II I:1=1 frit Wistkil (Moffatt. E - n iE. P A.• S ATURDAY MORNING, .lAY 3, 1831. - _ . • 1c Mistake. The Fredonia Ccilsof is mistaken in 1 action Of the Lelfislatilro 19 chartering the • "t and Erie Railroad comp, y," and giving it extending to the o.lio hoe, ".`shuts off ttie . Canal Company," and "places" in the pcwe nov..:ekrnpany,".to shot ofirdl comli•rii.c.l:i4n west brie for a long, tine to come." All th Tig'its the F lin Canal Company evOr poSsossed it eat possesses. • is proceeding to eliereise. So, also, the residout an •• k Directors of the Fittaborgit and Erie ra ' ad, c iin every right accessary to coniscedwith the 044 lino. Ve have °--t had, and have difference among e4rso:vcs, - tit of ces, t, one thing the etneor cats rest se.sared, that the peep of and Erie connty are ts. ts:s:t as to the right ,ets.l neceetit3 f 1123t . r . somo companv boiLlsny, onnw,!:.ately the li:estern road. rtforn.te The resolutions Open shit , tact, TIASSed - at a m.rting of tea our citizens, tricwit of Ss:4 the 47,1 clonspistnese west, on • .1 : 4 1, he s'io Tuesday ertning. is condos:re as .to puhlic• sentuout here. Mz: G:dz Ta, g 1:i on Tair. - 1.1:: Vi tar; s 'V2.'3 as any tWat has dectired Kiel krllle r.r.s. fer a na..1:17r.0t )oars lira have not- henfil yr I--'Ce'riiatty Itterni.4o—of any acci dents. hat w$ :fear wo i.,.. - /1 berai.e tii". , , - iivar retelit's its subscribers. T:iti b e:c - sta::-.3 1..1.a/nen..l and Snitani read ant the storm in Art:a:liar In sal,ti—.t'a ti.:l,se . rer..l sad vessels, 0.10 napes or wino!' we'll-a:co not learned. Tko Bultan.tFlill . e iill fruit/ ahJe.e is the height of the g.ilef At :wee o'ely1; oa T la, -.1 , .ty we learned by te!egrapb la:/t3 t.3'' -re partiaa of the lower partoPflaffato :cue Ull; der antr. / 0r..: 0./1./ inueh /Iv/laze had beea'su , ta . ticd. IV /re not head 10,31 Pon'Airk, tlto trrnwitta of the 1 7 grititt„, ow Yor:t and Irk rail road, and the "best•har: bar". on the Lake, bat v. &ea wr do. It t4sre is a timber loft to t4ll where , a etere-hou.le or a dei el.sted, we shall be midi, raibtaken. rt We aro requested to say thud an Educational 51teting will ho held on Mid ay erbniug nett in the Presbyterian Conference room. - Sx~. N\'o rtrar.::V.ig to L•t tlia c;les ef the llih.ssre. braiths, Lrawry, Reid aul b:fore tho martin siasemblvj ou Wi.:doos!a•; croniuo, 3L the Caurt House. to hear the "othar side" of our ttosiern railroad questioni. go Infori tho- people. wit'a on La vs 0;4 of comment. %Vs Oink to every unprejudiced rnin.t, it W 3.3 pretty evident Olathe tkillingsgao slang, tile whining, dingiuz appeals in holland - his w.fo ard eh;ld?ca, and -04 eoriiatical ariuniellts the lionorat,e,o Setritor from Erie uaorl cn Monda?evening., is jo:eto, - ; and justitication /tar hitcourse during tho past wii:ter. proved a very Nor -iuvesfrneut l i:ir.;ther of thet, - . o Walkor so virulently. cssaikd oa Nfaat Itlcssrs. Ginn-aiths, e..,w fit, or c: for to sostll Casio solves. la is 7,2 or eau path' use• or t:4 Eat in `a4•a7.- r.a tninn•:.-r , :v:nt on to malic phin strit..saaeriof.fazts ozAtv;ction to Op mind of every anprciudict , d perisi. It is' nat necessary for us to tol:aw thorn tlinauzll people olre thoro to hoar judze for then - t:1,705, and they wirl jedgo. We wcrs,giad Mr. W...Y...:rittvai; iod to acs.rer tho charges and Les paraded a7,ainat (list by the Bless LT. G.a., for as he is Trent to exprors it. his what° manner was "confirmatory evi•lene.e." th.. 3 th 3 ;hats burled by his tqt, , onist; had taken tqcot. to p Trott, it W3S a most Imo and impotant cor.clu3itAito n rant cutragbous cource c,Stulurt. who closet tho dienqsion, wittrt use .1, pointfd, saloat. , o and eassie..and innr.iliann ace. , c tilted tile "gelded jado to wince." fib Llia-izn' to tho Unnornble Sinator'• "lourz,harborad nuti:l4t!ty to tha 131,1 , 113 fatuity." tram "old Ntek" hims.tf cl-) - :n to hi 3 I:011 4. 11N wag tae un kindest eat of t.lt. AV3 afraid, if Jade,, Church srus there, 1:e NV t'.;cl Crawl , Jury r.cit wzek brinT ici.4 foe “u.inoz:essary &c." • _ —.l - . Win i t,il ri. `'.):lisp Policy'," I.Vc Itz:tr a 7, - -er.t.le , t , r..- , nrell N3l: York rtrer's ahia, ' C . ,,. "501.1.-h ro;ic) of t:1.2." l'!,errorlonia.C4.lB.lr„ oad its aeca:. magi eerr.?sp:.aler.,l.7, t.:;!..allout the pokey of ' Ena in retard to tit: , g Inrei t,f;ar r3:•.l:irlt.inin;, , Eut•athl ' Was% as ono no othir ro.vo wou'..l tLil,l or puNuie.g. Vow,(, ~, , %:,I Ltava to a:A. 'or thr23 grunib!rra, t:l7re 1 , back-biter,‘vhat tr:ey ce.tei,:,:,r a ' st!ii , ,h ; , 21:r.y.” .We 1 linow.s.ha.t GI: r. 72 , J.• - :: . rr. - :' . .ts pr it i: 5' UL., ?91iCY.1 , 11(1 I it ii 011 4 . 7.`.0 etLra..lhari. , :ncr sg.i.rett Eric b)crtwo :Ow • E::11:. by I.:ziti:l-tatc Tr.:.!aa., ti cccuro t horse :: :lc bent- 1 . ....3 -ic,-; tram t't/ .-ca:t or 4-nago between t'ie I:4sterit tinl Wc , t7rn raailt i i".tie ii a . pplicy which b . t.s it.t uri , ;;;11 in t!..e mast 5i,11 , !1 and iarKl.,! , 3 paE,:on of the.hltin:n brea,t. Etcccusti t l sLy r: - ,.tica er:,oy Cla Linn CI3 Ciii:,7 .. . 'from such a Lreak, :II - ,r):3!::.1.!5t7i!.:1.1_ , ..7 sad e.:try oars,:e.s i them IQ ti , .....re th:,t ac ,:c of irt,rit irl:rnci.liat.3 , uriglibois ' baual.l he ~o n. , ..:tv:::3. T'..Z.3 ilatned:atei 111 Cie:o , - It! E:: td icr.!..ing b zel: , :.c• Jr,!F cf :111;;feo is Dec.!:irk: ea Is Cis:C.:nil. "z' :to rc!:l4k.c.tr. ir.• their ccur:c, • C.,•irr; te4 bccmnrl Eric, aitz•ata scBLr..l- gnaw. • ..• Cy h-.lf.ney cen the two t.retit tracks treetl ther E _ MIS r• upon her 5r...:'., -':z i , i , ..::...i.:ig u ",:c-Is:! i ! ,, ,1e.,.." 4. err '• t..c Ohio aad Nee: 1?:;: r.ia..t...'of V.it some euage, and ' oho sue.,;*-1: to 121.4 . .V.1 e.:.eM 4.../10;1 r...r lier lictieth. th:ir . i...ietr0t..:..1 dot..t.rt-.• :3! i,nd ino:e. ilentiacii.tion thaw.:.: sot 1 -, c ,: % ,-.. x . 1;...1. e:le'.i-r3 not the Let, }kilo te.o.,ir.S iWiiiill 7 ,: C.l_,k 1:..1:,,.' „.4 t 1:...t, 7;!...1 V. tH C:. °. 5 • snt g^:.i e lyt her cocrue Lia . .:a ,t1.v . .. lir thi‘state t.f I:ie Cub , . AUL:Li Etta act i.,....i.!rr..';.•, a.:2, ini,;frtuutton. is,. coaseitt th..t t' tr . 1.:,):.:43 et- 11:.::::a ah&li cui.iy the tit uei:ti ort:ing , f.,. , c1 L'w P. -,r:•::, ..:V.fdi th,i , d:frerent width of trnelt: of t'..e T. s'emt and Wt..t.t.i'a rcati, ferces upon :erne p! :^e, ! 1.:10 wont.