Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, June 07, 1851, Image 1

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    a.. P. DITUZ.IIe ic 0,0., Pr •liri•t•rs.
frit. nh Olistrutr.
a.:. SLOAN. Molitor.
City subscribers by the carrier, at
ay mail. or at diet:dike, in solstice,
i ylr not paid in adverse*. or within three lanadis has Melanie
gr •61 bee r nt. two dollars will be charred.
sLrAticounntardeatiows and be postpaid. %,
Cards not ezeeeding 1 linen. one year. -
One square
do. do. DU meths,
do. do. three months.
Thantient advertisements, 3Beento per sqluire. of Mama lines or
1“, 4 Inc the dew teurnion: 23 cents for each subseqtrent Ineertioa.
a3Tearly a dven tiers have the pri liege or chanties at pleasure.
Nt at no tune are allowed to occupy wore than two aware', and to
In fa actr ammairralit bessmea.
Advertisements not hat mg other dtrectkxna. will Is Inserted till
forbid and charged accordingly.
A TTOIIIET AT LAW. - -011itt Over Wil(11 • I Miele II lad
F.stablishusent; entrance first door west, on the !Wane square
Wit cu c o bry Goode, Grorerieu. Liquor of all kinds, Crockery
Nails, arc.. one door mouth of timid' /miscall More, nee'
Street, Eta.: Pa.
N. B. HAvaiurrAct.
'k r - . X
Agent of 1. Smite Offentrech—Pepot of Foreign MUSIC and ow-
Mercbandsze. wholenale and mad, So. IS, So. Sib Si.
ab. wee'. PiAllacielphia. •
- -
Pirsaiciss ■nd Seance's—Office - corner of SUM aid Seventh
Sin-eui; Residence ou Eighth suert, between French and
Holland, Erie, Pa.
Dealers in Gold. Silret. Dank Notes, Drafts, Certificates of De
posit. ice. Sight Etehanec o' the principal cities constantly
for sale. Office to Beatly• Block, PUblie Square, Erie.
let ninon vto Pamela. s--pliice, corner of French sod Fifth
streets, over Moses Koch's wore. Residence on Fourth ctitet,
one duce east of the old Apothecary Hall.
II constanily on hand a roll supply or Groceries. Ligon's. Phip
Chandlery. Provkslons. Produce, to . and yells Wholesale
or Retail as cheap as the cheapest. • No. I ist, Thespside Et*.
littoral/7 lad Gommnor at Law.
*evolutionary, army and Nat— Pensions, Bounty Lando and
clam., for estra-pay. and all her butanes entrusted UP toeshaU
Meier prompt and faithful a Lennon.
°thee In trustwo Blacken te meet. over J. It Fullerton's
pore. Erie Oct. 10.
WanisaALa end Small Deniers in Uty Gooda,Grorents.liardware.
tagnor ,, , Flour, Fash: Salt Ara„ Xu. 1, Wrigties Moot cor
ner cd Fat) and Stye Streets,
1111.011.x•110. Law( acre.
rash ionable Tatior, moats over the store ofasitith JaCksoo,Ctnrap
Side. CUTTING done on short notice.
■ootrcller and Stationer, and Manufaeturer•ot Blank Books am*
N'ntui Ink.eorner of the Diamond and Silth at•tet.
J. B. NICELIN, and general Ageney.and Commission businese, Frank
lin. Pa.
Duatain Gtfltlall and American Hardware and Cutlery,
AI.), Nails, Aar lie, Vices, Iron and Steel - No. 3 Reed flout;
Erie. Pa.
W. J. F. LIDDLE & Co.
aucuerrni., ',Carriage and Wagon Dundera, Stain Street. be
la tim beveills t Earbtb. Erie.
--•- - -
L, 9TR0.,111. M. D
Dery t. one Door west ore. 8. Wright's NOM up atlas
()flirt midi Met. A. Ream, ?Imola near Sonatas late. Res-
warner, on Siwarrac t one door north ofdeventh K.
Wnottrat.l and Real' dealer in Groeeriety Prirvino/N'ines,
Liquors. Fnut. he.. Ake Cotner of !lend' Ind Falb 13treets.
o ice Fanners' Hotel, enc.
Wantiatr and "avail Dealer "Phultr. Orocerien, Crockery
taunware. Iron. Nails. &e.. ap Side. Die. Pa.
rip- The highett pile.. pa I Countty'ProduCe.,a
.1. GO: IJING.
Hitaruvrr TAILot. and H • Maker..-tore,No. aßeed r allloik,
(opto.sin the Boi.nell Block) &ate Socet. Erie. - -
In Calker'■ Office. On fievekill Street. Erke.Pn
Hisolerait.iobber, and *tail Duke iti-thy Grinds, Groceries,
Crockery, Glassware, Carretdeg, Hardware , Iron, Steel, Nadir
emits. rec. Gramm @tore' Blair '2 tract, Mut doors., below
Brown's Hotel, Erie, Tn.
diacr--.Ant Mc V mew Bellow s. Axle AIM& Sprinter, and a general
ensartment of Saddle and Carriage Trimminp.
ATIMOINITT AT LAW and Justice of the Pellet". and Artlit OOP
the Key stone Mutual Lige Insurance Company--ofike 3 doors
weetorWrighte more. Erie. Pa.
ATTOTIITT AT LAIT, Giratil. Elie Couuty. Collectkisa and
caber business attended to With prouiptness and disoatch.
[tastes in Groterien. Pro% %%ions. Wines. I..ntsors.Candies. Fruit.
Pio tl, Poor People's Row, State street. Este.
Forwarding k Connotation Merchant, on the Public Dock, eland
Gash gait, Plainerlad Whirr Fish. eoctstantly Aar sale.
J TIC WIT, Li Alil B.
