Nevis by Telegraph and Nail. Dim YORK, July 7. Th e Georgia and Empire City arrived yesterday with t ., o i,„, e ngers and V 2,090,090 in gold. . Tile Georgia left the steamer Falcon at Havanna, chegres, with 392 passengers fur N. Orleans. On it 9,1, Saw the steamer Cherokee going into Havanna, the pAssengers in the Empire City.ia Jno. L. Urr.tkient of the Pacific Railroad Co. Mr. S. ell Ftip,mitendiag the Orogreaa t of the road for 1 • Ol , IllitS. Ihe :;rtt locomotive started over the road on the Nth 'firing robberies Were freinently perpetrated on re- J .,,; 14 Californians. Th e , N 0. Vica uue of July lit. received by the steam bas later news from the Tehuantipec'expidition.— m k r i Samar 1 wasstilt at El Parte. waiting the arriial rf Mr: Seidel', with whom be was to visit:several of the pues and essential surveys: now complete.;!: The ppm . -Aility of the route is beyond doubt. One - of the party -IJ'dikcovered extensive iron led coal mines. A+ series of revolutions hed%hroben out at several roi I.r 'ou the latbmns—owing doubtless , to the rejection y ( t e Tehumitipee treaty and the attitude assumed by tnez Mexican Gov rouvent. Several arreets had been ir 7 eye and troops sent to suppress the:difficulties. Sicusionn, July 5. Illie.Republican,of yesterday morning, gives th ful ,lsieg particulars of a melancholy rencontre. stating that the mws came in a very direct way, though , it may turn , eut td be somewhat exaggerated : A serous rencontre took place between - some' young die town of Lynchburg and county of Amherst, alncli, it is said, two of the combatants were instant i• llled, and a third party suppoied to have beed Mor i' miountled. We understand that a young gr-ttletnan of Lynchburg fiee vicinity, by the narmi of 4 Williams. who had eleped ;wilt a daughter of Richard G. Morris, Esq., of Amherst, Feu attacked on Monday last, at Loviugston. Neleon joaunty. a here the parties accidentally met, by a son of Morrio, whereupon a general melee took place be :toren Williams. his brotheroand a .11r. ninon one side, and ming Mr. Morris on the ether. iterolure were used by parties. and it 'is slid that I Messm Norris and 11111 were instantly killed, and one 'of the Messrs. Williams mortally wounded. The sad ,occurrence took place at a public dinner table, and it is mod*that a lady, Who wain the room - at the time, wu ne..r heing'kired. Nr.w-TORY. July 5. The Fourth we celebrated in this city with unusual vim and enthusitiiiim. The weather was spleudid after gle , heavy norm of the preceding night. The usual sun rise salute was fired by the vnerau artillery. front the listtery.' The military display was fine, and several civic media nee eh.° joined in the festivities. The various steam ire, Irrry boits..&c.,'were crowded to excess, also the Itsdrray - cars. jid other conveyances. The fi -work_ were on a magnificent scale and'were waneeze d ny great croVrds of citizens and strangers,. who throng. d d.e streets ttlt night. the concluding piece in the Fork - was no leu thanlso feet 141 i. cor'eriug the whole front of the City Hall, with th« mono, " Union now and Forever." WASH INGTON.. - July 5. . . The f.ting of the corner atone for the extension of the Capitol tiAk phice.yesterday before a largo assemblage. Mr. Wtioerinade.a splendid oration on the occa4n. The C,binet; Army and Natc officers made a ?pleat:id tttruouti The planing , mill of F elloccs & Crops. near the freigh &Ny was totilly destroyei by fire last night, together wah r large. amount of lumber. The loss in lumber le 4.3o,nter — The mill was valued lat abbut $5,000. ThP intOUllt of insurance is small. - Jl , .rcsaing accident occurred at eleven o'clock' this norniog at Itrowu'N'tiew Hotel. A platforn ,eorne fifty ket logli broke do'wn i -end six men who weree upon it were poet int • zed to thelfoundation of the build i ng AU rdf tiaegli %%etc Lidly l lujuicd4" three ditogerously. Sraaevst„ July B. The most destructive fire that ever occurred in Syra iu.e to( k place this mot‘titng. It broke out in Bronson's shoe store and destioy4.4 that and ,Wheaton Jr; Co.'s I • hardware store, corner of Wirer and Saline streets. and Wlck's.hai store. • Loss about $lOO,OOO. most: Covered by insurance. The fire was the work of an incendiary. An attempt was mm:eto fire the same property on Sun. day night. Large qui,ntizies of copper iron and other material be lontl,ing to th'.!. Nary Yard have beeu the pos. seamen of .1. 1. Spaulding. hardware merchant, and U. S Chiney Turner, both respectable citizens ;of Ports mouth, and a man name,' Wilbur, who aro all held to bail to anar er. • CINCTOIATI, July 5. - . The Board of Health report forty three eases of Chol era, and two head* and thirty• tno deaths from other diseases since the tlet daY of, June. They have not found any cause to believe that Cholera prevails as an op tdentie. es every authenticated ease was• brought on by :imprudence. JOY .5. A dertruciive fire occurred this morning in the•steresof Maxwell & Patton. J. M. Griffith. Davis & Sutton. C. ftred. Pickering do Co.'arid s : small grocery stores. allaituated on the dock. were burned. The loss'is es ti►hated' at $50,01)11; one half of which is insured.— Tirelv! hundred barrels of flour and several large lotsof wool were destroyed. NEW, uRK, Julr 8. The-Legi.lniu're cie New Hainpshtre radjourue d sine on Sa•urday. - 4 ./uthe.3d a result:loon was adopted, ,approving the 4- 9inpromke measures and pledginix vver to sustain the f;srciitive in carrying them into effect. It•paseed by a , too id 10 fo Sin the Senate and In to 92 in the House. I.aneritt,sa: July 7. Some - $ - 200.000, counterfeit coin, was found on the premises of a man armed Ste: , r, living near Thirteenth street, in tilts city. He will have a hearing on Wednea dm before the U. S. Commissioner. 