_ . _ , • Commendable Conduct of Riilroad and 1 . Deitraidive Ciale.—Lose of Ufa Steamboat Wilms - • Durfriglthe past week we have been" t d b .' visite . y la i rile mere ftiriiiiis and destructive in he consenue i The followiag (room the Vii. Y. Tribune, eltould be mire by every paper in,.the country. as ,an exam- I ces than any which has occ.ured since tpe gre t l I. of generosity which every reader can appreci- storm 01'44. 'rile bluw coniineuced'un ' mud' • ate: . . -• j forenoon last, and continued till the folfowitfat earn-- ; The direction or the wind varied froni weet all Some fear or five months ago a certain sea eap-ling taio, in England:—whose mune we do him the char_ 1 nortli-west, and it was accompanied with l diivint ityp withhuid, gained the affections of a luxe girl, laciele of hail -end ',maw. The damage upon the I . about sixteen years old, wh whes Lakes must.have been very great: I e mother he was 1 boardnig at the time, and b a pretended marrisge• Tile schooner Luniberman, while lying off Erlel. l Prevailed open her to acco mpany him to this count- lon Thursday A. M., Ihifl struck by a sqsll,l and,* I ' ry. For some time after tit it arrival here, his be- her crew, consistirig of five men and a boy's ewe bailor was of the same knit s nd affectionate char - overboard. •1 he mate only .regained the 'se , meter that it had been pretti s to leaving home.— a and after several huura of intense suffer' ~ran her ' Gradually, however, he gre estranged and 'cold , ..ashore five or six miles below Silv reek. Th until a few weeks since, his harsh and cruel treat-; CaPliin's name was smilk • - l.- i went rendered inevident that he desired to get rid I The Steamer Bell atid s . Brigham ;lin int - of her. About ten days ego he assumed more kind- , Delikirk during the e and rude it ou .`- Til ress towards her, and invited her to go to N ew ; Belle kept her 61 lii - upond anchored nut, ut su - 1 ler?.l tonal able from contact .withth whir , York—being at that time to 'Proiiderice. As it i but i-,,;._ d one of 'her w'ieels badly tarok n, anl subsemientlf appeared, Ile purchased only one tick ti, to New York. and one to Sionnigton. While on rl Uriagod ethereise, it is reported, to the arhoi.ntf their way to Stoniegton, he borrowed 'from 'her stl - 30 ° or $4OO. Tee floating. atea:n pile -drfver wield the money she bad, amounting to :itio: H 3% i ng in constructing the new railroad wharf, alsei parte , its lines and was driven ashore, where it npw lie arrived ittiStoninglon, he went on board thel Van derbilt with her—then left her, and presently I elns.-•dded to the seed. The store house tibon tl sieainhiaat wharf way in meth danger, bat .escape returned and 'gave her a package of Candy ... i without injury, though the Men! was summit He then left again oo some pretext, and did not re - 'tam • • / , damaged. .. After the'eassengers had left the Y I anderhilt in At Buffalo we have deconnts of wharves stibrnerg the morning, este. Stone noticed her, sitting alonel -ed. cellars tilled and property sever ' y damag e d'. ' and dejected , and kindly enquired into her situation. 1 T he brig Stamina*, iu running up the Creek, cam she; cootact . with a Sbe told hip the' circiiins , at.ces, and add.. I that she canal boat jos. as a passenger - we feared somiiiccident had befeleo her husband. as ' Culling o ut-of its cabin, who had bath his legs bro be had retaiqed the checks for her baggage which he i ken, and was, other wise so badly injil red that he ha would not !nave done had he intended to,leaie her.— 1 since cited. Ells name was Hiram Burbank. The checks, however, were soon found concealed I Cansiderable injury was sustained by vessels' ii among thekanit, and the melancholy troth beesOie I rult'llug Leal of each other while going up the creel apparent. (She vies In New York without a f r iend and some were cainntele strpped of their ems. es. and withoni. a cent; too young to contrive• o r j u d ge Iby the gale. The 'Express of Saturday eoute in for herself and trio infirm to le 'or.. the trainee uteight sem mars which had not bee, Capt. Stone and Mr. Walker the Clerk, gener•cr i ualv heard irum.—Eredoein Cer,sar. set about raising money "for her, and by their al v ice she remained in the brat and returned to 'Stuniii , {mat night. Here they placed her in the care of MI.. Henry A. Bur4;the conductor of the steamboat train to)Providence, and requested him to assist filer if pos sible. Mr. Burr became interested in her misfor tunes, and on his arrival in P_rovidence imihediately brought an action against the heartless deserter, and had him imprisoned in jail. The mi,create. then petitioned for a writ ,habeas corpus, telt Mr. • Barr employed a clamber oflawyers. at his own expense, to oppose the petition. said finally-compelled hisn to make a settlement with the girl & By the terms of the settlement he wile nolig,ed to 'defray all costa of the Court, and lawyers' tees, amounting to shout $lOO, to provide here first-class pauclage home and to pay her a sum sufficient to leave her comfortable when she arrived there. 1 DIRJACT IstrostraTtnivs.—:TpeßichmOnd Republi can announces . that "'he principal. nuerchantila houses of icbmond will scud out an agent by ills next ate er, to make - arrangements fur obtairlinz k their go • beneerili direct from tiigintid„ 4 Thi. a the first, but A wilLnut be the loot loot emeot of this kind made by Southern cities to dispense V 6 iEh the. Northern importations, if 'the North continue the abolition excitement,- An estrangement of feel ing towards thiNortir is commencing at the S.iiith, which nothing cpn arrest bdt a faithful observance of the provision of the constitution, and a e. e.safion of interference with.Sodthern in•titutiont., Should the Southern Statealwithdratv their custom f rom 1 the North by manufacturing andjutporting firthem- @eve., at would make the al ? lit millets feel the 'kris, propriety of their cnorFe. in respect of slavery': and that such will be the. ease, if ilitt prov,,citio:i be continued, there can be no doubt. 'lt vi ell be , %e . ll On for the abolition fact innkt. to rcfl, et ifer:Ti•ly upon the consequences which o ill ensue should they preserve their attacks on Southern i in•ltit.it loos .-1.- . Tileir streets will be made desrdr.te an I thei , . 1.(7 , 11- . lotion be reduced to hankrup'cy.—Linkrirnore Clip per. . 7.7cmor Goods' for the Pooplo. • r~tllEflbselllref is now- - I g 4,64 (.11704, t0...1.1.411 /2 1.1 Dry (.In,“ A ..Nlll , . I.lylcrs. I t - and wolf .oq. 1. 4 2.4 ai. NJ' I set! prop,. f,r realty to '';rl " r6 ' .l"l"4e DAArs Ntrurt„.—S„rne .pe„o' I I k 'd Dame u a rNe , pras mm isle 10110. Ow b e . t Lnei s 1 111 ersnlac Nat u re d uel 1,:1 thi ng . ; we , ,t ;. 