} be the that philolkylier who teas 1..0 fur oh . ove.! tito p.e'ior..o of 'ettiilnity tot Ivy clire.l tiothiorttkr his rrice . o.74 or b,a itit...rc.sl.e. '')..1111 Frio' cannot be thus rnagnaninbni3ercri if alio r:eitt3d. She is but a small' portion of e'zreat'S'..ate—thot reat Stil.e his coinnsercill ! interests as dem to her es eleloarimereialinteiests of N. Y. arT to her. Those i uteses's ilainAtul that the Lake shore 1 lin of railway, connorfing ti o roads of Ohio ati4 of the ! other trestgrnPt2tes w:th Nev Yurk;should poseess uo adfrantago -over the Central yurroad line connecting , l'4iladelphia with' llus ,ante iettnory. Unless.the “sel- 1 . fi,h pdficy" of Eric is adhered to then, art , il the late of -- Tie 'Swage on that subject liven: up to in goo 41 'great I injury 0.-ili result t.. 1 the trade of this Central roots, ford that route has a similar brof!c of gunge at Pittsburgh. 1 Pennsylvania is not prep-4redt.) bp. so magnanim .ui as .this. hot it is not neceseary;te.wasto words. The whole i interest of the State is arrayed upon on: aids—state pride. ; ii with us- the 1 a..i is with ni , r,—common sense Is with 4 113— f.reo is with us—cod ir the New York co:npanics I desire to reap tits betseits of Wcstern connection they must reap Ova Acid wait socla.lt sickle as we prescribe, or not reap 1 , till. Ef.t - bat 13 snL ili,, then Etie"is selfish, and 4'Cl glory ' in it.. Hat it 13 not sclfieh,:t i is only her. just Le k rights, rights gairan a d. by taw, contract and genre. Olen! position. Them She will haver . surr.nder. on mat. 1 ter what the sacrifice. ! Tule fact, the railroad operators ' i is New York may as Well uedersteod Cat IA iltiti, --7—t- 1 .-'--- e 1:- ----- rf' 0, Dgi,3o—r . C asette says that after Gen ; Scott is "once in the nil,'" it will "hare ne doubt of his eoceess—even in the face of 'the a francs battery' apse. ed upon him by such prints ha the Erie 06scrrar!" Now t„'iat is very unkind, in the Grizetts, very! To call a knee ss4ittsa bS its own candidata the - "advance battery" of "snob_ a print as the Eri4k, Observer." • t 11:7' The eatable and fearless Democratic jeorsaVnle Paimificitakip, had been enlarged and otherwise ma: terially improved. We rejnieer at these rividencee of basiiieee prosperity, and hope that ita anxieties 'euid in fluence o: $! continue t• iseromie so long as it ronishie the consistent and .patristic dump*" eg g tbs I, c 4, elt l crntrrrtiry 11 , a: it 136 - 0 le. - aft Accordiiig ts) a . Mr. Walker etas to explain hi oir rail and plat carnet descriptio occupied upon g'reat I AM of pride; ,ne`.!n I appeared btfero Ile was upon spaniel-1;1w ai?, rostrum fur a ea: flu... Sand and a eiii4ra'n, if not f heai his defense ed. ,‘Se cotton*, 'hat's to In who Qe al'Ati 'r\ to eaact \te stnA el ting.t.hat tho chnquebatiiii. ae right of Yrtint.tin of the \earn EMI EINEM which Itolll forcotl• to ,biro gout!, au 'put cu•nm •tic,o l towarias eat: 141b.0 reccire-.1 pet::1:3111 the ty, prat to that . eontimo •; c. for yylf,c.% he 14a i pt In.; i$ all very Itru, truth ..'"Flio Minor! Ing that apcu the ikacit by a iu all [ that per satin: t:isi tho lueo the Ededbiiro 01..te Ili had nut ,a• au beld fur the Slaie pi Ingham thei proceed! liitu. 3fat o Wind.t 1 a, pan._ impress his hearers withtho hil.l P tat his whole course towurls the Edoubora road we dictated by a desire to obey' tho pubiic vole., as heard t rough those petitions } I Very well; let' that fact Its bar in mind and' we will see where i it hinds Mr ; Wiilketl. But there is soother point w'meli: thiii llonorablei Sernitor qia not exp aim and which. the Mooting assembled tit hear esphine. One year ago he war so anxious that i the turnpike sI culd be l gratited to the ,Waterford plank road that lie carried a kill through tilis L-gislature. te'cked ou to the tail of a Divorce bill. granting said road tut privilege; the Wa 'Safford pl i litk re id 'lid Sot avail ibrelf of such pernissien, (hut the denbriro raid dale supprising of course that the 'necessar2. legislation to make it letgel.if it was Ito already 'so, would be griiiitcd. But In! al ChAtIZO emus ver , the spirit of 3ilr. Walker's dream. 4 laJcame urecinlary that certam igen .should bz erus:led. is I c ousequeMtly what John 11. 'Walker d d refused to do. .Tite;i.t. ale wrry >:ccouat nlnch the ineetlO: of , c-lhol :o settle. T. t, this man anti C°lllolo Of Cleafing up all ch . as duitib as an oyster' in regard 11 erin his ”wire and nine shkal r . turn ; , ' From the plank reads he , at w i lled o 6 to the Consider ation of 11;4 COW= towar.l4 en rairdat.ll. 'And here we k thought Ilan peculiatly diary. /In llacil his action in `this partleutar upan the lyypnt ,54 ; ,.; 11141 the Franklin. Cane{ Campauy had coavared wait cpersturs in Ohio and New York to rdn l'w. Noy, Nurloutul-Erie guage throngtryke State to Cleveland. t and to ' l s irevent this ha introduced and prueurea the page of t h e kida,zu Id:l. E.:en if such a Cod.piritcy eve: e.c.ted,' which.; . he by no means proved 'd , Clod. e ordaog to Mr. 1 '. i ,:using., Ito ou„:ht 40 lt I.e gee;. los elrols at logis hen wheu the guage 11.111Thecame a 14. I . But Mr. W. did of prove, or even inls.li.s:out a ie- rw.4ble plea, an f.e..or a s ik this charge of cousiordCy on ;i'tetart of Frci.klin Canal , Ca. ailu led to. Ills fir,t evid i tuds of the conspiraci e'eS t 112.1 of tlio ..4frieml. e.: the F4tiklin Canal ,Company" op : •i.ed the.guap„e 1 C.'', ~..,111'n, M W... . 11ter calltd “etiong conli-uraui evident : 1,4: in :0 :.:leers arta he'siv serted huhrly, as ho. hit,l pr: vieta, y'dotto in a letter to ilie t.idzr:.t.e, Via: the Fraule..n C . .nal Cempany land no friends in time laegi.::nt.:rc.-''nft one " lt,is net often ale sees a Law}ir thus rute.isl.sly strangle his ustii wit.co.., y:t Mr. W., as gr.btw lawyer sod „lotrlenui ad • his frimn.l3 prorzsl VI IJ-1% it ...o-1 hi.n. thd so on Monday. Thu tieu.l4 of tll' Fanlilin Caul Co'rnisany did se - sad-so in the Lezibl re rays Mr. Walker: but in z--.c min.., tl:,-3,..nc :nctu.'t Heel-Am. that the Frank lia Cdnul Cdinpnny fit I da fileilds in the Legisluturo,-. .Laot one." Ya w e leave' Walker lt;eat %Valker, and prOs cm!. , His n. e evidence asi that the Franklin Canal Con:; I t Compiny had entor-d i::ts eji are:mgerne:lt:with the 17 ,. .. , 0 ::ad - to uit ito—un oonsolidha—to. h'ecome pa n and irr rtyl of thati s canip.taly,—an that the Le ; ittature of i 0.::.) had pdesed rib it^t 1111 . ../l 111:, thot company to Lay .I:wn any tvldth of tie.c . .h it idea . ed. 'fins is just n o ee -1 i....e.tico at 41-1; hut rn: , : , --:o .t. 4.- when the gor.g-3 bill be cane a 14w, sm_li drs:git, if it was ever t ittortaiu..l. was La:Ara:et!: nod licnc - e Mr: %V. 