'The coin was well • r.7 , coted and extensiily circulated. • BALTIMORE, July 8. The Post Master Genii in reply to enquiries addres sed to him, stater that all newspapers sent to bona fide eutiscritiiia who may leave residences 'for the different .4mmer-retieste and have their papers sent to them for a les period than three montlis, come under the head of transient newspapers, and must be pre•paid, accardinp, a 1% 7 at the office where mailed, whether sent from the of tic.r or publication or otherwise. The Union men of the Fifth District. South Carolina, Lave nominated G. W. Chasten (dem!) for Congress. Mr. Attorry Gen 'rat Brent left here this morning for l'hi:adelphia, to cionisat, before the Supreme Court of remililvaitia, the le'Fality of the conviction of Geo. Al hem fv, kidnapping, : arresting and returning a fugitive hive tZ Marlhand. He goes under afesolation of the late, iteform Convei lion. the State pa int expenses of ult. PliOM ST. Dowisoo.-=lThe Eglantine. Capt. Nor t:, arrived in New York; on the 3d in fifteen days r.; St Domingo oity. Two dispatchet from Pres- Baez give accounts of the collision with Hay t•htt lorcei, rumors of which have alreidy reached -115. According to these accounts, a colum of Hay- Lan infantry, accompanied with cavalry,, .crossed Ime of tlir advanced posts of the Dominiciana. at Cal , it a, or the Southern frontier, on the 29th of 31ay. The following day, the Dominicians being rtinf,,•[ed, returned, and drove back Haytiaos their links with .much slaugltlef, %llama bin& man on their own side,: President Eat i,dennunces Th is act a ftagrant 01 th e tr .ce, and refess. to Soulouque propitiatory mini fe&ts in terms of irony and scorn. The Caccia Plblibheiralso an Account of the opening of the Leg wat v.n the !Sal of April lam, - and the Memoir,. ['resident Baps. . TIIE LOST IGATOIII4I GLILiII or Hon.— The report th a cairn of stones, raised by Sir John Franklin's expedition, has been discovered in Jones' •So nd in 184$, by the Prince of Wales Whaler, si s the Liverpool Times of the 14th, has received wit lin these few days very distinct confirmation, ten der ng the statement by far the most important— pre uinptive or otherwise—which has yet reached us: 1 illiam Miller, a seaman on board the Prince of Wa ea, states an oath that be was on . - board that ves sel (,whaler) in 1818, n hen, early in September, dor i ofr very thick weather, they entered (as they belies-. ed) Lancaster Sound, and steered west, advancing slow ly. 'The fog continued heavy fur some days, when it suddenly lifted, and high land was seen on the, larboard side, over the mast head. The Captain' being at first doubtful if it were the loom of icebergs or of land, sent a heat of to ascertain the fact, and of this party William Miller formed one. ' , He states that on landing the marks of shoe prints were distinctly visible in the mud, above high water marks; close by a small cooking place blackened by tire, and a little further on a well built cairn Shout lour or five feet high. of w hich the party pulled away a few stones, but being recalled signal from the ship, wh;ch was being driven ashore by the current, wire compelled to return on board. immediately: It was believed by the master 'ef the Prince of Wales, the veteran Lee, of Hull, that he had advan ced in ^ westerly course up thi4 sound, a distanced( ne..rly 130 miles, under the impression that he wail in Lancaster Sound: but this belief 1/111:- removed on -snaking his way outward, and - the doubt confirmed by passing (to the southward) the wide opening, and well•kuown headland of Lancaster Sound. It became evident tlng lod been-in s hitherto un explored and mire n.•r• ti, ,outid, named after AI- . derrnan Jones, a prt!.:q.:e, it has been believ ed, leads directly into the sea north of Party Wands. William Miller further declare: that, at this Point, the passage widened, and that so open sea with in land lay before them. , It is impossible to entertain any dmiti4ohat this cairn indicatod, the fact that some of Sir Jahn Frank lin's party have visite.! the spot in question; ind we have no hesitation in asserting that benekti the pile so carefully raised ildeposited distinc't inforbiation of his past progress and future intention. • We trust the hypothesis of the Liverpool ;Editor will turn nut a true one. At all events here ib a peg to hang yet another hope. Forlorn though it be, we 'trust that a vessel e=.pecially directed thither will be fort hVi, ith despatched. The Times sass: "The point.lies entirely out of the bent of• of those now employed upon the search, and will most likely. net be approached by any of them; for although Sir John Franklin, being upon en exploring expedi tion, might deice!' a boat party out of his direct course, those gone to seek hint would naturally con fine their search for traces of him to pie route he was orliered to pursue, and thus neeessrly be ii,rno rant of the exnstance of those which w t write." CCP' '•I wt-n." said a fitrginien to his brother, resoling . in Obits "to emancipate one hundred slaves b and I de.ire you to take them to Ohio."; '•1 cannot do it." replied the brother: "the citi zens of Ohio will not allow me to brinione'llundred slaves to settle . ; but do you take them to Wheeling and there place theta on a steamboat ftir Cineinnati, and speak of taking themi to New (Means; and while you are looking out for. another bust, give the chance and the abolitionists will steal the tchole of . thent ttnd run them oil; and then celebrate a perfect 'humph over them. But if you take them to the same men and a-k them to receive and take care of them, they will tell you to take care of them yourself." Doer' Ir. R. 11'11.1 , 1131N..lirivinir. re-piirelinne.l his entire %levhenl rraettee of 14. 