1,,, tt we 1 1 1 t„ti . arl24ep.r %std. ala goo.ls LAI prOVArli.l,l 11111/d as )dether . Fortune betre!f, and tts stupid as i 4) l l,:r.d' ul t, ( 7fl'l lo )c a : T " c 'e.r ir s"m r . t ds , n i 0 n ) 1 1 :r1":17'1 w ;t . "I"'r e tr LI .TJV I c, m orea s on piivate bill dny, , , else she n:ould hu .e ro) 0 14.! re g ue.w.i tu ta.1.1 .1,1:;111',,t 71;u1-piri placed the vital organ, of ladle= of._ the . r e =ent d•ty, in anti! down near the wrists, where the ort,a-', ---. Cheaper Titan the Cheapest. r menint sleeve .trol b4llOOO p. 1,15 o si %you! litv" e- 0 11. at '1 , 1,,.11, r.1..p-ule. at. se,c •tock orsta ihern room to mov i e. If the curntirelt,toled they ram raw . ? 14itkel• insCit fitnesi of thing's, and was not ain't.ttittl'eng ltc "*I k'""' 4 ". 010,1 Dt.t C'lnp: 111 her old pis TYgar.l l .`ss, A.f .1 V.. 't• 1. I;'.‘:',.;: f. :r i s‘ s i . t, ' 's e t :7:4; , k ;;" 0 ., and all modern trrinrmenuent in this greet age ofd.-con- i " ,, t`'".. , ? l eu•lc. 4 , lowstuN ullue.. %I. TlBli A 1.531 Cr!. What business has she to crowd her stout- It ' s I-11 schs, hearts, and liveis, into tbe• 1.71,174/ta, lb 1601 regard to how much they tnuy le in the *ay of their wardrnbel If she had eyes and common sense, she cohld see that the chest, of all the inKer parts of the I, J.!, is net that place w here a Indy has tio:rootii for itrer nal machinery: and what rent , on t.he does mote her Work-hop out ‘ , l the uny, nod -et ;.n 11^r enEine in some part of the Le-enbli-limeot ~at n ill lass incloventent tq 'the .nt4tres4 of tire ma tVe vronld j tat I:ke somo of the tt:lntirett of nature 0 answer these quettion4, and wl ..pause for a re , P F• ANOTIINR Di,COVERT.--Mr. Paine, who claims to mice invented autteihiid of producing lire.t fluid heat b the combustion of vvater. wif svtiafied w itb this iia'• iverv, has hit upon a Still cheaper and more . saiiiiila tit fuel. The Worcester ritlyi ante: 'A'lliouzli the patent 4 the Hydro Elee!rie 1;,0 1 i . has been secured. Mr. Pair,- hat uit remitted his ihvestigations, avid at Iti..- , t has doieuvere:l a tit i ces4 of caishupg the oxygen tif theistinosiiliere, an ten: der..ng it high!v furniniferie.sat a mere nioninal ex petise, wit;lout 4 the co-t of nochiriery, or any mlteit saws:its than an air receoer, cap,ible of ii..l“iiiz cuminmi sir. We saw it in. nveravioti last evening in nur office,' examined it t Mutely, cat'lized tlif ^lwo ourself, and read by he light so prolticet, which is'emial if nut superior, to the best gnat :U?ncti in the cities. The flame is peculiarly whili. tad brtiliant, burnt •with a clear. steady light, is smire:y iniidorour,larid daring the half hour that se szlehull its o.,•cirai ion; we could ape nne.. , esitmp• : , 0E.61 the ei taliziny; material. l'he whole sp•ia- - - nous which we saw, Cold I not have cost more thin a . C.Uplf nf dollars, and 1 . ! was capable sit ftirnis:iing I; 'he iiitht needed for the it'itinination of an nr.i:- ttr. siztd room. We shall give . a more full de scriptionpf the apparatus tomorrow, ,and hope to atcoinpany it with an explanatory diagram." AFFAIRS IN MINNESOTA.-A ‘yittnebago, to ,nteiiigent fell. w, why spoke englisti well, and vas known by the name of Dr. Johnson. wad found . F .2rdered, in the brick yard. in the rear of Sc. Paul, art Friday, Two otlier Winnebapes were with hat, one or both of whom were guilty of taking his '`t. lie was killed. being stabbed in the. site. Wa .earn that the two Winnebagoes who killed him ltrq , fled. Wrrotice claim shantees erected on uch of the Islands of the Alississini, opposite St. Paul. Last year, the Father of tint Waters was a pssession of thou islande, a-d will be very like .r to squat there again. The nominee arrived on Friday last, being the sth day of in the morn -4.g. catching St; Paul in bed. This is the isrlie.st , _ltrrr, a; but ore recorded, a boat having arrived five Tetra ago, the :18th.day of March, tve A boat could have passed through Lake Pepin quite to early this season. Considerable operationei in ttal estate have recently. transpi•ed in St. Paul, :h rather an upward, tendency. A lot 115 fret by hold last year at $lBO, and afterwards soh:ill - or changed hands, last week, for s3so, — ard a house is to hp built upon it by Mr. Redgtre, tlg from Bench streetithrough to Third street. Tee Legislature adjourned without passing qteitp lr'nt,at!on bill.—St. Paul (Min.) Pioneer, April :51u. A WriNDERtVL PROJRCT.—..-We have it on author t•f. ltlcLaughliii, recently returned from abroad, ,tit there is a pri,jeot on toast Naples to exi i sres of Vergurius! It is understood that the 'ict'om of the mem or grand crater, if *event tbeb tu d feet below the level qf the sca. The plan is 14 ' e r're, to dig a iargeVench or canal from the 'es tot tie crater, the expense of which will not-ex `eel twn•rnillions of doliarr, and thus extinguish t oe brew that have been burning for tho.;43rola of leers!!! It is said that the fire lands thus to ha re ' "fled, will more than ten timgs pay the expense exieuting the grand design Guar. aermt.—The &Eon re f4e, he use of renew' Hs Ilfor Mr. Webster to ad trell the citixens. Hasid seemly refused similar `PP , icatiotis from °them, it g is deemed inexpedient, tte present excited state of the public mind, to fisst it to him. A Quo - I'4llos UMroRTUNsTR .--Tne Re v . illy.-, was Ivettir I lig ----a Short time since on the sobjsctot tion. to speaking of the impractibidiv of iminedi ate emancipation and its disaltrons affects upon the iiiteresCa thet stave,' be iltbstrated Fite pcsittfpn by relatiog the history of some slaves liberated by i gentleman in Virginia. . " This gentleman, according to the lecturer, tool/ it iato'hiN head to liberate .some thirty-five of hi slaves, and very kindly uirected his overseer to to k them into Pennsylvania and turn them loose. Tbp. were liberated near York, and told, sold the, fever end gentleman, that they were nciw free,- at ful ).berty to go where they pleased until do as the., '1" wp . rt.l was aft , wfure them, where ti ckhooce A I.:dee oft—.t: at, l I'4'o,l,le:ice their vi 4 1 I and befor e the-apnler was over, more than half o them were in She county prison. MARRIED In Fairview. Ma' 71n, V Rev. %Vin.'' Wiraon. Mr wis II: NIANui ‘11.1.1:, of 3114.croek, and ,lira Jam,. llaoivr.ol Fairv,aw. DIED. • - • in :Horgan. traita. ott. ; ,tlitt ult . Mrs Poll• Fo• o tt•du ;Aloft!' Foote. aril ..7;5 years. .•t • Oa Monday uveiting.. the .sth 'lust.. t 1 r. Sotomosi, WAr.rtas. of this city. aged 60 tears. •• NEW aooDB. No. 5 'Mani Sides On Hand. T , lir. Subarrilvra are no; reerk iiig daily t y Expresa Andl Cat& , I I. I - ,,,r. ;ttilgetter2U asion.gicat of Spriu sad Sattio. met ticuils, cini.ietsiel 4. 1 ' liryt ;•./..... I- , • GroecliCS., i liar 111... e., rrorketv,l . . P .11.er Hat vulg. !min, S :Alp. be . i ' Ar..la gre... -- 1--,rtioelit of Carpeolcya' and JoiliCii; 1 wis.'ftll ' Of 11. th I,oe tarn purebau , i ita I .tell ...,! aOl I e ..i.itl 1 11 .. ~-II a.l;.i•ice .. til:U: r 1.1.11LN Jr. -o'. ' C leap Hur:...w.x.re El tore. ; iAV r,..-^it tr.. a !rsf.:o .1 4 it WM./ .144.ete I .e - e': of War,. ninl 1. S'ltelf II s r.!, ilea. wit, et e1 , 11./...+1*11t IN 01.1.04/It. f.ry., 1 .1 ‘l,Ol Irv; lAt ~ m11..1111 trlflC , `;ll4 I .I.) I ia-111 1 ,, 11l Vie ,e,, , 1j ....,16,, (•;1!1. Thfj.e . 