Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, May 03, 1851, Image 3

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    A- Cutubsrm—While Governor Provo was In'
:Key West,•says the Tallahassee (Florida) Senti
,fel he was presented by Hon. A. Patterson with a
fAilllature burst of General Washington, found, ten
years sr, in the neighkorhood of Mr. Patterson's
premises, imbedded iu the limestone which forms
the Wend. The-bust is of marble, and is evidently
the r. ork of a master. The expression is said lobe
hienticat «ith that of the famous statute of Wash
,r.kicn at Richmond, allowed to be the best likeness
in 2 ex.stence. The little•bust is in a state of perfect,er% at iop; all the delicate chisellirg in the plaits
Lf a ruffled alert remaining as islibrp sill well-defined
as mer, and the Marble without discoloration.—
Across the shoulders is inscribed the word "Wash-
Irgion"—a spelling which seems to indicate an hal
ion t rigin. In the same spot two English guineas
were found, the dates and inscription of olitrh we
,!.1 not learn. All were - probably deposits by smite
freebooter of theolden time.
Sr.vATOR. _DoVOLA9 4 ,—The PenufpleUt.ina of
Morilay his the fol!oa kr,
'''This distiot.-,uished gentleman is now srp..ri,:n7.
'tv.!}) his family, at Glass's Washington house. lie
trri%ed on Saturday, and trill remain until to-mor
row. The rational "services of Judge Donz'af, a!:d
les strong and striking abilitiel,.hat e made film a
h:-.lor.eal character; and tve,are rejo:ccd to Pee :b.
6:sposition among men of all parties to do Lim hon
er to one who does so much-honor to the count ry. 7
We regret that his engagemeais at home .comitcl
i t
t..m so speedily to le re our fine city."
We helire there re few mcn in this eit:„ who
I.3tt Judge poug,losS, who sill ri.:t 3 -leg,' a ready es_
seOt to the alords of commendation . heie expresse‘i.
rain, sensible, intelligent, and able r.. he fulfils atilt
,:redit the duties of his high-paition: and, while he
enjoys to the fuiest extent the confidence of those
;thorn he is usually . accustomed to act, he never
c.anifests a tolerant And lrheral spirit that secures
ti:e respect and leituily feeliogs 4 his 'political oe.
.; orents. -' . 1 .
While speaking 'of Jotlge D. u!lla,e, wemas. men
tion a little item that will be real with y!eastlfP by
(.I..Jr ciiipme. It ie, that Le has purchased the
homestead' f Colonel Burehe, a mile or so south of ,
the capitol, and that he will improve and adorn it'
for the abiding-place of his family as long as his
pi,bhc duties shall req ire his preserce in Nyn-h
-ington. There are, we Imlieve, aim; ttyo or dace
acres crf land' fmrroundiiia this re,idence?, and t lea , :.-
cats to it is being rentiere - very :c.T.vt . ..niet and
_s:revable,—Wush..Tclegr ph.
r r rrespondetit of the New Ydrk Herald. write.. that
thejury in the Wot dworth planinz machine case,
Fo long pending in the Suprome Court, before Judge
Grier, has been deeirleil Lv the jury. Sprit,ir and
,there, the defendants in thu case, were dr+ired to
: , ace infringed the Woodw,rth patient.- Sutlige Grier
szid that if the Aitness came again into atilt court
trl swear that IVifliam ‘Vondworth um, no the ia
ientor of that ontenyhe would hold it to be prima
.air evidence that the witnesses intended to perjure
*;llf.:nseives t by Fwea . rinz to v. /nit they knew milli
;rz about. This question has now been &Oiled in
‘‘by by every circuit Conrt in the I.7Li.r,
'.n6 . L.:t tog an itnmenf , c outlay in lit igat kn.
The Seim C. C. thus, went ashore in the
za e on Tus.tdav a' few mils below the piers at A sl,ta
zeia Harbor. She i timber fatten, and fro n
,it is reported, Part of her corthd Inset been dis
charged by means of ligliters: but the rectiTrence.of
r• egh heather 112:3 p.:L a stop to her unto dints to:
•1 e present. She viii be got offi it is explectn, so
scti as,the can Le sufficiently Itthtettcd.
1- •
„ ;. 1
FALL (Fl,vATr.n. ERIE—• LK. TO'CLF• „,
s'.".l , :s that the Lake is gradually falling to its ndn
:to. in 'i et-ent that orcers, it thilik c%er!t•
;ear four:, en fears. The stage of - atcr in at l'o!eio. echi•idervb!y lower nta).. than
1. , `0; Inc! v teir pro% iot;
tt ,, r ths bas yerse, I.fLfer Fl•frieterd to flostt
• ela , s f steaut ti - s::L.:6 411 at
. '
L''' tr r.. 7 VI
.11era. \ ,
I, T,' •,- 1, ~ -i 1 , , .4.1
.1,... , ;I . it,c ~.1,4c.- 1 243' 13 Nc.r . ... .* , - 0.-
. i ~,,,,,•1 i,.,;,,in., 1iv , r1.134111. , 17.t'. :n..... r t..3r..: ~.
12 .. Jr.. , ; !.r trll a .0.,r it, to.r .. a I 'r:: ,;,l ;I•.t I(.t. hin•l
• ••• • •”. r...••• r 0..0 It. 1•,...h '.••••'1. i I ri:r.• IQ ....3•11 1 id hart
. , • . n. ~.,.!..11, ~ ..,. 1,111,,,..,.. of r 0 , 7' Lll . 1
tke ru hiist --
.. • • .. r , , ~ . •.,i.2 iry,r.. rr r..11.,;(ti to c:1:1 i.r. , " I“. i ' vi"*. T•n! ,
••• •••••-• - .0 , ,2 • !:••; ng,ny. al>, irrt %Will
. 3 .•:c.
1,,._ ,
: 1 ,,,. I\t CO.. s, ~., 0,2 jileur• - • ty, public Oil :21,v 1 2,:e , I r
' I •'., r -, •! Or tr01..1/r...lflre f 2 32.111•21 I V,Sl'• t. 2. ~I. 4 .14:1., lit
, , ...... 1i. , ; r. L.,tl .11...), F0.t,1T.1T.2,!. ren . I ...!i kiwi (—b
..- .', .114. Grc..-ers 311.1• , enlert- :2. 7 .--e- .1. vril find:: to
. • „ . ,„ ~... in ~..,c, t.,,a e 2 IL ~,k ~,..L.,,A. : —.in L . :U.24..14.n% !..1.11
•,, I
N=7 ....I.NZ) VA.SI37O:BAZLEI C10r.73 I
I''o. 8 Stood Emmet: Elie.
TonN 11 Jr:m.11(1:1K-- o.c ri • tf•nti.):l,,f
• 7 tLe t .
Spring and En7naer Glotbf=r.'
,t, %(••Ir. ; :, uch ~1. r usu .
Fashionable Clothing rsiablisbrnenti
At 12, h I , 1:,N1 rtc• ;Ina LT , alPg fa Vic ec-
: r ih;c!ta,t
pro. nrllA.O II 0 0317.
, at.l tande his own
Hutt hru pars.v.:tar only, h i lob tt .th the retttarkh le
LOW 1711ZOrS
•;, ~ined to sell h a:en:A - thee w'to - -,n.t rt, f
a that ht- t :Wan tr r.i) 1 :Jett 11.1
Good ant I":rshicnr.bln Glriaacni
••• rlrn %, hu 1i t 1 ,114,, t , eirelo(iott. lira stock
t . vsi and ba , t, Leen 4elttle•l•
rst roc Jut 011 • C1,f , 10 testae. sind 11e It 0:1111 lII.'
1 • Ei h.' r...r 04 their Cl...tann; cuae, to ottlt.r to call
GOODS, CUT AND rria.s.m.
rc-, a • r i clltid their Lroll.Ort• Pk any rartn , rt
' ' 1 st ~1..1 a 1.... 4. tn.. rt..t 1 r a.,tr.) In Ilk, it.
11 , - , :111-414.11.n... e. keep ntt haw! •11.414 t kon...atiti
t • nnufactuter , .. rthart 1 Llhri out:, lest
‘,:, Sttepetlet, , ut n.I e4adea: Cra'talin the Lett in
grade, a,el I rice,:- aIA to chel hr keep , 4,144E341
•• .1‘...2 in 1., line; which he would be Lai py to rclt LO LOS
• • , :1111110. _
tiv:le to Qrt:er. and warranted If prirerjy
k: 30 4 1
New Stcre, 24w rine:
N 117,7 G1)0118:1 NZ," PNICBS1:1
bat", Panned a ,tepArtner•ln p iii tte• 1ilsre:10-
t itu•ile,r. ;L•T (Pe PLO) .flan n. ILTO•Xl, &
,• • V r,••., :1.1/./ Op. tnng at Lbw 4e4r,
••• auL. ['lt .-CICC ICJ fa.a..o,:atn# and ,t,..V.L1111.
• s tarty 1e found 1.7!..t1ar, Ca-ranerea, Tweeds', I , ,ain-
Pl-.Fl.Flay net., 11tre;nanas, Prtuts. l'Ottlyern,dir
- na-. l'astinriee.llonnet., Cane.
A !nerd neaulttul k. nl Vestinge.-teeetkee with N
tlo/ccrsee, 'rock, ry. Snell and hear) Lord-
I r i'ts el, Sail,, spike". Gnu," and are. [late. (. : 1 1Irn
s-Inxts, and a rdi =e.czted .otocit of Read) Made C 154.11-
Dye Siiiir,,Carpenter Txx,lt. farming kopir
-o'. 6e., T/“. ' , Kick is about as largelts can ts• `oonit in t.rie.
a : found as cheap a. die, ebeupest. We wolleg. and
rent 3 *hare of 'put Ile purounge. ,fire µ2 a gall, awl
^. :. f 6111e-fy )ou as to goods and prieeb. . -
M. B. Low Et v.
s r L.tu.