'should have Ceased his - I tient . gertaitri ! , Mr. Walker is Lawyer rcuJ auc! r- Rims at euougli to La be pot 43 ele ecaut. ~, -s~ Hl= IIIEU par: or Oa Fr ,!t1 F.3ssed,r.ts it it had tur'..7l.3git it Lake. It ail h.s whole cod! his desire to ni 0'1.431g:1 a.l &Aar the get, width embed. which h 2 is n ion. Tnis here ind in ti• 'lap were !Lel pittelie4 fioru written and eierpubl.c op t11:s eLs , ; atA Stnal•'r (rum lorded it—d . Senator! .1 pointan; to pu but in the nci pfessed.iltroci wo do not wo enact t:+e•Ju 64 family. sistentiee of tl; and room is a Voar.iNic utmost—Of all the volca nic oruptious chit' of Mount IHeela, is 1783. was the most levere. lt - plorerded frenktho %apts.:lethal Peak. and spread d 911tipu and deep throughout the whole of lestaud. Ni e thcenopd could perished from Martine:us; the fires of,the maintain blaming up all vegitation. And sow hoiriag stated these interesting facts. we would say go to Jasefesse Isle:pries eintldag - store. Reed House. all ye who weal a cheap and et at sptiag fk-oat. e St ... a.. ig tn.. , _ --------‘ .17 hitt Webster. ea Tir 7of I. weak briefly ad dressed thit - eitizese of Elsenssi -The meeting. irso a gen ii tsseors ode: held In frost ON Revers Hoses for the parries et' rebehilt the . of Aldermen of that cit y . The (wham% i. represented _e. large sad entliusisstie. sae. the Wire ekrowdieg the tod4nesofthohiteliolistoo to the 44•4neet remarks of this speaker. ' Dula bseint gives sp the before, of beeontfor the reentrar of Idr. tilltnere. 1 • . I 1 • II;' . . • • -, MB Ml*. , • 'Douro, Monday wrimaiglot. I • fors a, - eating of hie conetitu -, Oa in the logielaisrs is regard to 1 roads. and he above heading is a .r the positioni i mo Honorable Senator i o4raaios. s Was so longer the t , ipartr—he ore 00 1011proCI am air IroS'ln3.lol_ lot U 0 dog bark." bat ha toi as a criminal pleading fur mercy. hens! No language can portray Ilia 4r this hereon re bony radio palitieal (judgment. lie toW them h o tent a ier,' aid fur thie sato of his wife and r hd, i . J ellp!drintiand ydt not el.lect riJerlimseif Jencks of chars• dub John Rigor Eirea" bcrore 1311 t SJ cou:J nut -..111:-.$s tin.: u.ife. I.ou;;;It ta S ttisfiri CenatOr r taus. eretiorka ctituta Lai 4{ll tra:st great po:nt ruled with Oto po ME MEE ZEE y: that no aecurr• poraon or company can rr for Om !Mill; T.:11.5. Mr. Welker had Can .1 Corn 13:.y in j•nda-Ci= by Lis fr0z..:3:e..1 the er,..igas . he twranites to it ihr ay....11;nel to dt.stroy. leolnes hr fore an aud:rnea gge2sel al des4n on the ; nll .1 )%y Lc MEI I in] g.iye, EMI .;I:dt:i Citial -C.: rupanv L.7,rJre the gtinge Is excuse f.r et milts at legislation against rh ~coe a 13w. N ertly the llonorabie Sena- ii 'lle. Eit:t it is'iot the only place he was •Je retu!l- ,, -.. , d by the read r that he bred ze 1... s ails the L:donhorti plank road upon : y the ndl of his co_nstiments as 'a:pre.- . win n.imerouih• signed petitions. Well. 1 e ldll become 7 a law. to the passage of yA, ohjected, lie st empted 'the legislation for F arraignechbef re the bar of public opie -1 I rniq' created lii moot intense ereiten.ent 0 western part o the county; public meet- J, Petit:oils we a signe4, telegraphic tbs. I • 'at bnsinv.ss tn . eti and private letters were i• !at oral , , ail appealing to him to desist: It . Ii;03 . W 1.9 unerring in ode direction it was in , it point..d co4ary to the course of the (Erie; hence her f 51.41 nOt'obey it—be disre ! , Bed lit! Now ho* stands the Honorable Ole ; breath he; excuses his conduct, by lic opinion as ckpressed through petitions, ho /efies this istne public opinion•as ea lt,thosanse eherMel: Verity. we say again. 'der that one so firesied for an excuse should n negers. and ireck for syttipaday through I 'e are done—le might pursue the ittion: le IlOuoiable 8 nstur Nailer, but On, time f orth snore than t hit', game! ' The Cost ol l l'intykok The people of Frio pay robes .to sippol living." the tools of party thee may akni tax-poyont I. thi United Stahel. Aid i INCIIIIN Pirtylorn.in its wont and most * rules their municipal elections from Be, Con/staple. 'Theta never was 9 comeneni ages; when the voice of the Father Con powerful for weal or (Of we. so completely as the tax payers of Elie are party ridden. talk, and we hare no doubt some will etc brows and spread out their hands in holy at our temerity in making the assertion. is as true as the proposition that tu o and ti We . duu't say thit the Whig party is toi state of thing.; by,no means! It is the teal selves. The Whig party does just as eve has, and will do, when cOntiuued 'in pee length of time—become corrupt aid 'ret people's want.! !For this We say the blame." It is• the tax-payers themselves: adhered so strict td party hula—have paid the histories! truth we have alluded to. of engendered by the coutinued success of 1 Peleliu of that party, no matter aiwbet cost cud self-respect. ire as implicitly oboyetl,j were th e cornin9ode - or Omnipotence,/ tht re urn been fatut efforts on the part of loose from this thraldem--to think, act themselves—but the etre - 11 6 nm of power the rebels back to their posts. add thus the party Jangernautklave rolled on as befor'. Da we want evidence of the high-hand with Which the partizan increment of this UurtiOgli ~is di d ,- posed to rule ne, tvo have but to look di tGi lekniria the Council haichispien to pursue in regardl i ici t the High- Constable and the Supervisor 61 tho Streets since th e spring election. 1 Pate taatict seaared tbe:renoiniva lion of Mr. Fosterby the Whig Caucus for lam office of High Constable.imt as there had been coniiderable com plaint of the manner he had discharge p dud of Sueervisor of the Streets; a strong feetin9 was formed agniutt his re- e lection. sod oa the day of the election tho,people dacidod that lie should be laperezded by 31 ,r.' Landon. also ran as a volunteer. O course. every ly snpposed there would be au endsof Mr, Fester"' and , nog of -biro scratchers," bat not to. 'be rejected of ~ payers Was a good party•man; , was reliable , ty work was to be dune: wher as, the choice nayers, was the exact opposi ; he Voted as winded his own huskies., ever meddled 'lilies. or suffered Ismael to become the te this party Council d‘tertuioed that '- should be disregard J. For', ears ted the office of I igh-Constable ointed Sdperviso of the Streets to one could • a foundteac *inted to th latter. This - Council tat defiance; suitable. bet coritiuned 00, in lie face of the the people for the t mien upon the his we should tiplared the people to 'before they copdemn. his. We lied •ao idea much upon hie bold• • er, would deem it up and parade hie "wife Hi audience i.a order to :Id itneas un:urtuna:e. tat $1.11,j ,t. tke c.uwd who. of oil pru!act. Bit CnOugli; we certainly should s .74424 That spirit high bend, has been ul3r will. It ru+c tlo he has neei.l of Munn,: ~frnhl Lo explAia h curse his. a Vie t• t, of to tax he p *awed, h, with C. cue t tool of par .11., a the 'will of tb pop the person wh. rime , t. had regularly • it ap• • ; by the Councitl lu. sod, cept the fOrmet• tante ap precedent, hociocer. th •par they supra iu