Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, May 31, 1851, Image 1

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DIIRLINpcCO., Proprietors.
frit Obstrupt:
B.'P. 111160:11B. Meiter.
Cdristbeeribera by the earner, at IFIA
ti) wail, or at Met/Mee. into:trance. 1,30
Li It not paid in advance, or within three mouth; train Useless*
af iiibseribing. two *dials will ba clamed. . • . _
SSA II cowuntnicauons also be post paid. • _
earls not exceeding 4 lines, one Yd4C. . Wien
•I me square • 60 1.6 von
do. do, sic months.
1: ' COO
do. do._ three months, . 3,1118
Plangent pleenivements. 30 tents prrinputre, of fifteen lines Of
lees. fof the first l e nsertiom . cents vs for each stbsnourid inserttun.
1 , earl) ode niters hate the prit akar of elisuging at pleasure,
tut at no tune are allowed to occult) marshal' too squares, sal is
its linseed Is asar inissaidly Issiisoss.
Aat erosentents not Mystic other dateetions, will Le inseined till
orbidand charged accordingly.
f _ ,
A rrnatrav ar I..w.—Otrace over William.' k Wriritroß3 tilting
Estahltahment; entrance (inn door tweet, on the Public t.qua re
ni - Dry Goods. Grocernv. Liquors pi ii kinds, Crockery
iisds, 4e.. one Jour south, of Vritb Jackson's siva., Frruch
Strmr. Erie. Pa.
J ,CO4l-10‘,
AO:it of J..Aadre Offenbach-I*ra of Foreign 1111.1 IC an d an
wal )Icrebandize, wholesale and rear', No. 114 So. St
chesurrat street, Philadelphia. .
DR. C:-1311A:44-Dkii
Pivot - lot and &Ammon-4)111u corner of State and Seventh
ricreet4: Remdence on Eighlb street., betnecn French and
Holland, Erit. Pa.
M. SANFORD . ..Tr:CO, • -
Deniers Gold. Silver. Dank Nolcs, Drann. Cerliacm , s of nes
pools. ice. Sight Ezehangevu the 0 10 6 W tou"autli
1 , 0 salr. Unite in Benny's Block .
, Irlabile Bquate:Ezie.
Staarom Aga Puy:tcu%—Oifigc, corner of French and Fifth
atacet•, over Moat' Kuch•••tore. Regidettee on Fourth •vicet,
one door !all Of vie OM Apothecary 11211. • ••
it. •r. sTERILE.I7. "
H as constantly on hand a full supply of Crocerim Liip:ors. ship
I 'bandkvy. Prot Prnduce, to , he.; and sells 1 'halcsole
or Nesad chedp as inn cheapest. No. I IN, Clicapsid • Eric.
Attorney and Counsellor at Law.'
r,es tAntionary. army and Navy Peurlons, Bounty I.9nds and
rlo ;no. for ea/pa-pay. and al/ Lthpr hukineseutrurted to toe shall
Term, e prompt and faithful atieiu
office um Wrighes Block on sute ettcei, B. Fullerton'a
more, ' Erte Oct. 19.
Wnorrs•Le•nd lleucl Ibraleni in Or}' Ciiourlii,Groceries.llarrlgrare
Flour, •Fish. Safi Nu. I, Wright's Mock cur
in,4 01 Ficli and t 3 au eterets
1,111. D.
ruhionatile Tailor. rooms over she 2 4 iore orSasah Jaekson.Cbeap
1 4 5 — .. C 'TTING done on short hoagie.
nunk•riler itnd Stationer, lid Manufacturer of Blank Bonita and
IVri uniz iik.epriier of )e Diamond and 'lsiitilt st•ect. '
"--- J. ;.' NICACLIN - ' - .
16rrrir4t and general Agency and , COttlftliffisiOli bitpjliel*, Frank
in, Pa. • '
. ' UFUS REED, -r
PrArLa in Engi!,h. Gentian and Arnetkall Hardware and Cutlery.
Col, Na.lo, Anvil*, Vice*, Iron and Bred NO. 3 Reed House;
Ktir. Pa.
W. J. F. LID LE & CO.
B, Carriage and iVagon nuil&fv. Ptak' Street.-bn
so•eli tet e•uW k Etglith,
L. sTnorCu. m. D.
ne Doer west of C. H. 'rishrist
. DOCT. J.
°Tr, IC with A. 13cre. Se
uu S.,,attat, one door
it'nor.r4Atr and Retail deafer in Grocerset. Pr0ri....... *MN.
1,4 lion.. Film, &c.. Ike cr.....c. in Vtendb and Fifth Streetr.
c;;.pnv,f, lill! Farnariu' hotel. Er iC.
v and Retail Dealer in Family Groceries, Crockery
4; arr. frriii, Nail', Act.. Chtip giflq, Erie, Pa.'
_ v
k higliett price paid )ri'cuittry Produce. rt
lf rare' TAILOR, am' Habit Maker.-4. 1 tcne.140. 3 Ree , Voillock,
mt.e , ..1. the Boone!' Ipoek) Stale Ntnrt. Ene.
.1. IV. WEI'AIOII.E. •
.1" In NVnlket'• Oilce.on sacct. Brix, Pa
E I 12 Ts
• soturrajoldier, :lad Retail Dealer to Dry Goods. Groceries,
fp - a - ken-. (.L... are, Carpet Itanha arc. Iron. Fted, bah^,
l•pak. a:c. 'Empire Stores agate 'etrcei, lour doors, lckw
ma. Erie, Pa.
Also—Ant V lees, Relksur 14 A ale Arms, Springs, aud a general
assortment of saddle and Carriage l'risnustup.
kraniutcy AT 1.6 W and Joetiee of the Peace. and Agent for
the Key Stone !Kemal Life Insurance Company—Othen 3 dawn
%est Of Wnirkts more. Erie. Pa. i
Arroimry AT t..w•, Gtrarts, Erie County, Pa. Collectking ' and
otter boom.. mended to with rtiotoptnem and dirnau►
T. W. MOORE, •
DE.i.NR i u C merlins, Trot• btonna,•%Vt nen, Lagoon , . Candies, Froit,
&c.. No 4 Poor People's Row, Ptaw sheet. Erie.
