A. P. DITIMIN 800., Proprietors VOLUME 21. Ent illreitiq:Ohoer A. P. DUBLIN & CO Q , , PROPRIE B. T. SLOAN. Zditor OFFICE, LOAN SQERUARE.. STATE RIE. E T. AND TERMS OF THE PAPER. r,q• bers by the carrier, at IP , mail, or at the °Mee. illumine-C. "gylf not paid in ad• mice. or within three months *f.abseribrug, two dollars will be charged. XXAII communications main be post paid. BATES OF ADVERTISING. Cards not exceeding 4 hues, one year. Une square 64 6( do. do. six months,. do. eh. three months, Than. ten t ad%crturtucurr.3ucett per square, of tin. for the first insertion; roily for each subsequen -ITI earl) a dven teen hat e the pn C•i tege of changing it at no tune are allow - Kt° occupy m us gttan two .1 k 'knifed co their iwelseihate !woven. AdVfft Oettlf Ills not having other directions, will be lorldJ and charged accordingly. BIIkNM DDIECTO corros. fiAVEILSTICK & CO. Df ras in Ili L'ou.i.,-Groecries. Liquors of all kitti. CmckeTY ke.. door mouth of SWIM Jackson ni siLre,,Freticti F eri. Lr lei J If. B. list LISTALC,t". RTE.. Agent ari• kAdle Offenbach—Depot of Foreign MUSIe and nut= oral ‘lerchaoilize, wholesale and retail, ltd. le, So. Sth — as. t besinut street. Philadelphia. Olt. u. DitANDI.S. Psvq , its and Scansos—ottree corner of State aild Seventh Ite+eilence On EijltU2 Street, between Fr, uch and II Aland. pi., Pa. - • Di . SAN FOli.L.) & CO., Dealers in Gold. Bil t, Bank Notes, "raits, Certitlchtes of De- Ike. Sight schange on the principal cities constantly for sate. °Cho in Be tuy's entitle Square. T. S I UAR.T. • arsoens •so ranrsieis.—orrice, comer of recneh and Fifth streets. over Moves hocit'a store. Residence on Feuer weal, one (low eastol the old Apotheca:y Hall. T. sTENH.E'IT. ' liss constantly on hand a frill supply of Groceries,, Li :1011. whip Chandlery, Pros' locum., Produce. kt . aut.: and sell} Wholesale or Retail as cheap as the cheapest. lio.jile.t.i.easiaide WM. S. LANE: Attornfy and Counsellor at Law. detolutionary, or arattUiat y Pensions, INunty I.ands ind r lamas tor Cillt a- 4). and tot t.ther t usanes entrusted to tnebball Wel te. prompt andifsa t btu! ittentst.n. -e to Wrtighili =lock oa But 4 strcc over Hi Fullerton's st,•, • Erie. cyrt. IP. LAIRD & RUST Warn-lists Intl Retail Dealers in Dry Goodii,Greeerserillaritssare. Liquors, Flour. Fish,. St]; Ste.. Re. 1. IVrignt'e jDork tor air of fail and State Streets. I . %UPI LAIN b. LLIILIOr Rt , T. --. GALEN IL :LENki. ftehsonable Tailor. rooms over I he z.tor a of Smith ittokson,Chesp Jr. curriNG done on short rultic". -- (AA 1.:11 0 FOILD.4 nt.okeeller and Etatiouer. and Manufacturer ofl Blank' Books and 11 riling Ink, corner of the Diamond and &sib sveirt. J. W. DOUGLASS, A rioßitY *nn COL SELLOIL AT LAW —Oditz en Sum ',street, three door* north of Brown'a Lionel. Erse. 'a. 4 . J. L. A UAL mai Aveney and ei.ll3lXlllllOll Dual Srart.t. and fin., Pa. RUIUS ItLED. Grriunu and Amrtwail liacdwa Flea, Iron and 'Steel No. 3 Diat.a Jn F. • Ahoy, Nail!, Eroe. Pa. . J. k I.lllAiLt; ac cu. Ct kr tureen', Carriage add Wagon Duiii,:er& Sta mein rev entir & trgbth; Erie. L. ST/Lt./Nil, M: - Omer- one Door west or C. B. tVrlght's store. up LOA. 1". J. L. $ k.k 'ART. Poet. A. DUNE. *Tenth near Satutafr antence, on Itiam.afras, one dour north . of eut6 C. SIEGEL, {Ts , .r.rs►u awl Retail dealer to Groceries. Prorillort, Wanes. Liquor., rtltal, ace Coiner or French arittlFillh Streets. opposite the Farmers' Uotel, Lrie. JOlth PA/CCAN.N. W 11, and Retail Dealer in Fain:ly Groceries. Crockery i.liasinkare. Iron, Nails, Re.. Cheap Side. Erie. I'4. pip - The hi prv'ediaid for Country Prod*ee..ll J, WAWA:Nth - 1 SI eartivetTattot. and liabit—Maker.—Store. No, 31 Reed's uloek (opposite the Donnell Meek) State Street. Erie. J. %. W TM° ATTOR,NET AT Ldirl. In Walker's °Mee. on Seventh Street. Erk. Fa KLIS HY CADW ELL. btrotirren , Jobber. and Retest Dealer in Dry Gocids, Groeeriev. , crociargy, ( i l:. are, CATIKI tug. Hardn are. iron. Nt rl, Nati., Spikr.s, ke. F.unare Stores elate etrcel, Owl doors, below Brown's Hotel, Erie, Pa. Also—Anvil., V lees, Dencivr, F. Azle Arms, Springs;a n d.a general aisonment of Saddle and Carriage Tr ',nanny. AILKV.IN Artroturre ••r 1....w , and Justice of rhe Peace, aad Agent for the Key Stone Allut,tal Lae Inourasee Company..-01pce 3 doors west ut Wristas share. Erie. Pa. Gfr.t.)ltGE H. CU'I'LLR. • ATTORNEY. AT Law, GIY2YI), Erie CO+llly, I. Collection /111.1 other business ended to with promptness auJ Jispatch. . • T. W. 510011 E, • Distwa-rn Grorerlis. Provisions, Wines, Liguori, Candies. Fruit, ke.. 6. Poor People's Row, State street, Erie. J 0 S 1-A-H-KELLOGG Forwarding 4.Cortrunasion Merchant. on the Public Dock. east of Plate street;-- Coal, salt, Flamer and White Fish. et J.• 14. %a Ca. Baiter and Exchange Broker. Deal Drift.. cell itkates of Depointe. Cole take. 4 boors bellow Brown's note I. ROSENZW FIG ar;Co. %Yam ram.' ViDIPI/LT•it. 1MAL.3.411 411 Foreign 311111 G 0 0 ,14. reidy made Boots and S •is Wright's Mod:. &ate street, Erie. BENJAMIN F. DESNISON Artoivirt AT Law. Cleveland, trhaa.-ofitcr en .tosatrea Block. Refer tJ Citfrt Justice Par Ltaille bout; lion. Richard Fletcher •14 'ewe st.l - Samuel 11. Perkins, 141 i Walinu Wall'eueei. New York. For • IV/lath/A orice. MARSHALL & VINCENI Arroanrvs troa - --Odiee up 'tler 111 TaillUlan math of tile Priatimiotarriuer Erie. NIURRAY Attu•llrf COCWELLIIII AT 4•11F- , -ILASCe OSICT :• ore, entrance oue door went of &ate Meet. Erie. C. M. TIBBALS, DrAt.ca In Dry Goods, Dry Groceripi, Crockery, No. 11 1. ebestwide. Erie. 