Aped 7,13.
. - -
Dissolution. •
Tut Co!partnembip heretofore. ng heiween the utpler
• ,ined in the practlce of utolicine and surgery. Is this day
t. ed Lp mutual con.eni. The notes and accounts of the Min
• paid to Dr. Robert, %%Ito u ill also pay nil dews
firm. ROfIT. FA
I April 1351.—n.10 P. r,ti.K N ER.
• ntedical Notice.
Ttil: utpteridttned will attend to the practice of his profcesson
- • herez.ore. (Mite at the eurutar of F.r4hth and Frolett
br prier Faulkner will :mem' to my proremnonal busir,coue fey
r In m.:.F•rure. si tllaaopllentl tO ti.c ekliettiela. Of the
• of the laic Arta of P. & R. Faulkner as my agent.
-114.111.—50 ' ROBERT FAI - LICS PR.
Spring Styles Wall paper.
ri` *ub , eritt pi have Just Arrived. ry Papre,s. direet from
ll w n,anufne tor*. the largest apt ebeamNslasseruwert dr 'Paton'
(ter hroneht to this city, which they ate prepared to
(• that no one w'.ll go away dissati*fied. .k
!, A prilel4. 4 -n3O. ' DEN ar SON.
1112LICIOT 11108001.
Mrs. Sharman:
ois e at her own house eafil tth glreet.r.rie.(lreetli l 7
I u'e 4,led iro. 31. rova.Kaq .) stelectouwlwr of Young
tartruction In the usual faunae , of a round canes
, •••• rilber a tth the aetOrnphalments Draa in=.and
n 01 be happy to receive calls From any Lady or Gen
t 13. 1 u 1 , 411 . 11, Mors of 10 and It A t . M.. and II and 4 P. ki •
_.• hoc; IA $ll eelllllle lire OP Tt10n14 , 014 May hi. /"Ill*
- Tars. TEL Curtis
T ' m u.rt,e4 trtn. New YMC With tie 1a11e.1 1 114/e of 14 Pring •
and n toll wawortment of Midlowly GOOdt,eotielat.,
• 7.. t Str.v., 31.1'S it k Bunikllo, - Caps. *; 6l 'Ong• / 56 ,„
- • •' 130}'i Hat-. ice, . 1 [;1 , " es+ liinieri•r oll l` - ^ — ""
tinia4,ll;pc. Idant.lla..
ed..w tw cleaned cud prtsard in the lasts* stylaiL
i_eMll.ll:er, turntatiert wtth Ruud. at'reduced prlCe
r•ne. Wird 19 letit.
GOOD liffOril .
RAILROAD and Plank Stead matters equitably settled, cna
ir; as to arrive at the Deopt. No. 34 Petry Block, where the
.. ,,, crltkr, ere just teeeivienr a grocr.ll and well Wetted stock
•ea' ir aLle M em ods. emblem lug the valiebes usually kepi in Dry
rvi . 'bores.% Lich {reopened at prices that cannotfail Oaqiease.
h , lerifter Pl.ate-e 414 examine quality and pri•
Ni , rr,irer 'XL rer-ds.
fl) APRI - f LE & KEFLER.
In Foreign mod Dames& Croodt, Distilltriss4
Brewenef, Eativ Houses, Dear faspr, ?ma.
List of names and firms of persoos tagaged iq
, . selling and vending of goods,. wares, metchaadarii
cominodrties or effects of wli•isisever kind or no.,
tore. resident or doll's business within the courr-i
ty of Erie, Pennsylvania, Clas,,ified and .fiaseryed
aceor.ltuji to low by the undersigned. Appraiser,
of Mercantile Taxes in the euttaty a Erie ter as.
year ItL5l.
• Girard lierottrit. Clan. $ cis.i
Day Ci"n • 13 10 Out
Jupws dfartin, . 14 7 out
Isnne Rinienzwetg & Ca, - 24 7 Oli•
Jnlin•Gell•ford, 13 11/ Oa
Jr Whr -.Med/ciao' • 3 10 00
James ote.
L. S. iris, liquors,
50 ,
- -- .
Hiram Drury, 14 , 1 00
I.ih nS . : Foster., liquors, 14 10'50
%Vil.i.uni C. Oakly, liquors. - .14 10 .
liis Fail, liquors, . 14 10 . 1 !1
M:s. Itiiiidul, 51:iliner Shop, , 14 7
!... 7 ri u. r e 110, I.,quurs; 14 .10 50
S lyiliour reuse, email{ house. 8 5 0(1
'I iteroJure Hyman hat. cap& furstare,l4 7 011
• Etk:rea Taiwiythip. ,
E. D. Ti , ed, groceries, ' 5 5 00'
W. IV. Itieyucr, I quint, . 14 10 51.0
Abraham Tourtellot, eating hotsse, 7_B: SOU
Abruiiain Tourel:ut, merchant, .' 14 7 ltoi
' . grater/ord Borotigk. ' •
_ ~
& P. Judaph & Co.,
Vb .4. P. Judson & C 9., Pour milt,3 run 14 7 00,
11. 11. hoot, grog flea,' . i V 5 110 t
C. 11. Murton. ha ware,
i l
14 7 00i.
,T. B. Vincent & .0.., - 13 10 OW,
Comier & StamturJ, liquor*, ' 13 15 001'
Marvin & liVest, liquors, - ,13 15 00, '
S. flint:Aims & 80113. v . • . 13 10 00 1
- %yhoney &Gfity, I - 13 10 00
' Jo:in Curtis, - grueeries, r 8 5 u 0:
Jobe Curtis, medicines, 4 5 ou!:
.sammq Brmhertom o,,ui mill 2 run, 14 7 0j;
Ware I:4.ownslaip. ,
.. ,
S. G. Colegrove„"
. . r f . 14 7 00:
N-ii% ton & Adams, . . ' 13.' 1U 00!
Watson Miller, eating house, 6 5 00 ,
ljetneord Township - . • . '' I'
E. 6 Curt:s, rating hOtise, 8 . 5 00
'G. J. StrAnahan, eating house, 8 6 00;
. Carter & Broitutr & Co,. 14 7 00;
fratitsbarga Borough. 4.
Jones & Sanborn, ? 13 10 001
' 11. C. Town iit, Co., liquors, 13 ' IS 'OO,
II C. "'own & Co., mediemes, - 4 5 00 1
Ileetur•:lleLanpip4our mill, 2 run, 14 700
(Great Ta,witehip. i
S•o:th Corbin, eating house, 8 500
Volt Kuhle,'grocertes, liquors, ' 8 750 •
Grertifielil iTosexehip.
Hiram Raymond, . ating house, , 8 5 00;
Erie, West Ward. I
'l3O 00 '
1 M, Sytford &Co. exchange brokers $1490 30 1/.... ,
141;toola Benny, tin. copper, die. , 14 7 00;
Jomes Lytle, merchant toiler, 14 '7 1101
IA 'll.aos l'.,Downs. Inquers, 14 111' 50 t
Job's Zonmerly, l•quoro, . 14 10 'SJI
0. V. Spofford, beeksioire, 14 7 00!
G. Loomis & Ca., 1 13 10 001
l': AV. Moore, liquors, ; 14 10 501
W,lliato F. Ittn.lerurehl,l:queri, 13 15 001
Mary emus, nollicet shop, . 13 'lO 1,1)
Cliarl , s S. French, 1 14 7iO i !
C::!n,an Cole, , ,,boteri shop, 8 ,S.
( ;,ar:es aftentaugh, Wpm p,• • 14 10 01
To.Llins'm 4: Ca.. antrehouse, 1212 f 0 1
c AMoin E. Cook;beershoP, , .8 ' 5 blOj
A L thoily Keilcr, teershop, , , a. 5 1,01 bakery ' 8 500 '•
• A. Km?, we house, , , 14 7 1.0
George Ilrey, brewery, r 2,000 gall, 10 5 00 -
I.o7vrv, Brown & Cu e l2 12 50
"Rank Mangold. ,
• • 8 ..7 50 1
J: (NI , If ofirodn, , 14 700
' tlortce llsliJwin,.groceries, ) - 14- . 7 00
0. ..-1. London, litioorr, 14 10 ,51/
1V,11;/./n Nick; 1.qu0r,.., . 8 7'30.
James Hughes& co , 13 10 00 !
7.1,..11:e:.(1 &ti nests, • r • 13
.10 00.1
Pr 1.1.,:1, grocer:es, .S. 14 700 i.
l'.. I l.,:!. mellsclues, • ' 3 10 1)0 1
J. V. Co,c, i, 1/esers,!, ~_ . 14 10 5)1
P. Sqk
l;udeeker, I cu/OrT, , 14 10 -50 .. C. ti Ciller,, , . • - 14 7
11,1;,: 5..1, & IV rigtit, 4. brokers, $l5OO 45 I 1 ,
C. M'Syouren, Ine Cott !mil, 3 ion, 1j 15 !
- , r• •
Harbortre!* Tiornship.. •
n Atbuts4l..., 7 .14 7.00 1.
.1. Y . Nl..urtseurl. eson2l loo *es 8 5 t
1.: oat!: Down. I ci.hotei r , H 10 51.ei•
Joko—di.'N,e'ly. flout nt.,11 1 :2 1101 , .. • 1 4 7 -
: 4 ainuel 1. t'oler, s 4meer:es mud beer, 8 0.).5O0
cooper, fo.ur run. 14 1 1211
d.el erv, eAltanS, co,
M Trarn.4;7A.