lianden as I . :It a Foster upOu the Streets, ' tie, ••• ;• b • • ha 16.51 John 11. Walker noportant items in the M•ulny even:ug, %La. ko was,beraler,l os 1611 rges tar:Ail:NY him. was them. P.m]. %Volker; chilartu" eotioot save oWe?er, CEED . . fact that the change was mat. very purpose securing a new at. streets. if paririsrn eau go farther\ hie to know Hot this is not all. %Vr have ottr fact of tha part.l a lahuaatrahou or the a borough that ar equally Ida+ and which peculation if dot 'aliquot fraud soutetcherl known, we preatuste. to every tax-payer otigh has beeti sued a uumber of times the past year: ittul the excuse of - the •• far thee allow* coot to be made, and th expense or the !government, Was that the ey in the treantry to meet these just dem this so? Lst tins ram mace. Al the Treasurer f.,r Ille past year was elected II trendy a new l'reasurer was chosen tiro tax-paYto,l re-der, the old Treasurer had no mon- i eye to pay owes to the new. Not's* fast, Mr. Tax-payer 1 —the ohl Tr insurer of a town that has bean sued rski peatedle for a 3teny—whose property has News sold ender I tile it ammer t . satisfy ju , t claims—paid ()vela the nee •' Treasurer the n.n of stecntetne hundred dollar;1 lent this'es bennt.r commentary upon the partizan adminis- trat:un the a sirs of this Borough? Decent in call in t under tones•ier a nowt adininetration o apirs—for ' el cle4.ng out o r the Augeno Stable—for general sweep of theMarketi-Houm -dynast) l But se L ane riot done with th\dcriugs of our municipal gore meat, and itt party pee latlons. INa have said that the property of the Borough ad been sold under the hat trim and that. too, but aoh time previous to the p 3 ing over by a retiring Treasure to hi: successor of th , sum of $l7OO. -We ref:;r part eulay to the sale of a W- er-Lot belong= ing to the thirough `not loug since. hat Watir Lot.• the property sof the pte. was advert ed by a party shertfr to pare papers. an was sold -L. . urn think you to? Who 0434 yen bid oft the proper yof the people for a mere soing. when the I lteoples .uey was lying idle in the halide of the people's•Treasu er? Why the people's mostihumbte servant, the 'Clef of the Council! Now, we 41:11't blame the Clerk of th. Cauheil 7 not a Sit. Ile ha, I just as good a right to pick a feather or two front the hack of that dear patient of goose, tifteput3- tc; es any bpdy—but certainly the to -payers of Erio must be cute a - with worse than judicial dindness if they L, soar mat: ore such quills plucked fom their wings. Of cottrie 'hose whato breed-and-bu ter is dependent upon park, 144 or who aye* in expecto on of hereafter recoiling a gdodly slide ofiltst nutricion article from the hands of petrel/. willsraire thle cry That a! thii its-'ll pack of Lo-rin-foose lies;' / but we appeal to the tax•payers of Erie if thole is not enough evidenCe .f *het ere have said, known io a!! to maks it prudre in tl:em, at the coming eharto ectiott, to bring int. the city govern. ment,a few et. re dneon netted with th •.*".l l darket-House ar0..." In Word our new , city goy runtent ought to ha watched, I We don't.eare whether uch ”watchers" arc of the / Wrg or Democratic school 'f politics.'enly so they are/not °tuitions by trade, Wh twe have writ ten has' heeMdictated by no unkind feeling towards any of tlndpresenk authorities, or with the molest design of making political capital, but that the teg-paYers of Erie ' may- onderalendiths exact state of afsirs, and so an 4erstauding he enabled to' act for the best. • 'Excitement in Michigan. . A gang o6raperatlos have been invested in Jackso n eciunt . y. Michigan, who have, for a rear or twc, been engaged in counterfeiting, horse strati g, ineendiariem, bnlglary, robbeq. and every conceiii•le crime. Their last plan war to destroy ih raillroad d -, • t at Niles, and another deice *we to pl re wider lb. railroad track a torpedo, contrived to erpl de as the e re paned over it, and blow the trail to stouts. They er re detected by en emplos - ee of the comtrany. and thirty these area were arrested at Leona. Arnong . theai are 3 justices of the peace, .5 physicians:l judge. and 4 .• astable*. Their leader was Joe Dow.. who lately pass-. through here to Pittsburgh. on a requisitian from 0 , Pernor ;ohissou. Brace then, 0. D. Williams, of New o r k, Lisa been the leader. I . . of Com. The talegrap l h l tunced some ti at Norfolk. on the, 91st inst.-, of the vett 'Barron, till senior captain of the Uni Hs tau a 'native of Virginia, and March 19th.'1796. ilia prsaent eon, 23d. 1799. Commodore Barron boa though his apportun:ties of distinctio quoin as might hare been expected. Leepard.and the Chesapeake. and 'tit' I troversy and the fatal does ifith DICS hil44lrl IP 'kith it arrald be noprofs • Commodore Ben 4 was eighty-threa , his death Commodore Chad.' Stew i becomes Senior Captain of the Navy. IT The snow of Tbstedity knocked 1 1 rennnee est of liey-day and May • neitally reminds sad seatinteetal - anisette outlast renew week gentian Leptandir. We trust the white • had no bad efeet spec the bewly bed Le lose Left. . At a meeting. according to previous notice. held at the Court House. osi Treadiylc.rentig;the 29th lion. Joseph M. Sterrett war appointed PrOaldent, James C. Marshall and Presley Arbuckle. E!qs.. Via Prig dents, and James C. Reid, Secretary. . G. A. Elliot.. Esq. addressed the meeting, expladped the object of it, moved that a Committee of fire be rip pointed to d'irkft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting. Which was • adopted.' The chair appolote • Geo. A. Elliot, Col. 1. Camp. Wr. A.- , ilrourn. C. B. Wriett. Whallou„ Esq who retired and Mr. !lat.- shell was requested to address the meeting, atter a few remarks, hi concluded by calling upon Mr. Hinckley, o Westfield, to address the meeting. After he h . ad don eluded, the Committee. through their Chairman, Ges A. Elliot, reported the following ideamble and resolutilms which Were unimiinously adopted: • \Vl:cress. we hevo recently heard, and 'have reiso 11 to believe that the New York AMI Erie Railroad Crn party have abandoned their intention of exteisding road with a et; foot•guage (rani Dunkirk to the' gist Line. nod hoes compromised with the. Buffalo sod LineCotot atq, by which a Railroad with a gusio • four feet ten inches is to be made to the State Line. brit the e nt intention of UsinpsUieg the Erie and "id l'East Company to adopt a similer gunge, and thefeb `secure a continuous route fromßuffirto Clore:tan • I i And Whereas. the said two Companies in the,Sta e•. New York, have in their mutuarrivalry, by various toe: 1 gotiations among themselves, intinifeeted a fixed d te initiation to pan over the Erie North East Railroad it such gunge as Would suit their clam interest, regard I OA* of the 110161X113 centret fairly and anxiously .e to ed into by tbs2kiew York and Erie Railroad Comp n3l as oho ofithe feelings tend wishes of the people of rtb• County, heretefore publicly expressed. and worse lila 1 all, in defiance of the law of our State. passed duriq tl last session of our Legisistrre, fixing the gunge e' 0, 1 feet or font-feet eight and a Inalf. l Therefore. 