Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, May 10, 1851, Image 2

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    erre 'Waltlg (ttstrutr.
E R I E,', PA.
time of the 21st Volume.
Ws number, of our pap* closes the '2lst voleme bf
its Publication, and the ii.h of dor caudect ou with it.
Wilda's% know that we have any thanks to offer to these 1
whose names-have beets upon our Woilts. but whose mo
ney has never benefited our creditors; but to thus° TrliosJe
liberal support. by advertising: Jon we:L, and subscrip !
lion. bat enabled us to keep the ••wolr• and the sheriff
from par door, we are under 'as much obligstion es any
bade can be who hie returned thein'the worth Of their
money. We have obi terated the word ••patronake" from
our vozabulary lon a;to. I: zny b idy takes cni• paper.
advertises with us, or employs us to print 1 job. he does
so we appreheul birettas., he belieics the paper, the ad
svertisament sir the war's, will benefit him the full sum,
or inure, that we char,..v*. -Tits aueouut, then, between
as. and those Wll6lO . vispport" we have reeeived is
square. and to them we cats truly say we are thankfol.
But•it is not square between us and those who have
.-patronized" the Observer. They have token oar paper
and. read it. but they h IV,/ forgot to render us thnt -"sap
t pint" by paying what ms are justly entitled to. TheY
.h ive4.7e• t eisiliaticully '',a-tons," wnile the others hare
been in truth ...Li:Toners." , Tile one has been ••aid and
comfort:" the other rexttion! Of this list, we have upon
our Books SO , llll t i tres et, frt.% i dul MS worth, nines of
which is the props of eight years close and unremitting
labor. Now, it is neither right nor honest that we should
be deprived of the ass of this sum, after we have so fair
.l earned it. Therefore, in cloying this volume of our
paper, we beg leafe to assure delinquents that we shall
- iinmediately conlimericemaking out bills against every
Oin arrears for one year or more, at the rate of $2 per
y r , according to mid terms, and shall expect them set
t 1 d with as little delayas possible. If they wish to es
cape the fifty cents Minsky fur procrastination they must
come its settle -pp before their bills are made oat,
otherwise they must pay the full price of negligence.
These . are our promises to our .patrons." To ear
"supporters" We do net know that we have anyPromis -I
to make. What we have heretofore accomplished t
a - guaranty auficieut of what we accomplish, pro
vided ifirr , “patrons" tat e the hint above, and become
”sapportets. tVe already give more re:adjng matter iti ■
year than any! of our cotemporariet: and as to typo
graphical eiecurion , we are ahead of them also. yow
ever, f our recol?ti from our outstanding accounts shell
warrant it. we will probably about the first of July, the
time frtle po'aage within the county takes effect, still far
ther intiove our typozraphy. But this, •$ we have be
fire reuaarked, rests elan-0y with our ••patreas."-
Th 3 Zuaq9.l . Canv aaaou.
The Judicial Convention wliieh meets next. month at
Harrisburg has an impvrtarst dear to pet form. 7 l.tio were
among thole who dou'ated alas proprivly of two conven
tions to nouimaie candidates for 041 party, 'but u the
reasaus &vim foi su-h si proceeding outweighed every
other consideration:lu tlko n esttination of the CtintralCom
utittee/and as the seco d Conviention is a ••iiixrd fact."
we are fdr holding its emLers and candidates to the
'strict letter of the reasons asinglied for its separate use tn
binge. 'nose reasllia were, in brief, to take away
from the notti•natma of.a Judiciary ' the ••bargtiin land
selling" usaalty to tie foe ad an-all political conclaves.
Now, we apprehend that if, this 11 not hoed up to
url in:the,
cing ceinvelition„ the titiltel it presetilai will meet with
au inglormuictleievt. Tivit c in•lidate for diem!
ors, whO *hail be Lund ”moustiig" • id Ilarrisliiarg
hen the CO!)rention,eneets, .0
40 *hail have his pints
,•• hero and theie l oi_ ..rd Skate, calculating tncouil
tat this 'or Chit titan and ;nitre a* nomination:is
doomed ine are.ythough the black cap wore
his eyes and thefixe of the executioner rate
ecrndfis,,, Ttiert is no use to be ••trieeli mouthed"
Geo!, matter—tlie Sat.. Ceittra! Committee have
etiritia separate C337C• t:00 011;:h 14 assemble to pre
vent ail each political irmilitcuvers, and if ii not pre
vented—if ;L I, not rebliked by the convention—if the
successful candidates ct their borers bh4ll appear upon
the ground, rind tale part in'the play of -truck and diclt
ee'--the reiult will lit as we hllve stated, au inglorious
but deserved defeat. Thc people of renns3lvatita want
a Supremo Bench Comp:is:Ll of men of Went and erudi
tion. not political tricksters and bar-iroom pohticians—
they want men of Oki:vase:it. nut the reties Jr by-gone
ages—anal they ii4l! have their. If the dominant party
does not uommate CIA, they' will fad them as best they
can. The, the sever.] a nilenien who lase
been named fur 53114 Up9ll 010 Su; - eine Bonen wish 10
bo nominated. and When :maims ed elected. the 3 had
better keep clear of Harrighurg for t ie . neet month at least.
rr Th. Maur of. k!so Fred
smart, but not yi;te so smart as'lio' '
.liinks himself. For
instance, in rein ir•ne: u;teit our assorti,s last week that
thekpeerle of F./ le CtiUSlly arc a "whit's in retard to a
tee :ern road, the w.tty gettilemau attom2ts , to ba saisrt
etus: "The acknOwletigtueut •that iltey ere next ke 0 is
mare caudtd tha:i we ell.ecied." litdeed, how could you
ota?ect 134 to be lest cantbd. than we "are 71,4g4 to"
C.teutauqiie county.
217 We learn that the "Cwismereitil Adrerater." of this
tits , . bats been Oki to J, Yovsa, Esq. late uCtho
Pittsharet Tran.e:ri:::. ILO that it wilt titirestter be, "by
ut.thor.ty." the, rind litustaa organ as North-Mis
ter i',:ituqlvasita, Having soma slight ncytaintaace
with our 111,0:1-10-ba new totem:Kit...try, both personsil)
ahB professiertally, we can safely ray to our whiz friends
Chat-they nis 1 : IJW get a partzr a:awl Worthy of (him
U 3 - Our veto-hating frrend of the Gauctlevetoed oar
city election two weeks ale. It resulted so no harm,
howercr.'as we see the censtables of both wards have
issued the proper notice. The election takes place on
Thurrday next, the rsth.
IIZrA Failare.—No:wi:hstanding thesdity-erliumanet.
lons of the sm.p-ernamerariee of the will party of this
clurry to get up a ',rip-oriel demonstration in fuliir of
Gen. Scot: on Tuesday evening last. it resulted in •
coup-rising faildre. This may have. flowed; perhaps.
tons the flirt that the MO•rtneill is considered in some
(valleys aliogether ••hasty,"—the resulAf dor.
Johnatelt's soap-erier patty management. Ile that uit
howitcr, we have charity 'enough to believe that
the poputirity of the s "hero of two wars" ought not to be
niewlred by ench a sing-erAcial demonstration.
"Anonynions Scribbling."