Fern ard nc & Conntaiseion3/crebbut, on the Pubtk Dock. eas6of
foal. Aait, Master and White Pith, constantly for vile.
Banker mid Exchange gsoker. 'Dealer la 111Ka of Eiehanr.
ren ilicatea of Dceovite. Gold and silver coin, due.. acc.
(Ker. 4 doure hekow Drown's Hotel. Erie, Pa.
Wunsss ALe ND in Foreign Will DOllleinie Dry
c.OJ•, ready made Clothing. Boots and Shoca. lie, No.
pchcs mock. State street. Erie.
r`Armatirr at Law, Clef eland.Ohio—lL/Ake 'cut Superior strec4
to Aiwater's Block. Refer to Chief Justice Parker, Cambridge
, I .1W School; lion. Richard Fletcher, 10 State at.. Boston; lion.
SamOrl If. ntritins.ll4 Walnut st.,Fltilaihriphia; Richard 0.
NJ:A-on, {Call street. New York. For Wittunouials, era
fer to this Otte.
ArTnnslrTll sT LAW—Ornee Up Kann In TiLllnnatly flail building,
wAin ot Inc Protonotarrer, Erie.
A TTAILWRY ent , 1111.1.04 AT 1.1 , 0"--0Iner SWF! C. B. MIAS . /
Store, entrance one door west of State tweet, on the Diamond.
0r../.lut in Dry Goods. Dry Groceries.Croekern Hardware.
No. 11 1. lliespoide. Erie.
- t JOHN ZIMMEitLT, . H .
lleautt inGroeeries and Provieiors of all kinds, State Meet, throe
doors north of the Diamond, Erie. .
E.Lrit in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware. Queens! Ware. Lime.
. Ir on . Nails. ke.. HI. ehead j ide• • Pa.
Cnitio-r Nara Irpholster, and t 4 &flakes. corner of Stale and
Nevin th sirrets,
EDWINJ. K so & Co.. ;
G augur. Forwarding. Produce a nulion Ntereisasup Weller*
to coan.e and tine salt. Coal. 'timer. Shlogtoa..kc. Public dock.
106 c.t .idts of the Wit*. Erie.
E. J EeLso• & co. ;
Gr‘rRAT. Forwardiile. Vaftunission and Produce Merchant/;fire
o.l Were-house east of the Futile Bridge, Rise.
G. LGOSIIt3 & Co.
Dr k f nu in watcher, Jewelry, Bitter. Gentian Silver, Plated and
Britannia Ware CratierY, iliStarShilld k'nrin) Coude, &ate Aznet,
„r.,r:y opposite the Eagle Hetet, Erie.
G. L., 41., .
' CARTER — & -- iiio - " — rii k.` 7 }l;
1r„.,..4•1., and Skall denim. in Drur, Medicines, Paints , . Oil?,
lite-owl., Claws, ke..lgo-4, Reed Howse. Eric.
~itta‘ talc: Merchant Tailor, car . the public rquare, a few JOOlll
wt of Suit , street. Eta-. .111
Il'troti7.l.l.t.- IVTAIL Dealer rf (merrier. Pfol - 410t1S. Rilip
Cha miler) !tune-irarr, te. Ake., No. 5, Bonnell Stook. Grit.
Lrnirr in Lap, Medical, school MlseelLsneons 'Books 4 ltddlosiall •
ii,k, k 4 tale s 4. Sour doors below the Pulsar swore.
DR. 0. L. L1‘..10.17, •
ke.ident ba n Lt; °Mee and dwelling in the Beebe 'Block. on the
.ide of the Public Squaregarie. Teeth inserted on Gold
Plate; from ooe to an entire sett Carlon+ teeth filled With pure
Ckdd, and restored to health and usefhleess: Teeth elealted•' and Dentillee so as to leave Mew of a pellucid
clearness. All work warranted: • .
Procrlrl • • Aso St'uctrom—ChSee a t hi, reihicuet On Seven at attmt.
pi.otte. Use Methodb4 Church. . • .
wn.,.... N “.., •ND aIITA/L daakva I . ltrup. Ma4latiata. Dye 818216
G mettle., Ake. No. I. React It • rate.
par.:4li roared coffee, a superb ankle. only' our drrja pow
NeN Xerk. • My arramientedid are made to remise SR ht.
twee tirit.e per math. Cmaimperi Will fled ihis ceder the hat
warkct.—April 19. ."; J. U. FULLEIRTOJI .
. . t .• , ,
.4.• . . _ i .- .
. . ._ . .
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. .
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• .
. . •
0 . . 1 1 8
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E' 1
t .
. ,
ACV: ' 1.. N TISZA( II
•••• TE %%TART, •
On near trawarrad. street. Rea
, north of rierlentri rt.
T. M.trarty
stitrt portrq.
A i Nankin: Aot► one April eire.
URoo the old arm-chair
I sat. and how I Sledty played
Mai Oils broil! bet orhalr't
Your bled was pillow:Id on wyliweart,
_ .
Yaw eyes were Awl as, whoa.
1 knew your heart was all ail Seek
0 I knew ay owls was *hie. - -
The balmy breath of yodels - . 1 . -
tame &satin is the moos. ' .
And sottigliaa wi th Sao roae's Wok. . • ~
Spread round a rich Perfume y ' %, „ ,
Yet sweeter was the warns breith Wirkh
I (eh upon guy eheeb.: ,1
That fraprottee from the idoshlll lane. 1
.Or blab the violetustak. 1 " .
rpoo the ask the reartrinihlni . .
, • Was singing loud and clear,
But notes more totesteal to we ; '
Were (Agog °way ears : ' '
For kola your noble hart you pawed . ..
Love's low, yet thrilling t a re.;
And every word rase pure soul Ilmistisall •
• . Wus wwwered by ay owe. .....
A IlOw she a itorioos rainbow thou , . .
