A: P. 7i17117421 & 0 0., Proprietors. VOLUME 2. frit 111telllt1 Ovrtier. A. P. DURLIN &CO. PROPRIETORS B. I'. 111.041101, Editor. OFFICE, CORNER STATE ST. AND PUBLIC • SQUARE? ERIE. • TERMS OF TIIE PAPER. nt% vitkribers ba the carrier. at - 81.01 Jo toad. or at the office.. q advance. 1.50 i I ll not paid in advance, or walla' three months from the t one of tu!•,enbutg, tw•o dollars will 1.4 charged. jjAllamutuunications mast he post paid. - RKFES OF ADVERTISING Cards not exceeding I lines, one )ear. one square du. do. six months, do.. do. three mouths, _ .Thannrnt advertimernente. eent• per, equarr, of tifti•en line* or leg., for the tint ineeri 23 CCMs fur each sntairipteat insertion. I ell'earl ad% erupers base the mi. liege ot changing at plea-dre, at no lime are allowed tOcieciiii). more than two .quaree, and to itr honied folietr timonedsale butanes'. Ads erti.ement, not hat ine other directions, at 111 be thaerieLl till ~eurt.l and charged accordingly, 1:10 D'sO 0 5[4 ILO :14 A. 51..WD5051, A ricnisry • r Livii.-01fice at pie.,,,:nt in the Chronicle Office, in Wright's Pluck. J. W. D-OCT,U.ISS Anor.rrr oser & Writ!he•ltinkinq entrnnre firq door,n . em. on the ruidn• Square l:ONIVION. - 11A1 LAS ricK :ie. CO pr.tras in Dry Guodo, Crocerres, I.lunors of Crockery Nail+. Ike . one door south of `oath Jackson's store, French nr.,l. Erie, Pa. B. II o k t ItfTAX J euMIPIOS G. N E Ark ofJ. Aadrie,ollenhath—llepot of Fore ma mrste and mu sicar Mereliaitdrze. hiale..lll• and retail, tp, .sth 13t. ab. Clieatnut e.trect. Philadelphia. Pit. C. BRANDES P111%.1 , 104 and FromLom—odire 'tomer of Srnte and Seventh Street, Re,denee on ,Kaihth Street, twtneen French and • Holland, Erie. Pa. 1 M. SANFORD .& CO Deaterr e itiGolit.Stlver. Bank Now+, ' , rani,. Certificate. of D. , potot.t.e. Sight Exehin , oo the comitaittly for sale. Other in firatt•ii Itior h. T. IIEtION fit RGIOV •VLI Pirrron•ititfrtlieri, corner of Freuch and Fifth •treela. ovt•r Mow. Koch's ;tore. ruurtti .Ite r, orialoor east of the old Apoiheeary Plait / K. T. STERAETT Sr. SONS.- NA. r4li*6llllV on hand a full .apply of Grucerie.i. i.iq - :or•. Ship Chandlery. Provolone. Produce. Arc . dce ; and +ell. Whole ale or ltelan as cheap as the cheape.i. No. lltt.C.lreapi.iile WM. S. LANE. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. Revolutionary, army and Navy 'Pension., Bounty Land. and - tor r*traletv. and all infer torques entree-OM to we shall rerel‘r prompt and fa ithintatirlinten. 'ttre to Wright's Block on State street, over 3. IL Fullerton's 'isms Erie Oct. lit. LAIRD& RUST. W 11.4 'Pk! Ret:nlDraler. in Dry 1 1.).1.1.. 1 ;rncerinf.11ardWarr. !lour, Fl.b. Sall &c., I, )'.'right',, Block cur nrr :state Street!. V 7111.14 I Nan. t rrt.or ILVRT. • • - GALEN H. 'KEENE. I.l•Notre TWor, n.ms over Itie of :4:1111h Jvkion.rheap sale - 1 r - rri NG. do., on now, 4r ' OLIVER. SPAFFORI), 14,k.eher an 4 Stmhoner, and !thouf.leteter of Blank lkoOke and r,:l4ck, curlierli of the lifiamond an.l eq t.t , 3 J. B. NICKLIN. _ • • Fri', i.,r 'and Senega l Agency anti Cunuln,sion biomes,. Tank ! In. P.t. . - 1 , It Cr( 'S R FIE D. 'IV Arr ii!..in rnati.h. Genoa n mid %met eau II are awl Plit!nr.. Ai.). h: Ne e An% Ils e Virts. trun and Oteci No. 3 Reel House; hr e. I'4. - . / . • W. J.,,F:LIL)I)I,IE & Co. Carriage loud ‘Vagon uwl.ler , State Street. _ lnreu se, era, M. F4glith. Erie. ■• SIifJNG, M. 4 9. orrice. one T Wel4 ‘‘'r 8* tit • xture_lip DOCT S EW A 11r. Orro V ail rill. A. nLitsr, Se, entit new S.torafra4 ptireo.: Res- Men e. oil Sa 'arras. oire•loor tu,rtit of Seve:ith ' C. SIEGEL.. WIIATAULT And Retail dealer in Grurerie., Prurient : moo. VViur... Liquor!. Friut ice..-/ke Corner of Ff.. ticit and Viiiii 1 4 tr0.t... rogsplite the ra titers' Ilotti, Er V'- \ J(111.:%o"'111cCANN. i WIIOLICALT and Retail Dealer u t Irannit Grorerie+ 4 row- 141>ekery Glassware. Iron. Nail.. ilLe .. l. Cheap Sr.ir. 1:r,... Pa. I The highest pile paid fiir Cout.t , ) i'vplurr. r I ' "J. C().11.1)1N(;. m.R.ri A wrT.ay.rt. and Hahn \la er.-1..r... No. S Block (oPldoalt•Tha , !domicil Hk..-c , &tale S/reet. - i J. W. WEl'MtntE, T TORIVEI AT LA U',, In Walker's (Mire. on SeVPIIIII Suet . % Erse.l!:i. EN Rl' •CAD%% . 1.1,L, licrorrirnjoliber. and Reruil Dealer w Ily) Groeerieii, Crocker), Chan are. iriirpetirg. Ila rdii are, Iron, ?`.11 , 1 . 1. Nn , ", Pink , 6.e. Empire Stores eq.ate area, fuur dwrr, below Brown's Hotel, Erie. I. NO—Ana il., Bellow P. Alk• St•ring., and a general amortinen aof pa le and Carriage Trillion:qtr. S. NIERVIN S'11"11 - 1, ATDOR , ET ' •T Law and /Ilene! . of the rear., and :tient for the Key Stone Mutual Life Insurance eunittany—ltdiceAdtroti west of Wrights EOM Erie, Pa. GEClft(il.ll. . Al - 76111FT it LAW, Guard, Eric County. • Ca. 'Collection! and vt t lii»utw auended wvt jib prOltlibllieSe• and dl,uatch. T. W. 3101)11E, • Piosill in Grrieerie.. Pagy ‘V,a Liguori, Candle", Frult, Nod, row Peopleq Row, Slain. An , l. Erie. t i e . JOStcli KELLOGG. Forwavfing 4 Cotiinsowd . ou Merehaot. the Public Dock. east of Slur btrrn. Coal. 51,1 n. Piaster and White Fish. coomantlyfor rale. J.' H. IV ILI,T.AMS. tanker and Exchange Broker. (Male- in Bills of Exchange, Draft, remelt-any...of Deliosilie. Gold and -dyer coin, he., he. .0111c...4 doors below Mutsu's Ilotel..Erse, Pa. I. ItOSENZWEIG & CO. •WD .R6TAIL OCSLER• 111 Foreign-nod DOMePtIC Dry re•oly ulnae Clothing. Boots and Shoes, ice.. No. 4 right . " Block. State Meet, Ene. - BENJA-NIIN F. DEi.SISON. AryougirT •T 4.14. Cleveland. un Superior street. .‘n.s ater's Mock. Refer to liner JtoOire Parker. ~ , ,, a lto Lawdtchoul. Ilon, Richard Fletcher. 'metal , ' st., thrston• lion. 