A. P. DUAL= &00.,,Propriettors. VOLUME 22. grit Ilifehttl (Dhotruer. A. P. DURLIN & CO. PROPRIETORS. n. r..szooAw," d itors OFFICE. CORNER STATE ST. AND Pt; MC SQUARE. ERIE. . • . • , . ... TERMS OF THE, PAPER.. Pits lob4ribers by tbecarr,rt.at aituail,er at the °dice. in advance, 1 rgir not paid in advanee,or within threemontha from t arsub.rnbwe , two dollarx . Will be ettarged. 1 . icrAnCOMMUOICatIOOIIIIrIIJI he post paid. , RATES OF ADVERTISING, Cards not cue ceding 4 lines, tit...! sear. ] sa.g tme square ss 64! .. 10,1 do. do. six months, 6.1 do. do. three.wouths, 1 3.1 Thansient ad%ertiQetnents. SO ren is per squhri, of fifteen leas; for the first insertion: 26 cents for each subsequent in 7Yearly advertisers have the pits !Iry of etfaciging at pt but at no nate are 3110% ed tO OCTIIIII mule than !.veu squares be hotted to Meer iinonedoette bit 411,414. . Advertisements not has tog c titer d trectioi . ts. Will be insc ed till lerrtud and charged accord. ii,gly. , . --;.• • -_. - BUSINEiiS :DIFLECTORY. J. NV. DOUGLASS. ATTORNET AT 1. R ..-1 MCC over W 01.1111.. & l iWrighe SBIU, Establishment: entrance 91,1 dora u.,..t. on the Publie ti I --- . • CONIPTON. HAVEKSTICK 4 CD. ' Dirt FE. in Dry Coatis, Groceries, Liquor, of all tcinds. Cl . e err ,t i ~,,, &c.. utte door towh of euptltJaeksOu's store, reach Slreet, Inc.h Pll. • i ,rotrtuNc. ' H 'ft. HAt rx.-rar a. • L. _N Tilluttrs. • . G. A N 11 I: I • Arnt of 7. Addre Offentmcb—Deot of Foreiga :111'F 11' aid nut sieal Merchandite. wholesale and retail, O. 19, So. St. ati. chestnut street. Philadelphia. . Ult. C. 'IRANI/ES. 1'PT.1 , 1.1 and Ai1ti0,4 2 %.1)3;^e , 0;:i-r of Ftatr; and Seventh 9treets. Ert: lenre 0., Eighth bet Ween French and Unhand. Ili, M. LiANFORI) & COT - )! I 4Dtalere ;n Ban; Notes. Pratte. c..rtifienice (.4 Pe pop [t. k.e. !hi. (:roll tr. .• uu thr prfnc ;pal eine.; earletantl) fur sale. Qifi ln Murk, ie• Sltiaj 4 c, Ent - (r. it ERON S I ISAIiT. Biritocni *NO Wes:, ter—Offiee, e ,rutLr of Fr. , reh end lareele.e.etr Fiore. Lt....Mtnet on Fottrth.sucet, one door teato t'm old Avutheeary It. 'ls. siTRRETT. ). ss constantly o' • band a full o:pplf of Groc*.ries. Fltip illarlfery. Fro. :loon.. Produre..kc . to : rind w• 11. I\'!rdralo of RCM II LS She lit :IS clu.avest. No lli • WM. S. LANE. • Attorney and Counsellor's: Law. • • Be‘..luilonarl. artily an I Nnt N. 11•1011 1 ,, Bounty Laud. and r131:11, for etf.A pay. 1,4-Ine^o entrusted to toe shall raoulot and fa itlittlatirtiti.ni. ...11•ce hLb BlLck (Al Slake strect. cnec J. 11. FuTlerton's "tune. , • Elie Oct. IN. tVitnu - stu Rrt .1111,01 s in It.; GJoils.Gruccr.-4.11ar.1 n are, 'l ,, ,uGng• 1•1 +. 1 r. Sdll. &C.. No. I, %%lit/jar/I Block cur nrrol ritt. and State streets. kttsfo t.crttit Rt PT. -- Li; B7K EiESET ra•hionable Tailor rooms ourr thr "4nm of Swith laekson.ebeaP errriNGt:one on.hort notice. , -- - OLIVER SPAPFOItD. - • itor.kiwlrr and SiallollPr. and Maiinfar t.irer of Blan4 Rook. IA :lung Ink. , orner of the Diamond an I rush r B. Ititi.:KlAN. Prrrl.4 and rneral A r - rency and Con.nlio, . Frank- Pa. t. ktsll r.,": p - , T,l7. K .:ll„C^r ttan er .t, Ilarth% are (*.tt!evy .11s, Ant gi , C Kcc., Iron zit,: "ht. 3 • W. J. F. LIDULI: 47C0. rartiacr , and Wagon Builders, State Bubet, lr 'tq rto N•.emh & Eam'lt 11, Erie. L. STRONG. M. 1) Z. OW MOT' west of C. It. ttote4 up stakro. wA • friortl, CIPV;Ittnn:A. I Ilk. nelt Sat.-Ift .‘strn I. eu4rurr. un ele.esafrat.ltne.loor uorth of Aeicuth Res C. S WH,,, MLR 8941 Retail .0 Grocer tee. PrOViIIIOIIS. AV , TieVr Liquors, ao!, Corner of Fiench and Firth r.t.treetS. opposite the Farmer.' Hotel. Erie p JOHN Mcl: N. Sritot.ast.c. and Dealer in Yam Cra‘ ,. . 4 •lrT Giassu are. Iron, Nails, Scc.. Cheap h., I la. V The highest pries ;mid i - sa ro” nu) Pruagee.„rt J. COAI.I)ING.. mfteß, T Amite, and Habit Maker.--- 4 ...gc. No. 5 Reed's (oppos6it. the honor)) Block) Eife. J. w .rat.nt ATTORNEY AT LsAllf. In Walker's Ogler. on er,rnth Sport, Cris:Pa ' tormt - mt-lobber, ar.A Rrt.ul Ih•atrr in Dry Goo!, GrG:rne.. hrrYkcry, lrf . , •un II r 'nate, Iron, S.W. spa ' s, /Le. E'II ire I -torts Stale SOuvi, four doors, be:ow - Brown's Hotel, Erte,-1"3. Also—Am'', Vten.lkuoc. Axle Armr,,Sprilizr, and a general assortment of Saddle and '..iringe 1111111.111 p.. • s. , ATUMIAti A2' LA and JUslire 431 ant Aeon( fat t h e k e) sum/. Life I ustlra;,ce Coinigt:ty—Otlize 3 dour* 'est of IVrlgitu •tOrt..Frtr. Pa. GEOH.(;k: I. CI ILER. Arroassv. Lsts Girard. Erie Count). Pa. Colleshons and uttWr bo•ott-ns attended to with promptness and .fisoaten. T. W. NIOORE. • - tt ett St. tpcorrne.. ProvLsons, Wines. Liquor•, Candies, Fruit, &e., No O. Poor People's Row. :haw strret, Erie. Fo•war].n?, & COUILLIO.iIOII Merchant, on the Public Dock, case of Fate street_ Coal. SAIL Plaster and Wh.t.• * Fish, co. ,, tantli for anis. , - .1: 11. WILLI.A.IIS, n. Ranker and Exchange Broker. I)ealer in bills of Ezell:inv. • loags.,erilsic.iy, of Depo.iie.Guld and siliver Coin. ke.. &c. I IrtSee.a ..lia;rs ',Sow Brown's Hotel. Erie.-.lra. . ..._ ... , I. ROSENZWEIG ar.i, CO: IVEn! k IEI E ••in R,. - ran. IL ELIAS ' in FOTEO and ° tie Dry 4 :OEEI*, read) wade 1 . 19i1k mg, Bun art&_._ Shoeii, lk .. No. 4 ktirialit's Block. Stare buret. Eric. • 1 t . ISENJAMIS - f. DENNISON. Arroayrr cr I.sw. Clevelarid.bhi...--Office ,on Buperio street. 