The Spare all' aPpeated t
No ettivor sorrow thee we knew
No dialippoisuoeutkannt. • if
The werbrs rode wares bad sat . ,
' Aerate out path to sweep, ' '
. • -
We Never—fire from bappi .
Irad cause to sigh or weep.
But sum we/417Year" haver ed P a ' - . . .
Sittee,that bright April raw, c .
And you Itaveklearnetl sitsel lbealu'llreep:
Audi have learned to Vire ; -
• . And on thy tuna', unhtrnaried alp !
Time and Ins sister, Card.
Haw* set their u tinkled seal, and strewed
. ,
Their silver is thy hair. .
Nor Time. nor Care. nor world's slide waves,
flare liad the power to chill •
iie holy Love which then we rored.,
That is uncliiiided Indio .
Atilt DeAlli—th! reaper--eonler.
It neer shall flow Moray:— `
040 tide of first began
that da).
(ijoirt-.7 3li.spilltillit. -.--
= ,
Burman. the roe-Winer. * ralgh, heart'-looliini
iman; begrinneed with' charred. sat wale} vat his kilo.
at nightfall, while hie 14114 son played at building homes
With the scattered frazmenta of merbfa, when. on the
hill-aide yelotr them. thef heard a.roar of laughter, not
mirthful, but sluw. and even aokran. iike• • wind shak
ing the bOugg; of the • forest.
" retire. what Is that ?" Irked thelittle boy. leaving
his play; and pressing betwixt his fidher`a knees.
"Oh. some drunken man" I **pillow." answered the
limo-boner ; " some merry fellow Nom the bar-roost-in•
1 /,
the village; who dared not laugh I nd • e l.
autrol, test ne,slion,ld blow, the roof o the house off. 8e
here he is, shaking his Juni aides at t e foot of Greylock."
" But. father," maid thevhdd. merectiensitive the; the
obtuse. middle-aged clown. •• he dens not Singh ke a
man that is glad, so the noise frightens rye !" ,-
" Don't be a fad, child !" cried his" father v6llly.
"Yon will never be a min, I do belle4e ; thee too
much of
.toor mother in 3 - nu. Hark ! ' Here co me the
merry follow new. You Obeli see that there is no Iharru
1 in him."
Muuass and hie Bulb son, wluld ilk were to4ting
thus, sat waightag the same lime-Min that had bulb the
scene of Ethan Bread's selitary dad Meditative life, be
fore he began his search fur the Unpardonable Sin. Mlony
years, ai irirhavolean, had aow . 411kpoldoiada that Of.
tendons night whew a Itit• was dist developed: .The
kiln, however, en theintoaatain‘ildet, stood staingioired,
and was is nothing ehaaged,
,stn i he had thee.. his
dark thoughts Into the Internee . t aw 'lt its hitrisee.lo
melted Mom. as it were, lota the ,our thologht that 'took
possession of, his life. It was a rude , tewor-likel
structure. about twenty fort high, heavily hulk of tough
stones, andwith a hillock octhieth hooped about thalami's,
par: of its circumference ; se,thet the blocks and frog
meats of marble might be 'llraiirn by dart loads and thrown
in at the top. There opeited st the bottoM of the timer.
like an even-mouth, but large enough to admit a man
in stooping posture, and provided pith a massive Iron
door. With the smoke and iota of Amiss Wising from .
the chinks sad erevices el this deer. which seemed to
give 'dainties* hits the it.reseiableti nothing
so much as the,,privalw eithanee to the infernal regiees,
which the shepherd. of the Delittabli bievaitah, were
accustomed to abbni to pilgrims.
There are many such lime-kilo in that tract if ampl
ify for the purpose of bunting the white marble. which 1
composes • lime past of the substance of the Some
of them, built yeah ago. mid long 'deserted, with woods
1 growing in t h e vacant round of the interior, which le
open to the sky. and grass and wiktflowersrootlog them
selves into the Chinks of the atones, look like relics of
sultiquity. sad may yet be overspread with the kitchens
of cauterise to cease. Others.. where the ems-burner
still feeds his daily and night-long fin. Word points of
interest to the wanderer among the hills. who seats him- ' 1
self on a log of mood or a, fragmeof of marble. to hold a
I chat with the solitary man. It is ai kiiteseme. , and. when
the character is Inclined lit thought. it May be au is-
tensely thoughtful oecepotimit ; am It-proved is•lhe eon
ler Edna Brand. who had mused in much a Wear per-
pate, in dap gOoto by. While the firti is this very kiln
.was burning:
The - man who now watched the fire was of a very dif
ferent ardor. and troubled himself grid' no such thoughts,
save the rery'Tesrthat were requisite to his business. At 1
't frequent Intervals, he flung back the clashing 'weight of
the iron door. and turning his. face front the issulrerable
glare, threat in huge logs of osk, se mined the inmost*
brands with a long pole. Within the Wine* were neon
!the curling and riotous flames,-and burnbig marble, al
i most . ,n:i:n with the iutenlity'of heat; while without
I the t:::::•Ntou of the fire quivered ; ob the dark istricacy of
thi surrionding forest. lasi showed in the foreground a
; bright and. rudd)little picture of the hat. the spring be
tside its doer, the athletic said coef-iiegriinased figure of
the lime.burner. and the half•frightenetl child. slaking
lute the protection of his father's shadow. And when
again the iron door was closed. then. resprpearrd the ten.
din light of the half full moon, which vainly strove to
trace cot the indistinct shapes of the mein7
tains ; and, IA the upper aky, there was a ,Itittisg con
greptioa of clouds. still faintly tinged with the nmy pm-
set, though this' far down into the Talley ba srooltiso
had ravished long rad loog:ago.
The Mils boy sow crept still closer le his falba,. as
footsteps wars heant ascending the hip.side , sad a ha
malt forts thrust aside dim logibO' that clastered ben i
the Woos.
"Halloo who, he it r cried ibis ,lisso-barwar, vexed at
his sou': timidity, yet half isfiewil by it., **Como for.
ward, and,abow floras!" fibs a Ina, er fa diag this
dm& of *table it your bead : 11 •
** Yea oBirr toe • rough welcome," said • gloomy
voice. as the unknown ntait.draw sigh. Yet I neither
claim nor desire* kinder one, eves at my ow. fire aide."