1 iiiss riotous ar, number of I :s e l ± a u l : st Simp ly 4 g fore. o i y iD the dark fe42 Of was all pri c st•riddeu 1 This is bold at the ir eyc mitouishineut , tivertheileas it .olinalie four! Lama for this -pOyers the nt y other party eri far such a aOleas of tha [.arty is Dot to They hero o link heed to thio eorrui;tio:.; arty-,that the olboth money !hough they 9ccie;ouully o4ne to brook sod too for ei soon drove ailheels of this Renstrad, That sfes will aid and sustain, by eve • means 'sits= power, the Erie aid North East Raiiso Company, in exacting coinpliante on 'their contraetivi the . New York andrxia Railroad Company, and aro• especially we will support and maintain the laws of ts r State. requiring the page of al! Railroads running Ea t (torn Erie to the N. Y. State Lids. to be either sixi fe t or four fret eight and a half.= mid those running )Ye t from Erie to the Ohio State l Line, to be four feet end t • rnchcs • Roared, That we have entire confidence in the ho - tiny and integrity of the Directors of the Erie and Nor Eclat Railroad. end are much gratified to learn fro •Is them that they cheerfully sequieece in'the obligations .1 the law, fixing the page of their Road. and will • ready to complyewith their contract with .the New yo k and Erie Rail Road Company. Resolved, That ebould any • Railroad Cotioratiolt n the State of New York or Ohio, in opposition •to %hr. i • tercet and feelings of this Comely, and in violation or the laws of the State, "attempt," by any sinister influence. to causes a track to be laid fol. anS other gunge than such as are authorized by law we plaidgeourselves•individially, end colleeuvaly,.to devote our time 60 :mousy to !ads tnin our own laws and our ow interest on our men son. The following resolution, ofrered by Mr. Lowry, was he history 's • elf 1; • adopted. ' . 1, Resolred,.That tho peUple of this cou3:y are in fuVor eT a Weqerri counecii.ad 1)) a"fourfunt ten inch ltaclk. stud will If ama ha all efforte'to 9sztetruct It. a=l meet 01.:a upon her gunge. and it will bil completed as soon as they rp prciaroil to meet ui. 1, • sho‘ • k that the r debts dui went that bo o, i a f e P r 'Coale l4 V atlilink to the w►e go mos . dB. Weil, is ,tast eleet!on the 13=1 feu: (,y. Tel , :gre\ gatucd a veti •it; conio- u MC. sa • tho common m sgrpeoble to orilel, The case is of samii\ of 'very respectable 411 to vlieat a Full ter: Phillip R. lie a rs. Jacob \ to .-etcher the value of twele, Germaiiteirn Telegraph, Dino crtAt of 44.:31/ was allowed. 'I , the defendaiu, who is now C roue Itinue of the subescriiaion he w a vi, staid hi Callowtkill street itta •et. I to he ld't at a Tairern tsar at hand; at 'ventilit has been * need eve since, un when it was diseonti ed. ' he defence statute of limitations— tdrieeend:‘ Oat the served at the tarern , long fret the 'defendant b the littrket. Ilia resident wartitnown to the Os \ and it urns argued the paper boat& have been *, there. and that defendant w not liable for it. Ta statute of iiinni.f apli, it was replied that defisidant made p,jirents within the sia•years. , The Judge charged the Jury that the defendant h v ing ordered the paper to be left for him at a cart . 1 peee..was responsiOle for it as longs. it was left there It was not the duty of the publisher to follow the. s b scriber from place to place, lint it wreathe , province of hi latter to amity the publisher When he wished the p to be discontinued, or the place of its service change Verdict for plaintiff, V 2,50. UT•The Gaulle is writing about "Erbrand iler P peels," "by means of Railroads mid other inipr : mews." We 'prebend the Grzetts will have ,to such articles for some time before it will bring Erie 141 ro the prosperounipcint she held in prospective rev to the meeting of the last legislature. We like to thi iulrocates of the conduct of the Senator front I talk about our •'railroad prospects:" it reminds us of e boy whistling in a grave yard to keep up his con tWhen Erio,is'back to the point she was last Fall in tion to rail and plank roads, articles about "Erie and • prospects" will base more of the ring of the pure m As it is, they sound much like the jingle of bogus TY Three children . were playing. in the woods ie field; Ashtabula minty, Ohio, lest week, when came upon. the lifeless body of a woman with legs antis cut off. They teld their story to their father mother when they went home. and to some.of their n Search was made the ;next day, but no • was' found. Suspicion is fastened ou the father of t children, who probably secreted the body after it seen. Elie name is Herndon. - • I , . 1T The Syraasss (N. (Y.) Standard says: •• Se ladies appeared in the streets yesterday with dress • very pattern. and pantaloons a Lu . Turk. mew style looks decidedly tidy and neat. and impa the wearer quite a sprightly andlouthful appearenc a:r Tupper admires Mill's statute of Jakcson.. editor of the Richmond Whig does not. So the thinks thi former a blockhead, Sind his celebrity "' p l ea shallow." "What Tapp Or said," in rejoinide peareth not yet. UJ' The Weir Chester Village Record. relateeth, lowing:—The mother of George Pharoah. recently ited her ion, now pader sentence of death In the C l iiester county, and in her eouyersatioit, otaLed • that before his trial also bad a ye marablw drawn. said she dreamed elt!i tame to West Chestiv,sid • ,• a bonnet. On putting it on. Om discovered it at i of being trimmed tvitbsribboai it wee iritpUind ropes! This was before Georges conviction. S sidereil the ropes se omincisWof George's fate. tl hastened home without the bonnet. ed States Nagy. Oared the navy info° dates May enact Service, were. lot so &s -he affair of the sahsequetit coo . are Matters of sow to distort). , earl of age. By efAhis State. . , lb' Among this Patents meetly grantcd• w. ono lb Thos. 3. Sloan. of Nee .Ifork. “For t r / for setting op insipiias:" . .Thera. ire thought oar would be imasertatiaed some day. ••Bet 'em ap." QT The Wilmot fires's° Iwo assumed a new fo p en asylsottia. Dolt David Willits* is to be with a - Jedgeattip.