Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, July 19, 1851, Image 1

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A. I. IltiN &CO., Pr op rietors.
_ •
frit 11.)tthlil thritruer.
D. T. SLOAN, E d it 0 r.
[ .. SQUARE. ERIE. .
• -
' r,tv roh4crihers by the earner, at. 41,01
,i of wail. orM Mealier. in aaranee. ' . .1.30
} s. rlf not j'ant in advance.or within three months from thermic
0 -.0...041, two dollars ta sir he charged. - . .
WAlltofuummeatioho alma be lima paid. . .
Cards not exceeding 4 lines, one 3 en r. 8300 .
One stvare tdo Ts 1%00 .
do. do. six months. 11,00
do. do. three month., I 3.00
Thanxient airertisentero.„ Weems per square. of fifteen lines or
1g , .., for the first insert tont 23 rents for each Stitanquent insertion.
3._/ i earl} acherrper. hat e the ',rut firgr of eha ngtna at pleasure.
x,:t at no lime ace 31101‘e4 o neeopy wore than tw t sq mares. sad la
It ;mord la tante immediate imidaese,
ktvreneementt• not hat one other dtreetions, will be inserted till
orbid and eltarrd accordingly. .
_ _ _
A. M. 15,DSON, " -
krtnist V AT 1 . .%W.7.016CC' at p esent in the chronicle Office, in
Wtiglirs }dock.
A r rum LAW.—(thee ore, & Wriiheelheksna
rota..l, emcince tireedoor ure4t, on the Puhlie Squat',
Dr* , las in dirt Gond., Groceries, Idenors of kinds, Crorkerr,
%ads. kr •. one door south of eguntli Juckson's f store. French
srrei. Erie. Pi?. -
1 Cosmos, , II B. IllAt FIRST SCR% L. N Ti..*,, s
a dr.
Otfetinmeh—Detsr of Fnrc ten Ml'Sle and inu
nrat Mere/mod, e, w holoqtle a nit v•tail, No. 19, So ..sth St.
tb Chestnut wet, Philadelphia, •
r i erturtsri and Si RoLON—.llTire carter of State and rzevelih
iSttecte: Nest ••isce en Street. between French and
Holland. Erse. 14.
T.W. Ill)0111:,
Di • LE. In Croecriee. Prov urinate, P. L 14110 1 4. rand IM Fruit.
Le.. No Savior ?rook'. Row. Stale etrect Erie.
31., SANFORD & CO.. .
tie .1-tp in gild. Silver, Sank Sown, Itralls , Certifirniee of The
;.,•• t. FActia firm on Ore Toil nr. I eat icieoli-ian try
for ()thee in lieati'ir Rloelr. Public loare. Erie.
T. !I EROS Si; u
tz awn , / ',Art ...-4 nfire. eurm.r Frenetw and Fail'
surrte,wrr Mow + h ti•N Re-rlenee on Fourth once'.
one door erAol.l`te uld %pother:lry II all.
N. ran.tanth on hand a fun -unpl . } of Gru,' , •rseo. Ioq::or,‘. ship
Chaloll,ry. rro%i•lullis., Produce, acc . a,.c.: and .-ella Wtiol,..aue
.a R.l.lllas cheap a. ilwrlonli...t. No 110.11....ip54,1e F:rie.
Attornoy and Counsellor at Law.
1„.0, (.31
V, .if10.,11(1 , 1 N. 1% V P } ' ll.6knig. &plat; Lan,l4 and'
Cla - 'or moa-t at,
rr ern r . K om i ., and la uiliful attempt'. L
f)tfic - t. ni ll'ioght , i. Mork 911 Stale error(, over .1. U. Fullerton's
,tor t .- Ere.. het. 19.-
Ef ut •Ili %soil I.)eatun. in Dry 1:0...). , .., Gr.r..rif , ..11a .ware.
1.1N , 1.M., Fk r. PL I. tall &c., Nu. I; ,1% 1 . 1;1it . . , 61 k cor
ner 01 Fan and stau: Streen , .
'km.. I urn. tyrt.v •sr
i,l.kl_j.N IS., K i:EN,I•
ronu.n% er the ••••mre Jaetoin,etieali
241,5 e. (1 . 171 t: done tot +ltort
. ..j ()LI% EIt.'I'.AFFORD, .
D04.4.11er and Stationer. and NI. mu facturer of !Bank Books an
%%riling Ink:corner of the hiamoti : and Such %Peet.
i J. 11. NICKLIN._. •
Berrist 11 1 1gettfr.,1 Agency and CiAmm.lon bualue4s, frank-
-- .
i RUFUS IMED - . •
Drittaln rairl.4l,4ermanttild Atimricau liardWarentid Ottlery
M.O. j , ..1/1.• Anti , VIC e, i run 4 Lat Surf \u..1 Reed
Itt4e, re.'
W. J. F. LIDOLE ..1.: Co.
. , .
Bi..ecluOrrus, Carriage and Wagon, Bulkier., State Stregt. be
fa red eei,enth Sr- Eighth, Ertel - r,
-,-- ----
L. ST ItOA - G, Al. ID. , .
3r %, est et C. IS. VVrtzhe, sforr, tt.p
orrice with Tk.ct. A. Bre" E. Seventh 'lnt .t t e,
Ndenee, oh stwairms, one tloor north of Set ooth
tirrif r.. one
, --
WMOUESALIL and Reiml dealer in Gro.:e•ies. Pros mon.,
Liguori.; rXIIII, ik.r., Arc enranq ul French and l'attl
oPPOinte the Fenner.' Hotel, Ene.
_ ____
LI( r ynd Retail Dedier in t "ink. Groceriee. Cracker)
are. Iron. Nast &c.. Cheap ;r i de. Erne . 'Pa
The higher( price paid for ('oman) Produce. rf,
Mantra,.rt Tin nn, and Baba Nlaker.—Store, NO. 3 Red Block,
i,oppcot• air Donnell Mork> Stair movg, Erie, • ,
J. .•WEY AI 0 k
In Walker.. Office, on Seventh Street. Erie, Pa
IMPowrilt, and Read ll.•ah•r m nry Coady , . Grocer."...