111.1M41 , C51110r..k. Iter:T to Cruet Jinglers Earker.ra 'Wage '.as. School:- Hon. Ricliarrl fifteher. JUState M.. Bonito i Hon. {,arti.lel 11. l'orkins. Ill; 'A'alittit El., l'lllliciflgidia; Rte Mil. K1,1.an.E.1 .33 Wall st.seet. Neat. York.. For testnnoni la. re fer to this (Ace. —_ - _ 31AR.SIIALL 6: 'VIN(:f.NT, Arrnitsl - Ts el LAW —ChI.CC Up otatt4 in Tanilaisilly Hall bu Jung. . north of toe Prothot.otur)'.. other, Fine- . __ _ _ —4- _ rill'ltßAY WHALLON, • V A. , to Cot ,•oR AT LAO —olflCe over C. B. Wfrlit'S c2l,llaliCe Line door Neat of State Street. on the Dtau und. Erie A -- B Dr.' wit in Dr!. Goode. tiry Grocertea.Croekery, Hardware. ke., No 41 I. I hearodi. Erie. J HN ZIMAtERL'. • ,l , r AL. it inCrot,rira and Provietonabf all ki d - Three \ .1...0r...n0rth of the Diamond. Erie. SSIITH Drat La in Dry Good.. Groceries. Ha id vi iron, \ails. Ike.. P2l. Cheap , ide, Erie. Pa t • • WIII.I.IANf R11:1,141 C.sitiatr M MUCK C idwi.ter. and Ludertalay corner of State and Seventh AlftriA. Erin. \i'lN J. KEI.SO & , Grin C A L.For arding...ro.liii:c and C.,..an.0n Nterehants:dealerm eoar.e an.. nne Halt. Coal. Plaster,t , ban#,lea..ll,e.Pittme dock, west ride of be bridu.e. Inc. E. .11 Krum gr. Ca. WALI: & COOK, Gerre.o. and Prldhee ` , "erettants;Sec ood Ways-ho• Kt ea.t of the rubtie G. LOONIIS & - - - Dv. 4 ram •hmi:Jeweiry. tlOvlri German Silver. Plated and Britannia %V a 'utlery. Military and Fancy Goods, din& street, •ararly opposit. tLe Eagle Mute!, tine. lnrnv -; CARTER BROTHER. Wnwsiit.ir anal mail dealers in Drugs,Medlelnei,Maims, Oils lAe-miffs, Glat Sce , No, Reed !l ouse,; Erie_ - • 3.AMES LYTLE. Funteststs Merchant a dor, oa the public squats., a few doors _ . :%4 .t of Stale strrrt. Er •, .4" U. S. CLARK. Wi t ko ••.ID RETAIL Dealer oil Groeerirg..ProciPioft s . Ship , iandiew.Siosle-v. are. k.e Block. Erie. - O. 1). Sl'.4 'FOR)/ hr.'er in 1.. w, Medical, school Mi,:ellancous Books stat'ioaary ke. State st.„ four doors below the Public square : DR. O. L. ELLIOVT. • nahit Den t ist ; orrice and dwelling in the Beebe Ilea, ea the Last 'vie of the Public Square, Erie. Teeth inseeted, ea Gold Plate, from one to • entire sett Carioueteeth with pure :d, and ,re.torro to health and thlefelemee• Te' -3 cleaned iosutunents and Deuuticeso as to leave them of it pellucid clearness. All :rick warranted. S. DICKERSONi . PIIIVCIAN LTD Sraoros—Cidk:e at kis reiudeirmeou Seventh street. ePhoulte the Methodist Church. Erie. =— J. BURTON. Wilotauta •ND arra deaOHN Hl r in Drugs. Medicines, Dye &of+. Groceries, a.r. No. S. Reed. ■ lion'e• 43gaiotfax". T Anto have removai their &we 10 NO. 1. "Walbea Black." where th ey will ae happyleosew Oak ^ eu l looler . and all V 1 be way favor them with a call. 12 , . . ~i 1 . • , . . .. • I .. 1 I . _... ........ . . - ' I. . . 1 . , ~ ; .. . / E .1 .1 . . ..• . ~/ _ F , : " 1 .- ..., •0 B , .. 1 , ; S''' . . . c.J i - l i t 1 , . , J 1 , 0 , Alta LSO it II , =III ion. •a.ure. god to e tr(trt I,)ottrq.. THE WINTER ICING. ILIOT .• 9. v. M • X 11 • M winds, like reepirs Trith time siekk, bean. • Had rho* the landseapaof its living green. And thick the cone-likepiles of red leaves la), As wheaiel shocks upon g u autumn day. Whilst Simmer braided roses la the Booth. • Far in *dreary eaves of i.ribrador Old Wittier by his icy anvil .ailed. - And wratigiti.with strange device the ehrystat ors; The swarthy armorer of the battling winds. A thousand aireapons lay around his forge; The lance, tite ;littering spear, and helmet bright, With rota/lad hale to storm the mountain gorge. All ghl i red his forge's flames arose. Like th Mat smelt the furnace's gem nag bars, And forked as a dragon's amen, tongue They curled and pla3ed }round the livid stars. - The earth held courtly dalliance with the flowers, Nor dreamed ofeonque4 on her golden plain', Whilst, like a Vulcan in his northern cave Grim Winter forged lila bands and icy Chiang; • And heralded by . Eurocly don's blast, ' The binary tang came forth in mailed might, As erripes an army on itir . gonquerine ;earth: , . • AVitli serried ranksof spears ail glittering bright. Earth's ities ree'eil before the dread pre. . . '1 he sullen sea sent upits dismal wail, And ships »cid swirling downward to their graces As wildly rowan I shrieked the foundering gale. / Fair Sumtner il••1 in fr.ght her rosy bowers, The chirping bird, :hat lulled us to our ;hewn', Took Wines In olowly ducks for southern climes, And seals were on the lips of babbling streams. And liken ily ire flame wheal rocked by winds, The sun Ai noon-day dickered to and fro, • As through the yawning rifts of ashen clouds Ilia light fell coldly on earth's shroud ofsnow. • 'lint Wiiiters reign, of dread it soon he o'er, Forliebecins to soft+ in 1114 :rath, And gentle Lamm ixillsoi4 to fll hu throne : With odorous vines and r:yrs 151 her patni And the soft brew h.ngs of itbr balmy lips Shall thrill to life tht Ile4ri of old decay, And on the ruined arch tie mildew main - .1. Shall be concealed beneath the garland gay. The tin.] fown witreome Aelin. into the sale To crop iyr z eoohng herbs at be.tt of day, And Int i opy ehtclren op will leave their gtuws To huht to eloi;,tere.l aells the flowers of Slay. And from the earth i g..rat rthar .hail arise, Sweat songs of praise,_ like incense to the 41e4. And roan WWI kneel upon the fragrant sod And bites in prayer the gooth.esti of Mg Cod IlaUcat Pad etitike ;311istelltutl. Fro •u et , 'a Journal . Confession' an Attornet JANE ECCI.ES. Tun criminal business of the c ice was. during the first three or four years of our partnership, entiroly c perintended by Mr. he being more sn fhil, from early practice, than mr : to the art and myistery of b present:Wig and defending felons. and I was thus herml- I a ly relieved of &antis whist., .n the nays when G e orge c was king, were frequently very oppressive and revolting. The criminal practitioner dwelt in an atmostphere ed elite with cruelty and crime, and pulsating allurnate- e lv with mertil:ss decree; of death, and the shrieks and s %railings of sentenced guilt. And not always• • hilt!