Banker and Exehanir Broker. Dealer in Dills of Exchange,
Drafty, cenitiemes of Deposits+. Gold and silver coin. &e., 44.
Oince,4 doom below Bro wn's Htel , Erie, Pa.
. _ . .
waoLinuut•an ArrAlL lissxxlis -in Foreign and DOMentie Dry
Good., ready istaae Ckothinf, 'loots and Mon, le.. No. 4
Whence Mork, dude street, Par.
Arlon wry AT wrtleveiond. otoo--Oniee on Buperkw greet.
- Atwater's/Hoek. Refer to timer Juitiec Parker.Canitrridae
I.awriebaoli Hon. Rickard Fletcher. ItiStatem.Olkamom; Mom.
- Porkiaa.l-11‘ Walnut at., flailadelpina; Richard H.
Kimball. E01../F1 Wail Meet, New York. For sewistoatato. re
fer to Otte oiled.
A rroverre er LA w—Ottice up stairs in Tammany flail blinding.
north of the Prothonotary', offs e. Erie.
Arrnagrr AWl,CorsastAna AT LAlN—Office over C. B. Wright's
Store. entrance one door west of state street, on the Ihrusiond,
. •
C. M. T 1.13 ALS.
Drat as Gs Dry Goods, Dry Groceries. Crockery. Hardware,
No. ID. Cliespside, Erie.
Octant inGroceries add Provisions of ail kinds, Stattesereet, Wet
doors north of the Diamond. /wee.
Da Aram is Dry Goods, Grocer les, Hardware, Queens Ware, Lime,
Iron, 21 sits. 111, eberipsidei Ene. Pa.
Casimir atm= Ilpholsaer, and I:ndenalter, corner of ikaacand
eleventh streets, Erie.
Grniu L Forwarding. Produce and Conunison allerehantaidealers
in roan* and floe sat. Cool, Plaster, Shingles, &c. Public &wit,
sat side of the bridge, Erie.
J Kuala & Co.
Commix. iorwardiog. Qxotrooricio *ad Produce MerebuiteiSee
and Waxe-houre emuof the Pubis End., Erie. • '
G. LOOMIS & Co. '
oul.ras io Watebes, Jewetry, Saver. Geniis Silver. Plated and
Hilton:on Ware Cutlery. Military and Fancy Goode. Hutte smut/
needy oppoeite the Eagle Hotel, Er
C. Loewe. T. M. Anima
WHotestts and Retail dealers In Medic.lnes, ?slats, Oils,
lhe-stulis. Glass. Ate No. Reed Erie.
JAMES LYTLE, Merchant Tailor. on the public mu" a lew dome
e.. 1 of Sow garret. Erie,
- D. 8. CLARK,
tru.txsars ♦sa RETAIL Dealer in Groceries. 11161 1 1
Chand/ery. Sage-vase. &e., No. b. Boaueil Block, Brie._
Dialer is Law, 'Medical, sers.o4 *seerlawyer looks strdkroary
_luk. tt. Sure sr,. /Our doors below the ?tibiae square.
Reo‘dent Dentist; °Seemed dwelling in the Beebeilloek, op the
Luc side of the Public Square. Erie. Teeth i owned co Geld
Rate, from one to an enure sett. Carious teeth filled with pure
(kid, awl moored tobealth and ueetutnew. ' Teeth cleaned
insuwnents and Denaillee so as to leave these of a pellucid
clearness. Mliverk waminted.
8. DICK - WtBON.
hrractioi •n ttcaou■--Odle at los residence ors aserahth street.
°mote the Methodist Much. Erie.
triouirts 41110 Reran. dealers in Da_lin. Medicine*. fte 81181110
Groceries. Ike. No. 5. Reed Howe. Erie.
- -
FEt 11 roamed coerce, a impeller '
article. oaly foar days from
New York. lay arrangements are made to receive as la
rome twice pet month. Customers n .11 bed this eoblee the beet
L'arkel.- April It. , J. IL ITLeIIITON.
• I
- _
- •
, • .
I . E .
li S Eli
L. Tis*ALs.
ftlert pottrq.
: There eras ?it tree. as mini tree.
T,O *nee loved to climb,
And throned upon its branches there.
To itch them sit the ilosei
To laugh and shoat devoid of fears,
And swing sew and ho—
bo ahl •oiras Illy childish years.
That poised sae king ago!
Pve led a ornery troupe of bops. -
, Tkrotib twisted woods sod hues—
Too boisterous in ow reekkis wise'
'To - bead die bramble pains,
Wbo pent eared At prairies lam
A. bow the rent would sew;
Aad we'd to time to stay and amours,
la childhood long ego!
I often think the eArly days
Were fairy days met
That eitildhooti enchanted rays
Which ma cannot met
Poe cans and reststegeilactitome,
la one entangled low,'
And up yokes ill are ink
flat soothed inking
So loot ago. the Idling
In likes pleasant 4 •
Int oa the Attune i n
in; is
Its warm and y . gleam—
A gleans of runshi 4tver bright,
To them the pa below, • •
And wake anew the teuthAd light
That led us long mai
COire Mirirellan
MORDAMIT Oti 3IIESBY h e ad !NOM the ackno lodged for
ofCisciliii Daveuant for mime months. and their mini.
was only deferred until he abolold hive takenM!ders. El
l ir
(commie woe considerable, and hers as very grist. so
cindery mitten; were of no weight 4 them. i ! One eve
ning I accidentally overheard • ensversatiiiii betwse
them, villlch gave me some palulgil "doubts es to theit
future happiness . They had , sot returned (rein a wslk;
and as they seated theinselver on tits piea.S near the
window. where 1 was reading. Cecilia erelsJ"
half petolast tone. , I
i ; ,
" Really. Mentalist. yea ':IMv• grow • se
dull lately. that yea are absoMiely Mamma ;
matter with. yea ?"