'JOHN 411t< MERLY. Vette& inCroeeries and Provisions of all kinds. doors north of the Diamond, Erie. _ SMITH 3AC.F.SON. . Dlr ALIT in Dry Goods. GrOtettel, HAW Mite, .41/et, Iron.. Natl., te., lel, Cheamide. Erie, PR. WILLIAM RibLET. c.atirry Mz y tiTplliotater. and Undertaker, Seventh . Erie. • _ Forwarding. Produce and L alumna:on M in coarse and doe salt. Coal, Plaster, Shandies. est stde of the lodge, Erie. t - - - E. J WALKER & COO r, GtPUIRAL Forwarding, COCUMASiCIe and Produce Dud Ware-bouse MA of the Eublwe Bridge. Etre. G. LPOMIS & Co. Dt.t.nts in %ratan* Jewelry, Silver, German S'. BlllanDla Ware Cutlery, Mtlitartand Fancy • nearly opposite the Eaglallonel, Erie. .$ G. Loomis. - CARTER & ermozmuis and Retail dealers Pralttalra. Warta, Re.. N o. JAMES• ,-oscsisia Merchant Tailor, c of &ace meet, Ene, U.S. ww.triAt." awf arrAtt.Dealer Chandlery. Stone-ware. ale. lie, • O. D. SP. Petari in Law. Medical, Ward 1 tut, Ott. Stile st, four doars Raw Aleut Dentist; and darettl East side of the üblie Elemrei F Nate, from one to as entire *Mt. ,Uold, sad remixed tcr Madill a a Itb Instruments and Denu kr , ' Measliest. Alt work warrant S. DICKERSON. inset.," atm Bragpapa—Mee at hi, madame °Mahe We ltet•odis: Chureh.•Ene. 4 . l titil,:tri ll a r t : :•7 7 , l " lß I "Zy_ 'no to ba eu mow , and .ft. any furor them with ef iine, April ' JOHN H. BURTON. Illarrtu. ander IN Drum Bledie °wales. ke. irck. 5 teed Ileum. Erie. • . , . • 1., I t ,_.... I 11 . i . . . . . , 1 1 - • • ; . ' • . I . .. 1 . 4 • - .„,... i . . - - ' • . 4 . . . . - , . . I - . ,1 1 I. r - f , , , . '.l :11 BS. E . - V . :' _ , . . . , . , ~ . , er. CM VIILIC the time '3.00 'O.OO a;o0 . n haft or insertion. 1. pleasure, ,soda mrserted till HI L. N Tiazauf T and Cutlery. Street. be. StTeti Res Doraestie Dry /t.e., No. 4 !uprrior *tn."' t cr,lL'auibridge Boston; Iluti• Iliehml 11. ,scimotatald, f C- Hall building . B. Wri7,ht'r (be DiawsmJ, =KM to street, three =l2 Of Sm./A...and Mints :dealers e Public doc k. Kea* It Co =l= vet. Plated and State street. I. Seventh sweet. Dye eudk a• No. 1. /1 woos UK* eaftb *fled Thetal. SPRING. /Y 6. V. Al •.14111 JAI Likes maiden seauer4oy Owen. Cowes the made spring *min. Blaring siketlly on bowl way O'er the bin and o'er the Val*. &Way tram the hooded ; aides Falla the vivifying rata. Iling Galli the teffliefir bbOcoi From the genoitigning Frain; Andwp with thieclrertul lark. Through the Ftweettickf and gray Enrolls the merry MO nod maids Bunting for the gnu et* cf May. Bound and round, a ndidarting o fkies the bee upon her filen. Gathering OeitlLl froOhe flower From the roses red a nil abut.; And the stralkor wild with song 'Meath the biro's prosSetingenve Builds her lowly surnuier nest, Weaving straw and.withered lea Laluta leaf oftmeaten gbid Tretrilous to the breathing Cr, 'Lies the ruddy' clover field, Yielding odors rich ntld rare; And Relishes of eriMson .now, Footling with the wanton'breeze Float the blossoms newly Mown From the blooming spole trees. Glittering o'er the silver mil Sings the merry *rarer ✓ brook. Charming 01 the !Meiling fields And the lonely forest kooks Gently on its ebryirtaliwarg ail Falls the shadow of it fflWn. As the cone. to querfrb big tbi At the dnyheirt's golden dawn! Welcome. welcome.Tntle Spun Welcome to the wen! hriari. For the joy that in tbr.chtelis. For the hope thou doe{ intpAn! 311i5ttl ~huire --- TWO SCENES IN THE JOHN BOWG lIT .C 11.4 R(.lt3 I)llMtits. • SCENE,THE FIR In thO \ year 18.11. on the twehty-foust one of these\clear bright dais that seise the regular snow. sleety. Christmas w ship lay elltPlyMesh; the Dine Peter ' mast-head, quarters'of beef hinging fr booms, and strings or cotibeges from her decks crowded with coaritd -clad blue-n and lumbered with boxes. barrels, hen-. chain- t extiles. The wind was dieing wit ry sonnd. Boats were hurrvisg ta,and vessel arid the beach. Wiltrg stood ascii people and young children. 1 1 14 has ces;of ofricers issnog tbeir commands with the shrill wailing of Nr.,tireh on di shore. . I It wee the emigrant ship. “Cassan -Australia intirg the' period of the '• when tenigrat.on recruiters, tetimnlete arid a handsome per centage,4ushed f down the country, earnestly entreating cantles" sad tithes soul, of either sex, passage to c'a lend of plena:" The had not then discovered thati Austrili where masters were many and servants j 1 of poverty and poor-house fare, few of family could be :induced to g;se heed t. they could not read, or inspiring, bars not understand. The admiriblefiduesu. at intervals of days, was distribu • I thic dose's among the evicts/fora/ olive had, did not include modren geogra rending and writing wore imparted. If school scholar did acquire a faint notio' , Canaan. he was never permitted to British Colonies. . . T o the plooghman out of employ. and Australia, were all •Yhrriln parts:" the way to them; but he knew the wfty I so he took care to keep within reed' of Thus it came to pass that the chiarto ship “Cassandra.." were grit' li of latione; and failing to fill with. Ettgllsh„ make up their complement with Iris h; i G I thing to fell upon, but the charity 011 th er„ are always ready to go anlivrhere to The steamers from Cork had traksfe weeping, laughing. fighting carg ' groups of English bad bsen'enllected countries, the government of fi coreihe Vied the ship. With the afternoon tide I less, ignorant. destitute souls were . " their native laud. • The delayi consequent on miscelcul ting mouser England, had retarded u voyage which, should have been benne* In one of the shore boats. eat La i port neither an emigrant nor a saitc;r—w coat and coMforters; ,his brobd brham from the, frees:rig blast, by a foionid the chin of a fat whiskerless i face: T age was Mr. Joseph Lobbit.propfieto farmer, twiner. and chain:nee of the 1 rural parish of Ditxtuatir. . 