1.. G. HMI. in lVatt , borgh einlt V. vt Gold nramonee to tihe untroop and the nub ilc teilf`lredl3, ilia' he 11Thi , puietire, and wilt • five prwto!.l : - /ttemlari^e• to :13 call. ui the line of his prtnes•viOn. Net. - ' It :v . r.oppo-ite the l' Ch./rely 1-51. I,Ptf Gazei copy telt tiorhi.l. • • TRUT, N. Y., Jul) 6 DISSOLUTION. THE tirm of Cumpton. Itasprsitek Sr Co. is divAved by mutual comm.t. The bummers tetlt tut conlistiml. by etatsmon Sr. Ilaymmtek at the nld eland Cheamade. 'ltie 'accounts' butes act the late tirm a el Lc hillustect 8 July 3. r CU NPTOV Ir ItiVERSTICK. _ DISSOLUTION. , - . T ll:: :, ll .,, nli m of il J , , & II o ‘vii i it j iph; v : h . inn; due dissolvrtl h Ilt,• mutual vt ii.i.pii..'it in. iili n c r i e i i i ii ' n i n o n. tile triTit ' °'e ls in i l 'or tn tsie ire rly 3 und t rT the ". lot ....4 ii. illoitiee. All the husinens o ;be latr firtuli to he 'Net tie. Ity . we nat..' H. Whipple. J. tVHIP.I . I.E. I:rt .. J IN S. ti U. WIIIPPLE. -1: DAN 111 n 031 1 11 0 RODS. I , i)R a.% /.7 OA Y O. /.1". Ip e V 1 : 1 ,; 11 1-.. •. :1 . 1 1 :t L r ... a l t ' :, 3 : .- a d tt t S I D a H r i e U n i i e 11.) j. 4. 1.1: t o r. t u i l n i . r il : ° ... n at4;il n ed a ht ally ti Wile , ' ~ /wllt lie Ilt ‘ltiertea Will bier the hooora of ..unlit Ihg in Iltl LOU S.VIT R i ;.% V. the lit hnt Jnly . rerlurinaueb nrCouit it,itretai 2...'...tT's I'. -N1 , Intl at 71 ocloek to tilt et ening. Pritirtival .1t llt.r, - - -111 N RIPE, 'friek I tyte it. - - - jINIAII . RF.VNI)I.DtA. , Tlll4 r-tahloinorntolorinst the pant n inter in New tirleans. has kW!, Pri . stt , ,i nub proproll....decorat AWOL ti(J•alltl/e., a nti general ~,,potitintrtit•. .1 steel ten at the ittanyttalente4 riflitts,, la Ito c0mp..... rite troul e. at ill terve to show hove' ',lnfect Intl company .1.-1 1.. a , a n title. Let I J. North. %tt - ,rts. Illrrurrr, Itonir , . Nll:lterJran. la Prate .I'liar.b. th. Nlonnieur I nurr. , J. V. I rt'onnett. Nlrener Vf ;le. Malt Fiances ''khan.. and La Jrune Kale, benitlei a host ad auctlrtrien. wenn,' only wits.. Inrunnuftahtr mope. A treat lea:qtr in thin notable:Marra will lie'toria in the MAO Ni rit•cvr BAN It. retertrtl frot? , 4ls.c 'ram of the orelm-ntrns of New Urbana, and led In Illessrs' . el...eitere and Ilessing. the tat trr tlw celebrated operatic leader. anti Hi* former principal Cot - inn of the far fnalwal int ial. Ka la , t PRICE OF AD.VISSIOALSS CENTS. , , WAsuisir..ToN. July 7. 1 Nonrot.K. July 5 MEDICAL NOTICE 1:7 On rilday. Jul) the 11th al Girard. at :tit 1r.0 . k P. M. Rn 4 at 71in the V. 11. CA.I 4 .TLE; Agra'. Eno July 511. I VV 4 / j . u /f v f.'l s 'G 5 Tititib. , —A viol rou.orpiencTr 101. by . f ( r M ' lrt ;0: DROOII.Y.-1:11) doz. Fang. and Common jtronmo just mere .0 411 , 1 Cur - ite at '. 8 MOORE'S GROCER)" STORLI 31( 7 1',`,",'''.4.dm0P I N .illings P e r% l o l 72;27 n ; l ;;l t _ I OCERY *STORE. B`7; 11 :R )16e i i)T-Anr v ntiele, for;all at ./8:3 S • MOORES' onock:Rr STORE. 4 4 :017A RISCUIT—A fresh autTly oe' ...Tenter . ! S7i9 Bortuii, ...., Ju-t rec'd at • ... MOORES - OROC.F.Rt STOP& _ 741,4 - A o of deacription. for wale ai it ltai; HQORFIT GROCRRY sroint Real 'Estate for Sale. THF. Real Forite of J. W. Riddell, Engl . „being purpart No. toi 1 the rent &nate of John Riddell. late of Erie deeeaQed. and 1 eoinn-ting of i:nolot.1-11 by 150. feet each, at the corner of Her man and It ri reel.. One lot at the corner of (*anal and reach -vet: in i , v I" , fi feet. and one lot fronting on Canal - street .141 by liv 1 ' i- , bon* for sale by the sulnicriber on favorable terms. I.:ninon- of - WILSON KING, Land Agent. Fro.. July 5, 'Sil t • lais 9 . , . i ILA R K . :, ?AT KNT SYTIIS AN I i S% ... 11 A,—An additional %-1 sum , : ri-t fetrit I . d. TllOfe ano bine rued thew 52)147 are euger.or to any before used. Foe ante by : July_,, ' a. WlO. dr.t.DEN It PON. __,,_l____ • LATEST AP. '1 i'• 11. OF GROCERIES. .1 ii .% vr. pest tenni% .- - rid well settle-led stria, of twel and 1 dry raintl, Groe• , l , ~ r . and 1.o; mm. )l e i Stun. Nails. tila-s, Wilk% itini t'i ~ ... o Ware, and 1 &sat it tit tog If, that I w dl I/01, N. iinJersadd by any one in tlre city of Win. Call and we rornier 01 foul and *tate streets. - J. 44 .S. '• r . W. F. RI IiMEIDT ECIIT. 20.0 C 1.8.4 to!ar of di.. "ntqlitt eY. jest me wed and for sale from I to 111 1-1 cents per Ih . by , July S. El W. F. 111 %DERN ECIIT. . i;i4 cAt'offee for sale by the Nu or Ih. by • 40 B‘ nly S. -, W. F. R isnueNr.rtrr. • . ',cm rodlish in the city tbr eateitiTier 2,004L15S 111.• by B W. F. ILI Pt DER N ECtir. 20 Fix•sis Ohl and Young lagoon Tea. Itinek Impe r il and rliNeEm Skan 4 7em, e W. F. HIN ligitN ECU T Il II OS. Molarse•C sirlhug sow 3711075 co , . pet gallon, by J Jul) S. W. V. AIN Illy.11,11•ICIIT. 111 IX FP &also's. also Curysot;.Cisons; abd Oth- Ao :Jer kauJo of Ftu . it for sale low by July S. t 4 • W. F s RINDERNECIIT. , Pr riz I hSTRUM ENTS,-A illrge assostoer I of Guiltier*. 