— There exists many Itccu.•de of proofs, incontestabre; bnt ' obtained too late, of innocence having been legally t l strangled on the gal owe in other cases than that of £,li. a Fanning. Ilow c 0.1,1 it be otherwise with a criminal code crowded in e ere line with penalties of death, nothing but—death! Juster. - w•iser times' have dawned I er . nations prevail of what man hen sitting in judgement on trans owe, let us not forget to 'the' eier n who; undeterred by the sneers of • d practical mon of the world, and upon us, in which ti owes }o man. even greasers; and this w tione of a band farad the reputedly wise the taunts of .•in uential" newspapers. persisted in' teaching that the rights of property could •be more firmly cemented than by the eltedding of blood—law. justice, per sonal security more effectually vindicated than by the , gallows. Let me confess that I also . )was fat many • years. amongst` the mockers. and s , ncerely held such ”theorists" and *•drettner's'', l ae 'Ail , Samuel Rotnily and his fellow Workers utteicontemit. Not so my part ner Mr. Flint. Con tantly in the presence of criminal judges and juries. h hadless confidence in the unerring verity of their &miss' , as than persons less familar with them, or who see t. .m only through the medium of; uould exceed his distress of mind e was . proseenting attorney. a mill 'his Moon , nes,. or without • furl': od tastich aliitch did this morbid arrive. that he all at once or in any way meddle with, crinii they were consequently turned over oecisioual assi4ance front 'mri if press of busineekof the sort. Mr. d twined a, monopoly of the diffracts newspapers: Nothi if. in eases in which vitt died persisted in , confession of gvilt. Iv sensitive feeling a refused to undertake. nal prosecutions. and to our head clerk. wit Chore happened to be Flint, still, however. except when, some to porary cause of othe'r, he happen ed ,o be otherwise en aged, when• they fell to Inc. One of these t am about to relate, the result of which, what ever impression it preduced, thoroughly cured me—es it mar the reader—all any propensity to sneer sr laugh at criminal-law reforMeis and denouncers of, the gal lows. Oos forenoon dari shin, a Mrs. Margar pareatly great distr.° miss, was an old, or ! g the absence of Mr. Flint in Wilt ! t Davies called at .119 office, in sp. of mind. This ladyol moat pre all events an elderly maiden, of some four•and•forty 3 intimate friend of ite fifty again. but this w arable house proper found abundant amp' otherwise have turno l her weakly, me promoting, or fanoyi welfare of her lento , are of age-1 have heird •re y say she would live to • e s spite —ind poeseued of consid y in rnther pOor localities. She Innent for energies whioh might • to cards and scandal, in collect': thly, sod quarterly mitts; and in ig she' did, the, religious and Moral siy baralieede I - well knew _ . practised epos her credulous good_ ten, and I strongly suspected the .oznises and peeforroauces of her rated ainnech discrispancy as those Were the impositions nature iu m oney ma., spiritual and moral p motley tenantry dacsivad. or cheated as she pertaining to rent. 'might be, good Mrs. l paries never - wattled in wbatt ?she conceived to be welV , doiog. end was'aver ready to poor balm and oitiato the , wounds of. the stitTeriir. however wolf-inflicted or deserved. , . I . • . "What is the mat.: nowj." 1 eked as I one as the good lady was state and ohtied and lorisULA her boc ci let. and threw. bac her +awl. fast Walking hiving tested her prodigiously. •tNothiag weave than traos• :•ertau.... 1., 1 hope. ikel) 14 betall those interesting cli• oats of yours?" "Yet are a bard- Wed I mu. Mr. iilharp." replied Mr.. Dm .eibetweo a erode sad a cry; "bet being a law:... that). of ultra. "Volral. sad. as lam set here to consult yen as ac 1 • -..- • , 4f ao ocatoogneeas." "Comptimeatari, :... ,, i‘vioel bat Fgt. 0 11." "Toe knew Jam ee.; one of toy Meets le ,Be ok Millais.; the em idreseirbe a-.opted bor. sisteep or phan cltildi" . SATURDAY MORNING, MA 'l7, 1851. minember her nine. She obtained, if 1 recto Iles for h r dos to the oh tly. a balance t or, a mate, who ch.,: At sea. Neil what has bet, • t o • 41 .A terrible ac'enestion has been preferred egainotb inded Mni. Davies; "but as for a moment belie that is quite out of tke question. Jana Eccles:" ued the -warm-hearted lady, at thelrame time 'iv: a crumpled neiropaper from the Miscellaneous/ is of her reticule—" Jana Eccles works rd from rniogtill niglit, keeps herself to herself; he ittle neph and her moms are always as clean' and ice as a new she attends church' rezularly; an pats . -her rent 'ncluttllF to the day.