1 At Mamoru., the . chi`ef "e f ate i was manor bones is ruins. the kird 4it at; otlat4 landed proprietors abient•M, n ee a debt; 'a preached. buried, married. ;Md baptized, for tbh of the rector commilki him to pawl the mil Switzerland. and the winter In Italy; Mr. Leh almost the greatest, as ha 'wee ce taialy the rich in the parish. -., ' ; 1 Extapt that he did not sere for any 'one but , ; and did not respect any imei Who had Wot pleat nay, he was not a bad sort; of man. , Ho had hearty way of talking and shaking head; aid! people on the beck; and. uniil'you l;gan to cli ney with him, he seemed a eery ple ant. Mint, He vim fond of money. but :mom fond of imi l andihereforearathad as zealously at Pariah-besiikern. as he did at his own tam, shop asd mill He ceikered the !hole powersot the vestry id bit own potion. aod wank! have been beadle, too. if it 'bad been j•poseitits.i 1 He ap piatioteutthe master mid mistreat ; el' the workhdlies, who 41 were rektiana of his wile; implied 'the rations and dkdid;ig flw litobettne;" add dud i plaid. is full. vestry (rim himself, and the' clerk, hie cesain,i), assem ble& Hksettled all the quatitiose at Out-ofobak relief. and tried bard, Imre than Mite, to settle the ribt of wa ge,. 100. ! • I s 111-aahuid.p•ople did say. that thee* who erhuld not work el Minter Lebbit's fwf n. at his Weirs. shard a very bad abases if boy wanted any thing t fnurt %bit *wish. or game for the Ohm of blanket', teak, breed. aid bassi w•oloey petticoat.. which hider the. prowisifM of the tables is Dammoor eltarch. are thiotritnead fumy Christ. mee. Of mans. Mr. Lobbit 'applied thole, gifts. as chief shopkeeper, sad di.peared shop, se tailor en perpetual church-warden". Lobbit gave retard dinners: plenty smoked ou his beard, and pipes of negro-head. itirjeneme of gin punch letlowed, without stint. The two attorneys dined with him—and were! glad to come; for he had 'awns money to lend, en vitt secu rity. anti his-gia was unexceptionable. So did two or three bull-frog farmers, very iich and very ignorant. Tim doctor and mate came occasionally; they were poor. and in his debt at ”Tho Shop." thereforebtoacji to laugh at his jokes—which were riot so bad, for be was no fool—se that. altogether, Mr. Lobbit had . limn to belleve.hintself a very popular man. Bat there was—where is there mlO 7 -4 black iirop is hieovertlowinteup of prosperity. He bad a soli -whom he iuteadid to make a tootle man; whom , he hoped to ass married to some ;lady if pod family, installed in the Manor House of Diamoor. (if it should be eeld cheap. at the end of the Chancery suit,) arid established as the minim of the pariih—Rub en Lobbit had no taste for learning, and a strung taste for drinking, which his father's cowmen did their best to encourage. Old Lobbit was decent in his pri vate ha bits; bet. as he made money Wherever he could to ad vantage, he was &Ways surrounded by a iaiee of scamps of all degrees—some agents aid assietants. going .ber rowers. and woold.bs borrowers. ,Yaruz Labbiyound it easier to fallow the example , of hie ( ether ' s coAtpaaions than to•to!low his father's advice. He was air selfish and as greedy ai his father, without being so igreeable or hospitable. in the scheol.room 'he was a dime. is the playground a tyrant and 03 one liked him; Int. as he bad plenty of money. many courted him. As a last resolve*, his father sent, him to' Orford: whence.aftar a short residence. he was expelled. He arrived house drunk. and in debt; without having lost one I ii.a Wilt. or made one respectable friend. F4m that period he lived a iota village rake, the Cog l i the tap room, and Lie patron et a crowd • of black:us st who d auk his beer and his health; hated hint for** inso lence. and chested him of his money. 1 Yet:Joseph Lobbit loved h.- son. ••d tried filet to be lisre the s:o.iee good-natured friends told of hint. . Another tre.i:.lte fell ups 4 the prospa rJtI 4 chAch-war- don. Oi the north side of t . he parish, just °Maids the boundaries of Disineor Manor, :, ire had. been,,in the time of the great Civil Wa're, a large number smell helicon! farmers; each with from forty to Geres of land; the Smaller, fathers had 'aided amo their progeny; the larger had descended to oldesi eons by force of primogeniture. Joseph Lobbit's fistherhad been one of these small freeholders. A right of postnre on an edj+.essot common was attached to these Wile !reel/elders; so, with geese and sheep, •nd a cow er so, eves the" poorest propr.otor, with the assistance of burliest work, managed to Makes a Wringi op to the time ppf the last weir.. War prices .node land valuable, mid the , cortmon was enclosed; though a share went to too litilekreelsold - Cs, amt eons and daughters 'were hired; at g,;•EI 'we've while the encicuMro weeping on. the iota of (lie pwiture for - the stock, and the fall of pr' es at the peace. sealed their fate. John Lobbit, our porgy friend's tether suOteeded to his little estate, Pt twenty acres, hy the &nth of his elder brother, in time of beet war prices, he . boo pascal seine years as a sillePrnin in a great sosport. lice first use - of it was to dell it. and let up a shop In Duamoor, to the great-felted ti- of his farmer heighhora When John slept w:th has faViers. Joseph having suc ceeded to the shop and arivi4s, began to buy latil and i lend money. /detsroen ship credit to the five-aered, i and morigages•ta the f0r1:..-alre.l toe's. with a little luck 1oe!.I in the w 0: - the armful snip of the freiholders being i`coustantty euii t'd fur soldiers. improsied for sailors. o &Convicted for po.iching °nieces, in the course of yews , . Joseph Lobbit became posseiiised, not only of his pater nal freehold. but acre by acr4 of iali his neighbor's hold hip, to the extent of something like five/ hundred acres. Th\riginal Owners vanished; the stoat and Jowl d am& and 'were seen no more; the old and decrepiCkere receivtd and Mildly hot siod•iu the work-house: or ek rsi it loold not have been part of Mr. Lobbit's bargain t find them board and lodging fur m t\ the rest of Vie r days et • parish expense . A ft:w are said to have drank them* ' es to death: but this is im probable, nr the cider in that art of the country is ex li .