'Samuel II Porkins. I . iII R'alant at..l'htimlrfi , htal Rtrhar.l 11. .33 Wall at.reet. New York. For iestitnon als. re , fir to etas office. MARSHALL & wick:NT, • „ Arnut 'try.. VT LAM—Office up stairs in Tanfutany Hall building, .nitot trIT Prothonotary's office. Erie. • M/Ufkk - AY - lIALLoN, - ArlNtafirr COTTIELLOR •r LAW--Offier OVer C I . R. Wright', 1-t,re. entrance one door west of Stan: street, on the Dtaino . p.t. Erir. C. M. TRIBAL:4. Drat ER in pr ) Goodia.Pry Groceries. Crockery, hardware, No. I 11, Chekiang*. Ene. JOHN ZIMMERLI'. De talit iiiEnieenes and Pro, pions of all kMds, State street, three dodro north of the Diamond. Erie. SMITH JACKSON. D . in Dry Good.. Groceries. Hardware. Querns %Vara. Lime. Iron. Nada, ace.. 1210.'branaiiiie, Ent , . Pa. UILEIAfititTECT, Cairn %maw Uphohnet; and Undertaker. corner of Suite and tenth mtreet.a. Erie EDWIN J:KELB6.Ic. CO. G, Forwardong, Produce and , Cosumnami aterehant,deafrrs n%' , oaras and fine salt. Coal, Planter, Shingles, ate. Public dock. ;ie.( aide of the bridge. Erie. _ c WALKER & COOK. f.r.rat.r. Forwarding. COLUI/1110 , 1011 and Praluce 31ercbanto ;Se ond Want-house east °flat rahlie Bridge. F.r.r. G. LOOMIS do Co rir•t.ras in Watches. Jewelry, silver, German. Silver, Plated and . lir 'Latin nt Wart. Cutlery, Military and rank) Cund.. ,4 ule ourEt• neari)-opposite the Eagle Howl, Erie. G . T. 4i. Arst4n, j CARTER S. BROTHF.R. TrII.I rsct.a and Retail dealers in Drugs, Med ic Me!. Ira into. Otis. 1 , ,,,tu EIS. Glass, 0, Reed House, Erie. JAMES LYTIX. F , ,ntorasuC3leichant Taslor. on the tolle minim, a few &oily of Ntate Wert. k..rie. ' D. S. CLA.Sk.. - Wnnl iial-lt •WO I IL Dealer in Groceries. Provisions. Skip xliandlery.Sione-ware. ke. ice.. No. S. Bonnet, Illock. Erie. , 0. D. SPAFFORD. healer in Lave. Medical, school Miscellaneous Books stationary Ink. ke. Suite M.. Four dons below the Public square. • DIL O. t. ELLIOTT, liernlent Dentist; OfEreanddwelfing in the Beebe Block. on the Lam. ”de of the eudie Square. Erie. Teeth iu.erted on Gold Plate, twin one to an entire sett. Carious teeth titled with pure t;o14. and ventured to health and usefulneing Teeth cleaned n ahlinitrunienti and Dentifiee 00 ar to leave (beta Ot a pellucid rteartient. All work warranted. S. DICKERSON, PST MIMI • 111 D Scauton—Eqbee his respilenee on Seventh street, opposite Use Methodist Church. Erie. JOH H. BURTON & CO. • Wlinttll4 aolo RETAii.. N leakro Drugo, Medsotoeff, Dye Mu& tqc.. , r)e., Ice. No. 3, N red now*. Eric. , . \ 1 T H .. ~$... : 16 1• 1 I E.,: oBs E 1 , - 1 , • - I , k limos 10.00 6.00 3.114.1 L. N TIIIIALI. f,tirrt pottrtj: THE SHIP IN PORT. -1.-- ST C. S. MICMAC ' Safe, oneeagain in port , ' - vewiel freighted with our hope% mid tears, Shane& and rent each spar and sal aprat I Too long of storms the sport' 4 1 Vpon the envy wave. • l i t Far Quiet sea we saw thee madly to ;' Fearing each moisten' we mina see t lost, Without the power to sore To stele thee sift again.l -. . ollrisrror-rtielten hearts %Mt Joy it ekkers. - Thcitifh still the rands that nati.ed our itorioutt lei" Are brooding o'y the main: ; - Cling to the sheltering shore; The Ptortn that vexed thee is not wholly past; Still in the distance, barely 'seaptd at last, The breakers loisily roar. Trust not the pilot no w; Whose reckless hand again upon the wave Of wild rotnnttnion, sure to be tht• grave, Would steer thy shelterrl Brow, Brand the vile mutineer. Whose viper tongue, amid th.y loyal crew, The raid! strife and discord wou d renew, That tale has cost Mee dear. Rest thee in peace a while. Within the haven safe at anchor ride Till storms are hashed, and aegry waves subside. And skies serenely smile. • Then, with thy sail unflirleti. Thy mast ereet, thy proud flag at its head. Go forth, the fruits of tartly to optima O'er an expretant fousnal cal site 311i5tellainj. . TIIE JEWELED WATCH. From Chambers' Ed Mburgh Journal Among the mani.offleers who). at the close of the Pen ntnaular war, retired on half-pay. woe Capt. Dutton of the regiment- Ho had lately married the pretty, portienleendaughter of a decMised brother officer: and filled with romnntie visions or rural bliss and '!'love in a cottage." the pair. who were equally unskilled' in the practical details of hirsute-keeping, fancied they could live in affluence, and enjoy all the luxuries of life, imam belt pay which formed their sole income. They took up their abode near a pleasant tows in the south of England. and for a time got On pretty well; but when at-the end of the first year a most little boy made his ei4earance, and et the end of the ;second an equally sweet little girl, they' found that nurieMaids, baby=linen. doctors, and all the ,itcaterse appertai9ing to the kntre duction and support of the betty-visitnirs, formed a seri ous item in their yearly expenditure. Fora while they straggled on witholt filling into debt; but at length their giddy feet alippi into that vortex which lM,cdgulfed els many, and th ; r atrars began to assume` a very gloomy aspect. Abotit this time an ad ventnn7 named Smith. with whom Caine. Dutton became casually acquainted, and soh+ plausible manners and appearance completely imposed iin•the frank, unsuspect ing soldier, proposed to him a plan for insuring, as- be represented it, a %aria and rapid fortUne. This was to be effected by embarking considerable capital in the ma nrifactnre ofsome new kind of spirit lamps, which Smith aeenead the captain would when once known, sa'pereed• the use of the candles and oil lamps throughout the king, dom. 1 •• . , To hear him descant on the marttellous*virtues and money-nriaking.nnalities of his lamp: one would .be in clined to take him for the_ lineal desCendant of Aladin. and inheritor of that ocampish individual's precious heir loom. Our modern magician, howelver, candidly con-, ferad that he still wanted the ..kltive of the lamp." Orlin . r other avoids ready money, to set thelinvent.on . • going; and he at length succeeded in persua ng the unlcky cap tain to sell out of the army; and furl i : st the fines of his commission in this luminous venti lf Captain Dal ! San had refused to pity the money nill he should be obis to pronounce correctly th9ortitme lit p it e he invention, he would have saved his cash, at the ir'' dse.probably of semi-dislocation of his jaws; for ths arni) rejoiced is a elght.eyilabled title, of which each; belonged to a di fereot tongue—the first being Greek 4 the fourth Elvri , and the last taken from the ahorigiiiill linguage of Ne Zealatid the intervening Noland, bellerld to be respe.