Erie observer. (Erie, Pa.) 1830-1853, April 26, 1851, Image 1

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voLrmE X2l.- -
.!1"• SLOAN. Ed it or.
TE21111 4 4 1 1 , THE PAPER.
•nt v imh.cribcre by the earner, et • • 41'4, 1 14
0; ~,a,l, or at the office, in almoner,l. 3 o
• .
Is If not paid in advance.or 14 ithin three mouths from lActiuse
or ~,I.teribitirt, th o dollars will ,he charged. •
4/ A 11.conatiumemions wrest be pad.
Card., not exceeding 4 line} , ne year. OA
fine bquarc sii 1.4 141.00
do. do. Ili-months, 0,00
do do. three niontlie, 3,00 •
Than,. ,t 1 ad, tents per munre. of fifteen lines or
:,-... for tlie ba-t Ilia , Mom ta eerie for each bulsequent theeltion.
1 : l'earh ads erin•eri bate the prix 'lege orchainging at, plen.ture.
ai no t iMC are attuned to ace otw more than two squares. sal to
St hrstrd to Shear inonedstat bascatt.s.
4 ,11.11, , ,,,r vi- not has mg oll,cr dartettons, will be .ibitned till
~ ,,,I au•!charged acturdinly.
kill I)' 0.1.111
ilr.l can in Dry Gool, Groceries Liquors of all kinds , rrockecy
one do south of Snot!, Jackson's store. French
1-ireci. Erie. Pa .
R B. IlarrafriAcic
Api or oft. A.rdre Otringtinen—Depot of Foreign NICSIC and mu
, d holesale and retail, boo. ID. ST). Silb tIL
lab h.Ytnut %item Philadelphia.
r ,•14 u< ay.! Bran Lam—thrice corner of Slate anJ Seventh
ftriLlenee pa Eighth dtteet. between French and
11..,11.1n.1; Cue, t'a.
Dealers in Colt:Silver. flank Now., iymito, o.rtitu a l, o f D e _
Lc.. P.ght. ExclinneeOn the _tame tp.r.l canes constantly
r sat,. Wrier. in &ILO' or Bloch, ?tibia" Square.
v.zna atn Plar.tcws—iJece. corner of French and Fifth
ALrewto.o% et Mot... Koch's it,rr. !Residence on Fourth street.
cue door eastof Vie old .I.lKillir earl - Hall. -4
ilAs tonsil:lndy on baud 101 l supply of GrUceries,
Chatlinery. Pra,tl:-lOnw,' Produce. Le .Le and sell.
or Hem.' as the cheapest. No. I ltr. Clrearn4
WM. S. LA,Nk.
Attorney and Counsolla at Law.
teeolutwoaq, gouty and Nasy J'eu,qous, Houaty Land* and
c Lulus lot' extra-pay. anmiall Gther h.t.ruca calruated to sue shall
r. care prompt arid faithful attention.' . -
tntre to Wriglit's 111...:1.ou Stant street. oterJ. U. Ful!crimes
•e. Erre OeL 111.
1. n. , Lro trt •ni Retl.ll)en't rp in Dry GotAl,Gr4crws.llnrimose.
1141/. dolt &c., No. 1.• tVrigtit's Mott. cot
,. 1 O . t ith
v 1:111Elf.
I m• ,n,:s over the -turf c'z'utith Jaektion,Chcap
• I:I'TTIS..:4; durc on >hem n,..t ice. • '
ouvEtt - I:.PATfrAiu.
znd tuntoner. and Manufacturer of Blank Books and
11-r t.: g luC. comer ol the Diamond an I Slain .it_
..l. W. 1.)01.1l4L...18:.;.
A i,airt. r 1.11 rot T 1.4 n —1 /{ice Orl•Slate Street. three
rtti cd Broun's flow!, llne,
F., 1.. and geucrll itgeuey and Culawwion bus:ne,,,, Frank-
Ur.sta,n Englioh', Gupta', akd American liarduar; and Catiery,
\ ices, Ittm ar4,l bred No. 3 Reed Howe:
L•v. Pa!
Et A'.7.1*P71`... (amaze and Wagon 134....1er.5. State street.
• _ _ _ _ •_
tiTll.otitlr. Ai. D ( ... - .
o 4r:t v :_
__ .l.. 1 , 5( r nog of t..%. U. Wrien's . gture. nyi *fairs.
. *1)()T. J. L. S'J'EWAR:T.
(ir,,,- r tklth A., sevemti noar Saimaa:go ptret.4.. ~. .
..._,.., i,ce, ~a ttagi.tfileiOrielc..or Alerth or eh.. eullt• at. Res
•S I P PP , : ruPtGli.),:etilef 111 l.(,:"CfjPi, rrOVilinr,..
I' 'i,/ y . •,. i Ant, &C., ..4e. Cotro.r of French Anti Finn titreeta.
v,•;1.-. 1, Itio F..rinerai Hotel. I tn.
_ ____ _
W:,., roc and R,( Dvsler in Family Groreriee, Crockery.
6:3• iron. Nailp:&e., Cheep Silt. Erie. Pa.
r:v The bigii.,t tar Conlin!: Preduce. FT -
7 -."
J. t,a)ALIJ Ntr.
r Ret , r. lll .xt.
the Donnell !fleet) :I.ate.
- vrW111::k101t1:.
1„ on Sete/ it. Suer.. }:rte. La
11‘,.a r.R.JaLet. and itt Fir) ,
etl t). :Ire, I r‘r• ate.
tk•a, 111. n. Mu...'. 'ctr.:et.leur betutt:
11:u.t !Bart. l'a.
11., V wee. Aee Arm!. Fprtngs, and a general
I,,ruftltalit ead•lle told I...trine Tromumg.:
A TWOINFA AT I.ALW and .I,tice
. 01 the l'euee. and Alma for
the lie). st,me %; Lite litstaamee Cumpany-- 4 Ilflee 3 dour ,
View( oi tl rtAtue ra. •
Ar - roaptai Ar Erie I.7vu•tty. l'a. t',,lieetione and
other Ilara4,w tittei.tlett to with tirtaiiituep.
' T. 340011 E.
P .i.ralorlrocerie , Pro% I%lOrlf. IVIIICP. L o tines, randieq. Fruit.
hr.,.. So G. Poor l'i.i.lels Row. Soite,treet. Erie.
-\ .
Fars. ari Illf it C01111311F1 1 191 3 31erelimit. on :be PuNit. Dock. east of
ntaii: , trmt. •
Coal, snit, l'iri,ter 'nl Mule F i ii h.ron....ini ,
ZanVer and rt , hP. ,, r Broker. Dealer to Rills of ' Esehalige.
(raft.. ceriinente , of Deposite. (}old and elver coin, its.. &t.
4 .rli , e.4_doors below litrowu's Ilcitei. /Irk. l'a.
__._ . _
I. 110SENZVVI.IG & Co. 1;
Want ws•t.s. • tiviltur•tt. Dt•taas in F1a4.411 and DOinestie Dry
CA' Kid.. ready coaae eluthiii,. , Bacaa and Shoes. ar.c., NO. 4
Wr i pa's Biock. State strect. Erie.
