Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, July 12, 1851, Image 2

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    erit `tkittlilq Nam.
E It $ I.
- -
FOR tiovuasolt,
FaTI r' 1N 11. r 1 )NTNII-zSION 1:R
For Sudices of the Supreme Bench.
JE,RENIIAII S. BLACK, of Sotnecset.
JAMES CAMPBELL, of Philadelphia.
EMJS LEWIS. or Lancaster.
JOHN B. GIBSON, of Ctmtherland. •
WALTER 11. LOWRIE, of AlleglimY
Eolnbury aid Erie Railro.A.
A large meeting fist:Arable, to the speedy construction
lof the SatAury and Elie railroad, was held at Warren
on . Wedoesd iylast. Among the resolutions 'passed was
one appointing a committee to memorialije thelegisla
tore at its peat session to grant permiimion to the com
missioners of \t•urren County to subscribe ono h un
-tired.thousatti dollars of stock of the Sunbury and Erie
Railroad Company', to aid tho construction of said
. road: whenever-said Company may give satisfactory as
surance of the ac,mmplisliment of the, work io reasona
ble titue—to be paid*by bonds Of ;he county,. tire pay-,
meat of interest on which, and redemption whereof,
when due, shall be duly - provided for. This is the right
spirit, and the right way to go to work. County sub
scriptions is Ohio-have made a good share - of bar rail
roads, and no state has more. -according to its age, Of
those binds of improvements titan Ohio. We hope to
tubs this move fullotve s d up by other. counti.•a along the
37 We are requested to state that an adjotirned meet
ing of thiti . floard of ,Managersset the Sunbury and Erie
Rail pad l eompany will be held on Wednesday the 'l6th
lust., at 4 o'clock P. M.. al romp No. 2, on second (6;4
Reedit); Railroed building, No. 73, South dth st., in' the .
City of rhilsttelidna. Landed proprietors, contrac to rs,
and others interested in the construction of this road, in
tcnard to write Lake Erie with the City of Philadelphia,
and diNti,:fie thi!"resourees of our North Western tier of
counties, are 111Citell to be ijruent.
' 'The Glorious Fourth."
Aitt;oe ;7 l, we had no rel.. Aar old faslAoned celebration
in Eric on the, lih, there w s undoubted!) . as much Pow
did burned,ios thoiigh such "had been tho fact. It was,
however.' atom; confined to the juvenile ".free men," and
. ,
right - tliey etijo:Yed it. -
The ti o German military coinpanies, and The various !
Gerinae societies. together with our adopted citizens of I
that nation generally, had a celebration'" all by them'.
limb:A." •At ten o'clock they formed in procession, head-
Jed by tiled- excellent brass Band, and marched to a bow
erected iu the rear of the Lotted States Hoiel, front
ing on the Hay, where they web addressed by C. Ben
zoiv, Esq., Editor of ".Our W'orld." German 'to us is
t. 3 Hebre%, but wo are told by those who understand the
langur , e, that it was a must creditable effort, eloilhent
and patriot:c. . .
(Jur fire Conip'anies—or ratlicityo of them—were oat
..rnew uniform, and made a foie display. After march
ing through the principal sttects, they, in company With
a Loge nimitrer of citizens, adjourned to the Park, where
'a'prayer was Tdrered.up"by Rev. Dr. Lyon, the Declara
tion read by C. W. Kel4. — E•oi , and an address acitv
rte,l.m:liis usual linpliv sill° by Judge Thompson. ' At
3 o'eh'cdr. E..gre'Eire Co. So. 51., and a number of invited
gne.t..set doun to a dinner prepared for them at the
Reed ouse. la the evening the Fire Department got
up a torch light .procession, I accbmpanied by a fine dis
play oftFiro NVorks from The Park. Take •it all in all,
'the " gierious fourth" in Erie wasn't a bad, day.
American Art•Uaian
Wri. hart; reccivrd from Mr. 11 , ./ NiwnturAri. lion
Breretary. the large lino engraving,. presented to the sub
scribers to the Aine•'ean Art-Union for 18:0, of "Anne
Pogo. Render and Shallow," from the original by Lew
itt*. prthilli,g l:t:ely it; the possess;on of Philip hone, nig
deem,. d. It is afine work of art, deserving all the coca
- inendat:on that has been bestowed upon It. The pout
ing pertness of ",west Anne I'ago," the sheep faced stu
pidity of Slender and the officiousness of Master Shallbw
nre all w-II rendered. Nero title the only return to sub
• scribers, fur their investment, 'it wouis i l well repay them.
but there is besides; a r oilfulio of Gni, steel engravings,
- cf a stnalierslirs, consisting of the ••Areadia," by Cole,
• "The image breaker." by Lentze. •-Oover Mains." by
• Durand, "The New Scholar," ks EdMonds, and ••The
Card Tla3 erg." by WoodV . ll.e. These are all excelleut
,and cover a wile range of subjects. We doubt whether
any similar iustitutort Was ever distributed so fine a col
- !action of works of Art iu any one sear. The eubscri
bets for ISLL are to receive a large engraving. firm)
Woods, ille's siean News," end a similar portfolio,
of,fine engravings from the following origtual,paimings;
"Matieu ares•tvg the l'eilee," by Ramsey. *•Nlount
Washington from the valle• of ~
Couwa." by Sennett,
"American Ilaiiesting Scenery." by Cropsey, "Old IC
and -Young 45." by !Woodville, and ••Bargaining fora
Horse." by , Monne.. B-sides these, each subset-Awe will
retei-:e a copy of the Art Union Balletic. a Monthly pub
lication on art and aqisti. and will be entitled to a share
in-the distributed paintings, medals, sculptures ire marble,
drawings in water colors, ar..e. The subscription to the
Art -Cajon is .$5.
,We learn that they were to commence laying the
rail oa the. first thirty miles of the road from Cleveland'
to thiplace. an Mund t ay List. This looks as though*. !
lc'. should have a ,Western road about as coon as am Eastern.
' By the bv, u hat has become of that raskoad iron, at.d
• .
%hen is it to be laid?
— 7
Catawiasa Railroad.
NVe see hy tlijia . "Legiou" that quite a large meeting
'was held in T.irnaqua. on the 26:h. Dr. 'W. NV, Me-
Giligan pres:ded. :lie stated that the object of the meet- I
Mg, was to take into consideration the ta.s. course to be
urtiiiile t t to aid and secure the construction of the Cata- /
wins.. Williantsportatuf Erie Railroad, and the necee=
sity of impressing opt in the minds of the people ofe
0/i sit
Ka% steno State. the incalculable advantages to be eri:
ved by thiacompletion of the mails avenue con acting
Lake Erie with the city of Philadelphia. 7
Sever ii 444:ea speeches were made and the following
re wilutions. among others, adopted: .