—Es paper. , To.. and 614 kw. by the unaltoesveting of be Johnston and the will, members °film late Let Itsrily, the laborer is 'tuft of bin hire. i=nri Cr A relative of the Nis family be Elyre9urs bar hely salad that els iris tee& by eas at the Fes kmv t. raisin the ripping; that the secret via N bra ea dm premiss. abet she wield, become a emir She states that it is dem* by the tees sad knees. i • Eves ier pantry - at as a half kw, from tM eloada hag kit. . A Neirspailer aiie. .orty from the Ledger the following report `or. a ' in Cotirtof Common Fleas of Philadelp tis. a Ty lo witich Major Frees. of the German own \ \at plaintiff. We are glad to see that he • t&ithour r.l.fikutt:i. in arcordsice with rule that when newspapers are left kubscribers are borid to pay for them. , e to that nutneraus class who c.:usiJer it uo fats—This was an 'set mars' subseription•for I mg to tt34 " ). Oil wine) ' paper was ordered Is . ! I the counts : • Li sailer, and had th iren . tect a pa• ei a place a .11 , a year n o •s, first n. aper quit e. H... iehu W. Davie isrpolmerefity tie Missis sippian, a Medias Democratic paper. for the Presidency: sod it .s that he would get the electoral voup 'of every akathero Mate. Pretty well to begin ou. bet wei gum it Ili sot enough. ET General *infield Scutt is still euffesies.'it is said. born disease cootipeted in the Mexicans ciatnpaign. The Louisville Journal says he would have protracted Wesley co that city had not the feeble state of his 'health wade it aLlrisatt4 for hint to,basten southward. . _ ' el' li is stated in our Western exchanges that a heavy emigration is going,forward towards • Orern—The emi grants ins principally from Indi•ua, low•. and Michigan. 117 l se patent for Paine's Light taken. out /in Eng land. Ist üblished,in the Scientific American of this week This light was patented oa the 12th of Joao last. bat ha only been recently surtillelo. . QT the Boston Times doses a long eulogistic article do Mr. Barnum, by m.ying that he owes his fortune to as proper4cd:eions and Lberal plan of silveitising in the t uSwspswers.. 1 i A B r rs MAO CCT der---Dnitsnrut. Accivi.:Nr. We a in t:ertned - of a`dreadful occurs:lice that t ,uk u!acenFriday afternoon last. on the Little Miami Nitro d, et the ~ ‘Grave: Bank." two miles this side / ,of Mo row_ The lurntier train had passed along a few iti unto* before the passenger train for Sortie field cime along, end as it was melting the curve :there, Ole engineer saw, when within' about thirty -I yar‘ls, a body apparently asleep on the tratk! The 5 1 whist!e was blown, and every effirt was . made to .revel t the dliaster, but to ntypiii pose. ' The wheels of theilocomotive were fatal to the sleeper, ins:ant ly se4ring, the head friim the trunk! It was ascn taine4 that the person thus sent to eternity was, a youth ..ho had been loitering around the Gra%el Bahl, for several days,' but vehcsjee wen or where he tame rom, no one could tell. • r iffs body . was lying insid the rails, his head resting on one rail. for •a . The gentlemanly superialendant, Mr. Cie, meal. prccured a coffin, and had the remains dq- bu r i Cenis. , SU IN GREIS,I GOnzurr, Missinie ir,—.lhe Paulding (Miss.) Clarion of the sth lost„ contains ft long account of the elopement-of the wife Itlf a planter irrFlurida, %MI a Mississippian from Hancock county, by the name of Hardly, who was living in F lorida. The guilty. wife assisted her p raniqur to steal from her injured husbsnd, a negr bay, a pair of horses and carriage; and same other property, with which they started for the fesi denc of Ilardly's mother, in Hancoek county, Mis sisal pi, %filch. , point they safely reached. The outraged husband finding himself rubbed of property as nett as his wife, made preparations to ursue, a friend named Smith, was delegated the tas of pur -1 Amin the fugitives. Smith traced them lit Green coi, y, Missisiippi, where he learned they had ar eileill in Hat,cuek, and were at the residence of Har dly's`mother. The assistancir ni"a couple cif resolute men was obtained : and the three made a descent on and entered the room where Hardly end •illy companion were found before fie was nun of their presence. Hirclly came tOar making goad his esciipe fro - n the t g.at a blow la ttb the butt of ode of the gunaliriocked hinallown, when he was securely property was recovered, bat, the wo man declined going hack to Flctrida and Oa left The party returned . to Green 'with their' prisoner. bea , Siniih dismisea his asi.itAst ts, and - afier iron ing kgs, took his seat by theside f Hard:y the carriage, the netzro boy riding•ou Smith's Twntmiles from where he left his assistants, Smith was lifter art!: loured murdered, his money all taken as wr as one of the carriage horses, and Hardly and the tegrogvne,. The cencluision is that the degro, tit ho ' had imprudently been permitted to . carry a bo,wie knife, stabbed Sniith from Wiled, and then relieved Hardly, and that the later,' as his Itiods were loose, alio assisted. ger:an - rum; To BE Exn.attraii—t/n Saturday mnrn ing hist, a derk in the Philadelphia post °lice wa, detected with the mail received in that nr:lriitag from Vlcktimirg, Mist., secreted in the breast-pock et ()Oils great coat. Thera was, of cmuraa. a great alit in the office. The potttnabter, the government ri ,, eni who hat Charge of the depridatim department. number of the and the yowl. man charged with the ctime, were asteiribted toge her, high word, - passetkthre.itr, r;iminst ior•q, s,d reerin,ipations, but it a4l amountefto nothing, for ilia pa.ty 'atlas allowed to go untunleated. More than this, he,. Ji was p°, suspended until the matter shatiiii be inv:es- - is tigst;ed. Ye:oerday ' ha made his appear '' 'wrier; in the office p e rform hiA duty the same as . I * if'nuthiug had happneJ, and would have been per do!sta, if the clerks in the office had Let had IP i s More regard for the pul e. interest and their own A safety than the authorities in that establibhmeni.- 0; - , Pennsylvanian _ MCRORR IN LAWRF.: 4 I . OI Cousry.—A party of mPn id land boys, in Stienangu township, Lawrence county, - were engaged in serenading a newly married coup ,. le, one e%ening Last week, when, a man presented u 'himself at the door of the hiiuse with a pistol in hand, w lieren;iont.he,criiwd disperse!, except ene ir- young man, namedThotnits Ninnies. who was short de ly afterwards found dead near the dwelling. How or he came by his death is not known. Ve know the deceased well; he. was a Poor. itiotTensi%e creature, and &jubilees enticed by other to go upon the ex ,. pedttion which resulted in his premature death.— Let this be a warning to others who would engage in such unlawful sport--Beueer,Siar. .. , k Suocatsto OccuattExcg.