— iiENJ — EOI I . - ~.---1 ,;15i::TS:ISON, .
Air, ii,cr AT LAW. (le% eland, Otkio-!o:lFiee - ou Superior street.
i. 111% awes Moe.. taCii2T to eft id - Josue/. Pa rket. Cambridge
• lA. Se 6,41 Hon, Riebard Fletrto r. Hi State st.. Boston ; Hon.
'`, a .01e411. Y0ram...141 1- Walirn st.„-Ititadelpliia; Richard hi.
hp....1i L:5q..5.1 Wall steel. New Yorke. Fur testimotnals. re
ref to tilts Office. .
-- - - - -----
- , MARSHALL . viNcET.
Arr ~rsvi, .r I •w—Otfierep curs In T.....ttnauy Ift.l . Vnt.l.lll.g.
n e Li. of the Prottiut.c.tary'.t otfiee. Erie.
A TIORTIET AVID COU.IOTLIAII •T ' LAW—Claire 01.1• I C. 11.4Vtight's.
mbre, entrancerise dobr 'weft of :Rate *rivet. on Ibe Diamond,
VrAl ER' in Dry Goods, Dry Grotems. C ro ckery j ilardorare. ice.,
No. 111.
._ ChtsallOadt, Lite.
tin.LLlt nit:weenie; and Proaniion.: of all kiLldia, State street, !brie
,‘flti. north of the Diamond. Erre.
_ __. -- '_..---
'.T ri Dry Good.. Groceries. Hardware: Hturtaii Ware, Lime.
\ Iti ail., are" 111, alwapaide. Erie. Pa. -
C,atun 11,art I:phoister. and Cstdertaker. cornet of State and
Pet eta). evert.. Fair-
, ..--
El" IN J - . - ii,4.1. - bii -- & CO. •
Ga n z Furs ard Prqduce and Courne,un MerttuintF Aealera
/n uaroe and Line AIR iI, i 'oat, Ilaider. elutlates, 110. !UMW doe 1 4
1 , 1 , t snie of the bridge, Erie.. .
E. .1 Kacan h. Co. .
WALKER & COOK.---;-- — ------
Gr mitt Forwarding, Guanntrion and Produce IterehantatFme•
and Ware-house earl of the Public. Bridge, Erre d ____ ,
, (i. LOOMIS & Co.
Dr r r ea. 1 11 IVatebov, Jewelry, :Myer, German SilWer, Plated and
Ur 'Manta Ware CatllerF.Miditary and Fanay Goadt. Slate suiret..
near!) opposite the Eaghillotel, Er /e. 1
G,, T. Id. At.artm
Wuntorw•Lr. and Retail dealer". in Prow,. Medwinei:Paints.
1i..-glum.. Claw. to 41 ? Reed House. Brie.
3A! lES Ltri.. ,
rtnrinti.nru Merchant Tailor. on ilte public equate, a few doom
nem of dair strret. Erie.
- _
D. S. lle It K. /'
wffnu...l.4 Asti its-rAii. Dealer Groeer!es, Provisioni , . , .iip
ChawlitTY.. e""e-Ware• a O. • ! c.. Do. S. Hon nett Sloe k, Kr—.
0. 1 ) . SPA/WORD.
Deiler to Law. Medical, senuol Misecirancous Books amtlooary 1
telt. &e. Stale et.. Pout doors l osi the Public Inane.
_ --
DR. O. L. EMIOTT.- • 1
Resident DenthitiCand dwelling in tlie Beebe Block. on the.'
i F.ast si.te of the e t
urn' ire. t:rie. Treth insetted I Gold
Fir •e, from one tare ett ji Carious teeth lilted v. ith pure
1:o1.1, and rest.ored to•ealth and use fuluceo. Teeth cleaned
o uti insiguntlipiedad Dem/Seem as to 'CANe theni of a pellucid
cleautos. NUOlt ol o ;/d.
S. ' ELSON, . ,
rity.,r lAN sive Friezes e arbis rest knee on Seventh greet.
orpo.ite the Motbudtst Erie. . • •
Wnotesa.a tiro It se Aii. , . _ •_„,_ , Medicines, Dyes dilt.6
lii?eeries. &c. Tin. S ti lted sl , '"
-T A IBA & RUN. • •
airi. lc'
. or il'^ -
ILS ;MVOs Biota: , .
esd M co uproot . and ill who ams,_ - tor t
. 1 : 4 • i - I .
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-1.• , - - .
. 1, . • . 1., „ .
r .
~f. . .
Fj ~..
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••"' -S ~E; Tii; it, •ITH _
a 1-
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• ~ A
17. - ONWAILD..43 ' !
'' 61 50 AArii A.
~.... _ _:.. _. -....------__-:_________;____ - -.; ,
L. N Ttasaui
n. Ship
•l. to
tlr 115wrik, to No. 1.
be happf to too their
, to gritb a air
They ere wicket', darkly VI
Faint and fainter grows rad
And' he shadows round Mimi
of the darkness the; is Moth
We are with them—befiding cil
And tbe &nal in torrove WO
"Would tat I had passed be
TO tin
t tiertneee that impel'
They a sleeping. coldly We
lu tl me yard. still and
Where,. e triads above thew
Make a ruelanch. 1.1 moan. i
Thickly , rouml'—clutkly o'er us—
Is tlle'pall of sorrow "Mon n i
And our heart•beats make a chorus
Of Itml melancholy mow.
They arc waking. brightly waking.
From the slumber{ of the t., b,
AD,Leorobed la light, forsaki
Its impenetrable gloom , ' •
They are risen--they have rise"—
And annt 6;4,3i-11:rens I !tuft.
In the'd•irknesa of Death's prison. •
The impenetiatle gloom.
They are pascal. upward passing. -
Dearest brine Ofour hive.
And thoir ,pt r forms are istissaing
In the beauufL.l above; V
Tbeie we see them—there We hear them.
Throuzh our erearus they ever mom - .
And we ton; to near,them,
In the beautuill above,
They' arc FOlng rently •
In anzelitohcs to stand.
. .
Where thet; err, oilife is flowing •
In the far-oX 4.5t:121: lan I. .
We 'ball we shall MOO them.
' , ram otr br*yt little baud; " -
But oar souls shall stall catc.s they, •
In the Silent Lat!.
They arc singing. aweetty ■ingtng,
Far beyond the vale of
Where the angel-harps are rigging,
Ili Is ever bright.
We can love them—we ean greet them—
From the 'and of dimmer light,
Tall God ue hence to inert them
Where the day; iv ever bright.
cif uirr 3 i~nl(ai .
In,LuSartazo's 3lagazine
'W-Htt , lth n •••t spirit vt ttne
That. like t L, wunt-tn, L hid et/t •
The work . ce te ; NI Ike,' put he!d•e sue.