To obtain a &mintier view. Bartraui threw, epee the
iron doer of the Ounce immediately issued a visb:
of fierce light. that smote full upon the straager's face
Med Nora. To a careless eye erre appeared nothing
very remailtablo in his 'sleet, which was disc of a non
is 8 Cools, knew, country-Made shit of clothes, tall and
thin, with the staff and heavy slums of a wayfarer. As
he advanced. he fined his eyes--which were very bright
—ioteotly open the brightuess of the as if he
empresed to behold. muse *pet weetby of
mots within lt.
S. Geed envie& strainger." said the lime-terser
"isheees eels* yea is its is the slay 1"
•.• I come from search." said the wayfarer. •• frtr, at
last, it is finished."
" Drnek !-4r 'crazy !" mattered. Bertram to bimeelf.
" 1 "aka have trouble . with the fellow. , The sooner /
drive him away the better." .
The little bey. all in a tremble r whispered to his fa
ther, and begged him to slant the ilior of the kilo, so that
there might not be fa mast light : for there was some
thine in the luau's (lice „orliirh he was afraid to look
away from. And; indeed. 'even the lime-burner's dull
and torpid began to be impressed by an indescri
bable something is that thin; rugged, thoughtful wiser.
with the grintled hair hanging wildly about and those
deeply sunken cr., which gleamed like fires within the
entrance of • , mysterioos camera. But, as he dieted the
door, the stranger turned towards him.‘arid spoke in a
quiet, familiar way, that made Bertram feel as if he were
a sans'ind sensible man after all.
" Your task drains to an end, 1 see." said he. " This
marble has already seen beraiag three days. A few
hears mere will convert the stone to lime."
Why. who are yea 1" exclaimed the lime-berner.
••Yeee seem es We sambaed with my Wiliam se I
am myself :"
" And well'," way be," said the stranger, •' for 1 tol
kmcd the samee4aft many a year, and here. too, on this
very spot. mit tea are • new' eottter in thee* parts.
Did you ever, loose of Ethan Brood ?"
"The man that went in searoltiof fhb UoPardoanbley
.Bin .7-I.asked Bertram. , with sr laugh. a
" The gamer snuwered the stranger. " Ile hao found it
what he .ought, and therefor* he comes/fosck again." tt
" . What ! then you are Ethan Brand himself:" cried II
the lime-burner in amazement. "I. am a new corner ifi , yon say, and they call it sighteen Tears since fl
yon left the foot, of Grliylock. 'But. 4 can tell you, the pi
godd Wks talk about Ethan grand is the village yonder.
and what a strange errand tool( hens away froufhis time.
kiln. Well; 'and no yen 114%4 found the Unpardonable fa
Sin t" is
- •
•• Eves so t" said the stranger. calmly. ' al
"If the question is or fair one." proceeded Barlzato. b
"where Mightlt 67,"
Ethan Brand loite , his finger on his own heart. Ii
Here !" replied he.
And then without mirth ia his countenance. bet us
moved by an invishintarY recognition of the inkaits
Guiltily of sat‘Alngthroughout the world for what mush.
closest-of things-to hiiaself. and looking inure*y
heart men his owls. for what was•;hiddei in•ae
l imit . h e h,4.5. isatloTigh Ofrh. 11 WIS Mlle
slow, heavy laugh lisallhadoltnalat pallpdthiliostninano-,1
or, when it hen!biettlip Wayfarer's app retch. /I c
The solitary mointain-side was made dismal bylt.
Langhter. when miteLpisce. mistimed:l:li bursting forth tl
from a disordered state of feeling. may be the most ier
nble modelatiau of the human yoke. The hiughtet Of • ge ,
one asleep, even if it be a little child—the / fitadnittn*s ttt
laugh—the wild, screaming langh'of a Writ idiot—lure
moods that we sometimes tremble to hear:and wdold
always willingly forget. Poets have imagined no mter.,,
,anee of Sends or hobgoblins so feariolly skirofiriete as a
laugh. And mraddie obtuse limej,urner fehhii
shake as this strange MAO looked inward at his awn
heart, and burst into laughter that roiled away into the
night; sad =was iadiethictly reverberated among the bills.
"toe," Bald be to his little son. "seamper down io
OM tavern its the ?Maga. and tell the jelly retires den
Oat Ethan Ilrand -has come back. and that he kali Wand
the Unpardonable Etta!"
The boy darted away on his errand, to which Ethan
Brand anode no objection; nor seemed hardly to noticoit.
He sat pit a log, of Wood, looking steodfaitly at the iron
door of the kiln. When the child was out of sight. nod
his swift and light footsteps noosed to be heard. treading
first on the Wk• lessys, sad tires os the reeky mountain
path, the lime-burner began to regret his de panellise. lie
felt that the Ms fellow's presence had been a harrierbe:
lemon Isis guest aid himself. and that he must new deal
heart to bean. with a man who. on his own confession.
had committed" the ems only crime for which b
could afford so mercy. That Mato, in its indistinct
blackness. seemed too'ershadOw him. The liwm.bsru
or's owe aim rose egovithin him. and made his memo
ry riotous with a throng of evil shapes that asserted their
kindred with the Muster 81a. whatever it might be,
which it was within the scope of mass's corrupted nature
to 0011116111:1111 sad cheetah. They *ON all of one
they rarest to and fro between his breast mad "ban
Brame% and carried dank greetingstrom one to the other.