• The only notice we shall take of the .'•euonyrnoos
Bored in the last Ciroxids to defence of the
miry administration of the afre;re of the , borough. will be
to quote from a Senate of the Rev. Dr. Flint. recently
delivered in time citr, to the following aeon:
. 4 1nriee.1 the r:bst end lus t . 04i0 , 1.1 .r ate tits,* who
beer false witness statist their eeighbor. are 41100,0110ike
scriWli , g slasulerers., who Lilo! their arrows from the
dark—vi tin weir o mask. not oat of modesty. but oul of
..r sad bell,prriirrealwil;-1000 ieule wit/dont a *ems,
whilv the ab.Lse others by nativel or obv:out kinplieetion.
Thia is a crime so little and creentpuble that 110 One 'with
the loose preleation to ilto 7/41110 of a gorgeous eats he
guilty of it. He is a timid. cowardly. mauling. irsack
e,As woff. Nlte sioalsl be drirtart from the society efmen-
Isimi; tit only to atingle wit hie kdatritf &rags of the
fu.esi." .
IV,, (1, not kaiw !lint we could ad] one word to the
ali,,ve j:4l and Ins deliniaticin'ef the character 'of such
es figure through the acilacnos i et a aowspsper, protested
by an lacagn!to. If the correspaudeat of the Cdrowiels
will reign his name to what he may have to oftsr, sad
thus place lammed'. iu the eyes Cf all honorable men,
upocyin equality. we will matt lieu; but u it is. we inv.
cr wit unh•coarards in the dark. •
ACT rat ••lirsr li+nao:•• us tux Ltse.—.The deem
-I,),LW tt Ciel3loll te attempting in enter the 'thsetter
- Dunkirk, as Tue Oat WOriliQr.l"".
*. a ,utsL. jC.I suak. She au aoaril ails/at - WU taus
of narteisandise fey this-and other rpert• b•tw>.en Blade
end Detroit. Thi ifinhoorter. I).D. Beipertilowled with
is alai repori•d •colt it • SCA. port
"The - Pest of utipbz!. "
Val attlel• Int wiilek nailer this Iltes4lpmei a ports et
bombshell in the calipportherMasitet-Hesse Regeney.r
An& another howl as the wouutfesi Intl sp, and such
anaslssrecatteriog as the "bintie-dieltke, performed. it is
I. conceive. it "woke up the deep
erse" mid no wonder. for we: nth:owl/Orli list it_ was
with uo careful hand we tore the bendoire, from some of
their Most tentiei sores. But they heti° fouod a physi•
ei,im. and a-we tho rue, places. are nicely Covered over, and
their bruises carefully auoinied. Our !neighbor of the
f?.stette has audart il..a the pb. and "Warranted a- per
fect cure " Like all quacks he
v has stipulated-in the
agreement for "no cure. no pay " Well. we e4pected
as much; t h A tebeet has enacted thercuart yfootefr so long
that it would be, strange iudevelArit did! not now 'attempt
to twit up the gapiag eraWuda of the party administration
of the :21 sof our trios:cilia! goirerndieut. But to the
point: We shalt pasi over thit Guraltel! lame attempts at
sarcasm and indignation—tiFither bare we a word of re
ply toile gratuitous per ospelially when it pro
lease...such nhely hatred" it: tint the inert'-onto of that
kind or newspaper orris:net. So. ws: leave ail that to
the A rnieedsb Elei k sad Pet-k•marl -, school of salute
of which the F.4l,tjr of the fluzrfts is •u la an ornament.
The Giszeites excuse fur the Cuuucil'W course toward!
the High Constable as just no excuse 111 all. Besides that.
it lacks a very nacesaaly...oletuent. frisbi. It was not
[ "courtesy to the iiicetatug city authots" that promptet!
the Cou led toreros/ to appoint Mr. ndon Supervie.or
of the Streets in eccardenee With the wish of the tax
payers. as expressed 'Oren?' the ballk-box. No such.
thing. Lembo W.ll elobted about thelmiddle of March,
wh the city charter 4itt \ not passi the Legislature
until about the 10th of April. ind'it w it s at least five days
after before the Council knew`tt li d so passed; and
before that. imined,ata:V after the 41.
acted—hadbon. the Council
.had acted—had vatuelly refuter t "manifest" iii
"courtesy" to the will or tea rax-payer). i order that -it
Might show "a prom unnifesailon o• °our sy to the
incoming city authorities," which • an t oming cit, antho
;ities" had actually no extstetics. 0+ Council arl
courteous routlemoo, very!—they ter
party meanness. artiast the•walt of
' order la show proper "courtesy" to so.
exist. Waw a we think tit:a "courtesy"l
to the father, the veters, and dot to the
ing city authorities." But the GJISZttal
.or of Ott Street has nut been s:),oaint
ei last of May or the first of Joao. J
Ibecause heretofore it has been an hi/
point the High Coistahle Supervisor
in this case it, was de - term-11d iitimedr
log ascertained that Laurie!, was eln..
to perpetrate this act. We haard it c
1 thole whir who voted tor ha
1 many of theria. remonstrated with indl
the Council against it. Se tisk inspresi
belief that the Ceuimil would do as it
concluded not to be sworn ant tint Eft
others, he determined not to save til
chance of escape 11 , tior the deed it cent.
for this transactson, which of it'self Ise
data all engaged tit at. - ..,
Aod stow to that $1: 7J.: Tilt Gif;
cause we d.rt not say when that eat
Treasury. aed asserts at dad so only
like new treasurer took possession of h
ly we did not tell; becouse 14 , 4 did nu ,
see that it to utsteria. The fact - o
that it reached it some proofi
is great negligence. or diaregord or
The borough is sued, almost 11411t1011y
wile acknowledges that the b,rciog.ti
snows,- due it. and vv.ils a populetronl
unable to. or refused to inset re juttill
mute, upon the Treasury se at a eti)
about the streets like auy other drug s
pretested and tinnily sued, and the pr
peretion sacrificed; and') et grill are ea,
fairs of the people are to triaged to nth
they are. but what would bo thoutiht
anent in a busmen.) firm? Wauil a
dance niaolvency for a 10011113111? B
toutrary, • tirin so actidt 'wawa be
doors sad ga iut•mulruptey... Now
thil affairs of a corporation ought to
u much carp as any ocher associAtio
Bat the anAdts ieys CI 4 s In tv.a
tutu llle treasury. Is. a reserved I
fultd"—and is but "ftlylicsble to the
°ugh warrauul. or general •sccouuts.''
is die tesuruouy of cos wut.ese. but
/positing egnally "by •n:horny," the'
poudeat of the ('hrontdor Why,•t l ae
aveertainetlttint t.te draft was 'cook
paid VII aby Ja , ll6i U. %Yakutat, 1 1 1
thereafter stunts )44igetent a ; rnistst the
date .-.t Id poiti„ end a iriftctrat art i
pore/Nee 6Otkfest ql hos:, which his 1 . 1
iFM. 1)C1.4111tle:11, :114 Iltolley, was ~
loue wee'- before elf the j : targatemu 6 . .,
*rut foil/ paid.!' No whick of' t}
I the troth. 'rite one asserts tes, heel .
not "Isplieshle to the redemption of
generalaecount?„''—the other, that it
c'tla (Tenni:rt. yr...Hy
0.) applied. 01 cour.e. the "power:
expoct - the public to *lave hoth. s.
they believe neither._ .