. ti:,..,,,i et d, Th at i ve look forward is ith'ariiiety to Meet- .
io l a lieihg held in l'h:lailelphia. Reedwig. C . :snrises'
V. iiii.,.iiiport bed Ire asyoints more nrimedistely inter
tried. to bring before the people the true prospects that
141011Ut tl.oni as a reward for the Ion" delayed, bin still
timely enterprise jor fo.iming a mar avenue from Phil':
deipiiitt to her Wit' port of Erie and through her own ter
ritory. . /
ii' z'or r ed. 1144 1114:Viii citizahis of Tamaqua. do here
by ,t,dia ono/lived cellectivety cud individually to use
et sit etloit is 00f paver, tnisiii ni the eomplehon of the
C its% 1.444. ‘V inianiv"r t apd Erie lltaieroul.
Tr Those to want of r ash Groceries, %film Liqrtors.
dm. sill find a fi rst r 7 7 e
stock at '• Moore's Grocery." a
few doors below mar, office. By the by, /h e him on L tad
a very superior argyle of Table ClarVt. which' we know.
from experimental knowledge. and otherwise, is not bad
to tale. Call sad examine.
ar Vi'a can attention to the card of oar friend, John
1.1111.1C11, in its appropriate column. • Resides furteshieg
through tiekete to New-York and Pittsburgh. he 'assent
far the Toledo line of Boats, Odd is withall one of Memos:.
pteasaut and accommodating agents we know of. ,We
can assure the public that Ore roost implicit reliance can
he plseed upon We statements in regard to routes, boats.
`Ec•.4r Icy tatormatiou desired by tratelers.
P k
Where Stand the Two Patties!
The present un'exampled prosperity cad' e coo otry,i a all
its :relations, commercial, agriculturist. mechanical and cm
manufacturing, is a withering and stsathi g rebuke to the tin
rayons! attnmpt of the whip at Lancaster to log the Tariff las
question into the approaching psibern oriel Canvass. tin
That. question, heretofore fraught with ‘ utuch impor- nu
unite in politics, is sow dead and buri”d and its recur- esi
rocAtomat this time, and the attempt to i use into its rot- wi
ten carcass vitality Intl life, is 'slant as ensibla as the psi
belief of the Slortnons on `Bearer Island in the inspired of
Fltiiractti of King Strang. Look she you will, the am
country `is prosperous, and . gives the tie t the predietions tric
of whiggery when the odious bill of 42 a m e they ..i.
even now dare not advocate the motorail', of—gave place cat
to the present revenue measures. R Woad', plaok- dot
roads, and othCr works of public improv meats, are ev- the
eryWhere being prosecuted. indicating' n unexampled to
plethora of money, and a prosperity thro hoot the coun• CI
try misled its oar history. One p • cted improve- NI
meat is ao - soouer finished than 'teethe and another Is be
broached, and the ininsey an roateria 'forthcoming to tal
compkte theta. Steam cons uuicatio s iith all parts lei
of the worid—Eorope. South-America. 0
MOM on 'the Pacific. and 5000 with Ohim
ing every day. And yet we are told
wisacres that the'peliple are on the hriul
want of adequate pr i:ection an the Asp
tes. They forget thr they have sung
the country vocal with false propheci •
years. Andy'', the perverse country
toed—the obstinlete people cotines to
ibis-bith exclaimed Abbot Lis trace i
onontlis every bank ha the conetry wills
and your fietorfes and forges will close tl i
, a false prophet I instead of banks sus.
' stitutions of this character are multiplyi
and the only ditlict Ity experienced is to
safe business transt ctions. That what h i
tibn to do with the election this fail 1 T 1
tiers of cougresi to fteet. The Ligisl
ed has no Senator to elect. !The Gai l
Commissioner have no influence one !
I Then why is this dead and buried qu
1 from its sepulchre and its vise . cloth I
Whig Convention at Lancaster 1, We)
answer. To us it Appears — strange
without an object—'a stroke of policy o I
Gov. Johnston catinot expect that ea i
riding bobbies as lie prides himself so
dead horse again into the Guberuatori
question to be decided this fail is of
tauce than it riff; urninke, or ia;ny.of tI
which have heretofore divided partie
more bi less than the,cominued or- no.
tiun .1 the slavery question. The
whey. ~ey have always stood—upon t
s of ,mstitution and its comproitii
promises must be carried out at all ha
mocracy say they shall be. Gov. John
friendsndeelare that the festerieg sore • 1
shall be kept ripen—that it shalt' be
appiciaching Presidential caul/des. and
:hist; while they will Weal the comprc l
the last Congress as the law of •t 1 e le l
the first opportunity to abolish or tee
. The litind,WiCil
It is asserted, sa)sthe-Philade ,
agent of the 'Sandwich Istlids it
with two, prUpositiens for o r gore
Islands should be Laken milder ou
that grey should be annexed to the
se•d that, in cue the project of an
tertained by our eoverurnent„the
prepared to resign, so that a rept
unison with the principles of thi;
.adopted in the Islands. We ogre
Tribune in recommending annul
tectorate. The Sand•vich Islands
t our commerce t would give- ur
Pacific ocean ; and would prevent, wt
be inevitable, the ascendancy of Drita
direction. The sympathiesrot this Is
1 this direction. Moreover, the alias
great extent, civilized the inhabitin
ernment would not be so dOcult 6i
anders as might be supposed. Once
Ito the possibility of this annexation.
developed itself, however, morn repi
ed, and our government is celled; on
deride the question. A general, ex
in such a rase, by the public pre's. -
I service,' we should think. -
Folitics in Califo i ia.
The regent arrival frn the " lam of gold" biings us
the programme of the political cam sign in tha't State.
The whip, stimulated by a few Part id successes in their
municipal elections, and ll:dying c , nfidentiy upon the
power and patronage of the G Government. are
sanguine of carrying alio State. T oy will make a deis
t:wrath effort, kii , wing well that u .e this election de
pends, in a measure. t
future po Meal complexion o
Sate.the They hav e( nominated a full ticket. he
ed by Pier 4u B. Readi g for Gore or. Bat the r
ocrata are rewiring td meet the with equal
They Inive.!also. Made tneir 'manna 'lens t' and C I
SiaLca, a true Dein.icrat from the .1d Keyeto r
Brother of Col. Win. Bigler, whose tame flo
head of every Democratic paper in e Snit r
station, is their candidate. While we I I
to the election of our hem Bigler, e r
the State Dnuiel Webster said was o•
prove equally loyal to the principl I 1 I
in all contests for the esten.ion of r
inanfully on the of progre ,
California owes her existence/as
!lad the whip succeeded in
ministration of ,Mr. Polk. t
all die elements of c,viti ti t
Irma monthly into the money ne
States—would l now a Mexican
ed unit by 'roving tribes of Indians
Suite which week s° much' to Der
recreant to'Demiacratie principles,
Democratic candidates. ,
A Chapter of Ace
We re el to learn that a young
Stewar while firing a l salute wit
Watt erg, on the 4di. had bo
mangled by a - premature dischar
will probably loose both hands.
/ On the same dar, a man name
'locality, while priming his rifle, a
the ball taking effect upon his w
the door behind him. The ball
but it is thought will not prove
On the 11, in the tents vicini
while out hunting. shot himself t
accidental discharge of hi. gun.
irr There has been for some t
11: , -hinotid. Vi.. what was know
car . nail the verdict of the jury.