Duty flout wore ISIS bet id butt.—
i t
ift oce of the 'stow. dirty oteets of Now-York. in
a miserable eittle , y a young girl of apparently serep
teen. Het face b re 1110 trace, of great bent:l:y.l)ot the
crinlion cheek and brilliant eye showed but tuo tilatnly.
that co . nt.omption had set its lest Lynn her, and that her
ass-a on earth Were tr001:0...i. • '''
erns' me' open winnow, wont) writrit toe rap , to e
Sqitember sou were 'shining. "It is so hstd to he here
alone, buffering so mttch.f I hope Fanny will obta:n
leave to return home early this evening—l know alie
means to ask it." The: tears rose to
‘ the eyes of th e .
poor girl, as she though), of the devoted effectital of,her
only ewer, a girl of nineteen, who earned a living by
, sewn f.,r nue of the fash:ciust,h2 Jnantatfmakers of Me
i day. The room. although meanly furnished, was nel,•
1 and the invalid's bed clean, 'though! coarse. A am ll
/ I
i s tand s tood hy the tied. itti which wan pitcher of wat r,
a phial, and • wineg:ass, and on the Plow lay an open
i gAile. Tho young gt-1 had earned ik support as •,tai
;„foresa; but a neglected cold, taken thy carrying mine
I work home lateene wet evenitig, had prostrated heron
! a bed of sickness. frera which she was destined ne er
to rise. Untiring were that cares bestowed. upon her by
her dieter. She watched with hor in night; and to y
were the !tumble, earnest prayers 'of the occupants in
this small room to their Heavenly Failier.that He would
enable theM to bear patientli His chiatening hand.
But we hasten to a differet scene. .
iA g .y carriage drove up t Mrs. Bennett's fashionable
establishment., and a beset!! I young girt descended, and
entered-the shop. "Mrs. Bennett. d -Most hare a new
dress for this evening; I hire just bought a love of a
dress: and,' intend wearing it to Mr. Green's balk"-
-To-tight. Miss:" said Mrk, Bennett; • "it is imiiossible
for me to have your dress ready in time. It is now nest
one. and 'I could not premise you a bell dress on so short
. it n o tice." "Ohl non ,Mrs. Bennett." said the ady
. petulently. "I must .naviu have the drece; and if son
will not make it. why I Must carry lay custom ae
where." ' The mistress oflhe shop looked dist
"Really. madam, I woul do an)thiug to oblige—but
sure coo have some other peas, ritually suited to the oc•
cuion; I sent con home !brie. , on:y ten, days since."
"1 have wore them all." interrupted the beauty impa
tiently. "Let your girls leave Off all their other work,
and turn upon my dress. and I will pay insything extra.
110 may have the conscinnce to charge—only do not
disappoint me--and seed he dress honis by en experi
enced had. that I may hake any alteration made at the
last moment. if required.", So saying. Miss No , en•
tered her carriage, and dMvs to the y jekroller's shop, to
select a new set of:ornaments for the oe'cistori.
Dire. Bennett teak the gauze left in het hand. and se
hicting from her well-hilrd shelve/I'l , mM corresponding
in hie, and - trimming toinatch..wer into a back room.
Some twenty young girls ;were busily plying their nee-
Iles. The room was ClOllll and warm., and twiny of its
occupants looked jaded and worn wiilt their labors: From
six to seven, with a sho t interval of half an hour for
dinner, were the regular dour. required for their anted
mice at the shop; but. weu there Nu to press of work,
they were oft - n obligtd t 4 remain aid work extra hour,.
, i
and ten, tiler o, and even twelve l e'ensek often arrived
before they re releutid from their health uonsumieg
toil. The table and chairs of tlis thorn -were littered
with shreds of delicate' gauzes, n i leh Silks and satins.—
Can we wonder , when we hear lb often-told tale of the
seduction and ruin of one of this delicate chum .et girls.
surrounded by temptation, their knolls employed upon
tr• a'^rial which so well; would Jai off*the beauty of the
werker, and the Toys of the temper aver at hand to of
fer the lore! And if rentaining tree ill themselves, ntin
ted in their focal. poorly ):iaid, they , work from Monday
morning until Saturday l night. week iit aid week out.
until a premature dAne often, Clo oa,thoir earlier.—
Such is the dot r . , tg,: , riUd history o too many of those
poor girls. Cuo .0 '.cal of the butinsi who./. gay coo
tome has cost so marry hours of be,n‘ring toil, bear but
one brat of the suffering so loll:idled', she *suit: hesitate
before oho adored a new dress on 'short notice. : But to
"Here is a new droll," said Mrs. tenuett, addressing
her forewoman. ..ftiiii!it most be roughed before alas
eWock to-night. Toite half-a-dozen of lbs girls. sad,
au that it is due in iliac." ••Theyiwill hate to remain
extra time, madam. in order to do u." said the fore.
woman. 40101. ist them sta i r then;
I .1 am sot ping to
-- .
loose one of inj . best tivistemere to suittheir lazinemi U
any ono grnarblee.!' Ole 'aid. on loatMg the room. "let
ma know; I do not want grumblers tie work fc- me
-1143); may *ea amploymodt elsorrheret" A young girl
sated near hat forewoMan, cast • liepricating glance
toward her. "I cannot help it. .Fanny,” was the reply
to the mum appeal;. ••I wpald like I!, liave!yen go Koine
early to poor Ellen. who 14 know meads yoUss much.—
but what can I do? Yout are our fastest lireakwoman.
and to finish this dross. w ith all its trimmings. will re-
B I N.
Una. s
r UICI3I--
quitarsh the exertion our ifrstworiterseen.hOstow." The
wart rose io Fauoy.'s 'yeti it'd a semitatio•• of of
martio is her throat. But itioras all to vaint . 4od making ■
violent effort to subdue heagitation, Fanny commenced
with trembling fingers an d aching heart.the task allotted
to het. Her needle flew. as she thought that by perhaps
atralog every effort. ahe Might yet go early to iler sister:
and .her companions, wh4 felt much for tier, u,ed thei
utmost efforts to assist hen The weary holes paned on
—we leave Mein to thei r task, and return fo Our lamb
"ionable beauty. ; .
Er:tended on - a sofa. lb a richly furniabed bedroom,
' , feinted the lady. At a s ort distance froiti her edt her
mother mending some fin lace. "What do ,yen hand
wearti.g this evening. Rorie?" she said, alltiresaing her
daughter. 1 11
' "1 have ordered I bow tires* for the oeeirsion."
..A new dress, Rose' Why. yOu extravigent girl, your
closet is full of beautiful drinsee." '
"Yea. I kiiow that bull have went Mein all. And
then there was such a beadty of a gauze at fitewart's thit
fberove I should have boight it. even if 1 idlif not want
it for to-night."
"And when did you giet4 the dress to be Made up, you
naughty girl?" said the mother, gazing admiringly on
the beautifui face of her daughter.