The Gezdte thinks the manavrir . r one municipal af
fairs ate etit.tled to great &rend. be use the people are
taxed but S tulle on the dollar, when lit to ta notorious fact
that such per cent. is all that can be (evied, having been
Inn- t-d t i that by law. Now what credit these imm acts
•!lie manager* are •atitled -to on that ecoro we cannot ch
vine: Ilia we nee.l go no farther han the , columns of
tnr Go:;-tte itself to show that its en agy upon the man
ngement ofour boiougn affairs is no sustained by facts.
It *aye the **Sheriff, by virtue of u execution in his,
hands, levied on a certain watepiot. lt was advertised
for sale. Al the lime there 'lsere oto fonds of any kind in
the Treasury to' pay Cie debt." Whet! no funds in the
treasury of a town. so edruirisbly man l nged, to pay its hon
est debts! Perhaps it would be a dif4cult, question to an
swer if the tax-payers should' enquire how it comes that
there iene "rands of any kilid in thei treasury to pay" its
justdebts, if the affairatof the borough have been man
aged as they ought. Now it is plairf to us* that one of
MO conclusions is Matchable—either the borough has
' been run in debt IR ithout any visible +owns of paying. knd
thus had to be • ned and cost made fOr tax-payers to pay;
or the foods of the borough; have been misapplied and
squandered upon political favorites. I
•One word in regard to the propeirty of the borough
boughtin by the Clerk of the Counii. ai.d we are done.
The Garette ears it was bought by him after an under
standing with the Council, and that leis lot is , now the
property of ,the baronet. This limy he so, but So ter es
the publle knew it is got so. I Wnutet cr bargain there is
between him spit Council the people know nothirig of
All they know Is that he bid t off--thht/he Sherifre deed
was acknowlikged to him ;-' , Co'- id that, shenld l
not the Court ..... ' can bold ik
in spite of al -.,
do beaded. "ed. ne MOW*tDrpO&P.
no circumstances wilt he be candid,
ey. It filmier says that be retires
poMer man than when he 'tarred ii
return to St. I.era and suptfurt hiami
vidual exertions. Under nilcireams
sent to bo*.pensunned" on ts friend!
QT The lids of it/unsettle is sai
During Friday and Saturda . 1.1113 for
&Oise York ell from Lirerrol an
with 2,217 immigrant passe ge4i.
daily passing op ;he lab% krollo ( Sr
• Er We see thrums, politiesl s.d plinessal friend. Col.
at l• e
.I. ft. &moots. tate Treasoiler of thei Mum has loaded
hiasseitat ?itubargb. for Ai Peep of ftellev,ag Ids
pref.:moo—Me Llier. An y 'fear f • diorite have be
ties= ill his lira to umlaut ! is Ms . , topil eity.r ou
sel do bottu l tkiteiroeee ill:is Oslo. for besides heist
prefessienOlt capable. be le AI 1
We most 'WOAD owl
genii:mask follow, alive
1 I i
lie to (to au sic.
he yak -pavers. In
ithinethett, don't
ought to bnihowa
cluid,-tha "loom
says the Sopervi
d heretofore until
ad tirlty7 simply
bristile inlet to sp-
Forle `Streets, but
lel; up on its ba
led 1,1:g!i Gnistable
i pon the streets—
, rd it—atid they.
videal members of
'ed was he with thti
has date, that he
'r consulting with
Council Such •
nipLitcil So mach
cough:id pol.fially
u complains be
gat reached the
I n low doss before
s ofSize.
kiv.p.v; nor‘da we
its being' there—
cooligh that there
laty eamewhare.—
♦nd•hen the Ga-
is prsoverons, his
of 'l6,ldt
14;Luem. Its war-
oust, nre haw4ed
perly of the car
ry told that rho at
.cetioa. Perhaps
of such 'manage-
y one place cue:i•
OV wwans; on 1110
forced to close its
we apprehend that
be managed with
pubs c or prtvate.
reeently cams
td—a ••Water lot
kedanapttou of bur•
Very well—that
hat says alio:tier,
%Ron) mous corres-
!tl. the Money was
r...atid immediately
iitre'o:ighi spas iiqui
nt appropriated to
-ea orJered for the
of in the treasury
ajost the borough
ese witnesses lets
that thin money is
•roagh Winrants.or
Inns already been
•that-be" w•i11 not
complain much if
' states that ;Hider
)4., for the Piesideu-
ow the Senate a
■nd that he wilt
if by his own iadi
aims will he eon-
on the (serous.
ign vessels arrived
ports in Ireland,
argenumbers are
the Far West.
i t,.
albums of cdtp. . r .
. While wit are pr nil of the increase of our country is
all that contriluttee wealth end power. we shiesild not
let the fast «Nips oi that &tithes is attended with results
sot so gratifying either to our pride es our morality.....
While the Bible and the School - Beek, the Ms canary
tied the Pedegogitit, go hand in baud and keep pace with
our growth as a nntion. ('rinse-outstripaThem al and ex.
hibits an alarming increase. The New:York Courier
cad Enquirer. in elate article, calls attention bithis fact
as exhibited in that city, and as New York is the great
commercial heart Of the Union. it may safely be presum
ed. that wlttes;er literal disease affects her Will be felt in
• corresponding degree throughout the length and bredth
of the land. Thai journal quotes statistic' to show that
tho year 1850 alone exhibood an increase of commit
meats, over the t. 4ar that preceded it. of one sixth, while
the copulation' did;'not increase one.twentieth.
no doubt, as we remarked above, that vice is of
crease not only iul:iew York. but thronghout the
Ths newspaper records of the day show that:
less in the particular case of New Vogl:. the tab
eaurierprove tlitgrowing efficiency of her pot:
quite as much sett establishes the spread of c
cannot be dehiadj however, that New York li
the moral sewsr of the country, so to speak„
v.ce and lawlessnirswfroiq all parts of Europa -laic
there concentrate,, as vultures to a field of Blood
breakers, thieves.. sharpers and even murderers
014 World aro continually lauding IA that part.
thence e u i o v er the cou ntry, and riii.eui
lie nefarious pu - tuts -la they have
by the terror of rianislinsent abroad
MT The Monier Press felicitated itself laid
the belief that tile act incorporating the j Itia
and Erie ll,silroed "provides for the suspeusi
opor,tion of the rrankliu Coital Compaq. au
the Pittsburgh end Erie te-trosecute their w •
so," continues the same worthy adjunct Cr
Co.. "ere shall soon have a railroall froM Pit
Erie." The so." we guess is in the war
miserable alanti;on, the Wiiliamsk!ort end Eri
"provides" for ;ia such result as the 'Mips'
yes any such:i emit. In story it is sde
and cannot muster friends enough-to raise is hit
late to pay the: State tax. As to the Pitts.
.Er.e road„whicilt the Editor felicitates hinters'
dentiy upon "icon havitte." we puma:no : he
ed infortnitim enough from the dolor...tee fro
who visited us last week.' tosaiisfy even hiin tl
lan my eye".=-a very pretty contrivance .