1 :,, , ~ commentary opOn the ;epee
r . r.: futicicp, that the colored me
lice in the South. The Richmo
”That will librated eighty or
tniilet of one ofl e large h slave- 1
the world , and evoted Ito their u 1
the t , ststor. i It was colotested w;
could he brought Ile bear upon I
daeted with the utmost circuits, ,;
examined and cross-elainioodi
reduced to writing. so that the j
themselves. (as we leero that tb 1
it;) and then th case was argue;
able and insert' council wore;
fter all , follv t oderstaading th
insert' council
almost entirety 1
.1 .3.
an of them having outing ay i
slave •holdirs—decided in favor ;
LT This •• fredmins Adger •
good looking v,Silver Gray•• W
Fredonia ; Tiler & Shepard.
edited by Our old Editorial trio , •
morly connected with the C •
prise more samosa than most ••
petienee. ,
id our pone,- Meat, of the act at Mug t. ..ade in
' are multiply• When the North moved the one we would amend with
these political the other. When the North agitated, we would agitate;
of ruin for the end • nett-, undoubtedly. will ha the course of the South•
of higher du- Goy. Johnston may spin our fine sentences from now till
is song—made Ck
for the but six rei
fuses to be rn- tb,
prosper Pus to
'46, and in six of
spend payment. tbo
eir doors. What t h,
new iu e g
rul isfinirons, eri
eoufiue them to pli
the tarifrques- b y
entire ne mem- a ll
tura to be elect- or
roar and Canal T
ay or the other, t l i
'on brought forth of
• torn off by the t h
certainly cannot el
,political Mayo hi
doubtful utility, a ,
n be, as good at tl
be. eau ride this
Chair. No. the of
mat more import. al
8 other questions e i
. it is nothing al
-cautioned nits- al
emocracy stand h
e broad platform
. Those corn- fi
r.erds. The De- g
tou and his whig ; p
f olaverflgitatioit ! a
au element iO the ! c
hoof* they assert I 1
miss measures a I p
Id, d. they will seek i ti
them : l tl
Bulletin. that an
at Weshingtou,
el,t—one that the
ection, the other
ited States. It is
Lion should be en
, of the islands is
constitution. in
7. It the Netr•Yo,
instead of a pro
fold be invaluable
coMmand of the
at otherwise would
$ or r ranee in that
ander* 'all point in
angrier hare, to a
'so that self-gov
.bleM to these Isl.
before we alluded
The scheme has
y thao was expect
without delay, to
ressioo of opiuiou,
ould be of material
/ Jona
e. and a
s from the
for the same
/snot doubt that
worth a dollar will
if that party:which, '
Irritory, has stood up
To the Dennocracy
I:State of the Union,
esigus during the ad
that now teems with
t is pouring her mil- .
rtets of the Atlantic'
rov ince.. and inhabit'.
It cannot be that it'
?critic p,!icy will be
or turn herback upotst
t lan
man named Raccoon
• small eangoo. all
h his hands hortiblyi
of the piece. H
. Phillips, is the sam
- 'deafly discharged i
fs, who was esteem
ruck her is'the bead ,
I. 1
. a Mr. Daring Drak
rough the body by th
ird died in a short tim
me before the!eoirt Or
as the Reiland iri I
just made, offers] asi -
eel declaration ofCort
cannot meet with j , -
d Despatch says:
ninety negraes in t
'aiding communities
e the entire property
di all the energy whi.,
The trial was co
edam witnesses we
es whole testimoay w
'ry could read it all
o did a great portion
!; with all the ability th
pub% of exercising. I
merits of the case.
• hies. at least. roi l
• f the wilt."
is the Me et sire
ig paper. jest started t
Mini um. It is said to •
L. L. Pairs. Esq.. lir-
I .
We wisb !ba eater=
Aegis Gray" parrs ,s-
The Effect of Agitation. ;.
W underatind Guy. Jowl's. in hie speech Ii Lan
isle to strenuously contend let continued agitation of
Leal very question. Ile says nintithpf the measures of the
st a esion ere " settled ! '—" are irrerealable." bat that
e " fugitive !lave law atoms in within teach of amend
eat " and thence gossihs to argue thet.duty as well as
tee • ieney require the whigs to advocate "changes-which
ill eke the law more cousonant with the wishes of the
0p1.." / .Gov . Johnston s sure that all the questions
tit• Compromise are "settl d," but this one he wishes
ne ed 1 The abolition of he sieve trade „in the Die;
ict .IColti tibia is a measure which, if the other is not
set led," but " repealable," is equally a sat l ket which
in • agiu9ed ; and will be agitated if the other is, we
nib not. That measure was concided by the South to
e . orth, because the North was so magbianiontnis •as
re a a law ears, jog out one of the provisions of the
ou tuition. Now, will the South quietly pabinit to the
ort 'a reitenting, and still adhere to her part of the'
g in 1 if we were a Southern man,' when the North
Ike about repealing or attnndiag the fugitive slave
e woild be as clamorous fur the repeal or amend•
if the ibolisb' the slave trade the Dr
rr about restrictions of thought and speech," may
, to all the other clap-trap theories and - arguments
' higer-law" politicians of modern times are wont
terlard their harangues to the mob. but the effect
c istinuel agit stiou of this su'iject will "brays be
ie eine. In speaking of the dive,. of such agitation.
ie Vashington Union says, "fifteen or twenty years
go. he subject i of itaiery was fully discussed in the south.
rn states. Eves emancipation, and plans for.accom
hal ing that object were gravely and calmly discussed
y t e largest Slaveholders . or the South. l But since then
111 changed. A faction anise in the North which was
rg d on by dishonest zeal and preaudedphilanthrspy.
rh insolent intermcddling, and factious hypocrisy of
he new zealots disgusted and excited the fesentments
e southern people. The gradual divelopment of
he scheme to mike slavery ati element in northern
Is-tions. the uncilasing agitation of the 'subject in the
gal of Congress, :Id- the circulation of libellous prints
n incendiary publications, produced such a feeling is
he public mind at the South, that all ideal of ernanci-
u wets abandosied.and its'advocates because Objects
,1 istrust and suspicion. Emancipation by individuals
l• cilt entirely ceased, and, when practised. wasters*
A a evidence-of in "uusound . ,mind, or of a heart not
is cieutly alive to the insults Which. had been . inflicted.
In. tile dangers which ,were threatened, by the recklese
iy • risy of abolition fanaticism. - ' -
• In this behalf camel did but produce their natural cl
ic s. The men of the South—even those whip were
:r 'veVconsidering the inscrutable problem of entaaci
)a ion—wero at once Clod with natural and commend
lib e resentment. They might have been willing to in-.
:u heavy sacrifices to rid themselves of the legacy which
El glish cupidity had forced upon them ; they might.
. sibly. have invited aid and co-operation to accomplish
.ii tend ; but when the attempt wea made to wrest fri;m
.h control of their own institutions—when abolitionism,
... elated by the blackest motives and the basest passions.