•MelY II a., so that it iambi* iily they died of eholic. There wee, however, to the vet., centre of the cluster .of freeholds which the pareelial di, nitary had so enc. essifully acquired, a small barren lot five acres, with a right of 'road through, the rest of the property. The 1 possessor of this was • sturdy follow, Joblif ti lidger - by same. who was neither to be coaxed nor b Mod into parting with hie patrimony., =I t-_- LIFE OF of Dice her reed• large iiY~YiiL =EI • her MR : her ~ iog fro her en; Moro tail ;2E; germ. rr, and drea on the if eh! ape. spa a hollow 4. betwo Fr" Pe iinpatkn ♦oi nßled d the pars m d s rek • rs,' for 11=112 • be patriotisml nticallv up and s healthy married o accept I free nglish laborers • Wu I country Alice. In spite he Johuoy .Bull inatn;ng [deist& 'gars they could I it which in 1832. l ed its bOisreops oche* of,Eng phy, even whets s .siray Suisday of the locality of vel ester es the ,snaso, csaluill, he did oft know i the poi -house. it, r revs of thte rod a in thoii cairn wore obliged to ho. hulling no poor to the poor & daily oral. , ed theirtraggod,, :' the `lard -.tray om the ;western cleared Mid pas wo hut:hired help- I. bid fariwell to I Ong the la 'Wigs til mid:Wintsr. a I need is4sultuips. y man—imirliently PP O 4 ill: ei great d beaver secured ndauni the under is ponlirace -411 Ot..Thii hop:" tistry of!ttio rich I 1 in ..chani outlaw; John Badger was au outy son. airman little folio . tapitarthatcher. a good hand at cob house ba ; lding— , . fact,* handy man. Unfortunately. he was as rondo pleasure as his betters. lle sang it'esoinTe sung. till p.m plis;e oFeo ran Weer, and thSY rolled on their seats; he haadled a stick very.tidity; sad. among light weiglits. was nog to be deal:used as a wrestler. tale always knew 'where a hare was to.befound: and when the fox b0u:,84 were out. to hear his view-44010°. did your heart good. These lasts wars ezpet;eive: so that when he came into his properti,"aftliongh he worked with tolerable industry and earned good wages. for that part of the country. he never had II shilling to the litre. as the Irish say. If ho had beep a prudent men. Ile' inizlit hare laid by some thing very snug. and defied MI. Labbit to the end of his dpys. • It would take too long to tell all Joseph Lobliit's i;r4e- Moue devices—after plain. plump off;rs---Ao bug /lodger's acres kad been Wass , / John Bodgereleclieed a leah to buy a cart and horse: he : .reftised to take credit far- a I new bat. umbrella'. and wahitcoat. after hieing lite men: oral Bidecet . Fair.',. fl. welt on steadily slaving at his bit of land, doing all the best thatching and building jobs in thi neighbolhood, and elijoying•himself without get ting into any scrapes; nail Mr. Joseph Lebbit. corn , pjetely foiled, began t. book; en John-Bodger as a per seise! enemy. . ry,'the ad Thal curate health er. 10 . • ' est when John sad his neighbors were rejoicing ev r the deleat of the hut atkropt of the jolly parochial. se l l acrid:L..oi occurred which upoet all John's firodont palcu:otloas. He fell is lore. tie might hive married Drothy Paulson, the blacksmith's daughter-.pan only Id. with better than Iwo bondred pounds in the bank. suit a geod beeinees—s sinters. pod girl. tea, except tht she was as: thin as a till :i!ls. with • akin like a sig n g,grater. and rather a Led temper. flat instead of (No. to tke gurprise if every- one. 'he wain eud• married cstry Hatclrios. the dettgliter elf Widow Hutchies. ono *lithe late freeholders beagheout by Mr. babies, who, di peerpeer old soot, the day alter cis was carried into the i rk-house. lootibg Carry and her brother Tom. desti u4e—that is to say. destitute of geode, teensy. sr credit. bet not of aernason sense...goad health. geed Iseiti, sad the power of serail% wager. - "Carry was nearly a head taller than Juba, with a face like a ripe par. I He had to buy her wedding gown. and eeerything else.' He bought. them at Lobbies shop.— Tow Hetchins—be -was fifteen year , old—s tall spry lad. steepled fire shilling, hens his brether•in-law. boat 'Small handle ad his birds-seatisrg ettek.-sad set eff to li I. Bristol. to be a san re d,. Eh was serer heard of s i Pa at Dexaseer. At first all west well. ;aka kilt 'egoist to wakes sod fare. except oil boohoos; stack to kis undo.; brosgbt kisgardso lots good order. and worked early sad law. wino he could span Soo. at his two Hula &Ids. while his Wife helped bin (assail*. If.tboy had had a few *oh la basd,noy wsoid kayo bad 'load and blouse." =1 = I .t mo jolly. IaPPInC at me i fellow. I ' twice. rro;ti.vrAn{D.Any - SATURDAY 11104NING) MiY 3,1851 . --- --- -- Sot the -St year {wine came—s boy aad girl; and Shifting the : ponsbiliq. 1 _ Minding One's own Buninein the nest a orl, sad thes twins again. and ec On. Belo" We clip (11U fulleeriez from Elie Clambers (Ala.) Tri- 1 . Some years ago 'mule-hods offered a reward for en lis4 4 " . Sediirt was thirty she had nine.lit•rl.r. In'l'lliq ; b ans . I„:. one of the Last odthe az; 11..oistr's Conte, I diridual who alsveys tnioded his own business.