Crockery, Glamu are. rarpetilig. if ar,N, ate, ituti, rcteel, ". 311.:
UVIIIA.• 14111 , 1fe Stows : 4 1:11C furze doors, brlow
firovi , n's 1i0n.% Erie. Pa: .
Moo—Anvils, Viers, Iletton r. Axle Arm., Spr,ner. and q general
amortmenrof Saddle and Parr age 'rrintnisner,
A Tling IVY T I..iv and In.iire of the I...are, an 1 Aunt for
the Ito , lone N.naal 1.110 Insurance Company—oche.. 34100 r.
%est of 11 rights •tore; Eilf.
Arroit•cY rr Law. Girard. F.rie County. Pa. Collections and
order business attended tow ith proluptitess and di-osticli.
Forward int & Connninsion Merchant. on the Public Pock, rant ofi
t?t to Nuret. •
Satt, Planter air! 'Altar conmtantly for note.
- -
hitter And Etehan:e Broker. 'wait., in Ballo of Exchaner
()Lifer, eoetiticate. of Ilepoolte,Colo and oil, er Coin. Ike.. &c
()thee, I ‘foute to tow Brow ri'r Hotel. Enc. l'a.
- -
IVEntve..ltt aU Rr iIikALERs tuTureittn and Doitleinte Dry
Good*. read) inane rintinda. •Ituuts aIIi shwa , . et. . N0..1
1 , 011 . 1 Work. State :trot. Erie. _
-- •__....
. 111:N4.131LN F. DENNIEON. i
Arms \FT •T LkYl e , Clejel3ll4o/1114-4./IfiCC 011 :4111 , Crli) treet,
in ilwaler'i. Mork. Refer to Chief J.nalee Parker, (*at i midge
La q• sr ii.J.,e, 11.. m. R wliard rietelwr. Itreltarept..llo,lo ; non.
!±ainei 11. Parkin.. I Ili teal .I...Philaltelplita: Ri lard 11.
Kimball. L...t4 ..1:1 Wall iiLieet. New York. Fur ieStiwouial., re
, fer to this office. -
A rrnav t..kl%—thfice up eta re , In Tammatly flail luilldlug.
north of the Pruttionotar ) .6 office., Erg%
ATTIIIINET •ADCOV%ArI.IAM AT 1...%--kittice over C. D. Wright's
Swrr, entrallee oue door west of time street, on Inc Diamond.
Dr.i sit in Dry Goods. Dry Groceries, Croekerg. Hardware, *.e.,
Nu 111, (11,1111.111 r, Erie.
iScALER iuGtneeries and PTO? 1.141.1 of }ll kinds, State street, three
doors north of Ow Diamond, Erie.
ismiTtt JACKSON,
pr, Lea in Pry Goods, Grueer telt. Hardware. Queens Ware. UMW.
Iron. Natio. Le.. MI. Cbrapol , le• Erie, I'a. --
- --- _.. I
CA ante ,Ni •KI It I'',twiner. 111 J I:ruler taker, corner of State and
• frivrotit Mr, it. Erti• ...
v ,1 _______t_
EDWIN J. KELst , oo
& co,
Gritat. Font Irdiutz.Pro'doce and Cot tottn Mere banto:dealeirg
to coaroe an.. ine salt. Cunt . Pla.idair, :Ittitgles, arc. Public duck,
rte.( old.. of - bridge. Erie. _ _
GiNvot.L ForA n•dirtit, CUlllllll*don and Pro , lp . er M£rehants; Bee
uuMl are-bo e east of the Public Bridge, Grae.
G. LOOMS dr Co
Dr strits in Wet Ir. Jrnrlrv, Silver, German Silver, tinted and
Brna ants %Vi. itary and Fraley Goods. SLatestreet,
- nr•arl) he . Eagle Hotel, Erie.
G, Dear a. T. 161. sum
TVrinissa.t.i. and LA: , dealers in Drugs, Medie nes. Pains, 0111.
Ir) &Antis, Glass. 4c , Sc.. 6. Herd Itionne. Erie.
r..tur(Alut "%fere hant on the public equare, a few door'
wi ,t of PUMP Wert- Erie.
' WI4 , kll AVID trrAIL Praler in Gruerrirs, Pro% isdono. Ship
t,,Hely. Scone-ware. kc. Ake.. No. 3. B u nn e ll Muck: Erie.
0. 1). SPA: FURL). -
bemer In Law. Medical. school Mocellano , Rooks siztlauaty
tut. Ike t.t;te at.. four doors below the Putate square.
_ _ •
LL - 10fr.
Dentist: (Mire and dwelling to the Beebe Block, on the
Lino rote of the Public elquare. brie. Teeth awned on Gold
Plate, truns one td 1n entire ilea. Carlon* teeth filleo with pore
6 01 d. and reen,reit to health and ueetufiters. Teeth chinned
1..03 tn.ttrusnents and Dentitlee so as to lease 'Aeon of a pellucid
ceurness. All work summed.-
1 S. DICKERffpN,
furl. 1.•• aye Pc 10[101-411TICC at hie inidenee ea Seventh street.
"r Method,st Church. Va.,
• -- JOHN H. BeRtON
a•t. Rio t deal Druro. Medjclnes, Dye @tufa.
&c. No S, Acrd tiuu:e. Ls
select 'Tottnl.
From the New kirk Tribune,
Burn on !brini on ! thou lonely dame.,
Warr the midolghr's dim profound ;
yor *pints of immortal name.
Forth from the Pan. are thronging round !
They come with hushed arid solemn mad.
They come with thoughts serene and high,
Corn, where thy sober rays are shed,
And•wake the dreams of years gone by.
The votaries of whence bend
A wit-worn brow beneath tby beams,
Irnot their minds a radiance lend
Which blesses 111 whiter it gleams.
Like bcicous are they, Wet the waves, , •
'To fight the mariner to niorn
new memory• rises from their graves.
In beans of after ages worn.
And poets gather 'neath thy ram • .
A glorious and itnpasrtioned throng 1
And in their proud, uratiing lays,
They vvak again tht lofty song.
The bard of M thught and of tears.