NI. hed up a crusade against thesis, denounced them
as isiMpan slave:breeders,' and fomented servile war.ii—
e. Orli came over the whole South. The piivileg
p .viously allowed the .slaves were abridged. and
at ingent laws were enacted ; tb federal gem
w called upon to prevent,the t missions i i
a y publications through the publ e mails ; jou r
v catiog abolition were nowhere l r ts
t e discussion of slolitionisna was nowhere
t e politic sentiment ; and. Moe norther
hich jeontreyed.the sentiments and I
b ionists were committed oureutt to the r
ere freighted with a physical awe
I rice." I
Such has been the effect of Gov
cnt about " liberty of thought i
d even more deplorable, wit I ,
,o not in October rebuke hi • f
en to keep open tho nor.
e North and the South
• I
• :.
i r e
I , st•
. r
4 ' e .
A , I'
r - ,
• I
le-Valley Railroad.
,tiou was to have been held at Ran-
An purpose of taking measures to form
istruct this road. Erie was represented
Cadwell. Cotirtright, Camp. Kelley and
I road in question is One of the most int
rie of any } et projecled-4 we except the
-aud we are in hopes it will not be abandoned.
Suld the railroad ii,lerests between this and Buffo
up voluntarily, lq legiitative, enactment. the
it and foolish project of laying down.the Ohio goage
Erie and
iesteraq Cour
for ty
company to cori
ere by Meearr
'llianor,. '1 . 7
.rtauce to
o Sic ,
Peotts)hrattia State bee. There can be no doubt
at the stock of the rued svi,l be the best in the
y, connecting as it will . the Nevi York and Erie road
ith the railroad system of Ohio, which debouches the
ado and, travel of the Weil at this place by me a
'dread now building from. Cleveland. The
hrouos which the line has been surveyed is rich in ag
icult4e and manufactures, and extremely favorable for
onstricting railroads. But upon ,this point we will let
di*. speak: The following from the report of a corn
nittes appointed by a mooting of•tlie citizens of James
own, is•conclusive as to the advantages of this road :
.• Erie is the best harbor on the southern shore of Lake
Erie, and 20 miles abore'Butialo. and therefore a more
faVorable•point than Dunkirk fur the New York and Erie
road to compete fur the western business. tending towards
Butr..lo. illnultirk is so near the latter place as to render
it unfit for a competing point. Tuisc:m,ideratiou alone
ought to settle the question that the stock would be pro
fitieble. - .Again. that part of the road from the mouth of
Little Valley to Randolph has already been nearly gra
ded by the New York and Erie Company. and from Ran
dolph to near the !tate line is a continuous valley.. nn
commonly favorable for a railroad. It will, therefore, be.
a cheap road to construct. But there la another impor t
tent fact beariug upon the question. It seems to be cer
tain that the oribury and Erie road will be constructed.
It is the only favorable route by which Philadelphia can
reach the wear lakes. A direct communication with
the west is of t ante irnpOrtance to Philadelphia as it
is to Boston or New• York. Again, Philadelphia can
' reach Erie by this route at about 70 miles lees distance
' than it is possible for New York to, by any known fea
sible route. .Besides she will have to construct but 240
miles of road, even if .elis completes the entire road to
the lake, whereas the New York and Erie road is 459
miles tting. Can there be a doubt then that Philadelphia
will cotvplete this road; and try to gain' her share al the
great sad growing business of the west 1
- The distance from the point where - the survey of .this
route strikis the Allegheny above Wairen, l's.. to Erie.
is 68 1- 2 des , whereas it is ascertained by a careful in
vestigati . that by starting from that point and coming
up the C newange Vide,- and connecting wi th our pro
posed reel and passing ou the same, the distance to Erie
will be increased not to exceed two miles, and may even ,
be lessened. It had beets ascertained by actual survey.
thatthe grade at no; point on our proposed route. from
the month of Little 'alley to Etie, • de 35 to 37 feet
to the mile, while o several miles of the surveyed route 1
of the Sunhat). and Erie , just before reaching Erie, the
grades err of 5:2 8 ~ and the road also containing sev
eral curvatures. It seems clear then, that • connezion•
of the latter road with our proposed one would he desired.
By it the Banbury and Erie Company could save the
building of fifty miles of road. which is more than one-,
fifth of th e entire distance from Sunburyto Erie. There
is then every rational probability, that should our pro
posed road be completed, it wouldibe the principal rail
road highway tit meta the west aid both New York and
Philadelphia. .11aa any interior road of a like distance ,
'ever been proposed with better prospects of &Mg ri pro
fitable busines than this very route 1".
113 The Stets Lunatic Hospital, near Harrisburg, is
completed. and has Wien delivered to the Commission
ers. The building is 500 /yet in length. three statics
high. with cot stone window aid doer sills and raping.
slate roof and copper guttering, beautiful cut *tone slope
and airy portico, surmounted by • dome of great span
and 'surpassing beauty. The whole interior arrange
ment is in the most coMplete order. The east is a little
less tliai $lOO,OOO.
LT Crimtin or MASTLIM i
—Capt. lit!, formerly
of the steamer Diamond. hu taken unsound of the
steamer Niagara. and Capt. - Gou nner:is. formerly of
th e propellor Buffalo, has been placed in command of
the Diamond.
. -
117 It will be an easy matter after this to know wile
are gentlemen sod who ars'aot. Gentlemen will pay the
postage on the letters they send, and not versa.
isle ad
a South
emitted by
edinp . of abo-
4aMes. •as i f they
as a moral postt•
r lO ,ton's fine drawn
Ad of
,speeCh;" •ad such
'be the effect if the people
for the position he has ts
so long festering between
A Baotou religious paper thialsa Wit-people eat so
heavy a dinner on Sundays that'they cannot carry it to
church. It thus secoursts for numerous absences.
IT A tailor It Yowl York has just invented a new
fashioned coat—it has neither sewn or opening. To gee
iota it. you have to crawl out or your trouser,.
H.Fller•s blagazi,ne for Jul; has been received at
Spafferirs.,State Street. It is an excellent No.:contain•
idg ••Our National Anniversary.," with I 8 illustrations.
QT A law i her; been passed in Kentneki, Which gives
to widows having children of the properege to attend the
public schools. the right to rots in the election of School
Trustees &c. A just and•eguitible provision.
IT The whir io Ohio have nomicated a Mr: Earl
8i11,.0f Erie county. for Secretary of State. We expect
the Democrats will move to lay that bit/ au the table is
Was'ut last Wednesday Gee • of the warm days:
though; and did'ot the Ice Cream have to suffer some at
Barrie' and Frenchea. By the by. we Jur4e tried both of
these places. and for the' life of us can't decide which
furnishes the best "Bnins." •
QT The "lastest" man•in the world is it Frenckman
in a passion. One was heard the of,her day holding forth
in this wise: "By gar. you call my site' a virman nee
time clime more, and I sill call de watch house, and blow
your-brain like a candle out, by dam." • •
s r!' Gen. Scott was nominated at the Lancaster C , . -
vention, because he wail the Hero of Mexico, and prin.