— children, with a fair prospect of plenty more; while John and to on; making. one el . ' . thp ',dies': . I , IYhtr.lier t'le F....yr ird *ls ever claimed °root is a manes was a inch* n a s al , inured, d seowenied. hoPelerol• Na 1 While aoe.r,lieg court rec• Ails. in the edjoinieg cern- of but in e comae qu -ace at r resent. the ofre. itself sou a loager did a wid e f or th e ag erly to his work , slier 111 "" ty of Randolph, a friend who Is fond of jcbes of all tote, tan' goo: lit at n very general propearrity os the part of mg misther nd babies; no longer did he hurry home to Lao... gave us I nod who relates them almo4 as humorously as ••hes ' a largo portion to meddle with that which does not ems. rho renewa:. rouch.:l7. fir the soli- ' cern them, or as is, generally expreseed--minding every t et T ant,sii. sub-lunar ex'steneis of the parties and ~,f r l hods's, bmines s bus their o w n. There it us Mactiers is put • Bela! tog stroke to the his oat.croi -no kora did ho sit whistling ' lulling stories orb, ova feats at, die fireside, white en iad(ai r present tee tCb,#:et: sit th e cue a fu r c 1 i: so :d." ,I annoy intr. net one soh';: '•, os more insulting., wheelie,. the "tat" patch, oraubdread same raothin Implement of him own, or making tine for : Brethren Crump nod Noel sy, re I.) tla ro•m' ere of ;1 4 i inedelsomenesessr in the form s of grenadine, eideiss or Is twornbor. I,3n.rer,d and moody, he lounged to hiel _ i 2,in:title.. /3.q.ti.t Church, 414 b eta clever, honest mei) i i per 11‘ , 111. il , ^ lai,l‘Cne.4. lo the first place no senate task with r ant ahlin hi, ny mad siugghtugga , r; spok e eel- 1 v,/no paid their taxes sad de A. is lLe ear.. annually I.;e man eiv, r eceiTta ut catu:tGus a•rvices of any kind doe—wire lie did, polder° kindly. His children, ea• , :_rood, with a rcgdle. or at orme ciiiistien and, in.il.e business , torn any builds most intimate friends. cept the yo egoist, Brand him, and his wife scarcely commendable. If, 1.41.t•11 NOW rag day came round, broth- ' and rarely fiatu t a .-c. _ln the neat place, when be de opened her lips, except to answer. iyr Noel was "abOit," brother Cramp was sure to be in sires metric.: or aso,tunes of othrint, he always know A long. and, torero winter. aside round of typhus fi nth d I iln 1 fund.t and on the 00 ter h:n. it aline": seemed puti- :where to apply to get the proper tatted aid or counsel los fever, wit' carried off two children, a t ' I dent:M.l:63w. if brother Cr urp 1411 •tlitli..ril," iwußicr,t may need, linger man is presumed to be the boil Juhu Boil r walbel."' tad obliged to sell his 'lea oft Not always had a surplu. Thus berron icg rrurn end 'judge of his on n business, -.and he certainly has tits land. its ad borrowed money on :t film the lawyer: • tending to each other, werilit pits' at tbe : ;AI a cdiurco., 1 strongest motives %%ads trllkia: hilltSeir thoroughly se while laid p with fever, he had itileti,ly !Wowed his wife I and hying nu , . t , c .s a iii..e spar ./ ea in irnars u .. r- . lonia op bill at 6-The Shop." Wl'" strong enough to I petted between them, se Oat at but they did nut h es it a te 1., 1:. z,4 , ,nee and pecu.i. ay i..;,.. in his undertakings': ert apart ', I ' • grad ril/- l' vs cited with rt. Interest is on oneeido to prompt bps work titer was no work to be had, Lobbtt saw his sp- I to sp e ak in tliF fres st and mitt I",tnitiar manner to ' each the o th er to ar.'.l him circumspect and cautious, nod liectunltY, oil took it. John Dodger wanted to buy a ! athe ' r. hi re;:ar .1 to owl , reafssii ~ 4 .. ,:. g. . . I te.ari use hie pid-rneut. To officiously interfere'erith eon. he w and teed. he wanted to pay the doctor. and 1 Foa, it cat/Jo-to ilea tii . -stibro , lee C.ul.rp durlng lire I I hi; b...ine.s I. thereord air impudent assumption of. bet levee his ye clothes to foible them to go to serv . rer. ~ liveliest perlod of the costae . retina, q`tov. ;4m Wets:rep- ter '.....-led e e,'whish is 4[1(10111 Warranted by tbe fee" He sold h land fur what lie thought would do all thi.. La nod dispisi Of liii", rep , of ton Lot.. at a sets fair and gerrer.!%. prompted by and leave few pounds in band. lie attended to• i cign .9-,ee of 12iicc Is per lb. Isle a. mere that] he es,iec,- reol.-u:....e. inordimito swilf-consit sad the deed d reeelee money ; Whets instead o r the hal ore e d . „d as the world was ea . nt h h im . h e d e t;rm i ned 1 As rude u.,m, t titient as is this conduct . . Then arm of twenty re pounds ha had ex,icested, ho rect. lends one 'to in; 4.t, and pound ton hiliings. and a long lawyer's Lit rocerpted. I i i did Iy-thrills' iavret a port.ou of the p r u- still a g,•..it in_:: who ra•-tree ii, and eat themselves op paring therefor at a rate prireieely two peuude of suite- I , strontier. S . 1 ireople know rik shout every thise of coeds of the ale of his cmts it, in a barrel of soh: -he; a., c users soli • • styli eitifeavore elimehl bete receive in lie did of say much, fr poor countrymen don't kipow how,to talk to lawyers,lut ho went borne Lk* a I diunken au: and. not %rearing tho clatter of o horse ' baivitil iti that hod run away, was knocked dean. Mk ei tiling Loitou for one gallon 01l dam' whiskey. 'a hob tit -, or. • me,t completely ignorant. Tbsy pa 0: course it was ••uoresterli Ins the ee,tlemeat," that old -lodge of aiiiau•s motives. foresels has aims, 'etiolate his t tr n Crump had bought a hole barrel, end e l ler a en ;mean..•couut his gains, calculate his lessee, decide speltoror, over, and irked up with hie , cellar-bond end trio rite broken. i , w 1.• n •le hegira to °beer -e thar li.s nose cress re der ' his ents I prier • S. and, indeed • pass what they consider an wee • , co i l , . , The wait day he was delirious; in the course of a forte I Wu itintinig lea mach. dill bad Itedrintn the nee , bur- ea _ I , , , r . Jirlepli LA,: it had obtained, in auctioneerinz phrase. , . nagnifileut estate of fire Itundrid acres within a riel I.Ce• , , i John Biaigs! toad up at lengths suing? siesperate. .L.: Cencittinctica..i rf. 114, : ./.11Ilig rr 1..11,1e. cliCt to repiato their udgemeat sit Cl; Clic t.aca de elt thel :shouts; I 711.0 'lei; is at less t a orfarippl &Ilion of time, and atone B-otlier, ,N ....twee **- ore 1; ,u'il..i" a; the keni,l.l winch tilt' rue. directed, es !itch, prkierly circni,ted about ids 14.);: i . an.: fr. . , st, and r.pecia.ty productip of some OA, Triere are a thousand secrets rer•' ..f Via 1 tir4 - .t I.: ...tg it :n the "cietv'lrt Sharon, ;id nature, et to hlr exiluredi many important facts in So en. IttiAl . ..): lie t.:',.; ,,, ,1 , o .r to I -et', r C:usup's and air nee and ph f -op' y which are yet to be idvestiget ' ed. :Jam] the olt: 'tan in a half , ..