"I went to Mrs. Bennett this meriting. illbe.grum
bled, to be sore; but then 4 never listen to that class of
miorile. What aro they flt (dr. if they cannot snake a
dress at the time one most Wants it? I armours they all
chirge enough to have one; ready on shorter notice than
I gave Airs. Lleunett this m 6 rning." • I
int. •
, "She is not beautituiat all. melher!—!hot il lo' sat ,
not regularly h large dark It : •
s g ii
b r a
o e l e t h t lY ad whiiebet fascination . eesth*,ti
I flui d ul'l n .
1 W• 11., well, utY i es e." sai a d bo h r t. ,, ln.
o lp3 t h k e. now what they mesa, b il l :
a crowd aronu hair all th e w v i L llt ing th . s au 7 d 7n ev c s a ry ll
1 , ••••• was fell of her bun in eta and i telligence " 1
,I. l 42 " l ,s t .hF is er e c; o : t o W ie o: t h he yo t u e :f . r . fling
other,. soothingly,
inting. I am net resting," aid Itut proud beauty.
l i i c oo les s oa rlion b , e ki t he b • e b a u ro rs o t u i:l d t
pc n r r fi . l7 .
e S il i/ w e e i I .l 7o i r il e n 4) 1'1 n fl a au
1 her cor: ra b
s ails : l e i 's t h r h u eer l
I dreis, end threw kt on 1 e Boor, and . rapplug herself in
a loose govin, threw he self ou the sofa. There; nil
looted, on the g.renach ay the c4;etlytrent—the drives
that hod delayed pier Flaony.—th dr ° that bad altllls.
t e h d a:
o h r u d m y
j au ig h a e l a w r i t . t . o w e i s ti te u ri t e o o n ce e
It ii o ud b h 4 aO r d est to of lose pan.
4"lr. e;
1 eyes or dr+ a tear over our rema us. i '
sia " . l , laye k. you any racist rooms i this' budding to let,
proprie u tlar e vi d f a tite Pe s i l e io ' p lu o ° ll i t n h g e tlr7t. n liso c rO li f u th ir rh s u n ild e m ill it ti ' te
which the sister* lived.' 'll want room , and w as * . :n i l:.
that )ou were the agetl of this budding."
fl ik
"I am so', sir.' Whet', kind ofd tong; do you Leah
furl. I hays several roolns to let, sit d Illtirent pric e..''
.: moot, .. l eN . Vu b de u l i *a t
leti l ee t
e iidanl trade .
. to s( be e l' s 4l e ul il q m e a u lp t i o ; tot hued
1 i have
4I s t po er: ss an ib e l e e “11 . 7 :1 1 7.
r . y fair.
,ei m r.
roo C m om to e t r h o is m w . a il y n tf til y; i u ey pl h ea a d d e. m " ,,n '
id a ronmi u t t ' - ! shi , t i t o tit . e ut at n o t t .
They went fro m
iw. e . d he to th i e b r e it ei lv ti l c i:
r "There ,
ira d r . g e : r : e :k. e : r ic • e ne r gi. Y l
h o business e t
u fe ll l i in u l k oa
world. there , t e re u t d ri i ;: e s e pie present
t t i : :t
.th soon
p e o m oi2lit occu p ied ,
take nc l. 3
likeseita. i l b ;
a t } o
leek. 1 1 f o r - -6 t 1 1 .0 1"*. ". 11
e C 77/ !VC
'of her. They have no parer; thlir ti l l m e t * m i o lu n i t e les chi lie r o g t e
, and .1 would not have
:"but I am Idath to trouhlTher°ppenito ber' :
m, I promise .' said Rose, ialps. ' eat iudustrious girls, link tit • The o nee
the 4igl' t h t : I i neraeco. of
u r c ii e g n e e di e t
b e e ` e ' ardent , e . u h t e , ; of
ro alkheils building
l ai d ; l e o g w i a e rre e e s t ;o ft ; h l's l i e t a k e3 n e e m s b e ep e ug ir pf : eY ti e : p o therl: Matters.
~ ....a u _r_e .r . e . ...e c. .l , l B. ...l ll r : a n u i or n0v4 ; 1 ...1 They kneciod bit t nu, answer Was returned... Again
But E ir .- _ --d ti-0,,,t• ~....---1 O. WSW*. airrear owl.? ? ............-4.-, ---n___
~ t . ron ilea._
1 they rapped, but uo squid issued from the ft7olll. "I am
og. costume.
. i
. .
t k v rerily „',l po t ak r e ty p arse d t f ie l iau ,.„, aith poor r! . , afraid there is mare trouble here," said the agent, look
len. Tile ' Water in the pllCheir grew so whrm that she 1 2 1 4 at the young man. !"Let na g in.''
eon!.! nut dank it, and her hand srerobled so that she : They opened the doe* Fenny
could oat drop her tuidli.ine. Sh e grew l ionr iy mere the bed, ha i r 'facet? covet(' w i th hot
feverish; sad oh! linter she IJageil fur tome . ..if the wino- . at heir sister's hands psi seed.
heavily. i sacd. t o h,
leg Peaches she knell were cx,iosea at the ihop wudow not. tier Irks'. Lot ma.O
of the very buillug iii which she lay. Sti turnit. rest - , The agent raised Iteri, ••What au I i do!" -
said the
liae to
aide. .. w.ii the son e o tr „T.._ . young ins*. anxiously'. !
! ' I . l'
She said. looking towards the window. At last, wear- "Run &dross the strec and hvingthe apothecart licr'.%"
fed out. the sufferer slept. 84 , 1 dreamed drat shewan. ; said the agent. ; • i. ' 1
dered in a beau. :II garden, where tingfers aril fruits, The yoting man dis ppeared;
; tell returned q uilo t le
grew in profusion, ll'i m nickeled the peril's:led dr, and
ilwailhhisthheanolioolltlehoadryr.opuperhod b so ro mn o e gh o t i li tt
i bo ., et
i s:i t :li l : T . l7 c l:
grateful fr s n ' h ts f : a v : a l k a e l . h e r n iti ert ai'le t es a t at a. ::::y m tO or t e r o li f ik t / h W e
s it a ; , :t io lUi lpt l e il p e a lt ra rll ti n e tt r . ; th itir p l oo ent r p g le i S rl 7: t o !:
gathered eagerly the
cy shot through her frame.
gradually roused. Sikellookitig wildly 4 bed tli . eu ,
S t f h o o r is 3t,2 i:n k ti :
strong. and the sorrows of bur lot wear for4o l it n a i n ufe rk w e .:
meat, and,then glanceif towards t h e bade were pouring forth their song, and
joined. She woks with a sudden stint The eau hid '
she t,exclaimed. hrowing liers'elf 7;11 the ted.
a te w e a . y , (roan the agent. ft r t ,i,
.....ti, -1e.. , my dear. dear; Nis
"speak to nie, Ellen; s, sak to you! Not!. brukenho ted
e St y e ; 1
She will Devi speak agoin." il a id she, sudden
l:—whore skies I
P f sa el pe t n. v et e d r o e y:w t il h e .
e ak r S o e:a m e d n .
l'i t eu h es a gt t the hour for F.antff.a.rettrn Ss!
herself from kim bed.
goon at hand. She waited patieetly. but' a /ciliation of Fanny!
sinking gradually stole ores her. A clatemy thw meld i ll' . r°4 l °C
when you wore diang. poor suffering one? Finishing
on her brow:--she was too feeble td wipe it off and n ,
icy chill crept over her. "Oh. my God is it, tvca i , ; that dress for that hardhearted. girl. add you, no doubt.