Strohm bceause he voted against . furnishing this hero
with supplies to win his battles. There is contda ucy for
you! _ . •
IQ' Political Cimplivieeni.—They are not • erdelicate
in'the West ill-freir nickuanses'of candid' a for office,
but the editor7of the Princeton (Ks'.) Re obliciu ' is too
refined to call.the Democratic candidat fur 'Lieutenant
Governor of the State "Greasy Bob," so he calls him.
. •
"Oleaginous Rbert " . .:
• ".
trr Two or tree young ladies ' . Easthampton, Mass..
who appeared ku Bloomer collo e, lest week. were ini.. ,
.mediately waited upon by the ' 4111. Mr. 'Stone. and in
formed that if they psnriated . wearing those dresses their
could not be condected wi o hne church. It is evident
this Rev. gentleman's n eis no indication of his sense.
.._ __—
Li" The colored se. , le of Indiana have called a Stare
Convention: , to be I Id in Indianapolis ea the' Ist 'of
'August, to take in consideration some scheme of gen
eraiemigrirtiour. Iberia, Of some ,An
excellent move sod much more practical than the plans
. if their dear f ends, the Abolitionists. '
' 117 Sue enburglisaye that "though she virgin. I.e saw
in heave were beautiful, the wires- were incomparably
more b e o tif i a, and se',.-it on increasing in beittlY, ever
more.', This is certainly an encouragement for t the girls
to ' married. What girl would retrain / single in this
w d, at the expense of her beauty in the next?
LT' The inan that** too poor to take a newspitper will
be in at the Circus to-day. If he should get a little ••tight"
before he goes home. sod get his efes blackened in a
dreinken,biawl, it Will' ouly cost him to or ten dollars;
and what is that little sum Co 'a man too poor to take a
Paper- -` •
irr An exchange says the ignorance of young ladies
brought up tO.thumb love-sick, novels. cod
entertain young gentlemen withrtnoustaches. is astonish
ing: The other day 0.111 of thii class threw the miik in
tended-for tea out of the window. because it had i yellow
seam on the top. .
(Eft The ladies who wear the short skirt are not Adi
c+d half so much as was the wan who first ; ventured
out with an umbrella over his heed: And. by the way. t
there is a istmliarity in the two things—one is security!
from the water above, and the other from the waters he
lots% •
37 The Cinciiiptiti Commercial coMplains that the
cl is almost iu a state of downright anarchy. That
Jri raid say", "Rowdies, blackguard', thieves, and bur
glars, seem to have full swing, while the God-fearing
man stands in the back4round, and wooden why vowel
body don't attend to these' matters:"
QT Among the Masts at the celehratioa itl Fainavine,
on the 4th, was the-following:
Gen Sam. Houston: The Hero of San 'Jacinto. thel
Founder of a ittioublic, the conquerer and capturei - of the
great Mexican Chief; the giude of the lone Star into out
glorious constellation. Brilliant has been thy carreero
but good' higher on the roll of fame inscribed thy
shall be.
, 11..? Ass& —The Rochester Times says it could I
understand the reason why the mu who sells • yard o
Cloth,or a boa, or an axe, or a pair of 'elides. is
community u a better or • more respectable man than!
le who made it—nor' he who sells a barrel of flour, or
ships it o 6 for stuither,conutry„ than he who raised the.
wheal from which it was manufactured. AVlllsome t ouri
'enlighten us on this •übject?
aTillrhe Hariaburg American says, in ettdeavori g tI .
delpreciite GeneralßETH CLOVER., that he is del "a
untsiew weal" Very Well—that Wont set him bak a
single peg—the Democrats prefer "common men" like
themselves—they ars willing to leave the whirl all. the
"(oak," fellows, end can best them badly at that.
Irr Some over-xealons people in Schuylkill county
have determined "not to vote fur any man for office. off►
matter what his qualifications or character May be. to
less he is a temperance man." Such a mixing of
tics with a particalir system of ethics never could be en
tertained except by the most watery intellects. A drUni4.
eq man would hardly be guilty of the fully. (
UT Here is the toughest yam of the season. A New
York-paper relates that au engine on one of the NUrtht
eru Railroad trains, a feat days since, going at Milepost+
struck a man upon the trick, knocked bins between this
rails and the whole train passed over him. It broke nits
bones, but the man said, when hi got uP, it gave him 'tit
tremendous jar, and be was afraid he should have the
heed ache.
3-7 Here is a cue of ••misplaced affection" which
should serve as a warning 10 111 other rang men. 'At,
Newport. Florida. a marriage took place on the 20th ult..
between Mr. G. aged 83 years. and Mr.. C. not ,more
than half that age. his, however, to be observed That it
is the anventktime she has gone through the interesting
cerentt4ny. Three days arta; the happy event. Mr. 4t . .
cautioned all persons from crediting his wife on his a -
count, as She refused to go and live with him. .
U 7 Why is a bad plank side walk like certain terms
in innate Because if you don't C *harp B Bat.
—Fa Papa-. j-
The above reminds us that if our city Fitheru could
.`C sharp," they would have discovered ere this that the
w.iik across the Diamond, o'n thli West aide or State street,
Is in a condition well calculated to further the intereies of
the medical profession and the Dry Goods trade. A
country friend suggists that ifthe plank were cut-in•two
- and laid crosswise, like a plank road, there would be less
danger of uttering ones toes against the ends that DOW
stick up like sawyers in the Mississippi.
113 - The Barak, Courier says that the comer atone of
the enlargement of the Capitol. at Washiogion, was laid
on the 4th inst. by Presideat Fillinorsoeith massisic cer
emonies. The latter mast haw* recalled 6 His Excel
lency some agreeable reminiscenies f ‘ thit *van ex
citement, at which time he ;was 'one t .the prominent
Anti-Mmons of Welders low York.k inie v tionever,
a the great soother of agitation d iaisd we
dare say that Anti-Masonry is as telaone glitz( tiow
'a-days by the President at Waliltingto*: is by the
thousands of those who twenty years rip leafed upon a
royal arch nrassa.:—
Au Gabriel on the devii in Oiradise.' •
. . 1 flax Ira. Cotta's.
• The recent improvement in the preparation of fl A
says au exchang4 premises to Ming it into extensive u :
Though. perba it will never supplant cotton, i ill
certainly come lolls 'service in many eases wore CO On is
,alive employed e;
!naively; for in cheapness it w' rival.
if rot surpass co t;, A committee of the , 4 d i g:
se ta Legislature lhas already been appointe. o . memo
information concerning the culture of flax . d t e pro . -
babitity of its substitution for cotton in th Manufacture
of cheapitibrics;l andty have repent. that there is no
doubt the plant as b used Ibundan yin every Stitte
in the Union r proper tillage, wi out exhausting the
soil; andlhat it s but reasonable • conclude. from re
cent developernimsohat flax m soon be adopted to X
Considerable extent is a submit , . for cotton in the .man
utacture of the class of fabrics referred to. Meantime,
our enteririsingl carmen; are
_going largely into the flax
culture! 'Not leps than 46, , I I 'acres of land in the State
of New York we sown with flax in 1849; and since
then; numb er has I gely increased: ' Whatlnfluence.