" Tiresome." retarned bo.lla a noes of
sweetness. which thrilled my vary beart. litir
. to yea. Cecilia 1"
. , .
"Oh! well. 1 didn't mean tiresouil exactly ;
is the reason you are always so dell?, I wish
mirth as will as 1 do." • ti
"1 am sorry yen even in4elge each a wish lee that.'
said he. gravely. " es you well know it is one *ride& cal
never be gratified. I love to bee yeti gay. bell eertalnl3
never expect to possess each oifrolicsirattreptrii myself.' .
••,l declare I alit absolotelvi afraid, to talk it, yen. V
once heard you celled the i;iiht of i 'tbe Elnefel eminte.t
mance. and I really believe you deserts thatti4a." . I'
This was teaching Mordabilt in the toada*t point/
His dread of ridicule rendered him tremblingly alive tog
seek a remark. i
"each Pray who was witty °non tobe tow ea a appal
I l is - 4
lotion upon 'use 1" inquired biotin a t eof piq e. ' .
'• There,!' said she. laugh) •• d' n't Ito youth
you leek everything too ne '' y ; ow you are vex
about that harmless jest." 1 1.1 fr
" Will yea be oci kind asil4 linter.' me the•neise e
the person 1"- asked he, in tli ennui tione l ef vertatioe. .
"Oh. I forgoi," memory:ld phe heiidiess girt. "Ns
Willoughby, 1 believe."
I was about to start formal a,Fild repel the false mewl .
*titian, when MordaiAt repUtt •1, 1 1
•• No, Cecilia. that I cant* erei1it4....."1., might'
be. 1 know it was skit Eilwarid. He too mulch regard
forms to wound my (menage lir unmerited ridicule.
can *wily believe that•wementielreelions are oven, d'
by caprice, but with man's oilier* I am butter 4•. - neiniti
ed. Yon may be amused by, itieeneelisse jest. area wheat
l am the subject et it; but Elerdrd Willoagistry weiki
help ridicule upon his (Weed." i
Ho spoke, this is a toss of i the deepest mortifiestiois
but she ooly laughed still more
,hoortilyl Ho reel has
. 1
"Coen'," said he. " I millet kn i t now in the ltumo
for merriment. If you will amide yourself to moll
,that oaths Coming Sabbath I UMpreach my first ,erg
mow, you will probubly and
re irretsiad ths macula my rat
L i
city., Allow me also to mand that you Uwe ill
pair pommies a manuscript Which I wish to - Make
of es that eccasioa. As yett . probably have been *4
Much occupied to peruse it, Will you be kind enough te
retina it to me i"
"Oh, I cannot go for it *Ow." said she. carelermlyl
" I suppose it wilt be time smough toonorrow. I 41'04
say you ku!w it by heart alroiady.".
" Litnow somewhat too mach , by heart." muttered bei
"I will *mid for it to.ntorrow." And haters she could
reply, he bade her good.:day end iseAl.
As soot is ho was oat of OW. S'ill . uwlrreel eV rei
treat. , 1
" For H 41 sake, Cecilia," said I. "take tarsi
what you are doing. I bars overboard all your conver•
satiety i SOO; belies, me. you, are trifling with Illordsan
in a manner which you will Vepont." ,
She burst into a immodeals lit of laughter.
"Why, really, sir. 4 thank pin for'your adirilo, but I
have seen him in oath' a humor fifty times. He will
come to.mocrow, bad bog pordet for his. ill tumor. I'
will pout a Inds while and thee forgive him. tad we
shall was good (needs as ever."
la vain 1 remonstrated with bor. The thoughtless girl
had toe Mien men the pawl/ a? ber dorms to
newPrand I left her with a paibral prommtmeat id evil sp
an my mind. t ,
Tbo nest day was Sattirday. and lisullaust. abs wil l
deeply impressed with the importasee et the teat hi.
bad undirtakee, shot himself:up in his room, sad Wigged
I wenld set interrupt him.' '
" Shall we g: to Mr. wile,.', this ...sing t" said I.
" No," replied he hastily, piety I. too op.
preemies, sometimes. I have reflected "poi the duty
which I have to perform to-marrow until tam unfit eves
for society. My foisliegs aro set is seisms with her light
and cheerful spirit."
In the evening I was admitted to his apartment and
toted him despatching a note to Cecilia. requesting rho
return of his maseseript. The nameengor was delayed
a leartinte. end finally reversed withset it. saying,
" Miss Davenant was engaged with company. bat would
send the manuscript in the meriting." Mordesat bit his
lip, and the flash of anger passed over his pale cheek, ea
be dismissed his warrant.
Edward," he said, " I sometimes de suskefew what
to brisk of crilia. She is se inocrrigilly volatile that I
frequently fancy we serer etas be happy together. Lest
weak I gar, her the sermon which I inesaded preaching
to-miurew. with a request that she would reid it end give
her opiaios of it. Perhaps; inked tee mach (sem a gay
and giddy girl ; hat she, "sight at lust have Weil to man •
ply with my wishes. / have I. rats mitlearrid to ob•
I saw that Mentalist , ' feelings were deeply wounded.
amid Ihe vain endeavored to soothe them. Though it
was lather late. I weal to Mr. Wilsoa's buss in the
hope of vetting this manuscript, bat Mies rolaveaut bad
retired to his apartment, rand ['returned euescoresful.
The seta soya rg owns as! thought Mordecai would
idisit me. I sought hie chamber. He was exceeding
pale, and I meld easily discover that he was von such
excited. Ahem ea hoer befisso church service the meit.
*script arrived. Mordinat opened it. and after readies
the first few pages. sald.
1 have tee time to overlook it now. I believe I must
treat say ilimmory."
