder shall, in addillOn to tbe Instalment so cak ed , pity at the tate Of 01w per reinnint per month, fur every 4 of dud, pay a 0... avid if.the sante and additional panalty .19(1.1 become cilia! n. .n. snits before paid in part oft account of ouch share, the satiw !nay the % be forfeited by and to the said company and may be sold.ki train for such fifteens tnay beoldained the r, of in tlef.lun or pa,- tnent of an . stockholder.. of such it mimeo's sts . akirc.ant, I n , the space of sixty days itfOrsaid. President and mawkrens way, at their election, cause sun he hroight in the mine w an . tier as del is oC alike amitb ht. ate tout tocori , ral,le. lor the recut try', of,the same. tonethet with c penalties at , treAni.“ A. If 1!.1;, Treasurer, Re JONAS r:V:iilt hoiN. _, . . J , tly 19.-tsllo ma Good:. /1/.lorlered rup/ung. al Fri kr at. 1 A . % b and up Harare!. vtriped jr,.f run n. inntle and blue Snk Tbn.u.4, C. M Tlllit QUA and Idnini plain 1.71 plain. i, n riv n :, 9ven.9 ‘funlino. Mack and filo ro,l Law t ip. 2500 v . "" erne.; 1 . 3 0°V" b.on rMal - JeT Pnnts at cent; pert 11 .,7 1, -- J at THUM., T" gernefi, nnd. 3menean. Gag r, wprrante , lfa-t rotor,, at one shell tag tu.r C. N. Erie Jot% Rr If %f%f.it fla Black Silk, plain and watered, Irmo ,t,i'et, , t; . . i , for SI r aril at Tiolim...-% 101,Ar •• SilkEtigirkes tthd Fritter., fot trittitme NlnnttllA;:rf 1J MI. •iilill4.enif•be found at the lowest figure,. 3i. T11111 1 .i1... , 8 f A YARDS re :13 Thre;,l filging i r from GI to IS t . t.r,t• prt V vard. from auction, at . TIDO %L.-v. .... .__ _ _ NOTICE TO. CONTRACTORS, ,p ROPOSAI.S trill le received at the ollieeof the Noshing', and Eric Railroad Coinpan Era'. up to tht 13th , !a. Auzust pent. Incluotr , .. for the grading. bridging: and another son, nee• rosary to preparetthe road led for the Iron. of the Piii.t.nrah and Erie Railroad fhoni Erie to its point of connection w rti the rihin and Pentistivan in Raurond,a distaner.of about Mans. Plnilo. and `rl'r , 't tie auions can berm!' at t h is ace cased after the Gth day of Anv.l.4. Proposals are invited for the whole work. 111.0, in liner ce more sections. tipvnble In iheSioek of the (*omen nr. office. Pitisheryh and Erie Railmot LWARLES , 3I REEP, Erie. Pita July ,1:. 1931. Pie% 'IST All the 'Newspapers published In Erie, Crawford. Mer , rt, lAurenee. and Fever counties at ill qopy: ply Passage tram and Money Remitted to Great Britain and Ireland. 401 1 1fieEAGLE' LlNE.4rull - - New York and Liverpool Packets. DERSoNS wishing to send for their friends in Cr, ' I fit ,la 111 rf make the '1 re In 81,1, can :tinny time make the eeettpary mraneempt t. with the poletertbers. at ho have i (ion with ,ne of th e fiat lem.e. in treat Briiain , a i'er omplete and elmmme at. ningenmrd fur th e arroissivo , tattort of I r.OpS fel .rra I M.T 10 %met tel. For the p-Attm execution of hie ttgarwenia, the .-,,b. , .n her halt the of having the Sole Arney or rainwaters of the spit:flk! New !lbws. eompo.lng the "EAGLE" LINE OF NEW YORK 116, LIVERPOOL Packets. sailing Twiee a month from each Port. thrtmehtut the ytesk. In all rapes ,i, hen Mope sent for 40, Om e0n..., turwarJrthe to vl% ill be refunded, se itholat deflncoon. BILLS AT BIGHT, For rate in awn. to MI tr, which will be Cubed by An', of Sank.. and in the twine Tat Town. throuetanit Eng;atpl. lyrl3t,t, Sealant! and-Wale., 13.%R N ET. HOARES t I:0) ftaa►rn, London, and JAMES ateHENRY, Merrhant. /./terpoo, ♦r►LY TO bit APPRFOo. 1'..T.,1D, OMITH JAI'K7, 4 , nt. fine. P. Or to * JOH N Meg ICH A EL, 36 OW Sl if.. Cur. 01...rvuth-st N. V REFERENCES. • Mews. P. A. t,H. Pirride New R. F. Lord. Eaq.. rbirr Eno- York r.ey. neer D. /k H. C. Co Hones W. Whitiork It. Col do. dale. Penn. " °hPlinan & ecn!ma. do. I James. Archibald. Erci . Lewi,& Prier, do I neer 11. H. C Cu. Car /ion M Sherman, New- hondale. Penn. burgh. Z. Y.I Memo, G. 11. lc A. r Gilead A. Ralik, seereta- Albany. Cm, N. 1. tary Pei. and Hudson Canal,l Hon. J. Tort , Pon *ton r), rc V. 1(14 1121111 RT ai co. , a NEW jEnRIK STATE AGRICITLTURA sort ETV'S FIRST PREMII:I I 4 ItfAlL,RuAti HuRsE Pow Ilk TEIRDSHING 114ACELTNE• Tii F. above .ttnoty-eeleltrated Poviera att now' 1 1 ,0.. an d lr the ..tt her ther. are offered the nut Ire v. Ith it.r that the!, are all they are repre.ented—they ha', Int I. r...ne. Irn.i,t It and ttnatughly introdued and I,ted .