1.1. Banjoes, Fifes, Flutes, Damp. to fui -ale cheap St d G. LOOMIS & Co's. (\Li WKS. fur vale by the Box or snacle one. a Mtge ottrnber of style.; souse very cheap iP price, as low ar € 1 50 . It Jut 3. 8 .G. LtlloNtlrt &Co's. ALL I NDEIRTED to the subscriber are realsestrai rauscrifi7 to call and nettle nuthnoi 1 . 4.1 will be made on Nit •e ho neglect so. tire alter the first or August next. wit hotiLtespeet of . , 111,1(` t*3l. • 1: H. FULL': • TON. CLOTUS. Cassi tones. Tweeds JearatAke.. in great Also. Lunen and cotton goods far warm weather and for ~ale by April If. ERRIMAC PKINTS.-100 wee. Swim' volts, making a 1.11 sery!brouttful Imaratient, just received n April 19.. ' • FI.7II.ERTON'S. I)RLizrt Gttottet.--rttlko. Poplins Infanta. Denten, Lawns. Gmaimum. ate. opening at FULLEXTONS. TIRoWN PUFF:TING, 'gime' shin Ing.lieka. bleacher' Walla. 13 Mills. 61. e in, quantities to sti4. b 5 J.H FULLERTON • CIT ICAW laitilerh-1 am in receipt acme col" die largest ulQck. L 3 or straw goods ever cOrevl in Erie. cm Mating sire fil t sßtf'- ferentmales of lathe. liottnets. Also. Gentlemen's Panama. Floe owe and palm lizato in great variety, April 19. 1-31 _ - 1851. h i r LOWRY & SCOT . FORWARDINO AND Col./Hiss:oN *CHANTS. AND • ISZIALIPai IN 0 AL ; -.coo: Fi.h , Flour, salt and !linnet; al L large Ware Howe Weetof the Bridge. Public bock,lEste. Pa. Al. R. I,f)Wlt 1f... ' WM. LaiiiNvrr. I4TANI'EII—At Compton. Ilasunprlct. CON Gala at all r r envie. any quantity of Sutter.Mans*. Shoulder*. Benno. Pea... Maple Sugar. Flax. Flaxseed. intotby deed. Pure. l'oiatucs, &C„, to . lei which the highest pritell Will be paid. Erie. April li. VI 100 BARRELS Erie Comity floor, Noir receive so sale low, warranted mood or ao sec - Toroth Dim% one door south of Susith store. Erie, April 41, tpIIPTuN, HAVNiSTRX . 4 CO. ROBINSON & ELDRED'S GREAT SOUTHERN CIRCUS. Flom the•N'; phithcatres, will Evening. /VIE Great Southern T tst• By its tmapertor s and trained an linavilatta. Id. By the ‘aritiy and ad. Hy the Ikuriamoiti meths. And nth. Ilv the toprnor tal l be soon below. ttte itr the it tension.. rant Master JAN MA ROBIN Mr. 1. R. ROBINSON, Mlle 111 IgNR I exf.t, 11 MadameßOßlNt4ol6, I Mr G. N. EI.DRRD. Marten. J 011. 7 1: and L.CI and inc.,. daring )(Piero NEw MATCIIEN..I wELar, A .l) t'ANCY GOODV AT Xalli • Slate SL, Nearly nppostle Empire Slobs. Ni (1W opening. the 1.11 6:e+t and '4.4 pluck of Coo& in (hi; IN line ever odetei (.4 , de .rt Erie. 3.1.61 porrh.l.6ed in !IT. York embracing all the new at , le- • inch Jewelry joel out. Any one n whine to porehi*e a *Oen a.l nateli a nil clown niil have a firm rate Clivrwlrl , llloV for eet,e tnr. Not to tie on trtr.obt by any .tenr- Lir eltabl 1.1111 it in In thi* U. 1..00:1116 et). Erte, Julie U 25,000 Buie A •IIF. Summer teria of I! day. JO ne. 1.1, ler J. A tl JI.. oral S.c worm. MR. 44 1. D. llr4ratt, T nuttoly p Mess r..z,mAn Ems. Attrthoonly and 80, Mina C/TU•ltt'd. 111,81 In the Laud _ tuare*. es Ito In Mathematic... Natural Philosophy. Chemistry, ate.,, 3110 In Primary 114 1.00 The regular tune tor a.huhoion it r 1 the 110111111A1% or middle of the term. No one will he adin tied 1/31 , 11.16 1111.111 hal( a quarter non the {drama/it andthealthful IneatiOn of the Academy', the 01 Vantage. tut hit poAests. es uf Philosophical and .1-ormonio cal Apparaih*. and the toil itT of the teachers, both to impart knowledge and to oliwiphile the conduct itseoulideatly believed that Very •Ilrefl.l 111.1 1 , 0111•11111 ;11, pre... led to all ii h 0 tuns he froorons of o.lr4inn.: a rotten- of stem atle and LAMO , I2tI iti-true ipm. For the 14411111 i 11,•.,0 1_ to prepare thiouudveut for leaching. partieurkr inoteirticui yy ill he ytymi with n aurae 10 that object. both the brunches 'lewdly taught in school, and the the ory of imparting wearnetion. BAIN Prevident. or. treirretary. Erie. June I-.IPSI. 6 • TO.DATIBMII2II. - 7 F tan wpih in see it p,ai ..o,ortowof of fivtlia. Fnatlis, Forks, Eraillen. Mettle.. Rakes, Slum , and Rides, call tit the cheap Hardware t‘to..ku. 3, Revd II -e. 7 Erie. Jone rziiirlzurr great VA Hely' at Lonna R I '.-1•• • ri.l! - .ratint! I.adien and nenic Chains, Urea.' Vint, Flit.zet l'etleilP :111.1 1.rn.0. Lathes , ruff Ittacclvis, and other Moiral , le articles, all warratile4 as repreventrs/. Call ,n-lejeliarye ibr showing. 7 Jobe 2.. CIIIN ER Gin -1 1b 4 .:-Plauti and Threaded Table and Tea Spoons. 1.1 Fork*. flutter Katie.. doe. of our on reutanufaeltire. Sits er warranted of the nneneve of Pollan.. Engraved in gnod style by June *l. 7 G. LOOM IS ilk ett.. PR'S 1111.1) tu order ai Aottn(itice. into It imp , . Ilracclt.t., Cleo:le. or .•11.1 hoe de4 aril f.ll(i. at I.oo3llredt. Co.'ll -- 1111,7 Yong AND 'IDRIS{ RAILROAD - J. IlearnAk Co.. Agents. f '1:117(' //f)CA% rtur, PF:VA'.1.7 76 13 Ahte,hirr.i I iiiattletct BUtll4. and It oilier firigicr-• t), Iron. Lin , to Neo Viirk--..itihrhtii in A1240--A yew,. fur on Erie thrtnigh o t iroel Phil:11010 New-York. le For twat. matt, White For, .n 4 W..fer Ln re. 7 'L , 11/11 , .: 4 —A bealitifill - ,..•)rhill•ht Toilet ROttli. L y lune 21. • 6 C IItTFR k. BRO. eNolllllit —l‘c:rS 'OM I'm. Cr...1,51N I J ilitie.l4_ • 6 C.‘1171:11 k RAI). w. It.MIER 1111 AN. LI At, G I: .t AR TIST. Yin the Norio ' l . l e of the Dl3 l l lo ll , L.lid , one 1/00r Vriist of 3 , 17.11,a10e :in I WrlZldie '• Ware copy tkat whiei Nyhere cede" Daciterre(g) Likroo.re4 of aft yrt..rrret and priors. Aim twelve rh i toza to ,(write dollars.