- tively akin to Latin.' German, Sanshit. and Malay. No t• withstanding. hOwever, this prestige pf a name, the la • was a decided failure; its light was bvillistit enough; b t the odor it exhaled in burning was se - everpowe•ing, o suggestive of an evil origin; so veiy abominable, I th t thoselniventuroda purchasers who. fried ii once. add° submitted their olfactory nerves to •iecond ordeal. e • sale and Manufacture of the lamp arid.ite acconipanlyi • spirit were carried on by Mr. Smith oleos in ens of t chief commercial cities of i England, Its having kindly a - ranged to take all the trouble off his partner's hands; a emir requiring him to furnish the neCeasary funds. f'• some time;the accounts of the bushiess transmitted , • Captain Ninon were most flouridliirtg. and he mut h gentle wife fondly thought they were about to realise splendid fortune fur their little - ones:: but at length th • began to feel anxious for the arrival' Of thb cent profits which had been promised. but which elm • ; and Mr. Smith'eletters suddenly ceasing. his minuet.° a morning set off tit inspect the acene of operations. 1 , Arrived L he repai•ed to the street %horst a manufactory wali aitdrated. and fouid &but up: !b r. Smith had gonekiff to Anteriei. considerably i 'debt o thoeewho had-bitea foolish enough to trust mi. • d leaving more rect'doe on the mem*s than the Mal - ing stock in trade of the unpronotticeable lam woo • pay. As to the ioor ex-captaio. bi xeturneitto is fa • ily a ruined malt. • f But strength is often found tit the' depths of vefsit . courage in despair. and both our hero and his erica resolutely to work to support themselves and their pb dren. Happily-Jhty owed ,no On 'Berner o 1. Captain Dutton-had honorably paid spry teething' a owed in the world before entrusting • the remainder of it capital to the unprincipled Smith; and new this pp • conduct was its own reward, He wrote i beautiful hand. and while seeking eel permanent employment. earned • • trills OccaeriensllT copying rnanoscripta. and engmeisiog in an atterne & office. His wife worked diligently with finrradio; . the care of a young family, and tbe fleieessit ofdisps • sing with a servant. hindered her from addittg meals their resources. Notwithetandingllseir extreme pose they managed to preserve a +cent 'appearance. and le prevent their neighbors from knowltig the straits Wahl they were often reduced. Their little cottage wait alw exquisitely clean and neat; and the children. despite el scanty clothing. -and often insufficient food. looked. as they were, the sow and daughters'of a gentleman. It was Mrs.. Dutton's pride to preserve the respects appearance of her husband's wardrobe; and 4ton did work till midnight at turning his coat and darning linen, that be might appear as usual among 111644 mi She often urged him to visit his fortnee,acqualntaw who bad power to befriend bin), and solicit tbeii int ■ a obta • in` semi perm ho w as briive as hmuk wi • theitimidii • the humiliation of a I l ess his urgent peed. I • is.clairas; he wee too • there snceeided It happened that e ad, and who hid lost rem the orrice, cams nag place near whic l ot a .won a hands° se morning Ob the se ,• ere saw, with surp l • reaching; and with a 'ed to avoid a recogn ral Vernon was not t ith an outstretched tr •'What Dutton: is LI e met. Livibg in'th ' , Yes, general; I ha rem the service." ."And con sold out, oppose, Dutton? Ah newer for. Tell Mn erasing. and read her Poor Dutton's look • wind's visit aarprish or menial labors, rath rue cause did not ocet or Dutton, considering • fficers under- his corn I se. his • rmer commander ap sadden fee gor false shame. be 'on. Rat th qttick aye of Gen be eluded. au intercepting him ad he exclaimed at, you?' It *elm an age since nehbothood. eh! e b en living here sin I retired think—to please the rrii rest ! these ladies have a great d Ito . Dutton I shall call on her so a a lecture for taking you from ns. of confusion. as lie pictured the g his wife in the performance of er surprised the veteran; but its rto hiuf. He had a great regard him one of the best and bravest ..and. and was sincerely pimpled so after a ten minutes' colloquy. hich the ex-soldier. like the vise i s aerial the sound of the i trumpet. 