Am I to die
alone? ninny. .wrest Fang ' I calling for me. Oh, why did I ini id them? lVtst` did
Got coati ., to met" she snifmur ei s ow : it Waiter if I should dread they.. a 1? • nut! was a il;ow
ohd whoa 0 ' l ord. au'd now lam punished?" -iiie added bitterly.irind
Alight +punt convulsed her feature".
si i once again she dropped 'tier head oh the hOd , and e4bed
moron rose and shed its beams on the couch , its I ;
light toil upon that of a corpse. -The trivalent! sun c°llvul°!ve l : r- '''i'
i i All were - affected, by her distress. The apothecary !cid
Opckf the young teatimes were at an end. -
"There, Fanny, the dress is new (done, and Mi. the agent Were accustomed to sceqos of dilitreein be the
ail young niAti, fresh from Ins country. dilll almost as iouch
Bennett says that coo must carry it bookie." I •
"Oh, dear lilies Jones, pray let some one else go. , agitated as Fanny hersittf. •. ; e
1 '''flu she n • • i
deed, indeed . I must go now to Elletni She his bn i o • relative or friends?" be :,'inquireil atm
expecting me theie three hours, and shd is so ill." ' i° 1181 ) . of the neat- iiil -
"I told MM. Bennett se. Fanny, but she said you ale i The man : shook his lead.
"They are orphimAiirle.
were expert enough tarter the dress,l if required:la ,' and bare not long ii yid in this ci:y I Have tiro ,.
iknown them hare auy ;company ou .Sunday or oilier
you must go."
Low-. or indignation were exchanged among the lit holidays. aud they u+ar went anywhere except to
as pt.,' Fanny put on her hat and shall, and, with to church.
i, I • • 1 ; i
fast running down her - 1 -
f.,-e. took th • !bandbox in r , "Poor thing!" said the yang Man, cerapavvionately.
I hand. It was within a quarter of nine, stud the lady's 1 1 1.16 paused fur a memo*, and than said!: "I'll go Balmy.
ideece was fell three miles from the shop , Wearied II good c main Brown. _Bile is a baker', wife, , and tires
not far off.; She is a right good soel. and willldo all' she,
E agitated. Ft-my moved through the gaily-lighted grill
1 l'' .
can for thitconhappy creature."
i and as some dashing equipage would rest her slept i
! crossing a street; thetight would occur—"Do the t . He lift h e Inn".• and w-en he 'stunted with hie Coll
' know what we suffer?" 'She arrived it Mrs. Nortoll sin found 'auk?' Wane.; Mrs. Brows ;went. up tot the
poor girl. nd taking ease( her B ands. said. "Be,xem 7.
she was immediately shiwn to the young lady's room,
A hairdresser Was just. patting the finishing touchell toned, my denr shad. i Your sister has, I trust gone to
i the bet:morel hair of the fait one, and ietille Beware •• batter wind.' ' Her sorrows are over, aid she is am au
' placed among the curls., i gel rejoicing ntew
, while we ace weeping for nor." '
I "Oh! l iim 'glad you have come at fast." said the Faulty raised bee ere., and seeing ,the eiympatitetie
ear that relied down the good winnanl's cheek, ItireW
1 dy. "Elwin come you to brae late? ,Bat never au
Itake out my &eel." Fanny. ready ai r drop from heti.' eraser low her wine. }ad buried hen ii.te in her bosom.
I "Thom! sob away. :my poor :titild, It ,will relieve'
, walk, obeyed at oace.nod the beautiful dress was di
'' played. "Oh, bow elegaer." exclaimed Rose. 11Pur brokun heart." kaid , hl )Brijwiii,
. .
sa id alter a few m antes. and 4iped
hairdresser left the room. and :hi dress was tiled tto.- 1 yens) raised her
Rose surveyed herself (Sr a few minutes. and then *Oriole& "You ova !err good to . ' ma'am." e h e
! claimed: , .
.. i
"Why does Mrs. Bennett always make my dresses "141hiretr , mind my bilat gmfii. try dogrii botjosttaill es,
high is the neck? I aryl not aortic! women yet. that sought the carpenter John Grey here • sod inlsel f,
twant to be covered`up "le my throat. Here. Nancy: , at we ens do (or yen." • ' ! i i
tarring to her maid. "Yost mad this girt ;must alter thin vnenT tried in-sPeett. bat he. quivering lips tattered
11 ; , i !
It is too provoking. Now I shall ti demised at lees, "nut.; -.
dear: I
half ea hour. How could she be so 'stupid?" a b s h e eit"Wells sit down, m y : I see year bead is {iii `die
; old to toll what y. 4 do utast." ,
&damming - the tresalsbag Fanny. ,
!cold I ,
The dross wee taken , off, and Fanny dad tho o + . weal to t he 11°4 1? "d held I I whispered eettv 4 : 3 * -
' 1
proceeded talker it. The delimits *Miming, wars wh
s r i t a with the earpentir. o thee
. disappoaredl. ', She
1 p-,1 off, and an hour liaised away lifers the dresit Willard the room is eider. and perforated tbi laiit lilt*
shed..the young ledi.grasibling nod scolding all Ith Peer Ellen • rhea all was done.. observing skit the
time. At last she was shamed: alad.lns Fanny cliiedth 'tf en. struck fu es reanY'S ensue= tilrest aim teak
' street doer, the clock struck tea. ifor home was, is
her dark apron. sad hung it up &fors the window.
is ay silently took hek seat by tea bed. Mrs, .Brown
I miles distant dark clouds now obscOred the sky. 1
i hurried mu—large days of rain fell,'!aed scoot a heat ii the room. and vet rood after i abort intermit with
I rale soaked bet thin pimeaux - Betake felt li riot s -1 . w't of het tea and win of breed. • "Thant mei dear.
! sazi•aa was she about her sis ter. At test she arrived ' l , WO eVelinew a hulls ft tit*" site "id- raw ritsinP
beam. and mimed at the shop to inti ghee mate 441
.01 is wholY his, hot Olt owed IBM nafallow. Molded
frailstm bad se Worth for. dim ple. her hand ea # trio:id it t her. soil taddt “Well. perihapo
baluttrade to "Mead the loos staircase, but stkred , , oil taste this by ' d by. Anil new, geed •bysi my
i i di
1 ilk ...
"la st to -hi a large
"No, but very set ,
elle de Nlontsneranc;
heard :itts much. T
am *ermined rho r
for beauty—"' The
a coMolacent glance
"Walt z Rose. 1 hel l ,
thing, my daughter: .
so mech 'nth )(song ,
chaot,•r clerk,-=bas ,
rovitted for, and
rintentai." .