Then Bartnms remembered Wet stories which bad
grown traditimeary is referees to this strange saan. who
had time open him like a shadow of the night, and was
maids( himself at bent* is his obi place. alter tre long
absence. that the dead people, dead and buried her years.
world havet-lod more right to beat home. is may fami
liar spirt, thee be. Ethan Brand. it was said e ltad ata2
versed with Balsa himself in the 'arid blase adds very
kill': The legend had bees matter of adrift herstdoret
but looked grisly sow. Aceordiag to this tale. Wore
Ethan Broad departed en his amuck. he had bees acme
tomed to evoke a fiend from the hot furnace of the Lime
kiln. night after night. in order to confer with him about
the Unpardonable Sin ; the man and the Fiend sack la
boring to hams the image of some mode of guilt, which
could Seither be atoned for nor forgiven. Aad, with the
first &int of light swag the monotain top, the fiend
crept in at the iron door. there to abide the intense,' tie
merit of fire. until again summoned forth to share in
the dreadful task of extending man's possible guilt be
yond the scope of Ifeacea's elms infinite mercy.
Whila'the iima•lwroerwas struggling with the horror
of these thought., Fthan Brand rose from thi log nod
flancopen tie door of the kiln. The action was in such
accord once with the idea in Baritones mind; that he al.
most expected to see the oril one issue forth, red hot from
the night, furnace.
.. Hold. hold." Mimi ho, with a tremulous attempt to
laugh. for be was ashamed of his fitars, although they
overamolsosil him. " Don't tor morey'osaite, bring set
yew do,il' pow if'
•• Mao r. eltionty replied Ethan Brood. •• :hot need
hale lof the devil ? I have IA him Wand ase DIS my
track. It N with sash half way sinners as yea that he
busies himself. Peat not, beeauso I open the door.
do bat iet by old custom, maam going to trim your art.
lilts a liete•lvaraer. as I woo ones."
He otirrod the,oast coals. thrust is mere igeed. and
beat *mord to gaze iota the hollow prison house of the
Iles..regardleur 6(16 gene glow that reddened epee his
coo. The Ilets-bersor sat watchful hint. tad halt-sus
peetwl his stranger guilt of a purpose. New to fool. a
*sad, at least to eisr b•dil l into the Woes, and due
IV 0 II II A it D -AEI
vanish from the sight of man. Ethan Nrawd.'howeVer.
d quietly back. cad closed tits doer oldie kiln.
II hare looked." said ha. " into sassy a /wean heat
tha,t was seven times hotter with sinful, plosion' than
yonder furnace is with fire. But I (send set thaw what
I wiiaght. No, not the IJapsnloasble Sin 1"
What is the Ilupardanahli 1" aka she
Cr sod then he slarank farther from his composiort.
'trembling Icahn question should be answered.
" itis a sin . thet grew within my own breast," replied
Mac Bened.standing erect , with a pride that distinguish
bit mathealvisti of his stamp. " A sin that grew ne
vi/ice else. Vhe Woof su intellect that triumphed over
the sense of brotherhood • with man end reverence for
Hod. sad sacrificed overything to its eon mighty claims...
The only gin that deserves it rocenspense of immortal
agony Freely. were it hi du egsin..weeld I incur Oa
guilt, Uushrinkiegly I sweep the rot:abides :"
'" The man's head is tattled." mattered the lime-burn
er to himself. "Hs 'may he *Maser. like Ike Test of us
.—bothiog awe likely—bet I'll be ewer* bee a wisd
om u. tee." • •
1 @smileless he hit unoonthortaldo at his 'situation.
e with Ethan Brand on the wild inoestain aide, aid
right glad. to bear the murmur or tangoes, and the
steps of what seemed a pretty numerouiparty, stunt•
e. .
g ag over the stones cad rustling through the under
h. Soon appeared the whole lazy regiment that wasnt
• nt to Infest the village teve. ' empreheeding throe or
r ludividaitle who had drank Uip beside the bar.roetn
• though all the winters.and smoked their pipes benwith
stoop through all Ow summed sines Edson Brand's
• patters. Lasghisg boisterously and nsingling all thkir
• ' es tagtaher in eaeseentoodentkallt, they sow burst tit*
. itoonsbias and renew streaks of fire•light that illu
r sated the .poi epees bolero the !leer, which t h e linie•
• flier now threw ajar aria, flooding thispot with light,
t. the whole company asighl k get a fair view of Ethan
4ad. and he of them.
I . qt e ii r O e ll t S li al ni s e ol ag liot e lthti r %s la t selli eztia lli ct n . l bo anee t :Item . wall Wa a na 4 7,-.
0 rly sure to encounter it the film
ri lap ihronghonc the century.
I .
r e present specimen of the ' and
to eke-dried man. wrinkled at , tly=
.11 crown. bob-tailed cost. w for
t ngth of time naknown, hal
ra he bar-room, and was still
th same cigar that lift had lit
ilrhad grufat fame as* dry j,
a secoaet e arly Intrinsic hal
n or of brandy-toddy and
.gnated all his ideas and es ' ' ,as;lais per
. . .
. .
netherrenw a well- . thong& s tra n gely; alteMd
was that of Lawler ilea.: sy ppopk null called him
perteey ;an elder mg-a-muffin. in hie soiled shift
yes. and tow-cl troweers. This poor fellow bid
a an attorney. la what he called , hie bet ter days!, a
. rp practition . and in great verse among the Tillage
ate ; hat I. rind sling. and toddy. and cecktailli.
*Mid at boars. morning. aeon and night. bed eaWs
ihim to ids flews hitalleet to varies, kinds auddegriks
• heroin. at km. to ad mt his eke phrase. he
it • a imap-vat. ,In ether wisrole„ Giles wal now a
" bailer In a welt way. He had come to 1M but the
ill st of I ,
i . a hams. being. • pen of este Met baring
''' a chapped *Eby aa axe, and as entire hand torn airily
devilish grigi'oteleteatteseegiee. Yet. though the
pentad Mind was COOS, 1 spiritual sumnber remained;
ut„ stretching forth Ilea stump. tithes steadfastly averred
hat he felt invisible thutub And fingers with as vivid •
to nation as before Cie, reat'enes were amputated. A
mued and tniseraL.4: wretch It was ; but One. lIIIINT.
loss. whom he could net tra ow. and -had nu right
morn. either iu this'or any pre sous stage of his ruin
tout,. since lie hod Stuff kept Ms thespian and courage
a-man, asked nothing in cherity, and with his one
iind—and that the left one—f.imilit astern battle against
nt and hostile circumstances. L • ,
Among the throng. too, came another personage, win
th certain points of similarity to Lawyer Giles. hold run-
. .