1 ed. es old' associations ohhe camp 1 ' him. the general shook him hear ! Fl meetinphim again during the progress of horse 141i0 pricks up h becamo gay and anim and field came back o Lily tly the hand and s You'll dine with few of year old fried you must not turn her At first Dutton w thought accepted the good reason to offer fc of the general. therell and announced their woman, immediately occugied hersolf in re. al raragea of time an already snowy shir II s to-morrow, Dutton. and meet a • ? •Come. I'll take no excuse ; it on one hands." going to refuse, hut on second nvitation, not hiving, indeed. any declining It. Having taken liave re, he proeeeded towards - hortio, 4 - encontte to his wife. Sho„-poor . • k out his well saved suit, and icing, is best she west, the well as in starching and ironing to the highest degtee of perfec-. e. he arrived at Gen. Vernon's 1 • welling. and received a cordial eats, civilians as well a 2 soldiefs. banquet. After dinner, the elm ors on the .recent improvements -0.; and comparisons were drawn 'tent for invention di' layed by al , , es. Watch•estaiing happfaiNg of the arts whieb had during late impieved, tne host desired his otiful little watch, a perfect dief-d' which he had lately pdrchased as leas valuable for its richly jew exquisite perfection of the mech he trinket passed from hand to admired by the.iroests ; tFjen the other topical, and• many subjects ey adjourned to the drawing-rota Next day. in doe li haindsonza temporary w;ilcome. A dozen eat down to a splendid ve6ation happened to in !arts and manafacto between the relative t tiset different eosin to ie mentioned as on 1 yeitra been wonderfull l valet to fetch a most be: asirre of workMinsh intaris ; , and which 1 ellZd case, than for th 1 'Mom it enshrined. Mnd. and wits great]. cobversation tumid o were diecussed, until i to ;take coffee. bile, the general soddenly recil• ringing for his valet, desired him ing-room table, where it had been to proper place In a few moments looking somewhat• frightened : he telt. General Vernon, surprised. but was not more fo r/nets. '.. or one of the company, may , have nte the drawing-room 7" - we will trv." - i ' After tilting' there a leeted his watch, and to take it from the di left, and restore it to the serve it returned, could not find the w went himself to 'mare] " Perhaps, sir, you carried it by mistake "I think not :but Another search. without avail. ". • which all the guests joineo. but What 1 fear,l' by chance may.tread d the general. is that some one upon and break ft.' a ,wirlower, and this costly trin , present to his only child, a daogh rrie.d wealthy baronet. General Vernon w ket was intended u ter, who,had lately " We wilt bone of exclaimed one of the 1.1 leave t h e room until it is found !" gentlemen. with ominous etupha- That decision," said a young man, who was en: gird that night to a ball, " might quarter us on our host for an indefinite tirite : I propose a much more spee dy and satisfactory elipedient, lerns all be searched." The suggestion wale received with laughter and accla mations; and the young man, presenting himself as the first victim, wassearehed by the valet. i who , for the once, enacted the part t of cdstom-honse officer. The general. i l i, who at first opposed this piece of practical pleasantry. ended by laughing t it; and each new inspection of pocket" produc e d fre bursts of mirth. Captain Dutton alone look no share in whai was going on : his hand trembled, his brow d rkeued, and he 'stood as 11:uah' apart as possible. Mien h his turn came ; the other guests had all displayed th contents of their pockets; so'with one :accord, mad ami renewed laighter. they surround. ed him, exclaiming that he must be the guilty one, as he was the last. The esptain, pale and agitated, muttered some excuses, unhea d amid the uproar. "flew for it, Joh " Johrown, we're en , e the culprit !"' on !" cried one to the 'valet. etching you!" said another. " tiro- The 11101 TIMS stirs on hie breast, declar by- violence, no one awkward silence e 'red t*it Dutton crossing his-arms d in an agitated voice. that except hould lay a hand on him. A very nod. which the general broke. by saying: "Captain Dutton long enough. I s ila self." s right. l this child's play has lasted m exempticia for him aid for my- Dutton. trembling, unable to speak, thanked his kind host, by a grateful look, and then took an early opportu nity of withdrawing.l Geneial Vernon did net make the slighest remark on' his departure, and the remaining guests, through poliieness, imitated his reserve ; but the mirth of the eveoing,was gone, every face looked anx ious, and thi host himself seemed grave and thoughtful. Captain Duttiiinirent. some time in wandering reSf- Testily o n the sands before he returned; home. It was t i late.when he entered the coltage..and his wife could not repress an exclamation of affright...o6o she saw his pale • , and troubled countenance. •• What has happened 7" cried-she. " NOthing." replied her husband. throwing himself on • a chair, and laying a small packet on the table. ** You have cost in. very dear," hs said, addressing it. Ice vain did his wife try to booths him. and °boil an explasatioa. " Not now, Jane," he said. so to-82,6mm we shall use. Te-morrow I will wean you aIL" Early next morning he sweat to General , Verne'! boom. Although he walked resolutely, bls mind was sadly troubled. Hew-could he express himself 1 In what way wield he be received ? .How could he speak to the general wittiest risking the reception of some word or look wbiab be «Mld never pardon ? Tho very meet ing with Johnson was to be-dreaded. lie knocked i another servant epeeist the i door. and gave Jam admissimi. " This Maw. at all events." he thought. " knows aothing of what has passed." Will the general reteise him 1 Yea, he is ushered late his t.4"ONV7 TURDAY MORN nent employment. bat the soldier lion when facing the enemy. of a girl from exposing himself fiial, and could ..not beat to con le had too much dAicaoy to press proud to be importunate; and so he failed. general ander whoM he had ser ight of him since his retirement few months at the wa ils resided, and hired shad house. Walkiug liscomiolate mood our U D ..@.7 NG, JULY 12, 1851. ,dressing room. Without daring to.eraise lots opts the poor man began to speak in a low hurried voice. 