'if any ,this will i heve u cotton culture at the South, and,
remotely on the me od of farming there, time only cant
dvelope. I
-4 - -
Public testing.
Uleated for the Crawford Democrat.
• Com
A meeti
French Cy
dt ber
if sll persona interested in navigating
will be held at Alexander Hoig's in
Saturday sth July heat, to take
sure a free navigation by Schutt., or
t Benkus' Darn. BY order of the Lurn-
e, a
re to ii
lie, pa.
porsuan e of the above call'. a 'large meeting
a •Inhled at "acihridete. Crawford county, on the
th inst. Mi.. J' BOLE, of Venango, was
called, to the Chair; Messrs. A. B. Rose, and S. R.
Jackson, of Cambridge, and Isaac Kelley and John
'Jarvis, of Rorkdale, were appointed Vice Presidents
and„lotiah Saeger and J. L. Perkin, of Vetting°,
and Wm. G.,Ciiibertson, of Meadville,' Secretaries.
-The objectlof the meeting was then, on motion,
stated by. Win. I'. Shattuck, Esq., wha t concluded
ay moving rods committee to draft resalutions ex
bresolve of tlie tense of the meeting. The follow
ing gentlemcin were appointed a committee: Win.
P, Sbattuck,iJohn Kleckner, Win. Campbell, lion.
John Dick, Wm. Thorp. F,dw. Saeger, John Mc-
Parland,"Rolert Anderson, Philip Kleckner, Nlttj.
S. S. Admit, J. F. Clark, 11. B. Brooks, Alex. Hu
i.'i and George Shearer.
l l uring the absence of tie committee, the meet
ing was addressed by Mears. Williamson, Alerri
, minx, and Barron, v. ho ably advocated the rights of
' our citizens find urge,l the immediate compliance on
the part of tie Erie Canal Directors,. a ith the ro
sittirements of the law in regard' to Betnus' (him:
Wherfas,t i rlie Erie Canal Coinpany have failed
to put under i conteract a Lock or Schute at Bemis'
dam, according to the act•Of Assemblj-, and. where
' as, the cttizdus of Crawford count] have suffused
lmuch loss from fro the want of such
Lock, or .Scbute, they are, therefore, Resolved, to
{adopt such tbeasures as are necessary to secure to
'them their rights. "pedceably if we can, furc.b.y, if
%st. mutt." I, be it •
Resolve* That if the Erie Canril Company dd slot,
ion, or nefOre the ht August next, continence and
i g ie
, prosecut to con4.plet ion, according to law, One Sc 'ute
or Lock at IBernus* dam, this ineetit•g pledge t in
selves to Ithe public to commence prosec lion
Jagainst the icumpany fur the failure in comp lying
with the la* in relation thereto, or adopt suc oth
'er measures! u may be deemed necessary and etreFt
ire undertbe circumstances. .
_ _
Realredi That Gen. John Dick, John McFar
land, %William Thorp, 1): M. Bole, A. Doig,,Ed
ward SiseoS, and John Kleckner, be a committee
to forward ! the procerdt4s .of this meetiog_ to, a n d
correspoii,lwith, the Erie - Canal Cempany, on the
sukikct, and also, are d iv empowered to call.ineot
togs in reftirence therei t i, anti do whatever else they
may deem — expedient ih forwarding our viewi on
this, to us,, very important Subject. .
limited, That these proceedings be eigneld by
thit officers i ; and publishe l d in the Crawford and Erie
neaspaper and that meeting adjourn until tut:-
tber noticelbythe committee.
'rig ItiPtuvr or Kixoxitss. —lghe Jacksonville
(Ill.) Journal says. that when the sniperintendent of
the Asylut 1 for the Poor in thXt c runty Arst took
charge of t, he found one insane man sno had been
Waded sit t chains for years.. Believing- that this
cruelty keit,. the man insane, he took the responsibil
ity of taking them off, and gradually reAtming him
to liberty. LThe man at first raved, expecting fresh
torture; tlfen he doubted, and finally realized that he
was free.t lie was overpowered s ith delight, ex
claiming Fonstantly as he looked upon the cuter
world of tstuistiine--,"0, how 'beautiful!" Then
gratitude ?o bis liberator prevailed. At length he
voluntarily sent to work in the garden, though he
had nearly hist, all hie power of locomotion; and
ha been* entirely recovered. - Ile ,is :now on a
farm. i
'4t -1 . , oe. -r•
II i
A Ca . 4aatoutr CII - KF.O TO MATH BY A MAY.
—Quite a. thrill ng- i'nci lent occured a few w eoks
ago, tom t fi ve miles above Isere, on the Al ississippi
side of th riser. Two men, ' and A—.
occupied it cabin in close proximifY to which they
were engiged in repairing- levees, ditching, ac,—
Early end morning, as M. emerged from the cabin
i*wir, to fits surprise he discovered a very large cat
amount ctonched in one corner of it. It immediate
ly sprang upon him, biting his leg and otherwise
scratching him, lie alarmed A., but ere he could
come to fits assistance, he had di . ..engaged himself.
and ran limo the cabin, the animal following him as
far as tilt door. By this time A. had the gun pre
pared, and timed at him as lie caught his eye. The 1 1
get snattped three times in consequence of damp
ness. In the mean time M. seizeu a spade to at
tack bird, but A4saused him to desist as he Wished
to shoot him. .coining satisfied as to the into ill
ty of thei gun, he turned to lay it on the bed: the
moment be withdrew his gaze from the catamount,
it leaped a distance of ten or twel‘e feet upon his
left shutdder, and bit and scratched it c , nsiderahly.
'Perceiving the danger of his friend, M. wished to
kill the datamoutt with his spade, but was persuad
ed by-Ai i to desist, After a short struggle A. atic- 1
ceeded i grasping tfieananis.:'s throat in his. right
hand, w iich caused it to relax its hold. lie _then
threw it[upon the bed and actually choked it to death.
We are glad to learn that the wounds of the two in -' I
dividitale engaged in this affair have not proved dan
geroup, and from which thee will recover in a few'
days.-- i take Providence (La.) Rep. -
Disnmssiso &v.:int.—At St. Louis, recently, a
child o( !an Irishman died on one of the newly arri
ved stelmers. The father sent another of his chil
dren, a little bob, into the city for a doffin . The boy
'being sometime gone, the man threw the dead body
of the glut over his shoulder, and walked up to meet
the boyior bury the body somewhere himself, lie
met thet boy with the coffin, and laid the corpse over
the bead of. barrel, white be arranged some pre
liminaries, and then calm) y laid her in, and closed
the rud box up.. A carman came by, to whom he
gave a uarter to take his burthen from him to Put
ters fie .