We went to chareb together: As ouusitally large au
dience was mumbled ; and ..al4 ih the heat pew di
reedy below As pulpit. was the gay sad bountiful Cecil
ia. Mordaunt read the psalm in a sweet low voice. which
like the air. rather felt than heard, seemed to pervade
every part of the building. The prayer which followed
was sae of the moot affecting appeals tabus,. that ever
fasted from the Hu of mortal. When it was finished he
sat with leis face neat 'down between hie hands, as if to
Mum streogth for the Mara important task which now
awaited'him. At length he rose. His voice was en...d
ila* treesuless. as he repeated the text be had chases.
list is a few atimetoe his .elf-pemessioo seemed to rehire.
sad his wanner. ea firm, so dignified. tad is 'impressive,.
gave sew force to the truths which hie eloquence had
adorned. Tao attoutioo of the midlands was 'intently
fixed upon the pastelist., as he proceeded to explain the
disputed points of his subjects, and he *as gradually ap
proaching that part of the discourse which is wally
eigneted the Practical application. when he suddenly
paused, A deep silence and almost breathlesi sheathes
denoted the lateral of his hearers. Still dm pause was
unbroken. I looked at Ideritseet—his feu was crine
'ironed with ernetiou. He appeared bdeily turning over
the leaves of his manuscript as if in search of some con
secting link which had been wanting. 'H is search seemed
is vale. His brow grew almost black with suppressed
agitation. A slight titter began to be heard among the
younger part of the audience. Mordaunt was still vilest.
At leagth a laugh was distinctly beard from the paw
which Cecilia occupied. Menhout beet ewer the pulpit
and for a mutant Axed a atone sad wild gaze upon her.
He in nisi sedeavored to speak—words seemed to rattle
la his threat. bat he mould not Amu ea articulate; used.
He sat dews. The more serious part of the audience
remained he rents anaiturasat. while the laugh had be
came latest weiversel amearth• yams% people: After
tbs lapse of several minutes Mordaant again rose, and
in a low and hurried voice, muttered something about
'the loss of a part of his sermon. and hastily apologising"
so the audience, he abruptly left the church. The con
fusion which followed eau scarcely be conceived. I
sad. my way to Cecilia as soon as possible. Her im
moderate mirth convinced ino that she knew more than
any one else of the mystery. But I could get no hirer
motion :rem her. and. diemmtai at her heartlessness.
leg her and hastened to Mord:ant. Is valet kiseitalit
at hie doer sod implored to be admitted. He refused to
allow me to see him. I could hear him pacing his apart
ment with steps which betrayed his agitation. But it
Was set lentil some boursbad peeled that I was allowed
*straws. • His feu was-dreadfully pale. hie eyes blood
shot: and his whole appearance was that of a man just
recovering front an attack of epilepsy. The Mystery
Was soots explained. la the anticipation of a frolic. Ce
cilia had cot out a leaf of the sermon. Takeo. by sat
irise. Mordaunt entirely lost his self-poosesiee. Is vain
he sought to regain the thread of hi. dierrourse. Over
whelmed by mortification and anguish. (for he well knew
that it could be ascribed to ho hand bet Cecifies) he was
usable to frame a connectie4 link for his ideas. and the
consequence was utter humiliation.
l impid • •
bat is tit
but whit
Asti lov .1
Isis pomessioa of it sumo. and
. I dare nit trust myself in
the pulpit without it ; for although I am perfoctly famil
iar with every line. tot I know my self-possession will
fail me. whoa I am eenspollsd to address a large audi
After a long egitatiateouversetion between as. be roe°
le eee Cecilia.
" Shall I eccontpeey yes ?" mid I. .
"If you choose," wan the reply ; " bet renumber I
meet *ea her alone." .
When we arrived at the imam. I leek a seat en the
pita= with Mon. while he, having requested a private
interview with bliss Da t. retired' to the drawing
100A1. ; .
' What passed daring the time they reMaioed together
1 never beard. Mary and myself were• completely **
ironed is the diamonies of the palatal circumstances in
Which a thosightiore jest had pieced both— 1 remarked
with some surprise Mist Mary mime& mach agitated.
sod spoke of bar Nona with a degree of severity very
foreign to her mad sweeten** aid pinkness. For a
issomat a noviciate that klordanot might have found a
'more congenial spirit in bar. coined any mild. bat the
reoellectiep of her uniform tranquility daring the regress
Or his love afikk. with Cecilia. entirely destroyed the pro
habiGtv of it.
' Isc a few initiates weeard a eonfosed murmur from
the room. The low an initiates' tones of blordannt's
voice were distinctly bfollowed by the accents of
g i ant.
deprecation en+ entreaty from the lips of Cecilia. By
, degreee the voices were raised. We heard Illsrdanot
'utter the following words 1
"Ilse* loved yen as few men tan love. as few wo
men destine to be loved; but is proportion to the strength
of my efeetioe is new my hatred. I know that Chris-
Lieu charity would feeterlema me for ibis, hot I ourbet
help it. Tos has* bumbled me to the very dust, tram
pled upon my Wile's, rained my prospects, and crushed
my spirit bauseth a weight of humiliaties which cite
mover be shaken off, and at this moment the poisoned
adder is less letdowns to my sight them the vain and
senseless being who could @serif'', her best erections to
a senseless jest. Fermi - ell."
la as instant he issued from the roam. and hastening
down the steps of the piazza, scarcity allowed me time
to overake him before be arrived at his own apartment.
The neat morn log a lON was handed me from Mot.
daunt., Metier that be bad left the" country forever. I
hastened to his lodgings, but he had left them et day
break, taking with him all his baggage, and none knew
' his destinitieo. What were the feelings of Cecilia at
this unforeeop *vest. I sever knew. She loved Mot.
datist as well es such a gossamer spirit could love, but
she probably seou l torget his less end her folly. She im
mediately left Frio:motes. and a:fsw speedos afterward I
beard of her marriage to a makers planter.