Scoulkr, lurnut, '2 run, 14 7 03,
d. 1:(1.-rtuun, bre a (..y,15,9.10 galia'S 5 (.0
1141 T-r, eh: uj bio se, 8 500
Gook. P:0) ti I 13 10 00
J. H. rull, 2 rvn, 14 • 7 00
11. C. Tu.% ti 2 run, 14 7. 07
11. C. '1 .'u &Co , d..olirry 12501.11;a1lfr 00
Kura: -Euit Burough-
Bi.lnap Z. Co., .. 1
14 7 , 00
S S 111n,,,,0ry1, beetsinp, ' - 0 500
.1 CIA %%, Grerti, iii. i sliop, 14 740
<R C. 1 . .) , 4 n & l'o , I 1/ 12 uk
11. C. .1..,..n & Co., nied,rmes, 4 3'oo
Sir! lien Ca filth, b iok, list &turstore.l4 7Oil
li.iyoes & 01,!:s. 12 12 so,
Gror...e*Nlor-c & Co., tin and *totes, 14 700
liaison & Jooes, nieit,oines, 4 500
N 4,0., & 'lmes, o.,•rishop. 8 500
,ti I Ter: !tn.!. AL. Co. 13 10 (HI
Erie, Floe Ward. .`
'Arbuckle & Repler, 14 ;00
11. 1 S. Drake, gunishop, • , 14 700 1
Titomus Evans, 14 7 POI
11. S. %CAM, milliner shop. 14 700
John C Beetle, liquors, 13 15 00
o..SpatioNt, book:gore, • 14 700
1: mill .li, shdtr. Nairn,. ' 14 10 50 1
Sll , tbmn 5m012., hit and fur store. 14 7 4.411
11.-nry M)er,' • 14 700
G. Selden & S4o. 13 10 to ,-
c...m. tbbalsi 11 12 50
7 00 P Pil'Ciiiin,
Compion, Haverstick & Co..lhinors, 13 15 00 1
Compton. Hrverstick &r. Co., dirt ti-
err, 18760 gallons. 8 10 so
Smith Jackson, liquors, - 13 IS 00
R. T Sterrett & Sons. I goofs, 11 so 1
Joe! Johnson, bookstore, ; 14 700
B. 1 ondmson & Co., 13 01 00
'• IC 0. Hulbert, 14 7 00
',lows Koch, . . 13 30 00
, t
Win. darns, beer shop and !slain, 7 10 00
{;..1. Bennett & Co., gutr shop. 14
_ _ 7 00
C. Se.ile liquors, .. • 1 3 15 00 dulitey, tin shop, 14 . 7 00
John Ilscchus.mesit, 10 00
J. & 11. 1% hippie, liquor dealewl. 9 ROO
J. D. Clark,l2 12 so ,
Rufus Reed, H ardware , . , 13 10'00
John H. Burton, drugs, 3' 10 00
John H. Burton. 14 700
. JAM% CIONIMIII2, tries,. ' . 7. 10 oo
Carer & Brother, medicines, , 3 10 no
Carter & Brother, store, 12 142 so
' Jacub.Koch, clothing store. 14 7
John Dettley, bees amilo.iquors, 8 700
Jacob Shingle', beer shop. • 8 550
C. F. Delrenbaugh. liquors. 14 10 03
John Hemmerly, later shop. 8 500
Artist reunion, matter shop, 14 700
1 IV Ittatu Lane, bookstore, 14 700
Francis Englehan..liqnors. - 14 10 50
John Klath, him and bakery, 8 son
George Writer, groieries, ^ i 14 700
jobo Krioblo. brewery, 4000 gallons, 10 5 00
I Jitcob Jong, beer shop. , 8 500
Micheal Arm, liquors, _ 8; ,i ao
Guoleili Buttsla, beer shop, 8 500
Nathaniel 'Murphey, tin shop, ' 14 700
1-1. Cade ell, 9 25.00
Laird & Runt, kerma,. , IS --. 4 5 00
Walter H, Knowlton, , 14 17 50
J. H. Follertyls, •, 11 10 US
I. Ro.ensweig& Co., • 1 17 00
D. S. Clark, ' 11 1111 WI
B. J. Baerkin, silversmith, i - 14 7 - 00
Vincent, Himrad & Co., ! ' ' 11 15 (10
Andrew Belch, beerahop„ • 8 $OO
George Brown, beeraltep. ' 8 5 (9)
Conrad Easier, liquors. , - 1 8 :7/ 50
!oho Heilman, brewery: 10,000' gulls.lo 600
F. Delta, Brewery, 17,000 pt ere, -10 - 500
George Shofl,4wershop, . • 8 is up
Nancy Reed , Erie mill, 3 ran, 13 JO 00
.1. H. Walker, Fairmount mill, 3 run, 12 12 50,
.Jacob ()Linger, beenhop, 1 8 500
Eris Dock •
Jahn A. Hass, Holton. I 14 10 00
George Qatari, tsrershop e i 5 550
JohaPeibeart, liquors; I 0 700
C. M. Reed, warehouse,, 10 So 50
Feaeeis Spider, beershop lied liquors, 0 7SO
Puny Khakil4oitloo ' tti• 1 11 7SO
Juha Bean & Cu, werabottise,l 10 110 00
Daniel Kooks'°. hoerolloPi . :;11 $OO
Daniel Kooks'°, beetoboPi 11 500
K e l p & C., warehouse, 14 700
John Kelso. beenitap, ' 4V $OO
Seigle & Hetifitais, liquors, 14 111 SO
Lowry & Scott, want:ono*, 13 10 OS
14 30
J" 13 10 tiff,
11, clan et*.
'scab *lola able, Uglier. 8 7SO
. Walter Chester, warehouse, ; 14 700
Hiram Cook, Itriones. , 14 10 50
Hiram Conk, ten pia alley, "t 20 00
%Volker & Conk, warehouse, 14 700
B. l'.Reno, coal driller, 14 .7 00 •
Josiah Kellogg, w ar eh o use, ' . 12 12 59
George Berryman, liquors, 8 7 . 50
A. Scott. warehouse, - 10 40 110
Curtis & Boyce, coal dealers 11 15 .00
GeiraM Tinn:ihip. • -
C. Chavalier, rating horse, ; 4 8 500
C. Mills, eatiaghorate, 1 ... 8 500
Gullitarl & Evans, • ; 14 704
James Legal, liquors, . . 14 10 39
William Tyler, • ! . 14 '' 7 00
C. F. Noma. i 14 700
E. Paget, eating Wise, i 8 5 00
E. Palm lirokerirer Al . 2 00
Enos Kruse, ; 14 7 0!)
Whim C. Warner, liquers,; •14 10.50
Rowley's 11eirs, Sour, in , ll, 2'ron, 14 700
%Vilitain Kr.kland, I goon, ! ' 14 10 52
Sprisitteld Taseraskip.
Titlyou & Devore,dietilety, 12, 00 1 019.9 . 8 00
Horatio N. Buys, 21rOCHS, I 8 500
Henry M. Fulford, liquors, 1 14 111 50
William A. Townsend, ! 14 700
T. S. COwls, • i
i 14 .7 ( 0
Will .ain Duty , eating housp,l 8 500
Thomas Webster, flour mill,i3 run, 14 700
G.lbert Hurd, citing boom.. . 8 • 5 *4)
. Riley Potter, 1 .1 14 700
Iliclfuts Toortuikip. •
R. &A. J. Sterrett,' Roar mi 11,3 run, 14 700
Sanitiel %Veigle; flour null , 2'ruii, 14 7 - .. ,
00 -
Lampoon. Goff & Co., 13 10 0i .
P..D. Chihli,, 2 . - f 14 .7 00
Yana/ago Marstiip.
C. Culeburn, flour mill. 2 ruii, •14 700
• Amity Toarmatip.
Jesse Tado,„qapiiir house,; 8 500 '
Vonneant numMuldir.
C. F. Norton, ! 14 700
P. Clark, Jr., ; 14 7 : 00
A.. N.' Trask, liquors, ' . t • 14 II) 50
Barrett it Colter, . 14. 7 21)
P. W.' Kellogg, books. i 11 700
P. W. jiellogg, medicines, li 4 ' 5 00
Chapin & Lori nsbuty, liquor . ... 14 10 00
J. Hamilton, groceries, 8 5 . 00
Marcus Kiv t . . flour mill. 2ru , 14 700
John Spire or mill. 2 rum 14 7 00.
Stephen Mon er. eating Imo , . 8 . 5 00
Martin Hawk, hardware, 'l4 700
Fairview lbws hip.
W. W. Sturgeon, groceries god liq., '8
7 50
James Murry, eating house, 8 500
• N. J. Clark, I quOrs, ,
.. 14 10 50
Samuel Brubaker, 14 700
Joseph Garisemer, liquors, - 314 10 50
Bear & Webster, , - 14 700
George-.Shormaker, liquors, . ' 8 750
Rohe"! Fuater, liquors. 9 750
R. 1.,. Perkins* S. Belden, 14 7 'OO
Alexander Nicholioniflour wall, flron, 14 700
Daniel Beier,' flour mi 11.2 run, 'i 14 ' 7 00
Artist Frasier, beershotr. 8 5 00.