Too boon TO Ms (.oar.—We heard of a- conver
sation jvhich took place a few evenings since, be
tween sine of Elmira's fair daughters and a young
merchant of the place, which runs thus:—The mer
chant Was speaking of the excel nt qualities of a
young female friendof his, and Fed' his remarks
by obsdrving that "she was no generous heart
ed lad{ and one that was rig re," accompany
ing the last word with a gesture which bordered
near the heart. Her reply was, 'Tiede Mat is half
cotton r- Elmira Dens-
Tnn MCRDltais WI L LIA IMMO, -:-Liwrenge Ri
ley, sail° murdered his wife and mother-in-law at
WiltistrisburE, last Saturday, on being removed from
_prison at Williamsburg, for tne purpose of can.
vevlngt him to Brooklin, remarked: "There is no use
to%aniod,ff the; Ido not wish to leave you. I am
revenged, and I onlyiwisli to die. There will be no
necessity to try me by • jury. it will only be putting
the state to expense. I have committed the murder,
and I want to die as soon as possible."
Goo roe HlM.—The editor of the ConcOr.l (N..
II.) Patriot has received the present of a couple of,
eggs, one weighing a quarter of a pound, the other
just mie third of an ounce. Of the latter 'he says:
“Wo intend to raise a rooster from it to present to
our Federal !fiends. He, may be small at drat, but
will hive time enough to grow toe "fifteen pounder"
hetino r tbey will need his sorvices to proclaim a fed
eral victory in this ntate;' N, •
Tamara AND itri: IlLiAs.—The Dry Goode
Reporter of last week. thus comments upon the Ab•
olition propensities of the Tribune:
A few days since a gentleman living in Jamaica,
Long Island, addressed I note to the Tribune offic e
which was One of the most direct and practical o n
the subject of slavery that we have fora long time
read. It'gave an account of the condition of about
three hundred free blacks in that village and vicin i
ty, the descendants of the Dutch slaves, once wiled
by the Jamaica farmers and villagers.
The writer represents them as a shiftless, worth:
less, idle race, and a perfect ,nuisance where they
live. IV 'die the Tribune 'whether they were ho t .
ter off tl, , ,
!, their father* were, when th.y er o h k en
care of, fed, cluthed, and only moderately
The Tribune,,fairly cornered by a " fixed fart,"
replies in a roixed about way, as to the inappl,cab,:.
ity of this particular cafe to the mooted point, and
admits the necessity of educating and preplri^4; the
Negro race for freedom before they can enrsv if.
Very well. If ibis be so then we ci;il on tiro
Tribune to set the example at once. Let o. iia%a
,no more agitation in That quarter before tie snag
of education and preparation is eointne:,cel.
time is to be 1:41. The' middle aged wows et
Yew-York are fast getting to be old men, and their
young children are getting to be men, wit'iput the
least preparation fur the exalted stations to4ilh,ch
they might aspire and perspire. •
The editors of the Tribune can now show their,
sincerity at once. Let them foreake Nassau rieet;
abolition their newena,per. divide. its profits among
the •socia' we, and repair at mice to Jamaica.. 1, 'Ng
Island. Ther.eithey three hundred -human
creatures" free cud independent, who are a perfect
inflictiori up M the community. Let them establi,tr
a colunror at school, erect a rostrum. and lecture en
the divine righi °Mile and labor. After sperrqiug
among them the remainder of their 11%e:3, they will
have the credit of sincerity and the stamp of truth.
Prr:3l:‘, an rUlklai Digeinive Plaid. or Gaamc a a4 at
D) ppelreia curer, prepared from Renuet, or the fourth stomach
the 0.1, after direction• of Baran Lichte the ereal.llo•l.vcal
1 . 111..11115t by J. rt: llouahlon, 7,1. U.. No. 11 1 4 4rth I.tehtl, Nrret
Pl»ladelphia, Pa. Thi: , l%-o aptly svouderthl r4re!)
Py.pep-ta, Jaundice, L t Oehipinint,
Deli I tty. erring after nature'sown method. 1. nature', u%)
the Gaetric Juice. 'See , ri.hertieentent in another CeltAlllll.
BROTH Lit, No 6, 12E40 HUCcI. Alm), by DR. P. BALL,
No. I. FIL:1:116' BLOCK.. . •
IT The valuable 11,X)natIll hate a.viire;
exien'ru‘e a popularity, and eoinntand .. large a bale. a NI; r., 0,1
only.l.y Dr Jark,on. althe German Ilelicfne store, Ito
Arch ,freet. Philadelphia. Thm.ehiucrs hate a well merit,l n
um, fi for the cure of liver complaint. chrome ur
t do .1.11, etc., In reto tug much they hate no eval. I
hide imieed iiroyeoi uhles.stu4 tholhian.:;, nho regard Ur. Jac
~n ae their pre..erver from an unit natty gTuT . e . We hat emelt it,
1110ei ob , inatut aeeis l or LI) istiemita sweili It and mite:llly clip 'T
them The ;Inept d:at of the ereellence of an-arr.:ear e. a. t ep.z
comaterr6lea tht. i• the el';e With hitters. ;al rho
genuine, go to lir. lacktioiels'authoriceill aienor.
In Bunln on thie ith to,t, by the Rev. Mr. S. , wva.r..
of flanaburarh, Mr. ALRKR Li.: of Butra.o, nod :it, '
Paarahtits Iltsraatunofit: of the. city.
On the ',inst.. by Rev. G. W. Clignveland. Mr.
11. Boovr•irth, of 11 irb.ircreek, and Miss I.filia ig•
ton, of N. York. -
On the 6-h inst , ii: Esq , - Mr. C •n,
Cloke, of 1 , , ditsburg, and Miss Ei12.3 Hubbell, of
On Mallet of June last. by the Rey; 1). Ron rand,
Mr. Wm. no-inn, sad Miss Armenia Mostior, al of
On the Jd ingt , by the mime, Mr. Swum& Coyle, of
Watt burg, end Mist Adria Labure. of Amity
In Girard. l by J. Davi.. I.sq Mr:Lei‘;s Dut!;:s,
Miss 314:i11a Moron: twit of Girard.•
D _,.•
At t/ie ruildenconf his son in Girard, on the 271 h o f
May, Mr, Arnold %Varner, aged 7y years,
Oti the 4th inst.., John Hughes. r.eq„ of One city, "ate
County Trea*urer, aged 46 )oars,
On the Ist inst.. at the residence of his hre:her. in
NlcKmin tr~ of consumption;'-Mr. Setntstian
formerly a resident of this city. aged '.2G )ears.
On the lst inst.. in Albion. Erie county. l'a . of APO.
1114 , Xy. Mrs. Anna, wife of Luther Litchtirld. Esq. aced
61 sear.
G r. Xt. A.T. T A 71.1 . 3 OA T. &GENT:
Spee.l•4 Telestrapti ( nit • • to 1V111.41,,,
E iMIWP i I CP. ,t.l** I. Li,
ThrouzlL Tickets to New I"..rk. %iriNew York Er:r
an.: to Pit t;,htirgh can he procort •tat tie- v e.,
F Ir.' N.' , lurk Eft. t., I.ittstp.r::ll E.l ttk
MS T it r e A •4 l l:Vii ' l l t V ; 3 — ; 4 e 1 .1 " : : o r l.% " :1 " b t- i .4. :„; " : 7 ;; ', :r rr i.:- .