I gross, but which when camera-4 dissolve
'•baselese fabric of a vision "
very 1
' f
The Philadelphia Inquirer mentions the fee
chant of that city. who sold goods to *single
at a profit of three hundred dollars. 41 con
only one advertisement in that Paper. BySine,
just beginning to awake to the benefits of ads :
Everybody dote takes a navrepaper, so tbas. i
wishes to find,custoutets, I • has tut to adv
among the thyssande . who purtue the fon
will be sure to' be some desirous of obtaining h.
In the old time. signs, public hand-billt;strie
der rode methods were adopted to attMtit a
weres: but these expeedente. never more lion
their operations. are ,now almost entirely nest
busy hum of modern traffic. There is but on'
for the storekeeper: it is to advertise. again to]
thiid , tiine to 'advertise. perpetually to atlver
race, in this respect, is to the swift. Canal
here follow rigidly. The man whdridvertise
the most, the man who advertises Ind* w.
Within tilt last ten years numerous business
among the richest of our citizenly, have riisen
parative indigeoce„,by dietoeming and pram':
thus great truth. We say again, advertise. if ;
proper. Advertising largely is a sure Milani 1
forte le. •
the market. are
ET The Erie o'.l:•resr 'title I the Erie , end • ittsburet
railroed coutrany otF °a the 'i2let ult.. but s• unehOw it
won't kilted. Alerts delegation ark's-, .or New.
Merekr. and Greenville. piloted thfien.h het/bloat
vet,loeu their warto Erie. to attend a Tent trg of the
threcturs of ;he company, to•cousult as to the propristy
of pleeing a u••rttuu of the work under contra .—.Craio
furd D,:nocria. , I
The Erie G bierrcr is gui!ty of no such born cide. The
act of incorporation provided that the • conipar should
• cern/twine their work by Apra 2l,"185 d
'ter heard of such conpnenceinent, slthough it
with its directors daily.' we concluded of coup
had expired is it. own limitation. We so stet
however, new we think defunct., at least so
Pittsburgh connection is clocerned. The de
luded to abate, went home fully satisfied that
burgh cornpticy never intended to build the 11
this point the.ilereer Wirizsays:
"We harp conversed trah several of ,th
-sines the,r return, and are svformed that for t
there prospect of the road being tootle
II:72 o:1 citizen of our town,. a whiz. w
anxious ,enqiiiiies of us the other day for a
city chatter: lie said there was to be an iln .
ten next 'iced, and yet, strange to say, the chi
which it is to be hoiden, isn't to be found. 11
there was st lcopy in town somewhere, and re i
to the ••pcwere-that-be." who according to t i
••daeth nothing 'wrung:" As for us. "poo
Lo•eo-fo-cojs," We hav'ut any right to kuow
wh-t is not fit the precious document. ,
rr Charies 53. Ottinger. I clerk in the
Posteffice, has been arrested on a charge of
mail. A pecker, of letters wee found by • f
in las overcoat pocket. This anCter is on
searchittz investigation.—liis father, who i
mikd agent. , was pre/tent at his arrest, and
belief thet Tine one "had pot the packers& i
pocket to maks him r scope goat:" bat the p
that thu hopeful son put it there himself.
Li" Thelgentlemon connected with the
Union. estahlishment hare had manuractuned
'silver pitrhkr, to be presented to Mr. Ritelii
he has retired from the ed.torial chair. It •
served compliment.
Err The fay number of "Harper" bas boo!
by 0. D. Spofford. State . atreet.• This is ones
niogazineilfrre boots of. and the May number
lady intimating. It Is only, 25cts. ■ number.
Er We ere indebted to Gilman & Co., To,
State atreei. ter a sample of Cigars, which
well, and May smoke well; bet as we don't
tide we calet soy from personal experience:
QT Laroa. at the M •r, Exchattio;
op to his Oasts. Green Pease. Turtle liloop.
tors. Ice 4ream. and almost ail the Lmmei
and Dome tie. one cam think of. The La
that his led Cream takes the lead of anythin
up in this election.
07 Mrs Ward and Mrs. Curtis are jail
all our fair !ladies crazy with their splendid at.
finery." W. should not wonder if fond hnsba
decent fathers would end their "sorphis rev
sibly diminOed ere rosy Jane sopereedea,M•
is •o arti-
Q3' They ancient Borough of Carlisle. an this State.
mast be a;"bird of a town." if the storienif its Ediiona
are half true. For instance. the Dsasocrft4 asserts that it
contains "die worst set of roadies and raisin in
tendom." ; "In the last two years." the Edito continues.
"we have had swindling. cheating. robbers . counter
feiting. gambling. and. in one cant. slat t warder
carried on in our borough; and in oar °pinto . counter
&Wag,' siniadling. stealing. and gambling -the worst
kinds are Otill progressing antortrit ns. St
every panic occasion. are insulted by drank,
and. in inney cases. smashed ant beaten is
"aslant 'steamer. Ladies cannot walk la se
streets 444 dark without being insulted. Or it
feelings shocked h the coast awful blaspho
most ortootti blackpardisne." We haw*
that Csidi eastsielld wen # that lowillsti
teensy seprevalesdia wee wintry testis.
as idea ti ildderd thirsts that crimes herein el
Benefits of Advertising.
Mr The N. Y. listrabli,prints • letter from Charleston.
S. C.. to the effect-that the British Government. through
its secre t agents, is tampering with the popular leaders in
South Caro:tha. urging paent towards RecAsejoik *kb a
view of 4 proacing a dissolution of the confederacy, and
afterwards turning it to ;he benefit of England by con
trolling tho cotton trade: and general commerce lathe
South. Tho whole storY is probably a humbug.
Q.7' A Voitio State (invention is to. be holden at
Jacksec - IlississiPPi. tbiantootb„ to nominate a candi
date fir - thiviirtior; it is *spieled that Get*. Foote will be
tbe ,taaa. /a Jaw a Ultimo Stga l ceavaatioa is to a t test
at Moutiotaery..Alabonln.
Cr The man who never loved' a pretty woman. wq
last seen by some Gremilondens. going Oonnd the north
Ole. an kid* a yard long hanging to his nasal organ.
and a 'harp nor'•easter, after him. whistling '.O never
fall in lore."
There is
• the in-
l eserthe•
es of the
E rr Why is ti newly opened stock or Millinery. like a
house on fire? fiecatiss it stnrAll the'Lciles in the city.
e system
inn.. It
and that
from the
and from
UJ' fo i .PiUsburgli left week the watch — house wits
graced with the presence of a• whole family. named
dimes; doeoisting of • father. souther, sod two sofa, one
a large growls lay. all of whom were insensibly intoxi
ET The Pounsylysnis Leguitat
its last session. Very foss srd df
it took four mouths to pass then],
ly business for the penftle.
' aging in
u driven
17 The Cleveland Plain Deal.
account of one of +. 'patron. an.