/liana years passed away, daring which time, being
deeply engaged is professional ditties, I beard notisiag of
my early friends. One alternoeu, conversing with a gen
tleman from Englaad. the discourse tensed epee the
mailer preachers of the day. Ile meatiosed sue who
had for acme yearn, be said, attracted the largest audi
ence in Leaden.
"Ono of our own countrymen, too. Quested, 1 Inhofe.
at Princeton." ha added.
Fesliag a Tarts sort of interest is his 'cease. I ask
ed the name of the popular reecho,.
His arm* is Onnsfry."
Scarcely lieSeviag my owe eare.l sagerir gee/mislead
hiat caseeraiag kis prima hiotery. mad wee told that he
had takes op his abode he Load*. itteattioss yearaeism.
had seem beam* wary popular. had accepted a-valeabis
gilt of a aretelmoisa who was very tesm4attsehed hi"
mid whims lame he lad d sil Om highest
dignities at t h e Chetah that h. had beim method *boat
five years to an American hidy whom he bed-met with
is Lendon, and finally. that be was living in peat splen
dor. is much beloved for bis virtues as boseired for bis
talcs to;
As I was on the point"of visiting England myself. I
obtained Ortuebro address, sad my first visirafter I ar
in in Leedom was to him. He received me with the
trim t affection. and intredeeed me with a einile_te his
Fite., the identical Mary Wilson. who with her father.
wee fravelleg in search of that health which 'i hepelene
$OlllO for klordennt bad destroyed. He had by that time
leaned more of human nature. and be could not loag
remain Mind to Mary*s partial regard. He Offered hie
hood; and had canes for one moment to repent Hie
gen•iosity. novel not warmly attached to her whin
he married. her sweetness of temper and tenderness had
was his most devoted affections, and they were view
eempiewly happy. I ventured to uk about Cecilia. He
smiled sadly.
"Sbe is a widow, the mother of two destitute chil
dren." said he. „ Her husband squandered away her
fortune. treated her with the utmost harshness4nd lord
ly died of intemperance. leaving her without a friend or
a shilling in the world. She is now an inmi►o of my
boast. Mary seat for her as soon as she henna of her
misfortunes. and for the last two veers she and her chil
dren hare been members of my family."
The next day I dined with him lid saw Cedilla. far
'oaken .ye and pallid cheek told a melaneholyiale. Fier
spirits were entirely gone. and when I cent Pasted
bloomiing appearance of the happy Mary with !ithe faded
eenntortance of her once brilliant cousin. I acid ant bat
feel that Cecilia had paid dearly for an T JUT.
Easy Virtue, or Rich and Poor..
Th• author oft new English book, called 9401al
dance, which Is strongly democratic in its loin. sPeOta
in this wise:
"It Is very easy for yen, 0 respectable cithn . seated
it your ouy chair, with your feet on thi fendd , to hold
forth on the misconduct eV:* people; very I for y - to
to censure their extravagant and vicious habits;:rery eidly
for yol to be • pattern of frugality, of rectitude of sobri
ety. " at eke should you bet Here are you surround
ed by forts, posseuinz multiplied source* Sr lassihi
happi ea. with a reputation to maintain. an aMbitioeito
fall% ad a prospect of a competency for year old 40.
A shit , • indeed would it be .with - these advantairsif Yon
Were et well mutated in your behavior. Yao have,a
cheer .1 home, are warmly and cleanly clad., Sad fare,
if not %tortuously every day, at any rate abindantly.
For y . r hours of relaxation there are antesensisats. )1
news. per arrives regularly to satisfy your collosity: 'if
your are literary. hooks may be bad in plinty; and
t h o se • plans. if you like masse. You emi
i ttrord to
sad are entertained I retegit.
There are lectorss and coolest*, and exhibition's. acme
slide if yes are inclined to them. You play hate a holl•
day when you chimps to take one. and eau spa mousy
for as ?mural trip to the seaside. t '
Asidlajoying all these privileges, yes take ?edit to
yo uself for being a, well conducted man: Stuidl.prebte
to you OM it! 11 you do not contract dissipated habit.,
where * the %work 7 yea hare foci inisentivos 'to do so.
It is ta4 besot wreathes yew*. net spossatrosesesierdnigo
in seniial gratifications yens have pleasstresenedgh with
out. let what would you de if placed is the persiiiou of
the ha. 1 How would those virtues of yoga stated
thew r and tear of poverty? Where world tour pru
doses nd self denial be if yea were deprived of all tile
hopes whith sow stimulate yea; if' you bed in better
prospeets then that of the Dorestshire farm sereStst, wi th
7s. a wk. or (het of the perpetually straiten*, etor-lt
tag-worst ar that of the mill hand with his periodieal
saspen ions of work? Let us see you tied to an[irissotne
empleement From dawn to dusk; fed on meagie food.
and ac•rcely enough of that; - married to a fsctory girl.
ignorost of domestic management; deprived or she en
joynseetsfshich 'demotion opens up, with •Ds flies of
recreation but the pot-house, and then let so se* wheth
er you'Would be steady as you aro. Suppose }Jour aMl
lisp li d to be made, not as now. out of anrplut income .
hat oa of Wages already insufficient for necessaries; aid
then to coasidet whether to be provident woOst be a
easylos you at present And it. Conceive yourself one or
a despised dsss. Contemptuously termed 'the great an
washed:' Atigntatised as brutish, stolid, vicious; suspect
ed of harboring wicked dasigas; excluded from 'the dig
nity of i citilenship: and then say whether the ,desire*
be respectable would be as practically *penal* on yejs
as now. Ludy, imagine that seeing lour cepseitiess
were but ordivary, year education Out to eels's.. and I
your competitors innumerable. you despaired o ever at-
taining to a higher station; and then think wlrePter the
inanity.e to pareeverancesand forethought world be is
strong I !. your existing ones. Realise these emOmstats
cos. Oicomfortable citizen. and then answer whether the
reckless. disorderly habits of the people are inexeSs•Wo,”
t . 0
Spirit ssid Peril.