- in lii. •• :-Io p , r. h. el. ica , •fig • o wash would enhance the reputation tsf I and hie 4) es more moist. tie idea ihtt-brenier Cr. nip ; inflla ~ , J .p.: 4 nieot clion bit a hole conduct IV coma.. " ht he earns to his sol""'• Icing on a w°rlth°4l ? ked • hood. until.. las onu ni . glit ea • it becsnie epidendcall I upon or warrant the conclusiona at which they amen...-. B fore he could rise from the workhouse bed, not a end( i s eon. ird boa left to tell Isere the mug, a hits ..,.. 1 - , .... e 0 r k 't,ill+d rid talLed. au re rt;,tel;l4l what •• few" sit Thi; p-cel s its to taetidle•onlc ntirs. if it does not produce tilers had stood for more than two bui.dred ) ears, and i bestowed,, might he ingerousinan pate, awl weak, and eson liumbie. lie 6•lylin'i .0 ;alto a driiv. " te.ivid brother Crump. the ti , i,ro; 0. zer a.. nin..'t as it would 'benefit snankind.— tel tiothiiig; tl fever seemed to have jawed every a ,. i us 1 ,,,,, as aware ~! tl, presence of bis ne.r,:anir. I Tris 46 a 6.6.1,:e and profitable field open to all for the MT nb - evriry fe4ture— except hp, eye!, which g IlUt. red ..v, h•-, ie., I'm not rig• ilt dram when a bo6ly slams 'e se ninny superabundant time and talent. without being ,an adfer's Irlied ;.Ir. Lubbit came to talk to'hini.— ..,.„ • . ' -I - ' cons'itcred intr,s vn, and without fear el improper med- ' .. . , ade, obbit sa jv it and trembled to We utmost hearwirt was ''r • Bret's,: Crump got l::• hainedr being afriid of atm/ire! . dram apiece. - 1 About is time Swing fires made their appealiactee in '• To • ' .. • to coos:s pry, and the'praucipal tnaurance compAies rc- :;: t : -. : 3 ;: o t b a r ee t e h . : T l4 ,., 4Tc4. ' b ' etl to liwure, farming stock, to the consternattoin of Mr obbit; 1 . 4 r he hid hitely begun to suspect that Entoilg "17"e-81!" • reg " nde3 l l7." ' r. seller, friends 1,0 was not very popular; „ i t he hai ;leen:dui' lux my . uutiou.l its •me thoosanil pounds of corn stacks in his nwu 'Ards ' ab 2 '., e .,.....„ ' •• .'"•l'lleV.ihrothir I S.: nil thosii of El s culminate. 1 .. , :I the ble.s.ii '" I . John gii 7 1 r, *lmes* convalescent , was analqui ta• ' ti. , ~ far • ''l ay. thecpuurtheuse, while the soapier. the dueller. and ~.....: °'' 'l2 ' '' ' . . i .u." i 3 . very official, ieemeditt a kavoto is keep him theft and t "'" •T: . ‘ a sa ' n " tol 'flu h• ' "It's hird ti 113 . 3—• l'a 'lt she b coMfortable, )although a short time Pree.ons the fling had been quits diftsreut. Butt the aid ~ ,..S Qule"l4asi t : i v e t. t: ' a , s4. „ l ' l i Lector Dutt moor lessen; died at an early age Of slaty -ent. ag:ei. " '''' n " ' ''' 49 11. bre lO /Thin ca.. for his health, had been 14ecnederl ' 717, sae rent Of t. : l le r'' y 't a moo whio was not content to les.vo nit “it his to • h. , ."3.. "n dl i >n4l S 4 ' k 1 epairess,alt the parish atLirs ussiLirwent a neiri r;•::•wirl gem'. too for iii --:i..r: ism. and John and lam I urge family eittle Untie( iii 3 es. l'''n' • 1 1. 9 8 5 " d to urn it 1 ' igatiou. Ilis story came out. lien new rect.+. paled, .‘" i o l. 7 ' l / 7 1.1 ' ai ', 1 " -11 : 4 ",,, ti '''' Lod 'tried to comfort bun; but his soothing wordi, fs.:l o - ,.. ••• • •1 , -.. 1 raP ', e .: ~.."'n •ralearg. The on:y noisier he could get frdos J.:1 1 1: throe I I ". an ..I % a ' ".' YU. "A herd ht.' , r hit, ,L taste. S.r. ands patipt.r on's- .112°''''a ' .7 .L . our V. .Y.'' Ix. pauper chilibeint l i arsoli, wlnle the it r. ,\¢u eau ..l. ''' 16"'1.8 v'' ' ..l b " d " 1 •taking mother ?rem or ~ 1 • der John Bodger,ipreacimig 111 hint ts'of no use." ' Low c'e"c t i-ly brother Cr:. With the Wife tie cluromal was more incee.o.frih „ ~ • _ Hope and belief aria planted more easily in the h earts ff eui-Y. --- -- - women t , hao men„lfor adversity softens the one end/lard- i 1 /Mita' tire, ens the ether. Tile rector was not content with tabor:- , Tatel.pract,ceof ma'am ; ing the poor, he applied to the. rich ,Joseph Lobbit on "IPelati'arra i i. ' lo ll " d4 ' d lo behalf ofJohn Badger's fatuity. and as the rector ors net well** a rulienlou, our: s cooly a true chrisliau piles:, hot a get:Omar' of oad a fato ,ll ..r• Fur it hois t fatuity,' and foitruse the parechl.l„ ruler was Obliged to adopt tine rule, louk to tl hiir iiiiid to heed. ,• . , ; eat than tilt inselvUs„ Lt Wand , and smooth, inmost pathetic', nos Justipb Lab. travig•nt; or perhaps to -. Jot, ~u was *.heartily sorry fur the poor man! sod his agai'le• [largo fatuity; should be happy to oast inns tied Lis a ife 3 / 1 14 ------ Iperaistinut emplu,• • imtut on 44 liiia farm. as w4ll ss two for her lialion• a "": • i" ! of the lints and nue of the ;;.N+."11114V1 I a opt: L.. 31, ,• The lidera son and itlaucater, Ott: first tnici,ilaldbsta d.trer.sn ein %Le:e c ituni for some tune en respectable terv.ce. Jol,n wituria lt‘t•e : t't n taboolllo c--• 5 itrs 'lathing to do with Mr. Lubbit. . el. C 44 1.4 31,iVf ..1 Li , l:'• I!4 i • ‘V illib this ci.cussi- n was pot.d.eg, the netts of a ii...:. Is her ; rich Li••ghlicr. ship at, Plymouth wailing for ensigratits reatbuill I)us- 1 N "''' 3 l' " ''''' o f : lc nicer. procure, La: the f9rllol* 1.0.1 i",,r4s as 1.• s-rpi.i:led lii i rhs parsers and the great illopkeefer were; observed a couatelpsrtl Neter cis th- %me 1•.1 it no An to Nos in \ contecordat.)u a I :,:l f sll:. sx.:•ur,.osi or a ri ...a abroad. but ; .1" long, warm coufereoce in the rectory garde ' u, which ends a their shaking hoods, and the rector proceeds:lz "' n °;1".11 is 41. °lee bU.4"' it "' t:l • ''' ''''''' of B". " Ug 1 , at fur :-011/e.t ;left; V. tlhqn 1.: , ...:, t... lo Lt... f .ti.i.ther i.lie' ;. with rap . 