Democratic nomination for Aldertt
corn wrote his dec;vnalon on tile
card, and, sent it to 'the office.
eye to bt siness. published the ca
to the declension. and charged
The map run and was beat.
t permits
alker .L•
burgh to
i siou. Oct
37 At a tweeting of the Anti-
Syracuse, the Rev. Samuel Mil
into collision with the Amencius;
Char!estop Mercury of the
the issues, or tamely submit toi
the moat infamous and corrupt gO
a civilized people ever lived "
ver. - of Boston, these fanatical
when danger is at : hand..Wiwi.
valiantly new:
• failure,
rdred dol
urgh end
so cou8•
ea obtain-
at “it's el
telt gud
into the
ET News —That the Chroliicl
Se'says some oP the "satisfied."
of a mer
quenco of
SoU.—A gentleman dAw
mail with his wite's bonnet on
her to be tits real owner. He s
through tit* 'gravitons, of his wi
mats are
a dealer
-- -
IT Horace Greeley sailed fo
lust., to attend the World's FB ,
absence, visit most of the coon
rope: The readers or thh Triitu
a treat in the shape of articles,
rial Correspondence." while lie
Id on the 1641
will. daring hi 4
continental Eli
a, inticipate many
d 4 the head of '"Edltoi.
Er An Al;olitiouisui gatherin i atlChelsea, a way dosele
East, lately gave the following comprehensive pledgees
egaint the ft4,itive I,lw
Ilse; for,
ale. there
and Baru—
tension to
partial In
s in the
thing left
ise. The
nd efP•et
most will
t worlatle.
Regolred, That Ira plftlgo 01
collect yelp to pray it down, I.
down. to bye it down. to tote it
It :ri pretty evident from t
abused Fugitive law is derstintd
for we nevenaew a law remind
of prayer: besides, does not the
of the ungodly ire an I'bn:tripoli°
••acting" and ••living•' it
employ more :longuages theist
the tower of ilsbel, and live lon
The last proposition, ••to vote It II
licable—minorities do not ••vdto
and the law in this country.
ng upon
au wao!d
n to win
ClAritlzwrioN.— letirr
bask to the Nniv Orleans /Nita
improved consiaerably .lace last
mg quits rivil.sed, as they nciw •
in Enghsh, and flourish their k
carrying a trunk is now edoliar
last sear a dune was sufficient.
QT The Delegates appointed to the Judicial Conven
tion. from Berk, count•, are instructed to support the
non.ination of lion : Wm: Btritmg for dm Supreme Bench,
Mr. S. is a man of.undoubted nod would do
honor to the station
pee that it
'tett. It is .1
levitos e(-
the Pitts-
An iron house, for a Wel, is about to be erected in
Phasic!tibia, in thttd street. near Arch. It is fire stO-
ries high:: Several iron•wareher.sep are to be erected la
that c.ty this summer. The iroh basiness in this couatrk .
will be immense Li? s few years from the iron build}
ings alone. -
s making
opy of the
rteut elee-
QT The joint special Comittittee,of the Legislature bf
Massachusetts oh the stibject.i.f spit .I punishment, hate
reported a bill for the abolitioh of Ole death penalty aid
providing that,the offences plinished by death -under the
present code shall be puuishrid jby . inprisonment in tllui
State prison fui life,
rter under
• told him
e Gazette.
UT GiovernorJohuston. true to.his abolition instisuit.
hai not yet signed the bill' re'peaLing that section of, the
kideapping•lase, refusing the, use of our jails for the de
tention of fugitive slaves. The Harrisburg§ jail d
not, in censec t uence; be used for t he safe keeping oft e
slaves recently tried before Ceirimiasioner
whit is. or
obbing the"
!low clerk
In the supreme court to Yrovideuce. Julie A. Piir
kilts, has recovered a verdict fu'r $9,00 against Fritve
for.hreatch of meriirice promise. No expri l as
promise was proved, thong!. he had paid attention, to her
for nearly two years. Chief uatieci Greene instructed
the jury that they were out to consider the fact that tots
plaintiti was seduced by the defendant.
:ergoing a
a ?peel al
aprened a
• hi• pa'.
L obibility is
now that
I wed de-
IIT Ilandiedit of peiiple coMplain_ of being afflictiiid
ith heel bugs. The following receipt will be int alualPe
to travellers and others. It is perfectly simple autilsate,
and is 4,wored by a western philosopher:—"On
to bed, strip °tryout' shirt, aarcosier yourself from h4d
t o AO( with boiled molasses. Let; every.part of the beltly
be covered thickly with it. Oa cOming to bits yon tkte
b og s will stick list is the molaisiM, and you can kill , thilm
in the morning."
• received
of the best
[1:1" Col. T. H. Benton, jr. mnephe w, but not mtfth
of a political - connection. of the bliesouri Betiator that 111 . 11 F,
has been elected i3operintenileht of Public Instructioniin
l o wa, hiving been Om regular Democratic candidate*—
he lowa City Reporter eats Nis polarity will be from
I'2oo to 1500, "ever Whiggery, Abolitionism. and 51cir
ook very
e the ar-
has sereld
-hell Ors
a. Foreign
I leo do say
ever got
Er The Whigs of New York' have discovered the
Philosopher's stone. They halm found out that the Suite
can berroW sine millions of doilans without crostini a
debt! This will be welcome mewl, to the money berfoir
ste. The "Airmen" talk of holdtag•jubilee oaths oe•
• w setting
k of Mil
de and in-
us" sea-
ILT Some of our **changes iay ; that the TetEntpli. i a
paper recently commenced in WaOsiugtos. support:* Tons
Corsin of -.hospitable grave" memory. for thri.Presiden.
or. This is sot correct. Wept! the Tolevispk. *Lodi*
very good paper It is too. ; .
IT Heavy bsatsges..—The Shieveport Gazette stair s
that is Miu &Sudety. of Catidn, parish, at the setsloalef
t h e Dilating Coin held is that Olese week berurs 441. -
„ cove nid $t2,000 donne@ sgitiont W ta. C. Shaw ? , for
slander sod dittisinsties of chaise:O.
QT Samson was a wrong , otan, yet be could wet pit
money before be bad it. If he could bars dose ea, slat
a gloriosa Editor be would bays made. '
the most
gym• •f our
Q 3 Hots Howell Cobb. of Goeighh has deteralleetto
retire frown Congress. wed Is a perihelia* psosocsaills
eaadfdate fee Clefonier.
nag their
y aad the
Res beard
away ecla
t we bad
frir Elder Brigham 'roan &Ira his honor that Ike
• bas angartis wiien. • Ile is,tis salmi arra art 4m
tilt the mad& Oho awl& of deo Iderw;a6.
Nuts Exotwit.:Tho New; °fleets, Cou r i er i nit
_ ' -- - i t e i t ' e a sm i t i i i i u si v t i o ag t . ra a v e e c l a o u nlen a d f: oar w ae at w er, L a v w fr o ll u i ' l ' d ' a iridee"
ewe by Telegraph and Mail 1 •
• Wssunisros, May T. Ibe a 'novelty, and one, we ehould think, 'spec 'I
The President I here oa Mpaday. to be present ; achtited to the use of Irishmen: , 1111 /
at the celebration of the opening of the Erie Railroad. It , A gentleman exibited this morning in thel.; •r e u .
II1!1, While ilieissembied multitude Waited to" o T
is his his intention to stop sometime in Buffalo. .
ganized into Convention—a Model of a liie be s ,,,
I The Republic thinks that the reports by telegraph that 1
w , ) .
i lei can be ui.eil fur a steamboat to ft-aro 0 "1 a - a — d
the Cuban expedition has been abaudenedoire not to be ',
I traveling—it Can also be a fire engine, nOr°
or water—for tdoughing or fur any sort of rld a i g i -;
busted. They are intended, to Vat", Government in
its designs of repressing t . lre expedition. It puldishea a , s t reet spr i n kl er .