— Union Torresiip. . •
King 4. Wisanr. 1 . 14 . 7 00
Cook, Black & Co., 13 10 00
D. Dunham & Sono, grneere , - d . rl 00
Cook. Black & Co., mill. 2.sti rt. 147 0(1
' Eciaklooro; Washingtent; 7:stowskip
James H Campbell & Co., i ' - 13 10'00
' Win & J.JW Campbell,l 14 700
B. M. Sherwood , ea tin g.houte, ! 8 • 5 00
M; M. 1/IcClaughry: ' ! . 14 700
' J. Reeder ik J. Tay lor,r, *run, 14 7. 0 0
11. N Gerrish. i 14 700
A. Lick. liquors, .1
I 14 10 50
H. It. Terry, 14 70 0
D. R. 'ferry; medicines, 4 500
Milkers& Tosc4k ;p. •
Jos. Br oyaratner,brearery s umip mails. ,14
Jacob Daub, berfrbop, • 1 Fl
Martin Frey, ratios house. 1 ; 8
John Ron, distillery, 9000 gatlains, 10
Ason Einftetll 2 g, Lepton, I . I 8
Jacob Harshehqinirs, 8
P. A & C. torlil.r, distillery; 31200
. gat !lona, , . 8 12 . 50
C. Wetele. beersltop. } 8 5 CtO
' Morse & Eiosign-,aiisillsey, 12480 gi ll,. 4 800
John thrillers, flour mill, 2 runi 14 • 7 on
lb-wry Brown, brer.hup, 1 8 600
AFatvin St..,Judsoo, l 14 . 7 90
0. A. Vi 1
0 , . flour mill, 2 run l , - 14 700
Thsod•r J
e 0hn5...0, liquors. ' : 14 10 50
Not:Cr ii hereby given to fthi. *hove named
Dealers, that the Associate Juldires ut Erirreoun.
ty will motet at the (:tuuntisationers' Office,. in
Ere. co Thursday the 29th day Of May next, at
10 o'clock, A. M., for the SorPose of hearing the
apt . ...also( those %ho Frei thenolehrs aggrtet et' by
the a'doi.e cidpisif,ealion. • l
J:Jirf razeur.
.4ppretioerof Nirca.ttile f Tal Pi /Ur 1; 1 .51.
Err. Arid 22. lesl. ' .
1VOTICI: I. hervil.y gi that LettertqcrA•lritit.lct:r.t.r
INI esette Poinerc). late of (.7•Liwaut tote.,•hip, d,...;:,
hare 1-ren to the .titreriLer. A 1 peraoha iitrletae ;to ta,;l
e.t.tte are rt•ptr.tiert to melte init , ediate tesioeht.aml all. pert3r,,
hat ir: (14111 J. ag.lititt 'eh; rotate are reque.ied to loreseitt ilxtp
properly Ruttrmrentr-1 for ret.liwert
Amity :pod 1111114. EL J.%CKSON.
zrurrazo AND air:neap.
1851.- '1 ri-Weekly Line. 1851.
1, T li: for.owing Stenni Teasels will Olein a i11 „5,443
„ 5 ,44 3 1 ~,—,- 4".• Weekly Line tmtween ,Ilairato and 4:rdeio the
im.g spawn. leaving duffel° et ery Viteinlay.
- .... t 1 Inarsdny. and Sdllll/4 , earnings. at ? o'clock,
touiThng rat I,rie. Cletefand. Detroit and ( tie Ports Pot co the IVept
,dicare ot Lake Michigan.
'I he l'topetler t:t:N. TAYLOR, SOO: Tnna, Caps. A. E. U.
HART. leaves thotraig.
Tuesday, , April 41 Tuii4y, Anil. 3
111) t 3 ” Ang. *1
line 3
C. ~ !kilt Jil
.. June ti Oet. 7
Ju:y IS 6 . Oct. 23
The I'Mpellorp.Lll.l‘llB,33o Tone. Cfapt. W.1 . /whoa°, le,e4e,
Tbowtay. April II Th+iday. . Aug. 7
Alay IS Aug. 28
June 3 Vept. Id
) " ' June til . • 4 .
, Oct 0
... July 17 ttet:3o ,
The trope:et' POCUIJONTAS, 430 Topa. Capt. J. ‘l'oreter.,
Tuesday. Apra ilir Siaterniay, Aug. 9
111ny a Aug. 30
" June 7 , iii • Fro. 4
June 2 4 • 1. Oct. 41
July 19 Nov. 2 Steamer )11.NMTA, 000 toils. Capt. J. W. Itreu.
eaves Buffalo, 1 ,
. .
Tuesday. Aprt4 ll 9
Tulirday. Aug. 12
mo sor _,
ilipi. 2
" Jutic 10 T Sept. 22
... • J.lly 1 - " 4 Oct. It
July 22 "t* how. 4
OutrThe Propeller 1514 CARA, MO Tons. Capt. Silt...Fuzee. leans'
TLarsilay; May 1 • Thairsday Aug- 11
May 13 " Frpt. 4
• ... Jima 11 - " &apt 25
Oa July J (Jct. 16
July 31 • " Nov. 0
The Propeller CALIFORNIA. 432 roof. Gapt, James Conley.
lease. Buffalo,
. '
liaturday, May 3 Saturday, ' Aug. 16
May ut - Rein. II
" J toe 14 " Sept. 27
. July 3 - in Oct. lb
• " • July 211.. Nov. 3
The new Propelkt BUFFALO. WS Tons. Capt.. L. B. Gold
smith. leave, unirnio.
Nay 6 Tuesday. , ' • Aug. 10
1414 sept. 9
, ,
. Joire 17 " Pepl.. 34
" .114Iy 8 " uct. YI
" . July OS " . Nov. 11
The Propeller 011113,08 Ton. Capt. C. 11. Catch lea‘es
BoSelo. .
Toureday.o ay Tbuta ( ay, Aug.!!
CO May I
. 11 2 •Pept. 11 -
" . Jr;pi , if '• act. 2
•• July 10
" lOcr. 13
..• July 31 " ' Nov. 13
Tha Propclks SCIOTA. 130 Tpua, Capt. ilium doom karcs
likratlo. . II
- Saturday. May 10 Hatuiday. Aug. U
• 3iay 31 .. rcpt. 13
•• June 11 • ••• Om I
" July 11. " - Oct 23
Aug. 2 Nor. 15
The above Tessela are all neatly Paw and 'launch, with cues
nice amommoditkara for pametayera lad fritplit t and will leave
promptly as advertised. from the fbo4 of Main greet. For freight
or passage app yob board, or-to
Awful Owdlagraties.
TEE subscriber begs Irises:. inform his old customers and the
publieosterally. that he ls mill to be found at his old stand.
Mrs I. Commercial E.:change. w here he will be pleased to snow
those favoring hiss with a call the largest work of Clothing ever
oflCred In t h e city of Erie; emong which will be found black.
blue black Premed a rul tress Coats. prat u sod lbw-v - I%st'. Patin.
Silk. Marseilles and Valencia Vera, Crastemo n•crtmsrla. Shirts:
Handkerchief., Cravat,. Le., nut like that sold by our neighbors;
mattufbctured In the ktart and represented as their ovrtili,isaufac
lure. but it is all of my own make; to prove which, 1 will-warrant
all garments sold by me to be well made. 1 bare Just received
the aping and Suwster Iwo!, iota, and am prepared Wick up all
kinds of Garments to order. on abort notice. and give a man
"Vita" in the latest style. AU farts ems made by toe are warranted
and Keit, don't come under the Dead of -Fat," you are not
compelled to take them. As I ant tot Acing btoiner• on a OW'
Dorm seals. but on the Coach and Tour r , 151e; therefore taw
able to sell Clotdttttgg twenty-fire per cent cheaper than say estab
lignorpt in Erie,lf you don't Cohere it just call round at !to.
and we will shw you tye ropers.
Mad. Caning done in Ow fault style.
I have - also Just reeei red my vsarl 00 and SUlTheer stock of Tan
ey andetagle Dry Goods among which will be round blue
'black. blue black. brown and green cloth. plaid. mite& drab
lad plata Cs Imams. plats aqd fancy domain. do. silk. satin
Marmillea and Valencia ti ratings, Tweeds. Dmus. fts_ lam
also yeeetetg a huge Importation of Clutlas.Cassl mere% N athan
ac., direct rremaiarottal.
LaMar peeve Gam* of all kinds, ,nob as poplins, Wags end
MossUne Lain*. plain and Attired Atpueta, Lawns, Gingham*
/leach sad atnelah Melia et. plain and dotted Tattoos. Lace
Vetahleselt adtklace flues,cooeeandmalt Edging. heft 'Whoa*.
• tat risen atCanioa Crape. ac, all of widen wilt De disposed
glop stump as they can ha satuabased et soy other islablishinett
la thaac.lty. ?IMES NOON.
Do, Ape 12.
, xi l yr x E 9 : ,:: •
~. 1 •
-iv t rar -, :.t , :-..'-' 41 t I.- t• •
'-- ll + • -.:•4„, ,_,- 0 ,
fiA •_ • - - -__ .
, i .
_LI •, _:,s.: -1 • _ 1
- • , - "r 1 .••• -
...,. . ,
c,7 t i 7.
' - atil - kr - ilCli'olL
rar nip
cotroxes, COLDS,
z. , .ar.sErriss, PROMMITIS,
, _,l
annals of medical se ienee.affording as they do, staple imaell ,
gamer and slue of malty medical agents, bare Anntsbed;
auiples to compare with the saltitary atlas produced by
reanirket,:e cures off clioeasee cf the Idler," Ittieh hare
1 railhead by He use, attested as they are by many promMent
tore and physicians in this and foreign Inner, should en. 1
'e the nalLeted to verse% ere vi lib the siren assuraneeishat 1
of the•tHERRY PECTORAL' isin rediere and ult.' i
cou '
y cure diclin. . .
1 present to the public unnoltelterriestononials from tome of i
et men m 01( Country. upon whose Judgment and cape, iernt e .
nit cohGd. nee ins ) b e placed. • /
In. rERK INS, Prenotent Vermato "Sheilteat fto;:eee, ! ;
1- the tuontleatned and thielit.:ent ph3skiasta in the countr y . •;
, :er. it It — eetuporition ot exedie.ce tor int' cute of hat ,1
dalde diaerae, C. usnouptiOn."i •
Noewtris. At-att.:A IC $.