And he of y•vtnre's humble home.
And others. from Mivfortane's years.
Cane forth % kb bard from princely do
A wearied arts , t sinks to 'rest, .
Forgetting penury aitreare $
Ana e( his tlreTry cell is blest. •
Behold the speaking eheiva s there !
A *taint snide. fmtn ont the gloom.
4 , A &team rolight front you pallid p row ; .
' Stea l ' scat. thou lamp-ligh , thr4ugh room,
illreak not hi. sleeping visions no
• .
Ali, they wlio burn the mhlitight Oil:. -
Upon the daztting shrine of Faint**
- . Are like the latuti that lights their toil—.
- Lap wastes in inayro teseneee
_flame. -
Though lite may he the sacrifice,
Tlinugh want and misery darkly frown, "-
still muter their mace f pathway rice.
st4l must they grasp the victor's crown
Not as the lamps of festive hall,. .
- : Which gleim in splehtior o'er the gay;
ttirttie r tte,..nrs spread. hi. r siren thralls.
,A . ilia', the Lamp or sober ray:
Thou sirt where Ideditatit Ti reigew: ,
tg": 4l4 "'any a timid of mighty mould ;
} And Ccums in thy presence deigns
bit icie , t tfea4terei.4o ;unf)111
. .
nice 311i5ttilang.
I usys sometimes regretted that the discovery l ot they
metallic riehrs of California i:;ebot occur during my wild
excursion in the wo ds , .L .ires of T.xas. I was theu
little more titan at bcay. ...1V log been one of a party
which started lo go .everistid from Galveston to \e re./
York; ory'prevented by a wound in My foot. I should
certainty have started off to . the d'uings via Santa re
pr the Roekv Moutstains, as the case miglft be. Net 1114 .
I should have gone gold huriti tr..; it is hat my vocation?
Not having a very carly-defi r ed notihn of the rehttival
value of a 'sovereign anal a lifting. fI should scarceli
have gone poking about laks a geologist for the quartz)
embedded metal. nor should I have loch coveted 'ta
position of a man whose whole dot i 4 l spent in gropin
in the earth. witur wondrous nature 'ar atd and die b in
sky above to admire. Besides. I am afflicted by was
sight. a hereditary complaidt which, de sods to me from
my father , and like the Bayard Tar r donkey- -.olhie
; c.
mistook a Yankee speculator'S red hai for swamp l•ay‘,
should have lived in continual,apprehe 'ion of mistaking
bright steieeit for gold, and hill-side floprefer rich vein I.
But I should like • muctito have j sl ted with the trit
settlers and miners, to hare shared. eir traveling
, ad.
Ventures. their hair-breadth escapes. nd woodroust+
exciting trials, and practically to live let them discern t
a Mare period that a " chiei" h d been among the
discern t
notes,. The first brief th golden rumor rime -
ed mein Paris, and fell coldly os c my ear. I had be n
fire years away from Texas , knd ver head and earl n
the excitement of European r'evolultions f snal the chau
y of wonders. whi h
re capital et the wo .
almost hearty ocenrrinz is thel•c
Frenchmen fondly indicate tele
a place, the site of which, WI the
riots, seems to have a great.l;Owe
My interest in everything Ame
me to watch with interest. after
the great eVient which is destined
fluent* on he future of the wh
good, if educatihn progress, and t
with increased wealth—for evil, i
'lucre check the advance of enligh
which enables us rightly to us
For some time. however, tify aft
ad like that of al men who we
own time. It is only within a
affair has takes a more personal
My head quarters in Eirope
Paris, a city for which 1 have lei
autumn of last year, received ;
nn persons were admitted excep
Urals for a charitable purpose; it!
going; a party of F.nglisli
Wileled to attend, and requested
resolved magnanimously to cha
tics and be present. My first d i
Ihe no Inclination to !lave a a
and I had a decided' objection to
(miracle shop. Suddenly I reco
of my erratic life an Texas, in th
enit'of blue. It was old. and ti
Gifu genuine. and could, on a p
Page rn•ster for • night. Acco
in question. I found myself and. '.
ing to the Jerdin d'lliver, a p
guidance, waiting fora crowd
pass ere I brayed the crush.
notated to me that the momen
noticed a dashing equippage
torn away when my eye was '
young man wearing precisely
only perfectly new, who. leapin . out of the dashing corps.
gave his arm to a young lady of maet beauty. end fol
in my• track. I had tic reeli , ti • to minks his
own Omit of unfeigned sston hman t t the eight of a
Texas navy coat. and then I as coin led to enter the
precincts of the gay and brill' ~ t se ye. _
But already bad I forgot . • thisibal ; my mind was
carried baokaeveral years, to timbiw bell given in Gal
veston harbor , no board the . 'masked brig, by a set of
joyous, thoughtless young afn vs. n WOO doubtful pros
'poet of Al next day's dinner rendered them note whit less
merry. For my own port I hkd long ceased to think of
my privations and sufferings in Tette', to remember on
ly+ its "aright side, sod I.Autaw 'red the admirin g remarks
oft c•Nrrpattiolui but earel ly: as I lived over ones
mor• u memory, days wlich ars olways pleasant when
past. especially when bolos "ug to our first 'env* in
manhood. My fries& sat d• we in a' convenieat spat.
and I left them awhile to 100 after al strange sosie. la
an isis.ant we e were face (n f at. Ho. too. Wee aloes ;
he had also left his fotno:.: ._.,),. penis'. and was evident
ly in couch of me, 1 ...... . .
, ."-Int 'tile !" Cried e ; "no it cannot he."
" Wal Risme," exclaimed I. as I recognized a ima
m lieotea tof the St t Bernard schooner.
, " Well? sal he, " I r %pea this is extraordinary and
Pleasant too. ' W acted on the deck of the New-York
-itemiser, bound fro Galveston to New Orleans, and
bore we meet fit Paris,Ntp all appearance. in the identi
eat clothes we wore on thlik i t "
1 I passed my arm through is. scarcely able to speak.
end we moved along a few y in silence.