more of diffurance.. it wu ihe village Doctor:a gnaw
seine'fifty years, at an earliei Period of his life, we
Id bawl istrednond as paying a paskosismal risk to
;• Brand daring tli• Istter's sinprosed Insanity. He
wow a purple-visaged, end brutal, yea gouthinsaiity
. , with immeshing wild, vain sad disparate is his
ik, sad in al/ the details of hiagesture and manners.
iii • .3r pearessed this wise lam an evil spirit, aed made
as as softy wad savage as a wild beast. stadia, miserable
I Ai test soul: bat them was supposed to be in him such
wonderful skill. siseh-nativo gifts of beaker, beyond ear
.=iich medical science could impart, that , society caught
Id of him, and would Pot let him siuk out of its resCh•
~ swaying to and fro upon his Luc and grumbling
I irk accents at the bedside, he visited all the sie.k.ehain
. rs for miles thorn atnong the mountain towas, all d
mantes raised a dying ran, is it were, by a tali/ado,
quill often, so doilbt, sent his patient to the grave
at was do: manta year too soon.
. •
The doctor had an everlasting , pipe its hie mouth, r ow
somebody elltnies to his habit et 'wearier,
t i me *hedge slight with hell-Bra.
TN**, dares worthies pressed •fortrird, led greeted
se Broad each idler Ni. ewe fi,iriea, esniesdr fill
ing him to partake of the coatenta.of s certain Um*
tk. is which. as they erarrrei. he rasa fad sews.
er tar badge woo* seekierier then the thaperdonable
Ns inked, which has wreurght eolith? isomer sad
° Mary modesties. We a high stele of oethusiesue. see
• re the bed of 'estate with low sod WitiPt modes
'heath* sad Mather to which kilobit Braved was sew
sUbjected. It made bias dseht--end., obsess to say. it
Mrsa painful deobt—whether he! bad indeed found the
Ill iquir dass i bl e Si.. and (Mad it within himself. Ti,
whole question on which he had exhausted Isle. Ma
More than life. looked like • delnotee.
"'Leave me." said ho e bitterly. brute beasts, the:
Rare made yourselves 64). shrivelling op your souls witi.
icry liquors! I havi dose with you. Years and ysw
ago. I groped into your hearts sad found main there
for my pupa*. Get ye gone!" ;
"Why. you uncivil scoundrel." cried t h e firms d oc t o i:
that the way you rearod to the kiaduetoo of your beat
friends? 4 Then let me tell you that truth. You have eat
"Ore hand the Ustpartionable bat thee yowler bey Joe
hat. You are but a eruy follow-4 told you so twenty
yitars ago-..pcither better sot worm than a eras; fellow.
and & companion of old Humphrey here:"
He poieted . to au old man, shabbily dressed. with bug
white hair. thin visage. and unstoady eyes. For some
years pest this aged person had *en wandering about
aiatong that itimarieg of all travelers -whom he Met
far hi s dou g hter. The girt. h suited had WO off wills
&company of circus-performers; sod occesiehatly tidings
ether cam. to tae village. and flue millatile Weis let, of
her Rh/Wise *intimacies she rode es homebock is
the nag, or perforated atervelleuedeeteen the tight-ripe
The whits haired tether Pow approached Ethan Baud
sad gaud unsteadily iota his iloo.
*•They cell me you have_ beet! all ilie earth," acid
he. wringing his bands with eeriest:min. '.You must
hive seen ou daughter, for sbe makes a grand figure I.
tie world, and everybody goes to see her. Did abemad
sly word to he'r rather, or say whoa she was coating
I Maar Braod'a eye qsalled treseqk the oW
'Tat daughter. trout whoa he tet earseell
Ironi greeting. The eery girl alto, wills 0-
dad a
sad re-
- - - - -
atomises palmier, Ethan Brand lad Does Made the
ambi . or • 04ypicdogicabexpermtest , sod wasted. &b.
sorbed. and perhaps" ammihilsted her soul in the process.
••Ifes." murmured he, turning away from the hoary
wanderer; "it is so delosfou.—Thera is an Utipardoaa
his Sin!"
While these things were liaising. a merry scene eras
ping forward in the area oicheerful lig besides thi
spring and befiwe r its door of the hut.. numbe r of the
youth of the village; young men and gi ~ has hurried
op the hill-side. impelled by 'curiosity to tree Etb •
Braid. the here of so many a legend familiar to
childhood.. - Finding nothini. however. very realer able
in his upeet—nothiag. beta sunbo;ui wayfarer, • , plain
garb and dusty stapes. who,pat looking into the , re. as if
he heeled pictures among the coals—these . oiling peo
ple speedily grew tired of observing him. As it hap
pened. there was other 'eniosemout at /and. An old
German Jll.l. traveling with a diorama n his back. was
passing &Awn the iuouutain road to reds the village.
just as the party turned &tide from ' and. in hopes of
eking out the profits of the day. t a showinau had kept,
them company to the lime-kiln .
"Corne.old I/emboss/14 "c ed one of the young - menw
"let us see year pictures. , if can swear they are worth
looking air " - ,
"Oh, yes Captitii." nswered the Jew—whether es a
matter of courtesy or raft. he styl‘deverybody Captain
—"I shall show yo, indeed, some very superb pietism&
So, placing th xin a propsl position. he invited.
the young men/ end girls to look through the glass ori
fices of the ichine. and procoLded to I;xltibit a ,. eeries
of the most u . rageosis scratching. and daubings'ait spe
enntes e th e fine arts thit over an 'itinerant shiiwutan
hod. th face to limpose wpda his circle of spectators.