4 " General Vernon. you thought my conduct stringe kid night, and painful and huMiliating as its 'efplanation will be. I feel it doe to you roil to myself to make it His auditor tried to speak, bat Dutton area on with out heeding the interruption: •! My misery is at its height; that is my only excuse. My!wife and four little ones are squally starving !" •• My friend !" cried the'ge Dutton proceeded. cannot describe my: feelings' yesterday while seal-, ed at your luxurious table. I thoight of my poor Jane, depriving herself of a morsel of bread to give it' 'to her baby ; of my pale thin alinnis, whose delicate appetite rd jects. coin* food, which we eau give her; and in an evil hour transferred two pates from my plate to my pocket, thinking they would lompt my little. darling to eat. 'should have died of shams had these things been produced from my pocket. sail your guests and servant Mad* witnesses of my cruel poverty. Na r, general, you know 'lli and but for the fear of being suspected by you, of a crime,..my distress ahoold never have bean known t" k "A life of unblemished honor," replied his friend. "hai placed you above the reach of suspicfon ; besides, look hart" And he showed the missing watch. '" It is I." ' j eutirined he. " who muse:ask pardon of yen all. In al 6t of *once 111 had dropped it into my waistcoat pocket.' whe iiii Joh son's presence. I discovered it while un. l demi ."- , • . , . "111 d ly known." murmured poor Dation. " D•n't rat what has occurred." said the ' general. pressing his ' nd kindly,. "it has been the means of ac-' quieting me th what you should never have concealed from in old frig d, who, please God, will find ,ome 0 means to serve yo " . In It few days Cap in Dutton received en invitation \ 4 to dine teith the gene I. All the former guests were asseinaided. and their hos Wok occasion to apologize foil his is up forgetfulness a ut the watch. Captain Dut ton f nd a paper within th folds of his napkin ; it was his iastion tams hnnorabl nd lucrative Tian. which soup comisetuce and comfort o himself and his faml sly." ' 1 ------ - .__ . 1 The Wife's Night p. , str..--,—. who does nut live more t n a mile tront the Past-Office in this City, met som e "N thorn friend" with gonjhern" principles the ether evenin and in eel lending to them the hMipitelities of the "Cresc at City." visited Sei many of our princely saloons and 'marble halls," imbibing spiritual consolation • as they , jour eyed, that when he left them at their hotel at the Midnight ti r he felt , decidedly felt, that be had ,a "brick in hiti 'l Now, he has a wife. an amiable, aecouiplished 'and beau tiful lady, who loves him devote .Iy , ant finds but one fault with him. That is , his too frequent visits to the palaces where these **ricks" are obtained. *net leaving his friends. Mr. paused a moment took his bearings, and having shaped a courio. oti the principal that continual angles meet, made sail kr home. In due course of time he arrived thew , : and was not very much astonished. bpi triter frightened to find his worthy lady sitting op for kiwi, Olio alwiqs does. She smiled when become in. rift also she always does. "how Ire you. doer E. 16 said the, "you staid out so ate. that I feared you had been taken sick." "liic--alet sick, wire; dou't you th-thick Pre —l'm a little t tight?" "A very little, perhaps. my dear—but that is nothing —you have so many friends, as you lay. petit must join them in a glass once in a while!" ••%Vita, you're too good—th-the truth is, I'm d—d drunk " .-Oh. no, indeed, my dear—l'm sure that even ano•h er glass wouldn't hurt you. Now. suppose yon take a ;lasi of Scotch ale with me. just as a uighl•cap.dear?t' are to kind. my d-deai, by half-1 know i'ni d•drunk!" ••Oh, no—only • julep to nneh. love—that's ..Yes—juleps—MeMasteni make such stiff 'Ons • take a glass of ale at any rate—it can't hurt you, dear; I-want one before C retire." The lids , hastened to opewa.battle, and as sbe plac ed twatomblers before her on the sideboard, she put in one a very powerful emetic. Filling th• glasses with tho foaming ale, she handed one to hei>hosband. _ ; Siospicion came cloudily upon his minds... She never before had been so kind when he was drunk. ed at the glass—raised it to his lips-then hesitate!. "Dear, w-won't you just biota mine, to make it sweet --eweetert:' said he .. • "Certainly. love!" replica the lady., taking a mouthful, which she was careful not to ewlillow. Suspicion vanished;' and so did the ale,' emetic and all, down the throat of the sitiirried husband. After spit ting out the lute, the lady finished her glass. but .seeni sid in no hurryto,.retire. She fixed a lust-tub of water before an easy chair, as if she intended to bathe her: beautiful little feet. Buil .small as were those feet, there was not water enough in the tub to cover ,them. Th e husband began to fiseh•and wasted to retire." "Wait only a few minutes, dear." said hii loving sponse; "I want to read the news in this afternoon's Del ta. .1 found it in my pocket " , • A few minutes more elapsed end then—and then, oh ye gods and Dan'o the lake. el , at a time. The husband was planed in the easy chair. I - le bow to understand why,tbe tub was placed theralse coo rued what ail ed him. Suffice it to say, that when he arose from that chair the brick had left his hat. ' It hasn't been there since. He says he'll never drink another julep; ha can't bear Scotch ale, but he is death on lemonade: Ile loves his wife better than *yet.. Readers. this is a iraihrol story. Profit by its moraL —.V. O. Delta. • Work for Children. There is no greater defect in educating children th'en neglecting to accustom