14 [Alit 4 a wihatg i ertar!,l.-¢ to Ilo , ' •--- ... . .. towv•V y the Ow 11,11 inlWar , •:•lgre. •••• r,•11,-1 1r,3 !Nth r) /II I I, 1•lIT , V17.1.11 111 I 614111 11. aprhey, 11 , /07, .ali • • S re 14. •I 1 :o I .tll.er.r. . . , I .400, .pri 024. 2,0 1.44141 la/tea. la ...il :..4' c. 4.0 I ant .n.. ~...r... ...dd., .... ta tion.s; ~,tri 1,,..k.i, i.r..1 gr 0, 1i0r......,1 1 . In . ?. 0 at,. 141144. r. .'l 4: a toj,:ji.J ',. I 0. i,ra,.._!.. -0...1 e,.t. from inn, tc eigto-Yriel.e... ~ : J '.l. a:.... ...nee. il.x.r. :I..n4iiiii; 11!0-Artouptit 0444:41, lor-e abb 44 4 1.... is and hin'irr , s or it.i k...... aiul-eiger; gat.. Lucile*. will, err? ' , rut and eircalar 5.44 4 .. 0:454:46ia 1C:1.40+. ibis% CI.; ilpiales, . sit h.. *Hatt's. forks tia).-a - gociJ assuruneut of ii.ed . tinilir• gnu , I &c..& -- c., tr kl•Fl..s it F. 12.1). 1 Erie. Afar. 3J ilsr. iiu• 3. itee.l I la..se. ; ruAr Ht /f 1 ani !tot. sctaistra 3t the c'hea ti Ilardis are Stott.. - KT'FII S REED.: -Lifir r'l ; sili - —A ; 7 ,7! ai.... - .T - tn.erit - t - . • ' 1 i. - 1 ifa) 3.1. Ira. 1.-in -S - i.t't• Cii ft lit:ii. fib. 3 need ncrtse i ri. - cbc.lattr Itappini. s ti laumb4g. , iii!l:ll;,, E . Do 1...:11 in the i.:-.11.e tl.eidlts ot tbi. - napfielli ' 1 r 1 a.,,j .4,) I.' (.0a...14•441.:40 . 4; la atittrll4ao.—pirl 4 U4ll 4 aterroUr • : I al. f r 5a;,,,,...t coat. me 1 ia ' , F....444 4 a 0.444 4 - 1,:044 . r and sell ..unds 01 r real larva - lay. et, lag Ila• It-ttai ttatittOttiOti to illy ell - 1 i 1 0 44144 , ... 1 . 4 . 4 j 4 , :ca la/. 1.1 l .4 14 : 44‘.4red iiiii.h,A large snack of clot . 1 ly i Cda.allerep. Ve,ting. an 4 fr4114 - 1404g, 1., 444.41:0:} :mi. demand f r 1 11".u0...nx. and :a) arranat ineut4. 1.4 r the Inaltur le lure Into glr - 1 nu la. 7,t all 41(...44c1 4 444410104 4 4 i 'the pre% atiing mode. ar,i of Cr , ILI /at perfeet clurrarter. It kat , : a11.`44":044.14 .1:00 that ail shall ! • s ti-lie.l nil.) natl... ir.e 1.0 I riot ti,hatt at Gelitl,:meti may ol- 1 taut lit tay rt..)fe A il ,ii.:. 1.,,r Out I I for a litile Moue). att.! tab. 111 - .4410 Cuittlauef tu be "ibe Illialle al; pc:rwe veto. the . 10 tv ...natllng" ' ' J.II'UH liOt.ll, . 1 ' I:r.e. May ".. No. 7f Reed !louse. 1 . __.......... I r New Goods. New Goods. j TruT a rrive.l. ini erter-. ills inorniiir. a 14.3U1411.11 asichrar J of feinted law ~4, 1ii....,:1. I'Ll:ten. , l ..,,iii.•,Cdtigiains,,lei • its 1.....1 t`rsnts is . Tite 11..1it0 will veire 410.44 la and Clint • 1., trots and priecs—iwiliaus gl.a hie l Far ..r.0n:,..r tapas. i Mai 3.!, 1,31. 11 . 141.11'710i. II %Vt.lir.'/'IrK & co. .......... ; p % L. I le ,f liats, of a!1.;•!. . 7... )/111 0 •:4 , .i4 ,4 I aq.l far r. 112. I, ' -I- __ sit A kPLT.S.: 1....1111.1'i. i S. --'l.he out r.c ribcrs hat ejurt rereiv , 1.../... frum Nra . V , rh a Is, ...t.ful lat. 01 garnets. %%inch' will be au i.er, h.... fur cash Ot read) iii 34 . ' 1 „ t...)III`TON. IIiVEIISTICK & t7O. 1 ; li A WAS , ri.S.— 11..•.. and eau . 4.40 . e44 Tr 4 4 . i. 2. 4 .44111, plain lAteek • I iarkt , Teel silk alai CLina. 'Lk a stets ,a.tKle, at :I:ak..:. . I: .VIKV.} nit.)lvlN & C .... i _ ._ _____ Ir DisAs olation. ti imtt onin t 'lnsinest as fn; 1 1 ',....T . ward de andtomitio....m., en...ehamv. et rand ht :to own lin tu.hon n., the first dapet A i•rit ' -34 and Ltd: l.lun• Jte are iii hands of FA' J Keh..... lot s . itien.mit. Tin, tat : f ra aiding at/ railli..wsion t•yet 'sera w ill I:mealier Le erm...lieted I Y k J• 'lick. & t J. her.o.nt their et , retroyse wt the 1h,e1.. iflt :err the first. I.: J. lICEll..sco & Co.. " Ivor they n ,'I at 'end tt chi proultdoesa ati.l dispatch to all bus.riess entrlisted to thee rare. 1 , , l F. J. K eitllf), Erie. Aprid 3d. ISSI.--.1tr.31 ; w. w 1., if iltl IS. Kip ill.OVkl.l--A great varlety at the new stare Of May 3.1. , , LOLhitli. ItROW N. & rev. ; , LOofri.jrit: GLA:....ist,..' —A. i d woorimeni at the cheat, 'tor/ of 11.0%VR Y. DROWN & Cu . .. , ---- Srini,i) - 0 o rwanzriff 7 ----- . 7 __ Great Lzaiteaseat at 0.11, Wr:el.lfs Block:: , 1 Jinny Lind , not Coming! 1 ' UT I. ROSE:girth EIG is 1:000 re r e eeiw i fige ,,,,,,,, aya ,, mei ; pt9re, N o. 4, thri.;' , i's itio/ - .. the musscloser and oelee4 tut opera of goods in th ei r hue etc" offered ln tills market. )3 4 • 1 " Coats, Pants an 3 Vesta, ! • ' of th!Sherd materials. of the lest Lt. and of the most onperioi, iinut uanS' , lo. are sOld at this eaubliehment 10 ece.othat a man will nrdie amte b, L' ,l 3 loa than gout! without. In 'short tiled articles are . i AFFORDED; so CHEAP! . 1 that hereafter there ea n he nu exe um! furl reedy CO',lts. Soiled Vestil or ildayttiated Pants. Rut their, stock of litatly Made Clothing is not the tl.e onl; ind..eenie id held out Jo a "Fad, Ragged and • Sauey "'utile" to et t &them a call. fur their stoelt et I CLOTLIS; G'OSS1.41.11111:8 4. VEISTLyGSAI is unth.ritaso .1 for varir ty. Fashion ..nd. above all, CI ektisess( and as they have einploted , _ 4.n Experinnc.d Znight of the Shears, ncllaud fat orat i ly kno n fur ;dirty pear. in this city and ehuaty, they can tt;.Traht good hts to tiie MOO fast, Mos., They have Goods Cram- the 6hest &brie% to the eoatbect. 50 that, v.-cry owl. Can be .us te , l, Lc ha t - 4, a !ale assortment of I CIEN . MEMEN:,S PITICNISI-11 Goces, such aa Stun,. drone the detest QUallty to the , Coarsest Shift, 11811likerOhiets. silos el. sodki.eett rte. under garments, 401-: Ink". Bonakno.toirether with every Atkins in out line. We have a general 'apartment el Ladies Vashibnable Goode ' for We Siam st.and Summer trade. VW* hare neither room not tii e to enumerate soles Or stteak of quality. but silt Past may to L. - Ate. w c.all And examine toe themselves. IT IS SO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS. and if the pm. doo't atilt welt endeavor w coal% *ow. lb( ilve or,oh to . eft as. 4 ate deterariaed nor to be turdireold. Deal &Met the local inn, No. 4, Wiled** blue Ma) 4. it,3l. Can r ! at , rahip, JH.WILLIAMB has:. •- 4, 1 amnoevoed hini Cemi s. , Wright. artil trailed 4 cows nendHip under the Iltm nt lame& Wright, as Hanittni„ Oolleetorr and Urban. Delairri. tact corner of Mau HMI Sod Piddle .are. J. H. WILLIAM. G. H.,WHIGHT. • int'. May 3, L 11 DEALERS . -14 Foreign mud Domestic Coots, Distilieri it _ Brrasems, &sin Horses, leer fikoP l A oolll Makinna. - List of names and firms of pereprrienwsged is selling and . end Inj ul goods, es, merchandise, eorninialities or Cleats 09,orhaiscieter kind or na ture, resident or doing-lissiseis within the col:s -ty of Erie. PenniAitianie, C!p_akfied and Aliened according to arw by the unarsigned. Appraiser of Me /le 'cases is the :snooty of Erie for the ye ss-1 1. . . --- .4, Glarszid Donnish. Class. $ eel. •OnAriii Olin, . 43 10 00 . ' Jus immo uisi alimoreig Mettis, a Co., , . ' 'l4 700 • 14 700 Juha l ontliferd. . 'l3 10 00 James A.