" What are you doing here 1" e said, after li short
snse ; " trill driving. 1 suppose 1 I have been told
ou have written considerable yarns • In Texas sine,
ins returned to Europe." -
" Yes, my dear dear fellow." replied 1, • I am,now
in anther. That is my business, profession, or albeit;
and you ?" ,
"Ob. I ? Why. I've been to California sines I.' saw
you. and I'm now ma the lookout for a place is old Eu
rope. where to pitch my MM. Bet corms along. 1 must
introduce yen to my wife. I have often talked of you to
1 i
atter. Yon recollect that MS. volume of tales of mine.
I 'which I scribbled on board the Jim Bowie. and which
lya? corrected and revised - for use 7 She has them. But
'bele she is." ..
ll' i was then -hastily introduced to a very lovely young
i wontan, about twenty years of age, whose peculiar cam-
I plexion and hair at once pronounced her to be Mexican.
of the mixed race of Spaniards and Indiums. She re
ceived me with the frank heartineu of her nation, and
when I alluded not being alone, proposed to join
my patty. This was readily agreed upon. and as my
~adventures in Texas have always. I fear, to the sorrow
of some of my patient friends: formed an endless topic
'of conversation, the union proved interesting and agree
able. The fair-haired. and blue-eyed English girls, osbo
composed the juvenile section'of my companions, fornied
a pleasing contrast to the Mexican beauty, cad the rest
of the evening was spent in company.
Next morning rfound mysslf at the, breakfast table of
Walter Bruce, who occupied splendid apartinepta look
ing out on a fashionable tseolevard. All around him be
spoke opulence and wealth ; his servants, his residence,
his eqmppages were in ' a style of almost oriental-splen
dor, and 1 could not retrain from remarking on the
wonderhil change in his fortunes which'had ?ken place
since the /illy when we lived in a state of simi-ittirva
lion on board the old gda-4 o•in in the pori of Galveston.
e. I 1. 1
When Walter lirue4 left me. he w Its on his r, way to
join two vessels.of the 'Texan Republic , lying in New-
had been ordesed down to Sisal,
to mujist th/l.epublic Yucatan against the parent state
of Mexico, : • it would Vertuire more space than I can here
devote•trithe subject. o
narrate all my friend's Mires.
tureeuntil he' found h noel( one fine Morning transfer
red from the deck of a Man-of-war to the counting-hove
of a Merchant in VeratCmx. a change which, httwever
inglorious it may sound. was really very advantageous.
Brace had originally been educated for the bar. as.bad 1,
and like myself abandoned e quiet and settled life. to
wander in Texas, carried away by,the astride of her he
roic struggle with Meitico. Alta an American is , gene
rally fit for' anything. end Walter Bruce soon captivated
the confidence of Masers. 'Morris and Franklin. his em
ployers. They had Counters' et the city of Me x ico. at
Maxatlen. end traded With California. wlterr!i they drew
Wes and tallow, the very humAe but useful products of
that now gald-exporting region., . .
One das•, about three months after the entronee of
BrtiCe into the.servica Of Messrs, Morris and FrSektin,
the resident partner of Vera Crux called the young man
into his private *rice. Walter Bruce presented himself,
and was requested to it dawn.
" Mr- Baca." still the merchant, opening iit letter
which lay before kiwi 'e I alit in a slight ddriessiti. to get
out of which'l'requirsi theissi stance of one in whom not
only we lave cOnfidehce. but who is disposed to under
take for the house a task of some delicacy and nicety."
"1 am completely l ot your service." replied the youlg
man. '
ideas of warm pat
of locomotion.
icon. however. cam
while. the phases qi
o have such or vast n.
le civil:zed
e gen ler aka adva CI
them d hunt form
enment. the *7th I
temporal advantsg
ntion was only att t
1 1
ch the history of thei
cry short time that fht
ud immediate inter
"Our counter in Ca.,...
.enia ie mau-ged by an old Mel
, lean. about whom w know very lit'`e. but who, has al.
.1 wara been very isen4t and correct in hoa deal*. lle
resided Floods in the L:nitril States when young. but for
4 ,1 the list.twenty.years has inhabited California. In this
; letter he expresses a wish to retire from buskins*.. lie
even hints at approaring death. mid strongly 'prges ps
it to send some one to im in whom we have cati6dente.
! to wind' up his accounts. and to receive from lihrn some
deposit. of whiCh he speaks in term' of cOnsiderable am
!nutty. I havt4leterinined to acquiesce in hisoirishes,
and if you have no abjection. I would desire ion, Mr.
Bruce.lo be the agent for this porpore."
.• Von wish me take to Califerni• 7" said Brilite.
I we for some time b l eu
saltness. Dariog tliti
ticket to a ball to whicb
in !instil uniform. lt
1 ii I :briginnity, declined
owe sr. whom I knew ,
me escort them. I
ffo my previous resole
fficuhy was a uniform
it merle for the occasion,.
t•Exsetly. frankl*. we have every reason to las pleased
with you. end I kno w w none of our young whom
I should confide this; task with as much pleasarts."
ss I am exceedingly'gratified for your good opihion.Mr
Morris. and I em vtt° ready to start at the earliest up
, The Merchant seamed much pressed at.this piompt d•- •
"Asian. and entered at once into fuller details with regard
to his mission. Ile; was to journey by land to Maistian.
thence by a trading ;schooner to San Irraneie e ejil e y, en d
after settling the coitater, to leave there one Jecoh Wit
lie. a plodding old clerk. who 'was selected to replace the
Mexican. i •
Three -et after.[ Walter. Bruce. furnished with cre
dentials, • .1 mone:y, and accompanied by Jac .b Willie.
took hilt pi coin tI, stage bound for Mexico , city.' The
journey was intereitting and delightful. and the yeunt!
man began his praitatos with feeling" extreme delight.