'traded to the boor-house .. sal day Jhe lately established girls' ghee! was 4as .ith l 4 in V erl b. .'' --1 l ''' ' ''''g her c! ' u ' leu c -Iv ' set to work se ing rtrmeuts of all sizes, as vill',. as the , ISJ.:11 ' A. ': u•I to' ...", I. yf Air - . -----. . as may we I. b.:. Sipco-eri, iodise :Ii ~ii.. .s ef inscule f•ein evert y, 1:- tomato's, of the odor's trimly. A week after* ar,l,i, ter wiser". she is hlrrA" I. It C . ....1ti:0.d, r.ct Oti. that the there, WOO a star au he village; a wagou moll , d . B:4wlt ant : elite I s.lyl. rim... 1,: Litt L., h.% or .1 t s Oa. oh: iiiied an er- i away. Indent with, fat r, mother, and tar; , . fatuity, a coupin of pauper aril; u guts.' _lel, owls true, , John t ' fic.ll 1 1 ' ale - "V I :" '' h I ' Lth.r. i ' : '• 1 l" or Lh a' a l i " and Corry Dodger 0. .., , r0 g . ng to ~,F orr.n Far.l,,„ "to b e coats. ' 3 , ll):o WU.l.hrtil 3..!".t.1:1,:f II r tt.e,i i'...: :: •ig'2.7o . f WO:141 C4[ll !Rif 3tintal.3 - p - optiiSil: b.. C.., -. to It.ti , LV, ; made singes us." The wet iin ere i,- and ati did the eh il Jeep: (ruin turtalipit. The Lou Stared. 4o use out-' out her ii•a! soon,: once. :,:. entl,L , ti.i.tf i I ICe to be ski , - I ' igracets passed the Red L'ou, thorn was an attempt at II P l '" I tr2l `' n"a"al - '"•• I . , '.•••t' •..1 1 .1, 4 tio that ea .ctly —but ! cheer from two tinkers; but it was a f a il ure; no cue managed the tiCsir in ;,14s troy. she, is.. h :_d un 1..14; um or notl.i . N iEli I•/ to cost Cr ...re Le tt':. to ' allowed 4 ' joined in. So starincsnd staring , the men stood until i sgeari for Ler Own :cliiirs,i • lSl b.:l f,,.. as if.e might thoono i the wagon crept round the turn of the lane. anct ovi.e the bridge. out of aighti , tban bidding cis „ wives ., .;.), I. : , ..s , Few, it hs. to ha ter c.!, pre s 3 Wlak qui tided a, to go to and be hanged to 'ern. their lords, that lend tOis peals, "' g r-at l e71 " I i lle3 '''' CC.* Ff.'fahh.' yet r "" -n : . th ' r - who 4.3)1 are, wholszfirr thein•r ire!, to bs ins asurahly indite:lc" et; h. went tare pend it at the Red Lion, and' thorn' titatt«ira in n. la lea it is the pert of I not, wept in to are the *them drink, and talk ever 3,4.. a i• l b: " archckl% rva:"Alli'll'; WIS.I,:n to act u ith perfect antlopendent e. •\W hat is the;o 1' flAgerre**bouldatee," abuse Muster Lobbit quietly. /so in the ci•entratauus cf ;Ma,. A, having n new hlt e cr 1 that no one en toji tniots should hear ihotru —for'they vrere t i le , bad fan ono to ' ales. B It new curpfrot, is tr.:h calls for e'er.% esp. ruse on poor igeorault peophi in Dukinoor,— I r. teach them, or i to taro for them, and after t h e liver, &lid , the part c' their ni aj labo ; along hard wieter;they cared litdo for. there hire flesh' In "1114114'c year elil - r••••lllres• le ok 10 the w• If:, c'of f i and blood. ow , km:, for their noieboes. So Joan Bed- ) °limit' and lam :Fig-ilat toe the e 3 et of people nho•c'in- I; • tereets as ice no wise at .t. 01.0. Cryrly disi- x ..ilislg• th ' ger wee forgotten almost befaire he . wae out af'eight. e ' efample ef others , l. t . -folii. sty ls r. !:ring t'ffe.roll , l to 1 . . (colcisocc aux, wacu.) , I _________ i , lour cend.tion bir ,1 ••Vo i l so linitits . thus will you be ' _ Crane of ttio - i - 7 , .1 fiisl;Ti ---- sued attereeys practillog in In-1 certain 0 g ai n cm e ,: r e ~ , ,r , disci. Insisted on arguing a-case before Judge 8., after i Tespeltp w hi c h is suielyiof fir gr a• 0 wars% thou t:10 i 1 it had leen decided. The judge repeatedly told the an- LA, ,i 1 of ..1 ' uwa, mepts a aro is ii.i'r• ea eto bask in :lee son- I fortunate attorney thit he would listen to no further sign- ~,01 , ,r 1, , al in. u pt n • cpt .,, w i r d w ::,.,1, 0 „ , .1 m i, er . - t * y rowe l e moot th o: i s. h i n coe ell a S t O e . 4 , ..* , : o ß o u s t, ho ma n y or it w p a l l ea: e a rta y i o n l y r h h o e vi a o r r, a ' n ' : rho On: slleci 01 their vrlfret , ld f, .., er.d ...,, r. to mill 111 fr ont . t., as saintlier bards fro:ri a uorth-rn cl , une at thu sp. t ergo if your honor has decided wrong.” •4 .Na... r e . , t , p - unc le clf uan.cr. ! plied the judge, -a you desire to arta. the; ease any • more, rake it to the:court of errors , "May it "leave vouri i • Napo:eo - 24 Mother . I T3e a!oCaat or Na;,ul,l f on -Was era very I lek.ing ray ' honor,! don't see where in the devil I'd - go to, far if this' 'het e court ',ferrety!. I don't kndir when to find one!' I slur. and always dies.% Or like a young pone.% she gone. 1 r-ly ware .. -rialin govilo and vier own of latificial 11 , 117 The following anecdote .rGorsClfitteildeu of Ver. I 4 „ - e i 1 'zl ' .1! et ' 7 ; ,!". I!,f het.. ~.ef con o..en ccaiip.a.ne.• to moot, la related b/ a correspondent of the - Ofice Drsinelt: i ' 1 8 1 " : 1"3 1:1 % to is i 79 11 . i7ft r i ' 'eCt. of her diem: as ttribt coming ono' of One, day a man , who had some imaines'e with the ' he e ysLt iin., tip sonple to wear in court, lie cone- , i Govereer, arrived,at tint house on hor l ecbeck: S• el,sig 4.. • ' Biecile6 to hike has mother to the fia roughljr dressed min at work near the door.' h' e T im A l l' ' '''''' 4d. Y." 161 f 1 1 .3 . 11aagazit . le of L i rnortnaut, and there to trzke n up. arid called cm: "I say sir, does- do:vein:TM well, old of dresses on otter things. suitable obis mu: den Hie here?" The man nodded. .411 the re diult and sears -1 'Flactatne kleret after much per m lengit co nsented ;led to go. mesh. was shocked I, fellow." said the: shier. disinoontinig. .71th w old r0y1. 1 „,,i.,,, home while Igo ChM the bonus ." ile fogad Chit - lat the enormous ch'irgs, and persisted in leaving Without } taisdera k and stated that be had allied to see iho.talronlat - expituding n fsrthing. Mine Eli 'es veer impettast bashaties. ••%Ifelf.” replied the Gee. etratad, A _,_, . • I° ' • 12°*°11T ` r !'" °° ' 1 owes lady, ”he 4 Vibe's* ben aoatewbere-4 saw lam a ' c '"" "`'`'''''lB'lfr"o the "'"°°°l °f ill # l °°°°° d ammo niece: ..!ilki., she aniiink looking out of iiiii L ia T i rsi es . mpsllidgite! mother to take %beide the jived wals--4,,f0r le feria' ht afterward* with Fief at hee -1 " 1 4 4 : "Tho° ll4l (1 °°°•°° 1"11846 °11/1/ °° ' 4149 fle t " I log' spoilt es much ntitiey. ..:- I - '''' , .. _ , r .ittle, end 1113 friends fiink.s r Noel," said Crum?, 'khat is a F.;eesia• hyt a L'Ass.:n' .that sera of us Li,) :10 )..0 f.ut p. t.iAe tra—don't rx,ll:tr Crutap?" d to sny.". warned Crump. W. too much— Lc nut. Vt . hit.