••Pehi, tipolw:"
link ttrera is say
No. uty diar,—n •
but it will prove a-, he
chow. And !lion ) 7 /J
an's p arthaer fri
hit.% OLI stir accoutrt.
"We:l. well, matt
iently; but she trlca
rtflecird how much
agrveeNe onng man.
inn wnit.any disatte
_ r
piny.: Raise
ect. that French girl Madenteie
is tp be there, of *him I have j
he man are all crazy abont her.
outvie me 14drees, and -aro
ounglaki• added no Ware, but cast
at a large mirror opposite her. .
e you,will enjoy yoursalt. Butane
I must mom upon youi not flirting
Marton. Ile is poor—it more user
lamity of pretty sisters, who are
is in :every respoct iC i decidsd dal- I
aid Rose csotompto4ly. "dp you!
.ageri id any falling 11love with-,
, . .
leased her bead ea b 4 hand . An indefinable teen 1 I child; I must go home, 9
of dread stole over her. ; She wiped the perspiration from I will see you again 'te-ut
her brow.' *lt must be that Imu so tired." she said; "I A can weJt or...cured q
I do not know what ailsetei, liiin afraid to go up."— i followed by Fanny. Mrs.l
She waited another tn men!, acid then slowly crept up , conteguid to 'be grave. I
stairs. Bar hand rested on the door-handle, but egitin i Fanny to retro home veil
the chill of fear made liar shiver. She opened idle 'door. I girl clang:, e room iti i
cast a hasty glance at the couch, and then; will) one I her but
,t ,
wild eeteatn. ;prang feiward and fell iusinsible beside /Ivo Paersiiityre rolled)
the bed. :
1 1 1 our friend FSttuy. Site I
"Wall, fires , have yips had • el-eassot evenitigO'said 1 a entail neat Ind ceinforti
re. Nettie to her dateliter. Oniaer return bowie into at iis 'crowing d laughing i
night. ! . ... ,
1 set,aoil the t •kettle givei
Roe. made no answer ii r. some momeets. and then l•ity is knitting, but now al
said fretfully, olio. I z lttiee net. I wish I had net gons.'" I 'catchier. l
—and her oyes BRA with tears. which shee ondeitieired ( "1 wondor i what makes!
to conceal fronelfer ruoiher. i f addressing die infant: 'lt,
"Why, mf'dear chilil," said liter mother, in surprise. t
t a u r ii m u s a . n a 4 s k i i f " it i a h n i s n w h er . z;
"whit Is the mattor7"J i
- "Thal ItttleFrinch-iirl was the belle of the Evening.— opened, and /u rye I ter,! She had ail the best be ox. sod suffor your friend, yinug l i ro l o m et. up li i : c ai n e g al t i t r th u st ut c i ll
lidentor, he had no eye for any OGG else."
"le she So very beautiful. then, or ao elegantly dressed, !: lie then dir him bock 1
or trhat is:her peculiar attractioo I" ,
wife. A Br a a expeeesiti
beautiful at all. m ' said: i
ea etiful.i . She ha "Fanny, diem is poo r
eth, al p ' great distroaslnot far off. i
u. Id not know the daughttiroa f
sickly, mi. 4
I arms her all t hthat! otetracted. An nee i 4
ter bon !lots and i quainted will their sitsati I
my lov ," said lo 'I could not de soy gdod ale
your fe4tting aboi Let" us hive our supper
no not retting," with you; we eau leave o
P teare.frorn the i bor next door!" Supper
rat int o
a fit oil e his wife hastened to the re
Dom dOor. Size carrying a ballet contain
it on 1e floor, a lisf. Wretched indeed a•
ow hel t
tell on tl i eel!' to their otos. On ald
teed, ay the c
1.1...dy of the )mother, rim
roar Flanny,—tl hanging in matted 'Uinal
to experience t t daughter. • The good Pon
r, wital one b cordial from their basic.
over t Slatterns I haply, but said nothing.
back, Fonity . thouglii that I
vacrit rooms i
r•looing your tai her, but ..irlif not recut
op o the first.) The hal been besot.)}
red.l •g stint teas 60 griticefill. .Alter
girl muttered, "Had. slut rlt
gea r of this Lit
thin war! I 1 ore not del
ii*ltatl kind i s
, hirCot " - Tito,: ao of•voic, '
I rooms to lot,
ed skecions.: "Ctir.d he
a tlifth all.
be y , ht . " "Iron inery v:4l
um pro
girl. "Yes, 1 ant )Rise . :A4
re as equinon
1 recognise me
n thislle l :74
Come this w
de her utmost ! to servo y-o 1
rem to risen).
••but how hi+ you been
tare is i re
is: occupied
you are, you lippear to lin
My father fel ed, end no:
too be sari
rill 11::-. throth4 sly inutile
n, It take it
or thing, to tided for. IL le could uut
time upon the sole of !OM
il 'there.
Oipasd up t
seem sin i , sicrete from th
Is,: ring two rrlionthe since,
it 4 they mai
from door to #oor since.
f knau aboi
eight, took a firer, and is
I.sickricroe .
so ,•1141.1.11,:11 . , fro l i ' : .* t it ' . 'dttl i .
lot answer
wetiftti, he nu his wife cu
id issued I
hie rth.tirem, I T :. beauty
Ode here.'
eau: .er.d .0. ti lishi.t.vribir s
"Let us I
areit:fi, intr4eed them i
i Fenny
Oleo he !...i1/ .this-1 Who
' with Is
'1.4 the aid Mb s finitly, roil
sacd. to I
led heari,
Intim have a fill."
Two days latter saw li use t stahlir Led at Fanny's
••W hat
herne. Tonn hod se. her boos. its odder. and wes new
I l,. nlay locking Yee a large haslet of! needlework. She
and Mini
drew forth a pair of sepr,i- I sleeking.i• sod csnimeticed
darn 1%; the.m.l"Pear me • list sli.eking coarse at two .
fppeared; Cu.
yoid IL se. centemptuonal . : "what 'beautiful thtr.zs I
to broaght is bottle of -
need to taske.r she said, s tin a sigh.; • "Whet kid of
td some of tl i.i Witter, and foreeo
. i , things'!" said ! Fenny rui:dl . . "01,, eat.: -ratka and Jr. l theu runkL ; ier temples pi t h t I ,
I,es. „_.. I
Wed, petiipps A alp could mole er.we new, and'
reparation: this poor g irl {was h Wu could Sell LIVIA for von." Rose 11441AC1/111i codly in
eking wildly l e t i l i tem for a!:00- j the preposilioi, and Fanny p: ocureal her come materials
"ar" the ' . 8" 1 .12116
ti, Effete. my dear, dear; Nis- , fur her work tat evening. Rut Rose's mature l tailci i
fence was no znerittated I.rtreal ill health, and she would
I 'lf 4;11 the lud '
win g ,1er " . . 1 ' ' l not try to ear herself. S'm spent tho last few Aio'rithi
o your poor. brukon-lio led t
iof her life tut. wish repiutugs over her lost luxuries.