—This di.greeer stotT, therefore." added, placing the journal in hands. "cortoot be I glanced Geordie pollee:littering forged, Banit•of• gland notes. knowing limn to be forged." I'exclaimert he devil!" s "There's no oeeasion'to be upurtino that name out so .dly, 11t. Sharp," said Mrs. Davies i with eome:asperl "especially in lawyeeo office. People have been ongfully wee ed'before to-day I suppose:" 1 was into on the report, and not naswering. she eon: eard notlblug l of it till 1 read the shameful untlyin the ;iper half an hour' 4obe. The poor odered girl r:-aR, 1 dare say, afraid Ur ashamed to send me." • "This appear.; to be a very had cosii, Mrs. Davies." I dat len•-tli. "three forged tin pound notes changed one de difforent shops each time. under he pre ce of p, ch:a.Ling articles or email ari;Out.t. end fined , - ten-pound note found in her pockeP All that has. I A say. a very ugly lopk." 1"I dcin't care exclaimed Mrs. Dairies quite fiercely. it looks as as sin, or if the whirl° Bank of-K,n:- Id was found in heir pocket? 1 k noir Jane Eccles •veil, . citified me last sp r ing through thet fever: and lasentld upon my path . thit the whole storyi from Im - tinning to Id, is au Invention of the devil, or something woise.". Jane Ecclees,'f I persisted. "appestat, to have been able or unwilling to give the slights:it / explanation as I how she beehme possessed of that spurious notes.— ; ho is this brother of heirs "of such highly respectable pearance." according to the a:Neck who was per ; A 1(0U a privatrlinterriow with her prtivtous to the exam• atiou '" t • I"She has no brother that- ha;re os;er heard of," said is. Daviie. :"It must be' inipta:t4 of the papers." "Tint is not hkely. Yor ohs. rred!of course , that she. as fully committed—a•A n• wondari!" Mr.. Dudes faith in the youngieroman7s inte;rity s not to he Shekels by any evidenc e save that of her n bodily eyes, and I ogriied to seelane Ectlest on the orrow, and Make dui best arranrnients fur the tlefence l 'at Mrs. Davies' charge, which the leircumstances and • short time I should have for:sa fsw days—permitted. le matter`soffar settled,' Mrs. Margaret harrkett off to e whist halt' bocomi of littler llanry, the pr`rionere CM I arn..:,al JanoEceles the naaxt , day an Nevrgate. She • a vre!;-zrOarn !nu , :¢ woman ofAabout two or three- . . , d-twenty—not exactly pretty pezilispe, but very well ; .ok.ug., ller, brown ha,r was p! ti ly worn. without a p. and the ett;:resiol of ht. r Nee . as. I thought, owe sweetness and humility. cuntradifted iu, some degree rather harsh litte• about the month' denoting strong a FOUITOSC. :A4 a tonne Id the caiittcru.o %Pi 'him 6.4 ....ti *racial istic, I may here mention' s that whan her 'first erweening Confidence hod )ie141.1 to doubt, she, Wl ough dotingly food of her nephost, at tl is time 4 1 404 t 214 ',ears of age, firmly refusP.l toisee II". "in t%nler'." e u ire said to in-. and th.. Ittnntit bredOt a!deadly . nor la Ittr flee—"in °Mei ei .t, s r iould the worst he ll. her . inemorr might ect ‘,ls o%li:its/ay be cuneected hi. m.ntf with —tages a dun4cos. and i ~ race, and .inn:'." Jaiie I, I les had rrceiseg what is celled in the unify ".• good sn'tooLng," and the books Mrs. Davies ad !euthenists° had is , ; erly perustril. She was there- e to a certain event a cultitaled person; and her peech and manners were mild. gelttle. and so to speak, eligious. 1 generaly found, "item I vislied her. a' Bible r prayer•book in her hand.' ThuM, however. froin my sperience, comparatively slight thpugh it was„ d:4 not uch impress me in her favor—Jetotional sentiment. so asilv, for a brief time, haequin'ed. 'being iri' nine settee I ut of ten- a nypocriticel deceit. ; Still she. upon the .hole nride a decide ' favorable itpressioa on Inc. and no longer so rati alt :red atthit bigotry of unbelief I nanifested by Mrs. Davies in behar • of her, apparently, miable and grateful protegee. But beyond the moral doubt thuitoggested of the gno me?. guilt. my interviews with her utterly faded to nisei anything from her to rebutneeut of the charge .poo whichsthe was about to •bis! waltzed. 'At first he peveistea in - temente: that the eroiecution was .seed uhon Manifest error; that the impugned notes, nstead of being forged, were genuiise Bank-of-England • aper. It was some time before I succeeded in ccinvin. mg her that, this !lupe. to which she so eagerly, deeper tely clung teas a fallacious one: Ir did so at last; and ober, thought 1, as I marked her varying color, and silcripgvaice, "either you are a consummate actress, else the victim of some frightful delusion or campus= "I will see you. if you please. tojmerrow." she said. ooing typ (min thes.hair neon which, With •her head wad and her-face covered with her hands. she had been eatetf for • I minutes in MIMIC() • "My thotkghts to confuded now, but to-morrow I sliall'he more corn need: better able to 4ecide if—to telk, I mean, of this nhappit businesd." '1 thought it better to comply • ithout remonstmee. :nd - at oncetou's my leave. ; Wit!n I returned the next afternoon. the governor of he prison informed me that the brother of my. client. ans., E quits ailishing gentleman. had • long terries . .at liar. Ile . hod left about two hours bolos. ith the intention, he said, of calling upon me. . ' I was conducted to,the MIS/11, where my conferences th the pawn usually took place. In a few minutes ho appeared, ich flusher( and excited, it- seemed to e al , ernately with trembling' joy and hope, and /bait sid nervous rear "Weil," I .441, "I trust 3on re now ready to gin Ni. our unreierved confidence. st - tont which , be assur,ed: Wet any reasonable liopiefike cceesful issue. itra the perils in which you are involiSd, is uut 9.1' the quite- Ilion." i The varying emotion I hsve noticed • clearly !traceable as they •wept over her 'tell-tate con i .pace daring the minute or .o.shitt elapsed before she spe • I "Tell me candid!