He was of a romantic and impresaible nature; 'travelling,
was with.him a paasion. and the ground over 'which he
had to [revel. though not well known to the reading pub
lie. was to him near and full of charms. Thp splendor
of Oriaabei peak. tlte delights of'ialapa. We plains of Per-
ote. Popocstapett. the grand and sublime scenery of the
cooutry in general{ its varied phases of wild end soft and
fertile-nature filletf, with him satisfaction. and created a
ammo of endless Inflection for the future. 'And then
Mexico city end hi wondrous and vast 'valley. its lakes
and hills. ha cutlet's manners and pri m iti ve kb*, were
`all ever-renewin en`jr , ..l observation. His orders
were to proceed wlth the stillest rapidity. His compan
ion and :himself sirere•well sinned, foe they had to re
through the robber region. itself a fertile mores of excite
meet; but at last dangers and difficulties were past and
they arrived at Mazatlan. glad to rest their weary_ limbs
in tha hospitable house of Mr. Riley. the agent at that
pert. else of the Faint Picturesque on the Pacific; and re
usient'ieg one of the East and of Spain. 'with its emarn
eolertsd hoteees:ita heart-arched eantsses• aid cool court
yards witble. he !Inessive mimics* sad.large-balconied
Walter Bruce t o ok a hi days to rest and refresh him
'self after his jean y. end mire readily that the schooner
which ' WU toi?totierey him to Bea Francisco Bay vra} not
*one from • am
emed "Mat I. had a relic
sharsora . lieatenant'al
for wear. blat it!
ch, l
be furbished up to''
on the tramline
,Iyered way lead-
r the
ladies under ens•
psi& had just an
opportune. whet' I
p. 1 WU about to
d by the might of a
e dress am myself.
• M • M IM MI
Ile smiled. and pronpasn' to explain, the whole affair
to me. even at the risk of appearing in print, " For."
said he... 4'l do narrate my adventure*. you will not be
able to relict the tesnptOzoo.",
After breakfast we draw oar chairs ne
the pipe of peace, whidh more than
lied me, back to my old lii.. and while
out to make some . ealt4. frankly did
danger and difficulty relate hie adventu
Pr 0 II WARD ..Alti
yet quite loaded with its varied freight. Beside', it was
necessary that Jacob Willis should receive 11011,e insight
into the nature or the ebullient transactions which took
p 1 kietoreca Mazatlan and the' agent in California.—
At length, howeve4r. all was ready. and the young man
and' his old associate went on board the F., ilooner, bouisd
for California. The journecpresented the usual varie
ties. but nothing worthy of particular notice; and at the
end of a somewhat wearisome voyage. during which the
young man rather astonished the skipper and crew by his
nautical experience. they entered the 'magnificent hay
of . Cni s irornie. and anchored a short distance from the
This is not the place to enter into any minute desiicript.
Wm of localities. My friend. Walter Bruce. had little to
do on the coast. e 'Tbe counter managed by the aid Mex
ican was up the country, and thither he Immediately
pared to journey. The distance was not great, but it had
to be performed en horseback, with an r :Tian for a guide.
while a trails of mules were to take up the supply of goods
whi h were to replenish the store.- Brace t. ode
parett • a with the utmost rapidity. During his long
journey 's c , urtissity had become 110.101 excited.. and be
Was Anxious to see the man of whom Mr. Morris had
told him anon to let him see that he was an original
and singular chi cter. .
It was a fine enor , . itir in autumn whed Walter Bruce
and his little caravan a •d towards the fool hills of the
Sierra Nevada, where w 'knitted the little settlement
'of Pablo. Rittera, the mime 0 the Mexican in question
The weather without being v • warm was dry and
pleasant; and as the Indian guide knell the road well,
the way presented little difficulty. 'he first night the
camp was pitch . ed in a grove of eiergr ri oaks, which,
formed an agreeable shelter. Walter Bruc after supper
got into converestion h the ludiad. who 1.7 commis
niceties and well infer d. Atiength he a 3t. • him a
question. about Pablo The Indian looked no. asily
around as if he feared t be overheard, and then mut - -
ed a few words steely intelligible. ° •
"You know -II id Walter, with some anxiety.
"Yes: Pablo medicine man—great mystery—net good
, talk much him."
"Indeed! I am vary anxious to know him."
"Him Gold-Man; he knows all the secrets of the hill
—.rich, like ten cbiefii,"
"Gold-Man!" cried Walter, *till more excited,'"who
gave hint that namet"
"Indians. 'White man laugh; but Indian. know hills
full,of gold—no use to poor Indian, bat white man god;
and Pablo know all about it."
"Ilas Pablo found any gold, theu7"
"Ile no want gold. He medicine man—fiv
"Ile seems to be a regular Californian magician."
mused Walter, but this idea of the'lludians is absurd.—
A , man wise had discared gold would not have remain
ed up here BO quiet. 'ltrimppose the eccentric old Wow
bee frightened the 'Wiens for fear of they proving trou
%lmes "Dues he live - alone?" asked he, once more
addressing the guide.
.• 1. got plenty servants. and one girl bright as sun and
moon. t!pro eyes jike stars—great beefily!"
"4h,ah!" cried Walter, warmly,. "this. doubtless is
the'precinua deposite of which s he speaks, and which I
Anil have to escort hack to Vera Criz."
r the fire, smoked
ebe car-
Mrs. Brace went
y es- co wade 'in
es end histbrp.
And speculating on the agreeable prospect of charming
female society daring his jonrnei home. Walter, some
what fatigued by the day's tourney, 1100 n fell asleep.