- h. min? A hat 1 , 1.! Le q. that V.o . L .r.! t, 1 I i. 11: tilOt t:,o knoc:i, to loike ••l'ra rriyed tlvlt 4,-.rayeq .3i.• ii! c'ol: of the \ -:o.: • . I.o‘r corn: lry ail t r iio trkriEv iJ atterndt : ei. eildip.r:eri al•oirt it u ;I,a v.-c dit; arb,4 tic k 11, • alsiat o : e ; riay. nothinXM:l4i k•:ow nothing obi 1? had sAitiil ISt ris;;vnit at frinnlT c:ilb: , afitetel—as j agitated wh. a drop of rain fa iC.I. • cr•atre el' .at circin oft' deep J carne tep *ot sired; at a vary tittle eis't fa;me, an Ireeh:er. ni`a point, Clem on. m hare died ac when el. tho ocean-- t:,,...,.100ut of other ; "Jr %t a yer) au.m.fo, 36 h 66 brt n ti.e ruin of :Deny 1 Lelytns th:.t tr.rne ti.4:!rdt; cs:onorni -1,1 L'.lo tal ex- 1 I ch ay poste LS (1.0a71.6 fgr 1110 r• • a lininb:e rnec:iaLir; 64. taLen ILI:AC in Is,,r awu Tay b h . • 11 evet to 1-.',AA • th• %if.: toot. by Mr.. —:—; exer3 to • Ict fl .1) polls: ' cr of C't3 tiw :•;tc: SISOA YEAR. is ; tiling with ether yerv:e's business.. Let those. there ! fore. who hart. mme leist:re time then 'they know what h. ci• cs izia. tned.ilitritli their neighbors be enet et.ce itto thi4 unexplored roiled, and :V:1:01 will mpay them fur their pains resil seiv.ce to mankhult—TAJefg#T. • - -- • erinen4e. :.!nee; our Weals; oar a breach will be made mourners who will p- Owls. We thiek , of the li_ go a , :th or to the tomb;, L the hearts of asty coosi irocession are serious arid about the dead. We leek ihem forreir'. its if every hem, as if the world bad rimy nol be required to cen32.l 're think W 4.4 I when r;:e. lie L. of tit. tier -around bro:onk , x. 1.1 proczi , ,i.in that ivii ' forkettinz peLloin it is that doriestr portion in *lt (antral 0 ffo!e . inn 1$ I. can anylitib..; t our own and prows , t•tain-,r, (0.4 w should v,ire way to n.. interet'so great that they e oUr COlVeuisrlee Tileoy . 111.2,q114 V, 1.1v3 •I L:431 of elre OD. in: ..le a. rztfor 31: into:di\ A f e d- . 4 :'ends wth goandtt r urs• ug: nd then they wilt turn m ere to their own conce us, forget I that we are Rirpinp, :.r the Fare. Aft , liop yvill rear a 'atone sad p:tha t•w tlowLet neer our „grave—bet the hood that renew.- the sl-,u or pizat;th 014 fioh•ere will woos beeper .t.: ;t,;. hut the letters 4...reepe as they become ° bill et s. e'•• t. , r,thirlte the et --and in a D.'ef period the S a:rl eino,thec dowtit and the atone will far, neu'acr fetetth 1107 etrn.Qer witl be ceueeraed 'ask wLic't cthe of the f , :gettelp [tilt:ions of the earth was bur;e.l the::. • . '.: `+`. . w:11 clo to cut attain t. ogre ac t . ' lournomo,audthetuneofoprbirthand .r death. Et-cry vom.lzo tliat we ever lived tipon the earth W:l!"...ve vt....ishc.l away. All the Jittle nierriels of cur rt In^;nl;,adee—tlie' lo:lt of Nair encased in gold. er C-Te rort,,;: 1:ito hun: in our dwelling, 'will hue to the .4.;:lilest value to !toy, living being, nor will err.. momentary cut-loads be 'excited to know who wore Calf hair. erm,yhose court:cut:Pc@ is ifrlitiestad there._ Don't, yOO.llO it. • Sh”: 1111 POI] Lappro to ) °merit' whistling in I printing rplf.-...:tnd the cotnpotltorelell you ; to whistle louder—do.Ct do it- - When a eigne of ivarrn fends • na;,t 0100 to 'tarts p;:i-te . lo (Omand a.partittile:i set of view*, and t proaliee y.O a lug:. iluaia,ty of (goalie and fame to be gained is, the n: , drr•Nising—don't you do it. f. • When p.,•:-re otl iad * great hatpin. the value of %%Well ton k., !wiling about. bot at which you are to get nt half p heir! you—don't you do it. . W , .on a ang ledy eatelite you alone lays violent eyes opon eau, expresearg.pep, iu every - glance.-don't vou - do it. V.n-ro a bo:se MICIO ) nd, kind you feel • strong dis pro , I,Sii 7. - . 4. r'i, the fict , ,Ee it return--don't you do it. IA i., nu r.-e sh,:iioz 1., b, ery .rxrcditieuoly round ix; :. .n ~ a tth of boniebotly lorith something OW. 160 ran upoi*t yci.i. with 4 icrala.; and you lull suddenly lOU.. cputoti by' sotneboaly ulto wants to litirrew font you— dao ) on do it: 1r il A I)nte widower. out west. who 4betterfbalf departed on a long jonroey tothe spirit lansetae Orebro months ago. determined. the other day. teitaault lb. "1!,,ip7r0.7 and enderwor to obtOia a spiritual nelpsna nicauon, feeling ane..ns respecting tho fnturo etOta of h s wife. Tneae - Litappint." be it known. were wet the g• 4 1 01110 ”modrune." bet of i bogus kind—adveaturera endeavoring to reap a harveit ont of the late wytheitietee det e:opniente. After the novel eeretneuies, the *zit of "Mrs. Hatintzl' manifested by' rape its williegowes to converse with her di-co:l4'4)lLnc cause. "lets tit' }'au, J.n. 11.40tz7" inquired tits-Dutch , roan. , “Yca„ dearaot. it is sour own eifo. whit--(---" "You lie., on tarn teal! a ghost." istortitpied Linnota. starting trout Ilia Best, "mina frau spook netting bet Dental). and sh• traver , said 'lastest' in herlilia. , It Was sissA ..ilanutz." you flair or. •finunts. your tiny ohkaiar " and the Dutchman bobbled from thn roost well ratltfiod that the "rapping spirits'' woman Milldam sad that he was mai front MayYunber , commosisatits with hie shreWith trair on 04 earth. • NUMBER M. Our on - m Co ii to troth and cfality. it in . show. Few will care weld at large will can u: it. A vary little circle liule cfree of meter is Ha into the ocean. ' i lit . tha iendo. there will be t oms ere of gem:title grief will ?lice, the emotion will be but a little more renacile !1 the agitation them wiil r t .V.lO drops of rainfall into