_ sir." shit said at last. "whe t her, if I owned to yen that the notes were given to me by,a— a person, whoM I Caiinet,, if I woad, produce, to pur chase rariana articles at different shops. and retura him --the person I mean— "te change; sad thit if I coeds oath this wait done by me in all 'nominee of heart., as 'the God of It and earth truly known it was, it would avail met" "Net is the !WV I replied. angry at such trifling.-- "Hew can you ask such a quetien. We must find, the • parer" who you intimate has deceived• mid pieced year life in peril:-sad If that au be proved. hug him instead of you. 1 speak plainly. NW@ Eccles," I added is a rflider Mae; "perhaps you may think unfeelingly. but Mere is ao forth*/ Mine for playing with thi s danger eve matter. Te•atfew. a true billwill be bond against you. mlls& trial may then some en humdiately. if you are careless for yourself. lon alight to have some W/Lin...al nr o 1= ma Imes ■Loa tiact and li WOlll/I a. a emus' the d Betides." and semi as with ty will not, tinders ti.. failed **Wit, is whom you MEI A quack heerd the fora mama' erfd her p on the flee I=:IMEE `•Mrs. D joist cri. • Good atiove s wi kischr nit n A .tOte scfrr.:-; in me. an witli Ir. concertietl ing out I a if he again. bmigre.m hoe: he di! one taken him vt iih BE nec'es Iva morn t .80 heitv.inz dnt . contr dead. %t the court. merely th to oft% wh into effect notes had sin repos • the slight That p.r not be pre' mile; an 4tlo r T 4 ut sappy women- Erre the or, Ist passed with moo's Grin nee was being bleed: het oredlo falter end give we . y. and I observed that alt look toward a dietent pa a moment Mfr. eye Irghtin horror which had mom co irv,e4 sway. end her pal inatm , •ieely, iv: it wo-^. ft. le, I dct : "tett n t i'l man en n 11,11111', :Clo:nont3ren:oll op from my ve.i.il, end linete ugh the Cireogo 1 passages i• erly around, but tho man. Lane. i L et act in tale yid rhinos .w the dee+ or t!. i ' r riel upone!re remarder's r po,t. It i ant...-4- ere repri "ed. boantong,t hem we 9 40/1341 'lle a vino oilier. wer to porishfat eight the allowing morning. - ' ale - and worry inapersble from thieltnost Un• i . which, from Mr. Flintls iotractodiibeencei. uvively to bear, fairly knoc ed me qr.:and on ig of the day on whmh tho i'l anion of the coati .e..ll: 1 I went to bad Rlll2il l ierlier than ususiii, y ill. Sleep I could not. ant 1 was tossing rest mt, vainly endeevoVing to bniu:sh from Mrmiud My and terrible images cal -iecl illtw ihk. Ii girl and her so ifili-etitnjtigi ....e, wlieni a qmill ed on t h u door, and the serve it's voice in dour t e no of the clerks had brought a lecor which CIO Sett d:reeted to be read without a monilmts do- alto had whilst ten; lotion •p . tier iole■ eltUtrin • court. I of extretn C nlrlettE IMM "nd tho tnEln I I ill 11 I rJuld thr Inuked ea l be. was 1 II The Frivy Several F.ecles. o'clock o The a happy afl I had e • the e% c I a.r: a d reall early a. • tha glop wretchedi tip Faun cod tit it roperseri las- I pi; 1-. run it • I worthy, .1 the 'Tsui the prmi c:es had herself, to, could spo i l frantic el, I rang out of bed, snatched the letter. and ‘cosger7 or. I, v:ns front the Newgite chspinin, n reri utnano :Allman, and Stated that, on hearint of the deliberations •the Council, all us stoicism end fortitude exhibited by time Ed • mpletely Oen way, 'mid 'lie had abiodened ,the wildest terror andidespntr. As leery ai she tr. coherently, she impl&t. ' the governor with nettnesi to send for me. ''.4 this was not efl ii quits use es iu the opinion of thot °frt. ial. but against the rules, t he prisioloites requeat we. not co m plied with. The cha Ism how.evt;r. thinking it might be as Well that I should now of her •desies to see roe, had of his owl accord se t rte tine note. He thought that possibly the sheriff, uld permit me to 114 ca a brief inieratair witlx the condemned prisnner in the morning, if I arriedvi still -Id, &ciently arly; an although IL could/serail nothisk as :s,- Eluded h r fats in phis world. still it might perhaps calm the fright ul taunts! of emotion tiy whicbtrhe was at prem. sot tame and shalten, and enable her to meet the Ines.- r WO fortitude and reaiguition. select to return to bed allot reeeiviaz !u-h a • ation, arid I forthwith dreUted myttelr,ldetpr.: .it ttp and read if I could, till ) the hoar aye :i!th. .pe to bo admitted to the jell 'should 'etriket. ~ d heavily the dark night limped away, and as n t aya of the cold wintery aWn 1. ach e d the .allied forth. A deuce, brut I crawl o4ie ai:r (root of the pricim, and hunplreds of well-dt ca'- ter& occupied the 'opposite window., miirbidly , the rising of the curtail) upoi the awful trot;-d) e enacted. 1 obtained adruiesion without mach but till the arrival of sheilfrc, no e, tt-7er.eet amble ho It was fortIRMII win td to might Sloa h a the first earth. I setubled sed sizht eager fur about to difficulty . - • ~ ,i fferings' yew- excellent Jrie4d. Mre, ,septiew, soon perhaps. to be left friendi. Mil me—spare me!" lobbed; onhapt y young ing nervously into a seat. , •• • ave pity upon I, bewildered as I am! 1 . 