For I days the march continued through a coun
try of varied character, until t at last, about twelve o'clock
one morning, the caravan reached the month of a seein •
tied and picturesque valley, through which rushed a
small+stream, that about a, mile off was biendid w ith, the
waters of a larger river. •
'•Publo Sancho." said the guide eententiously—point
ing up the valley, . . • -
Waiter Bruce dashed eagerly forward. A 'Marked trail
led in the direction of the settlement. which in a few min•
rates came in sight. A narrow ledge of land between
the river and • huge precipitous rock, and on this the
boosts inhabited by Pablo:was' situated. It was both
against the cliff' itself, which seemed, indeed, to-bear Its
whole weight. It wan of a rather-here dimensions. but
still did not serve all the purposes of the settlement. for
abo fifty yards distant lay;• number of smaller huts..-,
ter came in sight. 111 'you ng girt who had been
at the threshold of the door or the principle bloek.l
It e
d in. and very soon returned with's roan . Lly ttiisi
4ime the traveller was at the door, end had time to take]
a haat.; survey of his nett acquaintance while distnount-1
'The maul was about sixty, with a thin. hard. wrinkled;
face. smell, grey, piercing eye..., a henry white beard;
growing almost , all over his face, end withal a woin and'
wag e ring air. which was auffieleally painful. - A look off
sapicitru, too, kn... over every fe a r, but Walter Hrucoi
scarcely noticed 'l.!eit, so taken w he by the charms of
the young girl beside him. •
She was a dark eyed Mexican„ of about sixteen year
of age, with king curling hair., it mouth which would
hive delighted a Phidias or a fesph..,el, tooth white ail
snow, and a graceful, elegant farm. which the young
man thought he had never seen - eigt:ft;ied. She word th 4
plcturesque costume of a Mexicai w en of the middle
classes, in swing contrast to the *muse. dusky. and coin
moo 'habiliments of the man who; stend beside her. i
"Welcome. stranger," saidthe man, in a feeble voicei.
_What brings you into these remote patter ! i
"d.ctunit from Messrs. Morris and Franklin. of Verb
Crux," replied Welter Bruce, "and but precede my ceri
se:in by a few hundred yards." if
"Enter!" said the old man, "in considerable anima l
lion, a rag of pleasure Mention his features, "Guada
lupe, go bid Maria prepare are t."
i ss
The young girl moved torte the distant-huts, and
WalterHruce followed Pablo I{tithe outer apartment f•
the house. It was a large and ; most naked room. ethi
usually eontemed the goods ,th t formed the miner f
barter with the traders of the di trio- 'The two men sat
down by a her) German stow . that 'served to dillitais
warmth through the wareho t end Walter at own
handed his lettetato the agent. 1 The old man took then,
pot on his spectacles, and re t l them carefully. Etre - ty
now end thee he raised his I lts from the papers, self
to muse on Omit contents, but II reality to scrutinize with
• curious eye their bearer. . , l
' "You are warmly TOCOMINIO dud by M-bers. Morris/and
Frenklia."esid'he. presendy.*king ih pure!gagl4lt.
"Have you been long is their loyineett"
"Three Months when I lii Yen tax."
"Three months —. abort ti to learn tostes charne
ter in.''.!! '
• I
"Messrs, Morris and•Frsalin have thong it quite
sufficient to g ive me their entire confidence." oliservind
W alter..a little haughuly. !
"Don't be hasty. Young man." said Pablo. "tinily.
"I doubt net you are deserving of their regard; but f b4v e
been used to die world, and , have been made perhspi
over suspicious by circumatatins." ' I
f•qProm the moment. that is soy transaction I have }he
fail approval of my smployots; I allPPaaa that !diem
you from all respouvibilty." '
"Cerniuly--certaialy--as far as their business is Ou
eerned—abot bete oomes titeesravaa. and breakfast. W.
can resume the con.ereatienia lbs evening." • . i
!nos liroaktaot woo over, Pablo ',Aired to as per
reom le /*ay Ilia tenets , aoll to proem iastroctio for
-- --- —— -..--- -
Jacob Willis. his Pecoei . He I
. - Walter to the care
Mir • '
of Guadalupe. The y,oitiitt people livers at an age when
aliaiataces are rapidly! made. The r irl had sever before
been thrown iota Cie soOiety of an e neat : man, while
Willer had rarely beeni Placed in 4 position sines- the
• timencement of his idveatoreas e lzreer. to study so
Imiely the female themtier. Isla ed by the esche
wal of the journey. bryithe romatitit'circomstances Ohio
. • lien. Walter Bruce as before erming deeply in love
bile, had the young' lrl'eoestioned her own heart , it is
• • 'Me she miiht haviaMade a similar discovery.
After dinner Pablo 4Preesed a wish to,be alone with
is daughter and Welielr.: Ile was v4ry passimd excited,
nd whet; be tOok Mani into as inner apart at soak on
chair ender the excess eflike emotion.
' "Mr. Broca." said hp gravely, after a shirt pease, "I
compelled sob* iibrhit and brief. My daughter has
. -err kept hitherto iu the dark as I. the case' of my
tiding to Messrs. Moir!, and Fraehlin. lam detoured
y an internal disease istid have soli Many days to live."
"Father:" cried the!girt. F ). '
e•Silence child and !item. Item4in up here you cln-•
4, and this is why I !begged may imployers to seal a
ditty person to me. .16. Bruce, 1 have examined care
nay the tatted; seat mh, and they sitiefy me completely.
begged them to seed! a young wren, if possible, free
rem all ties of aGetioit. There i. no time for delicacy
• f feeling or hesitatied. Du you think it probable, after
nre days acenaiotane4 that you cohld be happy with my
• riughier for your wifr 1
"Sir," cried Water Brice wartrily. "I have this diy
-fatted to believe in these suddlinipassious which carry
.0 away to an instant Impend all ttle carculatious of rea
•n. I love your dauhter." ' i - ,
.."This is better thanj expected. And now, young man
lose that door. and liajen to m 4 Are you willing to
e her portionless aid without fortune?"
"I am young, in Width...lid abli to work," said Wad
er, who sees vainly ehdeavoring to catch the eyes of the
lashing ind puzzled beauty. f '
"Enough,. Walte's Bruer. y r ; see ;before you the
rie t heiress:hi A m erica . Su r or, ded by her chil
dren• had hoped najiaelf to enjoy Fortune and its favors.
But I biih t eraited 14 long and I hall never leave this
place. liming man, in this coup you you tread on gold as
you walk. The whole land is on mass of mineral rich
ei, But Iri
atoelni . it. For twenty years I have toil
ed in secret, at first, myself, thi. o for my child. The
knowledgh of %that Isfr \ imund met, made me greedy, and
the more I collected the more I wanted! Come."
The old mob, whale eye ' h4J with' an unearthly
glare, Aid the lami off the to • • , took a key from his
breast, a bade life fellow. 14e went it few yard.
i t s
down a p age, anti then *penes! atb k door. De en
tered wit . the yours x couple. who bid. • one stealthy
pressure lot the hand. ratihed mutually t' contract.