There I, • story—and which I believe is the feet.L-af
tare boir going to a jackdaw's 'neat from a hall unties
the be window of the tower of the All SainurChareh
Derbyy England. Aa it was imposetble to math* that
height from without. they resolved isr pate plank through
the widow, while the heavier boy secured ,balance
by sitting on the end within. 041 elmr boy loos to fu
himerlfan the opposite end. and from that perikas sit
uation to reach the object of their desire. do far the
the *c hi me an sw e red. , Thsr little fenow took the neat,
and fielding in it lire fledged young birds. sitimenciad
it to his companion.,i
“Firs, are there? " he; thou I'll horst *arse.
"Nay" exclaimed the other inditnaritly. "lir: run -All
the-danger. and I'll hers three."
4 "Yes shall not, r stiU msintained ths bey inside; "Yon
iO.ll nr. Promise me three. or drop yuts4",
"Dmp isle, it you please." reptiedtbe little her.—"tsitt
I'ii promise yos no more than two." upon whiah-his feet
*Upped off the plank. l •
Up tilted the end. avid down went , the boy ',wards !of
• buscbcd feet from the ground. The little !fa'tow. at
the moment of his fell. was bolding his prize ki the legs.
throe is one hand and two in the other; and duty. find
ing thriselves descending. flattered ont their pinkies
lastinWvely. The boy. too, had on a carter', t frock I-
cured !around the neck, which filling Irma boost*,
Nimrod Mtn up like a ba!!oopn, and he descended'smooth •
ly to dim grained, when, looking up. be esclalatta to his
cwmp•aloe:—"glow you shall bows nooeti arid tin
Moray sound in every limb, to the astoniatimeat :row is,
hobitmets, who, with ibconcelssabliliorroi. had "witness
ed his decant —Americo* haties. •
Whe Wendy? It is the little girl who drops own*
words, kind nmarke, mad pleasant smiles. u she
Our; who has a kind word of sympathy fir liVe i r77:
or boy she meets is trouble. and a kind hand toltelptor
companions out of difficulty. who never scolds. no r
conteada, never tomes bet mother. nor seeks in any
way to dhaiiish. but always to increase her happiale.
Would it not please you to pick up a string of peanut.
amps of gold. diamoads. precious stones. es Yea pus
along the attest? Bet thus are the prestos' its... that
can serer be kW. Take the hand if the hietadleen—
thwili en the end and dejected. • Sympathise , with thee.
is triable. Salve sioryntbin to tithes imamd yea
suirdiiite and joy. If 'yell de Ws. yea will he NM *to
• ,
be bilond. •
A Word to Little Girls.
NiXll.—lfrom the Pzsizi.
ST a. grazers*.
Pre t e sii presume e. omy Gods
la deep; amid Ma am
Of . sboailag for abroad.
s# shakiog earth's dna, rosily noon.
I've gbh thy presteme Oa the Might.
01:bills,altpelgaving and sublime.
Whemeboughts ire bred 'or angel dighis,
'An/ hear tO beim the foal may elfish
I've Itt tby presence add dm .well
Of Mows leaping to the sky.
Mar Fancy. shocked at Ireriee. yet;
Robed Death's block waves beilmi the Me.
Ist seem deep and . sneenteins , grand,
And yen the rari•lkklen gel.
ho min than this-ttood Prittrietla
The presence, I.ord. bespeak of dm
The band that smoothed these boondlea plains.
And teltionedel their charms, is aim
And fen the silence here Metres's'
Is Monuent of pewee divine. /
i tiot
This 7 hush mlo°ollll4' hour.
A d this se-fite field of bloom.
Keel iver me with a soothing power.
Li t whispers 1
Ikea a hope-lit tomb.
Anihy solemn Reds below, ' .
k me. Lor4 , to often rove.
And lit; Make Me humbler grow.
' Till ilk the holier &Ids above
X= at /Mauls.
.11usbaad.ii • Mai. Heater, as Oa watt meted at
the breakfast t • with the What of bar ninths*.
wish you could ad time tri pay a hide attention IS Wit
ham. He has aothiog Oh% sad. in oenseqaeace. pas
ses his him* wijb boys from whom he will tot be likely
to learn ,anythin gootl."'
"My dear." mpli•dildr.',llaster, "my time is at pre
seat so constalady et:cif/vied that I amino( see to him. As
soon as I can fiikd time to Make some enquirioe shoat •
=heal. I will do so. He shall have the best advantages
for education which the country affurds."
";I am afraid b. will be raised before you will get time
to find a school.; He has got to be se large now. that he
needs the restralat of a father's baud."
"If you can satisfy yourself as to what school it is best
to send him. i.lrifl rely upon your judgment, and he
shall go as soon as you eau get him ready."
44 know nothing about; schools. yen want select a
school for him: ; Blain the meantime. would you net do
semethisig with {him at die - store He meet have meow .
thins to de, or he calm* bl.kept eat of =Cockier."
"Ton may seed him deers se the stem after he has
got hie breakfast, sad 1 will se• whet I eta de with
Mr. Heater diem west to his eon:rebore several men
were waiting fir bins. - T storaceelvell bat a very
small share .this atiortion He bed s large factory to
manage. besidei being a director is a railroad, and a
chairman ado committee for securing the electiin of
the candidata Mikis party.