'Keane LrelieVed r a while she said, "It ire_ ususelesi, sir, to interview }} I could not, 1 soletunlY assure .Id. toil yin where to search far or, find tho m I -p-ke. .f.iind." she added, Whilst the her n‘..mth of which I have spoken grew ills= id, "i would not if I could. Who. indeed I have been told and believe, avail but to •rith of two innocbnt p.rsoni iestead of one, he contintiled, trying tiispoak with Arnmese. the shudder which men. -tver and shook her whet icr u J Verdict. the penal nanot, I am sure. I know." e—be-4" .od her plainly enougli. alOtonglt hoiresoha-i t villain her through th. seintesi his brother, James Eccles he calls himself, aw at the police-0111e, and who hale twice understand—once ro-duel" tan revealed thee emotiot with rvtich . she, 'cation. and her.thhited oyes rested Upon lonia t with eager scrutini. speedily teeny. : •senee of mind • and with *fry?! 'grin fixed said in a quivering voice,l•My brother!. - Yee y—my brother." 1• . , vie says you have-no brother!" I shrply rep Davie.." she, replied in a tinel v scar'e..ly 'slier. end without raising her heatl, "d )es r family." • - uge WISP. i was conflient. 'noncenl-d in these, • aft.r again and ng tin nrg!ing her ti% confida finding %yarning and persnlision aliki% u,elc.i • diaconifitcd and.angr% : and. withal its much, mid grieved as hatllt.d and intlignnnti On go.: rreinged.with the governor that Ole "Irothe • ." made hie appearance. ahriiild be detainctil, •gr-, tilt my. arrival. Our precautionwas ton , 1 I not reappear and so little notice Irv: nov • •hi% permn. Mot to ad v , •riiiio a o...etltdio'n of reward for la appreliensinri we. gmiielet.s. II wan fillllll. %rid two hours aft..r- yds Janl pl.iced in the dock. Ti,ei Iris! dc llttot 11:1 . 1.. t redly ntinutem.at the end of whicli. no un; erdict of gu' , lty was roturned. mulish@ wai cod to be linn.f..d by the' neck until!enn %am/ had regained 111,1 nlile.tt conii•tel prsifti.; ,, z ;it tut with no tangiiil.l defence. - their etrorts went wit away. Upon, being milted w hait.she had the sentence of the law ahiiold not by earlier she repeated her previ•nts statement 4-th , t thi 1.. en given her to change by • penOn In -... on% the utmost cc .ficknee; and that sh• had not i t thought of 'esti or fraud : Sp what at { , (Pd....* Inn. however. alto repettiel :once ma e, cotill need.. ller • a/lett:aril on! excited ~ ,,tleri, t ivii , ill necessary forms hailing s;;en 'gond , through I moved from the b tr. ' ' • -------- - 3 • mad., On reaghiag hew., was bleed freely, andliot to bed. This treatnienit. I hi+ no doubt, preventedial vio -1 lent access of tivJr; for . . as it was,' severe days h J, 'slues,. 4 I coull be 4,fely portitte d to re-engage in my IiUl• 1 • Oa revisitin g the office, a fiagment of a letter written liS• Jane Eccles a cot! hou rprevious to her ileac a n d evidently addresstid. to Mrs I.)tiv.es, was placed y,Mr. Flint, who had byithia time 'returned, before me. The following is 11.13 . 11 X jet can fi it, writ the creptionthat the interveTs whicit il have Marked with dota r . . .. were filled with orates 4nd blots, find that every word seemed to have been tfaci l d by a Its ad SIIIIIiten with lioNy:— • “F it fini iy DICATiI •PI ter, Miinli. ' "Eli:tr. MAT. t. ; ..?;‘). il •i: ye.l cri—ii, imitner let me Oh Lilld, viit/e mother. I am to die .. . .. call you to be killed in a feir hours b cruel men !—I, so young. so unprepared for deiluh, cud guiltless of the oleiies' far which they wiilSlitive the heirt to hang me . . Nebtir, they saygeansave isle now; ti et if I cou; , l see the lart, .buoyed tip by lyitif hopes, tell just now t thunder buret: an 4 I—Ai 6 d' tiny ape! the fearful chapter' in the tam •nt come bodily bet . t o me—therending 4t . the rail tin, tss: •e. the terribleciark now and the °poled graees .. . i d,d not write for this bat my braiu }aches en late—th. t y all telA . laws wur - Ilwao sit' ft. I in pros4d to nee hxypseles.. t%at. . . . . It is (frilly tie,' illy aff...cticos, that I would' 'Bat lisiO—rhAv a has dawned. . .' 1 . to me 1 T•Ili illealiery• it crawl o f susfr'our. Ira At., usales inctioly sc . , , ct.iflio grca or justly or unjust y. wog:d i roan other ises. } c tiOVOr I.e i wild!. I v:-s n i•itakea. forced nov.:.l,t' Mrl eh t 1 ,11.1 mouths Fate rmard l . revived Eccle.' ciarl ill. . cad c'... fleeted bit!' it. .7, , e i.,,T,i;....r 'in tii 'LI cie ' rd, !...,040•40 till 12 ile.t .,, I name of .1u.4.al A/tiol.l. II nain, I.slzali c , "l+.lu.t.ler! 4 fir 11 - I bon' S der., CO. auLl fi It lrnedt ihd 1,21%.r. ag, , par.tic lu-tto Is• ' ire. Burtou,,Ottil s;•:es el;totx4F-1 n,d,ry wit,: 1111 r.,1,:::1; . .1..1 i aphe,1 Tits, how e. or; cnin thew sued; dou'd, not be foreveir wartungs, the suLplies wer• furinatiUtt• Alain Arnold, in cdttSeictod hint ;•:::Joiswindlersk•td f:rg• Omit riefarions th cc ri• need to•heepity•nt re:v. riocools awl dupes hosing. rne..l._e'. The dt_nce, uu c - esrorily et:.incu , aluto.“ : lt , .n by \lr. notion 1 c cf,l• awl edit rgy. !eel through whin% Once only; high struiriz I o-aa ivatch.n* , : suddenlyidirected t of the erawd:il •d, the e.ipregsion / nay darkened heir tint comrisare re . - nowd 11c , ' chute.", Irelord la a c'..14 taicatiom pith lotl• .has qniekly as to tln, etiot, and . heseever he mirl4 1 took a very sglit.interi very little e 6 "sling it till I convict; , ~ DI illi orreadcil death. '• Tao decision on flit am..