They -were in a! vast natural cavity. Tile ch . her in
Which they stood was twenty feel high, and as .. any
wide, while across,its centre ran :a little stream, w .' h
fell into a hole, ran under the house, and joined th
etreim before alluded to. •
! "Sou and daughter." said the old man hoWing op his
lamp. "you are in is gold mine. iitbove, below, around.
elary where is gold. !It the seine all over the country,
init in no place Willa mineral moire abundant than in the
chambers of this vast cask For twenty years' hate I
! ! ventured alone bete. 'during the Ibog hours of the night.
.and behold thepeoioce of my tel l."
lie pointed towards i pits of email barrels occupying
on..corner of the cave.
'•And is all tha!gold?" cried *alter. almost breath•
"An gold! Truly. the Indians are right, tlicio„it they
sever suspected the truth. I am the 'Gold-plan.' It is
gold. and the fortune of Geodelnpo. Young men. you
receive from me the sacred depoSit of an old man's only
child; swear to me. hers in this place which.has been
for years thy field of battle, to INS a good aid loud hus
band, and a faithful protector,"
"But, sir—is it not Possible—yoor daughter. rich and
wealthy and beatiaul. may wish to find her equal.'.'
knows not the ;'value of her wealth. But Gus-_
!Alpe Speak. Wilt thpu take !this.youtig man for thy
husband, to be thy friend and ;companies when I am
goner" !'
•Tather, talk not.t!ina," said the girl passionately..
never saw one I liked so much before; but I cannot
bear to hear you talk or death."
"Walter Bruce, you hear, she , is yours; but let Its
come aWay fromthis; I have Much to tell you yet. and
, -
much !rearrange." ' '7 .
That Pvening 'the Gold-Man told his story—the narra
tive of brig wild adientnres in Celitarnia--11 his discover
of the lecions Metalof his Icing and ardnotis labors
and of t► eirsaccesefulternsination. He had been ill for
more thin three months, but had kept this fact a secret
from hit child. ,Alarmed at hie expected death, and the
difficult position ofEie daughter, he had partially hinted
at his riches to WI employers,' and had begged thenito
send h'en some one tewhout he could withouthesitation
give hs, daughter. ;. 1 .
W , tar Bruce bed that night , but not to sleep:
be Iris half mad will! ,
excitement and joy,' He rose fe
vered and excited, bat to find i hiS waking visions still
real. Th^ , next.few days were spent in preparations for
their departure. Old Pablo vahquished by - the riernest,
prayers of the young couple, 'consented to travel. and
try the power of medicine. A l i week later. the coo ter
was given up to Jacirb Willis, and the caravan set •,.:
on its return voyage. A few days later. they reached t'
schooner. and els the third Snaday from their departure
tient the dry digging', Walterj and quads - lope were uni
ted is suirriage by this joint tritons of the American Con
sul and a Mazatlan priest. Crid Pablo did not survive
their union ten flays;,' his disease had grown too power
fel, and Ate was buried. codtrary to his expectation, far
away from his long cherisbed!houte. . . .
Walter and his wife mide the but of their way to Ve
nt Crui, and °mace to New York, Guadalupe grieved
bitterly for the death of her kind old father, and her hus
band fouod it netessery to travel constantly to occupy her
mind. Ile invested hii vut wealth iu good aaeuritiee.
and attar a long peregrination through the United States.
took ship (Jr EtllfOill. Bath himself and his Wife took a
.trans liking Paris, fa di moat 'Americana; and thus
it seas ti met them. They still make it their head guar- .
being less disposed to traiel.! a ,Ice the birth of Mu
ter Pablo Walter Bruce, which occured about six weeks
back.lMF friend had intended making public his disco
very 'a Californiisi but scarcely had he arrived in New.
York. When the rumor reached his ears that California
was a gold country, a fact 'which none perhaps ever had
better cause to know then the heir of "The Geld-Man."
Pooki - liox.—Duet be ashamed. my lad, if you liars a
patch eiu youit elbow. It Is no mark of disgrace. It
speak' well fiir your industrious mother. For our part.
we iiCed_ratfier see a dozen patches on your jacket, than
hear op. probes or salvo word escape your lips. No
good boy will alien Fon. because you cannot dress as well
as yon companion: sod if a bad boy sometimes laughs
at yoni. appearance, say nothing. my pod lad but walk
ca. %ire keine ma.ty a rich and good !nu. who wee eons
m poor as you. There it oar next dtiorsioighbor is par..
tits —low one of the Wealthiost istes:—told us a short
thee nitro. that when a ohiild hew ie l litad to nicely. the
cold potatoes front his neighbor's -table. Be good my
boy. sad if you wry poor you will he-respected a great
deal moss titan if yes wren the WO - a
a rich aw sad
wet, &deeded to told balsits.—Olirs Snack- "
6150 A Yats. in Adviza.
0 ; IT Mac amis it stciloti
On Thuisday eVening. at Hope Chapel. Mrs. Nichols
d-livered a lecture upon the new costume. The 'midi-.
at.r.s was not large (about two hundred persons) aad
there , were therm present who were devotees of the
Bloomer fashion—one the lectnrer. and two Indies *ha
wore among the madders, We are. said Mrs.:V., a uw ,
tiou of freemen and Christiana. • • • •
Once a year we are told, in Fourth of July addreseles.