S, n octal she, at:d:len
t 1 The good cente! and [if 'wife pitifd although they
,"And It—where Was I 1
not, couw
reveel her, Si* died, uoregretted ,ny any
offering one? Finishing
save the 4 ., ,t1 couple
ic ,
made allowiltice for the
gti.l, and yow no doubt. t
t ' faulla and foliage of a fasiise ably-educated beauty. They
,rii id them? %Vita -2: did 1
•, , I corded
a I? • nut I was 'Cow- I P'.4eca
h h e te r i b r Y nt roes; d e a a n i d
h o e s ii i7ii i n li y e r e . :oi l : dd one
tine t 7tr e re r v u e 1 1
tine added , bitterly,. and
I with it•r boy i 6 her arms, Plie thanked God Mitt bet f
k: the bed. and sobbed i
youth had bola chilitetted I - miefirtuee. and that under
i ~ ; A ; his Frovideucir. the toil of t i er own hands had gi. , :i her
The a P lecar Y lk " 1 th e olorious'kivilego "of be tag itrdependeotr^ .
i ofd Winne; bolt the ; 7
4 i - • , .
ins almost., pouch 1 •
. I i 1 The Eight 6f Divan*. .
This quest on is ureiliglit..elt upoq. the pu..l.c titer'. ;
be :inquire.] , aria- lion in oil sh nes.—lt is a yery ohntreporous qitestiou, 1
4 i andesne Met *ill be - disc..l.s L . nod w:11 at length be de- i
ire - orphan , girls. I. sided —Tlie Jouserratire side rests strongly on the text. !
} ,:i
. I have sheer' "Whom God !jai') ja;11...1.1 to eTher let not ricers put asz.un- :
stay or tither i der." nu t lien cutne• tl polar. •-whoin path God i
we except lc : pitted tog,ethey?" Ileth f al jained iogother too peo- 1
I 1 • pie Ifllit right Oka cats amid d -s?—)lath God joined those i
PleeittneielY. )rho aro not
,joined, but o. y tied by legal baud? God i
'II go tot my. don't handcuff' people toget er.. If they are nt varisnce.
and )ivea I it proves net lardy that GO4l never unired them, but tha
' Id. all' she ~ they never wire united. en, husbands end wives are
like Whitfield's convert. A 'our drunken vagabond same 1
i bin Coo- to Whitfield cue day, and lat-ied hit acquaintauce.— i
II to , the "Don't you know me?" s d t ~ in Wdrunken wonder; '
Se.ftern7. , "why, yen ' s e:inverted met' "Did II" said. the meek
OP to epode of mmliorlism. “we . I dare say I did. You look
puti au- Ilike some of tiy bungling ink. for it oil evident that
Gad never co treated you, toot. soul." It is much the
\thetie I sante with many marriagesi If they Ware made in bass
grew sin there is i;earthly avid, en of it. ' • I
soot % : Ttlis . ntatt , much as its befoggetl.'is very simple.
ieVi Marriage is fact, nut a form; marriage is the union of
t i.
two perm'. ill Mutual lore tild fidelity. The question is
HIM not wheatlierthey hare agorae time pretended. Of pm
ha I teemed to be itSerried by pi+ or magistrate. but wheth
;er they', are law actually tdishandtl wife. if they arts
. let rilts•inatt pit them es tut di r. If Mil. aro not. they are
strierly 16 aI: t er; and no se, of theorem, can do "no more
than to record end settle the lerenes of their separation.
—.V. -F. Munn", '
•as ou Iser• kaesa
hair, and 'cue
r lipp. S:ie d
Crime FOR t Tooniar
twins to ihie birth that it
w i n
othor'ead or he twine to a
in the upper arty. stand on I
suddenly do . If the too ,
behind the (lain sod titre
A BAD al:tam:T.—A be
to Behead for the first time.
'fortuatioe 'skied 'aim: •• •
could slot atia4rer: The to
ewer; and dat I am boy tei
after piA r repeated t
his head is g eat agony.
.wow—Pre ergot the pal
fr I have a latnilY to Wood to;
tholtp,et dey: anti pear Viso,
ilit!own..sed the darpenter. was
ne good wotilau now urged.
her, but the bi . oken-hearted
rlich her _sister 'bad . breathed
away. and one. slain hahatd
isseated in a runkiiii-chair, in
able ruoin. , Atoffs! infant
in his cradle, t tea•tabte l is
forth its attuned! huiu. Fatt•
d than glauceo towaida the
yottr father so 10e," she said,
ho bey towel it hill* Chubby
her 9.estiou. Situ, bent °Ter
that minim the front door
ni Grey. walked into this
Id from its ci.itite, and tossed
e boy screamed with delight.
b bps cradle. and 'turned to his
stole over his (see, as he
woman and her daughter in
The old woman is dying, and
ruble-looking creature. Deems
nt caused me to become eo
n, and as it was a C. 1915 whore
no, 1 hastened home , for you.",
et once:Jolla, will go
r child with our kind neigh-
Ver, our worthy carpenter and
ief of the miserable pair. John
•ig some articles fur their re-
the Beetle that presened it
w. 'duty straw bed, ~day the.
braids her-. am! 'her hair
"shout her (see, was the
le raised her,, and gave her a
. !milted at thsin sal-
Whoa her 'hair was thrown
he einin , etialice was familiar
I:itct min re h'..e had /ten
end the outline of the rigors
a few mutiletit.. the unliapp ).
0:41 tqiit wo he left en
purr , ' ouch infamous treat
onn:med Futuy's
rens! Mos - No/ton. cute AO*
lask lire r3e;to;ri." raid the
'non; bitt ieLo are you who
eel state?" •tOtte who would
. you ag lady." . arid Imlay;
hue reduced?"- 7 ...Whoever
tw that I h,rre La( n reduced.
t.lg able to face-the world,
altd myseltwera feet anl rely
ork, and xis fiend for some
articles of jewelry us wo
o cr,di:orc i but we buid•tb•
nd. my mother flu bagged
She ettrght co . ' nue rainy
i .w dead."--"But Laid von no
• Werft - 41144 1 11.4041rtreit
and alipak ,oci" aU their baili
e( his v...otti he
miurirr, hadod by b;• own
to *fa7hionabb: eocie4; and
v.-outd udtetwiew liMv• Come
iced iu the idea "that pride
ti..-.Faeten a strong p:ece of
to be drawn. and attach tho
'rick. Then if the tooth be
fence and let the iilckdrop
be in the tinder jaw, stand
the brick ever. TAialfia.
at the saw of Wit was seat
The teacher to test hip in..
ho wade you?" The boy
her told hi the proper au
camber i 8 )rns boars
question - . boy ntbbod
length answersof: "I
emaa's-n e.
iPtiginal poettg.
To refit Come Sr Ti. Usasninst:=-1 hose met diseowseed thm
nowt,' eluatop an-Tag the papers of my hoe fries& thabod
tresime..o. It Is )iracvl of a 'ponaom of his limus•• Mauer. HO
lived and (Eel a Hs-helot. A moot tits papers ere many egoist
bolt which, in order that bio name may go &rem postaity3
intend having published. • lame, ugly.