--On Tuesday last, the . s 211drinst. four little boy., living at Frankville, in ar 1 Catlaratis: us co., were amusing themselves, by. dig .. I glng wells, on the hanks of the I=chita creek, a ',innet:ll stream running through the . illsge, and find ing" autte'roots, three of them commenced mine es-1 them. A son of Mr. Ja,rnes Worden,' a lad five - years old; was immediate!) seized with convulsions, er and died in about half en hour. Another lad, son I. of Fdder 'rowsley,d:ed in the greatest agony about u , three hours after eating.. Another son of Mr. T., • who had eaten, thongh not- entirly out of danger, is. f - likely to recover. The poison roves to he wild ry pars - nip . rout. A child, fa.this c i ty last week, was il nd taken violently sick after eating tuja roots which d she had incked up in the road near the market. It h it supposed to have been wild parsnip runr,though it , q as nut known for what purpose it viss in town. d Y l Fortunately the child had not partaken 'of sufficient Set quantity to produce serious consequences. ' Parents as should carefully refrain their children fronAtasting such things.—Buff. Republic; - * Twt KENT Courcrr litranza.—Dromtitond, the of man who was arrested about a month since, on a h e I-charge of participating in the terrible murder of the to Cowden family, in Kent county, on the night-of the 37th Feb., has made a °confession declaring the true authors of the crime. He says that five men, is natied Murphy, Shelton,. Ford. sills and Taylor, et ; 'were the perpetrators of the murder. He denies that he hadiaything to do with it; he only knew of the P " conaptracv of the others for the - cornmiseien of Aho n P . crit h e. The four first osegtioned have been arrest ed et Havre de Grace. Taylor, the other party, is stili'at large. • Web , ter, the uncle of Mrs. Cowden, who has " heels suspected, is not implicated by the 'clnfession. of DrUmmond also intimates that if some of the Costicn In I fan ily had not escaped and giyeu the alarm, it was se theiintention of the murderers to have followed up h t the r work of massacre and plunder,, families in the neighborhood, against whom they entertained feel ith ings of hostility, would have s heen murdcaed the same night. a ' The disclosure thus made, add deeper dye tothe ' alrdady terrible crime which baskagitated the corn , mehity where it occurred. floarrrrrr or rDEA.—A French earicaturerepre lents Loma Napoleon. trying on a crown, which blur Miptped over his face, upon which he rsoierks--trady sailinde hod a greater lased Mee I! At ,• recent politic meeting somewhere is New England, a sen timYrat was giving something like this: The hon orahle Mr. A., the mantle of his father has_ fallen span hint and neiAtkered him. % Williascitoct A CCIIIIMI.—We regret to learn, that Juatio,Nathaniel Folsom, son of -Rev. Nathaniel S. Folsom, of ibis place, a sailor on hoard the harque lonia, met with a fatal accident on the Stith inst.= The vessel waCon her way from Smyrna, any when oni hundred mills from Cap* Ann, he was aloft furl ing mils, when she gars 'forth by which be was precipitated to the deck below, &distance of seventy five feet, fracturing his skull so that he died in two hottn.—Alfrodeft:e DeTneerni. lITI j l ' In McKean en the 24tb inst., by the Rev. 8. G s ", 0. H. ilsse. Ens..silfErie.. end NM* EMMA. N. Of I. Parmeter. Esq., of:Mex eati . o n d ie 17th inst.. la Spriagfi•lit. by Rev. 1. llama, Mr. Pausena Lien and Mow Mane P. klasatss, son, both of Conneaut. Pa. Olathe 24 inst., by did same, Mr. AAR.) Gory. p. and Miss Ilsitstay KIMILANN both of McKea n . On the 24th inst., by ; Rey. .1. Vittsee, dh. Muss Eluycatsso• Si intuit to Miss Mist Ass Rea m.. both of Fairness. DIED At his residence in West Girard. on the .5.11 J•nies Laughlin. aged 76 years. He was one ef earliest settler, of Erie donnty. On Wednesday the 23d ult.. hlra. Isabella Caldeleill, aged 22 years. • Very suddenly. In Waterford. oil Nlandss afternoon, Mrs. —Hutchins, cannon of Samuel Hutthiss, E ig At his reetdane...e is Milktreek tdarnship. on (Inc the 23t1 ult.', Mr. :glebes] Rtblet, In the 73d Near et his age. On the ult.. et Girard. Mrs. Char!ottt Collin, la •the 34th N ear of her aga.. J. W.iDOUGLAss. • Olree Wil WrJ th.l; tr k , Estalrliottinent: entfance*st dcka trept.ult re W 81.0 0D 8 . No. 5 Ciw4p Vida On Nand. ... T f I . e n s - lb a .f u ri c t , , ,. r: n lr g e ..t n i g i rec a..., ei r v i i . el t : t ls rj i f ty s b , y ,., r g • lnsl., , s..ii:.l me Greeds. con,ivting )I; 1 Du Goodl. 1 Grre -f?l., • hardware; ( f....71..t ri. l'aper Harming. • kw:, Nai!..Le ,) Awl a crcat moor talent df l'arner..rfr4 ~ne,„ J.,,,„,,, , i . v.,3, tr, ilf ti Itch bare Leen rercliascd her C.Alill - . 1:1: •,,, t w ~,d,, i ' small advance' ' t.. 0. HELuLs k s w ,. Fate, May 3, 1831- ; • Neer _Goods for the People. ------- T l e lE: :::. tme t„i r T ib u r f r gy il lo+ w e 'l, l G 'i r r u M cer tl te .l ll ,' Y„ ' a t 'r L Ifr r oc C ' 42l. , Gth**tware, Natly..l.aquOratitc. which 1h i .4 and .might cheap. and still be sold at t t•, I p;/cr. r*v't pay. (ay wari for it.) ai cheap a* ant 4.01 • in 1 fir •1, 4 4 amide., prim.* (rout Ne. 'dile. and the 1 e,t ha It Hrmmst Idic rer yard. and all other good* pro; Jrt W thong to do a store reltdroad 1 , Pl/111 .1 .+ 1 111 Il 11114" the Mee, 1 , 0 10 , V as to ;refute personi to iliac rea , • e g l'eoplc are reqpested to can and take a 1 Kat 1,-, ors It ill cost nottlitig beo that. and „ AL , Erse. May 3, 1 ,- ..St ;11 IQheaper • -the Cheapest ;- C% LE, at No. 11, Cheapairic,an.l nee The 0.: iv— pie and Fancy Goode ever ogertni in th,, j , n. eeived a general anaortrugnt of .I.aen•e bre., Bennet Trimteinp, (aosesand haaerY. &e Ttpre wire Nosily bought at auelion fur cash, ht greAt. , zrntcrl. tr 4 ill be ;old at correrpoodiing bPrri'tFr May I. I-St. •c. TIMIA4Q. Obe,p Igardware ['tore. lAM receiving a large And well' selected of lleart rat Shelf Hardware as was `lever brought to be sold at a small advance.. as Ido Misilles c% thr ( h only. Those wishing anything pertainit.c to Hard., money by calling at the (.71thop Hardware Staf, 1 : My mock can ladknind Iron both round and square. irura - IN 1,1 that bar from 2 to 12 Wetter:. hoop. bawl, scrt,!l. tat' ,r 2 ,, of all sizes, Noble nail rOdii. .s.llpliwaz !1.-ter net% axel arms. springs, grour.Mbores. in,‘lll , :e anvils. sisci. , surith's bellnur, dirt picks, ,„" grub hoes. cdil, log. triter.; halter, on t prk lx,th wrought and cut, 'nod)four i erz..t nas 4tbl, also tense, Boar. finishingrut:ght nails, ruse itow, butts and hinges of all airids awl •ZIA", ,te troche s , 1,1, nus cut and circular sews. fllrlirin *but suatlis. forks sod 4 good r. , ...,..rtai0nt die ~&e . F. I • F. Erie, Slay, 3d 1531. a Rel.: •.e. fllAt BORERS and Boa Scraper. at tiR. ore Siore itt.ED Cele/S:P AIIBARd—A gr.e3tTaseeresert at tr 3 May 31 ; 1631. RI •rt .11 N I ite.o. 11 :e Sic chaster Slipping a nunto T . INT F. a h n a d t . e 6 tio f., fa irr it o t:r d i r , I ., : r ie m t , t. t r u a n e u t c h i r p c a r t i 4 7 .o o r l o am fir 013 elf ecnolented to rralaza a little lunger An.: go us of great hargasno, ri% ug the u.aal t•tli•`tattluil to lt • t9l,lers. We are now (ally prepared t‘ th:a Wettings and Ttllllllllll2S. to suited ail ~ I.. , Qthing. and tor arraogentelits fit the rnaautarti..