J. e. Aver—bear Str:—Agrerable to the rehire( or . 00 r
• we " . 1 1"ch,erfullelli.l'e what we No:canon n CI the en. Cid
, Cil MIRY PrCTIIRA L. and they have been antott.,hihd
7 d. Mrs. net-ev 'Streeter had been afflicted n ;tit a never(' and
eh* cough, %thiek reduepti her vet) km; to km that Itttle
oind be ente.nnatied .1* her re , overv. NIIIIICFIRII rtl/ICdll4
'eft tried a inbuilt edi at, before the CIIGRIT.Y PEcriill•ti..
hat 1.a.. cured her George 14'ntkionno, Lig , had to our
1. ledge been afflicted with Asthoia, for eleven yearn, aud,
i 3 ear,lrn orne, until the CUL:RUN l'Firnt 'lt tL 1. - an ucw
. 'nil the dineine ;lOW lie in se fee • from any of its monstotos as
e. The R,.. 311r1t Dane hadlute., no neve-rely attacked he lirch to chltts, on dinaloe Mai' [run lon dollen. and not It
• d ado. ded tom relief until I, Mr. I.ltoriong. carried :ion a
of vont 1•1:1' r()11 tl., .Net' euro.f hi nt . at cher'. and he
et.,,t.... 13 /801.1:1' In Ill* place. • '
''e lite 'Wee of the C4 ll Oll lot have. knout' It succreafol. Lt.(
•10 fro. %re haveere.o plc:inure iu cretin, skia•to the...rect.;
. retry-Med str. ) our 111111114 e *CIA :int.,.
.*ldle bate hot to know the virtue• and antentanhine sum
.f the — Citt:ltltV tcennt AL." in curing di:tat - en of the
. *hen they ....II Wet SC.Ure from thee Mitilere, whenet cr
~.., : y can le OA:tined.
rnee.inn e; I C. •YbR,CIIF I 4I: . II% Loll[l.l, n•ne.
1 Its Uric by J. 11. IItI.t.TON nut I.y Inul t onai ge.,eritily ,
out the Sire. ,
--- 3,94-, 6
Saidles and nor:Less.
.. , üb.e..riler could re.i.ecifully ray to hi friend.. and to •
le cr.minc.nity that be it manufacturing and tioW offer/
a.sinrittler ClCSaildlex.lll idle..llarbe,u. and Trunk , .
er will' all odor arneleo rip his line of buinner.i.. w lii h.ball
II Mad!. and uarramed, and t,ld on 1: I
pal; be n oubt tilro say, tiint lie null Trim .Catriages rind
.1 in iiem And fl.l.ionatile rn It lie will aka) attend to L
tmc r'rras. 1-c,vmei. and Chairs. making maura.rea ke•
ill find Min luemeft. on State strew Leta, en Fe%tniiti our
"n'v , "•-in the *boa recently occupied by 1, Ebertole
. proLti 1.--3u4# JOlllll.
sale .
I • Land for We. ---
lariand gahiaLlel'rnct of Laud, known as the trvtnt
‘ererve, and oil tate in the Talley of Ole I.nke, rive or of
east trout Cow. 14' cifereil t r bale, either the %hole together.
LuitA leo to ouit pirtliaser.. The Hnd i• of the beot qual
id to wen tientorre.J. It 111-0 h.n on it Wirer:ll tine wntiq
us coo I as are to co.ti.iv, and at ntie oh which to
a new dantiti:-get, red Saw
Itertilo or inforioeuao apply to the suLiresil - er, "
Atoll IX. R. r. %NE.
ro ICf
Or lo
Exoor.t oes Notice.
WIC:;I/ hereht jvPn than, Teo:, tnentir hove ?Ten
I imat4l lu tilt bul.tcriker ou the tr)ee.late c:regor.
(war:. atee.:1,441; titereibtrr 111 hhs ins claim* ag., lust I, ud
onesipit rtein fvr setttetneoi, end those eisdelae , J note
late pa% tueni. to present,thetr accounts to John M. Uregor .
(r rctlieu.ent.
S %MUM. It. TIRIMI/1,13: Executor.
M. 411R.I.:(:01t, Agent
r.. AprAl 12. 1Q52.—C113.- •
Az C. Grniq of all
ALtt-ti. •uy quwitlty of Witter. Ctrs.
. ress,3l.spe Sup r„ rax. Fl:octred. Tim••;tlr) r vrtk,
lee , fur v.l. ie Is fue b aghest pric etI): . bc t. 414.
. AtAtt t 3. iS
, 5 00
5 00
5 MI
-5 00
7 50
7 50
Potal ,
a DARR E1.:4, Ene rPcesee4 and (Or
• pale Is.n. warrato. d le icptl or Ea pale : French Street,
r pets itatesai tit r t
,A, rvl IJ. - 0,11.11:N. \ VEPSTICK &ro
rkoti riworterwtit ut bry flood.. tircectie. Crockery. Hard
are. 16, e.c..jusr re: en .41
. April I.Z. coMrriisi. Po.
ItAl: irxi.s 1%.4:,•, for itc
l•*: the 4arrel.hy 4 .1r , r , ?:: rick & co.
TONe r'a len vim the very article, free from id
for ...le lower than mev rt I^le of a. t.onif a
co Irn,J, IiAVERErricK & CO.
It ° '
fl It .
l. + d
VLANII.ra :iiin I li i' r
ri. in.t.r,, , ! iirr.l :it the mu.. or
cworroN liArrit:slich & CO.
EAr—A Crst tnte 1111 V' ll` I - II il^' , .i ,11, 4 fill' , lir leV the him
e.I or by the pooh!, I,y U. i`l/'TAY, II AVERSTICK & tl./
rx:r.t.r.y.n.oN rournr.l from New York.nnd
eeirr me IP , r,4 'mg .up; ly. r•:ubrnciutt l Luxe ntuortiotePt
,e ;ma ra;,r% Dr, ti arc ett.tcttn
t t i .e pricci tv
, tkr•i
( . 1.1
. I
'„,M;YrrlitSoll & GM" Orr. ,1
T :: E'Y 6 A T .-- 1, NW,
A •
• 1•1•••;.., r 11 • 1•• • . , /::/) rjeCi r ell
011• Ir 43 . C•`. Int UV! f • VI • 'll:ia. j•... 1 they net•
t t-t` ter ,r to r , r their rlietdsrtud (dem!.
Crr e 4tmrt , "t the t'Li he t4l4llllre. over Zimemerifs
e I'm of r I. 1. 1. I, hi . I !WM.
ltz!St it 11111 l .;ur the Seam c't k, (thin.
1411, , r m, lone, 'and nnl PL-nc:cn
ply I.and Art nt. Arril
ricw 1%.—r.11 ;Vow Coo ;
t s:
1 am:l-NIX n 4 P rri.r:R r./ , 11:.1 ("0-r•ltt
olilj7 Nlcrcanorne hot-inet.s. at the .tan.! ,f the
iirtiver. No S. Perry illock. take tare Inuthod of nt:uruu u$
and the 111`41C lh it th..{ , • are tionv rec.:4%3w; IttPtr
and thoatur r Stuck. nli.costwin ct , ld cheat, A
nlrrn I) nit hand which thli lathes
arq teulariy !-
311ani examine.
At rrl 5,1;51. 47
Lel (9
- _
, Thi•lfe C. !`a-c.
her next hII ha t No, EB, rebrtviry Tcrsn. C , 31
itmci I a,!tisotl. •
I Alis Piihpoen in ['floret..
11. I
hyLier next fri;vl Freenf,ti
0, en the 9•h day rf"Fc . l4. A. b. prefer her ht•
fn our of our ("Win cf C01:1140013 plels for %I,
of Erie.'t f”r the e.,.1..ea therein 'lset forth', that Ow
1 v ii roree ,i j.nn i her hu•I:-.n 1, I.aae 11. rase"
nrt Ire 1.10 fc . ., go, nlO the frail Iffiaae 11 Cate. 10
bef're oof at Elie. 01 our elmitiv ....oft. I
I. Ilene. there to I.e hoiden fur the eceinti of hale. oa 11. n.
nuday of answer In the fa'ol elsarite, nr t'oe
ri rrererred.. PLTER• E. BURTON. Sifetfif.
Putnam Kidder No. 117. Nor. Term. 1&..//.
. Ailaa Subpoena Ls Divorce,
REAP, Plltartla Khifier del, on the 3.1 day of July , A. 1.1
/fur reittion 10 out said Judges Cr alit Court of ro
! lel. for the enifi.ty of I:rie..nrnying fur tru• dfcrrio
Ifomisto I.e di% otee 1 from tyre 1.011583
lure water ni herchy tti tell to the said Louisa knitter, to
3 PPenr 14lure our Jinfres St i.rie. nt Our routit) Coort
ions there to 1.1.1,01 f !rn fcr the eouhty oft rte. on t'e
141.1 por '.1.15 next, EJ aitlf '1 (3 tle:. - alal etintgea in the
111 vreff.frc.i
.I" '
lir.t 3
ra ~t I
pet ft
I e
sa I b
15. Itzt. 407 rr.rr.n F. nii i wrox.swff.
Si Wert., Street. NMI , ltrk
(Rrtarrn 13,08111,13 V and NA...
I ow Teri.l% ilia 1 neh iad brAllitfol a.
k and Moir:leo Goode., to s inch se%
hr attentwt. of all
Uf th, it. to 00 Ve Of a @lll,aa we are Apt
tent. fat Caph, lower that %Qt.' Ct Cr bet
~,rs coo o , ;polv threnrelves yr th ry cry
treexorl ofieneorention or aesetion pre
Ir orthoforviredexprr.rly for our 03 0
for reeoly or low price..