that all men have as inalienable right to life, liberty, *sad
the pursuit of happiness, and we have come to the con
clusion that some w•-men hate their .rights. . Mar* la
dies have takeh an active paA in this reform; much has
been done. ana' much remains to do. Men generally ere
favorable to Or emancipation frem,the bondage ofdress,
which begine with the sward ling clothes of the eradte,
sod ends only,in death. How have gyrtmasts like the
Ravels, and dancers like Envier been created? Not by
encasing theni in long clothes, end confining them to a
stroll down Broadway, dragging after them a trail of the
final silk and ifilthiest mnd. Ido not ask that our wo
men be Retell; or Ellslers, bat-we can learn by them why
we are weak, infly, and ungraceful. • • • • * •
-• • ' Said a lady' to me a few days sine% **Many
a rainy daf have I come in from the streets, and stepped
sat of fourteen yards of skirts, a quarter of a yard deep
with mud and! water." Think of such a burden hung
upon a slendeir and diseased spine. Is it woudelnl that
°attire fails, rind that woman's life is but a lengthened
pain and prayerfor that peace that never cornea till life fe
1011 l—a life that has never been tired. Was walnut
made only frib this—to be a harden to her hu-laind"ill
bighting being with ass living babes—dropping away
like withered 010 The holy name and destiny of Moth
er has becomi a mockery in onr midst—children are born
for death, as plethora are born for misery and
Who is to do the work of reformition—of redeetniaiir
women—who is to fulfil what 'is le tt of the miesien of
Jesus? Woirian has been so long in bondage that she i•
weak as a child. The mass do not think or act for them
solve.. blab lON BO long had the control of women that
it has twos, a grave question whether the is yet able
to walk by herself wi r,7.
her ..i cl. Without deems..
and minister*, and hue ands, what would become of wo
men. Ido not attempt answer thequestion—slares wilt
always &idiots/ere.
Power accumulates power. This is (rue in ail things
from bank capital to the-creative power 0C hesith—the
life of. God within us. "Unto hint that kith shall be giv
en." m en i t in i with truth that women •nre cowards.-.-
Webers no nerves to be otherwise: our style of dress
makes us weak and unhealthy, and trouser/I:tautly craven.
All this tonal be changed. Instead of being a burdens
women mutt become %helpmeet to man; instead of be-'
mg a show-block for clothes, she must dress rational!,
and beautifully_ I have not come here to-night to
dress the chain-gang of fashion. I come to those who
feel that there is Work to 14- , in th's world, and who are
•at only willing but del. rminsd to do it—those who
ha freed their longs from corsets and-are ready to
large o area of freedom.
We p %Owl@ who sweep the ,crossings for a elysticis
penny in a .uddy time, and I tire the penny cheerfully.
I pity those w • sweep the sidewalks ell the time in mild
or dust, hurl ea. •of assist them any longer. I have
done my part. My weary limbs refuse the office of
Tashion*s scavenger. Who is ready for the, reform?-
1 know enough to make the work sure already, but I ask .
for more, because I wish the blessings. of freedoin ex
tended. Women ask for new occupations; the few-kindle.
of business they, are allowed to do are overstockedAtue
everywhere th it health is broken. Why hes every sec-.
end woman some female weekness or spinal disease?--
The curse, causeless, does not come. They earn their
disease honestly, legitimately, what they don't inherit.
Theauteight o quilts and skirts as worn be women, Would
wear out the atkingesf min and give hith sfiinal disease.
Then the fetter that we carry always round the alleles
wearies, and wearies ,forever. No one is consibus of.
:h 'extent of the evil till (hey have thrown it off. And
when we hold up these long4,airte out of the mud and
rain, we run constant risk of indelicate exposure. -
People who are called men le o l us that we must not
wears dress consisient• with health, the dress of inno
cent childhood, the dressdeeised bY 'wise women pf true
modesty and stainless purit : , because our outcast sisteri
wear it. Those poor fallen ones wear clothing. Is that
a reason fol'"its disuse? They have trailed the costliest
silks through our streets, but no word of Warning cement
4* then. We might follow thein in .4n evil fashion and
it was very proper. But our nice moralists hive ..d..
grows seusiiivo.• The truth is, that bad and
men waut to frighten us. but we are not children:—
we are grown women who know our rights, Mid have.
fathers and husbands and brothers, who have wisdom
and alrength. The reform involves principles and is
bawds:in truths and it cannot fail. Even if it were lad=
dred for's time its ultimate success is certain.'
"Troth crtuAted to earth wilt rim. ;,,,in; , . •
',yenrirottio.l are .
What we want for true freedom. We must
come to haves conic" .nee with regard to health and in
creasing our usefulness Bin is not a vague intangibi*.
It is the hurtful act or state from which wisdom teaches
us to escape.< •
The women of Americl have been rather slow in mak
ing their Doe)srntion or independence. But it is made
at last. Change has become on" imperhive duty to us.
A sacred principle is involved in this:change. Thd en
leghtenedtouscience of a woman is to be trusted. %Ye
can know no failure in this stied for freedom. Women
have been More than once martyrs for principle, but the
martyr "iris past. Men and women are united in this
work, and it may be considered accomplished.—Extract
front &port if New .Park Tribune of Satkrday.
llosurtss arm Sairirtsr.—We are often entertained
says as English Journal. by the tone of aeutimeal adopt
ed in advertising a death. - There is hey tently a face
tious mingling of pnty and deepoudeucy. We w.ll give
a specimen of a " death :" •
„ Died, on the 11th ultimo - , at the'shop on Fleet street.
Mr. Edward Jones. much respected by r.ll who knew
and dealt with him. As a man. he was amiable, audits
a hatter upright and moderate. His virtues were be) and
all price. end his beaver hats were only twenty-four shit
hugs each. - He has left a widow to deplore his loss. and
a large stock to be sold cheap for the benefiVed his fami
ly.- He we's snatched to thmother worla in the prime of
his life, and just as he had concluded an extensive
of felt. which he got an cheap that the widow cat►
supply bonnets at a more reasonable charge than any,
other hotise its Landoll. His disconsolate family will
carry on the business with punctuality."
queen Beriect.t.ow—At a ladies' temperance meeting
in gewlintrport. one of the ladiel remarked that the tem
perance had been a great blessing to 'her—"for." said
she. "I slept with' a &excel of ruin for nine years—but
wow." she continued, her eyes brightening. "slate my
hostiond has sigma the pledge. I have' a revs to sleep
with—thank God." Then all the spinsters laid their
hands on their Worts and said—Arnen.—Boston Notion.
"Jeenis. my lad. keep away from the tali. Van con
asp aus al i n dust such a critter as that young
'on Amnia' the, door a..r , oo Vother side of tile
fooled-yin' ir pour dad. J.. 1, my. Dos% cock your eye ever
that vas and oink. If it hada% boon for bor. you mid yer
dad might be' been in Califonj turn4u dinzuasorty son."