• a
' vateietter from Jacksonville. Fla. to the ef f ect that an Ile said it would thriw . water 300 or 3't 00 fe e
Il i '
e xpe d ition „.„ c erisinly ouL f oo t there, and expected to . high, according . to the s:ze of the inecl iins tor !
slairon the &k at May, ! ! structeu and it:tine had been In eso•ter.ce here ; it
the time, the St. Charles fire, could have been •ex.
• t i l edAingiosh in five seconds after the mit , .
and -500 I • - o ft got
g ut
The county' delegates are arrivissi by awes.
: • upon e ground : The .nventor is one h e k e „,
i eit, et the same Gine ME ,4 gentled:my i, i ii , -.
have already mimed. and a Lugo majority of them are
Oat for secession, wh ic h... seems 10 b e rewi t ived u pon.— i chnp i n town ; an , ' we belfkve be 'persuaded ° et 1
The excitement increases,
.. . _
and the march to are alarm- ; 1.)041v, that Itia• ii the gre e t em y e t . ".
The convention Will meet at Military Hall ai 4 o'clock
afternOon. The city is crowded with etreezers.
• HaItTroRD, CL, May 7.
The Senate organiied by the election of Hon. Henry
E. Nett. of New lime, Presilient pro. tern, and Ste
phen W. Kellogg. Clerk. •The House organized by , theA A MAN BURNED TO BRATIL— .
election of floe. Samuel Ingham. Hem., Sraker, he plain Beacon, published at RrlO6e'S
having Il l votes against Hon. W. Boardman. whiz. 109. accrimit of the death of a vouer man
Moron S. Baker of Tolland, was elected Clerk. i ert.J. Minter, from Canada East; b,
Easton, Assistant Clerk. Ali democrats. All the meal-
the corniiiiiMon service in one of
ben were presini but Mr. Cady of Ashford. lick. The Clarenceville, a flue bi•oke out in
and flower, in 'reliderinrr u hay
; election for GoVeruor and other State °Eileen , . •vs ail be trig the 10)13re-hold furr.itur
' proceeded with to-morrow. • was buried in the •falliii
PaHLACELPIIIA, heart-str icken
. relative:
hive / nut Rozonnocon.—At an early hour on fiat- could do whin(' to e i
urday afternoon, our cit:ze us were startled by the hens
which had been teat exprese to the city. of a moat
dreadful murder in the township of Roxborough, one of
'the most beatriful avid romantic sections of the rural laor
'Doll of the county or Philadelphia. A death-like guiltless
preceded the scene—the
..spectators were almost mute
with horror. Indignation was depicted in our? &Mute.
nonce, and many a manly u siell as gentle eye suffused
with tears
et:pasta 431 sets at
blc interest, and. u
think it a very coat•
civet an atnneinf
intiting to decline the
n. The unfortunate
beck of his tiusines,s
he foreman with an
paying no attention
the candidate
starry Convention in
WI, :We most come
oternatent." and the:
ays. "we mat niect
' e tyrannies of one oC
erpments under which
ike the Rev. Mr. Clo-
II gladly skulk away
h they may talk Teri
The spectacle wee awful to behold—a female pr(s,„
trate opou her back, lay at full length in a pool of blodd,
with the whole front of her skull mashed in—a eMto also,
with his head beaten to atoms was lying in the mnd.-
-.The house was entered, and here was disclosed the most
.isppaliitig eight of all—in the coruer of tt.o room, he
though it had ensiled there and expired. lay crouched
' upon its face* dead infant. As one / of the policemen
turned it over, lie wept. The side/front, and baCk of
its cranium had been fractured. pod, thotigh lifeless fur
several hours, and its countenance distorted by the ',hock
ing injuries I received, there was a still such - a Me
ilike exprestron of innocence is its Molt, that it was di ii
cult for the spectator to realize the idea that it was featly
a corpse—it appeared as if only asleep.
Thos alarming . and heart-rendang affair is wrappCd in
no rittic rn)idery. The facts and circonistancesaa far as
disclosed, appear to be these: The family consisted of
i Valentino 12.irtie. aged 46, hie wife Catharine, aged 3,31.
butt natives of Germany, and four children. The moth
wee cncicnte.
is not a whit paper.'
seeing his pritts:
kissed her. supposing
. a die d his sink
abroad. •
it itt
talktalkdown, to act I
Shore that the wroeit
o ;stead for porno timd;
d , throligh the effiesefr
rible say the ••praYeifs
~..%.e.'Fand as to "tat+
owe. they will bare to
as aver ' heard abo I
e.i. than Pilethusaleh. ?
"iiii" i s equally inipraet-
n" ine Constitotioit
inters' Panama writ.,
.t that ancient city heja
arr, the native, beconi
t,drank, fight, swear
ire,. The charge for
at! • fight thrown in;
gout the l ight.,
'- •
The Daily Advertiser has the following: We learn
from Patterson. that while the workmen in the lEt.zine
Factory of Rogers, Ketchum and Groaveuor, were test
ing a new locomotive, the boiler trust, hurling the , frag
ments iu ',Very direction. and blowing ofi the. rodf, and
one aide of the building which eru built of brick. so that
-the whole fell in. When • the accident cccotred, the
shop was full of workmen. many of whom are still, ~burl
ed in the ruin. . The Advertiser states that three dr four
hitc•lbeen taken out dead, and fourteen or fifteen liadly-
I) wounded. The - persons killed were Irish, 'James
McNamara. Ittoe. Pl.:vtard. Patrick Doherty, Amos
Whitehead. •
A Man Mailing Limselt Christian Gracinger was irres- ,
ted this afternoon, on suspicion of being the murderer.—
lie has been fully identdied as being the intim employed
by Bartle. and who.marle threats against him, is coa
sequence of J disagreement about wages.
Th• contested: elec. , ” ease has been pot to -rest this
morning by the decisiaus of Judges King and Kelley,
in favor of Mr. Reed, the contestant, Judge Cautpbell'
dissented an his opidion. The decree;invalidatiog
certificate of Mr. Kneasst election, will bo given on
Monday. after which Mr. Reed will be inducted into
C rerf,RvlA Nrws —The S. tnalFsteamer Geer;;..l.
Lent D. U. Porier commander, arrived •thts pior.liare
from Cheers.' vie linvaduis. with tho rocitic -mad" and
$., 1.500,0:10 on freight. •
The Georgic veiled from Charges at noon on the-f25.10f
April. with 500 pasnieneerc She transferred 5.'00 at Ha
vana. the remainder she int:lg. to NoW York. Left, at
Chagree. the Crescent City. North America. and Broth
er Jouathau tt tilt milt• a 10.. v passenger=.
The' Pacific. the Tennessee and Columbus lAad arriv
ed; the former with 230 eud the latter with 229 pewit:-
The steamer MPKimm with a large number of passen
gers was daily expected. She left the F.tkon at , [keen
na with '2OO passengers' for Chagres r -exchangCd signals
with tho Ohio on the night of the lit Mat . sbodt 100
Mlles north cf Ilavattna. Great excitement exiSts•
Havanna in elation to the news of .expetti.d ineat.!ion
—many have been put in prison en suvpieion and tiftiong
them are three priests for preaching Newton's sermons.