-White, Kedieloso. ' 3 10 1:01 .L. S. Jonci a lqoura,, . ' 14 10 50 Hirano Drury, . • " ' - 14 7 00. John EL Foster. liquors, - 14 11) 50 'William-E. Oakly, IrQuoirs, ' 14 10 511 .E.li Flail. liquors,_l4 10 50 Mrs. Runde!, Millint - SShop, ' 14 70 0 Equ‘re Hall, liquors, ' l4 1 0 53 kieyinour Pease., eating house,: . s• 5(4 Theodore Rynian. hat, caper fa' r etore,l4 700 Ellareek Township. E. D. Teed, grocertee, 8 500 W. V. Warner, ' , galore, . ra 10 541 Abraham Tonnellor, eating bourn, 8 500 Abraham Toonellot, merchant, 14 7 00 Waterford-Borough. %V. 4. P. Judson St Co., 13 10 00 * W. k p..ludson & CO., 60111 mi 11,3 Ins 14 700 H. H. Hunt, grocertes, 8 500 C. 11. Morton, hardware, 14 700 .T. 8 1 4 . Vincent & Co., 13 10 00 Coo:rer &. Stamford, liquors, 13 15 00 . Ida/lila &f 4 oar,' Wows, 'l3 15 00 S. 'bambini & Sous, 13 10 00 'Whatley 3t Gray, l3 .10 00 .1o:ta Curtis, groceries, 8 500 John Curtis, medicines, 4 ' 5 011 Samuel Brothertoo, floor mill 2 CO..- 14 700 Wayne Township. 1 8. 0. Colegrove, i 14. 700 Newton & Adams, 13 10 00 %1 'two Maier, eating !muse, 6 5 Ott Coneurit Talmud?. F.: 8. Curt... .utrus house, 1 8 500 G. 1. - Stranahan, eating noose, .. 8 600 Carter 4. Brother & Co.. 'l4 700 ( WattsburgA Borough: Jones' & Sanborn, 13 10 00 ' Fl.. Town Z.:. Co., liquors, : 13 ' 15 00 B. i& C . Town , e r o ge ,:n r e o tl ar m msi i ir. uen, • 4 SDO 11e1 or McLane , fl our mill, 3 tun, 14 700 G Sindh Corbin, eatiog house, 1 'ICH Kahle, sweeties., liquors,' Greg-12.141d Tewassfrip. Hiram Raymond, rating house, 8 500 ' Erie, West Ward. M, 82nf0r..1 & Co. exchange brokers $lOOO3O 00 W•iliatil -liestly, tin. copper, &c. 14 700 James Lytle, merchant tailor, 14 700 %Voltam I'. Downs. I:quors, 14 • 10 50 Jona Zimmerly, liquor,, ' - 14 10 50 0. J. swin....ri.'bookstore.. . 14 700 G. I,ooiliis & Co., .., . . 13 10'00 'l'. 11 , .• Moore. liquors, 14 . 10 59 Wil tam F. Rindernecht, liquors., 13 15 00 Miry Curia, millicer shop, 13 10 to ' Clial , ..a S. French, ' 14 7.00 C.:l:noin & Cile, tobacco shop, 8 500 Cha'rles DifleiMaugh,l,quors, 14 10 50 00 4 11, es rims., ..t. ... _ C. 111'Systren,-Erie Ctty mil, 3 rep, 11 . Ildr6orcriNek Tbsoiship. 11. 7 illitm Arbuckle, 34 J. Yd Nl.othead, eating house, 8 Ktng'& Urown. 1 guars, 14 Juse;ih Neely, flour niill,2 run, 14 Sittst‘rl 1.. Potter, groceries 'tad beer, 8 Y‘ 0 hplin Cooper, fl .or null, 9 tun. 14-: Joim , l„loJ,te, dolt ,tlery, 900 gsllons 0 ' 1 North Easf Tow ir. J.l l ,tri ;Senul:er, fl..ut n0 . 11,-- riln, 14 FleJ.ll:elsrriti.tn.le.lery, 15,060 galls 6 llelettilo:+prr fitting house,' 8 cook, -f to & Co., 13 J. 11 , al nee, flour mill, 22 r4n,. 14 ..i Tu. n & Co., flour !toil; 2 run, 14 11. C. lola n &Co , ilmt.llery.:l2.soo galls. No th Fart rorovgh: Dr!nais.& C 0.,. • , `.• 14 .7 00 S S. , Hnnimor..l, bsorshop. 8 500 J. &A. W. %seen, tiushop,,'• 14 700 B C. Town & Co., 12 19 50 IL C. To mm & Co., m edic:ilea, 4 5 op, Steplie,n-Gr ffirli, book,. hal & far storri,l4 7 0.1 12 50 Hayaes 4 M4:414, . . , 12 liemligt Marrs & Co., rin auditors', 14 7 00 00 Halloo & Jones. medicines, : 4 5 Nusou dc. Jones, beeralloP: ; 8 500 13 10 00 ?Super, Rots & Co. . . • Erie, Dist Ward. Arbuckle & Kepler,l4 700 .• . , 14 700 H. S. .)rake, gonsiop, •• Thormis Eli, go/. 11. 8. 41'ord. milliner shop,. : 14 700 Jchn C. Bnebr. liquors, I - 13 -15 00 • o.7Spafforef. bookstore, , 14 700 Knoll & Shoff, loioors. f 14 /0 50 Suerborn Snitch. hat and fur store, -14 7 tal Henry Myer. " - , 4 700 G. Selden sr. S4o, , i- 1 1 3 10 00 . •,C. NI. Tibbalse` ' ' 12 12 50 IJohii ISl•Cann, . 14 700 !Conuitrin, Ilaverstiek &Co , liquors, 1 4 3 15 00 Conimon, Haversack & Co., 001- • try, 10760 gallons, 8 10 50 13 15 00 Smith Jsckrn, liquors,. ; - R. T. Sterrett & Sons, liquorti, 11 !a 50 Joel Johnson, bookstore, 1, .14 70 0 B. Tomlinson & Co., 13 01 Oil 't. 0. Hulbert, , 14 700 Moses Kocb,. 1 3 10 00 , . Win. Harris, beer shop sou mi I lan, 7 10 00 G. A. Rennet: & Cu., gun sh4Pi 1 4 7 (KO ,C.8e;:!le. liquors., I l3 13 09 }Sarney ;bailey, tin shop, 1 14 700 John Bacchus, recess, ! 7 10 00 J. & II: Whipple, liquor dealsks. 9 830 J. a Clark, . 1 . 12 12 00 Rufus Reed, Hardwire, ; .13 10 00 John 11. Burton, drugs, 4 3 10 00- 1 John H. humour 4 •14. 7 00 Jaw. Oarsman, recess, - . 7 10 110 Carer & /bother. medicines, , • 3 10 00 Carter & Brother, more, ' i 12 12 50 Jacob Korth rkihiisu store, i 14 7 110 John Milky, beet sod liquors,t 8 700 Jacob Simithal, bier shop, 1 8 5 .50 C. F. Littfet,hauzlt, liquors, ! ,14 10 C.; John Hernmsrly, beer *loop, i 8' 500 Arne: Forman, mill.ner shop, 1) 14 ' 1 00 W.lhann Lane, bookstore, 147 00 Franmangleltart. Lquors, 1 14 • , 10 50 John Klath, beer and bakery, 8 5 Oir George Witter, groceries, i 14 700 John Knoblo, bre% erg, 4000 gallons, 10 500 Jacob Juiig, beer t Imp, 8 50 3 NI irtieNi p wet, kuors, ' i ,8 700 (Lulea. Faaiinia, beer shop.B 5I) Nathaniel Murphey, tin Shop,' I • 14 7 H . Cad. ell. -1 9 9500 Laird and. goat. liquors, 13 15 fill Waller 11, Knowlton, 1 14 . 7SO 3, H. 'Fullerton.. . • 13 10 00 1: llosenzweig& Co., 14 7 00" D. S. Clark, , 13 10.00 B. J. Snerkin, silver smith, • J '34 700 Vincent, Hiattod & Co., , 11 15 00 ' Andrew Belch, beershop. . j 8 SOO George Brown, beershop, 2 8 500 Conrad }lsmer. liquors. i 8 7SO John Hoilinan. brewery. 10.000 lalls.lo 400 F. Deo:, Brewery, 17.000 gallons,. 10 George Shoff. beershop, ! sPI Nancy Reed, Erie mill, 3 run. i 13 10 00 J. EL Walker, Fairmount mill, 34run, 12 a 50 hoot, (Merger. beershop. —I, 8 .5 00 John A. Hass, I:goOrs, •• 1•1410 00 • Georrregoino, neenshop, i„, 8 'A 30 John 1/eibiritt, liquors, i,• 8 700 C. y. Reed.-warehopne. 1 10 20 SO Frio:leis &Orr, beershop and boilers, 8 750 Henry Kooblo, liquors, ' , 8 750 John Hearts & Co., wershosse, 10 00 00 Daniel gobble. heershop, I 8 500 Dore' g Dow, beershop. 8 100 Xelso & CO. warelloant, 1 14 700 John Kelso. beershop, I 8 5 00 itloisle & Bohol', liquors, • I 14 10 50 !Lyon & Stott, warehouse, i 11 10 00 J _ • & 'oho Gable, liqoon. n's ter Clasper, wareboise, Hi •• Cook, liquors, Hi , Cook, ten pia eller, WA ker &Cook, warebooters . 8. .Veto, coal dealer. - .l eo Joe' h Kellopg, warehorebe, C ere Berryman, liquors, A tt, warehouse, Co is & Dry, cal dealers. " -Girard Tencessithy. . . C. Chevalier. eatiag Wieee, .8 .5 00 C. Mills, estinghofte, 8 560 Gulliford & Evans, " 14 700 Junes Leach, Squats. 14 10 $0 Wikham Tyler, " • 14" 7 1,10 C., F. Norton, . " 14 700 E. Page, eating house, Er 5 (Kt E Page, groceries," • . 8 500 Enos Kress, . • - 14 ,7 00 W.ll,arri C. Warner, liquors. 14 10 50 Roarley's Heirs, flour mill, 2 np, 14 760 Wit ism KiAland, liquors, 14 10 50 Speisigfortd ToPip• you& Desoire,diatilem, 12000sals. 9 BOQ tio N. Buys, grocery, . 8 500 ry M. Pollard, liquors, lism.A. Townsend, 14 700 :owls, " 14 10 $0 C 14 700 him Doty, eating house, , • 8 500 mss Webster, tour mill, 3 rue, 14 700 rt Hurd, eating house. y Potter, , lfrKees Trocoghip f 4 700 8 .5 i4l R. &. A; J. Sterrett, Boor mi 11,3 roe, 14 Samuel Weigle, flour mill, 2 ran i ,. 14 Lanhason, Golf& Co., 13 P. D. Chellis, • " • 14 I Venenge Tottniskiii. C. Cofeburn, flour mil, 2 ma, 14 Jr Titus, es A lin gle g itY hou r ee "ll4 , kliP‘ - 8 C. . Norton C , "mead Tawnlhif . 