Ilot And Cap Ribbons, a large variety.
nd &nein {kroner`•
r. (~T • rw. l'artrinna and !Huston
i nits for hat:. caps and drevoes.
Y land Cana. party and Opera Dead Dr
toderrit Caps. Collar,. Cndi., and Ch.n,
. dmed rAg inv. and •nd Itn.ertinga. el
' ad. Brurfelr. Valenrine. SIM and Lis*
oidered. Dearrir and pram tiu.n. emu
and Mitt., K 1.644: Thrend
CraTill. and Met. NA B.
1, Jacilptelet. %unlit 1611,4 ism. and ni op'
*tett. lonnla.k and Main rarltGD Cl 4
I noprlinesol Of SIVIIV
h and Atheriran 41ttotit fat Flower..
n lame intflelo IMI mentin. (41
tphiopro aropl ryncl , C long mem into
and satin() Ina tilt:,:z.3%lt.
4ET rrGDoa{aea Flower-ral fatrafaonmeat at
. FULLERToN has in FITT aid it ; ronenfaeturing 1
eat variety °flows and r .. ithgch art anted at ',hole
d ren.3ll" at the intent 04 et rata,. The ddiorrin; out
pan ate* variety: 1
.i ad 61fir, Ifesial:ongeeas Gahm,
.. Gaiter.. • " Ozford Tien,
Otatrient Gaiter% • , ••• WA in Boots.
Punta" "---•• . i liotottao
eviored " r 1 Brogans,
kid liaalties. al rid( "
Nip,. z ip -
socatvi. "
.. I Thiel mi. i.
White Kid sumd 0 t g
. i
Sao " Obi , cid
. 16
ane! Gaitoes. Sort 1 " ' "
aka " ' .
• firettaink ' Calf • “
slips, .. • r• Dwane.
e• Ku. .. likaroneo It legal's/.
Leather. . - - April 17.
bf4 . e.
II /Ai Sherh.aa4 Biedimp.-1 am In receipt of a full
k of Sole Leather. Upper„ iLtp, Jaw, and k i tencli
oratco Binding. dte. Al. Lista. Zoos Trees. Shoe
Findings, with every attic* Showinakers o. Also
/ , Tools. J. H. rULLERION.
'kr.% !%
Kitt au . 1
ERS' 011. aud ?Ise Tar by the bV, Ilt
II IL lan. ruismirroxii
I waned cease. ik oupetax. ankle. way *an days *oat
yotit. Yy artangenwois are wade to receive an in
en per lawn*. etioaccoars will Owl thls tottne Cc
—April IS. 3. H. FiILt.F.RTOIIt.
voice inr
in snack
ArKs II 11' H —We'.rt.h to tmy any 4pnndity of
gin Iron scraps, delivered at our ►Wre, and w in pa) In
*a' pricer. Cox nom, PlerLarrics k hO.
goodr at
GOOMl.—Bouneuand Hats. good aaserisnena lust
• and Ibr Hie atTro 3 Pan , glut.
1151. A SIPCO& t
.nroi•nt of Cane , /
1 01.14 Parli
m Mkt Jimn
stoittPd to
C 111 MIS
• 1
tielew their line.
s. !deny of wit
le, and cannot be
iss an Mut liA
'hrea4 I.fteca.
pe .hawk. l
antO ;motley by
1. 11 - 1 - 1 - - -
4 IT . II, • i
• t, 6,--2 • ,
X' w - t yti. 4
tit i 1/14
; 1 .0 . tit 4
..1 4 4 !;•Pg 10 :: °
iq n .7lvr.l - Pirro;+ -- ' :"Ytflr,fitffl
*Y4_ 3IP tif l 4lW-Ji
145 45 a - k R
- • P
~...11. ." " .) .." 71 .- 3 Z...•tri-• N0r — ..,.•, , .. ~:".2
in.i.;. k .! , . -40....13.4._.,,, -- •- -i
-- . - e':= i.-21: - ..m.- - :-11,s , .' - '- - -'° •°''''': 7 .•'
-.-ar.---,-1.---., -- •t_ • • ..,,...:•••••te--.::.--,
ttr - 121,! t 1 ..11 t , , 1 , :•.1!,a.e St,c, :Ire a. v
•1.12 , ,1 .•,• ..•. .1 , .I Ll. l'a , l>. i , "(Jr. II Ca.lwe:l: S
'.i I , dit, New It, k %t oi, n ter, larifel•ki:l.l.
.or , . ~, . I !e . I : T c •-‘) 1 4 -IA I. o+ T 1•1i..A.
t• .. ma! t! . 1.• e:: , N Id, en.. 4.,: I y 0 . 01 ., 7,..1 . re '
,Cletit4.l Lr %.,::,
t:: tx, ::z,.• , v ! , 1 at ~ 41.3 -
1 ,4
IL CAI ' Li.i. ji
1:11717. arc t
t IN..
lir )'l•4 1.1.r/11,t
1.,1; N\
An% iton , lglh• I
el Le eatcfeli
kale. A pril ID.
i &
of tu t 1%! c. 4.-;" gi,1.6,, w i , 14 In% Cern ' , our
I r., , ,ti .p.... 1,.. t r 0':1•'t 1,,c. k . - . - r t.. 0, 16 . 1%1
and ri - .,l ii £4 , r t 1:1Iptc t.c.ii. 'I h ~./:
' s c , Pr:-c , Ori e4N ,,, i '; i:1 oPt lib 1 11.vir I r...; 1,-
.ark**. li.r ! ... 8 10. SAl.ri , . Et, lord. . Hai ,'t ,:e
.1.2 t, vr.r . rt..l e • il l'r I:: ..-. ark, :, 4 k k r 1.11'.:. (... , 1'
1..41 impr,....,n1 VI .T...Y-• ,;.il.; V....: %lac +ILO hi do
.1 irl I r. , .., ' 114 k a.. t• tik..l .. e- ..!of G.:: Zi.igo:+l
r ii ,- )XI.:TS 1I .! ,71• , t.l ac •..I , t . ,rll.l
ri , irerieW SICK
Ing ILL) N( .1
Length (1 , A.1
%h,' pre :frtel t.
en) ‘erazrl at
The Par:l..6 arc!
tame tiwe
istere of them. a
priew ofe lr) rh
gouda will eist
truth of I he a 10%
ear yl.rk due..
• ttone n Iciil'i.:ll; tr. A
riii•sel K. inn • t e(•,., ,c. to T!C
cc lqr.d song' V: the nk t'l , l Ow` freil nine nh.-.1
.thin' Itlnft Le Ir,. r. .•t to teat
is ICI cult af.itur.A. - h.t
J. I). CI,11:K. •
•NJ I.11o: l tIV,,,e•
Alai: 1-.151.
f 11,‘ C.
Also, Lioen
nod for
'l•4‘rei, l_• tn.. 0. .I • gre %P. It t 7—
lid totLbn goads %, 0 • rt,rl . , I
.i) al.:lkt.trz
uI a-f/P l ol,lUtat. )•I.t ft. eel Veil
01 vr%
11;1h ling,
C. PTcii:og at
11 , 1k4, &c..
i,TIN4:, t..fir.l -,t..ftin,, J If ~,....
114.11.14 1eb04.1 1 , - N lit,
i.iript,lo-41,..11; L. , ' 3:lf i
Arent . .4% lea of la
talc••:IIl.t o tleo II
Ay, a it. 1-31
.4111 ol:e 111,2 .L.reh•
Paq Witted 111 Ef L31'113;7.11'4 0%,r. dir
w.,,Bontlets. Met,. GeLlieUtva . 3 r111•1111n, Fitt.
• 111 grvui alio)
r .
.11Liz;:ii_nr.5, .4 D
rl L 7 72 ,IN CCS
s. it nmi rtt•tt-r. •t 01. Ware ILNite
I.4i4ge, I übire :k.£rh.,l'r.
FOR frel:PL% G
lso. Fis7l. Flou'
M. P. LOW2I.
G Al' 1, I N 1:.
'cativo' icith it• te.nri pal utrAs ea."? CI:co tra
f - 40
W. 11: Si11111:'.1.1::.
M reit I, 11. N A?A T It! T 1
D 41.C.1
Park R.iir„Th
.e Dnurs e/s: Brait'as /14,1, Erie
line copy Ihft2 W:1
T/n7.•irrtre)tyr I
Vit il*& s!:0111a,,rot
r4A, ICU tillf.t4loq ..
-i t..tozTF.IC.:LI rf nll nn r. - ;
tlt elte abliar• tst c..ted
I! It
~3 32'i ivOt" . .~ R'c~r
11 -.;•.!.'•;•. 12 ler, c't '
r 7 ;.14 ;111
CI ri n
.1)% k`, 14. as
151 -;•".",-, im.e
at re. elvared.l,ll,
et.ll• 111,rap: Of Kr
77,,r:(.1 , •1";.1 -
I'll/ art,d 10 1
11.1ntIc- 1,1
oteleird. pf.o
11 . 11141 an 1 11111 sl.
76 n ertvigo r.
int!'" :1911 ortlanrol.
• v r. - .lr• •••.% VA)
"re lair,t.--fd I.:e i 54.7 rer acre, an 1.. t.
:4,1 •
lot; , : ctk &arc].
..trol d —65 h
6.10110. *• hie leaina r•• I faT:h of tt , uoui
I 2•• • ••••• • -
in e..*t of Eno. 0., 1.4 W 11 , 1c1„
ad a 1.41n4a 1 .42 pev.Lr far « ra..l—prlz.L.; ; eo per
rr3rel—(o. , t!