-e met:., of atl dercr.; lmni. to the pro.-1 . 1h,.e ar, ut tn.,4 I , efit,LChar.l,ker. tit lily &teratuilt,pn fait at; r 110 patroatze oty .-owa Imo at toy etore a 11116,h - oak out Lt fur-a little 0.4 my fitiAlo to 'Le ••the ht•tr'le sa Ir-en-e J ‘C , . 7, t' IYCW Cooda. New Goode.; "1 - U , T arrive prev, this' tr.ornin: rt. •, J of Printed Lawns. }tem p,' i,alie.P . ol,lillll, - ay 1. . Tws In n if! ti!eppe La. z - ",,,ts :aid prices —twin r'sTag , ,l for shrm ,D 2,1.. Enc. Nal) ad 171%IPI'UY, lIIVLH h 1,~ 1.1. 1-51 p :cld Llati., of ati q ir0,0.7) 11".1. ,. : rmri•:),:. it %T:Pr.Ts , RITTSI , ,Tte 2•11..e...rit.•••rs ha.l j.1;1 •••• fr2tiv Vcrk a lelultiul IGt .0f carpets, u : .• • ty TOW rot ea•!I ut made' piy. 4 1111. TO JAR.,:=6,Ls a and c.ntorntderett Tart e•atra.r ', xi scat teed !Ilk a Chiva silk a near article. at " Ma) 3. 1. 'WRY. • Di. k .oh,ti • • • , T ,„E (Inn of le , onti.. Ita" o and Cowin...toil Itlerehalitl. , •viregf 114 till. it,ut , ?.ti ale Cr , t d.. of A pnl I-51, a rut the I! , e J lor wit)roiri.E Tnc want Corso ar.1..•.: 1 40.11 t: ,111 lit•ef after br eotolorooi rf K. A J. Kel , .A. al Vicir : . ..torehoti.c at. the JPoek, LIN In J. hit here Ilit'y N Ili ell.`t . d Nrh I It and dtrpaicti to ;tit ;r:Ilotao. cotr-izted to (Noir CAre. F.. J. Kt Ulf o. v: 1v Lt)i)111- Rte, Aprt.l 31. 1-51 —ltri3l 77 - (ID tVES—A art:o %arta) at the net.* t.t.tr IL Slay 3E tVI V, & I GLASSLS.—.9, gcg.kl airpotteirnt at the cl ez,t fly I I.OICR I, 6RMI N TRA %V Gf l o —A' at 7 L. 3 Ma) 3. t . LoWAY p - ,i , Ts.-1 . 11 - ;: , e and v.dored Linen for al Sennett l!lo ;k c in the :nciatmt CL.: A Lowrs. 'N tr. to ATS at;te W 'Eri?. 110 dloo,ooo unwenron: Great rateitemeat at Ne. 4, Wright% Block! Lind, l ol!el*,,not Comibg! rI UT I. RoISIFINZWEIC & are rce.rn ir: (ice% rat a. " ""e, N 0.7. Wrigl)CP Block. the inobt rif,a, A ••Iftl 3ftettla.eLt OfigeOdS it. their hue et Cr Otretril ' Coats, Panta and Vests, i ofthetineetwatenals, of the best Lit, aul ht the I e•, 7trrr ortinanstsip, are sold at this establishment to rfit4l , the ,, L 4 * ‘ 4llll wake wore b i g buy tug than going V. ititout. .liort tbcir -t a/ Llc act arc AFFORDED SO CflEAr! • that. beret fter etere C. 7 .11 he no excia.effor t. 4 revs or dilapidated Pa,ints. But their stock of Ready )1;0:e CI , aunt is not the the mity and .eettami held out to a ...Fat, ~Ra ggt,l and eaueY l'utilie” to ;five them a call, fortheir ,F CLOTHS, L'.ISSI.IIERES 4 FESTINGS , to tinsurpa:sed feer3ttets, Fashion and, aboie alj. Ca,spliefrs. aad as they have employed Agl ' ilbcperioneod Snight of the "hears. well and (avorah4y known for many yrars in this 414 rouitty they can arrant good fits la the moat laptidiofis. *rte. hake Goods from the fittest Yhtr ICJ to the etiar,,est. s 4 hat c'c 7 S " e can he suited. They Lave t: large a-someat GENTLEAIEN'S FLIR-NlStil•Air GOODS. - Bath as Shirts from the fittest Quality tb the Ca it-e-t !Lowry Shirt, handkerehtels, gloves, soeks.Searfs, under cartue•it•. CO. liars. BOsouts, together tsit,h riVery thing in .put hce. ,%%c a general-au-a:Meat of • Ladies rashipaable Hoods for the Spring ar! Summer . trde. • We tiove no,!her r'ocin nor tune to entonerate et) hs or ' , peak o(qual*, Lnt C in Joet ta> to ladies to c.,11 and examine lortheinselves.r 1T IS \ O TROUBLE TO , SIioW GOODS, and 11 - the prices deli % sail we'll ffoeavor to f:1 ilicn.. for we wish to sell and are Aeterzninerl nut Ifo he unde-,ld Livn t twirl the location. No. I. Wright's Block. Erie. May Y, Itit.Sa Copartnership. WILLIAMS-bar. thin day ammerated with him Chas. II JWright. and fronaed a copartnership under the firm of it hams & Wright. as Banter*, OalleClOrs and Exchange Dealers Office corner of Arent and rublm 2quarc. rne. May 3, ;11,a OPLIULT INT/11MOSN' Tilt ' = OP.' N• :Ntlitpny tiers trove to inform his old et:limners that far • the present hew 'II he found of No. 7 'Deed tiou , r, For mant story • where he IA ill be happy to wait ,uraa all is bo may farur him with a estil.! . , . • •Drim May 3. Ifl.it.. 51 Ezecittor's NwricE is hereby gives. t. letters Testament:la ry hart. tort .4.1 granted to the subscribers on the mimeo( Joseph I.IM. Of North East tP, deceased: .erekne all, having clean. ars.al Kalli estate. will present the for settlement. and Mete l .debud nialte Immediate payment. B. HAVLIN; F.ipNNY L4IY, ) North tan. 1,51. Sl* " ?1150 011.PEIT. DH. HUNTER a ill forfeit giltr. if failing to cure any (.310 . 15 disease that may come under hiscare. no saner hi. - 101 standing or alliteting. Errjica sex are invited to lii Etiisit Rooms, 3E% North SEVENTH Street. Philadelphia, Is Idiom faro( i wen uptoon by other yattents. Otrangcrs and others who hair been unfortunate in the eeleation of a physician are tattled W call. Those who have injitred themselves by Kilda, .ict et also invited. READ .nn RrSl.Fc . r.—The, afflicted woold do Ascii to Wit , ' before trusting their health. happiness* and in man) re." ow l to the hands of physicians, ignorant Of this class of 041s die.' f t Igetritailily intnossible gar one man to ouilristauJ all Lt e illsibe human family are subject tn. Beery respectable ph' °' has his peculiar branch. in whith he is more sucee..tui than his brother ProitagOry." and to that be devotes most of !hi. nine sail study. T. Emig 'or Poser:cr, exclusivelydevoted to the stu.lr end treat - Ustut of diseases 4:lithe wawa' organs, together ast,th u lcer up on the body, throat. mete or legs, pains in the Irrador bchei. email rbetnnatismodeletutee. gravel. IrrEgular nice. dera.r an' lag Atom youthful fltressesoor itipUrsticii Of thelle'rf, the coma au Mil has become enfeebled, enables the Doctor to oil er speed, relief - to all V , tiO 111:1$' place theturelt e. under loteate Philadelphia. May 3. lbgl. s1)51 *cm sad rOpular School Book. ' Hlr:orr, Uu av eraat eetbef ab:d.itireritants.Htil..:rhy„v air pended an e with a pitome of lientben fof IVlritiologr?iatural Ehtiotonb/. General Antronouly and Ettwolont ; Adopted m We PUNK eitalworAs of FOUR S. JON Kei dr. CO. Punt t.helh. 8. W. Corner TH and RACE pure's. PhtiadelnAla• Twat; and Aerosol Coraniiitees addrensure Wier+ IP 10 paid, will he furntahr d with caries icr retinal:llOLP' rj" A Tall and Complete Anortalrrief Peat erd Ratl o e . ary for gale at the I area Prim 141 Fhtic•'eit hop. !kr.: .1 16A: DROWN 4 e•.. J. 11. WILLIAM:4 V, B. WRIGHT. 31