/ 7
The ictures were worn out; moreover. tattered. fall of
cm 1 cud wrinkles.diup with. tobacco-smoke. and
o rivise in I most pitiable condition. puma purport-.
d to be ;Wm public edifice*. end mined castles in .Eu•
rope; 'diem represented Napoleon's battles mid Nettle'.
sea-fiesta; and in the midst of these would he seen a
gigantic. brown. hairy hand —whteds might have been
mistaken for the Diu/ of Destiny, though 'id duet; it .
wet only the showman's—pointing its,forefiuger to va
rious scenes of the conflict, While its owner gave histor
ical illustrations.—Whet, with much merriment, at
its eboiniusble deficiency of merit. the exhibition wee
concluded, the Gzrinan bade Mile Joe put his head into
the box. Viewed through; the magnifying
. ilesses.- the
bey's mined. rosy,visage assented dip strangest imagi
nable aspect of an immeitse, Titanic 'child, : la mouth
grinning broadly. and the eyes-and every ether Nana*
overflowing with-fan at the , juke. Sudilealy, however.
that trie i iry face turned pale. and its expreasion,shanged
Whitens, fur this emiliitiptessiod and emit stile child had
I becouti sensible that the eyi itl Ethan Brand was fixed
apou km through the glass.' I ,
"Yee nuke the little man
Ow German Jrw, terunsg
t4ie from his sta.
again. and. by chine.. Laha,
what that it ii very fine. upo.,
Ethan Brand gazed into
then starting batik. looked !
had he 0.40 - Noihing. app'
who had peePtid in almost
only • vacant space of cant.
••t temeuibet you sow."
tb showman
Captain." whispe
with a dark smile. "1 'find it
show- box—tlyis Unpardenat;
min. ithas wearied my ghoul
iho►er the mountain.','
••Peace,` ansvremd Ets.lati
thee into the furnace ronderVl
- The Jew's eallitoticia had acarcely concluded, when a
great el& rty dog—who seemed to be his own master, as
no pored,* in the eotepany laid ad. Jo" him—saw fit to
render Women' the object of public notice. • ilitlierta, he
had shown larmaelf a very tries, well disposed old dog,
going"tound front one to another, and by way of being
sociable. offering his rough head to be patted by any
kindly band that would take sir much trouble. But now,
all of a sudden ibis grave an 4 venerable quadruped, of
his owe mere Motion, and without the slightest sugges
tion from anybody eise, began to run aound after his
Aug. which, to b. ighten the abLardity al the promeding.
was a great deal shorter than it should have been. Ne
ver was seen such headlong eagerness in pundit of so
object that could net possibly be -obtained; never was
heard each a tremendous outbreak of growling, snarling.
barking aqd snap pink—as if one ehd of the ridiculona
brute's bo4y were at deadly and most unforgivable en
mity with the other. Faster and faster, roundabout
went the cur: and faster and still foster fled . the snap
proachaths brevity of 4 tail; and louder and fiercer
grew his yells of rage, andf x. animosity; until utterly ex
haust/ond to Tar from the goal as ever, the foolish
old do ceased his performance as suddenly as lie had be
gun it. The next moment he was as mild, quiet. it:mer
ge and respectifirle ;olio deliertment. as *rhea, be first
scraped acquaiatance with the company.
As may be ottpposed, the eihibitiert was greeted with
•ni,crsalla•ghter, clapping of bands, and shoats of co•.
tore, to which the canine
~ v erforiner responded by wag
ging all that there ir as to wag of ha tail, but appeared
totally unable to repeat his 'rery successful effort to amuse
the *relators.
SlCsawhile. Ethan Ikandhad resumed his seat upon
. the log. and reeved. it might be, by a perception of some
remote analogy between his own ems and that of this
self-puresitig cur, he broke into tibia awful laugh , which.
more them any other token. expressed the Casualties of
hue inward being: Trot* that moment, the merriment
of the party was at an endohey sitood'•vighant. dreading
trot the ieaaspissiose sound shoeld be reve'rlrated around
the bonzes, and that mountain would thundet it in
mecatele and so the horror be prolonged upon their
ears. Then, whispering one le another that it was late—
that the moon wee almost down--that th \ d'ailugert night
was growing chill—they hu g iad homewards, leaving the
lime-burner sad hub Joe to deal as they might with
their onnelesine ;test. Save Gir these three humus
briar the epee *pre on the hill•side was a ecilitudv.
Iselin a east eoemi of forest. Beyond that darksome
verge, the are- glimmered on trunks and almost
blank foihige of pines, intermixed with the lighter scr
am" of sapling inks, maples. portOare, wgile here and
there lay the &ante twines of dead trees, decaying on
the les'
tor for *soma*. Come. Jo*Ps
As the boy trolleyed bie father is the but. ho looked
back at the wayfarer, and the tears eases tate hie eyes.
for his Wader spirit bad s isolation of do bleak 1111111
to afraid. Captsin,"slid
dark aad strong outline
piag posture. ..But look
I class you to me some
sso.• word!"
a boz for au Instant. lied
1 -dly at the German. What
retstly; . for a carious youth.
the saute wowed. beheld
sawed Ethan gratid to
the Jew of Nuremberg,.
u be alleary matter in my
e Sin! By my faith. Cap
-lera this long day, to carry
Brand. sternly. "or get
terrible loneliness in which this mtu hut envelopwl Ws.
w. 11".
When the
opirils of/
hid gone. Ethan Broadest listening to the
'The kindled wood. and looking at the little
that hunted through the dank. (tithe deer.
(rides. however, mice es (manlier. while deep
his mind he wu reviewing the gradual het lear
ns change that had belie wroight epos hies b 7 the
rarch to which he had devoted himself. lie remeit
. ed how the night dew had fallen spelt him-.hew the
dark forest had whispered to Yid—bow the Mare had
gleamed upon him—a simple and loving man. watching
his fire in years gone by. and 0110/ antaing we it boated.
lie renseinbered with what maderame. with what, ley*
sad sympathy for masking; sad what pity tor human
guilt and woe, he bad first began . ** coatemplate them
ideas which afterwards became the inspiradea Or hie
lifet,with what reverence be bad then looked into the
heart of man, viewing it ae a tens* originally dials',
and however desecrated. still to be held sacred by a broth.
or; with what awful fear he had depreciated the smemee
of his pursuit. and preyed that the Umpardiaable
might never be revealed to blin. Them ensued that net
intellectual developer:heat. which, is - its priers% dis
turbed the counterpoise between his mind and beam.-
The Idea that posaess4d his life bid *Masted as a means
of education: it had pia to,cultivitting his powers to the
highest point of which they were susceptible; it had
raised him from the level of au unlettered laborer to stand
on a star light eminence, whither the PhilcuPiter , of lb.
earth, laden with the lord of univinsities. -might vaiwly
Strive to clamber iler hint. Bo mach for the intellect!