• LAR/13. pin of u t 1 u 2.0 n. in Wayne town-
atre. Erir .
Tlutipike r 4.-1!.
SJI~7C tr.; f/\\
ship—lWO . ° 11.75,1.
vi,) in Le LM•::7tp—nMrc a 7 Iw•r acre.
bet of In Leta dud' U a Lon of tie tone of
4i . Ivaa. Erie, PI.
ei aerer GI V.
11in. n I Iry n❑
•-• =7. it
?TIM' en
::.••••..1 h>•
IN•rtr.ell til
re.ll.P.Vr . I
Autbori7e.l to
111.1 ..;.!
It IS hoped that a
fiqf i'• I% t ar
:r) ; r, i,.19 are
• t 3,1 ~ t•le ; 1V.:16-r Cf.rfurr. nIIn 1l
up av t 'r lio,•ort :rye 01 ttrikirg
I t• t. ft' g
>on%) tk • r u:l"cc...oriry.
II A 1.1.-- , 1 1:11.
1' 1`.1 , (•`: rTT.
3!. %%.11 :r 1 . 1:1:11:.1 4 1'1:11
_ .
Z i. tall Vii. •
:1(.!; ;,,, ' ei (tom No •_.
r ;:.4. , rrenet, , trryt.
. • $11 0 .1,‘ I gar 4111 C 11:1.•nrs
310.1 i I 1,,:chki...1
!1 , ./r1.1r1.-1.1.11 .. e
J• .111'.V. .
P:TT 4 r.I.
, I t'erv...!it's
floor north rg'
1..!-egg ;
I)' It
Crte. M - .1 ., :gg 15,
` 4 \l:l:tv glt ,DS
I l't
1 Ic.•-.• nt i!‘k
••••:- -
ve.."•.? firm
' &44 :, aoc•
we •I .
L. ••it;-.. i:tic fll rl/7. 0 .
. C
411 44 ,1i1 . 1 . 1 4• 1.1. Ili
11. 4 *
, 1.4 11 4 . 4 4 ,1111p1
n.! re ;,ectf
/kw tutlt . tlfit
ttltit!. It ;At
31 ,rc'llil. I.
AVI NG tat,ri,
. ast e:•/r.lf
4 re.r4M"../!1 s it
DT3 ' , Aro
n'l 4. Tv•rt
onn:.1! Ihl 1.11 to nr)
%, 1. •
v,..z./ Bra
I.ln. li%e. A ' ,
l'o,xtt•cr aids a
Fait's. 4 c.„ c. .
rt - . 1
-- --
al 4-1. OotiZo• r,,cr - oyiii
..— 111/.
t. M 11.;1tle. e.t
.01 ttaVe
rl6l l Pen - - e
'l'flT propri , to r,
'A nu
1431' twit. l'nert
111 4e , ttiat
I , 31arcd
25 VI US n ELS
- _ ,
,rts-cg Mr.
erstad. k,
I '
!Eric. March IS. 'I
It Pt .re late; eO
Itork% of Om i Jre
irrho :nay favor ma
&I • 11. Erie. Mare tl
CRu t fetilr r P 1;
, r• 1 t 4 ty H. A. I.
:It a ca;l
et .2,:19 11 '.N ,
- it fa — ii 4 8 YZI r U L. '
il and lou , nborlrara.,
Der A Si. ,Ea..l o fresek, Erie. _
0 . 1 . inn hivio.s ,turb,,i on ,1"1V4 /OIL
11 1 t - 111 . 1 P.V13 . :311' 1'1....t3. !St . 'f'0:;(11.,"i:-
;31 1,C111 . .S I.S. al u ell as toe cis.. re r,g4t
n t ),, r.,unty. amino,. ikrepa,, t,) dr...IIAM,
IWO rtn:fOr all allto runt dt n. ft‘cr thew
: , ti I, ti tin whicil th e,. C.I I Iter. t(1111bCr ...II-
Vt ego I dry , w. 41,:n o• tb titc.alo ricriiv 01
trcr to ton; t neacow, rt.. to iIOO.O Carifelarre
1 Offl be in want . I 4 tossed I., 'naive
lan ermine ~.11,the utatwr thew-elves.
1. y I a+ !4;ao lime i luJi, equal to thal,irerxd
st thoess et ihe so rface. and thmestis cf the
he adt anta e of Wing Of itn,krui thickness
en..tth - Of the hn.. - ir I. to/Wring no dobn.a or
1 ~ 'ldare e.ntit tierce ft carpenter Will lay.
r•A ia a dP.,y clres.rri in this ma...he11..
res,edl.y. hand. Toe rt.:WLlfte i. no ow:v.:trust
• ... I , any Witt!) or to it :n ate. and any
:WI - lASI 1. 4 . VX 4:1 I ever:lion in contieresion
h erl,,.:h they tan tun Prater to any n iflth or
ititf. a iL t ry s4tiot TURNING - LATHE,
any' kind of I , lrniee requited by Howe Car.
kfrifi, Strom ItOftl., NC.
- '
• - 2f 21
Pi ni g
& n
atTfria 11l •
ING fatilVlN
kr noloa the sake
her In 4ny of ttse
With a call. The
bleu theha to rant t •
the werkmanshin,
:and all other* who
4betn at lcsin a cal ,
nnornez ,Ire.ted
hy hand. hmll to tl
*has, while It hay
and width the enter
tz:flog to tonne
nie the n•ttn',rr
that ht. ean arthat
At OM the, eah dr•
thick 'MIA up
They at o
with the
eitarla ge,lll to
teeters, Caloriet :OP
L. , et'
i•;% ,, , , UN%
m't 4 Fretv:b
r: . T en the
• npwih,crp,r,
S. 'I I C;; Cll,
CP - P1Pt,...211•.• I /I P p:11 . '• •PP
41,1.4 f!,.. IP %• . 1,,i w,„(
It. 04 it
- - - -
A!W I'on•WARD:t.PI42
Van. om
eh the
, •
:at •
by, 3111(.. Eke.
• Iron 5 P el
•., •;r : 1., Ifiet L.:. Ste I
at i f
r :
ti 11:1 er
:A, 1 - L-irt of .1,g1t,,
f. 1 •.1.. 1 111
• r v... !.
11 !I, WS•r: yifv .
procurr...l c•itsri
A ••r" 0,. ti 01 r Lt
1.. it AO/ P Od tint the
• I:I .t•rs :11 , 144 (I%le,
.S"•`nt t '41111..r.
receavt d an I 17 .r
, L.:+ 11. AR X.
p r r3:`
. T
I%r - claw:l Nifh sserJ.
II411), PC 4 :not. 1141
• ret ove•riSes; r‹.l. to pc
'ter. next 4 , 7 at r th eC t!..
Le 11 40 , to wait. 3pon ali
b i ts a General Ind Am ! Lard Broke'
ri roma) .a. Ferrol lump. of3O to*
• lanettaa Ps. I.odlicred cheap.
111.0321 r
To the Sick and Afflicted!
CER TIF ICA TIM and Testlensittele, ealleient to 1111 my
column Otitis paper. Can be Produced, setting lisrsh the met.
dertut %Irene of ~
Dr. thwaystes Celebtratbd rantily 317.0411thimi
OT VTA.,I3" CVEl3rjr.
77. e Cricket all G 4 ~i, g Prgimgrairigg. , .. *•
CONSI;MrTION, C"........4. C. , :.i•. A .4hr:a . Bronehltie, Unite
entnol.tint. eptuthe 1.4).3.1. c;.}Le..:lty of Breathitt,. Yale Ili '
I:.e ,J :e ~ k d I.lfit.t. k . a1,,, - ... ue: the Ileart. ledoess.l4 ..
tete:ty, Isretkest Cc•upt.: -Let 4. Throat. Nervous
' Det.tht).. nut: cf th e Throat: Itteekt •
en_' Lue,;. , t' e erit-t i ::...:t —1 'and dwells
Cum :.:ttt,+.l.: fer :,ay ¢f ate:apse cliseillio.
e t .13 • .
- . DR. SIV YNE • 4
' comPovicri svr.CP'OF WILD cf,tr.r.ty! •
.I.nother 8OT!!3 Certitate—Orcat au. of '
ESStatte:.o , 1102Mittl.
Dr. If. Roe:type—Dent hi r •—lie.nsili.), a length of lime inieeNl
n ilti 4 ‘'cr. %IQ:eta ee.144.,11,
•(.t.: it:. pans in the fiLle and knee.
1.0•I••411 of lit.. r. 01: -. ,:.': e.4 of "nrt,t , t, 10. s of 'meant.. olitht
-tvea.o, Ste.. I 1.1:1 il,!
~,,,t,ct, i , . •‘t li:Zliy in tl:4:Fi 14 r•. t:i :rri...: Cr Fr 0 MI&
eew Toe
v,;•• r :e. cf my %.. et ruc!t i i
:a: the :Lod rushed tworeeely
rt win the , itrf.u.. cmpi,e
u,rd p +!;11.4„ ar.d U I r lCtir or uty departure
!!.!: II t tats tittle you reconitnended tltgtpseof of SYii.l eh t •rry...vt,icti itinnetlutteir bttaltit
t.) *hot," Tad 11:n y the violence of my couglr. relieved
r!!!. .11 my J.c.sted ivy itall 41.0.
, eot 1;.' , ...441 1, ; , .5. to t.:ed. Zhd , to the elrCet
s wAys st.r; k R-c0:11' Et) SAJt tr t BILLA AND
At. 11111. I Ilr;nti ve.l.-1) a 1).- - dohy tame olthe Liver
nu..l not, Is au :Inn-nat.t e. chancing the stile Otte*.