14 P. lark.ir., . .; 14 A. . Trask, liquors, 14 11aritt & Colter. . - 'l4 P. .-KeErigg. books. ; 14 P. . Kellogg, medicines,. 4 Chal in•it LOwnsbuty, liquors, 14 J. 1 antillOn, groceries, 8 Ma us King, flour mill. 2 run, 14 Julie Spires, dour mill, 2 run, 14 Stephen Munger. eating house, 8 Manton Hank; haidware• 14 ravine Thenuctip. W. Sturgeori, groel'ries aid lie.. 8 750 i es Merry, est:ng house, 8 500 Clark. !loots, • - . 14 10 50.1 uel Brubaker, 4 14 700 i ,M Ganseir.er, liquors, 14 10 50 i & Webster, 14 7 5 . . ge Shoemaker, liquervi 8 7 ert FOirf, liquors, ' 8 7 I ... Prrkins& S. Snider', , 14 700 onder Nicholson, flour 8801,2 ruti,l4 704 el Bear, flour m,11.2 run, 14 700 ►t Feaster, beershop. . 8 500 .Union Toitieship. & Wigant. - • 11 7 001 ►, Duck & Co., - 13 10 sac ; rinhint & Sons, gra( •Tirll, . 8 500 , 131ek & C . o.:mill, 2 run, •14 7 00 1 Edinboro, WasAirsgion Township; _.'. , 49 H. Campbell & Co., 13 10 00 ' air J. W Campbell, 14 7 OP Sherwood. eating house, - 8 500 • 1. -14eCtsiaghty. 14 700 reder& 3. Taylor, mill, 2 run, 14 700 . Gerrish, ~ 14 7OP I ii.k. liquor!, 14 10 50 Terry, . : 1 14 700 4 SCO 1 vv, erh Gil Ril 6 500 8 750 San ins Bes Gec • Air Dan Aro Kin Coo OM Jam W in BK3 1.. Terry, medicines, Miltercel/ TowersAip. Ireyaratner,t 'eatery, 104000111.J0 SOO ;Daub, beerettop, • lit Frey, eattor house. Ryon, diet dlery. 9 0 00gallisna, liquors, S Hersh. liquors, 3: C. Koehler, distillery, 3.1f.'00 - pas,. • ries, beershop, s 12 .46 8 3on do Ettragn. distill . /111480 g. 800 Damara, flour mat tuu, ' = 14 TOO Brown, beetihop. 8 300 in.& Judson, 1 14 • 79Q0 flour miii , 2,run, i 14 7 (! 0 .tire Johnston, liquors, • 14 10 50 ice Is hereby given to the above named re, that the Associate Judges of Erie coon- I wet et the Cammoinioners. Office, in on Thursday tho 29:h day of May next, at luck, A. M., tor the purpore of hearing the la of t hors who teel thetpse!vrs nitgrimed by eve classification. Jaw Jarp! Marl John Aso Jacn P. Al C. X' Mo Juhp Hen Ms 15 00 G. A g Droll ty Al Ere: 10 o' type the ■ T Oft 5 t 4 10 50 710, 7 07 5 00 Arpriri , Pr of 21TirtanCle'Tazet for 1851 Ibsl. .7 00 5 VO 5W 10 00 7 00 7 1 09 8 00 * Er T WZISTZIIN T=AT sBol 4 . I'lly tray Va.,: to Tem n. his old etudoreers that ror eseut he Atli he found at Yo.: Iteed ►loure. baer. where h. ix ill he ?wpm to wait tpcn ail tho may Ith a eaa. 3, Int. • S NMc • the mon( !wry fa% yr bon Executor's Notice. • • , is hereby , -leen that letters Testatnent try have listen it to the soltserf here on the estate of Joseri. Law: Iste t tp.. deeesmed: therefore an having claims stalest rem :.resent them fur .etttentent. and thug lodetlied sate psytuettt. ' 11. II 4111.1141. x r.ts.si , L. ,,,,.. .$ Ls' eeukos. All oTir Rrßnt ("Noun r e.ufic. Janke max North Fn , ,11Iny 3, toil, . I 05 ti - klittlitTirt - , - , ITEM sr dl forfeit &in. if failing to me trey ease 'of / that may come under his rare, DO matter how lota Meeting. . _Etruria sax are m% lied to his l'ri,. note onh SI.V%STH Strict, P.hrladelithia, without fenta In other_pairents. Strangers and others who hai - e nate in the seteetten of a phystetan ate turned to alto ha%t. injured thennelves ,Ly 1.01 lU. 0 stag Me nn pi Lo di fit&I•IIIOR Of Rooms. Jr. interrumwr Lrco mom It edit!. Tlsor alro 10% io d. Rt~u•11 before tru.ti Imes, to the dies. It Ise lily tile buena has his mei/ brother prole imply . If 'min OF 1 merit of thy ou It e.l My. Curial rheum ing ftom pot 4 the cour , illi Spied* retie/ Rtrarev.—The allbeted, would do well to reticet 1 thy:7' -health. happinesv. and in many eis••• thaw lands or phymelant. Ignorant of thin ...Info of natio ' 'nit/nit uupoaslhle for one man to iti.d ,, stand all the. family are Otibret ta. Every resperl4l.4e phvoielan r branch, in which tri•• to more tteeessfitt that, his • rs.aud tu that he de% otea moot of Pim time and genre. eseluslvelyderesed to die study and Sera area of the sexual organs. together lb Ith ul:ets qp hrost.nwcor!cgg. pains in the !Wad br hones. mer: twin. strictbres, greed, irregularities. disease ;wis hful eseerreg or impurities of the moo!. wheioby OR has beeutue eufeebled.4rnahles the Doctor to ofer call a homey place theturelves under hiseate: Maya 141.1y31 :wand Popular School Book. ENdIVE Seminary uf -11tetory. together ography of bigthipaitihed Perrone. to tt high leap . tome of Heathen Mt thololiy.l Natural 'Ph ilo.ephy. rollowlY and rhYstuloss ; A dotard in the Public itadeljh a. . P.. 13. J0N1.13 t ro. Pn!it r priVRTIO and R ACK surcits. ilaxel ph in. School committee . addressing kttem to us post furnished with rarlig for esetnit n. 1 and Arsortnicnt of r gad ?tailed. the Lowest Price. a. May 3, 141. 1%31 1 rOMREI sth I . pendell nn C.e.oer-r1 As Echooh , of P S. W C. Tearer , . nal paid. u is be f"V" A Fa an kit. Pave Vhiladelph did Moe illy f P tioo Of pureh His Male MUT W I at teNielt tutu tt thri where ai ass h beuilat 0..01'110, r with areal ear • itc Wee w • and esataine G 0 be the.seiveol finqt pleased away. He stt AVM the best', make. very e sews. of van every thing in frict.ds as c 15ENi 1222= arri W emir. subset 1 tate beam they are bow Mock. a Nur able STiPLE 'AND FANCY GOODS, sating which ay be found Cinthii, Calamities. !I weeds. Sadn esses. flannels. I:anemias. Prints. Poplins. de Lams. Limns, EValilial, ' , IMO. Lures. Cambric", Satinets. Fans: Para sols, Jac. A wont beautiful lot of Vestinss, norther with a sea• eat lilleonweas of Groceries. Crockery. Shelf and heavy karst wane. iron dad. Nails. spates. Glass and GlalclVllfe. lists. Cap., llogivurd Sham and a well selected duck olliteady Made 4.1014* i ns. Aka. OM. haws ilyaatuffs,Carpeater Tools. Fanaissi aMIL The sack is about as large Ai OW be foam, le i = nd will be Oboist ma cheap an the classiest. We solicit. aad bope merit • abase assails. patroness. Gin us a can i cud we will gaudy you as to rods and pram. M. R. LOWRY. Zile. April ft. IDdl. Ell/NETTt CA. 'DAN 111.—Wbac and Wooed Luca LriU ihr pats. at the lessee Block. QTRAW 1 1.., 11413. Clan. $ di. 8 750 14 700 14 10 50 30 00 14 700 14 700 18 14 50 `1 748 10 20 - 08 .1L• 15 00 • PAIIINIONAPTAI GOODS: I No. 111 Reed Sony( Ih le. • N M. JUSTICE bey leave to enn the:mention - of old e uqueners and We public ao the new and epien • nt of Wining lend Ihirrotoll Clothing• Curouutrco, Vestiup, and ouch caber gooes hour nd in • hionable Cleating,.Establishment, . he Is non teceising and opening for the twee/. • see , at - 0. II MIZMD HOVIE. li hall brim recried and made under his own I pattit.butat tate.' which with the retuartable • , LOW e, UXCI222 ~ idetcpuined los I will ronrior. nll who may fawn*, austoni that hitt tallish:unit to the only place lq 1 • • Asa Vashionable tlarment I atire which fiefte. ecirretasion.. Htf mock nt I DRI!, and VF.ATINGS Mare Mrs *elected eatirrowly for the euktorn trade, and he would In tarter harn.g their Clothing made to order to call I DC OUT AND WAND. :. Penton, leaving their measure for any garment kb it when done, will not he naked to take It sontintten to keepon hand thirts of nil kinds. and istanniarturers, Ighlrt Collars of thu l est apt thopendms of all grades . * Cravats, the best In oradmand prices; and in hat be keeps almost fa One: untied he would be happy to sell to his ; p ihe,cbezpest. XG dons to order, and warranted if properly; • New item IffErw rim! A ! - 0001111 NSW 14203111111 • have formed a so-partoership In the Eilleeelto= as, seder the firm of Lowry., Ekowo t Co.. and, wing and opening at their store Ia the Bennett ud w all selected mock of fashionable said seasoo- • 06--Ziks sad chop at LOW"; ISZOWN k Co's . suriraso &MO crzczaacio. 