• faithfully executed and war ranted unfa hug. 1 4 NEW AND USEFTI. rArSUINU r 8.4. N lir.D.-1: 1 cCEI.;4011 F. 4 ' I 4IL I V which alarm. witching ran he don" in one-third leen lime. B trouhle and etnence than with an) other 1 4 4.4.pti know u. It ran ie used with wan nr tmr t water, cold or warm. %VIII retnose •as.c. Paint. Tar. I • - u. from gnods with•ust the lewd iljtirt , either to the Linda or tin I :ando. I'or clan by rrie. Tune 11. CARTER t BROTHER. Dy. Woodc, Dy - • Stain, Paints, Ake. 'TIRE undernitned offer for sole term,. Lige , Woods, of _L nII tbe ditlerent Mud- tl.eir non manufacture. and war ranted equal to npv ed. VIZ: Log -A ood, Ned-worm. ram .vt cm,rl. flyper Nie'a-wood. Foonie, Cr-.n F.longe, Med Sanders, En trne tof I.mgwood, N1e . .1 wood "Itranti-wood. Penetewood. Ltaeisood, Lae. Per. •Artrol. Cream Tarter. . Together - with a amoral anointment of I)ye 'b.fa. Mitre Drugs, Paints. 4r.:4r. Aterchattur and tur. 1111 l incliner. rupplted. PLN'll 7.. TftWNSE3.II k. March Q. 1f 2 .51.—1y No. 35. Water same N. I' GROGIUMIC AND ClL — Altil*A -- Nrft -- Afa) t) n.mrtment of throng and Tea Seta. light blue. flour ing Hue. w bite and mullbery; also. a good ..artetN of (Miro vt are. for etuir at the torrent floret, by . Q. 3L TIF. PITTSTWRGH trllliß F. has been removed from No 1, r Wright's 111w1,, to the fratne lvililing on French street. one Jour north of C. M. Tadiai.. where the siihseriher still e,,nli no, in kin. n Adn as,ort meat of Grocenc+and Pro, 134011 P CM !landau,' for sale o at wholesale anti Retail. at a small adeanre above cost. Erie. March 13.1E31. .1. 'APCANN. TIR ITAN IA WAR E.—l have a very Large assortiuett t of Caw .1.1 illestieks, Lalnivg. Calli.teri. fluid Pan* Spittoons, Match Safes, 'Fob (Alps, lie.. whith wiUlAe *Old by 'the doien at Buffalo wires. t ' Pi RCltl.:s REED. Pi n i Ern ANK-s --- T0^1.9 ..-.'Fritiel owe. Match Planes. 11ittg :V I Planes, Frain i ligi'rurn tng awl Pinner Chisel*. Ginnie'. Ch l in-.1 Handles. Broad As . Aidors. Iliad . Panel. ( " MORN.* Rip. fi Feld. Tenon. and Rae SaWai Steel Squares, 'l'ry Squares. Revels, (loaves. Spoke rllia, . Dividers., l'venp.upiee, Brace and Blue, Hand Axes, Hatchets, lammers,Reel ricrens.Sand Paper. ko• --.2 , • . RUlrrk REMO. Erie. May ti. No, 3, Reed Haase SILK. Gingham androttuu Parasols—an estensi. e variety at Erie. May :11. 1-3 .-1 1 ACKSON' S . Tli is gr e a tro t vaitet# and Cheapest Prints ever o ff ered In this city at 1 l' 1 ) - JACKSON'S hAMES 'AN MISSES BONN I. IS— the Latest styles, at Krte, May 1.4.—.4 SMITH JACKSON'S. I,ADIFIS AValklng ?Rye..., Buskins, Vitin4 .r..atty Lind Ties and Gaiters, for sale by SMITH JACKSON. - grit., May :24 I . I Al' FIN and Jtoy's - Pahin Lent, 14;tkalt. and Panama Hato—for 2. 1 `.1 sale bylll 27./AtliziON. Ottl'Tl E... IC AlliKiiarpet Warp Cord and White, 13arting and V Waddine. !Or indelhy Fit SMITH J kCKtariN . ____ 256KEGE - 11A1P—.bops Fastens atprEoulhern. Ax rilio very. ehtnp,l.y Itl O111111!MCKEON. and aA kinds ofilioeerien at 1 ill JACKSON'ti. arleiy. received = Lpc•narn I a...un ll we. ul and Whiakex. 00 4 rale (y NACV BLIT 11 WA ater stuffs fur pa Slf AlVl.A.—crilt and Barrage athaw Fe ; plain. printed. i 100500 1 and mbrowevedartunere and rein tie Shay. Irk and every i Cloth. ca ' +stay variety or cheap as. ..p er do at ME ITU J AChSON'ti• ! Smarr, or s" Erie. May IL thJi. , • - 2 sr %VuOlr' 11;e As w 4000 „ria:„Itb: 4 c1,":":;. 1 .-"11"„",i'..Q1.7;77,e't 1 4p11m,". ;,.... , after York wholesale 'tritest - myl4 - v. M. THMALLI. -; el • 40 0 BB ELOVR.—A choke lorof FitTur 7 ihciottsigtutW:tt oar vale at j lay 17. , . lA/W 4'l, n 6 in res. PII IN,rlata and dari i... •ll,7l.4tateret.lirntuel4 Jean., To Cottonadea. Denitar • hud 4.slier atalittler NWT.. at Eric, :thy 21. -2 I JAC -- CLlifilit—Freneh.' English. Rad Aurefleito Iliac Nary Blue, toe stile cheap at "Ill J hillShTrimaiingitaad Datum at L.P April 1i...t. J. 11. FULI.V.RTAN Fmli GOOD awortawat of Dr) Good,. Gr rite, Crockery. Hard ware. arailsoke.aust reecired ie. April It ' COMPT & 00. CIA TONS akolini i aia. the aelY afOkak. Inv frout salt or 41j Hoe, roe sale Wirer tho Roy amigo article of as goad a grainy. i 'TON. IJAVESISTICK k W. ~,N ,- :_t 7 --;ii,_ . -- -_ h ,. ., t -n y , .- - - -._ 4 - ._- ,- t:.-- --- ;_a_- - - 1 - --;-- 2. , ~,.,r..),_. _ „ . , .„,, „_,, .. ~,_ :,, a _... i., ......,,._,, .: „,..„..„,„______.. :rt 1.7-)t . ...:/ --• // '' : - /- -- \J-- - --3_ • +. - - - A:EA: - , t ' • ~...:---- - ~ - -------v y -. i . ,—....., , 1 / 4..5. , ,v. . ..... i ...... _ ~-------.,-..„.. _____,...._,_,,• 1 1 / 4.:. ___ • , 1 / 7 -- ---- --- ---- 7 - : , ,:.-- - - 121 El • Orleans, Savannah, Chad , ston, and all the principal Southern Am perform in ERlr. on THURSDAY, July 24th 1851, Afternoon and I - -- Ten Beautiful Ponies. .ling. ti ili,tinviii,:ied croon rill others ' &it of 0101.91101 fired Horses, raised , BrxEsTr BITERS AND TIWR01.1.:11 BRED Georgia. and South Carolina. - Southern Horses. ,terrthec ono. Performers. • Twenty of which are driven before the beauty add magintude or mappoint- Glt FIAT IIAN Li C II A RIOT, liint of AS meridiem comprising. as '1 111 tit' Mr. BENHAM. the mom etprri Whip in this country Riders and GynalinSielld in the pro- A RAND composed orTEN MUSICIANS, lied by Mr. N RAVE - .. n ill accointiany the performanges. .- AL TITDERS. (low.. lo the Ring. SAM LONG, a gentleman of 'n it and e hi- IN. the lirit Eque•drion of the Age. NI V . ut t:ion. (m the Sltssa ilo it ssippt Ville). Unlike, all other ts, -. , . Long never t 1.3.00. to coaiiie Or low Jett,. 