them to work. It is an evil that attaches mostly to large towns and cities. The parents do not consider whether the child's waft is necessary Lev the child. Nothing is More certain ARO that their fu ture independence and comfort inhch depends ou being accustomed to work—accuilionisd to provide for the thousand constantly recurring wants that nature entails on tts. If this were not so, till it preserves them from bad habits—it secures their health—it strengthens both body and mind—it Garbles Them better to bear the coo fisomout of the school room—and it tends mo r e than anything else. to give; them just' views of life. Growing up in the world without a knowledg of its toils and carts, they view it through a false medium. They cannot ap preciate the favors you bestowout they do sot anew the toils their cast. Their bodies and minds are: onirvated. and they are constantly exposed to whatever Vicious as sociations are within their roach. The daughter proba bly becomes that pitiable helpless object:a novel-reading girl. The son, if he surmounts the _consequences o t f your neglect. does it probably after his plans and station's for life are fixed and whoa knowledge. so far as ens of its im portant objects is concerned, cornet too late. No . , man or woman iv fully educated if not accostomod to manse! la bor. Whitever accomplishments they pommies, whatev er their mental training, a deduction must We made Tor their ignorance of that important chapter i 4 the words great book. !- 117 A chap down East has invented • machine to melte pumpkin pies. It is driven by the force of cirdentstones. ' i ; .. 1 ." . . nein did *audible:, _ _____ _ The name Ogontz hie freimen y escited puzzled ;I re mark in the towaslof Like Erie. There ill A propeller so called, end whs.4 the Teaselig' rat reported in Cleve land. the Plaindealebi we belies was prompted to ex claim: ••• Phcebus. stint a name !" The craft hailed from Sandisky, and herd we tim familiar withthe'frequ'ent re currence of the appiellation.' A Company of firemen an swer to tile naine,Eogontz, slid 11 , e notice that Mr. E. hiker has just denominated hie how establishment on Wayne street, between Market and Water, the Omer Hotel. Of course. the term has len explanation or his tory, which eve propose to give. .1 About the iniddir of the kit century some Jesuit Mis sionaries, who were exploring thel upper lakes on a viiy.- age Of curiosity ami ti duiy, came into possession-of • bright Indian lad. It is :itclime whether he was a captive or a wanderer ; hot,his French patrons look to Quebec, baidis d' hint hjat ay rate , ithis name of Opel; i t and resolved to make missionary.of their Ettle keen eyed protege. Foil that purpose he was placed in a mis sion echool , taugh t the French and English languages, and justified, by hi it intelligence •nd docility, the kind ness of 'which he wasl the subject. Ho grew to man's clime, and re-visited the North West, no longer thew ild °rattail boy, bta. a s ahrewd. sagacious. 'cultivated mani— as much so as theiearly advantages of that period and It s own intractable bleed would anon!. Ile was assignedy 'come ecclesiastical authoiite. to a tribe of Ottiwa indiads. who dwelt upon. the eastern shore of Lake Huron, slid became identi6 d! with them. It is probable that the monk was 'soon loid in the hunter, perhaps the wardr , i .. for midi-wee the initial career of those' ,irelto, like Ogon were restored to their native woods. and to the wild t eens° of Indian hi., with ne other res•raiot than the fa - hag, Memory of a fqw homisick years in a missionary school. . These particulars have reache4 us so itup4fectly,fliat we can give se dates; and few Iketails of these reunite events, It is aa Indian tradition that the Sic Nationslof ..flew York had long before exierininated the Edits.% tribe which occupied-the South shore of the Lake new bear.: ing their name. , Inileed,i those brevelering bands weirs the conquerors of Ohio, 'ldaho tribes which were found rid by the early settle ere mbstly immigrants at no remote day previously, from other regions of the con,- try. The Delawares; fuscarlisses, and SeneCas 'were colonies front New Yorit..whilel the Shawano e cane firm the extreme South, even frdm Florida. The Wy nn-duns seem to have .been more indigenous, hut their villages were fik away from Lake Erie. in the county now bearing that name and thence extending to the head of Sandusky Bay. The Lake shore was left derelict, oc casionally hudted over by strolling parties from the inte rior, but on the whole open to auth occupancy as the fear u Iroquois irruptions would permit. • These restless ro ver after the French aud Engliilh colonies Baca mrpa w erfiii, Wired' more and more wrthiu their ,eastern boon dories ceased to be swessiva—rie longer scourged the horde a of.the %Vestern• Lek/. by tlitir ruthless war parties. Lonsequetrtly the Canadian Indiantivere tempt ed Southward. and . we find the iplttawas squatfng upon the Islands, P\A eninsula and shore* of Lake Erie. lout Am 'the period of the erican Retrolution, appear ir or 1, \ and traditions of their settlement in those porious of Ohio. and Michigan which extend front Vermillion fiver, 4d , miles east Of Sandusky, to the neighborhood' of Monroe or Detroit.. They were never very numerous, and were held in no very great respect by their haughty neighbors, the Wyandotts. They were not disturbed in their new 'feats, however, _ since fishing veal their habitual means of subsistence, and they kept clolelj'along L the Lake. Ogontz at length emigrated to Northern Ohio, and we 1 , find him as lato as iBO6 an influential Person, front his knowledr:e of languages nod superiority uf character au& J education. lie a as'interpreter of the trate, but held no rifiletel station. 