1851. Iri-Weekly Lino. 1851. 5410 Tee Billowing Steam Vessels will Sam a UI. • Weekly Line I, leas ELfralo and ellit3/0 the ensuing seron, leasing Buffalo e,ery Tuesday. Tburs4l..y. and Saturday ovenu.s.,„at 9 o'clock. !low ng at .rie. Om eidul, Detroit and We Pons co the West short of Lake 511eit‘,:an. The Propeller cir.x. IArLoR, *A) Ton., Capt. A. E. U. DART. leaver llattila, Tuesday, ' , April 12 Tce:day. ' Aug S •• May 13 " Aug. IS .1111 t 1 " Sept. 16 - ! Joie 21 • „ - Oct. 7 40 .. Julr 13 I •• Get. IS Buffa lThe lo P ropellor 141.114 Ohl. 650 Tool. Capt. W. Dlaksou. leaves . Tbiusday, ; Aptllll4 Tihursdry, Aug: 7 ' ! May 16 1 •• Aug. IS .... ; June 6 1 MI tiePte le " i JUila 33 I CD Get 9 w __,; July. 17 ell Ce1..3. . The PropeIIer . POCAUONTAS.4S6 Tuns. Capt. I. IVorcester. leaves Buffalo, : • . Tuesday.. • '., Aprll3ll Saturday. - Aug. 9 • " . i ?day 17 . Aug. IS • ',, June 7 ... beim- 23 gt ‘ June SS • i .. Oct. 11 ' i July 19 1 .. . Nov. 9 The new erearoler MINESOTA, 6.i0 Taw. CAP*. it W. grett• leaves isitroo, 1 1 Tuestay, • 1 A;w11 :19 Tetl`laY• Ant. Pt .• ! MAY ile . .. Sept. 2 w • ' Julie , 10 ! .1 Sept. 22 .. I , July 1 0ct.14 ' , w ; July, 22 w Nov. 4 The Propeller 'WI AGANA, 300 Tom% Capt. Silas Puree, leaves ' Buffalo. , i Thursday, I May 1 • ' Thursday Au:. it .. ; May! 21 '• . 66 ' Pel.4 4 .. : June 111 i . 4 Sept 25 .. • July! S " Ott. IS • .. ! July, ID.. w Nov. .4 The Propeller CALIFORNIA. 433 T...0x. Capt. James Couley. leave. Buffalo. , Saturday'. May S ' Saturday., Sept.g. 16 .. i I ay, , •• 6 ••• ~ / Fused , •• ` Bent, 27 - " ,• July. • .. oyr. 13 , •• ' Jallyl23 Nov. n The new P ropier murrALo. Ivo Tons, Capt. 1. . B. Gold smith. leater.BuL 10. ! • Tuyaday I May 0 .- Titereay, - - Aug. 19 • . ; Mry 27 •• Jumll7 ' " Sept 30 w ' i July 9 Ord, St 4 i July 36 Nov. 11 The Propeller pB lO • !! Tons, Capt. G. U. Gllxon leaver Buffalo, TThursday. • i mai e Thurseay, Aug 91 M •• ! I . a 119 a-- Sept. II MI i ' Juno 19 (let. 9 . •• , July 10 " 'Oct 23 " • July, 31 * 6 Ncv. 13 Buffalo The PropellerSOOTA. 430 Tons. 'l eapt. Jame, Shoo leavei , 1 Saturday, f Ma IS Saturday, I An. r) } 5/a •, St ' ; 4 ! 1.-e;.1: 11 .. 1 Jot 21 , " ()et. t 1 July IS • •• . (let 25 , w •• i Aug. 2 ' Nor. i 3 The arove Vents areal! nearly new and waunch. a Ilh exten sive ReeoWlTlCkial us flyr, passengers lend freight. and will leave. promptly ay ml utilise.% (rr in the foot of Main street. Fur frc !gin orpassage apply (4t hoard, or to JOHN 11E.99 Erie. TAIL . 9 1 .‘CO.,.‘ April 26. 1• 1. . . Do .. 700!• 7 00 1000;. ,7 7 00, , cid 1 s 00 7 oo 7 t() 10 50 7 20 7 5 2 10 00 5 00 7 00 7 OfP 5 19) 7 00 1 Stray Blimp. WAS lariat ttr stable of the . subscrilier la North East tOwn stip. on T outstay mertitug the 13th Inst.. a * antral su c. about 12 years nlrgst Ith I. per 1,1 her forehead. acid ^r left haud Ft.ut white. ratbe 01111 in flrs.; Sat..l . mare is sups. sad to hare been *joke. unit I • 1 , 11/C , ll of otte tato n truia luta .I%lioeser ou ; sOid mare is Itsuoirc.l to call I rot preeer".,. va) charges pad sake Lee anal). North East. Aptil *20,1:541. • ' , . _ TONIACOPIXSTS. (11T.MAV it eq.. would inform llwiii:l , lir tt.it they hlTe com l.-1r :new ..1 the dihnur..eiLlTC of Soliii-ii I'lea , s of t ,ll kinds. at wttt "snleari relit!. Alan F , nutran/1 'rclaccr if all kihd cos tin . illy on hand. Grocers and deal , :•rslti rnerat. will nail .to their advantar , to give tie a cal. ..A ell sit: , :*!1! le ...,:treert. wecn rtrirrh and fr Ilth Stri_ct. —l:ri , ..lor.i 23. 1-31. 5o -- _ onniel IttILTAINZLIa •4 , i Lips. Vt. Cartis • T_IA 9 returned tram New York wit h 1-.1 , 011.1nr1e 0* Sprir.g 9. 9 roftliet,„ and a full htrottittcf... , ! (. 9-. i it;ittirs 41...4 L.:s. cuit,s-t- Ina of Straw and silk ittionetts, ' tie. 11141.1,0n5. Flowers. Cjil drenst Borincu..l4)e. 115t..1.9 Glove.. Ilowery.Fatio,Ccllarr, Combs. Dress Irri ten wars. . alitillas. Ike . . Straw Donne's lean .ad pressed in the.lase.t styles. r_eltilliners ' r . .'d with goods at reduced prices...a Erie. April 19 1• I. . , 9 lip GOoD iqtrovs: nrld PlLnk Rend 'ilcittere rquihn'Av Fett'eJ, ',ne arire at 111 , ` L,_14.))..N ) :I, Perry lth.rek. where the pi , i,rcerli.ing a ger r•nt and .well ..riceter: stet: Eras si. riiihrar Illa ItIP variettea uoialle kept in Dry Gewirl Storer.. whrli arr opener; at prtee*il•at ClellGt 0/1110 please, Particular hereilr. Pierre earl and'exattlike wiatity awl prt ere •,t harp: i r exhibiting LraNt..r.t, Air I . 4 1. t A T, BUCK LE & litirl.1:11. I - s4i3 x.ittcyr a d zEi) ox.. FOIE YOUNG LADIES! r Itrs. Sht....nr.. rin, . .. Wll.l. re , .ci veer heron', hou.c.,,u :Ugh Strctt. rtfr. reccrd'y accorded bi Joo. M. C00k.F.eq...) a , ekct nuo.l , er of Yo•torg Ladies. for inotrucloot Its the uruAl Lr4ochks of a 24.m.1..1euucu: hots. tartether Isitir the acitonpliauuch al of NI UMJC , Luau ,tig. and I.lll,jtlygel. i - MI , . :I`. V. 111 be bappy to recco • .c..:l;e. fr., r.ny 1.,'.1 , or .Con ili.mant...iwera tlie hour, of iti and ft. A. )1.. .i , ,t 2 nuAl 4 P. V The 'eht'd s. 111 eQ ttttt ieoce at , Trourkffty. 513 . , 1.1. ism.. 3119 , medical Notice. under.ignaci will ittleti,l to the jila ^tie", of Ina rrofraccn Taartteretotor , • - j Udine lit the coroner of I..ightli and •Frenen • streets. Dr. Peter F•itillciter with a , - . : to • , 11{ ; , r - :es , .i,itril,llls,•,•2•gp for 1.11. 111111 :1"41,e, ntr lk )Li P. , - , ntteuti to !, , ,eitte;.;eot of the 1,1s , :orflo (die. VA . - fru. t,l I'. —.LI% li:t tot ne toy ' ',cult. I:rie. A put •41.--ry iook..l:r Ett'LKNPR. ' gpVic Oiyles.rTell paper. i.iir. "4, !r it, hnv....h..t r , •crit ed. •.. Expreve. do.ret from the tiattuf.te wee. the lA , gekt ai.t.l c lit& pe.t ; teor unroll of Paper Lae:nig c* et brcittFtt In the. city, et 1. ii•li the' arc r7reTared lose. at prices that no or. Will go awn) di.lail:ti. 1., rie, April :U. —nso. Li Kt t. ;14.1.1/17.N'ir. SON. .