111, corder to nil ke the [the unrivalled four florae Rider. -groundhog." laligh'rlint anns at higher app( on.". n ',wit lug intrepid Juvenile Equestrian. ready v.ll and panileit satire never tails of securing the grand Manage Art. J;/Z/CE oil CENTM—NO HALF' rfiwr: Ihe thiginal ;Scene Rider. The Company iti perfbrov in Waterford on the rm. 'in North 1'1.1:1'1.1: 4 ACK. The youngest, 11WISSICIlt. • Earl on the 15th. a; at Wertfield on the tilth of 'July. , the Eipiestrian Profegs i ion. fj: T - Doorti open at t . o'clock, P. M.. and 1' on the evening. .30 burnt this .19t lee, tar sale by CLARK ACADZITITY Ent. .lei,leni% commences on Mon u. •oprrintr o M•ure rd Teaehreof the Langnage* and the Nat aebey in English Literature and Pen 'ref entre+s, n.l" Tear her of French. ^her of PER QrARTER 111 0 - A P ItMVIOVAL. randy, Gun. aunt, %Vim e. J ArKeit IN . KIN . Blue Drat. awl a large ?we k of SUM LIN Ake:. by JACKPA)N. i;=MMI AWIINISTRATION NOTICE LETTERS of Aoluoinneratton On the estate of A W. Brewster. late of the cut) of Erie. havittg 104 , 11 granted to the soleeri• leers, Hater is Ilwrby given to all per.otet indebted to fail.' esrite to make numediateflia)tuent. Ind those fia% 'lug etaltos Notting it toll 1141.31 , e 1,411:10 than' duly aothentirated for settlement. . .f , (-- , 7" Sr:a.% N %I. Bil 111VST ER, istArrliEw TAN.I.OR, - - Dirt Jour 11, of Erie. ,I,do 'itioratots. 8V11.1.0W WAGONS of evtry variety b June .1. 6 11.6 CLARK. el 11 I' RNA 01 every deserito ion ftw sale by 1 ions. 11. 6 EAST ,POWDRR, a superior ariiele, for swe p. ter LARK... June- 2l. #_ .. 1.1.14. VI. 1R K. . 'UN:TRACTS of lemon; Re... Vanilla , Nutmeg, RitterAl toon.ll. Peach, Celery, (Mudge Flour, Cochineal and Ne-ta '! rine. for sate by L. Z. IL'I.ARK June 21. ~ • - . 6 VERN VILLA and Macearont Itt large and mined kn.'.. for bate by , 11,'..:1.11.‘K1i.. . '• 511114 ••••.•• A le. stork or Grass and t :mil. s,tit- at 11,1., A .s.a rllen+., at the heap store. I.OIVItY, Rigirwsi, aL Cu. Jane 21. • 6 _ _. .. (It • INN e.n,‘eir; wiirrAToN EA. n gene! ,• ...roel t•Tr (tom gicbmix Vhs.t.ioliev and a 1.066 kA of el, 1$ rides. which 6 Al It. Fold below saluntactnrer's prtee. at Jose !I. - .3 LIVIVRY. BROW NlkCo • i NT, A I !—A tp,od sto•sortetteut or N all,. at the rate*, and lr warrante,leghal le :thy tit the us trite% 4,t Cabil refuo the Nr*. .t ,re ialFessiirtro Brock. a I.owitr;smiws. 74; rt••••li'ato or wilt he nizide to the next I. , roto..wtre t f Venn rvlt 00.t.1.,t the meet/monition of a flank. 111.1. e ealle , l the I:rte est, It int.. to IA• kW in the l'ity of Elle. Erie l'otilltv. l'a.. 'with a capital of 11(1,141 11K1,101111.1 d.dln rv, ,1 ills the tprivileue of me - ca-top th toe to three l unul ral thote,tn.ttiol rat*. no 10. a I ' ,l* individual /ralrlirty el ".24./i Ili IN!' ii,eited in the Chriller Of • tol Bank. J. 11. rule; mt. J. C. Marshall, • Pmith Jaekoln, Ilenrs 17, In , 11. 11' . . M. Tahltal.,, Gov ("onto. Gnu Kell Wm. Kelley. %Vallee l'ho , ter. TIIOIII3II 11. null, 3011 . 11 Galhranh. A. Erie. l'a.. Juue 41. 16.11 BE 'araitNED. - N ron-eqoence of the death of my late narttai. A W. iirews• I ter. a hi coiner necessary to settle up the areoto.t- on the hooks of the Erie Wooten Factory ; therefore all who hitt, lini.ettled ae ei.iints wain us 111 ill .aYe cools by dttemiiiii; to We settlement of the hiitir , the 'nth of July nett. Those who neglect' this nonce soon not complain if they hate to Pay ecists,r. Till ts. Iit ItiVEFEV. Parvivlnc wiper ot the late Brut of Melioffey . ilt. Brewster. Erie. Julie 21. 1-$l. A?, ti 1 OP uA" rI Jude•fl, 1..51 ix. Kent cky Rifle rots, der, Net rec'iCarvi yr male by not, the half. qu !ter. or 14 hole ht-.! I.y 1:51.T. PITI:RR Err SONS. - ' - G. I). reteue.toti taps I.r rale I y 00$0001 !G1 R. I'. STER Evr & soNzi. M 5 0 G f BAS sr; tza lt for s:r' R. T.STERREtT SONS. T IR, Pitch said Rwin coli•lan:1) oti anti for wile di • ~,., T. 8 A, sirs:4. rrillt:mdwril4nt would re.peet full) r r ot.eiutl , lif 11m1 h-tve built. a 1.0%de . r ire., it sae .Irpir nr of sill! (W tho.e liralitat , in the aru rlc Juur 11. teAt. tithecrllver* would inform the puhl t e atm thtly attll continue the [Avery Mho ttr-ts their old Hand on Mare St.trrer, near Third where lior,t-2 mad ll'arrinyes of all tlepeription may 1« fautitl all wari ready for ther, awl !mees to im it the ti te,ts. I'leaPc call. MARTIN & It ItICGN. t Erie. wit-M.l'si. 143. 4firent and Mack Teal , . onlypin I;.eelitc from matte Green Tea for See- per pohnttennod. r.r e 7. . -e. M Sonnoot Goode. rateitement Continued. , ' HAVING jog returnei from New. York, lam ~..w re ins Ha Complete *wartime ut of the deturahlr late yy lee of Bun.- ono toms Goods, haotte. Haram.e. !hike. Tmoiee, togetlair it ith other , 14.eflt , lifill4 not .o handl mr Me Iltdcd in the mock. lit at tem' t ern) tbo 100011 of the 1.a.1...,.. (who of course claim Orin at tention.) the grits aft. I.y rio Me.itteneulerit..l : to prewar of it... they have rutty to call niet ...,k over my areortineto of i ClOthe. ran , •ottiereratil Ve-amas. th.• rotors an various. ay th.oe of toy name - it.e'e chat. and quality fi t for any , acamott. even the particular nu- A new reinforcement of than m are here .1.111.12 rOMPe" - I:011 either in price or q 1 Otte. 'The Cr xkery .I..,rottueat 1...ye1m pace with ery the others in ev reepect. . linV.lll2 heroine conyineed of the pdvontnetar of frequent par. : charm. made o iitt rash, over the 01.1 ay-tein. I now ropima the community to outlier,/ thetoselvee on thu. important point. by cOlll - paring to) pricey with litOkle Of WO Or eVer I' 01110 f , 44110...f0uP01 i in Ow env 1 J. It. 11..