William had been op very late the night before and
did not make bit appearance at the breakfast table anti%
nearly an host after kb father had goo* to hie place of
hetteee. •
1 •
6•lfinir faker In films yap lo Tome to the shire avow
as yen have tak;n year betitiltfaft." said Mrs. Hunter.
"Doyen Into r what be Wants of tne?" said William
with% blush. cremisioned bylthe fear that sonar of his ir
regniarities had loanse to hiO father's knowledge.
He wishes yew to assist him in theaters."
...Very welt I will go dowk." ,
Now It hippo led that William bad made an engage.
matt to meet some of hii companions. at tea o'clock It
would not snit his purposes to be engaged at the stove.
He did not fail kr go them wearer. for he bad not yet
learned to practice direct isobedienee to his parents
eanwinds. H e had tilde .ar that; hie fatheryould no
tice him, or assign to him spy employment. sinless the
matter was brought to his reirollertien by some question
on the part of 14 son: Theft question he was careful oot
to ask. He roasainod at theaters, hi the presence of his
fattier. till nearlY tea o'cittett. whoa to left' to join hie
coaaptutione m i tt appointed place.
Mr. Heater d not ans» heals to diOnen and when
b e saw, in. at a Hie boor . lo his sapper, Wiliam was
not with him. 1 7. • 1 •
• ••Whore is William?•• said Urs. Hooter:, “Has ho
sot bins with you is the state?"
••I remember "sofas him,ihore some time in the coarse
of t h e day." ,1 ' i
"1 seat Mai down as yogi requested, in , hopes you
void give him (so mething to keep him busy." . .
...kb. yes. I member mole: but he did not saymay
esing to me - sheet It." I - .
; .
• 1 told him yen..irantedl o lis assistant% in the store. i
presume haiiiiir till be go h
tired. sod then Gest away.
I wish is would; come home. ' He is forming a habit of
staying out lateii and latrr."i
../le mast be. seat to behold. 1 have so time to at
tend to bias. Timm is, stn use in my ender:eking it.
lost get him moldy se soon se you can, and I will send
him at once to'siems good school, where be will bo ta
ken care of. lAthers is the paper?"
The orwspapfr from the city was handed hint. and
after having loafed over certain portions which have is
interest for geuefal readers, he was ready for his nipper.
After mapper hajwas to mectithe committee. Who lied the
welfare of their arty in charge. •
Mir. Henley s as too busy MI give any attendee to his
Mat How cairns he so hopyl? Was there a necessity
laid upon fiiin ti extend his business se widely en se
leave him no time to attcod to the education of his Mei
no time to take Care of his oleo soul? Was it mere ins.
ports:Rebell', should be rich. than that has eon should
escape ruin? 1
How many tither, are there in this land of saterprim
nhd;ourrgy. whir Must be classed with Mr. Hinter.
Mr. Hooter determined to giro his on the best ad.
venters' (Sr edification which the coontry afforded. He
was doabtliss; chilling to beat any expense that shield
Ire necessary tarreeore that object By that means
thought to aton.# for his cowel otglect.
There are dais, that canhalle transferred to other*"
It ie the parent ' that God. 4 hie providence sad word.
Gaye. "take thi"J.child and hide it for me."
No other potion can di'tke work required of the pa.
Among the Opined of an, land.bow many are victims of
parental neglect—of neglect occasioned by the pre urn
of basin- • and worldly care.—N. Y. Oiaerear,
117 A Taakot in Gas of 'sir New Esighusd towns, gain
into the market; to boy a *so s of assuages, held oat
Usk to Tim e is dog. '•figs" rubbed his roes - oireiee t
tbesa„ so gto spoil a bit. ad t d lootaotly brisded op and
@bowed his dootals—upoa! which the muter dooppod
them like a hot,. potato,.
••What's the! muter?" demanded the vendor of pork.
•'Do you Sled spy foutt with' my saasagoo?'•
**No.". replied the Yankee. "I've nothing eight the
seeningeen. pity. flog foon"t eat iv, that's al"
Scums re A ovirar Couev.—A kited of owe yes.?
motley. was dolled-te give evidence is is court held by a
justice sr the peace le as adjoining county. Accustom
ed to Ilm'etahl propriety albs higher courts. *sr readers
sea judge his SeNttiehureut at hoarier ins lathe lawyers
talk to the jutlee alter tile; AshMs—.••May it please ywr
Room. Z did let Wend to amiss **cited in this cause.
but yes are pig/inset suisd that all struts. I. comm .
my temper are unavailing.—Tracure.
11l 80 A WZIAZ. Is Adtaaea•
Titus is no good reason why a man who works for
his Uri's should not occupy the most elevated social
position. There is no mason why a respectable scan
should sot hi respected. or why an hosorable man should
sot be honored; and if any man is this country is look•
ad down upon and despised. it is his own, lash us won
MI his misfortune.
The richest man is New York gilts may his beard sad
clothiog for taking cars of We property. A man who
works for - a dollar a day may eat se wholoseme food.
WHIZ as eonifiwalito cloth's. and sloop is as Olson a bed.
The same sun and'etais shit' for both. ibis saute brows
es blTor,lhesante waists dames in the light. the mime
ilowars shod their porfaotss. Satan is kind IA all her
Bat if a man voluntarily makes himself a hiackgaard.
an await. a filthy wretch, he cannot expeat to be treat
ed as if he were a gentleman., Ilea get their deserts;
and it is well to anderstaed this. sad atop complain
aselessly and uojastly. It does 00 good, bat math harm.
The first requisite for a gentlemen is imelligenes. sad
and this is within the mach of every man who hen the
eetarno6 share of braise. There is se matt, I sere lot
haw bard his labor. who eanaot spend one boar every
day, and genieralty one dal in every week. in etady.—
And this in a few rears will furnish any man with a vest
store of intelligence.
But this is not samtgh. ?or a learned man may be
wholly unfit for society. Attention to personal decency.
manners. and morals. are necessary to raepeotbility.