• commdcakarl to tt• 3 Sotd:day, eald'tatatbe batch 1 Whodi was Justin Arnold, Monday mor . ulne. ltatheri once more q•a , liettl ill from .lust,u Arno' : : vi+e:l to coo I had somethtliz orlito:1 qt.ttic 1 ralative to a ~ ,:r3 n to VID [ 1..' , 1- - lip - , ,:i A.a ra, - i du-I'o • • brother" of land F 'tr. :a 1 •,.1 immediately sett out a eelan or amp r amp ering m afternoitsn'of the rorrove, ( 1 1 found that dip convict i Int I should decllnow ace I i the only mattet4 wlt'cla am 'or estate the care: 1117111 d •61.) et-on the early 1 411 •,:litni el 0:1 11.0 I‘loll'oll t+ OCC tiirj Thu, pr. pared. 1 way tli.:.• 1 i tallitii •,.. 7 .saitt•d iL$ e id .6 p mi hin 011,0" i rp. 1 trioa wi t tan. 1 had never f 4.11 1111 , t111 Con% iuced . Of the instant I ,a,a greeted trio iustatply by 0;1 features wire pdatted an 1 • ing me for cotlaidying wi a h clout, fatal tonc,l , ll . goo Ile says and ti u:.3, t at I !to a l and now ha 11l•.' I In •to tar on the ...e of .1. 41, hr v...,.J or truth." .No. no, r '•1 exhar al .:... I)0! 4 / J 4 .3 you I,&trua re,r4 to ' .likial r pentateo, peal 'toye' t r with a ticerpful buret; rigs, 4lO b tteruriss and demo repeat:Luce a )ou Ray back lon sauce lauguishod Paih.!—)ou flout wor unfit. you Pay folthe resmi , that of Cod, belle whom ),,, ca.: ine! 1:o•it d,!el .st not my 1413140 mi 1 a the Lterualdadia himself tltcro!". , "Ile . tnly bo odworthy lob chaplain., "butod4 how ut•erl . "1" rat is true.. 4 ,L i' . rr'oned tniutelted vt•hetnk.ro. " i . .. 11 - of truth adt .-en‘el: go, yolt nu , korona.] ex,rcutiapery of the I: i time I would speik privttely k 1 The reverend 'a -,tor, wah t. 'don. eorraw and eq,ret„, woe at he WWI Iota) ed by he priiotaeri "Now I think Of it. you had statirnout I am ahout - to maket Victim'', ieputation and for iv many witnesses. I You both A brokers bxclainStion from and ho quickly intlied—"All truth lace. yilel do not sea turn pale. It se a cruel, shs murder if there %v!s ever ono. so you interrupt roe out. 1 will attrocions bus:arta." lie ei twice during tho rief recital It ky voice betrevetiemotiona wl concealed. i , , • "line and I wire born in I I dilemma:el eseb debar. 1 kite was better off that I wars.> i came—she by he father', ba • by Mts. Barton'e wealthy ~ tt al. -tees. I twee -four. who don. "That she 1 .ed me wtt 1 woman I well kn w. and I ha. that ebe most big a:o;er howl i i . 1 I 11 d-zzle, • It it♦ too ,111, if ttioso o dreitdrul 1 twist out lltiuk of ME ' I , 3W. of w isticy. of 'speak. tih, would that 1: o cumin; The 3 day he day of jiv'grilent: • '." I.ly con'irao-1 my pree,ious Waxen furLhe: on tho mol -1 ace hos f.dlon, and wh'eth freer:. ' iu many, eery in Al.llllvr 'case of '"uttOring , ind-r oar cl,;:'isance W few be fad! toesnory•of Jane l rod up eVt. ry ohacurtfyko Iry 1, at • dat k r. of ct,:c, Lej the fiat ,itur 1.; otun. ref. , / n hrr and c the: :4urce SliZ2 'S saa ro-na,r mai!. •,-.•ouvri 4:nd 1:1 xecond 1.11 iv: In ti etia Arn^l !'e ex:raragl d course the young man' untinued. and alter stopped. Incapable of order to•obtain If nob a cleverly orgai tyro s) a lrudly niaa t tdl ins capture, they I at r i '.:111;;;1 ut its 1-01cqc c rcw., , tances .. g , wai and •t d by 6i:,/ miith 'st in :Ito twitter, and 1 ,•ere. Its judicial coucl usiou 4 the. ! 1 bail his condemnation to • e l recorder's report was ; ; this io.'sorines et New g .'r s: 1. u 1"1::'1 . ,...i fur r xecirtioo,zi .i ngs ti 1.0.1i , i ;hot heininged t.d the iitit , ' i:1 the sssening a 'note ths; c!:.‘p:.-.s,:s of the pd .n. 111 C-7 - -, ti t Mr. Fa:ot.'lliu to CO .ion.cate, ha livid, Pied o .e..! felt Le.re . .: /.I:sir it this JuA,tl in k& bil the Id I dot , 2rissured to set lissun.• of the sheriffs, anti obiain to sea the prisoner on i • the a'lda). ) 1 d expreass.l kt 31t. an ' i • .y un, NI) hoped-fur risi i was' eared to occupy th mud . ..t.,z d..--, ej .te y.. ... Ta I 1,.-1.,::..: ea of le owli :de o ill . L.:l k ; s elks, if less surr.l" at the sy!' a i(..s..iss r•b : I 's ; li7 where I Noir! i t , se p.,1 , a:llsghtssd cliap . I ' , (.1 before; thie I •I'cis 1w kbit.: but be knew. 'p.l,il /.' 11. i ewertliy. cx , c4ted I , 4rv. ant after briefly tlituk 1110 0.%311.., , . 1.0 added in aevi `nia,...o h.t, bLon truing kne. 0 0,11....11i, G... 1 by my Le. -,. ..:, ei it 4 a;,, K itable ilt.i• If : W.1 . :1 IL ec.1;1 • 0!11,0011,j,. , t IVO the revretid.gentlcin t Oisa. Itsoce, to pease. charity: t•hlrity:" hrr.:4e in the wheat me hAirt a fah.. *Or: G.ro met rinro fur SO nocdful—tuna to l'pro rye, peace. and faith! ivithotir meaning., 1 ign of men, but quite fitlor aro obnut to arrovt:l) bpotr to- he: It ;slat tied to Judgment boars omin-ded my prebetics t.," tow inttrad tlta siared tuifit to G" • , Jstiu told with awl* le cat wilt, ore wotkla pre •'1 Utum to Cie nla w. In the me.,1 1 - 1 •ith t mace ;• • ••:sture of compah it p utio leave the mill, when ho exclaimed. • ' ter, sir, rem•tin. The canaot, far the cake of the •• Lieuee sake, have too r rnewher Jane Ecch ef" ..th of uc onsarcrA limp, you ed:eady guess the ludor you should start sad ess deed—a dastar:ly it as ft= word, al po,eiLdek irelps znj share in the . 11.0 rarid:y. and once or the rucusten.dsys ittid - hus- AiFh his pride, would hate ortfardshire. within a shirt hor (robs a child. 860 an we subsequently ire -Ikruptcy—l by my nw--- arriace. Stue was about I len the country for Lori ! all tho s ferror of %trustiest • , too. for soma time keuivra r a bic u nerd or not at all. 11 50 . 