%1A . , Erie. hiay 31. = No I, Re,' Goose. ro. HUNTER wilt forfeit SW. If failing to cure tiny ease olt disiense that may tome tinder his rate, no inatwr how lot standing or anticiiiitt. Enrui a rt airr invited to his PriVniP Rocuts i V. North SIX EN'r 11 Street, Philadelphia. without (enrol inierruplica by other patients. Stranger nini others who have lotrn unfottunate in the veleetion of a ith)•ie eon are tovited to e.lll. Whose whd have injured tbennelVell by iolit.ity rice are alpo invited. irr•tg ANO RITLECT.—The arnit//ed WM/hi do well So retlrcl Is•furellw.forgr their health, happinetut,*and in tiny cases tneir lives, in the bnoda of rib) sic tans, ixtiortint of tin elan* of ninla dies. II is-certainty impossitde kr one man to oaderstand all the till the 4umau family arc subject to. Every respectable phtniet nu hat nig twee lair branch, in which he no more successful than h t s brother professors, and 10 dial he del Rkti wort c thin time and atuoty. V Sass or Pa sortea, eselusivelydevoted to the study rind treat ment of diseases oldie result, omens. together II ith uteri• up on the 104. throat, bore or legs, pains in Or head ur hones, torr ential rttentitatiOnt. strictures, gravel, Irregularities, disease arts lug froth youthful eseestes or impurities of the blood. %hereby the comminution has IMCOIIIe enfeebled. enables the Doetor to oiler 'peed! retie to all st ho ins y pie them...cites under his care. Philadelphia. May 3. hail. 451 - • Nror and Popular 102001 Souk. riONIPR Ell killii4.lV E Summary of Universal Ili Airy. Winker V with a Biography of Distingilished Persons. to which I. al vended an epitome or Heathen Nl} thology. , ?lateral Plinkni „ General Apiroaomy ind PhyriolOgv Adopts.' in the P •lie , Schools of Philadelphia. 8.8. JUN 1$ k. l'O. l'obti 0. W. c o rnet Ft it' RTIII and R Aril swat.. Phaladrh ta. Teienrt and Sehnot Committee• addneeinne letters 0 it,post ! mini. min he furntetted with copies for examiiiiitimi A Fell and Complete Assortment of and Iftaiion ary Nude at the beast Price. rbehrfelphsa. May ledl. 101 °Tier. hi 'hereby given that ixtle of Adminintrition have 1 tOl•li granted kidie sithaer theta the estate nf.lnAenit *hall, lute of Green Township, dee' Therefnnr all hevinartaie iM againet said &tate will prevent ens foil' settlement, and dame in debted snake immediate pay . I )Avin t Green. June 7.-Ikl . ALEX N I tER LFMARP, y OM am b; Wanted al •he Erie Woollen Patio , ty. for *kiwis the proptleioni will eseliangif :, :es and Tweeds, oil desiraple terms kw the wool y the highest marked price in Cash; fur, any quantity Ow sale. intend to withdraw front the manoilieteribe binders's Ida season. it iiiiiihlydrvitfibit It: , ; at' nlei;leJ to ins for or otherwise, ahutdd come prt pan pay their' aeconnts Wool or money. F.tie, May N. . MEM FT V TIRIFSTSTCR. 1 II " ? n E a l tl i tu t tl a e n rl be L lrn i r L.'Aiii!an i ezeell uu at i l anon paa Candleinte Ss . Snuffers and Trays . Innfibin Pratd:ithrer. Chtnno. ~;rrrn .. d. 1 rtliver.U.itannia and Iron Tableand Tea - Spoons. Ilastinnr epnonn, rKsoN it. , Mincing Knirer. thinner knd Tea Belle.Porerinito mvl Kra*, • —,— Brutes. Porcelain and Tin sauce Pans, Waffle Iron.. Coffee Min. '4.Cliadilli'B. 'Not Pans. sad [runs and maadc&e, Al the CURIO' Hardware 1_ I Store. HU FCC It I;KU. May ff. No. 3, heel Haw*. EXI TICICIIIO. Striped Stilvtiag. Amon Cheeks. Canton iiatanal Drilla a atl Sheetlaga—any quantity very r beat, at Erle. M y 11.—It ¢MITii JAcKSOrs. _ _ _ rAw -..—Ladies' sad Gents' White. Ciii•d GS IFSnelt ta Lisle. Silk aril Conon Cloves. 10 vale at JACKSON'S. - Ma i Eill k 12=2M2 ifr just receive , ' an 1 Ica •ali by K. T. eTr.i.a T & soNs R. T. ST ina.TT & som= I $5O renriaT. Adadnistrator*;N., woozn WOOL U *els sadlteN at the — Clit — A P Ila rtware soft . ULTUS SSW& llitir - '11147) TA211110N4111.33 GOODS : : • 1 • •,.: "liffo. $ Reed Zeus.. Es io. - -, TARN ~ % 1. in.:TICE 1.4•,, learntora II the "Ilene inh ..1 t s. J ortAtkettpiout. re 4.1.1 the phatle: tt the Hew and yetis- I A . c, dith f alaktqllui 1 " ‘•crii ' :. Plij1 :•• alI N -a taluirmus,cra .d C lothin g. . A I ( • 7,1, .4, _ 41 , 1: ,,, . t ig., trt Tr _ Wile i • ' , * . " . /iA. ; *laic Clothing ratabii , hracnt. I •-• `t, 411141 o•Ft.k. ~,j ok it z , • , •,. in : and tin me t ; ha the inever • 1 tin • 411141 - :y• ,t.„ :4; . - 1;:o; 8 REED 110111321. ! 11..2.. 1• -i. ~.: ite +t I t. 111 ., .rlll ,I1•I 11,111 , ! lilot:er Hu WA n dgi,,,:if4,ll,44,ilVirl".n4Ar race, at ith - h 1% ;th I o• rr•rt.a4ablt . • . - ', ^ • • . LOW' PrtICES ' I _ - 4 11 ts Itt..h 14 , J , tv - dad hied IV 14 . 11 w 01 , 41C 4 4 1.• ali 0 - lio 1)1•1 1I it 411 111 , 1; a 111 1 I , •1,1 , 1.1 Ill.:t he•t , t:.; 1.-Ined. h t. , i., the .I 4..4. ein I,ntt tt e r. • . EME Goo an? fashionable Gannciit c ! •- I'.!: t n k't 'lc -1 7 -1 111;'. t .1. , ' , W..' cl (.1. 1 .1 . 114CAr— 4 , and V 1.2 4 have wen rclec4.l 2 r,, f,r rent .rsfl , l , ~:lid 111- 1:11,14 j 11111. 11.1. LIICit onitr w c 49 and clal -- :__- = , , - • (ijocips, CUT AND BRAND. ' fur thoti-CAe.. C. lug tlor.r Thea-tire for :,o) garment tt out G watt it it heft ttcur, a I tt ltt. .s-ked ht 14kt it su.. a): , Ile mil (lomat. r to krep. , n rw.ld 1.111.t.,0f ;,It Amde,anrj fr.1...0,e fttrt 111/IOUIBC/.1.