- Tho day the deorgia arrived was celebrated by tha ex:
ecution r of a pool: vsr..tTh who was scnt over by Lopez,
ro obtain Pilots fur the expedition. He was tried id open
Coon, and the evidenCe was so strong that he was im
mediatcly executed. previous to which,' ho was auhret
cd to great torture for the Purpose of extorting a confes
This is the first execution that has.taken place far po
lit'cal offences and has Created some tilfeeling towards
the new 001-enter General. and his conduct in execti l
ting a person who did not seem to now that ho wai
committing a crime has been see. , ely criticised.
Matters are becoming so ser'
vanne that many are prep.
General is taking every p
I.mi - outs are suit,
sinlea of each oth
between San
erg, the Cu
fined all along the coast, within two
. and the reesels of war kept crunnng
ttetno and Ilsvanna.. Ode if.the steam
,. was ashore on the Colorado, when the
sited, and Paar'ro had gates to heeaseistanco.
Judge. Thur.ton, the delegate frUM orogen. died on
board of the t...7 . ulicurniet, and was buried at .Vea rtdo.—
Sefiator Gw, :ton had bieu ill but was last
account.. The furth one of the Chores murderers bad
been arrested at l'erte Bellea and brought to Panama.
where he is 'confined in prison. They are afl to be shot
in • few days. .
Fins tx Czxatir•vt.—A most destructive fire occurred
last night, is a lumber yard on the corner or Baer end
Colupibia streets, which destroyed about twenty build
istms, including the large liquor store of Wright Jc, Broth•
ers. With this exception the houses are mostly private,
and not vary valuable. The loss is heavy, but .the
amount is not kanwd.
Our city is infested with dheives,- and this Cie ,was
doubtless the work of an incendiary.
Considerable eicitement was created here to•dsc,
in the upper circles, on account of the elopement of Mr.
Reuben 11. Slow, an extensive dealer in ship chaistilery,
at Commercial street, with his wifii's sister, a )oung
and beutiful girl maned Sirs& Tower, belonging to
Lineenville, Ms.
Er lies any physiologists given as• the philosophy of
each ouperier fecundity. of new co uies' over old. as is
mentioned below? •
••The Conine marshal of New Nlssice cites, ao gluey
idence that this people of that region are prolific. that Ojo
Caliento Jose Antonio Prugilly has twenty-five children
—thirteen sone and twelve danghtc ria—by one wife. Jam
and his wife were Lying. in good health. at the venera
ble Igoe reispeariely of ninety sad eighty-sit yeed.."
Nzic TaaK. Mar G
'us and alarming
/nrig to learn. The Capt.
teautton to guard "against an
CiscixxArt, sU: s t• 5
BoSTox. May 3
NEW4RK, N. J.. Mei 7
The fire[ engineers of ,the city hare earoonaLi it,
and pronouficed that hobos overciinie eVerrd,ffictir.
tyiin the way of travelingon i land 'by stimm.
made the mottle more ahead, iretrngrade, turn mond,'
anti round every way: with trace sod eats. lila
indeett, wonderful to,biliold, '
giere 113
"na tied Rob.
fire. During
Ile ehorrh>•
'neiztitiori nz
aid he in
rentxred ton far, 1 , 1 4
from a hicii his
- and friend', in full sight,
t ricatr
BROIEK Dowry . 'he ateaner Snitara was bet ween,
Conneaut and - tabula when the gale struck b et ;
Thursday. . e was obliged to put back arid mode
-Erie Harbotjai hero she lay until the g o ,. „b.,, ded.
On Friday! when ofr Fairport, she broke her crrloa
Leitd and'was towed back to this port be the steam
er Albany.' Her passer.gera we7e Iran-ferred to the
steftMer %V isconsiny and her freight to the propellor
AXlegbany. -
The propellors og,ont* and St. Joseph armed
hero yesterday from the tipper lakes. Th ey eocoun-•
teredithe galdoi lake Huron an,: report it very se
We !earn fromerie.Os eget Times that the scholia.
er Elrnitia, of Satidutky, which cleared from that
prat on . 1 hursday wad jren back by ins gals on
Thursday bight and wh le entering, the harbor su p tint little cariva,.s spread, she wits a -iven etthare by
the current and wino in the east harbor, where she
bilged and filled. She..jiall on board a f 1113:1 ipianty
salt—s as nearly lielt.i==-El.f. Express.
Siti Mrvr tv Vi ol4.—The Char:estr•n,
(Vu,) Spirit of Jetreison says that there is every res.
ion to b.dieve that a Sifve'r Mine haR• been di-e oer.
ed on the faros of Sfessrs, Janus and Do:1•4‘ Mc
..iherry. o f th a t County, situated on the ea.: bank et
!lie Shenandoah river, and at ikte base of the Wu;
The mine was ditveaveretra2me months sine, and
a stnall f pvcimen obtained Ind forwarded to the
Phi !earl ti in Mint, to tie assoyed. The l So ,:etnitentl
ant of the mint has returued tle same, tnioe into 1
ten cent piece, and prompt:iced dm ore ea Rkeeed•
ingly rich.- Tne iejlze of ruck in Which he ore lain:.
pre,sznnted,iis of immense size. Every three 'panda
of roc:'. iti - :: rs.! iinnted, wi!l yield one "liar in ill.
‘er. Arrangenenta hare htteen made {or at o;,re
Arrxme - rtm ,Suictnr..—The Dispatch i•l" vPFtef• -
day - .ay,: on Saturday stiorning2 about 10 , :eintk,
yolog niehard Beale. (,son of 31r.lieo. Reale . .) wht's -
lqhnriniz Tinder tem nnrary mental alserrki e.orred
the er"“g store of Mr. Wm. Thorn,' and. ordered as
nn:lce and a half of latitlauum. Mr. I'. go-neetine
b ti:ied a %iol, whtdit youne Beale n uu , e ,.
e:to.v swallowed. unperceived by .Mr. Thorn. at.l
r,1,,(10,1 .the etnihv via:, a . sying .1; bre
Mr. T. immediately seized him. a:,l ha
was Zent secure , ta ll em were Infrmoioerod, and
the st”inaeli al-o'applied, by Drd. Wit*" ani
Snyder. and ht- hfe rtlll pre.fervel. min vos
'lien tf:ft In wa , ch Lim. but he SPOT. g.iard 'away
on a j•relext, an! 'vide him e•enne. 114:wa, iy .
loin.' by hi. brother and brought ltomo
r - - - At a nwetinz of rho Ere. f'o:tatt . ‘ltttato 1,4, - 1. nee taut.
It.ritrc held at the 'I rea,tt re :Fs tdrme. cott the :I , 4 idt . ate
I , 0 0% , 11 .: ttentreinco tt e.e 4latseu liirer..wrt, 0( 611.1 C 41.4.111) I.;
1.0.•101 I' : ear. viz.: . .
r. %I 1 . I, :Is, A W. Brest - titer,
.1.31. Wl.lrtrao; SitittliJeckir.n.
J v. ‘.!ariiliall, ' William Ileatir.