-- z . • " 1 ' Disaolutiott. T"'ro panne hip heretofore t, /3111 , ^ ltetterrn the 1:1 .for eitliterl in the! IVtien Of nit eicieetith.l guyeprv, ii ti•l. day 111,730 \ ell I s VOA . / / COL•C/It 1 11, 1110t4 '• ..ai ! aCC.,III/ of the 'ire' will i.e ii.,!.: to De Robert Faulk Ler, ,It. - n ill riligil.:iv all .1, t derby lie firm. , _. . ' • litni I'. I'M LK:\ Elt, Erte...,,rel 21.1351 ziso P. r,vl;l.li.v etc. 1 TFiCauhirryher Madl resheoh..it.'l.l' to ho: trietr!. nrd ID I the C.Otlttat.litt thnt 11., IV ta:4ll , ,Pl , ;tiotic and now o ff ers CIF, ale a gen effli : . ,...o tunnat 0f13.:.:d1e5.11 alrs. Hume., and l'run i s Whether Mild all GI pet I:tte.:e. 111 I:11. latlt• at I Ile.itlev•., VI tit h •Itnll r. he cll made 41.41 ar e e.t, I. an,: ...II on re . r.onl/.le -len... (or ready ha): In. ...Pk! a -0 Ely. thnt he .e :II 'lan!, I"arringr, and ituggiee in neat autlaaliiutinple .1 i le; lk•, u '11.27.0 ;111e114 to t";- 4101.telltig. e .40 1 - ;IN I All , trit and i Lars; ii.,l, in:. maiirro !I I. it You u ill dill lam iprlted evi Si lir ,i.rett I.et, il ;' F•r: etit It hi! Eizlill: iiirePl., in tie :hop rr'........it1!) ....i.0.A.,1....1 .. I 1,1 rrsolr Isis. April 1'.:.1 I .—Jinli Land for Stfle. ' : ' • rr III.: lar;:r•sn , l v I saliel'lnci 4:11.1 TO. knrm n as the In stp. I Et4eflif , , wilt I.ii:ilt• in the i a.le) 1:1" the 1,11. e, til e c r ..i x Insl ey east ilium I:rs „s • offi..re.lF r • ile. n '1 her she n ,-, te tog-ther. or io WMIIIOI.II to uit pureharer•. 'l cs im (It. of the I's..t ut: 11- hr. ,s1”1 ),4 141.11 tispir,..l. It al., hi‘ Pi it %metal hue water power', no mood as 'are in the nenhty, nrl at o:,e of. winch in II ereeted a acts donhteirearnt Sao AIIII.E For lemma infolnntmh n;,1,1y to tts4 sutscril•rT, . Erie , A P , 1 112 . Ihlt.—tria i iv. :a LANE. eaccutor's Notice. - m,7 tiller:. is liettlny 'en thht lettrrs Trot:mull, , r 3, hare tern LIN granse,l to tit asul , se rilwr WI , I.e:thfr estate ••11 J,c , Is G segur. Isle ea Guard. decearel; t'scretone ail.h4vsirt ends,• azliass sass' estate, ..., ,it pre..esst thefts for Kithmunit.ht n 1 those i•i.khti,l in s he ittunnhatepst)nten4 so F.C:elat therr ner.r. , ,ots 1,, .b.lllll M.. Gregor Ages't few seulnuersl. 1 Z. ‘Fgr'rl. II U „ IIINDI, , :. r xe•e4tor. M J , •I'i M. tat Gtfit, ...vitt Cirnid, April II V.%,1.—0t1e.• _ -- - 1. W A VITS/—At '0(110441. TT .verFttck, & 'Co% Grain ur all kinds, any 1.1 tnntity 01 . -Ittutee, Eel.. fl atus. Shoulder.. Beano. reatt.3llpfe 'rpm Flat, Flasnend. *Pitnothy il , .ed, Pork. Pontoon. &e., ac , h.,' which WC ltiglult vice.: w 01 be raid. , Enc. April le. i P 3 ___ _ • -- • . .._ __ 1 On BARK Elk 1.:ro! county Fl,—. , i+. j.L r.l-• • •iv..4 ATI t .: l/ sale km•.lm.arr.mtvfl ,2 , ,x_41 c/r,. imp ,ole. 1 Denali rim I. one door soilih of Amid' int k•on'tt so •re,_l Erie. April ht. 1 rt IMPTI IN. 11AVERSTIGIC & CO. --,-- ___ AGoon ,„,..r.,„., „, ~,- . 110. 0:.,.!,.i... Gioe,cri e s. crtek t ry. Har4.. Clare, .....111..&1.3.1z1 merit i', ' 1.• 1 . ' LI 1 , 7. April 11. CPMPf ON. iIAVr&STICh, & L'o. —— 1 (Inn 1 16 .v .t i r e R41.1.4 4 (n-11 rouble !(....tii.,1t i 1 . :!.;.,,rv.. or r , .r iikilit I b?rtt. . b yI.:C.A I / 9 6!! 1 1 .1 . i.. P I C K .k. t u. on Tt Ivs. ft.temp i .. l i r , yrry t.:-.1 ~ 01 , 0. tr." fuaol ..0.1. or ..il/ 'line. for sale )ower th 5 r,-, fn flirt Itri .4.1 , of a • r. •..I a quality. 1 ' ell3triON, ',AVERS I.4'K & ~„. R ,-,,,,,-LANr ts Mif../. 14A I.'S'. ilAt rtielled nt 010 .1.'7.0: . i CO3:I' I'ON (lAN Ea: 4 l ICI. &to CHV.IISE.—A fint}erie anieleno tili..i and for ~.,In 1.,. the hau -1 tired by the Nnind. by colli• cl).. il A VrttrrtifiK &" ) ... - t - - 7 - . ' - NEW G001)6. r. 11. Frf.I..PRT N a.t. pi.t retitritedlfrom New Vor . -014 n .1 .l TreeiVlPE hi VST ring -uplay. 091brieing a iarae :toPort%.*:.; ..Of FtAple and Fancy 'rY (..xx.-. m both are ~ frarei t)oLl e intern err. ftri.l the public at .richthat eallbot rj.il to Yu it a . Erie. April ft _ ' T ti rir 0211PBON 14, IMAM', AT T P. N f N 'A I' S /VT 1, V,' , Are happy to iu their dims. that !aitlinwli hamar ".1. - red l/,t fie ftr.ln 111•1 r u 1., 01i We Ultertlilia 0 th e e,i , ,t Lit they err kr in located and la' I be happy towdselthelr c:scons and ir;enl.e. I otee. three doors tel ins of the 'rut he tin , tr. over Illtowl- 11 / ! ` 1 1 store. oppost c the ng Ides iou..-1 . ), osre.nid i., .. . - Mr Grant is CdU tills w,4 ssieoe'r for she ee,. sre. York, Oki'n. Indsann. Illinois.. anoint, lowa, and Ll:ir)liewl. and Pensieu and !founts 1.4.nd Agrat. . l , • Alir 3l It- ; , i_-____. Pi's: -Pim: Ne ver ploocial, PARTHIMILE aid N. P. K ErLitlit hlurntj formed ' a ertlturt • neredp in the lit erenstde Is. , sines i airthe old staorlibf the tenor partner, No 3.lerry Mock. 13NC 111 Mr 11110.1 Or in tdrus tog thr.r friends and th ;white tit tt they ; are tow receiving their Spring and elurunter sock. which will he sold cheap. A small Invoice already on Igiud whiekthe ladiet are panieularly, intl.. *du) call and exaratie. . Erie, April 5. 1931.. , I 417 BONNET ribbons and Arthim Fiovol , ,, a fun assortment at April 10. t FULI.F.ItTON'S. LE 4THER, fostr e t and Bindings.4T aru in receipt of a Ail l wick of Sole r. Upper. Kip. *my end Enenah Calf elt it... Slorr,e6 Dimling% ace. Alma. Low., Boot Tree.. Slice and Finkort, witO ovary aroele Alt ithoutnakers u.r. Also Currier's Toole. f .1. H. FULLk.B.TON. ri‘ANNERS' 0114 d ham ' a r by tbelbtd, at 1 April le. FULLER' 6NII , Atioiinfetratoes Itotice. OTlCria berebyggiven Mat Learn of Arindniktratlon on the N emmeoeMedad Pomeroy, late of COrmeaut town hip, deed, hare been granted to the subleriner. All persona !wielded to eald eettle are requested Ins make immediate pay mcnt. and all persons basin? claims against said estate are relgt.ealed to present them Nape •,y autheetieW fermettletheet • Amity Aptli 31. —430 hileitiLELJACKSON.grius. liatZ;ToodstssoNneittFli " reeelsed and ibr sale at N 0.3 Perry Work. roasted mcwder., suprrior. owl! Ana desh *Sig Apn; 19. 19.11. AN BUCK I.F: '.CR. Nos 'ly totengetnents n-e nntle to receive an 11 ATB at the new ism la the Seene Mock. nice :wick ter Cgetemeti itiU f.ed the , ' eollee the beet Cl Erie, Ma 3d LOWRY. &Rant CO.& la tossi4.- 4 Pril ib. ',l. U. FLI.LEITON. lisddlac and _ - . .... • 1. , :, 1 1 1„ , N, - • .A.,Ji ii „,-- i i ,•..: r t - K .,,,,-. r- 4 ,-. ~.---, - .1., ::::• 14.: , •:--,,i gel r...i tf it v ~. ' 1 et .07; 4 - 1 . ;a . ,°. • , A-:" ,: ! '",••• ••• kt• „I. - .. 1 - 47 r. ar e putimr./. , 1 tr .11% that t' Ernpi.e Store; cre now 4 V .01)4N1 ;it'd .: Inn: t. 1,1, f..-..: ;,. 1 it,r PrOpr r.tar,r, It Ch well. tins Pt.( eeterlie4 P,'.l N. x V.,rl; v. oh a Nrr% I ITFC t , totk-of :. , ,,ring 6.1011. ,iti...41 v.ll'. . r r-I I (-Jr .-%, h :1,1 •ti:i :f.Arrr rllltee. - .. A tiy rid., !Lot air , :11.,-...,,1 ~, vet.. 1,11. cv2frd by tfte Irate tier ulll be ellrffliii:, eriectt:r be 111, ue.cl, cit. 4L' KO , l . d t ' ,rpm,/ Wu. pli.i.. U l Kale. ,ipril ..o,'lill. Vt , raTtl GOODS: C ncir ttzat of *ire anJ erk hleh has beer pout- L .ng into N : Reed Nu :Fe. Lt. 14.1. V 4 rric )or two. fa at length orer,l t and etlektA tip reldy fcr ins ioletion. l'hmet Wan redieue i Lee , prtcns ttics Fes,on we! net find theTtproph coy retitled sticlark'.. 11,e r‘atin.. rds. flare de I ;tines. I.avent. tn., and even Prink at, towe• than erne. Tit. t'sr.m,t4 Are tnur.n tlnprot sill. att,l qua 'IV and at the) lA•e t,dief ,,, ,,0 4, 1 in prey. The , at..e may be rahl of thealmost el, ..