4 3XiAU, Adirance• r:---: Tbs. with me was out of the questi"n, and as I told yen t came about That time to- London. ' ion can, I dummy, Imagine the rest. We were-1 and my fttends I imam —eta loss fur agents to dispose occur wares, and at 'lts seine time pressed for money. J -net Jrie by accident. Genteel, of graceful addremo • end w;noileg• manners, she was just filvd for our purpose. I feigned re-awakened love, protrer , d inarrotge; eis i g a home across the Atlantic. as soon as certain ,trifling but trou',:esom• affairs which constantly harrassed me were arranged. I get her to cite- -^ a considerable number artistes tinier ♦ : .;eus l stexe;,:but that they *ere forged she had not -and could unt'hars the remotest sue'picion. You know the catastrophe, . Mei her apprehet. ~rt I visited this prison as her brother. and buoyed her to the last. with allusions of cer tain pardoh and release. whaiisier. th. verdlet. through the influence of nell wealthy father-in-law; of our imme diate union a:tc7r:arde,. and tranquil Am , rl( an hornet. It is netlike, t.) say more. She trusted rt.-, and I sacri- GreJ her—less flagrant .LIS:•11:1C es t.A . a .e nature emelt. ever: day. And now. gcntlcine. , I tred:c} be alone..' "Itomorseless 4ilmn:"? I could Tot help eschtiafing uudcr my tram!' mi he roved away. - lie turned quickly back, and looking me in the (ass. without the sliglitein anger, said,— s ql "An ear ?le villian if you , like—ncit remorseless one; her death alone tits near, and troubles my, to et else hardened conscience. And let mo 11 'you, reve rend sir," he ;:ol.:tits'red, resunorg hot former h. ernes* eq 'l , ` ItddrAgfed t titre ehri.inin—ylet Me WI you that it s itu • n ot the solemn of the jud t -,0 the other day. but h, r rtontr, standitie; midenty sit:o me in :4:o t r 0; she Hoked a' en I passe ld las.t deception on her, that caused th tremor and :cently attributed by that e function ary to his Gun sepoichral eloquence ter all, her death cannot be eKclueively laid ,to v arge. Those alto tried her would not betiovotor , and yet it toes nq true as death. Had they not been a confident in their Gan tnarrin: :adorn, they imght, hav (tiptoed her to sa.oe print-huport short of the scate_d ha• C -n retrieveci their erre-. But 7a• I vpwit. be th 3 rit*• p3: 1 .• t, A p,e -r .‘ • n, - .. tirt• docleratioo wea Cu , er strife, and du!y aol.•netwledg ed,a bmi any 1)t au r !richt ersinession of mild regret that it hal r. , Leen —ads is time to rare the litO,of.lans F.relert., - No fr:rilier notice was &sten of the winder. end etc r. , r;ri, CI- younz aroman'e judtci,t snCriSce still • I do. oce. • to Pat anti s of zed I Id cal L ist' r,se. fit; broken FLSermaii.') write.; what his gaits the tt.....14r,1a mat . - .1):-aui an tungu2s.. Thu tier he declares to b • the : t,u language •of th clerical order in I;arttria, the c tr the commo.i. ,lauguage of people. ire says that 1112 religton id ehristiiu in form and '.actrinc. and that it is coiled I.pattao. Lewis he repr. -ems to bo many hundred miles frOto Europe. and Separated by vast oesans from - it. ALS pi rposo in =ti ling to Europe. be alleges, was to seek a long-lost bro ther; but he suffered ithiptcreCk art the sum - to—whores he does not know.—nor can he trace his r.'auto on shore on any map gkow: tie claims zar • Et• tt •,I,noiam race' ronsiderablo eanre of gt:iri; , :i•cal 1 7 .1. a 1. - -dge. The firs great con - yarn:lent- of ti o eanh/ he C 1 1 .14/ h`akria, Anar,, Aster. A tistar, Euptar. The segos of Frank ford-ott-thti-0.1er.. afiler much examivation of the tale and jt hearer. f ire came to the coaclution that it is true. Some believe things because they' are incredible. 11.,Aever..loptiar. Vurin httS been carefully.despatched td and is nu the subject of Much scientific aild.c . u= netts gossip in the Prtsian cryiral. What mystidfation hides Under the stery.titne will probably shoU , .—Lbstdon Athemram. Pi 'II ‘ BP curator QT An attorney in Dublin ha% ing illei exls4 'N'N NJEn, peer. a, shill ng su4seription was set eit foot to pay thw expenses of his fun:rel. ;Whist of the crikncys antt bar risiors huviog'stib.c-ihe.l , one of them Applied to Tiger. afti.rwarch Lord, 'Chief Justirs Norbury. expressiog his hope that he wor.-'d also rubserii:e his shilling. "Only a r`tilling;' a:d Toler; A shilling to bury In attar- • : Here's a guta , . go sod bury one-and.twenty of them." Z'''Tlee late Rev. Daniel _lsaac wee both a gient wag and a treat antokor, there you are," cried n lady 'who Btu-prised him one day, with a pima in his mouth. "at your idol again t" —Yea, madam," re;slied he, cooly, "bursting, it." A !toi.n Yelnp,', of Grand Rapids, states in the Nlinhigan Fa rnazi- that he OWI2IIIII hors. hich is forty-five years 0151. Re says he bought the animal in 1823, arid that big age was then stated to he fifteen year::: that hedrove him in this city ieklbiny) for six yeses, and for .the last nineteen years he has lren one uf a farm team; tha.t in 184 , 3' he drove him two-hundred 'and forty miiei iu, four days. About nineteen year.; ago hi4 ; tecth • becatite . an uneven that he could ,! criad I,,sy well, and his owner had then tilsd .m. sint ( e which he as been sble,to feed , 1 the youngeof horses, • T " Iris estimated that the cost of the fpel amuse* r t iquireiip the Utiited for ateehai.icid cod titan ufactortot, purposes- 1 ..40y for the FFeneithitkii etiegn —Cannot falrshort of fifty millions oft:Jeri. , „ II El NUMBER 1. r. 11.1 d could no* rr—snr, said *owl& t. Gaon , himself cu lers 10 ears, an.ll, wise. and+ still more rely in the had been sae glass ing about , mt of his '