.1 11. Pullerlc,:i. ' ' . J. 11. B lanes,
11,6 E% , Get>tge Seltleo.
J. It. r;- , , , ,,.. ' I . IC. \I'.IR ,tagell
(11 l 1 IA ;An Sttlith Jae' tea . chosen Prepstle..t..l. 11. it'l:•
Jinn et, 'l'ri a , ..nrcr. R. J. sittley. Secretary. r ,
'1 :.e (Ithee ot the tenitalrl , is not.' rem ii.;l-I,F3Mj
R..",/dPei o•Fre REURE,II .1. Slttl.l.ll, t•ee'tt.
Etie.. 31:4 , 15 1 , 14'11. Stlft'
'VIE' it re. C. V %Tatham u III! the de,-1. Os ,
C111.(C11 ..Tt :lita`aat!L In the atieraoaa deatvetat
rma In a , ' 2, 1 I:tattlir 011,.111 1,
the ala:etr ane t I Clara.' MITI not
Ile that a. a ;elk an the aloe train , of Ctirs-L tkr twit 1 , 01.1 the Father
aaa.l atae .tn. aa: co a asti-) aa I! 'rift; nN On
raa reire bun 1.4 1. ytHlf 14.0 e. ' 1.,11..`r 1 1 11. , n
I, :in' hr that 1 iIIJ. hatatiaoal !yeti i partaker an las etal
• La 1,. Mat) 111. 1.7.41.
1 1 72PAr GOODS.
THE • h. , erit• T hlq r 1 ,4 ret•arned from Sipm rtup
r. 'lt a Cage 51.0e4 Of GrOCertril. Tro4t. IYn ow
VVIr• , l'hitni /cc. U. s.t L %Kit
. ,
p. 31.
. Spring and Saremer =Unwary.
. trin WA:R) r. 041.3,- t ,, the Larlte• dot
o v
• tl, 1, oral p Heeds-gs. ever •ed 1 , .
•% der. site t• Don . ~ 6*part,l V‘ath tlte 1hir,11 , 44. 1 trk
dati I pit tast..( - .,.. anltl.o:cuscr
.lie IA ill ri 10 II at Its , ay., prtr, a. Iler nark
et.ttstst•ol Oter wr. dilferritt it sntheol Ronne,.. at' I r Cr* that
ed fd.l !sin ~it the tams.. ftitNsna and t luncrs. and
to fr) , l Vsnetal a...or:rota; n 1 Altllsner).
r:ira sr • Irry• 'rhea and t•rer.teti t.t the latest iLI) lea. 1 hinds a
1 . ,..(r.•••, Pro! , :` 1 tkell r 1 I.a4uettl.
- , •.:• 1 *) ll,l4tirrs sttlitiqted a its goo at tlte matiet
I:: if', itrlV t'. 1-51
Cash for Woof ! ,
[ATE w , wn to hip ItuLlSoliths of Wool, aid wttl pas the highest
• pre,. in cub on thiliiery at niit atom
ET ie. 11 iv go 'Mnl t n nnerich: k CO.
C. 33131]1:11EtT, -
f 1.4 RR! ‘Gt , and .Nla ker. SIVIC St",:fq Ilt`ja 1 4 (u mh, o'er
1 :di:le''. Carriages, %Vivons.kc .
I In the Itieli4esauner.
Enr. : ll.* 10,1,51
V ?NU, .1 of +'ln:of up-oNer. of the Erie rooote Ajti
the yuboertoet Lrouittioo and oder, tut maIG
& !lurk. ratter and Threshing
Sta. rod
Cor.l inter. , a n n Feed'
Powers for churn.* drnitair grind SWOON ale.,
l'orsivt.4 , k roller a uplcropohcaN,
!lay al. I Stray aNnterNi
Eine7) , 01 /lan,. roip, end tterrnOmeter chum COM
hinod. teelln Garden Roller, Hay Fork., unproved still lkyttit
Cla. in; ndOC- arrangetnents for the Agency of the shore. to•
gether is Idl all article. lu 4 , lr,ricultiiral Machinery and farunait
I mid iinotits, I Can furnish, at Itihole.cie or Retail, on the raise
terns a. the wanufacturetr, adding trahsportation. and as all E
lie 1... are warr.intrit the , attention of Esewers hod other.. is 10
D. S. CL %Rh.
Erie way 10. ISO . Star street. S doors north of _Fuller lona.
revs' TOR 13/LLIL
nnot) r for sale eisrdp.Situate in If artiorvrek. fact
.11. Mlles cast f UN:. and a-hall rode south of ll"esl , is llr. Lrq
CO , InTr• Pl.. e • .ainine Itit serer of land. lin of which are under
giicid st; , t, • .:,ultiration, and well adapted for grass, or KTAInt
tltrrr Is on tk to on ises a, gotttl two Wing frame house% in o large
barns. eider mill and other eoniesiient out buildings. with te
to. cep two arid three notated hearing fruit trees mostly grafter'.
A err lit gi ten for part of the purchase :atone,' jr desired rue
particulars enquire V:: the preunses, or of 11. L. rhino.. in Greta
tuwei.hip ELIJAH PINNEY.
itarl , orereelt. Idly 10. 19,14. t . Cita.
tp FIX iodise r I t.ers to thel'Apital Stock of the tele and Wstri*
.1. lord Plank ROadeuittpany are hereby nutitied that :la Oh
tionni enll 01 23 per ee .ton &mourn sober rased is required to be
pant to the Tremturer Of said Como ny, at t... ° th ee 11 , Ere. op
or betbre the tuts inst. Iy order of the Board.
Erie. May tu.' A. KING. ?assurer.
I bee leave also to inform the subscribers to• the Capital stack
of Ern. and Waterford Plank Road Company, that I have enn
plo)ed Jouaa Guituisoir, Esq.. to collect the ieritments bb *
due. and 1 an. directed by the Board to call the attentron of tub
serit.urs to the Pen Section of an Act Regulating Turnpike and,
Plank Read Companies; approved the twenty sixth day of Jae*
vary, INS. •
her ECTION B.—lf any itockholder. a hetber an origanalsut.w w.
beror nesacne. after taco'y day: notice as aforesaid. of till
time ni9 place appointed, for nit) paymeut of as ,lustalment ot
proponat he plnec 1 ppolun
oil of the capital siock, shall wittect to ay such propOr
I to
11./11 d. for the space o illy days oiler las
tiLie a; intrd for the payomut theme( any such s inclibialitet
shall. La adtiaLon to the instalment so lied few. pay at the filla .
°foot...per CI4II Ma per month. fur eyfry delav of such pay' in.
and if titesanse and addition al llon n uut of such eh ire. the sane ally shalt oeconteentud to the
017b wet
awn bellitr lid ill Pan, nial
be forterted by and tOthc d company. and may be soil II them
„Ik e/
for suet. price as may t QM-tined tbereftwt er in wants et Par
Went of any mock re of such instalments as annemid. ww
Ma the ;. l4 a ct. ithe ol tr °lxli' tio a n ia .ca llib utie rel en t :l d io . sbellehrol4ellueh"tlTad themulleir!"elers•
twat a Hine amount ate row recovefabee. foe the Wat
ery of the Mime, together with Übe pelatilee aforesaid. ' lrje; May.l6.-3011 . A EMI:. Trellattret'