'lt is not known in liether Ike reliipsed in to heathenism. but he hod long su j irspdereil his otr.:e. lie' availed himself of the adyantages of his early training, but omitted the mission which it contemplated. The Ot tawas held him hi reverence as • great medicine, veldts the chief of the tribe entertained:a bitter but secret jeal ousy of his growing influence. !The game of that chief is now forgotten, tier is it known %kegler his sway ex tended over th'e tribe which still ;remained in Canada, or Was confined r the scanty reinanut who had wandered away to the Southern shore of L'elte Erie. -The last wee , proliahly the case. ' I era', with emotion. But OGNITZ AliMt this time, our informatiou rests more 'on testis mony Mid less on tradition. A Meng the earliest settlers Girlie Fire Lands (it will bo reMenibered that what is novillurou and Erie counties, Nee iranted,by Connect icut to tlre,sufferers in the ton rislil o':royeal by fire ring Lb the itUil`ilaciracitit of the Ste air ':9)' was a railer i i, named %Yoko:who first landed at the mouth of I urea River, about ten Milee~ enct act Sandusky. The date of his arrival was near IF.N.'.' lle, found a predecessor in traffic at the mouthef liuMu,s l Frenchnian iianiedFle rnont, usually oronounced 'nettling ; who hail passed his life,ou tile Late frontier—lialf•via)ager, half trader, and wall the - dealing out " wet dainnat.op" to the Ottawas, and recming is exchange the! skill; which abounded along th Erie orcbipetago. th i the very day.thati Wol cott landed, there was a harvestldance—sointi great fes tival or other...laid the wood* were sonorous with the shouts of the Indians, as their sports, stimulated by Fie mont's whiskey,l went forward. ; In tho trader's shanty the bead men Were gathered, and the chief of the tribe, blind with j'alousy and drink, was patching the forbear ance of (gouts to the utmost. ; The latter. was sober, glove and indisposed to quarrel, but it availed him not The hatred of his superior was onsinofhered by his pa roxysm of intoxication, and at length he assaulted Ovum with blows. The latter, driven to self-defence, slew his assailant. and, without an effort ! to escape, walked forth among theekeiltd groups of Judi:ens, with thetrave bear ing and impessiie countenance for which hie rice is so remarkable in an emergency. i. As night opproeched, Wolcott remarked to Fkmont that no means were taken to impriion or fetterlOgentx, and that he would be likely to flee from the justice of his tribe: " Not he." replied Illitrader. " Ile knows well enough that if he shows the least disposition to escape, his doourissealed. There will be a grand council to-nioir r . and Qgontz will 'ap pear for trial them jolt as curet as the euu rises." And AM it proved. .lle told his to —it was confirmed by i e others—he was unanimously acpitted, and, in the next Instant proclaimed chief in the lace of the dead Indian , t with the heartiest acclamation Hi. Wisdom, knowl edge and bravery all concurred o suggest th e choice of Ogonts. 1, Th. next incident has ;till The deceased chief had an oni% was childless, perhaps he had jrued uipou the Catholic priest Sees the yvaot *rehab the shell mavtaaimouely adopted the be fatherless. Wolcott, who aft, the peninsula which eeparatee kv Bay. Is the authority for t informant received fr: lived ow what it noir the site o a stootett throe from tho Og Of this locality first known to th: eras °gouts Tower. At thnt e more settled the 'souther 0 .outs was a astorued to pro, lagoods. ' liis mweuggr,'• w o Is osonz 1 2=2 r oral the air of romenre. won. a mere led. °gents retained the celibacy en tkmoilJ and he generously I r this own lodge. He whom he had rendered aids .opeuod a storiCou. ke Erie from Bandits , est statements. and oar This own lip,. Ogouts Sandooky Ctly—within is !lota—and the name dwellers on Lake Erie, y day. the peninsula was border of the bay. and nre of or send to Wolcott ,en he did NA go safer- 11150 A TEAR, in,Advasci• NUNWER 9. son. was ao old white-headed ladies: who bore a writ ten order from Ogontx—always phrseed with commer cial accuracy. and a neat specimeu.of penmanship. On oise occasion Wolcott expressed to this Indio his admi ration of the chief, and particularly of his generous Con duct towards the lad whom he bad adopted. The old man shook his head with a grime and sorrowful look quite in Contrast with his proud and pleased expression of countenance. while hotenini to the previoos praiser of his master. "No gooj." he muttered. "Boy kill °gout: some day." • "What do you mean?" exclaimed Wolcott, with much eurprise. " °gouts has been so kind to hiti, treated him like a son—why Yhouhl he be so ungrateful ?" Ogoutz kill his father—boy saw blood—never forget --Ogoutz know he kill him," repeated the lathe*, as if announcing a fiat of destiny. The prediction was fulfilled. A few years afterwards, the orph■u. then grown to early manhood. shot °goats on an excursion to the Maumee river. He was not me-t tested for the homicide, la fixed and imPhicabla is the Indian right of revenge, and the drunken Jim Omits. who died about 1821. (having assumed the Dame of the ‘rioble.lndiaix who protected iiim, and whose life be had taken.) must not be confounded with the educated and wise chief who made the name illustrious. Had tbs Ogunts ari}owl sway extended over a few Ottawas. a poor remnant Of filing and . trapping Indians, bees placed at the head of a powerful and warlike tribe. he would hire ranked in the history of his race with Pontiac or Team. seh—es it is he is so obscure that o ur narrative. although confirmed by the best testimony attainable on the