Meautrige, .4ris Irma.
I wandered IWO. with ilargh dear.
Beb . ,de that most melodious river.
Whose waves along the pebbly o lthoete
king night and lay Idler elite Wyse.
'Twas at that street bewitching hone
When. freed from tot land cares depreasiooi
The arlllolllll abate grows bold to breathe
Unto his bweet-bear} COOkedoll.'
From wit a linden. ha full blood.
A nightingale poare4 forth her sons
A rid d row ued tbc be3tl a; of ou! *V%
As tenderly we strolled along. •
Alt •slowly rose the crewcut moon
Above the bills,wo safot•like ;nee.
Making a silvery fight. as 'twat, •
That we thight see each (ahem' 640.
The gentle- maid leaned no my bisect.
As she was dizzy in a swoon. •
And I could - feel her surcharged berme
thrdbl in; wally 'pink& mint omis.
I eked her If she would be salon
Thrun;li weal and we, through joy and nornlll..o
Woul.l still be true thou' 11 each tilt en
Fltiz.nhi bring to us a cloudy mornonst?
tam !linnet] back, garid is mine 6*... ,
/ler cheeks with deeperrerinnon
Then stooping, limb her tiny hand
That seemed like molten --
Fbe wrote ilixm the renew
nage death arty Col
The earthly ties tbat
Tat, I will be inchLtataal
Rut rre n kiss could rr.l
, A wale canto ruths tovrat
And turPtung in I glitter'
It ansept the 'writing *um
Wltrtt nrat I sati my Sarah deaf.
Our no(,•rtivig on the river shore
Vic -a. J was Stu a fooliih r freak
Ts, e, ILI think of acre[-moat..
Ai Good u the Best. I
If theiollowing etory, related by a Tries merimposi.
dent of the NeWOrleine licayttne, will not: boat sir a
few buttons, and make SNITS* of onireaders laugh till the
tears come their eye,. we don't know what will:
About the year'lB32-'3, there lived e family of seams
note on theiGaudahme river; in Western Tens& Mann(
them werel revaral young Indict of the tipper tandem of
those dot - el -sensible, handsome looking creatures—bap •
py as I .rks- r -elways fall of fun. It happened that along
the fifteeM cr twenty °nog men residinir in thateeetioo.
there Wet one. by nau,;t• a wisely fated. (Hedy
ha,red. grinning, eitutly chap, who Ipe came wisfolly
sootsten the most chinning of the aforesaid yeast
ladies. and who, of all the. buckskins is the wilds of
:Texas, was most unlikely to be a most aseeessfel
tuati , t in matters wherein the gender sea w to be
day rorcina his"toropany on Miss Batty.- Keay Aso at
her e.t?inae followed, of course. and she vamited. afte r
stiT..ring untir them fosome time. to' get dear of Yet
4 1.
admirer. or quit '..: herself. An epportanitye f•
forod 'on the Sabbath fel owing.. It beteg the webs/ roo
k:, . l ison: awl Betty's father having a sew sappy; a
the yonagaters far mile, around assembled there en tiai
holy des to re-tat-on me,tions. C: wu prominent is the
circle till. in the afietnr,m, Betty held , private iatorriewe
with other young men, 1;14 Engaged that C. ehowld be
iikneed from the hones - pad frightened by the my if the
limitins icerri come of his comrades. which - . it wasyllsonght
would wound his pride and drive him away. Titre yeast
men with C. walked out. A bathe is the river. 300
Yards distant, was proposed by one and rsondedbi Off.
eral. Of course, poor C. was ia,
Tiler went down to tite ford near the .sialls• plash
and root ateleed uad mai at. lu the meantime. if . Of
ten ethers, with guns had gone dews adder curer the
bank, and secreted themselves gloat the peth fra the
bathing plaio to the house.. The. company with C. wps
fa fine glee, and in gotag down spoke !fib' reisenimet
-Teas. of
, the In.;ieite , their increased bokleens. As.. 'ithei
reciting tit* anti-c,onsbative bumps 's( C. to the Mabee
- .
pitch. I - .
"Now, boys," ea id, 'one, "who shall 'swifts is divellia t
that:ere pool, eh?" • . .
• ••li maul O. &J.% I 6.4 with the plot's ,
course I am fist here."
Off went the coati, shoes, pints, irce. Jest as . .-C. is
doffed every th;ng barring a short . nil ham!
6/13, 4 .: icing!, base. %I/he-we-31mb! Rase west twe.
three, four gins—loud and shrill rose** ladies yell Is
the de'refii tirush • and ander the bank.
"Oh Lard! 1 atn a dead man. bap:" aaiJ JaasesSop •
son—L•lany log is tirotion." •
"Oh: Fire me!" cried George Williams. •
"Run rot life, men! Run; far 'enemy% sake ria!"
cried Person. "one eireyeO is out, sad both sumo beaker•!"
all being said in an instant. w Fes see tkat sod
blaze along the path? Look a moment—whit visiosityl
That jagged hail all straightened out babied—that's C.
a streaking' it for tats house, shit and ell—aft} him *NOS
the corner of the field by the thicket—bin: base went
half • douen pieces—lOnder than ever rips tks iddaeon
"Oh Lord!" granted O. iedstibling,his
blase getting larger=bouches of his busby , Mit dropping
oat as he sped himself—see him tune. leap : dm pod haft
high In the air. red shirt and porch was ill
ladies—nd went two or titres mem plisses—C. glum'
at the ladies. then in his short, red shirt.
"Rui for year life. C." screamed Betty. ..the buses in
full of Indiana: falters's dead, and brother Bill amended:
speedt" In the twinkling sir as syn. CI WM set
of the card; and supposing the premises eammyleel. at
he shot. the red blaze mere brilliaat thus ever; eeed'etri•
king directly into a thick. thorny hoteled. be 'MONA
and swam the firer; and ahhangh it • was'espar
C. get into &Settlement about ifty miles disgust hobnob
fost next morning. still retoiniag the sleeves and east
of his red shirt. and reported all the fsmily.wieikans, dm.
among the Atsin. - As for hinuelf. he said he fought ae
long as fighting would de any geed.
It is uonecessary to inform yea. dear rm. whethae
Betty was firer troulded with C. after that snap.
Tents liiitssiim.—To walk two *leafs, tbe pupae
of begging a favor awl thee feel toe modest to ammo it.
Bovine a parson whom yeo mistake for ateollioni
and getting but a vacant stare of surprise for year pain.
tr. be in a serape every boor. sneretykor want et moms
A Costascrlos.--s*Sea." Bald a careful gags , 66 a
.spendthrift. "thou art a sad raks,"
"Nay, father," replied the: promisittg yretkwei* set
the raker. gad lam the epreader."
U . "Hossamau Exsurrteri 4 " eselabsed MO. "We
tiagtoo throwing de*D the paps . ; "We, aorta le • pm"'
pate. indeed. that men aro going to exempt
free home just when the! please witlimmat gi 1 4 .16.11 =11
fur cold -sight's."