But where was the heart? That. indeN. bad withered
—had contracted--had hardened—bad perished! It had
mimed to partake of the universal throb. He bad bet
his hold of the magnetic chain of humanity. He was
AO leapt a brother man. epeeist the chambers or dm
deepens of mu common nature try the key elliely eyes,
pinky. which pis him a right to share is all its secrete;
he was now a cold observer, Woking ea mankind as •
sitbject Of his experiment. and. at length. coavertiag man
and woman to be his poppets, and pulling the wires that
moved them to such dlgrees of airmail were unleaded
'fur his i;tocir. •
Thus Ethan Brand became a &tad. He began to be
. 11i1 front the moment that his moral salute had nomad
to keep the pace of ignprovesnent with his intellect. Lad
now, as his highest efrat aad inevitable dowelopeensit—
as the bright and gargeosta IftewsW. sad fiat. &Lids%
Unit et Vs life's labor—ho had prodinsed the IJepardisii•
able Sia! -
' "*Wharmori have tto seat Whet tom to schist.?"
said . Ethos Briad to bissolf. "hiy task is dime. sa4
Melt doss:"
Starting from the log with a Ceriain shaky it his pit.
and ascending the hillock of air& Ilsat was Woodwind
the stone circumference of toe limo-kiln. he dim nine.
ed the top of the structure, It Wee a space et perbelis'
ten feet acrom. trum edge to edgei promoting* view et
the aprper surface of the immense mass of basks' am
ide arida which the kiln was heaped. All laustusondolo
blocks and fragments of marble were red hot and vividly
on firs. sending up great spout( of blue Sam. which
quivered aloft and daaced madly. a. with'''. Magic oir,
cle, and sank and rose agaia, with coatiattal and soul.
Winans activity. As - the Wanly mon heat forward over
his terrible body of fire. lb. Itlasaistil hear smote op spies
%i plow" wish w, tampon. that. is asish* be asunswaili.
Witold have scorched and shrivelled bin up in a ass:
Ethos Brand stood erect. todlsieed-his arm so high.
The bloc flames played °pot' hie rice, and imparted the
wild sod glutetly , light whittle alone Imil4 Iµp MOSS iM
espeeWsio . n, it was that of a head et Ito tome of pion.
ing Into his gulf of intessest torment. •
••011, Mither earth." cried he. "whe ipt 11 6 Elm my
lother, and into whose boatott Ilia frame ahall savor he
top: l ived! Oh, mattkiad, whore brothorbOodll Awes.'
Off, and trampled thy great heart benoads my feet: Oh.
stars oillaiven. that shone oa ma Wald, as If Is light
ins onward and apwarill—farowell, all, and for 'vic e
Coma, deadlyrokment of Fire---Inaostorda ay APSUIII*
friend: Embrace me as Ido 'hoc"
That night the sound of a fearful peal of langistee
led heavily through the sleep of the lime-burnee sad hie
little; son: dim shades of honor and- anguish hearted
;hair dreams, and seemed still present is the rads baud
when they opened their eyes to the daylight. I
"Up; boy. up!" cried the lime-burner. staring chant
him. **Thank Heaven. the night is gees at lest. and
rather than pass, such another, i. would watch my
lime-kilo, wide awake, for a twelreaenth. This Ethan
Brand. with his humbug bf an Hopsnitosubi•
done me no such mighty favor in taking my place!"
He issued front the bat. followed by little Jee. wb
kept feat hold of his fathers haad. The Muiy sunshine
was Messily poorincits gold epee the tnoestais tops;
and though the valleYs were still in shadow, they smiled
cheerfully is the Promise of the bright day that was has
tsaiag onward. The village. completely akat is by hint.
Which sweiled away gently about it, looked atif it had
rested peasefelly in the hollow of the great bead efli'mvi.
deem. Every &Penis' was distinctly visible; thh hale
wires of the two churches pointed upward', and aught
afore-glimmering of Mightsess from the eau gilt skies
upon their glided weathercocks. The tavern was astir.
and the figure of the old. smoke-dried stage agent, cigar
in mouth, was seen Wreath the strop. Old Greylock
was glorified with a golden dead upon his head. &at
tired likewise ever the breasts of the surrounding mman•
"that strange ENO MI WM:. lad the sky awl ON Iltallts •
teals all scent glad of it! " '
"Teo." growled the lime-burner. with as talk "bet
be has let the fire go down, and no Umiak, to him if Ilea
hundred bushels of hem In met spoilt. if 1 natal . the
fellow hereabouts again !shall hod Modesto% him into
the foresee". ,
- With his long pole is his hand he amended la the lop of
ths kilo: After naporriest's posse he called t• hie sm.
"C 0... up hem. Jim:" wild be
S. liulaJoe ran up the hillocip mood by'hie father's
side. The marble was all o perfect. snow-whim
Ham not on its surface, in the midst dihedrals—.
sisii-white too. and thoroughly converted int* lima—.
lay a human skeletea. in the attitude of a person who.
after lout toil. lips dowa to long repose. Wittily' the
ribs—strange to say-;- . .sras the shape of a human heart.
v•Was the follows' bean made of warbler' cried Bars
ilium in some perplexity at this dienoinsam "Atm
rate. it is burnt into what looks like special good Use.
and. taking all the bones together, my kiia is halts bob.
al the richer for dm."
taper. the rode .lisse•harissa Tiltedhis Ws. mad.
lett ' g it fell upon the skshasa...the Missal F.tillallil
w mad hi ed Olio kerdiallf. .