•w. 1. , t“^6 l• yr ; r....!!fi.lf•lkg) , 111.iflp1ll3lI. and lot IM
I -revihrt h* are sery valuable.
J. n. liatrh ?i, wrttes June 3th LW. Y
nen. hill g.te, Aattathat ion. Toot
r "..ttel 'tr... ear ala 'l'44 iris t..!d Gut directly- Bead WO
a I
( . 4t!f r'n :iv ;,1 ,, i"oo wr/ Ira, April 10.
"rl'ollatOCa 11, rif ter t ap; f-intly medicines Wert
his acci them—too.d eCeattng grer.i-eures. in gob
SWAYNr,.s v,.ivat t o !STeilleit.P4 e in tic a'nained at giant
tftrducLc...; . i. Wt. and ‘N'iLiOozialto ol:;..1 Retail II
itnt Prineipe
N. W. corn-: ari Rae Btre
rc.r Salc by the Pollowir.g ii.gonte.
I:ins: ccie , sa Y.
C, - err!. P - .' :Ler, \ No. N. 1. , . f.,.1 U Llset
J. I:. Itur: , r , , No. s, • ..
II . P. J 10.74 L. & C , 2.. Weierturd
,J. A i'VI,,,-, . Girard.
:!• J. 4. 1'er'.....1.. Rrn , .. rewriter.
- W. tJ. V. ' . t.:11:);•tt :!. •
,E4e.•ll,:mk •
C 11.11. - i - C-::D C:II.!NTY.
1h10r1.....r. Callvudnr, lAie adyille.
C. W. IP/11,n & r '..
-W. Ar - J.IV. 4'37 , 4'l. - ; C.uptuidir •
Iwrs,,t6 tL 1.. c.. !Ig.TVl.ii • k. Woode" wt.
eti'.lll,rt: , J.: Shatt.,elt. Et ansi,urg o
J. 1.. 1',.!,... • ' Adam/milk,.
1.. 1! W.,lVey. ' , Ashtabula, OLiio.
An 1.) clonivi , Ili :11cdiAinc4 a: necally.
11,c. '4-, 1c3.1. - I
0 4 )%ci1. e.%1161.te;t: •FrRNITURE. COPAL
' & C. g, celebrate nuabtalicture
iwz. owl quark 111 . Vt . gorariled to gore rutin
ttalltei,o/AJ the 14. the Vartth.b. kr roe by
8 a v:r .
rießt-rf.AR, Tel:int, Ilan 1. Pow:log. hack. Wood
1: I /40411444 k 'rap.% :or Pdlc GLO. t.EL.DEN &SON .
Ft , ,t superfr.e Souf Aar =debit
44b4 , 7 .4 P'w`f lIT tnnrg.4, 1 lrrititei INC Wilt Or UN
, 4 , 44444 44 44 f 4-44 1 ,4• I ; .'4.e ": 4 1-31\ - KOCH
1:77„ LL
I! AIT BE Vl' a:'! N PAM II have thos day' fonsed
y r.tty awl 1- 0:1A , lino owl ElChlinle
Br , APV . under the fir,o of %I. NVOR.L) ac. CO. Othee,t t, • 9 it:the k... to old reyci t streets, Public
GRAPL...., , an , ' 1 arli ( . 2.:11149 fur PallYet o ratill
i re• , • 0 , 1 Eh c
0 In rag Filed Ate, tbr side
bs - the uvs cr.ll.l:.—w3rcantml
Doctor O'Cor.or. frn.-es - Doilin.
t:,(17.1z lt. rtact.t• no.c. Phy t .l-h d , Aceogene, and
teat ience at the laved Bombe. Erie.
Nil HITE hrlll Mac on to and Detroit
au ler 11 /Me a•;nt ot'%ll4kertd mad shad fix.
vr• .
, ter! GR.JecRY FIORE.
4 -
Fitowart's ryznp
ci)0:1-art.c:c (if t•Ntar nNo. P. R; and N. 0.
• , :t nal rde.; GRA oer.RratTtißE.
f - Milo=ll
FREI- , j•,,t
CitUtiEki r STOKE.
---- - - -
I Ll/;)7/C ---- ,:pkta.:1J. cheap Tess
C:etn at..t
. 13 k i; RI le ER STORE.
clynTral es. rsnoTnint,
T*. 6,1:c03 Sous 4.
Tr_ nn h 10,.! n •...t :31 , 010..610t ihrugsaed.Modk:
4 y ic !lint ei::tHeti to int rhe orders of Phyla..
urval.nA %rt. or :40 all r. rry ttrlWit' la their
Apr.:l,a • 1,. , c4 01. , %!5ty 1610 ( . 1...! 1 101-11e)toulltgeol pllkysietist
11 - , • Their tense
•• ~.11!..1, 1 10! pet•Ous.
L 2 1 ,.; ; Ovfec erta#l.ed Pam:
N. at. at, 1H I.llllq t %Ith everyattlek
zNit•r • t•••••..lottitti at
- -
S l', NT IT CR; A I:+ —=:r lr earn alb% Mosley, apses
nr,n 11,I.Korr tK /.figs flak,. Knives. Coisill
,n Trn Toil., 1: 2N at n':l, .I:ablze Virrin•h. Dryitwg 011.11 a.
purtr.Ll:.ll ,, ;.R! failTi&iii.::, - - •
‘1....e..1 of Itsrix lc Ito, co fly csciamod.
do Ue11a , !.. - yhdo C
aa dIA Ala.
• 1 1 tl') Ci•iTh.l6/1. do juriandle nt .
do Srar—i : 0 . 4., J.diaik4e.
. L
• 1 o ArGoniti. ' i'.i RT ER & BROTH hit
I L 4. —I!) .... , :c saalt, , , Erl:talad IC..C.:M o iI • At
Life ef..=ealthliasuralaco Go. of Itarrleburg. la.
O EIIII3 l'o:npiny , cr!•tric-. t - . ths:tre• 11161 , 0r1 more favorable
11 terpn. man - env criter e..anpanv in . the Scar: and moan awl
:core ntil,t) It 14.2.1“ aq 1 12 W formational et
thin co.intiny , in 1,0 inx %es th.y twcyr, airy reepredially
trier io the fullowiug lettnr JI Mts. Sclr4er:
Pr ad 't a! rao desa, aNit • tl, .ddr opegag es fe M Derialladinni
.LVe lz.taras.r.*,
X/. SA.,iti , l , `t, A htvidy respect:ll4r &awl:ll44oa Maim
,;••et-i••! or.tiritiice of o,oollOit
tale tutor:lnce rtatteany of Ilarriebarg,.lllll
h Ile ii•CCler.l bus polity, sad paid his
.:eut,atn n,l We Atts July. I , •30. and - died in •dl of Wildhasseel
e 1. 1 ,10. 'of itily, but too days after he reeeleeditis
!I, tm , !...c.,•!!,1.,1 iiiiirihrrri;;•tqd c,04 health all his Ilk up to the
t ry insmcbt of ha death. ;11,. widow, Penelope Scheyer, re.
nett ei from tisioco.l.sl3fly *days after his death, VAN
a- oz.; by hiT kite( 01 acknoultdstu.etal helow. °
7'4 ti.s Yrns;slrat cad Writ, IMeil et the keygoax MOSI
?t, - e lilms'-ur,,r„ Pa,
Gesmi slat4:—The erotor.t Inctancr In which ,or metier
anent. 31r. Iteuu auchtlett to the alarm of neyeellitaeil
femur to MAlL:rife:l.)n the hie ti my late lamented bullhead.
S. &borer. and the ,prt -•ti wits which the epilepsy paid
thtt attract 83.06. n. tar - tile this method of manilas
to the cuutpcius ii illattic.. t •!it.•:ill as Ido th* year ruxelasY
pe Ace : !!. p advaresk.-4 for 1i14,14,...:tt0ce tcer most of the comps
tr..te in therountr*„ an 4 that it s hi*!'!!!es is ee n ducted b 7
vitt:loos and careml Mahatma Eli ntea ts l *Quid cheerfUlly
ic..erioncird ,our f'oittra43' V') CI 14th", 11 5 1 ,- "? wish to -grail thrt :).
selves of its h^tie, tnermlan.l. Er". !APE: &CHOI rm.
rottbtog. ?i0v..1.1. 1%10.
11111 atother, 4.,i lug the wise foretigosld urn Clergyman.
41.. n. T. :tlatsbnl It. ,y, y -,..tet ...t titm.l.t..tetiau Meek la
Moan , Jur, Latmastcr 4 •... ty, Pa rock out a poliey Ofilarass
to ace in r :nurru.e - I .1 6 , 44). lie died ey Fly
• fe•tt • bot hy him provillest ems
and foreth.c.lht len in hi. Lizt , si,c4 faohly his r slitY pf *Mk
which had ton him hut 413
For itat,ettlar.. and I 4.• Of i410.T911C0. We the Kiet=
•pataph*:s. tit cal: Go Fee,. Lacy offlcm Re. se,
st Hartlshar.7. or S. kttr.ttt „Iguat Edit Catlllet i Min
. .
3 dourm e4o ot La ird & Ittuo's Stare.
THE coon r sli i p here td.forr satlocl+ett eentb.ssbssallors
unit. the 'owes of IV riTs Meg mime. bitbis ably dissolved
ny mutual con , eat. All buEjnass of tht• Sesi will ba seSdei Se
Jas. MeKwminre. • af WELLS.
Al lqm. Aixtl 11,1 1 11, 1p J AR *MENDS'S&
55 BAREELeSaltjuid received by
CO,l 1 1 70 Y, RAVERVTICK & •
4; F:tr. .117.1.DEY.& 80N
t -t • lit-, 34,1tio:no.tfe.
11Z 1:' tiRg)('I.RT 61131tE
t lral