No man can rerpect himself who neglects these. sod
self-respect Is the basis ofreepeetability.
. I mat be plain. No person of any refinement can
endure a man who is uncleanly in his person and habits.
Let so man talk about respectability who does riot keep
his whole perion sweet and clean. A sensitive lady
smells a fowl man as soon as he eaters a room, or gets
into an Omnibus, or even passes her in the street. and
she tuna her moss away front hint in divas*. 1 1 klow
that there are men who wear fine broadcloths, and we
men•who flaunt in satins. Who are disgusting savages
in their uncleanliness; bat flitch persons autism be res
pected by others, and inust,linve a contempt for them:
,The temperance societies have done Much to reform
habits of but they hive left ■atottebsd a
vice almost as Injurious. and Oho as disgusting.. Me*
otspify their sepses. destroy their health. sad Make
thomogvos loathsome, be the use of tobacco. It is ma
emeralds habit— tint. filthy. spendthrift. **Chi
every way ihmealy. not to say ungentlemanly. It was
first learned of savages—it is still only worthy of them. ;
It is a habit every parent should guard his children
against. and every man should avoid or abaadon. Ns
man should dare to pollute the air breathed by nesed -
ladies with the odors of the poisonous and filthy weed.—i
Thom are many who cannot.sndure it. and who will sof -
tolerate the company of those who use it.
What it coats any man for ;tobacco.. wbo toss it. is
sufficient; if added to the present cost of hie clothing.
lo dress him with elegance. Ab•! how cheep tea sim
ple is this elegance! A few more shilling* a yard for
cloth, the work of testi4tl tailor. a d scent regard for the
prevailing,rrode. and a certain neatness and simplicity.
is all!, Vaginae is never gandy„nerer sutra. never eat
of fashion nor in the extreme of fashion. It &Bowser the
ornaments. and no studied displ■y. The difference of a
single dollarin an article of dress may make•the whole
distinction between elegance• and vulgarity. A single
tawdry ornament may apoit the affect of the. best tailor's
workmanship. The slightest eccentricity of cat betrays
the inborn rowdy.
And manners—where Is the working man to learn
them? Ile may be clean; he may be dressed with pro
priety: ho nisy have a certain degree of intelligence; bat
manner...make the man. and he must kayo manner/4
Will, how doss any body learn manners? It is easy to
speak plain English and avoid slang. it is easy not
to swear or nos vulgar expression.. It is easy not WM&
teeth with a fork. or laugh and talk liad i sad boisterous
ly. or spit. or do anything vulgar. offensive. or ri
lons. What a man mast do then is to avoidall -
ly things. Manners are. in a groat degree. Degatii
They consist in not doing what Is offensive. "Cease de
evil—learn to do well," Break off air bad habits. '-
yam good ones.
Why left that the manners of working men an; to
such a degree. coarse. offensive. and even brutal? Why
t its
should they deliberately one:Jenne ' thideselves? ey
wish to be respected—they have the sailmity an dm
desire for social oujoyment--they might eultiva the
graces and amenities of life; bet-they prefer ale t,'
which they probably consider manliness. fervid drat
the noblest and bravest spirits the world ever sew were
kind and gentle and delicate in their deportment. ' '
Benevolence or kindness' is dm-foundation of gelid
- mariners. Politeness k being kind gracefully: A. well
meaning. tboughtfel person can velum ge sails& Try
se. be'ef sorties to every ess.'issld to injare the killings
orioo ton; to be jest and kind to all; nod Yon bete the
eseentittis gibe west courtly breedlog.
As to the mods of antesiegis room. and making a %mi..
yen sonnet want for esedsto.i„ Them ihinp avis eaelbr
leaned by imitatieg ethers.
,Tbsaefe eels is is avoid
a 4 P4I -4 d"' what 4 glitet. l ad simple, ant 6itstal e
and netts attempt display, which is always ridicadouno•••
If yes voila debt at any Mae as to what yew pheuki de.
yes have only te abeam* bow these de wbe eatesm.
a wall ; bred. and to fellow their exempla, • ,
Ail these things are very easy.—month orN than
learailsig s trade. It is easy to soli with all k iadtioad of
a kaifo; te drink from a cup hostoad of a salmon to M
eade a lady up and down the stairs; is pick up a fan or
haeditt4c4ef; to apologize tautly whoa yes wake a
blundei. asid - te beg pardon whoa you offend.
Bilat o, are easy to learn, to every one who wishes'
lobe able. A pare hfe and unspotted bona, max
belong( to the laborer, as well as to tM print*. The
eultivasion of the istelleiti is every mates right and duty.
As tiling ac working well are vulgar, igneraat. IMMO.
nucleate. and brutal. they. will be despised sad oppressed
Just ail soon as they,show that they respect theineehlis,
thepand their rights will be rospeeted.—N. y , . ands,
A kcsis Wists.—Sombey. in his ••onsala•" 'relates
lb. (olio •g:—when I was first in Lisbon.. nen made
her /Mips &mei a neassi7. The first-thing which she
requested when she reached the boom when she was to
be secreted. was • leaking glass. She had entered the
aonvest when emir five yearn old, and from that time had
never hen her own foes."
Er "Ma." said Wilbehests*. ••1 Joel shirk
was as deb as they say he was ."
"Wiby. tardier?" said the astonished aim
"Sseasse ha •shpt with_ hia &theist' and I think
that id ha had bees so risk he resold bars had a bia* of
his arra." •
Er A woman was giving evidoatoi' is a ems
she was asked by lb. lawyer— '
..Vitee the yeses wootaa lacteal, previous I. Ibis at.
••Vjrteers? wee she estate?'
'•Chaste? ye-..she WU Amid *beet l e quests: At s
, R
I ,