sub• • jvct, may. be received incredulously by the reader. We have compiled ti fo'r the purpose of eXplauatioti. and bare preferred to tell the tale as 'twas told to us. rather than make any imagivatiie or ipeculative additions to its in cidents. Thel'onag Widow; or only Thirty-three. A census taker going his round left fall. stomd at an elegant brick dwelling house. the exict of which is no tnitine4s of oura. was received by a stiff, well dressed lady. who could be well recogiiiited as a widow of same }ears standing. On learning tho 4tt' ion of her visitor, the lady inv.; ied him to take feat the ha 11... Haring arranged himself into a working looshio „-lie quired the 'millibar of persons in the family of :h lady. , "Eight sir,•',replied the lady, "inc3udiug myself. "Very well—your age madam?" . " I . "My age sir," replied thelidi with a piercing digit fled look, "1 conceive it'. none of your Wiliness what my ' age might be—you're inquisitive sir." "The law compels me. madam to take the age of every persoit in the ward—Ws my, duty to alike the inr quire." ••WLII, if the law compels you to ask, I presume it Wavers u e to &Ilium I am between thirty and forty."J ••1 presume that means thirty-five?" ...No air, i 4 meauo no ouch am only thirty-three years cane." "Very well, 'esadam." . pritting down the figure..."joat as ion say. :Now fur the ages of the children. commen cing With• the yourigest. if you please.r • "Joiephine. my yOungest, is ten lean of age." • •Jaseph ine—pretty Oame—tee.'; , . • • . "Minerva was twelve list weeit." "litierva—captivating-=4welve." ocieopmra Elvin!' bas just turned fifteen." ' • Chlunstrs Elvira , --chsrming—fitteein." "Aug fi ne is eighteen airo r iustighteau." "Angelina—favorite uarna.—ei teen." "My eldest only married dau phis, it a Bile over twent)-five." .•'l'irenty-five did you say 'madam?" . air, t. there auyt'.ing renvukable t her 1)94 of that age?" / "Well, no. I can't say/there is, but is it marks bile that ”tu Aoultl be her moiAer.sCheiyint to a only eight years of age.'" About that time the census teksewas observed ti eing Out.of the bons.., cbsoly p,ulSued by a bloumsti it, was the last time he pressid s 'tidy to gito,:tter sue sr. , Arrest tit Capital Pingslimefit. The I' stun reicued fron trikfles the Gallows.—Passing, op Orange,afreet the other day, our attention was atr it-acted to a boy who was climbing up a lamp pest. en desrtiring to pass the end of a rope, which was attached to the neck of a terrier dog. over the hart:mon which the lamp lignter rem* hi* ladder when lightinuthe lamp.. There were some half dozen ragged urchins around cheering- I ' . An o!d• gentleman present.l supposing foul Play, asked the little itilkiw.what he was eying toll° to the dog. "Hang the sucker. he's bia, a murditia.r said the excited bay. ••Murdering what?" asked the old man, • “Why„ Jockey Babcock's i pet rat, wet Itedotehed VOX they tore down the old bildits." • ..Oh. don't hang him for that." pleaded the old man. "it islijs noturelo kill rats; besides he looks like a good dog. if you wish to get rid of him I'll take him along with me." "Oh! it can't be did. daddy;• he'a a infernal 'monistical. and the jury brought him in guilty. :ma he has 'got his sentence. and you can bet your life hantbim. "Jury! what Jury?" ..Why, , our.jury; them fellers there sitting on that railer' door. They itiied him this morale, and Bob`Lia kets sentenced him th be hung. That's right. slat it daddy? It Was all on the square. 1 was the lawyer against the dog, and Joe Beecher was for him, trellis arguments were knocked all to thunder when -I brought the murdered bldy inter court. It took,:'eut all dows.- 7 They all guv in that I was•rite. 'He aint wink a rusty nail now, but as soon as he's deed he's werthdity cents. "cording to law, at the City Hall. and we want the me ney fur the 4th of July." • The old gent'ssermid surprised at the toenail's bet. but was about entering another plea for the condemned. when the scene was 'interrupted by the arrival of the . Willer of the dog. (a stout,lrishman.) who soon dispersed . judge, jar) a d executioner. and rescued the trembling culprit .—N. Picortre. atrimony Made Peary This very iota resting event in • womaa'slife RNA he very trying to tl• nerves of some of our delicate mum ladies!, No doubt, your buxom widow, who has Weed her th i ird hushes d, 'thinks it a very trifling affair; but she has list the freshness of her feelings mid is not to be spoken of in the same breath with • blooming middles. As*the results of much philosophical iterestigatiol. (let. like Washington Irving. we have "speculated roach abont'artatriumny." but have never experimented.) we incline to the opinion that a person can experience be sensation of getting married but once! IloWever this may he, we are glad to be able to state to those who have aeripas thoughts of committing matrimony. that it is in our power to give diem a, valeable hint as to the best modi of getting afire' the ceremony. We have beard of of getting married by steam, and by telegraph. bet we have now to propose a more original plan. which may be called "marriage made easy." We recently over heard two young ladies talking es this subject;--Mill *aid she was sore she should faint.. but the other said. itilsen she get married she intended to take Ckberiefriesaf Thus is decidedly better then the plan of the bashfal mast. who wanted to slide into matrimony by degree.. A whit. handkerchief applied to the now. • menteni fem. ed in a bilsifial dream, and you awake Inthe promised land! - Getting married by i*lerisforas will .tdoihtedly become very popular with atiossidel 'young Intioni:— Portland Treastripc. • - II r ~ ~~ tar, air, /Lass Sa...