•: .Itil .di the Thread Pow era known of note in the ClitallP, aid Lees •reterred 'The Chairman of the Amieulibrat Societt'+ f',n,iiiiire an Hum Pon ers.,inrt communication %rotten Kure 11.0MIIP a r ia the awarding of premiums to the 111-....knve florae Puna, .nt. "I -Peril much Inun at the late elate fair (Arm. lock: .71 I;fri^t in etailluillig the t arion• nurse fakers. tig . Wire , 4' ., • 4 ". ,. . Ilam's and Cinersat Co.'s. first V. ith the Gainers mot waken sat bear-I all they could say. and again in .their al -truer, nail the result most fully cotivirceil me that ttICN sthe nr-T. i n.l ill a 31Fled one, I would give Twenty NM nu more hit toms Win ii for mu ocher n the ground; and ail 'an Wpii )iiiir!r&flr 11 , f' , . 01 it if Itt%t that )on ahould reed 0 % a full re. urn ' Ire ti,riiii.r rayi..l rot know from experience. I hate n ', partialil for '"'' estalilisliment, and its it committee Man of sail ...or ,i•II. fir . e v.. I have decided °limier against you: than for ton, JIHA if tither+ hate a better an icle than you. I would decide in their fain though it ruined }our establishment. and. vice ).cri,.. hurt n hest it may." s . , With the te.lisnriny of she h men as the author critic f der'lllai which. together it oh chaitgealile gip, Ina. and other i nil octant (mprotements !MCP last sea-on. make it the til..dlr.inriairst. dr neble. rfinutt •wd teumeniiret Poa yr no wady. and the pUNte may Mgt assured of being turf It) us a Ith a ',perm , tni ellitte.—For further particulars please Catalogue of AltaTif Agricultural Works. lie. F.MFR V & Co. y.r ..._ :if ir dwle 10.tfl0 — it .11.‘K1i.,ri.:e.,1 - - AFFLICTED READ!!! ~,E P - lIILADELPHI.A,NIEUILAL t I'IPTE,EA I I: ARS 4GO, 123 -',DR. KINKELIN. ,VortA West ( ter cif TAtrd and Ufeeue, Neut.", Wrens `Tr.t , • "rod rmne Street*, Plattadelphtlll., rIFTEEN, EARS of extensive and uninterrupted pram' spent on tin. ray, have rendered Dr K. the ne..l rn,rrt and sueee.,-ful practitioner far and near, in the treatment of a'' I , ea. se, of a tuts ate nature. Persons afflicted VI HUH Hirers oa de v..ai throat, or legs, tmlii. In the head or hones, mere went filt•iino:lll , vt gesture, gravel. Macaw arising trout x outhlh I etre..., ei !f . ,'. ritivsof the binthi. A ilefeb) the c onbtitution has become e tinsvL led are all treated with .uf er's. , . Ile who placer htmsel4underthe care of Dr. K. inn v rel I y contideln his honor a gentleman, and contldentic di , his skill as a physician.' T•1111C PALM. MAI NOTICIL—Young Men who hate ispie 4 thenuielves I.) a certain practice i'idulged in—a habit fteOu'n" learned front evil companion+ or at school —the carets of is heti arc nightly felt. even when asleep. aqd destroy both nom: Jed WV. should apply mitneitiately. Weakness and cotnidanarti debility. low of anuscuiar energy, physical lassitude and Ow"' prOttentidn, irritability and alt nervous aikettuns,s nonccglo. elionpell liens of the I iyer. and every disease 111 as y Nat c..cccv . ed with the procreative functions cured, READ! — 11 . 11.71( AND MANHOOD and full vic,l r•-t A 116'01:1)1"S LIFE OR PREMATI RE PE.4TH KINKEL a .ON.S ELF:-PIESER r - 11 " ONLY' 25 CENTS. . tn Th.. nook itio,putaipbeit o filled with useful i nfmnlation. the infirmities and dieeaere of thr gene, alit e err) no. • It adds es Pseltaltke Youra. AfatiAsvd.ossi Old Age. and should ' er3a by nil. The tantalite advice and impressive wartime It . 1 ""' ill prevent years of misery sod stirrer - in& and fair AMR , " Th° "" ada or Lives. l'arenis. by reading ft, will team bob 1 ° prevent the destruction ofttteir children. „• A remittance of i 3 cents, eneksied in a letter, addresord to Dr. K INK DIAN. N. W. Comer of Third and Eaton ritrerts. l ; tween Spruce and Pine. Philadelphia. will ensure a 6.'4. node' envelope, per return mail. Persons at a distance may address Dr. X. by letter. enel"" g a See. and to cured at home. ParkarsafMadscis,D e ireetirs. fitrw aremittance.aitiao.aadm4paadreaave Book-sellers. sewn Agents. Pedlars. Canvaprert, amtolbe. I, is supplied wok the shove work at very low rain.