(11/. AIN/, tt llar. ui tUr It ittAr. )1' r r tit; Stutrto , t't .kur t•t}ii!.,' fiat ott. thr t rt.t its lowit 4 ut varumpt grader awl 11TM . T1..1 0114 I W t.tcl lli kepi, hlttmc.t,thin,l lit. u htclt tic ) it6l ht. ft tro .t d:. t.. ehrru at thr 1 ,' rt. TT! dOpt. w 1.111.1 Cf , and v.:amulet! d rrol E,te..A14,126.11,31. City or Itorenr,h Warrants at l Alit ti 4 1 / 4 R1%.1 'Keit r nor2111:follt11 of Cul and fin,A nom!, W..rralits at l'.lr a then' . No. I. Wright': Itkr k. Cate. Ittoe 11. IN-11. IMMEI A„DIYLLVIATBATION NOTzar. tri"Tliftrt of .‘ Ibe le , +voe of Allaio Pollock A I ite of the city 01 Vtic, &ed. 1;a1. - sod I,ren t0.,00-4 wile 11411 , .. 1,10.1'1.1q ifivrit to ::11 pool at. in 1014. I to "r.Ol •• tale It) Itl3l, woof and 'sic Clam,- . 'lb( it % ill I,:t`ase Isri,ciit them e!otk , orttle wen?. RU'ANN A 4. I'l t 1,1.1 /1:K, 1, Er.% Imre t 1.—.11e1 A111;;;."1 I'4 W $ nxr.ricArc LAND WAD.V.ANT2`. xv AR It .%Nrrs for nuit .410 ear fr. itatdrr.ll4l to Le •••Z i, t it. et cry rest.uct, fur tale ut tbe ekchau,u. , .thrr Erie. I vie tN / &I: • r.)n n With r-, 1141( Doll Ors nll.l Fit I' rinne..• Erw, J4tie II M. roil() & 7)4 V -4 11'S M ICA ZN, PR ACTIll: l',- und fur sale 14; J. U. ICIIKTI & _ A ; RN. a.trs It IT El f Ull).--. l 4 , tart •Ll , ole J. II 111 Wrii & 42' rl't\N\l:K'-~I:F.R\IAN OINTWNT ,reivc,l I.y Vlltra:• 1 . 30 , 1 gory:dr toy J. 111 lII' leri & CO. 'I Administrator's Notice.. IMI Nirill , ' 1: 14 lerel , ; alien 14..1 1.elt;•r• of Alntint.4-41, n. 11,ve • line Neon granie.l to If, ....:.,..e.O Tie C .,,,.. „1 I C 8.7a•1we11.1 7 - ot foie. .117 , 1 7 a-47 !. TnereNlr.• ai1.,1T1... , ` In, it,: eunto at 7 1....4 p.:i1..1,•( rte is 11l present •Illelii /.If -eitietto•iil. and i IN.eie to :c.'letl wake ion how ;.:7 , ne 1 i •td. F.rte. Jane (4 —b! s. Ii- t'AIMA3.I.. A.llclith•lrat. r. —_.. _ Now' rime 14tcw Goo‘ls'.. . 1 P Aurri•KLE .4,4 p N r .R E ,p,t„l ~.., 6,n, ~1 , (•,,,„.. ~ : • 10•1'.i.q1 :A the 1 1'.• , e..intlie Int.: n r...:... Olt , II I -11,,1 • I Or Pl • Illor Harm...-,. Ni, .1. Perr%. Moe IC. fake Iliot otettltefOl;;;'..rn•ll.o.! Pow frn, 1 4 nn , l the 7,11 , :ie that On , Inc nom , cent , •¢litefr Sprout:l6,l : , ilikrr :•ife., %It wk u Ili I -Adel "I nrp A :.(nAll I i i ilisqn . .17‘ , .!, ...n II itplialotti the OH e." are► urn- i 074 to call - ,1. I e, Ift i t to. 1 . - I --- -- . - • FLotju, 'L; ?(:_ti.! ! _ll.Ol i1!1! l7 li 140 B Aft ' r Pi. Mb' fl I , -I Teel. vet! and fur A F.lB iv . vi:t. al Public I rk J. K! 1.1..11111. 1 Constant ..ipple ail I. kept linrinn Ilie ••eae.r.n .a is no;nale orb, the ying:e Dam!. *Alen. xtlppliell 01 10.e , t price, June 7. 111. 1 t - • - FM M FUR SALE. r „ R.ft, , . :( rnr:n or:. arr,,, on the I.ohe rued, I. o ol 'le , ste-t .r11,,•,.1, of Cr... n Iris' all - 0.,;. , is ea. ..11, n ...T , s; 41 tats plum. n P.MICII . I . lie 11 .1%.., Born rind. tretrird 1 ., n7t7 Itipt* 7.77 r net, .. - -00n:74 tOn‘ ii; 41.1 the 1.71170n . r in th ree e In} I :Olivia! in .1,.1,,,,?'..1 is it, rt•'...r...1 i A p:lii 1.. Mr. %VI,- n K.:I!. on F rte. or ' In A. It: main , tile, at r.le..lll.toran'o, I:w% Nl.iin Sired 1,11101110 - 1 ...... 1;../f 10e pl. n-e , pv. 111 -- 1 1 1 7 i -- Cp... tor • W . ool . . _ It vr. rv,iit tcit..,vm.lwori In , 01%1 ir0.1., root r.lll ray !tie I,,2fic.i V V Inlet. In each on 41(17:1 4 •1, al our :hat. Erin. Jul... 7. , 111‘11 . 14)N, II 1V I.RSTIcK 4t. el). N.O rzoosn ron BAD DILDAD.• f~N rt'tl totrotlue , Nl to IL , . to•t o 'lir!, i= N ar %% hr n t. rd tt nit ;y1).111044 - , -wm.t. and cuns.,:mmtly muriim9s bre.l.l. Ily tin-!lrrt, 'rn.t Powder, suit van 31.'641 tha ~.11,114.114/11 of a I.,ll , llrevmmtahlp m dtrr, .Illll,b is rnOtnittert in It wuer am! chalk. `m octrble 11 I-1, and Iml tlom. a Inch a • c•nu. WY/ Or at .r ..01 I aft "rill .1111 Or Tarn,' no I tithl Itrra.l.l' NI, lin ran htotJ the' rot I I,turr tlt unkitor :tout] at. when thir Pot:E.:l"f tv to the dirryt son-. the I,rcad ir I.IITP to we. it r.••• 111111 .... 1.1 P- tg•fort• I' 1./ I' /.14.1....". /HA 1 11 •1 { ,,1, /If I'‘'.llo. llltristll.ll..,o ,nt•••r It/f all I r kilt Ir. , A kale of it add...l • ; the haum dtrd i11111 . ,11, 21, 110111111 :41111.. 1 1 111/1111111,. :LDS MA Pi , s. nod %,‘ wake it I :ntitiv 1.g1.1, and much more thgrtmble. The• arrant...l in any I 'glair. Fir June 7i I-SI —I s r r & ' lilt:44li IV. TER ---114,t0n & t,..1% rrnrli %Voter for tin- I %oriir,ren. ice., for toile K. T. i & SON . ST , k till fur Ante I y Cro, - -June 7. R.T. STIIIII F:TT 'lO miXl'4, l iiratsurollauel Lemon.. ..}.l.t fert.ll.-61 by rat trot, ~ raid R V & SI Miz•l "0 KEGS Iti.l • P.IN Jr• Ist 1 , ” , •14% . . I Inl 1 , ) ,by • • • R. T. STER RI: k Ns,W GOODS. Lay. Jl:rt ri .e.:. 1.0 F:.. - )ek of FPritri: Tri Irr% trl. Cror /kr. In 111.. :‘l,ll. r k iu l he fr,tin I :11rn,t rim Van. Is 41/111 4 .4r.,f5. I and :h.,. 4 1,11! n r f.i. .iit hry Iris lie r r • ,11111 1110 - C I I ...rrt, iv C 4 ll al l 4l Ilir if +to , k bvfore knlrt-ru 11:110.-11/10 . ;Vi'r• lirt:111": 4 en. --- 3111L'Irt - AND SZTATTIO. c> 3110 rt ...inv.-I-11W%. are •tlpt ••• r rat et er illrereot !Of 11e'1 , 1 11114 liLire V., yr!: r }lb At :111102 111'W SI. nnt.l.t In buy (torn, fur I rie..l , :ne. i. da.f). SI:T.I)EN & SAN. - - EASTEhN FASHION 4 FO t tUV.P4E-ft •JUST T UT: ,111.!..rt,t2red. tha 11 ; f'll ,r ititrt nizr , Theft. It:: a ci.ninniatvnt 4 c , r 1 I.• ralnc, Ow I'' hr thi l.e gi 11.,;,,ry• 1 11 .:n.I make u.p G.r:n , 1.15 in On , New Yor% ie. Ile I.:v*1,1111•e1. ~; 1111, if Lct rupe. IJ nu% .1 Ate i CI • CAI. ply. Omi.; 111 (he 111,11 CI. i• and ....ale it hen 14.a:1,A. Et ie. Jute:. • It.v• Mork. •.