• heal. 'wan b bite on her twit). lire wont wit, iar:o.
la 4 gi% intianik and i> four or tier Sear-i• 1 I 4 , ..
per.. II f•IllY111112 Sail COW, Or gi. , inturtintiun ol it•r,vrrs,li ...e
P•uitabl) ren arJed. * •
J. 31c111 ll'h F.S.
Err.. July I.& I-51.
11 ,
B" .
' i It 1 . 11 HAN thi, a gaud atl,..aneut at the -f r• • + •
i'li!. II I • LOWRY.. Brt , d" N a ,_
A NES' — AXES !I—E. Watcro AIE , , a new -1;‘; , :l it
11. Jul. i- , .. LOWR 1 . BK. , 11 N & 4 . .....
_ _
R"' - 1 nett oupply of Hay Iratot., a mate artatte. at 111
~_ ,re. Jll2. IA 11111 V. MO OA N &.-Va.
R It: MPH :MEE riNas.—A .111111.:.,ek.‘et •ate
1.1:!.. U. LOWRY. lIK4AVN &
3fia gAVVS—Atrr4. rate artleie n
4 0, VI I:I he cheap for e.,611
ILOy 12:1451.
rilinsArili.—John A it4erbon dr. co.. G. etettolca, tr,l
e .1- (lobar,. 5t0,,1. Ong and e hew tog Tu['act - 0,20t •a ,:..E
.or le., quantity. by yyll W. F- R . 1,71,111.1 0, I r.
I) R.\\ lIV. Gol. Sutra. Port. : 1 1aInga and !11-td,'-,tri thrl
1J ti. _ ',rice and quality. AL-0. and ‘VtivAr. tpt •
Jilt It, %V. F. Ry Nifirft• I
. _
511111Eti. I , l,pla •t sce, selling Ciotti In!. to 73 ego- -
July It. W F'. arsrior , II I
BY virtue 6f :in order of Abe ori t nases Court .1 1, • t. 4
FrIC. ;old hr pUtdie vendue on the pug
gni day of August Next Ceunneneind at ii risk i 11
Cie (anon infr de•reribel property, belosigint to the her, i.! Joh ,
Allen. late Cli Fain new township in *aid count} d. r..-••'. - WW I
M the inns nshnp of Fain iew' in said cuilln.-nrid
tionii.lel a. follows:; Un the north by lauds of 1 1 ;ems" .
the e:e4 by land+ of ttesourt sout't by One hn:t,o - e, ant
de-t by Lands of Rohn Sdeerthons. rnAitaJihns akiht h
vi nand unit having rn enat thereon a Ihverhud
shop. The property is situated uu the wad leaoning iota bnnar,
sat ice to McKean corners-
TER V5.-011c4onrilt on theconfirmation of the site, and tt,
balance in four equal anima instnnuents t:terratier, huh Cr
on the et hok shlui unpaid annually nob ea,li itn•Qa . n
secured by judgment bund and monOt_.elntl ti.. err
GEtrt2GbAC. iirn'AlNS.
Fairview. July 12. IFSI
WIN Erl'angi Liqubre.—The Lett usorttwnt 10 th.' co. ,t
Jill . 19. Nlkli t: • Gr,,t7)
.. - -
17) it' l / 4 INiTIIA:SI I V ARE.—AT;;;I a.tuortiUratt t ----
IL July 12.Mttetp.l.": 4 Grocery
13 R 0( litA'—ltrou — n — is fur oneshilli - qg rich ai
JJ ,Julv It AIIIORE,S Grorety Store.
_ .
I , OIIA CCP —.l.slitt Atidert., - SeriOirt I.tllintliall'.. anJ V
Slykee (lieu mg and StuukingTolmeto 11. r .ale at
JIO 12. Nltyoltr.'... tlt.n-t•ry Stott.
Ci.AKET WINE iu Bottle and draught fur ...a!e at
Jul. N. ' MOORI.:'S Gr. , cery Sort,
00141 ~ 1 1.-1000 P.s. of the beet Cothisli an the city .it
July It , 3IIf)ORE'S Generry Store
MACKI.REI..—No. I Alacaercl, in barrels. half harrris
.0:4 rrren rd at MOORE'S Grocery Ste ,
VEGETABLES of all kinds may
De had in an hour's note ,
Jul) It MOORE'S Prorery M , re
Fria: Fall ter4f the Albion .teadetny. will entemeref
Mondev. Augug 4th, under' the etipertatemiance of M
RObitkr. Prinetint.
In the I,nn.lnfp.tes.
Engilsh bra.nenea,
. .
regular flaw, of adrusorion is at the Depot's! re or tu,
the Tenn. Nu ailututeri for 1.1.6 1111331 halt :I
Afloat Academy i, pleasantly I , ltu ;twit in the ‘11';
in the ton uship of Conneaut, Erie county Pa.
For the benefit of thn*e tit...trine to prepare thetneelt foie
fug, particular instruction rill be Ricci !kith a u.w 9
ler!, !Kali in the brunette* usually taught an cont,
the tht toy COI tuipastiug notrtict.on.
Iet.AAC 1t U1;1` US. Prit.,e'
) E. W. Etrerz. See'y.
Album', July 11.. 1,11•
• A First Rate Tract 'of Land for Sale.
mitt , O'HARA Tram or tram N0:317 Me !,
accrotrting the south !into( Mollereeis tont .4.11.. ,";
ing fIS art,. 1111. is one ut the airy bed tr e, ; ••'`'
wheal or biller:grail, in thee. uuty oh Este. It la i‘
eseerdtnel) well tt iterert, and stmatetl only sets , • r.
City of Lrte. and .0 ill he suld in whole or an par:• 0..1 t 4re.
beff. iOCII,IOIIDISke it a {Co o%i C •
for the erertron of a steam ssw roil.
. .
lowa lOW I 0 Erie Alto, 40 halt acre 31 tr f,L E
t 04200 each: being a subdji. boon 01 Era: '`•"-
331; all for gale by W 11. 54 0.
July 12. Ir3l. Ifl Land a 1 •n:.
. - --- -
Sri. and Mdenbare Plank Road.
PERSoNS ti e. iron* to take that
Pl'lrd: by tiw 3i` :Ir. a all Wore eat' a .111 l'ii., 4 % .4iont
...NJ. the Trtilsurer, r. tio is ninfrorirrd to 11 . :` he •i eh '''''
tn etil fir will be reasonable and rigni. Sy order if ,, e fi
1: .r.
ttirertorr. ;Oman of .he .- - .1., T. n ~
JO UN tx.kLtsit s kITY. In --
Inc, July 12. -
••. NOTZO - 111. -
THE First eccteiy In Frringtitki la,e itt
to the Court o(t r Elliben Pins of Erte Count, It)
lef ID antra Societe, sad the proposed lotu•iituinii.rd
of u4soeiation, hare teen elm ntiveti Su' the est.! r,
et' the saincto be Media she c tree or the Nrit ,rtsrs
" . PACO' E. II"
Erw, July. I's. . ,
:.V1•: 4
LnWRY, PR , 1% t
3 DO