(r. vari t% of Ow:NI:TS, 'I to carpets ate' •ehe..perand ist.).re , o*tt•eln," an% ttio.1"1" In an etettLen penny iVen titan. to • tut.lne Itrulowtts. Inn% tbittut of the latest st,tle. Tha n prter• e%%r•tiltte *Noe 1 , 3 tLif... tlint the • il•%tetd tiCe" bep yet both. Int. , ,t )-^ near. The 1 e.t iaraytttest the tra It LI the t to 17. - Ati and luok for )Gursel% es. fqr what you Re..) 1 k.,0 1). CLAI:K. ?Co I. Reed Hunt*. ( .4., t1.?..:T OS t' tt...1 n , fol. 1 .etlir Jenny: are; . , i.: ;licit :. a r jely,—. A:AC. {M. A c::d catcc gad* fvr Watin weather received a d fir r-C....: by . , FULLERTON. Apr:119..; , ER7IM,AU liti'iT9.—:!r;io pref., SIA .4.0,...kin5. CM rIIFAI3 1. , s Mena Berman. taw J GeV:I4I..IS. &c. opening, al target .L 1 Drills. 44c.. inr ar.'tiesmenr,4y fl rug . •RTON. G.X)i'M --II sin in fczeilit rrt in.eat kJ a stratii.vcids e% • r offened ilr Erig.tin , i , lerea ge,.ai I adit. ti3nnetil. Ali', Gc [lice Alit/ (1,1111 bats in grept uarAely. April M. 1t.31 iBl. - SCOTT. .•.!) COM yis:to...: iszatrio int co FOI: ;r4 EDI XG 'ln it. Sit at the large Ware name rf the. Bois., Pa , :lc I.).)ck, Et Pil. OVVII Y, - %W.,11. L. SCOTT, MEE ' E l i E r; PT! LINE. to throct Cosmatitscation ;OA lLe Principal Tawas our Miss hi ISr •E'A/tr.l .stal es. A. Ofnea% IV/Ilia/tate Sirate.tree..larcctly orpostleßrown's •. • V:. 11. :.;i:Eit:.l.ti, 5DAGVE.7.1111.E..fl 4.11.171' T! Pat?: R . Thrre D,,ors ens: of Brprr rt i IL fel. Erid Pa. "Let Sean e.. 1 .: IliNtn..tclt.Saturetaaot.," . , trazlretrrrnye f t.riom.empz of JI !on,. .1.1... es and prices.frona twelt e flu Ili nAto t .v.::‘*, .t.tlett+ (tt1111.111) cave tied_ and war. rat t , •., ...14.4fdt0: - ~ . 1311 Cf• A: 4 I 1 . 3'...-11:1! tt 1,, oiliiit',;ruott , .!l , :abier ( r ••teiFri --- Fetrrk.• ' LA111,1.) e t RUST. 14and ar.d - lants for U 310: • ti AfT.CS 1 1, f;:,of. : ~Irr tona , ,hir,l4:or.cies.Cjeareci.buil• 30v rin..r , ar•ri orchard—price '61211:41. nip. is alt cl - celloot gralitti2 Lrrur. , ° .4 LT./W . l ,-• di," 11 , . , . vi, e-i -I' fr. ‘ ::, r,irt 1,-.%. tawnatrip . , Ed • aver, clean d, :ani.lin , ...rfrino .:chard—price ;:*per aerci rui ea .lP ,- crl. , •ta gram La 0..... g 147. P % fond nf re's in I:ay.., 1,..., ll,Jirr 12 ^ - •C3 Clt::tri:l, btlit , 4l7ta and e. I chard—price 6•1-To. . ..., II iri.." 6 , 11 % Ito aetna 1.1 I..Eptuir t ttNIVAIi '. on the east bank of r re ji ",,., aad Crer.k. I tittles Lelon Worerfard—....i acre. eleare+.;. hrmrse. I ft no d certin r .l., ; rite : ‘ , 2,..11. 1111 e. ta a t.eautif.al fares Of 't.lnian itn - lands and hat ...1 , 1c.rt...1 for era., or gra,s.; ff.:v.6 ICI nervy two nine, emit of Er: , . on lake Road, tru... o . - .", • inga and orchard. art.! a valaatle : ;•1:7 for a aid-1' ice 0 40 Pe.' nd acre. . v • 30 acres Erie Acidetny land, one south of trie.Va e tbe Torarik^ rc-..!, c le, re twice 67.57,pr r,elre. to acres. Wild plrt of tract N... t.rita). InWayne wwn. 01nr,er i.e PocarTe+—: ri-e E 3 re acre. A 1.,. a large 11,..utnr of Li Lots an d Lois - or the tows of ‘vll,,t LING. Feb 93.1 , i . tc-nt. Erie. Pa. DIS3OLI7TIO . r 1 HF. en-rar.rtervitip hpretef;re. +(lst itte ',etween 'he suLgeriberti 1 el FL r••• 1 ht 11/o CI, TI !,;.otatl- , t 'oo 'l:it , NMI of .11:Itell: / lie Book, It. : Notes ar the I.,it, fltu‘i at d I he'l,t:t. ' llototeli .‘l - .ek ill t'l^ tint of .I!.rtl. a Itri•tt lite) flew murt :1.1) , :ity;I::: ?Or l.r I, l',ii,!ir,. .. o tterc led rtre requevit a toe all and ',eh re it it r i IV :Mt hOt 11C.: to.elove tip the 1 ,11 1 ,... --. 'll e mil tin , ..e.14.10 !,si!..et.i is ICCI of VIC Ut. SO iTIC7:11I1 it ta ltuitel tittot a revart t legal cJersi.nt t •tIl l'.. • ' • l'.l _VI - % _ ___ _ %: w, t 7 ircli 3. 1,,11 'itraDiefirilLs P1TTgl11 . 114:11 : , Tl.lll'. I:as t•e,q, 11 - rit:t.i. t.. 1-at0n.11..' , 1;:! • • 47" 31 the s wxr-11 a 1 , -..,,1:10( I • rt "... nlI flJr r. • 1!) I Po altlall a.. 11.,rct, t 5. J rntsT AEITUINTAE. Gl7 T. 111: SCXII - Irr 'I. , —3.1-1 + , ...n• , !. t •l' Nrw Volk. cils-Vtr , L cat 4:vietams. d" I•ris.l4 ;I! P •,•• the ch e mpem. I .1 - fr rc cmil oeetadrs IA ti c A. Baker, ' 1, 1 :r ;us. 4i'.llPl'ICK 4c.C1110. a.= L 7 t 1 • • •"•,, I t . fr • March 2: 1"411! 11J A.' 'Jr I, 4 , -V.• I ;1..A1 , t• I ‘t C.l 1•• • 'tra , l.^.“ Ittler t' 11e1 re-, if .:Cy .4 , Cti ir 4 nittia."3l , tltttvg in 1.. litte ra hare putelleeed to I:, I , lr Lrp• Furnaee. illuul • tjtl tile Lure LriI:N'NETT4C,O. !". of the i , :11 %i.:^t. tWITI.O6)te liol, rhu 110 V waut ear.' f %Fl 0; ti.sln'T. l't RAI) nnoWS. JR., 31.1rit my It. II iL 4R rOft •1 .DING' • if PuLlic bock, on the r.tt, rMol, p , td L. N. Tatisele, 11.TF.71. Clit4TEft.: Marcia I'2 I. 1-31 az ORAi:II3 A: VOING 1,, T.I• an.rt !r• 4J -L:,••• I re•petiliilly fp)ll.4t a al %I Ire rt.ll: 1-11 ( - : 4 7 Ire !I - Wator Ckrnsolidattad. T:: • oropl t 0,,.( !:tic' ity has ,roecreil the settee re of 11.;', k, null "iaannis. after the Ist of 'll.l I Tt.nriiisr,.. ,‘ ic cnn t C aastltrd At= ell above M • i. to ance•i•l.3.!atc et.ll4C.iner . at ail lilacs, rt•Ain; the preference. Er:.• '.3th 'M. P. FAY. 1i L 3 Arnt er. 2 nod Itteheap LY t4,44.ARK. 11)5re Woo' . L -pq goal 1,-g-wor J. Nr. Nre'a ' 1 .,e. !lye. f• Dye stars. Paints. Ste. NM Ir. 1 -.4 . t. (*it: nand. Hyper NI-'3-vrood. U' r•tr., , t of Lorrood, za • 1“4.)41, 04/.% 81ir.11004. Cr. - rat •, , rer.•.• , of tP! e Fttrb. Mors' Zby," c. plc ecli att. I'L.NTZ. !)%I:NrIENI , 44. en. • 'll.'nur rzr.r.e T. T. r.ohar n; Pa -r le, et c crisArll. PODY. C.tRl IAOI', k. F1:H.1*1111.;11t; COPAL vAßNlsiL_Nt err , t ce, f t, tic ivauuL.CWrc unit free C - .sle2. end 11,':./vlr.e,ll, etre entire saurfletir, t.e ; . 31•C h. ler sale by .1. H. -BUXTON. G IL VT a . CIR".T A TT, AT Co. re- nr.T. Pnrtl, Back, Wood f, r ti FY r, r•Et.DVT &SON. rt VC , T . Z•NN•rI test Tour itile by lC trio Oqv•ti• .it udf s /I Ltd lb , ' or ale • CCbrAla`Nr.liZMP. IV 1 , 1 c i I:. 1 P if; • I .r 1 , N t, 1; t v . e . Ei n d a =leril w • 44:;', , TS thr tirt.t S.tN POllO & CO. OMAN ift t betAcell tqate reach Memo, ?gbh* S‘rtt. 1F•51. ree Ly rotEsTrrp:4-11,,Idcrlvd, g o,„Lo o tyba, klenc. Auto Ark 1," Nien oo 1. &r. JACKSON. r.tv.Lcr by 113.116. ______-. . . , 0 ri.4 , ,.z. litret irlitit••- C-•.'e superior Can Stacy Ater WIC* • t e) il Ly tt.e Jos. or siu,gle—warrauieJ. , riLn. BrLDflI at BON. Docto IYConcr. &Am — 3Clubilia. rIFNERAL mcdta r xt e:aat Aceouetier SAO iientivt. (Ate and MU ..:I:nze at tix rice,l Ilomae. Erie. Erie. For. JO, ie:4. • RT WEVa f ‘thricittaz and hatroci River White ri.ti, :Ore. h kr r.f eel OM/ a* saleci.tap — 'e cant:-EitY 871 7 1t5. - Oteoorrtrrt's 13rrsp .. . . ACOOT) artiolc of a;,uar Ilr.p.e . . ..tt. , atom, p.R 'and N. 0 . 31otria,ce. at .1w( rf: :14. t:SOCERY STORK. _ _ _ rntimarp SAE= . • 1 . FRESB supply jam recctra.N: at MORE. MEAT BiVlti. pt . wee spkutol44. ebosaras J. bah Gieva and Muck rt • MOCI F'd GROCERY' STORM. Loth 1.74;/Jrix,l sail tiotwetile. at • 31110(iitE'3 caoce BTOkL VLLERTM 4 O9 l== R iV in; Over fifty dif meu*. Panama. Plot- MZIESi FIDEL 1851. .71r4xrs, L'fri c:ns tetras .b Mt.& of r nnaufacture. and war- ura tips for. port% glrerr. i ret U.S.CLAR . D.. 8 .M.ALIRK